it. B THE DEM0CKAT the !ft Advertising ncdicm In the Cr.tral Willamettt Valley, THE DEMOCRAT, Now York World ami American Fanner One year for $2.80. iartr i VOL XXV. ALBANY, OHLGON, FRIDAY, JULY J 1, 1800. (VO 4 0 3h I-1 iptlit If 6 iV-i i-'OA DR. MILLER'S Special Proscriptions. NOME TREATMENT ELF CURE 4. A Spcctfii Rtrscdy for Each Disease. 11 L'iAETS MvnnASTtws rrsTrm-nvr, ,... n.,,:r,tl,.,. irtr. l.U.l. curat t ) cuiti.tlou auu v.u. rl R-tn,..',i. A jrt.x-tt iiili -aiKl strength bulMvr. i.ta mU all Ui-r Tr.mWu, Clu. aiivl 'nr, Sl.a..i tWiV tlT.r,Vi'hoU cvmUtloii. P? -H." X' -. Art!'- OifMrrli. Chmnlc Calarrr, nnj CiUnhii lli... Ou.uw:tl to tuix ill vuT'l uo when iilnx.iliM v f i r mu.')- rutuiitltl. I2iiL".dlg:?-CffRH Ct'Rr. cur CoKK frH rt r:hl;i,, sml t ..i.uiot u. i,,l rtUvvM v.uusuuiii.ik. Contain BoCyiv i:. w i I J minute. Try It. lrvvnt ami rurv met c,-.;lii.y In 3 U). rs'u i'.:.- ptt 'n.ti.l with fwor. V.l.ivH .lioi'.Ivl l.'r ttu 1:1 liitli.t. "'.rvt!. IMia,, xn.l t it iv4 c ., I'tiuiMn, it " RVmmiUm, . I - . o j vbi waiu ilium. ' i .1 dfvei i-Mimil t f i!j ! I'.t'i, irtv r.tnti-l cure ''! loot ksutlfcratij ciilkl li ., I Curej Wtvrpln,; Cou;;h im Ut.'i-odvr, It, U U-S tiS-iipvil!o ". 'Hi : .; u'i'vul t fc-rm, i l ia I..,!', vii U I'li.u. k.ie3 fvr c-. .'H'-L.P'PWTHFriA SORE THfrUT Cirr. I't hliwria. 1 1 uittwlj ouia nj mm t.iru.4 in lf-uTTiTiniV!ri li i no .i (wm nuli f.f, sirijil: ij I it. .icr tiiK KumI Ivt fiivmi v.n.utf l ; Sp Bi. Ukk.U, W.l 'liuubk-akiiil liil '( ii (umi.. Van V!'i thr m- p .vl Vtwk'ki, i i .u.l i r i . , it ti t i '-:. ji .l.'t It Tre't ItviiMt', l.'li l.f: i..i .-t. uill Ij $J.0J pv.r Patkua. !ini toxaUmnt, u-! , .u. nut. Ir t(r r- J, . u :u i I iltrti ltut, f,,r HILLER LFUG U).FW;Y. S.N rA-..:.j, CAL. U. S. A. Lnr.1.. ft. ..... 4 . J t i! . v rusiiiiv k MiiKou, Acijis. !o.i:iy. Ui'o:i. J SKW STOUH S'EW (JOOI) Mitchell & lewis Co., -f kali; :ts in - Agricultural fmplenieafc; AND VEHICLES ALBANY, COME -A.TSTJ3 3 ESS CT3 FURNITURI It you want the best anl most tlurable furniture that is manufactured in the citv l'o to Thomas Brink. DON'T FORGET T.4 Smitli & Senders' I Bil l 1 3 !3 ALtiivvor;i;(Jo.. THE STOVES AND RANGES boariag tlds traIe mark oro to-day makL- ccn T World's Be' brae, confortable (t! ;y7 til liiippy tias ary c:-str trail ir. ex Ltenca. They aro Lwh u dl ztyles cl pizci, totl for CookL-.S ari Eeitir.-. ar.-l ld &t prlce to rJt Ui3 F-3 cf 11(5 uc"1 " Pr- of ImlUtioM. Ef ; Beware ss Iff I S! V Ul o u r 0 I Ul CO es iu cu cu o u C3 H ( irt i-rJ a v. J . a 1 ili!" U-1 2- 3 - - -T -All Fully Wurrnnkd In- LOCAL UKCOKD Cor vr v Coi hT si-iH i xi. Skhhion. The liomlit ot Hit now rounty oIIUhth, W Ii Curl, troHMurorj K K 1'iivw, rwonU'r; Mutt S'ott, Mhi'riir;' Fnuik Fiirrell, ihmiht: NuivimI V rnviw, clerk : II S William. nn.HiHrtori ninl K T T Finlu r, Mtirvryor, wt'io apriv'I. Tlit fnlliiwinii liilU wcrv llvtI : V. V. M..Mt;uo, fcoH fl- 05 II ill A O Kiimi ll. imlxt LM 'J.'i fividit " " (i W NlllHtoll, illMUIIt lUVl....... ft 00 H I. Hill, itixnno not AM K M Mimt.ijtu, inHiiinmM't 4 00 JnoMiiyllflil. wiUli'tttHi'iilii I 00 Sunt iiin'i l.tunU-r Co. lumU'r 17 0.1 I II KdwanU, rouirin triIo . . -" W It ! W'nt mi ni .t I'd.. IuihUt Il itMH) Fiwliav t MiiHon, nulso ". . 01 Nil t ion I fiiinlilm v. i'nnvilHiltl)f ro- turtiM '. 3 00 J V F.llimin. (MnvMHdiiii: rotwrns. 3 00 K V. Miiut:ii.Mit. outivttHnini: ri'- tuntH 00 I'riit .V linn, illrt fur II 215 7.1 V II St Jolm, Uu-lmr.lHiui! l'-'-,5 00 I'M H M lurtfr, lutllilin cult walk a ns FWtrie LIkIiI Co S7 M II Farewell, salary !no Sniitllnuin ! JW Murnuri't l'Viuu'l. travel -7 iHt Cooper, rcviewtuij liriili;e.. (o ( W l'liillipH, muno !J H U W Tnvlor, work on iirutge. . . . .o no FeeH State Ant Smilli 41 33 Fees County Court otUoertt nlloweil. I.kkvson. One of the Litest luiine) entorprixoM t;ilkcil ( in n lniWery, which will Im run ly II leinpuinu, oi Albtmy. aua l!:uee. ot Ji'tfcrioin, liHH Ih-ch ens;:ieil to touch the SiMhiville whool at iiB;ilurv of $ r per month. The writer known of nix lomfcn that will lie built iiinncliutely uflcr tho Fourth. Pcrhium I hi i only i tithe of the liuiMiiii! thtit will Ih cmt"l within the next fixty l;tyrt. Wc have it fr?.m verv v"-l uuthority that the . Uv. will l'o huilt throiitth I A'lmn.m ; hut if our cituciiH woiiul iiictuoriitlie Mr lluiuiiiytn it iiiiK'ht Kivo ii'Ulitioiml Hccunty into nmicrmiiy expe-lite mutter. A Mlk'ht nnplennantnec occurreil Saturtltiv U'tween Menrn l'uttcrn ninl IjuuImtii. which wni4 niititfact.irily h-1- justdl hy one of the combutiuiU payiiij; tnto the city trcumtry vijiht iloll.irjt. The farmeri alone tho line of the nar row iMitL'e have Ik-cii couiih-UoI to imiH'r their feiiceH w ith notice to keep train out of their w heat lielils. If you want to keep the fiewkv earn out of your train, pull il"C fennel until the train lunula can we where to ilrive. l.xprenn. A PLt iKYdiRi. On the j;ray l)4tik ! the r:tglnj; Ul( Nc.tucca N to lie fminj rare jewel li the farm of a toiing UJy. Five xc.irsnco thU inoiuti Ml Muttlc Juno, ilmlitcr of J