The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 02, 1890, Image 1

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is the Best
f V -
Advertising latillutn
In theCcrdr!
' Wlllamclti Valley.
New York World
American Farm
One vear for $2.fl).
i , i Hi
I '. I 1 8: 1
WW. xX.n-
l if ' v-v ; -TV i
i r. fi'- ANTj-r.iLfOJ o.priAs:i a:
sail all Unc Twulm, Ui.!i.4 K vs., iU ...i I'omk, mi4 l"'?; ;i a: I roamtUi.
i r 1 1 '.i e 'jr at nrt h ras As. . , -,i .,, , w . ca!.- i on tut
l ti.iv k l.unu.K-! to 5i:r woc-l vtu v.un a.v t.U.w..!, iu. iw rerun. LJ,
j '';. l'l.!'tlr'l 'l, CoM, llKir.o- J,-.-r.-.. n-wM!! t'!i-u.; rwl
l tow v ... :U rtuuxM vvn-UH Imh, CuiUim nuOj'UU'i, lfj'
i;". i r Lcrt - r i ? n t v c p ; i a; o irinE titt-'T r
l't( lillivru. l I ;j.;Uwl' o ii iy -or.' ,n (r.HuVt'i I h u
C'ltf RFt2nj'T. 1 1 1 in'Mj In ill rv ,:. ittxn.M Hli f -vor.
('. h r. v hrv)u D" r.'"Y
tti. H-ltCR'S T TT.U!KR ( U"E
Dl. HJLttM WHOrpM-JCCUSN CURS, ix,..-, f, WhlTlB4 (.,A
frr. - WI'MSr rye- f' r f I-. Hj-"i r.-i"i l'i-to.(i, lr. Hi Jo-S ltS-'iml'o
.'JVtiit'.l.inr, h.1 i II lct.lmi.lic ,: lliw vtitiA Ion '.uu; it Tilil, I k. ,
n , U hi ,lhft.iaiMi i.iiu o..f ili..ti,ia, vul 4u Mi.t a l . . Kwi ol
Sl.-O pr Puikje. S.s Putkuga fcr S5.CC.
T r lh iJ- n ).ini f . rrin t If fil .i. I. h..
.r .i lev i ..rir- . r.:r- (
Foshay & Mswon, Agents, Albsny. Or
Mitchell & lewis Co.,
Agricultural Impiemcnts
' j. l ; '
m m
To wnl Imi An I riirblA furntur s mn nfaeturwl In Hinitv 4
Thomas Brink.
IHia Mock haa bean enUrjtel no tttnt II -iia: r on ibr Owt, noil conMHUof
fjogor Bros. Silverware, P ijo lit inf and Crys
talware, Boys' Wagons Doll Carriage-,
Fancy Goods,, and : neral
assortment of Oroclnoy
anrt Toys.
n bajt I!r" ...J xrrlM lh lr utock
bM Ixmiq 1J.I eomplol line of
Agiot for lnTro eompil wiih epitl a'xtlii 75.()00,W'.
f-Jcl op p?rl frap.oilii. Hlpr wiH deuU-U gpro hen.-
The Leading "Druggist,
pficiaUUt-FiaiTjiItt Ar.l.j'.ai, Pdrf i a ir ai 1 rivtronnnti
Ifrrlptl Crelll m npa-, Mc' 'jty a 1 iilglit.
ttti? T.RADKR.
G. W.
- AIjIE3 -
SaperiokV "Argancl." rGarIaH,
Firo backs.
Warrant od
5 years, All
sizes an
;-L? C'JHE
'.liH'a!i! im'il lm. url.V I'm
. A rfort t uVa.itl'ri!i i Ii lisUl.Wr.
Pm-:( u l rami
Uihi;ci ii u viiui lifc,' iu :ni.
4V(H..4,u.j rii'i; r viY vi I I nl.ii I rnrvt
I r I til vf Uli-. b .k i.f il,pi..., t
F.iA'.Cl; CAL; U. S. A.
v" - ! -.-t.-rr: '
t r rrffli it - imi im
m m
Rule Bazaar:
Hi WllU-imti. Vlly, l whl.
A - X'J " If -
The Woild'o
best. More
than hun
dred 7 hun
dred differ
o n t sty ies
co ok s and
if.. .
!ob' -Work, Plambing.
.Vonli. P.'io Bailors -
Vom-ntarily. Tlie fillowlny; from
(he Klninnih Sf.r U nlxmt a Linn county
inun, who prieiiU the pcctilUr cne of
having reigned from a government po
ulttan. Mr McKarland will be here In
about a month, having heen inUucd bjr
Gen Api'lr'iitc to remain awhile and
lt In tfaljjhicnlns 'me o( the bunlnen
of the oilice: O C McFnrlnnd Ik In town
nerving hi pnrtv n a delegate to the dem
ocratic convention, (tela about leaving
hit po.t ai Supeilntendent of clumla at
ai me auenev. where ne lia oeen in ine
governniciit nervlce for the pant fo'rye.
not a we have been told on account of
vhanue In admlnlhtratln, hut voiunlaillyt
a we oWrve the aent en Applcgatc,
nlgnlllet a rex ret thitt he U leaving, ana
alto i;lvi- him a good tetter of reccom ion, a doe ex-Agent r.merv,
whoie lilend.hiii Bttet Mitck't faithful'
or to the ne-vlce, An Indian agency
U a hard nlace to live In pence, but Mack
leavrt lili a h.j.t of Mend He will
viktt for awhile hi old home at Albany.
