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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1890)
si if THE DEMOCRAT Adverlisii glu, tliUDl In the Central . WlllaraetUVnllfy, First National' Bank - THE DEMOCRAT, New York World ami -American Farmer One. year for $2.80. VOL XXV. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1800. SO 5J HIT ?! n rr Special HOME TREATMENT A Specific ."iLjjjllO'S "nynnASTtNE RESTOnATlVT. immi.w. wfritou rwuwath. UiwO. IVini I -M4 i.v.Uuiiuu o.i Iriwral livtul.t . A l Knlc au.l slrvi:Jh bulMor. i.iw ukl U Liwr rmuulun .&u, Ki., iu,,.rj eTi., Lit t ''4:1" IiUoU cwkHUoii. 2v! -'liiXTAn?., ' ""' A"rt ' ":- Cfttttr. nJ Citrrrut ltnr. Cuum.Lcl i c;;n t.. ur-i wti.'ii '.!i.;k:ii4r (.4IjJ, vrumacy mttunlnL ITlli-M?:gc?un it rtmr. m. cu! r.,., . n, K noun,,- . P: trninoi U, itl ftiMtM mwuiu'Um. Contain ooCcUtci. t j i 'ro'.tniii l,i mlmit.M. Tty it g- ?I AEW'S .ntPHTHCRU AND SQHE TIIRT ft,,. nw lihU. ia. hi 1 h..u-.. cuiigraorwl.ua4tu(rvi J I wTlVTiiv, li.i )l;i3,U). pymttrn-s fever cure. ur-M, i.. .a ....,.,, 1:h ,,v. I roi... .. .um iK4rw '..,-, Uinv -iJ M..lcj. :;,tj .iu-.iM U talj In luluO. B.'iri'siLriHr!- - ia, d low r. .,r l.iia. Ni.J Ike I mt CnuUr t.'l'iU.r -uf c taut !. Nttr ( , wt. 4.1.1 .uu. -a, hff lji,Mi . i u. .: 4.: ala Ukiiu !iini- HtM.i w. .... vitauT,tl:l t.thln-;:i:t .-!,. vi I i ruv. lit. !U' 1 Mm K.IUV kMkU. Urul.l Tf.uLUh.I .'..1, 1.1 .,..1. j . ... ......... . . , . Xm.. W.-! thc .v.-p-V-,f !-. IIi'f:'.i;y. r .(llu,t..r,:i,o.l r. KI:K--. Ift...,m f .-.! mi... yl u .1.. t'.i.-o). xv ir i4a hn 1, IjI.i. I (,. ... .1 ... ,..u. ...w.-i-:. .:! U J..., 1,. fc;la., , r,cvi, u 31. G J pr Packet;'.'. Six rjck.:jca for $5.00. l..wlr4tinut.niuaiiii." 11 'iu i.ui ,!., wt.trKiuuua.piUftiiv,, HILLLR L-RIJG CU:?aWY, S-.U FiWM'.J: CAL, U. S. A. Fosliay Ui;i, Anvils, !bn Oruj IMDISPUTABLY 7Kc WBStaT 0? ALL SHOWS THURSDAY, U John Hi ELJGrent. World's i:xi)osUin, -GREAT SHOWS- I .". - ... . . ' -, . . -.. j An h3 bw J. - IxTji.- "W Four Monster Railroad Trains! Sixty J)ubIo Steel Cars Ieuiretl for its Transportation. O r 1000 Mea, Women inj fIo-,et FOUR. CIKCUS KIN'Iiii SWU-ieu.', Opera tion. I'nm'Mjee It.ppiKlrnn.c. Track T c i:.;i :ii'. Our Galaxy of Arenic Stars Embraces 12 Lady Bar-back Equestrians! 22 Male and Female Gymnasts!!! MALUM C 4 ua AH Uore Uiilrri. Troup or Rl J OrieuU. Joltrf Famous Realistic Revival of the Snorts, Pastimes ami Contests of il A .aTi if . r. ? vnc iviicieni jvoman Hippodrome; introducing on us vast Track GO Thoroughbred H'or.-f and Ponies; ' CO Male and Female, I Joy and (Jirl Jockeys. The mot Exhileralin'j and I'inia'mj Event MAGNIFICENT, TRIUMPHAL SPECTACULAR STREET PAGEANT Fiftjy Cage Menagerie, J, 000 Ra;-o Animate, 15 Open Deris, a Museum of Living WondOiS. Grand Free SL!iibitio:i Each Day Froro-:-the-:-Cir'ja-:-Oivuul.. Thrilling I5il!'rm -:- A j.:uion -:- & - Israeli a Us. A JUMP FROM THE CLOUDS TO THE EARTH. Doors Open at 1 acl 7; Ni;V STORE. Mitchell & lewis Co., -DEMiliS IN igdcuUfinil Implements '.. V-i AND VEHICLES ALBANY, - - - QFUC0F COME -A-TSTD 3 ES0S .TJS . FURNITURE. It you want the best and most durable furniture that is manufactured in tho city go to Thomas Brink. DR. MILLER'S Prescriptions. celf cune Remedy for Each Discaso. J l!3il oblnson's ' 11 A n.) II I 13 CLOWNS lj EICYtLK AUTISTS. Gjn.imstt -. i.1 SicUlita. Wretler, Chtu j,ioii l)on. of a Lifetiiua wVt be to WilnnaH our P3rforzanca One Hoar Latsr. NEW GOOD T s,' Somk Oli Proi'LK. July i6lh wm lha 88th liirthJay ot Mr Kihor, ninther of Mm Jtu Elkln. Ttir event wn duly cel ebrated by n old folki party that wa pro nouneed ft verv Itlluricm and enjoyable alTalr. Mont ut the furtilutrj, though, re main Intact In Mr KlkhiH Itandnome rexl donce. Thonelt Intended puieW lor old peoide aevrral vtuuiuer woiikii were Invlt ed. Nil a Hr Stewail, vln l only 70, belntf allowed to attend, rii. I wu the youtwrat ot the Invited euexta. Mr Althoje, mother ot Mm S K Vonna, veuraof aije.wna the oldekt. The afternoon wa am-nt very h:innotloulv, A nice tea waa acrved in thp evenini;, which showed that at leat aitH'tltea icni.iln vonthful. Mra I'l.hrr, aecordlni; to preent liulleatlona.lH iol for aevfral mure hirtlidara and the Dkmix'HAT hopea toboMh'e attinetime to toll if her 1 ooth birthday. An I nski ri.nti iI.vttkk In aonte uititt'tttuntatlc manner, .t.athe I'll! I it KtvloA, t ie ImpreitHlon haa ualned crctletive thrtniLhtmt the northwei.1 tha Spnkune It'll ha rained Sf,ot to le offered In priva at lite n?xt annual tour nnmenl ot the Norlhwotorn Klremen'a Angu lation aa nn Induce tnent tor the hold- Ins of the tournament in thU city In all th-9 Sound eltlea. ut PoitUnd.Astotl.i.W'alia UaSiaa'nd other place, It la tinderatood thai toe tournament will be held here Vancouver, I!. C., offered, b ut aa xoou a It learned that Spokane Fall hatl oueirtl it waa decided In hold the meeting here. Allot thUtanewato the ntemher oi ttie liiemem'a ui'oii.ttltn ant. the illr.vtoi ot the fair a.o UtUiti In tilit citv C't' r Titito.v ii. A reinUeton jmper May llobittijoii'i) ciretiH i aceotiipauied by a li: crowd ot the worot rut throuta ever in the tiorthwent, the nhell mutt, the la'r- ry mat:, etc, all 1 1111; nn liuinl. Aa iih- ttul u lot t( tttnnrt tileeka tritil