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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1890)
.MAY 30, 1890 8TITE3 & K.lllsr aat NUTTINO Proprietor. LOCAL UKCOKI) Brownsville O P Co how Si Co have received ihe agency of Hie k Merchant's Insurance Co, of Albany, Or. L Y Dalle, who preached In Ihc Chris tian church last Sunday, ha been em ployed the regular pastor of ihu church and ha moved hi faml'v to this pi are. FCStinard, Kate Cothow, Dilla Slat. -ard and Maggie l)jnn ent to Allmnr, Wednesday, to attend the Sunday School convention at that place. The Eagle Woolen Mills has just receiv ed three carloads of machinery, conslst tng of one new press and fur looms. Ore of the rollers belonging to the press weighs looo pound. This new machinery In creases the working capacity rf the mill greatly, besides it will enable the company to do better work than ever before. A joke is told on the different cnu'nlntc who have been jjolng the country on this campaign, thiil it true would re flect quite severely on their gisnl repuM tlon. While at Scio thai city waaburned. The democrat aocuscil the republicans of setting fire to Hie I'.wn.lmt the repub Icins got out of It by Utln that Inasmuch u a saloon at burned it must be charged to the union paitr moo. , l.trge u.tutltv of bacon wn missnl by one of the rrldeiN of the town and In order to (jet evri. the unionist accued J K Wcatl.ei for.t of ho -king it, but he got out of it bv sating that U inut h- Ihe re uMtcNUi who 'ole It for if It had been a be wonM have taken all of it. A u pro. f coulil be found to convict any of tbern l hoy were allowed to escape. At I Im ribui' however, thy met with the fruit of the It bad reputation or look The hotel man would net Veep them ur.til a stranger from Kansas vouihed for thci Time Cab Lass Shooting. Many hunters are greatly disgusted by frequently seeing Ihe sign nailed to a tree or placed over some gate-way, warning then, off the premises. NotwItVstanhlng these notices, many far mer are continually suffering loe Tom the carelcssnes or wanton'ess of lhee hunters. Mr Kirk, who reide near Jeff erson, lost a fine horse a few days ago by being allot by one of these desperadoes. It waa running In the pature,hnd when found had a bullet hole tKrougti the head Mr Kirk knew the man, but unlike many other men he will r.ot prosecute the often det .Salem Journal. joTit Anniversary. Last Monday a number of tho relatives and ftlcnds of Mr V A Cox, the brick mason, called at his residence and surprised him and Mis Cox, with an anniversary party lit honor of the aoth anniversary of their marring?, as wall as the birthday of Mr Jo. Young. During an enjoyable evening, In which a nice lunch of Ice cream, straw berries, cake, etc., was served, the happy couple were presented with a valuable china ten sci.and as well Mr Cox wns the receptent of a pair of slippers from his wile ami Mis Cox a stt of chairs from her husband. The follow. Inj were present: Mr& Mrs Clark, Mr Sr Mrs V .truckman, Mr V Mrs U II Kruckmnn, Miss UruAmau, Mrs A I lack elnmn, M- Hammer, Ur ft Mrs Wm. Hammer, Mr & Mr 1S Smith, Mr & Mrs fieo, Young, MrA,Mi. ' lvis, Mr & Mrs A Thomas, Miss Delia Hontly Onk if tiikm. Siome fm ny thlnjjs happen in an lection. !i tho it . cut election thcie were several For instance It was it'itlciMoud In Ail any that J It Ttak was opposed to an app.opi laiion towirds a brMgc at Albany, and the vote went against him heavily. ' In Fox Valley, where Mr Trnsk resides, it timlet stood that Ik was in favor of a bridge at Albany, ami Ihe vvto went heavily itcnlnst him. Thi is one of the beaut c of running f-r j office. j Nut ok Tiikm luce the poisoning by ice cream in Salt nt, ice ttcam makers have b- en miMI.,hi:i hlaiements like this. "YUh i illliiK-ily iMih d tluit thepanUs poi.i,eil en liv ci cam, did not gel ih ii i e etiiim at my place, lor in.t Ice cream i not In i t tl il wm," uml agulo, "l will Live on,- I died dot icwnid In any O"o who iii prove that miv ever obtained at .n pi ic nit w;ilisi.m hu.; as-i.' i i mi. c d K t'M - croaili "..tlH'il, ijii.irK ill' Si KOKK rvectv cd .i Joh'i i(.ii-(i ceiv tl a t i ci. l'd lo UU't'! I'l COIliC -A d lAH M.V MS ll'l . I i' V 1,1111' MUICCS i, .' Oil. an I, I'll , Ac nl I'.iiviIi i aiid i't made I i I i in .i k. end s:.iU.I liiat Ml h id re -u as not aianuo ru th.: matii. h i' f I.N til. a!; t . ) . l arc I'O j v.'ii u i, -ir tlni.i.vs .is tine of the e.olv pt 'ineis of A t' uiv, a k Hid business man mul a - eidid m.m in nil e pect, and bi many friend In Albany will wat h iii mnch concviii his present condition. An Akishik j u- n. I'.natilla county hens a'c evidently rati. or aristo cratic In their tcinlci.cies. mid di sire to live liiKlt li the world. 'Vm King, the dalrvman, rrpoits finding a . cii which had maile it rest twelve tect hiyh In the limbs of a tree nrar his corral, and there seen proudly hoveling o'er a doarn egg. W hen the little clilcks begin to appear It will bother her henshlp like smoke to keeplhem from taking frequent tumble. The nest was eriylnadv a ma pic's Pendleton K O Mad 25 Ckxm. A 25 cent man on a through second-clam ticket, got off the train a few par 50 cents cents less than at Ashland and Yrvku.hc concluded that lie could coinedoivn town llow N',vu:i(.Anacorle, the Wash Ington town which h.i been so incessantly davs ago, and not wishing to i """"-nj hv the tin goitl.m, w.n named ta fora meal, which ii -5 'u'r l'u' town!. c owner wife, Anna i.jiii", nuw .nrs iw iian. ,'.r l.uwinall miile jJKi,rHo Ibis spiing selling Ana- TAKCKaT. The revival ruoeting, which linn ln-en In proirrcsalioreattho M K I'linreh Kouth for the hint four week, lint) clotuxl thi week, live new member having iolnod the church. Among tboao w ho jnlnetl were MIms Mury Sintpooii, Mr M Callo wny, Mra Sam IJrvan nttdtwo of Walter Met iliee boyn. Uev Will lownrd'a 'n of lVmlleton lint U'cn liero beliliig. tittite a lurgii Imll nml rain atorm pttdaed over iiere.ycsieriiny. Furmcra nre all tlmutgli plowimf thuir atinuuur fuTlow until it ruina ettotigh o they cttn llnlith. Tint full grain Ih bending out ami look well, but spring grititt will not be worth much, if there la not more ruin to help it. Mr lhtwaun Turner will 1h ready in a few days to move into his new reniilfiieo, Mr (J II tlilmottr, tho rindllng