The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 04, 1890, Image 2

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    Wit slMMtnt
An official Inquiry Into tht condition of
the farmett ol Pennsylvania wa mads by
tht bureau ol labor ttatUttcs of that atate.
Letter were to (too local grange, which In
turn distributed the circulars of Inquiry a
wlJeljr at polble. The reult, a made
public by the bureau, how,that the agri
cultural lnJutry I drpreed In erery
county of the date. The chief of the bureau
consider the mot potent cause to be over-
production, the corn and whfat crop In
cmilnir In creater proportion than the
population, while the forelun demand h
fallen oft In thlt state of thing the far
mer of Pennsylvania with small faiml
are at a disadvantage In competition with
the great wheat and corn firmer and cattle
grower of the west.
But the Farmers' Alliance of the west
report an equally unsatisfactory or even
worse condition of affairs. They cannot
get tenumeratlve prices for their corn and
' wheat and the money to par the Interest
on their mortgage I not forthcoming
The Individual farmer could find no t
Istactory explanation ot the cause ot this
discoursing situation,) the alliances ere
formed to facilitate Investigation and stud;.
It was not long before they realUeJthatthe
price ot their wheal and crn depend on the
e i port demand for the surplus product.
That demand has fallen off and prices have
consequently decreased. Why has the ex
port demand decreased? was the next
question the alliances considered. Inves
tigation showed It was because we v.111 not
take what the foreign customer has to
offer In payment. Pushing the Inquiry
further the Farmer Alliance found that
whilst the policy of obstructing imports,
tion of wtiat we have In excess it has the
double effect ot lowering the price of every
thing the farmer has to sell and Increasing
the pike ot nearly everything he has to
buy. At this stage of the Investigation
the alliances were onfronted with e
McKinley bill, which proposes to build the
wall against Importation still hlgher.wlth
the inevitable consequence of further dim
Inution of azrlcultural exports, the re
duction of the farmer's Income through re
trlcted markets and lower prices and the
Increase of his working and living ex
That is why the Farmer's Alliances are
steadily ranging themselves against the
McKli.ley bill and the policy ot tariff ex
tortion which it represents. The republi
can organs charge that they have been 01
ganlzed In the Interest of the democratic
party and these organs are openly and
covertly making war on the alliances.
The farmers are banding for mutual en
lightenment and self -protection. They are
independent of either political party.
When, however, they find that the repub
lican policy is injurious to their interest It
is not surprising that they turn cold
shoulder to that party as they are doing.
Cleveland PlaimitaUr.
The Oregotuan, In it opposition to the
free coinage ot silver say :
"Some year ago silver coin was abun
dant to excess on this coast.and it swindled
all worklngmen and small dealer tothe
amount of five per cent. In the course ol
business they took in silver, but when
they came to goods, settle their rents, etc.,
they were obliged to buy gold at five per
cent, premium. Many a workingman,
many a small deale- in Portland in those
day, was compelled to pay $i i in silver
for every twenty dollar gold piece that the
landlord or the wholesale dealer exacted.
What demagogues call "the poor man's
money" can alwavs be depended on for
effect of this kind."
The true cause of the depreciation of
silver at the time referred to br the Orefo
miam fa found to the fact that in lSj$ by
some specie of clandestine "legislation'
liver was demonetized that is. It, was
stripped of Its legal lender attribute. This
I just what caused silver to go at a dis
count. In 1S7S, during the pendency of
the bill to remonclUe si' ver and authorize
the coining of from $1,500,000 to $4,000,
oou per month we were told, at we are
now that the passage of the bill would
drive all the gold out of the country, silver
would be the only money that e could
keep, financial panics, destructive of the
business Interest of the country would
follow thick and fa', In a word the tame
cry of alarm was raited then at now by
the gold buga, but the democrat in con
gres steadily pushed the bill until it final
ly pasteJ. And what ha been theresnlt?
81m ply tnl. Silver toon returned it
place along of and the equal of
back and national bank note, and ever
ince that time it ha gone rapidly at par,
and to-day vety few men make any choice,
except from present convenience, as be
tween gold and tllver. Thlt I not mere
theory. It wa practical and well-remembered
experience. There mutt be more
money and there I no valid reason why
silver should not be 'utilized for that pur
The appeal of these copperheads In con
gress for the holding of indignation meet
ings to protest, as they protest, would be
trenching on the humorous, were it not for
the fact that black and white republicans
can be murdered with impunity any where
In the south without any menace to the
constitution, without any violation of the
law as it it ad ministered there, and withojt
any protett from northern democrats in
ttingre or out of congress. Oregon
The very least that can be iald of the
author of the above It that he It a very
bold liar. He, either, I densely Ignorant
f the condition ol things in the south or
Ve willfully and maliciously give public
ity to the above falsehoods. Thousands of
republican who have gone south and have
home there now stand ready to testify
that the above Is a He made out
of whole cloth. It is hardly necessary to
,eclte the fact that republicans all over the
south will cheerfully testify tnat life.liberty
and propert r are jutt at secure in the south
a any where in the north. But these tales
of murder.raplne.lntlmidation, are nOw be
g told In nearly all the little republican
organs in the country, and all for the pur
pose of firing the northern heart and work
ing up the northern people to a point of
feel leg to juitify the passage of the federal
election law.
The Farmer' Alliance of Kansas hat adopt
ed the following at one plank of their platform.
A large majority of the member of the Alli
ance are republican, which (how that the
campaign of education is steadily and surely
doing ft work t
Believing in the doctrin of "equal right to
all and special privileges to none,'1 we demand
that taxation, national or stale, shall not be
used to build up one interest or class at the
expense of anothet. We believe that the
money of the country thould be kept at much
at possible in the hand of the people, abd
hence we dtraand that all revenues, national
state or county shall be limited to the nece
ary expenre of t'' government economically
and hones1. ly administered.