to lxut the utransrcnt ntn! never! lititttlretl tlnl- lar were ctttuntl. Stieli open rohliery hIiouI'I not lio litliiwt'd, nnd r'.yht here we ask whv it cannot 1 tirohibiteii when the cirt-tiH reafln'H Al'iany. At ltnit these thieves mIiouM not he liiH tmeil, even though tliey link tor the lifetime tinder iwtiu1 tither mime. Ad the name, it ! low ed to jlnv I heir (,'itmeM the name oltl KreemcM w ill lie oil haad X lose thetr iiionev. Ilavr..sT TiMK. Mat:er arc becoming lively out through the country, where bar. vr-t U hi full hi t-t. The hlnvler I kinfn it annual Mtn'ive 11 a a bushel," on ne.ntlv evei v f.irni. entl the etilt rn ktjika IkiuiuI in kheuvr are U-llhi(j ot a pretty jjovhI barvrat. In a few day a the thrt-khrr. will hetn work.anj theprcciou eraln will he placed in readlnra lor ttr. ue until Of pi Ice rnUei, probably after a b'j epen.e account to be hiU rt no In- crrae hi price over the October or No vember market. For awhile the farmer will be scarce in the citv and the atrceta mar look quiet, only to eive place loan after harvcM bua'lc that protr.Uc to lc blj. A I.ISS Co Mas. OMcer Minto nrul Iitley lititt liij;Ut arrettte.l an old gentle man who lmve K'cii seen arouiu the utrcett tluriiix the tiny, larely able to proceed ith the aid of H cane, mv the aletn lutirnnl. Thta inorttii: Ihev eoii huli il lie w aa out of hi head and had ht:n taWt 11 1 efore cuntv judvf Waldo for exatiiiti.ttii'li. All weie e. 11 V ii'teil llu'.t he w:ih ih liiftltt tl and ee..riilij:lv he tt:! I'liiiiiiiitted to the eiivlutn ami t.tkiii tin r.'. 1 1 in name U l.-real A tiray a;cil .i.t vi arii, rent'leiiee licvilie ami ban a relative, !.im tirav, at Alhanv. ilia mental iiihm lit n il to U- the result oi irregular h'e itinl tl ipntioii in the pant. He int. a defective memory and ean give 110 av etiraU; mn.unt 4 liitiiDrlf. He la iiIho par.tlyze I .hyii ally. , IV.t 1 lih St ir. Ijikt Tttea l.iy Ma Friendly drought unit ag.iiii l Avery to recover il, the a!h -l .i!iieot four iw log that ti.i.iteil lit'i .Mr Averv'a land, a leiv iiui- .' n!ve to 11, during the Itigit w;iti r i.i ". v. ii.lir iti;d weie Inaiiil- iaetured i. . w...i hy the tlefi iidunt. 1 ri. ndly t i 1 : ::-. 1 that "the big U loi ged to htm, henei 's i- H'.lit. The cane wan tried before .l -tiei- A J William, of l'hil'-tmith precinct, and iH ittiil under ll'lvim tnelit. tiaette. SoMK AtiVICK. Fix your :ilew,t!ka. ("tit 'low 11 tjie w eedn. Irii.k coM water hut tlo not throw it on cuiiitiii ndal!c t isteriirine. Live wiliilll Vi'lir llll UIIK. Never flit oil inure than you can digest. Talk Albany. lJun't kiek at the umpire. lion't Ikt :t hoolhiiii. Never imagine that you are the only person in the world. Nkkher Tiik;4 IJ.rtv, Owin; to the the Al greatly lttrreafiii l.usiucus of bany vvfi.dt.-u Mills, six new looms, re el vc I a tew day ago. have lieeri out up and set running. A jack is on the w ay, and other machinery is being addedThe nuns are proving a great buaincs huc- cesit. Ixdu.-atks Whv. A Mingle page in an issue of the Century taken for atlvcrti- ing purpose cokI t-ioO, and in IIarter'a A yearly advertisement in one column of the Chicago Tribune cost $'20 BM for the lowest and tirttUXK) for the highest priced column. These figure wotiia .iioubtiesH ie t interest to men who invest 2 or t.1 and flatter thctttr Helve w ifh the idea that they are extent sice advertiser, and also' to those w ho o fretiiently ask w.iiy country papers cannot I4: printed a cheap a city papers. Mkt With Clns. The Dkmocbat pub- lishe every item it run across alxut former Allianian, hence the following from Tacotua : "Colonel Paul d'Heirry, who i one of the counsel for Mcllndc in the suit against the U K land olliee for patent to school ttcntion 10, under the mineral act, was in the city to-day, and visited the dinputed section. He Bay he was met by mix aruieit ucrmtic and w as not al lowed on the land, and that Mcllride will sue the ledger, of this city, for dam age for an editorial which appeared in the. paper thl morning." Slow to Htaut. The Oregonian conv plain that July i w earing aw ay and still no construction work I in len done on either of the three railroad to be built out of Portland thi Hummer, which re mind u that Albany i not alone in the matter 01 rat iroaa buiiuing. ttome peo ple growl liecausG the i) l' la not going ahead ; but it seems that several other roads are also Blow about f'tarting.whteh, in tact 1 tlie iutory 01 raproad building generally. 1'o,ht xa r.LLB. The Albany Electric T.ifht Co ha put the ominous sign on their electric pole, to "popt no bill,' previounly knocking down all the old to bacco, cow brand soda and other tin anil pasteboard flashy signs. Could the fly young men with their magnetic ham mer see thi work of vandalism they 11 1 . HI! .. . . wouia no uouoi ie unea witn wrath. The tin Migng are Raid to lie a great nui sunce to cumber, nciico the movement Faith Wont Srt Ooves. In response to a telegram, Mr Jennie Frazler, the faith cure doctor, of Salem, camp to Al bany lat week to attend, Mr Jos Kagan Injured in .'