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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1890)
one yemorrat. FRIDAY .MAUCII 23, 1890 STITE3 & Killtar aa NUTTING. LOCAL ItKCORl) Cbook Covntt. Frank Wheeler wa over from Siater lust Saturday. II aid tli snow hail nearly all kft tlie Fqnaw cimlt country, and that grass liad lx-Rim to grow on the range, though it has come too lutu to do much good, (or a largo percentage ol stock in that country la dead. Crook county farmer feel confident of licing able to raiwo enough wheat this Tar to supply the Uionl demand (or tlonr. Thru will retain about $150 in the county, M that amount liaa gone out o( the county (or Hour each year for the ast throe year. l.ast Saturday Rev Fnaulding bapttjtr-d Mra M C rye and Mra K F Harries by ef fusion, and Mra tlird, Minn iinjrer,"Mr tVnnpton, Mis itroud and Mr Charles Charlton bv Immersion. Laat fall "Andy I.vtle had UK bond of sheen, and a fow dav sinoo he counted hia flocks and found that 1000 were miss ing, ahowing that hia lomt ty the w inter had been that numWt.-Ueview. Run by Elkctkicivv. A couple comer were standing at tlie terry, talking In dead earnest,. One of them who knew all about It gave hia companion the modus op run. II ( the bulnea: "Electricity ia the mndua opctandl," he ' said. "You ace, the electricity come up that cable, pac along to the pulley, then down the rope to the wheel, which It turn. Yes; well, that It a Rteal achemc. ThU city I light on the enterprise." A real estate man, who heard the con versation, aye they meant buklncse and believed that wa really the way the bout runs. A Solid Council. Albany's city coun cil are lor Improvements to a unit. Every member Is In for the advancement of Al bany. Id calling a special e'ectlon to make provisions (or greatly needed im provements the council has taken a move that means much for the city. The out look now I that our cilisene generally will vote ye on the question ot bonding the city. Though only to get an ex pression ot opinion public opinion rules tne vote for the bond should be as unani mous a possible. We hear of one man who say sewers breed disease, and he will vote no. Modern men, though, should ute yea. Thbbb la room for and wilt he five prc emlontly great cities in Oregon. Three in Western Oregon and two in Eastern Oregon. It ia not for ns to nay where nor to favor one or another. It simply de pend upon the indefatigable energy of it citixena which ot the wore now com peting will he among the live. Portland Kead Estate Review. We rejoice to learn that tho matter haa been definitely settled. The Portlands.of coarse, are one, leaving two places to le divided among several aspirant. We'll wager an ink keg Albany will be one of them ten years from now. BaowxsviLLK to Albany. Thcac two places will soon be connected by a stand ard gauge railroad under one manage ment, not the new line talked of. but the old N. G. remodeled and the Lebanon branch. It Is quite probable that trains will run directly Into Albany from that road, an easy thing to do, and one w hich will probably result What more could we ak. In any event train now do and will connect so as to bring the two places Into a c'.ose relationship . Chbaf Tickbt. Ticket for thirty trip can now be bought at the Southern Pacific offices. These tickets can be secur ed for trip between any point on the road, but enly good a specified. They coat 33" J r er cent off the regular price,an J are prov n a great thing lor residents at and be tween Lebanon and Albany. For Instance one ot the books for thirty ti Ips between Lebanon and Albany costs $10. whereas the regular price is $l5,a big saving. Got no to Gbay's Harbor. E B riper, formerly city editor of the Statesman, and hia brother, George U Piper.have signed a contract la go to Gray's Harbor and run a paper for the syndicate that hat guaranteed tne Hunt railroad system 'Jon ,000 to make Ita terminus there. They will be in Albany In a week or two previous to their departure for their new field. The I'lper boys are destined to be heard from in the newspaper world,and have a bright future eforc them. The Original TBOcrv The famous Flsk Jubilee Singers will be at the Opera House on Thursday evening, April 3, and deserve a big house. This Is the original troup, and it will be a ti-eat to hear them The following from an Ex. expresses the situation: The reputa'.ion of :he organi sation of colored vocalists known as the Jubilee Singers la national, and the mere announcement that they will appear at a certain date ia aure to draw a larje audience. Who ia It There is a fillow in Cor vallle who believes that Instead ot the peo ple living on this earth tney are lntde,and that the sun Is a collection of electricity about 7,000 mile distant only. How ail this living ere lion manage to get light when confined to the Inside ol this sphere he does not explain. He Is not a resident of lOrvallis, however he halls from a small town on tht east side, Albany, it is thought. Uaxetle. Bxino IxrRovtD The pla ntng n.ill of the G T Sagar Pine company, under charge of Hochstedler & Sears, has been enlarged. The old machinery ha nearly all been sold and new and improved mi' chtnery introduced. The ground Is nearly ready Inr the brick warehouse, on which work will begin In a short time. FaaMtR Interested In a fine horse may be benefitted by calling at Aua Marshal's stable and seeing Titua, 6075 (.5934), th Imported black Percheron stallion, J'ltus, weighs 1950 pounds, has good action ani excellent disposition. He will make th season of 1890 at Marshal's stable, where all necessary information, pedigree &c, can be had. A New Thing. A new sight at the de pot this noon was a mail and express car. heretofore no express being carried and no mall except for Salem and Portland in closed pouches. Hereafter local mail and express will be received and sent to all points between Eugene and Portland, a convenience that will be greatly apprecia ted by the public. Read It. De aure and read the highly Interesting letter published In our editorial columns from the pen of James O'M eara, of Santa Rose, Cal. Mr O'Mcara is ex tensively known among all