What a funny tiling the ariiT is 1 Increase
the duties on manufactured necessities to de
create their price j increase the duties on farm
products to increas their price- You pays
your money and take your choice.
(From our rsttutsr Mrrimtnt.) I
Washington, June a, i5yo.
What has become of the principle rf pro
tection so prominent In the Chicago plat
form of iSSS?
The hardest blow yet received by the
tariff, and the tariff ring, hctelofore the
sole Issue and source ot sustenance, re
spectively, ot the republican party, has
Just been delivered by the president, lie
has had occasion to be seriously p-ovoked
by the manner In which his suggestions
wen- t.bled during the present session, by I
both House ot congress
In fact, the old republican ship Is at sea,
and In a heavy gale of wind. She has
drifted amongst dangerous rocks tha
threaten her with destruction.
The Pilot hat ordered "hard a port," and
the g. o. p. la now drifting before the wind,
directly outot the course that It hat pur
sued "from such a time that the memory
of man runneth not to the contrary."
The constitution authorises and encour
ages the president to frequently offer ad
vice to congress. Hut the tariff and silver
questions were so occult, and the intrica
cies and Intel ests of hi political position
so great and vat tout that the president
chose to refrtn from any public express
ion on the subjects. Nevertheless he
managed to have hit exact Ideas on both
questions conveyed to luc prominent re-
publtcen members. But, In s lie of tha1
coition, his ov. n patty has made the present
admlnWrratlon appear ridiculous and con
temptible. Wlie-l that body of lllutilous and con
servative statesmen In the senate flew off.
on a wild tangent, and cai tlnu from
every sound principle of political economy
passed th stiver bill, the lU-'Joiufct of I
action nearly took away the llurrl.oi',
breath. He certainly deserves forgiveness
blue blooded Presbyterian though he Ik, If
he made some remarks emphatic enough
to bring a blush to the cheeks of Mr Wan-
The republican senators aie straining
themselves In an effort to pass a federal
election law, that It may become operative
before the elections. Mr Lode has re
ported the bill, drafted In pursuance of In
struclion from the republican caucus.
The republican members say that they
will allow the democrats about thirty days
for debate and fiiabusterlng, if they are to
Inclined; but at the end ot that period,
considering the urgency of prompt action
on their part, discussion will be cut off.and
the bill passed.
It it not a sentimental feeling which has
prompted Secretary Uhinc to antagnnie
sharply a vital feature of the McKinley Hill.
Mr Blaine is nothing if not an astut: and au
dacious politician.
He realizes that the extension of the protec
tive principle to a practical prohibition of trade
means commercial disaster, and that among
those who will sutler are active Republicans.
Some of them are merchants anj some are
manufacturers. The desire for a wider mar
ket than is afforded in the United States is
not confined to r ree Tr adcr or revenue re
lorm-f., it M feit y business men who are,
nl have long been Protectionists. They be
lieve that the opportunity to increase their sates
lies in the Pan American sentimest. They
favor reciprocity on the theory that they are
thereby simply extending the scope of protec
tion to all the Anuricnn Republics. These
peopl-, who sre quite at much in earnmt as
the political Protectionist, are behind Mr
Iiiaine. lie represents a great many Repub
lican vote and a great deal of money.
Nomatter.thotigh Mr Blaine's vigorous words
had a more limited meaning than the report of
thtm indicated, they point to a Republican
division which will be felt la the fall elections
even though it bm healed in Cong
The average rate ol duty on taxed imjorts
under the existing law it 41.34 per cent. Un
der the McKinley 11.11 as pasted by the House
it would be 53 So per cent, an as amended by
the Senate 51.97.
1 nil is lugiu r rate than wa reached in
any of the war tariffs The average duly in
1S65 wa 47.56 ier cent. Tue maximum of
war taxation was reached in 1868, in an ver
age rate of 48 .60.
In other words, the Republican House hat
passed a bill.ottensibly to "reduce the revenues
and equalize duties, " which increases the rte
of tariff taxation 1 1 per cent above the average
prevailing at the end of the great war, twenty
Ave years ago, and which would increase the
revenue, on the batis of last year' import
tion of i nicies taxed, $45,000,000!
1- - rr .... 1 ... .
10 onset inn, me Lull sac.ilices revenue
from sugar against which Secretary isiaine
protests and from tobacco, which the Senate
restores, The people will have an opportun
sty la November lo past judgment upon thi
scheme to orry still further towards its logics
end the policy of a tariff for bounties and taxa.
tion for a surplus to spend.
Massachusetts is, it seems, to have its prin
cess as well as Frisco. Some years ago one of
the best known and most eccentric characters
of Lowell was J C Ayer, who realized a vast
fortune I y the sale of a favorite specific known
as "Cbetry Pectoral. Ayer died and two or
three years ago his widow, undei thi care of
Mrs Uigelow.dazzled all Indon with the vari
ety of her costumes and the brilliancy of the
jewels she wore at afternoon patties. During
the present sjsson the magnificence of her
musical matinees with the constellation of great
operatic start engaged on every occasion has
been the talk of Paria, and now, it teems, Mrs
Ayer has captuied a brother of the late em
prrorof Russia's morganatic wife.ann is to be
come the Princess Dolgorouki before autumn
is over.
The beauties of the McKinley . bill and
of the protective tariff system in general
are exemplified by a statement of a New
Yark Importer that under the nw bill
the American people will have to pay $21-,
000,000 for (8,000,0,0 worth of crockery.
Who get the difference of $13,000,000?
Atk the American crockery manufactur
ers. How long will the people submit to
ech wholesale robbery?
The Council Bluftt Globe very properly says:
That Crover Clcvland is the most popular man
in the minds of the people is a fact lliorough'y
established, and that be will lie the next nomi
nee of his party for the presidency is no longer
a matter of doubt. The recent state conven
tion at Springfield, 111 , was almost a nni in
his support, and thii is but an indicator of the
ight in which the ex president is esteemed by
Ihe people of the whole country
Whereas the republican policy hat driven
American shipping from the high seas, and
whereas it is necessary to have ships to carry
on our commerce, therefore this country
paying $15,000,000 a year for the use of vessels
belonging to other nations.
