The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 13, 1890, Image 1

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Advprf Jftir.jr nptliurn
In the Central
Wlllamftfi Valffy.
First National Bank
Now York World
American Farmer
Ono year for $2.S0.
SO 45
nil w
Special Prescriptions.
A Specific Remedy for Each Disease.
ftt HtlltTt'S HYPRAST1NE RESTORATIVE snm,,!a,. mUrtu,. i-,u,n tho
UfcuL I ur. l) .(wiiM, v.uttiiiion ti ; Litutiu ivbu.l. A j-rf wt Knio wit irvnglli bullitar.
R. HUtEfTS ANTI-BlllOUS STOMACH A;n UVr.n CUKE, cum Billow
ihm ! a Lj Ituuiilra, ttiil.. rvr, MTwkil tVtvn, itui lPlHwl.l iW.ltlon.
P?'.ni;"R CATARRH CURE. Clw Aeut.. fatur. 1 hrwb titiartr, ami Cilarrtul
IWiivci. lituimMmU tuur tut or.i w lion t:li.U.t.uv f.i:.ur.'l, iTUu-ncj- rvtun.Kil.
t)R. HtU Cft'S CtlRH CURf. (IsmColJ, li.vtrvn , it .-!.. rirwMtU. IMittri.y ml
k'iiuu)oii ami rriwt. i wiiunition. CixiUIim no 0iUu. I' tn i i'npl:t U ii.lmilist. Try it.
Oft. NILIER-S ntPHTHFRIA AV3 SORC THR1 T f.t.T'E. -rv.tii t.,l m
t'Uhu.iA. Mul iwMto. cai iy i.,NK.i iu aH. J i i .t i( Hiii;: V!"'1"' In s '!)'
D3. H'tlER S FEVER P'Jr. i.,.-.n.j.i.. i , .'.uj , iti, Mrr.
I rtnrno J cum. Jxirln t, ssjui ln, M. I. s ji. . n .huuU Uar titi In mln.1.
DR. H NcRVOUS :Df riMTY CITE. v,-. mm totf
lw.f. Nct luU. mm4 f imittrViivuUr t l.ul.r Iru; C ., Slut i', l.
CR. H!LLEf'S RHrilMATiC N3 IAC ' r
Nun , iiuut, Lurub-v. and Jxl-w., l.y J if;".,.' U Z ttUufc n4 litem.
DR. HHUR'S TFETSINRj'l'RE. ai.; t:-.o Vr.,,;., .1 t!,,! .t MUnn
Ouni( Iimi killi ( hi. iil. i-uMtnit 1 1I1 ls t. vt!tv :in, -w. ! (,n-'.t. n ul ro-iittui l cttM
SMiu ItkkrO, 'iWiImkuI K.vl i t: il..m.. A I .v-.i.- W lut.i unllHritwl i-blkL
DR. HiUER S rCl!GM CURE, i-,,,,,,:. (utrt,, co,h.
Kan. - With th nit:i rf Ir. ! r tN tl.:r iti .i- If. -t.-r It. II' lorN lihtimtlo
ml Nctirawk t int. nwl I'r It I ft at f r. i.i.tuli if r-mv !..'!., i.u ut ml'MjI.l lurm,
n . i nv vtiuuil4u Ituu ir tlivk-., ! m; ( M ,V , txi.ti vt jutitt.
S1.C0 por rackc. iix fVikes far S3.C0.
Tttw r.-tiftll.t an titv ie-t;i- . I I; f,ig y.-uu ..( t nc'tf .1 i.r f. !iml txfi. n.-f ,
mmI r i nt-trv Nr 1 1 r.r-1 y iMu It. il; i- ; . i. o I. .t 14 thmtHma I
hmu trtttinivii'. w t.n n ; .it I. Us .iui.-u.i:.ti it t.'i j v ... . i i, Kiitiuttm B'tpikatitw
Hi LIE r? Lrt;G vO:viPY, s.w CAL, U. S. A
Fosbay & Mnsnn, Agents, Albany. Oron.
Smith k Senders'
-AI.S1-1Y. OKi:(iO..
beariarj tLia trade ar.!:
are to-cbj makuis vacn
Th World's Bo- tomc, coafcrtablc
tad tippy tlaa any other brar.d Li ex-
istenco. They are cade ia nil styles hsd
czes, both for Cooking aad IIcatLcg, ozd t: :
old at prioea to uit tho purse of the rkh cr
P006 of ImiUttoai. Zxmla9 fat
Beware f;-s.l
1 Jr4b
CO m
Q. 1
1 :
13 Pj
i . ,. r K-
15 i
X "
Garland, - cupeiict - Argand, - Monitoi - and - Gasoline
Stoves and Ryiiges,
All Fully Warranted In-
Mitchell .& lewis Co.,
Agricultural fmplcmenls
AL ANY. - . -It
It you want tho best and most durablo furniturf
that is manufactured in the city go to
Thomas Brink.
