UONKWRONU AGAIN. The Mjmtrirr I a very reliable paper except when dealing with the tariff. It jr t "Demrxratrc editor have all their spare time taken up now In writing article de nunciatory of the McKlnlejr tariff bill, and do I hit to the bet of their ability, Before any tariff hill wai Introduced, they were anxlou that the republican thoul i redeem their proinlie to the people, and now they teem to be very much chagrined because they have." The democratic paper have not been anxlou that the republican hou!J re deem their pledge to the people, becaute Ihcie pledge were made in the tntercitt of monopolle and trusts. They pledged themselves to the people that before they would tui render any part of the protective ytem (that I reduce the tariff on the necessaries of life,) they would take all the tat oft whlikey and tobacco, and of couie democrat would oppose uch a monopoll tic tcheme this. But they do not re deem their pledge In the McKinley bill for they put sugar on the free Hit and thl urrender much of the protective ytem But they have no crup!c on that (core a augnr I the product of a people who have no right which republican IcaJcrt are bound to respect. The MiMmtwucrr know full well that the McKinley bill U purely monopolistic, partisan, and section al. The men who would put ugr on the free list and double the already high duty on tin are not entitled to be credited with being either Intelligent or disposed to be fair a between, man and man. We have no doubt the scorching criticism to which the McKinley bill U being subjected, dis turb our colemporary very much. We are not surprised thereat. They are made to disturb the publ:c mind and arouse n.e,t everywhere to the huge burden that are to be heaped upon thilr shoulders if the McKinley bill shall pas. Let not the MiMnltrimnr for a moment console itself with the thought that the passage of the McKinley bill would settle the tariff qu:s tion. On the contrary it would only In tensify the issue. No, that question will never be settled until It 1 settled right settled in the Interest of the masses In stead of the classes. It will take the dcm. cratlc party to do that. A SANE GE1TBLICAN WARNING. And any act which look toward tuch a Centia'ualion that the expression of the popu lar will may be thwarted or nullified by offi cials responsible to thj existing Government means the degrading of tl.iscountry to the level of those nominal republics where the rulers perpetual their tenure, an.l where a change i wrought only at the point of the bayonet. Thoughtful Republicans ought to conridcr ciref-illr wh.U they are about before thy o:e for such a change as this or spread a net to dangerous before the feet of future generations. Patriotic as are the motives that 'aspire the demand for a Federal control of elections, the danger of it is loo patent, too vital and too ser ious to be dismissed lightly. The Republican party could scarcely commit a more irretriev able error than by seeking to retires the griv races of the minority at the South by legikla latioo that would promise to mate majority or minority a mere question cf the party in power. Ba1 as local abuse may be, we cannot afford to root them out of their native fields only by transplaating them to the more fruitful soil of the National capital. Pioneer Prtss (Rep). 3 One of tl e arguments now most used in de fense of our high war tariff is, that, if we shut out all imported goods and commodities by a high duty and compel our people to produce everything we use, then in case of war we could manufacture everything we should want to use during tuch war witnout being depen dent upon any foreign country This govern ment has been in existence over a hundred year and during all that time it has been en gaged in foreign war about six year. The spectacle thus presented by protectionists is that we will tax, and heavily too, the people over ninety years for a mere imaginary adran tage for a period of six year. This argument of protectionist needs only to be stated to be condemned. Modern physiologists, say a Berlin cor respondent of the London Lancet, regard the prefrontal part of the brain as the seat of character and intellect. After the re n.oval of this part in dog and monkey( no paralysis of any muscle or lost of en Ibllit r occurs, but lingular change in the behavior, emotion and character of the animals have, been observed. They be eome livelier, retle, impatient, Irritable, quarrelsome and violent. Their move ment teem purposeless, and their atten tion to what I going on around them and their intelligent are diminished. These observations have been cor.firmeU by sim- lar phenomena In the case of human be'ngs. It I stated upon good authority that In Gernany the small holdings In land of a 4 acre and less exceed 1 ,000,000; of 2', acre to twenty-five, 2,000,000; and while, In the whole kingdom, 14,000,000 acre are devoted to grass, 47,000,000 Jto vegeta bles and corn, over 64,000,000 are utilized for fruit and the production of market garden worked by the spade. In England there are to every five acre devoted to fruit over 1000 devoted to root crop and corn. Do you find that your glatcware,dixhe, turn biers and the like, are too prone to crack and break? Here is a well tested preventive. Put your gtars into a kettle, cover it entirely with cold water, and place the kettle on a part of the stove where it will soon come to a boil. Allow it to boil briskly a few seconds, then cover closely, set aside and allow it to. coo gradually. When the water has become quite cold take out the glass. t The N'e York World says: "Two years ago 1 lie 'condition' which confronted Congress was a surplus of $100,000,000, Now it is an empty