At Comn & IIkndricsom'b. The fresh
est berries and fruits In the city.
The latest vegetables in the innrket.
A large and choice line of canned goods.
Some splendid brands of teas and cof
fees. No 1 snaps.but reliable.straight bargains.
All kinds of groceries and produce, and
a fine stock of crockery ware.
Oood treatment and low prices.
It Is announced that Mr Henry Cabot
Lodge expects to limit debate on the fed
eral elections law to three day. This
plan U entliel) consistent with the charac
ter of the bill, the like of which ha not
made It appearance In an English-speaking
legislature slnco lecoitstrucllon times
and, before that, since the enactment ot the
statutes for the oppression of Ireland.
It U a bill so foreign to all the Instltu-
lions of our government that dt.'biite and
deliberation seem out of place In connection
tu t 0UB,U , be clothed In the form
of an edict uttered bv a man on horseback,
the uniformed luheiltoi or usiir.icr ol an
Under such a law as Is pioposcd federal
officials would conttol the electors o they
are engaged In choosing the men who
are to represent them In congress.
These officials would superintend the
registration ot voters. They me to inform
themselves ot the ticket which cich voter
casts oroffer to cast, by Inspecting the one
and by wilthig the name ot the voter on
each rejected ballot. Thus the secrecy vt
the ballot woul 1 be violated. 1 hey arc to
keen a tallv and to decide the result of the
e'ection. It they .Tfcr from the state win-
C-r tltcli -decUlon Is to be the SiW.nY.
title to the scat, so the ivpuhllv'.in con
testant lil Invurlablv vote In disown case
When all Is over, the federal olhVrt aie
to arrest vhat democrats they miy sec hi
to accuse of political offen.e,aiid the trial
are to be held before partUan juries.
Such a law. vlohitln as it would the
fundamental principles of popular goeern
nient, naturally come men who op
iHwe tlelitu raiKtu. Tlislr d.-s'iMix air lust
cuncelved and carried out In secret
um tjun in.
Mr JO Fox lias secured the contract
for carrying the .mail from llrowiisvltlu t
Craw 'fonlsville for the next four years.nnd
entered iion Ids duties July lt.
Mr N011I1 Shanks linn sold his farm ireitr
town to Mr Huston, from near Harris
Imrg. Mr Shanks w ill go to Washington
near Spokane.
Messrs lavis lrs have sold their n:tv
mill near I'rawfordsyilltf.Mr llll Chance
being tlttf purchaser.
The crops are looking well and luiyim;
bus commenced. Considerable amount
of sickness among thu children.aiid Mr. I
V Hurt lias also Iteen sick for several
Several new babies, mostly boys and
girls, lately Uirn in this iieigliborliood.
It W Musi-, after having attended the
) S P AsstH-iation at Portland, whore lie
had the tdeasure of visiting the tirand
lnlge and tiraud .Chapter of Masoiis.and
also having participated in the dedica
tory services of tiro Masonic templo at
Ylhanv. das returned homo and nirain
settled down to close attention to busi
Mr McPaniel, just from Texas, with bis
family, Iras located in Craw fonlsville .
This section is being tilled up rapidly
with a go"! class of settlers.
Mrs Yarbroitgb, late from Texa.-r, is on
the sick lit, fiinl her husband, who is
looking at Kio-tern Oregon, also ns hav
ing la-en on the sick lift, but we look for
his speedy return.
Work will sMn begin on the trail up
the Calupooia to the gold mines, which.
are now assuming g'jod prourtions.
('nslag tseals.
Julv R. At Astoria, grand lodge A O
U W."
July 7 to 9. At CWvnltis, t-tate llr
ticulttiral rHM'it-ty.
July 4. Spread-eagle celebrations nt
iA-baiton, l'.row niville, Waterloo, Sale 111,
Portland and other places.
Brt Iw tbe!tarl,r(
lr K S HnM.'o : If tvo ustd ji.ur ICtbs-
rest Cough Sjrup sod e-'usulrr it tho txt-t
remsdy in the nisrktt furth disra.o nr
which it M reci tntiirr.U.l .
J If Cttti'KsTBM, M ,.!,:-.
l-aric. sis t-I. sni. t Minlt. tar t y
f A Cummin. d:uhi;it.
T 4 arprl Dajrrs
We have just received a nw line of
cartM ts, consisting of the latest styles
ana patterns, both in P.russels m
Woolens. Our stock in the most com
plete in tho citv, and in fm t.too large for
this market. In order to reduce our
stock we have concluded to make a fur
ther reduction in price our loss, your
cam. w e invite you to limpet t ourslock
ociore pureiiasing tisewiieie. tjet our
prices and be convimid.
A. 15. McILWAIX.
Sir latcrest I Horse arra,
Horses Isiarded by the day or week at
L .Senders' stables. All driving or other
horses will be well eared for.licing under
the immediate charge of Mr t red Moist.
Charges will lie very reasonable. Farm
ers horses will also V furnished with the
best of accomiiiodiitioiis. Ow ners of good
horses will always find sale for the same
at this stable at good r.riees. Stables lo
cated on Sixth and Kllswortli street, one
block south of school buildieg.
A Bio Frkjout Dim.. A car-loud of as
fine a lot of furniture as lias ever been
seen in' Albany, has lreen received by
Forttniller & Irving. It consists of about
twenty varieties of elegant center tables,
in Kith century and other finish ; hand
some Iredrooui sets, stands, tables, etc.
People wanting the latest and prettiest
in tlie furniture lino should call at once
and see these goods. Though the freight
bill was large the prices w ilt be as reas
onable as possible.