of the pioneers of Linn and hi letter la full of such re miniscences a will prove intensely inter esting to them. A Birthday Party A few evenings ago a very enjoyable birthday party was given at the home of Dr Ellis, In the Mc- llwain block. A number of Invited guests spent an evening tun ot the best of social pleasures In honor ol the Doctor s birth day. A Runaway The team of G L Black, man last Tuesday while hitched to a lum ber wagon was frightened by an engine on the S. P. switch and ran away, going into the country several miles, taking along the front wheels. Their hind lees were badly cut up. A Cntipedi In a buch of banana Mr F L Kenton qme across a centipede which, for size and general proportion, probably surpasses any centipede ever re celved by any other grocer in Albany. The saueamuh looking fellow has been bottled and placed on exhibition. A Picket Feng. Richards & Fhll- lips are manufacturing undoubtedly the finest snd best picket fence in the market. A substantial, yet handsome structure, it will be a lasting ornament to any place. Mr r.l. i:r.'s will give another of his fivoi- iiel : i' to-moirow, Thursday evening, ivile' iua suns in ! finitely. A Soiikmk roil the City. A Fli nt street business man hua a scheme tor the city's advancement, which he dictates to us follows, and we give it. and are. as well, prepared to present all others brought forward, each of which will speak for it self. Ailwny wanta sewers btvd, and the Democrat whin lies that it may get a thoroitxh system. It hopes, though, thnt in dill'erent plana proponed there will Iks no confusion that will cause delay. Here is the scheme: "At the DeeemWr election let the citi xena ot Allwny vote on the nest ion of bonding the city for $75,(HK), ami, if car ried, get it embodied mtheclty's charter bv the next Wislature. The luinda could then Ih floated at from 4 to 6 ter cent interest, With the money let the ritv put (40,000 into sewers, and own the system herself: (15,000 into a city linil, imiU'lmii cmnue house ami iail. at present site of Mo V eimlneJlHMiae, and am.iKKi towards a ireo irlilre t AUxtny. Toward the latter, no doubt, the count v would give t-D.OOO.lionton county ( lO.tKM ana (o'Mi could tx raised by aulwri tion. This would leave (5;KH for emer gencies." IloNiKTiTiir U P. The rumor which hua )ec in circulation for some t lino to the ellVt that the Tonjjue Point property was bomUsl to the Union Paeilic, has nl moat assumed the jMwition of an estab lished fact. Although the property haa lccn surveyed and plat list tor somo time, it bus licen withheld from tho reftl estate market. Whenever anyone asks one o( tho numerous owners to'scll some of the property, he ia referred to the other own ers, until he goes around the circle. Mr 11 Van I'useit was seen yesterday and questioned concerning tlie rumor, but his discretion would not confirm it, nor hia ltoneut v permit him to deny it. He did state, however, that it would lie a magniOeeut place for a railroad termi nus, a the water there is deep, and the point is directly oppoaito the main channel of the river. That the I'nion Paeiilc has terminal facilities in this city Umded is generally known in Portland' and not denied by Dm otlUvrs, but juxt what pn'jerty they refuse to disclose. The notion expires the 1st oL July, and then Tongue Point will lie sold or for sale. -Columbian. Kvkryhooy Goiso. The lxiard for tho Levy concert on Friuty evening, April 4, oiH'tied this morning with over seventy live scat taken. The indications are that every seat down stairs will tie taken during the week, so general is the tie sire to hear tills (anions-trim n. So great a ruh is anticipated tor the gal lery also, timt tii Vets lor the sam are placed on sale at W K Head's and Black mail's, at the regular price, 50 cents. The rush w ill 1h eual to that in Phila delphia. Says the Press: "Jules Levy A Co.'a concert last night was a great success. Standing nsjin wa announced before 8 o'clock. I'vy played twelve times, although but. three numbers were allotted hint on the pro gram." Tnte Aroi.t.o Cut n. Last Monday a mu sical club by this name was organised in this city with the following excellent vocalists as charter neinla,ra : J C Lit tler, Prof W II Lee, Prof W II Young, Messrs Arch Hammer, OH Irvine, JP Mead, William and Fred F.irtmiller, F K Allen, Collins Klkins, C W Sars, C K Harrows. C K Haw kins and Messrs (JotT and (to. A committee was arointeil on constitution and by-laws and the fol low ingotlieer wcr.clected : J C Uttler, President ; Vft W If lae, Musical Itfrw tor ; Prof W II Young, Secretary. The clnb has tho material for a splendid or ganization and our citixena may look tor some tine local concerts during the com ing year. Lew fob Seattle. Last Tuesday W W Beck and J R Klrkpatrick left for Seattle, accompanied by J M A'aters, J D In-ine and Henry McFarland, of Itrownrx'ille, Wm I'.lakely, of Pendleton; J F Irvine and Jos Parks, ot Philomath ; A M Wilkins and Mrs Samuel, of Eugene. They go for the purpose of making arrangements to establish a 150,000 flouring mill at the Wassom Ad dition. Mr I C Shell, who has the con tract for building Key Kirkpatrick's line residence, also accompanied them. Mr liock is to have a (tJtKW resiilcmw, and S 1.' v.... : t I ..... .aM1 ,1 1 No more sales of I? . will be made in the Wassom AbV"on for ten d.tys. Sixty-seven have alreaily leen wild in the valley, those who failed to tmy misseil a 'bargain, as the prices will be increased. A Tnt W'eodwo. Last Monday quite a number ot the friends ot Mr and Mrs Omar Ilendricson gathered at their resi dence in this city to celebrate the tenth anniversary of their married life. Tne affair was a very social and pleasant one, the worthy couple spanna no pains to make their friends happily welcome. During tlie evening llev J F Stewart. of the Christian church, assisted by Itev h It Pntihard, ol the rim Presbyterian church, in the most formal way (accom panied by much humor) performed the marriage ceremony. An eiepant repast was fully enjoyed ly the parties present. A large number of presents were made by their menus. BBOwxsrtLLK. The stock is nearly all iraT)scribel fur