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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1890)
TOWNSEND &- WILSON. Th following U a partial lias of oily and farm property for al by n. 4 aolmproyed lot on 6th Street. Each $300. 1 lot with house two torie oo 4th anil JaokaonSt. I?). Hoot with 5 rooms, Is St. tlfJOO. lloloa Washington St. $330, Stauaot lit on 3rd St. Kaoh, SO0. A good farm of 410 Mire 3) mite from llalsey, 30 par ion, Can h dividd and will snak two good farm. A good farm of 170 aoroa, 1 mil from Tan yant, t mile from Albany. $40 par aero. Good farm of 140 ors,3 mil from Shodd. Prioa, $3000. A good stock farm, 2 mite from Shodd, 160 acre. $2300. A o eottag with si rooma, large lot Trior, $1 COO. Several tract of S and 10 acra lota, on and half adle from Albany. f300 per acr. A pood atnok farm, 1500 aoiaa, 3 mile from R R aution. 3 per aor. A bargain. Farm 3 mil from Shdd,nrt-ol. wheat and fruit land, 140 aoroa. 1 rioe.J.'WOO. 823 aoraa 4 in! lea from R R. $30 per acre. Can be told in Iota o auit purehaaer. Block and lot fa Townsend ' addition to Albaay. AGENTS FOR Aetna Fire Insurance Co., Total Assets $9,780,751,65, Strongest Comptnf doing bualn In tb UNITED STATES. TOWNSEND & WILSON, Heal EaUt broken. ACADEMY OF Oar Lady of Perpetual Help. ALBANY, - - - OREGON Conducted by tb Slt. t !. BonedJel Thle Aadmy lnopo,tAsd and au thorised bv lb Uw an eonfwr somdaiujo honor. Th ooura of s"dy i coiupietn Mathematical, Lllerur and Must a opeclaltioa, aa alth Normal Inarnan ri MplranU fnr tMehan' certtfleale. in iuatrul drawing, vocal muai In eJaaa and all klnda of neodiewoik form, no aharaw. Tb alaelplloe of tb hool la MntUbutOam, oojet bmiog to ftsrrn not only reOn. young ladlaa, but nolW sad nscfol membeia of aooWtT, PuajA d milled at any ami and harga propp uoned. Papflaof Af dnomloatlcM e- wived. Tutttass la eeleel cbool ng from t&toflO. For tor ma o' Boarding Uky or aay prtltUr apply atth Aaadcmy, or ad. awl Basses- Uoburg Lumber. I U th beat Umber in the cenoty; alao dar Doata. ahinslea. lath door, ami win dow moaldio. ate. rrioe from $3 to ?2 iter thooaand. Yard at Lowaon. on th Narrow Gang. & Die before porobaaion W W CaawroaD. addrcaa, P O Tali man, Or Delmonica Restaurant, coBKca rtasT amd li,wortii ts. Th aadereisoed harina paruhaaed the old Bermaa Reataaraot ataod haa opened ader the abor oa ne a bret-olaaa re.Ua rant. W are prepared to furnish meala for parties or daoooa oa anort notio. Oys ters served in every atyle, aatera or coast; all kinds of tth knowa ia th market. Employ only bra claaa felp, and waiting will be prompt and coorteone. Regular aeala 25 cU. t'offce of first-class quality od a cap of co He and eak at from 6 to 10 as. I em wall known la this city and r aeet th tiaeo to give me call. SAMG40E1S Proprietor i LB AST COLLSSim I5SIITCTE ALBANY, OREGON. 18S8, 188Q- rtrat Teraa apeaa fteptcaibcr lllk. I Ma A tall eorp of Instnictora, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Coaree ot etud arranged to moot tb ed of all grade ofatudeou. Special smtmeemeul tjfmrtd It itajtmt from abroad. Tuition rang from 13.50 to HW Board la privet faiolil at Jew rate Room tor !-bordlng al small e easa A earefal auperviiion zrciad over in daau away from horn. Fr 11 terra op sepiemoe: an. tor circniaas ana partiRBlar addr tb President. BET. ELBEBT . COSDIT, W U BILYEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW Aid Solicitor in Chancery. ALBANY. - OREGON. Collection promptly mad on all po'nt Loan negotiated on aaaoDabl term. To All Whom It May Concern. The Germania F c Insurance Co of Kew York, having re.nsured it entire uslnes in the State of Oregon, said com pany (having on deposit with the State Treasurer, $50,000,) hereby give nctlc of 'is ais-conttnuance ot Du.iness in Vre gon, and it Intention of withdrawing Its now with the State Treasurer at stie expiration of the sis month printed itlce iwqulred by law Skbmamic FibeIksvraxck Co opN. Y Hugh Schumann, Vic President. De Jhjt889 Oounty Poor. Notio la hereby given that th coder signed clerk of th Coanty Court of Linn oanty, Orgoa, will by virta of an order of aid court, duly mad and entered of record n th Sth day of May, 1890, receir bids for 000 tract to keep th county poor of Lino aoonty, Oregon, for tb period of on year. Said bid to b filed with aald clerk by Wedneaday, loo 4th, 18'J0, at oo o'clock B. bidder t board, lodg and do all laondry work for said poor. Th contract to be let to th lowa.t bidder, th enoit i aarve all rignt to reject any or all bids. Witness my haod and seal of ..aid court affiled this 21 day of May, 1890. t. E B Maxtacub, Clark. by R L Dorris. Deputy. HENRY M. STANLEY IN AFRICA Th. complet. story of Htanler's rMenl thrllllnc adraniurn. and ih. diaoloaur. of hi. Important iwrnriM will appear fur th. (Int tltn. la th. vorlr wrlttea b, hlmaalf. entltlwl ' la Darkest A'rl-," l) not b. daoeired bf any of tb. ao- uwa -manier ooosr bow twins oawea u - fn- MtM Mia aiimentM. 10 ao 00. BtanUqr oontii bated a Una. Th'ral a ao aumtlon alwat this statanwnt belne rrreet In ..err particular. W. guarauta Ia. and will rt particular, on application. UAUTIUN In onler oot to be milled, sea fiat th. book bH tu. Im print of CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SON? And that th. eanrawilnf Oarrle. a oarU float, of atf.uoy froia ua. A. L. BAMCR0FT& CO. 132 POST STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. Ceneral Agents for the Pacific Coast W.K.Martin Sole Agent for Linn County, Oregon. DARKEST TO Sura cure. JF" 5 aata ' CURES PERMANENTLY SPHAJNS. BwOri4Tra U rln. I4ittmnHt,ClTU4,OW, M la lBtt sprained T arm cTubolnl ebaaV nucai suftred years In pain and ml4 foot UA Jn arav U wa finally Jrl br ft. Jri TaallmonHH Ch.rfiYt Renewed. tbtwSd t' . the Beat Cur, Stiffness WClmD3.Clrra,8VVELUNG3 "hy druggist and dcalims. WCkiA&JV.VOCXLtrt Co. BAU0. No. THE YAQUINA 'ROUTE. r;.on Development Cone puny' Hbr-aui ablp Lino. us miles snoaTEa. 20 HOURS LESS TIME htn bv any other rcato. First-ola through pawioilgwr sou rlirhtllnfroin Portland nd all polul a tb WllUmott Vlloy to and rrotu an f nenclero, l'U TI.OroiMr l'anlllo aUiaiulxMkla on th Wlllamou rlvor division will leav 1 ami. Suutb Dound, Monday, Wiodneai'ay and FrbiT at 0 a. in. Arrio t Tuoaday, Thuraav nd si r-iy P. m. l-rv Corral He, Noi III bourn Vlondav. WdneUy nod FrMay at 8 a m. ArrW t r-ortland luday Thuri day and Saturday al 8.SU p. to. Ou Mon Jat. .lnody and Friday, both North iod South buaJ tt will i w.r nlKht at Hlm, Irving hero at m. Botn tnak rliw" oonniwUon at A I ban Sth tralnaof IhoOrogou Paoltlo Kail road, TIMR -l4:iliettMJt. (etl imUys.) .1 . wt m u - I Ytrfltlin. irrt.