New tmbroideiies, flouncing, lace
flouncing In cotton and silk, black and
cream, l.ucci in imluiilon point, Uo new
designs in black and white I. tee, Including
Vandyk and Kifel Tower. New ruchlngt.
SAMI'KL li Yowno.
Wall FaI'kk. I have just received
roai tha ea a lara invoiorf wall p
oor, borders, decorations, etc., including
the plain ingrains which are becoming
rery popular. These goods are better
styles and cheaper than ever lefore.
Msmuel E Youno
Hot CorPBK.- Hereafter the Albany Ex
press trrln leave this city for Portland at
5 o'clock a.m. " accommodate those
who leave on that train hot coffee will be
served at the co 1 iter . of the depot hotel
to thoe who deme It.
Two Cah Loads. Price & Kobson have
just received two car loads of wagons and
buggies, light and heavy, and will sell
them at remarkably low prices, consider
ing the splendid quality of the wagons.
Will Leavc thb Strekt. Deliver
wagons will leave the street In the fore
noon on first trip at 8 o'clock, sham: aee
ond trip at 10 o'clock ; third trip at 11:1
o'clock. Albany Delivery Co.
Tub 4th at Albany. Those wishing to
celebrate tlie 4th of July in a becoming
manner should call on ( W Sirnpson.wbo
has just received a large and choice stock
of clothing, for men, youths and boysdn
eluding a line line of Prince Alberts, as
well aa frocks and sacks.
Stoino and Summer Delicacies. The
largest and finest line of foreign and do
mestic woolens in spring and summer
novelties just received ana is ready for
Inspection at
Zacheb & Son,
Merchant Tailors and Drapers,
Opposite Post Office.
Lost. Somewhere In Albany; a "dia
mond stud. Please return to the Pk mo
ck at office.
Spring Has Comb. The stock of wall
paper st Fortmiller & Irvlng's is larger
than ever, being quite immense and in.
elude mnny new and beautiful design.
A till la I'unr T.nrlier.
Salkm, July . .-Increased Interest was
manifested to-day in the ttnte teachett asso
cintlon, and the attendance was large. The
morning hour were devoid! to the department
of iiiperintendents. A resolution was adopted
praying the t'ate board to lower the gratis of
diploma held by temdier who do not mani
fest an interest in pitlilk. school wotk and t'e
lininti at umirnfcNMonwl conduct a refusal to
attend county institutes tinil rentier such as
sistance in edura'.liinal woik aa N in their
owir, when t'cqtiesied to do 10. tor each
such neclect lltcv shall forfeit erndc. The
i.iegrniie. i ne i
altrrtiuun i ml evening session in the prognnmie
were occupied by etUliestei Aiitl lectures, rjciia.
lions and cssaya,
An Ohio Morm,
.ANKSvitXB,0.,Julyi.--A temho '
ttruca this place to right. Kin fell for two
IIOUIS, BlUOUIUIItg BIIUOSl lO B liuuu Pinal, n
sit.ull cictk in the western part of the city
,, , , , ,,,-. , 1
overtrowc-i us itartas atvi scre.ui tioK . ,
nuruUr ol .trail briildriigs were swept away. ,
Kuiluwds have tt.lie.ed great damage to the
No loss of life.
A reiKMt Itiari lute t ounce vtlluce, mrt
far horn here s.iys lite place is completely sub-
melted, i eople have taiien reriiuii on inciter
grouuils, Much has len Uone to
I'ropeity and crops in vkiiiuy are lulnctl. ! he
ti iiIUji)- lois will be peiil.
An iiMllawt Weeds.
Gi;ki:, it.i.K. S C July I. Captain Lewi
K Ucdtnotid, once a norutiou outlaw, fatally
siubbed James, a we.itlhy lumlieiin in sariy
Sunday in W alltalla. a timet town at the foot
oi the lllue KiiLe mountnint, Redmond, who
n diunU. was wulkini! widt two women.
W hen tie stepped l le lor a moment. Smith
t n'.on sttd icoli lite wotxticii awa. Ked
iiiotnl ioilowcd.nnd wi'hout any warnini! srahb-
ctl Smiih in the utiuii ol the hcatt. kcdrmiriii
who t in jul, says lie tloes not remrmler any'
lliicik; titxiut the ntfair.
lie i ail to have killed at least a Omen
men, most ol litem revenue oiTiccr and sol-
Failures for hit tlumb-.
ToK'Nlo, Out , July I. Ilradsi reel's semi
auuuat lepiirt on the failures in Canada and
the United Stales, shows the total failure! fur
,l,c past six month in U.e United S;.c to be
I ... - I
5406 andim 5;lS List yetir Asset fjo,oj$
lib aeuti.l IW.Kot 040 last year, and liahliil
let oj.067.'oo neanist 107,411,711. Tht
rrjott shows that Canada bad failures
tins year Bjjaint 7 Jo last year' Assets $3,610
17s lust year. Aets Sj, 610,17a last year,
Sl.4J4.tJi I lhi: luiimlitt St.lJ4.5oi l.i.l
yen, $7.33. 57 '
I tt s Salaries,
WahiuniiioN, June 3. The jHjstoffice d
partinciil tv-day completed the readjustment
of the sUrics trf .,tm.t!rr who preside over
office of the third ela. They w ill lake effect
10 morrow, July 1. lu Some cases the adjust
nrcnt has decreased the salaries which are based
, t I' t t
on tne -ofal receipts for the year ending M4.ih
in Washington sut ihcre have betn
nine i
changes, all but two being increases, as
Cent ralia, f 1 300 to 1 1 4'Sj: Cheney, t loo lo
fl too; Colfax, $1700 to $S.; Kllcnd.urgh
31700 to im; North YaViiiu.St 400 to $1600.
l uincty, $1 luo to Snohomish, ItJoo
to $IJ ; Vancouver, f liuO to I1500; Wht-
Colll, $I40 !o IW,
The ths-ges in Oregon ate as follows
Albany, $1700 to glSoo; Ailing'on, llloo
to fourth rate; linker t'rry. ttboo, lo $1700;
Fast Portland, 17,00 lo looO; F.urne
91600 (1700; l.a Orande, fljoo 10 tuo;
McMmnvillr, fltx lo fuou; Pendleton,
$1700 U 81700; koscburg, flJOo 10 f Ijoo.
tpa'atla ef t'Ulr..
