The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 27, 1890, Image 3

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.JUNE 20, IhOO
Ktllr a4
Rotal Ash. Jait now thora I a bitf
demand for Royal Ann cherries (or put
ting up. Orders loft at Jus V Powell A
Co' will be promptly fl lied, an they have
made arrangements for a "big supply.
Rkadv ok lU'siNivt . The Orrgon
Metallic Taint company wa vesterdn
formed and articles of Incorporation were
drawn Mp and Jled In the secretary of
state's office. Tho ini'orpora.lora of 'this
company are D l Dayton, Adam Mimdcr,
V J Levi, M and Edwa-d C llerrcn. The
capital stock hat been placed at $J..Vo
and divided Into twenty shaics, the'prtn
clpal otlice being established at Li-luiion,
Linn county, widen It only nlx.t.t seven
miles siullirt o( th mine The hurl
new Ol tlita corporation l lit pure h.ttOA n
leae and ecll lnmU ami to i.lnr, ;
manufacture, and mf:i-t.l an I oilier I
paint. A HHi-ii'i of t'-r iuhum-iv
Flowkky Lasocaok. The following
aid by Bob Ingcrtioll at an evening fount
in Washington, may Imj applied ns well
to the w hole Northwest. It is alsmt ns
(lowerv ltuiiruiiire as one often reads :
"What ft trviisurv vault to tho scientist
in tho wonderful inwloirical strata of
Nvasliincton, where wo can wander along
the utoel-ribtH'tl hula and feel the throb
bing pulse of Mother Karth 1 What a
panuliso to the tourist, where water fulls
from erBgs and dill's down deep gorge
until it Ixxly is tiiiitiliitcd by tlio heavy
drop, niut rises to kiss tho cloud under a
veil of mist I What a view for lundsoiipe
painters, w here mountains torn apart by
ancient floods are standing in columns
like sentinels cntritHted with the keeping
ot treasures na precious a the goiiien np
idea In the garden of the llesperlilc.
No one need neck for mountain scenery in
a foreign laud, where the eye can leant
upon such mnjestic grandeur na Mount
Rainier, that rear its, proud head almost
to the azure blue of heaven with it crow u
covered with perpetual snow."
hrld In li.u af'.i-rn.Hiii ii tut t i' .in.! I) l ;-t l'i
Oi.vt.xi n tli.( i n - l.t.til iieJ a u per - j and t'i
toiciidcut, -M. V. I loir, ii, ,4C, u-tiii y and! Yli
liva lire, and Hio tir,Ml..r are NV I I lor- i plmv .
rrn, A Miwli-r. I I) Dutoo Th. milt j a r; ;!
nit viiIii Imvi' Ml"'i.t. iven pnioiiK. l In li. . .
ami n..ti-l .( ui,. t!. v m Ihtc imnii. i rcaciiv
f..C'l !!! le Ctilldll.'i' it h hI ! '' nn liltlii
tl' will 'iriri In il lit it I iiii :m.-i i ' i
a to l.nt tin' m.K M'ti i i to -4 1 i .i ci-t
ill. tl. MrlliMn.i in. I j. . j ,.
p. rl, i cr In Hie iiMi'iitm lu-c i I
ll'v tite of Ol.lo and i l.ii i t tin" t
near Lebanon U I n mi . n u I
he ha ever n-. nt i -Uui k
Yaiji is v IXay. It i rumored that Ka
li S Attorney tieneral Williant and fam
ily will occupy their aeatde residence in
Newport (Ms summer.
A'liout twenty people came in on the
train ycxlcrday 'lo enjoy the sinmiiir ci-it
Itreoti1 in .Newport.
Mr I'liilii'ioiiM, government engineer, in
cliaig.iof the j tty worli on thin h.ty, is
preparing Itis report tin. I iiukin,: csti
imtles lor the r.-Mimpf 'mn of work im n.hii
, oem
i.l-l i
.1' Ml
I In
t II I llllii
Lite. -
Cwp."r aliop oe i-rrv'i.t in tin- Kiouu.t
near mill a d allth; harrv's ko4. etc , to.
the liiktit'ition will Uc m imuI teim-i .1 t'lori,
and ait experU-need er rw tUoi-.i-t
having been cnavd to carry o.i t! c b it
Ineaa. Stateaman.
iire.1 I, I
tii mi w '
(oi I i ii .
4. Ill 1 )
enoii. n
nan. .. i
I I hi i' i i"i
t v4irio i til 1 1 s
I lion (ii "ii ill
' ii
Ii , .
t tin i teoic p.i i i li.ivc boon wilJiv boat
In,' N dim. 'I Ixitli In Albany mid Nalcm
Home fi":'
cr.ii'si tii.'
, utlirr .ii.
i;i be mUi' l, tu: 1 1
lit U- Ioh ol p i !.Ue
lion .
! Tit
' j tramp.
pra-ti .
; cctiora!
;'a. !l
' t.f
Thi Fouktii at I.kbnox. diir goinl
neighlior of Lelianon are nniUini; exten
sive preparations to have a celebration
commensurate with the advancement
ami progress ol itie limes, jiicy in.iUi-
no failures. The Fourth at that tl.i
. III k . . n.. . .
i win oe m iticcess. nil i-t a i revr me
conclusion. Neighbor from the n- rt
from the south, from the ea.t, (r.iin t c
wtit. I Inn to H'eniitM. ai to .'. u 1!
attend to ioin the hihirinua i iti.-i. . ..' I '"r "
. . - . ,
llial progressive town in making an .i;
propriate display of thetr patriniiiii. !t !
Is Hutei that they ahouM loco. Am ,u;
other attractions will be the proven. -e of
Uw McKanlaas Minstrel li.niil. ui.lcl l i
the 1ebanon Comet Unul. Then if!
be a hose contest, tlrnt prize i.. Hei-i tvl
lOOymrxl foot race, prize 5; a ,V .ud ! "u;c,",,Jl J 1,1
- foot race, prme 5; a fat m.t.i'- m, e. "Be -"" ''".
- many other attractions too" tmiiier.i';. to' ',o1': , ' !' " ','!.v
' meution. inwhulikiosiiti.
tllteii !i !l pits cello rcHS
v In e-iiues nv:i:l;tl.
.1 ;: n- i ( t.Si.i. t . ii i i' l!!iie's
i V.;., I 111 fit,. V.- l.-ing ill i on
i .i :t .i n .In the wot... .Mr I'luc
ve'i: , e.d w ill be
. , .(.,. 'i i-'t t. The
.f otie liitn-.,-
Imi j.i eta-
nici.t lo the eiuim-
il'.i r di;niio not tint the
'i. i "l d i ot li.uti Hoik
oo .1 tini't. l nearly hern tu'kO(l i.i Ihc
n ie been i. (, in -tod to
ho ipieri it ihe i'imihoh
.ti SIU.III .
!v ol the w.i) .'liio every
to ovciomc the piipula
le.iv ui much munller
I ('!,',
i !.
t - i.
in the
' o n . l l, I v
1 hot;1i a f t' n-i
Illlj'Oll i- ii. I
.; e.nfoi ,ii.i.. i
tO Li
tiiu te hi
n t'endlvton .