(Jregon, w hen we hope to - him return
to DiU county. Mince writing the ilove
Mr McKarland Iimh been elected delegate
to the democratic Mate convention.
Tint Circi n. (iooJ ld crowds at
tended McMahon' clrcux, afternoon and
evening, and there waa leta grumbling
than with most any clrcuiever In the tit
Not only the price of admlKn but the
performance were very natUfactory. One
ring performance are much the best.
Thcv are more like family affair. The
tumbling wit remarkably Rood, couple
doing double In good hape. The Irapcxc
act, ground tumbling, cro bar, slack
wire, trained elephant, donkev and bare
Due, tilling, were all cxcUenl,hllcr than
UHual. There wrre ccverat clown
and more clown wr i k and better than In
three ring clrcvme ; but of cute there
were old chetnul. A Dutchman cpUode
bronchi In the merchant o! the cltv, who
paid IiHT It. In irootl haic The old fellow
came In loaded down with packiei
bought at diHerent ptacr In th city.
"Come again.
IIintkbs, The following from the
Regttr l an example of a very common
occurrence now aduy. It U to be hoped
that hi thU and all other cat?, though,
the exampleof Mr lambach It not fol
lowed: "A womin giving her name a
I'er.illa MPIer arrived I4 Kugcne few
day ago looking tor her brother, V it
Hunter. She I about lxty year old and
aythe came troin l'ittuburg, Pa. She
ays her brother wrote to her that he wa
living a few mile from Eugene and want
ed her to come out . (ttte U now unaVe
to find him and no ono here teem to
know a man by that name. If there U
uch a man In thl vicinity h should
nake htmtclf known.
No WATkK. At the time the fire twoke
out at Junction lat Monday inornlng,ay
the Eugene RegUler, there wa little or
no water In the tank and the citlen had
no mateil-tl with which to fight the fire.
It wa found that m m rope had h.-ti. sat"
uraled with oil and put under the building
and then lighted. A ma.i living near the
building that burned I be heaid some
one run by hi houe a few minute be
fore the tire broke out and them Is no
doulg but that the fire wa the work of an
incendiary. There are firebug in lU-t
city that should be found out and dkposfd
A Cimnt Walk. A ten foot cement
walk I beiig erected by ilalne & Hoff
man on Ellsworth street In f out of the
Un!vrr:'!it church, through the public
4litt ol Mr Ahly Penrre. A pUnk
walk will be put in on the Fourth s'.rcet
side, with a cement curbstone along the
entire sUle. This I the only church in
Albany wih a cement walk. The ex
ample Is a good one, and the DtMorttaT
hopes to see the- walk In front 01 pri
vate residence H due time. .
To Bit Ai'i'K vt o. -U S District Attor
ney F P Mays, t f Portland, ha been In
structed to appeu. the cae 01 the United
Slates vt Tn- Daltc Military Wagon
Road Company and the Oregon Central
Military NVagon Road Company to the
supreme coit of the United Mates. The
case were decided by Judge Sawyer, of
the United Mate circuit court. In favor
of the road companies. The Oregon Cen
tral rod I the one running from Eugene
acrus the (,'ascade mountain.
Will I.kavb Corvalli.- F 8 Craig
ha retired front ilu Gdctte and will ac
cept a position a assistant local editor on
the Salem Statesman. T hi I the fourth
time the paper ha changed editor since
the Oregon Pacific purchased It five year
ago an evidence that railroad literat ure i
not anprecla'ed in a Corvalli maiket.
W wish M' Cralir all the succes Imaiiln-
able In hi new position at the capital
city Time.
r.iUTH Eli. TIic Linn county ex
which toM nlout the cow ln-ing nffucat-
eI in growing erais during one nii;l)t,alHO
gives the following : A man not long
since broke the coupling of bin wagon be
tween lximnon and one of the saw nulla
jtmt out of town, anl wh com pel UM to
HuuHiuuie a green nr ioie in order 10 Rt'l
bia wagon home. I li wan aurprinetl nest
morning to fui'l two Iialf-x'wn waon
wheeln, a double-tree and hreaitt-yoke
growing on the green coupling. And
etill Borne people Buy that Oregon u not a
productive country.
Somb Cbape Nekded. The young man
on the Pcio I'reHH not long nince obtained
liceniw to wed a fair darnwl at that
I'invv, t n s rj ui'nbinviv ,viiiv auv v v
intended bride availed hcrwlf of a reduc
tion in railroad fare and haa gone in
search of health and other incidentalH.
Auk for an externum of time, young man ;
and in the meantime we will forward by
the first train (our yardit of black French
crcno with the request thut the fraterni
ty uon appropriate weeds.
Rather Wiok. In the btrber shop of
L Vic reck may be teen a piece of Gr
board just 43 wide, being cut square.
That i pretty wide anywhere. The
board wa presented Mr Vicrcck by the
Bantiam Lumber Company, and will be
made into a sign, In order to advertise
not only Mr V'ierecs, but n well the pro
duct of our glorious country.
