Sfrtf THE DEMOCRAT, New York World ami American Fanner One year for $2.80. 1Hil ii fit 3 THE DEM00HAT is t ! Best Advertising Vt?liuii) In the Central WlHerm-ftf Vail v in VOL XXV. ALBANY, ORLGON, FRIDAY, MAY S3, 1890. SO 4" rv, Jim and $ -"'This 1 comfort. This Oppressed Ijiliorer "There U no must 1 bear this bunion ?" By permission of tho "Sunday DR. Special HOMWVSAW HOME TREATMENT A Specific D3 HltlER'S HYDRASTtWE RESTOBATIVF. w,mti. autrliJoo. rurifl. u BWJ. Cur. lij iKM, cnuli(uoa awl Ocuetsi ifc Uuiti . A irfot t tonic a mnIi bulkkr. CR. HULER-S AMTI-BIUOUS STOMACH AN3 LIVER CUKE. curwEMo. mm anj all Uhc TrouU, Ctui. aua lr, Lmstuu , aiul ail i. jAoU cumIIUou. DR. HILLER'S CATARRH CURE. Cur. A,U dUrrh. Chronic Catarrh. aJ Calarrlul IxoIimm. OuarautnU lu cur lut won: easta when lUrrxliun arc kUoirod, or wooer rutunded. DR. HILLER'S COUGH CURE. CarasCalJ. lIornCo,h,.CrcnrhnU,n.rna Hunio.a. aria mkw twuui.uo. Contain nolVpUr. Cures Croup In 13 minutes. Try It. DR. HILLER'S DIPHTHf RIA ANO SORE THROAT CURE, Dir li4iUMrw. M iU HHiu Ij ou jr mn lurnu ui Irviu w . 1 nur. v ui (.uln.) In 3 DR. HILLER'S FEVER CURE, iiinu in n mt diM..r. .unjcd with fCTW. lixnM kI euro, aautoi .r, sirlatln. J Unwlc MoCien iluuU Uu Ihl in minj. DR. HILLER'S NERVOUS DEBILITY CURE. car x,rroC, w-im-. ici I'uwit. Niim (oc l ri.. CirtulM Co IIU!rr Iruj- C., 8a IruutKO. Cut DR. HiLLEB'S RHEUMATIC N0 MEURALPIC Cllftc! Cu Rbe,m,.iw. KunJga, Oout, Luihusra. ana ocUtica, Uy iMuirm.Unj U.t a.a cuu them. DR. HILLER'S TEETHINR CURE, ai th. trot a,J at of chaj. uri" H" "' ciuum iuinMi trctMmr rI ronivl trh, ami pnmb an nm Emu, KicfcMa. Brain HuulU anJ llovcl CompUunu. A Imuuu w Uu. mothw aoU ctukL DR. HILLER'S WHOOPiNS COUGH CURE, ru ar.a Cur ivboopm, cjh. k?.'f'!,1 "nd." '' wwth Cur.. tU aixn. nmli..,, put up , TW. lurm. an', if twt oUauaU. from ,uur aniai. UI b. Kut trc br mail, co ncaipt of uril $1.00 per Packne. Six Packages for $5.00. TtKW rnnnliM at th mult of tvmljt flr. jcar of practical prrfnalanal etrwricnr. and an nuarartc! o rare when a c.:re U p. .Ibl. ,r. IIUIct . Ua of direction I. kam treatHKOl. oootautiiur talual.! uutrucbuoa a to h;VMua anU diet, arut rui oo appucatioa HILLER DRUG COMPANY. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. U. S. A. Foshay & M?sont AgtMils, Albany, )ron. NKW STOKE. Mitchell & AgricuUural Vrv, urrtacf aVL': -;'; ALBANY, - - COME AISrlD FURNITURE. It you want the lest and most duruMc furniture that is manufactured in the city go to Thomas Brink. SMOKE THE CIAGP.S Manufdobred by Julius Jose pi. IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CIGARS Flag nd amnklig toUcco, Mfirtcksnaj nl brinr p:p ni Oregon Land Company, with it- HOME OFFICE AT SALEM, OREGON, In the State Insurance Building. And Brunch Oflleea nt Portland, Antorla and Albany. Hat for tale a large List of Grain, Stock and Fruit Farm. Alio City and Suburban Property. SEND : FOR : PH A Mil LET, : MAP s AND : PRICE : LISTS. Montague OOZRZCTEH FIEST Sc FEEBTT STS Xeixlers In Groceries, Produce, Conlcciionary. f Ktc Prodoc wanted in rxr-hanqe for oo(l or cah, Pit-c!cw goodn and prompt atUntion, TRY US- DEALEB IZST- lift ;hoice Candy, -. i- rf",T Vv ''' fT'.iV VV i& vsr ' , ) in real ciiiovnient !" ptoasuro in'this lr me! How lung Mercury," Portland, Oregon. HILLER'S Prescriptions. SELF CURE Remedy for Each Disease, VEW COO I) lewis Co., Implements ' r--s - OR SEE TJS Tobacco, Cignrs, Rfnls5 Froit, "etc. FFCE ALBANY OR. & Son, 15. E llll U ILlla SniANiiK Afkiuation William Nkh olf, of Milton, wbi'U gsitlioriiiR hurwn luHt full, found that ft fnvorlto lVrolioron colt wan tniHulnu, iuxl U t'ilortii to lintl hliti imtviil vin.ivililillL'. ko tlx1 nniiinu was hImukIoiuhI to Inn fate, wliirlnio tlouta w i.ul.l 1) ttmt if vast iiutiilKr that Imvo f.iun.l tlnir wy Into tin t'linitm imrmiiHotlmmtrti tl nu-loiiioiu'y of the rmnt Hnummllv novom winter. Iiuriiitf tln jirrm nt wwk Mr NiehuU. cotuj.nnii..l byftimthi r Konth-nmn, w hile liuntinn lccr unions tlu mountain Hint form the wourco ( the A'ullu Walla river tartei n Unul ol wvenieen nii rmiim rrnm a ilten emivon. nnit to tlielr mir- prixe, hm rvel a yearlim: colt hhhIIiik iiu.iv uiili the linml. apparently an friulii.iii.l mi tlie ileer thcliiHi lvcH. Al thouL-li the eolt hal noiutn'.l their wiM- noun hv anH.M'iattoi, ho liu-kwl tho upeeil nf tliitue moiiiititiii t ltinlH rH, ami wan noon left far U-hin.l in the mail m rainhlo over the tvfal hillx. Tito ironttenien. w ho were well mounteil, jmrmieil ami overtook th colt, w hieh provetl to l0 Mr NiehoU' lVnheon. Frvm tho fact that track ol the Colt follow Iiik the trail of tho tleer w neon in several IiimUuicch, ami other evUlence that wcrti to tt seen, it ii believed that ithadHnt the entire winter with iU Htnuik'f eompitnionn, anil prolon;itl Itn exiHtence by following tho guidance d tho excellent inotinet of tho deer In search of food when tho snow wan deep. Milton, Or., F.ate. !oci new Salem U not a ilcmt town Journal. The love i undoubtedly' voricct but the ktaictntnt 1 b;ik Rcilnt; ; for if the fact U new there ! an l.opMcntlon thai the town bat bad a rrputati-in of ln-big dead If a man l In that comliilou where be but to li.iv" hl frl-iuUaav "lie U iml dead," wl buik mi', Miiiicllilij I the mailer t bis lunt; or