insur niiee ttgentof the Farmera nml Merchant l'o., wim hero hint Friday. Mr (ieo SimpHott hiw ret iredfrom clerk ing for Mohcm ItroH. ut Lebnuott, nml ia Htnppuig at hia home in Tangent. Mr H A Miehenor hna rcaigncd hia po citioti no Frincitial of the public school at Tangent, ainl Alius Minnie McFitrltind hits been employed to llnlclt the utttpircd term. The Ititmt Hoys nre thinking of roof iigain." Several of our cillzi tin spent Siimliiy.iit Soda villi" nml report buying 'hud a good, time at the fpring. StcpM are going to 1 titkett in a few day to Hcctirc liiiiiU r for the new church to be lnitlt here thin cummer. It will lw built in Seltlrruiro'ii addition mid will Ih quite a building. Hoiu 1' (W I tr:u u weleiirn tlutt his wile la vet line hi Hue licttcr. Shu is stoii- ping nl Wooilliuru. W Klik IMce was b-aten for Shcilff of Jacksiui county by the pies'nl Sheriff bird ye iioeh was ie i 'levied Seniilor from I .a no i ounty In Yamhill county Ihc emhc republican ticket was elected, excepting county Judge. In L' county I'nlon will retain the county c.n by aliout 300 majority. In I'olk ouuty Simpson, Independence' County scat candidate wai elected by I Jo majority. I'er.nincr is "Icctcd by probably fx;o majority nly tme dcnuH iut is elected In Marion, Holme on the icpresenallve ticket being the man. Judge Whitney Is probably beaten for Prosecuting Attorney by alxnit 500 majority. tttktlLLK. and get hia breakfast and cet 1aeV in m c" ,, w;' "' " g'-oiieman lived in time for the train, lie made the per- j Ashland some month and invested in piration tumble along I.voii tttreet. but 'ne 'man ipnngs ttnJ other property did not quite lay the dust. He got good 25 cent breakfast, of w hich there is a choice aelection in Allwny.nnd hurried back, getting at the depot with plenty of time to hear the train w histle for Jeiler aon. Though he made 2H cents li lost lota of flesh, had to remain till noon, and then left with grate doubts ulsitit whether hia ticket waa good for a stop off. Kconoray ia sometimes a poor course, particularly in traveling. Children's Mission Day. Sunday ua a glad day for the Christian Church in this city. At 11 a. m. chair bad to be used to est all who came to hear the sermon on, "Giving to Missions" by the pastor. At 70 the Sunday school rendered Ihe ex ercises, "The Gospel Sowers". The house was packed to Its full capacity chairs being used from the W C T U ball, and every foot oi standing room was occupied. Futlf 500 people listened with marked at tention and not less than joo were turned away who could not gain admission. Tne bouse was tastefully decorated and all seemed to enjoy the services. Much credit Is due lo the elhclent officers of the Sunday School, A Pennsylvania Dkmocrat. Mr R 0 Thoitpson. of Clearfield c junty, Penn ., ha been In the city. He has located one or two tons near Mill City, and after re turning to Pennsylvania, will possibly come back with stven or tiht families Mr Thompson likes the country and is the kind of a man we need among u. Having read several sample copies of the Democrat sent him, he of course wished te tee the crowd that ground them out; hence his visit. QrricERs Elected. At the election of officer of Safety Lodge, A. O. t . ..hmt Monday the following were chosen : Mt W., A II Martin. Foreman, A I( Phelps. Overseer, John KanLz. Recorder, T J Htites. ?'inancier, A Parker teceiver, A Taylor. Guide, J Ch novel!. I, W Wm Myers, (), W., John Kdleman. Trilftee, A D Darker, Worth Millions. C J Cressey, of Ban Jose, Cal., a several time millionaire and treasurer of the California State Grange, who was in Salem last week at tending the meeting of the Oregon State Grange, left yesterday for the north. He will attend the meeting of the State Grange of Washington at LaCamas. Mr Crecy is the owner of a3,ooo acre of I ind in Cal " Ifornia and i q;'ilc a prominent man in hi state. - Statesman. No l's Election. At the annual election of Albany Engine Co. No. 1 held last Monday the folio wing officer were elected : "Wm. Richards, Prssidont. V II Warner, Secretary. p J Upham, Fin, Secretary. 13 M Sloan, foreman. Cha. Metsger, It Assistant. It L Cranor, 2nd Asst. W M Parker, Treasurer. Mil's Amanda MiT-rido clowd licr school last w eek to at tend teachers ex amination. The White family will have a reunion oa the 4th. There will U- three genera tions present, alioutt's rsoiis all told. A minister is badly missed when he is away. A voting couple drove up to the nuiili'tico of Mr Fitgy.aiu! the young man asked him if bis name was Fagy. He cuid it was. Well, says the young man, I have a job for you, but would like to speak to ymi privately first. You are a miniver, are ymi not'.' Mr K. blushed and said no, I am an honest man ami a farmer by occupation. The young man said, well you can't do us any go and drove oir. Moral look are often decep tive. Mr W L St John, IWn'eiit of the Y P St.' F. of (I.ikville, wishes to corresjKiud with the presidents of all the Marie tie of came ail the i from ".oiiisville. Kv, ""'" r inieavor 111 1.11111 couniy, 111c mostly on f.t They are he-uleJ for I.'o ' object U ing to agree upon some plan to Angeles, where the man claim 10 have a ! t l UI' county conference in the near sister In the hotel busmen. The man future. Any and all eorreepomleitre ad- aid he h .d a little money, but was trav el, j 'tressed to W L M John. Preaidi nt, or A Ing in this way to -avc expense. Salem I Smith, Secretary, will receive aiieiiuon. vino will lie lirsl lint the tow n did not move I isl enough for him and be sold ouiandw- rit to Seattle, where lie has 11 ado a nrut of money. Ashland Record. A Lono Tr.vmi'. - A man and two chil dren, aged S and lo vear, were found near the S P Hcpot yesterday, who had no viihle ni'-nns of s n p; s. r nnd c'aimeJ they TOE t EJtStK, The work of taxing tho ccr.sus of the U. S. for i8yo his begun, It call for statistic on nil im finable topics, and the taker will have Ids hands full keeping track of the questions, which are of a re mnrkably vailed nature. They ask fir the name of every person residing In the United States on Ihe first day of Juno, with their sex ami nu"-'. anu whether white hlnck, mulatto, quamotn, octoroon, or Chi nest, lanancac. or Indian. Innulrv will be made also of every person a to whether they ate lnglc,mnriieu