UOV HILL'S SrEECH, Tha following li an extract from a speech delivered by Gov. I till a few day ago before the Hendrlckt Club at Indian apolis. The Indictment U a tcvere, but truthful one s "O-ir countrjf U making a remarkable chapter tn her hint or-. A ttrange spectacle Is that with which her people l ave been confronted at the teat of government A part, excluded for four year from control of the administration and legislation, now vested with power In all branches of government. It riding rough ahod over the precedent and prac tlce of a century, exercising power never Intended to be conferred upon the majority, violating the tradition and principle of the republic, Invading the private right of Individual, encioachlng upon the prerog ative of tate, threatening the Integrity of the constitution and.sorlousl y under mining the foundation of our free Insti tution. An era of partisanship ha been begun such a ha characterised no period of our history save that of the war. The Interest and welfare of the country are forgotten and neglected In the wild scram ble for the spoils of victory, while In the Insatiate greed for power a. id In the tyran nical usurpation of authority no party ha ever shown more flagrant disregards! the right of a minority. "These are not the prejudiced utterancr of a political opponent. They are the care fully considered words of one who believe that strict adherence to the theory of our governmental system I essential to the preservation of American Institutions The leniency of the republican party Is . towards the subversion of those Institu tion. Indlvdual liberty, local self-government, right of state, popular sovereignty equal privilege, pure and economical ad ministration are all Imperilled in the reck less stride which that body I making to ws! ds centralization In government. The federal system which our forefather planned ha been In operation a century. Under It wise provisions we have pros pered as no other nation under the sun. It ha been subjected to severe test, but ha been preserved In most of It original Implicity. Time hs vindicated the wis dom of it fine division of poorer, but now when the land I peaceful and prosperous, . with no unusual condition which might justify even a (light straining of constitu tional limit, the party in control of the government 1 breaking down the safe guard of liberty upon no more justifiable ground than the perpetuation of its own power. "The record which this party has made In It brief- restoration to power Is the grett political Issue befoie tha people. It I the sudden developement of iiamiito nlanlam Intensified but undignified by such creditable motives. It involve various phases tyrannical methods, abuse of priv ileges, huge schemes of extravagant ex penditure, legislative favoritism by enact ment of high tariffs, arbitrary laws and malicious interference of federal authority, but In all phases It stands for the unwar ranted usurpation of power on the part of (he general government. "I beg your indulgence while I remind you of what this brief but eventful record consist and urge your efforts a patriots and as partisans against the dangerous growth of centralization which it threat en. Congressional representation! Let us see what this pai ty has done in congress In the first place, for the period of three months the majority prevented the adoption of any rule for the guidance of the house of reprcsenatlves, fearing that by right usually thus reserved to minorities the majority might be checked In their effort to Increase their representation In the mat ter of contested seats. Such a course had never before been pursued slme the or ganization of the government. Acting without rules, the House proceeded to consider election cases. An autocratic speaker refused to recognize democratic reprcsenatlves, and in quick succession democrat after democrat was ousted from hi teat and their places given to republi can. Leu than a quorum voted and less than a majority was arbitrarily decided sufficient for the consummation of the out rage. There was no pretense of fairness. There was no consideration of the cases upon their merit. There was little or no discussion tolerated. A protest even was txarcely permitted. The republicans needed the seat held by their opponents, and they took them. It was larccncy .plain and simple, Democratic reprcsenatlves who apparently were allowed to be present only by the "courtesy" of the majority could merely sU silently by and witness the wrong perpetuated. The speaker re fused to recognize any appeals from his decision. Such proceeding are not only a disgrace to our American congress, but opposed to American Instinct. It re main to be seen whether the fair-minded and conservative electors of this country will sustain tne majority In their reckless course. 1 do not believe they will. It ha been my observation that such politi cal crime only react upon their authors. No political party can long endure whose . (uccess I based upon fraud, perjury and usurpation. The day of retribution soon er or later surety comet. David P Thompson is out In along letter In the Eugene State Journal attempting to explain why he was defeated. It were better to crop the subject. David adds nothing 10 the general estimate in which he it held by taying that certain classes of men who voted against him were Ignorant. The truth I that he was beaten mainly because the people feared he would 'ack In official integrity. And, now, again the cheering new goes in all direction that Oregon will have fair crops again. Potatoes will be an abundant crop, Fraiti and berries will more than fill the de man 1. Good price would make timet excel lent, hut the prospect of the passage of the Mc Kinley and ihe consequent distrucrion of foreign commerce makes the outlook anything but hopeful. How much honesty can be expected