Oregon Land Company,
.In the State Insurance Kuildlng. '
And Drsacli Otnee mt Portland, Anlorla and Albany
Hat for sale a Urge List of Grain, Stock and Krult Fann.
Al Citjr ond Suburban Propcitr
LOCALJIKCOM) a Si'tm. Mr 11 W
tlitltito fur tin U-Kinlaturo tm llu witUm
tit ktt, run r0 ulitunlof liirt lmrly vttto.
Afftinliiiit to tho Urnwiinvillo Titiu'H ho
UM tho following ntirv tn tho ftiiiipiiii;"!
which, now n tho rlootion ia ovor, wo
lve, thotiKh it really imlioato intthiiin.
for a nmjorlty of ihoii know very woll
why tiny woro voting for iVunoyor.
Ilo Hiilil tlmt . while tH'ar tho S-uitlitm
lio wax iittriiototl hv n voting unlit Hhottt
ing, "IIiiitiiIi for l I'Thoini'Hitn." "Whttt
for?" iimuirttl Mr l'tirior. "Oh Ito'ngot
tho hoiuU, yon iK't." At nnothor jlnoo ho
mot ii voting limn In town, nml ho nn
nroiiohVtl tho young miui throw up Iiih
hunU hikI Hhoutoth "llttrrith for l'on
n tyor." "For whitt rotmon?" imiuin'tl
Mr I'arktr. "Ihtinliino," nnxworoti tho
onthuisiHt tn ho Hpit tiinl xhiftotl hirtiiltl
( tolxtooo to tho othormtloof hirt iiinuth.
A (.'r.Nsi'H IsciiiKST. Almuly couhuh
iiioitlohlM ni-o toll tho lKMot' r. Ono
if tho taken wiin Intorviewittg it wtll
known voting lmly with tho umiitl litter
rogsttorioH. "Marriotl?"
Wax on tho lint, hut the next itit'itlnii,
orioulv given, wtw a rtling tmo,
Tho young l.uly MiihIu'iI, tw'lHtetl
.irouiitl iu her ehuirj ehukotl a little., Hint
wH greatly relioveJ when tho oiiihiih
tttker xaitl,
"Woll, never iiiiiu!, you tlun't have to
answer that."
S.ivKn n v a TiaiMf M.rrv. llluntnu.tho
Cttlfax nittrilerer, u ill not lo hung, hut
iM'titetieotl ftr itiaitHlaiightor, that U'liig
tho only oIleuHe fur which the iitiltetmeitt
holtU cotitl, iih iiiterpreteil hj tho Hit
ircine ctitirt.
Nw there ill m n fiuo htiint nf intlig
natitiu artttinil Cot fax almut llto law de
feiiilini' tho orimiiiat, utiil tho int'oitijirt
t'tiey of rntirt.i t itiluiiniMier jiiitlico. It
in true that I'l.tiitnii cliot Ioh limn in
oohl Mootl. ami tltat ho i.-t ucitiitetl on
technicality 1 miftuko of the lroecul
ing nttiime'y in framing t!io iiulictmeiit.
Walla WtiUa Statesman.
Til it elect inn of l'ennoyer is coneotlett,
thanks, in a great measure to the treach
ery tit Simon nuil Mc iiitn, w ho liavo (to
long iH't n iH'ttetl hv tho iartv thev ho iiii-
iiiereifully kuifetl nt tho h1Ih." Telegram.
Mcliinty is jirulialily meant. The poor
fellow has hail t ) dink for nearlv everv-
thing reccntlv ; hut this is a hunt s!ai to
make him sink ilown for Thoiutsoit'a
short cimiii. If Tltoinsou hat gone
to the Itittoln of his I iix-Lets for the Seat
tie mill Johnstown sulVerers.tlio limit rail
road iiiul Hoforths, the Telegram luijjht
not now Is? utdigeil to imtVv such atvusu
tioiis. (. iiv.mi v of the city tho Journal utiil
extend to Holt II 1' Thompson a cordial
invitation to come and live in Salem. It
dis-s ii.-t uppear that 1'ort'atel really
cares to kct p him and honor him as ho
deserves. Journal.
If he hud s;il'scri!i-d to the Hunt rail
road and a f-w enterprises like lliat per
haps Port loud would putt his coat tails
more vociferously. Salem is welcome to
him. I'ut the ett- tioii is over.