-e Vaquliw, :) r. .Arm. Alt-ny, u. w a, O. C. tral oonuex at Albany and Oorvallla. Th abov train oonnl at YaooJnawHh tb Oregon lVvtopnint Csimpany' Une of HUsinsbii between Yaqtnna and San Franc 1mh. rH V441TIS. raralMi. April !h. w i.laro.tle VaU-y, a!J lh. rrlloo.Myih. Wlll.nicll Valley, May III: Farmllun. May Hh. iiua sas ru'OfcO Wl'.anwUe Valley. April W-b. r.rmll..n. May Mh. Wtllaawtte Vallev. May Wh. Karalloo. May Ulh. V. UlaBMlle alley. May Joih. Th Compart rwnive ih ngnt to ihang aailiug dale wiihotil not).-. N. B. PaanonnBr from Porvland and JT UUmotl Valley point can nik eioa soanctlon with tbo train of tho "J a.julna rouu at Albanv or l.'orTallla, and 11 doe dndkSan Krn.-iv hoald arrange to rrlv at Yaquin tb evening befor ("at t sailing. aeattr aad I'.elchl Bale. iwa, Laweas. orUduimatloo .,.,.! to A R ""M'-".' '",'" "L" ek.l Auml, Altw JP. Ait., ore.;. Oe.ei-n w.t Co M M-nlifimery c. c. ai k. O T. aft P Area . COrral Ja. tn W r"-;ss-.-, - A OYERUNO TO CAUFWMIA Sonthera ?aciHc Company's Line. THE MOUaNT"silASTA UOUTE. tim beta-eeo Albany and Hsu frwiso. 8ft hons esuroaau ssestas n is s n. Beiweea re'llaad aad aa rraaelae. - i (torlli B 1 -U I. our. a. :lr a Lifts Lr L Ar ftirUsn4 AJiiiy Nail ri.iM;lf Ar lu li a i: a a 7:uo r a Ur-al. raaaasusa tkaij ssiLt kKsp Hanilay). ; 10 a L.v li.40 r a I L l;Urt I Ar PofUaud Aioanjr Ar I .b r a L :JA a a L JIM a uuasuS saucu. M r a I L vxfitf Ar I..M)r u I L t;j t a Ar J::V)i a j l.v fit a a I Ar Allial.y lban.ja Albny leiianuil Albany Lebanon r I 2 k Li 1 1.4 a t I b I Af I v.ift s a hf't a :i;r :10 r a PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, r AeeeusMitllii el Seeosid-t lass raea errs, attacked I Kapreas tral.. Tm 8. P. Co', ferry aak connection itt all th. wrular trains on tne ta.t hide Oiiioi lnna lt ol r.acrert, " rtlanl, if est aide btvlale. KTWEE roitrit.! AJIt ClBtrltl. Mall. Tss.a BAUI (ExtBUnoay.) J A a Hut t a Van and Crv Ar 1 a .ii) r a l :jr Ar uraassrsais Sailt (Euip'.HanJay. :M r a I Lv StO re I Ar Port laud MvMinnvllle Ar I.V :J0 a I ft.4ft a m Throuirrli TicltetM To all point bout r .rrr- eabt VIA CALIFORNIA. ot fill, Information reraMlnj nUy, map, tie. all on (Vimnany Ai.ut at Al'nny. OeilLEB P. ROOEBJI Manaw tait O. t. and P. Av a. BINDERS MAY & SENDERS. tealers in General Mbrnanllse. HARRISBURC - - - 0REC3N 171 ARM FOK f ALE. Two hundred acre 01 good farm land all in eultl vatloo, with gcod two atory boup, food brrnandotbor outhoua. (iooil water for faji'lj and Mock. Good p-sr an'1 ap- Fl orchari), a well a otmr fei.da o' ult. Would make t"o good ainall fttmn. Mtuaifed four milea "outhweat of Albany. Inquire at Ihla ofHee. B. . CI.ACBUUKH, or.o. w. WKIOHT, BLACKBURr. & VCiCHT, Attorneys at Law, Will practice in all the CourU of the State. Prompt atUntin (liven to all buai oeas eot'mstrd to our cure. OlhceOdd Pellows Teiuoln, Albany, Or OR. C. WATSON slAST0f. Fhyuician and Surgeon. Dole opfKiMttw th lirrv'wr'. GR biEi A r UsVI 1 1 X t General and IBI1ITY rtTTTJ 'W.akn.M of Bcdy and Mini: Effeott J U XV XI ef Errors r Zikhh in Oldor Tounf. Bokwrt. ohl MAHHOOn fullr lluw I. Kalsry. i Sr.rlalWSAS,IJSIl!VIUf'riOKl" rAHMorfcOliI. .ii..!. 1IOHK rkKAVBKST BtU I. a .sr. tm U.u'r trwm 4i StalM TrHWrlM, mm r.ll Cllrtj, w -i . - l 1L .Hlu.Kltn-. mA nmn w. till BIAS lb Al fc.., .iirraL., w. 1. j. n. DuriCAri, ATTOILHET AT LAW AND HuTARY : PUBLIC, - ' jarofflce In Strahan'a B'.ooic, So' 1 and 2. . ALBANY, 03ECC!.. flu at ft ihan-h Bireriery. U. I'.Chuhom. Proaohlng every SadUaln, nmruimi and evuuing by Rov. f. U, lr vine, U. D. Sabbath Moliool at 3:30 P. at Prayer meeting every Wad nessday ovcniiig. KvaNORMOALCUPlMu. lreohinnon Sab. Hkth at 11.00 A. M., and 7 l. M. rM.l.tttth kli(Hl lOiOO. 1'rayer meeting every Wed nesday evening 7 utU. lUv. Fiehur, oaetor. All a' iuvited, M. K. Citl'Ki'H.Soirrti. I'ruacliliig every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock A. m. and 7 SOo'ulookP. M. bath Soliool atUIiOo'ulotk r M. I'rayer nioeting Wedneadny evoitinn's at o'olook. lUv.U S Han loiter, l'antor. M. E.(?MU'iL l'roauhing every Sabbath irnrning and evening, Song arrvioe in hi evon ng hofore sermon. Sallath Hiliool tvMr M. I'rayor meeting every Tliurs ay renin j Usv. S K Metniuger, palr. Phkasitkhian CuttncM. S.vio every SjibUth morning and evoniitxiin Churoli oor. liroadalhin and FiftliSta Suuday School immediately aftor th morning sorvloo. Prayer meeting every Wcduraday vi uil g llev K R Pnohard, pastor. Kikht lUmsr Ciiphi'". IWohing every Sabbath nioriiinu aiideve' Church on Blh Stroet. Sabbath Sohool uninodiatolv altor morning aorvioe. I'rayer moating ave" ThuraiUv evening at 7:.I0 oulock. llv. Trumbull, pastor, CoNORaoATioNALCnuain.-Srrvioesvvrry Sabbath niornitiK and eveuing. Sabbath Sohmd at 12:13. I'-ayer meeting on Wedneaday evening of each week. Rev, Rogers,! Pastor. CiiRinrux Chuiu'h -''reaching every Iord day in month, morning and evening Sabbath Sohool at 10 i'clok,A M. Rev J K Stewart Pastor. Cathouo Cui'aon. Servlo every Sun day at 10:110 . m. and 7 r. Ut Sunday of thi mouth service at Kugene City. Rev. uouit Metayer, Keolor. II ILL DO Geaanl BiAcksraithinK AT THK! It SHOP, Corner of Second & K'dswnrth Street. Tliey are prvpared to do anything brought to them at reasouaUs prices. EedCKiwnMilTs son, laxxixu 4 c:., t corn's. aw raocaiM ruca acrtKioa roa rMmsa aan aAKkiot t!a. LST ST0RACF PAOll-ITlKS. A New Repair Shop Itaa jiint leen iened on First street, ep t-oaite the Kui house, wheie y.u csn yet al kinds of brkn article mended, clock, linas and locks repaired, keys titte.l, tie Work from tbrciu'dry H-n.ptly atttuthd Conrad Mever. Pl'.'-l-HIKIt'.! OK STAR DAKBRY Cni-uer Broadalbia and First Sts.