j.ir.wrATHEiironD, ATTOllNKY AT LAW ALNAKT, J. L. HILL, niysiclan and 3ur.;eon, :'-m ctr, First and Ferry Ktrota, ALCAMY" OREGON cn.c.ivAT8ori hasto;. Physician and Surgeon. C-fflo opposite tba Dettsrvsrat. "on. n ii. Davis, rhysicim and Surgeon. .tlra tn Ktrahen' Block. V y b found at hi oMoa oay and night DH. C A. WHITNEY, Physician and Surgeon. CraJuat of IWlls Hospital Medical IM!g Now Yrk Uty. Disease ol woman a tpwialty . trOsS tatnan't Brick, Albany, Or . a.W.BLACBeB!, aco.w. wmoirr, cuicitBunri & wright, Attorneys ai uuw, ...... . i. .11 th. Cnnrta It 5UU, romit attention givea to all boat- Office Odd Fallow Tempi. Albany, Or WUBILYEU, ' ATTORNEY AT l-.Av Aad S.licitor la Chancery, . . Rir. . - OREGOaf. Collation. promptly md onall po'n &oaa nptuvtea on ww""'"1"" jTfi. DuncAN, AHOMEI IT LiW AID MUM PUBLIC, f1)ffic la Strahan'e Block, So's 1 nd S. ALBANY, CSECOH.. JAKES P. f.lEAD- Attcinej at law aniTitls Exainiitsr, ALBANY OREGON. Will practice in all th-eoort of tha fitat. AbatracU of Titl furoithed on abort nolio- Tan year iperinc. S. W. Paisley, jAlbaay, rma. WHOLESALE DEALER IS Tobacco ani Cigars. Ordara solwiUd frosajtkt.trada." !. J. IVll.Tr.EY. tWLifij Ail Counsellor At Lai m ND tfotniv Public. ALBA I. C2ECCX WUl praMla I nil or thn Courte UStata. AUb lnaaa Intruete I f bl UlbnraipUyniindd t. att . e aT9i.I rww1 111 that Va! INM vi w - .1 a.a Mua aaaai .A I rtri-MMi- nTfet h a3 J eMlMI IU war r. - 1 " in baying atl Mtting. I hv on banS ra.JHlTUS. STOVES, TIMWARE, TR'JXXS. B3QXS. PJuTURES CLQCXS, CSjCXPRT, ETC., :ETC. a .d w went of S E Youog'e oV tot; L. COTTUED 123 Flral atMM. Albany, Or. FOSHAY & MASON, Druggists and Booksellers, Arm ta for John B. Aldeo'e pubUcaUooa, ntch wa aall t pnWUher'e prieaw witfc ALRAIT, OHEWOr E. J. LIcCAUSTLAlfiD, CiTilk Faaitiiy ani Hjlraulis Engineer. ooaaUiog eogioear for Oo!d Mountain and Iry Ualoh Cooaolidated O jld and Sil rr Misisf Co ffiof, Straat, Albany, Or. ALBANY OR. WRITS! AH & H1ILB2BT BROS.. Real Estate Agents Farm and Banohea fnr aale. . Alao city branny in Albany and Ceryallia. Wiley A ItImoy , ALB4NY, OREUON. ABSTBACTEB, Thn Only Complete Set of Abstract Books and Maps In Linn County. rOfllee in the Court Hone,-. Boalnaaa mtruitd to me will bare evraplnnd aaraful altantlon. Uoburg Lumber. I aell the bat lumber in the ceunty; alao eedar poata, abioglea. latba doom and win dow moulding, etc. Pricee from $5 o 1 22 rr tboaaaod. Yard at Lowaon, on tbe Narrow Gaoge. Se me before porcbaaiuff alaewbere. W VV CRAwronn. P O nddreea, Tallman, Or, Delmonica Itestauranl, OOKMEK FIRT AND LfcWORTH T. The nndtfr.iKned harinfi parcbaaed tbe old Oer;nao Iteataarant a'And ha opened nader the abore Da na a fjrat-oiaaa is-taa-aot. w ara prepared to furoich ine.li for partie or dance on anrrt notice. Oya tare arrred in every jtyle, aaatern or ct-ajt; allkindaof tub Know a in tbe market Employ only ra cla flp. and waiting will be prompt end eonrteoaa. Regular meal, 23 eta. . Coffee of f.rat-clait quality and a cup of coffee nod cake at from 5 to 10 eta. I am well known in tbii city and re que.t tha tizne to give me a call. SAMG9ETS Proprieur City Meat Market. EELTLTZ BROS,, Proprietors. k'p s full Mn -jf oiaaUi of all klnda, la xl pltr, oomplily pro tocted; and alwaya fteab. aIu. bare oonaUntly.oti band aalmon nd otr"r flh Executor's Notice. Noliu i hereby given that th under iind. duly appointed, quahfed arid acting c..M-ut..r of the la.t will and tc.tameot of l.vli June, daoetaed, lata ef Lino com, ty, Orit'tu, ha. lilnd witb the Clerk of th ('..ni.ty Coift, for .aid county and.t.te, hi final ' aiid thx court b fixed the 10'h day of May, .i' 0. at tu hour of 10 o'clock . m., for he.rin object ion to tid acuiunt and to tfttle tai 1 otii. Tim .tnl day of Api.l, 1h:k, Isaac Mhbker, ,' I'xc nt.or of the la.t of l ytHi JotiCT,!1 "' 2nd nCT Store. 4 jr Cira Gere. WU10 CURES PERMANENTLY iofT.r.H Wart la Pain. H lumntt eL, CUvtlAcd, Ohio, In 1IM I sprained my arm rluouiot chart- Bute; sv-Oerwl years in nub i rof ajrui. 11 Ha finally su CO. JAIXJB XT oerwl years in pain ana oyui j a and ovuld dm Uil i nn sumi rv i. I jit rt. jnui Testimonial Chaerfully Tawd. (.brattle fan, tin Beat Curae. - TlLP?!PrC. WClWM, CUT3.SWELUNG3 SupelyPcprocnentiy by DRU80I3T ANO DBALtrtS. "Cla CHAVA.VQCSUR Co. BAUO. MB THE YAQUINA ROUTE. gon Development Ooreparsy'a 8ttn Dip uin iw Hiiaiiiw wii"i"" 20 HOURS LESS Tlut taa by any other re J I. TClsbt line from Portland ami all point to toe Willamette Vnlloy to ami iroiu ran f raociaoo. Cm. ThaOnj.in PanlBo ataiuboata on the fiUni(urieruiioii win loayw an.l. s.,ntn rwtiind. Monday. Weilnew'at and Fridnt at 6 a. ui. Arne nt Corvniiu Tneedny, tburly nnd S.a irday nt a:S" . 111- lkJ..aaaa lutmil t m I aam VaB I.DrTl I I. ! H tn ww.iaa Vloodnr. Wedneaday nnd rrl Iny t 8 n, ii at lortland TueadAV Than u.innlif at 3:1U D. in. On MOO a.i. u .!.,... ami PrliiaV. botb Nortb aad iioutb bnod bou will be over nlgbt at Mem, loading nere m o a. ui. i- aiwu niinnattilon at AlbAD IHMiia wmmw ..-f " - - , e-Uh Ualna of tbe Oregon f aclOo Kail road Tin I! aXUIKRCLB. umUya) (mt Aloanr two r. ,.!.' ii"'" fcaawCorvallia :Wt,. U Corvall.lO;M A.n Arftfa Vaqulna, l:M O. A C. tralae oonneot t Albany nnd rrl 11a. Tbn nboT trejua eoonem u v..in. with tna Oroeou lHelopuiu tmpsny'a Un of ttteamihlpa botwein Ya-jtuna nod in rrnuciaro, N.I 1 1.1 D ITM . ro TA4'ta.. Wlilaroau Valley .Rnnda. April nh . 4e MoaiLr.Murh lh- ,(o T-U,Atril tini: 4o TburaO.). Mr UL Wi'judcU. VUy. TburndaT.April W.h. 4 r n iT. Aini low. ihn ritnt to .uff muIIuu dt w-lbout notice. w w hwiinn from PorJauo end K olnuietto Vmley poinU can roke oloae aoneoUon with the traina of tb Yafjuinn mtM. iih.n t.r tJorTelll. end tl ue- Itned to 8n Frncia. ehould J rrlw at Yaq Jinn tbe eveum ii're vi f aaulng. eaiar aad r.rlaht Batra alwaja Laweaa. or hAalk.a er U A R Cpo.rr.lM end wi. A.O. P. ar4 P A(a . CorraLta. OVERLAND TO CAUFOWIA -YIA Sontnerc Pacific Company's Lln8. THE mo'JNt"shasta uoute. tka batata Alba-y anJ frwdwi, t boot cium.ni rvm ti ' tea a.iLT atotwaea rrt laaJ aa4 saw r..el. Atur. a. :lr fAtaa Af Lr 10: .4 A Lr Alt.iijf i a a 7 uo r a k'U. r ....... t.aj. ilt kKaMpt Atwoa;) .AB PufUaae Albwiy Ar liira L I li a a ' L I 0 A a turt ( AX uexa taAJica. It Ik ra I Ar Alteuy LaliaiitHi Albany Ubwu. AllMHf LcbaffMi r I f a a L t.i a rl L. I Ar I tr a L I t.w r a I mi. a I L ran a L aAr PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, .rlaalil'. aeca)4-laaa Taaaca era, altac4 t arena Tralae. Tm a P. Cut tTT mkmnmneHon with all the tralee oa Ut. a aid DWmw Uo A ptmreet, "Ttlen.', Vf el M4e avtvialaa. art ft Ke rnrtAJia ai ctantut. Man. r... atui tt. xpt Bonnay.) fYita I ItJt r a I Lr Ar fun ituii At I a:2U r 1 Lr 1 1:30 r 1 Birmaat