. runaway accident, It wai thought two or three rib were broken, but thi t not known lor certain, as no surgeon has yet examined Mr Eagan's In. juries, he refusing to have any one but lakh cure. Thia Is a free country, but good suigcon Is good enough for the writer when hia bones get broken. Faith cure can't set bones nowadays. Sends off the Best, -Opie P Read editor of the Arkausaw writing some very tunny articles tor tne lew Yorlt World,- appropriately illustrated, Several tn Albany who subscribed for the Arkansaw Traveler, would like to have Opie, who knows bow, once In awhile to write for his own paper, which is not so very much appreciated as gotten up now AN KMIIAKANHtNd rilHITION. TllO fol lowing cenatta atory hi from the Walla Walla StntoHtnun, am) nit it In a little dif ferent from nnyth ng ele, wo glvo it to our render! One of Walla Vallu' motleat young eiiuincratori hud a rare experience. In 0110 ot the familiea ho vlaltetl he found the mother in tied, while three little children tumbled around promiHcunufly at their own Innocent will. The enum erator, with nome tllllldence, impaired of the ltuly if nlie wm alek. Hho replied wilh a aty twinkle in her eye, Ihatalie waa. Our yottng ceiiMtiM taker then In formed her that it wan bin duty to record the nature of her dlncnnc. W ithout tin neeeKHiiry parley, h0 pulled down the enver anil revealed to the blindilng nit merutor aa plump aapcciiucn of Infant ile humanity aa wa ever lieheld. The llrat name to ho given to it w ill he tlto name an that of the hhiHhlng young eeiiHiia taker tor North Walla Walla dial rict, and tlui reporter hint the facta from the lutty heraeit. Thk McrrKH fKrrti:i. Kvery eatab linheil local newapaper receive wttlmerlp lion from large cities which puzilo the publiaher to account fur, hut the New York Time lately threw aoino Unlit 011 the niHtU r: "A w holemilfgriK'er in thia city, who ha U'come rich at the huai neaa, any hi rule i that when he aella a hill of gtMNht on credit, to immediately mtbwrila! tor the Ita-al paper ot hi debt or. Si long a the cUHtomer adverliHetl liberally he rented, but a ami n a ho I Ki gali to contract hi advertiaiug apace, he took the fact a evidence that there waa trouble ahead and invariably went tor the debtor." The man w ho la too iioor to make hi buaiueaa know n i too poor to do buMtiiaa. The w ilhdruwal of an advert iHcmeiit j evidence of a weakneaa that hiiaiuca men are not alow to act upon. Ytta," aay the Herald at the liottotu of the IKuiH H VT'it and Aatorlan' remark on the railroad eommiaaion, "we have a aupreiite court .govenior.and Me vera! other olhcer, including quite a sprinkling of legislator every two Vt ura. And what do they do? Why Hot alaillah the whole arrangement and go it on the cheap style. it'll 1 a make you tumi to Hunk ot pay ing all those, enormous salaries, and nil fordoing nothing but just sitting around? ' A man must be up a tree, where lie can't ace, to compare Oregon's useless railroad com inlsaioii with the other brunches of the state's governtr. ut, which of course are necessary toil management. The rail- roatl commission, though, a managed now, i a mere sinecure, and our contem porary i the only pejier w c have yet seen that wa ao thoughtless n to come out and defend it. A SrtKKMKM'a l'krru. ilicic arc few, if any, '.own in Oregon the Ue ot 1'ilncvllle that acrvt a a depot of tun- pile for an rea of country tnatlv or quite seventy mPe Mpiarc. It i little wonder, when the tact ore coti.hlcrcd, that a inglc mercantile bou-e in Oil town will aomc time c II in one day a. much a live thou anj dollar worth of giod. The annual purchase of ktocktnen's itipplle In thl. town l .Imply bnuicii.c. No purely ftgticulttirst region icon pnrrou li.n mir nun. Our walti, . tiur atork, fiimi llic ulr of wloi.'i ut- (ji t more protil than the valtcv fi.rmt t ean inili!y uliuin fiotil the a.ile t f w I . .it at 7sCcnt per tiu.ticl - New A I'flnevliie man tn foiii,. ti. 11. a ,,i.c l', ir, there t-'i.l a bu.l m. ot SijOk-o attar, until llii. tear. when it wliltliop lo 10 $jit,ouo, ttie lutlie recent ih.atrtiu wlniei. Ni' ma i) V,- 'lite A. tor U folu mb. an .a t ihere I. a grti big lii.prr.,lun thai tlie tiregon rcllic couiptny l Ul.liul the ,,1i.iiiv ,v A-iiiiu rat tojj prtiject alio that the line will be put lliiotigli tonui ,. idle. It i. i itl that ihe auivrt wlil Iw ln.i.lit il ti.i. mouth ai d that a Urge foiee I grntlc will be t ut (o work liii.nettl.tiriv n il all ti.r wot k ti nt tan be ili'i t l fine he wiiit. r tale C'tin'Ciue. 't lie unit' manlier in v I. it ii . , , i Mug i tn tn clone Iredaronliileiice to H e ilt.ptc.ion tlnti; tic, v mraii bu 1... and that the attr. Vc) '"a ' wt pa" ' "te Isjom m heme. Ukxtos Cot'M v. iv A Cunimht.,thc serial agent for th- (! e-Jtt Pacific com . pany at OiU place, h.i taken a month' leavi of aboence from I . du'le. Mr Tab ler,!ant agent r.l Aihatty l filling hi place- vear !u llcnton ouutv. 1 L Aiken I. a. milJ out hi linn tore In I'hilotnath and led with hi family lat Tuctlay for Ccn'talla Waluni;ion, where he will engage In tjtc real catte bu.lnc.. Uacttc. We hrve a railroad commission In thi tate, drawinir an aggregate aalary of $y,Soo a year. What tlo thev do ? They draw the aalary, 1 hat's all, AatorLn. "Correct you are," and It make the average citizen mad to contemplate the fact. Nothing cauae more general in dignation than for a man to get pay for doing nothing. Huntington discharged a whole crowd of jut audi men a form the railroad commilon, and it I to be hoped Oregon' next Legislature will have a much sense as Huntington. Nice SroKAVE. A spasm of vlituc has struck In on Spokane Falls, and every device la being tried to hunt out and pun ihii tne erring . 