( DKAI.1CK IN- ' ufie'd rritll, ilaweir'rr. Orion rrull Tottarco. Votar, Colter. Kt.. t'saueil JTlraiti, stnr-enawisrv. rgctablre, 4'lgaita. Mrt'iM, Trst. tie.. .. jet vrythiiiK llm. I K varloty and Krixwry Itl- l Irt A rt. HiK') at rkst prlc raid for ftiLKIHDS OF PRODUCE. tle-il a-.ock of 2i.d ;ood n tho Val iy, an I Ih rniH xha' .a 10 prkut, both In I. living an I o!lla 1 Iiav unhand II t.'rvJe of FU.,NITUflt, STOVES, TINWARE, T3'JM$. B3QK3, PIuTU3tS WZ CROTHy, ETC., ETC. M-tT mtnl or,S K Youn'n oV tor L. COTTUtS 123 First atmat. Albany, Or, THE PLACE. By all an oil I r.n PaKe, Brothers, or yomt Grocer1 es, Proauce, Baked Goods, Ftc. Etc. Iteir troode ar tb hnat - J tlx Ir f.r'cf. asonab!. FOSHAY & MASON, wviLS'.Ai A.. aavaiL. OmistHand BookwslltrH, Air si ia for Jobi B. Aldan' publlraMon, "tii-b w soil onbilalter'e priviitt stAjreadda ALBANV, OlteOf E. J. r..oC4USTLA..D, CiTil, Sanitiiy and Hydranlio : Engineer. C nuli.inK enyttieur fr fli!d MmnUin oJ,l)y (iulch Oosoidatd Odd and Sil vr MiniijCo. Offer, i.t SI wt, Albany, Or. sjf. WHITNEY. -..u.1e; And rounsellor At La? NO- ,otar ALBA1T PfibE.4 OREGON Vill prntlsj 1 v State. All bit . rait!y ti 1 I Albany (ROW WORKS Manufacturf ra ' 1EAM E1ICIHES CHISr A ,13 SAW MILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS AUD ALL Kin3 CF HEAVY ANO LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINCS. ".jmrjtal attention it d o' nianhlner o . ;ilrlnif M Fa.ituDS Made on Short Notici. 2nd Store. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Rati Wrrrk. San 1'HANCisco, Mny 30. On of I lie most lionililo rdilwny acelilctils ever known In Cali fornia occurred at 1:40 o'clock this afternoon, when lh locnl tinin connecting nt Onklund with foiry Imxts from Sun KranciM-o ran lluough an open draw briilce over Snn Antonio creek at Webster s'.reet, Ouklnnd, The yacht Juan ita hod jut passed tlitough the draw when lb Inx'n nppanrnl, giing In llie diieclion 01 Ala' mrila- The (liawlnulge kcrprr emleavor at once to close lb Inidge, but It wus too late, and the engine with the lentltr and first car, which was tilled with hscngeri, plunged into the cMitnry, which was her quite deep. The t mill wo lit ilmice of Conductor Kcvalk and an extra crew, it being a holiday. 1 he conductor slated that probably twenty live pet son nau met tticir death, Tb Had Bed BhU. IIki.kna, Mont,, Muy" Jo. Kobett 1'ergu son, foreman of a stock ranch near Miles City left that place May 6 iu search of stock sup I'oirii to nave ticcn stolen, ami iiollung 1110 , was seen of him till yrstcrdny, when hit dead tiouy was touuu nuuvii 111 me loose snnii in a draw, Two r three days pieviously the liody of his hots a had been found pciforaeld with bullet lu)lc, and a )lem.itic search mss iiuti- luted (or the hady, w th tin nliove result l'eiguMin was uiutdcrvd by Cheyenne Indians, whom lie came upon in 'ho act ol skinning bis stolen cattle, There is tne excitement anion cowboys. The Intlinns are also artiying and prcpaimg for an expected attack. Warrants iiave lctn sworn out lor the arrest of several tedidiins, and it is expected that ttouhlc will follow an ntlcmpl to make arrests. A Falnr Harard, Fort Worth, Ten,, May 30. The Ten, Sj'iing l'ul.Ke was to night destroyed ty fire. One life is known to hove been lost and many injured. The lot is ettimntcd at (150,000. Tiiecxliilitt was to have closed Sun. lay niidit and giand Ixill wss in progress to-night, with seveial thousand persons present, When the cry uf liie was heard a terrible panic ensued, 1 ne wii'tcsi runiots as to ine loss 01 lilc si leing ciicttliilvd, some saying twenty five per sons have petitltcd, while nuny ihought none wer Duinctt. Ite Uas IrqulMed. SAff Fkani ico Mny 30. After fifty liouis of actual riun siul ranking up alt the eviden ce it could secure before it, the committee of minister, appointed by Kev Dr llcntly, the prrkiiling elder, lost evening aciiiiitled kev lr C C Stiattun, lata prriuUcnlof Mill's Collrgr,on iiiii on ciuies 01 immorality pitlcirri pgatiisl linn. I'oiLMre. I.labtl.be4. W AitiMitON, My 30. ruatofficca have been cttablithcd at Ocean, San Juan county, ah., I xt Wheeler, iottmatrr; l'oin No 1'otnt, Kitsap county, Wash., May Scuuncl, potmitre; tins, llcntoo county, t)r., Wil liam II Ilul.e, puatnustcr. A lily Baraetf. I'.l- tR, Idaho, May 30. The business poit on of Wcicr was burned la-t night at 9 o'clock. The lo will reach (l$,oiO, with itiiiiinnce of f j5,Ooo. Theliie was caused by a laui lailuig 111 a hotel. Col the lever. McMlNNVILLK, Or., May 27. IM nighl th; pcojde intkictled in baseball oigknued joint stock company, known as the Yamhill llawball Aocialiun, with csi.itat stock o' $o. A tine ground it bring hel op, ftoo having already lcu spent in uradini and level ing. The Iwaid of direclois sic all prominent cilicna, and tun.'uts of J K C'all.ralli. J L Kogcis, J V II. !.!, F W I-niton and De I-otij;. llu.ineas manager, W I. Mc.tih, club manager, William I lenIcrhn. Ierytwty is cntbu.iattic, sn J McMmnviHc will not t in the North western A.Mxiatiun nrt teasor, if ; the procnt interest is kept up. Bay Uniird le Itealb. Sai km, May 39. Thi afternoon, Coaett, the 6 year old son ol R A I' tluee miles east of Salem, wss kilted by lcing thrown rom a ny Tie wss tiding. Ihet-wny ihrci him, snd the rije csught about the ly's neck d't:ging him several lexis, stiikin bis head against a tree and breaking his neck. !cath rc.ultcd almost instantly. A aeettle lire. SKATttt, May 19. The it di.strouS fire ti nt has visited Seattle since the gicat Ci of June 6, 1SS9, which whiped out the entire busincM j oitioiii.f the city.ocrurred lhismor' ing. destroying nine three and (our story build ins on the triangular block bounded by King, Commercial and Wcller strec'S. I'ach of the buildings con:atnel a kxlgmg house, and over 200 people escaped horn them with only whit they had on, and it is titought that soma tost their lives. II. If awakened people rushed from their rooms tu find t'.e hallways fillet with smoke and flame, and were diivcn to the win dows. Men, women and children jumped from third and f.iurth story windows and were caught in i,inhcis hcl-l llOw. ijvcr lilty persons were sated in this manner and not one was hurt. Tkree brass ar at 1 Gkandk, Or., May 29. A young moi named liennett and two young Indies, daught ers ol William liooth, of the Cove, went out boat riding r.n the Grand Ronde river near the Cove yesterday, and not returning home se.irch was made fur them, resulting in finding the loot csit'tucd. At last reiHiits Ihe body of young liennett had been found, vliile&ote ol the gni have nut yet Men found. Ueeewlly la Albay. AliKKIKKN, May 28. Florence Gage,leud- ing lady lo Kccne's dramatic company, came near meeting a watery gave here, She essayed to walk a boom stick aiound a raft of log! at Ulock's mill, and the stick turned her into the water. Mr Thomas, a member of the troupe, jumped in after her, but as he could not swim, was only hindrance. Mr Keen went in after them loth, ard succeeded in getting Ihcm lo log and holding on until a young man named G M Antrim airived with a smalt boat and towed t.iem all ashore. Miss Gage presented Mr Antrim with