treasury and mortgaged. " "Wife, who' leen h :re since I't been gone?" as the Chic go soldier remarked on his return from the army after an absence of four years, and found two more children in the house than when he left home. The silver bill ba passed both housf, been signed by the president and become a law. The main and a very vital objection to the bill is that it will not increase the circulating medium of the country except through the medium of increased and extravagant expenditures of public money. V hen fully understood .he public will hold the b 11 no good. The bulk of the wheat In southern Ohio ha been harvested, the present week. Some smut andmore chess than usual. While the grain It a fair average quality, the yiel-i will not exceed seventy. Ave perj cent, of last year' average. Reports from southern Kanta are that wheat Is going Into ttack.and farmer who re able will hold for higher price So far a the quality I concerned, wheat ha been testing at high a lxty two pound to the bushel. In Texas wheat cutting I fii.lbhed, threshing U now In progress. The yield so far ha not exceeded six bushel per acre on the average. t'OKCK AND TIIR CONK tilTI'lON. When believer in elections by futro ins'eul of by ballot undertake tocontrovrrt the U'otlJ's asser Ion that the HccJ Loilgo Hill li "fla grantly defiant of the spirit of the Constitution'1 they succeed only in betraying a lamentable ignorance of American history. Section 4, ar'icle 1, the c'auso upon which they hang their case, reads: The times, placet and manner of hohltsig -election for Senator and Representative shall be prescrilied in each State by the legis lature thereof! but the Congress mny, at any time, by law, make or 1 Iter such regulations, except as to the placet of chooting Senator. Interpreters, like doctors, selJom agree, and it is quite possible that two thoroughly honest minds, in trying to construe this passage liter ally, might give it whollv distinct meaning. It it clear, however, that the authority vested in the State is originally and priinnry, while that vested in the Congress is only permissive and contingent. The question thenautes i Under what con ditions is the intet Terence of Congress warrant ed? Whatever may be the wilful impression of statesmen of to-dsy, there was no misunder standing on the pait of the fathers of the Re public. The delegates to the Constitutional Convention from Massachusetts, New llamp shire, Virginia, North Caolina and several other State refused to ratify this section until its meaning was made perfectly clear. This was done in the discussion which follow el and the conditions wera decl-ued over sgiin to be only two in number and as follows: I. Where the States refuse to provide the necessary machinery for election; and, 1, Where they are unable to do so for any csuse, rch'llicn, etc, That suck was the dUtinct understanding it shown still further by the langu.ige it which New York rati Tied the Constitution; "In full confidence that the Congress will not make or alter any regulations in this State re specting the time, manner and places of hold -ing elections for Senators or Representatives, unless the Legislature of this State shall neglect or refuse to make laws or regulations for the purpose.or from any circumstance be incapable of making the same, and that i- those cases tuch power will duly be exercised until the legislature of thit Slate thai! make provision in the premises." I low any honest man, familiar w ith these historical facts, can dtclafe that the Force I'll doi 1 ot defy the spirit of the Constitution and keep a straight face while to declaring simply passes understanding. New York MVr. OPEN YOl'K EYES AMI I.IIOK. Tlie East Orfgonia has pven ptrinl'ted !o publish a Utter from a large tirm of ilc.d ers in tin in Chicago, wiiittn to a like deni er in t'endleton. Kxan.iiie the figures an;! see what the .McKinley tariff bill proposi ti, do for every itr'P, woin.in, ittul child In the United State, who utcs lit) In any shape 1 CnicAon, III.. May j;, iS. "To our SaltstiiMn( K M Kagy : Kor jour infortiintion, f give the prtsenl duties on tin plates nod thorn; pro um J under the McKinU-y in'A : PrcMrut l'ropotd (IlltV duty IC 14V 20 ptr b-x I X I4r0 per U;s IXX 1420 ,Mrr oox 1XXX 140 pT Ikh.... IXXXX l4t Jo; t r Ixjx . . . IC 2.-128 per box 1 X 20x28 per box IXX 20x28 perln-x I X X X 20x28 per box IXXXX 20x28 per box.. l(-i 13" "57 178 216 J; 3'4 4JO 24J 3.M 4-1 4-m. 4S-. 61 J 708 900 ROOKING FLATr. IC 14x20 per box 108 IC 3ux2i per box 216 IX 20x23 per box 272 612 "This Ir an h:crvae oi ever 125 per cent in amount vt dot-, to be pan . It i unnec essary taxation o( the people for ihc benefit of a few manufacturers and a strong tight should be made in the senate lent (he bill get through there at It (lit in the House. W think it would be well for sou to suggest to the trade trial they organize and promptly petition their senators at WashiLgton to vote against it. "C. Jsinsev Miriuan & Co." Here is a beautiful example of reducing the tariff. It is more than doubled on tin an artlclejnot manufactured in this court try at ail. The strangest thing it that any intelligent man, other than the one who I the beneficiary of this rob'-er scheme, should endorse It. - a hi:oai ixatkoiiu. Gov Hill l.i his Indianapolis speech quoted this sentence from Andrew Ja:kson as a piatfoini upon which every democrat can stand: "There Is but one safe rule.and that Is to confine the general govennic-it rigidly within the sphere of it appropri ate dutlc.' This U a broad platform, fully and right ly interpreted. It I not so Interpreted when confined to the one question of fed eral centralization as embodied In the federal election bill. This w ill be a prom inent issue, but it will not be the only l ic in the presidential election. The general govcrmcnt is not confined "rigidly within the sphere of its appropria tlon duties" when it levies taxes for boun ties to favored interests or collect a tor plus revenue for reckless demagogues to exnend for personal and party interest Gov. Hill plainly recognized this fit I and proclaimed anew this isnue. He quoted from Jackson's Farewell Address the great democrat' warning against the machination of -'corporations and wealthy individual who de -ire a high tariff to in crease their gains," and the "designing politician who will support ft to conciliate their favor and to obtain the mean of pro fuse expenditure." And the governor re iterated the democratic demand tli.