In the Brownsville & Eastern railroad, and in a few days, it is expected, a survey will bo run up the Calapooin. Mrs LiuMe t oenow, airs imige r.iaca- burn and Mr K I) Moyer. all of Albany. are here visitimt relatives and friends. Ist Saturday a horse show was held here, and a liner collection of horse flesh never met in this county. Linn may well feel proud of her stock. The OiM fellows are preparing lor a celebration here, April 2(5, and it ia ex j)ccted to have a large attendance, as we have the finetit gronnds and grove in this section of tha -J. A Gekebal SKxroiENT. Tlie propo sition of the business man, in the Demo crat, to bond the city for $75,000 and secure a sewer system ot our own, a bridge across the Willamette and a city ball, ia meeting with general favor by our citizens, the general sentiment being that it would be a ten-strike for this city and at the same time would provide for imnroveinenta greatly needed here. There is now talk of a sitcial election to vote on the oueHtion. and the city conn cil will probably provide for one. The members are aaid to be generally in favor of the movement Had to Comb Back. Arthur St. Clair, whose whereabouts waa not known for several months, is again at his home in forvullis. The voung man had been sent to school in Prussia, but did not re main long when he boarded a vessel as sailor, where lie nas oeen tor more than six months. On bis arrival in British Columbia be wrote to his folka here and bis mother and brother at once went to him and secured his re lease from the ship. Corvalus Leader. Salem. March 25. E E Skipworth. of Eucene City, was this morning appointed clerk of the supreme court, to succeed W J I Holmes, who resigned yesterday, The above was received at the Demo crat office this afternoon, and Mr Skip- worth has many mends In Albany who will rejoice at bis good fortune in secur ing this fat office. A prompt, competent man : he will till tne otnee wen. Foothold. Tlie Salvation Army evidently has a big foothold in Scio, judg ing from the following from; the press Boys 12 years of age and up to 75 years are requested to be at the Kalvation army harrns-ka thia evemntr at 7 :6V. uur pnv- sicians and others have kindly consented to address us on subjects of vast interest. Tlin vounL'er than 12 will not be admit ted unleaa attended Dy uttnerorguaraian. Postponed. We are requested by members of Hand Ridge Grange to an nounce that the County Council of P of II will be held on the second Saturday in April instead of the first. This is on account of political primary meeting that haa leen appointed to be held on the first Baturday, A Bright - Thought Koine day our merchants and bankers and lawyers, and, perhaps, editors, will have ccmntry whpr can lie selected some of the hand somest sites in the world. Trains will J run in motor line style, and our suburban , houses will be the pride of the city. U. P. Church. Special services will be held each evening of this week in the U i' Church. Tlie pastor w ill be assisted by Itev Hays, "I W'j,itMlurf, and other 't,v tbren. os-.Ndb i :.-.-, r.i:iiN(,. Tuesday evening, March 25th. Present Mayor, Recorder, Marshal Street Commissioner and Councilmen Garrett, P.urkhart, Deyoe, Freneh.Tabler and Smith. The following Mils were ordered paid V N Miller, $70 ; John Jones, $70; A W MeCuitn, t50: A Hunt, 105; John Max well, 1 10.81 Santlaut Lumlwring Co, 14.08 O L Savage.II jW E Kelley,(4.S5 5 NJ Honton, 45.06 Matthews A Wash bum, (1 P W Spinks, .18.08 cost bills, 17.70 Stewart A Sox, 7D.B8t M Arm strong. J Chiswell, ! LOCoates, S: 8 W Hoss. S: A I. lluuIies.ll.K2. the tietitlou of R Earl anil others for sidewalk in It's 2nd A was granted and same ordered built in !10 days. Petition ofJC Powell and others for sidewalk, sewer, etc., in First ward grant' ed.atul same ordered built in (10 days. Petition of EJ tanning and others for sidawalk on W nter street granted and sidewalk ordered built lit ftt) day. Committee on afreet a ami public proj erty reported.recommending various im pnivementa of a minor nature, which were ordered to lie done within thirty dava. The committee on Health and Police reported on tlie matter of sewers, etc., aa follows : 1st, Thnt your committee to whom waa referred the communication 1 relation to a svstem of sewers beg leave to report as follows : 1st, That we are of the opinion that the svstem protocd in said communication iiouiii not ne aaopiea. 2nd, That we are ot the opinion and would so recommend that a special elec tion of the legal voters of the city of Al lnny le called for the 7th day of April, lNOO.coinmcneing at the hour (if - o'clock m. and continuing until a o clock n. m. when the following !roiosltioiie shall be submitted and Voted ukmi. Mian tne city issue ismda in the sum of (75,000) seventy-live thousand dollars, interest not to exceed per cent iter an num. The money arising from the sale ot said tmnda to be used for the follow ing purpose : i-irst, To put in ia complete sewerage system so as to meet the w ants of the city. O.. I 1. . t ..!t ft 1. h .11 " nrvwui, SO Ollliil a City 1IHII, Third. To assist in the construction of a bridge across the Willamette river at some jHiiut Unween the eastern and west ern boundaries of said city. 1 nat saui election .shall in all reieeta lw conducted as irovided for general cltv elections and subject to tlie same limita tions. KeMH'tfuUy submitletl, L W Dkvor, W H Uaurktt, 11 F Tabi.eb. Adoptel unanimouly. The street commissioner recotninended Jewish cemetery, tho graveling if Ells- wonn street, ri 10 4iii,anu sidewalk im provements. Referred, matter of gravel bed King left to Commissioner and com mittee on streets ami public property. Mrs Iu Bush and com ai ion .arrested for disorderly conduct, not being able to pay their Une.and IhecAliboose not lieing tit lor even a man, were ordered placed under guard during the night. Also re. fcrred to committee on health and police. The matter ot using tho gulch near the Allwny Ironworks as receptacle for slops, rotten otatoca, etc, was presented by Air John Schmeer and referred to the health anil police committee. The following Judges and Clerks were apjMiinted for the special election : First Ward U Fmman, T J Stites. M Pa.vne, judges. C W WatU and F M Kedlleld clerks. Second Ward W M Ketcbnm, L Sen ders, Ellis Knox, judges ; J It Wyattand C i Rawlings, clerks. . Third Ward R A Irvine, John laom.G P Warner, judges. A F Hammer, W II Warner, clerks. Election to be at usual voting places Carprt ftevsHmrat. ' . I have added about two thousand dollars worth of carpet to my stock this spring. St a style's in 3 ply Ingrain tpetry and body lirusscl; also hall and stair to match, rug, cocoa and nnplcr matting, hemp carpet etna mat ting, etc. I have also connected with my carpet department, lace curtains and curt4in nets, portiers, window shades, wall paper, Ifn oleum, nd floor ll cloths. I have and am receiving the largest and best asmrted stock In these lines of any house this side ot Portland. 