A Sami-i.k. On election day an old man
was strucV on the forehead ' hy a plow
Iteam w hi!e walking on State street. Th
plow w as slandili up en the sidewalk
and fell of jts own accord, and the old
man uas pretty hadly hurt. Tho rut
hh'd a good ileal and tie had to get a Imsiu
of water to uash tlio IiIikhI avtay. This
sliotild Is-a lesfioii against rumU-riiig up
the sid alks w it!i wares of all kinds,
Salem Jotmial.
C.MtiMolv V iMf s. .. .ci-ort!iny toCjpt.
IIo.mi ltlr itil.t.-. luvo a ni" I fmoic
If.-forir itr.n Tit ttirc.!.caied fifteen
vear dgi I'v J.- Downer Iu. Bnvcd
y to $. , a too. The King Iter ha
dktaved $J4t. -n I U owned by Ktigrite
men 'Ihc 'l iy Co'tt iiilric, nwned
mo.llv by Itio . i. t IHe men tt.t ax.atrd
$107. "I"n-; tirownt i!lr, King SoloiiKia
and Cj ieen t;f .Stielm" ha great protcct,
and it a name inilir anything, oultt to
"io-t tlttre," The 'uir man, owned by
iamli-.h & CV, liot up g'wd, and the
Pioneer, ouncd by lt!tch:' r J ,V Robe aot
I.N Till'. I.Kti. Ycterdatr Stewart A:
Sox tio'.d lo Mr M' Miller, tltc cnter-
piiim (.inner, a .Vimcti .l.llllltn icpar
tor with anlint.a'ir ttrokc, and a 13-ltor.e
traction eii'l-tc. 'II. e ! ;'.! I Hon separator
anil rii;ine are becoitilni; very In
thin country, w lierc thev retn to be takinu
the lead.;nlo the l it Ii complete
uutlit tKU winn sol I btf Stewitt ic Sox.
wldcl. tpeuk. voluitict (or ttuk.e!) ,V Co t
Katkkv Srvr.n. Onrl.-i one night
some cniiit Iio mIIuhis of the wort Mripc
carried an outhouse froir. NV'atthing'on
trect to the college and placed It on the
front fctep, wltere tt was f nied this morn
ing. They olwi left the pump and front
purl of the building generally In a afoven
ly condition. This ban not been the style
of Albany boys heretofore, and It Is to be
regretted any one In the city should be o
low as to k'oop to such contemptible con -duct.
Somethino Is It. That was a hard hit
an irreverent voter gave to o politician
who wan .1 drict church iiieinlicr, when
he Haiti: "You must think more of your
politico than you do of your religion, lie
cause you have often asked me to vote
for you, and your party ticket, but you
bave never asked 1110 to join or attend
your church." There 1m BOintthing in
this to set Home political church liiem
1k.' m to thinking.
Tiikv Mp.t. Mr John Kitjunlller, of
Douglas county, U visiting In this city.
He U 83 year of age, and while here met
an old acquaintance ot bu boyhood-
Uncle Ira Hunter whom be baa not seen
(or over fifty years. The meeting can be
better Imagined than told a their thought
new back to the oay 01 their youth in old
icncsscc. 1 line.
Benton County. - In llenton county
the demociats etecttd Vm. Mickey for
M P Bornett for Treasurer and E S
Sklnton for nsssesor.
Bush Wilson was re-elected Cieik of
course, and will soon begin Id fifteenth
term, having now served twenty year.
It U absolutely Impossible to beat him, no
matter how good a man It put up.
Like Albany's. On Sunday last 8ix
boboH and two young Ihu.veg broke out
of the rear of thePortland jail by digging
away notne 01 the rotten brick and mor
tar. Hie no ice lorce are so iustlv
ashamed of the place they are required
to guuru una tney Haid nothing atxiut
the break till an cnterprimng reporter
inaavertaniiy "uroppeu" on it.
Election. Albany Lodge No 4, 1 O O F
elected the following officers Wednesday
J 1) Guihs, N (i.
W C SearH, V O.
C (i KawlingH, It S.
J Gradwohl, Treaa.
Sawdust Sportsmen ay the Santiam
Is running bo full of sawdust that a pint
cup of water contains a teaspoonful of the
shavings. There is a law against turning
awdust Into stream, and yet the mill at
Mill Hty and other pclnts are turning it in
regardless of the U 8 statute, and to the
death of the fish. Journal.