-.t "war taxes should cease in time of peace," The republican extremists In congress are making up the issue for 1892, and the ncrease of the war tariff will be one of hem. J 8 Taylor, an Arizona cattleman, In conversation with a represenative of the Phoer ix Gazette, gives a gloomy account of cattle In that Territory. He say that the number of cattle dying in the Sulphur Spring Valley Is appalling The Chirichtia Cattle Company is losing 100 daily, and up to date has lost about 7000 head. Never in the history of Arizona hat there been any thing that equal it T here is practically no water in the valley, and cattlemen are jn despair. It Is repo-ted that one of the largest cattlemen In the west is nearly a total wreck financially, because of the fear ful lot of cattie in that valley, whe.e he owns large herds. Col. Henry Watterton ha been casting the horoscope of the political future, and hat given out the following prediction, which may well cause republicans to tremble : "The democrat) wil'. swtepthe union fore and aft thi fall All that Tom Reed and the other fat rascals, who form hit Falstaflian cabal, can do in the south will not make up to them the losses in the north, the east and the west. The grand old party has had iu day. Its time has come at last The next six months will dig It grave." Peace to It ashe. - The Democrat would sugget as a meant to satisfy the people of Salem and Portland on the census question that tin matter be turned over to speaker Reed who, so far, it the most successful counter of person in the country. He, alone, of all othert, can count a man at well, where be it not, as where he it, Oh, he would oe a diy census enumerator. HIUTJifcK I'KOI lit 1,1 Kill NO. I. Of tlio Oregon State Weather ltnrcau, co-operatinj with U. 8. Fignnl Service, v Central Olllcp, iVrtliinil, Oregon, for tho week ending Saturday, July luth, 18M): WRATH KK. The temperature lms Ihh ii cooler than average for the week, partly cloudy weather, with lucnl rriitis.lmvo prevailed. Tlio temperature liua ranged from 60 to 80 degree. The. nniotint of rnlnftill lum varied from .10 of an Inch to over 1 Inch, morn. The weather lms Wen unfnvomblo to tho haying oiiemtiouri, coiiNiderahlu wim cut dow n wiien tho rain eniue on and notiie of it wna injured; in addition tlio rain have delayed the hay harvent,eniiB ing it toconio too clow to the wheat harvent, which in HOotloiiH ha hcgun,aitd In moat Nootloim will I xi in full KwHy next week. The hay crop I fnr 1 utter tliiin expected. The weather wi very lieiiell eiultolho full mid npring wheat crop, alo to the com. The fall wheat hn gen erally lllled very well, the Wrry large and phtntji. Tho spring whent.w hieh on Juno IhI, waa thought to n worthle, 1 growing nicely and will yield nlinont an averago crop in nnmt ocction. Hunt crops are all iu a moot promtming condi tion, lion continue to thrive and their yield w ill lie aliove tho average. The nj plot are being Injured by tho codun ninth. Their non-appearance at nn ear lier date may be due to the backward spring. They aro evidently now appear ing in full force and are proving to he quite injurious. Oregon tieachca are coining into the market. Tho peach crop of Southern Oregon w ill not NMiver to) percent of the average. Through the Willamette Yalley thecropw ill Ulight ly belter. The gran on the rnitgcH of Lantern Oregon is very good, for the late tie of tho m-iiHoii ami cuttle are in prime condition. Tho wheat crop in the Wil lamette Valley will lieahnont an average; in Southern Oregon nlut an average; in Vaco, Sherman, Ciillitiin ami Morrow roil nt ice better than for year; in I'nia tillrt and Union cnuntic the Urgent ever r rod need ; in Wallowa, linker, Grant, 'rook and interior counties fully an aver age crop. lteHirt from all m etionn indi cate that 11 bountiful harvent in nomind. It. S. P.un r, OWcrver I. S. Signal Service. AnMntuiit l'irvctor Oregon Weather l!u rcau. TKLEttRAVIUU NKWS Tstal Llchlalnc. Lot isvit.tr., July 15. Ilcmatd Ccmil n.l.a j McaliUy l.uincr living near l.it;r.irj;e, wa struck by Iightmri; )ctcti!iijr pti l lastuntl)' k;licd. He w jus! gciii into IU st-d-lcwith his litilf stvptbR, Wl.tc Siiiith, wl-.rn tln- ..iiintn .is cvn to iii!u c him, ttml a I c aih wasktaid, 'I l-crusirnt 'i.-k l-:tii j.i;t I -vet iht left Cj-f, I uiii 1! ;i ln- i- t!!.o:i;-i- In J , e4l nnd jijiuvil n. i. Ul: r iri., Ujnr 1, it 1: .l 111.111 li..- . i.i t i , lAini.if; ;i was tiotic, end Ihc untoftuiia-e i en siit-.t no pain, ili tci!:.'.i H n ji ij li-fuiiy t!iuii:,.t cl uni ws hteiily l-...t.c-l out, U-.i-i- rrij stitch of i!o:hir. !.c v n : -n to utr l, and his iliui-s we wir-J..! (-in courr.l atnl l-luo-i)' l-i I ' c y v. . L:i.k kcil .1 by Ihc sin I., . riiiitt.! ii i.v hul l-crn on c c-im l-nt a minute wltrti smelter ru rein k I im. I h. inuUitd him inicti-.;li!, i.n. ' ;,.y i .1 ,-n,i ri.i-w i.ms si.ne ! i,v.-i ki. Ir-.. I 1... ell.. v...s I.HUHI ed I-) f-olnr clir who :. p.