widowed ordlvorc ed, and l( married, w hether married during tho census year. The placo of birth of each person, and Ihe place of birth of the father and mother of each person, will also be c"lled for, as well as a statement as to the profession, trade or occupation follow ed, and the number of months ut employ eu during tne census year, f or all per sona ten year of ago or over a return must be made by the enumerator as to the number able to read md wtlie.and lo the number who can speak hngllsh. For those who cannot speak hngllsh the port I culnr language or dialect spoken bv them wilt he ascertained, ror children of school age, also, the number of month they attended school will be recorded by the enumerator. In the cae cf mohe an Inquiry will be made a to Ihe nimbi r id children they have had, and the num. her of tltrse children living at the pies em time. T his Inquiry Is to he made of all women who ate or have been mar.led, Including all who aie widows or have been divorced. Forcign-lmrn males of adult age, thai Is, i years of age or over. will be asked a to the number of years they have been In the United Stales, and whether they are nitturiillcd or have taken out iiaiurali,nton papers, Of Ihe head of each family visited the question will be asked a to '.he number of person hi ti.e fii'i.lly, and a to whether hi home la owned or hired i also, if OA ned, whether Ihe home Is free from mortgage Ineum bianco. If Ihe head of the family la a farmer, similar ic will be made con coining the ownership of the farm. In addition to these Inquiries, all of which are made on the population schedu'e, the law under which thecenu I taken make prov ision for special luquhics concerning such of the -Mipulatiou a may be menla'ly or physically t.efecllve In anv reprcl,thl I', Insane, feeble-minded, deaf, blind or cilpplcd, or who may tie tctnHirrll v dl abled by sickness, dlseae ur accident at Ihe lime of the enumerator's visit. Certain special Inquiries will also be made con cerning Inmates of prison and leformalu ilesaud of chatltuble and benevolent In stitutions, lloslde tills, a statement will be called for concerning alt per'u who have died during the census year, giving their name, age, sex, occupation and cause of death. (OVIs,! tNET Kr.RIIIS. ii(;hest of all In Leavening Tower U. 5. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, Soma Old Fashioned Majorities. Tho election Monday reunited in tho election ut tho entire lH-moeratlo ticket by initjorltlei: ranging from 100 to 015, except perhaps Hiirveyor. In the atato, Peiinoyiir 1m elected Governor ami the re mainder of tho Hcinililican stati! ticket ia ... - . . . " eiecleil by reduced majorities:. Tho v c urv in turn county is an algtilllciint as it m overwhelming. A united democracy in I .Inn Imsiilwavs mount nil eusv victory. ami yesterday they wero more thoroughly united and xcalotm than thev buvu Imhiii for yeilM. Davia for Uecoriler. Curl for ireumirer, rayne lor Clerk, and Ituiii butigli for C!oiniiilHslner, w ill have ma jorities ranging from-IlK) to7lH. I H'tno- eruls are itibilnnt and HepublicaiiH de clare the slieep did not Vote. Poa rLAND, June 3, p. in. Republican Slate Central Committee concedes the election ol Pernio vcr by a majority of from joo o 3000. Thoinpnon's majority in Multnomah will be, if any.le tliau 500. NOTK, Pennoyer mal.iiltv was about 300 in I leu ton county and 150 In I.ane county. In I.lnn Co.. maklmr etllmates for a few precinct not heard from Pennoyer' mujoiliy will be alwul 700, probably a few ovel. The vote on the comity ticket In llcnton county was close, so thut an estimate could not tie secured at pre time. the average democratic majority In Rock Cteck was 17, Payne received 87 majority and Rumbaugh 3H. in 10 alley precinct, Hermans maj a 3. IVnnoycrs 6, Payne 11, Trak ij. Davis 1, Scott t . In Lcbai.tin ptrclnct Miller received 1 97; Herman, 1S1 ; IVnnoycr, 307 ; T'liomp- 011, 111, 1 ne lotal vole was received too ate for publication. The total union labor vole In the coanly was 100. The fimtrcs will be elvcn In full titer the canvass of the ollklal return. k -th: :X fr4 V AST A A- ;-,. Sir "SjV VI"'. Belting !?icier PURE IIOWK ANlt A MUM II MONDAY. is an srllhnieticiioi Ufore is an- There t pera Journal. They were going to build a new church at Albany, nj the arcbi'ect asked t.e board of trustee why it wa they wanted two wing to ihe !ruc!ure. ile wanted to know if one w0uId.1T be enough "Now do you expect we could ever get lo heav en with only one wing?" wasthelr anvcr. The above clipped from :hi funny col. amn of an eastern paper and Albany sub stiluted Is a sample of the cloven fxted conduct of a Salem paper. At Salsm. The Oregon Pacific com pane ha decided upon building a commo dious wharf for the nccommid.ition of its business at Salem. This company own river front ground in that city an. pie f;;r the location of a good wharf, and just as the water goes down the work of building will be commenced The warehouse to lie erected rn this wharf will costing Iron. $3000 to $5000. The Latest News. Fargo' $i-5- hcr at G W Simpson's. A fine lins ot lace curt?iu and at (i W Simpson's. Toscnlace ru ts and drcst il nmc' G W Simpson's, A choice as-oit'i.ent of inlants r jiics, dresses, hoods A;c, at (j W Simpson's. A largo and wed crraiiw'd s'oik of clothing, for men. vouth's and lxv, Josic uit, ic, at Ioa.sI pi Ices at G IV .Simpson's. prompt lit this movement? Mr Geo I IUirtott has ono of the finest garden iu the count v. Mr IS. is an ex pcit in the garden luisiness. Ho has some very large straw U-rries, and if be knew who the newspiiiier correspsjiuicut wa would treat hitu mcvly. Mr Hulbert, of the ( A t is visiting relatives in Wcet (Hikville. Come again Mr II. Arch Morrison has liotight a new cart. He got so excited while in Albany that lie came very lu-ur running over' some young ladies 011 the sidewalk. Arch will make bis mark in the world for all that. Mr W II f'mwford isa candidate for Ju-tiej' of the Peace on the Fnion ticket. Ko! k p.t r, u rniKtHiittc s!u Jo .it Ihiocc.iiT t-vE'ivrn;v; The stramc ha arrived and Alrhit a large stocked Iresh goods for J F Powell Si Co., such s sabbjc. canlill iwer, pca, bean cucum ers, new p'll.i'.oe, onion, pl-jcapple, h'rries, iic. A Good Record. A few day aoat Victoria, B Oneco's