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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1890)
3sci)iiD''j Notice K'olice i hereby i;ivett that the Under signed, duly sppointed, qualified and acting executor of th lat wilt end teetsment of I .y ilia Jones, deaeaaed, lata nf Linn ooun ty, Oregon, hee tiled with the Clerk of th County Court, for said county and state, hi final eocours. and the eours hai fixed the 10th day of May, 1890. attn hear of 10 o'clock a. in., for hearing objections to said aoiwitil and to settle aaid estate, Tlaa 3rd Jay of Apiil, 1N1KX Isaac Mutant, E locator of tha U will of Lydia Jooee,doe'd. City Meat Market . SHULTZ BROS,, Proprietors. K'P full lino of meal f all kinds, In cool pleca, einplrtfy proton-ted; and alway freeli. ala havMoonatantly.oa hand aalmon ad ottot run. Uoburg Lumber. I a? 11 tha beet lumber in tha count? also odar poeta, shingles, laths door and wii.- dow moulding, tto. lYioe from $5 o "-"J nor thouaatid. Yard at Lnwaon, on tha Narrow Gang, oh bi before purchasing elsewhere, V W Ckawpo. P O address, Tallmau, Or, Dclmonica Restaurant, OH FIRST AND ELLSWORTH STS, Tha undersigned having pnrooased tha old Herman rUstauraot stand baa opened ondar tha above oa oe a first-class reatau- aot. We are prepared to famish meal for parties or daoocs oat snort notioe. Oys ter nerved ia every style, eastern or coast) all kin-la of flh know in the market. Employ ouly Sre-cleaa 1 alp, and waiting will ha prompt and oonrteou. Regular meals S3 eta. Coffee of flrst-clas finality and s cup of eoffae and oake at from 5 to 10 eta. I am wall known in this city aad re quest the tiseoa to give me a call. SAMG9E1S rroprietor 1 i- float itork or 2nd pkT foods In tha Val ley, and (be moat rests iaie prioea, both in buying and sol II o a. i have on band all k'nds of FtfiNITUHE, STOVES, H KINASE. THUNXS, B33XS. PICTURES CLQCXS, CSSSXf.RY, nc.,:nc. s wait ofrS B Young, ol store. L. GOTTLIEB 123 First at re. Albany, Or, Fortmillei & (nring, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Ua.Ioi-Fir-t-cta Hsars J. fJ. DUnCAfi, AIT0E5ET AT LAW AID MARY PUBLIC, TUffico In Utrahao'e Block, No's nd 2. AL3AMY, 03EC3H. S. W. Paisley, talaaaj, rs.ea. -WOOLEULB DE1LER IS Tobacco ani Cigars. Orders soli-jited from tke,traJe. FOSHAY & MA8CN, sts-misi asa eatsis Drogistsand CcoksIkra Ak Is for John B. Aldan' pfibllcailona, fetch Wfc eel a p-3'jllelM-r 'e pries, wiu 4LH43T. nueuoe E. J. ttcCAUSTLAf.D, Ci?il, Sanituy ani Hydraulic Engineer. Consulting engineer for Gold Mountaio and Dry Gulch Consolidated CMd and Nil vtr Miui.nCu. Office-, rt Street, Albany, Or. ALBANY OR. WRITS 3 AS & HULBSRT BR03.. Real Estate Agents Farm and Randies feraale. Alan city broperty in Albany and Cory al lis. Wiley A . Itlmsejr, ALB4NY, 4Rr.OO?l. AESTBAOTEE,' fhe Only Complete Set of Abstract books and Maps in Linn County. rOfUca in the Co art Houw,- Uasinnaa cutni.tod to me ra r -imptand careful nUentlon, rill Oil. C A. .7HIT.1EY, Physiciaa and Surgooa. Cradaxte of BIIvae Hoapital Medical Joliege Aow York City. Diseases of woman a penalty. TOffio rdiao's Brick, Albany, Or. D . .BIACttBCB!f, atli. W. W1IORT, oLACsCBunri & wcicht. Attorneys at Law, Will practice ia all the Courts of the State. Prompt attention given to all bnst nes rotinsted tooar cere. Ottice Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or The following ia a partial list of oity and farm property for sale by ns. 4 oi. improved lots on 6th 8treet. ' Eecb 1 lt with hrnisetwo stories on 4th sod Jacki.uS'. 32200. u- with 5 rooms, lit St. flflOO. 1 lot oa Washington St. $3.50. 2v m nt lots on 3rd St. Each, $300. A fiml farm of 410 acre 2 miUe from lfaUiiy. 3'!') per sore. Can be divided and will inoko two good farm. A K'xxl 'arm of 170 acre, 1 mile from Tn gmit, 5 miloe ftoin Albany. $40 per acre. Good firm of 110aoree,3 niilee from Shodd. Trice, $WKX). A good eUick farir, 2 miles from Shedd, 1C0 acres. $2500. A n" notUts with il rooms, large lot Vrior, $1000. Ceveral tract of 5 and 10 acre and a half n 1U1 from Albany. $300 per sere. A K""1 stock farm, 1500 soies, 3 milce from li KeUtion. $ii peraore. A bargain. Farm 3 miles from 8hdil,firt-cla wheat and fruit land, 140 acres. I rice, $5000. 85 acrw 4 m lea from R U. $30 per aero. Cuo lie s lil in lots o suit parchaaers, 111 w'.t r,od lots in Tirna nil's sdiiition to Al'.'ny . Brckcre. TOWN SEND & WILSON, Real Brukert. IlIIEURIATISMs or 6 Veara. niot K nh. Mo., He.wmber IMS. 1 snflVirrd wtth ehronio rbenmatt.ra la f kaeea and snklM M twenty Tram and had te Vecrutchea. I watrtlaltlmeebyiyeral 5-wtor. but was Itnally cured br Jaooha i'ears." W&f&MW? Chrente Cases 40 Yeara' atandlm Cured. THE GOOD OFFICII OFl S Vlla by rnUe rubblug and ppUed frequently, will cute NEURALGIA. 1M aaokett U Brooklyn. W. T , a I was ukan with neurslitn In aite aJ anre4 montha.T was gWan up by oeo ktl. MUfMl bv It ' AUCUA&L A Baroanra and DsAlKM, tKt CMARLE) 4. V0QELER CO.. K TUB YAQUINA UOUTB. Ml) ahlp Une. 25 MILES SSIOIkTER. 20II0UaS LESS TlulE rAn bv anv other k JUs Rrajiliu thmuirh oaaaaniCMr and talirhl line from Port-land and all points b the Wtllatnott Valloy to nil rrotu wan eneleoo. Cat. ThaOreipia rAltJo steamboat on the sYillaiooua rlv divhlon wili leavn t'ort and.Soatn toind, Monday, Wodue.i.'ay .arf it riia at 6 a ni. Arnvoat Oorvallli r.,ui.. ihi,r1i ainJ8uirtUv at S. ! S.m. ileave) Corvallla, Noitu bouud tonday. WeHlnosvley aad Friday n. ArriM ei -nrtland Tuesday. Thun day and Saiarday at S:SU p. in. t) Mw A.i. u.'..)n..Hw and Kridav. both North and' South bound b-u will be over night at SiUetn, leaving here at 8 a. ra. U.. a Miiaa will ntwillon at AlbaO elth iralaa of lb Oregon Faclno rUllroad, TIMS SOHtnUtK. (exaptai"tys) .. . u f MMTuMM. .'Ill 1 H Uave OorwUlie I W r. a. Lear OecvalUa.W;6 A.a Mrl.-e YMOlns, S;M r. a Arne Albany, 11:10 A. I n a 11. trmi.ia coimaot ai Albany and ?.vrallla. Tha above trains oonneotal Taonluawlth tha Orogtm imvwopiaant Onoipa.oy'a Una of htemmahtpa tnaweon Ya'pima ana n rnwww, M.4ILIKU 14TE4 . vans T ' ". rarallun. April th. Wl.lan.tle VaiUy, stay fla. Ptrelloa.MaJl SUk wuiwo. Valley, May Hla: FanUoa, May laua sas raciaoo Wl'aaaette Vall.t. April M h. ParaiM, May th, WUIeiaeUa Vallev, May th. Farallon, May Mth. ilUae;le Valley, May 8Hh. TUn Comuaar ve" aha ngnt to thanre aaittug data without notten, N'.B. r,aaiira from foriland and fUlanieUe Vailev poiiU enn make cloaa joaneotlju wltb who trtUna of tb i equina roaut at Albany or Corvallla, and 11 dee dnad to San FrociJo ataould ar rang to rrlve at Yaq jiua tha everiiug beforw t'Ate f aaulng. "eaaev aea) I'.elaM Males alweje I a Lawea. tat IbfaaMllun mf ly U A 1 Oiapeaan,Prelthl and eo A(n Albany, or W C It Hael, Jr., I, r. nP. ArV. Onm l.eloj e.4 Co., M M.mirfoeery Mm. franco, Ci. C MtlS 4,0. r. erdP Airea . 