Ao,!, Sny the '
n !.e! e.,l" I
title compart'
took ..:ii .it thi
iiroo ntut'jtilc
l o I i I..:. I 1)111 tin
: i'.J of the
: -cd If the
i:i.i.iU were
: O. -Five
! .lit by the
i en! mi. lor
lop. t, ratlici
e I. 'live i
tit hiiM'i, laeii' lootu n'.ice w.i m dark
a the d.irl.ct corner ot I Lull's an.I there
vere e tne.iiii ot emil illoti. Thl
itioinli) llu'v mije n iiantlr hn'.'iul) and
the nt'entiott iI
Tho dedication ot the new Mnaonlo
temple In Albany Tuesda . proved the
greatetit event lit the bintory of tho lo'lge
in thi city, bringing together au im.
tnenso nunilx'rof peojile from all over the
slate. It wa made a holiday event In
the afternoon, when tho city was shown
the visitors, the cabs and hacke of the
eltv bclnif tilaeed at their disposal.
At 0 o'clock the priwession formiHl in
frout of tho hall with right resting on
Ferrv Street. headed bv the Albany Imnd
which furnished Rome splendid music
during tho entire day. One hundred
Knights and two or tltreo hundred other
Masons were In line, the meniliera of the
(irand Lodge In carriages following in the
rear. After marching to Ji.von Mreet.anu
buck on First Street, tho procession tilled
the already overflowing temple. This
building, recently finished, is an orna
ment to the city. The first floor is occupied
by the liest furniture store In the valley,
while the second is devoted to tho lodge.
The building Is 40x100 feet, the stories 10
and SO feet in height, tho lodge rooms
constMt of the main hall ,t2xI feet and
several ante room elegantly furnished.
Itiilging from the dedication exercise the
hall litis the lineal acoustic properties of
iinv in the eitv.
rite iledieutiou services were under
charge of the following liienils'rs of the
grand lodge: James F Robinson, grand
master; I (' Moreland. deputy grand
master; F A Moore, senior grand waiden j
V Y Armstrong, junior grand warden;
IM MeKercher, grand treasurer; S F
(.'liadvviek.ut'ainl secretary: R I' Farhart,
grand oritur; I UN Melt, 'grand chaplain ;
t iio I Itttnphri y gr.'tud itutridinl, pro tent ;
l' S M i'.'. 'ini.i.1 -tiior gtatid deacon ; T'toiii-
I iw t tii ,ui, grand standard bonrer ; I'avid
' t'loiiiau.jTrand word Is'tircr; I. A Taylor
ami Win Miller, grand stewanls; lius'af
Wilson, grand tyler.
Tin.' exereiws were opened by a march,
composed for the oecitHion by Frof lit'
I'ahner, mid played bv Mrs A It Seal,
piano; t 'bar leu Mueller, violin, and A It
Seal, cornet. A song followed by a choir,
ciiiiipoiied of Rev I'richiird, Frnf la-e, Mr
Lutgdou and Mr and Mrs Seal, h ho fiirn-i.-diod
som ) excellent luittiio for the wca
Mr lavid Fronutn, Master of Coriutliian
Imlge, atiinniiieeil the completion d the
temple to the graml master, ami l I
Masoii.chairman of the building commit
tee, declan'd his work completed. The
dedication of the temple wa pronouneed.
Muaie liy the orchestra followed, when
Mr l V Mason intMiluccd t'ol Joint Mc
Cruckrn, orator of the day, who in a
finely worded n, Id rem si t forth the ob
jeeta and purui'S of the order.
l'rof LoriMard was then ln-aril in a very
skilfully rendered piano solo.
Mr Mason made a coiieise statement
alioiit the building of the temple, hIiow ing
the condition of the affair to be
A vocal solo by Mr K W Iaingdoii,
K'aiitifully sung, was listened to with
marked pleasure.
Mr Mason then announced the presen
tation to Christopher Tavlor. 1. V. M.,
ilangerottsly ill.
co-ner u( a strei i 1.
- A (mmd Lkctubk. Eli 1'erVins. who
waa once in Allmny, tells the following
lory, w hich will lie of interest to some
Albany young men who will appr.-ci-'te
the sitnation :. As Max I'Kv ll ran-, - i:itu
the train, after hi Portsmouth ieeture, a ' "old :iif
. i:. l . t . ' i !....'.
1 1
l t :'. loan get UJmvi t' e
i tt:e et , i
j ill f. I 't !.:. u-' . ti'i.'iij v.Hfi i: 'i le;".
, ari l itif ;-e i n. t ... f!y, tn.i lie rci . g. ..!-;
at tu-.fM .;- i.i.'i. riie i ntr ' xte... t
at '.mi rv, pens, clc'i r twen-
polite young man stcpjied up to him and ; tv-t'.vc cttts, ;n n a way . t ma!e
aiu; ., 1 leg pamon, nut are von l!ie im 'pur. na. ,-r r i.'..:iie ne was gelling an
o re'.oju-d t'.ein.nnd ' '" nangerottsiy in, an t iegatuiy
o mane o i fiom a g"tteii up crtilleate of honorary mem-
give I'vndieton rslup, paying him a warm tribute. Sir
'Knight Moreland n'SN.uded in a happy
! manner on behalf of Mr Tavlor.
A vh'jI trio by Rev i: U Frichard, Frof
U-o and Mrs ( ieo F. t'hamlivrlaiii, was
I no.!'.i. o.y niiig.
el. ii
f the grand
iea'.ioii rerviuony.
! it
gentleman who delivered the Ieeture last j en .rm ;is li:iigi,'t, telling the- crowd it
Bight?" "lam," Raid MrORoll. w ith I was milv 1h -eai: -e : ho go.-!-t wore Vmitht
aome pride. "Well, I want totliank you at ShctiTs s:il'. The same g-ssls, if not
for it. I don't know when I ever enjoyed U-tter cnes, could lie purchased at tlu 5
'myself more than when you were talk- and l'i cent store for a little over fifteen
irtg."- "Yott are very complimentary," n-ttts. After a big gbt rutting display
rak! fMax, blushing to his earo "very tie" matt sold a gl.i-a cir.tcr for 2j cent
coinpumenuiry. i am gtail my fittmoie inai nas i-en h i r.giu niong ny .iir
effort was worthy if your praise, "and Uie't'rissuian for liieeiits, and exactly the
firoud O'Rell tookjthe young man warm- same instrument, cork screw and all.
y by the hand. . " Ye," continued the j Some people l ad rather Is- l'.aritumizcd
young man,, "your lecture gavo me im- than not.
. mense pleasure. ou see I am engaged
to a Portsmouth girl, and her three sisters
all went, and I had my girl iin the parlor
all to myself. Oh, it was a happy night !
the night you lectured in Portsmouth.
When are you going to lecture there
Crook Cowstt. Robert Smith, ot Si,'
tel, left on Thin Jay foe ttaUcy, where
v he will spend the dimmer working at hi
- trade, painting.
i s;'t Oiia i
fU'il, r 'tr round'
tooli.J, v.ere' 1
' . Durlnz the last ttorm of tne past winter
- Luther Oar pool turned 350 head of cattle
on the Agency plain This week he fin-
fthed ffathcrtnir and think his lo l I
' not exceed Co head.
Cattlemen who have been riding on the
.. range recently ay the gran i be tor titan
; they have teen it for year. While tiding
- -they could turn their tuddle hone out
anywhere and they would get all they
- ' B F Cli'ld came in yesterday afternoon
from Brownvi'le, having come acro, tti?
Cascade. ' He saya tie U well picancj with
hi new home in Linn county, arid like
; weefoot better than Eatern O' egon. Mr
Child "will only remain wl'.h u a few
days Review.