mumailir. Now, (he truth l, Salem l an excel. ent -xariilc tf atcadv, reliable utowtb, without Ixwim, like Albany. N. mu!inHin. to It None ol tour tmcitc or jack anil the bean ktaik ; but likt. mnple, lu-lt and, noon 'arc llourilib'j ure. about which ever, an lninutioii i l t.eatti uniiM ie re ented, '1 be tow ttt of the I'.luiielle Valicr aic erowii.j; to-elhrr. It Ibcy were not Uon would go Mctiinlv. Anj. ttilnK' mav be done to build up the ttho'e vallev will alwavi. help each aecllon of ll. Hence the proposition to work to- Kctbir U the bent rt T.ade. UUontbe trust plan, a combliiailon of capital and lorct. lhal ! the cnirr or the ilav ami It U time the ciiien fit Ibe Willamette got the fact Into their .Wull. Dr.ctni.w.oN Dav Cost rm, Mi Flora Iats)n, tf New York, the colored Jenny I .In I, wi!l appear in concert at the Albany Opera bue. Decoration Uav, Friday evening, Mayllutlt ThcNahvillc Amciican of her : "Her voice l rich hi the nu.iiitic"! inmit valuable to a kinder. I be tanije U wonderful It U clrar and iftonnr I, exreedtnulv llcxib'.c and pure. Her articulation i pel feet, and be alna wiiha frreJoin from effoit een rarely, except lithe mint famou Ihkci. 1ic tone f her voice arc powerful and thril ling. It I ralherdramatie Ibanrmnliunal. Her rendition lat tilehl coverr.l an ex traordinary versatility and ranijc." Tick et arc now on ale. " Floor, r,l)crnt ; gal- lery, i; cent: chlidrvn,15c. and fl.Hir aeal rtrrrJ wttSout extra cot at tilatkman' drug More. DKAril I'KOM 1 1 VtKuIjHIA. The fol lowing article from t..e EI Pao Tbnr, rMiiuqucripi, N M, tlvrou acrrjunt of the death of a fo'mer rb!ent r.f jine county ; On Tfiurday,.pril i jnd.Colutiel II Huoy, ano dei!lrr I t tl.i .eclion died at l.u ranch ime eih! inllr liom tiere, Irom the effect t-f a wound icveivrd from a ra bid rotate About three week ago the colonel m li.M.v; f ir the animal, which h.d bhu'n .1 talf, wbei iun ilnlly It oprang upon ui'" intpetlngan Mgiy wou'Hl on lii fori h-j'l Uuov wn. ah. in" 0 vran ld.i C lell a v Ulim to l. dropbobU. Deceaoed ii ri cUI etllrrl Cloverdale, Ijnc county, Or. n. Mkmiihial SfcavicM. The following program ha ueenarranpeu lor memorial ervice on Sunday, May ajth., at the rriera bou-: Invocation, Rev .S HanU-ller; Opening, mg election appropriate lo tlie occakm; I'raer. Rev S vlcmbtger; Singing, "election: Reading, J F Stewart; Singtnif, .election J-iermon, lie L J Trum bull; .Singing, netcctlon; Prayer, Rev S ti It vine ; S'.njjing, vclertion; Ilrnedlctlon, Rev I- R.igcr; Mel'berwn Pot, No s. O A R, Mclheron Relief Corp, No tj. V R C, and the camp of the .jon of Vet eran arc retpirted to be prrent In force, and a cordial imitation i extended to all to attend the nervlce. Anxl alElkciion. The annua! meet ing of the Mock holder of the Urownavlllc Woolen Mill Co a held a day or two ago rekubing in the election of the following di-cctor: J M Mover, F F Croft, J M Water am W T Cochran. The Uircc:or elected the following officers: J M Mover, president. J V Galbraltb, ucrctary, F F Croft, superintendent. The name of the mill was ordered changed lo the Albany W colon MtM Co. Report thowed the total cod ot the mill to be over $64,000, The preent businc of the company Is very flattering, Metropolitan. ttrownsville is on the stir. Among the live act going to prove tl is is the following: "The first dray that ever rolled through the streets of Browns ville arrived on Saturday's train, consigned to Jake liilyeu, our enterprising livery stable man. The band boys determined to celebrate the occasion, dressed up In their new uniforms, mounted the dray and drove through town discoursing sweet music as they passed through the princt pal street." A Grand Sociable. A banket nociable will be given by the Tangent Grange on Fridav evening. Mav 80th. A lltfirarv program will ls carried out, alter which baakctg with lunch enough tor two will lie Hold at auction to tho hiuheat bidder AIho a cake will be voted to the prcttierit lady, ana a pic to the iiomiiCHt man pronent. All are cordially invited to at tend. l.ailii'H pieaHe bring bankets. J.y order ot committee. A Small IIorhk. Mr Frank Simpson, of this city, is -the owner of a horse that Is a wonder on accoiu.t of its sinallness. It Is three year old ana fully grown, looking like an older norse, and yet I' Is only o to 9 hands high and weighs only J50 pounds, surpassed by several men In Albany. me animal is a curiosity wormy ot a place in some museum, and lo add to the inter est is standard bred. Want it Bad. After It was learned that Judge R S Jiean had been nominated for supreme judge, candidates for his pres ent office bobbed up on all sides. Among those who want the office are w R Willi and T C Fullerton. of Roseburir, R L Watson, of Coos count v.and lohn Kelsav. of Ben'on county. Eugene Register. Snow Disappkabing. -Hiram M White returned yesterday from Quartzville, where he has been working for the Dry Gulch mining company, lie say the snow- Is all out of Dry Gulch valley and It Is pretty warm there now. At Stampede pass there Is still some five foot of snow, but It U going rapidly. The mining excitement is evpected to run high there this year. Journal. A Partv, A very enjoyable party was given last week, by, the V L's of the Baptist church, at the reaidence of