The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 30, 1890, Image 2

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    Several republican! tay Hermann U the
Sin Had the Sailor and Dave Thompson It
the old man of the tea of this campaign
Thompson must be carried by so.ncbody ;
butalusl for Hermann! He may find him
self overloaded.
Dave Thompson offers If he la elected
governor to leave M ullnomah county.
That In a great temptation to Multnomah
to Increase hit vole, and it majr help hi in
tome, but It won't tave him,'
The Thompson combination U a cheap
John affair. The tole object In tta make
ud ta cheapnett, It It suspected that one
of the mcmbcrt even now It looking long
ingly to a government appointment to pay
h'm for hit "work.
Republican bosst that hile it it ttue tha
mtny republican farmer will vote for 1'ennoy
er, yev they t.iy !$ Thompson will j;et a
laice vote in all the citict end towns. It it
very plain what it meant by thit. The pur
chasaMe vole huddles blether in chiet and
towns. .These rrpuhlictnt de yid upon the
influence of Pave's "sails' to gather in these
puiLl-.ii table voteit.
ll noiiicablothnt Thompson li. hit
tpcechhcic tludiously avoided referring
to the charge tgnlnst him that he would
tpend $100,000 it necessary to secure his
election. He denied It In Eugene but did
not in Albany. The rraton wat pUln.
Tir r. i'JA did sty it wnj too mntrput
4tiwhen he made hit 'Albanv speech
lie on afraid to denjr it. At good a rc-
puU'.Uan, and at truthful, at there It In the
tute, tavt Thompson taid it.
The editor of the Rrowntville Timrt hat
been traveling In the touthern part of the
countv and thit It what he tayt:
There wat one very significant fact that we
noticed on our trip. We talked with
large number of republicans and demo
era'., and did not rind a tingle man who
favored I) I Thompson for governor. All
with two exceptions were for Pennoyer.
These two were, unless Thompson could
prove that he It unalterably opposed to
non-taxable bond. Our trip wat a decided
ly successful one, and we find that Tit
.Timn is fast growing into favor and popu
Unity at "the peoples friend.
The former leadert of the republican
psrty In Oregon have been driven from
their placet at the head of the procession,
or they voluntarily abdicated. The latter
supposition is the more reasonable. To
think of Thompson, and Baker and Ton
gue i m! Kevins, leading Wllllamt and
Caplct and Mallory and George, It shock-
la; even to the dull perceptions of an obdu
rate democr it I low, then, must our re
publican friends heave a tlgh of regret at
tuch a flagrant reversal of every rule of
propriety. Verily, have they fallen upon
evil times?
Where are ti e lenders of the republican party
oh! where? There it Judge Williams! Hit
voice useJ to be heard in the land sound
ing the key no'e of almost every campaign
ince the "bloody dayt of war." And there
ory, "the white eyed man of destiny,"
clcipent on the rostrum, and fruitful in the
language that deceives. Hit voice it at silent at
. the harp that it supposed to be hanging on
T-9lJilis. And there it Csplet, whose
drennit an torttetiaies.of congress, 'tvudflas
more woriis than ideal, and a hose fancy
sometimes soars ttarwards, why it be silent?
And Ccorgt ! him of the ttentoiian voice, who
was want to delight the Republican ear in the
days that are gone silent all! And we mourn
not at thou who are without hope! Have
we not Thompson and Baker and Nevins?
Oh tshit a fle'd was there, my countrymen."
St Paul, the apostle in writing to the
church at Rome bewailed the terrible in
fluence of the law of tin, and cried out:
"Oh wretched man that I am! who shall
deliver me from the body of thit death.'
Learned bible commentatore tay thit re
n.arkable expression wet based on a cut
torn which existed in the oriental coun
tries. When a certain crime wat commit
ed they did not put the man in a peniten
tiary, at we sometimes do; they did not
hang him, at we seldom do; they did not
turn him loose, at we generally do; but
they took the body of hit dead victim and
lathed it to hit back and tent him forth
with this burden of death on hit thouldert
Wherever he went,by day or nlght.he bore
the evidence of hit guilt and hit own great
punishment until, overcome, he tank
do-vn In death, exclaiming: Oh! who
shall deliver me from the bode of thit
death?" The republican party, when it
1 o nina'i d D P Thompson for governor
took upon itt thouldert a load at offensive
in the nostrilt of most telf-retpecting re
publictnt at waa the carcait of hit victim
to the criminal in the patriarchal dayt
above rcfcrredMo. And the conscientious
republicans all over the ttate are crying
out, "who thall deliver ut from the body'
of thit dead load of Thompson and hit
crocked rtcord. And what pray it thit
record '
David it worth more than a cool million,
and when the remarkable suffering and
distress, caused by the Juhnttown floodt
and Seattle fire appealed so loudly for help
and the hearts and purret of generoutf
kint hearted people all over the country
were responding freely, David in hit ac
customed miserly v. ay gave to the suffer
ing of each town the insignificant turn of
$:a For hit tervicet at receiver of the
Holl.iday estate he charged arid wat al
lowed the sum of f 500 per month. Think
of It farmers, more than many of you can
make in a year. WorVlngmen t'ltnk of
thit. $5ou per month! Thit ought to
have satisfied the avarice of even a miter.
But it did not satisfy the grasping, money
getting disposition of D$vid. After get
ting that turn he tried to wring out of a
manufacturing company in which the Hoi
lad i v estats had a three fifths interest $250
per month more, although at that very
ti.Tic ru- wat getting the $500 per month
Dave' a generous fellow; he only wanted
$75 l'er month for hit tervicet. He tued
to collect the $250 per month, and the case
went to the supreme court where hit tutt
was i!lmn!sed, Judge Lord, a republican
deciding the case against him. He voted
' aiinxt a proposition to repeat the Burlin-ga-ne
treaty and then hit frlendt attempt
to tay that he I the friend of labor peo
ple. When the assessor attested him last
year, although he It known by every cap
jtalUu in Portland to be worth a cool mil
lion, yet he swore to hit assessment giving
in only $171,000 worth of property. He
rated sit tin.M fir ths non-taxable
water bond bill, all in the interest of build
ing up his own property in Portland at the
expcne.of the tax payers of the ttate.
