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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1890)
cniJ.i.snLL, Physician and Surgeon, Off.oc or, Fut and Forry Streets, A LEAHY- OREGON CXG.l7ATSO;if.1ASTOI3 Physician and Surgeon. Offlos ppoalte the Derwvrat. "DO. 17 H. DAVIS, Physician and Surgoon. DH. C A. WlHTflEY. Physician andSargooa. .t-.- Relieve Hospital Medical doling. Now Yrk City. Disease c-1 womea speoialtv . ATOffi tme' Rrlok, Albany, Or. i . K. 7EATEEErOED, ATTOHNEY AT UW cLACiccunra & Attorneys at Law, sll tha Court of tha T 1(4 V(avrw . , State, Prompt attention glva to all bn.i - . . I UANt MM. . Offioa Odd Fallowa Tampla, Albany, Or --- am TlTT ".T fT'TT ATTOHNEY AT LAW km A sHfitor la Chancery, ALDAMT. OREGO. Collections promptly aaada on all po'nt tMnetrrttatedoa MonDlwriM. j. n. DimcAri. mmil AT LAI AID HUTARI JUBLIO, TDffloo In Strnhea'a Block, So's 1 and . ALBANY, CSECQSI. JAKES P. HEAD, Attcmsy at Law antlTitlo Examiner, ALBANY OREGON. Will praotloa lo all the court of th State. AbatracU ol TiUa furnished oo abort aotio- Tan year aioanenoe. EedCrownMills SO. LAXXIX9 A CO., IIOPR'S. mrm MnfflH rum SCrtUUOa tOM SAJtrua ajro UKJtaa uss, REST STORAGE FACILITIES. tllrfiest Pri4 In Casb fo Wlf at W r..cPHERSO?I, First Street, Real E.Ut Broker, Inarnoe,and money to loao. I have a Urga liat of Improved aad unimproved oity proparty, and fruit, garden and farming land in large and email tract. Aa I aell on eommwsiou ooly.if yon want to buy or aoll it will pyon to call and aea me. FOSHAY & MASON, TieuriAMi aa norm- Druggists and Booksellers, Aa la for John B. Alden's pabliaadcma, wtrirh we antl at pibllaaer'e prtooa with oatmcoaaat ALBANY. RCUtB Poultry Wanted. All kinda of poultry, alive or draaaad ranted at tbo Willamette Pveklng Com paa'a ater. Albany, Oregea. M MAT. O. StXDBA MAY Ac SENDERS. iicalsrs In General lewiaaliss. EASSISE'JSS .... C2EC0H Foiimillo k lining, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attaatlaa-FlKt-ilus Hears Revere House: ALBANY, eilAS. PFEIFFEU . OREGON PROPRIETOR. Fitted op In firat-clajM atria. Table frplld with the beet in the market. Kite aleeptnir apartments, fijuuple roonv tor eomuierclal travelera, VTWw le ant rresa tba-Vetel.'Va J, J. WHlTfeEY i.tor..ej And OouiSBllor At Laf a ND otaiv Public ALBA'h CSECOH j Will all of the Court hi State. All b Inem Intrustr ' to hi will be aromptly attended to. fou urn tT'TTTT' Vkaof BodyarU Mini: K(tmto m Otri ft Young, Krt, nt f&BH 'KXWf'tl l RIM of UtHtt, r Hrm. Henr X FnJenr4 4 1 wKil, 1. 1 Kt UirTv tVoai 41 Afn, Tvimii mm4 frmicn tari. a, fall luaiutu Mad prvtm etii4 Uil MiiilAt tfl ISI'AUI, a. T, ' FRANCIS TFEIFFER. -PROPRIETOR OF - Albany Soda Warks. MaoBikctnrer of jHoics comtTiora, - A' are now prepared to sell at wbnU !, always freeh and pine at Portli oj . oe to dealera. We Ala? keep a full tef Seta ani Tropical fruits, Gralnata of Edintoi, ScoHand, Ha IrK-mt'vl In Albany. Frt 11 hi linriitKh knowlsdjn of "his prmeeslim and hi evperlenoe of 10 yftar na ao r.fli oerln a Csval-y Ksii-'mn), be hope to merit tMe patrnnKe of those IntsrestMd Jn hor, cat In, sboep, ;c. Me wonld siflo hia solution or linament for sons shoulders, eor ipks, broken kiifHt, wonmlii, praln. Prl e, one del Jar f"r bottle. 1 .'-o.r.ce t JohnKfbmeer'e'Ivery sta tie. gTJACOBS 1 caution. K. tbr Liniment nnd to reiombll DT.JJICOBGOIXi coni'Anij with iTe St. THE DEBT, ixs tut a wit m ev ui PROMPT AND PERMANENT. Chronlo Cases Cured as Rid lly as Slight Attack. THE OTO BMC M Y. It ta known aa C, Inful Infismsva a aflfccUu; the BttiMilMi ead Jotata ttiik ntuuaa Vwl& the iymivtamt uf walrhare ewatllna of lha tnlnta. aouta Elite b 4 Hkft, KL JaeobeOti irV MuutUy d twrmaoeatly thia enetaf waiuft Ul ItllliUJlMATISM. BandfflUa, Onto, June W. IISA Wat taken with rhenmattna In imtt eu fAre4 at tlmca ernr aluce aol ued erutolna. Bv JaoaU OU relieved ma about two aa HO. OKO. L KIXO. At Daoooim AMD DaaUtA D CKASUI A VOetUt CO talttwa,g. IE YAQUINA UOUTE. gun Development Coiciany' Btoain auip uioQ 25 L1ILES SS!OI.T. 20 nouns less time na by any oth rtato. ti ihmiiirh naatini(r rii .lt liMfrotn Portland nod all rdnu Uio WUIamvr Valloy to .art from " rranc laoo, CM. Tk.()M)u I-aclflo atatuUaouHie Tlll.meu. river dlvMoa wtllloava nxl ana.Souiti bound, Uonday , 7 and rrloy nt a, . "iva a Tuaadav. Tnuraoay ' gS:mte.v Corv.ll Q ivinu. U and Frl-laV at o I "rt ;7n.t TuaadaV. Than daV and Saturday nt :Stf p. m. OdMob dav. Wodnoeday and FrWay, ootn ton 5'itottS boand boau will bo overnight t Bnlom, Unvtug hero a n. M. BonUt make eloen wnoon at Atban lh Ualua of IheOregoo Paolflo RatlronU. TIME aoHKum.1. (exwipt SumUys.) arrt.-e vaauwa, t . n.lAme Allieoj, A. n iuMtMM at Albany and krvmlllal The above trains connect at Vaouin. with the Oregon l'"" tforrany'alinnof Ktenmahl between Y equina and Han Fmnclnco, JAILINU HATE . not ts',i. urn ru'W VsUey. 12th. Thunklw. Mrh tAh, 8 wStyM rat' tb. The OompaAT jettviTen the nglit O Tnn T VorUand and liaineUe Va.ley potnu can mk oloae mMn with ibeVmln. of ' Mmte at Albany or Cor vail la, and U dee-Srj7r.M- ahould ar ran ire to rre at Yaaulna the evening before fate faaulug. m m. ... atmara alwaia t vaaer mmm A.O Cor OVERLAND TO Zimm -.VIA-. Soatiierc Paci23 Company's Llns. THE MOUNT"siuSTA ROUTE. nm,hwm Utm-f ana Baa rrwieea.1 ko ouwai ssrase t.nn 0- " Be4wea rertUaJ aasl nan franetace. " ' i ii .iki .9w. a. 10: it A 1 a a Taw r a S:lSr Lr AltMOJ t Ar see lfittt&r IMAM Wiuruuuuiuii AH.t ;r.wet aawUy) ; tT Tl t'utUaoii Albuty aaime li:wra 1 1. tiore (As L i II Jli A a HI UttASOa SBABCa. j)r I L A'hMiy limntm Allmy MI-miMM AttKfly Uibauue r ! tWj 14 r i M a isttr a I L AT Ar 141 I Art 11 :tura A I PUlLMAK buffet sleepers. Tourist Sleeping Oars, r.r Aeeeaameatalien een-CA fa-en aer. attacked la Kxare Tralne. n.. a rv,- (wtt mikmtonnvWoH with all the r: VT Yr:Jj7:..i. fwioe Iron luui ot Ae.aaka a-Ulal WSB atJaaaew r.mrwt, "rtlaa.'.. 4Tes aWe K1vUle. rttfKB rKTii k9 atAit. vAiS ui (EsoBjaseoosy.) A 1 1 Oct t u Ar PimVumI Ar t M t a L. 1 1 r a sxrassvssi u,r (Baeptgoeday. V ftra I t)ura Purtltn-J HuSllnuvtlle Ar Tlirouprlx 'X'icUetK To all point BOXJT1I -A-TOT EAST VIA CALIFORNIA. T tou tnfrstlm reirsr-lln rt, un, te. A, BOKHLEB F. Manaer Ass'tO ROOERS F. and P. Ar FOR SKIM DISEASES mm mmmmsx tatsmi It kills all InftAmmatlnn sad lrrlUtSar,end la tlx only sue aecv7w ot atlvrotw aad tHbef biln fsrssiKs. r frttiv- Price. 25 oenta Box. Stito Treasurer's Thirty Sixth iNotice. Ktat 07 Oitroe.v. 1 TvASUEca' OmcK Salxm, March 22d, 1800 Notice is Hereby (.ivm thit there are suffl cieot fund on band loony U following warrants, aud that they wi I le paid on pre sentation at tbi oftios. Warrant of th issue of 1889 and 1890. a follow ; nnmh-e-d 1592. 