Old Youno Folks. A children's lawn
party va given yesterday afternoon at
the home of Mr William Garrett, on Ells
worth street, In honor of four year old
Elsie Garrett. About twenty little- girls
were present all dressed with Imposing
Tn Grades. At the teacher exam!
nation last week two obtained first grade
certificates, six second grades, nine third
grades, and two failed. The presort sys
tem cnouia some time secure tor the
county a high grade class of teacher
Tuk F.xiTiisinNifiTs. Tho excumlun
party arrived homo at 0 :30 last evening
after an onjoyahio trip. J lie ttiatosnutn
tollH nlsmt w hat they did there : An tho
rones' woro thrown out tho Second Heul
incut hand, w hich was present to moot
the oxeursionlstM, roinnienoed plaving
Hiitl rouiinucci unlit tlio itoitt hail lcen
cleared of it party of Hourly .UK). The
two hands marched to Commercial street,
In tho lead ot tho visitors. ami lilavoil sev
eral iiunilierH. Several hundred Siilemltoii
wore on tho river bank lefor tho Isiitt
arrived and its whist lo brought out a few
hundred more. Tho Allmny people upent
tho day visiting tho state institutions and
seeing tho night. Tho electric oHrtt took
them ijtiickly to tho penitentiary and
asylum mid tho horso curs carried thorn
to tint l ilv's novthern ami sotitlieru ml-
ditloiirt. After tliitnor there won u game
of Imsolutll nt W illsoii avenue between
tho t'aiiital City club ami 11 picked nine.
tho Allmny organization baying failed to
put In nil appearance, much to tho itnf
politttucitt of tho Salem Isiys, who woro
anxious for n contest. While tho games
woro in progress the baud played, lending
very much to tho entertainment. At 4
o'clock tho excursion iatii returned to tho
Isuit, w hich left nt oneo for Allmny, ex
pecting to nrrlvo there nt "o'clock.
ll'l'llllVtf !V,lMWU ll.UU ( VfMlL,.V
,,--,n ,,-iii(-i r, ,, ..nvr. niimvi.
of l'ortland, h nicmltcr of the firm of
Staver Jt Walker, Is building u Hummer
residence in tho mountains up tho Mo
Koiuio. Ho hint sent Homo of his fund
ture up from Portland.
Travel n tho overland rotito toCulifor"
nia is unusually heavy at present. Tho
California express is composed of from
ten to fourteen cars daily. On last Sat
urtlay'H train there were 175 through pas
Ijtst iTltlay evening uismt it o'cits-k n
disgraceful row ttstk place tut our streets
iu which the notorious l how smith lig
itrotl prominently, us is the case bsi often
Ho npprouchetl a . A. H. man who was
wearing his Inulgo itinl w ith giving vent
to n few harsh names, snatched tho badge
from bis coat. Another man who was
standing near resented tho Insult nml
struck Chow n stinging blow lit tho face.
A general tight then ttsik place in w hich
nix men took part, four U'ing ngnlnst
Chow ami Kan Smith. Had they not
licett separated the Smiths would have
U'cn laid up for repairs in short order.
Tho two Smiths were lined f 10 ami costs
each, amounting to nlsmt each.
1kik'atuo Bill. The dedication of
the Masonic Temple occurs on Juno 5.
After tho dedication ceremony there w ill
Ito a grand dedication ball, when music
will 1st furnished fPoin Portland. Tho
follow ing committees have U-en handed
us ns having tho matter in charge :
Committee of Arrniigdmcnts. Geo K
ChnmU'rlain, K V Ijiugtloii, HCS-bell,
C II Muellt r; Comuiitteo ti Invitation.
J I. Cowan, 1 P Mason. V J Miller. V
B Winn, A Klein, Thomas Moiiteith;
Committee on Reception. LC Marshall,
J U Abts v. I. Veirick. MrsJ LCowan,
Mrs lC Stn ll. I P Mason, tt 1 Simp
Hon. A BSeal. MrsJ K K.l.lerkin, M r T
I. Wu'lace, Mrs i V. ChnmUrlaiu, 1.
Semlers, Frank Farrell, l T Wyman,
Miss Flora Mason. Mrs A It Seal; Floor
Malingers. FJ Miller. I C Scht II, W F
Crosby, W II Garrett. Geo F. Cbaiutwr
lain, T I. Wallace, C II Mueller, C B
Winn, P. 0 Ctisick.