All his 'life he has been, at hit history
thot-t, grasping and reaching out for
money, money, It hat been hit God
at who-se shrine he hat worthlpped de
votedly, lie hat bent every meant placed
' Ids h-iivlt in the direction of dccumula-
! '.fleeted governor he
ion of
roRTLAM), MV 34, IS90.
Editor lh-mxrt :
One word In reference to Thompson's
political ttock at given by himself, lilt
tiecchet are bold and unblushing admit
tiont of bit peculiar methodt of hogging
everything through, lie tel.t hit hearcrt
that he wat working for Multnomah coun.
ty when lie voted to exempt water bondt
from taxation. That It, he wat w 01 king
agalntt the Intsrett of the ttate for Mult
nomah. A hard shell republican here
remarked on reading thit hlatcnt excuse
of Thompson, "yet and he It d d fool
enough to repeat thit death blow to him
all over the ttate. "For tald he'' w hen
Thompson took the oa 1 to
support the constitution, he twore he
would tax all property required to be taxed
by that constitution. Hit oath made htm
at much an officer of one rou ntya an
other, for he wat a legislator for the whole
state controlled by the constitution" It
Thompson could, under thit oath, exempt
any properly In Multnomah county from
taxation, he could exempt all of It, Thit
requires the rrpreer.atlve to dln-harge thit
public duty ImparllulW and to the best ut
hit ability. Mr Thompson hud the ability
to disregard the constitution and his oath
under the pit a that he was leasing lomc
body in Multnomah county, when the tact
was, o doubt, that he wanted to bid on the
watet bonds when offered for tale "to the
best of hit ability." He takes paint to
plae himself beyond the case of a perron
who might vote to exempt bonds Horn tax
ation from a claim of conscience; but
Thompson claims of the kind.
All the .way through hit methods are the
same. Dealing the 'damn little Jew," as
In la credited with saving when he tan lor
mayor.and feeling the sain" at the pilm-i
let thit spring, and dodging the constitu
tion, atl wete from a desire to please
"Multnomah county."
The next great argument he makes it he
wit a blacksmith. He must have been a
twist rable one or It would have been known
before he wat nominated for governor.
He tayt he found something better and
got out of the business. There have been
and are still verv talented and honorable
men in the blacksmith business at In alj
other occupations. But Thompson has
not parsed at tuch. In this line ol black
smiths he hat been very obscure. We
will leave It to thit body of mechanics to
tay. If Thompvon to dav wat thorn of hit
wealth, whether they would nominate him
for governor. If he wat the "poor black
smith of Oregon City," no blacksmith, nor
the republican convention woul 1 touch
him at a cmdiJate far governor. Even
the astute Jim Lotan would not know
Thompson, if he did he would not speak
so him. Simply bccause.thcre It nothing to
recommend Thompson but gold and coin.
These are facta 'hat will not be gtintayed
by tltosr who know them. There it roth
'ng left now but to bluff Thompson
through. Thit It the transparent card of
Jim Ixtan. Lookout for great predictions
of victories all over ihe ttate when In fact
there it scarcely a reliable republican in
thit city who looks for a republican victory
n Oregon. You will read it in tli" dis
patches how few attend democratic meet
ings and how weak the processions are,
when, In fact, the democratic candidates
have had a perfect oration wherever they
have spoken and are getting away with
their cautewith the promise oi the greatest
democratic victory that thit state has ever
given. There U ttate pride enough left to
prevent a man from being governor who I
totally unfitted for the place. The plan Is
to make Thompson aenator if elected with
a republican legislature. This Is hit last
chance and It is desperate. The end juitl
fict the means, and hit credited remark
that he wilt tpend $100,000 to be elected
it not ttrange. How Lotan lovet him for
this. Democrats look out and defeat all
tuch criminals methods.
J II Rathbun, a ttrong republican at
Portland, telle hit experience with Dave
Thompson as follows :
Eighteen years ago I purchased 710
acres of land six miles east ol East Port
land. I wat to pay $11,500 for the proper
ty, paid $1500 down, and gave mortgage
for the btiance. When I bought the land
it wat cheap at the price, but hard timet
came, valuet decreased and I found my
self unable to pay the mortgage when due.
The company holding the claim agalntt
the property being about to retire from
business, and I not being in a position to
meet the demands upon me, the land was
sold on a foreclosure of the mortgage.
During the pendency of the tale 1 sr.
ranged with Thompson to bid the land In.
He did not do the blading himself, but W
B Gilbert, United States coinmi-sioner.dld
it for htm. "Thit s teen years ago,
and Thompson, by agreement, leased the
land to me for a period of three yeart, at
a rental equal roth: int erest on t he amount
for which the land waa bid In for him.
"Shortly after thit I had to borrow anoth
er $5000, to meet a debt I owed to S D
Smith. I agaiii approached Tnompson
for thit loan, but he said he did not have
the money to spare, but the Portland Sav
ing bank, of which he wat president, had
some funds to loan, and that 1
secure the accommodation from it. This
I did, giving my note for the $5000.
Shortly after wardiMr Thompson suggested
that I should organize a company,to which
I should transfer mv interest In the land,
a'ld that the company sho uld asume the
indebtednes,including the $5000 borrowed
to pay Smith." I acquiesced in thit sug
gestion, organized the Clarnie Land & Im
provement company, and wat elected itt
president, "Well, thortly afterward
Thomptpn informed me that he had s. cured
a purchaser for the, land, and desired me
to part with my new interest in it that
it, the interest I had In the Clarnie Land &
Improvement company. I expressed a
willingness to do so, but when I ascer
tained that, according to Thompson's fig
nret, 1 wa to receive but about $4000 I
promptly declined to accept the price
"Finding that I wat determined not co be
twindled in thit way, the millionaire bank
er Ihrea'.ened and did sue me on the $5000
note which had already been settled in the
trade and deal with the Clarnie Co. The
rate went lo the supreme court and here
the court set down on Thompson, the
money grasper and 1 beat him, the court
not allowing him to collect the note twice.