1591, 1565, 1598. 1C02, 1628.U7IO, 1713. 1722, 1712, 1717,1732. 1718,1753,1763, 2079, 2098, 2096. 2099; 2140,2164.2165,2225, 2759, 2760, and 2776 Interest will not be allowed tvf ter the date of thi notice, OW Wna . State Treasurer. State Treasurer's Thirty Fifth Notice. flTATB or Oeeook, Tekasubeb'b Omcjt Salem, March 10, 1890. 3. ) Notice is hereby given that t hoe ft sufficient funds on hand to pay the fol lowing warrants, and that they will be paid on presentation at this office : War rants ot 18HH ana 18W, nunioerea P7S, 10o4, 1U7.1TZ0, 1138, 1401, 10W, 2753, 2753, 2756, 2708, 2770, 2709, 2773, 2735, 2764, 2753, 2761 and 2750, Interest will not be allowed after the date cf this G. W. Webb, Ftat Treasurer, PAISIEY &FISH, J33 F.15MT.3 ALAHY . PILES t.MXiK'S RI-KCTION I!ll,Ii. The aupreme objection to Henry Cubut .Oitge't Federal Election bill U that It It another step In tha dangerout direction ut centrathaiion at Wanhlngt on. For a hundred ycart the conduct of grtlonl election has been left exclu- tlvely to tho icveral inte, and t con- greemnen primarily rcprcent not the country at Urge but the locafltlei from tkrir slut hi $Hth, It U dangeroui tnnova tlon lo transfer the mattrr to Imleral con trol. There la no public r?ann for abandon log tho tradition or policy lit thla matter, It U only conivleratlon o( the narrowcet prtlatiMi which prompt the proposal to abandon It TliU la the second objection to the bill. It I not a device of utc manthlp Intended to promote the general good; but a trick ot pariletanthtp by which a minority parly temporarily In control, hopeato retain power with a majority of the people oppoted to It. A third obiect'on, which ought to be tatal, la that the bill I not In fact or In In tentlon equally applicable to the whole country but only to thoae dtttrlcU where ihe Dudhna and Quayt ol the party in power aee a chance to overcome a demo cratlc majority by mean of It, The bill re. qulrea a petition of 500 voter at the baU of fedVr! Interference, and of course no uch hatl will be provided except In thot dt. trlct In which rcalliy hope to profit l.y t. The thlnir U a two-eded sword, and whatever advantage the republican manage to gain from It while the federal power I la their hand, the same will th democrrt gain under a democratic ad ministration. In both case thw gain will be made at the cost of honesty and good government. It I not for uch partisan use that pow er wa conferred upon corgre. It I not In tuch a piratical spirit that law should bo enacted. The country ha a bitter memory of ihe result of legislation for party, Irrespective of everything else, In the reconstruction period. It I not likely to welcome a return to the high-banded system. New York WerUl. NOT CANDID. A democratic paper mourn because the Dronoeed republican tariff bill raite the tax on tin rUi la iii Ouo.ixjO annually. A there I no tin plate produced In this country, the proposed Urltt is simply a revenue duiv. with no element of pro lection In It. It I thus In line with demo cratic teaching, and ahould have lite sup pert of every democrat who understand tne situation. oiusma. And, if It be true that, there I no ele ment of protection In K, then why In the name of common sens, should republican be introducing and Isvorlng the passage ot a simple revenue tariff bill after having denounced uch a Urfl for the last fifteen yejr. But the truth la, and the Stutrx know It, thlt thi duty on tin t the very quintessence of the idea of protection, for McKlnley (the father of the bl.l)ay that thi b to protect those who may in the fu ture go into the tin business thovgh none are In It yet In all tht land The republican cronty convention In Multnomah county hi been called for April 9th. Jo Simon and Jim Lotan the bosses of the two contending faction de- clare through the caluron of the Orfen- ., . ,,, , , . 1 1 i an that It will be war to the knife In the primaries. Jim fights under the banner of Dave Thompson and Joe under the banner of Moody, both of whom want very badly to be governor. The fight promise to be a highly Interesting one. The course of event in the Washington eglslature Inspire regret that it wa ever made a tate. The other day a brutal fight occured between a member and an altant sergeant at -arm in which the former came out aecond best and with a broke) noee. The assault was a unprovok ed a brutal, and fie house took no step to punish It. Will Be Tb first, Vancoivek, Wash., March a8. A party of engineer working under instruction from the Union Pacific ha established headquarter at Vancouver, and started to-day drivigg pips into the Columbia near the Lucia mills to 1 certain the strata below the river bed, in order lo make proper estimate lor a foundation of piers for the bridge which is te cross the river here, giving the Union Pacific an outlet from Portland to the Sound. There it no doubt that th company bcaii business. MAKR1EP. CfJIPMAN-ELGINV-At the rel dence of Mr and Mr Wylie A Moores,th!s city, Wrdnetday, March a6th, 1890, Mr II E Chipman and Mis Mclile M Elgin. The bride 1 a daughter of Mr and Mr J If blgln.whose farmer home I near Ankcny, south of sister of Mr Moores, t whose home the msrrlage took place. She I a young lady of culture and refine ment and ha been foreomc 3 ear most popular and successful teacher In the public schools of the county. It will onl be regretted that their future horns will be away from here, even though not a long distance. Mr Chipman I a highly respect ed and trusted engineer on the Oregon Pa cific railroad and is a young man of excel lent part in every respect. Their home will be at Albany. Salem Journal. The happy couple will reside at their new home, just completed . near the east end of First -Street.and the Democrat is glad le know one of Marlon county' best citizen is to become a member of Albany society Made to Cut. When buying an axe get the best, one that i durable as well a sharp, snd the place to do It is at I-rice & Kobson s, who also have a hue line of wedges, etc. Dissolution Notice Noti" I hor'jj- iren.tnat t'i copart nership hrwioto: exit-tlnsc umb-r the style itud firm nan. s of A.hby A. I)l;kln on. is hereby d'.wolve I uj mil 111 con cint, H K Aabby rettrina, having sold hi Interest In and to 1 aid firm busiesa to Mr Oeorge Lckln-on, wb. t.111 con tinue the same. Albany. Oreiron, Feb 28. A. O., 1890. K K A8HBY. OKODICICIKSON. Dclmonica Restauranl. . cob ne a riasT an Ellsworth sts. The under.ignnd having puruhaee i the old Horiiian Itsstaaraut stand has opened uodr the above na ne a rirst-ci re.tan 'a. W are prepared to (uruish meals for parties or dance ou short notice. 