1 he latent and moat novel means pursued id fvir a good looking police oiuccr to go around the city iuring big fat women to Ut on hi lap In order to testily against their character. Why be should pick out "big fat women I a conundrum, unlcks on the principle of the I loonier schoolmaster to -'git a plenty while you're gtiilng." Yakima 11 era la. Its Ye Aits ago I'.aker City wa bvrt a struggling village, kept afloat by the pat ronage she received from mining camps and stock range which surrounded her on all side. To-day the Oueen City stand the metropolis oi Eastern Oregon Democrat. Yes, the census return show that its population has been increasing at such a balloon like rate that it now ha a popu lation of 2,500, the gigantic increase of i.zoo in ten years. The Nkckhsaky expense. 1500. lias been guaranteed by citizen of Albany to defray the expense of their hose team while training and attending the North west Firemen's Tournament at Spokane That statement is certainly too pre vious. There ha been no guaranty not, even a team organized, and it is doubtful if one be organized at all. What Din rr Cqmt, A Lian county man bo.ugbt a cayuse pony for wild as a deer. He took lum home, where he got out of the barn yard and ran for his lie, me new owner got on a 1 100 horse and followed, catching the animal at Knox's Butte, crippling his own horse in the elfort, reducing his value to aliout .I0. Question : What is the value of the cayuse pony? A Former Albania. S R Copeland of Harney, was granted a license on the 5m Inst, to wed Miss Virginia A Ld.nun son. The bride elect accompanied the bridegroom to Burns, and Immediately after the Issuing of the license they were married oy tne Kev li ly l aylor. Uurna Herald. Please Patient. VVe,the milliner of Albany, having invited the dress-ma kers to play a 'natch gaine.are constrained to request the jewelers to be patient and wau until alter the aioresaid game shall have been played, when we will cheerful v "put 'etnoulonthe fly." Good En0ugh.--M r D D Dayton, pres ident of the Sanllam Paint Co, wa In the city to-day with some fine sample of ochre from the paint mine on the San tlam. The company will manufacture ten different colors of paint, and its superior quality should insure it a wide market. A Big Boom. There is quite a building boom In Prlnevllle just now, A new meat market is neartng completion,- a postoffice building, a residence by Squire. Bell, and a large barn by Smith Si Black are being beilt,-New. Tiik Calapooi a Mink. A twenty-five mite trait is lielng built from Brownsville to the Calapoola mine, destined soon to lie heard from in an emphatic, manner. A writer in tho Oregmiiaii show the splendid assays received from ore from these mines, and speaking of the country give some Interesting facts: The whole valley of the Calapoola l one great forest of flno tlmlier, extend ing to the mountain top on each aide of the valley, and surrounding the tnliiea. ...i.n.. t. ...,.. 1.. ..i 1 .. 1 . . . . 1 w iiiiu mo mcrvenxiu rmo 11a 1101 got so much timber owing to demrtietlve lire. Yet there I enough to last for tnnnv year, and tha water power of tho Me- Kenrle cannot be sunmssetl, if equaled, on thl const , fed n it 1 by clear lake ami the everlasting snow of the Cascades. There are many fine farm up the valley of the McKennle, ami right at tho mouth of Blue river, within a few miles of the lead, provision and farm produce ean lie bought a cheap a In the Willamette valley In fact cheaper, a egg were bought thi spring for 10 cent tier dor.en. butter 10 cent tier pound, bacon 12i cent per notind, and flour $1 10 per sack. Surely w ith such prices a these, no one need 19 afraid of sttflurlng for lack of provision.' A Cvci.i.tT Aiikoap. Bert Lucas, Polk county's best known bicyclist, 1 in F.11 rope with a party of young men making a bicycle trip over the continent. He write an interesting letter to the West Side, from which we clip several interesting incident: Tuesday the 17th we started ut 10 a. 111. for Caiidchec 37 miles, where we arrived after a very pleas ant ride. The roatl were perfect ami the aeenery grand, and one plat e we coasted three miles in nine minutes, the roatl wa dow n Into the valley of Lillieltoiwo and wa graded just tike a railroad track go ing down by xix-itag. AtCarulelM'C there were a great many sir eople,and in the evening the children caiiio, around the hotel ts'gging. We bad considerable rt tossing tiennie In the air and see ing the kid hustle for them. In the evening after dinner we got a ball and bat and went out on the mittare In front of the hole) to have a little game for amusement, but in alsnit fifteen minute we had the w hole sipulation out to see us, which wa alsnit eight thousand. There w its to have lieen a concert in the city in the eve.a we afterward learned, nut we had iiiiiis'ciitiy taken all the audi elit e, so it was tmt given. Tita Jack. There wa a lively per formance at the Bush-street theatre lat night when another of It (irattan Don elly's