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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1890)
She Qciafltmt. FRIDAY APRIL 4, 1890 8TITE3 & Ritl!r wl NUTTING. trrlrtr. LOCAL itKCOUl) .Alono tut A,UR R There ws i meeting of the Foryst firove owner ol the Nvhalcm coal field t lite office t Captain llaker In Forest Gioveon Tucsdar taut. The report of the contractor ho liaa had charue of the tunnel work wn re cvlvcd. He reports that he is In about forty feet t also three, line stratum ?! coal of excellent quality, aMtvhi)t 4 cailion. The stratum are 10,4 an J 2 fect vlilo. The report ai of o favorable a nature ihut It was decided to still fu.ther prosecute the work. It Is estimated that upon the coin Diction of the Astoria it South Coatt rail road, thli coal can be put upon the market cither In Portland or Astoria, at a cost of bout Si ton. These coal tirliiaare cov ered with dense growth ot excellent limber, which alone Is worth more than the cuet of the land. Illlleboro Democrat. Not Tata. Recently an Item was published In the Ukmocrat and most o1 the valley paper to the effect that Ale Cunningham, fr, a former resident ot Al bany, was sentenced to i3 j cars Imprison ment In the penl'cntlury for killing 1 Chlna.vtan at Port Townsend' Marshal Ilofiman has received letter fro;n the chief ot police ol that cltv, In which the information was convrved that the report was entirely untrue, 't hat the Cunningham family there were highly re spectable people and none ot them had had any trouble with a Chinaman. This "wilt knock In the head nU the theorising about young Cunningham being bad biy and all that, while in Al bany. It would be an Interesting fact to know who started the report. The chat Is glad young Alex killed no China man, and hoes he lgrewul up into studious, usesul young man. City vs. County. They are having a peculiar case at Oregon City, stated its follows: "Some time since A. ti. "White and C. U. Barlow obtalndcd from the county court a license to erect signs on the suspension bridge. To counterbalance this the city council recently passed an ordinance making it unlawful to erect rr maintain any sign on the bridge within the city limits. A large sign was being erected between the towers, and lust night Mayor Stratton ordered the city marshal to tear It down. This afterneon the l;n was removed. White offered some ieitance and was arrested by the marshal. The case was posponed till next Tuesday for hearing. There is general rejoicing among a'l citizens to see the sign down." Rem 8 At. as Yestei nay Mrs. Gilbeil old to Rev. I B Fl.her a lot In Cryant addition for $ Joo and J F Stew art and Mr Wlndom a lot in the same addition to .Mr. Trumbull, new comer for the same1 add! Hon. Ashbv & Nell gents. V li Mc Pherson made thj following sales el-r-day- House and lot on 4'h street to Henry Broder, $1500; house and lot on Second street to A. Kyle. $1000; one !ot to J. K. Douglas on Third street, $400. A Niw Cams-. It Is called 'The Spider and the flics," and promises to equal the run of 'the pigs in the clover." The spi der is quick si'ver and the flies are lighi round discs. All are enclosed In a box with a glass case. The trick is to bunt the spider against the flies and place them. four In number, on red and blue spots and land the spider In the middle of his web. It is 'a matter of nerve and patience principally. The game has struck Albany. AVothis WAiHOUT. -Saturday It was reported that the following dispatch was received from the O P officials: Another big washout." A telegram of inquiry was wired, Where" Answered by, On the. line!" Than It was carried along the streets. Lots of Mojiet. A'quaw" man, who never owned hundred dollars in his life before, was made happy last Monday by rceeivirg $160,000, the purchase price of 80 acre of land owned by himjutt back tf Port Townsend, for the past quarter of century. V Uh the money In his posses in his Ion be treated tils Indian wife and four half-breed children to a trip to Seattle. Ills name la Bracken. At Th FaoXT. Though we nave been enjoying serene weather In Albany occa sionally, it live front on the O P it Is quite wintry. At the end of the track four feet ot snow remains, and at Orman k Crooks camp No 1 there is six feet ot snow. In place though the ground is bare. Albany Is one of the most enterprising cities of Orsgon.-rOregonlan. This ia one of the key-note to Its sue-1 cess, but we must keep up our enterprise just now. One way will be to bond the city tor $7Spoo next Monday. Another way ia for our moneyed'men to erect many trick locks a)d residences, for which there Is a grea demand. Will tell Pa. There wasai. emphat ic difference of opinion on the street last evening between chief of police Barry and Mr. Deady, of Portland Mr Deady made some statements relative to what would happen as soon as his pap returned from the Sandwich islands, state of al leged affairs concerning which the chief expressed striding doubt. Astoria.i. sVSTa YToop. A fanner in forma us that Urge majority of the farmers on Albany prairie haye to buy their wood, having no timber. lie aaya those men bavin 11 wood already cut in the timber, and for sale, should advertise it in the Dixocbat wo that farmers woulliiw w here to find wood. J-adi Dibectob, At the annual school flection, held In school district No 93, on Wiley creek, Mrs A J Wiley was elected a director. Thia is the first in stance, we Iwlieve, of the election of a lady to ft public office in the county. 1 Friday Nioht. ThVXevy concert promises to have the largest houe of the season and a rare treat, not of en offered In Albany, await those who attend. To save a big rush at the ticket office for gal lery seats, tickets are placed on sa'e at Blackman's and Read's. Farm Sold. Mr Otto Serliug has sold bis farrp In the Fork of the Sanlia.n, con sisting of i$o acre, to Mr. Noel Claak, of Boston, Mass , for $3500 Ashby & Neil, gent. Aw Art Studio. Mis Maul's Martin, of Portland, is in the city, and ill open an art studio here. The Democrat ha seen some of her work and I highly pleased at the skill displayed. Fakcy Work. A fine line of fancy work Just received at Q w Bimpson's, banner rods, India silks, figured and plain, ft large assortment of embroidered material and a choice variety of fancy Kood uenerally. An elegant stock to select fronu D Pattom treat successfully all dis ease of worr.en.and guarantees to cure all curable private diseases. He has a sure remedy for catarrh of the head. He sleeps In his office and answers city calls day or niuht. Consultation is free and everything Is strictly confidential. He can be found In his office In Blumberg'i Block from 10 to 1 i, a to 4 and 7 to 8. Two Car Loads, Price & Robson have tiiat Kwelved two car loads of w agons and Liiirvipfl. liuht and heavy, and will sell them at remarkably low prices, consid ing the splendid