0y tr served in every sty Is, eastern or eeast; sll kind of fish know in the market. Employ only Hr-cle relp, and wsiHr.jf will bn prompt and eoarteons. .Regular meal 25 ct. Coffee of f rt-cla qnality and a cup of coffse and oiilto at from 5 to 10 rU. I am well known in thi ciky and re quest the tisn to fiv mo a ea!l, SVI9EH Pioj-iew S. W. Paisley, I Albany, ttrsgon. WH0!.1S4LB DBALKR INT TobacGD ani Cigars. Ordur sa.i-'.iUd from th trade. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Tke LeaUvllle Cyrleae. Cincinnati, March a8. The conductor on a Iuinvllle & Nnnlivllle train arriving lo night myt the whole country fiom touUvill thin wy fur mnnymitci it a mnu of wrecked treei, houet ami other ilcbii, At La Grnnda, Ky, grcAt Uamnge was done lo property. At Dunn erc mnnyhjuiie were wrecked and twi or three pcroi 1 killed, i mill men report mil niutu'i norm an awful one. The lighting u almost lm:cant, and by It llctit couul be ecn flying timber and wrecked houiea, Men, women enJ cliiltlren were running hire and there, ami Eminence, panic ttrtcken. Tort Royal, Henry county, I reported bailly de mulitheit. rvti.l Miiou dnmiueil wrr done at I'cndieton, thirty live mile from l.olville, The total number kilted at Louisville U about one hunJreil. la (ergla Te. Ciiattanoooa. March a8. A reiwt ha reached here thai a torrado itiuck Urayiville, Ua., town ekhleen mfle eoulh of thi place, lost nlht ihortly after mnlnigiit. 1 lie people were tlrepini and were terribly fihM.tened The roof wan blown off the large flouring mill and two houte were blown down, heverai narrow etcaret are reported, but no one It known, to far, to have In en killed. A reward, Cot r AX, March 1S.A large crowd of peo ple gathered In town to-day lo wunet the hanging of lUnnton. Since hitrexpll hethowt tome ign of life, rrevtouly he reprctcnted anil object picture of cowardice. It it pre dieted tlmt he will never be able to walk to the galltiw. alga eftirewlh, Wahiiinu ion, March 8. The department notified Kcprcventatlv Ilermnnn today that Heppner tot office, In Morrow county, Or- become prei.lcntial on th first of the coming niomli and will entitled to all the privilege ol tin etas w otiicc. A Dtaranltt tyelene. Mv oK, March as. A report just re ceived here says: The chief operator of th Western Union Co, at I-ruivllle ha arrived at Jeffersonville, InJ., across the river from LouUvillt. He fpoti terrible dcc ruction there, almost the entire western portion of th city c4 Louisville being in ruin aad looo to ' Soo person supposed to have been killed, This infoimslion I wid come over the rail way wire between JctTersonvltle and Imliaaa- pon. Lot'iiivtLLK, Mjrch as. Shortly after 9 o'clock a tornado (wept over thi city, wreck ing aoo ot loo bouse and killing aoo people. Tht wind "csme from theAoulhwett, llie Union depot at the foot of SfVenth street, was blown into the racing torrent of the Ohio river A train of car making up lor th Ioutvill Southern road went over with the building1 ru city htii, on West Market street, wa wrecked. In the hall were loo people, and but fee of i Hem escaped alive. Mny build ing after falling caught fir and th inmate were burned. All the sreet are blocked with debris of fallen buildings or telegraph and electric light wire. ttlg atera. Minneapolis, March a;, Telegraphic re ports from point in Minnesota, Dakota and Iowa iltow that a general snowstorm prevailed during ihe day. 1 lie storm ws mcst severe in Northern low, where railway traffic is impeded. Stock will suffer to tome extent. la Dakota wet snow is regarded a great ben ht to crop now being seeded. Th tempera ture at all points is but little below the freezing point. A reraltar treats. Sam FaAKCitco, March 87, A young girl nmed Ida Olsen, employed a domestic at a house on Golden Ga'o avenue, was anested by the fir marshal to day. Four fire hv occurred tine Last Saturday night in the house here the girt lived and those adjoining but utUe damage wa done, th department e tinguuhed the flame. The girl confessed that she had started th hit, and said she wanted to tee a bUe. Brelker Killed. SfKjciHANNA, Pa., March 37. A train of th Erie railroad killed three vll dressed men I '!Ked Rock this morning. They were broth fjt Aneuricn, jotin Henry uukesy t Jew I otk. Henry disappeared tome month ago. tk-.,. .(.,. . . .., ,.. search of turn, They bad just (bund him and nere returning borne when killed. I reenllae Aeclecet, I Milton, Csl., March 37 During a horse I race yesterday one of the horses stepped into a hole, making a complete somersault, pitching the ruler Peter Strou.l. nearly two rod and in juring mm severely. Th bone wa killed and in rwsr is in a cut leal condition. saniate arewn4. PoaT TowNsa.No. March ayFour whisk smokier.. Fr.W Mo. John AckerMin, Wil lam Jtennrt and . . . ' .. 7 Mitcneil wrre droetned between Douglas iianu ana fort Mmpsan recent l r verntseg. Spokane Falls, March 27. A stabbing affray occurred on Utile Spokane, eight mile from thi city, this morning result ing seriously. Lee Cnrits and John isle- bold worked on' the rame ranch Chrlt had a dog that rot Into bit hold's bunk, and the latter kicked him out, saving he was no oog, ana did not propose 10 sleep with one. Chrits said he would kill the itext man who kicked hi dog out of bed, n In the tcrimmage that followed, Klebotd received a deep knife cut over tne heart. The wounded man wa brought to the hospital thi afternoon, and will probable die. Chrits I still at Urge. A lasabltag Week. Washington, Msrch 26. Many republl can member of the lower h-juse are very much in doubt a 10 what they should do in the case of Wyoming' admission. The woman suffrage clause in the constitution u a Mumbling block that is giving them trouble. They want to support th report of the republican maioritv of the committee and yet they do not want to commit themselves or the psrty to worain tuf- irsge. Matbrnr lea at Deoteeralte Ceaveetlea. Baker City, March 26. The democratic county convention nominated the following ticket at Vale yesterday! Representative II C tuns, sherill, I N Fell; clerk. E II Tet: treas urer, J N Sergj assessor, R Worsham; coroner A Tnrner: school tuuerintendent. William riiompsonj surveyor, J R Johnson 1 delegates to state convention. If C Murray. R Beer and Uiliam O'Drien. ABi(Htel. Tacoma, Mjrch a6. President Oakes, of the Northern Pacific railroad, is in the city in (pecting the company' property. In n in tsrview he atated tha. a $400,000 summer hotel to be known a the "The Place." will be built in the northern part of the city, overlook ing the bay, and affording a macniricnt view of Mount Tacoma and the Olympic range. Old Ilelalclde. ' Salem, March 27. A rumor came dirictl from Lincoln and Zen thi evening tint Var demon Scott, (on of Wm Scott, now on trial at McMinnvitle for the murder