in elec tions in the south when such scalawags at cheated the nation out of lit rightly . elected president in 1 876 shall be called upon to sup ervise, count, and make returns, of th votes cast for congressmen. And it is just this kind of men that will be selected to do the dirty, fraudulent work expected of these supervisors in the south. Tie majority of 5 153 votet given to Pennoyer for governor is titling very heavy on the stomachs of republican newspaper men who declared before the election In the most tangulne war that the people of Oregon would never elect a free trade" governor, no, never. At the last state election t lere wts fi be ween ths democratic nd republican csndi dates for the legislature in Wallowa county. On Ust Monday a special election was hjld when the same two candidates were ruo (;in. The drmocrat wat elected. Judge ripe wi 1 preside at a special term of court to be held i Eugene July 14 to '-y some ri,;ht of way suit brought by Oregonian Rail w iy Co. STICK TO THE FACTS. The Pendleton 7V sayst Oregon, Ith her nearly 70.0CO vote cast fur congressmen , ha but one rcpre cnatlve In the lower house, while Georgia ha ten reprcsenatlves for a total of 17.475, or but little more than one third of the vote of Oregon." It I upen such false statements at the above that the republicans are attempting to build up asen'tmcit that v.111 sustain them In passing the federal elections bill The Tritnn knows that the bad of rep resentation In congress was the census re turns of iSSo which gave O.-egon one rep. resenatlve, having 374,000 people. Now, there has been a large Increase of popula tion since then, which account for the heavy vote. Iut It sayt Georgia hat ten repretenatlve for 37,475 votes. The 7W- hun either knew not what It was talking about, or it willfully inlsrcptescnted the matter. The vo'.c cast f jr congress in Georgia wat uo.SSS. Why did the 7'ri m Us the mark so widely f Will It dts. abuse the minds of lis readers by correct ing the mistake It made? The Ttibmtt without the least reguid to facts says : "The thirteen Cungrvssinen of Indiana represent nearly twice a many votes as were cast tor the thirty congressmen frm the four stales of South t'arollna.M Uslsslp- pi, weorgu anil lAullana; Indiana k gregate vote being 4TI.07S, while Ihe com bined vote f the lour slate named sm no more than 1511,31 1." Now, the truth Is, that the lour states of Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and .South Caiotlna cast 4 iO,jS votes (or congress Instead of 350.J11. livery man known that the republican patty Iti Ihe miu'.Ii ha no organisation except in a (cw localities. Their committees meet a-id resolve to put no ticket In Ihe field, and tlirn tvmpluln that they have been intiiniJ.Ucd. The truth Is that la many of the cUctlons ! the south the democratic as wills the u publlcan vote is not brought out. This truth, Is made to appear by computing the election returns for president In Louisiana in 1SS4 whh the returns for governor In iSSS. Tne demociatlc vote for president in iSi4 was 63,519 and the democratic vote for governor In April iSSS was 137,357 making a difference of 73.73S. The repub lican vote for president In 1SS4 was 46,3471 but the republican vote for governor in April tSSS was 51,471 an Increase over that party' presidential vote of 5,1 34. The reason of this Is found In the fact that that parly made a very earnest campaign for governor, thinking, that owing to some division in the democratic party they would be enable to elect their governor. But It Is necessary to have something to place before the people as an excuse for some of the most infamous legUlatlon ever proposed In this country, and this is the kind of "facts' to be used for that purpose. WORSE TH AN SlIOTUl'V. Republican papers just at this time ate engager In showing up what Ihey call un fair congressional representation In the south. If they will inquire Into the figures below, they will find that republi can gerrymandering is more effective than the so-called irtlmldation in the south ; Congressional Vote, iSSS. Stale Rep. vote. Dcm. vote. California U4,Si6 11 Connecticut.... 74. 5 "4.930 Iowa 3 1 1,59s 177 Illinois 37M73 34s.7i Michigan 33"',37 iUS') Minnesota 143,493 l4.3s5 Massachusetts.. I'j.tyJ IS'&S Nebraska oS-35 80,553 New York f'48.759 653,757 New Jersey M4.344 5M3 Onlo 416,054 3-A455 Pennsylvania... 536,091 446,633 Rhode Island. .. 2i,'.A 753 Wisconsin 16,533 '5.3J Totals 3.3S6JS9 3,074, 1 65 14 States poll 660,564 voles. 14 States elect 173 congressmen. 3.3S6379 rcpub'lcan vote elect 120 3,073,165 democratic votes elect 47 313,334 republican votes elect 79 3,9:3 votes elect a republican 65,407 voles elect a democrat. The gerrymander is more effective than a shot-gun. ..J-."1 , . .. -sTS kKVVAUDOF It Kill I. Some two a.onthaago.or mire, ancfloit was made by the citizens of Portland, by a subscription of $ J. 000 ,00 In bends, a new railroad enterprise aruich would be of great benefit to that city. W S Ladd esq liberally subscribed $S,oco while Mr D Thompson esq. did not subscribe one dollar. They each have received their reward. Ladd has been removed from the vice presidency of the N P Railroad Co., ar. office with a salary of $Sooo per annum, and Thomp son ha received that fat sinecure. This lead us to remark, in the language of the preacher, "that thcr be just men unto whom It happeneth according to the work of the wicked; gln,th:re be wicked men( to whom it happeneth according to the work of the righteous; I said this I also vanity." E:clcsiatcs 8 chap. 14 verse. IT WILL NOT DO IT. The proposed federal lection law causes bitter denunciation in the south. An hon est man need never fear the law. The storm of protest would seem to indicate that an tionest ballot, which is all the bill aim at, is not desired there. Wttt MJ. Cut past experience slums that