I)Jone, filed on home.te.'il of ilo aire of the choice! Ijrwl In the lUii Ntotticca va'iltv, and ha niaile tlu.l licr home ince ttat Unit. She ha a 1 frame home and ham, ten acre cleared ; ixtv apple trre i-t out and t;ro-p, three head of clvc ani' a number of ni iculttiral Implement On the 17th Init he went hrfjre the county clerk of Tillamook county and made final pr'of, Meia J V. Norrit and I.oui. T Juhnniii acting a wltne.r. It Utuch yount; l.u!ie a- Mi Mattie who make model wivc, but we opine that hc will be lnw to limit a thousand i'o!lar ranch fur a fifty-cent Sheridan Courier, OoMrri.NoitY EiHieATioN-.Tim iikk' Institvtk The Siato Teacher Ir.atl tute In tea Ion rt Sulein, provrd a prolltable one, A ur ittf tho.o lKkini( par U l'rof Walker, of thU city. The Journa aayai (i A Walker, of the Albany pulil lo choolo, opened llu proitrain by rending n paper on "k'utiipuUni r iiihiciiifm." What rlht have wc to allo.v a wholu tclada of treet Arab to ;row up In our mldil. To compare the educated with the uneduca ted U to compare the trnuij wlili tnc aeiik civilisation with harlmrUin. Our public nchool itcin I wortl more than whole armlea and all the police force to iipprr the Ijniiinnt. Klunv parent keep their children avav from nchool for a pecuniary benefit, or for their own hap inr, to the Injury of that of the child In all of bla coiiM'iucnt life. The Kubjcct wa dbtciiKHed at leiittlh with reference to the rcnulta attained by other atatea where thla avKtein him been "employed. Garland, - Superior - ftipd, - Monitor - anil - Gas&line Stoves and Ranges, STYLE, WORK and PRICES. SMOKE THE CIAGARS Manufaotred by Julius Josep . IMPORTED AND KEY WEST.'CIUARS Plug nd gmokldg tobaccoa, MeV.chmm ad briar pJf)Wi n) iaoke art'iile gftoerally ' That "Hi.t IKi arr." -The f j! ( tnjj Hetu fr.j.n t's; I'akcr City IKmocrat wlil be of -in'.crct lo nevcral around Albany. who htve been there tbenwclvc on ttie amc wtui t :m : rank Unpral l pre. pnrln to lr.iv wufic Kit Oreoniau, I'e.idlcton I i a f d.i'wtha tn.nli patty of propec'.i": -. on a 'rip to a point fifty milca (..inyon Cilv.w herc goIJ wa found In pay';i : fiuantilic. by a party of immigrant v twenty five year ago. I'hcv were pu:ued by Indian and were unab'.c to dovclop their find, which It l uppocJ ha never incc been worked. Jao b Jenklnn, who wilt accompany the expe.Sitioi, wa amoii the Immigrant mentioned, an. I discovered Ihe i;olu. Pcio Wants tiiic It. I. IVter Smith (ioht and J S ttorii, of Sclo, were In the citv to dav tut their wav home from I'ortland, where th-v bad been to confer with the fitlkia!. t f the .S'ltithcrn I'atific KvUrotid Co. in reference to running tnclr line through f-Io, lmtcad tif along It precnt cnurtp. A change would only make the line a mile and a half longer and would take it Itirmc'h a much belter anJ nafcr country than heretofore, o ay l!e committee, ar,tl ou!J Incrcaie the freight traflic. 1 he ofticial agreed to cnd ur 'cyor lut. the field and maite c.thnatc. Mr Smith anil hi companion think the profpect are gtKd for the change. What Thky Cakky. The fol'owlnjf regulation In reference to tlie running o tralr.a on the S. 1. will l? of general pub lic interest : The overland train carry mail and expre:. take ami let off ger at countv neat and croaslng, but at no other point, I be Albany local run ou. a tiliort time uh -'ni oi the overlapd anl carrie paKenircrit only. If there are paa- enijerat way fctallon who have through ticket they are picked up by thl train and dropped off at Ihe firnt stopping place of the overland. The Roscburg train Car rie pa.Kcuger, cxpret and pouch mall. Reference to the time card will how when these several train pi here. AiiVEiiriHi no CoXTiiAtr. Oeo M Millo luij made a contract to advertitte Ijxno county, through tlie agency of Lord & Thomas, Chicago, for twelve montlm. lie pnya the Bum ot ?4. !);. the alver- tiHt'incnt to run in nineteen religious weeklies in IllinoiH, MiHttoun, Imltana, TenneHsee ami cieorgia, with a coinbinetl circulation of 200,000. l'.ttgene Ouanl. 1'ocxkth IliKi.Kt. While jilaying in the game of bne ball at Lebanon the members ot the Aiiiany ciun icu incir clotlit'H in a room at the hotel and ro quentcd the proprietor to lock it. It was not Itjcked, though, and during their abwnco Home one entered it and went throinrh Home of their pockets. $15 in money wan taken from the pocket book of Frank Ureckenridge and one or two pieces of jewelry were stolen. A Siiingi.k Mill. -Mr J W Armstrong of the Long Tom thingle mill wa in town Monday looking a'ler l.Ii butdnes. He hlil nned a car load of cedar shlnele to Alban the first of the week. The car contained ahingle lie ha re cent'.v employed an experienced ahlngle maker from tne East and now ha five men at work. He made fifty thousand hinzli-a lasl week. Lie has w'orked up a good business and I meeting wbh the suc cess he deserve, tugene Register. Tub Local crli'c of the Evbkino Dem ocrt. In trvlng to cotrcct a dispatch in the Oregonian, ay that Wm Workma cure a pocket tnctionary ana rcter lo It before trying to