of hi wife at Wheatland, committed u cide thi afternoon by shooting himself. -New of the suicide was brought We this even ing by a man who bad been told this afternoon atZena by a man fiom Lincoln, near Wheat land and Scott' home, that Vardemon had committed suicide. The cause is supposed to hav been his connection with the commission of the crim'. All Smoke, Independence, March 26 The scanda lous charge against D F Stanley, presidtnt of the State Normal school, of intimacy with a lady teacher, were fully investigated by the board of director and th Accused honcrably acquitted yesterday, The charge were pre ferred by two students, who ollered to keep (till for 300 each, which, being refused, they circulated the story. They young men have been expelled from the schooL The pu tulent resigned, in order to keep harmony . - the school. His successor will be selected ...the June meeting of the directors. Drawee!. , 1 he Dalles, March 26, Miss V illfcm daughter of P Williams, clerk of the Warm, Springs agency, wan diowned last Saturday, while crowing the Warm Spribgs river, She was a passenger on a stage. The stream be ing high, the wagon turned over, throwing the occupants into the water, Singe Driver Davi and her brother were sitting by her side when the accident happened. She was never seen afterwards. Jadge Mosher Dead. Roseburg, March 26. Judge La Fayette Mother diod at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon. Ilis health had been failing for a considerable time, j ( 't'UK fAUMKIW INarftUTK. A large audience greeted the Farmers' Irtatittio liwt week at tho opera house. Mr 8 8 Train ciilksd tho meeting to orUnr and Hon II A Irvine wan ek-ctod chair man. It wan learned that Uicmo inntltuto were lielng held under the auplwn of the Agricultural uoiU'ge at uurvauu to work up an intercut In the advancement of (arming. The appropriate eonK, "fminng Mead- lUrrowa, rorttnllicr, J tart ana Mono, ol the Apollo club, In A very pluaalng man ner. Mayor (.owan delivered the addir of welcome In the hnptiy manner that tuakue everybody feel at home, otTering Homo Hound uv'iftkii(t on auctt vital ducHt liniN a tnxAllon, tranMiHirtatlon, &s. by which farming may become more re munerative aa well aa attractive. Prof lietcher, of the Agricultural Col lean. roHiKinded In place of 1'rof Arnold who wua tiuahle to Iw prewmt. He allowed the need of education for farm era ami the need of movement to lnxnlro a love for the calling by which the young men will not rmtmt on lor tne city, ue stated in eonoliw term the object of the Institute, in connection with ine college to provide for a broad experience, to un demtaml the uhlloMophy of plowing, tho adaptation 01 mm, ine nature 01 juant and aoeil and the iroTH ot production A vocal eoio, eung tiy mim Minnie Van Horn. In a tileaauur. attractive man mr, for which aha baa Ucome popular, wa heartily encored. I'roi Maruar!i rtnou. 01 ttie Aaricui tural toUeue. read a thoughtful paper on Lotuetlo fc.i'oriomlcH, treating ol the branch of etlucatlon in wliUh young women learn to cook, aew, market, Ac. A polished woman : her idea were full ol meat, a creamy repast. AUmt the tme Mm Htjoll Upgttn.the ImnniT brigade, which had been drilling near by, began pourinK la for ten minute a, and before the discussion endod Ixvitn pouring out. which, added to the noise of boys and quite a general in and outgoing, caused a confusion that marred the entire dis cussion. Mrs 8 8 Train, who waa to follow, ex cused herself and called on Major Htory, who, though ne itaa nothing to aay, made about the longest talk of the even ing, plowing a very crooked furrow on the subject before the bouse, but hie re marks were good and lie gave some pointod remarks on the subject of edu cation. I'rof (irlmm wanted better cooking, better fruit, and act a grind example by some clwe clipping on the subject. ltonr ni Kiser was caittHi on, ana alter prodding the audience for the unnecessary . . . . . . . ... . confusion in a civilised city like Al bany st t bis binder to running aud threw tKitaouie very live, practical remarka. He wantM the young men and women to lc able to aeenre such education as will make them satisfied with the farm, making them become mliable men and women, satisfied with their lot, and not conirrvsemen and bank clerks. Mis Vesta Mason closed the evening's exercises by reciting 'The Classical Tar- eon." displaying a rare elocutionary Klft. which promises to place her in the front rank In the valley as an elocutionist. Her enunciation la distinct, and she displays a force and expression, as well aa good action, that is very pleasing, speakitur not only for a natural gift, but a well for the splendid training received at the . atoKxtsa skssiok. House calleftl to order at 10 a. tu. by K A Irvine. Farming for Profit M II Wiles orenel the discuselott. Aa a rule it has not been possible for farmers here to disposo of fruits with profit except potatoes. Hotrs enough should I kept to eat surplus grain, fruit and slops. Micep could m kept with a profit. Small herds welt kept U'st for small fanns. ik1 care is what la needctd. Many farmers dcrrease their profit by keening too many horses, The greatest profit la derived by keeping only what are actually nt-iM of the Dost stock, tu timothy ana cheat nay, the cheat. Hay la prolwbly the most profit- anie to the average larmer hrre.unittts in those districts w here the climate and soil is favorable to timothy. The price of wneai iiae every prouuet 1 aicreji by overproduction. Cannot farmers ! Jn- durcd to grow litis wheat and thereby in crease the price of wheat. Lands should be summer fallowed .especially after three crope thereon.aml in fact best results are obtained by allowing land to rest every omer year, rrompi attention, inaustry and economy are essential to successfu! farming. Let not the imprewtion be made on farm boys that to follow the avocation of their fathers is a cheerless one. Uathcr fnwunMt them to love the flowers, the "e ." "a pursuiUW tne lAmt. 1 riii? tioti.t tvitn anft ilia kiner 11 tni.n Kit Lake Pruning Fruit Trt-r. think the culture of fruit trees of our valley is of more importance to us, tocially, politi cally or otherwise than any other pursuit. Only one in ten farmer know how to properly prune fruit tree. A few under lying principles umhrly the whole eytem of pruning- W hoever saw a native tree broke down by over production ? Culti vated are often broken down by over pro duction, in no case let a stiuie grow lull length. Cut or of it off. Annual pruning is necessary. Cut will need heavy cutting each. The peach above all trees need heavy cutting back. The cher ry neva as mite care as any tree alter the head ia formed. His object waa not to exhaust the