Seeing that he can not cjJiect the note in
this state he has assigned the note to a
man in Tacoma, so tha: a suit can be
brought in the United States court and
this has been done and the case it now
pending before Deadv. "And now, while
1 am a republican, I do not ask my fellow
members of the party to take that fact in
to consideration when I appeal to t.iem to
oppose D P Thompson in thit guberna
torial election. I timplv beg of them at
honest men and good citizens to judge for
themselves as to this man's qualifications
for the high office of governor of thit slate.
Brownsville, May 24, 1890.
Edit or Democyat:
If D P Tbomp.on it the poor inan't friend
what about the targe number of lime checks of
the O Ry company which he bought scaling
them down !o 50 centt on the dollar timply
because the poor laborers werj compelled to
have money. Shrewd and cunning.he learned
of their necessity and took advantage of it.
B. A. M,
Notice. E G Beardsley, Real Estate
. leavettAJbany In the Cciurte of a
. retjoehi lum mi person
iiistt Mm, present their
e f'.r i.c.mediale s-tr!?-
Portland, May sOth, iS;o.
To the Edilor of the 'OrvypniVus."
"No might nor grcatncsl in mortality,
Can censure 'trope, back wounding cnluumy
The whitest virtue tttik whnt king so tt roup
Can lie the gnll up in the slanderous foittHc, '
Slink. M. for M. Ai t 3 Sc 3nd
The Orrf yniiiw (if Muy 24th contidiit the
following report of au interview with Mr T011
guri "Senator Thomas 11 Tongue, of llillshoro,
wits in town yeslerdnv, and a reporter showed
him a clipping (torn the Weekly UV1V1 the
democratic oicun, which quoted colonel T K
Cornelius, the republican candidate for Gover
nor lour years ago at laying that ''both I'rnnoy
er tnd Thompson defeated him election,
and now, between the two, he favored the
man who fouulit h'm openly and wat his op
ponent from piinelple, and he would tlirrefoie
give hit sulFiugt to l'cnnoycr." Replying to
tint, senator lougue suUli
"The democrats bcgti industriously to cir
culate thit leinut toon after Mr Thompson
wnt nominated. In a conversation with Col
onel Cornelius, I referred to the rumor. He
denied it, saying it wat tUululely without
foundation. He taid lit would tuppoi t Mc
Thompson, not only because he was a rrpubii
can, and on the'republictn ticket, hut his ex
perience with liovvmor 1 ennoycr had taught
him that the governor was not a good inn 11,
tnd that dining the campaign four ycait tgo,
he found Governor Pennoyer 10 he mtnitlilu.
and hit word wat not lo I e taken in po'itics.
Ist SaturJsy in his speech 11 1 IIiIMkih, tii.v
ci nor I'cunoyer itfciic.l to Colonel Coitivtiiit
tt one oldod s noblest winks, miliuncsl mail.
After the meeting w a over Culoiul Cornelius
told Governor lVmiovcr that pclHnat cuinpli
mcnti now were not in accord with pcisvimt
niisreprcscnta'.iont made about liim in the can
vass lour yenrt ago.
Now comet 10 II Klagg, I , a respectable
citienol Forest Giove, Washington County,
vKo under oalli makes I lie following nllidavit:
"I interviewed colonel Cornelius Saluid.iy
and he Hated that cither the reenter or Sena
tor Tongue wat mistaken. Colonel Cornelius
says that in the county convention at I I1II.U11O
lie told the dclegatet Unit ll lie was tint 10 the
Slate Convention, he houUI not vote for l'.ive
T hompton, as Mr Thompson was not bis kind
of a max In regard to Governor l'cnnoycr)
he said he conntdced him a nice nun, an bun
est man, and a man who tiled to U his duty,
but ci snky. In regard lo 1) P Thompson, he
taid he wat a coud bushiest man and a money
maker. T hai he had made money out
everything he handled, and if ho wis elected
Governor, it would be a ttrunge thing il he did
not mike money out of that oilicc, He said
Mr Thompson was an able man ami could nit ke
a good governor tl he wete honest."
V. II M.Aiwi,
Stale of Orrgon )
County of Washington. )
I, K It Klagg, being hist duly sworn under
oath tay the foregoing is a true account of the
interview and conversation set lentil at I veuly
E 11 l'LAUi;.
Sut-scribed and sworn to before me this a6:h
day of May, 1S00.
Geo 1' 1!a t Km.
Nutaiy I'uiitie,
Injustice lo Governor l'cnnoycr and lu Col
onel Cornelius I would respeciluliy ak you 10
insert this in the "Ore ni."
Very Respectfully,
ll Gii.i,Miru,
j Chairman Dem. State Ccntial Cum.
i he ahove was landed to the l)ron: tn
but the lOditar declined lo publish it.
The newspaper lb t findi It necessary
to misrepresent Its political opponent,
only supplies the proof that tt Is rnable to
meet itt opponent's arguments. The Itet
aid is a sharply-defined example in ques
tion. In reviewing Governor Pennoycr's
speerh it says: "Before he got through,
however he acknowledged tbat4he signed
tome of the worst measures of the session,"
(i f the last legisUmrj,) TMU n?? .true,
and there is not the semblance of truth In
the statement, at wilt be attested by
every one wlu beard. It further says:
"He said that he signed the w agon road
bills because be did not consider them ex
actly unconstitutional. No Hits t
anol'.cr faltctwod, without excuse for its
telling. Governor I'c'inojcr said he JiJ
not tlgn the wagon road bills hut did not
veto them for the reason that he had made
it a rule to veto only such bills as, In ,i,e uole tllance M va Yakima avenuc.eon
judgment, were unconstitutional, and he I turning a doien building all told. The total
believed the legislature bad the power to i
cr to
pant them, though he etplicliy condemned
the policy at a bad one. For this reason
he permitted the bl. Is to become a law
without hit signature. A few dais aj,o
for the purpose of having something to
say derogatory to the character of Mr
Wcathcrford, it stated substantially tint
he had managed to keep R L Smith off the
stump in order to escape an attack from
hlc. In this statement that piper It con
tradicted by both Mr iiume and Mr
Tcsnpictoii, both republicans, who bo'h
tay it Wat their mistake and not Mr Wcath.
e. ford's. The Herald it determined lo
injure Mr Wcalherford, if possible, but Itt
foolish course I being comdemncd by re -publicans
as well as democrats all over the
county. This species of political warfaie
may have suited ihe people forty years
ago, but in this enlightened day of mental
political though:, men have a desire to
have fair-dealing, and this fact will show
itself at th polls In an Inrreased vte fjr
Mr Weatherford.