quality of the wagons, Lit avis Obdkrb. Orders left with Arc Plackhurn, of bpencer utacKotirn, jor m-;'s from the market ot jiai-t,t Lros Id I " pi attended to and Uclivere U ft at the shop. OvRtt a County Itoi. Along the up per Sflutiiuu on unmirveytvt government lamia, are not leas than 300 actual bona lido Bottlers who have boon located there some of them for yenra. To wnlift thtw men thin county located and constructed what in known M the M into trail and wiuton road tin the Hantinm into ICaatern Oregon and have ainco leen at cotnmlent' rlo vxpenae In keeping it open lor travel The Oregon raeilio railnmd company without a ahadow f authority located their line of mad over the road and trait ao loraliM and worked by thin county and rendered the annie iuipiiHwihlu either for wagon or pack traina, the citUena have time and itgiiin protonttMl agstiuat this act or usurpation iy me raurotm company. Their pnttcat him lnen Ignored both hy the railroad and the county oMcIhIh whnao nlain duty It la to l.H.k after the madM of the county. Correapondont r'U' lem Journal. Then the correamdent my It wa t'criiiitted hv Itcinthliean olllolulx, ami though he and eerylKdy eUo tip there are llcnuhlican thev will vote for tVino- crata if nowaaary inonlertogetthlagrcat wrong nuIium. a war la prrtiuiHcu. ine auhjevt ia an Interesting one. A Sciti'inaR IIkcihtr'X. mhI Monday after tbc regular acrvioca tf thu r'roaby tery at the U. V. Church a attrprlao re ception wa tcnU rcd Dr Itluok, f fttlcin, at the church, in honor ot hi 75th birth- lav. It wim a verv tucamtnt alltur, char- ctenitcil ly a reutarkalilo grnnt will and rvpleti'with reinintwentatoriea. IIpmUIp the intellectual and aociul reutat n lunch of ice cream and cake wua aerveU. Kev Irvine, on Mialf of th.vte prcaent, pre- aenteil the reverend gentleman with a handsome chain. lr lllock rt'Kpondeii with much feeling, a.4 well aa . ith a vein ot humor that la a plcaMing feature ot the IVietor'a makrup. Keinarka were aluo tna.lo l y the D-vtor'a forim r atudenla in vcar piixt, Pr Irvine, Kev llaya.of Wait- nr, U;ra HHon ami Acneaoii, 01 tnta rottnt v, and other. It U not often that a teacher meet tour of hia old atudciita after many yeara thre thonaand tnilet troin the aent ol learning. PrlUuck in the father-in-law of Sulein'a well known banker, W t WalUu'e, and with hia aged wife, la apendiug th declining yeara of hia life at hia suburban home. A ItooMiMu Ad. Tho following, nl- liahed In the Jelferatm Heview, though an ad., contain so tnucn gool-nnturevl btKtn fors Albany, aud withal la bo read able, that we give it one insertion for nothing: "ior sale, one Mock in Aiixtny, tire- gun, aituatiM at tii lunction ot me f i and O P riiilrmul!. All tho traina going aouth on the t P come to a full atop on the property. Ibxim for aide-track be tween s P and utreet. Can ahip without hange of rttra to any atate in the Union or .Mexico, icn outicta to tho aca; Yuipiina ltiy and Astoria. lWat location in the- city for any public buaineaa, w holcaale or n tail, for brewery or w ine cellar, for hotel or I'nion dciHt. Also block No 41), in the city of Albanv, under fence aevcutecn veara; no buildinga on Uice; two block from lett water iniwer 111 the atate: Allainy and li bation canal, with natural full of "8 to 2J feet per mile. Will adl bait or all ot block to auit. First time ever put on thr market. For particulars inl'lrrc John t'liinian, jcHcr- on, Oregon, or IVter Uilty, Albany, Or, Who w SfpEBisrEXtusr. Mr. E. W. lladley, of Chicago liaa been appointed u;eriitcndcnt and aaxiatant ntanager of the Oregon Pacific. Mr. W. II. lVtti- iHine, who wna announced aa appointed. will, we nnderstaiiil, return Fast. For reasona that are private the matter was dippxiecd of in thia way. Mr. 1 lad Icy ia man ot exiMrtence,and las iMnuly.con- istine of a w ife and four children, are already at Corvallie, Roubkky AT Et'OKNK. On Tuesoay a store at Eugene experienced a pecular robbery. Three tramp effected an en trance, and, picking out three good suits of clothes, put them on, and left their old ones, taking only a few things beoldes the suits. The old clothes told Hi? slory in the morr.lng. Any one seeing three tramps with three new suits will please report to Marvbii Day at Eugene. f?c:o Cask. The following are the newly-elected director of the Scio bank : Win Cyrus, F. tloina, J W Gaines, PO Smith and II liryant. Wm Cyrua waa elected President and JetTMyer Vice President. These are solid men and w ill do ft fine business in the growing town ot Kcio. They contemplate erecting a brick building in w hich to carry (n their busi ness. Fbom All Aaoi xn. Quite a number will be in from Lebanon and vicinity to hear the famous Levy concert. Any one with a taste for music at all will have ft desire to bear the greatest cornet player in the world, no one even claiming to'di vide the honor with him. but hia play ing ia not all of the concert. Hia troup, though small, ia cointsm-d of ntusicicna ot rare genius, bv the sea is on ft 1xxm. Pr"erty is selling rapidly and it bids fair to become the leading seaport on the coaat of Oregon. Portland Ileal Kstate Conveyor. Now how doea Astoria like that. The statement in reference to Yajuina going ahead ia correct. It baa a bright pros pect.and within a year or two there will fe a flurry there that will astonish some of the booming cities of the Northwest. Tub following is from an Alabama paper .and warranted to be genuine: "Married, at Flintatone, by Kev Kamuel Windstone, Ephraim Grindstone to K mi line Handstone, both of Limestone." May their lives be less stony than the various nam associated with their mar riage would iri.tlja'? 3 possibility of their being. Ax Kxaoouratob. At a time when the total real estate sale in Marion county were $305,143, as given by the fcalem Abstract Co, the Salem statesman was claiming they were nearly $000,000, There is nothing made by trying to de ceive the public that way, Salmon Fxsitmo. The open season for salmon began Monday night at midnight. The price of salmon will possibly be -1.25, which is more than consumers can nay. and with the number ot lishermen in the field it is as little as the men can afford to fih for. How will it be settled? Ilia First It It Kide. R drier, of Aluea, came to Corvallis on Tuesday last to see the sights. He is a man whose age baa reached tho seventieth notch, nd the ride he had on the Oregon 1 acilic train on the above day was the first one be ever took on a railroad. He lias uvea in Oregon twenty-uve years. ua- ette. SrBAWBKBiuaH. A Benton county gar dener tens us mere will not tsj more than half a crop of strawberries this year, ana that the damage by high water vas considerable to the gardens- more than was at one time anticipated. The crop will be late. The Delivery Bubikehs, Dr. I. N AVoodle has opened bis livery stable and will run the same