J. L. HILL, find Suii :00H. t lW- m, . 0"Vo cr. Firatand Ferry oueowi. ft. Physician and Surgecm. Office npstU th Densnerat. on. 17 n. davis, PhvsicUn and Surgeon. -M. - rt a rs sat at !ra lit ALrhftn' Block. u.t i found t hi office aay and night. DH. G A. WHITNEY, Physician and Surgeon. Or.ju.ti of Bell-vo Hospital MsdlosJ 1 Ug Now rk City. Disesse oi woman a specialty. irOlBa toman's Oriok, Albany, Or. i . K. 7EATnEHrOUD, ATTORNEY AT UW AlBAST. !. n. a. . BLACRBCRS, OtO,W. WMOHT, ciACUCunn&vnicHT,1 Attorneys at Law, .11 tha CourU 4 tht 111 I'TWMW - . , SUM. TromptetUottoo given to oUbual- Office Odd Fellow T.mpla, Albany, Or W 1? TITTaYEU at'POUNEV AT UW And Solicitor la Chancery, . . . . . ORECIOM. Loans nostoiwiw . jTh. DIKICAN, MT0E5BI AT III AKD HUTIET PIJBIIC, "Office In 8truaa' Block, V 1 and i- ALBANY, 03ECQH. JAKES P. HEAD, ... at . 3 h;1a Vramtum AUCmaj a. Law afliuiuB juuuiuji&i, ALDANY OREGON. Will practice U all lh-cnurt of th short oolioa- Ten year xperiooc. RedCiwnMills BOX LASXIXQ A CO., UOPR'S. nw raocsas novm BCrxeioat roe vamh-im Aire uiui via. REST STORAGE FACILITIES. iliffhest Pric in Casb fo M MAT. . NDK MAY te SENDERS. L'silsrs in General EsuAanlisa. HAnR!S3'J32 - - CSECSM Pianos. Tbow wUhlnit flrrt cU lntrninnl, th b4tt m1e to m bo4 lbs olliDt of tb 'ot,cn baaite-l by calling t Mr B K MjmM'i, oppo.lu lh MinU Tem pi, oo Firitf StrM. Th ocl and inatrumftntaJ maaia kpt for aalalao tba rft amortmant of lam pin? paUarna to laot from tbla al J of 'Frioao. Iaa aona given Jo pamtlog and ambroldarJog In har atudio oer Lmo Coanty B,B UIt har your ordar and yon will be pleaaed. S. W. Paisley, .Alkur. WQOLIISA.LBtOBA.LBR IX Totacco tni Cigars. UfUra aalMtUa (rai aha,Waa. IRM FOll RALB. Two haodrad acrea ol good (arm laod all m eutU Talioo. with nr.od two etorr bouar, food br.ro and olar autbonaaa. Oool water f.ir fa.D'O and atock. oed pear and ap- Fla orchard, aa wall a etoar AUd ol olt. Would make two go ainall rrma. BUoatad foor mllea MOthwoat of Albany. Inquire at tbla offlae. failrailiei k Imng. -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. frcmpt ittBatioa-First-slisa Hears Eevere House: ALBANY, - OREGON 5HAS. PFEIFFEH PROPRIETOR. FWad no In flrat-olaaa aayle. Tablaa aupplled with tbe bet in the market. Vice Bleeping apartmanta. Sample roonv tor aammprclai travelere, a a u aa4 trim the H-tel."! Delmonica Restaurant. CORKER riRBT AND ELLSWORTH aT. Tha anienaed having pnrohaaed the old Herman Ralanraut and baa opened noder the Iot oa n a tlratiiasa retta tant. Wa are prepred to furnish nieale fr partie or dooc on hfrt notice. Oy tm arrred in every tylo. eaatero or a.t; 11 ktu'U of (Mil knwi il tkm market Ksnploy unly Ur-cI'Va Itrlp. and waiting wii! ! prompt and conrtfoni. RenUr meal 25 ota. Coffee of fl nt-c) f)nality and a onp of coffee and cake t from 5 to 10 eta. I am well known in this city and aa o,aet the tizniia to gti me a call. SAMGET8 Proprietor MONEY TO LOAN. $100,000 to loan at 8 per centon im proved farm or city property. Wallace & Junox. City ftlcat Market. BSULTZ EMS,, Propriaton. K'p a full llnr of maaia of all kinda, in cool plte, eompletaly pro tected; and alwaya freau. jm. have conittantlym band aalmoo nd iAt.ti fiah. J. P. Whiting, Artist 1 11 3 ruction given, a id work exe cuted in Landscape Portrait and De corativeraintinpr.Lelloririjf, Designing and rJechanical Drawing1. Roams 8 and 9, Fo s ter Block, AI- rtny Cr 13 YEARS CF PAUI PERMANENTLY CURED BY THIS CASE. 1 WUror, aiimtn County, ra. Kdltor of Tht BVU, KwYork,.T. Da ' Btrt Tha caa of Mr. GemmlU prawnta a rtriklnt axampl of auflbr. tat and marvelous cure, tha ha lived In and But fcUlror wt vara,anu u wp. m wa thrown from a wagon, nutalnlnf aorloua Injurt to bar iptna. Troak mat uma uu aoe aba wu a balplaai erlppla, unable to walk. TUB CUBE, rtnrttie ttieaa lorn la year of (xtlftorlng, (he Ibundua relief nwa th eumerout ramadlee the bad tried. la isss har daughter read tha advarUetmanl of Bl Jacob Oil, and aha bought two bottle. Tha oil waa applied, ana Before the eecoud bottle waa exbeuited by Mrs. GemmlU aha wa able o wai aoous And ha beea eomaletely eured. m. moxrsox, rottmMUA told bt Drawdd end Dtabn AerywArre. ' TKS IHARLtl K VOOtUa CO iaBkaera, Be. rrilP V 4 AIT1 V A DrtlTTR 1UEJ IrtHUUWt goo Development Concp.ny'a Btoaua- auip moo. ,j 25 MILES SHORTER 20 HOURS LESS TIME nun b en? oUier re Jtw. thmua-h nanaemgor and talirht Imofroiai IWIand and all poiuta a the W Ilia moll Vatloy to ami from eian f rx.jleot, Cal. Th nnin Panlflo ataaiuboata on tbe l;l.r.iML. rler divlalou will loTa Fort and. Soutn bonud, Monday , WedoeaiUy ...A at B a. 111. Arrive at Uorranw Ts. .1.. ThnrailaT BDU Brtl'irtl.T r...- ...k k...,.- Monday. Wedneaday and Friday at 8 a ni. Arrive at I orllaou lueaaay. day and Saturday at S:S0 p. ut. OB Moa dT, Vaedoeaday and Friday, bolli North and Sautu bond boata will ba oyer night at UrUom, living hero at a, tu. fioa'a make oloao oonnewtlon at Alban tralsa of tbe Oregon t'aeiflo Uallroad, TtMt SCHBDtJLS. (except gundara.) Utva Aloany 10 . a. t TMPna. 6 . , UaveOorraUl 1:W r. a . Uve Ol.0j.a rrt Taqeina, IJO B.Amre Altaaay. 11:10 a. O. C. tralaa connoot at Albany and Oo rvalUe. The above train oonneot al yaonlnawtth tba Oregon Development tVmpany'a Una of Hteamahlpe between Ya-iuioa and Han Franrkeoo, H.tlKIKO DATE . raoai viaria. WUIaiMtle VIUynr. AprU Jih . rto Tuaktay.April (Wed: da Tbonklaa'.atay Ut. vaaa ra.aciavo Wi'mmU Valley. Tbunriav. April lUt e Frklay, April lh, I lUtb. 4a Sonlajprux! Tba Company w-rve tbe rtgnl -.ill..- .l-a wllkntlt BOtl!. to 'FIBUi:. ' . v V Puu.ni.ni from Ponlaod and rm?nixa Va lev noinu can make cloae nneolijn with tbe traina of tha Yaqulna M.u.t Airutn r (!nrva.Hia. and U dea- tlnerl Lo San Franoiaoo ahould arrange to rive at Yaquina tbe evenuiK before Ate f aauing. eager a4 r.elat Baiee alwaya AweaA orh,fcm.lkm apply to A fftr!,h',V tH Axetit, Albany, or to C U Hwe!l. Jr., O.F. ,r. ArV, Oreeoa Itovelo? .l Co., M.mifwy Mae rraeowro. O.U C C. Mit . A.O. t.vT AtM . CorraUa. OVERLAND TO CAUFQIA -v:a-. goitnera Pacifls Goicpanj'o Lies. THE MOUSTliiASTA ROUTE. free b AJbery and aaa rruicieea, M fcoer ciuniiu axraaae ii."" ra nv caweca rrtB4 Baa yrBaclaco. .