first colt Delco, made a very fast record, considering th early season, trotting a mile in 2:31. Now Ave year old Delco promises to get a record approaching 2:20 during the season. McKnlght Bro. are quite proud of the gamy descendenl of Oneco. Jack' Store. Jack Young has just opened a cigar and confectionary store ad joining the O P depot, where he has some tasty quarter. In connection with his newsboy on the O P trains he will have on hand milk shakes, soda water.lemonade and all 'hose things that go to make life happy during the hot summer months. White Men. A Union laqor man who lends us the resqltin hi precinct heads tiie flat ol Union men thus ; "White men." which rather expresses hit ideas of the situation. In this county It is somewhat like the fameu 400 In New York only less to, tor there are only about 100 "white men" n the county . A Rare Tree This forenoon Mr L E plain received from, Oakland, Cal., a gen ulne Chili pine, in good condition. It is a five year old. and ha the five limbs to how for It, The tree is a rare one and of a peculiar nature. Like the deer with l:s Crongs. its age can be told from the num er of limb around the body, arranged n symmetrical order. A 0-AjtMEDF'DiLEH.. Aone armed ma waon the street to-day playing fiddle. HI mode ot doing so was very peculiar, f lacing the bow firmly under his left leg he moved the fiddle over it with hi right arm and chin, doing some veay fair playing. A Hoggish Affair. During the n onth of Mar over 800 hogs have been hipped to Tacoma, Wash., from different points in the Willamette valley and Kouth- ern Oregon Dy west tiro., 01 ms tuy, They will oon becln supplying mutton heep to that portion o( VVai.hiiigfon. Statesman. TeLRP"0XK. The Sunset Telephone Co have made arrangements to build a line from Salem to Portland, and wil 1 run the line to Albany provided an exchange is established here. A Greenback Lost. Yesterday a $10 greenback waa lost nomewhere between a First Street store and the Sisters school. The finder will confer a great favor by leaving it at the JJesiocbat office. Cheaper Dark. Mr Haincs.proprietor of the Eugene tannery, has been In the city. He informed the Humocrat that he was making arrangement to locale near Mill City, on account of getting bark cheaper. He says a tannery must be run In this cout:?rr close to bark in order to be profitable A Inl'II'il.'it Jlae. Sunday morning while several were being shaved at the barber l.op of Mr Louis Viercs, a burning holt; appeared in the ceiling and coal began dropping to the floor. A fire had caught from the flue and was rapidly spreading. A few buckets of water extin guished the flsmcs. Fouxn. A key breastpin. Owner will please call at tho Dkmocrat oflke and identify property. I The election passed off ijuictly to-da; and a you wi.l have the resu t 1 will only fatiiou a,u ij,at from all I can learn ihc number j of democrats I Increasing In this precinct. The fallowing officer were elected o. j lat Saturday evening at a regular inert in . ( the l O ( K : K J ( hancr, N G; I H GU-s, VJ; A IC Murphcy, R H; IC l ox, ireas ; I) V. y,t Kercher, Kcc. Sec. We are having good frccpicnt shower, but need u rain stiiii .k-nt to wet the ground well. The n.ii-tian begin a camp meeting next week to continue over the 2d and 3rd Sund.H a', the cherch at Hoiley. Several acre have been laid off in lot l Hoiley, and l ow i llic time to lnyet hefure a bo nn rhall produce a rise In prices . Item scarce lid week. Wkslev. Albany College Commencemetit iioiiticetl for June Xth to litis, will U a union service at the House on Sabbath next, lxth morning and evening. Uev lr Campbell, of Asto ria, w ill preach the annual sermon in the morning and address the voting jicople in the evening. All nre Cordially invited to join in them.' services. On Monday evening, the II th inst., w ill oci-iir the uii'dergradtiMle entertainment. Mrs S Pollock has charge of thi work ami has Ihe students iu good training for the nocaaioii. The entertainment will be of a high class ami promises to retlect credit on the College. .Moore Paradise ami the Peri, together w ith a spectacular drama, will constitute chief features. The vocal music is in charge of Prof W II and will I renderl w ith good chorus effect. Prof Iinluril's pupils in instrumental music w ill pre sent several piece of line classical music. I'tnler his skillful itistructioii bis c hisses have made rapid tirogress This enter tainment is the only commencement ex ercise to w hich an admission is charged. The proceeds go to defray the necessary expenses on this annual occasion. Gn Tuesday evening a free lecture will lie given nt the Opera House, by tlte Rev S M t'amplall, !. !., who has a reputa tion of lieing a very forcible and eloquent sjo-aker. Mr l-wis Karle I-e graduate thi year from the Preparatory classical course. He exjHi'ts to enter an eastern college iu the fall. On the commencement stage on Wednesday morning Mrl.ce willl supported by two junior orations, one bv Miss Rose Trumbull and the other by iffr Carton Sox. Them' graduating exercise w ill v held nt the Opera House on Wed in -lay, the I Ith, at 10::t0 o'clock a. in. The re-union of the Alumni w ill le held on Weilnemlay evening. A mlMRlKnit I tK Mr Col Vn Cleve, who came over from Vaqulna ttay yesterday gives the Demo crat particular of a lively shooting af fray on the Illg Klk, resuhfng In Ihc death of oucof the participant. Morg. l.lllsid, who I reiioited to have been the terror of the lou.itry and hi sn-ltt-law, Low Fclgle had some trouble about a division tin.' between their (aims, irsultln lit LI) lard abusi.ig Fclgle, and once or twice giving bun a picitv good thrashing, t-tlglc linaily thought it was lime lo pro tccl himsetl and purchased a revolver fur that purpose. Friday l.lllard, having heard about It went lo FelgU's houo, and Called him out, by such name a of b., and when FeigU got outdoor l.ll lard drc hi revolver and fired twice at him. both hot missing, Felgle, who Is said to be a qulcl, backward kind of a man, got up hi courage by proklcrully of the ball, and fired four bot, all ol tak ing effect, l.lllard fell to the ground ; but lived until Sunday. Felgle was generally justified In Ihe Community and no arrest wa made. rBMIMTIIH The following wa the result ctrday of the election for Justice