-.-;l A ;iitit.lp s rs . I'SiHr I CV. -.l: .. j-i'.y 1 5 t . " ""' I Iioi.il .c (rime (i iunii'.i.i i, il.c -it '. AI.i were rcrcived f.i-.e i.n 'he Vi.-.m s l.cmiti Kianvis Culling, r .1 t l'.oj;inc-r llcscir. ol the siea n ackoon:r Jmnir, kiii.-,! list ait!nt, name unl.no n, I j t.1.1 kntn:kiiie him tease lest and then thmw ti!f the l;o!y iu!o the mov ing mxchinciy. 1 t.e lunU sn.l body were hor ribly r.'.iiig!cd inl tie riyl.t enn ciudted wl.rn sssistancc arrived Tl-.e Jen.iie was lying in I Oit preparing o ai! to wm o'brr csnacry, snd Ihc saj tain and tin! r-.Ticer wete ailuirc. 1'he comjiany't physiri.in tmj u!ntel lbs arm and a few bouts b'cr the tnjn (led. A ktrky i 'ttU, Missoi'LA, Mont., July 15. Ju.'jc Mar lhdll ll.U morning a.lj.iyrned ci.uri in a very wrathy frame of min-!. The Un lin.in horse thieves were up for liii-l. Alter the pant! was exhausted the jury Los was called for, cut of which it was Imped a jury could be iccuted, but it could not be found. The t'.ctk was at tending the races, and in dcj,..it of prix teding with the business cf Ihc Ouit, while there were counter attractions, the judge fined tl e clerk $25 and adjourned business until Otto' cr. A Terrible S spi.tua. ClNCISNAII, ;.ilv 1 5. A Icirib'.e occurred late tbi-s sficmocn at Kli g's j owdtr mills on the Little Miami railroad, twenty nine miles fiom ibis city. Ten persons were Ui';lc I and Dearly a score seoousiy injured. Two empty freight cats were Iwmg rolled iu'ostiile track when a car containing 5Aikcgt o( powd er was standing. As t he c-i it struck tdcie was an cxplo-km and initr.cdi.ilely after anal I. cr car containing Soo kegs of gunpowder esploiled making 1 joo kegs altogether, tiace a Lloss Slun. C'OLIFAX, July 15. William J Itramwcll, aged 50 years, died this morning at his borne in this city, after ll.rrc years illnrss. He form eily rcfi.Icd at Harriilmrg, Oicgon, wheic he was a prominent business iii.in a few years ago, and w here he has nuny fiun.' .inj ie!a tives. Hrrl;r c ilj. New Vop.k, July 14, t runk C Ct-rpen'.r.in a letter to the World says l!ut in an in'.ctview in China with the vic'ory, Li Hung Chang, the victory said: I wuh you would say for me through your newspaper, to the Ameiican people (hat ff the exclusion act be not repealed, we shall certain ly advise our government to exclude Aniencans fiom China.and I think wetliaif lc fully jutti- Tied in such action. An fastrrn forcer, Euoene, July 14 Const.ib'e Cochran ar rested one Charles K Ailhur at IlaUey yesltri day on a charge of forgery, committed in Har rison county, Missouri, three or fourycait tigo. From Missouri he went to Idaho, and thence to California. He succeeded in evading the officers in both these state. Cochran Itiwned of his coming this way and has been on the lookout for him for some lime. He admits hit gnilt, and wants to sell his outfit and hd.e hit family back with him. Vcneral t'rcintta'. New Vokk, July 14. Arrangement for the funeral of General Fremont were maoe to day. It will lake place at 10 o'clock We.l netday morning hom-tlie Episcopi.l church St Ignatius. It will lie a rpuiet nnd unostei.ttitiout nt posfildi. There wili lie no military display. Mrt Fremont and .he genoial's daughter, LIUabelh, are in 1. Angeles, Cut , and will, of com be, be unab... lo gel here in ,irue. The interment wili lie la Trinity, cemetery, thit city. Alt Hi.ke. Victoria, B C , Jul) 14. If there is going to be a war over Bchaing tea between F.nglanri and the United Stales, the people of Victoria, who would be most interested 111 such a con flict, do not known Anything about it. Ac cording to instructions, your correspondent left this city last Saturday foi the purpose of tiftiug to tlie botto'u the sensational stories recently published in leading Ameiican papers Mayor orant, 01 victoria, one ol Hie leading owners of sealing vessels, ind ofliceit of the British northern Pacific naval squadron, when interviewed on the subject laughed at even the possibility of such a thing. . A Varlug KobLerj, Omaha, Ncb,.July 14, Mrt Floretta Rut- sell, of O.tawa, Ka., came here Saturday and cashed a draft for $10,000, which the placed in a satchel. As she wr,s going down the street, two men snatched the satchel from her hand and ran. She recognized them as lohn Rush and lamei Uncm. nf Ottawa. siKn came there on the tame train with her. I Hogan has been caught, but Ruth is still til large. A Disastrous Cyclone, Lake City, Minn., July 13 What will probably prove lo be the nuit disastrous cy clone 'hat hat ever struck this community pars ed over the ci'y al 5 o'clock ihis evening, . in flicting a loss of liie peihaps of iou to 200 peo ple 1 nd-damaging piopeny to nn extent that cniinot at present be estimated. lilllBI 03T 1LW 2l 33T KJ EH O .BO . In tin- election ef a resilient 1 .matin no aletnuut Uso lutp.irttiut as that of hesltl.ful n.s, ttitt tin inj,trt nWtHi.t oontnliutr to mtiuli to the boaltlifuliie. of a looility a tHa water supply. In this runp.nl Mlnthom Spring U easily aupvrior to any ruslilenca local ity In thveity uf ri.ribn.l. It it high, and drainaun is oomplnto. The wator supply I frein n spring aapahln of abundantly supplying 23 X)0 people with watsr. A distance fr..mf.iu river of one-half miU pl oms It nut v f tevih nf malui i. A systum of watnr work will at niioe 1 coustrituted, o that parties building will have an ahiindiut aupi-ly of pure cold waUr diri-ot fiom tlm spring, Some facts In Regard to Its Location In Roferenco to the BbsIdoes and Employment Centers. I ViKU.AM) is tha gr-t iimnnfsotnrltg of power f r iimi.ufM.turim purpH.r. w.tmra t ity. Air.m.ly Mm iiuiiuf.iflnriiiB iiitnrt-stsof I'nttUnd, nuictly cotidiiutnd at Or.on t.llv, iuod..i su il,um ,f t'.'O.OtW.tHM) anun.llv. Tlite are constantly cu.ttii g nmi iiimrn. u u. 