-rrr I I l.avr. a. :lr I.Uaa Lv kv AT r-rUah4 AllMuy aaa Ifimmtc Ar Lv Lv 10 4 B :U A 70 r b k"Ai ruuMU THAia aaiav iRaeept aanday). f, aa Lv PurOaaa ItWralU Albany twr I Ar kUwaae Ar W Lv l ll:i a a Lvl IMt usaaoa kaaaca. :ll L oara Ar IXJr a I Lv Mr Ar ; .K j l- t.ti a a I At Albany Lebeaoa Albany linaaoM AllMOT Lebanoa i riaJWaa Lv : a Arl anaaa L :0aa Ar I :ir a Lv I S-0 r a PULLMAh LOTET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, tor Aeeeaaoaedaliea al Sreend-4'laaa raaaea gera. atjaeh4 ta Ereaa Tralaa. Tbe B. P. Co's f'-rry makee connection with ail the Mn. on U.. bnl bfl. Uirl.K lfuitutol r atnat, nrUa. rTeat aide Mvlalea. mtXf raltri.A!ia At CwBlfAttl. Mail, ra'.x Aiit I E3pt 80110.7.) 7 U:tf ra I Ar Purt aod Corv Ar Lv 1 S:iu r a lAr a axrasss tsaia hlt (Cxajp. Sunday . lUirt wutra IL. I Ar Pwtianil McMlim.Hle Ar lv Lv V.0O4S .4SSB rrhronirH 'lTcltetH To all 1 1.(1110 BOUT3 1 ANP BJaJBT VIA CALIFORNIA. tt (ji. Infin-eiatlo-i reirsr-llna rate, mapa, el. all on Oempany Agent at Al'aMiy. a, kokhlbh P. aoor.RS ktanwer O. f. and P. Ar t, i. WHITKEY. is.ti.xT And Counsellor At La? aw ND .otar Public. ALBA 1. ORECON III prsjsin I all of tbe Court ale State. All loan intruatf ' to bi will be promptly aitonied to. Fon hem oniv B 1 BftlTlWS FertOSToryAH-tirO KAFHOOTJi nT r Vk. of EniTisii Mind: F.ffeoti V U X Xt at Errera or lie ia Old or Tmuif. , SM BX HOOO tm',t H.w 1. R.t.rp. ui r.lrM.(lMa aK,HOil'.UlriIMHtTa r.H l.or imi. Akwlnc.1, aalUllMI HUBS TUKA1 BtT-Bt h. a ttfr ?rm Utah ! 4 lUM, TmlwiM, mt lmrtvliimmirUt. mm tmm "1W aw. a, r.ll npMliMU tm4 rh BllU ww mt niuiti Luaatruu, a. 1, DR. JAMES KEYDE?!, Graanata of Efllnlmrg, ScoJland, Haa locatod la Albany. Frt 11 hi borough knorlodg of hla prmeaalon and bla axporionca or 10 years aa an offi cer In a Cavalry Heglinont, lie hopoa to marltt'ie patronage of thoaa Intoresthd In borana, cat' In. alieop. ato. He would alao rnoommead bin aointlon or llnament for aorw sbouidera. aora oka, brokan kneea, woaada, apraina. Prl e, one dot lar pr bottle. awarOfflce at JohnSobinaar'a Ivery Ha bl. State Trea3urers Thirty Sixth Notice. Stati op Obxoojt, Tbkasubcb'8 Offre, S alkm, March 22d, 890. Notice is hereby K'ru that there aro sniH ciout funds on hand to pay tbe following warrants, and that they will be paid on pro aectatioo at this office. Warrants of the hisae of 183'.) and 18'JO. as follows 1 nnmb ered 1502, 1501, 15f5. lfiOS. lfiO2.102.'17IO, 1713, 1722, 1712, 1717,173-'. 1718, 17C3, 1763, 2079, 2'.x, 2(m(i.2!;iJ, 2140,21(54 21.35,2225, 275U, 2700, and 2776. Interest will not he allowed after the date ol this notice, O W Webb. State Treasurer, (Mil LeUIIUst L4R0R AUAIS ATTACH t il. In iSSS, when Qunv'a Ixxxlte cmtijtiilfi wat oryanlaed and higher taxe upon the proplo were for ale lo monopoly trust for pot Cli, tlu We.tem Cattle Trutt, head- eJ by the "Big Four," mee their bid for a tax upon the now mccemful leather tndua trie of the the country, and the bid accepted. A Urge contribution (or polHl caI boodle, underatood to have been $100, ooo, aecured the rrottiUe that a tax of t4 centt per pound would be put upon hldet by the new tariff. The "Big Four" paid the caul), and now they claim the iwi; The Weatern Cattle Trut U one of the mo( fomplete moaopollea on the coutl nent H baa tadily reduced the price of cattle In buying from tha weatern farmera until many cat'.le-growcra have been bank rupted, and It haa at teadlly maintained or lncreacd thu price of beef to conumert A It practically conttoU the cattle trade of the entire couniry.u u now wrorg n0(n to lorca me price oicauie ojfmo iara- Hon nolnt for the farmer, and to keep ua the orlce of beef to con.umeras but It it Unt'enL It o.ld It a c.ah b Cor.tr.ct for . ta ct 1 ccnla per pound on nw hldet, . r with the understanding that It ahould be called protection to the farmer; but while truat, that handle million of cattle, It would be no material benefit to the farmer who ella three or four hide a year, and It would make him pay three or fourfold more In Incrraaed cotl of ahoea, liarneat, belling etc., than he cou'd pot.lbly gain or a a va nwca, I a a. I t I I Uf all llie many monatrou aaiea 01 many heavy taxe on the people tor the benefit of monopoly greed, thl contract with the gra.plng cattle trut to tax our leather In duatrle and to tax the who'e people of the country a contumer of ahea, etc., I the moat alroclout. It ta simply taxing a now well eatakllahed leather Induatry that up plle the entire American' market with American made leather, American made ho, Ainri lean made harnc, etc, and furnlahe them cheaper and better than ever before In ou hUtory and export io,ooo,030 of American product to for eign market; and thla Us I levied aolely becauae Phil Armour' Cattle Tru.i ha paid for It In campaign boodle and now demand Ida price aa dci.ommatrd In hla bond. Could parlltan madne run wilder tn the path of destruction than the McKIn ley com ml tee la now ruahlng Into tSe dead ly en. brace of the monopoly greed that demand Increased tribute from every In- dutry and from every contumer? Eighteen year ago there wa universal paralysis among our leather Industries and many of our tanneries v. ere closed by the Sheriff. An appeal was made to Congress to save the leather Industry by making hides free, and a republican house, repub llcan senate and republican prealdent ap pointed the measure. Hide were made tree and that release of a great Industry from crushing taxes speedily developed It until American labor not only furnishes all our leather and all our shoes, harneas, belting, etc, bet furnlahea the beat at the lowest prices ever found in our market, and sends $10,000,000 abroad. To restore the tax on bidea would be simply lo re mand the now complete American Indua try to embarassment or bankruptcy, and to Increase the cost of shoes to nearly seventy millions of people ami the coat of harneas to every farmer in the land, 4iid why? Simply because .a Cattle Trnt-t that now controls and reduces the price of cattle and controls and keepaup pr Increases the price of beef, ha paid boodle tribute to debauch our politics, and it demands It. promised reward. Albany IRONWORKS. Man u fact arers o 1EAM EKCIHES CSIST AND SAW y ILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS AD ALL. KIHOS OF HEAH AND LISl' WORK, IROHKHO BRASS CASTIHCS. spanfal atLsaUon da of manhiner l.l o t pairing at Patterns Made ua Short Notice Ufa hav9 iha ticlutira Control of O ? ia?'lilii.irv 1 L- 5rf of r" ' i.j X u a a vs IA. so c E N T B And don't ham to eftr prln to ttlt thft dt. or tt Vt BEST UADt, ry Caa AoM ea ua cue w ma. SAMUEL E. YOUIIG, ALBANY, OREGON. FOR AKO ALL SKin DISEASES LOOSE'S CELEBRAT'D FOiSflN DAI MM It klllssll lanammatlon and Irrltab' ' , and t t only anre Xeatrosi UHlcrubea and Diuor lb.it. farsaitea. V"friv- Price. 