rt.ia u-T (Excjp. Sunday. I'M r a w ra I L. ! Ar p.trtlan.1 McMinnvill Ar Lv I V '.OO A 6 40 A H TUroij.li TicketM To all KlnM boutk -A-rrr bast kVIA CALIFORNIA. fm Inn liilor!iiy r.w.llnt rate, ni, ate. all on "ommnv Acent at A! M.y. .KOEULKB r'i1Zt . atwiatrer t O. P. aua V, Ar FartmiKet t living, -FUNERAL 1)1 RECTORS. Prompt H-nw FRANCIS PFE1 KF PKFK1 KTO" 'P Albany- twk Wurks -And Vnc!aM:iuin of DH0IG2 mmmmi, As f.re now prei.rHi ;o rll st. w.oK , wr.ya frhh and me at Ponliot. j ro doamrw. We n'wi kp a t.V tf Snts and Troplc&i i"ruic, CIGARS AW3 TdBAOCO DH, JAL1E3 aDE?V Braflnata of KdinDur, Soo'land, Ha losat"! H Aloanv Frc a hi h ir iovri knotvlu lif. of hi 11 ro, h i " n jd hU eprlno of 10 yr. a intffl. eer li Caval y Keiirmit, h hopua to merit t'le pvrnnige of th'e fnUret.d In hor, nt'.l. nliPop. n'O. Ho would alao reooinnie.i't hll solution or linrier;t for aorw atioiil.lora soru '?Ua, l-roken kne'is, wound, sprain?. Prl e, ondol lar Pr bnltls. pr-Offlce at JohnSeuniaerVlvery tta ble. M MAY. 3. aajfDBR MAY SENDERS. Jsi3 in General fibfnandisa. m ! n t Ai A KIOHY OK ( lUHSTMA (iov(riMr lvnivpr Wot U. for rloiitln. Ui" mm ol lur, Willi hmi'w, From the Mwrnlng Oitgoittan, MondMy inuury 7, ibw Governor l'cnnnver niaiuiucd the labor otc .o w rll thai hu ran lutu the govtrnor hip of Oregon w tih It. lie owci amiie iliH moio ttun ordinnry to tlio.e who cat that vote, and we will give him credit it keeping the obligation In inlnd. It U not every man that ay luuh a part th Uup to It In aticr life, We will give th liilcdt Incident concern- ng the rxccuilve anJ give hla rxccllon;y credit for kitidnc.i of heart even thougl hi opponent may credit hit net to hi po Hllcnl ambition. On ClirUtniiit d.iv, at the governor wa. dl.pen.lng from hla flcnlluiu luinrd, there came te!ei;rin from Mr Walll. Nash who It prominently connected with the Oregon l-aclilo railroad. In the aboeitcd of Mr Hong he wat man sger and hi telegram read that tome hurt dredto! working men who were unable to collect wage, due them for work done, were walking the railroad track from Al banv and would be at CorvallU In due time. Trouble wat anticipated when thev I thould arrive and the otlicInU of the 0 t road rcquctlcd the executive to aulhorUe the thctlfl to 'cull out the mlllltitand defend them from violence. No one reed question the tact that the governor ha a kind heart. With telegram In hand he thought of thote poor fellow who were, many of them no doubt rat.ed to appreciate Clvi Ut mat; but while he wat enjovlng the ChrUtma (pread they were walking the Me without money to buv a meal. Win ter wa come and they weie turned loom without a dollar, with no how for work or money, wronged of their earning. He toon determined what courte to tak. No answer wa rc'.urned to the telegram, but the next morning he took the train touth ai.d went to CorvallU In pcr.on. Arriving there he tooi. found Mr Nah and told him the Impiettlon hit telegram made, adding: "There I ju.t um thing for you to do. Pay thc.e men what I due them and there will be no dldk-uKy. Mr Nh ald the con.pany dld'nt owe their.. It W4t the contractor they had claim agaln.t. The governor reminded hint that thi contractor were ruined br trying to work after cuttmalc that the company' engineer had made. MYou Invent paid the contract jit over halt what the work ya, worth and you car well afford to pay the men. 1 can't help y,u, and ad.'Ue you to ruttle around and pay them Im- ndlatcly," or word to that effaet. ThU wa the uovtrnur'. advice anil it wa Im mediately acted upon. Tbe men got their money and alt wa quiet on the Potomac.' Finding there wat uu way lo cnll.t the ttate of Oregon in a war with their em ploye the company paid them the!r duet. Ua the governor ever to much of a dem agogue on the labor qae.tton he de.crve. credit for hi courte In thl Inttance. UIUIIT. Tb Republican! are bent on teif dtatiuction and the Democralt .Kould not interpote an olialacte !o their doing so. The tar:ff bill at now made up will, if picJ cf wbivh their If great doubt, br the grcatctt to!itkd boomerang thai that party ever taw. It it toon to he r purted in tbe houc; and the I)inocratt tbould not attempt tr. amend it in any particular. It ut. 1 ..1 . -ii. 1. ! J ..J The trouble., trial, and Iribu-atlunt of fie republican t In congre.t art ju.' be ginning. So long at their dutlc. con.l.ted In tu.ulniog the autocrttic ajwaker in hit arbitrary rulings or turning out of their teat democrat who had been fairly elected, to make room for republican, who had been defeated, their tak wa a pleat ing one. But, now, when they come to the que.tlon of tariff they find themtclvc confronted with a complete array of the telti.hneM whkh alone ran maintain tucn a viclout tyttem of taxation. Even on the angar qu;tkn upon which the Ottgomun ao triumphantly said "we are alt agreed that tugar must be free," divUion are pring ng up tl.at will defeat ail tariff leg islation. But then It thould not be for go ten that the tariff it in the hand of Itt Iricnd. Our Alas'. a f.oenor oie very tiUely 10 have value for mining lor luskt of mammotht wbhh once roamed those Nor then regbnt on both aide of tb? Pacific ocean, in a gealogic era when Alatka and Anil were joined where Bea ring ttrait now teparatct the two continent. Mammoth tut hunting bat been very piufit able ia Silcri.i, and it it likely to be to in Alatka when pro:uted with ty.ttem and vijor. A wemocrat man writing from "The Forkt"tayt: "Everything i alt rghton our ticket here In Canada." And tuch I the cheering new that wc hear from all parltof the county. If every democrat will put hit ahoukler to the wheel and work with Intelligent energy, hi labor will be rewarded by a triumphant election oft he whole ticket. ft L. Copyrlictit, 19.' KISSED AffOTtIE3 WAN'S WIFE. At bl. iKKl nnnhtmt Jlriiwn. Yon liMrt mj wire upnn tlie rtrect. I miglit to knock you down.' " 7?lT' Ter roo'fswrrmr." food Brown replied. In mwi mild nl meek; v -t I kUMrt hr; ili.l l'v. nni dmltd But 1 khuwd bar on the chsit and I did o bnoauiio ah looked to handsome totbsoftt?' be"Ut' M1 bWlJth- V'lflt rePlled Green .Ma1nn you mk ft, I will tell you; tha u Dr. I'Wco FavoriU. rrtwcripuoa. A accept your apology, tiood An unhealthy woman is rarely. If ever, dpsii tl'ol. Ihe peculiar diaeaa to which to many of tbe x are aubjerft, ar proline chusmi of pale, sallow fun. blotched with un.lifhtly pimple, dull, lutirclpw. eye and enmuiaud forma. Women to affllctwd, oho bo pj.nna nntlr eurwd by u!ns lr. Pierce Tavorito FrPSTription ; and with tbe rratoration of br-aitu come ttiat bfatity which, combined with food n.ualitli-9 of hr-ed and heart, make women antel of lovelltuxiH. " .voriU) PreacrlpUon " la tbe only nwdi rtna for women, old by druririsrs, under a poet tire guarantee from tbe manufactur ers, that It will give eatiafaotlon tn evorr cntv, or money will retunded. It Hi pmw tTWtrte for leucorrhnt, painful mcnt.ruiirn, unustiiriU iipirralona, piVlapaus, or imlinir of tha womb. w back. anti.verlon, roi.ro vemion. bearlnir-ilown win.atlon. clironio coujtrtition, lullttiiiaiation aud ulceration of the womb. WoHi.ua DrppEviAFV Mudicai, AssociA HOM, Manufscturt-ag, liuffalo. IS. Y. II PIECE'S PELLETS tauio. Gc Ijaxattv.t or ( nrhnrtio, a-cjrdiMr to gu. Vp(re- iciuir Ey anufsJats. eeau a vial ntr a.. a ... . 