a diamond pin for his services. A hang Made, New York, May 28, At the annual meet ing of the Pacific Mail the following board of directcrs were elected: Coliss P Huntington llemyllatt, IE Gates, Calvin S liricc, Samuel Thomas, Olive' 1 1 1'ayne, Edward Lautcrbach, Charles sV McUee and Jame B I louston. At a meeting of the board of director, J I) Ilous'on was elected ptesident. Ldward Lautcrbach, vice president. The other officers hold over till next meeting. l'residcnt Geotge J Gould, in his statement for the year endlni; April lo, shows the net earnings lo b 2't per cent. A Famll.'ar Easter King;. Salem, May 28. Several of Salem's young fulksare lying very ill as the result of eating ice cream that had been poisoned. I'oison re sulted from the cream having s'ood for too long a time in a rusty tin freezer. Misses Neb lie Kdes, Kate Dearborn, and Winnie Watson being the greatest suflerers. Ban Into Sand Hanks. The Dalles, May 28. Express No 3 met with a bad wreck one mile east of this city at 7 o'clock this morning. The high winds had piled up lbs sand on the track ahead of the sliovclcrs, and the train was four hours behind time, The engine Ufa the track, jumping ties for two car Icng'hs, when it went over, badly wiecking and nearly burying itself in the sand. The ba4gnge and mail cars were piled in a mass of broken and twisted limbers, leaving their trucks on the track, on which the head sleeper had jumped, partly turning. Fireman J K Irish jumped as the engine went over, being badly bruised, but not seiiousy. Eng'neer McKver in getting out of the t-.ih was thrown .couple of yards anH was sumo, hat bruised and stunned. Mail clerk liloch vtas t riously but not dangerously bruised The 9 . 1 ngcrs escaped with a jolting and a few bruia... Wall Wulla I p and Doing. Walla Walla, May 28.At a public m -cling of the business men held this morning $16,000 was subscribed to purchase a site for the agricultural college, if that institution is located here. Subscription pspers were also circulated, and were signed lor large sums of money, A Baptist College. Chicago, May 28. At a meeting of the American Baptist Publication Society to day much enthusiasm was evoked by the announce ment that 8400,000 had been raised to supple ment the gift of $600,000 by J D Rock-felier, of Cleveland, for the ere'at Baptist university I of this city. THK MAN IMtT t Wg. An A limn v tnnn tell tlio Man Alntt Town that the uih11o ouglit to lx warned agaiiiat cmiipatiK'i 111 oilier, ainica acnti ing uiicitorn iivro to work up their uivi mIoii of profit ImikIuc-hh, am, lie nKaurtN. In titoHt ciiHOH tiicv turn out unnroiitaine 11 not tinrellalile concern, and often irre- aDoimitile. It I alwnva well nt luaat to ik) rautiotia and know aomet mng atMun what you are doing U-fore going into con rerun Unit are mi the fitco of thorn run In the Intercut of the oluccra. It la cny to II i! tiro nnvtliinir out on imncr: but It la nitotlicr thing for the reality to equal the iigurcit. Home iitjotilo are frlglitcncd at a alnul- ow, even the hIiiuIow of a ilotilit wliu tlicm. anus Some one khvh (Joorite Francln Train la not a crank iHt nttMO lie cannot he tnrnnd. Now the truth In, t.leo.. . 1 Jutit what lie wna twelve vcura auo when tne mini AtKiut Town heard him lecture 011 home mIioch. To get right to the point, lie In cruy. RWS II the mint who wad fined for going to hUicd in u HtiMHiiin theater were to hear Homo McriiioiiH in Miiteui and l'ortlnnd It would take a catinonnde to awaken liim in time to face ft jtiMtlue. The urentcMt lienltli rcwort In Oregon ate New jiort, Hoduvlllo and (luiiiine. ft t ti,l .ItOlj.nll Irt 1m A firnidii,f Jnul protdicMy accortling to your feeling, and i 111 live cum' out 01 ten it win come true At lhihlin.Irelntiil.l'cUit.nn Ameriraii, liii jitHt Ix'iiten Satulera, an KnKllhinnn, at lawn tvnU.nnd wa diclttrtl cliainidon ol the world. That waacertainiy a Ntnaii or iKdtt aliitlr for ao iiuicli UlHtlnctlon, iwaiiityi, if Home in'.n were to Jump a ten rail Ictice omt one would tieciare liim ehnuiiiiun of the world and New J entry. MoiictnakfH the mare ami election no. Soino tiieiiM opinion are lialanced on two tlfty piece. Ml It may lie auid that Oreirun lin never Inula complete failure of crop, ami a I-! tuoMt uiiiversuilly a ifood crop of cereal, and yet every "pring the Name faint heart ed (cam are heard expressed. Hut we are gl ttlllK ttiHd lo them. viTV . a. itKTii. Th" I.lnn County 8. S. Convention met In the llapllat Church In Ibis city the -Hth ami oruanixcd oy the election 01 Kev I, 1 Trumbull, l'lcsldcnt.and Kev J F .Stewart, Secretary. The special object of the con vention was to e fleet a permanent county organization, In subordination to the stale association. Delegate were pieacnt from liaise v, Lebanon and other parts of the counlv. Ine program of the commlltc of arrangement published was carried out, either by the parlies named or by substi tutes selected where parties were absent. In the evening the ITalsc service was very acceptably conducted by I'rof Le. Dr Irvine, of Albany, and Kev Wade, of llalsey. delivered Interesting adJrcw. Thle morning Itrv T llobe-g, President of the state association, ws present, and spoke word ot encouragement anu ,t ed In the oritanisation rf a county society A constitution similar 10 those In force (n other counties was adopted, and under It provisions the lollow'ng olbcer lor Ihe tnsulng yer were elected : TresidcntKev J Stewrt. A'bany Vkc-I'resldent !rO W Oray.Albany. secretary w r unnu. sviuany. Treasurer Mrs I. K !JIln, Albany Ex-cutlve I'oin -I'rof Young, l'rof Lec ar.d iv r Aox, ail ot Albany kMf Ct ITBJ. It U understood that Portland whole sale drug bouse will endeavor to have fiasacd at Ihe next session of the Oregon cgtslature, a bill which Is lo exclude all patent medicines from aale In this state, except those manufactured In this, other wise those of said wholesale drug bouse examiner. Hoi King started this morning on his biennial tour of the county lit the Interest of the republican party . The sack is lonp as a atocktn', and the top la gilded with gold, as Dave Thompson made the last contribution. Cur valll Time. A new fire bell was received by the city from Han Francisco last week. It was billed at 1000 pounds, but really weigh but 805. As this wa not a represented the council have refused to accept the bell. Roseburg Review. The bicyclist of Albany should erect a track so.ncwncre In the city limit. Now that the cows have been exe'uded this could be done with