such a law would not secure an honest ballot or a correct count. The object of this law is to take the management of election in the south out of the intelligent, property-hold Ing citizen and put It into the hand of such men as composed the Infamous re -turning boards of Louisiana and Florida in 1876. Every body knows what such j board would do. No the concoctors of this new election scheme do not want an honest ballot. They are determined, light or wrong to perpetuate themselves in power. The silver conference cfl.mnitte ha com promised the difference on stiver between the two house of congress. They have agreed that the secretary of the treasury shall purchaser 4,500,000 ounces per month end to issue thee on silver certificates redeemable upon demand in lawful money, Bullion redemption it given up by the house nd tte senate yields up un limited coinage. Governor Nichols of tauisiana had the cour age of bit conviction. He vetoed the infam ous Uittery bill While hit course may not be approved by a majority of the people of bit own state, a large majority of the best people of the cation will heartily appiove the veto. Republican papers are busy in telling how much antagonism there it between Cleveland and Hill. These paper should spare their pain. Governor Hill hat too much good tense to antagonize Cleveland, and Cleveland only anlaganizet the robber tariff anu its de fender. - " " '- election bill it about at puerile a it it p.nu san. Ihe whoUtcheme i an infamous one to) cheat the people, and no amount of explaining . and apologizing will blind ihe eye of the peo- pie to thi. fact, r . '- - I (Crura ourrseaisr oirrwumiiit,) VSIMNUTOl. Wasiiinutox, June 30, 1 Sy . Ilefore Cleveland was elected President, It was the general argument, that In rplte of the many corruptions, and general In efficiency of many preceding adtninlstiv tlot,stlll It would not do to trust the dem' ocrats with the management of the Intri cate machinery rf a great government. The republicans had conducted affairs to long, and the democrats "were out" tor to great a period, that this argument act ually prevailed with a great many people Hut the cry will not he heard again. The smooth running of the government machinery under the direction of demo cratic engineers Is prominent In the mem ory of the people. In broad distinction to the old Idea that the democrat of the I nlted States constituted particular class, entirely devoid of either principle or abili ty, and unfit for responsible trusts It the aspect now presented by the republican administration. The very men, who kept up Ihchuo and cry during these past years have shown that Individually, and collectively, Ihe re publican parly Is Itii lilt lent and unfaithful. That the harangues mude for political el ect, during pat campaigns were Insincere in their delivery, and republican HilliLI wis. unfaithful to the trusts lepoM-d In them by the people. Ihe president and secreta-y ti stnH have watched the foolish menuris of Cnj;rcss ami cnvl'BvoiiU prrii'nny , 10 prevent ihe irpuhlieatis making nn es peclid exposure -f the patty ;unl killing Its future prospect,. Tttit the member tf cngies went on from bad to wore and were ulim.l to com mit what would linvc licen " I lie Lupur doniblc Slit' to the adtuhiiVtMtinii; when the president wstdilven to use severe and savage method, to iu-ad tliem off In their Inline career. There are naturlly, a few men. In every assembly, of too good a disposition to com mit wrongs, and necessarily, loo honest and wise to be Identified with the cotn temptlble legUlatlon of the prcicnt con gress except In denouncing It. Mr Huttcrwoith, one of the most dlstln gulshed member of the House, Is extreme. Iy antagonistic to everything, so far done, by congress, relating to Ihe tariff. He recently said that the republican who was not gratified with the presidents atc free trade message, did not understand the political situation, and that the heroic treatment of the president was absolutely necessary when It was delivered to save the party, lie said that It s not Jlfficutl to discover, In the 'restless discontent which ha grown up under the partial op eration of our tariff, a sure harbinger of ihe overthrow of those who defend and uphold the extravagant rates of duty now imposed. "What i our situation ar a party"? he sa s. The tariff . ui.rev Ucd and no consoling prospect that the senate will do more than transpose the exorbitant rales that abound l.i the present schedule The republican parly seems to have los Its appreciation uf ihe common sense of the country. The federal ciccii m law, which Is now occupy lug the attention of congress appears, merely an attempt to aimlnister sugar coated poison; as ohviou In It pur port as the old fable of ICsop's concerning the wolf and the lamb. The bill begins with hypocrisy and ends with a piece of chicanery, slocc it pretends to have general application, but alms only al the south. It means that the south must be made to vote the republican ticket. There U a title" fight between Ihe democratic and republican members on the subject, bul of rouracthe majority will prevail, unless rrce'it blnndcis he open ed its eye. The senate has passed the bill admitting Wyoming, notwithstanding the ridiculous and absurd constitution of the would be state. Every democrat voted against Iv 1IIK IJ1S !.; II". The OrtfmtifiH says; "The news that China is likely to retaliate upon the United States for the exclusion of bcr people fiom this country, hy shutting Americans out e.f Ihe Celestial empire, ought to create no turjuise. As a matter of simple jutire,a republic oul.t to le ready 10 concede all that il demands, whether it I e in tlx line of national cou.loy or of inteirstionl traffic." Now, let us apply this logic to the m iller of excluding a n;, lion's trade by the mcsns of a piotective tariff, Tl ithcn woulj be the ar gument: "1 he news that foreign nations are likely to retaliate upon the United Slate for the exclusion of their trade by meant f a pro lective lariff ought to create no surprise. As a matter of simple justice, a republic ought to be read) to concede ail thai it demand. .wheth er in the line of n i.innal c urlesy or of interna tional traffic. It is just this logic that makes ISIaine favor reciprocity. The world will very sojn come lo reciprocity, L MJ.I The wcodpcckcr his a tlnee baric. 