1 ' wuu.u ue uciier h inem 10 ciK-r a uu 01 ineir (;um coining 10 llgilt. AO pen It equal to the own modeled after the Milt hill, and Wt tbe ta.k of picturing the deviation of the country RepuUicant reject it, Tlwn iefu lo voi or the detolution of tbe people. The entire u,,o0,URepublua0biU.ndU,.KteJquo.umif,n,U.;n..lSoupe, U under water, and paiait. K Drmotr.it. imat of the levee it ge. Th water back mm W rELEGiUFIUO NEWS tlr RtrUlyttH f nlna t I nllfomla. Nkw York, April sj. lr' Mctilynn an- iiuuncad Rt a mreilng to night that next week he would tnrl for Paddo count, lilt puipote is to go to Sun Francixco to vl.ll re'titivet, bu e will deliver .r viral lecture in Citiilurnia a the tmne time, lunail entity, San Fkancihco. Anril a?. The cane of l rrtiik Willi inn clmryed willi rtU iing never Mneeii In the Noithern tmrt of the tlate, wen to 'lie imy tint nnetnuon, Altera iiiin Hour t dcliliiTatiiin, Williitint wot found Kitltiy. The penally It iiiijn Uuniucnt for life. ttrrgiia and Waahtastan IMttolUre., AntiiMiTDN, Aptil a5.rolniRteit ap- pointcdi Oregon V I McCalliim, John Day, llrant county i V I) Gorman, Mill City, Mar ioncountyi II II Mrti, Spikenard, Uckion countyi u r Johnoon, WilUburg, Mulinumaa county. A jhmIoIIic hat ticen ettalilttlieu at (eity.hurii. Clallam county, Watli., Willi Kobi.it K Getiy at HMtnintter, A aralllag Mace, Svdnkv, N S W., April as. Kemp beat M utciion over the 1'urnnieUa courte for the world't teulllng elwmpionihip, Kemp took the lead at the itart and krpi U thruug.tout therac lie won hy forty Icncthtt time; at minuiet and 13 tccoiidt. A Uail Hit Mit.WAt KtK, April S-"-I)r Tboma lint ciiaru, agea 73, lor nity yean, a pnytirmn nere , . , - . ,11 , 1 recently instituted tult lor divorce, tut wue, aged i'), filed antwtr to-day, cloiminc that her hutband had been a prolettional alxtrtionitt and wot in the hahlt of burninu living, crying children, premtturvly born, in a bate burner J ttove. Site mention the ntme of young women killed by tier butlwnd t practice. Tbe t'rrvata, Aalbrr laareil Uralb, Pomona, Cal,, April 24. George Smith died at bit fathet't ranch near Pomona latt evening fiem etceotiv ute of tobacco, lit r , , . , , 1 , 1 wat a lad of 17 year and bad been an inyeter- ate uter of tobacco tor hve year. . lie teemed to have an insatiable apiietiie for it, and noth ing that bit fal her could do would keep him hum the ute of the weed. "Severe puni.b menu, pcrtuaMun and v.n confinement did no cood. The boy tnuiked ciiiarcttct alt day lonif, and lor hour each day would chew at the tame time, Jnxarr.t.at 'ly, Sauna, Cat, Apill 24 Supeiinlendtnt HoagUnd of ,h Natural Gat Company.found gat yctterday at a oeptn 01 aevemy iet. a huge wlume of gat ruthed fium tbe 8 Inch pip wish a roar, Tb foice wa o (treat at to etiincutth a lichted nuich. On applying a torch a blue tunic aitac about ten leet lilgn and burned until tbut off by arteUa water. The conmanv will continue totink fur it at a lower depth, IBrawa.vllle kwa. IiaovvNsvai K, Or,, Apiil ai. TbU bat been a week of ditatiet to far. Oath aitt !.. U-...IU . 1 l. .n,LlnR v..... k- 1 ' fur Mr II R Powell, north of tbUcity, jumped from a watjon at a team wt running away, and dwtocalcd In richl ankle, and bk IU lct between the ankle ard kne. On the tame day a faimcr named Bitlien wat in tcwi with a covered back, and the team ran away through town and wat caught down at tbe furd jtirt Lclow :be bridge, Noon waa burt but the back wa much damaged. Mi lna Burning dieJ here yterday ol contumptton. Site had Ueo tkk a ing ume. Her buhnd, Mi George Bunting, wbo ha Iwen working dowa in Powell' valley, i Her Maw Big, Seattle, Aptil ja. F.uutneraiort taking the thirty dtyt ctn.ut met lo niKbt to make a report of ttie firtt ibree day week, Tbi-y have reiioncd An fiTM-ite of I'J.OCO namct. Cth eicd in thic days It it ettiutated that the city cen.u. will be completed In fifteen day, ana in?i tne Wuu..k ine .y wm oe o- Marl 1 I. tat Hid tfvltl.1a lit Hf ltal tm. fO '1 politan dittrkt. at th tubu.ban lownt of Bat- lard. Fremont, Fdgewater. Ulona, Kaat Scauie and W ett Seaide will not be t.ken in to tbe city until .ft w completion of tbe centu. 7 ' w.nit w.r, uavov sasa, La.,Aprd 24. The real con- ... - ouwq 01 imngt in me oveinoaeu Ottllict U . & . . . oi tne levee u to deep mat bundredt of live are in epardy. .Smai ttre'ehet of tHc levee tult ttanding ar ctowueu wiin n.en, women nj children. tu,e uy wc wiin nortet, mutct ami cow, in an old rnied ginhounc 500 nrgtoet are huddled together. I be condition of the unfortunate bickt it pitiable. THey are t'iteoutly becizinii , (o o iKen to tome piacesoi tntcty stata, ctt(iATic rwataxTiex, PoaLA!D, Or., April 34 The Con Tcuwun uK.iuu.-u, del imit 1- 11 i Arc T. 01 f tl tm It . . . saicm, "empoiary cnutrman l I I ren. chard, of A.torfa, Secretary, nnd M MUler. of Lebanon, AtaUtAnt Sec y Commlttcct were appointed and adjourned nil three o "clock lor comntiltteealo report, AUlerrialleaa. SroKAse Falls April 20. CeJer the name of Mr and Mr Scuvilte, tw j apparent ty undetigning and ordinary hive been keeping a lodging houte in thi dry, on Eact Rivert'.dc avenue and Jternard street. The alleged hut band wat an architect, and apparently a bu.y one, and the vUible meant of support of tbe twain were all that could te desired. About three weckt ago the alleged Mr Kcovlll Mr wat tuditcnly called away, to Chicago, a the taul. Nothing wtt tutpectcd until Sunday rrmrning.wnen it wat, larned that hcoville had tllently taken hi departure during the night, without tcttlwg any of bit mtn debit. It i also reporterl that Mr Scoville it nuns other than tbe twlet ol Uuiteau, the attattin of uarlielJ. 