Impunity and a rati drag. A young married couple have just gone to housekeeping. The other morning the neighbor were treated to this bit of collo quial entertainment as the two parted at the gate: He "What shall I order for supper, preckms ?" She "A piece of beef steak, and oh, darling, do tell the man to cut It the right wy of the goods, so It will be tcndci." Brownsville Time. Down t Astoria they get $1 apiece for salmon, whether It weight ten or sixty pound. Fishermen refuse absolutely to fish by the pound. No one woulc' wish to buy bams by the piece and even cabbage go by the pound, but at Astoria fishermen run the business. A Wisconsin judge ha decided that 1 dentist cannot legally putt a tooth on Sun day. It haa not vet been declared that 1 child cannot be legally born on that day, but the question Is thought to be pending. Moi.moutn ucmocrai. Uwwst for t"rewa mm VlkweplBg Coach Dr Holden : 1 have used your Ethereal Couch Syrup In my family for several years, and cheerfully bear testimony lo It excellent qualities In allayinir any Irrita tions of the tunes or throat.and also find it very good for croup and whoopirg; cough Fkxij Arnold, Stockton. Larue size, St, small to cents. For aale by 11 C Hubbard, druggist letter but. Following Is th list of letters remaining In th. Offloe, Albany, Linn oounty, Oregon, Hay S0.t,nte Farsnu. calling for these lolterj must give th. data nn which they war. : Clark, MraNoel, Mr Lou IMy.JohnD Kdberg", Cbsrle " Oiegii, George T Uosiake, Mil Hills, rs Kelly. FJ Kiervtd, Fred Mathews, W J Murry, J B Ntdhsm.Chsth 2 0le, Dlvin Itip, Ueoru Clark, Noel A D.auy, II W Kdwarda. Oeorg Fren, P S Grimm, Georg Gilmore, Annie .lones, O L Kohn, W Hor.CC Larsen, August 2 Meara, Ksrncst Mrphy,U P Newgiat.A P Phillip, W C Bed man, R,U D Sihler, Mrs Bslph Thomas, MrslUlph Test, B South. Miss Spicy Thomas, G A T.ylor, William Vanhuru, B II Wrtuer. Mike Wearnnir, L C Wilson. 11 C Wremau , B R. TUOMPSON,P,M. S can Oolden Star tomatoes for SO it 0 V ayert, and all other canned heai or ab. cent fcooda This Trade Mat k on a stov rreans it I the best the ex- perunce and skill can con trive. Sold only by G. W. smttii. Albany Market. Wheat -6le 'at - 33t. BiHteT 15o pr tb. Fpir-20t Hoy fl,00, Potatoe 75 eta per buauol' Beef on foot, S4f A ,ple 75 cent per bu, Pork 0'o per lb. dreaeed, Hecn haixn,12Xc, boulder, 80. , aldea.lOo. ai d 60 per lb. lonr, 4.25 per bbl. . ' blokon 8.00 por doa. Mill Feed bran, 14.00 per ton aborts, 16. - middlinirs, 21. ., Chor, ae.g If.t'UBAtlOM kKBVIl'RN. A cool day, with the tun mostly be hind the clotulM, wni the kind of weather given for the olmcrvance of mentor lal nervleea In Albany. Khortly after nine o'clock the prooenmon formed In front of the i A H hall. conaiHtiiiB of member of the WK(I,IIA K. old ol- dicra, Hon of Veteran, F Co O N O, and cltlxen. Marching to the city cemetery a circle wn formel around the grave of Comrade Mueller, where the decoration ceremony wn olmci veil under charge of IHtmmatider Jlcece. On ita completion wtundM were dctnilod to decorate the grave of deccnited aoldier In the two ccmeterlca. It wa a imittcr of consider able pride that the ccmetcrlc were inbet ter condition than ever ladore, prencnt- uig a rcai iv cruditaide apiH'nrauce. titer tne decoration of the grave the proceiwloH retunied to the ojiera bonne, where the cxcrclxeM were opened with prayer by Uev I H Fisher. A aong, roll call, and decoration of the unknown L'ravo liv tlin W It 11 worn fcllnwod liv Mm memorral adtlrerf by Hon H II Miller, of Southern Oregon, an elfort that wa greatly appreciated by the lnrgeudlenco I" irrm-nt. It whn full of MctiNibie, patriot tiioiiulit. Another Honir and a rt pmiKO In Im half of tho Son of Veteran wa made by (1 W Wrluiit. Kan. of thi city, one rctileto with uooil thoiiuht. Another houk ami the U'lipdlctum evma tho exerelne of the tlay, carried out in a very Huivrriniui manner. OAhtltLK. lliO peoplu of Olikvlllo met at the Kchool Iioiiho on l'riduy even lint, May 90, to talk on the miliject,"liow nliall I vote ?" A Y Kiiiltli wun cliourn clialrnmn. The voter prcHcnt were called on and made abort aiMterlirH. Thev all with two ex reption will vote the Union ticket. Mr Miearer will vote the republican ticket Ix caitHo lie wanta to are it elected. He I oiifHHmd to lioiue rule for Ireland. Mr William, cmididnte for AeNor.favored ua with a few remark from a democratic Amichn. VAIdlAllbK I'UUI'KUTY. The Cuskk Addition to Albany ha just been thrown or the market and will be wild at such price and term as will enable the speculator to make good money. Till property lie just this aid of Goltra' Park: la hluh and atcrhtlr. oveiiookinu; the city and surrounding country. In the luogusge of a First street merchant, "That la destined to be come ihe 'lion-ion' residence portion of the clly." Wallace k C'uslck, the agents for this property, their own conveyance ana wm be glad to snow this, the best ol all ddltl3ns. to the Intending speculator. WadlHg I'bolngraphers Alhaay Oregoa. W. have bought all tb. negative mad. by L W Clark and W II Greenwood op to Nov 13th, H DuphcaU can b had from bent only bf us at reduced rate. W hsy lo about in.uuu neaalivea mad by our selves, from which dunllo.ta can be bad at Ilk rates, w carry the only full lin i4 view of this eta! and do enlarged work at lowest r.t. for lirat clau work. W shall b pleaaed to e. yoo at our medio to rioman s bli-ck, n. it door to Masonie Tempi. WHIT r,f To see woman' lovely features mar red by unsluhlly pim.des and blotches. Young woman, defective nutrition I Ihe cause of your blemishes and the sooner rou take a faithful course of Dr Hirer's llydra.tinc Restorative the sooner you win cease tube an obicct of pity. For sale al Foshav Af Mason', druggist . f swek. The transition from long, lingering and painlul sickness to robust health marks an epoch In the life of the Individual. Such a remarkable event I treasured In the memory and the agency whereby the good health bss been attained I gratefully blessed. Hence It is that so much l heard In rtraise of Electric Bitter. K man feel th-y owe their restoration to health tu mc use ui mc great aiierauve nu tonic. It vou are troubled with any disease of kiilneys, liver or stomach, of long or abort standing, you will surely find relief by use .1 r-icimc nine... oc'iu at joc ana ?i per bottle at Foshay & Mason' Drug store. I have ju t received a lirge invoice of lac oorlains, 11 ging in price from on to nin dollar a pair, acrtm, curtain net, eto. Alao