'IV i- ereat tiiuiiiifuutuiiiiu enuttir is .li-Lunt on una sidn SI ml from MiK'horii 1 Sprii v, l,t: r.inUnrt, tl, n K,pt o.itimierelal iimtropoli and imsinesa eviitrrof ll'i N.rtli la. itUi ttosat, imp inilea dmtant in the oppiiU dirmilluu. It r quiies no sir. Mi of iiiisuiiiiti.'ii to tint the country intervening l.. tt.n IVrtUi d and Or. g.m t 'lty its U ef povrrr auppl) J is tint untural lokldelire loeatiau of the bl i nes mm, and I tny worljrra and wan varum who kr in motion the vailou entoi pn.i f the c.itmicic.isl and iiiaiiufsiiriiig Intirmli .f the Ninth l'aoillo eoast. Tho Oregon Land Co., Ilellll' I filee, S.lM 111 KrsMnrkbble Trutilng. lU'i .t,o, July ij Alnjut twoycats ago at 1 Diifl.ilii.Ma Pelle llamlrn astonished thcwotld by trotting a hn'.f mile over the liiuT.ili track in I u2 'i at a 3:1-4.4 g iit, Vetetdy the trolled iin eighth ii 1 3 14 seconds, st the rate of 2.'j for ihcqunitcr and a 1:58 gait, al thoiigh no hoise emit I cany that clip further than an eight It .She was diivcn by W J Andrews, ho gave her her head and allowed her to fco at f;ist as tl.e wnm.d 10 nnd without the IcaM ii'gii g i.r time1' of w hiu. Thi hat ncvet been tipullcd by nny trotting boisc, trry llul, Wasiiim;ion, July ij. 1 he signal se vice rep.11! t..ow Sunday to have Lcea an uuuiual hot day Last of the KocLy uunintaint, except in the New Lngland hike region and (10m Marstand northward to New Vork. Of 141 stations no lest tlmn 108 tepoit a maximum tcmpcralute of tj3 degree or mote. Al thirty six sta'ions the maximum was yo degtves or over, while 1 wcivc report a msimuin ol 100 drgrec or higher. OMvn v. Ncb-.'uly lj To-nlay was the ho test of the year. The signal office leportt the niakiiiHiiii Icmpeiatutc at lo$ ilegrrct. No CBSct of piOstiatioii were repoitc-l. The rmu. Sr. i ill:. July 13 TtsclW 1st, lligertrc has lu'l ejesii rc'.iitn fum Wet'.crn Washirg 'cr., ti It ! a j,.; 11!; ti. n ,f JiJ.ixiu II is a l le-l 1.1 M.-a', 1 be iiiin.iic f 1 11I i r:!l l.lnti 11, i;n, 1131 ; (.. ul j'l.-n (,t ! ll.ts M." 4 3',-l.s-l. I l.s Uoui l III .Stn.tlc is n cf.4ir.g lie iiila,, s. lie the 1 annus te count itu-kei no htnf. K:ng oi-r.i)'s j e-pu Uit.i-n i (k),wki, i( wli.- h Scjdie and suburl tlttu.'i ti-.cKO. p m e 111 u: y li.-.s Jn.n.) t.f which '1'actiinj .-nd tic ur . faimb 4'i.irf tt. :.rj Mulr lba I Ur, Mi.-sM.At-.il I-., Minn., July 13 John II M'teltcr, snirtai f the (ieiiii.ini i hu wipg Co., rorunii'ird snii :,!e )e-,ei-!.iy. lleloatr.l K. I Ki cvse't -, find Kiwswd rr.n vtf blwili, Tl-i l supitel to he tie i aesr, ns he h' S V;ii r,l uvrt 1 he ingia'itu-le of ".Iin tel. M !'rr w-:i.i S? t,iii ni.l If.vrs s famiiv. t llAl iu I! I'tskr ISurtr4 CiiltiV.'AIIR, Mi-tl .July 13, The i.-matrs of General CUn'on It Kukc rcaehvd this uy yesterday afterniKn at 5 o', tuck, snd were met attliedcpo' by the tiisnd Army of the ke pubiu. W C T t tlcU-gates fiom the 1-iuI.iIm-tiun tluli snd a Urge concourse of eople gen erally. TEMri StASs"?. OM41 r-liicd ht AiUoy W. 0. T. U Kiev dollar spent In the saloon is a blow ui' the family, and the family U the defense f our" nUtuii. .N-irt. western Mail. The svi-rk tl Mrs Ilei.il- tta Skeltou re cently added neirlv two hundred member to the W 'T V U Luke county, Cal. More than five hundred speeches a week will be made In the Nebraska campaign during July. Worcester. Va-s ,! said to lie the largest no-lic-nsi- chv In the L'r.llcd Sutra A prohtblthiu daily newspaper Is published there, v. Mi gK)d, la antliil suppo t. Keen drut'Uts are unable to obtain licenses, and thl. high scntiui nt Is fully sustained bv Ihc Icauing r It Urn A eorrespondent of The I'tiion Signal, In Toka, Kansas, uil rs : "That deci sion of ti c Supreme Court has caused a gnat change t-i come overTopcka. The town U now lull (d "original package" houses; the old saloon-keepers that had sijuattcd just beyond the state line, are all bark with ll-elr packages, htrgi and small, and are exalting over ihcir victory." One result of this decision, and ore In which all opponents of Hie liquor trallic may most heartily rejoice, and which already cause the more intelligent of the liquor men to he thoughtful and apprehensive, I that It ha suddenly made the liquor question na tioitsl, and a very live question in Con Ijress. I'or the time being the original package liquor importer is '-king," and he may defy any ar.dall State authority save In hi own state. Hut multitude to whom his unrestricted reign i odious, are now calling w ith great emphasis to depose him. at least so far as his ''otlginil package" trnfi'tc is concerned. In tl.e face of inch an Increasing jsopular demand.it Is not probable that action by Congrcs will be ''ing delayed. National Temperance Ad- v icate. The? people of the state of New Vork will vote upon a prohibitory amendment J to iiictr suie coMMHiiiion at a special election then: com ues-J ty In April, 1691 Already a call has been made by promln. ent tcnipernr-ce worker for a state con vention to nrrnr.g': for,n thorough arid successful campaign In i.ivor of the amendment. A territorial temperance convention was. Held recently in l.uthrle, Oklahoma, which resulted in a permanent organization lobe inown as the "Oklahoma Temperance Alliance. It purpose is to secure a pre hlbhory statute at the first aesnion of the legislature. Nat, 1cm. Advocate. The nntiMin must have boys, or It must shut up the hop. Can't you furnish one? It Is a great facto-y, and unless It can get about 2,000.0.10 from ettch generation for raw m:iti.-rl.r. so.ni! of these factories must close out, rnd its operative must he thrown on a cold world, and the public revenue will dwindle. 