and Constables, so far a could be learned : Ka.t Albany -For Jullce, W H War ner, nS; W t. Kclley, $i: For Conlable, Frank Campbell, xtC; N I) Conn, 75. Tangent K llarne received U vote and wa elected, the other candidate hav ing withdrawn. Fox Valley II Lyon w a elected Jus'ic ana Mr rotter Constable. .V.cdd-Ju.tlce of the Peace. J W Kill son, Constable, W W Vaults. Albany-Geo ! urn : lit r v wa elected Jus'lcc and Cab li.irUijit, t-'otulable. No opposiiloii. West Albanv -I K Wvalt wa elecleU Justice and G vV tlurkbart,Contable. A Bk Si itlv. Ii you will cull at the Willamette Packing Co' store you will always get what you want. They now have a line lot of strawberries, cherries and choice vegetables of many kinds, lave running around by visiting their tore. isala Uusils I p. The Astoria Columbian sums up the amount of real estate sales In Clatsop Co. for the week ending May 17th at $29,053. The Asloiia real estate market I showing a decided improvement since Huu'ington expressed his intention of completing th Astoiia It South Coast road into Astoria. The sate repotted above were not laige, but better than they have been for the pust two months. T he cliy I brightening up, and the big boon, which precedes rail road bcilding in Ihc Northwest has already commenced In Astotia. The bonding of property during Ihc week named reached a quarter of a million doIlar,but the amount deposited on these bond hardly reached J40,ooo,tiiy proving that the actual tran' for totals were not a reflex of the condi tion of the market The lots held by the Oregon Land Co. of Salem and Finland, in the North Pacific addition to Atorla,are again coming in demand and offer a very desirable investment. vial .t it. tr.. Geo It Durham. Mast. r. to the Ore gonlan R R Co, tidlroa.t bed rolling stock, etc , of Narrow G u. go R R $ 1 ,000,000 T A .sjorri 10 l'J Foster, 4 acres, Sweet Home I 'joo P J Foster to T A Monl, 1 113-160 acies, Sweet Home 565 P J Fotlcr to T A Morris, ioo acre 14 wt IJSO W R James to Mary llardmau.i lot, Soilavlllc loo Ja Irffor to II Ixrffcr, 1S0 acre. 9 w 1 1KIO A C llaiisman to Mary J I'radcn, bl 8. IP A.llrownsill'c 1S0 J A Craw ford to James Walsh, 354 acre 11 wa 120 W S Denham lo J A McFcron, 50 feet, bl 30, Albany 2000 Hacklcman to G W Willi, lot 5, bl 3, i l's 4th A 300 J R Fowler to Hter ''ochrane, 40 acres 14 w t 1 100 W W Croft tw A I) Croft.160 acres, 11 El .- oxw E G Maxwel.' to Cynthia Trite, 7 .(-) acre 103," 270 J R Kirkpalrick to T A Swan, Sox 304 lect, Lyelianon 140 C R Chastaln to Mary Laltue, ou acres. 11 wa 1000 Anna M llouck to IS C Scarl,lol 3, bl 1, IP A 1 5 O U Newman to KlUabeth Newman Interest In several parcel of land in tp 10, 8 R 3 w Ds ja Miss To Ik; prewnt at the entertainment iven by the pupil o f tin Sisters Aca demy, 111 "Wealth an I Wisdom." the principle drama in 1 acts, are Is sides amusing scenes ot practical lile, great sublime ideas developed, presctitnig a store of iilcasure to intellect mil minds. The lively Operetta, "Rival for Sylvan Dell, U'ar the stamp of cbeerfulues and gavt ty, while the overture and flour ishing interlude exhibit the musical nt tainmenUof tlie pupil. Remember that the performance take jdace on Wetliies diiy, June lntli, beginning at hp. in.. In llm 0iera House, of the city. Program ill lie distributed by the ushers. Tick et for reserved seat are Hold at Mr G 1. UliicUtnun's, drugglst. better last. FulluS'ln Is Hi llt of Mian rvmslnlii- In ih fast Otfloa, Albany, Una outlnty, Orogim, Jun 4tR,lSb0. runs ni imllln lur Uias Isl' must lvs IIm dais on which Uwy war ltrUst : Mmt an) body election, Hith U llsiiimer, fsinnus Salem lawyer, I iu th city. "After Dsrk" 1 tb liumn ef a llisatricsl omnpauy (liilng Oregon. Tlieiu are seyersl after dailt ooinpaine in Albany, Thi morning a onw attauked tlm I uv stuck if trswbeirln in fronkof Mmdhir & Osrrrtt's and ilvinolisiied iiltm boxs st on stroke. In I'.iiU and Uiii'Ht cmi.tins tlm c.-niiiv Best (piastinii nvrr-hmliiw a I dtlii'is, and it 1 ssnl vntsr har.llv know who w 011 tlm stst lickots, Th Dalle Times Muuntaiuscr tavitliat the run nf salmon tins year Is unprecedented. Seuferl lirns with thsir li-hlila eauulit titty on ton iu 0110 day. The eanusry i rmiimig to it full oapauity aod eaonot n th llsh esugbt. Fur Ibi icasoj many of th w Ileitis liav lsu hauled cut of His wstar. A w esiMioUil rsisirt from Portland shew that larg amounts of moi uy ars Uing spended by lis rnptibliesns to sleet Thomp son, and Cbairmsn Jitrdsu, ef tha republican state oeulral enunmtttir, was aricstod ou lbrehsrgaa uf oriUty. At pre tuns titer waa ail Increaalng c.iiilidi ura that Puiinnvar will b ulectod. Tlia indieallou wer that tin iKiuuty would kHo him Ct0 insj.inty. Birthoav Party This afternoon a large number of til 1 Ic chlldre n weie irnlh . red at Ihe home of Mr F M French in honor of the Bih birthday of Ml France. A live, enjoyable iln.e was hd, such as only children know how lo have. j TUrsiiAV. j Th census Itisu lis tough jnb on hand, j la 'SO tb vuU for giiverour , 1'rLOuvnr 27.UOI Corahu,24,l!)U. A joueg msn ia ia Ibe city organising a gymnasium. Albany need such su iustitu tlon if wall conduct! . Mr Tlioo. liuriiitor, ,f kH Ijik City, U in tb city th Kuost of In sister, MrC Itouck. Mr ltaimestvr hu been at Skin visiting his parsnu. UUir I out rolil on any of tha liver boats, but "saruiianlla and irou," itiapauaad u 0.1 excursion UskU, baa Ilia dsird sffaot " It waa that whi:h loo I such eainune ling to ihacuiio.i from Portlsnd Suod). .o lio. Salmon ao ahumlan', and th lisliermen could ealib uioia il tlisy could disnosa of Ibeui, but tha canorries ar uuabl to us all 1 thay oould o -uh. an I must of them limit ' the isumlwr thy will rrctiv from web bot. - A slot iso. A Small Ui.ak. -Thi noon a fire wa discovered In the roof of Ju Iiy laundry, adjoining No. 3' F.nglnc House. The lire department was called and did some of Ihe most txpcdittuu worn ever done In Albany , cp.ukly extinguishing the flame though under consldcisUlc headway. W1NKS1 , Jss F Powll & Co. Hoy your groceries at Lings'. I.eata your order for brnad at Aug Lauga's. (io to Aog toga's for your stspl dry goods. Ijoiga will aali yoj stall diy goods chaprr than any one. Co't account for, it, is th gsaeral . piaion in rtforeue to tb vol in Ltun oouoty. A saw Hliog and icpsir shop ha just Openad 10 th Cusiok btuck, uoar th IKMOf HT 1 !boa IVok room to rant. Inquire of 8 N Stool, Ctlaick block, Albany, Oregon. Th Albany Woolen mills will pay '.Met a i'Uinl l- r 001. ' Mr. A Mcrrri'O liss sold hi Intrrcst 111 tha drsy l.i I Is partovrs, Itaalun & P-r.. r. Wuh ad the boarUug in S.Iji. for a man for govrrnor wbo would reid in that cily. mll aigumtut 111 a sUte eenlest, Marion eounty only ga Thompson 17 msjonty. Wall barms', rock drilling, tirc-spaoting First baud red frt,fl per foot; koi ud hun dred . 