correct h!s superiors.. Herald. A paper that criticize another on ac count of a typographical error l In small business, partlculaily one tnat live In colossal elan house; and the local critic doe not acknowledge such a bummer to be hi superior. Where bTOP. A Jiugene paper say the overland train will stop only at the following stations between Roseburg and Portland: bugene, Irving, Junction, Har rlsburg, Albany, Shedd, Halsey, Tangent, Salem, woociuurn, ana Oregon ltv Tickets to other stations along the line can not be purchased to go on this train, (ilKT F.NTKIil'IIINK. (it llllil HI'lt tha U'ltutiful g ild watch ut the "Uol.len Itulo liiunur." JuliiiN cimdwohl the iroprietor of tho (inldeii Rule ISii.aur,iii oriim uh that he hint the l'rizt- linking l'owder, mid No 1 Japan ten, rxpwmriy lti for hia luiHiueaa, an. I for the la'tit'lit of hi cuHtumern, euch Uix of baking powder w ill win a piece of line ghntitwaro Hint ! each pouinl of the ten, w ill win ft piece of tine gliimvare, and euatomera w ho buy nun pound of tea or n Ihjx of linking powder, which ia warranted, will have a chance at that beautiful gold watch. He luitt also added a line attaort titent tif family groccric to bin uinin uiouth nttH'k of k laws ware and cna'kery, which ia the iargeat in the Willamette Valley. io ami nee Mr (irudwhol at the (iolileit Rule lljuaar, and you w ill find that liothimi ia luiHrepretH'Uteil. A S uii't.K. An KiiMtem Newnpaper man recently got aoino Htibsciibera iu l'allast under nu agreetueut to "w rite up" the town, lie wrote it up; but the write up luakea it look na if he got more HtilxtcrilaT from Inihtieiidiiiie than form lHillaa : Here ia the w rite tip in full: "IudeH'Uileltce ia 10 luilea Mouth eat. t i.f Italian the county aeut of I 'oik county. It ia aomething of a rival to the latter tow n and probublv excetda that place in puiuilation f y one or two hundred. It hail aspirations to become the county Keat of l'oik, and w ill atrive ti bring the iUCNtioii of re-ba'alioit I? fore the voter of the county at un early tlay." l'allua H'ople are hlud. ArntNUMt. The foilowlng l.lnn Co teacher attended the State Teacher Ao rUtlon at Sail in : Wm S (illl.rrt. M.mie M Laughlin, J A (Jll'tert. May Wootury," n MorrU, M Coll y, li A'Walkcr, W'll Adam, W C Haley," Albany j A J Gar land, I, I. Ily,llrnvt nvl;tc ; Mary Portrr, Lla M I'oiter.Shedd ; Olive I-ong, I lley ; KU While, i:rrUluirg ; KHa !t ration, Miller ; Hon Moou-.Scio ; V It (iolit.iirar Jcflerou ; A It Slegmond, l.jon. ; Laura Meyer, Silo, Lciianos', I'ol't'i.aTloN. The Htto. tu A r ha been reliably Inbirmcd that the recent ccinu will lmw the Kipulatlun of Lebanon to be over So. Thl indicate a large Increase and a remarkably healthy growth. Out si.tcr city ) forging ahead iu good shape, and (c'w title vl It lc anywhere In Oreg-.ii how a healthier growth. The next census will piobably add a II to the figure Titfct Poi'i l.ATloN. II I. gravely and hinted that the population of Tacoma wilt be 3,ti aid of .Seattle 3S,- ;'. If thl prove lo he ihe retill there wilt be some blowing done such a will cause the Iowa cyclone to nop wtth envy in incir mau carrcr. VAI.l API f. I'ltolTUV The Cuslck Addiiivo to Albany ha just ben thrown or the market and will be sold at suclt price and term a will enable the apecutator to make eood money. Thl property lie just thl lde of Goltra' Park; I 1,1 li and slyhlly, overlooking the city and surrounding country. In the l.nuajrc of a rlrt street merchant, "That t destined to be come the Uon-lon' ri sldcnce portion of the city." Wallace .V Otslck, I'm agent for this property, have their mm conveyance and will be glad lo show thl, the best of all additions, to the Intending speculator. thr tumioia rot urn . IIdw II wa Olt Iralr4 tat Wia'rrenl risrti, The tpiU'teat and moat pciiccublu city In Oregon, Friday, wna Albany. Tar tlully depopulated it t'iijo)ed a Intenao it Hoiitudi) na the alore of the man who tliK'a not advert lae. It' cltlr.i'iw went to diver place to put iu the day mid help tiinkit that noble old bird, the eagle, give hi annual acreech, gradually changing into 11 hoodlum wlmop. AT I.KIIANON. l.'c.itt fii. cuiil thit ,it.t.ti. ..f tl... . . ...... (.. ...... ....... ..... 1 ... ,,,7 I tl. ...... I 11 t I J.I........ I .... n.,n,vi.i v m .'(. 11,, hiiii nif- where wa the tlay celebrated in a more U'coining uuiniur. A large iiumlier went front thia city, and report a Hue time. The young man detailed to keep track of the prta-cedlng for the Ikmo t'liAT. head Iiih memorauiluut with "pret ty girla," ami they wero there lit nil llieir lovt'lineaa. The atteinliince wa quite iiutuenae, and a ia the custom wa variously estimated all the way from 6000 to l.VHK). Tlie procession wn a long ami live one. being alKiut a mile lonir, and tvoutalueti aotutt gissl feature. When the plug ugliea fame tint they were greetetl with a cyclone 01 applause. A game of base ball wa played In the foreiiiaui la'tween the Juvenile, ol Albany, and tin (! t! 11', of la-lmtioti, and wa won with ease by the Albany club iu a aeore tif 34 to 17. 