aubject but to open for dis cussion. Discussed by Mr hrlei;. Mr 1 atcs said there ia more information in discussion than there ia in a dozen pa pers. Prof fSrimm said the history of the world shows summer fallow a bad pro cess. Subject of farming taken up for discussion. Mr Wiles called to the floor by F M Kbtcr. Mr Jonas Davis called for and responded. Afraid to go upon the stage, takes up too much time. A man that has lieen on the farm as long as 1 have been should know something. Does not believe it is well to stir ground as much as did in Pennsylvania. Think it would be better to plant a crop than to summer fallow. Know too much will not nay. F M Kuer called to the floor. A great friend to summer fallow. Plow the ground shallow early in the spring, then plow again in June and sow wheat and use for pasture. Believe we should quit spring farming altogether unless a little oats, etc. Mr Brandon called for. We get . a good crop 11 good Bum mer fallow is done. Should not be done more than once 'in 3 years. Don't think it policy to summer fallow every 2 years. If you summer fallow too much it seems to imbibe too much weeds,dog fennei.ctc. Bow part of the land in grass, rest tho ground that way, then you can raise as good grain as on new ground : but will not last so long, summer tallowing is only borrowing in emergency. Prof Grimm We summer fallow for one thing in Willamette Valley ana that nitrate. Nitrates are formed by ferments in warm weather. Nitrates are soluble substance. Hummer fallow wastes enough nitrate to form two or three crops. Reason object to summer fallow wastes too much. Dr Gray responded to call. N P Payne was somewhat pleased when he heard Insti- . .1 1 ,11 : i . it... iuwj was to do iieiu hiaiusht in nope tuat the citizens would attend. When our farms are cut up in farms of 40 acres we cannot aflord to summer fallow. Moitgage tax law and usury. As soon a the law I repealed and the mortgage 1 due cav, we must have that money. Portland capitalist want thi law lepealed, because they take the mortgage to Port land taxpayers, who must stand a levy to meet that amount. Our prerent law of education it qne of the greatest humbug in the country. Afternoon Sessiox Method of improving tock by Jame Elkln. In cattle economical demand are the best. Large importations of bacon are required to supply our demands. Few theep are kept in thi valley a gleaner and fertilizers. In Eastern Or. the kind most profitable I the Spanish merino, yielding from 7 lo 8 lb, of wool. In horses, Oregon stands as high as any state In the union. If a person keep a horse at all keep a good one. Power to draw, weight, ability to travel with undiminished energv. Some people under value horses in which he is not directly interested, A horse of high breeding Is a thing of beauty. Chronic defect In either anlml I ture to be reproduced. Oats are the best grain In use for horses. Bran should be used. It contain ele ment rich in bone and muscle, It is the ashes of grain that build up bone. One hundred pounds of oats contains five pounds of ashes. The bodily exercise of .lie animal must be looked after. As a rule. If you want to make money out of mi;, you mum nave ine oreed. care ana sercite, if a person can not do tht be had better cll out. Mr Anderson could ee, but he excused hlintelf. Few remark by Jesse Archibald, Mr Elkins attain took tha floor, t'aonte In Eat'ern Oregon should Insure against itimcr, F M Kt said horse Interest in Eant- em Ureuon had been dlv neiriected. ine time has come when It doe not nay to propagate a poor breed of the subject of mechanical and chemical etlects of drainage. KVKMINCJ SKHR10M. "Summer Mornlmr on the Farm." was finely rendered by Messrs loe,Hi!ar,Uar rows. Hart and uoss. I'rof W F. Yates, ol the Corvallis schools, read a paper on the relation of the common school to ing the former to be a stepping stone to a good management of the latter. Instruc tions in the schools should m somewhat regulated by the stirrottndlngs,the courses iH-ing according to prevailing occupation Time spent on algebra is wasted. There should he a national supply ol text books, and a close system of gradation between common schools and college. Prof (Irimm was called out. He wanted some sclentitlc instruction In the common schools, and pronounced the present common school system 01 uregon a larce Ha said a Iroy w ho can earn too or too a month in the city is a fool to stay on the farm at 11 a day. Prol Yatfls very properly resented his uncalled for attack on the common schools of Oregon. Prof Grimm irolbly never heard of the fine diploma received by Prof McFlroy from the National lnsti tutefor the splendid showing ot our schools. Mis Helen Crawford recited the Milk maid with great force and fine effect. It wa received with applause. Mr Alea urandon, in an on 'hand man tier, gave a talk on county road that wa quite a icllef after some of the 'Jt11v read paper ol the Institute, ue correctly ssio that it wa a vital object, embracing a matters! pleasure and convenience. With over half of the county' money pent for road we ought to nave good one; but it I not spent at It ought to be. Hi pi to to have better road would be to wipe out the road districts and supervisor and elect men in each precinct to look after the road. Now the county' property I shamefully used. The tool are tn the rain ; not three scrapers are under snea, th plowt are In the wet, and, at Halsey, a valuable road worker i retting on the common, tie uiustraicu. in a graphic manner, the wsy the road were worked, Hon F M Klxer, who has been aU over the county, considered our road In a de nlorable condition. He had en lumber bouaht to fix culver lying by the road side untouched for month. He would plow the road to the center, four or five furrow on the side, and thoroughly drain the tide. All through the county the farmer make a practice of throwing all their rubbish into tha road. He wanted a law to compel men to work the road We have good land for road building was In favor ol levying and collecting a road tax. A piano solo, by Prof Lee, wa artktta ally rendered. Prof Covell read a paper on mechanic for farmer, replete with sensible sug gestion. The farmer need lo understand almost all trade, particularly mechanic. and should overcome the hlftlcs tend ency of allowing everything to run down peculiar to sotn. tlon J K tVtat'-ertord, down for discus, ton on the eubject, delivered a talk on the Agricultural college, giving some very Itv tereetlng fact in connection with It sur rounding. A song, by the male club, closed the la tttute. I'ruf, Letcher offered the following reolutlont.blch wereadopteJ: liesolved. That the thanks of the Insti tute are due. and hereby extended to the people of Albany and Linn county for their attendance upon and interest in our deliberations, and for the warm and hearty welcome which they have given us. 2nd, To the ladies and gentlemen who so kindly and charmingly entertained as each evening with their recitations and singing, which added ao greatly to the pleasure and enjoyment of our session. 