Mrll F Merrill, In honor of Miss Minnie Buzzell the missionary. Miss liuzzell made some very nice remarks. A bright woman, she has some very warm friends In Albany. Election Dinnbb. On the day of elction, Monday, June 2nd, tho tadies of Conirrecational church will set a dinuer at W C T U ball at which hungry voters and others can get a good square meal cheap. " , lions. To the wife of N P Payne, May 16th, 1800, a daughter. "Nim" smiles blandly and says the precincts are not 'all heard from yet. Sknmiiii ic It km a it kn. Tho Pkmociut'k attention is eftliod,by a Hvo Albany man, to some renmrM mude by Mayor Doltish mtiii 111 rorinimi, w inch ho pronounces its solid and to the point, and while they do not apply to Albany particularly they aro worth considering here: "Tho trou ble In tho Northwest Is tho system of tow 11 Ixtoming which Is tlelng tip sll tho moiiev. and if a cheek is not put upon it 11 w 111 lean to serious restius. lAervlKsly hcciiis to Ik tilled with a speculative fe ver. People are drawing their money from tho bunks, In fact, from wherever they can get It.and all tho accumulations are liolng put in wildcat siieeulntlous. Tho tH'opIo seem to have Imh-oiiio a lot of reckless siHTttlators. It Is perfectly air surd and must soon lie, checked. First it Is one town ami then another. There Is no sense In It. Thero Is no wildcat busi ness around Portland. Tho land being platted and sold is needed to accommo date the new comers, and the course is Instilled by the rapid growth of tho city. I'.ut then Portland people aro engaged 111 this land sH'Cultttioii and nrv drawing their money from tho bunks and Invest ing it. Conservative bunks and conser viilivo financiers aro bcuinuitui to hedite. ami it is time they were, too, Thero Is nothing to warrant thee wildcat schemes. laistyear wo bud laid crops in parts of Oregon and Waxlilugton, the w inter was very severe and tho loss of stock very largo.nnd all there is to oUset this is the inonev brought in by new comers. Hut for this tho country would 1 si Imnkrupt by this time." Tun F.VANutMi'AL Wak. Th trouble in tho F.vangclical Church seems to have spread even Into tho tpiiet streets ol Sweet llomc.w hore war has Uen declar ed according to the following from a cor- rcH'xmdence in Hie r.xpress: 'lbe Rev Tims A Yost has Is-en preach ing nt Sweet Home and vicinity for tho lust two years, and during all that time has done nothing to catimi the lenxt com plaint, mid has lived tip to what he preached and won the U-st regard of the citens of this community. Therefore the treatment lie received yesterday bits Mimed the liiHt ludik'tintioii of everyone w ho believes in fair play. Yesterday morning 'Mr Yost went to the Indcienilfbfc school bouse to till his regular appointment, and mmui rising to give nnt his text, was Interrupted by John Spring, seconded by one Dracsel), aided and aU'tted by a Mrs Itinehart.w ho rain ed such an uproar that Mr Yost left rather thntt Ihj made a party to such a disgraceful disturbance and went to fill nuother npiMiiutmenl and his friends w ent home. The I hitch reassembled ill the school bouse to listen to one CM MelClroy, a (Sow minute. I Hiring the row it en me out that the I nm man conference hud sent orders to the trustees of the church nt Sweet Home to ls-k out Mr Yost and not let him preach in the building. Said church, Is it understood, was built through nod by Mr Yimt, be doing fur more work thaii anyone else in its construction. Now if they sent such an order it stamps them, In the minds ol all intr-uiunled men, as a set of hhick-ticnrtcd hvjMicrites. and as destitute of Christianity as a fn.g is of feathers. A Goon Pi.acb. The attention of the DkUochaT bus ls-eil culled to the fart that a splendid place for a city park would l just across the CuliMMiia, on the island. I he pi are could Is put lu s gss eondi- tioii for walking, picnics, -Uh of July cel ebrations, etc., at a stiiutl cost. A foot bri.ltre leading to it would ct only n small umotitit.uud the park imi-le so easi- ble nccessiMe, Would make it delightful resort. In the winter, when not nea-ded. fur a short M-riisl of course it wmild 1 overllow u some years, but the tLtmngn could I ea-ily repaired. Allstny needs a park Isidly, one Kr picuics.and as it cool resort, and among other places men tioned this is certuliilv n convenient one. In addition others will Is" in order on the iiilh. cast and ierhaps west side; but this one ran Is easily attended to and it is to !- hoped solm tbiiig w ill ihj done w itli the suggestion. WiTiioiT Cacsk. According to the following from the Ktigeue Register, Iotne county must lc a gnat plaio for rushing into law suits wit bout any grounds lor so doing, which reminds us that that is ft fault all over the world except in Linn con 11 tv : A loan named Mounts, from Smithlicld was tried last week on a charge of selling diseased meat. He was tried Is fore a jury Bnd acpntlM. Levi and Alva llollcnlsxk. of Iong Tom, were arraigmil on a charge "of killing and hav ing in their imimm-ssiou a deer w hen it was unlaw ful to kill them. The evidence was weak and l,th parties were aeon it ted. Monday Mr Curtis was tried on a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon, a man named F.ristoe Ix-ing the complain ant. The trouble