25 cents a Box. . -Conrad Mtjver. -PROlMIClVVt OF STAR BAKKltY Comer BroatMiiii and First lUs., DEAI.EB IN - 'stained Fraila, alauiarare ' Srle FrolU. Tebneeo, J agar, Coflee, Kte I'mousmI Neists, tafenivisrrv OgetiabU', (.'liCttra tie.. f .-ct everything tbt ia H k variety and grocery a rkai price paid for kepi Irv ftin ore, Hirho aLLICinDSOFnODOCE. E. A. DEOnYy Attorney .t Law. Atumtion given to o ih'ectlon of claims, OfTloa with J J Whitney. TELEGBAPIIIC KEWS A FrlxeFiitht, fsT Louis, April It. "Big Six," a heavay weight nejjio puglliil, on a wner, to-day but ted an ox to death, lie caught tha animal by th Imi (ii and butted it between th eye lour timca, then drawing hack at arm ' lencih he ran hi agsunut it knock iiij It down, the ox dying in live minute. VrrgtiM aad We.biaatea raatwfllraa. Washinoton, April 1 1 , rswlmantein aji- poinltiii KO Devaull, Alba, Umatillt county Or.r, S Umitead, IlaUcy, I. Inn county Or., II II Uravcx, Scndiiii, Vauihill eotinly, Or. A po.iflliee wu to day ettahllahed at ton Loop OkNm'gitn c uipy, Wu.li,, with P II l'iiiktrtun poalinanlnr. Uaadall Irjlag. Washinoton, April u, 1:30 A M.Rp- rencnuiive Randall ha been diking very rapid ly to nikdtt and death U momentarily expect vl. 4:10 A M, Kamlnll ha Ucom worte , He hi awakened, and ia n coiuulerable tuain, it t not expected (list he can liva until uay tlM. A Parmer Una 'a Haa, I'knmston, April 11. Thii moininu' Ltbound paMcnger trala bore the liody of 0wgt Manafielil, who died In hia berth while coiminj irom l'oitland to hli boina ta Alhcua, accottaianicd by lit. l.iother. Dtceated waa Ja var ' lie leaves a son and thres brothais, Cots the arheel, Jacksonville, April 11, Tbe Southern Oregon presbytery closed it session last night with the discussion of hither education. The vote wa unanimous on locating the academy at Jacksonville. Lr Dcliar and Rsv K Knnis are entitled to th honor of securing tbe lora turn 01 1 lie school at this pisce, a result lor which they have been laboring! tha past two months. The presbytery departed homeward to-oay. Aecldeal al Kagsaa. Euoknk, Or., April II. Thomai Abram a young man, wbiic woiking with a molding machine In MUMey & I'atker' plaining mill this morning, met with a serbut accident. Hit richt arm i taticht in the sticker and man glad borriMy. A icrtion of about six inches ol tha forearm was chopped into mincemeat, and amputation will probably be necessary 90 Ceavlrl ia Ike reallcatlary, SALKM, April 1 1. Supt Dowing'tquarterly report show 320 convict in tbe pcBiteUiary at the close of the quarter, as against 313 last quarter. Bewail far Cray s Barker. Scattlk, April 10. Arrangements have been concluded by which tbe Northern Pacific will absorb the Paget Sound & Cray's Harbor road, extending from Kamilche, on Little Skookum bay, to Montesano, on the Cbehali river, a distance of about forty miles. The Paget Sound 3s Cray's Harbor road ta owned by the Port Hlaketey Mill Company, and the price to be paid is fl6,ouo per mile. It It ua derstood that the Northern Pacific will connect this road with its main line sod extend Ike road from Monicsano lo Cray's Harbor City Tbe transfer wilt probably take place on tbe 3oth in st. frellmtaary garvey. KosEat'Ba, April lo, The preliminary sur, vey of the Roscburg & Coot Bay railroad bat been completed, showing a distance of ninety miles from Koaeburg via Myrtle Point to the terminus at Coo. bay. Coo, Curry and Douglas counties will be required lo raise sutiaMiy 01 Si 50,000, l 5.000 of which was raised ia this city in about four hour. wrecaa City Tee, Salem, AprU lo. Artklcs of incopoatioa were to-dsy filed with tbe secretary of slate by the Oregon City Railway Company j objee to construct and oicrste a street railway Oregon City amount of capital stock 915,000 t M Atkinson, T I. Chatman, Ceorge Harding, N O Wsldea J T Person and 11 Stevens, meotporaiors. Halter arnivUlaa. Jackjonville, April 10. The Sou.bera Orrgoa presbytery resumed the discusaioa revuion as the second order of the dsy, rescb tog a vote at 3 P M which stood eleven for ' I ' ... I . t. I V. . oppoaed revisioo earnestly again all the other Dui.ttieis represented In tbe prcslytcry. faille Beatrejed. Wasmiscto.", April lo. The report of tbe condition of farm animals make lite averages ss follows: Hones, 07,4, csttle 04,1, sheen 93.7. saine 95.6. Tbe percenisge of losses of farm animal by ease, winter exposure or otherwise is estimated lo average I 64 for horses, 3.64 lor csttle, 7,30 for sheep, and 7,6 (or swine. Reports indicate loss by exposure throughout Ihs country of more I haa 1,000,- 000 ex' tie and still larger losses of sheep. Tketaloa Party, Postlakd, Cr., April 10. Following it tbe ticket of ihe anion party: Congress Major 1 A liruce, of licn'.on county; Governor IA in the hands of executive committee; Secretary of State Nathan Pierce, of Umatilla county; State Treasurer E Walker,'- of Jackson county; Superintendent of Public Instruction T C Jory, of Markia coun'.y; Slate Printer J A Power, of Multnomah connty; Supreme Jttdjje Lift ia hand of executive committee. Btrklea Ce Rrsa. CotVALLis, April 9. Th Denton County republican, contention met to-day aod nomi- nsted the following candidates: Delegates to the state convention, E H Ilelnap, M J Con nor, J R Ba ley, J A H-nkle, T M Ccoper, C E Moore. R A Ilensell. George O Wsggoner; stale senator, C BCrotno; representatives, C E Moore, M T Starr, Judge W S Hofford; comrriisioner, F B Chambers; clerk, B W Wiieon; sheriff, W A Jolly, treasurer, E. M Belknap; school superintendent, W E Yates; ssscssor, Willis Vidits; surveyor, O V Hurt; coroner, J Ijikin. Tbe following wa adoDt ed. Rttolvtd. That we believe tbe time ha sr. rivrti, when tbe office of county clerk should be divided and the office of recorder created. The Spekaae Falla lair, Spokane Falls, April 9, It ha lieen de cided to employ Robinson to msnage the great Northwestern fair, to be held here in Ihe fall, at which the mineral and agricultural products of the Northwest will be brought here, together with all the manufacturing products of the East, which latter the Northern Pacific agrees tb carry free of charge. Robinson is of New Voik, and is a man of great experience. He had bce engaged to handle the world's fair for New York, provided that city got the tiie. Centlnc From Ihe tenth. San Diego, Cel., April 9. Another cap ture of ten Chinese was made