WAhlllMilON, June Jo. Surrnten.!cnt
Porter makes a guess at the population of the
United States. 1 1 is guess, in tound numbers
is 64, 500,000. The official returns will nit tc
nude oat within the next thirty tUy, and the
figures will tc known lo s certainty. Instances
In wbi h a rciount have been stluwcd are few,
altho'.:uh every v ibce in the courtty, which is
Jtn oin'r.l at lh outcome, wants anothrr go
at the proMem. Kcturns f-om the ernes given
tielow have lccn announced in the official way
thus fat:
Brooklyn 930170, Balliino.c $00,000, lUrs
lon 417.7J0, llull .to o,oao. Cincinnsil J -onn,
C lotc" l,5,or, Icvclinil aN.uuo,
Columbus 114,000. Iietfoi! I97.000, tirand
Kapiils 95,000, In lit-nnj-olis 117,000, fjouls
ville lS,j, Milwsukre 2oo,ouo,Minnespolis
lS5,oro, New Voik 117,217, New Orleans, I'hiUdelphia 1,040,4;'). Pmsburg
3 5o.tO, St Ijui 44ri,no, St I'aul l3S,ooo,
Washington sj'
lbs- rrup'r Will PrrMr,
Nnw Ofci k ans, Jane 30. A compiomise
has len reached in the lotfery fight. The
hour bill will be pasted by the senate in the
form of a constitutional be voted
on at the next slate election in iSyj, But a
primaty election will be held It fore, at which
only whites shall vol-on ihe question of ac
cepting or rejecting the lottery proOsiilon. If
the vote is agtnM tt ihe tottery company wilt -draw
the offer and leave the fate when the
charter espires.
A Haltrnnd Arrlileal,
IIki UNA, June 30. AJviies received at a
late hour state thai the Pacific fast ttain was
wrecked near Drumruond. Two sleepers were
derailed and thrown down an embankment.
Miss May Carson, of Fort Sherman, Idaho.
A dozen of others were injured in jre or lest
seriously. All the injured were icrnovcl to
Missouli hospital. Physicians .iy all will re
Nrgrt T ratable.
Ami rr., La., 20. George Howard, a
desecrate ncgroe, was shot yesle'day morning
just above town by a disguised man and came
into town for medical attendance. Soon after
there w a a charge into the town,
fro a every road, of armed men on horstback,
numbering alwut 200. Howard wa found is
Tom Sewull't garden. 1 le refused to itir-cn-dcr
and was killed. Two horses of the party
were wounded by stmts from the garden and
two other negroes, J.ike Ransom and Flanders,
were wounded at the same time. Dug Tilhn
wai found, and he willi two other bad negroct
were taken to the outskirts of the coporation,
whipped and ordered to leave, Armed squads
were sent out and ctiplurcd the arm of tus
spiciou colored people. Eighteen or twenty
double barrelled guns, two Winchester lilies
and a number of pistols were taken. I he
armed crowd tires dispersed.
The cause of the trouble was the firing by
negroes sev.ral days ago Uxn a committee ol
white men who had been commissioned to in
tervicw several white men who were charged
with living on terms of social equality with Ihe
colored people ol th.'S parish,
Original rachatfes In Illinois.
Colciibster, Ills, June 29. An "original
package" house has been opened up in Colette
ter on the line of the recent supreme ciurt de
cisio 1, AH sorts of liquori. are retailed in all
sizes of bottles, each and every bottle being
regarded as an "original parkage." It is re
ported that a wholesale liquor house hat ofter
id f loo a month and guaranted immunity to
any one who will open an "original package"
establishment in Macomb, A former saloon
keeper of Keokuk, backed by a St Louis liqour
house, is prepar ing lo open original package
houses in interior Illinois towns.
A Dot Wave,
Chicago, June 29. A cool breeze, begin
ning late this afternoon.ended the heated term
1 1 this city, at leant temporarily. The I reeze
d;d not put in or appearance, however, until
the excessive heat made a record of eight fatal
ctses of prostration in the city since daylight,
A large number of other persons succumbed,
but up to evening no oilier de... Lit are appre
hended. A t'jelone,
Gallatin, Tenn., June 29. A omado
parsed oyer the northern part of the to..n this
evening, doing much damage to properly, The
Afri:an Methodist church was blown to pieces
two women being fatally injured and a dozen
others of the congregation seriously hurt.
A English rtpr,
San Francisco, June 29. The British
winscrcw 'oop of Diphde sailed for Esquimau
to dav, It it rumored that the vessel will pro
cesed to Behring sea to protect the fishing in
terests of British Columbia citizens.
A Ba'l Game, : . -
McMiNNViLLKjune 29. The second game
of the series between Salem and McMinnville
was played here to daj, the score standing 3
to I in fa vc r of the home team, 1
Edltsd by A Ili7 W, 0. T, t)
The Lord Mnvor. of Ixmdnn, recently
entertained tliirty-noven total almtlnence
mayors irom a tunny uinori'iii cuion in
Morn tlinn fifty Ncbrtuikn dlltois and
iittMiMhera have agrinHi to Hell apnea in
heir reinilnr nows nml editorial columns
to Ik! lillud with known fnlMtliondrt and
perverted Mlatlatica in favor of tliu lltjitor
It iiibv eeiiiN utranifp. but it In novcr-
tltulfHH true, that alcohol regularly ap
plied to the thrifty farmer's atomncli w ill
- .1. - t .1... f... 1...
rwimve mu iHinrua iroiti no- iftiii-, ict, inu
Cltlllij into Ills crops, kill lilM fruit trrea,
innniro ma larm nnu sow urn ileum wim
wiltl-onta and thistli'S. It will tnku the
I.... 1.. a. at t li it.. 1
juimt on inn i.u.ium.k. vrvu uio kihwm
..i.r ,.. -...I sill ll.m.i udili a.. 1
will take the um from iris clothe nnd
tho poliHli front ltls manner, milxlno his
ivwc.!,, niuung ma mniuii.. ,inK iiwtt
... sy r
dim Into a drunkard's grave. It will do
, ,, arltMn ,,,! i-ntiitnllMt. the nut-
. 111Ifllll, wnu- to the farmer J
.. . -ifiullv tsiitnlt.v to tho human
rare, alcohol Is no respeetor of persons.