'These goods arc all on the second floor, where I haye them arranged a that buyers have very tittle trouble in select ing wbat they want. Plenty of room and light. Thos. Montcith has charge of this department and will lake pleasure In shvwlng the goods at any time. Sam cat. E. Yocxo. Albany Marble aid Gratia Works. flay ing lately purchased the stock of S A Rigg j and U W I Urns, w shall be plaaaei to how dstlgos and give pr;os to all la tend - lag parchsseis. Bost of workmen inployd and prica as low a any lor nrss-eUtsa soil. V wit as lfur parcbasing eiMWbere, to aw ai Aaitutoic Dxt door to D, moors t otfio) Albany, Or. New Dbi.ivbbt Slavics. fack Hun dley and W.ti Easlburn have formed a partnership and on the first of April will begin a regular delivery business In this city . Thiy inform us that they are meet ing with much encouragement from busi ness men and others, l'hey have already purchased (our new wagona and four set of new harness and are now buying horses, naving already purcnacea tour head. . ll'e gentlemen say they propose to do a square business. Labibs or Albany akd Ticibity. Ida M Brush having just returned from Fortland wish to announce to her cus tom that she haa received her full stock f snrin? millinery direct from the Eaat. Will have all the latest atylea both eastern and western at prices lower than ever soil aUre. Opening 3rd and alh ot April. All are cordially Invited to attend. Fixe Vegetables. We have now the most complete assortment of vegetables In the city, consisting ot cabbage, celery, cauliflower, parsnips, turnips, lettuce, po tatoes, onions, etc. Willamette packing Co. O the RivRE. The locks at Oregon City are now ready for river traffic, and to-morrow morning will be opened, Hera- after river eteamers will make regular tripi between Portland and points south. . Am Accident. Mr Farrell, of the Al bany Wire works, carries his head In quite a mass of bandages, etc. This was tlie result Ol a ueil supping ou a ninciiuie at the works and striking him on the side of the face, cutting it up qnite freely. Sl'BISO AKD SUMMEB DgLICACIK.--The largest and finest line of foreign and do mestic woolens in spring and summer novelties just received and ia ready for inspection at v ZACHKS&Son, Merchant Tailors and Drapers, Opposite Post Office. Millineby. Mra S A Wayne w'ishea to say to the ladles of Albany that she is on hand with a new and well selected stock of millinery, which she asuures t'letn can not be surpassed in style and elegance. Bhe can be found at the St, Charles "ntil she can make suitable arrangements for a j store, a she wishes to locate here perma nently. Dk Pattos treats successfully all dis eases ot women, and guarantees to cure all curable private diseases, lie has a sure remedy for catarrh of the head. He sleeps in his office and answers city calls day or night. Consultation is free and everything is strictly confidential. He can be found In his office In Blumberg's Block from io to 12, a to 4 and 7 to 8. AGLrtTERiNO Fact. Will& Stark have just received an excellent line of diamond goods, which they are anxious for the people of Albany to call and examine. Nothing like it here. A large and fine line of gold and silver watches for men and ladies also just received at Will & Stark's. FARM KIM' INHT1TL'T Following la tho program of tho Farm' era Institute, to be held In tho Opera House. March 27th and 28th. of thU week t TintiisnAY, 7 :16 r. m. Quartette, Messra Ie, Hears, Barrows and Fortmiller. Opening Address, Mayor J L Cownn, Itesponmi, Pre B L Arnold .Corvallis. Vocal Solo, Miss Minnie Van Horn. Pnnicstio Economics, Prof Margarct Hnell, Corvallis. liseussion, bv Mrs S 8 Train, Albany, and Mrs I L Hillary, Turner. Select Reading, Miss Vesta Mason. raiiiAY, 0 A, M. Farming for Profit, M It W lies. Discussion, lead by A N Stewart and J II Keott. Pruning fruit Trees, Prof E U Lake. Discussion, lead by John Briggs and N 11 Phillips. Agriculture In Oregon. Combination and Ijtw Bearing Thereon.N P Payne. Discussion, lead by John H Smith and Hon A Blevins. raiDAY, 2 p. m. TransKrtatlon, S 8 Train. Dlseussion.loml by Hon H A Irvine and 11 A Witxel. Methods ot Improving Stock, James El kins. 1 Discussion, lead bv Thomas Brandon ami u a Maiiord. 1 .......... Meehanleal and Chemical Emicts of Drainage, Prof K Grimm. Discussion, lead bv F Pronst and J A Gross, ruuuY, 7:13 r. m. Quartette. Messrs Ic. Seara. Barmwa and Fortmltlfr. County Hoad Making, Aleic Brandon. Discussion, lead bv Hon John Bryant and Hon F M Klaer. Kecltatlon. "Milk Ma d." Miss Helen Crawford. Solo. Prof W1I Lee. Mechanics for Farmers. Prof U A Cov- ell. ' Discussion, lead bv Pres B L Arnold and Hon J K Weatherfortl. Kelation of Common Schoids to Agri culture, ProfW K Yates. Discussion, lead bv Prof I) V 8 Held and J L Giiliert. Ouartette, Messra Lc, Bears, Barrtiwa and Fortmiller. KB4L KIT 4TB BALKS, J It Klrkpatrick to Peter Laforge, one-half acre in K'b A,Ib. . . . T J Coojwr to Orpba J Cooper, N E or sec 10, tpU.S B3w J V Wallace et ux to D B Montelth, w third of lot 2,bl 2, East A. . . John Cushman to Mary A Glbler,H2 acres in tp 13, S it S w J B Hughes et ns to F 11 Bower.lot 6, 0, bl 1, Crawlordsvilie JCCox et ux to Charles Aikliis, 140 1500 6500 300 117 1500 250 1175 sm 175 fifiO S300 75 KH.00 acres in tp 14, S K 1 W. A M Tetnpleton to I C MK'onnack, acres in u L u ol W T Ten- pleton Maggie Kyh and hits toCaswr h-ropo, l feet otr E Bide lot 2, blk It. It's 2nd A 8 C Pereifull to J C Bilveu. 