We Isrlicve that no republican will in candor
and with honesty pretend that (here it a pots!
bilily of Dave Thompson's election execjd by
the use of a large turn of money. The talk it
! universal that "Thompson may be elected if
i he spends money enough " that is, if he buy
votet enough.
Hut tuppote he dots. Kvetylmdy that
knowt Mr Thompson knout that he makes no
investment except one that will pay a very
large profit 10 I) V Thompson. He may tpend
half a million dollars be it able tobut if he
does he i!lgtt even, with interet', during I lie
next four yeart.
How? Easy enough. He am! Lutlliam tnd
l ills and J B Montgomery another million
aire w ill unload the Yidamette locks and the
electric light plant and peihaos o'licr fine
pieces of property on the state, fur twoor three
limes their value.
That it the game, and if tin people like it
they can vole an honett.incorruptible.couriige
out, noble man out cf the office of governor
and put Dave Thompson in hit place. Eatt
Warm Weathi A fine stock of re
frtgtatort and lei ..ream freezers miy be
teen at Stevart ci Soxt. Nothing like
them for the houts.
Si'hdjo and Summer Delicacies. The
largest and finest line of foreign and do
mestic woolena in spring and Bummer
novelties just received ana ia ready for
inspection at
Zacijes & Son,
Merchant Tailorg ami Drapers,
Opposite i'oat Office.
Election Day Dinner. On the day
of the election the ladies of the Congre
gational Church will have dinner and ice
cream for all who may patronize them.
The proceeda of the dinner will be used
In making repairs on the church. Give
them a good patronage.
Hats. All hatt told for the next thirty
lay at Ida M Bruth't will be discounted,
to reduce her large ttock.
Those Ten Acre Fruit Farms. The
ten acre fruit farms, for tale by the Oregon
Land Co., are within . the reach of all de
tinng a homestead, and, attended with
due diligence, will afford , a good living.
Not many years hence each of these
trr.all farms will become a valuable pot
sestdon. . . ,
Yon cm save many a dinio by railing at
H O flnbbtrdt new ding atore. Try it.
-.- Seven fresh cows for nale
, ICMrr auil llarlmr Rill.
Wasiiinoton, May ay.AlI the Ilemt put
In the river and harbo bill by Mr Hermann
(or Oregon, went through lo-ilny without a
break or atiggesilon of amendment. The np-
noprinliont wcie large 11 ml there were a nutn
ierof lliem, but no npo. Iiiuti wnt t'cv doped.
It now only remains lor the Oregon senators
to fee that no cut is made in the senate, and
Mi Ilolph t position on the commerce commit
tee wid enable him to keep in Ihe bill beyond
doubt. Few tmtet have fared i well nt Ore
gon, and compared to I'opiilnll' n, Chegnn 11
fur ahead of all others in the bill, The river
and Imilioi bill tthl piobably past the house
to moirow,
Mnnte Census Brlurtt,
Wasiiinuion, Map 17. .The census office
to-dny made public the first resulit of the elev
enth rensus in relation lo lUle and local finan
ce. It consists of the preliminary report of the
indebtedness of aSui) rnunlict in the United
States. Krports show the principal of Male
debts at the pieient lime, JjjH, 679.91 7, ol
ibis $194,05.4,206 i bonded, and .1.1,715,610
floating, Thi shows a net decrease in the debt dining Ihe lust tor years of 854,
4.Wi44 Nindcd debt, having been ilecieascd
by S"t.f..J.9. and floating debt increased
1 br I I'.
I'oKtl ANM, Miy 37 The Union I'm-ilic
ill begin immediately lire of its
bi.uiili line to I'ucl Sound, It will run vis,
Vancouver, 0!)mpu and Tnnmni 10 Seattle.
All is now .endy with the escrpiiun of a few
minor details for Icminul firiluics at Seattle.
Wo'k will be pushrd lo a ronmle'iun at fast
at men and money will da il.
t r Ituamrr.
Tacoma, May 37 Much excitement has
leen cica'ed hcie by the piivate infoimalion
from Washington becuiuin, public that the
senate rejeclcd I'oit Oicluid tl the site
f the navy ya.', and a poin beyond the nar
row nor :'iieoiia selected instead. T his site
can easily be foiilie I so ttint the entrance by
an enemy' vessel would be urteiiy impossible,
ami is the most practicable and secluded point
on the sound.
CstirotaU Haui!..
San Kra.sCIsco, M iy 37 A CVonic'e
Eresiio says: f be S,m Joaquin and King rivers
aie higher than ever before. About Elk'.iorn
many of otiet tie inundated. A
largi area near kemby Is also flooded. Several
hundred acres of the finest wheat land ol the
Laguna de Tarhe giant aie under water, and
w hat promised tu le a splendid yield lo the
acre will not ppy feir the harvesting, llelow
Ilamptonville the San lotquin hat broken Itt
bankt and bun.iieds of aires arc coveted .with
Oa Its Ll lts.
New Vokk, Miy If indications are
counted for anything. Useball, at a profession
hat gone to join lollcf skating. I'or tome
time past the old time crate has leen slowly
slipping into innocuous desuetude, but this
etching's carefully obtained f'iurcs would ai
pairnily leave It' tie doubt that the great ltd
of f.uls in Amciica it now a thing of the past.
A atratner tnl,
ToRTtANti, May s6 General FirigM
Agent Camj l-cl', ul the Union Pacific, bat re
ceived s letter from Mr Upton, one of the
promoter, ol the Portland Japan steamship
line, to ihe tflcil that the steamer Ctshgar,
which wat to have siarie-l for Portland May
30, was lost in t typhunn, and that Ihe Zsm
1 eia, the other steamer of the tine is undergo
ing repairs in Japan.
"Owing to this tinfortunite accident I tan
not tell lUr.nilny when the fitt steamer wid
star," taid Mr Campbell yesterday. "Huw
ever, Port and is to have a line of steamships
to Jspon, ond the first steamer will start at
soon at the necttsary airangementt are made.'