originated over ft fouce lividing tho mens' (arms. According to the evidence Mr Ciistis had done nothing out of the way and ho was acquitted. A Woman Tsamt. A woman was round t. e city, particularly the eastern part, last week claiming that her ticket bad been taken u a and thtt she was put off the cars. She wai. ted to go to Port land and asked the good peoplo to make up a purse. I his Is pro.mblv the woman who has been doing Southern Oregon, netting up purses with which lo gel home With so many cultus male tramps around being fed, perhaps a woman Is entitled to some consideration even If she is a tramp; yet Ills always well to keep both eyes open. Thr Wokd TooMtfcii. A seedy look. ng Individual, bearing the ear-marks of a tramp, went Into Rucker's restaurant the other day and solicited a square, stating that he was financially ruptured, but vtry hungry. Rucker, in his usual friable manner. Informed his tramp-ship that there were a few very nice "chops" left over, and sooner than see him hungty he would give them to him. The tramp looked puzzcled at Rucker for a few sec onds, then icu arked: "Exuuse hit; they are a little too suggestiveof a woodpile. I couldn't take any comfcrt eating them Columbian. Solid Advice. "Put your money into the local papers, "said Allen C Mason.the leading real estate operator ol Xacoma. He was talking w ith a well known brok er. "1 never spent a dollar on guides. bandliooks, blotters or other illegitimate advertising dodges, but I have always been one of the heaviest advertisers in the local papers. Give them every dollar you can raise." Mr Mason started in Tacoma years ago without capital and is to-day a millionaire, jig Knows enough atsout advertising to give the best kind of advice. Seattle Press. .Some Pictures. Crawford & Taxton have just completed some views of Asto ria that are very interesting, among others being a distant one ot the rowers adtli' tion country taken during the low tide period; also of Hustler's and other local- . - mi n . i . j : Hies. J. ii is ii r in is coiiiumpiuuug a scheme that will no doubt be quite tak inir. that of presenting every customer who gets a dozen photographs with half a dozen views chosen irom about zo'J an ferent scenes. Tub McMinnvillb p. 0. Last week was weighing week in every post office in tho land. This office shows a volume of tniwini'sa excoedinrr 11.3000 Tier Year, Durinir the week Mr Cooner handled 37im pieces of mail matter, which weighed 202 pounds and live ounces. The postage for the week amounted to $58,18. This is a good showing and it is not the heaviest week by any means. Telephone. AMusio Class. Prof Lorrillurd will organize a class in music at Corvallis limited to ten people, which be will teach beside bis Albany class. Corvallis people may rely on some very efficient instructions from the Professor, who has given general satisfaction in Albany. Yaquina Real Estate Mew. Col Parker, of the Walla Walla Statesman was in town this morning on his return from Yaquina Bay. He says real estate asents there are bothersome In the ex treme, and hardly allow a man time to eat or sleep. Pendleton c. u , : T......J..U l. u ...... u f,n...... til ll f consideration, I'JIHKl. Mr O'Nell collecU'd tho stipulated two thirds of the $500" Isitius for tho paper mill this week. The Governor's speech In Lebanon last Saturday was a masterly review of the political situation in Oregon. Ilohada warm reception, a large hearing and a host 01 admirers ihiib secret ami confess ed. All the stock for the Cheadlo canal, which is to furnish water power for Leb anon, was subscrilied Tuesday. A corps of engineers will Ira here next week, mid work on tho i-'u.ow canal will begin at an early date. O'Nell Bros have already engaged 2000 tons of straw for their paper mill at this place. It will require tho annual straw product of ttOOO acres to keep the mill In continuous operation, for it must bo re incmU'red that tho machinery stops not night or day for :t05 days in the year. lly far tho largest real estate transac tion iu Iadmnon was made Friday. J It Kirkputrick hotightof J M Cowan his ad dition to .ehatton and 33!$ acres addi tional, for the sum of (i,000. It is sel dom that entire addition change hands In any city. The alsno transaction shows the faith of the purchaser in libation's future to a remarkable degree. rViKNirici.i.v. Some m-ople scowl at science, but the following gives un In stance where knowing something came into play In good shape: A scientific man, w hile out in a Iroat recently, near Seattle, was caught in a fog so dense that it w as impossible to see twenty fact ahead. The boatman stopied row nix nnyiiiK mm iiiey musv wan tor daylight or at least until the fog should clear away, as they did not know what direction to su-cr. Ihrir passenger then showed them what Is-iiellt could l reaped, In emergency, from a knowledge of certain natural laws. Ho says: "I at once stood up in the lnt and' shouted. Nsm an echo camo lute. Pointing in the direetioit from which it prs-eebi. said: 'There is the nearest land.' Row ing half ft mile in a specified direction w e soon reached the land. The fact ujxin which I acted was this: A.r saturated with moisture during a fg is ft much better conductor of sound than when dry. Two results follow : Sounds travel faster, and hence the echo returns more speed ily, and the sound is heard more dis tinctly." That would Is unnecessary here w here there is rarely fog in the river. Tate Auf. -At tho dejxil an aged look ing car attracted considerable attention. On the sides were painted tho legend President's rar." Tin structure was once used by the O A: C'i first president. lien lloiiiiuy, and was then a grand Hair; but now it looks as if it might mve Isdonge! to Noah. Instead it Is if I ib for awhile of Mr Grandohl. ridge suMrinteiideitt for tho Oregon ivision ot the Southern Pacific. Mr randohl, sid--s bis railroad duties ill superintend the construction of Salem's new bridge. He is said to b tie of the l-st bridge builders in the .'lilted States. Cai'sk St m-fctsB. Nothing causes more genuine surprise and astonish men I than for a new spoper man to appear with a new suit ol clothes, w ilhoul it Is lor ft sulsM-rils-r live years Udiltid band to liq uidate. The lawyers new outfit is not noticed, tlu dry gistd clerk's always looks new, the doctor will pass muster: veil the carpenter and painter w ill at- r.tct no attention, but the editor draw big bouse, and "U-en a fire, etretra." gret him numerously, and for a day or two. until the suit looks year old. be feel as if be would like to Wart F.iul- max and alwavs dress the same. Im.kimi iron Thick. Yesterday after noon Dr Allred Kinney received a dis patch from Mr llurr. the chief engineer of the Altsiny and Astoria railway com pany, saying that be would be down ben w itli his entire force on Friday morning's boat, and would immediately begin ojer ations. Thero are alsmt twenty men in the parly, and they w ill kring their pack hor ses and surveying outfit, and start in to complete the survey of the road, prepara tory to grading and" traek-layiug. lliere loom i is-cn miicit talk aisiut this, but there is $2,0tx,00D U hiud the Allsiny and Astoria road is an assur- u no i. This makes two railroads that are now. It may Isa said, under way. Astorian. A l ine l'mi.L. Last night a drill of the entire fire department of Allany was held along First Street, both engines and the hook and ladder company being out. The test showed the apparatus to Ihj In grssl condition. Auioiiu the incidents of the very wet affair was the bursting of a hose in front of Conn A Ilendricson's store, resulting in Mrs Hendricson, son and daughter Wing completely soaked, some of their clothes being ruined, the stream going nearly to the rear of the store. P.iu Dbal. It is reported that a belt of 20,000 acres of timber land In the vi- mity of Buck loike. and tributary to the Klamatu river has Isten sold to a New York syndicate at tT2S0 per claim of 100 acres, ami that the same syndicate hivi Ismded 80,000 acres of very choice land In the same section for $12 per acre. A large portion of this timber land was filed on by ireka parties, oen Kusseu A Alger is one of tliis syndicate. Ashland Record. Ko one can ioin the Farmer's Alliance unless he is a farmer, engaged in noth ing else. hx. That Is a good provision and will knock out a class of men who put some hay seed in their hair and ioin several farmer s societies. the grange tor instance just for business, without any regard for the advancement of anything but their own interests. Another Paper. The Yaquina Pot Coll Van Cleves new paper has arrived. It is published at .Toledo, and contains manv of those start line stories and editor luls for which the veteran newspaper man ha become s-J well known. Yaquina Uay will some oay "get there" and Coll will be on hand. A Tough Diet. A letter recently re eelved in this city from B W Johnson. who U surveying in Eastern Washington on the Hunt system ot roads, say that he has been fesdlng on wind iid sand ever since he has been In fat country. The wind A-as so hard one day as to break the transit causing considerable delay. Corvallis Ga zette. Keep Cool. Some people would have a perpetual era of epcculation in a city, The steady healthy market for building purposes is what builds up a city. Al bany has such a market and houses are going up all over the city, on lota bought within a year or two. This city is show ins the growth that makes good cities and there should be no growls because there is a short cessation from specula tion. A Great Tbeat. Doubtless a great treat is in store for those who may hear Flora Batson, of New York, at the Opera House, Decoration day, f nday evening. May 30th. The press of the country generally regard her as worthy of the title, the colored Jenny Lind. Tickets are now on sale nt Blackmail's drug store See advertisement. 