aB well as the delivery business. Tarties having complaints against the latter will please report to him and he will aee that the business is run oa it should be, to the satisfaction of the public. Delivery Wagons. Eight delivery wagons were congregated at the Demo crat corner at one time this morning With so manv in the Held our citizens ought to be able to get their meat in time for dinner. Farewell Party. Last Monday a very enjoyable .farewell party was tendered Mma Minnie Guiss, at the house of her father. J)r uuiss. in anticipation ot tnei departure for their new home at Wood land. A pleasant time was had by the Urge company of young people present, Nearly Everybody Goixo. Such general desire to hear a concert company as has been expreHHCd in reference to the Lew concert 1ms rarely neen know- here. The reserve sale lias been large and Friday night there will be a rousnn house. Two rnors Urizo bills of choice mi liner tit receivwi at th Misses B. lis; iiowet aus, riblior.s sn-1 Neapolitan bats. Aibo ni assortment of children' oHooI bate, Cu s iVrvrv. During tho week 24 sheep owners of the county have been interviewed regit rdhig their losses during the winter, and from thair statements it is learned their loss is a little over one third. i4tHt full the gentlemen who were interviewed owned 11H.21K) bend of sheep and thev report ft hw of 21,740. Though this U not a uood basis on which to cal dilute the average loss of tho county as some ot the heaviest losera have not yet reported. rt V Child returned lust Hunday from Willamette valley, though wo regret to hi xhiv will be of short duration Hound hi family contemplate moving to llrownavlllu in a short time, where thev u 111 iiutUn their future homo. Cal Hniith, of Hrldgn rreek, is prob ably tho heaviest loser by tho winter of nnv sheep raiser in the country. I-nat fail he bad atsmt U.OOO head and bo has lost nil hut ill suit IflHK). The lutu.lo of Portland."Unclo 'Lisbo" Iln rues says, are no respecter of ier- aons. Ihirlng hia recent visit there, no any even tho women ami small loy tried to run over hini. Keview. Make Tiikm Haitv. Salem, a sticker for depending on state and government support, Is considerably elated over tho follow iii! diHtui teh : "It baa tscn stated that Senator iVilnh nnd Mitchell have both aceured the passage ot Dill tnntugu 1110 senate, each appropriating fiuu.tmu tor ft uuiui- 1" 4.1 L ...l . . - ft inir at Salem. The tacts are that Sen ator l)oli Introduced ft Saleui bill and Mitchell The Halles bill, tiotU having loused tho senate. The Salem bill ha Uh'H favorably reinirted by tho house committee. It la more than prolmhlo thnt With will pus tho house, but there ia doubt about Tho Dalle bill" Mr J W Custck waa In town last week, presumably looking up hi chance for the stato treasury. It is at once Id ne cessity and hi liest policy to attempt no 1 ' ... . . ,1 "1.1. rumuiiiuiioiis. 11 ue suouiu romoiuc wuu Thompson, be alienate Eastern Oregon ; u with Moody, Multnomah county, lie will therefore go before the convention w ith his ow n follow lmr, and if the nomin ation cornea to him ho ia satisfied. If not, he w ill work hard for the w hole ticket. Oregon lau. It Mr Cuslck should lie mode state treasurer lie will be nn efficient public official. Ir I a fremient remark ot atranecr w ho visit Pendleton that wo can boast ot more pretty girl than any tow n in the rnorthwest. Strange, Isn't U, tlutt our marriageable young men alwav go clse w bere to seek Iietter halves. ij. O. No, not strange. It simply show that there ia nothing in the claim ot beauty, A beautiful girl need't go away for a hus band. Alliany rare'y allow an outsider to intrude, though few. serious case are on record. Fashion Note.-Tho tea jacket ia comfortable fashion w hich ia considerably favored just now. The waist of ft tailor made gown may bo removed at tea time ami replaced with on of these dainty jacket. Get your left of Conn lima., tho popular grocers, and tho fashion will 1 complete. They keep a choice Us-k, a well a the best iu tho grocery lmo generally. Tubes Stokies. Messrs. Maston, fk, Young and Uluin, ow ner ' the Cannon corner, have decided to erect ft three story brick on that corner, instead of ft wo-sfory building, heretofore stated. It will have ft frontage of 7tt feet on Second street, aud work w ill begin on the same inst aa soon as plan can I draw n and the contract let. This move will le big tliiiig for Second street, as well a Albany generally. IIkttkb. Mr Wm Churchill, injured by the runaway of Saturday, la gradually improving, and hia many friend will Is? glad to learn be now stand ft gsl chance of coming out of the accident all right. Th Last Ciiasch Witmovt Mokk Money. Only thirty m.r lots to be sold In the Waom'i addition. A largo flour log milt has just been located across the railroad and adjoining the Wauom addi tion, and when thirty more lots are sold the balance will be taken off the market until the first of July, and no one will then get a lot unless they commence building in thirty da vs. W W Beck. New A 1.1.1 no "Wright's addition' to Albanv I now rn the market and com prises 165 large, level and beautiful build ing tot. The blocks have eight lot to the block, each let being 60 by 100 feet. The streets are 60 feet wide, with two large avenues, one of too feet, the other of yo fcctlnwiJ'h. There will probably be ft motor or electric line to this addition be fore lor.g. For terms of sate apply to any real estate agent In the city. At Cost. Having purchased 'a drum mer' samples, consisting of ludiea' ftnd children's muslin underwear, babies Fauntelroy caps and hoods, infanta and children's slii nd dresse, etc., etc., nd receiving on tho same ft great dis count, I w ill olfer the same to the pub lic at their wholesale price. From 25 to 60 per cent can be saved on all these goods. Call early before the stock l broken. (J W Simpson. Get a scat for Levy. New Areivau A large and complete stock of carpcts.llnoleum.oll cloths.shades, etc., at the store of A B Mrllwain, alt of the latest designs, and which will be sold at from 10 to per cert ioer than by other houses. MillVicrv. Mrs S A Wayne wish to say to the ladies of Albany that she 1 on hand with a new and well selected stock of millinery, which she assure them can not be surpassed In style and elegance. She can be found at the St. Charles "ntll she can make suitable arrangements for a store, as she wishes to locate here pertna- entiy. m fii Rrso asd Summer Dklicacirs. The largest and finest line of foreign and do mestic woolen in spring and summer novelties just received and is ready for inspection at ZACtixH & bon, Merchant Tailor and Drapers, Opposite Post OUice. fo tiik Farmbrs. I will pay the ighest market price for 10,000 pounds of dried plums, 500 pounds of dried apples nd all the prars and prunes brought to my store. 