Ax Atiii.kiic Cm m. The ikmih'ut
ackiu.w letlges n call from Mr F. W Brad
street, w ho is gt tting tip n class in ath
letics. Mc miters of F t n, nmong others,
have In come interested, and it is thought
tho urmory w ill bo n-ciire! for the pur
pose; a good gymnasium pun buxed, and
a class formed in all kinds of gymuastica
aeiording to taste. Mr Bradstrect is an
expert with Indian chilis, in general ath
letics, nml ns wt It, Is nn adept nt Nixing,
bax ing taken lessons of tho famous Jim
Corls-tt. The club is Is-iug ipiile gener
ally encouraged ami will no doubt I
coiiio a fact. An exhibition meeting was
held lust evening nt tho urmory.
Ft xxv Swtsos. Clara' Mother (call
ing; Clara, Mr. Siiiitht rs in in tho par
lor and says bo wants Von.
Clara (entering purtor nml tltrowing
hers-lf into Smitlter's arms) it Charlie,
his is so sudden. Clot her ami Furnish-
"Its-tor, can't you tell me of a cure for
ho gout ; "
"ih, yes; you stiouldn't bavetlrtink ho
much Rhine w ino 'luring tho hut thirty
years." I- neilentilutt.
Old Sot w ill IKtoli in cloudless1 skies
Shine like n fiery ball.
Ami there will then be lots of llit
I." pon us all. Boston Courier.
Gkttino Fashionaiilk. A very attrac
tive feature bns ls'en ndtled to tho St
Charles hotel, iu tho shape of a lawn
tennis game. It is neatly located in the
court of the hotel, where there is a nice
lawn, and several have become ttitito in
tvrested in it. Mr F. II Norbm, the coal
expert, taking the lend In the introduc
lion of thin very faseimitinggame, which
it is to be hoped w ill 1st more generally
introduced 111 Albany.
The Inch ease. The total vote in Linn
county, at the recent election, on can
greHsimtn was 400?. In Ikks it was .TtHti,
an mcrea-ie of nearly 7U0, show ing an in
crease in jiopulation of nlsmt 3'nKi, or a
pfipiilation (or the county 01 su,utio peo- In (.ititM nml Mtirlon critintttfH. Ill
fact through the w hole valley, atiout the
Hiune rate of increase is observed, wliic-li
is as it should be. The valley is grow
ing together.
A DeaiiNewsi'ai'er. Salem wuonce
termed the graveyard of newspaper,
I'hU week another journalistic corpse was
laid to rest. It was Bob Thompson'
Mate Democrat. There was no funeral
ceremonies and no flowers.' It went to
it long home practically unwept and com
paratlvely unsung. The disease was phy
leal exhaustion superinduced by lack ot
The above I the way the Salem States
man chronicle the death of a brother. A
great many peopl; wouldn't treat a broth.
cr that way, but then, they never agreed
and sometime quarreled a little.
Seuvko Him Right. An Astoria
tooth pedler was altogether fresh with
one of hi lady patients. The woman told
her nuKbunu, who acciucu 10 keep quiet
until the dentist presented the bill for hi
services which had been agreed a: $4
Yesterday, say the Astorlan, the tooth
manipulator called at the store, and pre
ented a bill for $5, which the husband
paid, and then said "You infernal scoun
drel, you insulted my wife, and I'm going
toj pay you (or It now." fulling off
his coat he suited the action to the word
and pummeled the dentist in good khape,
then turned him out of the store.
Freak cr Nature. Nature play queer
freaks with the flower seed sent out by
the agricultural department at Washington
A man who received a package of seed
labeled "giant-pansy" planted them In
flower-bed and soon had a small crop of
turnips, while a number of eed labeled
"double pinks" produced long neck
Pilot Bock Sttle. Much fun was had
at Pilot Itock over the election. The
judges learned of the fact that a certain
candidates whisky and beer were being
liberally dished out to voters who were
thus rendered unable to cast their votes
intelligently. They ordered its confisca
tion, and it was raided by the constables.
Next day, the election over, friends of the
said candidates opponent drank the bit
ter's health and success with the confis
cated beverages. h. O.
Fair Warning. Marshal Hoffman re
quest u to state that the ordinance In
reference to bathing within the city limit
will be enforced, and the boy of the city
and other will please take warning and
save attests. -
Two Cab LoAns.Price & Eobeon bave
Iust received two car loads of wagons and
uggies, light and heavy, and will sell
them at remarkably low prices, consider
ing the splendid quality of the wagons.
That Albany excursion was nulte an
advertising boom for Salem, say the
Journal. Well, tho truth I our citizen
dltl like the way they were treated there,
llkci! the broad streets, the nice lawns, the
general aspect, and were Interested In the
asylum and penitentiary j but we have not
yet heard of any emigrant that way. It
was alo an advertising boom for Albany,
for I: showed Salem w hut a nice clas of
people we have, orderly, good looking, etc.