. " .' . Good Btr. A farewell reception w ai
. tendered Rey Roger, of the Congrega
iionai cnureii, nun .iionuay ai me rcsi-
,'denceof Mr J N luncan, fy tn rntiers of
. the church and a few invited friends. A
very enjoyable evening wa spent in
.conversation, game and partaking of a
, very nice lunch of ice cream and a choice
'. variety of cake. "A general good will
wit disphtyed toward Rev Roger, who
Jja resigned hi pastoral here to rcturt)
to hu former home at Albion, N Y. Mi
departure will be generally regretted by
The T:vt of running trains on the
Pouthern Pacific change next week, a
has-been previously announced. The
morning overlr will pas through Sa
lem at a bout 7-0, and the evening one
about 8:4j,-.The Eugene express will
then be the-Roseburg express and it
running time will te but little changed.
. Thi is -the program, given by a Salem
- paper. "We have been unable to learn
- anything detinit- here. The above, if
correct, will make the morning .tram
pass Albany at about 6:15, and the eve-
ningtrain at 10 o'clock.
Past Mt Hood. Major S L Lovell
started last Saturday in rerponse to a tel
egram to resume the work of surveying a
railroad line put Mt Hood on the south
side, where he discovered a motl f.-asiblc
pas recently at a point where no way of
petting through wa ever known to exist
before. The survey 1 in the Interenfof
the U P, and will shorten the distance to
Huntington by some iv mile. The ma-
tor and hi couittn. W u Lovell, ha es
tablished an engineers office in Portland.
CorvaLlis. Alley Thompson, son of
Dr. E J Thompson, had the misfortune to
run apiece ot broken gias into !i knee,
orrlast Friday, Inflicting a wound that -v ill
compel him to wear a crutch for a few
day at least. ' .'
The board of school director met last
Friday night.' and very wisely re-elected
as teachers for the ensuing year Mrs Cal a-
han and Misses: Harris and Hoffman
Times. .v.w - . v "
Quick Work.--LaatSaUtrday in the
circuit court Matilda Yourirg obtained a di
vorce from Frank N Youni .and last
evening a license was issued idr her. to
wed J L Boyer. Evidently single lif$ ha
no charms for mr, and if "marriage is i
failure" In one case, she is willing to try it
again iney were iat evening united in
. ' .matrimony by Justice May. Astorian.
A (Jhd State. Oregon never had a
failure pf crops and tnis year when dry
weather wa causing many farmer to
feel uneasy about hi crops, the welcome
' rain came In due season, and all nature
smile and blostoms anew, and the harvest
of 1890 Is again to be a plentiful one.
What a grand state is Oregon. West
The Stat Then. The mot impor
, tant criminal cases, this week in the Clr-
cult court, will be those of Walker and
' Brigg for robbing Damon 'Smith
Walker, on getting his last shave and hair
cut this morning, remarked that the next
Cut wa liable to be thirty miles from here
and of a shorter nature.
A Shellbark Leaf. Mr G G Belt,
redding eight miles from Halsey, has
handed the Democrat offiice a Shellbark
hickory leaf, which he pronounces the
largest he ever aw. It measured 15x7
laches. Next.
JUrguos t Read's.
A Mas recently over from (Vxik coun
ty states that the general opinion there is
that the skull found in the northeatern
part of the county, was that of tieorge
Nutting. who was last seen in Msy 0: last i
year. The theory now is that n .t-'e- p- j
herder, who had been- oriien-l by Mr
Nutting, who was sheep tiivt'ir, not to
cross the county line, on ucconnl of the
condition of his sheen, committtd the
murder, placing the lody on a pile of
brush and burning it, only the charred
skull remaining. The herder left for
Australia alnmt three weeks afterwards,
and before it w as known fur certain that
Mr Nutting was missing.aud it is thought
he is there now. K.-c'-ut events have
brought out this theory of the matter.
Disjoisxrn Kskk. Mrs Wy'.ie A
Msres has ls'en visiting her sisters at
Albany, and yesterday fo'eniKiti tuet
with an accident which brought hervi.-it
to a close sooner than rfin' expected.
While attending to some matters of her
toilet, she in some way stumbled and
dislocated her knee joint. She tele
graphed her hunlmnd immediately and
had the injured jnemher attended to by
I a physician. Mr Moores went up with a
j team and carriage and brought her home,
j where she now lies and will remain sev
eral day before she wa'ks w ithout as
sistance. aicm Journal.
Tit for Tat. Judge Tutey, who uwil
to be a director of one newspaper and is
no judicially. In charge of another, said :
"No Intelligent man at thi day believe
a thing true merely because he ce
it so stated b a newnpuper. lie knows
tlrit what I averted a true to day will
very likely be denied to inuno."
Tlii is one dictum. By way of reprNal
it invite another 1
No Intelligent man at thi day believe a
judicial deiMon I" be good 'aw merely
because It I- 1 ej from the
He ktiow tii..: I V i .inserted a law to
day will very hkeiy hi: unset by another
court to-moirow. An'orian.
Neat Ad Nice. Mr '"onrad Meyer,
for several day lait pant, ha been over
hauling hi grocery tore at the corner of
First and Brnsdalbin atreet. He ha it
painted, papered, washed, bruhed and
beautified in many way, and in addition
i putting In a r ew s'ock ot good of the
bent and freshcut i.iriety to which be in
vite the' attention of the public generally.
Good the licit and piicr as lo v a any.
CaoLix Moiu.T- In"rcp'ne to a rc-
quetit t'i t readers of tlic 'Duwis;R AT to
report whether the coilllu moth :s al work
In the fruit ttiis year, Mr tVm. Warner of
Cloverdale", Benton county .Oregon, writes
to say that he ha examined hit orchard
very carefully and nnu no sign 01 me
moth. Let other tell what they know
about the presence of the moth this year.
TuAiars, An additional local train will
lie put on the Southern Pacific,' as ha
heretofore len rumored, running orny
to Albany, and will go into effect July
1st. The . present locals will run to
Roseburg. The through train will only
stop at the large cities, making last time
Due Him. Much of the licauty and
brilliancy attending the table at the
Masonic banquet last evening, was due
to the artistic skill of Mr Moorehouse,
who arranged the electric lights and ap
pliance m Armory Wall.
Cokhidkb Tins. By calling at Jaa F
Powell' vou will ee a large and fine
stock of vegetable and fruits just receiv
ed by eteamer, consisting ot tresh orange
Ininnns: cabbatre. cauliflower, onions, cel
ery, ripe cberrie, and choice fruit of all
Pababoi.b. I have just received a new
invoice of Parasol.
;,. . . :' Samuel K Young.
.1! S ij'el ., k nlntlt four hundred people
n sumptuous repast in the
Four table, ls-auti(ully ilecor-
l bv emblems suit It -tiled
with tho choicest
f ru't.i and viai. is of the season. The hall
was brilliant'.)- lighted bv well arranged
incandescent light. After the guests
had !een netted a brilliant and startling
etl'eet was produced by electric lights
flashing up Iroul the long rows of ImU
piets arranged on the tables.causing a
brtlluiiit.ijieitacle.The sccoud tabli were
nearly filUid.abnut seven hundred lifty in
aU sitting down to the repast, for the great
sueeess of whieh much credit is due Mr
W H tiarrett, chairman of the UitKiuet
The festiiities of the day closed with a
ball at the Opera House," attended by a
very, largij conconrs of peop'e. ' Some
line cost iitms were lobe iiottceL I he
i-raud inarch, toad'' by Mr Hopkins and
Mis) Minerva Mofiteith was prettily ar
ranged. The Istll was declarol the most
suceesnfiil in the history ol the city. The
muic was itirtitdicd by a Portland or
chestra ami was highly enjtfycd.i .'