1 he ubove are wanted at once. PW SlMI'SOK. A GuTTEKraa Fact. WU1& Stark have just received an excellent line of diamond goods, which they are anxious for the people of Albany to call and examine. Nothing like it here. A large and fine nn of gold ana silver watches tor men and ladies also just received at Will & WWhVB. Stockinet and Jeeisy Jacket. Just received anew supply. I think the best ever shown for the money.. Sami;kl E. Youko. Ladie. Barrows k Sear'.s sell the Ludlow, St. Fine shoes In all widths and styles. Remnants.- -A large and fine line of remnants at G VV Simpson's at your own a rice, try it. Yon e mi say many a dime by trading II C Hnbbardi new ding store. Try it, Good cnoLing stove only $10 at Hop".: i Salttnarsli'a- Fea Sale coal drivl.u home; work well tiuuie or double. Itijuleno on liaa son donation claim . L N Alls Specid stteution i called to Mr. O W S'impson'sline line of clothing. Call in tima or bsrgsics. Will Drill. The yonng ladies of the carnival class are notified to meet at the Opera House this evening at 8 o'clock i sharp for drill. TIIK WOObEN MILLS. All the Machinery Untitling. "How lire the woolen mil! doing T" That is about tho question tho Demo crat bear asked every few days. In or der to enlighten an interested public we have taken pain to find out how the mill nro dolng.aud the result I very nat tering, Is'ing beyond the most sanguine expectations. They are doing an Immense business. Every piece of machinery 1 running, ftnd of course that mean that every loom is on tho go. The present pay roll Is al most (2500 mouth and 1 Increasing riitht alonu. Order are already aheiui for cloth sufficient to keep tho mills run ning four month steadily j but tho or der will keep coming iu, and in order to nitet tho dciuiunt six more Iikhu and it luck have I wen ordered to le shipiwd immediately. ' Tho woolen mill are ft success, and the first year business promises to lai much larger than was anticipated bv the most sanguine. . Itl kit Tat aaLKa. Nancy Cassell to W CCassell, lot ,blkl), IP 2d A. nd lot 17 ! and lot 17 and 18, Mas ton 'a .naverlv Fruit Farm ft 5liwi jaine Walton to Jug A Pearl, . , 219.72 acre In tp 13 s, r 8 w. 300 John W Ultter to Itenj Hardinan. .w.ui acre in uuv of J 11 Settle DIU) J L Cowan etus to E Klrkendall, . .4 i. 1 ...... vrncs 111 Mutation. uuu Wm Curtis et ux to Li He K Wyatt, ISO acre In sec 30. Intlla u 1 " W W, BMW ,..,,,, 1 J U Jaker to Geo W I Ian, e h se q sec tp H , r Z W 200 A J liotlgis to Mr P ISiddle, lota i ana i.ik 7, una lot l. z. 3. blk 4. Fair Ihilo A fiT0 John II Millartl and wife to A . K Meminger, lot 0 ftnd 10. lilk K K,nil ! Alluinw J M ltalston et uz to Edward - " m I T ! VIS Huston, 10.2S acre iu D L U of Jeremiah ltalston 10 ASkaarto Henry Jirodera, w h w q bin so, Ainany 1000 Total Total for year , . . 7m $429,610 A DAY OK BIC KALKS AT AHTOUIA. Tho following ha been handed u n sample of ft day' real estate tale at Astoria: Yesterday' real estate sale, aava the Columbian, were the laiveat since the firt week in January, aggregating 4X1. Twenty acre directly went of Me- Clure' Astoria wa transferred to the Aator Land & Trust Co. for f (AMNIO. Pinee the 1st of January over worth of property changed band. Following are the Aeed recorded : - M iw U Marcnrrt McTann : nntt claim to lot 3, block 121. Hhlvelv' As toria; ;tr. H (J Dement to Phil F Bowcn. lota 7. 8. 9, 10, It and 12, Detn-nf Aatoria; M Young to O II Cooper, lot 22, 33, 24, 23, 2it and 27, block 3, Young' ad dition; 4li0. Andrew ounR- to H S Smith, lota 7 nd 8, aubdlvlaion 1, block , Hustler Aiken'a addition ; $400. Oregon Und Co to C II Irvine, 20 ftcre In section Si, township 8, range 8, ami the north half ot block U and 47, south half of block 2it, 41 and 44, lot 13, 14, 1, Ifl. 17 and 18. Idock 47. and block 4 and 48, Pacific addition ; 4,ooO. (Jeorg U Nolftnd and 0 U Tliompaon to the Aator ljind A Trust Co., lot 4, block 114, Khiveley'a Astoria, and twenty acre directly weat of McClure' Astoria ; liiO.OUO. Astoria Real Kstate A Trust Co. to II F. Hweaea, lot 6, 8, 7 ftnd 8, block 8, Kailwav addition ; f 26o. Wm Ucldt to John Abron, I..U 0. 10, It 14 II II , I iu 11 1. OK I. i in, uin iMi, twmv dale addition ; $110. M Young to Kugene Willi, lot 2S, 2d, 27, 28, 2, .10, 81, 82, S3, &i, 35 and 30, Young' addition ; $-hj. - M Young to Burr T ltowland. lot 37, 38, .19, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 and 40, block 6, Young' addition ; $fW. Astori Investment Co to Mia A J Smith lot .16 and 31, block 21, Hostler' Astoria ; $2uo. 0org A Ikirri and George Noland to J F Ferguson, lota 10 and 17, block 2, kit 17, block 3, snd lot 15 ftnd IU. hl k 5, first addition to Ocean Grove; $4uo. W 8 Kinney to John Dragolich, lot 0, block 140, Shiveley'a Astoria: $S60. W o Weatacott to Ron Van Behre, tot it, iuock 11, Aiunr sa-i.iition; $3W, V 0 Kindred to A it Ncleon, lot 3, block 4, Kindred Park ; $136. 110 Kindred to 1 C Kindred, lot 3, block 6, Kindred Park; $50. B O Khflred to t ha Jacoliaon. lot 1 and 2, block 10, first addition to Kindred Park; $200. M Youns tti Cha Bander, lot 25 and 20. U, Young' addition; $160. M Young to Willi W Mudd. lota 23 ftnd 2U, block 12, Young's addition ; $1(mJ. C(4 I-eUfl mt the Hlath Reglaiaat 8it Dr R S Holdaat By th advio of a friend I wa inlaod to as year Etnsryal Coagh 8yrap for a sever (Sough. 1 foood great ralisf from the as of only on feuttl. cuoaxs i.Riia. atocktm. Lsrg si'm $1. small SO ecota. Eor ssls by 11 O Uobbard, droj,git A New Drfartmrmt Fortmlller Sc rvlng have added another department to their large and elegant furniture store. belneone for carpets, nrattlng. linoleum and ell oloth. They nave a line stock, ol these soon, 'elected lor tr.e market, and those desiring anything In the line should call and see their well sclectr J stock. 1 ne v will keep the latest patterns In these goods a In everything els and sell at reasonable price. Whereto Get Them. When wanting an organ or plana call on G L Blackman where you nan select from first class stock. 10 wt cent off on all eah sale for the next SO daysat W V Kead . Kid Glove. I have just received an n voice of the celebrated P. Centemeri kid loves In blaek and colored. These with the other brand I handle, Foster genuine hook and Our Own brand, moke an assortment mat any iaay can oe suuea in price and quality.., inese are an nrst. class good and warranted represented SAMUEL E. YOUNO. I O O F. Albany Lodge No 4 hold It regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brother are cordially nvited to attend. 