4 Ola l ire,
Noam Yakima, Wash., May 16. At 8;jo
o'clock last evening a fiie btske in a frame
n-aui;nt or YaVItna avenue, owned by S
Harris, and within twenty minutet a dozen
wooden building Were in flames. The lilt
department was piomptly on hand, throwing
three ; reams, but lor a t:me it seemed useless
to stiuggW. and it was the general opinion lhl
Ihe town would share the samt latest Seattle,
Ellensburgh and Spokane Falls. The file will
not piove si disastrous at was at tint suped
The buildings consumed were a I wooden
structures tnd covered one of the most valu
able business quancis in the city. The lire
1 extended ICO Icrt north on K,.,nt ti,rrt .n.t
' m-1 ,iOU( 000.
Trala Wreeker
CliKHAtl.t, May 36. Two iiuflectuat at
temj is were made last night lo wreck both the
north snd south trains, The passenger from
Tacoma first ran into and ditched a hand car.
Then after drawing out of the deot it wat
s'opped by a fish piate between Ihe twi'ih and
the track.
Fred Youn, night clerk of the Chchtlit
home, discovered another fish plale in a Y
twitch, just before Ihe Portland passenger drew
in, that would have turned the train into the
Cheiinlit local Handing on the sid-li.ick and
piobably wrecked both.
.A'tont one mile beyond the depot it alto
struck the same handcar, thai hail been dilch
ed a few hours previous. It it tuppoicd lo be
the work of t lamps.
A lamia.
V ienna, May 35 Terrible distress prevails
in Galicia owing to a failure of last years',
cropt. There it a famine of food, both for
man and beast, and the governor of the pro
vince hat appealed to the anthoriiica here for
a special grant of florins for Ihe
purpose of nurcbasirig sup.pliet for the ttarving
people. Mure than 100,000 horses have per
ished during the latt week for want of food.
In the little district of Xishoakme ever 3500
have dint. On a meadow just outside ihe
town of Dumbrawa ihfie are lying ihe bodiet
of 400 lurset which have ttarved lo deatd.
AMI Earlbtisialie.
GLOVKfcSDAi.E,N Y.,May 25. At 7 o'clock
this ino'ning thit ci'y wat v'site 1 by a severe
shock of earthquake, large buildings were
shaken, the people were thrown out of chairs
snd out of bed and glsss was shattered, The
earthquake was preceded by a loud rumbling
sound, at the same moment the lire alarm Irclli
rang out and w ten the city turned out the ex
citement being interne.
A Tlilrf faplnred.
ARLlNOTON.May 25. Ed Iiilderback, oged
iS, who had been working for L O Ralston,
tlolea revolver, gold watch and other jewelry
and ditiippsared. lie wru ai rested Saturday
at Umatilla.
Decoration Day Conceit
At Albany Opera House, Friday, even
ing, May 30, Mitt Flora Datton, of
Ne v York, The Greatect Colored
Singer In the Wcrld, Support
ed by 1'opuiur Ta'cnt.
The Pecrlf s Mar.zo-Koprana. Kw York Sun.
j rrn uoioreu Jenny Line. new torn worm.
A rii'.,in)priiu of wouilerlul range. Han
Francisco k'tamlnnr.
A chrtrmlng ana fclfted singer. Han Fran
cisco 'Jhronlcle.
A sparkling diamond In the golden realm of
sonic. - aan joho tmrcury.
Hi;rveca.i renlHtcr bus a wonderful swnan.
from lowasl contralto nnti-s to sopraua heights
-i.o AUKets, i;mi, cvanini; sxprcf.
tin earned tli taine of being the jrreatfst
colored tliiKi In tlin world, Vicksburg, Ulst,
All hr numbers are sung without effort as
tb blrJs sinr.Mohilc. Dully Hogister.
The swnftt voice that vir charmed a Vir
ginia audience. Lynchburg, Va, Dally Ad
vanee. A highly cultivated mrzzo-toprann, of great
swoetnes, ower. and com pass, and of dram,
al io quality Charleston, H C, Newsaud C'our
The rango of her voice Is such she can eas
ily Changs from the purest snprana to as flu
1 arltoio1 ns'any main singer ean produce.
Columbus, H C, Daily KeglsU-r.
Her articulation Usoperreo: tt it hnr rendi
tion srwm like recitations sol to ...uHo. Kan
111 City Dlsunteh.
A better pleas d nudlence tie ser fil' ti nntof
ttie theatre than that which lltei.n. to her
luht evening bos AngelesTribune. .
Never lie) ore wa so seleo., so critical an au
dience, mere moved, more enchanted, more
electrified, than by this great colored mistress
offcong. The San Diegan.Cal.
The marvelous swei lnet. purity and 00m-1
fins of her voice, cov rlnir In Us range nearly
lire octave, is the wonder and admiration
ef musical critics. Ban Diego, Cal, Bun.
Possessing a voice f rare richness and won
tlerrui rnnge, she is uadenlably the greatest
singers amang the 8.000,00 colored people In
America, and deserves a high rank among
the great singers of ths world, II er progress
Hi rouge the country hat been one continuous
triumph. Denver ttoclcy Mountain News.
Tickets Floor 50 cents; Gallery 3$'
cents; Children 25 centt. Floor teatt re
terved without extra cost at Black man's
drug ttore, on and after May 15th.
Kdlltd by Albany W.C.T, U
Mrt Matilda D Carte, the leader of the
entcrprbe to build National temperance
temple In Chicago, styt that the corner
stone of this building will probably be laid
on Ihe 4th of July next, and hopes that tt
mar be to, In graclout prophecy ol the
nntlon't speedy declaration ol Indepen
dence from the tymnt alcohol.
In Nebraska corn sells for lest than It
costt to raUe It, beet and pork are tcarccly
worth rulxlnu because there are not
enough consumers. Destroy the liquor
trnllic, use the money that It spent for
whisky to purchase flour, meat, beef, pork.
I woolen clothing, clc , and the product of
the lurm from this improved Ucmanu alone
would Increase In value from Atty to a
hundred per cent. W 1'' Eastman, editor
Western Plowman.