1 tongue like a Kijinn's spear, with which il draw Out the worm which it hat excited by i's tapping. The clam feeds with a sip .on, and the oyster with it beaid. Ihe t.ipeonn has neither mouth nor itmnach, but just lies along and absorbs the already digested food through its skin. THE RK4T OF tflNDER Knervatat tho system, red unit the viUiity, aod weakens the entrijius. In this condition, tn body readily fail a victim to dit-n-ise. Fortify tint systxm apawt these dehi iUling ir.fliitocei, by tuktng Or 1 1 ilior'a llyd'ssliue l!e. Virstive. Itcnablr the uiTtrillvesNstdin to nbjurb snliioii.t iiDiiri.hmi-nl to kep the body vigorous ami h-lthy,au'i in a lit cc.11 iki.iu to resisl diM:a'-e S;rofulous erujitious, such as pimp., ditolorstiou of the skin. S-cially on fsoe, are caused by impure blood tud will d nap pes r rao;dly by usiiij ffundcr' Oergoo ICood I'uiilitr. AT J iH. V. POM tlx A CO' Fin- oranges, Early Ro-e and other potatoes, Cookies and crackers, . Dried fruits. Uresh garden products, Al! inds canned goods, Oa'.men!, corn meal, l;oi.r, etc., t ickles, relisncs, etc. Everything found anywhere. Si'Krao and Summer Dkmcacikk. Tho (urgent and fluent line of foreign and do mestic woolen in spring and nuinnier novelties jut received aim in ready for Inspection at Zaches & Son, Merchant Tailors and Draper, Opposite Tost Office. At Conn & Hkndkicmon'h. The fresh est berries and fruits in the city. The latest vegetables in the market. A large and choice line of canned good. Some splendid brands of teas and cof fees. No snaps.but reliable.straight bargains. All kinds of groceries and produce, acd a fine stock of crockery ware. Good treatment and low prices. '' - t'nahkvs big stock to select from at J F Powell tl Co' - Win I.eavk the Street. Delivery wagon will Wve the street in the fore noon on first trip at 8 o'clock, sharp:, sec ond trip at 10 o'clock; third trip at 1 1 :i o'clock. Albany Delivery Cor ivVDiM suMnea uuousne. tne late WeU,-, jj r:aival fr n 'titn.if.icN rs by express. Simuhx E You.vo . . ., " anted, cow 1 to pattuif. WooDi-fc tWBoi tr WITHER t UOV III LIE I IK MO. If, Oi tlio Oregon Btnt WVtither Bureau, co-operating with U. 8. Signal Service, Cohtral Ollloo, Portland, Oregon, for tlio week t'lullng Saturday, July 6th, 1HH0: wtc.vritKtt. The forepart of tlm week wan extreme ly warm, latter part cool ami eloiuly, wllh local raliu to-tlny. Tlio temperature rangetl from IH) to 108 degree 011 Juno iltuli and luly lot, in all part of tin' Htnle. exrent ulonur the fount. I local tliuuili-r slinwetH prevailed on the hiHt tw o day of Juno and lirat day of July. On hme -Utli a very Novure thun der Kturnt, aeeompiuilcd with rain and hail wan experienced a few inllea liortlt of tirnnla rann, Jonephino county riii)irt. Tlio extreme lieatof the forepart of Iho week did very little injury to crop. The weather durinir the latter part of the week w an very Itenelleial to tlio growing crops), l ull w heat In now generally naht the point thai the weather coul (I Injure it. Siitinir w heat in doinir remarkably well, and if no uiiforHee n catiMea interfere. the yield will lie much greater than anti etpaled. The warm weather wan ltenetl iiUtoeotn which 1h grow ing well. Columbia rotiittw report liny a fair crop, 011 upland very good ; in WiihIi ington nullity hay in an live rune, crop; in Ouckiuiniri county fall what will In ready to cut inmdi- two week, crop will Ih an avcratfo one or more, mriiik( w heal and out truwiiirf well ; in Yamhill, 1'olk, Mnrioii, lii'iitoii mid l-uito the w heat out look 1 very protuiMing, npring wheat will inn ko morn than Kim expectud.corii.oiits, hop and hay will averae well. Codlin moth ilinn mime damage, full wheat w 111 nooii If ready to cut.heieU are well tilled. In PoiigiiiK county iood eropiiare now b tturi'd. Jonephitie and JncMoii countiea will have fair cereal crop. Fruit crop will Iv lurx, except pencliec, meloliH promise to !' plentiful, U-rrioH are. in abundance, t'httwip, Tillamook, Coos and Currv couultea w ill have very good croim, fufly tip to the average. liny 1 itiitu generally retiortea tone abort in WpMlcru Oregon mid reported to l nu nveraro crop in Hunter 11 Oregon. Wusco county ban iudicatioiia of a tauter w heat crop itian for yearn, the name for Morrow county. Sherman and (iilliam countiea report average crop. In Uma tilla mid Union couutiea report indicate a yield of from 30 to 50 lumliel er aero. Wallowa, linker. Crook, tirant and Inter ior counties bid fair to make average or more than average yield. Tho preoent outlook i inoxt encouraging for a lino barvt'Ht throughout. K. K. Vmh k, Ol.wrvcr U. S. Signal Service. .Wmt.-iiit l)ire-tor Oregon Weather Ilii reau : "lUNHMON WOltMK rosrorNUKti." Las! week tie Orrgtm'nn s-iid: "Xuhody denies the itfct.t of the slates 10 elect their ow n oflicert in their own way, but the state have no tiht to do as they please in the election cf coiigicumsn snd pieudcnl." Thii means, if it meant anything, that con gress ha the libt lo picsciihe the manner of eiciling I residential ctfctois. In Mo.xioy's issut it says: residential elcrtors, i' ought lo IhI under stood, me purely ile ofiK-ei, They rif.nm !l their functions wi'Mn ihe states, and send the sealed result s:f their delileratioii to Wash, ington. Congrr has no moie control over ihe manner of their choice than il his over the election of goteimut uf states. Here that tef forcibly lays dottn the rule that M.