3 cos Golden Star tomatoes for 60 eant t C V aver, and ail other canned good hear. orch A Woman' Discovery. "An .Ihwwrin Urf it d'ssovsTT bss hsit mils snd thtt Um'iy s tadrla this flnnr, D'smss ( tuned iUslu6iB un m Iksrsnit IsrusTsn yssrs shs wllhssoad itsssvarssttssw, bat bar vltsl ormns wars uiidsrmiiied snit dastb hmmo traioUwnl. For ths months shs aoairosd .Bonwsntlr sr.d tonA not SImo, Has bonht of us s huUI of Ur King's Now DImov a (or Ooosontptloii snl was so raoon 'rsnrrsd 00 ini first dias that shs slpt all Wirht and wits oos bottls has hstn mlisuulouelj enrsd. Bsr asm Is Mrs liirelv-r Luta. " Thus write W 0 Hsinrlck n Co , of HhMhj, H C- 0t frss trial butUs at ro nsf ana ssssoit's vrng man 1 j W Bentley. best boot and tho maker in ity, opposite Fortrailler & Iryiog'. - Backlen's Arnica Salve. Th bet Slr to ths world f ir Cut.,nralsj,9jrs Ulcsrs, 8 'It Khaum, Fjvsr sir, rtt.r, ClisppJ hml, Ubllblsms, Corm, saa si I HKin brntnion, una poiitivelyour film.or no pty required. It U rur Miteod to give perfoot sstiafsatlon, or monT Tutand- ert. rrtcs It cunt per Dox, or sws oj x awuy sua Hssont ears, manntactorad atJtti UF-josepn eigar fsetory. Only 5 cent. PHIEY&FISH, J33 PRINTERS ALBANY. . Th Verdict Unanimous, W D Druireit. Bippus. Ind., teitines: "I ten roeoBimeni! Klccirlo bitters ss the very best remedy, Every boitle sold has ir'ven relief in every esse, One man took tlx bottles, end wm eured ot rheumatism o( 10 yean' sUiKtinu." Abraham liftre. druntpHt, Bellvllle, Ohio, etftnns: 'The beet seaing mwlicine I bae ever hewlled ui my yeare- e (rietiun, is Eimilrio Bitwrs." Thousand ot otiier have sdiiud their testimony, so thaS the verdict I aiianiiuims that Kloctne hitters do cure s!l diie e the Liver. Kidneys or iiiood, Only e hail dohwr Suttie t Foahsy sad Mswou's Irrag Ktore, CU0P DCLLKTIN NO. I, Of the Oregon State Weather Bureau co-operating with U. 8. Signal Service, Central Ofllee.J Portland, Oregon, iot the week ending Saturday, March 21), IHIKJt WKATIU. The temperature and rainfall ha been below the normal. There hit been but little sunhlne, generally partly cloudy or cloudy weather, with high humidity, pre vailed, 'the temperature ha been abovt the freezing point, but a few frost are r. ported. Light rain .were experienced in all patt of tho slate. The weather con dltloni have been unfavorable to the grow th of vegetation. BOO, ... , ' The soil remain too wet for spring plowing niiu scnitng, eicept in uvorcd lo- ca'mra, generally on uplands, CROP. The winter wheat crop I generally re- uoiicu in krwu cor.uuion, inougn not fa vorably effected a to growth by the weather. In ome part of Eastern Ore gon the winter Iron the whnat out and It is now being re-sown. Gr Is growing, inougn, like in wncat, it need mor sunshine, . rmrT f. Th past week ha shown no material advancement In bud and blossom. In. dlcatlont point to an excellent yield ot fruit, except peaches, which were quite generally Injured by the cold winter. The season is very backward. This may be accounted for by the fact of the un usual heavy snow In the mountain. When the nowtll in the mountain has been heavy In the winter, the anting I usually late, cloudy weather prevail and shower extend Into the lata spring and early sum mer. The season I now four week later than it was in itkSy. H. 8. I'aouk, Olmcrver U. H. Signal Service. Assistant Director Oregon Weather Bu reau: Weather Mammary of Meteorology for Mar., 1800, from observation Ukao at Albaoy.Una Co, Oregon, by Jotta Brigg,voL observer fur tb Signal Seryio, U 8. Army. Hlht bromUr,29 03. Lowsst Urometer, 29.69. M saa bsmmatsr fur ths month. 29. SX Highest dsily avsrag of Ur. 29 94. Iost daily averag of bar. 29.69. Higbsst temperature on th 2 Us, 60. lwast temperatur en tb 1st, 2V. Moan for tb month 45.C5. liigkast daily rang of ther.M th 13, 2$. Iwet daily rangsof tlisr. oo th 29, 1. Maaa Utnpvratani at 7 ft. m. daily 40 9. Mao Wmparatar at 2 p. as, daily 63. Mean tempstatura at 9 p. m.daily 44 Prevailing diractioea of wlnd,H aad N. Ma V.luoity or t.iro, 3. Total rainfall or melted snow, 8 84 DepU of anow at snd of numth, 0. Xumlwr of day in wbkb .01 inch or mor ram fell, 17. iSuinbar of day of clwuihusM avaraea 8 ualeof 10, 19. Of 31 d)s olwAivatUm J wr cWsr, 19 eluudy, II lair, 17 rata, 0 kssy, 0ovrct. 0 smoky. r rout a tba aoriiBg of 1 1 Haya. Tmp. 2 05 no avarag of 1 1 vaftr. Itsiufatl. 2 92 an varag of 1 1 year. assBa hWSMssaSBHSssaBsHSBsaHaa rrvkibltlea Mretlag. The County I-rohlbltlon Conventian w 111 con vene at the court house In Albany on Saturday. April tin. at Itto o'clock. All who believe In protection of our home and the bettering- of the wotklmi classy are Invited to attend. Jas Katox, Co Chairman Lrlter Mat. Puliuattt It Uw ova at Wm rnalisa la Uw tn OOka, AitMjr, Una nomt., Ongm. ftU , IM9. rwM milluf tot Umm Irttoo aMi f1 U 6n oa wbkk tlisr ardvrtil t Cowers, Dr L O Cochran, W T uolllns, u CorrtcrU O Oavls,Mlw Georgia Fuller, lame . . . . . . . , . - . . iforoon. i u iordon, J li Gibson, I (J I l. Jo liesiey. Will Ieonard, W A Nrlson.Mr Ell Klein, Sam McCain, Rev J Roberts, i nomas Smith, Dick Woodtwk it Simpson Wilkin. CW Welsh, Mki May ft. TUOatrftOM. r at. A Choice Vaeibtv Fine comb hon cy, all kind of syrups, choice pickles la wood and in gias,pick!ed pigs feet, chow chow, In fact an, endles variety of choice groceries at Geo C Henderson . Give me a call, prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. Price the lowest. Cektsk Tablew A Urge and elegant shipment of center table, In new dcslgne finest stock In the valley, just received rortmlUer Irving. A New Discovert Hubbard' Head ache Capsule. They ate a positive cure ana nn a long leu want. m m m A local firm in 8aa Francisco ia farolahine eneap portabia bouses, of loar room acb. oaut of CahroruU redwood' with Oratraa ncoriag. th aits beiag S4i28 fast 1 .they cost $3fi0 fob. Soma 2i0 of tha boae bay bean shipped to Australia wit bio the past few year. On Wednesday cf last week Jame La- Follott wa accidentally killed at hi Lome osar I'ribaviii by the disoharc o( a ravolvar. ia jusi wnst manner la not kaowft.aa ha wa atone in tba woodshed, having ton after soma wood. Tba ball ntrd tb brain last over u rigbt y brow, Taos wiibina cra door aad window sboald esll sallB Vok, who will pat them ia ediplto on bot t aotlo. Sliep 00 corner 01 oxaa aaa erry trt. Tb work of tearing do we ths old build ings od tb ait of th Oregon Dank budding LtgaD mis B.OI OlDg. Charck atirectery. U. P.Ctioitoa. Preacbu)zevry Sabbath. morning and evettiog by Kev. r U. lr rios, U. U. Sabbath School at 2:30 T. Prayer meeting yry Wednsssday aveoiag Evanoeucal CuuacB. PreachinBon Sab Vatb at 11.00 A. ml, and 7 r. M. Sabbath School 10.-00. Prayer, moatms nvery Wad' ties day evening 7t0. lUv. Fwber, pastor. Altar invited. M, E. Cucacu, South. Preaching every sabbath morutng at 11 o clock a. m. and 7 0 o clock r. H. Sabbath School at230o clock r m. Prayer mnetiag Wednesday eveninu' t 730 o'clock. Rv. U S Uanlettar, Pastor. M. E. Church. Preaching every Sabbath morntcg and aveniog. song servio in b aveo og before sermon. satMth isohooJ 1 2.30 r at. Prayer meeting every Thur. ay yeaiag. tuv.a a wemioger, pastor. I K&MSYTERIA5 Ocueoh. SA-vto avery Sabbath morning and eventnslin Chnrcb eor. Broadalbin andFifthSta. Suuday School immediately after tbs morning tervioe. Prayer meeting very weaneiday evening Hav R fnohard, pastor. Ftairr Baptist Cuctrch. Preaching avery Sabbath morning and eve' g,at Church on 6th Street Sabbath School immediately after morning eervioe. Prayer meeting ayer- Thardy eveaing at 7:30 o clock. Bay. Trumbull, pastor. CosonKaATioNALCHUncH.