50 fet oir.N aide lot O S Brow'ville A Hackleman et ux to Kd II Lord, lot H.blZ, ll'3nl A L Vierir k to Ell Barkcr.tract In ll' 2nd A, Allwny L B Knox et ux to A S Knost.jr.73. U8 acres in 1) LC of Us Knox . J R Kirkpatrkk to Peter Iforge, lot o, ii 4, K b A to Ixitauion. . Total Total for year. ...17.RK2 ..117,638 A CALU ACBievtTt'BAL Cbtl.BUB, ) Corvallis, Or., March 34, 1800 ) The State Honlcult-"al Association will hold It first quarterly meeting for the cur rent year In tha city council chamber of Portland, on Tuesday, April 8, at 10 a m, AH person lntercted l,i the development of Oregon's horticulture, in Ha various branches, are cordially and earnestly In vited to be In attendance. Business of much Importance will come before the association, and It la hoped that all per son engaged In horticulture will attend and take part In the discussion. Report will be rendered by the follow. Ing committee, which were appointed at the annual meeting In January last J Tariff on prune," "annual report," "con. atltutlon and by-law." The following paper will alto be pre sented and discc'ssed : Oregon horti culture, O P Mason, Portland; the prune and Ita culture, Chauncey Ball. M Tabor; the young orchard, K D Allen, fcllrerton. Tbls promise to be one of the most In teresting meeting the association has ever held, and all members are especially re quested to be promptly on time at the opening session. t. K. lake, secretary. To The Ladies or Albany a;;d'i- ciniTv. A special Invitation Is eiterded to vou to call at our store and witness practical eaperlment in roasting, baking and broiling, etc., la the Wonderful Wire Gauze Oven f. the New Charter Oak Stove. Eahlbltlon Thursday. March 31 st and April 1st from 10 a m. to 5 p. m. . MATTHEW SC WasHBUBW. New A Durrto. "Wright's additioon"! Albany ta now on the market ami com prises 105 large.lcvel and beautiful build ing lots. The blocks have eight lota to the block, each lot t icing B0 by 100 feet. The streets are 60 feet wide, with two large avenues. one of 100 feet, the other of 80 feet In width. There will probably be a motor or electric line to this addition before long. For terms of sale apply to any real estate agent in the city. To the Fabmebs I will pay the. highest market price for 10,000 pounds of dried plums, t,jO pounds of dried apples and all tne pea re and prunes brought to ..... 'rL. -1 . i r G W Simpson. Ciiilleb Plows. Those wishing plows will make a mistake If they do not call on the Mitchell & Lewis Co. and examine their large assortment of Gale chilled walk ing plows, borne ot theauperlor qualities ot these plows are the adjusttbie handles, tne draft la alwaya direct, the atandard jointer ia used, which keeps the plow al ways In line. By alt meant call and ex amine .them. - Having taken the agency of Dr Thatch t r'a magnetic ahield, I wl'l be pleased to see all suffering witi. chronic diseases Rheumatism a specialty, Same aa had by Prof. Spear, Mae S. Race. Clothing. A fine lino of clothing re eeived at G W Simpson's. A large stock ana Bottom price. Mads to Cct. Whan buying an aae get the best, one that ia durable aa wall aa sharp, and the place to do it la at Price & Kobson'a, who atsc have a-fine lino ot wedges, etc. A Fine Assortment of all kinds of Fancy and Staple Groceries. Provisions ean alwaya be found at the Willamette Packing Co. a. Your attention I espeet ally directed to their special display ad. Babt BeesiBS. Undoubtedly the finest fine of baby buggies in the vallev is to be found at Stewart & Hox's. They are at tracting general attention. Seeds. A large line of garden and grass seeds at Stewart & Sox's, choice va riety to select from. Now ia the time to buy and get those suited to the climate Letter List. Following Is ths list ot letters remaining In tbs Pat Office, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Mar. 17, 189 Persons calling for these lettoi-a must gics the date oa which they wsrs advertised 1 Constable, Miss Sarah Colman, Tas A Chester, Ida Golss.Mrs Ellen Rowan, Miss Leila Moore, Wm Morrison, Ben B 3 Miller.Miss Genevia Miller, Miss Nellie Miller, Mra Rosette R. THOMPSON, P If. TUB B0CDAIUt Following are the boundaries of the three new precincts, as shown by the reem-d, which we glvjo in response to the request of many of our sulscrlbera In the country 1 East Albany Beginning at a point In the centt r of Jackson street In Albany, Linn cot'. ity, Oregon, and on the bank of tho Willamette river and running thence south along tlie center of said street to the center of Ninth street In said clt v.thence In an easterly direction to the point where the Sanderson bridge road leaves tho AUmny road, thence along the center of said Sanderson bridgo road to the center of tho Santiam river, thence down the center of the main channel of said Santiam river to n point where aaid river crosses the north line ti section 2B. tp 10, south of range 3 west, thence west to the Point where the O A (J railroad crosses the north line ot section 28, tp 10, south ot range 8 west, thence along the line of said raiiroau to tne point where aaid railroad crosses the south line of said section 2S,tlicuce we; t to the Willamette river, thence wp the Willamette river to the place of tieginiting. Olllee, Farmers warehouse. Tangent Beginning In the center of Calupooift creek, where the township line lietween townships 11 and lU.south range 4 west, crosses said creek, thence east along said line to the northwest corner of section 3, tp 11, south range 3 w, thence south to tho north lsmndary line of Shedd preciuct.thence west along the north line of Shedd precinct to he center of Cala- fxwla creek, thence along the center of he main channel of said creek to the place of beginning. Peoria liejrlnning t point on the south ltonndfry line of sectiun 30, tp 12, south range 4 west, where the same inter sect the east bank of the Willamette riv er, running thence east of said section line to the southwest -corner of section 20, Jn said township and range, thence south