'Homo ronfua iou wa rnum'd bv an igmirnnee of tho ircHcnt baaeluill rules, but the game waa intereatiug. Mr J iMiuis umpired w ith marked fairness. The oration by William Kaiser, of Salem, waa a aenaible. acholarly ellort, greatly uppn-clutcd. I'mf Wright rend the declaration of independence with line elocutionary fifed. line or twit light added spico to the pr'etHtIng of the day. The htwe race brought tint three teams, tho Ia'banoii. Scion and Knox Allainy Unties. Ia billion won first money in 'Ju seconds. Knox Albany H'.'ttti MH-ond money in 3.I seeoiiils ; Scio tlropjel the 110zle in 3D seconds. Th fat man' rnee waa contested in a lively manner and waa won by hd Keebler. Tom Feebler won the lo0 yartl fot ract? w ith ease, and there were several other sprightly contest with whccllairrow, etc., etc. The game of laiflall in the afternoon waa the feature of the tlay, and waa watched with great intereat. Allainy outplaved the la'buuoii nine and won by '.'l to l;t. The general playing wa ex cellent on the part tif the Alhany a w ell a aome among the libation. I'lstt' pitching, WiImoii'm short xtop.TenuielilTa catching, Welch' arcotid Isiae, were par ticularly gss work on the part of the Albany nine. Following was tlie wore: eight Indie followed on horso back, and a company of plug uggliea aatoniHhed ami pleased every lasly. Hon (leo W Vt.l,, All.. .I,.li.,.....l l... IMIHII1 I'l tiwi.llj' tS .tl ,'l v.. SOS7 Sl It a masterly eH'ort, and Mr Mclionald, of the ICaglu Woolen Mill, read the declara tion. Several live contest added aplce to the occiissioti, Tho fat iimn'a race wiih won by Charley Thoinpsoii, a -0," pouiid er. In the hulie race a tie waa declared l'twten Lllliu Rice and Mr Skeltoti. F M Jack wtm tho alow horse nwe, nu excltlngatid liveall'uir. AT crrilKU I'l.At'KH. Quito a numl-cr celebrated iu a plena ant manner at Waterhai, where there waa plenty of fun. At i'ortliind aeveral ptwiplo wt're prea ent and a marriage In a balli.oti indulgetl In, a fisillsh kind of a sideshow. One of the la st celebration, iu tho U H w as had at Toledo, w here tho tlay waa spent in contest. Tlie Si let, Indian were all in, and Rome how led, u it wero. A grand ball wa. given in the veiling. Vail I nu Photographer Alhaajr Orrgoa. Wa have bought all thonegativea nda b L W Clark and W If Creanwood op to Nov 15th, 1889. f)tifilict-s enn b hsd from hem only of us at reduiv l rate. We have also about 18,000 urfcalWer made by 011 r aelvei, from which dup:lut can bo had at like rate. We carry t'i only full line if view of litis state and do enlarged work at lnwnst rt for first cls work. Wo khalt b nlfssed to sea yon at ur Studio in Kroman lilock, next door to MasOuto Temple. New Rlackmmitii Shoi. G .V Willi ha just completed hi blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad street where all kind of iron and wood work can be had and done In first class order Iirlng on your plow, wagon, etc., etc. for repair. Au.tsr. IU ty.if .., I rt, I;l. Jrti b AIIm., I b......... W .l. h. b ct W'lli4i, ... . . Younjf, It. I'urt, .. ...., Itenl, ... i.llli.., ( b Wtlshl.p ,. U..Uru, b.... !-, Kllim.,1 b U'.iw.aa Hmm, ri .,,,.. anilih, d. , Allans, . I.hfuu, tl I IS11SU . u t; s 1 ao4 o s-rl Mil i-o o-j-oij Anooua Goatk Wantki). Tlio under aigncd wants to buy 150 head of Angora goat. Call on or write to me at Albany UgOn. J It hTKWAUTMtlN. Good dry fir wood for sale, at this otbee. L3avo orders Best roast coffee ia Meyer'. the city Conrad liarysiL atRead'a. EtHirh. The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health mark an epoch in the life of the Individual. Such remarkable event I treasured In the memory and the agency whereby the good health has been attained Is gratefully blessed. Ilenccit I thnt o much Is heard In praise of Electric Hitters. So many feel they owe their restoration to health to the use of the great alterative and tonic. If you are troubled with any disease of kidnev. 11 vcr or stomach, of lornr or short standing, you will urely find relief by use ot iMeciric jmtei. M.-1.1 at coc and $1 per bottle at Foshay & Mason's Drug store. lue Oot Inif.t ot 5 audio cent Clitars to tlm city sri Ji be found at Conn & llourtrio sou' IOO F. Albany Lodge No 4 hold Us regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brother are cordially nvited to attend. HOW TO IUi: .l.BVOi:SSf.Ka. A body with a nervous temperament will make known t'.s wants through It natural medium Ihe nervous system. If it fails to receive proper nourishment the nerves will be the first to rry out. Dr lllller' Uvdrastlne Restorative ensures perfect nutrition to those who take It, and a perfectly nourished body cannot be ner vous. r or sale at 1' camay & Mason . W hereto GetTiirm. When wanting n organ or plana call on b L Blackman ah "e you nan select from a first class tto.. S can Golden Star tomatoes for 60 atC key era, and all other; canned cheap 'or cash. Bncklen'a Arnica Salvs. Th txot Silv In tho wrl I foi Cuts,Bru!9,8urs Ulcers. SOt Khaum. Forer ires, fottsr. Cawnd hands. Chilblains, Curat, and ll Skin Ernptio, and (losicivslycuras Pila,orn j pay required. It Is tf uur utaed to ritre oerlwt stls(axstinn. or monov refund' d. Prio a osnt per box, For sle by Fwhsy and Mason - Ivclmnon wa handomely decorate! 