early this morn ing. They were entering f he harbor in a fish erman's bo it from Lower California about a o'clock, when they were stopped by customs officers on guard at Ballast Point, at the en trance to the harbor. The boat was owned bv I J E William, who is also in custody. Starving Wen, San Francisco, April 9. This afternoon nearly 200 men appeared at the county clerk's office and asked to lie sworn to the statement that they were absolutely destitute and could get no work. It was done, and three copies of the affidavit were prepared fur circulation to prove that there is still disirrss among the working classe Kendall Dying, . ashington, April 9, Much uneasiness has been felt at the capital to-day a to the jondilion of Representative Randall. There is no doubt but that the ex speaker was very much worse this morning, -nd he has continued 10 sink, until at present he is an exceedingly critical condition. Served Ulra Klichl, Virginia, Nev., April 9. J M Campbell, less e of the Territorial Lntetpi Ue, was arrested to-day, charged with vio'sling the .S'cvida law prohibiting the publication of iotteiy an.ertise inents. Campbell gave bonds in the . .. .1 of 8250. 1 he penalty is a fine of 8500 v.' six months imprisonment. An I aeany Head, Sx Petersburg, April 9. Infomation from private sources is to tiie effect that tbe czr still in remains in a terribly nervous con -dilion, while the czarina is threatened with in sanity A Rivhr Excursion. The river ex cursion to Albany, contemplated to be given bv the University band In a short time, will be a success, many having al ready declared their Intention of joining the paity. The excursion will be given as soon as a stcaintxjat can be secured and the weather permits. Statesman, ttfi We give Wlow an abstract ol the an- buitl report 0! L M Curl, county avhooi aujwrluti'iuloiit, for the year ending March 3, 18D0s No tioraons between 4 ami 20 yt-arg ot hk reniding in the county, limit) S071 No persona butween 4 nd 20 yfara of hko n-aidlng in the county, Itmmle...... , 0034 G105 Total No roKldent pupila enrolled In puuuo acttouia during the year hutweun 4 and 20 year of Btrt. male 2160 No rcaidunt mipilii nrolld In pumio aciioolM during the year between 4 and 20 yean of ago, female 1032 Total 40H8 1244 118H Aver, dally atlVndancp, male Aver, dully attendance, fumaU'a Total ..." No tOachert employed during the year, niah-s,.... No teachers employed during the year, fuuiali-a ........... 2132 11 00 Total. 203 07 82 No teachera examined during tue year, inaloa No teacher examined during me year, mutate Total.. 179 3 No applicant that failed dur ing tne year, male . No applicant that failed dur 0 I ing uio year, lemalc... ..... Total.... 23 86 22 No teacher employed holding urBt-graiie certiUcate, male No teacher employed holding nrit-gratfe cert't', female. . ToUl. 681 No teacher employed holding za graoe ceniucatea, mate. . No teacher employed holding 43 47 zu graue conuicaie, lemaiea ToUl...... 00 27 No teacher emjdoyed holding u grauo certuicatea, niaiea. , No teacher employed holding graue ceroucatea, lemaie 15 ToUl... lo permit granted year, males...... fo iKirtnit mo ted ttlRTV It'll AOL Bl'festSTESiftK.liT'a 42 1 1 20 . 18 year, females ToUl . S8 No teacher taking educational journal, male No teacher taking educational 40 48 journal, females. ToUl 88 No pupil between 4 and 20 not attending any school, male No pupil Lvtwecn 4 and 20 not atU'tidiJig any school, female ToUl ,.. ...... No teacher employed lo pri- rate achool No pupil attending In private 720 908 1034 14 240 sen out , ToUl 254 i value oi school uouae and ground $86,0.0 00 . aiuv v. kuwi luiunurv..... .. .t I i i Ihm TOM? IMI 71W2 00 V alue of school apparatus . . 2272 001 Amount insurances on school 32 075 00 houses, etc . . Salary paid county school au- periuivnuciit ... 850 00 Whole number districts tn co.. Whole number district rep'ng Aver, number months Uugbt . No school houae No graded schools No teachers employed in graded No pupils attending No Welwter' dictionaries in 100 100 6.07 W 4 W VSl 40 61 school ..... No Icga! votr-r No school viniUMl by stint. Amt. school fund in hand of clerks 112,110 82 Af "'f .tr 0,340 13 Amt. apportioned among dis ... 27,441 30 trict, county fund Amt, apportioned among dia- tricU, state fund Amt, raised by rate bills ...... Amt. raised by other source. . 7,171 60 217 10 600 (Hi ToUl amt. received. . . .. t53,5S6 01 Ant paid out for teacher' wage ..35,483 14 Amt. paid out for other pur pose 12,835 08 Amt. in band dhttricU clerk. 0,207 4'i Amt. nnapportioned fund in band of county treasurer. . . 23,313 00 COUNTY COIIIT ritOCEEDING. (D. R. V. BJackborm, iod. ; . W. Coor ai4 0 w rhUllps, OMBUlanonera.) Application of J E KnoX and other for v action of coanty road granted and fee allowed. The following bid were accepted for building and repairing bridges : Wiley Creek, Vi II St John. . . , . .$ Elder Slough, J Ihincan Itrownavilie, 1 lotfman A Bates. . . . Hock Creek, II M Worn. Richardson, W H 8t John 700 407 fk-HIO 1850 1150 933 015 Kellevs. W II St John 1.... ....... Jordan, W II St John..,. ToUl. ...12,557 Fees of witnesaes before grand Jory al lowed ; also in sute case. i axe 01 ueo tioctisteuier were re duced 17.50. Waterloo bridge was ordered repaired at a cost not to exceed $150. Warrant were ordered drawn for tbe following : Cieo I) Barnard A Co ZFHeott, fees I 17 60 18 10 it u wiimin. lumber Fees, State vs Caleb Simmons. . Fees, Bute agt. W W Sanders... John rtmallmon, fees ........... John Hmallmon.fees E E Montague, fees ............. Geo vv Taylor, repairing Peter Bilyeu bridge J J Davis, keeping poor, ........ Paialev & Fish .' 