on section lino to the southwest corner of section 20, tp 13 south, range 4 w est, thence west one mile, thence south to the south boundary line of township 13 south, range 4 west,thenee west on the township line to the Willamette river, thence down aaid river to the placo of be ginning. School house In Peoria. m as CKAWt-OHPHVItXR. Mr Hor, from Wl, haa bought the house aad lota belonging to J B ilughc and will move Into the bull ding ai soon a hi freight arrives. Mr Bower is a new coiner, and la the brother of Mra J C Baker, of this place Messra Noah and A J Shanks are pre paring to remove to or near Spokane. Mn do travel to acd fro and knowledge Increase, but do we get better? I tha restlessness of these time conducive to morality or a greater love from man to man? Certain kind of clasa legislation, the great haste to become rich and many posers now at work tend to close all lbs avenues to the better part of man's nature. Mote's the pity, , The severe winter left stock In a bad condition and we still hear of them dying. A lallroad from Brownsville, via this place, to tho Upper Calapoola, about 30 miles long, I now the talk. We look for the surveyor nest week. Let ua have the road. It wilt develop much country and many interest and be a paying Insti tution. Isaac Putnam, whl.e working at the saw mill of J C Morgan, gave bis foot a severe cut one day this week. He la rest ing now. James Warren haa just gotten out (.om having the measles. HI wife aud child have the dica now and we presume It will get over the country. The spring Is the proper time to have measlea. Travel I again resumed on the Sweet Home road, aa the bridge above here la temporarily arranged for ciosaing. G W Pugh la pushing hta budding at flo'lv and exnecta to hare a stock of good In during the spring. II II Chuna, from Cottage Grove, haa purchased the Sloan saw-mill and also a shtngle-mlll and expect to run them for all they are worth. The grl.t-mllL which wa badly dam aged during the flood, U soon to be re paired and put In good condition for custom-mill, the company bring amply able to make a ftrst-ctaas milt ot it. More anon. Weslby. HOXC KEHOLCTIuNS. IUbbisbubo, Or, March ii, I890. Harrlsburg Grange Ko 11, P ot II voted the following resolutions: Wkbbeas, We the member a of the OarrUburg Grange, knowing that the principal cause ot the decline In the price ot farm and Urm products, low wages, depression In business and the hard times that beset the farmers, the wage worker, and all classes of wealth producers, Is the scarcity ot money In general circulation ; therefore, bo It RtxJvtJ, First That we demand the abo lition ot natlotal banks and that the gov- rnirti-nt sl.all Utua ltral tender notes direct the people in tu die lent quantttte to transact the business ol the country no a cash systemi that the volume of money ahatt be regulated upon a per capita basis; that the government loan money to the people at 1 per cent premium, secured by a lien on teal estate. Second That the government nor the etate shall ever Issue, on any municipality, corporation or individual, Interest bearing, non taxable bonds, under , any pretext whatever. Third That tne legislature ot Oregon ahall amend the law creating the railroad commission so aa to give the commission full power to to regulate freight and fare on the railroada of this stale, or repeal the law. Fourth And wo do further agree that In order to carry out these objects we will vote lor aucn men to tne legislature anu luiiicm mm call uc urpcnucu mww iwt" act these principles into stature law, unln- ft urn ceo bv nartv or oartv caucus. Adopted by Harrlsburg Grange at the last regular meeting, Saturday, March 33, TN J. MCMIKKIN, Dec E UfMYEa, Master. Ethereal Cough Uyrup. Persons suffering from the prevailing cold will do well to try Ilolden's Ethereal Cough Syrup. It la an excellent rem ear and naa been used by hundreds of persona In thla city who wilt join In commending it to their frlende. Stockton Independent. Large alze $i,small 50 cent, for sale by HC Hubbard, druggtat. SutTiHe That Suit. Mi V R Gr ham, th tailor, ha just received the Ivgast ami finest, lot ot suitings ever brought to Albany, aa to which he wish the man of Linn onty and vicinity to call and examine them and judge for them selves. They consist of an elegant line of Imported goods, of th best quality, In eluding aevaral new designs never before brought here. A more popular line of fabrics It would be difficult to aecure, and thos wishing aulta, or parts of sulta made up in the latest etyi will ao wen to give him a call. A New Department. Fortmiller Sc Irving have added another department to their large and elegant furniture store, being one for carpets, matting, linoleum and oiloiotne, xney nave a nne atoca 01 these goo is, "elected for the market, and those desiring anything in the line should call and see their well selected atock. They will keep the latest patterns In these goods aa In everything else and sell at reasonable price. Kid Gloves. I have juat received an Invoice of the celebrated P. Centemert kid cloves in black and colored. These with the other brands I handle, Foster genuine hook and Our Own brand.makea an assortment mat any may can oe suitca in prices and quality. These are all first- class goods and warranted as represented. Samuel E. V oukg. IOO F. Albany Lode N 4 held Ita regular meeting Wednesday evening of aeh week. Visiting brother ar cordially nvitad to attend. A Choice Variety Fine comb hon ey, all kinds of syrups, choice pickles la wood and in glass, pickled pigs feet, chow chov, in fact an endless variety of choice groceries at Geo C Henderson's. Giv me a call, prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. Prices tlie lowst. ilOf K AND A UKO a It MoatiAY, A sidewalk to the Elkln addition is near ly completed, Mise Genevieve Osnrgv baa aooapUd a position with Old k King, of Portland. A Portland t aper aaya Barbara Hobbard ia'.to be adopted by aa E leaabars lady. Marshal Hoffman ia eat f(ln relieved of considerable ehask whioti ha earned for a week, osussd by tha mump, Hoo John Burnett, of CVrvaliis, effWe to aabaoiib 500 for a frs wagon bridge at