'Disagree Always. There was such a run of salmon yesterday that In some in stances the canneries were compelled to refuse them from the boats. The salmon are in the river in great numbers, and nothing like it has been seen for years. A6torlan, i ne ioiumbtan says it am i so. Olb Fashioned! On the evening of May 28th the ladies of the M. E. Church will give an old fashioned supper in an old fashioned kitchen, the supper to be ' served by old fashioned folks. jjKiiareon j-.aihas ism, j nil rml( sold bis half Interest In the Ht Charles last Monday to Mr Waldo, of Dakota j A TKJIPKisT IN A TBA POT. One of the most forcible rqrecnlailoi;s ot the ''tempest In the tea pot" racket I found In the cock-snd-bul! story told by the OtfgoniuH about the Portland Lumbei Ing And Manufacturing Company In which governor Pennoyer ha an Interest, making a bid to supply the Board of Asylum commissioners with lumber to en large I he asylum. The governor I a member of the board and when the bid were opened It was found that lbe bid made by the Portland company was the lowest bid. The governor, bring unsophl. Heated enough to think that the object lit advertising for bids was to get the lowest bidder, he, Mcllrldo snd Webb a greed at once that the Portland company should have the contract. But before the next meeting of the Hoard the lumber compan; at Salem whose bid was next lowest, (and which company by the way are republicans,) had found out by some mean (hat there was an old musty statute 'hat prohibited any company In which any member of the board had an Interest from bidding on contracts let by the board. Probably not one man In ten thousand knew that such wa the law, snd the gov ernor, It seems, did not know there was fitch law.but just aisoon a hi attention wss called to It he at once declared that the order giving the Portland company the contract must be rescinded. Up to this lime Mcilrlde, Secretary of Stile, hsdbccn entirely Ignorant of such a law, and he greed also, well W ebb, that the con tract must be resclndcJ, and It wa done. The OrrgaHuim attempts.but in a glaring y feeble way, to make political cap'tal out of this little affair. Rut the boncl tax 1 payir I not a gudgeon to be caught In that way. Suppose the contract Mad rW let to the company In which the governor had n interest. The result would have been that the slate would have obtained It lumber cheaper than ll had to pay the Halein eompanv, Ti tlnle ten to l bene fited bf lilt ros of Ik ivermor. This Ittle canard of the Urrgoninn, gotten up be cause It had nothing belter lo produie, will actually mike vole for lbe governor, for every one must see that bu course wa to promote the interest of ibe state. This tftalr I brought against the governor by the Ortfonin as an off ct to the charge gainst I) P Thompvon of signing an or dinance of Ibe city of Portland, when act ing as mayor, by which he, blmelf, be came the owner, without a cent to pay, of strip of land alonj the wharf line, that 1 row said lo be worth u' Ica.l $100,000, Now contrast the motive of the two men In these two matter Had Pennorer's act on been consunvnatcd.lhe s'a'e would have been bencfi'.tsd thereby, but as soon a his attention wa called to the law be said at once that the conlract must be rescinded at once and It was dime. By the action of Thompson In signing the ordinance .e enriched himself ai the expense of the public. The action of the governor In Ihl matter U In perfect accord with alt hi official set The best snd nwH economi cal ad.nnUt ration I In rule ot action. The action of Thompson was, also, In per fect accord with lbe whole history of hi life. By the ac;lon in signing the ordi nance he made a large sum lor himself II rule of action has brrn Ut make money without much regard as to the mean em ployed to do so. ', llow different the men ppear in these twa matter. The Urtge- wan i mare nest has already acted as a erltable boomerang. TUB KTATE' FISANt'KS. When lbe present ilm:tiiktrn!ioa cntctcdoa active, od'nial duty on Januniy lotb, I S87, it found a Stale irulcUcltic,-iuiniinl; in round numlreit lo f 100,000, the piincipal nsit of which, wai (gsinst lbe Swamp Land Fnnd, and some oilier fundi of a similar character. After carefully examining lbe books of bis de partment, the Tieasurer found lhal Ihj sum of (41,618 68 was due the Stale fiom the United States. That at out $13,000 ef this had been due for two years, and not having been demandeii, had lapsed bsck into the United States Treasury, and a reappropriation wai necessary before it could be had. The re mainder had been due nearly a year. This money was at once demanded and having been collecteJ, was applied on the a'xv indebted ness, on which the State had bevn paying lo per cent intetest. lly properly applying on t.iis indebtedness, the receipt from the sales of Swamp Land, and thereby cutting dewn the interest charge, the entire indebtedness of the State was liimadatcd inside of three yean, And more than ibis. In addition to the above nearly $25,000,000 ha been rclundcd to the purchaser of Swamp Land, where the State failed to get the title. An old resident of Clackamas county ay that along lit the 69 when the a sessor wa around, 1) P Thompson, who was then living In Oregon City, thought he had been robbed of $50,000 or $6o,uOO worth of notes, money and valuable pa pers, and that after the assessor was through assessing, D P Thompson found hi property hidden In the barn. 1 he resi dent ays that he supposes Mr 1) r Thompson did lose the $50,000 right enough, but whether he found it in time to pay taxes on It or not he doe not know, Wonder if real estate 1 a high in Baker City a their lunches," was the ex presslon made by "Dollar Mark" Thomp son the other evening In a restaurant in thi city when paying a eventy-five cent bill for himself and two invited friends after partaking of a bill of fare consisting of two poached egg and a cup of codec each. This show