-Servioesvsry Sabbath morning and evening. Sabbath School at 12:15. Payer meeting on Wedoeaday evening of each week. Key, gen, Pftitor. Chbistiait Churcu Preaohiog every Lords day in month, morning and evening Sabbath Sohool at 10 o'cloek.A u. Rev J F Stewart Paator. Catholic Chokch. Servioe every San- day at 10:30 k. M. and 7 P. M. I-ast Sunday of th month rvio at Eagen City. Rev. . rt , LjOait 'wesayer, itecior. Albany liarket. Vhoat-0a. tmta-SlMo- Butter ifbo pr IU. rPK-!0t Uy -8.00. Poiatoea 75 et per bushel Bttcf on foot, c Aplsa 75 cent per bu. Park 8Xq per lb. aressed, Bacons hain,l2Xo, ahouldera, 80. idea. two. Lvd 9o per lb. riour-4.26 Pr bbl. rniickene .00 per dos. UUl Fe4 bran, 14.00 per ton shortfl, 16. miiliiilno's, 20. II 0 KAMI ABKIMII MONDAY. Mr Drlrvlue, of Slem, lain th city, Mr C L Brash, of Portland,! ia bu eity. A man ellin, plaster of pari dasrs has been in lb city, C VV Ay era kft 8. tar Jay night for Asb iand 00 basins, - - Mr Jo Webber and aiiildrea are ia Portland ou a fw wk visit, B sar and vot on th 7th instant. Kyarjliody should yet, and by all mean, y. Dr Irvln wnt to Philowsth tbis nooa to Mr J J Finlaysooa, who ia lying dan gsrously ill at thit eity. flunerintendeot 1'ottib no of th Oi farm I'soino, wa ta tn city this 1 ri-nonu wit I. bi predecessor, Mr. sow en. Oo of th handsomwt sign la tb olty wa just paiotad by Miller St Ifsrt for th Sniuksr's Kmpnriurn. It display gnat arsiaiie laiii. I) 0 Sulisll returned Saturday night from 8ttl, whi h had been to make ar rangement for Jrcting a hoasa f or J R Kirkpslrick. Th W C T U will int at 2 30 to-nmr-row afternooB. Tlicra witl lm nli-euou of oSiosrsaud si.iiiiaI tcuiils, A full uttend ane itdssirwi. T U lfwktii, nue of tla tiomlna of the anion party at Uregoa Cityjfor the legi 1st u re, formerly resided across th rivsr front Albany for year or two, Mr R B Vuok bss bnoom taxidsrmintiasl ia bi Inulioatton. and a a rssult, a con pie fiae looking duck may b eH in th show window of C K Brownnll. Ia Mr Jas O'Msra's yemioiaoant articl in tha Democrat last weak, a refenoca wa mad to Mr Johnny Cral tr, widower with nut ehiluren. It hould have been Mr JobCrabtre. last Saturday afternoon, lo attempting to eroa ft brtdg la Orlaas pneinot, part ot wbioh wa washed away, Mr John Mullen bad gnat eiperiene. revolting in on of th herssa. owned by Ca-rsn 4 Moatwith, baiog drowned. Dr Pattoa left for Portland yrrdy slUr bi family, and will return tn-m.u-r Tby have noted Mr Kiiu Bntcbmaa' ridao, oa Moutaomrv street, svhera thay will neide. Foot Da v. To morrow will be April fool' day. Let wise men be on their guard for tb fool will be around. It will be something like this, with a eSane-e of subject matter: 'see that spider r ' Where r "April fjol." Tt?-lUY. April fuol dy. The 0 P Day esr went over tha riaJ thU mortilng lltiotdatiiig. Mr W Bar row a. of Jihedd. wa in tha oity yesterday en hi way bom from a trip oowtt tb road. Charlie CUrk.K bo fa- lbs uait three veers fas held tb of lit. to so 00 tha O I", dwd on tha 2th. ut atnt.tu.ii. at t lie hospital neat fulo-ln. E W Lauad n. wifu and ohilJ. Uft on the moraieg lrir. f. Seattle-, the former to be gnu atMiot a week a-id th UtUr a inoutb. Mr Kedrkk baa retire I Item tha C.a.ou 'aoifio It It, when be has Uen eoadaaior betwsaa Albany atd the front. A bsoJeom resl UI siua in front of tb otfioa of W K MrPbereon srweka for tba artiatia skill cf Mr J K Whiting. Mai Johnson a 1,1! wife.of Paoria.hava been doing Albany to-day for tba first time aioo their return from their Eastern trip. Tb Dewocjut I iefurmad that a ou taia man in Alhaoy.wbo is reported to be eogsg 4 Wi aa Albany yooag woman.haa a wife 10 tba let,aod that then ha never been a di vore granted. A geatlemsa who is from Yaaaioa bay tat that a recent big Und slid two and a nail ntlSe jrom XaqutnaCity unearthed a vain of Ha eoal . Soma coal miniag eiperts an now making fta eaanuuatioo of tba de posit t It i prwooooead Ha eoai. Uasett. At a meatinc of tba Stockholders of tha Willamette Land Co the old d traitors were re-elected and tha following ol&oen t A Kacklemaa. I'rii I J Laaninff. Visa Preeidonl . (J W Wrivht.Sofetr 1 Cm K Cbammrrleio, Treasarar. One of tha enter- pr-ees of the jeer promian to be a atreet ear oa to in otonpaey s laod east of th eity. Tb Time, at Jacksonville, aava oartiea who wish to see tba greet Cow cretk ihJs 00 now dj ao from tba ar window, aa tba trains are one mor running throegh tba eanyoai oa a a ride sums sixty fet above the oU eoadhed and aeraea the creek torn tb tonne). Tba water is still almost oa level with tba roof of tba toonel. Tb Astoria uapen an eEoroeiatinal personal. A paper will of tea pot it feat iot th habit without naliaing it, Th Astoria ha alwsys lectured ita eoatempnrarie for tb bad habit; bat now it is wallowing ia a ranch mad a tha rest of tb frs tar- oily Couldn't help it, yoo know. Driven to it. Coma now, oil f yoo noli. Th Preabyterv of tba V P Church of tha Northwest will ooavene ia tba U P Church to- oljfbt.wbeo Rev Logan, of Portland, will preach. 8eaiooa will be held ia th chorea to-morrow. beaHnnina at ft o'eiojk. ootil 3 o'clock, weo th mwsionary meeting will be bid . The following mime ten ara pres ent 1 Dr Black, of Salem Hsv Losan, of fortlaod t K Martio,of iialaey t Rev May. of WaiUHorg,Waab, Key Frasier.ot Seattle, waebt lty Achniio,ofUkvti:e; tUvs Wil 00 fcd Irvine, of Aibaoy. WEDSKSPAV. A nine line of Wiadaor tie at Barrow & saarl. A Soa select ion of school bat for eblldrao at tba Ladies Beaaar. Aa Invoice of osw sood iut reoeived at Barrow & Sear). Th oalebratrd Quaker City whit shirts at Barrow saarl. Mr O L Blackman, tha drnsfiiat. wa in Portland yttterday on basinesa. A large ssleotiua of ponpon and cord for trimming bannera at tbeLadte liasaar. Go to tba Ladies Bssaar for your D rider- wear, hosery, glove, laeea, embroidery, etc. Mr Gas Carri and wife, of Portland, are ia th city. 0 a is in the real estat busi ness aed ia making money. A ssnd pomp near Boise City, Idaho, re- ntlv hrouebt op mot Idol from a depth of Z2Q feot. It ie claimed to bathe oldest mark of human life on record by Profewor Wright, of Ubcriia College, Ubio. Mr Elkios, Fortland' real estat rattler. recently mads 13,000 ia 1'ort Towssend property ia a wetk. Ales Cunuingham, formerly of thia city, ia said to have mad about $25,000 sinoe loeating there. Mr Skaar, tha painter, yeaterdsy sold hi residence and