Ilow'aK r 11? ,i-s. "I have 'never
scon as brigot crop prospects in Linn
county as now." ;.iid a' f 'enter precinct
man to a )KV'!-iur iii.-m . "Fall wheat
looks line, spring what is j'i"t whiiop
ing it tip, an 1 oats will !, iniiiifiisir."
"That's my olrtt-rvalmti t'Jo," raid a
m ill "tand'ng near.
Then- lin n living in a sph-ndid w heat
Is-lt, n- doubt' tv.rrvetly for their
neetioii. rV-v-raf other men. who witc
interviewed, tho. lilt, said tt deismded
where y.,u were. In smi pnrts of the
county some fu ;u looked isid, the rain,
if any, can 10 too late, and the result will
l a small crop there. Tako the wl ole
county and rcimrti indicate about an
average crop. One man says it. will lie
under average, and another tiver average.
w hich split in two will make an average
result. . . v
fitiAtiK SrKi:s are little sticks stuck in
the ground to indicate what (lie actual
establiiilu-d grade of the city i in the lo
cality where stuck. Theoretically they
should le tinilorm. Practically, the
wav set in Albany, they are most any
thing. Stake were et for a sidewalk'
several months ago, and recently for one-
adjoining it, on j-erry street, letween
iith and 7th. The latter sidewalk ig now
three or four inches lower than the oilier
an ! the result is a. stumbling block tor
the public. This may lie seen all over
the city. There is no excuse for it, at
all, and the public is getting tired of Much
stake setting. J-et a tiave some unifor
mity, or else let every . matt squint for
tiimseii. -
Everything 1 growing lustily.
Long rain now make wide face. .
There are no dude In Albany.
This week friend and old nelghbots
meet in isgat comnt to right wrong and
eat shuck while the lawyers dl(eNt the
Senator Mitchell created a "ennui Ion a
few day ago by nipearmg In hi seat In
the Senate chamber In a suit of white
A Portland pupcr that has been taking
the census propound the following among
other ucai!on : I) 1 Chomp on Did you
ever run for the ullloe of Governor t li so
how fur did you rim nnd why. ,
The name of a new society just started
1 "i ne society lor me Hotter t'i-otnotion
of Relaxation fiom Munition Care and
Knjoymcnt During Luncheon Hour In
the Municipality of London " Lack of
pace tornd1 furtlur mention of It.
The enumerator foi Lewi & Clark,
ueoigo iJ.-lt, tisd a nairow encupe In the
discharge of his duties, for he whs ched
by a crary woman, armed with a hot gun,
wiin wantril to slio itlilm. lie dropped
Id hook and blank, but aftsrward recov
ered t'em, av the Atoin.
Hoe I' caver, of Lebanon. Oreuon. max
hi the city U'eiliiedity,i Ultlng friend and
relative Mi Cleaver I one of Marlon
COiinly' olile.t Kolt'om. He I the Hrt
juktlce t f the peace ever coiiunUiloued In
Orcgon.Hud that bv the Territorial Legis
lature .-iitvetiou Appeal.
Cup Humphrey, now at Pendleton, av
u I I liouiion i(,o,iK.o boodle It
tiled through the maie did not reach the
honest voter. lulhUclly It U doubted tf
inuih of It panx-d beiotul the middlemen,
a place where llin-u (ouith ot It alniol
niilvei.illy lodo. The 11. an who hold'
the aok U the ilmp who line hi (Mickct
The so called liiiiorhltloled child of
the fount I tinuallv no novice In the mis
tetle of poker, hoAtver bland and chld-
like he may hi iirnr. A couple of local
hum h gra.n npoit., tt I reported, have
loimd thi out to their notrow. In a scries
of game with Chief Pen, that tagaciou
brave hi far managed to come out $100
ahead of I.W white co,upctil"r , Pcndlo
ton F. ().
It will Ihi of no interest to a man, hut
women married women will Ihi glad to
hear that a very ingenious electrical dev
ice has lately liecn patented by w hich tho
hands of a clock si t to a certain hour are
made to complete an electric current con
nected with the kitchen stove so that the
tire i started when the given hour ar
rive. tin out through the country and on
many of the farm you w ill see trespass
notices stuck up, and very promrly too.
The Albany boy now are getting even
w ith the farmer in good shape, though
not for that purpose, by osling trespass
notices on the ball ground in front of the
Court House, that having Un-n hereto
fore a geueral stopping place for farm
in r.tit
At a regular communication of Scio
Lodge, No. :, A. F. and A.M., the fol
lowing preamble and resolution were
adopted ;
Wiicrkis, The great Architect of the
Ftiherxo in Ilia all-win' providence baa
removed from our midst our beloved
brother, Win. Cyrus, who died June 6th,
istsi, altera short iiineas. Be it there
fore Hesolved, That while we Uw w ith rev
erence to the decree of the Supreme lirand
Master we humbly deplore the Ins of our
la-loved brother. The void created by his
death leaves a vacancy that none can till.
That Scio Iodgo, No. 3U, A F and A M
ha lost one of its ablest members, w hose
councils will lie heard no more, but w hose
example may be looked upon a a guide
to each individual member. Be it further
Resolved, That the community ha loat
an exemplary citien and a lils'ral and
ms-lal neighbor, and the family of de
ceased a kind and indulgent father and a
good and faithful buslmnd, lait a we
think of hi unfained piety 10 liod and hi
Inflexible fidelity to the trust reposed in
him, that profiting bv his example we
may la' prepared to w elcome death not as
a grim tyrant by a a kind messenger sent
to translate us from thi imperfect to
that glorious snd celestial sphere w here
the Supreme tJrsud Master forever pre
side, tie it further
Resolved, That a copy of the resolu
tion l spread uiMiti our minutes, copy
preentl totlmfsmilv of the deceased,
and a copy published In our county pa
Of? Mv,
Jidr Mtes,
- lre aiiatrorr ( ami
Charles A Stile, rj-. Carroll St., Buffa.
1o, N. wrlics s I luve Wen a clerk In
the Continental Mitel, comer Exchange
and Michigan ttrcet. lor some years, and
firt untd AUcock Torou rianter tnrce
year ago for a sore shoulder. I fell dow n
stair and got a terrible wrench and brube.
I-or evt-l week I uflered scute pain In
the shoulder joint and, getting no relief,
cr only temporary, from numerous lini
ment, 1 put on an Allcock'a Porju plas
ter; kepi U on lor two or three week and
my sliouldcr wa wvli. 1 ney aio cured
me in six week ota 11101 onsiinaie torin
ol Jyjenla."
Geo 8 Fletcher vil S Cochran and W
Scott Beebc, to recover money, Dlimtst
ed at cost plff. ,
1 hotnas Jeffren v (1 8 Montgomery
iiiieumcni. vonuniieu ior service.
T Dlttenhoeffer v Perry Kmith, recov
cry 01 money. Continued.
Stale ot Oregon v J Bannon, burg-
iry. o .tinueu.
Tnpllla S: Co v Mary Couglll, recover
money, (.ontinueu,
Martha Pierce v Mallnda Hodgkln
nnu in equity, continued ior service.
ucoj Mraner v Mary Uouglll, recover
money, conihuted. '
S 0 llcnnett vt J 11 Wlglc. et al. on
contract, count. ucu.
Mimney, Valentine St Co y Mary Con
gill, recover money. Continued,
W Shields, el al v TJ Shield., et al,
partition, continued,
John (lilnham v it N and A A Derth
tick, suit In equity. Continued.