11 2j ir f.Ht; Tnud hundred fst, fl M iwr f'K't, etc irvrl. otn-nr (rsvi l, rH.k, ee , from "fr 1, 23 to S'2 I -r Wl'IfMit, t-"- s'l I .'2j yr hit. W t,. J II ilu,.lir, Albany Ur. fKor mttKii no. to. Ot tho Oregon 8tat Weather Ihtreau, co-operating with U. H. Hlgnal Hervice, Central Of lice, Portliuil, Oregon, for tho week ending Haturdny, May Slot, INK); WKATIIKR. Sunday anu Monday were warm and cloudless, the remainder (if the week whs cool anu cloudy with ralu, which fell quite copiously "in the Wlllnmctle valley nd with showers elsewhere. Rain fell 011 the 29, 20, 30 and 31 In Western Oregon nnd on the 30 and 31 In Eastern Oregon. imincis am 29 It wa generally light. uwmg to the correspondent having lo mall I heir report oil Thursday the rain Is not generally reported. Mexi week's but let In will evidently show the general effect of the rain. Cool windy weather prevailed In Eastern Oregon with frot,ln sections, which did slight damage toterder vegetation, mora. The rain came down at most oppor tune time and has greatly benefited every thing. Rain two week ago would have insured a large spring crop, but a It I usual condition from now on will allow of a large crop to be harvested. - In many section lale sown spring grain did not germinate and the present rain may yet iiroduce yield where none were expected. Rain we badly needed jn to the 28th. none f any consequence having fallen since April 20th, and the temperature ha been rather bights a result the ground became hard and there wa net that growth which wa desired. In Grant county on the 26th temperature reached 01 and ia on hill drying up. Killing frost In Maker county on 2H1I1 and 3oth,and light In Union coun ty, which did Utile damage on 38th. Grain and other crops are very promising in the Grande Rondo valley. In Umatilla coun ty snow fell In the mountain on the 2th. Wheat heading out and doing finely : In spot It I burned allghtly. Spring wheat I very promising, more rain desired. Considerable wind during the week. Rain Is needed In Gilliam county. Rye has made a good crop, wheat look well and rain will Insure a fine yield. Apple prom ising well, r rot on 23th, did some dem age ; spring grain not doing well. In a sco and Sherman winter wheat prom ising. Cocl weather very beneficial ; lale sown grain ha not come up well Fruit I doing well. In Jackon county alfalfa cutting began on 26th, yield good. The continued warm, Hry weather unfavorably affected crop In Douglas county, but the present rsin will produce a favorable change. Excellent crops are almost now certain throughout the Willamette valley. Fall whcat.wher sown on summer fallow, I in fine condition and In any event will produce a good crop. When sown on s'.ubble land it I not so good. The spring wheat ha been an unccitaln crop, but the present weather wilt allow of a fair crop to oe harvested. Strawberries aie cheap and plentiful. Cherrie are nearly Hpe. Vegetable are abundant. 11 seldom laiis to isln at the proper time In Oregon, and the present rain wa motl opportune. R. S. Paoi r, Oliw-rver U. S. Signal Service. Assistant Director Oregon Weather Ru reau : FLaKENTOM JD ELA. X.IB TL f3 tin 13 IS ft 111 Oa Choice Candy, Nnlsv Fruit, etc. NEAR THE POST FFCE AL D. Ii. C. SciU'ls, NEW ADVEtmSEMENlS. HENRY HI. STANLEY S n'Ua Via cohibratad Havana Idled et ar, in ni'if wiiurrd at Jut as Joieph'u cigar faCloiy. Ouly 5 Crna. Yon o in av many a dim by trading il V ll' new diug store. Try it. at Ulan, Monin Keck. Mr. S K Davton. Geo K FillebrnwnK, Alice L Fry. A C UruUt, AlWt Hariri. J E Mc 'ill, James Ogbarne, Mis K Sprinkle, 1) S South worth, D C Shoty, William nijihsm. Mr M M CiQsldinc, Jam 1 F.van, Pat Koley, Frank Gnntry. Waller flays, PJ J.nkiD. E P Mc-(7,Mr Doe ME D elmcr, C II Ktephen. J P Savsar, Rev Dell Vogt. Vagtutlu R. TIIOMPiOir.PU. Total for year. $1,011,976 ff'OS,3 ! A New Sciiemk. On Monday and Saturday of each week, II C Hubbard will allow a ten per cer.t discount on all cash made at hi drug store. This will only be allowed on Monday's and Saturday's. Dr. Patto.v, the specialist on female and private disease, in Blumberg' BlocU. Office hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4 anu 7 to a. Consultation free. Residence 3rd and Montgomery. Tiikv aiie Elected. Anvway Conn A llendricdon are elected to Htinnlv the people with the freshest and best gro ceries in the market. Just ho we have enough to eat what's tho oddu. fttraw- ljcrric, and other fruits, the latest vege' table, ami the purest groceries, with prompt attention, that ia the order. Do not get excited but call on Conn A Hcn- dricBon and get what you need. Ladies Summeu Blousks, the late aovel'.te,'j ut r.::!v j! f ro n mmufact- r by exprj'.j. i.VMJBL IT, Yovsn W riERE to Gax Tiikm. When wanting n ort'an or plana call on G L Blackman a he e vou can select irom a first cias tto. Ix)t. Somewhere in Albany, a couple of fountain penu. Teave at tho Demo- chat office. Dr. M. II. I'.llia, pnyaicutti aud surgeon Albitiv. Oreznu. riall rnade in -etty 01 cuutry, Hat. AH hat sold for the next thirty days at Ida M Brush's will be discounted, to reduce her large stock. I Wall Ppek. I have just received rom tho caat a lara iavoies-jf wall pi per, borders, decorations, etc., including the plain ingrains which are becoming very popular, xnese goous are Dctter styles anu cheaper than ever oeiore. Hamuel E Youko. MAUUiet). filing nnd summer tnwleus just leecivtd tZ chs fl Sou. opposite PotolBne. The Albany WrcLn mill will pay 20 cent pouD'l fyr wool F.10R SALK. A cirpet loom, with all " fixture and etUchmenU.on leanoo sbiii '.eririH. Call on John MediD, at the Cenlral School building. Tha Albany Wonleu mid will pay 20 cent pound for wool. WANTED A On 1 to da Qnri'hit woifc Call at DKM3CU4T offloe. HA MM