farce comedies wa introduced to Nin r ranclseo fun lover. "A Pair of Jack" drew a full house, and between the company and the audience there waa enough iioiso and fun to rouse the most lethargic to laughter and applause. Tho two prominent character are, of course, the two Jaeks, w ho are constantly being mistaken for each other, much to the perplexity of the girt to whom they make love. The Ringing of Julius W'ji tuark, the banjo playing of Miss Winifred Johnson and the dancing of Mis Mollie Thompson are the ceialtie. They were all accorded encore. "A Pair of Jack" i a gi-sl piece to drive away dull care. S. F. Hrjs.rt. A JA!t St-iiKMK. The Oregon Pacific company could increase it revenue mid at the same time provide a convenient mean of pleasure and recrea tion to many -opl of the vallev, by putting on a S' ial t-ain from Albany east to the mountain every Saturday evening and back Monday morning. A now arranged, a eron going by train to the ti. r Satttiam country b.i to stay In Aliwny ov.r iiHrht, nnd cannot p1 p tl O P at all Sunday, that hundreds w ho would avail themselves of a weekly chance such a a'stve suggested are now deterred from so doing. The attention of the i P oftU'iala Is ressi-tfully directed to the matter. Journal. l.tnttwV Ktesnns Nv. -Dr. a t t - angle btkliidlit the Calapoola and Sautlam mine wilh Lebanon in the acute ang'e, and you have our txji'l potltion with ref erence to thee two localities. If Lebanon doe not become the tlUtributiug pr.lnt lor theae mini, then we will acknowledge that the prophet U dumb and the keer I blind Wc bad the pleaauie of riding to Water loo T'trdav in company with I K Wcath. crford and Tho. Kay. These gentlemen went up to examine their poaacaaliuia at thia celebrated rcaort. From time to lime they have been adding to their property uiiiil to-day they own JlSacrea of land, including, cvrral, and a sratcr power second 10 ic 111 tne state. A Base Ball Family. Tom Parrott.of East Portland, ha challenged any fam- ly in Oregon to play a game of base ball at the Columbia park liall grounds, in I'ortlantl, the prtceetl to be devoted to some charitable institution. The father, aged 53, take the center field, and hi eight sons, ranging from 6 to years of age, fill the other parts of the- game. Ihe Marshall family, of Linn fount v. ought to le able to meet the talking family of Lmmi Portland, but it 1 doubt ful if unite nine player could l secured though there are several first-class play er in the family. A Livx Co. Flykr, Several weeks ago wo mentioned the fact that IH Ico, One co' first colt, had trotted in 2:30 w ith out much training, and that he would go in less than !2 :'J0 before the season was over. At Tacoma a few davs ago IVleo lid this very thing, trottintr a mile in 2:19'y, making Oneco his sire, standard bred by iietligree, performance and nro- gency. Altamont is the only other horse in the Northwest that has such a stand ard. Delco i now alsiut at the head in the N. W. and will not lie afraid of any iiiiug. A Sneak Tuikk. Last night a sneak thief entered a storage house at the resi dence of C E Wolverton and took from hi refrigerator a roll and a half of but ter, six or eight jars of strawberries and some other eatables. Charley hopes ho will come again, as he is prepared to dy namite nun. VALUABLE PUOI'KRY. The Cuslck Addition to Albany ha just been thrown or. the market and will be sold at sucn prices ana terms a will enable'' the speculator to make good money. This property lies just this side of Goitre's Park; Is high and sightly, overlooking the city and surrounding country. In the language of a First street merchant, "That Is destined to be come the 'Bon-ton' residence portion of the city." Wallace k Cuslck, the agents for this property, have their own conveyance and will be glad to show this, the best of all additions, to the intending speculator. Bargain atJRcsd's. The Pulpit aud the nlaga. Rev F M Shrout, pastor United Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says: feel It my duty to tell what wonder Dr King's New Discovery ha done for me. My lungs were badly diseased, and my parishioner thought I could live only a few week. I took five bottles of Dr King' New Disoovery and am sound and well, gabilng 20 lb in weight. New Blacksmith Shop. G V Willi ha just completed hi blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad streets where all kind of Iron and wood work can be had and done in first class order Bring on your plows, wagon, etc., etc. for repairs. "Will. Lea vi tub Strekt. Dell verv wagon will leave the street In the fore noon on first trip at ti o'clock, sharp: sec ond trip at 10 o'clock ; third trip at 1 1 :l o'clock. . Albany Delivery Co. IOO F. Albany Lodge No 4 hold its regular-meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brothers are cordially nvitea to a tie no. STATK'HHJIITH AGAIN. Seven years ago the Dkmocsat pre dieted that In le than ten yiarafroin that time republicans In the west would be talking as strongly tn favor ot state right aa democrats. Qui prediction has been verified. (Some days ago we published an extract from a lecture dellvcd by Justice Harlan of the United States Supreme Court, and a very strong repub lean, which sounded just like It came from Jefferson, Jackson