'Wanted 2,000, 000 boys," is the notice. One family out of every five must contribute a toy to keep up the supply. Will you help ? Which of your boy will it be f The Men lot.ins of Crete had to have a trirune full of fair maidens each year ; but tie Menlo tans of America demand a city full cf hoys each year. Are you a father ? Have iou contributed a boy ? If not.Kome other 'ainlly has hnd to give more than its share. Are. 1 ou not selfish, voting to keep the saloon open to g.ind up boys.and then d ing nothing tp keep up the supply ? Presbyterian. . IITI KIL M UlilU tl, tv.-mi I. TK, Blsf! STUI'.ET, g. fr. 31 One more or Surgeon nvrrt tenting this Institute will be at the Priori tl ho tel, 57arrlburg, July, 14th ; The A .ing. ten Hotel, Brownsville, July 15th ; the St Cl.atle Hotel, Lebanon, July j6th ; the Revere House, Athany, July 17th, and at the Occidental Hotel, Cotval KJuly 18th. Thi Institute Is specially devoted to the treatment of curvature ot the spine, dig. eac of the hip and km e join, crooked linibn, club feet end all bodily deformities. rhelr ucce in treniitig these trouble a well us all chronic dicase has mcde for the Institute, a national reputation. A perron w ho are suffering from any . thexe complaints, should not fall to t ao adviititag: of this opportrrtiity for rel ke Refereiica maybe had to the follow lef. resident 1 ; b N Condit, Albany ;fi, ftlcFarland, Albanv J S Morris, 8ew Mr KateMcCune,LebHnon ; G Zum I Irvln, ' w supply oontrr of the Nurthwsst, lVrtlnud' ec.uree i .t the fall of Ihn Wilian.etle rivr at II-.UI IWtl.n l, IW1I111I NEW A I) V K HI' I S IC MEN! K. 1.1HTHAY NOTICK.-Straywd from my i p'aon, u-n nilliis aoulheant of .thiiiy, a nssii.il, light gray luaro, lirandml -iV tin lv ft aiilsi. Knaaoiiihlti rwwarrt to ,iy ot a who will teiurrt to u or give t.ifor inatlonaa to br wherssaUitiU. July loth, mm MvKNKHIT llllOM. 1?0n VVKLL II 1 Hi NO, Kik'K I'ULI . Ing and piopctirig, rl:o to J. It. lH.gln.ii, Albsuv.t'r. VTOTICKt-s HKKKIIY tllVKN THAT 1 1 proiwrtf nwnera are r qnlrn by or illnann l cut 'town anil rsmuva ail thlstliui and obnoxious) wistmU wrote lug ufoii inmr )riiiiMs soki upon IIiq trvsnl adjiiolujf Hif.rHo wt 11 1 11 tbaelfv limit. of Albany. Tiiosn fulling to ,o ao will bo 1 la Mu to a not o. .", Albany, July l;n, tJ). J N. UDtrPMAN. t!ny Marahsl. T ia UhN r. A furnished 0nttsL'. He ro')in, with or without iiini. f thrr hum t lis. li.ipiiro at this -.llio". is Will & Link, OPJ-.TcA H0U.-K MUSIC STORE, rou inlniMSiim !I. I. illlller And lis 1'sirmlU J. BAUER & CO, PIANOS. Alsnttw Mchsq Proof "EAEEUVF,M And other Flrst-Cla.s o nz a- -a. 3si s . -- Koto AesnU ( On - ELDHEDGE B. : and SEW Ml tewltas Mtteblnrn. Oran - Cl.HAstii - .si - Kri-Aiart). ALDAN r, QltKOUS Two Men and One Hoy FOUND DEAD!! Whilo trying to Crowd their Store, where they alw have on hand th largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest Improved Killed and Shot Gun; an Immense slock of" Fishing Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chair and thousand of ether thing too numerous to mention. Xtepair Shop In connection with the Store, and one of the best workmen In the State to do any and ad kinds of work. Come on-, Come all; No trouble to show good. "Small profit and quick aW I out motto. . j33EE The Ooad to Vealth Cannot be tucceisfully t rave ltd with out gcod health. To reach walth ar any coveted position In llf rtqulrat In full posevttioa and operation of all th far altlot I. ind ntturt kat endowed ut with. These ecndltlon cannot tiltt anion tha phytlcsl btlna la la ttrfoct worklna 9 ordtr, ami thit I Impoulbto hn tha llar and tpleea aro torpid, that obttraet lag tt Mentions, earning Indigestion and -ppt!a, with all of thtlr aocom panylng horror. DR. HENLEY'S English Dandelion Tonic r.t.-ttatptclflo Influinco over Iho Ihor, xclto It to healthy action, rttolvt It chronto ongorgmRt, and promott tho aoerttlontt our Indlgtttlon and eonttl f pat'on, eharpong tha apptllto, fonts up I tho tntlio oyiUm, and makti lift worth If 'ing. Eugene City Bonds For Sale, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIrJ& THAT uddxr the provisions of an sot of tha LfKislatme of Oiinn enliiltil, "An not 10 ineiiip. rtr the City of Kuui-n and to re xal alUcta aud part nf aula in emifliut lu-te with," li'ed In the nllicanf tho SfcCretmy of StatK. l''hrury 20ih. 1869, the u- ti. m-n ooui.clI of the City of Kiifne will iw-u i-r d ilisposa of tha bond of said atty at pr v iuu of from $30,000 to $50,000, in dennni na tions of from $100 to f.1000 as the purchaser umy desiie, payable 30 yeai after date ul issuing tha same, with inti-re-t thereon at the rate not to exoeed 5 per cone per auueni, payable semi-anuuslly. Sealed proposal to puiohaso esid band will be received by the underpinned at Kiifiene. OrecoD. until 8 ot 1st. 181)0 and alt prox.sals received will be opened snd oonsi.Wd nn the 5ih daylof 8ept, 1890, au l said hnnda will bo dinposwl nf to the person or persons making tha l.est offer or oflVr thfit-for. v The uoiitnon council reserve the riaht to re put any and all orotisala. Bv order of th COIlllRil. M iy 2ht, 1890. . B V DORRIS, Ilecordur f ir the City of Kuiteno AlrUi? Marble and (Im.iite Woik-.R.s-. hlkWuly onrohased tha stuck of S A iZ.uu and ii W llsnU, wh .-.hall k'i'Ki,1 10 'Hiiw irl,tiit and mve pr.es to hU uitt.i d u.y punsliaM-M Best of workmen enii.loved ami prtons lo i any for Hret-clas work, Visit tt heforu aurohasittg ehiewhere. Eoan & Aouison next door to Democrat ofBoe) Albany, Or. jl I VS5;-. ' ...