1 here are many ctrcumttancet corroborating Ibeae report t. Ia.taally Killed. C rant's Pass, April 23. VV W Crapo wat thrown from hit wtgon and inttantly killed I y the wheel patting over and cruthing hit head, leaving pint of the brain uion the wheel. He wat a .intda man with no relative in this part of the country. He wat about 45 or 50 ycart '!.!, and wat engaged in the lime butinett, , ' An Era ef Strike. Chicago. April 23. The a'.rike of brick- mtkert hat retulted in tl.e complete ttoppage of buhinett. The yard proprietor! hive ac cepted the t'tuntion, and for the pretent will not retume woik with non union men. The ttrikert tny that if mm union men attempt lo work there will be violence. Thi threat hat alarmed the bottei, who have atked for police protection, and patrolmen have been sent- to quell any attempt at v olerce. ' - An Immea.e Overflow, Bayou' Sara, La., April 23. Another break occurred last night in tbe I'ointe Coupee levee. Indention! are that the entire Pointe Coupee, front will be tubmerged. Water it pouring through the cievsstet at Morgania aad in the vicinity.. It will overflow the great er portion J the countiy between the Atcha fitlaya and Missiitippi rivert, extending from Old river above to Bayou Fourche below embracing 700 squura miles. Tlie Awful Hnllecap. Sr Louis, April 23. Advice from tbe Chickataw Indian nnticn tay that a large band of White Capt 'aided a white section of the touthern part of the retervalion lait night, whipped a number of men and gave them notic; to quit the nation in five (i. yr. A num jtt of other persons w ho were in.t whipped were notified 10 leave in tn dayt. The people notified to leave are preparing 10 into Texat, A t lRoreile Warning. DuksmL'iu, Cal., April 23. V N Ryan, pugilikt, lately from Kan Francisco, was found dead in hit bed in the Duntmuir hotel this afternoon. He wat in hi uiual health in the morning When found he had la cigar ettc in his uiouth. He had died while imok ing. , A Texas Cyclone, Austin, Tex.,Aprii 23, The little town of Kyle, twenty miles south of here, lias visited by a cyclone last night. Many houses were over, turned, and swept away, .Several persons were injured,- I he destruction to fences and growing crops is very great. Baton RotoK, La. April at. Duth . . tn I of the Mariincx crevso have be en tecured and a determined effort will be ms!e to elote It. Water it rapidly filling the country toll., rear. The bleak at Lalxlellt, eMiieen initet almva nere, on me Daton Kouge it boo feet wide. 1'eople of Grotie Ttclie and Wwl Baton Rouge a futt at K)ttilile. are bringing their Mock and tame over 10 'lie lulU for lalety, Alway la Trtablt, Fkkhno, Cal., April as. Mr Sarah Athea erry appeared In the ofce oi C 0 Sayle, ad nilnltlrfltor of the Terry etiale, thi motalng and demanded tome money. Style ttid thci waa none on band belonging to the ettate. Sh then went lo the aOMning ofTic of N C Caldwell, who it attorney fur the administra tor. CaUtwtll elected her. hut the returned and bioke window, bayle left the oflice and the followed, threatening to tliool him, A LKTTl: Wiru 4 HITBf. A Uttrr with a hlttory hat fallen Into our hand. It wat written by li P Thomp. ton, Republican candidate for Governor md aeni to Geo. W Weldler, of Portland who wa acting at the time a Receiver ol mo et-.ate 01 un iiolUdar. li V Thomp. ton I Pretldent of aeventeen bank, and thlt letter o.i ttt (ace thow what kind of a "banker'' he la. It language la that of the curbttone broker"! will tecure you a loan for $o,txo" the $10,000 bonut for nlintci! and the Interest lor the bank OV ,M tllH. (Ill RT.IItlVII, HIIW A h.I il. ,., .,!. ...rf,l,.. - ...I gratplng man would have the tuperlatlve ciieea to uemana a uturiout bonut ol lo,- 000 for tccurlnif a loan, tell all about him that one need to know. It uncovers hla tout i Hut here It the letter t Portland, Or-Oct. ith, 1880, I will undertake to ral.e a auftktent aum to pay off the demand on the Oregon Keal E.taie Co lor a term 01 year tecuri tic, all the ttock of the Oreaon Real Ea- tate M ana atttunment ol the lien 01 Joarplt ltolladay to aecure the ta.nc. I will aecure you tucn loan lor laaooo, in oro ao ne"rJri . tome of my property, aay half of Market Wock or bf,f fofc -fiile to be accept ,d bv 0c. ,6(h .nd lhB mmi. tQ ,,, , ' d if pottlblc by Dec nth. Kftpt li. P, TltOMPaoN. ThU, though bad enough, I not the wortt. Tbotupton did not, In fact, intend to tecure tne loan. He wa playing the "confidence man." The fact that he had written tuch a letter waa detlirned to be communicated to Wllnon Bennett and hi SISS wMch had been told by decree of the United State Circuit Court for the dU- trlct of Oregon. ThU i.ck rcpretented Hul aday'a addition to Fa.t Portland and waa In fact worth teveral hundred thou- and dollara more than Bennett and hit a.tcclatc had purchased It for, and the decree under which they purchaaed allow ca i inonin in wntctt a redemption might be made, Thoee representing the rotate were trying toraUe monty with which lo redeem, while the Kennett Inter- t were endeavorlnir to prevent redemp .1 t.. . 1. -rv.m mviii m v way iwv vivii w awi- ton loeet In hit work. A toon atne liennett people heard of hi offer they aw" him. They were wl.linir to and did pay him 1 10,000 If he would withdraw hi oner to Wridler and not Interfere any ; further In th affair, and the but, I net wat cloed on thlt ba.la. Thompaon't moral attribute are to obtue that he boa.ted In the pretence of a dUttnirul.hed republican of Portland, of thi fine turn he had made in "butlnett." Thlt ao Outraged the feci Ingt of our dltllnguUhed republican friend u,fct he aald lo Thompeon t "That , I black mailing" or "at bad at black mailing for which crime a number of men are new in tbe Oregon penitentiary." Y. Kevrety-Flrt Aaalveraary. Tlie celebration of the 71st annivcranry Odd Fellowship, began In Albany Sat .fternoon. A U numWr wt 1rt.. from all part of tb oonnly. The ProfT',1l J"?11.. J ,tlb.01 ' t t U Mechanics latrid, ollowed by alwut seventy-five tJ.ld t el- low in rk'ha. Then came the arc of g.tte covenant drawn by a fine span of grays, air w r. unlet, representing the I patriarch, a back con tain tna: Hon M C :,,,.. .,...Ur f. th- ,4, .n.l other MI r rllow CUmttil the proeCMSiOn. After marching through the principal 'f they were joined by the Uebmaa otlT firri'ier- 0IH.ne.l with music by the band, followed i . -'.!.. . r - , j,y n le by the J F'a. The clwpUin, J F Ibtckensto read a prayer, and Hon M C Geonre delivered the address, an ehtliorate etTort. nresented in that st.irit for which be has become so well known. Miss Helen Crawford recited "Evelyn Hope," one of Browning's masterpieces. It was beard with pleasure; its presen tation displayed force and power, bring ing out the speakers full, round voice with fine effect, and conferring great credit on the splendid drilling of her voire and action distibivnl in tha ren- i . . . . . . ... . . i iiiiiiin. An oila i liutl tlia altprniKin ax. lercises. BEAVEIt CKETK. Farmer are very busy in this part of tne county. I guess spring is coining, for tlie IWaver snipe ha not been seen for several day. Mr Young from thi on when your girl falls in the creek don't spare your Hunday breeches, but