-Us skne ran determine Ihe manner uf electing president!! e!ec!o-s. That pap seems to I uttci'.y in the dark on this subject and mike "confusion worse confounded" of the whole subject. TJSLEGRAPHIC NEWS The He will Harder. roari ANi., July S, 1KS9. The following particulars givrnof the murder of C II Hewitt by Charles Ilclgar.lr, the saloon keeper, al Seltsood. I.ssl night the two men were diink ing together in the Clajton taUmn, op-oite Helgardc't tnj'el, and both are said lo have been under the influence of liouor. About 11 (o'ckjck, lir!j;iiide, 'io was living a time, prs- vaiica on iirMi't 10 accompany luin bome. This Icoenoon Ihry were seen tigcthcr again, still dunking, I.e.ivini; Clavtcn's saioon they returned to llclg-irdc's house. Shoitly after noon people heanl the report of three pistol shots issue bom the house. A few moments afterard Heit was ictn to come out of Ihe back door, closely followed by liclgarde carry, ing a shot gun. Alter g.inj; a short Jlistance lie 10 frll on Is i knee. Rising to his feet he again startrd to run, when Jlcigarde raised Ihe shot "n to liis shoulder and hied. I lew lit ran distance of alsvut foiiy fcrt and fell on hi face. I'-). nndcis tuslied to him and turned him over, llegnveonc and exjiiic-l. After llcsviit lu I f.iilrn bclardc returned to the houc. In a few minute the Conner and deputy sheiilf arrived at the scene of the kill ing. While Ihe body of Hewitt was licing cared lor, a deputy sticntl went lo the house for lh purpose of arresting I'rlirde. Going into the ooni, the deputy found In in lying on the floor in a pool of blood, dead, wiih bit throat cut fiom ear to ear. holding a blood stained ranr in his light hand. The trouble arose over I lew lit getting a divorce for Mi Uclgudc, Tara Ik Plrees, Okeoos Ct rv, Juiy 8. George Way 'aged 'S began tending a picker this morning, and thi afiersoon hi hand was caught and litteily loin lo tiiece, by the fine teeth oa the cylinder and hclotc the machine could he stopped hit hand was drawn in up lo the wrist and h was cm led up on the fceilboard with his hand fast. Mcfot he could I freed the tolls had to be bioken wi'h a sledge hammer. The hand wts amputated above the wiist, ae.eallna Strikers, New York, July 8. The thermometer at 90, and under the scorching sun, about 7000 locked out cloak maker paraded through the ptincipal streets to-day, while ihe striken were in Union Square. Secretary Garside de livered a brief address, in which he taid he hoped the men would be of good cheer and use no violence, for Ihey were about lo meet with success. A projected ms meeting for this evening was abandoned. Ilrnlitl While Capurrs. i.ouisvii.i.K, ju:y a. v lute cop outritgct have broken out afresh in Harrison county, Ind. Last night a hand of nearly thirty visit ed the county poor house and took Superintend ent John 1 1 DciiIkjc from his bed and gave him iwctuy uve msnes on 111s uare tieay. lie wai chained with maltreating Ihe inmates. Hick ory switches were used in his castig.illon, and he was vry s;verely handled. Hi flesh wa cut in places and he was left bruised, bleeding ami almost iiirensioit. IMrfu' an Oal We;). La Guanine, JJuly 8. Dr J W Strange, supervisors of census for the second district of Oregon, to-day announced the approximated population of the four leading cities of Eastern Uregon, as loiiwii I he .Dalles 3000, I'endie lon 2600, Bof City and La Grande, each. 2500. Thes flpire are not up to what was expected t y soiuj and not what wnt expected by the supervisor himself, but it is all the pop. nation these cities have, at the work 11 gener ally conceded to have been well done by the various enumerator. Am Eastern CjeUne, Fakuo, N. DJuly F. Thi city wat visit ed this morning by the severest wind sto-m ever known here. It began r.t 2:30 o'clock and continued half an hour, i' rlier in the night there was sorre indications ( r. in, and al-out midnight it began to thumlvi ci .1 lightn ing. The ind first began to blow 1 .. in the ronth, but suddenly shifted to the 1.. i thwest and in a very short time it was blowing a hur ricane. The three electric towers were on blown down, leaving the city in darkness, that wat relieved only by vivid flashes of lightn ing. The appalling discovery was toon made of the death of seven' cliild-en of tbe late Captain jamet McCarthy, who died only a few weekt ago. The children, who were at home wilb their mother, sought safety in a coal bin. where they were all crushed to death. The mother wat also seriously injured but it is thought the will recouver. , Minneapolis, Minn., Juiy 7. Tbe ttorra which broke over this city at 9: 1 5 this morning was never equaled in this part of Minnesota, while 525,000 damage to property wat done ill this city, besides a numlier of people being injured, So far at reported there it no lost of life in this city. Nat Trae, Washinoton, July 7. A tcnsallonal arti cle It printed to day lo th eflcct that theUrit- iih minister, Sir Julien rsunccforle, had brok en oil ltchrlng tea negotiation! with Mr lllaln and notified him that if American revenue cut ter scir.ed ny sealer carrying Ihe Itritish flag iiruisn warship would rrccver the in I y lore If necessary. Stories of lids kind hav appear ed frequently during the past year and this par'icuiitr story was this evening ofliclally den led by Sir Julien 1'aunJeforte, An KaarmttH I lad. Dknvkk, July 7. New tpicial from Tlncup, Colorado, give an account of the most womletful discovery of gold tver reported In the world, The find is 1 x miles from Tin cup on Cross mountain, nd I owned by Mc Co'mick & Lewi, llctwcen two linct thcr are most ten feel in thickness, the lower six feel of iron hearing quails of flee gold. The lowest assay fiom this rot k it f 440 per ton.nnd mere are specimens which put through