ER-GILBFRT On VVednesday evening, Juno 4th, 18110, at the residence of the brides father, in Albany, by Uev. II. P. Webb, Mr. Arcli HainmerandMiss Fronces Gilbert, both of Albany. The groom is ft popular clerk in the clothing house of L. K. Blain, while tho bride is an accomplished and successful music teacher. The wedding was a very happy atiair. Mr. ana jvirs. uammer nave the best wishes of a large circle of friends, who are united in sayinir that eaclt has dono well. May they live long and pros per. LEFFLEPv-FOKSTER. At the res, idence of R V A&h'by this afternoon, at 2 p. m , Rev J F Slesrarl officiating, lame Leffler and Laura J Foist er, both of Sclo, this county, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, both parties to the contract being from good famlies. We wish them a long and happy lifj. Weather Summary of Meteorology for May, 1800, from observations taken at Albany, I.iun Co Oregon, by John Brigga.vol. observer for th Signal Service, U S. Army. HiKhest barometer on th 24, 29 05. Lowet barometer, on tli 10, 21). 7-. Mesa barometer for tb month. 39. KG. Iligbestdaily average of bar. 20 Oft. Ixiweat daily average of bar. 29.72. Highest temperature on th 15th, 02. lowest temperature on th 30 31st,33. Meau fur the mouth (11.11. Highest daily range of the 11, 40. lowest daily rangeof ther. on the 8, 0. Mean temper-atom at 7 a. m. daily f5. Mean temperature at 2 p. 111. daily 77. Mean temperature at 0 p. m. daily CO 7. Prevailing directions of wiud, N. Max Velocity or force, 3 Total. rainfall or molted snow, 0.39. Depth of snow at end of mouth. 0. Number of days on which .01 inch or more rain fell, 0. Nutnlier of day of cloudiness average 8 vale of 10, S. Of 31 days observations 13 ware elear, 51 cloudy, 9 tair, 0 rain, 4 hazy, 0 overcast, 0 smoky. ' Frost on the moniing, of 0 days. Temp.2. 2(1 00 average of 12 year. Rainfall, 2 04 on average of 12 years. A I.ATK Ll.:i I'ttOit HAYES. The Corrective Properties ef the Juice of California' Veretable Alterative A tcnt Wcnaatlonal. A lady formerly of 1221 Mission BL, lt now of 400 Hayes BL, 8. F., writes to the tdwln Vf . Joy Co, a follows: " Mrs. II. T. lieverly, of attl, resided with ma last wtptor. Sh bad long been a sufferer irom dyspepsia and water bnuh. Ilerstnmarh was so weak that for month at a tlm she lived principally upon milk and the vbli of m. Among other thins she tried ou of tb mineral sarsaparlllas only to 0ml that It fav bar pains in tb bead and weak sinking spells. Having taken Joy's Vegetable Sarsap rtlla aijsclf with frost benefit lit stomach troubles, I Induced her to discard tb potash prparatloa and try your Vegetable compound. It began relnvlgorathig her stomach and la short tlino helped her sttniilshincljr. It im proved bar appetite and strength to that extent, that Juat before sbo left, she waa beginning to return to solid food. Bb authorised m to writ you this ststement accordingly." PERFECT HUTRlT.Om HEALTH f IN DARKEST AFRICA THa cnfnplla attwj ot Blanlsy's rit Ihritlln alvsnuira aft lb djsduMta 't hi lasuril .s: issm will aiuir fur ifca rs lima ia lb w k wrllta ht hlmaslt. aaUU4 In Isrkast A'rl"a" ! nut ba il.Wsl hf any of tha so. esl.-l ' Htanlvy bonk" "W hrtug oSsrsd as '" aiiM n4 atiinsniw To una - uaM Has alanley coolrlbulad ft Una. Th-tsl a qwiUw about this atalMnaat Mae wrsctlnawy narUaular. Waauarmslaalt, anil ill (! iwi"isaa apfiUnUoa. rtllTlflM lo. sslalad. lAU I It'll I'aI iba book bears la Im. print of CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONt And itu tha eaassssla al carries 0rU Seals af aaraeyfrom a. A. L. BANCROFT & CO. 132 POST STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. General Aflentt for the Ptcifio Coub W. H Ulnrtin Sole Agent for Linn County, Oregon. D;y Gooils, Eotionn, Gents ?ura ishiDgsand BOOTS AND S.J0S Our t(Ck of boo's and shoes I n-w romplete In all Hiif for' fade. We will save 1011 n buy Ins; of us. .allies, nd children's fine shoes a v. spring rnone) misset tpeela Kelalv E. C. SEARLS, Hif.isifaarip I fi ll-r.u-- js t a ' Sueeessaor to Harrow A hearts ' I'lutiilrg' New BIopIc. Smuke the giagrs Manu2jo!ired by Julius Josepi. I slPlRTED AND KEY WEST GiCARS Plug ai.J Knifki, g toUcco, Mrwit.jauai anJ b.j .tjv, tui OMC0.846 1 . REC0RD,2:29- 34. 9 ifri, i.. s 1 t-w- " Altaraotil' fastest stalliin at.d lre of Dole?, lesdina Altamont' grand e en with 4 ytarold record n(2 -3t. llUn Halle Price, Ibsdim "f Prleeinont, 3 yr old record. 2:i5,ni .iUr 2.35 vv III Im Uepi at Albiny, Monday .nd jUMdiv ; at laiein, vve!ins.1a.ys and inuriay. tua t nom rnuj .u Xiuruay. yvuowta 10 n rve u.hii s bi to tenure. ALTaGO. 9320. 8 ) ear old ri-cird. ill. Son of Aitamont, the sire of a "reimwol end Maputo A rnold, res-otd 2;3i (Pub ic trlai 'kl ) i:aiibu-r of the famou brood uiae, aix-o Drake, the daw of Norman Milium. Will b kept at ledependeoee Tnesdey r.rt Wednexwiay ; at Corvaills, Thursday and t"rid7 , ; t Hon e Saturday acd Mi.nd. Allowed lo serve man at f.r to In- uie. Sason cmnn.enrti.s April 1st srd eodirg Ja!y Ist.end eo rsriti liiity -l l: ed for aonldont. Thau ktnir our patron lor past fa vors e invito si! stuhusrf the Huht harne horse lo call aud u. A 'few cbclca Ircca uis n.i'6 10 1 e above aulllous, mmt oio young driver and coll Im n. 1 b 01 'orjft l . V i-1 1 1 e p'eaaure In showing stock' any 1 y fce t Sunday. MCKNIGHT BROS. THE STANDARD BRED STALLIOH - - V jJlf-tV r RECORD 2:30. .Jgf-aSsJ? D)c!fFiabrtv. reoar I vijl mills InpTrusiosi, dam, lUo Ridmond Man the KtuHon of IHO'l, conimeucimr. April i;ay Abd.Uu. anrl sndlnir July Mariall' ti'lo, ( 2ud - l am, Ba'turfi ld,StCliir. Albany, Linn county. r. RlvingJLian Srd-Dniii, by a;ck Leg. by Biggel'i eounty horsemen chanie Ibreed to a j Kiilttcr. Unuanl horsw, Willi bU aii l rpeon uoi, iiDrim, ay atn uswum-, 17 uus- The only reramly known which will W.mhli tha Kutritira Processes of tha Human Systam. Py this naturnt and simple means It quickly an'l prr.r.uncnt'y t'l'ItlCS All Forma of IysirtsU, Conatlpatton, Mental and Nnrvous Kshnuatlon, General Debility, llrln fng, or any aahaustod or weak rncul eondttlon of the system, from what ever cause, Skin Eruptions, Ikills, ltun nlnir Sore, Scrofula, and all Diseases of th Blood, Stomach, liver and Kldnejs. 