1'oml.a, OYERLANO TO CALIFORNIA Scuthen: Paci2s Company's Llns. THE MOUNT"silASTA ROUTE. Ifaaeaetweaa Albaiy and ea Prwleen, U aonrs uumni exeana tr aaitv Badweea rertland aaa ataa ,resbee, 8'A r I E ur-. aa 4i a 7;oo r a t aw. a. s.isra ;. a PurUaod Aiu.iiy Hea PianeieM Ar bv Ar liir.l rmnrr aaiLT iKaeept aoaday). t.W A I I Itwra I L tiun (at PurUaod Albmy Luveue Ar I Mil" L I ll:A a a Lf I 0 a USASOI tSAXCM, S.JO 1 ra lb va I Ar Ml 1 LvtoOAHM. Ai:y A-Uxiy LwImu to L I :.a a rl rtSA Lt I eA Ar I s air a l.wr 1 , sera I , Ar 7:S0A I Le Ml. a I Ar PULLMA1 SUTFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, r A;eMue-l41 ol eeo4-Clae raaaca acre, aiiaebedto P.xprea Tralsie. Tae a P. Co'S ferry onkea roiiiwetloa enth all tbc ovular trains oa Urn &Mt sle Wlaio lima o-t ol P Street, " TUn eTeel aide Hul. KTWCEP rvKPLASO tt O.CI. Mud Tkia aaits (Zs-xiH Honnay.)- i a m lurt wul Orv . tt.iii r u l.sov U:4f ra Ar l. sxraessTSAi sailt (ExMip'.Saiulay. 1.60 ra I U . (.rUii(l UcH.miville Ar I :0 A a l, I r. l'i a a 0 ra I Ar ''ricli-etH Tn all Miiite eouTJ r J fsrx" east .VIA CALIFOK.JlA. Pol f nu luforastlon -evH:4 rstee, msi, ete. all oa Onmnsnr Agent as M'avy. . KOKHLBK P. KOOEBS Manarer m,'tU. 9. and P. Ap J, Ji. VlTWEYs -iui.iey Ana CannscllGr At La? ND 4Totar Fnb.lCe alba:: ghecch Will pro3 J I all of tha Oonru aU State. All b 1ii.ih Introste 4 to hi will be promptly a&tended to. FRANCIS PFEIFFE1L PKOPBTKTOROF - Albany 8oda Works Aiid Manoraetarera of :E0ISE CONFEbTIOSEEY. A' mi now propxrw to rilt at wliolt, $, always frwth and pme at forth, ud ik to doalort.. We ' "' keep a full ejf Ants and Tropical Fnits, CIGARS AND TOBACCO JAKES P. HEAD, Attorney at law andTitla Eiaminor, ALBANY OREGON. Will practice in all the-courts of the State. Abstract of Title furnished on short notice- Ten jvars experience. H M.I, t. iililti HAY k SENDERS. uealors in General IbrnandioB. KAf.HSSSUHG - - CRECCH DR. JAUIES ELEYDEH, Bralnata of EMurg. Scofland. located In Albany. Frc 31 ble borough knowio lx of "bis prntenHlou ajd hl orpsrianoe of 10 yeara as an (AHm oer in a Caval.'y Kogtnient, he boes to mnrlttbe patronage of those Interested in borsva, oattle, aboep, eto. Ho would al retminmeud hid aotution or llnameot for soft) abouldera. ora hack, broken kiieua. aouiids, sprclns Pri :e, one doi lar pr bottle. TOKlce at JobaSclimeer'a'ivery Ma tile. WH AT Hit ItEASUWH WKUR ' Why an r"m-tru.!iii Wanted a tai'llfon Mile- The follow lrij la an open U'tu-r from a pronilnrnt Maattit liinilt lni Htitmifai'l- urcr to a congrcasninn: Jlt.RToN, March at, 1890, To Hon. Eilinh A Moraf, llmise . f Uep rcatttnllvts, Waahlngton, 1 C, Dbar Stfti Yoa are reported as oppos ing th lcvinu 0! a tax on linpoited hides; you have said that the dulv, It Imposed, would work Injury to jour conatltuent lit Brockton. 1 am not one of your constituent, hut I have had my factory In lirockton for a good many veins, and I have pnld taxes there ever since 1878. On the strength of this, acting for myself alone, I w.lte to ask you nt to oppose the duty on hides, My reasons for making this request are the following: llccauae wool I the keystone of your protection arch, and if we can knock that out your whole flimsy structure tumbles down. a. Because "consistency I a Jewel," and If you protcctlonlats wUh to be con. slstent you oulit to put a duty on hides as B ou keep duty on wonl. 3. Uccauseth people 01 this, cuuntry do not yet ful'y appreciate the fact that a duty on wool Is an oppressive burden upon them all, and this fact will ba appreciated when It Is taug'-t by a proper object leeeon. Such an object lcon lll be furnished by a duty on hides; this duty, If Imposed, will demorallie the whole shoe and leather In dustry tor about tlx months, and thus ex pose In Its nakedness th mlscl.lcf-woik Ing ' scheme which your party ehooae to call "protection fsr American labor." 4. Decause the thing which you call protection has been and is nothing more r less than a government pudding. The pudding-seeker swarm to Washington, each one trying to see how he can get. The pudding distributors are vainly try ing to satisfy the seekers. The Impoeel. blltty of harmonising conflicting Interests will make It Impossible for yon to continue the distribution of favors to those who come to Washington fa!.ly claiming to represent the people. 5. Because I have been taught prsc tical business enpeiicnce to believe that our country cannot attain the highest possible Inlustrlal prosperity un;ll every particle of the protection element Is elim inated from our tariff schedule, and be cause I bcll-ye that the placing of a duty on hides will quickly bilng about this re suit. 6. Hecsuve I believe in a tariff for reve nuo only while you believe In a tariff for politics only, and because I would like to see you and your protectionist friends com rait political suicide by an act of supreme foly. 7. Because it Is beautiful to see the ad vocates of a tariff for politic only ly Ing themselves uo In a knot, ani! the tighter you tie the knot the bet'.er it Is for the In tersts of the people. 8. Because you protect Ion lata have I1 In your power t make the hide an Instru ment for the salvation of our Industrie. If you put a duty upon It, we shall strug gle and suffer for a few months, and after that American Industries and American labor will be able to entirely throw off the burden of all oppressive tariff taxaUon.and will enjoy the prosperity your party no denies them. I remain, dear sir, respectively your. Jam M cams. ua jo, lau,a spoon poanva tjyt j pus sjtii 4 0 tuao o J"j saoieuHsi nep ) seea f HI Mi. DOUGHERTY. On Friday, May 2nd, 1H!W, at 10 :.T0 o'clock a. m.. at Mr. I. JJ Woodk;', in Alliany, Katie, the wife of 1 lina. iKjugherty, jftt ' year. Sir, Iloiijihfrty wna Imricl Uiat Hominy nt 1 i, REST PERFECT HEALTH f The only remedy known which wilt Sttts lis Islriiirs Processes of tha By this nattirsl and simple meanslt quickly and permanently CUBK8 All Forma of DyspepaU. Constipation, Mental and -Kerrone Exhaustion, General Debility, ttrala rap;, or any exhausted or weak ened eoaulUon of the system, from what ever cause, Bkln Eruptions, I lulls. Run Bins; Korea, Scrofula, and all Diseases of the Ittood, Stomach, liver and Kidneys. 