Several more will be dow n on the 4th of
the gloilous Julia.
It was a Salem policeman who request.
ed the Inhabitant about midnight to slop
ine crying 01 a uany as it kept iitin awake.
The Linn county candidate who santr
himself up Halt ''reek say the ride Is not
a dUagrccable one if a mnnlson'y musi
cal and keeps Ids temper.
An Insurance man who ha been all
over the Coast says that unquestionably
1 lie wuiamette v ai'ey 1 ahead ol all other
section of the Northwest and that none ol
the titles are .how Ing a healthier growth
than Albany.
Mr Ixicke Klchardtoti Is ulvlnir readings
III Portland, from Shakespeare. The
Man About Town besid him about eigh
teen year ago In a small New York vil
lage, when he was just getting a rrnuta
ttou, and the Impression that he Is the
best Shakespearean reader In the V. S
has since bcin Indelibly fixed In bis mind ;
and that I. his reputation now.
In order to elve the men a hit a woman
writer In tU Wot Shore ay a Seattle
woman fainted when her hus'band took off
hi hat to her. Her comets were probably
tootlfht or cite she was wailing with
some oilier man.
Speaking t.f going around the world
suggests the fail tl at one can re the
world go around ra.lly by an overdoeof
iiampague or even licer.
Some Albany people are alwai Imsg
Ining that the of their neighbor are
turned up At them ; but It Is probably be
cause they meet them when going do n
hill. Mostly Imauinatkm.
A a rule people w ho are snubbed have
tlieniM-lvc. to blame and wall flower can
only lay the fault at their own d. tor.
W'tlle at the penitentiary reccnt'y an
Albany woman railed on W W Saunders.
Billy Dtcbl. and Hill, the train wrrrker.
They all ttstk-d very sad, a If they didn't
enjoy lite tie It! rui the bar ; but a good
time lo be sorry It just before ccmmltllng
the crime that the Imprisonment.
I lie woman left with a bunch of artificial
tluwer fro:r. Hill, having U(l a bonnet of
the greulne article, which a tutu t esprense
the difference between bi.l.lf and out. hie
fe, one Is dead, the other alive.
Cmimik C;icxrr. S in r crvk ( me
iavo just finished putting in tbtir spring
grain, i hey have plenty of water wttli
huh to irrigate, ami exited to bave
gtMsl crops from late sown grain.
Now, that there is little )ioih of the
Oregon Pacific railroad being built at nny
near date in the tultire, the '
rook county should encourage the build
ing of tho proiMei railroad from The
Italic into this section.
Many ol-scrving jieople predict a dry
unproductive season. Bo far, they are
approximately correct. We had a very
late winter and late spring, accordingly,
since w hich time 110 rain tins fallen.
The ease of Win, Page, Indicted for the
killing of Bill Brow n, nl Burns, was dis
missed at tho recent term of rourt there.
Richard Lyttttn, of Camp Creek, died
Mac kit-man ranch on Sunday the
Hih. He is the first w hiu tn-rson bur
ied on Camp Creek. The obi gentleman
w as Ci years of age.
Tho bulk of tho wool shorn in Crook
county this year baa ls-cn shipcd to The
miles, where 11 will iiroistl-lv remain in
warehouses until the market opens up.
t present ttiore seems to U little stir 111
the witol market, ami it is feared that
prices w ill lie low when buyers begin pur
Mrs. ('. M. Charlton, one day this week
showed us a ntimlsT of fine views of
'rieeton College, w hich she bad iust r-
eeived from her brother-in-law. James
'barlton, who is attending school at
"ritieettin. The views were well executed
ami show oft the old college to good ad
vantage. Prinevillo Pajters.
The JKrKKMos Mills. Some fifty far
mers, of the JelTerson neighborhood ho
bail wheat stored in the mill warehouse
there, ami who recently closed it up and
took itoHHCHsioii of the projtorty, met in
the town ball of that city W cdnesday
afternoon for the iurtoso of ascertain-
nig toe exaei coiiiiuion Ol auair, Kays lite
Salem journal.
Mr F Bngley, chairman ol the five
trustees, was the heaviest depositor, and
the great point of contention was over
this gentleman's grain.
After deliberations reaching to almost
dark, Mr Ford made out an agreement
which allows Mr Bngley all the wheat he
claims, and provided that all resources
nl 1 11 1 1 be divided equally pro rata among
all depositors who had whent there at
the time the shortage was discovered.
This was signcil immediately by some 20
present, their desire being to avoid pos
stble litigation.