Cap National flank v W F Croby, re
cover money, (.omtnucu,
Tho Smith v Rebecca Smith, divorce
Dl.inlnncd at plff conts,
bar I Race vs Searle Si Deane, attach,
ineiit, Continued for service.
I.octa Manon v Joscfh Mason;
Luchida DStrattoii v. J S Sfratton, di
vorce, vivorce granted.
Goldmlih Rankle v Far & Mcr In
Co, recover money Co.ittnued.
D M Osborne Jfe Co v P A Helm, re
cover money. DUmisad at col of nlff
without prejudice. j
Alvln 1'. f .ong, cl al v David F Spang
ler, et al, tiartilioii. Kcnort of referee r..
CtH L Young V J C Youmr. Dlvoroe
Elisabeth A II. ach v Millard Beach,
Damage. Settled per stipulation.
Ellahcth A Beach v Anna Ii.el
Damage. Settled per stipulation.
I he AlUauv Far (' v S S MrV.,1.1..,
Recover money, (.ontlnucd for service.
t-ar Nat Bank v Tho Mltehrll ei l
llccover money. Default snd judgment.
C II Mueller va Robinson & West. Re
cover money. Default and judgment.
Calvin Stewatt v Marco Hodge.; dam-
aKc .Settled.
Joslc Cox v Arthur Cos. Dlvniee f "on-
C F Cromwell, et al V 1) Krone v. et
al, partition. Continued.
Nellie Hamlll v Slenhon Ilalllott. Sale
State v Ed Monttrotncrv. Plead vulitv
toaasautt. Klncd $o.
A FotiMKti Albany Roy. At a contest
in the Y M C A gymnasium of Seattle
Monday night Edmund Price, a on of
l)r Price, formerly of this city, waa one
of the contestant. The Journal in an
extended account of the exercise men
tiotiH him as follows: Frank Bentlt-y
easily took tho lead on the parallel lair
and came as near' turning himself inside
out as a man could do and remain alive
Charley Mitchell proved a very close see
ond, and Edmund Price, a deaf mule
could hardly be iiersuailed to "let go1
w hen the professor announced that tune
was tit. In the contest on the horizontal
bar Price, the mute, surprised the cuis
as well a the professor by In knowledge
01 thinga horizontal. . - .
Censcm KifiKEKfl. Tho StateHinan
claims Unit enough name were missed
there in the census enumeration to make
a good sized city directory, and want
recount. No. doubt uomo name tiave
been missed but tho demand for a re
count will be go general by cities every
where. exct-Dt Ht Paul ana Minneapolis
that it ia safe to Bay there will be none,
and that the census as given in the first
place will be the one that will go down
on record. There will We lots of kicking;
but Uncle Sam won't care. A it will
affect the whole result materially it is
really too bad that more efficient men
were not put in as enumerators in some
Mattle E Bowlln W Itoisrth. et a).
suit In cqnlty . Rcpott confirmed.
Curran .N: Moutelth vs Paul jlltwhtmlcr,
recover money. Judgement for deft.
R II Roncoe y O'Connor & Barr, rec
over money. Judgment for wnt of an
Purlome Benson vs Frank and Mav
Smith. Hull In equity Judgment for de
fendant for want of prosecution.
State v W ) ltiltfica. Robber. With.
drew pica of n'lt eulltv and entered riea
of guilty. Sentenced to penitentiary for
two year.
State terry Keenrv. Aasauil with
deadly weapon. Not guilty.
Ell II Mrndenhall ct al v. K Bel
hw. Partition. M Cunningham, henry
Robert and John (inme appointed to
make partition.
J fi Haskell vAnn V Ha.kcli. Di
vorce. Divorce granted.
II Dickinson v Mary E Dickson. Et,
specific per. con. Decree granted.
Angeiine Reed et al v A 11 Bond rt al.
Partition. T Trite, J Bllyeu and AH
Cnntar aptolnted to make partPlon.
Carrie ( Young v F D Young, dlvorre
4(L fcstsiaaalKs.
J P Schooling to Martha R School
ing, lot I, 3. 3,4. s, bl J, lots 1, 5,M N's A to llirrisburg.
and sundry oilier lot, ........ $ 3jou
M E llearn tt u to L E dyle and
H W Peer y. lot J.W 3. Lebanon. 950
J S Amea to Steward Evans, t acre
in tp IJ. S K I E 100
S W Pal.le to 'Valt Mead, tract I.i
bl 60, Albany a.o
VII Archibald to A t Windoin,
tract In llrowit'vllltt juo
It I. McDonald to A T MoCully. 10
at re in to 10. S R 1 E 300
Cntled State to J II Armstrong, tot.
ai re sec fi, tp ij.S R t fc 400
iillusll Arn.tlrong to IV II Slim.
son. I') acre In to 1 1, S It t E looo
amc Walsh to John A trwforJ,c
acre in tp It, M K 4 w I Jo
Wm McManter to George B Gray.
1 16 4$ acre in tt t4.H Km.. 1
Sco It (iray to llenrv C Cook.i tfi.tH
In To 14 .SR 3 W itito
Wm Hal. ton, etu to .S. hool DIM
No ifi,' 1 acre In Lebanon,. . , 1
littNR Ann anno ti.
uLiniDi), nil a
('Itloauii'iO'iiisii will, it I
a pnpulvtien uf i,(XH).('M),
Mr Jit Weblisr, Jr, ai d ul ild, of
land, ar in thosity iifmg Ion ie
Mis () tiudo MauslluliI, t,f Portlnu I,
in th cl vinitnig ff liiiiiln.
itiai.uai vnis 11 in rrjnm aute alwitien
wa about 71 CtH), au ii,uro- of ! ut 10.000
in two ynsr. His iiulinittna is t '1st (Ji fumi'a
populstion is hhout 3oU,0(sj.
Julia Ilolinaii. milieiliit.iii ant tt tha Al.
baa V iron winks. 0.11m fioma this iuu. 1
I ninina bsdlv. a hnavv ...o of iron hmvinu
Idleunn III (not a fW llm nun. Silnm
..... a ,
tame Aiiratiam. l ruitlann. ha nnr-
ohasad a half iuttitekt in lliu ht.ui nuarrv of
i LBIaokman, oros ilia hvr,paying f.'KHHt
mr in mH, na already own a qasrry
urvner up ins river.
(Ireat nrsnaratinn ar I eina mad for tii
...1 . ...
Mssoiilo dadmation fnstlvitlss. in lids oitv.
Tansday, Th bil primnsn to bi tlis
mtait brtlliiut in th liUlorv of Alhaiiv. and
til bstiquet will 1 oompletB,
Tba Cliiuauo Cmiimlv C.inuianv will snnn
b In AIImmv katin. It i now umlf-r the
ehsrK ol tba bright sotnr, Jjtnus A I'ovliti
and Isiuis A Vinraiu.
Mr luliua JuseiJi. thn fm.iii ou..r nun
(if Albany, rpent a fi.W day mi th It) dur
ing ina wres. us nuke a tiiie,eii au.huiii t
eir, and la a snuara limn tn ilnnl ailh,
Siiniiini ooinnUiii that a nil of wood
haa bean standing in front i.f llm (a'estial
astablishtnetit adj. lining No 2' nuina
lions nearly a yaar, so eln. to the suit
wsla a t U mtrially in Ilia way.
Mrs Kdtioin. Vld lb (Villain of t!.a Sal.
atlnn Army, ef Huio, st iu tlm city. We
ar informed that an armv a 1.1 soun Isv
iw toAlhatiy, a fact w du tu t ihroniel
wiui nilailty.