St bulls Christian Advocate.
The ritihlislied minutes of the fiou-lmr
tisan WUTU gives the names ofi!UH
delegates present at their recent so-called
.Minimal Convention, t'l these '.'i were
from Ohio, mid of those from Ohio 150
were from Cleveland, lenviitg 4s from otit
sidtr the Ijotiudiirtes of the llnekeye slute,
of whom 15 were from IVtinsylvania,
(linking the 'otul from nil other slates o
'X. This isusigiiilleeiitindit'titlon of the
sir.e of the movement.
Thv National temperance sueiotv cele
brated its twetily-fiftli anniversary May
1:1111, in jscw 1 ork City. ' 1 hu review of
the twentv-llve years of work," says the
.Mtliounl lemtK-nitice Advis-ate as given
in part In the mutual report and in tho
anniversary addresses, Is such ns its
friends, and all opiHineitts of thn.useof
Intoxicant and of the Honor triilflc, tuny
well reloieo in. From the smallest W-
ginninus in the way of creating tetuf r-
mice literature, It lias tu the quarter ot a
century grown to the proortiotis of a
great publishing house, with over eight
een hundred dtifc-rent publications upon
its catalogue, its missionary work in
many spheres, but notably among the
"''V1 jfl'1" l,!e '!,th. ' f ongress,
ait. I f.. II. M ltr.... .1 1..,. ,.9 a...... ...... ...... jutn-
and for the promotion of temperance edu
cut ion, seieiilllle,ierinoiiiic and otherwise,
bus Imioii an important fucUr of our na
tional progress. The soeiety enter upon
the new era ol the next miarter of a cen
tury with a most lioK-ful and elteering
nutliMik. Happily through the help ol
gi-nerotts friends, it is freed from the bur
den of debt, and its accumulated asset
of the past twenty-live years have much
more man ineir large money vaitic in
their relation to tho future work of the
society. It has a funded moral capital
hlclt no other kinlrel organization as
fully represents, and which only years
ami exHTletiee, under od guidance
could supply. That we stand upon the
lsfes..uti(..l.l A .1 .-.. Iss Itfllflinl i-l.tSllilnM
I " ' M 1 - aVal ii'hl"
tIM w0 ,mve t Krpater changes
Ur good, is IsH'oiiiiug more and more ap
parent to the eye wbtch can discern the
signs 01 the liuies."
Notice of Final Settle
il tha undersigned, d.nliil'r,-r of
(haiwlisui of Union K Allrti, ibH-sd,
hs fttod his Dual x-oirnt Willi Ihn irlntk
of Ih Count v Court, of IJnn iun'r. r.
Kon, and lttahj aourt ha Aircl Mon
day, AtiRUst th 4ih, tstro, at 2 o'clock,
p 111, to hfr obj-ctlon. it any, to said
aacounl and lo wtil said iUta.
TJKtitks, Administrator.
Ally for Adinr.
Executor's Notice,
lh indnrsigntMl hat lxn apf,ltiisl
bv the County Court of I. Inn county, Or
egon, excuUr of iht Ut will and tsta
rosnttnil ittlsof Jna iirlnrfhtrn , dr-iixn-d,
lain of 'Jinstllla county, orngon.
Ail (Minum having oUiin agslnat sntil
-tte arw hrdy not I fir d to ptMrnt thoui
duly vet lllivl at liU ridonoi In Albanv.
(IrKgon. wllliln U nionlbtlr.ini this dalo
Jun.27lh, It-'JO
TJTrrs. Kaeeulir,
Att'y for Ktecutor.
Referee's Sale.
Ktat or OhEoosi,
dovstr or Mr ITK054 aii 1
NVttea it hereby given that by virtue of a
decree of petition tnd ordrrof tale mad by
ndrntrd io the CireottC'oert of the statu
d Oregon for Multomnsh couriiy on the 15th
dy ol June, IHIj", nd an ameadalnry decree
mad arid entered lu ssid Court on the StHk
dayuf Spiriiilr, IS, in tha psrtition suit
of Anisnda Kline et al v J It Smith et tl.
whrreby it wa ordeitd that the ful.nwing
real property described a follow to-wit:
Ib-Kitming at a point eleven (II) chsinssnd
is (tl) link n irlh, and sec en (7) chain aud
eighty (HO) links west of the southeast corner
of imtiou 1.1m tven (9) in towoshir)
(12) south ol Itsnc h ur (4) wast, WiUsm
tt Meridian, aoa ruuurnii thenca east fifty
eiaht (.IS) chaiu and silt) -four (&i) link :
thence norm loo (IO) cIi.iks 1 thence east
eight (8) chatn and litly (50) link ; thence
south tea (10) chms ; thence south two (2s)
degree, imrty (,U ) minute wett two (2)
cblu and titty (CO) Iti.ks ; thono oulb
eighteen (18) drgree thirty (.10) rrinote,eaat
twenty (20) ohstustnd ninety sii (90) link ;
.ivMW www. ..j '.I. vhiu iru eiiuj
even (87) link ; thencsr north live C) de
gree arid thirty (30) minute east tweuty (20)
urisiiis anu uio v) link i inenco norlb ten
(IO) deervr and thirty (30) mn.utrs. srtst
eleven (II) chain and seventy (TO)ltuk;
artl thenae north twenty-si (20) degree,
west twelve (12) dittos and thirty (30) link
tothe place of beginning, containing two
hundred and seventy-three (273) acre, more
or lra,iwiu situsteit lu Unu cT4uty.Ureon
ant being a part nf section ctneteen (19.)
twenty ami tnirty (:iU )rn township (12)
souin rsuge lour i; we.t .v rllimett-i Meri
ctran ; bnrng in o-tiuci tion with other real
property belonging to the heir of John
imi ii, im.--u, uo cunt as put tic aiiotron,
accordi g to law. to the hiuhest hidd.rr.