Corsalii. Thar la a healthy ring to that. There are no die on Stewart A Sot, Tbey have put on mntmpoliun aira by add ing aa elevator to tha asonad floor of thair large establishment. Mr Joe Webber aaya that the newt cir culated that ha la abunt t leave Albaoy ia antnunded. U ha a pant tha best part nf ma ma nare anu proposes to remalo, and it certainly la to lie hoped that he eontiuaee to make tlii city hit bom, wlirralda friends eaa be counted by the hundred. Mia Aonle Riland. a aister of Mt Anaid. la In the city umlieg aaveral dava. with haartaaartar at tha Sitrs Aoademv. Miss Itilaad waa a residnnt f Altisov f r ssvrrJ vesrs.being with Mrs S IC Young for a num ber ol yr. 8b has rroeidly taken tha black veil. Mr. W W Beuk. ,f Seattle, ia In tha city, ready tj aae oor peoul who want to bay lota ia Wassom addition to that eity, A bona of 120.000 haa bean offered j Waters and other of Brownayille to erect a flooring Btill, adjoining thla addition, and baa Ihhib aoett4. It will add aieatly to the value of property tbar. TOSSPAV. Mr Robert Thwnwoa. of Salem, waa in the eity to day. Mra H A Wavtis returned last avanins fram her trip Ktst, Soma good reserve left for tha Lew 00 n- eert j bat they are goiog fast. Toe ataanter Willamette Vallev arrived last Bight st Taquios Bay, after being oat aid eeversl day. Mr W K MoPbaraoo baa moved hia real estate office to ennoeite tbo Baaa lioesa. ! wlxre be will bo fooad ia Beat qaarteia. ! The Dbmocbat ia andnr oblliiatlniia ta Mr S W Paisley, wholesale deatar in frnita, to baeoo Sin, for a floe lot of oiangee, vary dc- iiotoea. Mr Dr Tattoo baa tentd room In the Blembsrg blook and will sooa om aa art afudio lb re. 8b ia an artist ef ackaowl adgsd ability. Mr Henry Inaram returned thla nooa from Yaaoina tSay, where he ioretted $1000 io Toledo property, and thinks there ia a good thing for bun. At the demeeratie nrimarv meetiasfe. ta be held Saturday, Apnl Sta, al t o'eioek p at Kaat Albany precinct will elect 4 dtle- aataa, West Albany 4. aod Albany S. Mr Walter floston. of Harrisbarg. ex- Shoriff i K Chsrilno, ot iaidtam brrctact, aad Mr Joaiah Kouter. on .f tba beet ear- pentrrs ia the Frs. bsv all Immo in tb etty to-day, and b.iegd tha Dbmocbat otlioe st the same time. A large ait tuber of railroad baoda cam In from Cow Cre k eanyim this morning , mfna the oomlwr we Mr Stokes, better known a B-Htarda. lie reuorla I the work dona, and that tb first through train would probably arrive is tb t morning. WKb!KlAV. Johooy Webber, of Portland, ia ia the eity. ITT Fisher ie it Periia. dividing the Smith estate. Mr. Lw of UlympU, mother of Prof, Lee, arrived io tha city tbia noon. Dr gcroggiea ia soon to begin tb erection of ari4noon bis (rait fa m bm the etty. Jodg Keleay.of Corelli,paad through Albany L-day froaa Salem, where bo baa eoortiog. Mise festella Howard, at one timo a taech or io the Albany echl, waa recently mar- n4 to Ituiabore to W K Thorn. Dr Oray, 8eoretry f tbeCoooty Sab hath Suhnol. reqneste the Sabbath School of tba onenty t eeod hint reports to bo sut B)ltt4 at tne State eooveo'lon, If the 175.000 Iks ol qaeetioa paasea, the oooncil will proceed at ouew to tbo work of building sewers, paying in warranta duo after toe meeting of the aat legislate re- Mr. f V Kirkpatriek haa aold tbo Leb anon h,x press to Mr. Geo. A lex seder, a Koeeoo nrioUr. and Mr. Jack Adams, ef browaaviSlo. Mr. KirpatHk will move to Seattle. i bo Albany iroa vvoraavo nave eoroe good ordere ahead and are making some ins. p ro rent t eta at their foundry. 80010 oieoee of machinery are being beilt far tba Saatiam mi as oor t o aaa outer parties. Iooor list of mamkere of tbo A pot to elub the Bavea ot Mr v It liars aod Kev K 15, Pricbard were left oat. not being Etveo aa. Tbey aio two of tho flaeat taoora ta Oiwsoo. aad we are glad to be able to give them aa Apouoe, air a it ttrfcigefarmer baa abowa oa aa elegant copy of taefamooa I'ictore. Aogelaa, sect to subscribers of the tiw York Vmoa It ia a beaut if a I piotnre, one that woold ornament tba moat ooatly parlor. Tha png- idai aoia tor iiu,uuu. Oovorsor Penooyer, who will from all ia dioaUooa bagia a aooood tern aa Oregon's governor ia few months, waa ia the oity to-day. booed for Corvallis, to attend a maetog ot agrienltaral college board. Prof, Urimm waa with bim. Mr Jae F Powell. left this noon frr Phil onwth, where bia grandfather, Mr J J Pin- uysoo, la lytog dangemaaly ill, with oat prospt-etaof recovery . Mrs. Jodga Powell la already there, aud Judge Powell tetaroed froaa there a day or two ago. Among the heavy Ins ere of atovk in Eastern uregoa by tho rosgb winter waa Mr. Orange Morgao, ef Lake eoontv, wall Boowo nere. tier nosbaod, tsbo was re cently ktliec by an aeoident, left property valued at ovr .Hi. 000, now dwindled dowa to f3,00U or (10,000 by the severe winter. A sensation ia reported by the Salem Statesman, ia whieb Prof Sta ale v aod teaohsr ia the Muooothra acbool are mixed. and it is asserted tba President baa Heco. re- 1 ' j 1 nested to re!? n . Perhapa thia ia tha tea- ' son tba Prof did not fill bis engagement at 1 tb recent Institute bar. It is also possible mere ta lota 01 emoae in tne matter. uaxo. One 01 the finest lota 01 gun and revolver ever received In Albany are now in atock at Stewart ft Sox's. Hun ter should call and aee them and get pricer nclore buying. Sfbing IIab Come. The atock of wall paper at Fortmiller 3c Irvlng'a la larger than ever, being quite immense and in clude many new and beautiful design. New Arrival. A large and complete atock of carpeta,!inoleum,oi! clotha.ahades, etcn at the store of A B Mcllwaln, all of the latest designs, and which will be aold at from 10 to so per cent lower than by oiner nouses. Stockinet and Jebisy Tacwbts. Just received a new supply. I think the beat ever ahown for the money. Samuel E. Yovmo. T ADIE8. ATTENTION I am prepared Ai to ao drese-makiag on short notice. Per fect fit and satisfaction guaranteed. Thanks for past favota. Give me a call. Mm H BmM, Uor 6th and JeBenoo. MARRIED. PAUL CHAMBERLAIN. On Sun day, March 23, 1800, at the residence of the bride's parents, in Coburg, Lane county, Or, by Rev N N Matthews, Mr