lin of curtain tolas and fo'niture cover ing. 8 a at i-kl K Yocaa. Wanted, cow to paittuor. Woupli 1 Talt Ban. Tke ralpll ! Ike Blase, Rev F M Shrout, pastor Untied Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Ksn , says: '! feel It my duty to tell what wonder Dr King' New Discovery ha done for me. My lung were badly diseased, and my parishioner thought I could live only a few weeks. I took five bottle of Dr King' New Discovery and am sound and well, gal.ilng 26 Iba In weight.' Ar.hurLove, Manager Love 'a Funny Folka Combination, write : "After a thorough trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr King' New Discovery for consumption, beat 'em all, and cure when everything else fail. The greatest kindness l can do my many thousand friend I to urge them to try It." Free trial bottles at Foshay & Mson' Drug stor. Kvgular sires 50c and 91.00. "innhtves big stock to select from at J r l'o ell X W IOO F. Albany Lodge No 4 hold It regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brother are cordially nvited to attend. Agala Learning I'p. The Astoria Columbian sums up the amount of real estate siles In Clatsop Co. for the week ending May 17th at $29,053. The Astoiia real estate market is showing a decided improvement sine iiun'.ington expressed his intention of completing the Astoiia 3, aouili Coast road Into Astoria, The sales reported above were notMarge, nut better ttian tnev nave been for the past two mon'hs. The city i brightening up. and the big boon, which precede rail road bt'lldlnu In the North weat haa already commenced in Astoria. The bonding of property during the week named reached a Quarter of a million dollars.but the amount eposited on these bond hardly reached $40,ooo,they proving that the actual trans fer total were not a reflex of the condi tion of the market. The lot held by the Oregon Land Co. of Salem and Portland, in the North Pacific addition to Astoria.are again. coming In demand and offer a' very desirable Investment. lOoorceut off on all eash sale for th next 30 days-at W F K.iad's. S.poka the oelahratAd tiavana filled ci gars, inaouf iotiirad at Jul up Joseph u cigar factory. fJuly O oenta. Spring Ha Come The tock of wall paper at Forlmlller & Irving' Is larger than ever, being quite Immense and in. elude many new and beautiful design. Th bext line of 5nd JO cent ciaara in the city arejt be found at Coon & llendrie son. Albany Marbia and Granite Works. Hav ing lately pnrchased th stock of S A Ripgs and G W Harris, we shall be pleased to show design and give pries to all intend ing purchaser. Best of workmen employed and prioea a low aa any for firut-olass work. v isic us netore purchasing elsewhere. KOAH & ACHIBOIT next door to Democrat office) Albany, Or. A. Bargain. Boudoir paper, large package, only 10 cents at Hubbard'a drug star. Bseklen's Arnica Snlva. Th. bast Salr. In th. world for Cuts,Bruls.,Ser.t Vlmrs, Halt, F.ver Sirs, fstter, Cbapp 4 hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Bkln Erupt t. ani posiiivalyearM PI lea, or no nay nquind, tt Is mar siitM So gir. perfect satisfaction, or rooB.y rafund ail. Fri. U 0.11M par box. For salt by Fnsaay sad kisses IIOBR ANUIAItHlMIl Mr 0 W llar)i arrived home from hi trip to kansas City this noon. A new expreis room m beinir built lint taAtof th a r bsiinsije room at this oity. Mr K E Montague, county clork. arrived on th mornings train from a trip to Mouth er Oregon, Th claims that Astoria is the smallest ttity in th United Mtataa with a paper appealing every day in the year. Mr J 11 Taylor, th oelobrsted humorist a id banjo aoiist, win oa heard In th rlor iietton concert to-morrow vnintf at the opei a hons A ltt of th town f Ifolley was tiled to day by A U Kint(. It is hwatrid Intwvnn Hweet Home and (.tawfordsvillii, and ia a I'ostnUlc. Hon Torn Tontine, who is wautfinit for Thompson, wa in th city this morniutf nu his way tt 1-eli.non, where ha was to iiili litis aitertiOuii Dr Irvine will preach at Oikvill. n. xt Habbath at 11 o clock a m and at 1'enria at 4 o'clook p in. tev llkon will supply the pulpit to Aibauv Wm II Martin ha secured the sole aimicy for lleniy H tan ley's new woia, on bis Alrkau travels. It is th genuine production, and Is on which should he lead by all interested in th history of th tunts Messrs turran ana listen, two civil en triueer of Man Kranotsco, were lu the city thi morning on their way to th front, where thaw avitl maka a altrviiv fif th avrb ilfiim liv garl & Dean, to be a.ed for th pl.tntiir. n th esse of Mearle & Llaan a(inst th O V, Tbes same men mad th survey and rati mat used in th ess of Mnyer sgt the O r. A Bkt. Clittrlce Mayhew, of Kugene, was In the city yesterday with T2D00 ti W!i on j'ennoyer. w j Monteitn, ol tin city, and W J liny, of !chaiioii, raiwrd rmo ami ix-t that amount with liim the evening. Kugene will prolmbly car ry on gome 01 Albany money. A I'm Ciianok. There I to lie a big change in the running of train on the Houthern 1'aciflc, probably 1-gjniiiiig about June5. It I not yet official, but enough I known to indicat; that ome- tlilng will strike that will comidt-kiv change the order of thing. The loeol train will run to Itottubtirg, that i wt tled, probably on about the nrt'Hciit time. A to the other train it in a matu-r of apeculatton partly, hut it i thought the overland train will lie run to connect with the Northern Pacific. The north bound going through Albany om:timc between 11 and Zo'clock at night, to con nect with the morning eat-louml train over the N P, and the nottth-liotiiil leav ing Portland about 7 o'clock iu the even ing, aliortly after the arrivnl of the N P at 0:15. Another train will prolmbly Ih iut on, i-rhapa the l'hanon train going from that city to Portland in the morn ing ami returning in the evening, a I -out the prcMeiit time of the overluiid. The matter w ill I made public in a few day. raifiAV. Deanrktion day. I liow niucn do you gum on Ait.any ' x-p-nlation. Be ready fur the cei.,u takers n, l Mob day. Mr Wat. Montelth to dry rtc-ivrd a S'OU rafrtgerator, Mr J II Mam, prominent otixm if Newport, is iu th city. severs! bostaar being built in Albany l r a ride oo Halt Creek . JoaClaypowl will rootlioKish Lsko bouse thi summer. Cregoo City is expecting to have another woolen mill, a big one. Tlierouoty candidate have 1 e-o at Ib aoon to -laj and to-moirow w.ll tim.h the onvs at A'bany. Syd K'ini., furmer Alb ny boy .has turn ed pual i.,nl in lihht to th finish with jc Gerg Tacoma, is said to bave won. Last evening the team of DrWoo.'le, in which wer Mr Frank Bbxltrctt and Mrs Jennie Brown, ran away.tbruwisg MrBlod gettouL A Hn rainstorm occarrod along tke San tiam veatrrtlay, enough to cans qui. an accunialation ol mud, and much to ihe joy Of th farmers. The First Nati-nal Bank of ,Gorval;is, Ore gon, ontnn.eaced business My 27tb, 1S1K1. I tb BentouCounty Bank sooceediog'to the good will and besiqea of We have lived in this county "well oigh on to" nine years, and w bave not yet witnessed such a light for local e dices aa in takit g plaoe now. Prineville News. A Cincinnati woman, enraged at her hus band, determined to ruin him financially. 