a com mon mortal returns Jjo.ooo in cold to th ton Two men are now taking out $5000 each per day. If this streak U only one yard In depth and extends Ihe full length of Ihe claim (1 500 feet,) llieie sie $561,000 in cold n II. If the dip goes down 10,000 feel it is woilh 87, 470,000, The aveiaga value is placed at flooo per Ion. The rxciirment over the dis Coveiy is inii use, HI,. iliuus.iuda of milieu me tuiing into the Camp, CwimI fur Mi'Uuls, llAIO.M KiMiUH. l.a,. luly 7. Governor Nichols this .ificiiioou leiuincd lo Ihe home without his approval the now fun uus lottciy hill, In his ve o measure w huh Is of great length, ha rcfci- lo his tncssnge al the opening of Hit setsion sniii quliiii; Otis i-isla'ioii i nil Ufiiig its instant irjei.tlon for v 10 ions teastms I lin set lor. Lirals Caased fetter I lUalha, Nkw YokK.July 6 A special to the Herald fiom I'oit ol Spain to-lsy says: A fatal rnli ro4i sci idcnt hu just been caused hy locusts on the line of the Central railioad.td out tvtenty miles fiom Caracas- It appears that an engine and car had been dispatched to pick up woik men employed on construction of the road and bring them to Caiacas to receive their pay. When going down a steep grade Ihe engine dashed through a swarm of locusts on the rails. These pesis, at they were crushed hy the wheels of the locomotive and car, formed an oily substanc which made the Hack so slip pcry thai the brake could no longer hold the train to ihe tails. The engine, dashing down at a terrific speed, bounded from the line at a curve, and ran into the side of a mountain. The driver and firemen jumped otf, and in do ing so, sustained severe injutic. Another engine was telegraphed for fiom Caracus, and a foreman and gang of men accompanied hei with appliances to replace the runs y engine on Ihe 1 ails. At the same steep grade, how ever, enjjine No a also tame into collision with locusts, this time with fatal re ults. The en gineer lost sit control of his engine. As it dashed down the incline through tin tunnel it left Ihe rsils al Ihe same curve at whkh th first locomotive and ear had come lo grief and telescoped them. So terrible was the collision that the engine and rats were broken lo pieces Three men weie instantly killed and hfteen more or less seriously Injured. One pour fel low in attempting to jurnporl the engine as it as going through Ihe tunnel, Ind Ins brsin knocked out, los killed weie huiied C-atbe spot. A Havel 41b. J"l IKT. CI,, July 6. The Fourth of July was ce rbralcd al the Juliet prison in an 01 igm at manner. Al 7 o'tWk Warden liortgrtn marshalled his force of I400 men in line and marched them to the jasl si-le where Ihe Older was given to break tanks. The men uttered a cheer and rushed into each other's ar ns, yelling lo each other: "Hello Hill!" "How long you got?" , hen did you get seltledr" It s sn animated scene nd an oleryer tnic.hl have noticsd the Anarchist Nictn rushing wildly about, when the order was given 10 bteak ranks, in search of hi fellows I teUleu and Schwab, When l.e did find them tbe greeting ws cordial. There were other noted convicts who came lo the front and attempted 10 hod their fellows, smong whom were such men as ilutke, Coughliit aad O'Subivao, the Cronin murderers, Wheo they met there was a com parison of notes and experience behind tbe liars. TH r-r Tal. New Yoxk, July 6. Tbe Chinese minister to Washington, Tsui, anived on I. lirctsgne to-day. A newspajer correspondent was a passenger on the same boat, and according to Ihe reporter, had a king talk with Minister Tsui, a report of which is printed this morning His excellency's words are taid to have been carefully translated by Mr Lee, the official in terpreter lo tbe Chinese legation. 1 he Cclcs. lial diplomat is very considerably worried over recent events in this country, tu far as the Chinese are concerned. "Unless the United State government te peals the law which now excludes my country men from this cnuntry," taid Ihe diplomat, "we shall treat Americans to a dose of their own medicine. I mean we shall exclude the citizens of :h United States from Ihe Chinese. henry J Gallagher, M Prim Street, N Y, writ t "Haviug been troublod with p.int loback.nd chest dui'ng the last winter I was oonipollwi to remain at horn anahlo to atti-nd to business, until I was advised by a frieod t3 try one of Alleock' Porous Plas ter. After applying one to my ct and on to my back, In thrse hour I fouud relief which I had not gt it over thre mnnths. I cheerfully recommend them to person having apiual weskness and lung trouble. " f lalerest ls Uarssi Owners. Horses lxarded by tbe day or week at L Fenders stables. All driving or other borscs will be well caretl for.lxnng under the immediate charge of Mr Fred Moiat. Charges will tie very reasonable. Fann ers borscs will also be furnished with tbe liest of accommodations. Owners of good borscs will always find sale for tbe same at this stable at good prices. IStabtcs lo cated on Sixth and Klfswortb street, one block south of school buildicg. Te Carpet Buyer. We have just received a new line of carpets, consisting of the latest styles and patterns, both in Brussels and Woolens. Our stock is the most com plete in tbe city, and in fact.too largo for this market. In order to reduce our stock we have concluded to make a fur ther reduction in prices our loss, your gain. We invite you to inspect our stock before purchasing elsewbeie. Get our prices and be convinced. ' A. B. McILWAIN. VVaix Papkb. -I havo Just received ro:n tho eaut a largo iitvoiceof wall pa -oer, Irorderg, decorations, etc., including the plain ingraina which are becoming very popular. These gooda are better tylea and cheaper tlmn ever before. Ssmuil E Youno A Bio Load. The last steamer did one good thing for Albany. It brought a large supply of apricots, orarfce. lemons, pota