3rd, To those who by the preparations and delivery of papers at its avssiona.and by participation lit the discussion have made it the success that it has been 4th, To those who,in charge of the pre liminary arrangements, nave contributed both their time and means in preparing such comfortable quarter for the meet ing, and securing such large attendance upon its session, aud 6th, To the press of Allrany and lino county for the interest which they have taken in our work by scattering the noti ces of it throughout the country, and for their full and faithful reports 01 its pro ceedings, thus extending its usefulness a hundredfold. Notice. Owing to the state of my health I have disposed ot my marble busi ness to Messrs Egan ti A chiton, whom I can recommend lo those wanting work In this tine, which consist of alt kind of marble, granite and stone work, reliable, competent and industrious yeung men, who will furnish the best of mate-ial at the lowest price. I would urge thoae who contemplate purchasing cemetery work tn call on them before purchasing elsewhere. Having been engaged for tne last fifteen years In the marble and atone bulnet,and the latt ten year in Albany, In retiring from said business I will en deavor lo do all I can to improve the city cemetery during the spring and summer, which ha been o ad!y neglected and I almot a disgrace to the coming city of the Willamette valley. Those wishing to have the grave of their departed relatives and irtenu improved in acreditabie man ner can do o by calling at my office, next aoor to UEMocaAT otiicc, 01 leavt order with Egan & Achlton, a I have located my office with them for the present, being engaged to ao ineir lettering tor s lew month. Geo W Hassis. Albany, Or,, March 39th, 1890. . Carpet Itepartmsat. 1 have added about two thousand dollar worth of carpet to my stock this spring. Near style in ' 3 ply Ingrsln tapestry and body Brussels; also halt and talr to match, ruga, cocoa and napler matting, hemp carpet Culna mat ting, etc. I have also connected with my carpet department, lace curtain and curtain net, portier, window shades, wall paper, lin oleum, and Boor , oil cloth. I have and am receiving the largest and best assorted stock in the line of any house this side of Portland. These good are all on the (econd floor, where I haye them arranged so that buyer have very little trouble in (elect ing what they want. Plenty of room and light. Tho. Montelth ha charge of this department and will take pleasure In showing the good at any time. Samcel E. Youno. ALn.titv Marble and Granite Works.Hsv ina lately oarohaaed the stock of S A Riga and UW lirri, we ahall be pleased to show design and give prices to all intend ing purchasers. Bast of workmen employed and prices a low a any for tirst-ole work. Visit o behr 1 juroliaonj elsewhere, fc'oH Si Ashison nsxt door to Dtmoorat offije) Albany, Or. .leading Photographer Albany Oregon. W have bought ail thenegativ mad by L W Clark and W II Greenwood np to Nov 15th, 1889. Duplicate eta be bad from hem only of a at reduoed rate. We haye alio about 18,000 negative made by our selves, from which duplioate can be had at like rates. We oarry the ouly full line ef view of thi state and do enlarged work at lowest rttea for first olas work. We thai! be pleased to sea yon at our Studio in Froman's block, next door to Masonio Tempi. A Fine Assortment of all kind of Fancy and Staple Groceries. Provision an always be found at the Willamette Packing Co.'t. Your attention Is especi ally directed to their special display ad. Kuw cream choeae just received at CotraA Meyers. IIOMK ANI) ABli0.i THURSOAV. VuUyei on tb 7 th Win M Ibiag i Ima.s from a trip to New York. II 7 Merrill returned thi noon from a trip to Portland, Tb Gag theatrical troop passed an th road to Eugeti Ui(ly, lwt E L wilt b th only aradast of th Albany Uollgiate Institute thi year, 1 Two pair of pnt wore stolen from the tailor shop of W It Orehsm Tsesdsy night. Hon J K Weherf.,rd wa in Corvalli S Saturday at a meeting of the Agricultural -ard. .. Mr atul Mrs l''ll-K)k, th litter a sixtor to Mr A A KI10 i of this oity, riv I from Hpritigllld, Illinois, yesterday. Attention i called to the ad of Mr riteele. in another column, tiy ealliiig on him joa 011 get n.oney at 8 per ou and without delay. The Peelflo Express i reported to have Ospended. Thi i rot the l'aoilio Express company, but a paper I11I rwoiitly publiabed umlur prohibition upo, iv. Albany doe not get si nuny show bat what our eltixju c.o afford to attend two good entertainment in tuooesstrin and tboy should sbow tlixir appreot .ttou of n- nt by doing o. ' Tbs Oregon Laud Co i meeting with rest sco in placing boih busines and rldno prntrty, th three tiffiues in other el tie finding Astoria realty popular Columbian, A boat a ysar ago Jams OpeUod.of Low is river, bal a large brn full of hsy.tb hay twine valued at $2,400. It was burned and blani full on a boy in hi employ . lsst week the boy' father paid Cojelod 11200 tn partial restitution of hi loo. Mr Gal will in a month or two take hi family to Woodbnrn, in Marion county, wbsre be will go lut? tb drug baslusae. MrtiuU ia aa bont, straight forward business man and his many friend here will regret to tee him leave. raiDAV. Dr All Kiooey, of Astoria, i tu tb civ Wheat has taken a slight tumble, btmg quoted to-day at 00 J cent. Editor Conovev, of tb Curvai'l Gaatte, baa been in th city to-dy . Tb Willamette Valley at hast ha never known what it waa to have a elychme. Mr Ja Blackburn ha Just imprrtel fin Cleveland Bay stallion, paying $1500 for mm. Th Orient rrid in Albany this mora log, being tb first boat to com through th lock. M O Ilarbord. formerly of S.lern. ha been nomioated for the position of chief of polio of Spoken rIU. Papers were served to-dsy, appealing th ol tsar ha r a unbbera irom tta decision of Judge Boire to the soprem court. Mr Geo. C HenderaoM ha pttrehed tb running norse Disturbance, of McNignt tiro. Tbi bora is a fall brother of th fatuous Bogus, tb ftt hlf mile ranner oa th eoaet. Bart Curl, one if th pitw-eer of Grsnct eaouty, uflor.i a strobe of pjtaiysi last SatarcUy and bi recovery 1 tli-emed doubt- lal. Mr Lad wa ot.c a mlJent of Linn eonnty. We get tn new from tb Oregonian to- dsy of tb mxt detractive cyclone in tb history of the United Stales, which bao pened at Louisville, Ky, yeeterdsy. It seems that