-V 1 PORTLAND'S MOST MINTHORN SPRINGS. THE BEST SELLING Citation. In (lit County Court fur Linn county, Ortgan. In tho matter of lb application r I Tha Hnitibini Lumliei'.nK Coin- pauy to emtalilUli a l"KKl"K i ma , In I.I ti County. ) To sa hmnsosiver U may oonofrn: NOTICi: 1H lUCUKIIY OIVlN THAT Iho Vaiillaui Lutiibt Nt. Company, of hiajlon, tiiiKOt., hrva liitil in toy of Hon' litis day, a j-oUtlon fur Ihn t-htabilab in- nt of a lo,tiu r ail ami ebtito. as doa erlted in aatU Miitloii, and a map stiow ItiK tha t-ouiao nd direction of aald proMMul IoukIuk road and chute 'I bat atd proposed 1ikkI road and ehtilo rou. iiioiiems at a point wblcb la t 13 ebajua dtataul from the. aeo oorimr hulwnen MMtlona 1 and 6, In J'p to, HH'i and I K, U III itr, and u-rtnliiaww al a K,iui on the North Maintain rivnr, where tha Hue running uon and aotitli pasnna tbrouhth the renter of aeo Ifll, In Tp V.H It 8 Will Mer. That tiia said road and chute will pas throuuh ihn lanunCeacrllMd on aald map. anil bnltiK the N J ,f S.o 6. Tp lu.K H a 1 t. Ill S. 1 , " , . . . - M , - T. vs in mrn 1 us c ui rw ai, ssu N W H h.o 32, and WW of Keo 29, In 1 p U. M It 3 K, A Ul alr, all in Dim coun ty, li-KMI All irsi.iiH lav. lie ore aiuiinn any In iei...t Iu iho k'iissi teser It.eu Isiiiln, l'i;. t i.b bi. t; hsbl pre pi Mil ri a-l and sliu'o is 10 t n o J -n d, rt lit-i-l y iin'ito d I list tin ..,vr em. liiil (ouil ha liai l il.u tih U ut st.l, latw. r.t 1 Iim I ni r f I o ':H-k, 10. t ) Uy i. r iii-iii-iii . w ! .1 p iii mil, tinlap- r'ii-iitiif thwni, to jhv 01.1 nii'i istsi-ns 1 (us.il nn d. i d at n , li tin e l- l. i-ilieir -tisliiiM tiT- uiitnt a, ,.r s-li.-w eau-to H) saol i, . oil. .111. 1 in. I l.j . . it.il a-. bv isii I'ii.l n. Tl.is'-T.h ..- ,i Ji in, Js:o , . " i MiiMrbUK, H,t v.ii! iv t Ink. 'iummons. lar tit 'v.li.'y ul ,. J. S. ANTON KI.LK. I:a it IX v f ANMK McNULIY, Soin). Iirtiea known by the naum of I Aunla Anloiieile, iM-fr-ndaut. J rnti ANMK MeSULTY. SOMKTIMiC! J known by the name of Annie Auto, tso.le, tha above nsunwl dvfomlanu, J it iim natiM of the Slam of Oregon. you are hnreby teUlred t appear and an awnr the comp.alnt of the abova plaintirT, In tha above uritilb d court, now on fl'.a svlih the clerk of amid court, by tha 0ra( day cf tha next rtsKUlar term af aatd court wblcb aaUl trrm of tu.id c,urt tfin Of Moiulay. tha 27ih day of ivtutxr, IMXi, at ib i Court llotisn. In Albany, LI no county oreicon And you ara liervbv further no l.iltid thai .f you fail to a ar rrA an' ewrrnaid ooinpUliil by tba tlu.e ature aatd, aud a horeby required, tba plaintiff will take a dcrtt against yon for tha relief pray d ft lu the complaint lo tide 0 ium, to wit: Inrf-ctuin you te carry out tha trust et forth In aaid oomplalul. and lo dosHl to pltf by a good Mid aufficl ut deod all if tbtj following deacribod? rei eit to wit: Iu-kIui l.i k In I ha center of tho north liotindaij Hue ol lot 1. la H'oca 9, in the city of Albany, and runnlot; thence we Inr.y ou taul north tx undaiy HneH feet, tbenoe outherly prlhd w'. h Frrtyat in aaid city, loo feel to the a-.uth bound ary Iin. ot naid lot; ihoiu-a easteily on 1 tin hoii. tmuudary llns of fald lot 'ii fi-t, Itioi ia norinerly psrallai with aaid Keiiy n ret 100 li-e: to ll. nor b bountl ary iin nf ld l-.t; lli,..i-o vu-ri 17 f. et lo lb.) p!Crt o Im K'r Hint, a, I of aald land shuaid lu the City of Albany, or son, wlil.lu 80 daya from the remleriutf of Dual UsK-me lu aald cauao and that In c-.an yon tall to nuke aucb deed to plff, within 80 daya from fie icndorlr-g of auch dual lm ne, that tha same ataiu aa and for aunli deed and that you be per petualty ei joined from doexllna; aald land or any tail tbreof to anyone ex'cpt plalniiir bmein. aud that plaintiff have and reoover b.a c oal aud dlsburaeurenta burs-in of aud from you. 'I hi- aummonala publlabed In pursu i noeof an order oftha Hon K P Boliss, .iude of said court; made at chambers In tl.e city f -a!tin, Oxgrn. on tbaSib day of July, if-oti. I'ntdichtd tint time thi loth day of July, 1S0O. W. II EiLiin. A;t'j f jr 1'UiuUff. Administratrix Notice, To all l eiaor.a lavlbn olalm against tie estate of Jacib e-tover, deceased: All pernoiiH bavinjj claim agalnat aald eatale ara Imreby tiotlQed that on the Sid tiT of Jji:e. 1K1KI, tha utu'erN'i'ned wa duly appointed dn Inlstra rlx of tba e tsl of JO ili Stovi r, de end, hy tbe County Court of Linn louutv, Ornn pjrscua l.hv Inn tlaltim aiittr.st a d s-Ktataare thrfore hereby required to p'-O'ent the aami hb the proper vouch li to uia inioeraigntu ai uer renin sihjb r.i r cl , i.inn oounty, ure:on, witiitn six liii.miiH in in list can ier;ni ;oted this 1 1th dnv if July, 18!K). MfB A. W. dTOTER W. R HiLYFU. Aduilolstralrlx Attorney. Executor's Notice a To all peraona baying claims again it tba .......... t T. m A. W.l-I, J....,. . esiavo vm a siuvs 11 wou uovssn iB, All pt-raon having claim agalnat said eMtato nre hereby notified that on tba 3rd rtn of Jut, 1890, tha underalgned wa duly appointed executor of th- last will of a.iii deeeatied by tba County Court of Ijir.n county, urajron. ah peaonn nav ing ctUni agaiuht aald estate aro there fore bertiby notified and rtquired to pra ent tho name with the proper vouobera lo the undorsiitiiod at hia reMdcr.ee near tbe oily of Albany, Linn county. urpRon, v Hbln alx nvmihafrom the data hereof. L'ated tbia 18th day of July, Jh90. . GaoBOB Clinw, W. It. Eiltep, Kxeoutor. attorney. MARVELOUS D5SCOVERY. Only Cenntne System ot'Stomnrv Trnlnlnf. l'uar llaolca Learned In aua ruadinv. RIlinl svandcrlnw cured. Urrrr child nnd adult a-renrly bonafltteds Groat luduoemoats to OumspuadeniM Glsassm, . Pronpectus, smh O;ilnion of Or. Win. A, Hi d. the wtiriU-famml lpiiitist In Mind Dtsw jlonjamln. aua otbnrs. sent piwt free b, 4refc A. XOIttKXi , Jfifth At., If. T, SAB. . RY i D H waa la b I inonii. tne