Talked op. Mr 8 W Parker, ol Fox
valley, is talked of for a candidate lor
representative from Linn county on the
Union ticket. Mr Parker is one of the
crowd w ho afwinted in burning the barn
where John Wilkes P.ooth was secreted,
and canturintr the foul aHsaisin. Salem
Some Kind op Gas. Work ha been
stonned in the Warrenlon ca well and
will not be resumed until better iinple
mem are ecured. The drill ha been
driven dow n to slate.' Thl In one of the
best Indication tor a good deposit of coal
and also for a flow of gas. Columbian
A Good Hit . -Mr Squlrmly, I hear you
referred to me at a liar." "Ye, sir. I did
What are you eoingjo do about it ?" '!
wa coinir to asa you to put it down in an
Anacortes real estate ouice,and 1 don t need
beUer recommendation. hx. "
Died. At Alblua, on Tuesday, April
23 1890. Lucy Parker, wife of Lewis P:
Iter and daughter ot VV JT Kichardson .of
Sand Kidue. The funeral will take place
on Sunday next at 2 o'clock p.'.u. from the
Oranjje Mall.
1 An Invention. An Albany real es
tate firm ha an ingentu arrangement
for locating the city property on the'
book for sale. They have pasted one of
Watt city man to a board, put the whel
In a frame, and stuck labeled pecs lno
the map at the site. It looks hotel like
but is very convenient. '
fJJSoMK Sales. Mr. Hub Bryant baa
old to Mrs Warner, of Salem, about 10 4
acres, and to Mr Fred Dawson 2.31 acres
of land, adjoining the r rand Jlackie-
lnun'rt grove, ri'c' ivin' fijf'0 nn acre for
!. he wot'. I-.uH 'ls )ii on the potith of
tbe jm . j rty. f'
Lhow NHVII.I.R. Mlos Llllio Ikuco is
biukfrotu Albany, whore n!ia lias Ikwii
ftttundliig the Ulsters' school. -
In the Hnptint churrh, at this blare,
Kunday evening, April 20,110, lUiv 0
rijMrry olfliilatlng, MrClydo Foster and
Miss Kcltrt Prow 11.
J M Waters and J B H Moorlock sturt-
ed for Hi'itttlo Monday morning. They
go to build their mill there and will be
gone about two mouths. .
Died: On TuernUiv mornlntr. Aorll L'l
of rheiimtism of the' heart, MrL'hur Hotv
luet, aged about 14 years. He will te
buried totiuy, Friday, in the Browr.svulo
V V HiintingUin and other 8 V oQU'luls
w ill arrive hs-re to-dtty noon. They come
here oil imHrtant business ronwrnhig
ttio extension ana wiiteningof the IN u,
Our citixens should give them a warm
The P.rownsville Ileal Estase Agency Is
now a consolidation 01 the linns of (
show & Waters and McDonald it Caven-
Mr Peter Hither, who lives alsmt four
miles front here, drove Into town Man
day morning, and while attending to
business matters his team lieca me fright
ened, broke hstse and started down Main
street. The train being a b it'll spirited
one. and the dangerous condition of tlte
bridge, towards which they ran, made
this the most exciting runaway of the
season. Immediately about a dozen men
started for the bridge w here they ex..
peeled to find the runaways profmbly
dead, but as luck would have It the
horses were not seriously Injured.-Tiines
New Cm'aniits. Among the Improve
ments in Albany this year will be a
handsome rhun-h edifice at the corner of
Washington and Fifth streets, to take
the place of the present V Pehiireh. The
old finil.liojt w ill U' nioveti to the east
end of Sixth street and 1st used as a mis
sion church; Mrs Ifackletiian having
donated a lot for that puro. The cost
of this new structure will It about f 10,
000 and it is intended to give it all the
modern conveniences, so much needed
by this church organization, the old
building proving entirely Inadequate to
the demands of the ' wing congrega
tion, Hsbbatli sehotd and Yl'PtJ E.
The M K nhurch for the same reason
will build a handsome new church at
the site ot their present church. It will
cost about 17, (too and promise to be one
tne prettiest edifice in the valley. Work
w ill le begun atout June 1st.
JfsT ro l)Kt'SEE.xsKS. Captain E 8
Edward and Mr F McDermott, the Vnl-
ted States local lntector, have returned
frmn their business jaunt to Yamuna 1st v.
They went to Newport to investigate the
charges, of "non-compliance w ith rule
and negligence through drunkenness,
which wee preferred by an engineer
named Nackett against Captain Plake, of
the steamer Walltiki. The inspectors
considered the case to be six of one and
half a dozen of the other. They w ill sus
pend the license of both the captain and
the engineer for sixty days, and will im
pose a Hue of IS.WJO on the steamer. The
Walluskl, which is worth about f l,5tx, Is
In charge of the collector ot eusttms,who,
on the 17th of the present month, tl.-d the
steamer tifi and placed a watchman on
tNiard. 1 ne ioat w ill 11. t i aiiowci to
be taken away until the fine Is litiuidut-
ed. Oregonian.
TnT Kvsteji. Considerable ln)ulry
is made alxmt the famous Austrailian
ballot syatein in vogue in a number of
states. To satisfy the curious we give
the principal points of the system :
1. All ballots must 1st printed and
districted at the public exitensc.
2. The names of alt candidate must
lw ptinted on the same ticket. ,
J. Ilia Jstil'it mtixt I ti'MrverM tothe
voter w ithin the lulling tdace by sworn
ollieers of election.
4. No l!lot mar m detivere! save
those delivered.
5. The voter must ls guaranteed a'i-
solttte privacy in preparing his ballot.