5 81 32 00 33 40 240 16 11 05 230 00 40 00 69 20 1 25 John Sinallmon ......... O W Simpson 1 W Spink "-g .. A CARD. 760 17 10 55 103 60 Kditort Democrat ' f i '.V . I desire, throogh the columns'of. your paper, to thank Mr Earl Race and his aged and esteemed mother, of the St. Charles hotel in this city, for courtesies and valuable aid rendered and extended to my family whilst I have been confined in prison, and to ail other persons wboae names are to me unknown, who, while In that edition of trial and diatreM ren dered kindly help and extended heartfelt sympathy to my wue and children. I also desire to express the gratitude I feel toward the ofneers of the prison, Supt Downing, Warden McKinnon.Dup uty Warden Barry, Capt I 0 Dickey and Clerk George Barrs for their uniformly kind treatment of myself while an in mate of the prison, and their humane ef forts directed toward the betterment of the unfortunate transgressors of the law, and to say that none of thetneverad d reused a harsh or cross word to ine while there. Svlvbstrbv Nicolls. The Verdict I'lumlmaaa. W D Salt, DrustKlt, Blrfu, Ind., Unifies i -en recommend tk-cirlo Uuters aa tbe very beat remedy, livery boitlesold hai (Ivan rellel tn every eaen, One man took nix boUlas, and waa cured oi rhumtitnotlOyrtr'u"iliif." Abraham Hara, dniKifiei, Hellvllle, Ohio, afflraia : "The beet estting mediciiM I bave ever handled ta my SO yaere' ex perience, la Klmitrio !iitir." Thuunnd ol other have added their testimony, ao that the verdict I nnaninioua that Electric Bitter do cure all dlaetece o the Uer. Kiilncyi or Miood, Only a ball dollar bottle st Fonhaj add Vaaon's Drug Store. i J)JE1). McFARLAND.-Ort Tnursday morn Ing, April 10, 1890, at har home In AJbanj, after a lingering illness, of a cancer, Mr. WH McFariand, aged 45 year. The death of Mrs McFariand Will generally be regretu-d.- She leaves a son, mother and sister, and numerous friends to mourn her death. Mr. McFariand was an old resi dent of Oregon, living for many ears at Corvallis previous to coming to Albany to re.ltle. " j tUH CAKNlVAf A fulfadld Display of Coatamea aed Raenrr The Opera Hotigo wa well filled last week on tho owaston of the Merchant Carnival, preminted under the auaplee of the W. R. C. Some fine orchestra, music, by Link's orchestra, compound of Mr Link, violin, Mr Arnbergor,pfano,and Mr Lon sr. cornet, onened the exercise. I It wa followed by a grand carnival march of about eighty young women rpp- r-entlng the bitKineaa tneu of Uio city. i. i r.. .. ..,i ..u.. i.i .ni.- uri7enii in Ky nuu buiwuio abiu.. ui hmnln.1 In lll.llf Plgf!l villi t lilt Bll.lltl.a flf trade neculiarto the hualness.tho grocers with dried applfs.atrlng of walnut", etc., I general mercliandiae witli apools of thread I etc.. the druiriflnt with bottUis. siKinges. etc., and other in like manner.not net- tary to enumerate. It wa the finest Ii- play oi ariiMiic MHiea well a uniius designs ever seen in Aiuany. A tiouow quaru-t was sung in goou """I'0, , , I A v khu waa rcaii inr n ri 11 w lists- f t ...v 'l'- reaentcl were, brought in, tho yonng la- uie rcsponuing uyanxsanng wiw .twir lieautifully aung. A section drill follow ed, under charirejf Cant VesU Maaon. A duet by C K Harrow and Oil Hart wa heard with pleasure. A Ubloau, "Liberty F.nlightlng the World."wa very pretty, Kdna Allen with sixteen electric llk-hU flaalilng over her person .lieing the statue. Mi Anna Ooldamith recited "The Mailman" with excellent effect. A Uhlcau'Justice presiding over the trade ami tirtifiaalnna waa vunt nrntlr ami clod the exerclm'. A lunch was served and heartily parUken of. llclow we glva a Hat of the buslnees men represented with those who repre sented them, an Intelligent description of banners anddreaees beinc ImtKiatlble. Uood taata was dlnplayed In tbe lettering Ut 1.11V V1.M1.V1W. T V. V111T Uil. U V captions, no blowing or Lluaterlng being done : A. a,, . ... .. M M I . ( t nn . .... ma . A n v - Albany Electric Light Co.. by Edna Allen, who eclipsed all other in brillian cy of effect. Hixteen incandescent HithU that decorated Iter person, including a crown, flashed forth with great brilliancy on her stepping on a plaU prepared for the occasion. It waa one of tue most electrifying exhibitions ever seen and Drodticva an encore. G W Simpson, general merchandise tva nimpson. Ida Brush, millinery .by Lora Vance. Linn Engine Co No 2, by Frankio Hop kins. Albany Engine Co No 1, by Belle Sen ders. Wallace A Cusick, real esUte. by LWie ttackieman. Matthew A Wahburn,stoves and tin ware, by Mamie Cundlu. 1 Cohen, general mdse.by Sadie Cohen. Daily Dkmocrat. by Estella Stites. Miller A I lart.palitters and paper hang ers, 07 fijtus minrr. Linn County Bank, by Lee Prather, SUnard A Cusick. drugs, by Helen Crawford. Or. Land Co., real eUte, by Mr W 8 luorapann. V L Kenton, trrocer. by Nona Irvine. Aahby A Neil, real esUte, by Sarah Ash by. Conn A Ilendricaon, grocer,by Candis Conn. L II MonUnye, lawyer, by Lida Rum- rami-h. h . t; itnna.1 i ttrttv c v tirowll-ii .o-, b, I, Turner. I T . ' " Aug Lenge, grocer, ty Mrs LAtige. iiewitt mine, lawyer, by uigie Jj!' Wit,d,t,U ittdicattng tliat Justice Mueller A Garrett, grocers, by Carrie Layton, W Ii Bilveu. lawyer, by Minnie Sen- aers. ltevere House, by Emma Ifniffer. 11 J Jones, books, etc., by Daisy Dnn nal. Mr B Hymen. arttsLby Ml Bishnn. 11 y man A Browne II. nuraerr. bv Zella Parker. " ' C E Wolvcrton, lawyer, by Ollie Balti more. Tho Brink, furniture, by Mis Wright. IXiyoeA Froman, gun, etc., by Maud IVvoe. Tho Hopkins, stoves and tinware, by rs uopKins, l"rof H Palmer's Conservatory of Music, by Cora Loftin. Will & Ktark. icwelrr. bv Pearl Vance Albany p. O., by Liittie Thompson. "Who will get the Port Office." Curran A Monteith. real ratate. bv Loo Viars. - Crawford A Pax ton. tihotoeranhi'm. ritl jjuio crawtord, weU decorated photo. jsana 01 trregon by Majrtrie Chambers. X' . . a a . . at. a 1 r im national uana or ura t linn. Daily Herald by (JuMie Urton. Kantiam I-umberCo y Mrs J K Brown F H Hciffer, soda and confectionary ,by Ella Whitney. . ' ' Klein Bros, booU and shoes, by Alvlna Kransee. C Meyer Jtrocerv and bakerv. bv Marv 15-1.1 ' nuiussrr. Ked Crown Mills, bv Hattie Cheanev. A I Analrn, wagon and street car ahop, hl .lrdie Anelyn kniftn Hii.u.11 JL Fn Il M 1 lM. . ""III -'""v" .' .uvuiiuiai hu piement. Dy Hannah Cohen. Blackburn A Wright, lawyer, bv Mrs iuu nunwiiii, Fortmiiler A Irvimr.furnlttire. bv Vella v i - srving. IVnham A Bon. furniture, bv Nellia Callahan. Foshay A Mason, drugs, by VetU Ma son. O L Blackman, drugs, by Nettie Silver- nan. ( E C Thelps, job printer, by Ullle Ro siter. C 11 Dod.l A Co, agricultural imple ments, oy jiirs in ran. Misses Bail.millinenr.bvEmma BalL The Supreme Bench.by Casaie Howard. Stewart A f$9x, hardware, by Mr Rob ert iiuaton. JaRanese Bataar bv Eva Cowan. lh- Rowland Catarrh cure, by Heater MerrilL B M Huston & Co, drayage, by Artie isuston. , U W Smith, stoves and tinware, by bia daughter. Parker Bros,grocery and bakery.by Nina xaracr. Barrows X Searls, general mdse, by ir Eearis. Spencer & Blackburn, grocers, by Joalo Sperrv. F M French, jewelry, by Mildred Bur- mester. L E Blain. clothlne. bv Ollie Mark Thompson & Overman, harnesses and saflaiea, ay matia vanilorn. 