ne part of tbs Es.t la free from th laetrnotiv lment. wa nearly duplicated. Mr Walli Kastt, ef Corvalli wa in the eity to -day, with three Uermane frm lie- onrl, representing fifty families. They ar her for th (Sgrpu of eeleoting a location for tbetr pM,le aad Mr Nash had bn bowing hia big Benton eonnty farm. Mr E J MeCaasl!nd,wao ha been doing erne extensive nrveyiog of additioo round Attoti, is ta the eity and i!t re- nuua eevertd tke belure going to the San Uam mine. Mr MCastlatd report some lie time at Atoru, rapid real -Ut sale nd improvements. Tb owner ef th Cannon oornwr.Dr Mas ton. H E Yonog. L B BUio 4 E F Sox am snaking arraogvuteut to b-iiii tb emotion of a large to try brick on the property thi summer. It will crotaia three etorier, par of whioh am already spoken for. This will be a Dae location, and it i probably th beginning of th spreading of bnioea bouse toward the south. . Art1H!AT. D V S R id i in Washington on buainea. Mr F 3 Ingrain b returned irom Wood land. Cel. Mr 4 J Ci'k and child reu, of A.hland, are in th eity. Four riTr boat are now running on the regular acbedal time. Mrs J H Townsend and dl,t-r, f Portland, eame to Albany I tat eveuing Mia Kittie Cuoley, of Bronnr.i:., ha been in th eity, a guest o; br si.ter, Mrs G W Wrignt. Vi5-Preeidn Crocker, of the Son then Pauifia, wa on the north --boned train last veniug. Mr II Flindt, of Vedfonl, is in th city. and, w nndertiUud, will probably rctarn to Albany to rosuie. Thoee partioipatiug in the MerohahtV carnival are requested to meet at the oper ... -ink. B V.f L, ... l-.ll The subject of 'Traoing fruit trees' w discussed yesterday by Prof E U Lk. of th Agricultural college, in.tead of by Prof 1 at, a our typos read. A birthday party waagivon thi afternoon at the reaidenoe of Mr W T IJesrst, in honor ot tb 7'h titrthday of hi daughter. Miss Mattie. About tweuty little children wr present and a vary bright, bappv time wm naa. F. M. Frsooh keep railroad time. Rock candy drip at C E Browneli'. It al HAtthew' aad Waahbnrn' new ad A fin lin of tyraps jJFQC Headersoo's. Th Levy eonrt Friday evening. April Spring tutting at Z toilet Son, oppoait rottotnee. J. P. Waltaoe, Phvtioian and Surgeon, Al bany, Vt Cboiv-e (aiiu4 sweet pots too at C E Brownoli', .m Prepared mckr!, in lib etna, at CE Browne!!'. Headquarter for gardon eed at 0 E Urowoeii. For artist' supplies go to Stanard & t0ick . Fresh fish received daily at Schalt' mar ket. -. . . Tb latest shert masio, i duoountat san Hyman'. A fin lot ef orauge and ether fruit at Q U JUendercon'. Dolioiou canned eranberaie at C. E, Bivwueir. Spring ovrr roatiug at Z iohe Si Son, op posite Fostoftije. Gennioe Iowa sorghum on draught at C EProwneUs- Great olearanoe ! or th next 30 day at W F Read'. Good evening Hav vou riel Hubbard Elegant Lotien Chipped beef in quentitiss to rnit at Geo C Henderson's Th best child' hoe in Albany for SI, at Barrow & Searla. lOoereent off on all cash sales for tha next SO day at W F Read. Spring and summer woolen jut received at Zscha 4 Son. oppoeit PostoijQc. No need to suffer with tha hoadaoh whon Hubbard' Captulo will aurely cure you. If yon want a fin toilet or bath aoap call 00 SUnsrd & Cusick, City Drug More, A choice stock of crackers, soaps, eto,at G C Henderson . II keep the best of every thing. A pair of steel lowed eyesUtset, evi-lontly of a superior, await an owner at thi oUdco. If vou want either to buy or sell your property place tha same in the bauds of it F Ashby & Co. Gentlemen who wish th latest stylos and best vain in fine shoes will save money by seeing Barrow & Searla. Get your jewelry t Will & Stark N, They carry a choice stock, to whioh they have just added some elegant piece.. A large and elegant line of dry good just received at G W Simpson's. Do not buy without examining bis fin stock, at Le has bargains to offer both io goods and prices. When wanting anything io the vegetable line, with a tine steck always on hand to se lect from, call oa G C Henderson. Fist ra'es ke?s hi benches replenished witk fresh OAKVIIXK. Tho angel of death has again visited our community. Mr William Pattison qnietly passed away on Baturday, March 22nd, 1890, at 10 minutes after 10 o'clock p. tn., after an illness of only eight days, at the atto of fi: years, 11 months and 22 days' M r Pattison was born near Hparta, Randolph county, Illinois, March 30th, IKIM), where lie resided until April 10th. lH4U,when be with his parents and broth ers started for Oregon territory, where they arrived in the fuJI of the same year, and spent the winter near Fort Vancou ver, from there he went to Oregon City in March, 1850, whero he resided until August of the same year ; from there to I the Uowlit, river near Monticello, where be resided 18 months ; from there he re moved to Pugct Hound near Olvmma. wiiere he resided with his parents and brother for 8 years, arid from there he moved to ('amp Creek, Lane county (Ore gon, where lie resided until 1879. His father died on Camp Creek in 1873, and his aged mother died at Oakville in 1881. In the sprint; of 1H7U lie with his brother and family bought the farm they have lived on every since, wnuant was a memJjer of the United Presbyterian Church, ue united with the church in his youth and be lived a consistent Christian life. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." Amicus. AaTwTBft URAL KT4T8 JttTATlafta. JV'nn lh- Aitla Coliimbisu. Adair's 2o xlOO fW$2rj0 Astor 25 xl(X) Barry's ... ... xlOO J00W 125 2:or 250 00ii 75 Vmt 125 luoftj 120 15f' HO (Ws ..25 xloo CJit'lsca , ...50 xHW Columbia m xlOH Caumbin Hocond... ,M m Deinctit's '.Hi xllW Kast Astoria ,.M xlOO Kant Warrenton, 50 xlOO Eastland i5 xlOO Eastshore 25 xlOO Foard's 25 xltXI llanthorn's 2" xlOO I lolcomb Junction . . ,f0 xlOO Hustler's 25 xlOO Hill's First ..25 xlOO Hustler A Aiken's 25, m xlOO Kenney's 25 xHK) Kindred Park.. SUxlOO 125f! Him 150 100 40f him 75 85 lur.ftt) 150 6k? m 100M 180 100 200$ 200 35 lOOrt 125 Kinney's 25 xlOO laurel Park ..30 xlOO Merriwether Downs.. 25 xlOO Mm 150 85 arm m Matier's.. 50 xlOO 25 xlOO 25 xlOO 50 xlOO 25 xlOO ....,25 xlOO .....50 xlOO 15 xlOO 25 xlOO ......60 XlOO .....25 xl02 25 xlOO 175f w vm 145 75 so a 100 Poweil's Power's Uivcrside...... Railway .... , rUinny Xlead , . , Hkipanon Tongue Point .. 50fe5 (A 125 50! W) 200 140( ISO 80( 100 W iliiamsport -. arrenton .... Young's....... Ocean Park ... 