plunge right In and fetch her out. Don't wait for some married man lo get her out for yon. I-ast Sunday four youngster went across the creek to Hunday school, and while they were over from some cause part of the foot bridge disappeared and gave the boy a chance to pack the girls on their backs and wade across : but the worst of all waa to see young (Jains stand with bis bands in bis Docket and sechis girl latl headlong over tlie fence. Died, at liia home on Beaver Creek.one day last week, after a lingering illness, of the mange, old Nig, a favorite dog of J T tJiiyeu. ULCAXDKB. Spsbaoiso Out -Mr. Jullu Gradwohl betldea hit large crockery tock will now keep on band a aplendtd line of trrocerie of ail kinds, giving our citizen many ad vantage they will be glad to tecure. He will make the pike to reasonable that our cliisen will have an object In calllnir onhim for firtt-clat groceries. The regular market price will be pild for all kind of proauce. uive mm a can. lOoercent off on all cash tale for tha next isu aaya-ai w v Kd . i cant U.ildeu Star tomatoes far SO ccntt at C a' tyere, and all other canoed 1 sood caeaf or oath, If ou ttVant ia tneoalate and wilt oamnar prij, you will boy in Fair Dtle, Thlt Trade Mai k on a ttove mean It is thn best thrt ex. pe.Unce and skill can con trive. 0010 only oy u. w. Two Cab Loads. Price & Robsop have ust received two car loads of wanolis and buggies, light and heavv. and will sell them at remarkably low prices, consider ing the splendid quality of the wagons. IOO F.Albany Lodge No 4 hold it regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brother are cordially nvlted to attend. 1)1 K I). DOUGHERTY. In Albany, on Satur day moming.April 20th,1890,Mr. Charles Dougherty, son of Mrs. I. N. Woodle. The deceased was born on May 81st, 18(14. He leaves a wife to mourn his death.who though, herself is lying dangerously ill. Mr. Dougherty had been troubled with cerebro-spinal-mengetis for some time. LAME. In Halsey, on Thursday.April 24th, of consumption, Mr Fred Lame, aged about 30 years AI r Lame was a son of Mr J . 11 Lame, and was a young man highly respected. He leaves a wile and many friends to mourn his death, i ' BOKJf, THOMPSON. On April 23, in A r to the wife of R Thompson, a bo.". ItKHerDATIt! ATATt 1 1fHKT. At the Btiite Convention In Portland Tlturaitfty ihn Democrat plnced In rtom- lniuion me loiiowing atrong ticket, most nominatiuiig )xlng tnado by acclamation: Conit roMMmnn It A Miller, of Jackaon- vllhi. - Governor fly 1 venter reniioyer.of Port- ami. KocrHary of Htftte W M Towntcnd. of iMHa i;o. . TruaNiiriT 1 W w ib,o! Pendleton. Hiiprein JikIm IJ F l(jiiliRtii,oI Hnlism. Hunt, ol f'ublio IiiHtruction A lHov. of Brownavllle. Ntate Printer J 0'IJrlen, of Portland. Proaecutinir Attorney Hrd Dlab 1 J Whitney. 01 Albanv. Win Colvlsf waa nominated Proancutliig Attorney of the I at district: O O Owen, of the 2nd j D H Murphy, of the 4th ; J 11 itrieKPiitNiroitgti, 01 ttie&thj t; 11 Hyoe.ol thf(lth,itnd K Mufur ol the 7th. Morton I) 8tafl'ord waa nominated for Circuit JttdKo in the Oth diatrict s Geo Chandler, Joint KennUir for Jlakerand Malheur eountle j Henry Warren for Clackamaa and Marlon ; HBluekman for Grant,Morrow and Harney. Cha lu- 11 11 wna nomimiuta lolnt renreaeniaiive for Grant and Harney ; OW Hinith for piieruian ana wueti : Jutin ruiion ana a H lU'imett for Sherman and Waaco, and W o t;oie lorxiilaiiinnk. 1 The following rilate Central committee waa nominated: lk-nton, John llnrnett; linker, U 0 (leortre; CliM kanma, J 1 I tourete Columl.iit, H C Graham ; (Jlat aop, C J Trencliard j Crook, J A 1 Vmthlt j Curry .Jidin Freaburgh; Cooa.J MHIalinj Doiiglaa.LT Unej Grant,l U llaaelton : (ililiKni, HO Condon j Harney, W K (iraee: jackaon, T i Heama; Jtmephlne, 1 W llaward ; Klamath, U T Baldwin ; Ijine, 1 I, Campbell : Linn, J L Cowan ; lke, M 1 Walter! Multnomah, B Gold amlthj Marion, JGray, Malheur, Win Pieree; Morrow, J W Morrow; Polk, T W Haley: Sherman, WW Jionnett; Tiflav motdt, (1 W Fernaidej Umatilla, J r Wa-et-r: Union. 11 F Wllaon : Wallowa. 11 C Kmlth; Waahington, T H Blaek : Wco, Geo Herbert; Yamhill, WO HemUree THE MAN ABOUT TOWN. The Man Aliout Town know of several men In Albany with money lying looee, who, if they w ould, could make the pub lic dizzy at tbe a!K"'t of public improve menu. Largo brick Muck would 1 reared, park would lie Improved and matter would ort of hunt, a it were, even more than they are : but it 1 often the caxe that the men who can are the aloweat to act. neeatiae ty will 1 boy ia no reaaon whv thev ahould go around to neiirhlior' barn and nU-nl Kg, drop Into atoreaand u-iil merchandiati. dermlat on the ad- dninKCc.Htntrv and do other tittle streak of uieannca 01 a large and variou nature. There ia a gang in Albany of thi nature, and it five the Man About Town pleas ure to know that the Marshal is after these Wive that will be hoodlums and worse. The beat thin thev can do la to grt abend of tbe Marshal by reforming and behavinsr themselves. An honest. HMlitht boy is alwaya noticed ami re- a I xx' led try the whole community. XI there is a pleamtnter time of Ute year than when the Waves are half grown and the trees are masses of pop corn 11!, to lie childish, then tbe Man About Town doesn't know when it ia. Mature just now Is fairly howling for joy. FaotmrSa Fakm ExTsaraiaa. The Oregon Land 'Company, of Salem, hat completed the work of planting on hun dred acre of orchard on it tin tract of farm land, named Sunnytlde, four mile south ol that city. The larger portion of the tract hat been divided up Into 10 acr farm, the ground cleared and one hun dred acre .own lo wheat. The location I detlreable and the toil of the riche.t quality. These small farm are being rapldfv taken up by person who Intend to devote ihemtelve 10 farm specialties, orcharding, poultry ratting or raLing veg etable for the cannery. In a vtryfew yeart Sunnvtlde will be one of the moat prosperous farm district In Oregon. Carwet Import rl. I have added about two thousand dollar worth of carpet to my ttocs tin aprmg. e atyte lit 3 ply Ingrain U pet try and body BruMelt; alo hall and atalr ta match, rug, cocoa and naplcr matting, hemp carpet c.ina mai ling, etc I have alto connected with my carpet department, lace curtain, and curtain net, portiere, window thadet, wall paper, tin oleum, and floor .ill cloth. I have and am receiving the tergett nd beat aborted ttock In these line of any houae thi aide of Portland. These good are all on the second floor, where I hare them arranged ao that buyer have very little trouble In select ing what they want. Plenty of room and light. Tho. Montelth ha charge of thi department and will take pleasure In showing the good at anv tln.e. iAMl'gt. E. Vouko. trading