81.00. SIX BOTTLES FOR 85.00. Dr. Timer's M pare book, deserlptl ve of ny draatlne Keetoratlve and his other itemed iti. aeut free by mail. KILLER DRUB CMan Franclsso, Ca!. FOB SALE XiY FOSKAY & Mm, ALBANY, 0C!. Pianos. Tboai wi . firs', class (nsirunwnt, 'ha bolt 014 wiund the ollme of th Ooatt, cau b ed hy call Ins; at Mrj B K tiyuiH'a, -Ho tho Ma)nlo Tem pi", on Firt ro,. The latent vooil and instrumental munlo kept for ale,alao lbe large-t aasirt moot nfHUmpIng patterns to select from this id j of 'Krisoo, i aon gl veo lu pa" ug and embroidering In her studio ov Linn Oounty Itank. ilv tr youro :r and y rti will ia pleased. J. P. Whiting, Artist. Ins ruction given, and work exe cuted in Landscape, Portrait and De corative Painting,,Lettering,,Desig ning and Mechanical Drawing:. Rooms 8 and 9, Foster Block, Al l any Or Conrad Mever, -PBOPKlrCTU OPW STAR BAKERY Cntuer BroaialMn ani First Sts -DEAI.KB IS- 'nuned Fratts, JlitaaiBveee, '6rte Frnlfa Etc., t'suufl JSe -', Qneenswmv, Fcgetisb'e'si. Vinr . Hp' tu m, Ten, Ktc. " .. .Ct OVorytUiiiv! thu. In I . vartnty end (crocr? a rket priefl paid for bo? it la a e,n -m. liliflipRt ici::bo s a u ve Y& QRATJVE it '1 TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Qnit Werk. CiitCAOo, Mny a. The threatened ililtert In this city, which nmy be snid to have tcch nlcally begun yeilcrdny when orgsnUcd lalior took Its holUlny, were not mxls smisrenl until this uiorninu, when the men failed to rrtuine work at nmny shop The uia In the viiinily of MiCormstk's Kesner Walks had m . . V .... !... .....M.-... P...t.1 I lOVir jenis BK"' isuus . siiii:i nwm 1 " or en nn.l iney nsu n.e-.n, r-w; , ' Ki.. " r,:':.i " ,i Zl Zm K 1..... I let I It a tn 1 In a I .la 1 IIOII HUIH1VII I ntllt; SIM. I. Hit., ixiiv.niii aitecU isoiii. The lotnl numlier of employes U I2mi. S'o particular reason wsi assigned by the mm for ipiulng woik, Hot Hermann f bough. WakIUMoton, Mny a. Representative Snyrcsol Tsxns, nnd lllnnd, of Mitsourl, have covered Into the treasury the money stolen by Silcott, which the court of claim determined was due them dui ins Ills discussion of the Silcott bill in the house. These gemte'wn held that the members and government"jhouVt suiter the lota of this money. As theie w n i other wsy fur the department to accept tl.s money it was turned into the conscience fund. Oilier members believe that thev are not en titled to this money snd nuriKwe to introduce a hill auituHiing the seigeant at arms to cover into the treasury at the end of the session any money remaiulnc in hi hands. They will then decline lo draw money to their credit for Novcmlier salary. A Libel Salt. Walla Walla. My a. The libel suit of John I'icsrd v the Daily Journal and M A Csiis, the poor house keeper, wsi oa ttisl to day. I'icsrd sued for daamaget of f J$,ooo scainst each party for defamation of character. In a card sicned. C'aris, It was published in the Journal that he, l'Usnl, had buried persons vtttose mentis paiil him Mie presented itinera! bill of the county a pauiier. There wa not much evidence, the case turning on taw poln'.s Hincinally the examination 01 witnesses and aw Miaabbles orcuimicl the entire tlsy. Ar- euments will leiHn 10 morrow. There is little diiubt that the verdict will be for the defend ants. 'rest Vires, Minneapolis, May a. Specials fioin vuii- ous parts in th Northwest indicste quite a general trouble from forest fires. Th most serious are in the vicinity of Ashland, W and llrainerd, Minn , where valuable property is in dancer. The extensive lumber nulls ol e Governor 1'tlUbury, at Uull river, Minn. are in imminent danger. Slatle nulirfsy, CHICAGO, May 1. May day, with iudein onsiiatiun by organized lalior in bcha f of an eight hour work day Us come and goae, and the predictions of tk.1 and hloodshid end an almost universal strike have not bceu realbed, I Abor, indeed, was in a great measure sus wnded, l-ut thuse who diopped their tools for the day did not d so for the puipuee of tsking up slicks and paying stones and indulging ia noioits tlcmonsiratit'iis. Thousand 01 them quit woik fer the day 10 march in the great; and many more thousard made U a iioUtlay. nia Water. SroKAxii Falls May 1. The Spokane river and liibu'ary branches have laiscd to a hiuker point than ha ever been known before. .Nsvtr'.thjn on Coeur t Alcne lake M practK'al' ly susii.tled, and some of the bridges over Ih Sjioksne river in this city are deemed in dan ger U being wsahed away if the flood increases I he river boa been tisliig at the rate of three inches a day of late. Boom of log a being damaged. noaslaasve Mill. Nkw Yok, May i-Tbe Sun this motnirg in a double lea JeJ editorial, says: New York will be entirely unsnimou in the national democratic convention of 1S92, Th entire delegation wili be earnestly, enthusiastically, unchangeably In favor of nominatioa of a s'a learns n a hose democracy is most genuine whose genius has been proved by much experi ence snd by oisny battles. It is almost ored tvsa to add that the statesman to whom w re ler is David Bennett llilL No other man live in North America alio can carry tlie slate of New York try a majority an sure or so Urce as inal siitt.6 ia reaily in suppott of I J IS II ill. Badly raalsfced. Sah Fancisco, May 1. The Chronicle' San Ilicgo special says, A morning psper state that it has Just come to light thas a party of CUncae who bat week attempted 10 smuggle themselves into the United States from Lower Caliluroi, got lust on the desctt and had a terrible eipcnence, one of the party dying of 1 thirst and exposure. Th;y found the frontier so closely cuaMed that they stole lo tlie east ward and cot into desert. Here they rat lost and wandered aimlessly around ftr several days, suffering greatly. ' Dial tsrlermlaed, Sam Fascisco, May r. C P Huntington, accompanied by A N Toane and Francis Fessrndcn, retuined fiom Oregon to day. White in Oregon the ptoptieior ol the South ern Pacific in stale was carefully inspected .Ium what new roar's will lie completed in Oregon not yet been determined. A Creal Kveat, Lo.Ntx), May I. Mny Anderson will ar rive here early in May, Her marriage with Navarro will be solemnized at Brampton era tory. The rush fur sesis hss already beeun. Among hit bridemaid w II be a daughter of Lord Lytton and the bride' sister. ' t'laal Decision, S a i.em, April 30. 