8 E Young, general mdse.by Lena Mar- aimii. W F Read.generalmdse.by Clara Read. Golden Rule Bazaar, Julius Gradwohl, proprietor, crockery, by Sarah Owenby. Ladies Bazaar, Mrs H J Sower .proprie- . iiiiiiiuvry Huu ukucb goous, oy Annie urumniuitii. H Ewert, jewelry, by Elfreda Ewert.' St Citarles Hotel bv Nettia Parvla. Richards & Phillins. turners, hv Ger trude Richards. Burkhart & Keenev. real s.st. hv Bertha Martin. . ' Albanv Woolen Milla. a nne laDnc, , represented by Hattie Gal- uraau. Delmonica Restaurant, bv Resale gait- marsh. , VV It nilonn V. T n !1 " - v.nwi uaiuci, uy litre VllllfOU. Albany Colleiziate Institute, hv l.lda Galbraith. F Co., by Linda Miller. Price Robson. dealers in hardware. and agricultural implements, by Gussie jtemer. Geo C Henderson. irroeera.rivMra ITnn. ucrmui. j ' - W R 0 and G A R, by Miss Macoon. Albany Ice Co. by Ida Stuart. Wallace & Adams. irroceM. hv Miaa n...i.. ' IOIIKIIIUII. W R Graham, tailor, bv Sarah fitom. ourtr. J K Weatherford. attnm Blake. Makinar 85 who tartlelntid in tha nr. invai uiarcn. ! i ... ... 1 W Bentley. best boot aud shoe maker in city, opposite Fortmiiler & Irying'a, A Woman'a Discovery. "Another wonterlul d'seovarv haa been mitt a sid that too Hy a lady in this eixinty. Diaeass Ids. Urned lie clutcbea upon bar and far seven years she wittiitood Its aeverea treats, but her vital orirum were untlermined and doatk secmeo kuminent, fbr three monins sns oii;na .ucwnai,t:y tu.ti eou d not sleep, bat bout ht, : us a bottle of Or Kind's Nw Uiscov. try furliuuniptla and was eo much relieved on taki:ij first done that the aloft a1! nijrtit and with one b..Ui has biwn mSaculou!j cat!. Her name is Mm LuSmr Sina." 'ls.ua wtih-s W C Hitmck: aod Oo ,olf 1ti'S O.- ta trft trial bi. at to shay and ansml Drug " 'i II Of E AND ASilUMI) TiiUaatMlr. Utir MoKiulxy ha rerianod th poantorate cf tha i'realiyt4irin Oliiroh at Eneue. Tb aver attoniUnoe at tha IWei; nut.lie auhiMla fur tha month eudinit April 4th wa819. Mr F L Such arrived on land bight' train i from Han Kratteinco. and will look after hi Albany loteretta. Aoocrdina to a or.mpilad atntament in the TJatiOnal DBii.ofa, ureuoti In the Iart wool ifniwlng atate in tha Uuion. Uati rank reennd. A trii(d Wflhihg thirty fiv tmunda waa eaptorad lt arujay lufheatrt.l v at Wnilula, Uai. 1 hi U the lit rpemtneri of lh kiai tr c"ukh tB tl' t Fair I)W looked bt-r prrtticat yisi,tiday and parties nui'iuinx ir ion were more than yleaaad witn the property and showed their appreciation of it in a sulistsntiat way A annum rfrlrator ear. with td.ld ldH.rs and to chesta,sttractdsmaattoti.u ut tha dpot t-dy, Jt was all th way irom I'ennsylvsnia There has been a general advance of pas- Nn(nr ,n1 t,tijn, r4,e. by ,n th, .team W oonipaiiia doing Lnsimrss o.i l'nnt aoaii.I. KreiU, utei hrm ,(ivi,w,d 30 pr cent, white tJi taonaM of paarenger i.tes ia from 30 t-. VV will wscar adelinunoiit and unpaid subscription to this psper suainst 19 cents that Artliar Uoduea will be the next county eletk of this county. First coma, first aery d. rriueville Now. Mr A Klein arrived home from bia trip to frtononthls noon's train. He will soon move to Salem, where be will ran the boot and shoe store eatablisbed there for several ysara. Mr Jos Klein wfll bave charge of tbe Albany store. flaws come tout that a man livinir on Buck creek car the southeast corner of this eonaty actually wintered forty head of cattle on willow. If mixed salt with tba feed, ana ever boof of his stock got through iu on sbspe. lVlneviile Kews. raioAY. Dr. J F Heodrsx of Ifarrlsbnra' waa in the eity to-day oa hia return from the State Uaioa eoavenUoo at Oregon City. Mr. AL Moore bat letuttwd to-day to A bany from three year sojourn on tha Hound spent ia th photographing business an win probably looat ia Albany. Next weak Mr Coil VanCieve will revive the Yajoina Poet, He ha last beea at tb eity and believes tbe hay baa aotne grand prospects right away off b'jersey, and tbal ia tba way it looks to many. Mr Hiubard Coon ha aold bis inters! in the grocery store of Conn Bros to Mr Omar lieodrinsoa, a very popular gentleman, and tha tlm assM will be Conn Ac If endrioson. "Dick" will do outaid work during tbe so mow to gat ap bia moacle. sa rc an ay. f. M. Frenob kenps railroad time. Rook candy drip at C E Brownelt's. ' Read Mattbw'snd Wash bum's new ad A fine ha of syrups at C C Henderson's. A aio lie ol Windsor tie at Barrows Si 1 , Wallace, Phyaician and 8orgio, Al bnoy.Ori Chohw can ued sweet potatoes at C E Brownulia. Oo to Aug Lease for staple and fancy groceries. j Prepared mickrv!, in lib cans, at C E iirownaiis. ! nadauartr for garden aawda at C E Browsel's. For artists' supplies go to SUnard. A Cnsick's. Tb laUet abeH mosie, duicouuLat Mr Uytnan's. A fine lot of orangse aod other fruit at Q C Henderson's. Dolicioaa canoed eranberaie at C. E Br wneti's. If you want to bay good bread, eak and piasgo'o Lange's, 8priag over eoatiog at Zachrs Si Son, p-. poaite Poatoffioe. Gensine Iowa sorghum on draught at C E'Bruwnell. Uood evening Have yoo ried llul barda Elegant LoUen Chippad beeftin qitantitias to suit at Geo C llenders-jo's Aa Uvolo of new g-vnl Ju.t received at Barrow A Searlc Tba evlebrated Quaker City wbita shi.ts at Barrow tt Sear No neail to soffi-r with tb heaibwb when Hub bard Cau'.e will aurel) care you. If yon want a 8n toilot or bath soap call oo Sunsrd k Custuk, City Drag Store, leave yoor ordera at Langa'a for anything yoa wiab for ia tha bakery ime. If vou wact either L bay or tail your property place tb earn to tb hands of R F Athby A Co. Joat received, at F M French's, a Ure In voice ot lad i as' aod gar. I't gold wstchea, which will be sold at vary cloae flgurs for tb oast thirty day. A large and elegant line of dry goods just reoeived at G W Simpeoc's. itoot ay without examining fata fine stock, aa La bas bargaiaa to offer .both ia good aod prior. When wanting anything ia tba vegetable Una, with a floe ettek always on band to ee leot from, eall eo O O Henderson. Faat sales keeps bia beoohes replojuhe.1 with fre-h goods. Read Mattbsws ft Wasbbern' uw ad. Do yoa want a home t Bay a lot in Fair Dal.. After th carnival last evening a eocial danoe wa giyan. H F Merrill retarned last eveuiug from a tripfto Portland. P Cuntemsrie kid gloves io blank and col ored at Samuel E Young's. Arbor Day exereises at the opera home to-night Admission only lo osutt. Th Foster genuiue.hook ijlove Fosterina, in oiaea ana ouioraa, at tSamael IS