The tame politicians who would howl
the loudest about the tyianny of honestly
enforced llniioi laws, and whote Influence
hat done tht most to make those lawt a
dead letter, have the audacity to quote the
result at a proof In favar ol antl.prohii.i
lion tenets. We might a well quote the
illiteracy of Metier at an argument In
support of a proposition to repeal tne puu
lie school hiws.-Felix L Oswald, M I).
Kansas U nut dead trtttmuuh It hat
prohibition, it also hut a sc'u ol for erry
1&1 persons, it Sundav school for every
4J11, only five crliiilr.als lor every 10.000,
anil repont an Increase ol wraltn per cap
It a 40 per rent. Masst -huai-lit timlrr the
"restrictive" policy ol license, hut one
school lor eicry 's-o, one Stwdov -clmol
lor every uy, and twenty criminals lor
every 10,1m 1 of the population, with atilu
t retsei I wealth per capita of only five per
1 he itasgow branch of the RiltUh A o-
man's TemeiHnee Association, prepared a
memorial to t"e magistrates asking ''a
very lare reduction of the number of II -censes
lor the anlc of Intoxicating liquors,"
but the magistrate refused to rvcelve It
Accompanying It wat a most pathetic
.sir mot Inl fV jut four hundred and twrnlv
lour wmcn, victim ul the drink trnthc,
lit the Kesrire Home and police stations,
or discharged prisoners, '''hev say : "Vse
appeal lo you on behalf of ourselves and
our children to lesson the temptation all
around cur dwcltlngt and lodging house
by a very large reduction of the licensed
houses. Whereat, some of ut might have
Ihe moral courage to pas one of these
houses, the temptation are very much
increased, at the number reaches ten to
twenty In a dUtsnce of a quarter or halt a
mile. We would also bg of you tt re
member the Inconsistency of puflng so
many places of temptation In our way.and
then tending u lo prison for making use
Ul ANTK1 A Gill to do Oeneml ho
wo.k Call at Ir ttootuT oltl cm.
Master's Sale.
a M UhUkI Shite ClrtnH Votit or IA
Jh'Hkt Oigon., (KelMkt)
JtatstlvirT, tikwast sod A. C Ctwatv st4
fatuar Con sml Jon t ';
KToricR in tirnr.nv oivkjc tiiaf in M ute
It sut Hit dWH vt ss4 l nun, snwl 4 vn
Wrvst U H sbuv nltlUst isum on ihm ITlh dsy al
Jsnusr;, UMK. I, tlnrt 11 Uuitsni, Masts la tbsu
cwrj ol ssi't Cout, will pta4 to tsll tl Putille
sueUuti, Id Uw hUhrt libldsr lor uh la bsixl, sub
)ae a mWUoa, M upon a ssKatisw UxMst t
Ju.lmnl si Is, st lb f runt 4 ul lh t'cubty
Cjurl hosisB, til Una nrasi;, t Albany .In wsi4 Una
ttaiiy, Umrsn, m
Mir1r. Jaae . IM.
I lt hour if ID o'ctosk, Ut th lurvnnart. s'l tb
rtiibi. Oil snd lnimt which Uw ontaulsov, I'hll-
ll.irtsl.. A C UrifU) vt Um tlaltl ksd In tb
hsrvlbslur daxrtbed rr"tssrtjr, at lbs Uvs ol Its
rjttaavl lha BVitlfsf la tilt bdl s-t-t 4vr bvrct
t t.irth sift 4vibd. or whi-ti ltv or siibsrul
them .. Ssv, ih-nrin, si4 mf"ti pule h
'n dcMribtd ss t .lto, t H:
Tb(tuMUa Is nil r'sinvf WillUrn W anil Sot'hi
Wllluuhbv, b.'i.j NjtiasUua slUisUsi In Kwa
Id, tl. I n4 li, Tii.b!p II. uUi ul lUotf Wart
f iht WtUsaiatu owrt ns, e-mumilng tu haodrtsl
tn4 ntrwty l so I ninety hundrllh tersi tl,
tk liUiwini, e-i nms'irlnst lb aibl eurnsr
9i lh dunsll.-s ta4 clsini njwbsr ti, Tl AitmUaa
77, Umom l t. s; ehslos ; ltMO nurtb I eb&in
la Mb; lama north, M 4ftm wast. 4. II cfcaia
to tit iMitiar of MI4 crack: thane )" tb s
twlarlntt of I4 crask to ihtwMt lias of 14 cUim;
thaaos s iitk t l.M :b sl to (ht slet of bftinnlnfa
li!rtin Hsn l S7 fean tradlb sera ; slsa Dm tut.
loaliu, t4lnnlnf H tb, Bauttiatat tonstr of ttstm
oumtMf ti, K rt'Biwiioa tiTT, tbaoet vast ta t halo ,
lbte Bortb tl obsln ; vbone taat It cbsint , tbtae
aoulh ft tins to ths phsoa of batinalo(, amlaln.
Inf 8JJ waa, all la Una Jttotr, Orafm, tutl cua
Utn'nf la U sifrarsU sbml ST7.77 annit.. Kslit
Sl 111 bt . ia tstUfsclion -4 taid daora an4
osl tod cast t l ; mid daert It tor emvu tnd lb
oats Uil l .M,T7
tar In Chssaary t; scr C4rt OffM.
tta-l Mv list, 1KM,
Administrator's Notice.
Notice i hereby given that the under
signed ht been appointed admitistrator c f
the estate of Miriam llarrel, docssrd. late
o' Lion county . All partia having elaims
against said rslste are beret y notilied to
prearnt tbvm, duly verifiad. to ' the nndar
signer! at bis raaidenen m .S-;io, Or gon.witb
io tit monlbt from this date.
M.y 10th. im.
Hltt& Irvine, Ailmio.
Att'yt fur Admr.
lnlh.Giremt Court of lh SUile 0 Oregon
for Um County.
J h, PUmtilT,
Cusrlrs K Rust a'id Clara F Simpson and
Willuui tiiiiipon, her husbtud, Defendant.
To Chat lea E ICntt, Clara F Simison and
William Simpson tb above tamed defen
dant. lothautmeof ti.a 8uU of Oiegou, yon,
and etch of yon, are hereby required to tp
parr ai.d auswer the eomplaiet of ti.e above
uam4 plarnlitf in the abuve-entillad court,
now ou lil with the clerk, cf taid
curt, iu or bufure lh first day of the next
rasulur lerm o' said court, tn-wit. Jun 23.