'The county court of Polk and Marion counties, in Joint session here tbis afternoon, reached a final decision in the matter of the construction of the bridge across the Willninette at Salem. The cost is to be about $75,000 in atl,$2o,ooo being appropriat ed by each county, and the same amount vat ed by the city of Salem, The material of the old bridge goes to the contrsctots fo ft 1,000 and the balance will be paid jointly by Salem and Marlon, Hoffman & Bates, Portland, get the contract. The biidce will be three simiis. all steel, and is to be completed by eccmber The KlftM Boar Wove, Chicago, April 30. To-morro Chicago will witness a demonstration of workingraen in the eight hour cause under the Joint auspice of the Trades Assembly and the Central Labor Union. Some of the organized lenders pre dict that 50.000 peopl will maich in proces sion, but this is probably an excessive estimate A conservative labor man says at least 30,000 laboring men will be in line. About 160 trade organizations will lake port, beside a large number of miscellaneous workingmen. The rlshermea. " Astoria, April 30 -Yesterday morning a steamer came down from up the river.biinging the body of Jack Haymsn.the fisherman killed near Raih:r Tuesday, and Johns, who wai wounded at the same lime. John wa taken to the hospital. The steamer brought the in foimation that another man was lying dead on the beach near Rainer, and the coroner left inv med ately to bi ing the body here. Five men in all were shot, three of whom were killed; the other two will probably recover. , Two Farmers, Bolivar, N Y April 30-Early this morn ing Henry Smith, a farmer.residing at Jordan, near here, shot Rufus Carnaghaa, also a farm er. The men ditputed about the treanaasimr ui atoca on eacu omcr property, not words were followed by blows, and during the tursle Smith drew his revolver and without warning fired two shots into Carnaghan's body, Car naghan is still ative, but will die. Another llallread Coming. St Taul, April 30. It is rumored here that tbe Vanderbilts will secure control of the Great Northern railroad at the coming election and extend it to Puget sound. Foa Samc. K g'l driving hirso; vnrk well single or doable, lifsilencs 011 ian non donatiou cUiin. L N ALLaa . MARRIKll. , GALBRAIT1I WEDDLE On the evening of the 27th of April, 1890, Mr J N Galbraith nnd Miss Coadnev J Weddle were united in the bond of holy matri mony by Rev Thos A Yost,at the home of tha bride's parents near Sweet Home. Quite number of their many friends as semblrd to witness the ceremony that united two of Linn county's best and highly esteemed citizens. That their vov. age o'er the sea of a matrimonial life migJit l. I lt.m,. nr. la ,!-.. ...l.-U - VI DC A iilllJJ iij una vuv. ib iiii; wimi U Jail who are acquainted with these estima KYA!VtiCLI('4l tOSIt'l.HKt K, In Kasiern ateriM Bearkrs Aibaay. Fhiuav's Sassiowa. The Evangulicttl confurcuca ticld Its priilltnlnary incftinj tu the reulitr con ferencu work at the church yesterday 'afternoi t'd wei 1 ,-..1. moon. The Ansodntlon officer ekt- i iiKTH'iiimr. . iimi ri'.iiii'iiL : p. n iuihiiiu. Hue A U' J Hill, 'i rpiifi. True-teen t HomlnarV. fl t? f.dlnw .ml W J wv e v .....r... , a " e.- . Woodward. An t-tirdlliiu-iit of Wit reported for that wdMNil. 1 ThI itiorntiiK at 8:15 the uiciiibor of vne r.vanKemai wiiiureiuio niei at me church, whi'ii a very stirring time fol- lowed, harmony Iwcomliiif diwjord. Kovlat lncke moved tnat ev Ikiwerwox act a Chairman of the conference, lilnhop Thos llowinaii, already in the chair, a- i-i ma nnwMiruy.nnu m ruu ui vi'iiiu-1 ion followed, Iwiweraoa iKsitig chosen by 1 ft maturity : but Mr Ikiwman Itelnit in the chair kept the sent. Then lU v How- eroxwitli ten awedlnir minUter with' drew to the Al Jr. I'liun li Houtli and tlie llowiimn lurtltiii continued at the K van- it (Mlcnl clnirch. ik'fore Icavinn lie forni' ally NttNpetidcd all of them from the func tion 01 tlie iiilnlutry. in til oMning prayer the Itthop Hiko of the inurliina tionsof "bad men. very td men. hardly knowina w hat they are iiolntr, eoinit from one step to another until they w ili be lead down to dcNtrttction," which we mention to show the feelinit exiHtiiiK. i lie trou ble aeetiiN to have arien over tlie nuetion of the nowera of tlie lUhoi.Htartme with tne arbitrary trial 01 an editor 01 one 01 tlie religion paper, followed by the atia tenlon of utittiLfni,it I claimed by the Mecedera, arbitrarily by iilhon liowiuan. A coiniuittoe of fifteen appointed by the general conference HUMpemled Bowman from hi ottice ; but tiie Bilio( dot not auapend and continue to rcpreaent the clnirch, which ia nld to be aomewhere nearly evenly divided, on tlie matter. A Hie matter of church property l vitally at take the contest i a very intereatinic. thouxh an unfortunate one. The matter of appoiittiiienta will tie watched with Interest, a well a tlie central uroceed- ing of the rival faction, which we give aa wen a we ran get incin KVAXtlCLICAb I'OKPKBKXCR. T. BOWMAN, CIIAiaMAN. One of the most diwracefttl ac-ene ever witnessed took place in the KvanueUcnl Church of thia city thi niornlinr, at the ojHnlng of the Oregon Annual Evan gelical conference. Tlie conference la nearl evenly divided on tlie present church trouble. At the arrival of the hour for theoicning of the conference the diauVcted element planted them aclvea firmly at the door of the church, evidently to prevent the Bishop from taking the chair. When the hx r wa opened there waa a rush bv that element to gain the cbalr. The Blahop.repreaenb- ing me myai element 01 tne church ana in full authority of hi oflice, waa the mot fleet-footed. Unit reaciiett tlie chair, but clone upon hi heels followed V V l'ollinif, who up(cl upon the Mat rum and nmte the motion that in the absence of the Bishop (who wa by hi ide) that F 8 Ixick preside a temnorarv chairman. The Btahun declared that he waa there a Blahop of the kvaneeliral Association. but in a moment more tiie liouae wa thrown into the moat diKraccful row. It wa only thronish the authority of the local truateea that the row wa nmdled. the holder withdrawing to the M E Church HoutU to hold their rival waition, I lie loyal conference, alu?r a lull, w ent on with their buyim-M. 11 J llithticr wa appointed 8ec., L S Fiaher.assinUnt. N hhupp, of the Ohio, and J K HUiop. of the Indiana conference, were received into the aame relation they utaiiicd in uieir reiecuve conference. " A Krneat. Mr Burliniram. J M I'reir and C M McElroy were received into the con If re nee, S E Meminr and E It lr!chard were preacntcd to tlie conference. iniring the afternoon aeaaion the follow nit reaolution were pajescd : Wits at Aa, A numUrof our brethren withdrew thi morning from the confer- "'f without any just or reasonable cause, yet aa this conference i disposed not to act in any iiaran manner, therefore Kenolved. That we recommend that II J Biltner and M Burlin-ame be appoint ed a committee to wait on those brethren and in the name of the conference assure them that if thev will return to the con f frc lice either in a body or aa individuals they will be dealt with in a Christian spirit and reasonable manner providing uiey win return at me opening of the morning aesaion Tlie two Presiilinc!Eider district were then consolidated into one district, called Portland district. II I utttner was then elected aa Presiding Elder. IBr isher waa elected conference trus tee for three year and N Hhupp for two year. L 8 Fisher, of Portland, wa elected a conference treasurer and N Hhupp, of In dependence, treasurer of tha Missionary eocicry. BATt aOAY NOMMNtl After the oieiiiiiir of the conference In regular order tlie landing committee re ported. The committee on worship reported a foilowa,which wa adopted by the confer ence : tvangeiieai church, II l Bittner thia even Ins, 7:45. Ordination sermon Sunday morning at 11, Bishop Bowman Missionary meeting Sunday evening, Bishop Bowman. 