Nciwt t.ien fore, by virtue cf .aid decree,
and -id amendment thereto, I, the nndei
tine',h' waa (Inly appointed hy taid Court
so ten st'i rear property, wit' on
rtics-lajr. Jiiiy lsih, 1H0,
at 10 o'vl- ck a. m. at tht Court House dnoi
of Linn oouiity, Oreumi, el at publie anc
tioo (1 the ldghet kiildur, purtr
anea to said deoree, all of tha within d -soribsd
rofll f roterty.
Notice of Pinal Sattlo
ment. Nolic-M i hereby given that tlm executrix
of the hut will a d testament of Henry Fen
land, deceased, ha filed in tba County Court
of I.iriri county, Oregon, her final acoom.t as
noli exio rrtx aud bv order of naiu I'ourt
Monday, July 7th, 1800, at the hour of 2
o'clock n. m., has been ct for hearing. All
persons interested are heiehy notified to ap
pear and Hie hi or her objections if auy
there ,e tn taid account on or taid day.
Dated June 4th, 1S90.
M J I'knland,
J K WkaTIIKHFOBU, Kxerutrix.
Att'y for ExeouUix.
Administrator',s. INotice.
Notice is hereby piven that the under
sillied atlminittrator of the eatate of, Enoch
Holt, deceased, have filed with thecleik of
the County Court for Linu county, Orr-gon,
their final aooouot h taid etata and the taid
County Court hat tixed Monday, the 7th day
of July, 1890, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m.
of laid day, for tbe hearing oi objection tu
aid (coount, if any and to tettle laid estate.
TLi June 3rd, 1890
8am May and
J Vt Weatiibrfobd, Admr.
Att'v for Admr.
Administrator's Notice
Notice U hereby given that tha nndor
tiRned wat by order of the County Court of
Linn county, Oregon. on the 4th day of June,
1890, appointed admiuittratnr, with tbe will
annexed, of the estate ofCbaiH Spencer,
deceased. All pert on having claim gir.t
said estate will present them to me, at my
office in the "Bank of Oregon." in Alhany,
Oregon, duly verified, within eix month
from thiadata.
Dated June 4th, 1890.
II F Mbkrill,
Administrator, with the
will annexed, of the estate of Ch K gptri'
Gbo W Wbight, oer.deceaeed.
. Attorney,' : '..
Thn only remedy known which will
Stlmulato tha Kutrltiu Processes of tha
Human System.
Iiy this mittirtd and simple moans It quickly
and poritioiietil y ll'llKg All forma of
lrtfili, t'iiiisllatlnn, Msntsvt anil
Nnrvous Kshuiixtloii, lnTal liability,
Jlraln Van, or any naliausUid or weak
ened eonitltlon of itid system, from what
vr msuso, Hltln ICraptloKs, ltollt, Itun
nlng Korea, Kerwfula, and alt IHssmans of
the lllooit, i)tomoh, IJver aud Kidney.
131.00. SIX BOTTLES FOR 85.00.
Tr. HHIxr'slU ).ni(n)ook. nWrlptlvs of lly
drn-ittii' Ki-.iotutiveaud hit olhvr Hvinvtiin,
aunt iru. by mulU
CILLER DRUG CO., $23 Francisco, GsL
iron a ai.u it
Attorney a. anlTitla RxaalaB
Will (irscMuo in k!l tliK-eeitrts 'f
Statf. A'-s'rttrt of J'ttl ftiniihnl
hort o'ltiito- Ten yr eririifea.
FOiiHAY & iYiAtiON,
Dr uggists and bookscllera,
m' is for Join U. Ahimi's) publication,
diclj ws tc!l o'dUlnr's ; rtc4Siwitt
UMt '
1. 114 MY. tlltKUOs
mm fti. STuiLEt
rw.jl"'! ttmf t HtuUy's rxwol Oirllllni
v ,l .'H Oi. d..luife el lua lm(wWil
1 - it Uts Tin time lo tbe
. k .; ! i-r Kiouvlf. euuttl ' In Vvkm
. . ' n ,1 I.. itcottiKt lif mnf u (be s
t . Ir r-o S." &w btt,s cttt4 s. "st
"I'll I.-. . wa - Ta bu vam -' Uwe !
. -c tliit4 lli.
I ,.. . .too hot INI UlMWSlSt'si
. . 11 ... r ,.r.h-,Utf W.suafaBVMli, sol
. i,-i.. . ' I on i.pnrsM.H.
'IITinM '' ' niW.l m
J Ul'Vil t i li Uwtl Wan Ua las.
. : - c I
. t .I t -n.inli4 ourtM s earUSceW
V. C'bahcroft & CO.
nt. rr.&ricisco.
l ;s,'u'.i fjr the Paclflo Cotat
V. H Ulnrdn
Agent for Linn Countv, Oregon
ISy all rrt ran. o.ll on J
Pane. Brothers.
' tr tout
Pwaucfl, eaked" Goods, Htc. Etc.
t irood arr t tie lrai a . 1 tin tr prloe
I im preparnl to de'.ivvr milk t all part
of the eilv. Uuaranlrfe tin l-.t quality.