'or the oeenssion and everything waa done possible Uj make the celebration a glori ous mit'ce. AT SALE. A liesiot'aAT man, for indisputable reason, wa one f nearly three hun- lrel. who assisted in doing honor to the glortt.u tlay, at Saleut. la-aving Allainy at S:30 o'clia k, a few tliotisan-l whirl of fifty or aixlv ear w heels, tmst lush ami lusty fields, laden w ith budding product. for tho Llverjtool market, inany paaaengera Iteing taken on at the thriving town along tho route, and we were at the Capital City. The four young men who emptied a black bottle of whiskey apiece, U-fore they reached there, in order to la iu a coiidi'ioa to celebrate iu their version of the protK-r atyle, were never drunker during the day, than when they lauded in the suburb of Salem. A the 1 i:mo bat man waa there more to celebrate than to report he never took out hi note Iss-tk, ami hence tlie pro ceedings of the tlay will only be- given in an oir hand at vie, without tho usual ago nizing formality of the metropolitan journal, that wearies the brain and dim the eye to ieruHe. In company with jew eler French, of Albany, w ho acted a hi chaperon during the tlay, the Hkmo crat man, after admiring tho broad Htreeta, butitingly gotten up, the nicely decorated and arranged store, on Com mercial and Male street, that were a credit to tho occasion, and itiMtrucling the Stateatnan man how to run hi pajcr, he started on a car, on the electric motor line, for the penitentiary. The ride i a very exhilirating one, and right here, it may las remarked thnt the weather wa the ideal 4th of July weather cloud. cool, bracing which tended to make everything aeem glorious. The lKMt ck at man, henceforth, ia a complete elec tric motor advocate. At 10 o'clock the flncat parado ever given in the valley, waa had. It wa full of attractive feature, the repreaenUit ions of the (till'erent trade Wiing particularly wen carried out. There wero ncven band in line, licing thoao of Italia, Sil verton, Stayton, Chemewa. Indepen dence, Salem and Albany. The parndo ended at Marion aquare, where the Hpread-cngle part occurred, of more than ordinary intercut for this umially dull part 01 the program. Among other lea- ............ A . I. .11. I I .t... Ullt" 11U BOIIIU UUllK'HiUl VOCUI BOIOH. y llallie I'arriHh, Mrs Stnt kler ami IiHH Kdith Harris. Rev Ktratton. of aiHHing lame, delivering tho oration. Regaining at 2:30 o'clock some inter esting liose races were run, for which tho tunc seemed to 13 kept in a very un certain manner, uorvallis fairly won !mUi the hose and engine race, and Sa lem Capitols the tender race. Albanv. with splendid teams, got soup. A one-sided bae ball game took place at Highland nark, on a splendid ground, that coat $15110 to fence, ttttween Salem and Dallas. It was won hy Salem, with hands down. Score, 12 to I. There were some bicycle, plugngly and other small contests of no interest to our readers. The hand contest, on Wilson Ave., was won by the hand from Dal las. The Albany nana am not en ter, the members returning homo on the local iiiHt as it beuun. Chemewa waa second, Btayton third. The celebration, altogether, was a great credit to Salem, and passed off much hotter than many 4th of Julv blowouts. TOTHF FRON'X. Six or seven car loads of excursionists from points east of the Bay, the largest number belnar from Albanv. went to the front. ,Thl was a 4th of July trip for scenery and bracing atmosphere nd a jolly ride, and all were oDiuinea in abundance. There was no spread Eagle, no declaration of Independence, no oration; but lota of fun of its kind. Ti e scenery i simply grand In placea and the excursionists were de lighted with the trip, reporting one of the pleasantest rides ever participated in. It had been Intended to take dinner at Coe; but learning that a couple men from Mill City had set a tent there with a lot of corn juice on the Inside they wers stopped seven miles this side. Two of the maddest men vet reooited was the result. The company returned In. splendid spirits, a sober as deacons ana report mat tne best cents way on record to spend the fourth. fl0od" AT BBOWNBVIIXE. A Targe and delighted crowd gathered at Brownsville, where the day was passed in a very pleapant manner, noticeable for the orderly, well behaved conduct of those present. The procession was a good one. The liberty car with little girls representing the states, was one of the best ever seen jn that city. Thirty covntvoit mix. Governor Hill I Ihe subj-cf of very marked attention from the leading repub lican newspapct just nt this time. Every Impartial observer of the movement being made from day to tlay on ti c political chess board of this gieat nation will agree with u In the laictucnt, that the gover nor U entitled to much marked attention from the public generally, and from re publicans In particular. He i a highly In teresting