1st Presbvterian church Kublmtli evenlng.N Khupp." M E Church, Punday evening, J E, stoops. Christian chtircb, bunday evening, V Bittner. Tit It rrim 1 1 ontu.inlAl fts. wall t tho brellircn w ho left the conference at tlie opening of ita session, offering concil ating measures, reported a hearing was not- granted. The followlns was passed Whereas. Statements have been made in the public press in reference to the o- caunu suspension of onr bishop, Thomas Bowman, of Chicago. III., therefore Resolved, Tiiat we, tiie Oregon confei cnce.most resjwtfully request the bish op on next Monday 2 p. in., to make a full and detail statement of the cause leading to the present opposition in the Evangelical church.and the facts con nected with ins so-called trial and sus pension 2d, That we most earnestly solicit the Evangelical memliers, public and local reporters of the press to be present and near vue suuiApieni. Tlie conference then adjourned until Monday at 2 p in. - CONPEKKKCB ReI-OBTER. IVANOE1.ICAL CHAIRMAN. C'ONFKENC, 1 BOWEKSOX, Tlie members of the Oregon Conference of tlie Evangelical church, met in the Evangelical church, of Albany, this morning. Amid great excitement caused by tiie suspended bishop, Thomas Bow man, the conference was called to order by Presiding Elder, C C Poling, who nominated Rev F S Locke, as temporary chairman. The conference was then opened with devotional exercises, after which Rev J Bowersox, the faifhful and well-known Presiding Elder, was elected permanent President.- The agitators continuing their distur bances, tlie conference adjourned to meet in tlie M E church, south, which had been kindly tendered. Conference met in M E church, south. seventh annual session. Eleven ministers answering to the roll call ; J Bowersox was elected permanent chairman, and J L llerscbner, secretary ; W 0 Kentner, M J Ballentine, W L Beaumont, and F J Strayer were receiv ed injtiie conference npon presentationof their credentials. V 8 Bollinger, W C Kentner and F 8 Locke were appointed committee on resolutions. V C Kentner wAs chosen chairman of reportorial staff. A It Johnson was ap pointed assistant secretary. D V Poling and 0 8 Haines were granted license to preach the gospel. Eev Prichard and Rev Mcminger were introduced to the conference. The conference ordered that all offices held by those who have wilfully absented themselves from this conference session be hereby deicared vacant. J M Dick and J Bowersox were elected conference trustees. J Bowersox conference treasurer. Standing committees were appointed and adjournment had till 1 :30 o'clock. The afternoon was spent in considera tion of reports which will be given to morrow. Statements of the position held by each Biue will tie presented to-morrow, being received too late for publication today. During the afternoon acnxlon of venter day a Ktfttement of the pogitlon of this fiM'tlon of the conference was tirenarerl. Bfttlng forth mibiitantially the fact al- remly glven.niul giving the following rea H011 for their noaitloit : elty 1. Two aiuilicnnt for the mlnlt.rv were rt'ftiscd fxiiiiilimtlon Wan mi tin-van. wcred in the afllrmatlve when anked wht'tlier they believed that IliHhop Thorn 2. Two ini-n lioiritf ninxiliitiKl bv itm board of ininalon to the Orctton confur- ence uurinsr the vear. andaa it lapiiab.m- arv for the innortw;o In rtnv ono-balf t thetmvetinitexticniteeof auchanoolntei.,. the majority of the coiifort-nce agreed to uo o again, providwl that two other men with promtr credential, and who came their own exmmac. 1m alan row lvod Into the cniifernei. T this ti blHhoii adherent, volclnir hi ai-nti tuunt, poaittvely rciuaed to agree. a. in rem were made tiiut aeveral prominent ntembera of thi conference would be suspended because thev had circulated a religious paper known a the I'.vangeiicRi, aim necattse they had mrn ished evidence to the committee, that tried and suspended Bishon I J Esher. All ellbrts to learn whether these threats would lie carried out were met with such replies as Indicated that thev would be carried out at any cost. 4. Ihe.eplthet "Publishing house rob ber," applied to us by this would-be bishop, w e declare to be a bane slander a we demand nothing more than the money appropriated a year ago for servi ce which were rendered during this pat yenr. These are but lew of the many reasons and facts which we tuight idaee) before the public, and which have influenced uj in taking the position we do. We ask for nothing but what is right. We demand that our convictions lie re spected and the laws of our church be obeyed by our church official, aa well as by tne ministry and the laity, and we know that a thinking public will approve of our course in standing like men for what our consciences and our convictions hold to be right in tbe sight of Ood, Kigned : C C l'ollng, F H Locke, 11 8 Pratt. C N Plowman, J M Itcaucitanip, 3 M Hick, N 8 Haines, A It Johnson, E H Bolinger, J L llershner, J Boweraox.W C KanUier.M J Ballentine, W L Beaumont Thos A Yost, U V I'oling, 4 Strayer. aacoKo hay. Conference was opened with devotinal exercises by the president, Kev 3 Bow- crsox. Journal of first day's session waa read and approved. CommitUHi on worship presented the following report : preaching in the church, sou 111, aa follows : Saturday, 7 :45, p m, Kev E f Bollinger Huntly, 10 ;4, a in, lie v W C Kantner, Pre, of Lafayette seminary. Humbiy, 3 :3U, p m, ordination service, ItevJ Buwersox. Hunda v. 7 :43. t ni. missionary services. Addresses byltcvj M Tick and President Kantner. Hunday, ireachlng at East Portland and Albiua. ltev C C Poling. The treasurer of the utiaaionary soci ety presented his report. Committee on quarterly Conference record reported, adopted. The following reaolution waa adonted Wiierkas; We are tlie duly and legal ly orva nixed and constituted Oregon conference of the Evangelical associa tion, and aa such control the property eituat within the bounds of this confer ence, therefore Ur.wM.VEii: That no sncb property can be lrgally conveyed unless it be ordered and sanctioned by this conference body. and that the resju-ctive board of trusbMa of the Evangelical association, in the state of Oregon, and the state of Wash iiigbm, and the public, and hereby are ariricd ttiervol. and in' structed to govern themselves according ly, as all conveyances otherwise ordered are illegal, Lafayette, Oregon, was chosen a the ..l- !.