Ih'.hl. Aud vou, aud etch of you, are here
by nutilii-d that if )ou tail to appear and
antsver sid o imulalut aa hereby leuuirtd.
the pi..i .tit wilt apply to tha court for
the luln I dt uiaridcd in said ooinptalut, tu
wit: a drcrte rtfirmii.g and conecting tbtt
curt tin ded made by Jtmea W Kust, ami
Htrah I. IUst, hit wife, to John Y Rector,
bet'ing date the 2Utdy of April, 1858, 1. -eurdi
d ou pjge 75(1 tt book A, of record ul
desds of Luiu county, Oiegnu, so as to in
clude the following doauribed real property,
lii-ginolnz at the eouthweat corner of
I section 11, tu tp it, h n w. v liiauanite
Mfriaian, in una county, uregon, ana
running lStst 40 chains, tbenoe north 86
chaiDa,ibbnue Ktht 8.03-100 cbaina,theno
north 6 chains, thenoe wet 4181-100
chains taurine tooth 40 chains: to the
plu o cf beglunlng , also refermtng and
correcting tha certain deed made by raid
Jhuiom W Kust and friarth L Hunt, to aaid
John P Hector, bearing date the 13th day
ofFebruwry, I801), recorded on page 010
of Hook a of Deed Keoord,of Linn coun
ty '. roKMn. ao as to include the following
deat-lbed real property, to-wlt : Begin
ning nt jiolnt 6.63 obalna east of the
nortneatl corner of tha aoutbweat quarter
orsto 11. tp 14, S Hi W, WliUine'ie Ms
rid an. 111 Linn county, Oregon, and run
Ling &,Hl 9 rodn, itionr'o n a aoutburlj
direoiion to a point 6 chains Nouth i.l the
place 01 begin mug. thence north 6 chain
to the pace of beginning, and quieting
plalutilfx tille to nach of aald irauta ol
land aud perpetually enjoining and re
straining you and each of you from a,
serting or olultnlng any right, title ir
iutereat hi and .0 either of aald tracts, au 1
for judgment against you foibiscoeit
and iltfebumemeut hereto.
Tbitenuitncns la published by Order of
Hon K F .U.Jse, Judge of the abovo en 1
tied Court, made at Chambers la the city
ofSaletn, In Marion county, Urtgon; otn
the Kth day of May, A. D , 1800.
Hkwitt A Ibvinb.
AU'ys for Plilotiff.
Administratrix Notice,
Notice ia hereby given that the tinder
signed has this day been duly appointed ad
ministratrix of the estate of Martin Wert,
deceased, late of Linn county, Oregon. All
person having claimt tgaiovt said estate are
hereby requires to present them properly
verified to the undersigned at Albany, Ore
gon, within six months from this date.
May 14th, 1890. ,
," -. Sarah L turn, .''
In tin ClretiU Court oflht &Uittf Orrgon for
ns . ami! 11 01 LlitH I
J II Hatkell, Plaintiff,
Atttiia V llaakt.ll, PtdHiidant.
In the mtinA o tha MLatA of srnii
are hereby uiriuioiied and required to
appMHrand answer plalitllla complaint
tiled In the tv.tove emitted fruit, Initio
abovi tmtlilAil court, cm ot be! ore
Monday, I be Clnl day ut Jane, I too,
that tx It g tl ti lint day of the re t regu
lar lerm ' hi i cio'tn, lo lie begun and
held at Albany, l.lnn coiintv.Oreuon.and
rou are hereby notified that if you fall ao
to appear ami answer and oouiplalnt a
hertdn required. pUlotlir will apply to
id court tor tha rnll'ef demanded Itt taid
ooriiplaliit to wit . For dnnrea dlinoly.
ingine marriage contract now eilttln
bhlwm.n vou ami liltliillJI. formta mi
dlabnran ..nlnof ihltaiilt and for mich
other ratlnf aa may beequllahleanJjuat
IMn KummruiN it pubilabed In the At
bauy DKMni nATfor ix tuor ew tve weeks
by order of Hon it 1' Itolse Jiuige orald
eoitrt. which order was made at Chambers
and beomilnlo the 6th day of May.lMM).
iMted M y fl h. 1H0O.
fill's Atl'y.
Exocutor'a Notice
N rili-o 1 lnr.t.v Klven tbtt trie under
sliliitd has li napprdutntt b tha County
Court of l.lnn county, OrKon, ou or
t the taat wt I and itstaitienl and mtaU
f Camilla MrlAirlanil. d ataed, lata of
l.lnn county itrK')n. ..'I pors iii hav
ing cialm tvatnai td .' are brln
Inrtltldtl tiiri)i nl Hit ilit 1 a- vrlflai
at lila (ifllrn In Albany Oih n, within
Mis infitiilia till lUle.
My Bill. iMfitl
J I. 1 1 ILL.
I J hi ft km Kawinor.
itt'y fo KaiM-ntor
Sheriff's Sale.
a lh Circuit Court of Oregon for Anlt
uamtih Countv.
Y Klchct and T Ulr-oht, ptrtner uiuUr
t be 11 no nm-r.f K Itlchai. .t Co, l'laliititr, I
UeorK K Hln! t in, Defendant.
Notice I bruby fclven that by vlitue
of an ecullon duty laauwl cut of ibe
above nam! court In lb lKve entitled
miHinn to in directed and d.lverwl,l did
In t.lnu county, irKn. on the Srd day
of May, IHtro.duly lw utwnall the right,
tlllo and Internal of (iaorM K Hlnelelon,
the above namad dnfnndant. In and lo the
real projM-rty berelnaflvr deorlbd, and
will on
talar4r, Ibe tilt ttay r Jaae.A. D4 lM,
at the Court llouta door la the city of
Albany, Linn county ,Oro((on,at tb hour
ot one o'clock p tu ol aald day. all at
public auction for cash In baud to Ihe
liistbest bidder alt of ta right, till and
I literati of the aald dofxndaut, George K
Slim'eon, in and loth following dtv
scrll el preinlaea at fallows to wit : lxit
No 7. In b'.nk No 16. ir. the elty of Al
l any, Linn county, itttt ol Orogon, The
!)rMt) arlalng from aucn sale to lMrp
pllod, OrU, t lb f ay men t of iba ooaUol
and upon taid execution and iba original
roau of auld auit taiad at 111 06-100.