40 Ettt EITITEIStE. W Q Adams et nx to Robert An drews, small tract in llalm-v 1200 Geo W Harris et ax to A O Ban- kin, tract in blk 18. U s 2-1 Add 450 Htraud Ixmir to II Bryant, aw a sec 14. to 12s. r 3 w. 100 acres 320 W 11 Hiiank to F F Croft, ne a sec 30,tp 13 s, r 3 w, UK) acres Paul Mochus et ux to J K PTate, 19 acres in D L C of Alex Kumpter S50 Mary Beard and bus to Ella F McFarlan!, tracts in Tangent 300 A Ilackleman to W A McClain. eh of seq blk 29, IPs 2d A., 200 Hiram Smith et aL by sheriff, to J P Bcbooling.tract in Harris burg Hiram Hmith et al, by sheriff, to Martha It Hchoohng, 17 acres in Harrisburg G W Taylor et ux to K O Hyde, acres in sec 18, to 10 s. r 10; lw. 200 A J Kohnaon et hx to W K Curl. lot 80, in Hcio 100 Win Bocue et nx to Jos Rogue. 5 acre in D LCof Hiram Boner 225 Total sab's Total for year. ..$ 44-s ..$422,124 Spseadikg Ot'T.-Mr. Julius Gradwohl beside his large crockery stock will now keep on hand a splendid line of groceries of ail kinds, giving ourcitixens many ad vantage they will be glad to secure. He will make the pi ice so reasonable that our citixen will have an object li caltine onhim for first-ctas groceries. The regular market price will be piid for all kinds of produce. Give him a call. Having taken the sgencv of r magnetic shield, I wl''l be Dr Thatch er magnetic shield, I wl'l be pleased to see all suffering lu, chronic disejse Rheumatism a specialty, ivm.e is had by Prof. Spear, Mas S. Race. Cloth inc. A fine line of clothing re crived atG W Simpson'. A lare stock and Dottom prices. 'Gonad M-jver. -PROPHl KT"A STAR liAKBItY Cnpner Bruadaltin and First Sts.,j -DEAIJER IN- '-Mie rr -til, HMv-V8( Ortea Fralts. Tobceo, Vagar, Cortee, Ete Cas(ltl Meettit, laeenawr, Fcgetables, Clg-ora, HpVis, Test, Etc., .v & everything that Is ft t variety and grooery a rkst prlo r-ld for kept In a ten ore Uj(Jp4 AlLKiriDS OF PRODUCE. ianos. Tho4 wtshliK a first oUssin' the best made to ataod tha olio Coast, can b suit el by calling K Uymas's, oppodto the Maso pie. 00 First Street. The latest i Instrumental musla kept for aa I largest aeaortmeut of atampln-f to select from this aid of 'JTrisoo.' IJSS sons given io pAintlng and embroidering In her studio over Lino County Btnk. Sir her yoiirordr aid yaa will be pleased. ' C. II. SrawABr, Su Albany IRONWORKS- Manufacturers cc 1EAM ENSUES CRIST AH 3 SAW MILLMACHIIsEiiY ISO!, FRONTS AMD ALL KiKOS CF HEAVY m ligi: WORK, IM ISDN AMD BRASS CASTINGS. ald o . Miring ll ds o? ntannlnerv Paiiocns -Made on Short Notice E. A. BHRRYy -Attorney .At Law. Attention g-iven to coileotlou of ola'ms, Offloa with J J Whitney. monY TO loan. $joo,ooo to loan at S per centjoa iai preved farm fir cHv propertv. Wat.i.a & C .' . TEE HAN ABOUT TOWN. The best gotten up Albany and real es tate pamphlet which the Man About Town ht stumbled across in his incessant per ambulation of the (treets of the great rail road center of Oregon, I that of E G Beardslcy. It abound in style. It con tain a general plat of Albany, as well a one of Fa rdale addition. Mr Beardsley l one of Hie most enterprising real estate men In the valley and believes in printer' ink. Such men are bound to succeed. The Man About Town ha been unable to hunt up a single authentic case of any one who will vote no on the question of bonding the city, to be voted on the 7th instant. Our old citizen are In favor of the move. The capitalist of the city, like William Vance, David Froman, and others, are reported solid for it. Many are in favor of making It at least tfr 100,000, and that nount could tie had to advan tage. Tlx; conservative element, though, ay not to overdo it, and the vote will be on 175,000. It i lobe hoped a big vote l polled, gee that everybody turn out. Don't mlsunder.Und matter or jump at conclusion. An Easter.! man said he wa oppoi-ed to the city hail part of the bonding- busines. because he didn't be lieve to a ctty owning theater. A city hall in an Eastern town is a council cham ber, tleaUtr, and everything else. On having ih matter explained he wa solid lor that piirt of the program. The Man About Town I informed that hi honor. Justice Humphrey, wa greatly astonished tbi morning to have a barber pay hi fine and cost by the presentation of a bank check, which he pronounce the first case of a barber doing that on record bl long experience a )utlce of ln; eace, Nome one, on the other hand, wm ay this Ik t'-e first case on record of a barber having been arrotcd here. XX. O. HTJXHJAItD, rresrrlpttea tsrasxlsl. ".. aim .. t bi 1 n. ,1. 11) RE DRUGS .lCsVk u 1 I irruf Kfll lU PATRICKS PILLS niLLEU BEOS., LEA LEU IX Field, .Ye'BtaMs & flower Seals, APIARY AND POULTRY SUPPLIES, - Gurdet; T00I3, FertiJize'S, Tress, Etc. 209 Second Street, let. Salmon aad Taylor, X'ortlancl, Oregron. fTit nd for catalogae. ' To ill Whom It Hay Ccnceni. The Germania Fire Insurance Co of NewYotk, having reinsured it entire busines in the State of Oregon, said com pany (having an deposit with the State Treasurer, $50,000,) hereby give nctke of ' t dl-continuance of busines In Ore gon, and it Intention of withdrawing it deposit now b h the State Treasurer at die expiration of the six month printed notice t-pdred by law Gesmanic Fibk iNS'KAxeaCo or N. Y Hugh Schumann, Vice President, DecJs i 1889 W hat9 iho Exclusive Control ot A a o IT so c r n O u K 2 8 X i- u n (J t-. -I ml . Z3 ti. -vuisiMivr-' Ad 't axe fe ofr prlrt to mH thlt ' -..'. jx JU tit BIST UAu. sarCaaA9MS cxe m ose half nzz SflftlUEL E. YOUIIGg ALBANY, OREGON. PATEIiTS tslaed, ana all otbsr bosiines to the U, a FtAen mcs auaneetMd to mr nxurate fees. Our office ieopfwtrit the V. 8. Patent OSea, aa4 weean obuia Patent sees turn than those meisSS rora Wsshirrton. . BaMl Bxeie or drswinr. We adv tn ntss-s ahiiity fne cf ehsrge ; sad weamke chare mils weobtsia patent. w refer eere, to ue roetmurter, the Sept. Vnnev Ortler Iliv. and tn ottlciiis ol th. I . R hun Otfioe. for eircnlsr, advice, tanbe. and oaetnsj ditaw ta yoor own State or ouunty, edilrs . A S1VOW&CO (Pl:te Patent OtBoe, Wssauiftea, D J. F. Wliitiiigirtist. Ins ruction given. And work exe cuted io Landscape. Portrait and De corative Painting.Lettering'.Desigriirig ana Hecnamcai Drawlnp;. Rooms 8 and 9, Fo s ter Bltfck, 1 otv: alaa edar posts, shingle, laths doors sod win dow tnoaldina, to. Prices from , $5 to ST2 per thouiand. Yard at Lowaoa, on the Narrow Gauge. See me before purchasing elsewhere. WW CltAWVORB. P O ad ireas. Tail man, Qr E. J. HcCAUSTUinO, . CiYil, 5anity and Eydranlia -Engineer. ; ContoUing engineer for Gold Mountain and Dry Gnloh Consolidated Gold and Sil vr Minisg Co. Cffioo, rstStreet, Albany, Or. City Meat SlarKet. mm BEOS,, Prcpristors. Koep a AH line ef meat of all kind, ' la a ctol pit, eompltrsSry pre. . ter ted; and always fresh. Als havn eonstantiy.on nd other fish. hand salmeo Wiley A IOmcey, ALBANY, OREGON. ABSTEACTEE, The Only Complete Set of Abstract Books aad Maps in Linn County. 90X8 e in tha Court Honse,- Business " Entrusted te m shall have prosa Mand careful atteotlon. . ALDAFaY or. - rrm i sir t. j,