Photographers Albany Oregoa. W have boaght ail tbenegati mad by L W Oark and W H Greewood up to Nov IStb, 1389. Implicate c.n b bad from hem only of a at reduoed rata. We haye alao abont 18,000 oenativeA mad br our- aalvat, from which duptioata can be bad at like rat. V carry th euly fall tin of view f tbi ttate and do enlarged work at lowest rU for firtt elats work. W tball be plraaed to on at our Studio in Froinan'i block, neat door to Masonic Irmpla. ai ." New Arrival. A large and complete ttock of carpet,Iinoteum,oil clolhs,hadea, etc, al the store of A B Mrllwaln, all of the latent deigns, and which will be aold at from 10 U 20 per cent lower than by omcr nouses, ; A Woniaa'a Plarovrry "Another woaterfiii d'seovery htt h.a mid d that tnnSv a ldy In thU eortntr. Inasa fu. tened tteduwhe. U) in berwid fitreeven yeart sb withttood lu.evertat tart, bat bar vital oivmii wer undermined and tint aMaHHt bnialnaiit, Fur thrw mor tbt .1). eouirhed .no.M.iitlv ial eon A ao. iihh H.te bouiht a' u. a ooUle of Or Klmr't Mew Uiaoov- ery furtNMiwmptlnR and waa much relieved on katuig nr.l am that he iaot a'l nuht and wlta one bottle ha. b n niliiuiulou.1) rured. Her nam is Mm Lutlwr LuU." Thut write W 0 Hamrtck an Co , ol nhalby, N C. Oeta te trial botUe at ia- tbay ana Atuoul Drug Slora. - 1 Foa Sale. A goal driving borte: work well lingl or double. Residence oa Han- non donation claim, L N Allbji. Yon ctn save many a dime by trading at u v ituuutrdt t.t aingstor. lry it, . New cream cheese lust received at Coi.rad Meyers. The Verdict Unanimous. W D Suit, DrULtrlst. Blnnus. Ind.. teniae 1 can recommend Elsctrio lutturs at tha very best remeuy, Kvery bmtle sold has gr.n relief In even cane. One man took six bottles, end waa cured ol rheumatism of 10 yearn standing." Abraham Uara, druuiri.t, belivllle, Ohio, aHlrms: '-The best selling woutuuiv i hit. .ver naituieu in ray xu years ex iwnence. Is Klootrlo Bitters.- Thousand of other have added tn.ir twUmony, to that tb verdict I unanimous that Eieutno Bitter, do eure .11 dtM a 'lie Liver, Kidney or Brood, Only a ball Sollar bo.tl att'osbay and Wtson1 Drug Store. i a KaDi Hm.ii woo tsni a i itta Ln in . t . ... . tastem man fifteen months ago ha jutt had it returned lo b.rn unopened. Uucle Sam 1 a traditional mesasnger boy. A choios stook ! crackora, tnaps, rto,t Q Heoderiou's. Ha keruatha ltnf thing. 1 W Buntlsy, beat boot and alio maker in oity, opposite Foirniilier & lrin'a. Good oookina ttove onlv tlO at Roni.: it ft Saltmarsh'a. G W Simutou take order lor ti!or made clothing. Call sod see samples. Dr. M. H. Ellin, ohvsician aud turgoon city ot Ait any. Orccon. Caiit mails in :try, , UOMK AN1 AKU0 4M rHth.tiiAr. t P8 CK roolal at tfie ongregtUonal Choroh to-niulit. Mite Jotte r"t. (if lliowimyille, In vinit ing at hor unole'a K C l'helpa, thia wek. Mr P and Mn J Liodren, of tha Albany IronWoik., otine up from balem latt even ing. Tb Champion went down yeaf.erday with 235 ton of whett, bay, etc., on boanl, a big joad. , J J Bryon it tb omine for clmk if Bon touoi uuty onthe drmourttio tiuket. Ho ahrrnld be elected. Th tprtna taatlon of th Wil!mtle Ao- cittion of th Cii.rt;atiotial Church it in 1100 In l ortlaad. Itev S G Irvine, P D, lv.t to-morrow forTawima, whera a new V f church itt be twUbliehed. II will be gone about tw waeka, Hev WiUon will preach on Sab bath loth U P oburcb bare. Deputy 8li4.riffO.boi 11. of Corvallit, patted through Albany yaelorday With tliree ri.oi.- ralor tb iKtuitantttry, Ixurit Adam Kum Krdnr, teutup for n year fur laroany j nenry nnaiit, two year lor burglary, and Uo liadloy, two year lor larceny in dwrl ling; Aeoord.no to Grn B Jltum, tho tientlon oommtstiober, tb numlwr of anion aoldinra in th oivll war wa 2.2.W.OOO. of whom l,25J,0tK) ar UI1 living. There are cow about 433,000 ou th panaion roil who r oeiv a average A $131 a year. There are 18,oeO claim for ortuinal iiilon needing. 74,000 for widowa and 200.000 for increa.e of pennon, making a total of 438,000 ca pudin. feme January caaoa have txaen ditpoatd of. rai0AY. Mr and Mn H KrUdm.D, of galcin. ar in tbaeity. Hon R A Iivin ha leen in Stlem on btttlna. Mr Walter TarraB. of Tscoma.ha Iwto la tb eity U-day. M.J rttrong tia started a II h aUnd ou Lt- OA atrt, near First. County Recorder Davis is confined til.l. horn with th mumps. R B Cooover. of 8atem, has bought th D.ytoo iltrtld. which h will herafter run. Mr Lev hat aooeptad tMi.it'on with O 1. Black man. Mr D L Crowdur having retired to travel on tb road. A social will be given Ibis vning by tb V lof th Baptitt churob, at th reid-tc of Mr 3 8 Morgan. . Fred Mill, of tbl eity, left with the cir - rut to se omsthing of tb world. Thi ia rred s second expedition. Mr Tho Montnith, jr.. hat boo nut the Wm Kinerick bonae, wi.ioh be haa moved on bis lot, at th corner of Calapooi and Fourth Htreeta. Every IkkIv relt the Dsttor'ttAT whether thev Uk it or not. "I wt.it yoa would spell ray nam right," said a man that dosta't Uksit, "when you say anything abont see Again." Bore eoongb. Draod Mr G W Coroeline, (f Portland, have bawn ia tb city tever.l daye.the guost of Mr Cornelius' ei.ter, Mr I) Vaolio's, Mr C arnlloa,aho haa hen ill aioos comic g bare, is reported oaaiderably better. Tb social given by th Yl'SCK last seeing at th Congregational church wa Well attendr-d. An intarMting program wa preaenUd sod a nice social time bad, in cluding th part. king of a wail gotten op lunch. . Mr George Mill and Mr Eweiton, two Ohio cap-Uhtu, a-e to tb city. Mr Mill itthsowoer of tb property occupied by Detihara'a furnitui twr, which he J ur cbaaed w-tbotit baring aeeoit. It it to. wank doctle what he paid for it. Ulyasaa, Kan is agitttad, and no wander. County Clerk (org W Earp,Canty Cun miioor, L) C HuTlivaa and C L (Jien,aod K L Lsnbart, O A Robinaoq, aud tieorge UougbUry bsv been arrested for awiudting tb aoaaty. A bounty offered by the oouoty for wolf scalp. It it cbargd tne foaroit:aas lnt mentioned conspired with th ooecty clrk eod eomruiaai-kacr.. Uu of them would pr.nt a hag of ealpa sod get bit bounty. To hag would then 1 pat where it ooald be stolen and again pre sented. Thia was rMitl till th oouoty wawladlad oat of 1)6.000, representing a quartsr oft million tcaipt. All Paid. 'Yeateiday Treasurer Far well remitted tbe balance due on state taxes to the state Treasurer, and the treasury is not empty yet, several thou sand remaing on hand. ! Scotch 5riT The principal at traction on Firti Steet thlt afiernoon wat the appearance of Lr Jame Kryden the V S., In full Scotch coat u me, kilt tklrt, plaid t locking and all. Tlie doctar i a genuine Scotchman and hi Albany friend know now jutt how he looke I In tbe bonny land of hi previous life, up lo a few month ago, wherj ' man i a man lor a that and a that." A Boy Assisted. -Thi forenoon Fred McDonald, a fifteen year old youth, wat arretted for dlrderly conduct, consisting ,.f tummi . .ir ,.