his true trait of charac. ter. Money is hit God, and while he ha got a big one In the shape of $2,000,000, he ha not yet satisfied his greed. Oh what a governor he would make! Baker City Democrat. D P Thompson was In the state senate when the Locks bill wa passed and vo'cd to have lhe lock on the Portland side of the river. They were offered to be built on the Oregon Ci'.y side for les money by 4ioo,ooo. The Oregon City people askel Thompson to resign his seat for so doing, but he didn't. They now y that vengsancets sweet, and that for hi unfaithful stewardship that year In the state senate, they propose to snow him un der In June. . The East Oregonim hat the following: A subscriber to the Daily East Oregonian in Umatilla county writes! "A number of Re publicans in this neighborhood are going to vote for Penuoper, Thompson's money may bea.t him, but nothing else will." The same ttory comet to ut every day from various parts of the country. If vou want either to buy or sell your property place the tame in th hand of JR If Ashby bl Lo. THOMPSON ON Tfl ETA Riff, lbe following letter wiltien by J D Whitman was published in the Jackson ville Timri last week. It contain truth that should be known by ever voter In the land: Mmokd, Oregon, May c, 1800 To tiik Editor or Tits Timms! The republican candidate for governor. V V Thompson, while on a visit lo Europt two vear ago, hied himself over to Italy, snd from that protected country (Italy and Spain are the two highest on the conti nent), sends home a campaign letter. In which he attempts to palm upon the peo ple of Oregon quotation of the extremely low wage of Italy' protected pauper a iiv.-ii.iji. ymutr.r WJI VI feurope. Free trade England pay the highest wage on 1'ie continent. Belgium, nearly a free-trade country, pay one seventh les wage than England. France, more protected than one-third les wage man l.ngisnd. Germany, a still higher protected country, pay only about half the wage of Er gland. Italy, with higher protective policy than Germany, pay still les wage than Germany. The American Consul' report show one re markable fact, and that Is, the higher pro tection the lower the wage throughout the European continent, Thompson may have been Ignorant of thete fact; but It I remarkable that he succeeded In finding the country that paid the least wages from which to quote to the laborer of Oregon. In that tame letter he asks a auestlon that Indicate that he I very lunorant himself. or thonght tin peoplo of this state certain- y weie, to wit: II you lake the duties off from wool what will become of the wool en factories of Ashland, Brownsville and Oregon city? To hve brought forth such a brilliant idea, and launched It forth upon ine world, must have racked his brain fear, fully, l ha one redeeming feature: it certainly was an original thought To no sensible person, even ten year old, did It ever occur mat lowering the cost ol the raw material to the manufacturer would ruin hi business. It he Is a ignorant a hi letter Indicates, he I unfit to preside over the destinies of our state. If he Is a deceiver, may God save us from such a governor. I will leave him to hang upon whichever hirn of the dilemma he please. and wait for him to rie and explain. J. I). W. A ttOIKbt?)TAXPAYHt. McMiNVii.LK.Alay isih,i8.. Kdilot t Prmverut ; I hope you can give a republican farm er space In your paper to show the repub Ikan farmer of Linn county the reason why D P Thompson should not be elected governor. There has been more com plaint amepg farmer and granger bout,tbc capitalist of Portland dodging their taxe than about anything else. want to show by the following table that Thompson I one of he most expert and successful tax dodgers In the whole stale. When we oncccome to understand his methods it is not a matter of surprise that he should be worth over a million dollar. These figures are taken from the assessment roll of Mu'lnomah county and mav be relied on: Pi K f 3 3 f 3 3 5 11 J. in'., in 41J acre Itlackln stone OLC. 750 acre in Tp I N, 2 E 2S acre Tp I N IK ariou town lols In Portland I louschold fur niture Sto cks, notes, mortgages, &c, Total $157,3000. lt.159.Kn $34,300 Now deducting the exemption $34,200 from tie total assessment of $157,300 w find that th is Mr Thompson paid taxes last ear on $123,100 when he should have paid on $1,159,200 less the exemption of $34,200 which would have been $1.1 25,000. It is this man whom republican farmer are asked to vote for. For myself 1 shall not do lu I feci that I would be doing the re publican party of Oregon a far greater service by helping defeat tuch a man than by assisting in his election, and there are scores of farmer all through this valley that feel a I do about the matter. Find ing myself unable to be heard In republi can paper I ask that you give this a place In your pater. Granger. APPEAL TO THE CITIZENS OF OREGON IR- RESPECT1VB OV PARTY A t'KILI AT10NS. OH ICR Or THE DEMOCRATIC STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE, PORTLAND, OREGON, MAY 14, IS90. Reliable persons inform us that the manag ers of the Republican party have sent money into most every county of tint State, lor the purpose of buying up tuch purchasable votes as may be had to vote the Republican State ticket. Indeed, so bold