figure on the political chess boaid just now. Of course, we do not mean to say that the governor I a candi date for the presidency, for we have had no correspondence with the distinguished, able, a.tutc governor, nor have we had the honor to meet him, but, somehow, when republican and democrat begin to ' won der In their mind" who U to bj the next democratic candid tie for the prcldcncyi their mental vision turn their attention In the direction of the executive mansion of the Mate of New York. Well David D Hill I one of the ablest men In the coun try. Since he ha been In the executive chair of the Empire Stale, he ha been the abject of attack In mot all conceivable shape from Ihe republican legislature of that state. Mng!c hamli d, and alone, he ha uniformly proven hi statesmanship and diplomatic tact by putting these gen tlemen of the republican legislature '-in a hole," using the choice vcrnat ular of New York politician. It I not a matter id wonder, then, that men use the name of I) II Hill In connection with the presidency, for the universal verdict must be, that he would make a rattling, aggressive caii palgn that would call out ihe suppoit of ever democrat In Ihe country, but not withstanding all thi, there I another highly Interesting personage who comes to the mind of every thoughtful man when peculating upon presidential probabiltle Thl pcrwmage, though "known of alt men," quietly pursue the even tenor of hi way In hi law office In the great com mercial and political metropolis of the na tion. ThU distinguished American citizen l the embodiment of the idea of "arlff re form, and material reduction In the bur. densome taxes now neeHc!y Imposed upon the labor and basin of the coun try. For, thl reason, men, every where, took lo Grovrr Cleveland a the most probable leader of the democratic host In the, to be, ever memorable campaign of iisyj. Whoever the candidate I to be, he must occupy no uncertain position on the question of tariff reduction. The demo cratic party can well afford to be beaten on thl subject, but It can not afford to yield one jot or .tittle of the advance grounds which It now occupies on that question. Hut it can not be beaten on this Usue if It be true to Itself and loyal tj the lauc H ha raised. Succcs on that lue i written on every political lgn-board In the country. N UMJIIT , Kstnk ingratitude is a tsms word for Cover nor l'cnnoyer who owes hi e'erlion to repub- ,. T.jit, iiii ) un nppoinieu democrat in Judge Ht-an's place ia a strong republican nisi 1 i. i, Roscburg IHuinJealer. s... . . .... . v'ir coteir.pnrary must atunic mat only re publicans who voted for I'ennoyer would have a right to complain. The 1'lainJrnler did al it possibly could to defeat the governor, and no it is the first and only one to complain of the appointment of a democrat. The I'Lim itfttlrr should further bear in mind that these republicans who voted for the governor did so a a conscientious duly, and not berause they hoped, expected, or were promised, any favors in return for such xuport. There wa no in graliluda in the mailer at all. TUB roKI'M. The Forum lar July contains the usual number of Interesting articles. The fol. lowing will attract the attention of a grea1 variety of readers: "Fo-matlve Influ ences." by l'rof. John Tyndall. "A short study of Hamlet," ay James E Murdoch. "Obstacles to Civil Service Reform," by Walter M Fcrrl. "Tha Wage system," by Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott. "A D 'ene of the Veto Power," by Edward C Mason. "The Art of Gerrymandering,' by Waller C Hamm. "Modern Eclipse Problem," by Prof. David P Todd. "Per plexlile That Canada Would Iirlng," hy A R Carman. "The Newspape, of the Future," by Ncah Brook. "Gunpowder and Its Successor." by Commander f M Itarber. Tb Newer West," by Richard J II In ton. iiaMaiaalaBaaaasaaaaaaaaaasassssssssss The Washington correspondent of the Orrgmlan say that Senator Stewart has become despondent over the allver situa tion, and now believes there wht be no sil ver legislation thl session, and perhaps thl congress He believes also that the conference committee wa selected wtth the Intention that It should not agree or even try to agree. He charges that the action of the vice-president In appointing Sherman chalrmah of the senate commit tees was to Induce defeat and that Sher man so understood and will call a mettbig of the conference committee whenever he feels like It ami not before. As Senator Jones of Nevada fathered the silver bill he should have been appointed chairman of the senate couf-ree, but that would not suit lite good men, a under Jones' chair manship an agreement would be arrived at very shortly. Senator Stewart believe Ppcakcr Reed to be In the plot to delay ihl h'glslailon.and that It waa for this pur pose that he appointed Walker of Massa chusetts a one of the house conferee. Walker I at home In Massachusetts, and no one seems to knoar when he will return. UK! KKKI.NKU TO M i.l.irY". Evidence crops out day by day that ihe leaders of the republican party are determined to