or Mdlon. The doctrine cnun cleted waa state rlyhl to the core and sound s a dollar. Thru came a letter written by Gov. ilumpbcry of Kansas on the subject of "Original Package t," In which extreme grounds in favor of state right were taken. Now come the Lieu tenant governor of Ksnaa, A J Felt, and, In a speech before the Netncha republican county convention In that state, said ( "The supreme court of the United tate ha overruled Ihe law of our coun try, which have stood the tet for nearly one hundred year, and ha nut u within the power of the liquor tralhc. While i repcct the mandate of the supreme court of the United State, I conaitlcr that 1 owe my flrt alleglcnce to the contltution and law of my stnte." For saying that be owrd his first allegi ance to hi tate (Jen. Lee wo de nouneed as a traitor from Maine to Cali fornia but, now comes the Lieutenant Governor of "bleeding Ksnaa, M Kansas with her 80,000 republican majority, and utters such strong doctrine on the subject f stale rig!. The truth I that republb can are jut sure to be state right advo cate when Ihe federal government st annic to exercUe authority which belong to the state.and which e xerelae of authority claahe with the Inlcrett of their party. W'e believe that Lieutenant Governor Felt Is tight In aylng "Hie Supreme Court ha overruled the laws of our country which have tood the teat for nearly a hundred year when It decided '.bat men might ship all kind of liquor to Kansas and sell In original package notwlthatanding that state has a law prohibi'-irg '.he sale. Put our Ksnaa republican are entitled to no sympathy for they have contributed more tolhecci.tralujtlun of power In the general government than those of ny other state nd their rrprcactiallve In congre to-ilav aland up and upport the Infamous federal election bill that i intended to deprive Ihe people id the aoctli of conducting their own election. A UKDI tTIOV. Republican papci are constantly telling their leaders alsiut the rcJuction in the istifT nude by ihe Mi.Ktnlcy bill. A thaler in pot tery and glatawaic in tin city has banned us a circular letter bom wtia'nalc dealer in the caat Uutig the increase in the duties on 'befcc atiitlc. Tticieia reduction wi'h a rrnijejnie. Read the table; 1 v; 2 3 2 5 2 5 r ' Z 3 1 .est kii-tios. n c - rt) w a I fker J l-fck C'KNT, 5 to 7 in opal glolie, white 45 I Ji$ f-mry 45 j ;j Student chimney com. 4$ 450 ' " rt)aial, 45 113 7 in opal atuilrs com. 4J SoJ 7" " " ftniy. 4? 10" " " torn. 4; 135 to" decorate! 4$ 1 to." " " plated, 4S 00 Tumb'ets, light 4$ I 7j heavy 4S 11$ etched, 4$ Itl Syphons, pUin t$ 1S2 " etched 45 7o llolicmion luml let plain, 4$ 14') elchcd, 4S loO 1'ii. m, 3 in U Ini, 4S 74 .Stiver Va 4$ . 334 told Decorated Vast", 45 224 Alabaster Ves, 4$ 1 70 Fine Vasr 45 1 70 Wliiie Knglta'i Latthrn- ware SS 6ojlo70 Decorated 60 6S to 75 White China, Buheaitaa, 55 70 Decorated" .... 00 75 to So Thuringia China, 60 75 lliaque Figuics, 60 71 Toy Tea Set 35 90 Specific duty is calculated on the act weight ol eoous. hhoulu it le collected on gos weight, respecting which the bill is inde Unite, it would vattly increase the rates. If (he people of the country were thoroughly and intelligently informed as to the provisions ol tlie Mcrvinlcy bill, not one hail the men who voted for it in congress would eve get back there. It is noticalile that when the repul lit on leaders want to pass anything throuyh congress which they know will not go U rough on its metit, anil which they know will have to go tbiotili under the "ng-rule" of autocrat Reed, they fust begin to accuse the democrats of being obstructionists. They are now set d- ing out the report all over the country saying that the democrats are going to use all 'parlia mentary tules in their power to defeat all legis lation now before congress. These reports are sent out to poison the average republican mind against democrats in order to prepate republic cans for what these leaders intend to do theta selves. It is a scheme much used but the people are becoming acquainted with it and it no long.-r arouse them. ' Some republican papers seem to be getting their eyes open to the profligate and Inexcusable extravagance of Harrison' administration. The Pitsburg Dhfalch, a leading republican paper says "With the estimated reduction of reve. nue by the new tariff bill of $60,000,000, the deficiency ot receipts over expenditure will reach between $03,000,000 and $90,. 000.000. Perhaps thl is a good showing but It doe not seem very wise for the re publican leader to go before the people and claim approval on the record of a single session in converting an eighty-mil non-dollar surplus Into a seventy-million dollar deficiency." The people are just waiting for fall election to give the adinlnlsteatton a rap that will bring It to It senses. The Augusta, Georgia. CAroju'ci! say : "Gov. David Bennet Hill Is as sagacious a politician as the late Samuel J Tilden.and that Is saying a great deal for his political acumen. The politicians are looking to New York and Indiana in I893.. HIU and Gray would make a winning ticket for the democracy. Keep your eye on Hill and Oray tot 10931 " Wei:, they would make a dandy team, but somehow a very I a rue number of thinking democrats have their eye