GsanoJi sy The following grand jutv
wa drawn at the miming of the circuit tlii
afternoons John W Puglt. Fore.nsn, la A
rvuiiatiison, re'.er U m, John Bllyeu, Jocph
, 1 J I'linillicil, I W l l,.l,
Tba Msxms bav tn-iUy.
DrC C Kslley ia at bom tpjit ill.
Judito Whally. of Portland, is ii. lha
attandiug oourl
MrJ Dnulisl.bmiia a ith Id
parsntsst Woodburn.
Mr Wm Niloa. with ilurTmsn & ILL,.. . t
Portland, is in tha city.
tr -
I Kin t forot th social to Im htd.l in tt. Hf
E I'huroh tomorrow avauing.
C A McDonald, of th Brownsvilla Ti. ,,. ;
in thcily.
Bill Oird, n old rol lout of Albauv.
savaral yaar ago, i in be city . naw ontatnea ara enmiuv in f.t.
and ar fur superior t the California i title.
Th itradua'.inu serei i.f 1)1 KimI- A .
ricttltarat.cnllrgA oeeur to-m tiO at IW-
IV'.f J M lHMHm-r lisa toturfial tn SUi
od taken cbaroa m tl.g Sctiml l!n.,or...i
Mis Minnie 1'srkfr, of Portland, is In
tii city tha guest of Hon. J K We.dtrrferd
llv Un(iir rutnnuil tn-m i jm this
ii'iuii. iiinl will imvi) 11 to. in Iick t on f it
tho i a,t, y way of S411 K.i ei e.,.
Albeit S endjtr leturii'd 'bi eonti fdm
rurtlaml, where hi Im lm ifinli.ii.
Bukl'.tm ooilegu for '-n ril im 11 tlm.
Put of C enicue Amltf.m, b, let for a
oit'KD'i ef Dsnin irk ' mil tut flwrfgi d
oiiix-rii in tbs rtiroiut imri, tni ut oiiioon.
Mr. W T fbar.t, Mr A II M .r ln nd
Mi Itebt J'iliiin returned this .oni fnoi- a
tiiDslinu of UisC na. w-M'i .na! -mjU!1imi. at
K rr. tlm Imv nr. iiolier. wm eivee a trim
In fun, Ju-lti-o lli i, ton this aftm i.iion, ai d
lli.s.1 l.'iaii'i uos', iu difiuilt of ! 10, lit i,l
Id. 1I1 im m t ikati to tbs tia!lbi'i-.
I'r I', I, Itviiis. siCnnd libvrieiaii at tlm
Oregon tnkaiiM iyiiiio, seooiiiuanied by hi
Mi-oUmr, 1r Irviu,., Isiaof easturu Orevon,
pfi ian .1 11 11 'I y m urv II ardor. lit
.r,ii,l,,, th.t th lattar will looulu some
wliiiie on th harbor. Gray' Harbor Time.
hir n.i' Mrs W 0 Wetlasaat 111 theeity
on netr way to j-oniiintoii. wnicti thsy ex
pect to innks thsirfutura lioms. Mr We(
aku siatur Dr. IUiV Alexander ia maetim
with Kraat aaeos there in tha uractioa 01
meJiviiie, and Dr. Alrxauder will siwd move
there to ait hnr.
Wmkhkas, The great Master of the
Univeiac ha seen fit In HI providence to
take from our mtdtt and our leadership
our worthy brother and Ma-tcr of our
jrange, Wm. Cyru, and
tviierca. I he order or P of 11. ha bv
hi deaih lout one of It find and most
faithful worker ; and
Where. We deeply mourn our lo.we
realize our lo Is hi gain, thai he has
been taken from the irnge below to a
higher and nobler field and sphere ot life
th filtlnir reward of the true and faithful
worker In all the duties of life, ever fore.
mol hi all that make society better and
happier therefore
Resolved, 'I hat Hantiain Cranie has
lost a true and faithful member and lead
cr, and the community one of Iks best cltl
xen, hi family a kind, true and faithful
husband and father.
Resolved, That a a tribute to hi mem
ory our charter and alter be draped In
mouir.tiij tor thirty day, and that thl
preamble and resolution be placed in full
uiwn our record a a token of our kind
rri;ard for a true brother.
Resolved, 'that a cony of these resolu
tion lie presented lo the family of the dc
ccacd brother.
Resolved, That these resolution be pub
shed in the f KM'icrat and Disseminator.
f Albany, Linn county. Or. f California
'atron please copy ,J
J r CttAarRKe, ,
F I. Com prow.
Jams Camtjkk,
. . . .
nave nrre aucmotitf a few wteks visum in
Slein, csine up to Albany ys-
Totnl. .
A Bia Faioirr B11.1.. A car-load of a
flne'a, lot of furniture a ha ever been
een in Allany, ha Itecn received by
Fortuiiller A Irving. It conslsUof about
twenty varieties of eli-gnntenter table,
in loth fentury and other finish: hand
Some bedroom acts, stand, table, etc..
Peonle wantinir the latest and urettiest
in the fhrniture line'shotilil call at once
and ee these good. Though the freight
bill wa larjro the prices will tie a reas
onable a possible. .
Ahead or Timk. The fresliest and best
irroceric and fruit in the market at Ja
Powell A Co'. ,
(iet vour canned good at Ja F Powell
X CO .
Ja F Powell St Co lead in the grocery
bUHlness. -
Jas F Powell & Co are rushed with bust
ness Is-cause they have the gixsls and give
iiargam. -
Two Car Loads. Price A Robsoti have
ust received two car load of wagon and
HiL'iies, liubt and heavy, and will sell
them at remarkably low price, consider
ing the splendid quality of the waiton.
Musuit Undkhwrab. T great variety
ot style at bottom price.
Samuel E Young,
Will Leave thk . Strekt, Delivery
wagons will lave the .street In the fore
noon on first trip at It o'clock, sharp: sec
ond trip at lo o'clock ; third trip at 11:15
o'clock. 4 N Alajy Delivery Co.
f TIIC tITHt.tO Mt tttttstY,
June 24th lS'JO.
. Mr K J Willottifhbv treated bi neiuh-
liors to an old fashioned Iwrn raising ort
Friday of last week. All seemed 10 have
enjoyed the tr-at imrtifiisely, , ,"
Hon J D Kennedy, of St Paul. 1 snend-
ititf a few week in this neighborhood.
Mrs M Taylor and children, were visit-
inirat Isiwson from Saturtutr until Mon-
Mr and Mr C T AHimtbam. of Lake
creek, and Mi Dollie Alllngham, of
Metite were vimtinn in thia Vicinty last
A few of the ItoundarviCe attended
the Commencement exercise at the
State University last Thursday.-,
' Ts f arpwl Rayera.
We have just received a new line of
carpet, consisting of the latest style
and pattern, both in Brussels and
woolen. Cur stock U- the most com
plete in the city, and in fact.too large for
tin market, in order : to reduce our
stock we have concluded to make a fur
ther reduction in prices our Jews, your
gain. We Invite you to inspect our stock
la-fore purchasing elsowheio. (iet our
prices and be convinced.
I Oaletnaal Hid fllnrs.
A very )nunK cub of a bear attracted con
lerabla attention at the 1I1M tlu ua
psttietilatly among tba Uiy.
Mr lUroard !y h rent.d the old Yoani?
store and to a conpla of wrrli wi OJWq , f,u.
ty atidgiitfurnirilng(:iHiitt(.