31.00. SIX BOTTLES FOR S5.00. Dr. "Killer's M pair book, descriptive of ftys drasilne KiisUirailvvauct Ala vUivr Kmnsdiu, aul fro by wail. KILLER CRU8 CMjii Francisco, CaL toa ftALJB ST FOSHAY & mm. .ALBANY, OCi,. Administrator's Notic. Notice is heiebv uiven that th under si(ned hss bten appointed admicistrator of the eatate of Miriam llarrel, deceased, laie of Lino county. All partie having claims against aid rute are hereby notified to preattntthrtn, only verified, to tbe under signed at his residence in Soio, Or goo.witl in six months from this date. Msy 10th, 1S90. J L MlIXXB, Hewitt & Irvine, Aduiin. A:t'ys for Admr. to be excelled in Oregon. OBCBtPTtO!f AnD P2D10.?K. "OIoV Flahertv lache.:nut, small s'rto In facs, one wbiU anklf, tn)- in iiand- high, weieh !vQ. wiuii r u tiin -i-i c'aai at City View ParK Sf-i.'mlipr 13, ISfto, defeatlnir Uneoi. U ruder. Maud Knox and Harvest in trrr stra'ght heat. Tbla wa Dick' find rc, at wbleb time he made hi reeord of 2:30. bired by Flahorty'a Fearnaunht. by FearnauRbt. Jr. 13S, bv Fearnaught, 1.13, record -if 2:23 1-4 (wtnnet of tbe I0 ouo purse at Butfslo in 18tS,ilereatInK Oeorpe Paimer Col Maydard. American liirl.J J Bradley, Myron Pvtrry, Victor liugo and Molile), ba by young Morr I. Dick Flaherty's dam. Kilt Drew, lias paced mil In 2:30, y Dodd'a Nelaoe, bv John Nelson, 187, aire o ruevaa. 2:23 1.2, Aurora, 2:27 1-2 Nemo, 2:30; by tlfY TAXK. Notion 1 hereof ity bn.i r. for the year 1K90, baa been 'that the UX roll of the irive city or a-i mO KENT. A furnished oottaitr. five JL rooms, with or withont piano, fur thre month. Ioquire at this oOioe. nl: ced In my band lor o Ueilion, and ibsl I will b e at tbe Ctui:cll cl aml ersof said clt to nrrie ltd iM-tipl for tb ihe taxe obaicd In said roll, lor th neriid of 30d In ru date of this nolle All taxea irmalninK UDpsld at tie eiplr ation of tbt'iy day ibeieaftet will b re tn. nod --si iioudcii oiioecuy of Albany s ... t, and cost and expense lor ooiieeiinir suc-o wish 00 andod iboroto. JOHN N HOFFMAN City Mwrahal, Dated st Albav. Or . tbla 19. h day of May 1800. m MONKY. Homo epit' to loan on Yl anorovo l asourltv. vy E MoP'ier sun. Real K tate aod Insurano Broker, Front Htreot. ODPosite tbe Kua House. T OST.-'A dog wesringa chain and ool J lar, wltu a Riasa or wnue e? Re turn to R A Irvine. Albany, Or. For Sale. Seven fresh cow for sale cheap. Inquire at thi office. ftmall Frnlt farms. Ancn the few burgulns yet remaining of the Siinnvslde fruit farm, four mile east of Salem, wo the the followii e: No 3). $3 per acre: 'en acres, all timber, level, eood soil. No a8 $qo per acre: ten acres, with small house and barn, five acres cultivated good soil, small orchard, spring water on the place. I he above are very desirable property, and are for sale by the Or;gon Lend Co., of SIem and Portland. City Meat 3Iaiket. SHULTZ BEOS,, fropriotora, Koep a full line of meat of all kinds, In a oool plco, completely pro tected; and alway fresh. Also bave oonstantly,onj hand aalmon nd other flan. MARVELOUS nn nnr 1 ..' , i"sa MUl 1 11 11 tr 1 gyill rny.i). Died. Near Kirkaville, Adair county, MisHOiiri, April t8th, 1890, William Stites, aged about 53 years. COON On Friday, May 30th, 1890, at hi home near Pe'oria, Mr Tames M Coon, at thageof 80 years. Deceased was a pioneer of 1849, and leaves many relative a .id friends throughout the coun tv who will regre. hi death. Slowly the reaper of Deal h is taking away the pioneer of Oregon. DISCOVERY. Only Genuine System mt Memory Training Fear juearnea in fina rnuias, ' " Mind wandering cured. Bvevr eTsilit and adult greatly benefitted' Oraat lnduoamant to Oorraapondeno Olsaaa. Prospeoto. srlth opinion of nr.Wm. A. Hm. J-.rvC-.-M.-rn- UnMUlistlnMinilDtsaaaaa t Thmnoaon, tba great Pqhol . - y . . 4. I.. 'Km. , . . . , HJIHH W. V 1 J V ' ' "i 'taasiHMs. syohol- ll-.M ltichard Proctor, tlie Bmenusu nokley, Ui'iijnm rrut. M : v..wr;7niiibain, Judak J. ln, anif othsra, HDt pout fre b XioibliTTK, 8S?gUthAve.,W.T. 6 TON SCALES $66 l Beam Box Tar Besm j J AU.SUIS . Sfer" JONES OF BINGHAMJQN PI. T, 1 won lias just received his Spring stock of Clothing, Embracing a fine line of suits, which will be sold at bottom prices. . In order to make room for new goods will sell his largo stock of Notions, etc., atj A Great Reduction The best place in Albany for bargains, ton. MhCam, by '.Mil St Clair. Flaherty' Kearuaugbt dam. Ilaidee, by Did Ci.himbtis 2 - Imiu, bv liarnO harcbltontan. 8-L-ai.i, Boston a p,lebrated 3- miie trotttr, by iMd Abdallan. 'o Million with such a combination of faai tro.litifc and producing blood has ever bevn offsrel for service In Linn 0'iunty Orrg in, before. TEEMS, To insure $10: season, f 30. Mares bred by the season, payable July 1. Mares bred by InsHranee. payable when mares are kmwD to be with foal. Maris wil tie caretcll, handled, but no responsi bility wil Tbe assume t lor accidents Oood pa-are at $2 a month. For further particulars address, ELaPOREST, Albany Or. . .: Tait I l" PIIIIHI ' till' I- " P.H.B Front, First ana Yine Streets, PORTLAND. - OREGON. WHOHSALE DEALER) IN Hardware, torn, Steel anil Farm laelery. SOLE JUB7S FOR WASHIHCTON AND KORTHERH IDAJiO FOR THE BUGKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. Taeso MaoWnea are too weU taicwii to nee comtoient. Taoua.-nds of farmera have used them and speak of them wittt 1 Mm. 1 hy are the only MarvesUnt Machines Uiat will lv ENTIRE fc'riSFAcTlON to tae purchaser. . MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER, AULTMAN'S STAR TRACTION ENG1..F;" The mas Zfle-iUva and Successful Combination for Tnreshlns aaS Clean'.-cs Grain ever constructed. BUCKEYE alBJBAMi TWINE-BINDERS. t&Tho Feature that dbtinpu!ahe thU Torino-Binder U the Lishtnees of proft, combined -with Its f.vriiinii inirv QtrviiKiiu uiu iuiauumi. mg ,ii.iii .KK.. r : . . . n., vat known. Wa hava two tvlcs. tha El'vator Binder and Uia I'latform Binjor bom excsueui- iviwiumeiidod by hundretls ol patrons. -botU Deere Plows, Deere Carriages, Piaeton.8, Suliy ?!ow-3, Top Unsrgie3 SSQUIILEE FAEI f A50SS, BUCK-BOARDS, FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WAGONS. QUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS. CORBIN DSC HARROWS.. UODGES-HMES. HEADERS, HAISH BARB WIR erSEND FOR CPCULARS. E THRALL,Manoser, Albany, Orepon. , 5X - - sr ; 1 r - s'.l'"j; .i . - '..-.. . C, o- . , 1 . . - . . '--'-.