toes, squashes, beans, pea, cucumbeu, cauliflower, tomatoes, etc., and left ttie.n at J F Powell & Cot.,where the ben In the murket can al way be found. New embroideries, flouncing, lace flouncing in cotton and silk, black and cream. Lace In Imitation point, also new designs In black and white lace, Including Vandyck and Elfel Tower. New ruching. Samukl E Young. Thi Trade Mai k on a stove mean it I the best that ex peiUnce and skill can con trive. Sold only by Smith & Sender. Corsets, Corset. We make a specialty of ladle and mlsset fine -oret and waists'. We also have a drive in a French tatine corset at 75 centt extra gooa vaiue. SAMURZ. E YOUNG. Albany Building & Loan Association. Fourth series now open. Only 50 shares to sell. Those wishing stock in this teriet must apply soon to Jay VV Blain, . Secretary. l-ttur Ijlst. Following is tU lii-t of loiter remalninir lo tlm 1'o.t Ollion. All any. Mnuoountv.Or. (ton, July lOih, 18110. Parson exiling for these Itttttr must uiv the date on which they ret advnrtisud 1 Hilling, Mis A ' Camming, 3 II ilrimlers'in, Mr 8 II Killarkey, Jsmes Martin, A K Murphy, Johny Kohmson, U W Tnoinss.Mrs JnnriU R. Tiiomchom, P. M, Gilmor. John II Kralgtr, Mr Carl lnne, II A Mxspolt, Mis ( I'sttprson. Frd Ti!d. lien itm.. c.n. wti'apt. rr. T. . utimrt, of 410 tiny St," write, "I bsva tor yrars had spells of Indigestion and dls K'la, and Jrlod nrarly evr rytlilntr. Vlnally I look a well k nowu Karnannrl'da. II caused pirn histalireHlt cnitoti my far o wlllmnt helping ma. lltsrlng (hut Joy's VecelaMu Hnrsapsrlll did Oct contain mineral, and might rt dltTarently, I sent for IL Tho Irnpli dlsaptx-nrcd Immedi ately, and i hn-t no morn returns t I bo old ipslls." Alllmiicli l!.r ittiove was wrltlnn a ear rtii, Mrs. Htunrt now l!ei.i lit KrmimiMK-y cf Its llcets, Ha, s !; tLns s:i oncatslimid doso la suppress n symptom t.( ri tniii and t:.ri-. slio has ts-'idrt r 1 im;.ii-,J over lirrrdd lrm;bb'. V'TM'Hl- HKI'KHV UVKV I'll AT i i n 11 'ivii.-rs r riiilroi) hy or dirii-M r . lit- -1.111 anil r"iriov all 1 hi .lUs. h 1 I ..'mi, xn.iis w(1 urowlng uimn tin Ir pom nti rnl tipiii tha it rum mlj iIi.Imu ii..rt-i wl hUl till oil V llrrilts i f AlbarM r.i't fl liu to do no will I e lMl.1.1 o M I.IK- 'I. ,l Albi.il J i'y (i:n, isU J. N IIOKKMAM. "ny Marahal S1 1 1 11 K I lOl.UKlW MKK riS: -NOTI 2K I- h..r. r.y stiVMii that - ariioul ini it- lln 1 I .l -ckli.i-lnro( lh I spI'Ml liolrl ar.rl Sil vr Miiii-i j O r. ciins'didstc I of th oil of S drill, Oregon, will he hold at the tlf'n of th eompsny in said ei'.y, on the soo-ind Ihursdsy llm 14th day i.f August. IS'JO, al 3 o'clock r M. for the idtolio.t of director and for such othsr busiues a msy eom I for Ihe mwtinK. .S,!em, Or., Junn 3. IHS0. J II Hran it.rit, secretary ONKY.-IIome capital lo loan 011 Il i tprovoj anourity. tr k Mor is r i "ti. ll- il K tale anil Jnvurane llroaar, From atreet, op cmiie the Uns lloursn. T 10 ItKNT. A furoishl outta, five room, with or without piano, f thr month, luipor at this olllos. Eugene City Bonds For Sale, N0T1CK IS IIEttEIJV OirE.N TIIAT uuiUr th provisions of an mot ft the tKlslatur of OrKn entitled, An act lo inc-nrporau lbs City of Fugiti ami to rc ial sU sets and twrt of act in cotfliut here with, " tiled lu th otnoa uf th Koeratarv of Slat. Fvbrnsry 'JOth, 1S9, th common council of th City uf Kugana will isaua aod dlpoM uf iho tjnds -f td eily al par vsiu of from 130.000 to $30.(KM), in dmr-mtna-tii.ns of from f 100 t" f IUXJ a tha puruhwer u.sy dssira, psyah'.e 31' sr after ilsl of issuinu th iiiti, with interest thareon st Hi rat not lo r su 'I S b"r rnt i r snnsm. j psysbls srtr.i ir.uIIy. .Hral ,rnHsis to -u'eh- bi1 Immls wilt l rs-eelsol by tl ur.ilt tsii.l at K-ii., Oivk"". unl'l -pt Is', 1190. aad all t.tnpmat ro-ivd will ha uuiit and oousi Irr'd on the Sh dsyM SJ-pt, IS'JO, moi said bond will I diapnocd of tn th parson or pcraon niaking lb Uwt oiTnr or onr thfor. Tha ronnmn eouocil rtwrvaa tha right to ra)eet sny ami ail props). Hy order of lb council. Msy 2It, 1110. II K IiORRIS. liscordar f r th City of Kun The Road to Wealth Csnnct k tooeststulty trvls4 vH est 1 sod asallh. Te raca sstaltk or f eesi4 oltloa I 11! re,ulrt the tall otsssio aal ope ratio of all tk he lllt kin aalare ku sfloasf with. Tkt caadlll easrtol ilst ait th iKrskal tlsf Is la perfect werkiag enSsr, thi I lstslbl IX livtf ss t;lstr torpid, ttiaetre In th rcrctlea, canting ladtostilo) and dr;c;i, wiu all f ihlr access aayfrii berrert. DR. HENLEY'S English Dandelion Tonic Jsrts a tptclfle laDatae er th livr, icltst II la hith actios, rolt Its cnrenle Bjorjmntt, snd promsts th aacrttlon ; eans lodlgttlo and) ctnttl ptl'o. thtrpsni the appetll. loatt p thi tntlr tjlr t, and aaks 111 worth Ihlnj. .t.v2."gP.?,-JLi"f .l IJIM.iL.. Notice of Final Settle ment. NOTICK H HERKI.Y GIVEN TIIAT tha undnrsla-nwl. adinlnlntra'or of tha"Lnta of 1 1 elan K Allen, dwaed, b tllod hi final amount with tbe clk of tha County Court, of Linn county. Or. iton, nd the ld eourt haa fixed Mou day, Auxust thts dtb, 1H1K), al 2 o'clock, pin, to hr-ar objections. If any, to taid aaoouut and to aellle aald wtata. B II ALLKIt, TJ8riraa, Administrator. Atty for Admr. Executor's Notice, NOTICE IS IIEHKOY OIVEN THAT lh 'iniNrrliiid hai Imiod appointed by thi. Coumy Court of Linn coonty. Or- iron. ex-cui..r ol the last will and teata- tneint wiiil csutnof Jnt Mrtnham, de- eoni'il, ltf or JnislUi county, Oregon. All prrsriim having rUlm aglnat aald entitle arn hereby notified to prew nt them duty veilllnd at hU realdenee In Albany. Oregon, within six inontbafrom this da to June 27lU, lbt) S M. PENNlMiiTOS T J Ktitkb. Executor. Atl'y for Executor. Referee's Sale. i-TATK or Oheoon, C0D.NTY OF Ml'LTXOM.ia 8 Notice is he ruby uiven that hy virlua uf a d ecre of p tit ion and order of sala made by ud t-ntemd tn ih l irouit Cocrt of the state