B. The secrecy of the Istllot must be
made compufcory.
Ax Exaooekateh I'aitE. Tlic editor;
of the Jefferson Ieview came from Cali
fornia, The following in the Inst issue
of that ter has a confident ring to it;
but it simply indicates that the H F Ex
aminer w as iinj-l on and not that the
patter is getting up such exaggerated
schemes to deceive people. We give the
item as an interesting piece of news:
in the large premium lint ol the Exam
iner we fiiuLolreml as a premium, twen
ty-four town lot in the town of Travers,
I si. They are valued at I2,o:K). white
we know to a certainty that they are not
worth one dollar, and the man that se
cure one of them a a premium w ill get
wuy leu, 11 ne par one year a taxes
on it.
Over The Bellamy Tnaoav-The
Wil'amette University boys, at Salem, nad
a big debate over the Ikllamy theory, n7
since a lively quarrel ha been going on
In the paper there by correspondent
over the decision, the fuliowing from
the Journal remind one ot the famous 7
to 8 decision of a certain commission, a
few year ago:
The Willamette university hoy have a
joke on the judge at the recent debate.
this judge declared that the arguments
for the affirmative had not removed hi
predijudlcei, The boy are free to con
fess that they did not all succeed lr. re
moving their oxn.
Boss or Vetebaks. Lost week eev-1
enteen young men met in the G A It Half
an ana organized order ol the bona o-
etsrans. Committee were acr-ointed.
and the following oUicera were electea :
vai'f k " iiii.iii,.
1st Lient C ti Kawlings.
2nd Lieut W Wriulit.
Camp Council F O Breckenridge, 8 B
Denhain and P R Kelly.
jsi Mergean r iv rveny. ,
QM-II L Day.
Herg't of Guard S C Veel.
(!olor Kerg't F O Breckenridge,
Prin, Musician Claire Vunk.
Cliaplain A W Blackburn,
Capt of Guard 8 B Denham
Camp Guard A Amos,
Picket, Guard W 11 Hand.
A Ckedclocb Boy. The crodulousness
of the six year old boy is often very in
teresting. An Albany boy, with a big
blue necktie, wa told in a serioua way
by an Albany vouna man that at the cir
cus an Indian would Rjtpear and egt three
ooys wim oiue nRcsues. jonniiy went,
necktie and all. In due time a performer
dressed like an Indian came out on horse
back. Jobnnv was observed to be all ex
citement, and grabbing bis necktie Boon
had it out of eight. ( m Ming asked what
he did that for he said he didn't want to
be eaten by the bad Indian.
A Eace Wae Phobable. Mr B
Blodgett, who lives near town, tells us
of an incident that spoils the old adage
Birds of a feather flock together." One
of his domestic fowls and a Mongolian
pheasant are laving m the same nest,
He is expecting amicable relations to
continue between these two fowls until
the incubating process begins, when, as
in the nast. the Chinaman must go. Ex
A Bicyclers Tumiile, Last evening
about 9 o'clock, while riding a bicycl
along Calapooia street in the deepening
twillgnt, mr vv 1111am x oronmer ra "to
steed against a crosswalk standing six or
seven inches abovti the street, at Seventh
street, and received a bad tumble. It
was not until this forenoon that be
learned that bis arm was dislocated at
the elbow. Dr Wallace attended the
arm. -t - ;
A Dtstisouisukd Party. GenAlger
TJ 8 Commander of the GAB, Mrs John
A Loj?.n and party passed through Al
bany Sat. morning for Ellensburg, where
the Washington G All will soon convene.
They were greeted at the depot y sev
eral members of the G A It, and given
gome hearty handshakes, tokens of good
will of the member's of the Albany order.
This is the second time Gen Alger and
.Mrs Lopuilutve Liced our Alany people.
A Musical IUcital. Last Friday at
the residence of Miss 1 ranees Gilbert,
a very enjoyable musical recital wa giv
en by her class of pupil, showing marked
Improvement. Ihe following program
was presented :
( reeling, iv cms
Organ selection. "Crown Prince Grand
March," Mis OUie- Baltimore.
Piano selection. "Plulede Roses." Miss
Ora Dubruille.
Organ selection, "Magnolia Walt,"
mm Eiva ivoscoe. .
Piano selection. "To the Playground."
Miss Nellie Gilson.
Organ selection. "Do Re Me Fa." Miss r 1
ftiav sillier.
Hong, "Ye or No," Miss Htella Writ.
Organ stlection."lIoine. sweet Homo."
Instrumental duette. Mis lila Ktuart
tnd Nettie Blackmnn.
Pla nowdeetion," Fairy Fliigcra Waltst,"
Mis ldtio Ketclinm.
i Organ wdection, Nwture, Mis Caroth.
Instrumental Quartet, (organ and pi-
ano) "Uoinleaux et ariatlons." Misses
Ava Baltimore, Maud Crosby, Ollie Bal
timore and ('and is Conn. "
Organ selwtlon, "rtwinlng
W Miss Liltie Wyman
in the
1'lano sellH'tlon. Evening Recreation.
M! ritella Writamau.
Instrumental solo. "I'alllnrr Tuvta."
Mf Maud Crosly.
.Vocal solo. "Blooin Again. Sweet l'rin-
on Flower," Mis Ida Htuart.
Instrumental nolo, "Woodland Eeh-
ocs," mis Ava ltalttmore.