8h "shipped" all dsy and piled up bills to bis account to tb amount uf $3,000. S P Barger, of Brownav lie, was in tbe city this morning. He reports geueral uprising there for Pennoyer, who v ill get an irntnens vote all through that part ol theooun'y, sod a for that a)l.broagb Oregon. All those desiring to pnrnhiise ticket for thsexcursioo to Salem Juo. 5th should do so at one, a the number of tickets are limited Ticket eaa be prooured from any member of th company. Thar is mao in this community who think he ought to have a pension, becausa he injured hi eyes year and year, ago by read ing war news to bis mother. Prineville News. Tb steamer, Wm M Hoa?, (the grey bound of tb Willamett,) ha been chartered by MK" Co for a grand excursion to Salem sod return Thursday, June 5th, and an en joyable time is in store lor all who ro. The Albany Silver Cornet Band will accompany the excursion. Round trip tickets, $1.00. Ticket eaa be procured of any member of th oobipaoy. a rutin ay. TULiU Th Lila. Ja F Powell & Co. Cusick's addition. F. M. French keeps railroad time. Rock eaody drips at C E Browoell's. Strawberries at J F Powell & Cos. A new lin of peck ties at E C Searl's Novelties in parasols at S'.K Young'., Anti- wear caff button at Will& Stark'. Ludlow's 3 ihoea found only at E 0 Searl'. Great bargain in watchea at Will & Stark's. Choice canned, sweet potatoes at C E BrownuU. Prepared'maokrel, in lib caua, at (IE Brownell'. H.sdnuaiters Brownell'. for garden seeds at C E For artist Cusick's. supplies go to Stanard. Th latest shel musio, i disoouut.kt Mrs liyman. Don't fail to try th Homme & Lone nienos at Mr uymiD i. Th largeat stook of watolios in the oity at Will & Stark'. Delioious canned eranberaie at C. E Btvwoall. Spring over coating at Zachcs Si Sen. on-. posit PostofBce. Genuine Iowa sorghum on draught at C E' Brownell b. Orange, lamnns. cherries, bausnss, at Jaa F Powell & Co. Dresj.d chicken ooustsotly on hand at' J F Powell 4 Co. Good evening Have von ried Hubbard Elegant Lotian Have you soeo those parlor suits that T Brink ha just received! They are nice. Spring jacket and beaded capes at re - daoed prices at Samuel E Young', Roast eoffe ground to order without extra charge at Kenton ' cash giooery store. . Berr'e fresh every morning. Unlets promptly filled at J F Powell Ai Co, No need to suffer with the headaoh when Hubbard s Capsule will surelj cure yon. If you want a hue toilet or bath soap oall on Stanard & Cusick, City Drug Store. The Foster genuine, hook ulove Fosterina. in blaok and colored, at Samuel E Young's. A dollars worth for ninety cent at Hub bard' new drug store on Monday and Sat urday. " Buy a lot in Cusiok' addition, the finest suburban addition. Ita looation speaks for itielt. Call at Will Link's musio store for th very best piano and organs, alao book and sheet mncio, &c. Don' fail to call on Will 4 SUrk and price their large linetf ladies and gents watche befor you buy . . Jtariralo every day in the week at Hob- bard's tiewdrau store, and an extra ten off on Monday and Satardsy.. The Jfiinme A I'Pt! pianola the best mad pinn to stand thi climate (if the oout. Dn t fail i.o g;toiie at Mrs llyman a. In buying carefully 'consider yoo hay th and most car.fally enWted on wh.o yos buy hoed of I'ow.ll k Co. Genuine Martinet kid gloves, in alt sizes and colors, at 8i)e per pair nntil May 1st. Every pair warranted, at O W Simpson'. A lot in Cusiuk' addition is better than ten per cent, or better than a lot in foreign cities where th till eb and Hows twice in twenty-four hours. Those wishing aeraen door and window should call on It IS Vook, who will pot them In vomplut on short notice. Shop on corner of Hecond and Perry etreetn. ,J,i. F I'owfell & (;, Mi'inlsy tells the story and whe. a.-e the proph' U. The Ut of tli iifiripuigu. Dusk room to rent, Inqoir of i4 N Sieel, Cusii:k blouk, Albany, Oregon. TM Albany Woolfd mill will pay 20 ot pound f r aixl. Next Monday th Linn Count y Bank will begin business as Nation .) Bank Most iwoplo who have been nut throegh the county say the wheat looks well. (' W Wattr, Ittchaid 3onnnd B F Tabb r will tiik. thecAinsu of Albany, heginnmg Monday morning. Mr Ja Slisnau ha jast comjili!td for Mr K A I'.rker handsome rel -tf.n 01 bU Third ward pn ptrty. costing U ut I30OO. It-rii-mbrr the dirumr on next Monday to b given at t'.r W ;T U hall, by t . ladles of the drigreiiinfial church. 'tA-nwzt it Ibnner, 23 Cfiits j iu cm sin, 15 cent.. 'Ano!br 1e Nib d," ibi:h lis beeO a standing head in nu ot our exchange for seveial we:li. wii now be chm,:d to some thing nold.r in lone - The c.uip.igM li .r of the Orrgnnian eens to be getting in bis work affair. It s ill suc ceed in el-cling I'.-iinoyer I ke it did Senator Mitchell fur yu s Wet Sido. (lie- publics n.) Itcv S K Meminger will irre-ch in tb M K Chorch to-morrow t 1 1 a-in. 00 the so- pulled "Christian f-oieric," and on the "8io th Holy Ghost,'' at 7 JO P. m. The Astorian annonnce that it will n Fra-ici Train around Ihe world alvertisa Atori. and Train propoies rnske the trip in fifty day, I'rof llrdmobd, th bsloonist. . was killed while making ilesiennoo a Seattle yester day. He landed in a pine tree snd fell to tlie ground and wa instantly killed. A l)r.Mo'UAT uisn wa. talking with him one about the great dangers connected with th business, si.d he remarked that that wa hat people him for and it wa. a part of the trade. Tiik Covxrv C'am-ahm. The county Cttnvaa cIoMed tin with the Court 1 S;! voter from the citv and Hiirrotindinir Country. Nothing out of the usual order oixurred. A Runaway. -Tlii morning the young and frisky horse of Dall Knlchlen wa standing in front Price U Robson' when It became fiibtened at a bicycle that ppro.-ched and ran away, finally stopping on b.itb side of a railing to flic bridge over l,e Santiarn ditch on Fif-.h street near Dr. IlilU. The bugg, wbicn waa onlv purchased the evening previous, was slightly damaged. 