Hudrntemd tn ih l uouit Coc-rt of the state of Oregou for Multiiouish county on the 15th day ol Jiiiif, 18S7, aud an amendatory decree msdu and eutiired in 'taid Court on th 20th dsy of September, 18S7, In the partition suit of Amanda Fliun et al v J R Smith et al. whereby it waa ordered that the following real property described a follow tn-wit: Beginning at point eleven (11) chain and ix (C) link n rtb, and seven (7) chain and eighty (80) link west of the southeast corner of seution rdmteen (19) in township twelve (12)8outhoflUneefour(4) west, Willam ette Meridian, aoa running theuoe eaat fifty ewlit (58) uhains and sixty-four (64) link; iiieucs uorcn ton itu) ensint ; ihenoeetit eitfht (8) ohaiu and fifty (50) link ; thence outli ten (10) chsins ; thoooe south two (2) degree, thirty (30") minute wet two (2) chsins and sixty (60) links ; thenoe south eiKhteeu(18) degree thirty (30) irinntes,et twenty (20) ohaiu and ninety six (Off) link 1 .kn.u ........ .. . : at; .1.-:..- i ' l . soDiiuv n... Hji'j.,iA uu uiisiui sun oiniy sevfcn (87) liuk ; thence north five (5) de gree and thirty (30) minutea east twenty (20) unaiua ami innp yyj r in k a ; i.neooe nortn ten (10) degrees mid thirty (30) minute, west eleyen (11) th.i i aod seventy (70) link; ana mend uor in iwency-tix ru; degree, nest twelve (12) ohain snd thirty (30) links tn the place of beginning, containing two huudred and seventy-three (273) aores, more or less, txnoK situated la Linn county, Oregon, and being a part nf seotinn nineteen (19,) twenty sun rnirty i.iu ;tn township (12) south rni;e fonr (4) west Willsmettn Sleri dian ; being t'i oonuection with other real property belonging to the heir of John Smith, deceased, be told at pnhlic auction, aoonrding tn law, to the highest bidder. Now tliertfore, by virtue cf laid decree, and laid amendment thereto, I, the nnder signwwho wat duly appointed by taid Court to sell said real property, will on Tnesilajr, July 15th, 1890, at 10 o'clock a. m. at th Court House door of Lino county, Oregon, tell at public auc tion to the highest fcidder, foroash.iu pursu ance to laid deoree, all of the within dc scrihed real rroperty. 0 C II IUpfety, I Referee, 1 Russel & 4 IT rV - irJW. -ix? AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, VVAGONO AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, IRON, STEEL- CHAIN, COAL, PAINT6, OILS, WAGON MATERIAL, BABY CARRIAGES, GARDEN AND GRASS SEED, QUM3 and AMMUNITION. MARVELOUS il DISCOVERY. Only Crnnlan Hsstrra r.llrmorr Ymtntne. l-'aar ISaalca l.ttrnra tn sn rruillaa Jtliatfj vraodrrinit ruir-l. Krrrr fhH4 ! nslalt siiC'tCv brnc-firrd. Oroal I 1 utH-nwj u Uf t; s-noisfSvUmc CUssn .Pr-aiavl-M, altb orilnt nt W'm. A. 11am tstand. th trtsri4-liM4 HtMNHsi.H in U wi li.wrwi ... ll'attlfls'.rrf-sitrarl'l.nmpsstM.s-'M, rr-t Crrvt SJ". J. l. ilrtrklry. I.il.f 4.osTol'wr,rtl I tvanUs X UirkarJ I'rfsrtor, ti riir, f I -.. r. W. A Mr, J rf i Isrs, J tulaa. If. JtrNlaMlS, 4 nSlwrs, SS)l fit trim br kfCA. lAttk.iriu 1 t uih Ave., X Y. J Will & Link, OPERA HOUSE MUSIC STORE, soyt o tut c :ussstii II. F. Miller, And ths Fsvorile J. BAUER k CO, PIANOS. Also the Mouse Prcof "EAEEFF," And other First-Cla-.s O R G A S.- Sola Agnnu for tlie ELDREDGE B. and ISEW IwME hewl lstrhlurw. Organs - Cleaned - and - Rcpaikko. ALBANY, OREGOS Twq Men and One Boy FOUND DEAD!! While trying to Crowd their WAY INTO Store, where they a!wa have on hnnd the largest Stock south of 1'ortland, of the latest improved Rltles and Shot Guns; an Immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chair and thousands of ether thing loo numerous lo mention. JR.epo.ir Shop In connection with the Store, and one of the best workmen In the State to do any and ad kinds of work. Come one, Come all; No trouhle lo thow eocd. "Small profit and quick aal' I out motto. SPECIALIST, Blumrmror Iiloek. Alhanv. Ornwm By the most modern and approved methods cures -vemaie diseases ana l'rivate dis ease of either sex. lie has a sure cure for Catarrh of the head. "Consultation is free and everv thing strictly confidential. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8. Residence, corner Third and Montgomery streets. Administrator's Notice Notice is hereby given that the undtr igned was by order of the County Court of Linn oonnty, Oregnn.on lb 4th day of Jii:e, 1890, appoiuted administrator, with the will annexed, of the estate ofChaaH Spencer, deeeased, ' All persons having claims against taid estate will present them to me, at inv office ia the "Back of Oregon." iu Albany, Oregon, duly verified, within six mouth frrm this date. Dated June 4th, 1890. HFMekrill, administrator, with the wiil annexed, of the estate of Chs li Sprn GlCO W Wrkiht, cer.deceased. Attorney. - The Albany Woolen mill will pay 20 cent tpcond for wool, u B aura N s5jr aP .f sTT w fcw U-'TMr ALBANY. OREGON. -AOEKTS FOlt- Co's Engines and -j " i1 "i i2ar'.1i :,i : -.. ',... -.. r : ,. - k.sxs... - .,. It ' . i.lz ,.mUI -"-"" '-tilt i.n ANI liKALKIW IS.. -L. E. IS LAIN: Ilitw ISs'cii -AT HEAD -1 - Now tho Greatest Atvraction in His Large "Snd Stylish Stock of LIGHT - WEIGHT - SUITS, Straw Goods, Etc., lit Ieeiingr With tlio lSoa.or. If Yovi Would he Suitahly Dressed - Call - at - FABSO'S 82.50 t. - l - iA GJZJLaJJ QTTQJJ3 FOR CENTLEMSN ? Ia the Best Shoe in the Market! for the Price. FOR SALS 23"3T . :G. W. SIMPSON,:- WHOSE STOCK OF... GENERilL MERCHANDISE, OLOTHIWG, ETC., ETC., -Is now Larger and Better than Ever Jas. F. Powell & Co., Successor to Geo. C. Henderson. -PKALEES IN- Choice G Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co Etc. Etc. Low Prices and Prompt Attention. FLsK DEALER UST . fl Fl Clioice Candy, Mats, Frnit, etc. HEARTHS PCGT OFFICE. n fra w Machinery. DJGGIE3. LOGGERS AD I)oclarol THE- HIS - LINE ! His - Store. - r;, - ,: - !?.V - - V - ".'''' ,:iy T " I in'? 'sis ' ENTON P 111