Vocal duette, Kelected.
Instrumental drt. "Knrav from the
Fountain," Mis Ida Stuart.
Good Night, by class.
A Siu rri.Ea. This 1 ait ago for re
lieving the great stress on tired out iteo
pie. We have been dreaming all kind
of iMibHitie but never yet of an inven
tion ftr shuffling cards. Hen is the
wa- ft works: A sham turn Vi the rlirht
ot either of the two handle place the
macuiu in worsing order. The card
re tfie then dropped into tlta slot. The
machine work bv itself, and tire card
gradually disappear. When the whole
nave passed into the machine the handle
1 turned again in the same direction.
and the card will be brought Isu k to
the surface of the table. Another pack
should then 1 placed in the slot, and
the shiilliing process repeat Itself while
the Players are dealing and playing pack
W'x fall the attention of our reader to
the advertisement of the Hlller Drug
Company, to 1 found In another col a mo.
The excellent reputation which Dr Hil-
ier special prescriptions is-r, w herever
they ar known, is a sutlleient trtiamiitN
of their genuine worth. Dr Hiller has
after twenty-five year of laborious study
and practice, retired from the Profession.
ami i now actively engaged in placing
some of ids most valuei prescription be
fore the public in uch a manner a to
put them within the reach of all. Dr
tiller only ask that wln-n these pre
scription are used they will be treated a
prvm-rtrdions. and that the direction be
a fully and cjnscientiously obeyed a
would tuoe of any reputable physician
Grni 1'oitLAK Alkbahy. The
tweeds Isdne msnnfactured by the Al-
lny wisiten mills are already getting a
reputation. California wholesalers wlio
saw them pronounced them ierMr to
anymmg manufactured in that state in
the Unejuf tweeds, ami the result wa
in order from that state alone.
This Is a fact of great interest to Albany,
for lite marked success ml the woolen
mills i a matter f-mnert vnern to the
Cltr. The mill ha work ahead on pres
ent order for four or five muth run
ning full force, and mure Time bis rv ha
1 .-i.... r
wen oniereti.
DrcoaATiox 1)AY.At a meeting of the
OAK !rt week arrangt mcnt were
niale for the celebration of decoration
lay in a leoming manner. The' follow
ing committee was appointed to arrange
for the same t From the Post J i Wlitt-
ing. Ilev 1 B Fisher, ti M Train. Kelief
Corps Mr M J Train, Mr Tho Jjlop
kins.Mrs it B Vunk, Sons of Veterans
ti W Wright, F O Breckinridge, P U Kel
ly. Instruction were given for the Invi
tation of Hon li B Miller of Grants Pas,
to deliver the memorial address.
Its Htrlts laoroajtkly Trtr,
Dr. E. 8. Holden. Dear Sir: The Ether-
eal Cough Syrup received. I have used
tm ymp tor coughs and cold for several
year and can truly say that U is the best
if not the best cough medlcite that I havj
used or known of, Jons 8. Kerr.
Uakdale. Nov. i 187S.
fjirge size $ 1, small yjeent. . For sale by
II. C, Ifubbaid, c'ruggitt.
SeaiNu Jacket t Cost. I
have a small line ot spring jack
et In color I wish to close out,
and have reduced th price to
cost. They are the latest atyle
and a bargain. 1 also have a line
of Hprlng Stockinet jacket for
$ 50 each, whlck I the nicest
jacket for the price in the market.
S AMI' el E. Youno.
Tbs best lines of 5 and 10 eaot eistr io
the etty ar t b found at Conn & Hoodric.
son's. ;
If vou want either to bay or sell ynar
pmpertyiilac tb tsm in the band et ft F
Abb & Co.
Bo ok Me. Owing to my superior
faciMtlc for delivery I desire to say that It
win be an object tor every person In town
to buy hi meat ot me. If you make an
order of me In the morning you wilt not
have to. wait until halt past nine or ten
o clock for iu delivery. Try my shop and
see tor yourself. ,
I j w MYERS,
String Has Come. The stock of wall
paper at Fortmiller & Irving' la larger
than ever, te:..g quite immense and In
elude many new and beautiful design.
Wkereto Gst Tiikm. When wanting
an organ or plana call on G L Blackman
where you can select from a first class
ttock. . J
Center Tables. A large and elegant
shipment of center table, In new deslgnes
finest stock In the valley, jusi received
rortmlller A I rving.
mm mm .
Bncklen's Arnica Salve.
Th bert U.vlv In the w.rU firf 0at,RruUt,Sur
tJK-or., S tit Rtiium, Favor t irs., Tdttsr. Oasupd
hiit, Uhllblslni, Coral, and sll Skin Errmt Ion ;snd
pomttvsiyourss Ptlai.or no psy rsqulrti. It Is (cnsr
siiteeii to alv oerfsct sstisUctinn. or money refund
tl. I'rlcs 25 wnt vcr box. For tvls by Fouhsy and
A large selection of ponponn and eord for
tummiog btbssrs at th Ladies tiazaar.
Spring and summer woolens jnst received
it Ztchei ft bod. opposite 1'ostbUice.
Best ro8t coffe in the city at Coarad
Mejori. '
Dried Plums I will, give the highest
market price fir choice dried plum forth
next 30 days,
j SamcelE Youko.
Albany, Or., April 1 1th, 1890. ,
AT L. .