2921 KEI'OKT Of TIIK CONDITIO Or TIIK FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT S Y, IS TUT eTATE OfOKKIiON' At Use cl ol IrasinM, May. 17Ui. ltJ0. IrMSrrri I loans and lisciiiU..... ...ftiig 4'A V, inerlrstu.svetu-cd and un ur.l TiA.ei l'. . bi secure rireuiiMa ... S,.x.oU Other ttlavks, Imiim.. ae mortgaer. f .M.1I lu bum si,ritet rtsnt afeuu . lioelrutn other N.ti maJ lUuk. H,l!M,fii Imm fnMn Hlste Hank, awl bankers T.07. lUtikinj Kouw.fcoialuio, ami Bstunea. lS.eoo.Oo Currmi expvn-n awl taso. paid I 4!tl 77 Premium. hi 1 bmd X,!Cii.&0 ChcwS. ami oOiar eash !!.. .I,, i 406.69 Hi lis of other I lank a ... . l.H.i Fractional paper eurrarury, nkkles snd eeuU ;4 10 Mpeei. . a1.?71 W Lnrsl ten ter notes 100,00 lUeimnpuon fund aim C. h. Trtmaumr (St. per cent of cirrulaliuit.) . SO0.C0 Total.. ..tXf!,74M.' Llablllilea t Capital sbrk paid In . .Sun. lu lurid rmttriuctt profile ilin National Hauk notes ouuianjini-.... liHtlviUual liui-Wl subject to ebeek OemaiHl ewrtinealeauf Ueoalt.. Ihw lo clli.r National hank Ou. to swtc buiks and bankers Total - tM.aoo.08 , X.IX'O oo 3.14l.i 15.44O.00 114 S71.0 0ll,l7S.Tl Oun.00 Stats or rutayios, Cocmtt or U,- I. E. W. Uifd- n. Cashier of the above nam d bank S-. wi'munly swear Ilia' tho abor. statement i. Iru to Oi but of my knnalclK and belief. K. W. I.AXGHO.V. Caahisr. BUIMeriiwa ana swurn tn Iicfore m. this 17 h day et -. O U IBV1.VR, ( Notary Public Cosssit- Attest : L. FLIXS BAMIEUE. TOfSO VDiroetors. L. E. ULAlN, J Piano s. Thos y 'suing flrat class invrumunt, Ihe t est Uede to td tbe climate of th Coasit, can 1 suited by calling at Mrs B K Hytna-'a, oppotut- iba Maronio Tern, plo. ou First Street. The latest vocal and instrumental musio kept for sle,also tbo largw.1 assortuient of eumping pattern to ceieot from thi of 'Freo. ts eons given In panning snd embroidering In her studio over Linn County Bank. (Jlv her your order and yaa will be pleased. L. HILL, Physiciai and Swi;eon, OtBco cor, h and Ferry Strpt, ALBANY- OREGON S. W. Paisley, . Albas.) , Orssoa. -WHOI.Ki.VLE UE.VLER IN Tobasco anl Cigars. Ordor solioitcd from he trade. 03. C A. WHJT.HY, Physicia,a andSureDa. Gradust of Bellevuo Hospital Medical Joi'cge Now Yerk City. , Disease of womaa a specialty. 3TOflio tuman'a Brick, Albanv. Or. J. F. mtmg, Artist. Instruction .e-iyen, and work exe cuted in Landscape, Portrait and De corative Painting'.Lettering.Designing and Mechanical Drawing". Rooms 8 and 9. Fo s ter Block. Al t' any Or Wiley .A . Klrasey, ALBANY, uHEOON. ABSTRACTER, ""hff Only Complete Set of Abstract books and Maps in Linn County. yt Office in the Court Ilouse.-tfett Business entrusted to m av jimptan csrsful aiteaMcn. fMTY TAXES, Notio la hereby irive v tnai tuo mi rou or the oity of Al- baoy, r.. for the year 1890, has been pis red in my band lor o.llettion. and tbatl will be at tbe Council esambersof said citv to receive and receipt for th tbe taxea onarged in said roll, tor tb period of 30 days from date of this notio All taxes remaining unpaid at the expir ation of thirty days thereafter will b re tu.ned , .nn flouncil of the city of Albany aa . t, and cost and expensns lor collecting such taxes be added thereto. JOHN N HOFFMAN City Marshal, Dated fit Albay, Or,, this 19.h day of May 1890.! PERCHERQH STALLION TITUS, 5934. Will fnaki) theon at Jefferson Mofla day and Tuhdy ; at Albany Wednea dyaud 'l hurriy; at Crvllla, Frt dtnatid Hsturday. t actum on asd rEPionxs, Ulerk j'foa d 184 Imported 188 by Murray Brother, of Polo, ltlinrd, bred I.V M 'l'itl"iln,(ornrnuneof LUaodirj, cauojii of Nogent lo-Kotroo, depsrtment of Itur ewlrfjlr irot by Byard $556 (ml) 1 t'm Cocolte (5933) by Chari (4137) out of l ollno. IJy,ird K55', (087) : by Narbonn 1334 (777) O'lt of Kagotto by JJn C'oeur-d'Am my. Narl.onna 134 (777) by Brilliant 1899 (7&l) otit of Mad-Ion by Kavori 1 (7H,jba by Vieu Chilln (713) out of LAmia br Vi'-ox Pierre (Hf4.) hw by Coco (712.) tiruiuni iwj 7.1 ny urwo II (714) oot of lioiett by Mina belonging to tbe Frenc'i governrncnt. f txm II (714) bv VietiJi Cb In (713kut of La Url- by Vinx Pierre i'M ) v mux utiasiiin (7i) oy uoco (7lU)ont ot I'on e by Fandl. Cooo(7l2)hy Ml ion (715) out of Pau lino by Vloox Cof;o. M-ttnon (715) by Jean lo Piano (739.) .lente).Biric.1 Cberl (ll7) by Hilou. DeionKing to m belonging to M Kard'iuet, oot of Biche, Uebray. TERMS. To iniure Mart In foal ... For esr:n nlngts service, C O U S20 I5 . flO Person inauring tbe'r maro anj not returning la regular seaao - to tbe horse, will be charged a eaon mama. Person dlNpo ng f their uare before tbey are known lo bi with foaUir removing them from the ctji nlv will be charge t tor in nranee. Property of F, vY. Bl VM BE SO 1 w 1 SKIN DISEASES LfflFJZ imB2A7iDrOISCIt Oil WLW II kill" alt Inflsmnuill.maaiJ Initat. .modtmiht xRiy undiatiir of kti-rubea ai4 Mbstr Bki (Tannic. ra eeep- Price. 2 5 cents a Box- lYo have the Exclusive Control of O And don't hmt re offer arfn to seff fA r VC. Jar tit Ut BEST MAX.. ftwry Can aoa SEE AMD III WS Pflt'BS. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, ALBANY. OREGON. . ALBANY OR. WHBIAH & HULBERT BEOS., Real Estate Agents Karnir and Uanchea fer sale. Alao city broterty in Albany and CoryallU. iff !!. DAVIS, mt It 6 3 Physician and Surgeon. K-OfSee no sUlra in Strahan'a Block. Way be found at hi of&c aay and night. Eevere House: ALBANY, CHAS. PFEIFFEK OREGON ITvOPRIETOR. ntel on In flrst-ataas style. Tablea supplied with the beat in tbe market, Nice sleep! ne apartment. Hampla room Tor commercial travelers, CTFr resets la sa l tV.wa the wtel.'Ss i. K. WEATHERFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW A T. OEEC). JAMES P. r.lEAD, Attorney at Law and Title Examiner, ALBANY OREGON. Will practice in all the-courts of th State. Abstracts of Title furnished on hort notice- Ten year experience. DR. JAMES KEYDEFt, Era-3nat8 of Edinbiirg, ScoJlanti, Haa located In Albany. Fro hi korougb. knowledge of bla proiession ad bis expsrienoe of 10 year aa an offl- er in a Cavalry Regiment, he hopes to merit tho patron a go of those Interested iu horses, cattle, sheen, ate. Ha wnulri alno recommend bla solution or llnament or aor anouiaera, re oic, broken noes, wound, sprain. Price, one dl r per bottle. farom ce at John Schnar' ? ivery at FortmiCei k Imng, A A A A 9 .M , -FUNERAL DIFsECTORS. Frompt AUantioi-First-chss Iizw i Wiff so Precsrlpiioa.DrBojglst, trlXJ'li t it r ll'T'" 4. f