are the managers that they have openly boasted on the streets of Portland, that they will spend one hundred thousand Dollars to carry lhe election, and we are informed that one corporation, the Electric light company, has subscribed ten thousand dollars to tuch a fund. We cannot believe that the large and respectable part of the Republican party in Oregon can, or will, sanc tion such practices,and we appeal to them to put a stop lo lhe same, and a stamp of disap proval upon a practice which if carried out, must brine the blush of shnme npon the cheek of every true citizen of this fair state. . If the highest offices of the state are to be purchased from those who are so vile as to sell their votes, then better let ut put up the offices at public auction and knock them down to the highest bidder. This is no' campaign document, but is an honest anneal to all of the citizens of Oregon, irrespective of party, warranted by the danger which is known to exist and if not defeated, will make citizenship quite worm iest. B. Goldsmith. Chairman Dem. Slate Cen. Com 1 1 Hon T I Lucv. our former efficient and worthy County Judge, now living in the Will amette Valley, who is in the city, says scores of Republican fanners in that locality will vote for Pennover for Governor. If the same isn't true in Umatilla county it ought to be. How a farmer can vote for Thompson a againjt Pennoyer.merely on account of politics, -'beats our time.". B 0, Judge Bennett, of The Dalles, who is in the city attending court, says that Pennoyer will surely carry Wasco and Sherman counties (originally Wasco, hich gave about 425 Re publican majority two yean ago. He also says that one Republican farmer told bim he knew of fifty others in his portion of the county, of the same politics ami occupation, who would vote for Pennoyer. E 0. "Dollar Mark" Thompson ha gone from our gaze and the impression left behind him is anything but pleasant fur republicans to con template. Better had he never stepped a foot into Baker City to insure him votes la June, His very presence and his cold hand shak sent an iceberg chill down the tphal column of every whole souled and honest man who met bim, His very countenance depicts Shylock, in whose "hands no quarter could be 1 expected. Baker City Dtmocrtt, v . - J fi $1600, f 100,000 (a too, ioS.oow Jooo, 17,000 433,000 1,200 l,3oo 34,560 500,000 Loth tlm melliml niidresiilts w,tn Syrup of Fijr, 4 lttk . Jt w ami reiresbiujr; to the fuste, nd ucU Konlly yet promptly on the Kidney, Liver ami JJowcIs, demises the sys tem i-irctiinllj, dispels colds, Ik.,,,1 adies and fevers and cures lmbitual cmslipiilioii. gyrop 0f fig, a lhe only remedy of iu kind ever dutUsrl,'Utdtwr to tlC tOKtej Slid IU crptable to tho stomuch, prompt in ' its action and truly Wncfi.-ial in its .'!-eU, its tunny excellent qualities eoi,i:iiri,! it to all. It is for sulo in Vc urnl $1 lroi tie l,y nil lending d'ujTitts. -i'U.CTIJSTO f Hit fV -run 'AUfOMIA FIC SYRUP CO. ti liana 7, C47., wrvrur . i . rom(, n. r PAISLEY A fish .inn DPIUTcpc ALBANY w Special - Announcement!! - OF - W. F. My Spring Stock is now Complete, Embracing all the Latest Novelties in Dress Goods, Ilotli in WOOLEN' and WASH FABRICS. -To The Ladies,- I Make a Specialty of Ladies Underwear, in Knit," HiuBKii ami Muslin. Mv Prices ar the LOWEST y and my Goois the Best. Am sole agent for the Celebrated Y. S. F. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison. :ToThe Men,: Call and Look at My values in i Furnishing -:- Goods.1 I have a Large Steele at lbe Lowest Ptices ever offered in the Talley. I cairy a full line of the wor'.1-renowed ft ROAD HEAD goido, uoexcell-1 for wear and finish. Largo slock cf Exbboideries and Flouxcixgs. and be convii.ced th. Albai y in ihn best trading oint in Oregon. A RARE OPPORTUNITY It Offered Every Day by the Albany Furniture Store L. T. BROCK, PROPRIETOR. To get first-Class FURNITURE, Latest Designs, at IV torn Prices. New Goods will arrive Constantly. INSURE IN THE ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS Insurance Sound; Safe, G, L. BLAQKMA The Leading "Druggist, ALBANY DRUGS, MEDICINES STATiQ.lARY. SpeiltleS-Flne Toilet Artlolei, Pert tmery and Musioaljtastru nor Treiserlptions Carefully compounded dy and night. First National Bank OF A Lit AMI, OKLGO. PrMTrt .......... L. PUVN S. K, YOTNO E. W. LANODOS. Vlo Pr4lt . Oaatilr TRANSACTS A GENERA L bankina hiMit,. ACCOUNTS KKPT blua tn lns-k. SKWt EXf flAJTOE an1 tX rsirhls iru.rf H No York, Baa rrsaoisoo, nraga atl (, COLLECT lOOT ADEmi rsv.snM. Unr.s. Sisseros T. W. LAMirxra f. Toes E Rism, KtrWAse V L. Push, Hox. Linn County Bank, Cowan. Ealston & Chamberlain, ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS ranaral tsuiking btwln. DBAWSloHl ORAPTSon Row Tort. . til ' dregon, LOAN MOWET oo piirtt soeoril , atV.eiVEdTMiUrabt-t eW. Pisa Bank of Oregon. ALEANT, - - - CHECGH. OAPITAZi, 060,000. Prldnt... BR Ya NT Vi! President.. H. V. MKP.RI I f, Cas bier ......... .....M. 4. VV. BLA1 N DIRECTOkH. si ll. Bryant. J vV Bain. dun HanSDhrov. R lfctw.ii. 'KJLstoning, Jl F Merrill. wight acchans I UWrtp'iH trai s fisr on Nw York, Sa F7mie.o a d and all principal points ia Oregon an1 Wasbington, Collection md oa favorahl s term ft. READ. Company. : Conservatii lOREGOL -y