wtiria-ummi bimoiuiiss in siina jtsesaes. llaniitl lirepnlenf Thompson, tlie ermt Psyohal ofrist, J. M. lliicklr-y, U.ll.,aditoro(tri Chritttan Ajlvaeatf, If, jr., lticliiirit l'rocmr, iwBoiantit, liana. W. W. Autnr. Jliiilirfl I jihaaa. Judak P. IDELIGHTFULI At T I SUBURB I SUBURBAN PROPERTY, & iP w ur i m w 0 i m Fill nrt Vtl Qr ff mm ex tj III) U AGRICULTURAL lfFLMEWTS, VYAGONG AfiD DuCGlEG, LOGGERS A'D BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, IRON, STEEL. CHAIR, COAL, PAINTS, OILS, WAGON MATERIAL, GABY CARRIAGE?, GARDEN AND GRASS SEED, GUNS and A SY! MUNITION. THE Rnr.Afi WAfiO.V. and Rot FKESII UlIEAD every tnrrninf. or lenvc orders u I'.h J H Il. uUs, ot posi'o tht I'.uss Ino'V D. livcred te all of lheci'.v Executor's Notic?, NOTICE IS HERVI-.YtilVEN TUAT tba Ul.drltJl)-d 1 rti boi l) H) p.,tiitd by the County Coort f Linn county, Or egon, executor ol tha H i:l ard'tn'ta went and eaUtaof Jane Itrliuliam.'tU--reaaed, lata of Umatilla d.itiity, Orccrin. All peraoua havlnir rlslois ali)M' said ratal ara hereby l otiii.d to pii Mnt them duly veiltli..) ai hia resldtoico in Albanv. OiKKOn. wlibln six uionlba Ir.im tl U d:t(o June27lu, l.-'JJ S. M. PKNSIN..10N T J STIr.i. Esocutor. Att'y for Executor. Notice of Final Settle ment. NOTICE IS H ERR BY OIVEN THAT tba undrltntd, adiiiiniHtrH'or of tha oauta of Helen K Allen, dwam il. baa filed bU final account wiih tbo cluk oftha Comity Court, of LJnn eouniv. Or. euon, and tbe aaid court ba fixed ' Mon day, AugUht tba 4:h. liSDti, at 2 nVnx.lt, p ui, to bi-ar objeotiODa, if any, to said aaoount and to auttle aaid estnle. 1! It Al.LKK, TJStitks, AdnilnUtra'.or. Atty lor Ad in r. STtX'KII0LDEIl8MECTIXGX in hertd.y niven that the aunusl mvt-t-ing f stnckholilers of the Capital Gold ai d Silver Mining Co. consolidated of t lid c-ity of Salem, Oregon, ill be held at the t tlice of the company in said t-icy, on the src.t.d TbnrsiUy the 11th day of Auast, IS'.-O, st 3 o'clock r st, for the eltotiou of directors and for such other busiues a mav c.uiu be fore the meetini?. Salem, Or., June 3. ISflO. J H Stkicklkr, Kcrot.ny. EAST AND-SOUTH. VIA Southern Pacific Route. SHASTA LINE. aspress Trains teare rortlsnd Tiv S uth r thnna itKir. a lira 7:6a a I'nrUaiiil Alb-tny Baa Krsnclsco Ar I U .Sj a a Lv f 6:1 a a Lv 9;"e T M Lv Ar Abovs S-sliis t p only at rotlswtiijr ststtims north ol Hossbnrg- Mst rortlsnd, Oregnn Otiv, Wood burn, Haiem, AlUny, Tsiigant, 8hld, IUUy Uar rishurg, JuucUon City, lrvinr, Kugene. ausssi so hail, an.r. 8; 0 a a I Lv KtOra JLv :0Jra Ar Portland Albany Rsaburjf . Ar 4 oe r a Lv KM a Lv tl .uo r a ALSSXT LOCALf DAU.T (SlOSn St.VDAT) S.-OOra Lv Portland Ar JfoT 6:00 A M Lv Albany A U:0u I- n USAHON BRAHCII, Wm L Albany r 0:30 a m 8:00 r a Ar Lebanon Lv &:45a h 1:60? a I Lv Albany Ar I t;5 A a l:M a I Ar behanon Lv 8:40 a h 7:S0A Lv Albany Ar4:im 8:4jAMAr Lebanon Lv 8:101- PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, For Accommodation of aeenad-C'las rassea Ren, attaebed t Express Train. .Aesl side blvlsloa. BElWCEf roitTLANU AMIS COKVAtLl.l, If an, TKAia DAitl (ErptSunaay.) 7ti a a ILv Ar Purl, 'sad 0rv k. Ar Lv 6:30 r M 14 W I'M is 10 1 u BXFKia TSAUt DAILY (Kxojp: SnnU. t:4ilraLv Portland ir IHu 7 lira I A McMlnnvlHo ,. Ly ft.f a a TlirouB.li Tickets . To all point . - SOUTii AND EAST. Vm luii information rerardlrig rates, maps, etc all on Company Agent at Al'iany. A KOKBLKR E P. ROGERS MsnntrtF' 4s'l0, F. and P. Aff his Time Keached in 4 Ways. VERY CONVENIENTLY. FlPiST. I5y Soutlurn Faoifle trait runt-ing thrrmgh the property, KKC0ND. By Willamette river steamers tanning evr-ry honr in the &y. 5 cent fare. TllIllD. iSy Portland and Willamette Valleytraiu lo the White Iiou and across the fi-rry to the property. FOURTH t Ity carrlcae on the betarifnl drive ennlm M I y tha Maltmimah Driving Ai"ci.UiiiP. Tim most beautiful carriie way in the UiiiUd SUtca. eoiumandiog tba ni'-st ti-iiilifi.l ncnu-ry; wi nded hilU f ono tide, WillarnetUi river on tha other, and snow :i;ij .-d rnotjntains in tha oitauco The bnaatiful driv is krut sprinkled daring h'i idiro i.'jmii.r K-.nK.n, Soma Facta inBeaarcltoits Lcat?on ia Ksfercnc to Sapil Transit Facilities. !"! II Vf. T(o ?vmthern Tucific Iiiilroml, wbone line tto directly throoijh thi beao titnl Vilht. Ur.4 iiiiii.ii, p.tch way thrrjo renikr trains, aud it ciriiderin(r a pro.oittoa to i ii.'n'urAl tm hourly xulnahan arrioa from I'ort-Und, giving a fare of 10 eent for tbe r .Und trip, SKi ONO; 'Ihn Vi,o:lf.i,i k Motor f,in-, 1ra'ly praoed to a pr.li.t within tne and One-half n'ili, villi v-Milally I o 4ndid t- thi rnperty . 'MUltlJ: A c'linptuv ii-uirp(irtwl si Or-.r. City to rau an tlectrW rm tor line fii rn U.sl -ry lo IV.rlli,i.il prorf:ta lM;i n.tmct thsir line thriob Minthoro Bpriega T-p rty. A ciirr. i.- r rrv ri'anizi d tu.l n i ' )i,h(;rilil l bndj a t'es-n motor line l i tf. i. I'.,rllnt ai d i(;.,;, I .'y will run thur lir siithin a quarter vf a mile of the Mrnth'i'ii tpr),a piopr.rt; . for , by li.itl.l: 1 (!i f, Sub 1 m ii m m ALBANY. OUKtJON, -Miv.xra roit - turfivi Art r trk mum au ......AXU DEALKItS IN lints Ist'ii AT s f f HEAD Now tho Greatest Atvraction is His Large and Stylish Stock of LIGHT - WEIGHT - SUITS, Straw Goods, Etc. , In I:t50iiingr With tho feqabon If You "Would bo Suitably Dressed - Call - at - His - Store. - Jas. E. Powell & Co., Successor to Goo. U. Henderson. -DEALERS IX- Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac Low Prices and ff" ! j sa arrysMs aasx asass sis . ffl ill Ip :hoie Candy, fiEARTHE POSOfFICE,'-' - r the Property The Oregon Land Co., H.e! Portland, Pottiand. d Machinery. I7ecla.rol THE- LINE! Prompt Attention. - 3 1L I Nat v Pratt, etc.