Yonug a Fair Dal lota will aen be all aold. This property will bring 1300 par lot before fall Several bids were reoeived yesterdav for building th Salem bridge, ranging from f4,W"J to yu.Uuu. Ladies who Uke tart tu tha Merchants' oamival will find a bos line of to slippers at Barrows' & Searls. Mr E F Sox weal to Portland veaicnlav to attend a meeting of tha direotors of the PaoiHo Iuauranu Co. Tnose wishioa screen door and windows should call an R B Vunk, who will put theai in complete on short notioe. Shon oo corner of Saoond aad Ferry streets. Next Monday Mr Fanuing and her broth er, Mr Qillilaud, will start for tbe East, the former going to aooompsny the latter. Mrs Fannin- ia over eighty veers ef aae. and Mr Gillilaud two or three years younger. B reaaest of the W C T U. oi Alhanv.the pastor of the Christian Church, corner Slh and Jackson atreata, will preach npon 'Ob tervance of th Lord's Dsy" to-morrow at Ho clock. Evening, ""Christ and Kioodc mus. Rav. Prlohard hss been elected one of the delegate to tha national meatiag of the Presbyterv at Saratoga the oomiug summer. On bis return tn Oregon Rev. Priuhard will be accompanied by his sister, now a resident of Sonthern Dakota, who will hereafter re side with him. . IT TB TB"B TP'fl All MTSPTCTTT'W,. It rouses the Lavw and Kidneys and Stomach, cures Headache. Dyspcn'in, creates an Appo tile, Purities Die Impure Blood, and fnVes Tha TV Ptrona;. fjaed everywhoie, ft a bottle; six for S3. la All Via It Maj Coacsrn. The Germanla Fire Insurance Co of New York, having reinsured Its entire Duslness in the State of Oregon, aid com pany (having on deposit with the State Treasurer, $50,000,) hereby give notice of 'U discontinuance of business in Ore gon, and its Intention of withdrawing its deposit now with the State Treasurer at Ihe expiration of the six months printed notice required by law Germanic Fire Iksvrance Co of N. Y Hugh Schumann, Vice President. DeeJt'h 18S9 j - I . ef - . . I TEMMHANCK leUJMJr. Wltsd hy Albany; W, 0. T, V At the WCTU Annual meetine on Tueiilsy of lat week a large attendance attendance ol members was present, In cluding Mr M J Townaend, late of Port land, and lor seven years prealdent ol the Albany Union, Reports ol ofucers show ed an enercetlc and fulthful'nroaectittnn of tbe work for the past year, 'i he Secretary's report showed that twer.tj-three regular meeting have been held, with an average attendance ot twelve, and each meeting ful1 of intrcs'. Hevrn new members have been received. Total amount of money received, $477 90 ( amount paid out on order, 9504.91, including $300 paid on in debtedness on Hall, and $40 and upwards for building a kitchen, and $40 insurance. A very complete and encouraging re port from Mrs O 8 Pollock. Supcrinten- ent 01 young women's worn, was read by tne secretary, ihe report show a gain 01 twrn'y-three In meinbershtp.qulte number ot whom are toiinir gentlemen honorary members, from" socially sue ceaaf ul entertainments have been given by the Y's. who alao conducted the program for the ThflnkKivng social of the mother union. Hopeful reu!l may be expected from these nincty-elht brave joung hearts pledged to and under training for the letnwrrmc work. grZ Ther Trtme'of )u venlieVo MrsLEliUiin reported favorable pro- litnnwimnii i iviowc... .v., I u.111 .......... .K n-i ( hul. anil irfc.r'ira .11 Mr rw l.l ., ... ... ...vt wrtmm . ' department at the panor meeting at wu S J Hsltimore s on rnday al.ernoon,Aprii ni. Mr St John, agent for Union Slgnal.te ported 46 copies of the psper taken. Elizabeth Harrison, principal of the Chicago Kindergarten training school, in dicusing "The Root of the Temperance (juration from a Kindergarten aianopowi, relate the following suggestive Incident s "1 know of a kinde carten trained five year old son of a millionaire, wno reiusea spiced pickle when they were passed to 1.1, n at the table. Why, my sooVsld his father, "do you not want some pickle t It Is very nice." "No." replied the boy, "I don't see any use In eating spiced plrkte. It don't help lo make me strong ; my teacher sas it dunt." If this kind of train ing ca't be carried out, such a boy will grow Into the young man who, when tempted, can easily say, "No, I see no use In that. It will not help to make me a stronger or bettrr mm." The house committee on the alcoholic liquor traffic has authorized a favorable report on the bill providing for ine ap pointment of a commission en the alcohol- ic liquor traffic. The Sccietaty of the state of Iowa eays: "Of the ninety count tea In Iowa In iS83, there were fiftv-five which reported no commitments to county jails." TiTaTji V n"a0L'T TOWM. An exchange in another part of the county say Hn response lo a kind Invite lion a large tor ft of friend met ' at the residence, etc." Though It was probably not intended In this case, yet it la a fact that many social gatherings are made up of corpses of friends, who sit around the walls,look eober and never stir from their seals during the evening, and tbe remark, easily made, might be appropriately made in some cases. The Increase In artistic Uste In Albany has been remarkable during the past few year, a fact the Man About Town tview with great pleasure, for it Indicate rc6ne mcnt, enjoytnint and the higher Weal ef life. Tbe (utrounding of handsome pic tures harmonize acnllroent and make life belter. Albany now ha at least four pro fessional artists, and the city ia full of amateura displaying talent and with an ambition to do better. Our walls are cov ered wi'.h the work of our own families all over the city. Money spent In artistic pursuits la well expended. The following from the Brownsville lime the Man About Town considers a case of turning tbe table In good shape, though we know nothing about the Indi vidual case : Whereas 1. Mr Verilnda Standiati and A W Standi shjhave dissolved partnerahip.and whereas the male member ot the family nas failed to meet the de mands of bis creditors.aod said debts have fallen to hi wife to par. Be It under stood that all debts accumulated by him after this date, must be tetttcd by the same. Signed, Mr Verlinda SUndish. An Albany man, who has been doing some figuring, says the total cost of the banners and costumes gotten up for the carnival waa About Sicoo. The net re ceipts were about $400. Some would aug get that the $1500 be given direct. But in that case the carnival would be lostjnd it is worth the price as an educator for the city. The M. A. T. Is glad to know ao much was spent. Every cent was circu lated at home among people deserving the money, and the fact that a city can get up such a display pf artistic baencrs and cos tume, as well as present rlghty-tfve such fine looking young wotneu on a stage at one time, should be worth a fortune to the ty. It is to be hoped another one will e gotten up next year. The Democrat ejoicea at beir.g able to spend $ j for a anner for such an array of brilliancy and art KS AL KISAi a BALE. Mary E Beard to I J Beard.blk I, 3, lots i, a, bl 3, Tangent $ 100 M J Pentland, etal to Oliver How ell, lot 4, bl a, In S W and S k) Have A to Halse v.... .105 John IJlevlns et ux to Kobert smith. 