Iav onUr at 0 K H-ownnll's (rroery
City Keslaurant.
Htvins Iwen entirely remodeled, thi old
and popular roataurant wiil he made firat
cl in every rospect. Tha publio will be
given gKx meal at all hour for only 23
oni. r.rorjtntng scat and attrao'ive.
Private boie. Oyster lo every tyl.
W. A. McGli.
P. M. French,
!.( I!t
City Drug Store.
Stanard & Gusick
Proprietors. Successors to
Guiss fc Son. Dealers in
drugs, medicines and
cliemicals,fancy and toilet
articles, sponges, brushes,.
perfnmery,school and ar
tists supplies. Physician's
prescriptions accurately
GrainatB of Edinliarg, Sco land,
Has located In Albany. Frc n fain
uruh knowle lijx of bis profession
jl his erp?irliioi of 10 year as an effl
or In a Caval -y Keirlment, ha hopes to
njnrlt the patronage of those Intereatbd
In noma, oattlo, sheep, eto. Me would
also reoommead hln solution or linament
or sore shoulders, sore hacks, broken
n ees. wounds, sprains. Price, one do!
1 per bottle. -
fdf Office at John Solrmoer'a Jlvery sta
Msse A C
Iw Liw Store,
Itosrt M'cxrk Of 2r.r JMT .oo t ill Ihn Vl
sf, ni ilia in-m rus.'-mt j prU-, both
'a buvliiK an I uilfiij(. 1 hsva 011 haii'l
ii .-ji or STOVES, mXXU,
mm, B33XS, PlwTJ!.ES
emu, mziw,
djirwt.tofS K YounN .tore
1'Jt Klrat !rw.t. Albur v. r. k Irvifig.
Only nntalss f.rrm af Mrmnrr Trnlnln:.
t'mmr llaok L,rrorit la muj rmuiuu.
Ill In 4 WMnclrrtna currtl.
Bvrry rkll4 mm4 sidalt erraiiv brnrf rted.
Urst IbwmwumiUi la Vjt: . iJ.w Class..
P11 qm. wo! o?tni.iBS nf Or. Wm. A. Ilitm.
J. SI, UCkl-T, If.lf.
Atmmti. -V. r'lfirknrJ I
mi ilar ctl tu. imt aa
Imi. U'.tV. Adw.Jad.ri;ibus.Js4ukP.
llriilitsaiis. 'Sntf othr. mat im fm. br
fr.LATLuXisLTTfc, 1 irth Ave., N. Y.
IOR SALE I hve tj joung msre,
haroett and now waon, oue fu!l-ti:ood
Jrev bull and one Hrst-clj milk cow
which I will aril for cash clit-ap. Call st tbe
Kauniog placo, twi milis eatt of Tsnrn.
Ulrh-ii SriKotl.tH.
$Xo,ooo to loan at 8 per cent on iru
proved farm or city property.
Wallace i; Cl'sick.
S. W. Paisley,
Itlbany, Orsgort.
Tobacco and Cigars.
Ord rt toiiJittid f'.irn he trsdd.
It roitcs the Ivrr and Kidnrvs ami Srom.-trh,
cures 1 l.-sditrho., crciitrs an A;k:
titc, Purities the Iiu,iuru BI00J, and
MnVp Tlie Weak Btrong.
Used everywhera. 91 a bottle tlx for $5,
The followiua isauartial list of ui'vand
farm property for tale by us.
4 unimproved lotion 5th St tea. Kacti
$500. ;
I lot with hnuae two
storivs ou 4th aud
Jacksou St. $2200. '
House with 5 rooms, 1st St. 1600.
1 lot 00 Washington St. $850.
2ausut lot ou 3rd St. Kach, $S00.
A Rood farm of 410 acre 2J mile from
Halsey, 30 per acre. Can be divided aad
will make two good farm.
A good 'arm of 170 aoret, 1 mile from Tan
gent, 6 mile fiom Albany. $40 per acre.
Good farm of 140aeret,3 mile from Shedd.
Prioe, $5000.
A good ttook farm, 2 miles from Sbedd,
luuacre. JZDUU.
A ne oottage with six rooms, Urea lot
Prior, $1600.
Ceveral tract of fi Dd 10 acre and
a half n ilea from Alhany . $300 per acre.
A good tock farm, ICOOaotes, 3 mile
from It R tUtion. S3 per ore. A bargaiu.
Farm 3 mil from Shedd .first-pis.,. nht
and frnit land. 140 acre, f rice STiOno.
825 acrea 4 mil.. frnm P R tin ..... .....
C, , ' V""
an be aold in lots o suit curchatere.
Block and lota
Leading: Insurance C'ompaniss,
Real Estate Broker ,
7 B
-AOBKT8 you-
-L. E.
Hum Hcn
Now the Greatest Attraction is His Large and Stylish
Stock of
Straw Goods, Etc.,
in Ivoepiii? With tho Seatsun.-
If You Would lie Suitablv Dressed
- Call - at -
Jas. F. Powell & Co.,
Successor to Geo. C. Henderson.
Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac
co Etc. Etc.
Low Prices and Prompt Attention.
; ait a bit! A man broke his neck one because he was
in a hurry! AVe want you to know about our Stoves and
ivanges, at prices from ten dollars upward. The newest
thing in tho way of household utensils are Oil and Gasoline
st )ves. Come and look at 'em. We do business to please
our friends as well as to make a dollar or two. Popular
prices prevail. Matthews & Washburn,
Choice Candy; Nnts Frnit, etc
Montague & Son,
Groceries, Prodace, Tobacco, Cigars.
Confectionary. Etc,
Produce wanted in excWsre ' for goods or cash, "-' Fiat-daws toods and
prompt attention. Tf5Y UG-
mm a
j w
and Machinery.
. j 1 y
His - Store.-
Hardware, Stoves, 'and Tinware.
m ii u a