Hccood, to tba ptyiuent of tilaintiffa claim
amounting u the sum t.fl with Inmr-
rat I bar (kiii at the rU of par oont r
annum from tne 10th, day of April, ibiw,
Ilia aama txilag tb dai of the raouverv
of Juclcinenl In fvo ot the alrove natnen
plaiituri and a k tin si t be above named
.""h'tlof Unnlk., Dr.,
by I 8 Mm lib, deputy.
(1 1TY TASK. Noiloa) la hereby trite
Jthat lb its roll of tha elty of Al
bany, r . hi the year 1W, ht bseti
id red In my bands fr a lledinn. end
thtl will t al tne Council e' amtsrof
aableit to relve and reeflpt for the
ibe less onargaij in aald roll, lor lh
prl d of SQ days fr m date of this '
Al tax remaining unpH at the expire
ailon of tbt'iy daya thereafter will bare
tM.nisft 'o!inrii of the elty
of Albany a I, end coata and
expexiara for o, lectin aurb taxea be
addod thereto.. JoHM N HUFFMAN
Ciiv Mkrebal.
Dated it Albay, Or. tbls tO.h day of
May istw.
$100,000 te loan at S per cent'en Im
preved farm er city property.
W a Litest Si CoaicK.
City Meat Market.
SHULTZ BROS,, Propriotors,
Krmp a full line ef mealt of all kind,
to a rotil pltrss, completely pro
liU d; aad alwaye area a.
Alt susva oottaUiitly.on band sal mew
cd otLiM Ca-
Dkalkr IX
I have the largest stock of
Ppectaeli'g ana Eye glareea
in the county and fit them
by Johnston' pat. Dioptic
eye meter.
I keep a full line of the almve celebrated
Gloves in black and colore. Am sole
agent for Albany, Or.
Sahubi, E Young.
Choice Residence Blocks,
Free Conveyance to Prqpihty,
Russel & Co's
I am brepararl to deliver milk to alt twrt
of the city, (iearantse ttit bt quality.
Ltave ordara at C K Brownell's ur twry
tTtt FLaTtewaa.
PouKpf Wanted.
All kinds of pauHry, alive ar tiav
Mtvttytl at the WlUamatse Pttkiatf Ceaa
tisaty'a tVataa. Albavay, Oragst.
-Nt.tNl3stSs USE IT1.
It raise ll- Ijvrr 1J Kitlisrvs n.! )i,
runrs ll'sulvk.-. Irt i si . crtaits n A;',-
tiu, I'uritKs u Iro.uir u.ouj. ana
Sjfsfce Th eV Btmrg
Iff"" ! ft rr TV 1 s 1. 1 sj
Cel cveryw here. a to! Uej six for $5.
Money ! Money !
Oa good farm and city property at
7 and S Per Cent.
I esamio my own security ; wills my
own paper, and if title is perfect can close
buaiacsa op in short order.
Call on or write me.
With K. O. Beardsley. Ileal EiUt Agent,
Albany, Oregon.
City Restaurant.
Hiving been entirely remodeled, thi old
and popular restsuraot will be made tirm
ciaaa in every repecv. Tha pobl.e will )
given good meal at all hoar for only 23
oent. Everything net sod attractive.
Private bote. Oysters ia every style.
YV. A. McGek.
for Sale.
Good single Jbappy, bsrners, role, whip,
bmse Llaoaet, etc. Bupjy ctwly psinttd;
All for tale at a Itrgtin. A nice out lit ; call
W'e have made arrangements to supply
money to all on long time at low rates of
Interest on improved t.unis and ctly prop
erty. Ihteewho contcmplales building
brick blocks or good brick butincs houses
can get money. See us.
Wallace of Cnsicu,
Harry Jones'
Just opener', opposite the Itmslltuse.
l'rompt attention, aid tverj tlii.K tt' iitaid
el ean.
Open day and night.
Those wishing to invest in farm
property should call and tee our list
of farm sod eity property. We have
tome of as good fruit atid garden
land as esn be found in tho Slate.
Alao stonh ranches and wheat farms
all near R R. Farms and farm prop
erty a tpi-oialty. Call and see us
lfre purchasing elsewhere.
Offioe, First Street; next door lo
Thompson & Overman's I lames
Shop, AlbaDy, Or.
Real EsUte Agents.
City Drag Store.
Stanard & Gusick
Proprietors. Successors to
Guiss & Son. Dealers in
drugs, medicines and
chemicals.fancy and toilet
articles, sponges, brushes,
perfroery,school and ar
tists supplies. Physician's
prescriptions accurately
Mm. Br. Ftttin, - , Blumbcr: Block.
T E8SONS Given !n Draw inc. Paintine
iul Mow t ciuro fur tale cr paint
akwt9 ron
Engines and
f - ' It - f -Tf
s rr. t - ' - . - ,Jiai
IIoh IJtjen
Now tho Greatest Attraction is His Large and Stylish
Stock of
Straw Goods, Etc.,
-In Keeping-
If You Would be Suitably Dressed
- Call - at - His - Store.-
Jas. F. Powell & Co.,
Successor to Geo. C. Henderson.
Choice Groceries
Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac
co Etc. Etc.
I-row Prices and
E, C. Searls,
D-y Boois, Notions, BsiitiFnrn
isMngs and
Our stock of boots and thoes
is rtOHT complete in all lines for
spring ntde. We will save you
none n buying of us. Ladies,
missel iind children's fine shoes a
specie v.
Exrl sive Agentw th
Montague & Son, ,
t'.'--" Xealers in
Groceries, ProilEce, Tobacco Cigars.
Confcetionar y. E tc?
Produce wanted In exchange for goods or cash., Fist-classs goods and
prompt attention. TRY US- '
Vitli the Saon.
Prompt Attention.
Successsor to Barrows A Searls.
Blumberg'a New Bio a.
"V.t this office.