onj lot, corner of Calipoota and 8isth Street, to Usury Broder, for 11600, a big inert as over tba price paid by Mr Skaar, Hon W B Bilyea wa ia Salam yesterday S N Steele, the loan mac, wa In Portland yesterday on bastces. The "Aollo Club" is fortifying itself with a bigh erode or music and will begin regnla; rehears on Monday vumg next. Tha piano that will be nsed by Mr E M Shonort ruday ctaht is one of tbauvortt "Baaer" piano sold by Will k Link, To expel th imparities in th blood and give strength la tb system before th t fleets ot warm weathirara felt, use I'f under' Ore gon lliood runner. J 8 Aotonelle, the rail read contractor, passed throajth Albany on last night's train for Saa Francisco. Mr Antooella aid tha Fisit street propetty, oeoapied by F H Pfoiffer, wa for ale. The regular Wednesday evenm- prayer meeting will be omitted at tha 1st Preabyte riancharohin order to Riv n opportunity to attend tha Missionary meeting at the u Choroh, By order ot seaaion. The nam cf Ellensbargh postoffioe, in Curry county, has been chanced to "Uoid beaoh." Thi is dona in order to avoid tb frequent confusion occurring to mail matter sad-essed to thi sna toe Miensoaig pr: otlicein V. asmngton. VXfc HEALTH RESTORER. ' S9se USE IT! IT 13 T1T8? rDTCAti H'E'DTOT'WS. It rouses the Liver and Kidneys and Stomach, cures Headache. Dvupensia, creates an Appe tite, Purifies the Impure Biood, and . i.i. ill ill .1 mmmmMM m r-fHllDKH'.S Vsed everywhere, ft a bottle 1 sis far f 3. KEW ENTERPH1SE8. SocAVitLE, Or., March 31st, 1, The Lebanon Express say that Messr Walton at Wiley, propiletor of the new planer, are dressing lumber for the $5000 hotel, which will soon be built at sodaville, ThlsU only the beginning of very bright future that await Sodaville. That the railroad will be extended to Soiavlll soon U tcarcely admissible of a doubt, and Mr Hardman realizing this, no manv other do. ha taken time by the forelock and is now erecting and propose to have compaytea ur the istoi June one of the oesi eqtunneu note Is in the valley. Tha sit for the new hotel 1 on the northwest corner of the b'ork occupied by the Foun Uln House. The mln building will be 60 oj yj icet, wun such additional building s a nouse 01 SUcn oronortlans reaulre. The Inadeauacv of or. hlAel and men private boardlnir house to accommodate the throng of visitor to the spring last summer demanded the enterorUe now ur. der Headway, and a Mr Hardman I mn of ufncleot mean a id energy the public may feel assured of meeting with very accommodation that the most fastid ious could desire. From the site of the new hotel Albany I plainly visible on a clear day, and the electric light on th streets of Albany only need to be intensi fied to reflect their ray through Ihe hotel parlor. H I simply astonishing bow plainly these light ran be seen at Soda ville, a distance of eighteen mile. W would be willing to call Sodaville one of the suburbs of Albany, but aa It ia an In. corporated town and f preparing for a certain boom in store for It, the greatest health resort in the Mate, if not the g-cat-et on the oast, we nresum the city coun cil of the Spring city of the valley would prefer adding Albany to Iu northern bord er. Some lively work has occurred here 10 reai estate transaction recently, and from Indication Sodavlll will be heard of through real estate agent before the now file again. Messrs Terhune and Peere, both moneyed men, have bought out the lively business here and re piepring to enlarge the stable and odd a new set of buggie. A new butcher hop, ft black smith shop and a drug store are tha neat in order a soon a suitable building can be obtained. Sodaville ho undergone the peril of mostbacklsm a ha every other valley town, but we are glad to ob serve the mossy coat-shedding off and th spinal column bracing up for the prod ac ton of more valuable erowth . The pub lic spring have recently been enlarged and remodeled, and now It Is estimated that they contain water enough to quench the thlnt of all the people of a city. A strange circumstance ha been developed recently maiicw are aware ot, namely : A Port land firm have arranged with Sodavlll man to have the water from the inrlnar hipped to the former city for bottling and aunng me winter ttils water ha been sent down in ba-rels, bottled In Portland, label of a Portland firm attached and the water returned to Albany and told to In ylld at a good prlce.marked. t oda Water from Sodavtlle.OregAi." Here Is a chance lor some Linn county capitalist to double his fortune. Thi water is reculsrlv being shipped to Fpokane to private todividuala. to Tacoma and other Sound towns, beside the barrels that an bot'Jed and aent every wee to ine dinereoi town of Ih's state. Why don't some one think of this.have the railroad extended hen, open up some of the other spring yet undeveloped and start a bottling house. S. TKXPCBAKCE COLIHX. Edited by Albany W.C.T. C The newspaper have tlven their own coloring to the women' cri'de in MIs souiL Theao brave women did nothing illegal. The counties In which they wroucht their work had voted against legalizing the aale of liquor; each saloon was an open crime, an explicit violation of law and a common nuisance. The women went out to abate the nuisance al ready declared Illegal And stripped of any right to protection. For thi they were fined. The ruling will go down In his tory as a high-handed outrage, and it was nothing else. Union Signal. In Samoa there I "prohibition with a party behind It," the party being the king. A late copy of the Samoa Times contain the royal proclamation : "No spirituous, vinuou or fermented liquor or inloal- eating drink whatever shall be sold, given or offered, bought or bartered by any native Kamoan or raclnc Islander resident in Samoa, to be taken a a bever. i age. Anyone who will be found guilty (A the violation of thi provision (hall be punished by a nne not exceeding $100, or or irepnsoument not exceeding 6 month. or by both fine and imprisonment, and the liquor not yet consumed shall be confis cated." Unfortunately thia protection ia not ex tended to foreigner. The island ruler ha not yet attained that sens of uni versal brotherhood which would make him shield the stronger within hi gate, but lie ha advanced too far to enrtcli hi treasury by the prostitution of hi own objects. Union blgnal. No, gentlemen, it ia not the cigarette. but tobacco, that is poisoning our youth ; the danger of the cigarette t that it pre sent tobacco In an attractive and toler able form for person of immature year. we deplore the existence of cigarette containing tobacco ; ot toothing syrup and other concoction containing opium. and of vegetable tonics containing alco hol; out word tall u in attempting to fortell the result of thi awful tramc in sanity, idiocy, all form of physical, moral and mental ruin have followed the sale of these nostrums