- ' . r, , . . Z8. k n the corner ot tU l and of Ellsworth ttreet. which- barel mU.ed a man and a woman parsing by ana coming ciosc to ooets reaturant win dow. (He wa taken before Recorder Henton and fined $ and cost, which h will pay by a residence of several dayt in the callboote. Several other bovt with him were probably at gullity ; but did not nappen to oc caugtit at it. McDonald one of the boys who started out to Le tramp several weeks ago. and had it not b-'en a many fold repetition of numerous utile ottense. would probably not have been arreted. A number of other boy will get a like punishment If they do not oenave tnemscive. Abe nirrsrial I watching them and propotet to have or aer. aarcaoAT. Cutick's addition .' F. M. French keeps railroad time. Rock candy drip at C E Browne!!'. Anti-swear cuff buttons at Wtll& Stalk's. Do yim want a bom t Buy a lot i a Fair Dal. A bice lin of Windsor ti at Barrow & Seat la nGreat bargain in watches at Will Stark's. J- . WaJlao. rbysiuian and Sunreon, Al oany, jr Citoio canned weet potatoes at C E BrownoU. FrepareiPmtckrel. ia lib cans, at ( Brownell'a. Hetdnutrtera f ir warden aeeds at (I P BrownaUs. For artitts' tnonliea so to Sbmunt ,V - . vufiv. a. Th latest shot music 1 diaoonnt &t u r. nyman c. ,r ' " - Don't fail to try th U.mm A Lor? mm ture uyniau a. 1 1 li 1 rpi , .... . . W:n . cr.,.i J "' xn larceti acock or watnim. in li,. ut at ouri a. JLIellCIOUS 011lnt.d oranberaiaa t C V orwneu s If you want to buy gocd bread, oka .n,l pis go 'o LAnge a. Spring oyer roatingat Zauhca & Son.' nn posit Pottoflioe. Genuine Iowa tortrhnm on drani.lil fc C MM i(rvwuQii g. Good evening Have vou tried Huhharrl. Elegant Lotien An invniua ofnewcoods lo.t rsniv.t t Btrrowa & Searla. P Centemerie kid gloves in black and ool oted at Samuel E Young's, i The colobrtfd Quaker City white shiit at Barrow & Searla. No need to suffer with the heathwh when Hubbard's Captulea will sure! our you. If yoa want a Do toilet or bath loan call on Stanard ft Cusick, City Drug Store, .leave your rdera at Lanse'a for anvthino i on wisn lor id tne oaxory una. Tb Foster gDutoe,hook glove Fosterina. in black and colored, at Smnuti E Young's. Fair Dale lota wiil soon be tU sold. Thia property w.U biing $200 per lot before fall. Buy a lot in Cusick'a addition, the finest tuburhau addition. Itt looation tpeakt for itself. Don't fail to cull on Will ft Stark and price their large line tf ladle and gents watches before yoa buy. The Hemma ft Lnug piano ia tha bett mads piano to stand the climate of the coast. Don't fail to getbne at Mr Hyrnan'. Genniue Martinat kid glove, in all sizes and colors, at 89o per pair nntil May Ut. tvery pair warranted, at G W Simpt ou's. A lot in Cusiek's addition u better than ten per cect, or better than a !oi ia foreipn cities whors the tide tb and flows twice in twenty-four hours. Those -.vWhiitg "ren door and windows should cull on lt B Vaok, who will put them tsoifiplete on short not.ee. Shop on corner ol Hrooint avid rerry tireeta. NovoltUrs in parasols at 8 E Young', Good dry fir wood for tale. Leave order at thi ofiioe. Csrtt Ltnnlcg is horns from bit trio to Port Towftseml. Th I et lawn sprinkler in tb mstket t Matthew of Wathbnrii's. ,Hrmn't l)iarneBt"sp(clsc!rs aud eye glasses st V al rreuch , DO sents a pair. Mr A W Marks and family Lift for Leb anon this aftrnoon,whr Mr Mark ha ao- cepted a position hi the paper noils. A two year old son of Trio H msull M in th ditch Tlitirtd.y vnirj4,atid wa gal lantly rotcued by .Mr Arch Hammer. Mf Al loni( retarded lt veUtuZ from a trip lo Portland, being catted tbnro by tbe tenons Hindi of bl brother M irk . The Knt!m l.nmlrf Co. tbi weak h sold abont 100,01 0 fest of lumber, tndictting a bra builclirg ba.ines in tb city, Th Ut Itev Bi.bop Morris will hold con formation urviu at th Eviawrpul Church HubiUy eve, 7:.Tlm c-rr Lyon and .Sixth street.. Mr Wm Wright, be arti,t abd railroad nan, will tuava Monday for Port Towntend, where be ha. an important position offered him oa a railroad buiiding to tiiat city. Mrs H M Putiitigton rfeturhd )sterday from I nri'lli't'Xi wbxra hs bid fjomi n,n dayt ago, to aU'-ofl her tick titter Mr Mtrt Brini(!iairi, w;.o waa well knowu i tbi city. Mrt Bnnuham wm buried htr.t V,ln.,wl.y, Li't eVKiiing the tneintiCr of lUi W liC preeenteil tb U A It with a c.nulmt note and mortiOMtooo the 1111 fort-".) 4, which bad lire 'I paid f.om the fuipt of tb reci-ot earnivl,and t!. wctety la now oat of debt. Our c.t:zn'i wid no doubt give Mis Gtge besrty recepttii'i unit week, and show their appreciation of tome fin actios. Tbe troup it undfeuhiatty a very talented one, being received wtlh enthusiasm wbereyer they play. Mrs Edward . and children arrived on last vetitig'a tram from Seattle, their n w home having Wn gotten rc.dy for them by Mr Z !). Tb hoow, dilferrot from any other in Albany, hu an attractive srehitec tars peculiar to large and growing cities and is hamltomtly fiui.bed and furnished. TTln trn sera freit farms, firet pof on th nmrkei l y tbeOrrgon Land Co, bay bo a Ixitiant. to the H.I. m nurm-rymcn. Tb dem.nd f r fruit trj thi spring h been in ees of the safiply, and older for fall planting are cmuig in quit frt!y. An vnpitlet.td smtmtttof tree accd baa been oii,t.l thi aprmg, a tb naraervmen are not mill' g to be caught napping again. TKtlPSCItAXCE coi.irsx. Kitted by Albany W.C.T.V The following officers for the ensuing year were eb- tl at the last mettingol the All-anv W C T U : Mrs W Jl Sox, Prexiiknt. Mrs M A Kt John, Vice President. Mrs K A Chamlierland, Rec. Sec. Mrs M II Ellis, Cor. Sec. M rs McCarty, Treasurer. Tbe following we glean from tho report of the Supt of S. S. work : In bringing toy report of the years' work in this de partment 1 regret to say that it is not as full and accurate as I would like to have it. owing to tbe fact that 1 find it very diflkult to secure reports from those school who have nut thought best to ap point a temperance secretary to further and report the work. It ia very encour aging to receive full and cheering report from the eflicient secretaries who nave been appointed. We have in our eity nine Protestant Sunday schools. The average) attendance in eight of these i 550. Four schools report using quarterly temperance lesaons regularly the others interchange with iiiwsionary lessons or quarterly review. One school reports No of pledged scholars, lid. Tlie amount of itturature distribute!, -Mltjii pages of leaflet, 150copis of Tbe Water Lily, a small temperance papr putdished' by Mat Lem