- .1.. ri,.I...J An-il laui.aa the time, for tha next annual conference s-sion. The following constitute the board of examiners. Applications for the ministry. L M Pick, w u IRaumont. First year's class. A It Johnson, M J ItalUtntvne. Hecond year's class. J Bowersox, V C Kantner. Third year's class. C C Poling. J M Beaucliamn. Fourth year's class. K S Bollinger, F 8 Locke. Committee on finance reported, adopt ed. Adjourned. Coxpcaaxcc Rii-oarea. CORNECTIOil. Whereas, In a report from the ex-Bishop Bowman' conference published in the IhcMocaAT of was stated that tlie sentiment of the conference was pret ty evenly divided with reference to the authority of the suspended bishop. there- fora I. Inlin I. Hrahntr. Kiwitrv nf last: 1 years conference, and Secretary of the Evangelical conference this vear, declare that the roil of conference members in cludetl the names of l(i ministers, 5 of whom constituted the Bowman faction while the balance, 11 in number, organ ized the Evangelical conference, which is now in session in the Al r. Church South of this city. J L Hebhiiskb IKI) COX1EJITIWSI. A tonaly Tlrket Koaslaasesl, Tlie County Convention of tlie Union Labor party met at the Court House at 2 o'clock May 1 and waa called to order by Dr Ilendrex. Dr liendrex waa made permanent chairman and A Y Smith, secretary, usual committees were ap pointed and reports adopted. Seventeen delegates in attendance. Altera lengthy discussion on platform the convention adopted tlie state platform, with an amendment opposing all forms of tho li censing of the liquor traffic. The following nominatfons were wade Senator. Dr J F Hendrix. Representatives. II W Parker, W B Adams, w Auleason. County Clerk. John S Morris. Recorder. A Y Smith. Sheriff. D E Junkin. Commissioner. O W Isham. Assessor. Frank Thayer. Treasurer. J C Hamilton. CtV. rKtsjOYKet' A rP01JTM KNTS. Sylvester Pennoyer, democratic candl- drte for governor, will address the citizen of Oregon at the following times and place: Molalla, Wednesday, May 7, 1 p m. Sllverton, Tu-iday, May 8,1pm. Gcrvals, Friday, May 9, 1 p in. . Lebanon, Saturday, May 10, a p m. Brownsville, Saturdays May 10, 8 pm. Everybody is reo nested to attend t i. die ate cordially invited, - B Goldsmith. ' Ch'n Dem. State Central Commitee. WHAT A nil- To see a woman' lovely features mar red by unsightly pimple and blotches. Young woman, defective nutrition is the cause of your blemishes and the sooner you take a faithful course of Dr lllller's Hprdrastine Restorative the sooner you will cease to be an object of pity. For ale at Foshay & Mason', druggist '. Epoch, The transition from long", lingering and painful sickness to robust health mark an epoch in the life of the individual. Such a remarkable event Is treasured In the memory and the agency whereby the good health ha been attained is gratefully blessed. Hence it Is that so much la heard In praise of Electric Bitters; So many feel thry owe their restoration to health tu rhe use of the great alterative and tonic. If you are troubled with any disease of kidneys, liver or stomach, of long or short standing, you will surely find relief by use of Electric uittos, acid at 50c and $1 per bottle at Foshay & Mason's Drug store. I e , Dkibd Plums. 4 will give the highest market prioe far choice dried plum for tbe next 30 days. ?k 'i.T. Yocxn. Alb.,r, Or., .";:!!:,.;, j . nOMKANU A nun til THURSDAY. of Jordan Volioy, B II Irvine. is in the Tbo sod Diuivl Hulioil, nepnew of Ar chitect Htlill, ef this uity, arrived in Al bany last nUdl from DakoU, aod will make Altianv their lioine. Mr Jsv W BUiii rniurnsd lt avnnina 'nun Newport, wm re he wont 10 mabe ar rangi iii-iils I r Kceiiriiig a )i'ii lir me stiiniimr'nioiitlis. Col Itnvif is said to have remaikedonec that theOreuon l'eciHo would never be ld until hi purjiose of com eetton wl'h a tro eootinental line h-d bn aaooniplisi.ed. Kumar of orooosetl ssios should be taken with allowauon. lb uniforms used bv the s'lrfcrnwi.'s Cor- liat Band diirin it ikiftiiee bvi ln sold to a band at Brownsville for $173 They were sinppei mare last wssk. j ner is protwbility that they will also purchase the Instruments --Kugeoe Rtster The Alliany Ioe Work hsv Jnat ereettxl a sold storaee Warehouae, soinetbiotf that will be of meat bn-Ht to Albany, an insti tut ion too that of 'en he a good allied sulmidy attachment, but in Alliany thing ar don without much bluster. I)J P Wallace will leave with hi Utility in a few dsvs on a trio to ti.s east. He v. ill siieud aeouplir months in New Yoik and other eities, while his fam-ly will visit at at theii former home Knosville, Trim. They expect to be gone about lour month. HlLAMlou Yot'NO Peoplk. -Yesterday afternoon Mr W 0 Tweedale took Ins mother riding Into tbe country, returning at a prearranged time. Mr Ga-retson on going into the bouse was greatly surprised to Jnd awaiting her a live company of voung People, at least In thought and action, ranging In age from 6s to 87 year A live afternoon wa spent, not in playing leap frog or lawn tennis ; nut in socia chat of the present and past. The average age of those present wa anout 74 years, the total age Suod all were widows but one. f ollowing is a nt wmi ine s re- Mr E Fisher, 87 ! Mr S Bentley, 8J ; Mr S M Hogue, 70 S Mrs R Young. 76 j Mr E S Hpencer, 7a j Mr W 8 Miller, 71 5 Mr A M Uvermanj! 5 Mr main. 10 1 Mr M A Garre'son, 70 i Mr R Stewart, 69, and Mr 0 Moorc,5 PXIDAV. Mr 0 tl Hotpphrey, of Portland, is in the etty. Mr Nat Bedoath. ef SUtiUcootw. W.h is in tbe elty, tbe uet niMt vv iaan Asbby & Neil sold to day a bouse and lot on rirsiBireei 10 It usmpman. veswtwrs . . . . . ., V : 1 tiooZlCOtl. Mr W K Farrelt boncht of H limpman house and lot on Washington street. Con sideration 12000. A cement walk is being built on two tide of tbe new Univeraalist Cbuich.instcad of ou on aa waa at first intended. Albany business men quite generslly now are making monthly co'ieoiiona, a cusvm that should lie followed by all. There will anon be a meeting of the Alum ni of the Albany Collig.ate Institute to make arrangement for eotninenocineutday. Mr E It Skipwortb. olerk f tbe hnprstne Con rt, this morning reatmndiid to a telegram annoeneing hie father's rinist!lue, and went to St John , below l -wtlsnJ, to attend him. Sslem Journal. Mrs W J Plymale, Ulursph;orepoitt for the Dreijonisa at Jscktonvbe, ia visit with Mr O 8 Pcltock. Mrs, Plymsle paid a visit to th ollege this afleooon and was much pleased with it maoagemeou Tbs expense of Dolph' senate luve-li-gating Cotnttiilto were almnt tUllO Sev eral o-smepoodenta who were kept od-r sobpena hfty-ooe days, a'thongh pot testi fying twice, have been pid $153 each, ai.d are m hope that another n.vrt.gatiutt will be uisiltnu-d. ArCKOAT. Cosick's addition , F. M. French keep railroad time. Bock os tidy drip at C K Browneli'. Anti-swear cmff button at Will & Stark's. Do yon want a borne ? Buy a !t in Fair Dale. A nioe line of Windsor tits at Barrows & Aearla. Great bargaioa in watches at Will & Stark 'a. 7. . Wallace, Physician au.lJSarsefo, Al baay.Or Choine canned sweet potat so at C E Browovli'. Prepr.l"rn.tkrc'f jn lib cans, at CE Browne!!'