A New Discover- aubbard's Head
ache Capsules. They are a positive cure
and fill a long felt want. -
Adopted April 24, 1 890,
The democratic prtv of the slate of Orecnn.
In convention assembled, 'chew their pledges
to democratic principles an. I enunciate the fol
lowing oecisrailons;
First We congratulate llit democratic party
in tmt ana outer natt upon tne signal
victories achieved In Ihe last grnsral,'
lection In Iowa, Ohio and Rhode Is
Uml, snd in the municipal elections held recent
ly tnrougiiout tlis Ui.ionj and w bail their r
suits ts ih certain harbinger of the ilistintegra
tlonofthat mrty which, cktmploning ihe
cause of inecial interest and privileged classes
Is bound logetticr only by the eohesivenest of
public plunder, and of Ihe preferment of that
which ha ever stood fur th cjual right t of the
wnoie people.
Second We denounce the fraud by which
the people of Montana were deprived of their
fight of representation In the United State
tmsts by senator of their choice,
Third W believs in pial tight to sll
and special privilege to none, and therefore
favor a larilf lor revenue, limited to the ex
penses of ih government economies I lj adminis
tered,bcUeving that more than this is class tegls
union, and is especially detrimental to the
interest of the farmeri and laboring clatics.
Fourth W arraign th party in no er for
lit utter disregard of all the ple.eei na.le to
Ih people, whereby it ascend inev wa se
cured at Ik lat national election; and especi
ally do we condemn th tirifl bill now pending
ueiore in nouss 01 representatives a an eg
gravalion of existing evils.
Fifth We condemn the attempt of the r
publican majority in congress to reduce th
urplu in III treasury by squandering snd mis
appropriating the same, and we especially de
nounc th attempt to appropriate a portion of
such surplus which belongs to Ihe whole peo
ple to the payment of bounty on ugar.wbich
compel th many lo psy direct tribute to the
Sixth W denounce the sctkm of Sneaker
Reed in counting a voter democratic retires-
entative who bad not voted upon pending
measure and in declining to recognb such rei
prcMn'suve upon th floor of the house: Die
one a ta conflict with rights accorded to the
minority by alt political parties sine the or
ganuailoa of our government, the other at
utterly inconsistent with freedom of speech and
luaUty of repreKntetion.
Seventh We reaffirm the Position which
bs ever been main-ained by the democratic
party that gold and silver are equally the peo
ple't money; we ste opposed to all measure of
distrrimitu Hon against silver, an demand free
eoinsge to "ui'iy the needs of business; nd
that sll money issued by the government be
made legal tender for all debts both public and
P-eighth We direct Jw attention of the
votei of Oregon to the record of the democrat
ic party ttvm the tul.ject of Chinese immigra
tion! and we demand the Mrkt enforcement of
the Scott exclusion act, and the passage by
congress of fur. her rrg'u tegisUtiiin which
wilt prevent Chinese entering our territory by
evasions of the law.
Ninth That we do not only favor the for
feiture of ihs Nurthera I'scttic KUtosd land
grant fro-n Wstlul to PoriUnd, but we also
favor th immediate artconJiiiuaal forfeiture of
11 th unearned land grant and the restoration
of the to the public domain.
Tenth The gratitude of a generous
people and a wUe national policy alike
demand that the government should pro
vide with liberal hand for the want of
those who suffered by wound and diseasw
In the la'e war, and likewise of such de
pendent person as were deprived of their
natural protector. But it should be re
membered that In thl behalf we have al
ready been liberal beyond precedent In the
civilised world, and we lmlt that ia Wg.
Ulaiiosi and administration touching pen
kn affair,.. regard be had to honorable
past service and present meritorious ne
eelty. W are opfMMed to all measure
which draw no distinction between, th
veteran In the field and the camp follower
er adventurer in the rear a Involving a
cruel wrong to the soldier and a wanton
waste of tne people money.
Eleventh We urge upon congress the
passage of such appropriation and the
adoption ot uch measure will tend
most speedily End effectively to opening
the Columbia and Willamette rivers to
free navigation.
Twelve We favor the adoption of an
amendment to the federal constitution
proviUtng for the? e'ection of senatoisby
direct vote of the people.
Thirteenth The tame Impulse which
Imprls u to xealtusly ephold the right of
the siate a home prompt u to hope for
the cstshlUhT eni of home rule for Ire
Fourteenth Being profoundly Impress
ed with the convlctlo'i that the chief pil
lar of our republican form of government
are an enlightened yeomanry and free
no nonesi exercise ot tne elective tran
hlse, we pledge the democratic party of
the State ot Oregon to the cordial sup
port and advancement of our excellent
common school system ; to the passage of
effective law tor the prevention ot the
coi rcpt use of money in election and the
enactment of such measure as will secure
to every voter the right to cast a ballot
framed In accordance with the dictates of
hi own conscience. We unqualifiedly
urge the adoption In this ttate of the A us-
ralian system of voting, and the pxstage
by the legislative assembly of the bill
drat n by the Ballot Reform League of
Fifteenth We are in favor of the rega
lation of railroad and other tranportalion
ageiicie by law.
Sixteenth We condemn the extrava
gance of the Inst legislature whereby the
taxe ol toe people were greatly increased
the expenditure of $10,000 for clerk hire
(a targe portion of which wa paid for ser
vice never performed) and the scandals
growing out ol the "clerk stem ' Intro.
duced by the republican party call loudly
lor reform.