on the occupant of a law office In New York City. The republicans turned a democrat out of congress the other day who had 13,000 major. ity and gava it to the rtpublican coutestant who was beaten by that majority. What need do republicans have of a federal election law? They can elect members in congress much easier and with ranch less expense than to go before the people to do it. v J W Bentley. best boot and ho makes fin i ii- C, T. IT UKtH bOHT AGAIN. We know of no paper that has so great a acuity for gel lug lost.ln treating of the tariff (juration, as toe Cnfilnl Journal published t Salem, It ha been giving It reason for favoring the McKlnley bill. It ay : "The McKlnley bill la a measure to re vh.e the tariff a pledged by the republican national platform of ifeSato retain the protective feature for American Industrie nil American labor and at the same time reduce tho revenue, " But when sugar was put on the free list, wa that retaining the "protective feature for American Industrie" No, .It wa taking the only "protection" the south bad except that on rice ant1 Iron, But, then south ha4 no right that republican leader feci bound to respect, hence Mc Klnley made an exception by putting raw sugar, (an article ralaed wholly In the south,) on the free Hat, while he rc'al'icd or Increased It an refined sugar, (manu factured In the north almost wholly.) Thl alone stamp Ihe el II as purely parti san nnd aretlonil. Can the JoMrnaexplafn why Ihe duty was removed entirely from raw sugar, (which f produced In targe quantities in this country,) while It more than doubled It on tin, an article not man ufactured in thia country at all Tin is a necessity of life. The rich, the poor; the old, the young, alt alike have to use it. The whole thing Is an outrage and people are fast finding it out. Again that paper says: "We favor the bill because It seeks to place a check tqion Importation of agri cultural product., now reaching annually to hundreus of million, by Increaalng the duties on those article of farm produce now snipped In from abroad in competition with the American farmer. The bid makes lute fee and reduce the duty on cotton bagging. SUal, manlla and binder twine go on the free llt. The wool dulle are adjuated to suit the wool-growers and a duty will be placed on the nearly thirty million dollars worth of hide imported an nually . But the bill fail to check the importa tion of that agrlcultuial produ:t known as sugar, but as we said before thl. is an ag ricultural product in the south and from McKlnley' stand pclit Is not entitled to protection. "The bill make jute free" ays the Journal. That is to benefit the tnanufacturer,but there I quite an Increase In the d'lty on jute sacks. McKlnley has the very highest consideration for the man. ufacturcr of jute sack but none whatever for the farmer who has to use them In handling hi grain. "The wool duties are adjusted to suit the wool-growers. "Indeed! flow considerate McKlnley wa of the In terest of the halt million people who arc engaged in producing wool, and with what Indifference did he treat the Interests of the 65,000,000 who have to use wool pro duct. The. Journal seem to hold out the Idea that no one should have any thing to say In fixing the amount of duty on wotl except the wo.i-g rowers themselves. Shame on such partisan subscvlency. "Siial, manlla and binder twine go on the free H-l . We regret that the Journal should rcaorl to misrepresentation In order to make a defense of the McKlnley bill. The bill h tlU..i.r-.4.U: -IJlmH; one aed one fourth cent pcrtiound." And the senate ha ralacd ihe twlncduty toonc and one half cents per pound. The Jour nal has deceived It reader about the twine duly. Will it row be candid enough to act thctn right on thl point? The Journal savs "the McKlr. bill reduce the tariff " Except kt-gar, the duly on nearly every I miKiriant nctcsaary of life ha been In creased. Take wool and all kind of wool en goads something that the poor as well as the ilch mn.1 have aud there haa been a large Increase in the duty. Every body with an ordinary memory remembers hqw t ie republicans complained that the Mills hill made but a slight reduction In woolen goods. But the M'll bill reduced the duty from 70 to 40 per cent while the McKin- ey bill increases it from 70 to an average of 94 per cent. The Journal makei much ado about the so-called protection for the farmers In the McKinley bill.butlhls "pro lection'' has been shown time and again to be a fraud, deceit, a sl.ame. Of what benefit I It to the American farmer to plac i a duty of 1 5 cent per bushel on corn or twenty cents per bushel on corn meat, or fifteen cents per bushel on buckwheat. and oat, or ten cents per bushel on rye, or twenty-five per cent ad .valorem on wheat nour, or live cent per gallon on milk, or three cents each on cabbage, or forty ceuts per bushel on union, or five cent per dozen on eggs, or twenty-five cents per bushel on apples, or five cent per pound on bacon, or two cents on beef, pork and mutton, or five cents pet pound on dressed chickens AH of these article are produced in thl country as cheap or cheaper than In any other. Why, then this duty Simply to trakethe vnsophistlcaled farmer believe that he Is protected cquaMy with the