The money for flour and wheat is not
yet all in, but it is calculated that under
the above arrangements about 43 cents
per bushel will tic netted to all parties,
The transition from long, lingering and
painful sickness to robust health marks an
epoch in the life of the Individual. Such
a remarkable event ia treasured in the
memory and the agency whereby the
good health hk been attained I gratefully
blessed. Hence It I that so much I heard
In praise of Electric Bitters. So many
feel thfy owe their restoration to health to
the use of the great alterative and tonic.
If you are troubled with any disease of
kidney, liver or stomach, of long or short
standing, you will surely find relief by use
ef Electric Bitten, bold at cue and si
per bottle at Foshay & Mason' Drug
To see a woman's lovely feature mar
red by unsightly pimples and blotches.
Young woman, defective nutrition is the
cause of your blemishes and the sooner
you take a faithful course of Dr Hitler's
Hydrastine Retorative the sooner you
will cease to be an object of pity. F01
sale at Foshay a Mason's, druggist).
In all diseases ef the stomaoh, liver aqd
kidney, me, to tho exclusion of all other
medioin, osturs' own remedy,. PfanderV
Oregon Blood PuriHsr.
Wauled, cows to piutare.
Woodlb It Talt Bros.
The Palplt ad the stage.
Rev F M Shrout, pastor United Breth
ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says: "I
feel it my duty to tell ' what wonder Dr
King's New Discovery has done for me.
My lung were badly diseased, and my
parishioners thought 1 could live only a
few week.v I took five bottle of Dr
King' New Discovery and am sound and
well, gaining 26 lb in weight."
Arthur Love, Manager Lovt's Funny
Folk Combination, write : "After a
thorough trlar and convincing evidence, I
am confident Dr King's New Discovery
for consumption, beats 'em all. and cure
when everything else fall. ' The greatest
kindness lean do my many thousand
friends is to urge them to try it." Free
trial bottle at . Foshay ti Mson' Drug
store. Regular sizes 50c and $i.oe.
asiy'itggssrssrsnjssiasssssi xouuaj
l Cv ffrt- $t iW 00 W
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7. 'J 57V - Be -? Wt I -1 ft M "w-..,-l"r
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" I?. SftCBH-MMOl4U-..Hi-
v : vt Ctt; k ct-i
X.ijpof )
Hoth tho im-ilioi! niMrrcsiilU when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is juVtiHiiiit
Mid refreshing to tlm tmde. ami act?
gently yet promptly on tlic Kidneys,
Liver and JJowels. fleonws the sys
tem olriK-titnlly, iliKjK'lg colds, Iiond
no'.ies and fevers ami cures linbifual
(iiHtip:itiii. Hyrup of Yitm i the
only remedy of iu kind fver pro
tltwA, pleasing to tlic taste an-iao-coj.taMc
V t!m etomach, jiron pt in
Us action Jiixl truly bcneheiul in ita
cb, il many excellent qualities
(w: '.:oi!i it to all. It is for sale in
Vc and ?l Louies hy all kadkig
s-'uAcrynro f mlv bv ths
BA'I MAfiCIS'.it. CL.
tcwviiif. r: new rome, ti.r
S, E, Tot Hi
Vk f rssidmt
AC X)t;STS KEPT tnbjett Ui 1irk.
SlOirt EXCHANGE and U rshle trutVur, tot
a Vw York, Ssa Krsnaiwo, nutn and Yw
K Tm K.W. Lassrus
L B Buis. I,. Vunm,
KMMSD F. Kflrl,
hum County Bank,
Cowan, Ealston & Chamberlain,
TRANSACTS imml httnkln l.twlnw.
DRAWSIOII I UKArrSm Natr York, M flM
1 1 . Jricon
LOAX MOrfET un (itJ (eearityi
KEI EIVEdviKstiUsnb'rfHit .. tWt.
Bank of Oregon.
albany, - - - mm.
Prldnt.. If. fIBYANT
View Prrtdent 11, K, MEP.KI LL
Cnsbler i. W. BLAI N
II. Bryant, J vv B'sln.
io Humphrey, O H fiewitl,
KJLnrlng, II F Merrill.
Might axohang nn 1 tolegr-tpbix trait,
for on Saw York, -n Franclaeo ,d
and all prlno.(sl p'dnts in Oregr.n and
tllectiocs mud" on favorable terms.
Special - Announcement !
ittsw-ii9iswe5 tsajsia oes 1IKk,
ft l.-.i
cam oe a- ut.iei- tots es w .
S , 55 S 3 IS !i 5 Si g g j? S & S S S "
er i C OB tW sJJ I 12
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t o -1 tc
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Id c
-I, C- C-IU'XCU to li
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.i i-. 4. o -oei es
Ui-i'd-'linijuisisoif t-t x. es..