Mr C V..f and son. of Illinois, (wkn
tlit eitv and X
Ou of tba smartest dxtcetivi a is at
lias secured eluM, sod will no doubt soon
an tha firelm into tba pnntcotmry, y
tb Hcio Prcsa. '
A N Cfxir, baretnfor a subjMt of ber
j-tv. Vlct.iri. Oicn of tJre.i Hi.i
and Imltnd, waa adnnlad to cit.tcn.hin Im
lore bU Hon Juilja ioi.fl thi morntng.
Mr vv ilium, aditov of tba
Tennran, wa In tha eitv thi
hi way to BroWMvllle, wh n an cede, Dr
KWC. rHle. Mr William ia an ..I.I
neiithborof MrJ PUalhraitb.of this city.
Tb dial in tba towerof lha M...U
Wmiile nl soma hsnda dly. It woold
noil mocn of a iuUer to ritb money
for not only aome bvl,iut clook-wk
behind thni.
John lUibinsun o'rem i cming thi way
ing LilUd for Spnkana Fll lor faly II.
It aivrtle thst It is ten craat shn ein.
tiinl, four monntr-m r.ilio.l trin, titty
eae of niml. It will no doubt ba a erl
Oirea trst.
PaaAt iiKii tik Iaisu. Uiiv, the liny
evangelist, was arrested last evening,
because he refllm-d to Stop hi meeting;
w hen red m ated to do So by a police
officer. Considerable hoodlumisiu was
the moans of rjuito disturbance, and
Rice got the U iu fit. Thi is omewiiat
a like case lo one once proeetib-d aKaiimt
the Salvation Army, in which the de-
i.mitaiu was onu-iiarv'ini ; out nice m-cius
to have no friends lu re, and will prul
ably not make a very strotit; defense.
The case will be tried lo-tnorrtw at 1
Judge Captva i in the city atU-udicg
I'M Il'Aicy. of Ssl.111, has Wo In th
city attending court.
ARGO'S '82.50
(?. t y
' ' ""'1 . ' -; -.
v.- ;'.: '
. - '? r - jr
A raaaily ateaacd,
Dk E S s: I have used vour
Ethereal Cough Syrup In my family for a
long time and cheerfully recommend it to
i affected with cough, cold and bron
chial affection. EUEN WOOD.
S R Clave, Drug(lt, ModeU.
A bent Modesto.
Laree le i, mall o c-nt. For ale
by J A Cummlng, druggist.
Ma want but little here llow
How oft the line we scan!
And, as many of u know,
It' lucky lor the man.
Rut those who want the U-st groceries,
the freshest fruit, the nicest cannel
mid, and a fine line of cioc keryware to
elect from, go to Conn & Hendricnon,
w here they have their want, little or
big, natistied at bottom prices.
Wall borinsf. rock drilling. propctioa.
First buodisil ft, i per foot; nd bon-
drwt l-et. $12.1 per foot; I bird ban.lrec
ft, tl 'iO pur foot, etc. Grsvel. cemrnt
gTsvrl, h.rd rouk, etc., from $1,23 to $2
iwr foot Without hoard, etc- add .25 per
foot. Write to J B Hughca, AlUny Or.
Wood Wanted. Patron of the Dem
ocrat who wish to pay subscription in
wood should haul It in at once. Our sup
ply must bc laid In before harvest.
Dr. M. it. Kllia. phyaiaian
All ny, Oregon, Call madi
city 01
J W It..,-:
n-i ., . .,i
lit 1 a-id sill maker in
t..,nmtir ,V Ir ioji's
H.l rnt ti. ftW in tt.e edy at Conrad
ti.Mi.1 iby t r wood tor sa'c. Lvo older
at Iht ollic .
Si-kino 1 1 w (omk. The stfK-k
t aiier at Fort miller A; Irvine's i
of wall
than ever, beinii quite Immense and In
clude many new and beautiful design.
New embroldctlc, flouncing, lace
flouncing in cotton and silk, black and
cream. l.aoet in imitation point, also new
design In black and white lace, Including
Vandyck and Elfcl Tower. New ruching.
Samuel E Youno.
Ilighest of all in Leavening Tower. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1SS9.
01 these glove 111
Am sole agent for
Samuel t, xoung.
- The 4th at Albany. Those yt Uthing to
celebrate the 4th of July in a becoming
manner should call on (1 W Simpson, who
has just received a large and choice stock
of clothing, for men, youths and
eluding a nne tine ot Prince Alberta, as
well as frocks and sacks.
The ATbny Woolen mill will pay 20 ceot
ound ' - '
3 cans Golden Star tormttoet for 50! cents
st 0 V syers, and all other canned good
cheap or cash .
I'-inklon's Arnica Salve.
The bmt Sil In thi -v irt l f-11 0uM,llrat.)',Sorii
Ulmrii, Silt R'liii'n, Fjf ir. Ti'tir, Cnsppd
limits, Uhitlilsin, C irni, and all Skin Erupt lo and
posiuvMiyounm rne,or n ny rnqinre'i. ic is triiar-
nteen to s-ive iieneol 'itmrscoon, ar monev retana-
d. Pries 25 cenU par box. For k'.s by Foaluy ad
If vou wDt either to bay or sell your
property place the tame in the bands of It V
Ahby & Co. '
For Sale. Seven fresh cows for sale
"cheap. Inquire at this office.
Is the Courts. The preliminary pa
pers will be filed thi afternoon by Messrs
Caples.HuntlevJand Allen in the suit to be
brought by J M Dick, J L Ilerschntr and
I Bowertox, trustees, against L S FUher,
U Shuff, I B Fisher and II T Bltner. to
enjoin them from interfering with or at
tempting to use the church and parronage
property situated- in block 78. Stephen's
addition, and block 49 Tibbit's addition, In
East fort! and.
This suit will Involve the legality of the
action of the Illinois conference of the
Evangelical Association of North Ameri
ca in dUmutdng Bishop Thomas Bowman
from his position at the session held in
Chicago In January last. Telegram. j
A body with a nervoui temperament
will make known its wants through it
natural medium the nervous system. If
it fails to receive proper nourishment the
nerves will be the first to rry out. Dr
tuner tiydrasttne Kestoratlve ensures
perfect nutrition to those who take it, and
apertictiy nounsnea Dody cannot be ner
vous. For sale at Foshay & Mason'. ,
Ten Acre Tracts. Some choice xo
and 20 acre tracts for garden purposes,
just secured for sale at a bargain. Inquire
of Uuiss 61 tlcilrlcK, ...
1 keep a full lino
black and colored.
Albany, Oregon.
-. - 1
At tori ha on millionaire, Go Plavel
Albany come qoile away from haying a
millionlr; tbouifh aayararai making ar
raDgrmants to be aotnetitne. .
fitter List.
Following is the list of letters remaining
in tha Post Ottioe, Albany, l.iun oounty.Oro-
son, Jane 18th, 1S90. Persona calling for
these latter most give the date on which
they rete advertised :
Allen, Edward L ' ' Autoie. Mr T'na
Caaa, Arthur Cole. Clara B
Carrie, A It Duntiar, John W
Osts, Cbarle T Haitt, Mr Mahal E
Jondon, J Klein. B
LoositfDout.Mr Ila't.eMorton, Clarance
Whereto Get Them. When w&nting
n organ or plana call on G L Blackman
h -e you nan select Xrom a first class
tOM..' --'. ' "
QLaoies Summer Ulousks,. the late
novelties, jurt receive J frona mmafac--
rs by express. S.vmubl E Youia
Albany Market. -
Butter-16c prit.