through and through out our broad land N R, M D, In Herald of Health. It 1 prophesied that Norway will be the first country In the world to hare national prohibition, and that at no dlttant day, since one-fitfh of the inhabitant are said to favor the temperance movement We have permitted became we could not help It our own commerce to be come the channel through which we drain our vice into foreign land. The heathen in England have saddled the heathen in China with the opium traffic, and then ith refined iniustlca the sneerlnsr world lay It to Christian England. The pagan and savages 01 America get a nunurea cask of whisky into Africa for every missionary that goes, and then American Christianity ! taunted with the intro duction of the liquor tramc Rev J Adams, DD. Townsend's Garden Addition I bow offered for Sal. Tbi is onejof tb most desirabla location for residence in or around Albany, being very bigh and dry, riob soil for garden and unit. It wa on thia s round where Mr Townsend grew hi famous strawberries for several year for th Albany market, Ihere 1 not a mor baaitn. ful location around Albany than ia foand in thi lishtly locatioa, fal sized lot and block, street all laid oat to oorrespond witb the street running through th Goltra and Hale addition. Tbi property i only two block from the proposed (treat ear line. Tbi property will be sold by th block or lot on the installment plan or payment to ait tba purchaser. W hil thi property is aeoond to none around Albany ;yet it will be old at reasonable price. Office opposite the Farmer & Merchants Inaaraaoe Co., 1st street, Albany. Highest of all in Leavening Tower. ,( ' - ft hi vCix & V ONC0,84'61. A'- AUamont' fast t atallion ar.d alra r,f r j ' if ' wawiWf. f.-.ii.- ti mi i-iiii.ifj ran with a 4 year old record of 2 Ist rHji BHo Prloo, tha dam of Pricemo? year old raeord. 2il6.and Zllar ixni2:S5 will txi Vt,m r Altn. Mnn!.t, , TueKlye atalem, Wadneauays and saiuroay. Allowed to aerve mare at f 50 ALTaGO. g year old roord. 2:11. Son of AiUmont. Arnold, record (Pub lo trial 2:24 ) Drake, the dam of Is orman Medium. Will b kept at f ndflpendeno Tuesday ar Wedneaoayi atCorvalll. Thursday ao l Frida?, it Uoue Sa'urday and Monda' Allowed to eorva mare at 3o to in-ure. Haaon commencincr A nrll lt and andina Jul r I at anil nn minnmlhltiir .m ed for aonidenU. Tbaaking oar patron tha llrfht barne horse to call and aaa n above aulllous, lo ehoifl young driver p'eaaursi ia anowingetoeK any tay escftpt MCKNIGHT BROS. I 1 M . - mm t s THE STANDARD TROTTING STJILLiON. Dick Fiaherty, record 2:1), will make tb aeon of 1 890, commencing April i and ending July I, at MaraSall' atable, Albany, linn county. Or. giving Linn county horaemen cnaoce to breed to a otanuard borae, witb aisa and speed aot to oa excel lea in Oregon. DbcmmoiiAoD rCDlOIZE, .Hick Flaherty I a chestnut, small alrto In faoa, ona wbiu aokl. atanda ie bands blgb, we'd ha JiA). wlunur of tba 2:4 eiaa at City View Park September 13, deftln g ncl. O coder. Mand Knox and Harvest la three atra'ght baata. Tbl wa Dlck'a firet raca, at wbioh tima ba made bi record of 2:30. Blrad by Flahartv'a Kearnaosbu bv Fear naught, Jr. 135. by Fnarnauaht, 133. raaord -tf 203 1 4 (winnar of tba $1000 purs at Buffalo in lftlS.defeating George raimeruoi wayaani. Amartean uirl, i Bradley. Wyron Ferrr. Victor U-sz" ana m 01 110), na oy young fttorr i. uica rianertya dam, jjui Drew, naa paoed a mil in 30, by lxxld'w. Neloc, Jonn ixelson, itn. aire ot revaa. 2:23 12, Aurora, 27 1-2 Seme, 2:30; bj FURNITURE. You want be beat and moat durable furctur , Thomas Has just received his Spring stock of Clothing, Embracing a fine lino of at bottom prices. In order to make room for new goods will sell large stock of Notions, etc., at A Great Reduction. The best place in Albany for bargains. Honey - Honey. ! '. . ; TO - LOAN, 0u good farm and city property as 8 Per Cent. I examine my own aeenrity j write my own papers, and if title i perfect can close busiaea op in abort order. Call 00 or write me. S: N. STEELE. With E. Q. Beardsley.R! Estate Agent, Albany, Oregon. TO TAXPAYSRS.-Notloe I hereby given that Caunty tax will botne dallnquant a April lot. All are therefore warned to call and aettie for tha earn befr ht tttn and aav eost' John SHAixvex, Sheriff. imn, CHEAP fiEY. We have made arrangement to pyly money to all on long time at low rate of interest on improved turn and city prao erty. Thsee who contemplale butldUf brick blocks or good brick business ho can get money. See us. Wau.ak& Ctrsiea:. 17. f.. Gov't Report, At: V t n y -x li e? U REC0RD,2:29 - 3 fmlnt. laadine A!lefn.nL'e irrnrwl -l,i Tboradays, and at home Friday j to Insure. 9320. tha alra ofa rsiriint n4 ttri rauebtar of tba fsmaoa brood rna-. aiT - for past favor wa invito all adrbiror r a, few boi brood mare auitfrl to V and eoIUrom them (it aale. Will t. oooday. i Imp Trnston, dam. the Rtdmond M a oj AtxiMiao 1 2nd - ram, Ku'ierfi id,a St CUir. 3rd Dam, by Black Leg, by Biggel j Rattler. 4tb Dam, by Jack Hawkioc, by Bo' ton. I Old St Clair. Flaherty'a Fearoaugbt dam, Haider by Old Columboa. 2- lm, by Mama haeabletonian. f 3- Daui, Boston Gbl, a celebrated S miletrouer, byoid Abdallan. J Ko atallion with each a combination c fant troaing and producing blood ba; ever bent offered for aervico In Lin county, Oregon, before. f To Insure, $10: season, 30. Mares bre by the aeaaon, payabie Jnly 1. Man bred by insurance. payblo when icak ora known to bo witb foal. Mare wi ho earefnll. handled, bot no re.pcnk bility will b aaMomat tor aocldent. Good paiture ax 1 a month. For farther particular address, ELaFOREST, Albany. Or. Is manufactured In the city g suitsf which will be sold his IIARM FOR SA.LS.-Two hundreJ , 1 aero ot good farm land all in cuiu- : vation, with good two atory hou, goo A brrn and other outhones. Good water for fa Ji'iy and atock. Goad pear and ap- F'la orchard, aa well a atnar kiuds of ruit. Would make two goad small 1 farms. Situated fbnr mile southwest of f Albany. Inquire at thia office.. : Brink. Wiley -A KlmBoy, ALBANY, OREGON. A RSTHAOTEB, j Tha Only Complete Set of Abstract Books and Maps in Linn County. a?3rOfflaa in tha Court House."& ' Business entrusted ta ma a Qave pt-33tand aareful attention. Oontr&ctora' and Suild- ers' KoUcq Sealed proposal will be reosived by the cashier of "Bank of Oregon," at Albany, np ta 12 o'clock, noon, of Saturday, April 5th, f w furnishing material and labor neoesear y t j ereot "Bank of Oregon" building in Al t' any. The building ia a ombuiatkm cf tressed brick and cot sand atone. Plans aad specification can be seen at ths oiSo of tie architect, C VV Avers. Room iu first National Bank building, Albas, v, Or. 1 ADIES, ATTENTION 1 am s . . . , 1 prera aa 10 ao!Be on snort notic. f, ct fit and satisfaction guaranlre.1. f jr past favcia. Give ma a call. - Cor 6:b. and !.:!