establish the policy, if possible, that the states shall have no rights which the federal government shall Ite bound to respect. The OregoHMn expresses the sentin.ents of these leaders hc- it s iy: "NolMly denies the right of the slates to elect their own officer in their own way, bnt the isies nave no rtgm to no as they please ia the election of congressmen and president." Section one of article 3 of Ihe constitution of the United State has ibis outspoken, plain unequivocal provision: "Each state shall appoint, in $mh Mttfr at the IrifUilnr thrrtv) may Jirrct, a number of electors, equal to'.the whole number of sena tors and representatives to which the stale may be entitled in the congress." Sj far a words in the constitution are con-cerne-l. the power of the state to regulate tlie manner of electing presidential clecto" is mor cleatly defined and yotnted out, than is th power lo elect state officers. Notwithstanding this, the OrrgoniitH says, substantially, that congress has the light to regulate the manner of electing presidential electors. In Ihe earlier and more patriotic days of the republic, rata sought to understand the provisions of th great Magna Chart a of American liberty and freedom, in ordci that they might intelligently obey them, ' Now, the purpose seems lo be to find a way to avade the provisions of this great palladium of constitutional liberty, every patriot in llus broad land should raise his voice day by day against this dangerous tendency and purpose of republican leaders to destroy the very autonomy of the states. This 1 a bad country for croakers. The man who always fancies the world Is going to the dog has no place In the United State. Even Ihe mistakes of legislation are soon healed over by the inevitable growth and prosperity of thts grand re public The Increase In population Is steady, and the increase la production of wealth Is beyond al. precedent. Even the EnglLn statistician now admit that the wealth of the United State In real and personal property aurpasse that of Great Britain, but the latter country repressnts the accumulations of a thousand years. while the Uultcd Slatea represent the bus iness of one-quarter of that time, and, In fact, as a nation, only one-tenth of that period. There can be no doubt of a profi table field for enterprising and Industrious manufacturers In the United State, while such clement of prosperity are prominent on all sides. It I a grand time to extend one's facilities, and to be able to meet the Inevitable increase in the demand for standard good. HEHAKABbK SPEECH. He stood up In the classic hall of the Michigan Slate University the other day and a remarkable speech before the law class of that institution. Among other things he said : "While the national rights must be re spected, It 18 no lesa Important to recog nize the existence and authority of state rights, for to the states we must look prl manly tor onr liberty. The states are the foundation upon which rest the whole superstructure of the United Slatea. With out the state under the constitution we would have no government. Of course, every republican hi the land will rise up and denounce the man who would thus cast shame upon the State University of Michigan by giving utter ance to such treasonable doctrines tn the very heart of "loyalty." But, hold. Let us see. This remarkable speech was made by Judge Harlan of the supreme court of the United States, one of the strongest republicans on the bench. During the war, and for many years thereafter, the man who uttered such sentiments was de nounced as a traitor, everywhere, by re publicans. Now In the eyes of Justice Harlan he I an Ideal patriot. And be is. too." ;. . '' s. : I'. . s '.Vti Jtrf.'4 i!.'SZ 'ft n tloth tlin inellio.1 aiKlresults when Hyi up of 1'"h M lHk:i! ; it is !twy:it iiiil refrwliin;; to tliotnrte, riulocU ;;r:nt1yytt promptly on tbeKidneya, Liver and Bowels, ch'iuiws tlie fiya-I'-in ( IFucttiiilly, (Ijju'Io colds, lieail lU'ln n ami Atvera find cures Imltlual ttotiaiipctioii. Hyrup of ln is the nn'y ro'tie:!y of iu kind ever jro, jjctisiiiff ir the tiiFl0 findao-f-jduliie to tlm Moninch, prompt in i:k !cti..ri and truly ij?ti'-.m;Iiil in iu fl'-i.!, i:a inany exuM-nt rjualitics f rtto -ni it t' ul Jt u for wile in ;': ami CI hot Lies all leading u-. iiivcTonro cm,' bv tub c.ufgxm no srnup po. IA tr.',t, i". j, (U ftlitWUl. I : uuf YORK, H.Y 1 II II I . PAISIEY & FISH, J03 PiMTOS ALBANY First Nationals Bank uv a f.n,t hi, ou:;o.v. Pr4lnt... VU 1'r evident Ushier. . B. YOI'AU W. LA.NliUON, TRANSACTS A OEHEltALUnklliglmstnsss. ACCOUNTS KKfT subjsct to siisek, SIGHT EXCHANGE and Ul r.i.hln trsnlr. Ww York, Sao Francisco ikag-o aud i'ui rnron. lOLLECTIOXr MA )Z on faxirshl Urms. B. Totma K Blais. siaseroa E, W, Laaoaoa Fir At t t, Sox. Linn Co. National Bank, ALBANY - - - OREGON. CAPITAL aroc'K ildO.OflO, rmVUnt , J f, COWAS, usvprssuknt 1 u mirnn: "htr (im, V. CHAMHKKI.AlW. Ami Cashier o A AKL'HWOLO. SRI tOSS. I I. nmil. 1 M tttatn.. W. Ch.mbrtln, W M Ms, W H Ooltrs, J A rw ford ando A Archibald. TRANSACTS