- 53 g K 3 & Si S 3 S S "
fit O J C0 CO
A R Meyer, president of the Argentine
(Kan) Silver Smelting and Refining Work,
the largett In the world, ays that if the
McKinley tariff bill should pas congress
In its present It form would be absolutely
necessaty for the company to close down
its works at Argentine and remove it ma
chinery and business to Mexico Thl
would be due lo the clause imposing a tax
of a cent and a half a pound on lead In ore
Bobrt S Towne, Vice-President of the
company, has been in communication with
the Mexican government for some time.
and through the influence of Leigh
Lonzer, agent of the Lexlcan Ore Com
pany, ha been granted the privilege to
erect five smelter In Mexico, at points
suitable to the company,
. An agent of the company is now In the
East purchasing the machinery for one of
thoce which will be erected at once. The
company had expected to continue to run
the refineries here even If the bill passed,
but Mr Meyer said to day that he thought
the' company would now have to close
down ever; thing at Argentine. .
"The tax which It is proposed to levy on
leal In ore is simply prohibitory, and nolh
Ing remains for those who expect to smelt
Mexican ore, but to work In Mexico," he
remarked. It is said .that Blaine, Elklns
and other republican leaders Interested in
Colorado smelters have caused the trouble
Baron Liebig, the great German : chemist,
says lbat"as much flour a can lie on the point
of a table knive contains as much nutritive
constituents as eight points of the best and most
nutritious beer that is made,"
The Portland Wtrld bestows upon Barney
Goldsmith, chairman of the democratic state
central committee, the following deserved com'
"The democracy of Oregon owe a debt of
gratitude to Hon li Goldsmith for the faithful,
earnest and able manner he managed the late
campaign. He has few eqt'als as an executive
and no superiors. Had he been sus'.ained by
the necessary means for the parly and a longer
time to perfect organization, the result would
have been more favorable to the democracy,
Mr F A E Starr, the county chairman, is also
entitled to considerable credit for his manage
ment of local matters.
Artesian wells are being put down in great
numbers in the district of RiversiJe.California,
and owing to them, this district, which wa
previously uninhabited on account of the scar
city of drinking water, bas now a population
of 7000.
On May 31st 1890J L Cowan while at
Lebanon, was asked to make an estimate
of what he thought the vote in Linn coun
ty on governor would be. He did so, set
ting out the precincts and marking his
estimated majorities for Pennoyer or
Thompson in each. The total majorities for
Pennoyer was 8 jo,ard the total for Thorn p
son was iaj leaving a maioritv In te
count y for Pennoyer of 680. The official
count shows Pe'nnover's majority to be
bsi. Remarkably close mgurlng, that.
My Spring Stock is now Complete, Embracing all
the Latest Novelties in
Dress Goods,
Unlit in W0OI.KX and WASH FABRICS.
-To The Ladies,-
I Make a Specialty of LafMes Underwear, in Knit,
RiMiKD and Muslix. My Prices are the LOWEST
and 1113 Goods the Best. Am sole agent
for tho Celebrated
Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely
fast, and Free from Poison.
:To The Men, :
Call and Look at My values in
Furnishing -:- Goods,
I have n Large Stcck at the Lowest Prices ever offered ia the Valley.
I cairy a full line of the wor'd-reiiowed BU'UDIIEAD good, unexcelled
for wear and finish. Lrte tt'ock i f Embroideries and Flocxcixgs. Ci
and be c mvii ced th. Albany i- the best trading point in Oregon.
Is Offered Every Day by the
ny Furniture
To get first Class FURNITURE, Latest Designs, at Bot
tom Prices. New Goods will arrive Constantly.
M ba
Evea after the election is over the West SAort
indulges in a mess of republican (lush by say
ing that the campaign that resulted in the tri
umphant election ef Governor Pennoyer was one
of pure dmagogism. It is evident that the West
Sine is so deeply chagrined at the defeat of the
republican candidate for governor that it is un
able to distinguish between great questions of
public policy and demagogism.
Insurance Company.
Safe, Sound; Conservative
The average democratic majority in Linn
county on the legislature ticket is ' 301. On
the senatorial ticket it is 304. On the state
ticket the average majority is 330. On the
county ticket the average is 450.
It looks very much like the immigration to
Linn county since two yeais ago has been in
favor of the democrats. Ia the "Forks" this is
true beyond question.
The Leading "Druggist, .
Specialties Fin Tjilet Artiutsi, Parf ixury an t Mailsal .lustra ueuts
Prescriptions Carefully eompouadad 'ay auJ night,