. Desdqaarter f .r garden see is at C E Browned'. For artists' supplies go to Stsnard. A Cnstck'a- Tbe latest shert mnsie, 1 discount. at Mi HymaoV Doo't fait to try th Hainm & L01 g pienos at Air llymao s. The largest stock of watohet in the elty at Will St Stark'. Delicious cannad oranbersios at C. E Brt-Wtteil'. If yea want to boy gncd hrea l, eske and P'" V ' , Spring eve' costing at Zaches & Sro, op-, posit I'o toffl 1. Gennine Iowa eorgham ou draught at E Browneli s. Good evening Have yon 'ried Hubbard Elegant Lotion An invoice of new good iu-t received at Baitow & Searl. P Centemerie kid glove in black and col of ed at Samuel E Young'. The eelebratt-d Quaker City white shirts at Borrows Si Snarls. No need to suffer with the bosdaoh when Hubbard Capsule will turrlj cure yon If yoa want a fine toilet nr bath soap call OD Stanard A loaica, City Urng a tore. Xeave yonr order at Laore' for anything yon wiah lor in trie baaory una Th Footer genoie,hook glove Festerina. in black and ool.ired, at Samuel E Young'e, Fair Dale lota will soon be all sold. This property w,ll bring S2D0 per lot before fall. Bay a lot in Cuiiok' addition, the finest suburban addition. Iu location sptaks for itself. Don't fail to call on Will ft Stark aod prioe their large linetf. ladles aod cnta watches before you Dny. The Hemme A Long piano is the bet made piano to stand the climate of tho cotat, Don t fail to get one at Mrs Hymau , Cenntne Martinet kid gloves, in all aizss and oolors, at 89j per pair nntil May lit. livery pair warranted, at ti W bimpron a. A lot ia Cmiok's addition is better thtn ten per cent, or b tter than a lot in forigo Cities where the tide ebs and tl'iwa twice in twenty-four hours. Those Tithing sereen door and wiudowa should oall on R B Vnnk, who will put them in oooiplete on short notion. Shop on corner M Second and t'erry street. Noveitiel in parasol at S E Young, Mr James Failing and daughter, of Foit- land, ar in tha ouy visiting friends. Ztueman "Diamanta"apeotaclea and eye glaaae at F M French's, 50 cent a pair. Lawn mower repaired and sharpened at Matthew & Washburn'. ' The best lawn surinkler in the market at Matthews & Washburn's. Mr Percy Young has been in Seattle a day or two looking oyer the metropolis of Wash ington. W F'a Express Co baa done a very onm- mendable thing by refuting to oarry Chiueae pheasants. Mrs L E Blain returned last eveniug from Mill City, where she organised a WOTU, which ttt out with bright prospects. Cox & Bogus I the name of a Salem firm. That sounds a little like that little chestnut of a farce that need to be played to death. Leimnger, dentist. Littler, assistant, will make you a set of teeth and charge you nothing lor extracting. Bridge work a peoialty. Five oar load of rock arrived yetttrday ! afternoon from Ashland for the Oregon .Bank, aod a large force of men have been unloading ittc-dsy. It i tine looking stone. Rescue Hook & Ladder Co Mo 1 at their meeting last eveniug elected the following member of tbe Board of Fire Delegates: John Guis. J R Wyatt, L Viereok. Don t dread to have yonr aohing teeth extracted, but go to Dr Letninger.Dr Litclar assistant, and have the teeth painlessly re moved, isridee work a specialty. Room 13, Tweedale Block, Albany, Or. The Albany Ioe Works, Mr LsnniDg.pfo prietor, have established an agency ia Eu geoe,and will keep our citizens supplied with good, pure ice at the very reasonable price of one cent per pound in any quantity and de livered to any part of tlie town. Eugene 1 j-- Tlir MAX AE01TTWS. Tlie Man About town 1 proljably not competent to settle tin matter that I ahaking the Evangelical church to the center. Were be to cxpr on out spoken opinion, tiie chance are he won Id put lit left in it. 11 n arica irnm uie ime of arbitrary power by the Binbop, then lie i opjxiacd to the Bishop, for he I opposed U all practicea that savor of KiiiKiy cimumis. lie 1 not 111 iavor 01 any practice, t itlicr in church or state, that K;rrnit of the taking away of im portant rinriita without due and impar tial trial and for cauw, though there may be minor cas In which Ibm may t necessary. Hut there may be that there are either grounds at the bottom. A metiilier of the conference tell the Man About Town that the first cloud apjiear ed twenty year ago and was a matter of 1.1. f ... I. 1 . . 1 t .. ; .. .il principle, but it has kept growing until it assumes the form of a tn-rsonal contest and all personal contests, engendered by Mulish let'iiiigs, are obnoxious, 11 is nn forttnifttfl for the whole church that ft has is-eurred. Cliriatian tieonlo should le at lesst as rcasonabki to compromise a politicians. If one or two men are tbe entice of the disruption of, whole Ixxly. to tlie Man About Town it would seem that they ought to sacrifice their pvraonal ambitions lor the good 01 the whole; nut that is not human nature, and tiie experience of tlie world has been different. TI10112I1 tiiere is no real estate excite ment in Alliany now, there is a live growth that is very encouraging. Build ing are going up all over tlie city on low alreiidy bought, and Albany is spreading out 111 a manner that is very encouraging I lie steady reliable growth is w hat count. Exaggerated values and tran saction are always to be deplored. Nowaday it takes almtit ten rumor to make a Iu-t. Most rumor are hatch' ed in air cantlc brains. Rumors are generally myths, and though the Man About I own lias before now traced a live item from one. be lias generally Men mired. There is notliiii; like facts in this world. Bread and potatoes are bet ter than wind, even though of a cyclone nature, lor a steady diet. stttt fcsrsTK sates. Smith Ox to Collin Eiklmt. i acres, 10 w ....$ 8o J ) Ilaker to Michael ruller, piece land ir 1 IsrrUbur , f Cla wsen to Archie t oster.160 scit no.,,, 050 f Harris toj a Ames,to acres,i3 w 1 550 rrank Iri'.c tob.nnh Cox, 10. 