manufacturers. But the farmer are day by day opening their eve to the fact that this 'so-called protection for the farmer I all a delusion and a snare, ine Journal must tell l:s reader,also, that hides are put on the free list btr the . McKlnley bill. What' the matter with our republican co temporaries? Why are theyjnot pitchi.ig into the Standard Oil company a Jan ally jof the democrats? The whole matter in a nut shell is, that that company is turning heaven and earth to elect Dclamater, the republican candidate for governor of Pennsylvania, and just at His time the) do not want to disturb it. Democrats of Idaho are quite hopeful of carrying their little pocket borough state. And this, too, after Harrison, Reed & Co be stowed so much effort in making this new state, "Ingratitude, thou marble hearted fiend." Mluaalate Ike Blood. Brandretb' Pill are the great blood puri rior. Thuy sre a purgative and b'ood tonio they sac eqaslly on the bowels, the kidueyc, ud the (kin, thus cleansing tbeiysttm by the natural outlet of the body they may be ol led th narsative sudoritio and diurctia medicine. They stimulate tha Iduod so a to enable nature to throw ot, all morbid humors, and our disease no matter by what nam it may De called . Oue or two of them taken every nicht will prove an infallible remedy. Brandretb. fills are puirly yeget able, absolutely harmless and safe to taki at any time, bold tn every drna ana medicine tore, either plain or sugar coated. fading Photographers Albany Oregon. We have bought all the negatives made by L W Clark and W U Greenwood np to Nov lath, 1889. Daplioates esn be had from hem only of na at reduced rates. We have also about 18,000 negative made by our selves, from which duplioato oan be had at Ilk rates. We oarry the duly full line of view of thi state and do enlarged work at lowest rtte for first class work. We shall be pleased to see yon st oar Studio ia's block, next door to Masonic Temple.. Best roost coffee in tk city Conrad I Meyer'. lio: It fli'i biclliotl ami rcNiilt when Kynip of 1' i lal en ; it is pleasant mid refreshing to the titstc, and ncta gently yet promptly mi the Kidneye, Liver end JWe!, cU-hiim- tlto sys tem (fre.otiiitliy, dispel colds, Ik d nehcs nii'J fevers nml cure Imoifnal coiiHtipiitioii. Hyrtin of Fjj js the only remedy- of "its kin'l ever pro (!u:od, pleasing to the tote and no C"pUMa to thr Mowatli, promt.! in it-t fiction anil truly lneficial in its ;i-f ts. its many excellent qualities eonmif ml it to all. It it for sola in .'.': n ml $1 boltlcs Ly all Idling tin '::'w,'.n. no srnup co. 1 il nc: ,1. tint. 10V i'.if, fiv loan, h r PAISLEY &. FISH. JQ3 PRINTffC ALBANY OF- W. F. Special My Spring Stock is now Complete, Embracing all the Latent Novelties in Dress Goods, Iiolli ill WOOI-EX and WASH FATilUCS. -To The Ladies,- I Make a Specialty of Lac'ies Underwear, in Knit Ripped anl Muslin. My Prices are the LOWEST , k.n4'iii..Goot.tiss.U-r.--Am agent for the Celebrated . S. F. HOSIERY, Guaranteetl stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison. :To The Men,: Call and T)ok at My values in Furnishing -:- I hay Lrga Stock at the Lowest Fricea ever offered ia the Tallej. 1 cairy a full line cf the wr.rU-renowed BROADHEAD gooda, unexcelled tor wear and fit.ibh. Largt- stock of Embboikerif.8 and Flocxci.vos. Cl sod be convinced thtt A'bai y in the best tr.dicg loict in Oregos. INSURE IH THE ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS Insurance Company. Safe, Sound; SMOKE THE- (MARS Manufac-red by IMPORTED AND KEY WEST GiUARS Ping and smkiog tobaccos, Merschaiia and briar p40 aa unckea at titles tenernMy, G Ii, The Leading1 "Druggist, LBA4 Y . - OREGON. DRUGS, SV1ED1CINES .STAT I0NARY-SC E C. Scarls, D. y GooaV Hotioiu, Gs&ti Furn ishings and COOTS AliD SHOES Our stock of boots and shoes Is now complete In all lines for spring rade. We will save vou " money n buying of us. Ladies, missel a nd children's fine shoes a specia 1 v. Exclusive AgeucT OKECiOS. Vw PreaitJurit . . , , Catiler..,,,.M.,.., , . K. Tor ' (i ,., W. LASOOO.V. TRANSACTS A OENEHA t, banking boalftkM, ACCOUNTS KEPT sal.j.t to (lisck. SIGHT KXCitAWlK anrf tel , r(ibl trr,.fr, ot u Now Ywk, Man Kfaiiclwo, irvft and Put two. t OU-Kt-TIONf A PR on bv.irsbla tone, otraertisa. a, K, Tottsa K, W. Lasoikis L a n,is, 1.. Fuss, F.ino F. HVix. Linn Co. National iiank, ALBANY - - - OREGON. CAPITAL STOCK tlOO.OOO. PriwIilMii J I. CfiWA. ' ira-Prtaiilont J U KALHToX. " khlar Oso K CHAMIlKKt.AIS. Alllmr.. O A A HVH I WHAK t -rriM, - f I, Onran, i M lUl.ton, 0i K Ctumhmlsin, W H U.M, W 11 OoliT, i A Crsw turd an o A Archibol'l. TKA .V ACT a vanorsl W,Mn btuitxK. DRAW Mom liKArrSon Stw Tork. Ow. tan itl t Cfretfon, IXAN MOa'CT on tTbrHl Mcnrh; I1W EIVK deists ubtt Bank of Oregon. ALBANY, - - - CRECGH. OAFZTAIi, SBO.OOO. PrnHldnnt.. - H. UK Y NT Vice Prnlent If. K, MKHKt I I. Cashier J. '. KhAl N WCIiClOSI. If Itryant. J V Blsin. fieo Humphrey, V, If Vlew.rt, KJlAnning, if K Merrill. Kisht x(;htnirn and laleirrepble tra fer on Naw York. San Krsnelaeo a d and all principal inta in Oregon n1 Wakbliigtcti, ollACtlon tnd on favorable tern n. Or AMIAKl, friMit.,....., Announcement ! HEAD. Conservative Julius Josspi- T aa . tbe LCDLOW SHOES Goods E. C, SEARLS, Blumberg's Now biors.