Seventeenth We approve of d daring
eight hours a legal day s labor tn factories,
mine and workshop and upon public
work: and we also favor law giving the
laborer a first lien on the product of hi
Eighteenth We denounce the convict
contract system as it now exists and ar
ralgn the republican party for having
fastened it upon the ttate to the detriment
ol our honest labor.
Nineteenth V.'e favor ruclf legislation
at will require the election of an Inspector
of weights and measures nd legislative
provisions for the appointment of sanitary
and building inspectors In incorporated
Twentieth W point with pride to the
wise, conservative andclean admistration
of Governor Sylvctter Pennoyer, and to
the scrupulously honest management of
the financiol department of the tate nnder
Treasurer George W Webb, and we com
mend to the electors of thl common
wealth a continuance of the existing orde
of affairs with a confident assurance that
It me rltt and will receive their cordial en -dortemenu
Twenty-first We emphatically declare
it to be the tense of the democratic party
of the Ute of Oregon that In his veto of
the bill passed by the lait legislative as.
tembly, known at the Portland water bill,
bated upon tne exemption fom taxation
of the bonds therln provided for, uoyern
or Pennoyer exercised a wise and com
mendable use of the constitutional prerog.
ative vested in the executive, and upon the
question threby raised we pledge him our
unqualified active tupport.
If Ohio democrat! should lav off lines
of roads at crooked as the political lines of
their congressional districts nobody would
ever "get there." renaieian rwunt. -
Not correct, for the republicans made
their congressional linet as crooked as
possible and yet the democrats "got there,'
In experiments recently made for the substl
tution of electnc lights for the oil lamps at
present in use for lighting the compasses of
vessels at night, it was found that by bringing
an incandescent lamp close to the compass
deflection of the neelle ws pmttute-1.
Some time ago Governor Pennoyer
wrote an article for 1'nUic Oinion, (u new
paper started In Portland) on the subject
ot the Portland water bill vetoed by him
during the last legislature. The governor
In his veto siessage said
This legislature, however, should not
adjourn without heeding tne demand of
the city of Portland for the privilege of
issuing bonus tor tne procurement of pure
water, and without heeding the equally
strong demand of the people of the whole
ttate that In the authorization of such
Issuance no special privilege shall be
To fortify this position the governors In
fie article above referred says:
"No argument will be attempted, for
none n needed, tn detente of the veto of
any and alt bills which provided for the
issuance of municipal bonds exempt from
taxation, tnat aucn bonds, when pur
chased, become the private property of the
purchaser, and that no private property
can be exempted unde our State Consti
tution, from taxation, was the position as
sumed in each veto, and It Is absolutely
"I have been unjustly charged with pre
venting Portland from securing a good
supply of water. The fault lie not with
me but the legislature. The people of
Portland failed in having authority t j pro.
cure Bull Run water, not by the obstinacy
ot the governor, but rather bv the obstin
acy of the legislature, which refused to
passa.iy water hfci unless the bonds were
exempted from taxation. The constitution
ot the state and my oath of oilice In It
support. well a the demand of simple
tistlce, prtvented me from approving
bill which exempted from taxation any
class of private property, while there
were none of the obstacles to prevent the
legislature from passing a bill which
souk! have provided for the Issuance ol
water bond which, when they became
private property, would have been like all
other private propeity, subject to taxation.
I here I an universal and well-ground
ed complaint throughout the entire state
at the Irregularity of taxation. A our as
sessment law now stands the wealthy evade
their just share of the state burden. If
either ot the bills heretofore mentioned
had become a law, tin Inequality of taxa
tion would have been Increased. And yet,
at ha been teen, th change of one tingle
vote would have passed the 1 louse bill
over the veto. And the purpose to ex
empt bond from taxation Is not dead, but
sleepeth it win manifest Itself at the
next session, and will, undoubtedly, aug
ment to itself strength by alliance. Dur-
ng tne discussion ot tne water bond ques
tion In the last legislature, one of the most
pron.lnent senators, and who I vet a sen
ator, declared that he was not only In f-tvor
of exempting all municipal bond from
taxation, hut also money ftse'f. In our
tate, under our present law the bulk of
taxation fan upon the poor. Under the
federal government It Is still worse; there
not onl is sll wealth exempted from tax
ation, but In addition to ltd grevlou
wrong, the captU'ists of the country have
been permitted through ha tariff, banking
and subsidy lawt to directly rob the poor
by such governmental machinery for th-lr
own enrichment. The result of thlt poli
cy can be read all over the country, and it
is the tame everywhere In San Francis
co, where a half dozen millionaire are
perched on Nob Hill, and twenty-fiv
thousand idle and starving workingmen are
crowding its streets. It I hiah time that
there wa a radical change of poucv. not
for the worse, but tor the better."