2j acres, 10 w 2 R W and C Wreese to Vim N Allen, 319 acres, 14 w 3 3500 ) andO.Junkin 10 u B Junkln, 13a- 96 acres 1IW4 3500 A Lewis 10 Alex Sutherland,, I lot, blicdd 475 Jo liulil to S P iiach.t acre. 11 w 2 350 O r Harris, E K Barker, fa.) Hiram Giddings, (3,) E R Barker and 1 1 Irs in Giddingseach to Golden City Mining Co, 3oox5o feel. Sanliam. .......... ........ ... C G Burkbart to Augusu LasseUe. acres 11 w 3. 1457 J S Ames to J TAmes.K acre.ijEl 30 II Uryattt to rsancy ilowcr, 14.00 acres 14 2..... 50 7877 Total for year,... .,,.5527,240 DaiKW Fai rr Wasttko. I'lnms and al kinds of dried fruit wanted immediately by (i W Si in 1011, First street. Eevere Houss: ALBANY, -CHAS. PFEIFFEK OREGON I'lWPRIETOR. F'tfei up in firNt-rlaM ttyla. Table supplied with, tho txot in the market. Nloo aleepingapartrrMtntx. Htm pie room' fcr eomiiKTcial travelers, rTPr a rear la aaJ rrm she tf stel.fel THE PLACE. By all moans U1 on PaiKBi Brothers, G roeerles, Pmou 08. Bate;! Good?. Stc. Eta, t'beir giMJ ar toe ttt ami tin tr price -saannable Albany IRONWORKS Manufacturer ' mm wxm caisr and saw MILL KAGKIHERY (HO., FRONTS AMD ALL KIH3 OF HEAVY AM LIGHT WORK, IN HON AKD BRASS CASTINGS. 'spocfal attention ds of machinery all rH:riiig .11 Patterns Hade on Short Noliot ToAllWliozItMay Concern. The Germaniii F t. Insurance Co of New York, having reinsured its entire Business in the State of Oregon, said com pany (having on deposit with the State Treasurer, $50,000,) hereby give notice of l discontinuance of business in Ore gon, and its intention of withdrawing its deposit now with the State Treasurer at Jhe expiration of the six n.otuhs printed notice required oy law Jkrmasic Fire'ce Co op N. Y Hugh Schumann, Vic President. Decis'hJiSSg' DR. W II. DAV2 Physician and Surgeon. ?f)fflne up stairs In Strahan'a Block. Vay be found at bis oflloe aay and night. J.K. Y7EATHERF0HD, ATTOHNEV at law T. OBSSOX, MciNElL & HILL ' ' DO V General Blacksinlthini AT TKEIR SnOP, Coruerof SoqimdiS KUaworth Streets. They are prepared to do anything brought to them at reasonable prioe. tl. L. 01LL, Physician and Surgeon, Oilico oor, Tirst and Ferry Streets, ALBANY- OREGON OR. G,7ATSg7. CAQTOri PhyBieian and Quroon. PEHUff ! STALL TITUS, 5934. . " 'It-awta'!"' as, r " () 1 li.--ili. ran .nI, 1 1 11 111..1 mi1! in 1 ' ilgff tTiil make tbasnason at JetTerson Mono day and Tuesday ; at Albany Wedne. , day and Tboisoaya ; atC-rvallia, Fri- u days and Saturday. ptaCKirTIOM ARB PBPlontK, Bj k s'foa'ed 1S94 i lmprld 183a br I Mur'tv Brother, of Polo, Illinois, bred ! t v M jiiiil"iin,coinmntoof LsOandaina. ; canton 'f Nogent le-Kotroa, department f Bate etLolr 1 got oy ilayanl 355 9 f687) : iim Coootto (50331 by Ctiorl (4137) utn of iiotdns. f lUyard imi) t by Haror.nne 1334 ! (777) out of iUijotie by IJjn Coeur-d'Am Uly. . i-;i(U) oy nrniiant jauy 7511 out of Mad-Ion by Favorl 1 (711,)be , by Vietix t;iaitii tvi3) out or lAmi py Vl'inx Pisrr ti by Uen (712 ) Hrilii mt 1HM (751) y l o w 1 1 (714) out of lio-elm br Mina . belonging to tbo r Fttme's government. !ncil (714) bv vwiix Chas in (7l3)ont of L Orle by VImix Pierre m ) Aw. Vieux Chasdn (713) by Vahm (7i)ont of Foa'e by HandL I tsono(7Bn by Million :7lo) oui or fan- ' line ly Vlonx Coon. lligiion (71") bv JOsrt lo Biaie (739.) 1 S" 4ian-!.j;anc i unrii4iB7) ry liijiti, Deiongiog to ml ; Fard-jawt, out of Bicbe, belonging to M Debray ' i TEUM4. To iosure Maro In loit ... 20 i For aeaaon M -..115 hlnjjle ii vice, V O It . . .$10 Persons Insuring tbe'r tnare and not t returoln in regular ooaaoz to tbo borne, will tie cbaraod a attaaon rusies. Persona I dispos Dg f tbetr laarea before t bey are known to be with fal.ur removing tbein from the cotirity wiU be charge.l for in . surance. Property of FkbdW. Blcxbbko. :- PATEflT tstswd, vn alt oUmt bttslaaas Is the 0. 8 Pate ffice sttflolxt to tor osoderaca Pwe. Oitroifioe atotwaKt vne v. sreesn obula Pateul lee tune lb IM WssbitilfUm. &.bA Biudko or drswti. We ae' ebuv.y free at ehaixe ; and weasske charge obmi we obtain potest. W reler here, to the PostansMer, tbe aujt, tt.otey Order Lie. sae to offioaW a tbe U. U. Pate Oltlce. t"r circular, advice, teraaa, and etereoet eautoal elieuta la yoorowa State at mnnty, widrcs Cw A. SNOW & CO; Cicnalte Pateat Omea,Waslila gieau ' It u bcurr taaa ercr. f.wy prtym BUCK Crfrrfro, 1 UHtr tr t.rlU 1 X f-bJ R ef i Ann aim skin" diseases; mwz mmama on mm It ill'.ss'.l infianusstkB sad treitaC .and istbt raly aon destroyer of Miciobee aoA esbor Elus r'aakltaa. raertwy. Price. 25 cents at Box. Wo have the Exclusive Control ct o- u I SO C E H T Q 1 Q .-. X ti u .5 -j u. mi don't ease re cfer a prln te a HUt " iws, for IU JAe ELST AD. Cosre Coa aaWs CSEKSCKEESIFPOEIS. SAMUEL E. YOUIiG, ALBANY, OREGON. XX O. X4. UJbSTt f Tt,X, rrescrlpslen Brtaltt, UlrVEKLJCTS j 1 "i ' MtT ARTICLE Ire knr rm i -iWlLinisWOUGlFEH ST PATRICKS Pi oanEri ohlvi; i PffriTJVe Perl06TerPan.Tira kaitsoob: 1. AT 119 s.Oaenlsxd BKEVOja LILITTi i ITTI? Weakaesa ef Badyas Kiaa: EffseM V J iAJ tr Tr er Itime is O.dnr Ywme. MdanS, S. to B.I HOtie slt, Si-r-S. Htm s Slar. uj 1! I ISO. SltAH.l aut'Stje-SOOLil.SS PIS18.I :lli. MaiiMn ssStae acaa Ba tmefy S n lisosy 1 Vctwoi vrlsSi., Bs.., asmiusmv ssftso aeaa tmitbm. mmmmtm a. a ess. TWi'tswiot. aoo yomeiwinis , fall owisaaosa. tm4 .rsss, --i iai Kist&Al h SC. I Ait, . t. IARM FOR SALE. Two hundred acras of good farm land all in culti vation, with good two story bouse, yood barn and other outhouses. Oood water .for fa.n'lj and stock. Good pear and ap ple oreb ard, aa well as otaer kit,ds of 11 uit. Would make two good amall farms. Situated fonr miles southwest of Albany. Inquire at this office. Notice to Contractors?. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE IT' THAT at tbe next regular term of the County Commissioneis for Linn oonntv, Oregon, to be held at the Court House, in the city of Al ban v. en Wetinosds v. tha 7th day of May, sealed plans, soee- J- iflcationM, strains, diagrams and bids wtl 1 be reeeivod for building a br.dge across Lake Cr.3ek where tho County read lead ing from Tangent to Corvallia er se said cieek, eaid bridge to be of one span 75 feet It tig ai;d epr roaen to be 150 leet long. ' All bids mnsr, be filed with the clerk on or beluto 1 o'clock ol the above men tioned di.y. The Court reserves tbe right to reject any and all bids. 4 Done by order cf tbe Court this J&V day of A pili 1S90. . H, E. MONTAGUK, County Cleric, ; Wit BILYEU,' ATTC'ItNEY AT LAU AeI -.L:i.-" i" 1 ( . ..?rj, al.:4';7, - - 0 - s m jx i j e-hv t o.'i . " n lisaated, lvetjj,j--a.-i Vr'-ti Jt J Wi tar 1090 i i b mxutd i iav w aCi ap- pj k piscuiw, nd to bj4i twpor3 tt-ii wfcen. if ii Vv D. M.reRRY A CO. K, Di-TBOir, KICKr 1 1 1 e "4 i t I J fOr- - - L5 iTI L I I ble young people. 1 ;