Potstoe- 75 eta por bu-iho!
H,.0fon root, S'A"
A ,-iple75 cents p r hu,
Portr OWspwW -iwsen
raoens bams I2'v '
. shoulders, ;
sides lOe. '
ard 9c per lb. '
tflour-4.25 per bbl
' blcken 8 00 por do
'ill! Feed bran, lt.oaper ton
- - sliorts, IS.
; middling, 20. '
. Chor 20. ,
Miller. UC
Hohebaok, Al '
Smith, Martin :
Hchnieder, John
Taylor, Tom .
Wilson, J I
MnQalister. Albert
Smith, Sam
Smith, Jaa W
Teagsrden, AL
Watsoo, Alexandbr
Yoant , JU
r--- jar!?--w -11 1 "j z
S Sip
Also Their-
Is the Best Shoe in the
. Jor the Price.
18 larger and Uetter than Ever....
Choice Candy, 1!iuts Frisil, etc'.
L Ifi a iLPa
OIC0.8461. REC0BD,2:29-
v-m?i' - :y-
Allamoiil'a fastttll!m ar.d Ire of Ue'.c-i. teadloR Altamont'a grand c' I -
with a 4 ytar old 7 curd or 2 ai. 1st dan Be".! Price, tlm darn of PricemoTit,
y srold rturord. Z:t5,nd .ilar txn 35 v ill t-n kept at Albsny, Monday and
u 'idn; at talent. Wednesday aud Tbursdaya, end at botae Friday nd
aurday. Allowed to M-rie n an sat f Co to lesure.
AM. 9320. '
S year old record. 2.-41. Hon of A lUtnont, thi sire of a rIiuiat. snd Mafrgfe
mold, rword 2:35 tl'ub'Io trial 'iis ) i'augbtftr of the fame brood ma-e, alice
Drake, tba dam of Norman Md:om, Will bn kept ar independence Ti:c'ay acil
Weineoay; at Corvallia, Thnrsday ana Friday, .t Hcu eHaiurdsy acd Wcnday.
Allowed lo serve mr at 815 to In ure.
(Season eotnmnrlr.i? A or It lt rul f-ndice Jul v 1st and rn itiri r siLliitr el in-
d for ecldnt. TbaakiUK ur pairuc lor jast far 01 we itviic i! tiiiiioscf
the lln'it harnesa horse to call and w us. A few hcica ticcd litui iti'i t. 10 ;1 e
above stallloi.f, also ccic ocnjr, Orirt ra ai.d cclialit rx, tt m Jo .. ill ltV"
P'eaaure lo sbowinKStock a'ny t yac(trnry. f .
Sis ---t f!Tan a-
DickiKiali-rtv. w-r t vill m tke
thesisKonof 190, comitieucinjr April 1
and endinK July I, at MarsUall' alable,
Albany, Unn county, ur. giving Linn
county homimes chance to Jbrced to a
standard horsn, with Rlz aud rpeeit.BOt
to be excelled in Oregon.
iuV Flaherty ia a chestnut, siualt atr'n
In faee, one wbtta aakle, stand-i lo liand-t
high, weKh -0. witin-r -h the t
eti at City View Park SrpcMuber 13,
IfMH, defealinK t)neo". () sinler, Maud
Knox ar.d Harvest in three stra'ght
heat. Thl wa Dick's first rw. at
which time h male hi record or 2:30.
(Sired by Flaho.ty' Fcarnaufihl. hy
Fearnauttbt. Jr. 13 bv Keirimught, 153,
reeord if 2:23 1 4 (wirine f tha utOooo
purse at HurtHlo in tsti, l.-ffHtii R Oeorfta
rBimerCni Maydsr.t, Ain,"nm iJ.rl, J
J Bradley, Myron Perry, Victor llag'i
nd Mollie), h hy young Morr I.
Dick Flaherty'" dam, bhi irew, nas
paced a mile In 2:30, ly Dod.t's Nelson,
bv John tuelson. 1S7, sire oT Nevea,
2:23 1-2, Aurora. 2:27 12 Nemo, 2:30; by
Geo. A. Werner, the wellknownbook engrayer,
Ot 1 California 6t, B. F., writes to the Edwin W.
Joy Co., that his wife ha been taking Joy's Veg
etable BanaparUla for months for liver trouble
and indigestion with splendid results. He says,
"w bay found It Invaluable ior keeping the
lyitem regulated. It divide th load with a
dyspepsial stomach and replace the distressing
sense ot fulness and oppression with a feeling
of ease and relief. It 1 a perfect liver and bowel
I regulator, We have both been taking It for
uoethf. 2t U good to hav bandy."
Sel&Feedcir and Band-Cutter,'
Traction Engines;
Automatic Stacker. Etc
Also read what one of the solid men of Linn county says
about thsm: - .- '' - .-
J Millers, Linn County, Oregon,)
. - : September 35, 1889. J
Portland. Orecon.
. . Dear Sir: In reference to your Inquiry s to how I liked
mv Advance Thresher, purchased ot vou this year, will fcy the Advance does more
and better work than any other machine I ever saw, and I have seen all that are rep
mentPfi In Oreeon. . . ,
it threshes faster, cleans the grain better, runs Hghler and saves the grain better
from the straw, than any other machine, ard seem to be strong and durable. 1 am
readv at anv time to eb into a trial with any other machine fexcept the Advance and
thresh for from $100 to $500. They are the best in the market without doubt. If
vr-.n trstre vou can refer to me at an v and ad times.
Signed I. D, MILLER.
For further particulars address Z. T. WRIGHT,
Albany, or "Portland, Oregon. Send for -his list of 193
names of parties who have purchased Advance. Threshers
in Oregon, Washington arid Idaho.
inipTrusfen, 'Jam, the Etd nm.i
67 Abdatlah .
2ud-l-aw, Eu'tera ld.s St C'iiir.
3rd Dam, by liiack Leg, by Bigger J
4th. Darn, by Jack Hawkins, tj Eos
tou. Old St Clair.
Flahrty's i-'earnaaght dam, Ualdee.
by Old Culumbua.
2- liaui, by narnb' Eancbl nia n.
3 - Haul, Boston Girl, a ce bnted 3
mi:e trotu-r, by Old Abdallan
Mo stallion with such a com inatijn of
fast trotting and producing blood ha
ever besn ottered for service in Linn
county Oregon, before.
To Insure. $10; season, 30. Mares bred
by the seaaon, payable July 1, Mare
bred by insHrance. payable when mares
are knuwn to be with foal. Maraa wit
be careftill.. bandied, but no responsi
bility will be assume tor aocideuta
Hood pasture at fi a month.
For further particulars addrass,
.llany. Ox.
Frcnl , First ati Tine Streets,
Hardware, Iron; Steel MM laclery.
The Machine axa too well knenn ta nee comn. Thoua-.nd of farmer hay .
used them and apeak of them witU Use. TJey ax th only HaryesUns
Machine that will glv EKTIIU- fcIIS FACTION to th purchasar.
The moss Wfjttve and Successful Combination for Threshing ail Cleaning
Grain yr constructed.
en yet known. We have two rtyle. th EU-vator Binder and to i'latfona Bmdsr both exoolleut-Dom
reoommended by hundred ol patrons.
Deer Plows, Deere Sulky Plows,
Carriages, Phaetons, Top Buggies
EJ. TIUlALL,Manager, Vlliany, Ox-cgrosi-
T- f"J
' "'Twi .. - ' - , ' '
-"r' w' ' """ "ian i ir