a (sfMtrxl hanking boslnea. DRAW Hll. Ill OKAPnion ! York. Han laa til !".i. t Crrsg-on. bOAS MOVE Yon appitvrl security ItW EiVEdpolU subsx!t hck. Bank of Oregon. ALBANY, - - - (;CGH. OAPITAX., 650,000. Prosldtnt...... ........If h;Y t NT Vico President H. K. MKI.'kl T.T. Chler J. w. LLaI N M I'.IXTOBa. Brjant. J W Bialn. dm Humphroy, iMftlewstt, is j LssnniDg, 11 K Merrill, Kiaht "Xirhan an 1 teleimol.h trsi for on Naw York, Hsn Fanniaco a ul and all prlnclosl j..dnta in Oregon and Washington, oliisction madtt on favorable term. Special - Mouncement ! -OF- W. F. HEAD. My .Spring Stock is now Complete, Embracing all the Latest Novelties in Dress Goods, llotli in WOOLEN and WASH FABRICS. -To The Ladies,- I Make a Specialty of Ladies Underwear, in Kxit l.inr.Ei) and Mcslix. My Trices are the LOWEST and my Goods the Best. Am sole agent for the Celebrated Y. S. F. HOSIERY, . Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison. The Wasco county Sum U much con fused over the different result obtained tn multiplying $5 by $5 and 500 ccnt&( which equivalent to $5) by soj cents. The fiVst result It says I $25. and second 250,000 cents or $2500. The absurdity of the Suh's proposition Is found In the fact that $5 can not be multiplied by $5. A concrete number multiplied by a concrete number can not produce a concrete num ber. If however, '.ve call the 5 that we multiply by, an abstract numbtr, It will be een that In the multiplication we took the $5 five times which make the $25. Now, to maintain the equality of the two quan tities 500 cents must be also taken five times and not 500 times as the Sum does. The Washington correspondent of the Ortgoniit expresses the cpi lion that the fed eral elections bill will probably go over to the next sessiou of congress, He thinks enough republicans in the senate will cooperate with the democrats in that body to prevent its pas sage this session. This we do not believe. We btlicve tha bill will pass within the next twenty days, and that tha talk about the scnate'a J-fePting it or prolonging action on it, is put forth to allay the feeling that is spring ing up against its passage among republicans throughout the country, It Is estimated that over ao,ocO,ooo ci gars are manufactured every day in the United States alone, and this enormous number requires In the neighborhood of 420,000 doxes for their keeping. As a re sult there are over :ou factories in the country turning these boxes out. The wood of which these boxes are made comes from Mexico, Central America and the West Indie. It is not generally known that there are more wagons manufactured In St. Louis than In any other city in the country. The entire south and southwest are supplied with wagons of all kinds from thts point, In the line of fancy wagons and carriage St. Louis manufacturers beat the world. ah'pping even to Europe and Australia. :To The Men,: Call and Look at My values in Furnishing -:- Goods, F have .Large Stock at tbe Lowest Prices ever offered ia the Vatlej. 1 retry a full line d tho world-renowed BROADI1EA.D good., uoX-eUed lor wear and finish. Largi- stock cf EuBROinSRies and Flocxcixqs Cl and he convinced th'. A'bay t. tho best trading point in Oregon. " MONF.Y. CHEAMNEY. We have made arrangement lo supply money to all on long time nt lo rate o interest on improved t.trms and cit v prop erty, inseewho contemplate building brick blocks or good brick business houses can get money. See us. WALLACE a. t:ttSICK. Harry Jones' RESATURASMT AND OYS TER HOUSE. Just opened, opposite tha Rtia House. Prompt attention, andevcrj thing neataud clean. Open day and night. McmEIL & HILL DO Gansril BlacksmitMiior AT THEIR SHOP, Corner of Soo ud & Kil worth Streets. They are prepared to do anything brought t tham at reasonable prioes. ART STUDIO, Irs. Dr. Patton, - Blumbtrg Block LESSONS Given In Drawing. Painting amlMuaic. Picture foraaleor painted to order. INSURE III THE ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS ' Insurance Company. Sound; Conservative Safo, X RARE OPPORTUNITY Is Offered Every Day by the The question in Pennsylvania this year I whether Mathcw Quay can buy more votes for Dclamaler w'th the Standaad OU monopoly's money than the disgust of honest republicans can alienate from the smhehed candidate. - Wood Wanted. Patrons of the Dem ocrat who wish to pay subscription in wood should haul It in at once. Our sup- 1 ply must be laid In before harvest. The democrats of Pennsylvania have nominated Ex-governor Paulson for gov ernor and C M Black for Lieutenant gov ernor. Thla is a strong team. The republicans In the house yesterday passed the Infamous federal elections bill. Sinoke tha celebrated Havana filled oi gara, manufactured at Jul a Joseph's cigar factory. Only 5 cents. : Farrr Boxes. For all kinds of fruit boxes go to the Sugar Pine Door and Lumber Co. Bed rock prices. L T BROCK. PROPRIETOR. To get first-Class FURNITURE, Latest Designs, at Bot tom Prices. New; Goods will arrive Constantly. G LB ANY The Leading Druggist, .DE OREGON. DRUGS, MEDICINES STATIflDARYuC