A VltLAIJiOt'CHeisK. v
A flock of political vulture are on the
tng in Oregon. They are "high flyers"
but their movements corrupt the atmos
phere through which they pat and make
it possible to delect their maneuvers and
purpose. D V Thompson to their leader
but how long he will be able to maintain
bl present "pride of place" remain to be
ecu. A few day prior to the Portland
primaries conscious that he would be
repudiated by the republican of that city,
and terrified by the sign of disapproval
that every where confronted him, he man
ifested a disposition to withdraw from the
contest. It ws then that the Electric
Light Company cf Oregon City came lo
he front with $13,000. which enabled
Thompson's managers by hiring repeaters
and other corrupt practice to elect
Thompson delegate to the convention
This gave him such prestige that he could
dictate everything. "Henchmen" for
senator In Clackamt and Multnomah at
well a for members of the house, must be
put forward. It Thompson should win
and the election of these men can be e
cured the scheme will then begin to de
velop. Thompson is a targe stockholder
in the Electric Light Company; that com
any owns or csntrois a majority 01 me
ttock of Use Lock Company and the latter
company's property Is to be foisted upon
the state at a figure that will more than re
in burse the parties interetted for all their
outlav tn the campaign and leave them a
tnug fortune besides. . Do the people want
such a schemer tor governor? Let them
be warned in time. We know where of
we affirm.
AS 1'81'AU
The republican of Linn County met
the same treatment in their state conven
tion that has been meeted out to them for
years For year they have sought a place
on the state ticket but their claim has
been unlformally rejected. At the la e
convention they had two candidates, one
for supreme judge and one for treasurer,
either one of which would have made a
creditable candidate. For tome unac
countable reaton neither one could develop
any ttrength. They were not in standing
with the Portland ring and hence could
receive no tavors. A prominent repubil
can leader in this county suggest that If
tne repuDiicans ot Linn county would let
the election go by default once it might
brine the machine mansgera to their
tenses, ana to It would.
For months it has been a foregone con
elusion that Governor Pennoyer would be
renominated, Bis course s governor the
last foar years hat endeared to the people
as no governor of this ttate has ever done
before. It will be of no avail for little
hermaphroditic sheeta to call him"cranky
Laboring men, conservative business men,
and farmer know a good public tervant
much better than little, oscure, mugwump
papers without influence would make be
leve and the vote that the governor will
eceive June 3 will be a surprise to thote
who In such an effeminate way attempt to
ignore hi candidacy.
Robert A Miller, democratic candidate
for congress Is a young man of about 30
years, an Oregon boy, graduate of Wil
lamette University, a man of exemplary
sobriety, irreproachable Integrity, good
ability, and one for whom every democrat
In the state, and republican for that matter,
might conscienclously vote. He will get
many republican votes. He resides
Hon Wra M Townsend is the democrat'
ic candidate for Secretary of State. At
present he is register of the land office at
Lakeview having been appointed to that
office by ".Ex president Cleveland. He is
thoroughly honest, frank, courageous and
competent and a i"icd campaigner.
r ' ' a"',4"-"
r 01V15 itrcjo-vs
Hoth the niethisl uiirretilt when
Hyrtip of Figs j laktu ; it is pleasant
ami refrealii, to the taste, end acta
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver tttj.l Bowels, cleanse the sys
b;me(Icctua!ly, (linpcd colds, Iiead
Hdif and fevers find cures habitual
constipation. Byrup of Fig is the
only remedy of it iind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taatc find ac
ceptable to thn jdornach, tironiirt in
P3 fiction &nd truly lieneficial in iu
.T'Cts. if many excellent qualities'
er mmepHl it to all. It is for sale in
.Wis nod $1 bottlcE Ly all Jeadiag
druggists. ...
tft'i;.'.cTt;ne-, t Ktv ov tmc
CAUFG.V1 1 a fig smup CO.
8AN ttmnc s A, CAL.
ituifrvHtr. n tonic, H.r
1 v .
It iost
Real Bargain
Notions, Furnshing Goods, etc,
Dress Goods, Trimmiagrs, Silk,
Table Linen, Gloves, Hosie
ry, Fancy floods, etc
The Leading ash
Barents for"On Time" Heating and j okinsr Slave. Jjj work, pla r
etc., promptly nded ti
-. Smoke the cms .
Uanufactred by Julius Josapl;
ring sed
ITS'- '
! sr.-".
First. National Bank
or aliiax 1, ourxo.M.
Prsstdsrrt..... L ri iv
Vies V turn dotit . h. k ViUfi.
Cslilr.......... K. W. LAJSoiwt.v.
TB ASS ACTS A GE.VKRAL bsnktng m.l .,
ACCOV TT9 KEPT subject to sbsck.
SIOHT RXCHA1IOE liwt t-l ruihtM Iruinr .i
1 Hew Vffc, Sm Frsncisoa, s-a sn.i V n '
OOf.LETJOSr fADEoa fumUt Wrtns.
K Toes E,W. tssaous
L I BU41B, I,. FMSS,
rrWIF. Srt.
Linn Cotinty Bank.
Cowan, Ealston & Chamberlain,
ALBANY - - -
TRANSACT Sfnrsl Unklnf tmstns.
DRAW Slum ItRtrrSoa Xmr Trfc. .
t ' irfm.
LOAV MOrfETan Spisv Meortty;
RH.eiVgdpjiUmBt . ebsck.
Bank of Oregon.
OAlZTAX 50,000.
Vie PretHent ..
' , ...... . ... .
J. W. liLAl N
Us bier
H Bryant, Jll Blln,
Hmo Huotphrey, CHrtswtit,
ICi Lancing, H F Merrill.
lbtxehsoan 1 tahsaraphle trai
fer on New Vork, Htn Frao!lsof a d
sod all prlnslpal point la Oregon n-J
Collection mad on favorable term.
Dry Goods Store.
! tobaccos, Mse.rsAsiiffl sal brlac pfps esd
en geeerafty. - V