310 acres tn I I, (J of I Bh-vine 5500 b S Hayes to Gertrude rentland, 35 acres in tp 14, S R 3 w, also bl 2o, lot 7, bl 2, lot 3,4, s, 6, B 17, lialaey 5O Samuel Gates et ux to K E wonn, lot 7,bl 76, M s S A to Albany.. 725 Frank Haves to Gertrude Pentland, sundry tracts in llalsey ........ 5OO Kuflin Hlatt loll ( tVirkpatnck, bl 4, and lots l,3,bl 3, H'a A.lib,. (300 James Bagle et ux to George West cot, ra. 00 acres in ULO of Rtchard Usher . S25 JM Potter by Shertn to Willie E Potter.N half D L C of I B Pot- ter aS2 W G Carter et ux to Sarah M . . . . " White,aundry tracts in Peoria 506 John Foshay and D P Mason to the Bank of Oregon, SQ feet J M Rnlston et ux to T C Feebler. bik No B5. J M Ualgton's 3d Atolb... .... 750 Rudolph Shultx to Leopold Gal- leit, parcel in blk Q2, Albany. " 650 A Hackleman etux to Emma Hughes lots c,u.blk 7,1 I s itli A.Albany- 300 A G Hatch to James Dindley, lot 3 34 tp 13 S K 3 W 33 acres , 500 r V Hansard to S U Gentry ,37.5 acrs PL C of Andrew Kees. .. . .... C M Monteith etal to Clara P Mon teith, tract In blk 76, M's south A to Albany.,, , 10 W Hochstedierand C W Sears to Sugar Pine Door & Lumbering Co, sundry parcel in Albany.. 7000 $10,304 .i.$463.693 Totrl for year... Frescrlpiloa DratsBlat, V CtrvUrl'V. " ill . a .tWsIillfJafSV itaaawj" jrjlCl V .( AND 1 ifLAcu- BERL!SOSrlHXrPr L . :;t r kick's f. .ls'i Tl 71FTARTICLF5 if y First Street. Real Eitate Broker, laaurauce.aad money to loar). I have a lare list oi improved and unimproved city property, and fruit, garden and farming laud ia large and small tracts. As I sell ou commission only.lf vou want 1 1 buy or soli it wiii pyyou to eall and see Bid, . pip SllLLi! rus, 5934, 01 V v Will make Um sotson at Jefferaon Mon days and Toaday i at Albany Wadna- daj'saon 'i Dnraoaya atv.ri-, ri day and Ha'.arday. pKBoturrtow am peiob, Black 1 foa'ed 18S4 1 Imparted 18M by Murray IJro.bera, of Polo, JWinclv, bred Ltr M tioitroin.cornmoneof IVtOaadaloa, canion of Kngant le-Kotroa, department (1 . C Kara tUOir I os or juayarq oaao (777) oi:. of Stsiiolte by Hon Joeur-a'An 11.' lll srinan 1334(777) by Brilliant H90 (-A) out ef Madalon by Fa von 1 (711.)he by Vieux Cnaailn (713) out of L'Amie by Viox Pierre (Hf4.) b by Oooo (712 ) Brilliant 18 (75) by Coeo It (714) out of Koaetl by Mine belonging to the Franc'j government. Cooo II (714) by Vleox Chaa In (713)oot of La Griae by Viox Plorr (H83 ) Vieux Cwtailn (713) by Coco (712) out of Pon: by Handl. Uooo (712) by Hlgnon 7io) out or ran line by Vieux Cooo. Mianon (7ir) by Jean 10 zSiaoo He iean-le.B!ane J Cher! (4137) by Itijou, belon(rtng to M Fardooet, oi't of Blcbe, belonging to M Debray. TERMS. To Insure Mare in foal ....... ........ . $20 For aeaaon .i5 bingle service, C O l .10 Person Insuring tbelr mare and not ratnrnln in regular oaaoz to tbe borae, will be charged as aeaaon maieai. Persona diapos ng f tbelr uare before tbey are known to bs with fowlrr removing them from tbe eoaoty will ke charge J for in sura Doe. Property of Fax0 W. Blc Bao. Moeey ! Jloney ! . TO LOAiV, Oa good farm and eity property at 7 and 8'' Per 'Cent. I examine my own eeenrity ; write my own papers, and if title ta perfect sen close bosiaeaa op in abort order. Call on or write sne. S. N. STEELE. With E. G. lWsarda!y.R4al Estate Agent, Albany, Ortgoa. , FRANCIS PFEIFFER. PROPRIETOR OF - Albacy Soda Works. od Manufacturer of 5H0IQB mmmim. A n r.re tu preparer1 ta sell at whole. e, alwaya fresh .' to d lera. and tvute at Portland we a tn Keep a ruij Slits ant! Ircplcsl fruits, :ia!t3 A M 3 I" J C533 E. J. ?lcCAUSTLflnD, GiYil, RaniUij aai Hjirwli3 CoosaLing endaeer for Qold Afosotala and Dry Gulch Cooaolidated Q Jd aad Sil nr MioiagCo. fficr, rst Street, Albaay, Or, ALBANY OR. Rsal Estate Agents. Farmr and Rancbea for aale. A 10 city brooerty in Albany , and Coryaliia. Executor's Notice. Ko'.ice ia beraly givsa that th under aipned. do'y appointed, qualified and acting execatur of the last will and teatatnent ef Lydia Jooea, deeaased, late of Linn eooa ty, Oregon, bas filed ailh tha Cierk el the Conoty Court, for said connty aod state, hia final eccooct and the eoart ha fixed tb 10th day of May, IS90. at tne boor of 10 o'clock a. in., for hearing objections to said aeonant and to sett! said estate. This 3rd day of Apiil, lS9a I&AAe MiKXxa, Ex oca tor of the but will ; of Lydia Joaee,slee'd. PATEHTS talaed, ana all other buslaena la tha D. 8 Petea mo attendeded to nsr nooerate feea. Ourottios ia ofposlt tne U.S. Patent Offlee, sa4 ean obuin rVtenla teas tune than tacee remsSe rSsn Waahinrton. - Bend nodie erdrawinir. We tir to nateet ability ftee ol churge ;sue vsmaka o charge uuietif we obtain patent. We refer here, to the Peetmaater, the Bnpt- a Knnev Order lHv. and to officials ol the U. & Pasea Office. For cm alar, advice, Verms, ud efrae o actual clients ia your own State or county, edarss a sowaco Cl'poait Patent Oflce, Wasblagteo, O r- S r-! Jv ' O " ' ". ff rV tt tliose fat by W"ta : ine saicwt S.-h1?bb in tba wwid,V C M. Fekrt 4t 0 s TIi.kii1. Dcsriuth' and Priced SZ9 AHHUAl, lor i8jO wi.l be mailed r Itts to s.l ap-i pncaacs. Biia iw w wv - w...-. lis oeirer to" " i , using tew". J-'lmtr r tirid ff !.' 1 IsiVnvr?. Pctitty Wanted. All kinds of poultry, alive or dressed rented at tho Willamette Ptiekinir Comi pany'a Store. Albany, Oregct. Baal atock ot 2nd jES" ;oods In the Val ley, and tbe moat reair iaie prices, both in buying and selling. I have oa hand JI k'ods of : mmm stoves, tkiware, TRUNKS, LOTS, FIUTUaES clqcxs, cnDxY, r;TC.,:TC. 1 do-w west of S E Young's oW store. m ' il. COTTLIiD. 123 IfiraCatrefct. Albany, Or, FOCHAY & .MACSrJ, ' ' was suu ass awauw Druggists and Bookse!!er Asm tafor Joiiu B. Aldats'a ?W!at4o-, wbteh we sell as pwbilafeer' prieeawlii C08iayead4( At3Jk I Cn:!"I3 mil