society, and 270 copies Young t rusader, 48 ptiges oi temperance lessfn leaves, eight temperance aeruinns and addrenws are reported, two of them illus trated by the black board. No of teach ers members of the W C T U, 26. So far dear ladies of the Union tlie external ac count of the work may go, but it would require tlie pen of an angel to follow the good seeds of truth that have fallen into the hearts of the dear S 8 children, and declare the growth, the hope and promise for the future. But in faith we sow and water with our loving prayers, and God shall; give tbe increase, " Mrs S A Mc- Alister, Snpt. Prohibition in Kansas Is simply hu pregnable. It is stated that forty-one p?r cent of tne crimes mt.ermany last year were commuted ty intoxicated persons. The liquor men of South Dakota are preparing to make a new fibt ajiainet Uifl prohibitory law on the ground that the constitutional convention which met j J u'y, ,mA auUiortty only to make visions for those parts of the state chinery w hich are prescribed by the pro- ma nnery winch are prescribed bv the con stitution of the L nited States.and a vote on prohibition having been ordered be fore South Dakota was admitted into the Uniont it was therefore unconstitutional and void. This objection is unprecedent ed and shows that no stone will be left unturned by the friends of w hisky to ac complish the overthrow of prohibition. tw. mju-i-aL . pon l3lilS ; SKIH .'DISEASES ,i LLLLiiSATiB I BiSJJ OAT lEHtf t.tirw.a, i: Kii.an n-rr.nvni,!,. n .ml trr!t. i.th, i!y f:n.t.vu.vir t.f J!i.rbi i a.tMt &n tr4-fpr',i Prir-. 3 ccnta a Bos THE PLACE. iy ti . moan, es.ll on PaiKe. Brothers, Groceries mmtt UM Gpcas, Etc. Etc. Tl.elr goods are tne liost aud thi ir orion tutain,lti. To All Whom It May Concern,- Ihe Uermania F e Insurance Co of tNework. having re.nsured lt entire ousinest In the State of Oreson, said com- pany (having on deposit with the State Treasurer, $50,000,) hereby give notice of ta uis-contmuance ot business In Ore gon, and its intention of withdrawing its 'Jcposlt now with the State Treasurer at me expiration of the six month printed notice required by law aKRMANIC FlRE IXSUR, A VCR Co OF N. Y Hugh Schumann, Vlc President." Dec;t'h iSSr ' Albany IRONWORKS- -Manufacturer r- . Mm EMOIMES CHS! AM3 SAW '4ILLMAGHINESY IRON FRONTS : ..m ALL Kim Cf HEAVY m light v;:nx, in JHOH MM3 EHASS CASTAS. ipsofni attention ds of maohinen hht o . "tiring tl FaUorns Made oa Short Mo'Jee. PE3CHER0H STALLIO mm, 5934, w' - ' ''U-aa--V l Will mak tl)onat jH(rronMon days ai d Tuesdays ; at Alfrany Wedns flay ai d TI.uj.csj s ,' atC.rvallls, Frl daysaLd Hal ur days. PXACMFTIO ASO PKDIORKE, ' Black tfoa'ed 18S4 j Imported 18S3 by Murray liroihera, of Polo, Illinois, bred I y M ')Tl"iln,coir)tnnoof LaUtndalos, run. mi rtngntit Je-rtotrou, depsrtmsnt of Earn t Loir s got by Bayard (fi7) ; d i m Co;lw (J)33) by Chert (4137) out of I tiino. Btysr 1 H.Vt (f7) J by Nsrkoon 1334 (777J Ot.t of It tgoito by lion Coeur-d'Am hl.v. Nrt.i. 13M (777) by Brilliant 1S99 (7.VI) out or Marl-Ion by Favor! I (Jltjbe. by Vieiix Cbaatin (713) out of L'Amle by Vio Pierrs (!)!. ft by Vnxto (712 ) I5rll!int 18,9 (7.V1) by Co,w It (714) ont of linm-u by Afin belonging to tbe Freiifj'j vrnrnnt. Coco 1 1 (7U) by v'ionx Chas fn (7I3)ont of L rf by Vifiix l'irrs ) Vleux Cbastln (713) by Coco (7li)oot of Pou'e bv rtandl. Cxso (712) by Mlgaon (715) out of Paa ltne by Vleox Coco. Mignon (715) by Join le B ane (739.) ea 4ao-!n.ii!ane Cherl (4137) by Itijw, belonging to M Fardotutt, oot of liicho, belonging to M Debray ; TERMS. To Innure Mar In foal 20 For mtAfn .. ... (id hingle mi vlco, C O I) - .f 10 Person insuring lber mar a mad not ratnriilDg in regular easa to tba boras, will be charged as seaaon mat. Person tfiapos rg f their i.i a re before they are known to bi with futUir removing tbe in from th county wUl be etiarga ! for In surance. Property f Faao W. Blcmbcbo. PATENTS Uioed. aw alt oUW bosiaeae In tha V. fflw M'Uswl w '" s eea. Ouro is opwtt the U.S. latent OA, aad ve can ot.uin PMnta let b thaa thaa reai rota Wnirtio. fc-md muli. or druir. w te pa teat ability free of eaarg ;anJ weawka a eaarga aiil.s w obtain tnt. We nfar ben, to tha Poetaiaater, tha Bapt. a Wooey OM Ii. and lo eetaaie olUieU. A ruts Office, fcrcircitlar, adnee, tertaa, and efereaea e wtual etuta la yourowa Slate or county, addrae c. . snow &c o Cit'0t 1 a1" OfBca.Wa.hiu 4 . i D r;:z .3 - ,Jf- ta.rieal tJkaf J a V t"-vvl IriiJiva?r-.f Vr.Cd lor l ijo will be BuUol KtL wu.p.i plicnoc, aa CO ttuaeaMm iiuwimiv It i wiser tow wtct. J V-- " J $, tdt annua tcea tor . motm 0. M.FERRY A CO. CCTHOIT, MICH. i'9 hart iha tzclutva Control ot o P. c E II T O 13 IA. ndmt tan te -r a sWra te tt tMm Ct, for It Uu BIS7 tt'0. ttrtCmmkoi SEE 133 CHIIJlf P!'JS. SAMUEL (E. ,GUf!G, ALBANY,! OREGON. rrrwrlpilea puntxlitrv Miltf ARTICLE- 5 - - irriir tarn l . TOWNSEND I WILSOII. The following i a partial list of eity aad farm property for i'e by na. 4 ODiniproycd lotaca 5th Street. Eicd $300. :; 1 lot with house two stories on 4th and Jackson St. $2200..-' House with 5 rooms, 1st St $1600. ' - 1 lot on Washington St, $$50, 2 vacaut lots on 3rd St - Each, ?3(KJ. A good farm of 410 acre 2 miles from Halsey. f30peraora. Can be divided and will make two good farm. A good farm of 170 acres, 1 mile from Tan- gect, sj miles ftom Albany. : $40 per acre. : Good farm cf HO teres, 3 miles from Shadd. Price, $5000. A good stock farm, 2 miles from Shedd, 160 acre, $25MK A new eottaiKi with tix rooms, lare lot Prior, $1600. Ceveral tracts of Sand 10 acre lota, one anil a half niles from Albany. $300 per acre. A good stock farm, 1500 actes. S miles. from It S tUtion. 3 per acre. A bargain. Farm 3 miles fiom Shedd, Brst-clau ).,i arid fruit Und, 110 acres. Price, SaOOO. . 825 acres 4 m'lea from R R. f SO m, Ca be told in lota o suit purchasers. " Blocks and lots in Townsnd'a addition to Albany, Insuranoe Brokers. TOWNSEND & WILSON, Real Estate Brokers. te-. '.Z1 a o-' - x up4- so 1 Notice to Contractors. NOTICE IS HEREBY UIVES THAT at the nexs rekular term of the County Commissloneis lor Lipn eopntv Oregon, to bt hel l at tbe Court House in the city of Albarvon Wed -end ty, the 7lh day or May, t890, sealed plans, soeo itloatlona. strains, diagrams and bids wi) I be reeelyad for buiiduig a br.dge aoroita Lake Creek whora tho County road lead ing from Taagert to Corvallia ori.sss said creak, tatd bridge to be of one span 75 ftet long and p roach to be 150 feet long Ail bids musr. lie filed with the clerk on or before 1 o'ciook 01 the above men tioned day, j The Court leserves the right lo reject any and all bids, lor by order t f the Court th's 10; h day of ril 8i0 . -S, E. IIOTAGUE, .. ." C-ur.'y CHI".