Will 8 Paul, of Linn county, and MibB Jennie Chamberlain, of Lane county. The Democrat unites with friends in ex tending the happy couple best wishes. DIED. FARNH AM. Two and one-half mllea southeast of Woodland, March-14th, 1890, Maymo En daughter of E. S. and Nellie Farnham, aged 17 yeare, 5 month and 20 day. , To Mt Frievds. With a aad heart from an urging dispatch I left Albany on the 8:ao train, March 14th, enrou'.e to Woodland. Hours seemed like daye, day like weeka, while on my journey. On my arrival my heart wat saddened beyond the saddest of sads, as I learned that at 3 p. m, the day before (Sunday) my future happl ness had been laid to rest beneath the sod, while her spirit is In Heaven above. The dav of return is indefinitely postponed. F. S. Ingram. ALBUBf Tf WLA1I, CAt. WoontAND, Cal., March 19th, 1890. Thinking perhaps you may be able to find apace for short article I will give you a biography of things generally. It waa 8:20 the 14th ult when I left Albany, atio a.m. tho 15th when I arrived at Res burg t there we remained till 6 a, m..some 30 ml Irs more yet to be Journeyed by ri We then boarded the dreaded stage for 31 mile, where mud and rough roads ' were quite plentiful, although the dav waa pleasant until we arrived at Dunsmutr at 5:30 p.m. It began to cloud up and turn cold, and rained most all night. In the freight office there were piled up several tone ot I'. 3. mail waiting ita turn for the next outgoing freight team, (aa over the stage route the mailt ore hauled by any and all aorta of common ranch trams an wagons,) most of the letter mails of course go by the stage lino. But little tnow wa lc be aeen along the ataglng route while dead cattle were numerous. The train pulled out of Duiiemuh at 6 a.m. the 16th. At ft I Hon there wa 6 feet of anow. 3-40 a, m, found ua at Sacramento the 17th, or St Patrick's day, I left the pasaenger at Davlsvilie with 11 tmlea more to make. I caught a freight there and wa In Wood land between 6 and 7 o'clock. No ralu had fallen here In thia part of the valley for two weeka, the toada were dusty. The vegetation la quite large. In the forenoon I and Mri Parnham drove to the cemetery, there to view the grave and laat testing place where my all la now sleeping her last. Her grave waa quite elegantly decorated with many tokene of friendship from the many dear ones, and I must say that her Sunday school classes have taken no little palna in memorial gifts a well aa the Woman'a Relief Cor pa. gome of the flower came trom San Francisco. To use worda to express my sorrow, I'm not able. I sometime frel like I would rather die than return without her, for ah waa all that la pure and good, highly educated and a perfect housekeeper, and a member of one of the nearest perfect famOles I have met In my extensive travels. What more need I aay . Rain began to fall Monday evening at dark and haa constantly been falling till thla morning. F. S. Imgbam. WCATUEB CHOP BCLUETIX J0 I, Of the Oregon State Weather Bureau, co-oj rating with U. B. Signal Service, Central Office 4 Portland, Oregon, for the week ending Baturday, March 22, 1890: WEATREB. The temperature and sunshiue have been below the average; the rainfall about the average. The temperature haa generally been above tho freezing point. The weather haa been partly cloudy. The rainfall haa been light, but generally wen distributed. BOO. The soil, except on uplands, ia too wet for plowing, hence the spring seeding Is retarded. The snowfall and the rains of the past winter have been ueh aa to moisten the ground to s greater depth than haa been known for years. CEOPfl. The winter wheat crop la generally re ported in good condition, but a few days of warmth and sunshine art much needed to give it b good start. Grass is growing Cnely aud stock is recuperating from the effects of the short feed. Where soil operations can be pushed a large epring acreage Is being prepared. racrr c Fruit, ornamental trees and shrubbery are developing their buds ; on the latter leaves are beginning to anow. reach tree are in blossoms in Lane county. The cold w inter haa injured the peach cron to soma extent. Several weeks of fair weather and warm sunshine are needed to allow of apring work, the start ing of the grain and the development of the bud of tree, Ac. On March 22. 1889. peach, apple and cherry tree were in full bloom: leave on ornamental trees were out. 1 lower were blooming and many varieties of vegetable were in the market in many part of the atate. It. r. I'AOt'K, Oljaerver U. 8. fttgnal Service. Aaabrtant W rector Oregon. Weather Bu reau. A Bbioht Idia- We refer to the large ba , vne line 01 saws and carpenter tools at Price A Robsona. The best and prices the lowest. In market Aibaayjianict. Wheat !W3 Oat-8lXo Suitor toe prio. rgns- 117-4,00. Potatoes T&. ota par bnabol Bewf 00 foot, 8J Aaploa 7( cent a per ba. rurs-se per ir areenea. Bacon hams. I2c. boulders, bo. idoa.lOo. uard 9e per lb. yionr par bbl. btckaa a.OO rer fl. oIUl rod bran, 11.00 pr ton snorus, 10. middilnaa, JO. Chor-.40.e ; Money ! Honey ! " ' TO " LOAN, Oa good farm and 0 t property st 8 Per Cent. I exstnto my on aeourity 1 wilt my own papr,nd if title ia perfect .aa close btttiaaes op in abort order. Call oa or writ me. S. N. STEELE. With E. G. Bsardaley.Rad Eatat Agent, Albany, Oregon. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. F'ridn.y, -A-pril itH. The Great Levy Concerts, Comprisiog the following eminent Soloists : M JULES LETT, v Th greatest Cornet player in th world. MM! STELLA LETT, The distinguished American Soprano. M WILLIAM J L1T1T, Tb great American Tenor. HEDWISMSHONEST, , Th Eminent Piaaiat. Eaaerveil eeata at Blaoktnan'a,75 cent and tl.00. Gallery, SOoanta. Head Quarters for Seth Thomas watch es and clocks, at Fr.iFrr:o::3, best watch in the world for tha monej'. Highest of all Jn Leavening aWcsv i - v A . fv. - , I , M ,1 Nk msmm I BV O1C0.8461. REC0RDr2:29-34j . v c Altamonl's fails-t alalllon ard aire of 2ale ran with a 4 ymr old r. cord of 2 1st dii Bell Price, tin dam, ( Prlcenwnt, Tear old record. 2:1fi.and Zllar ! 2:SS Mill ha kent at Albinv. Mondays an! Tuoadsys at Salem, Wednesdays and Tbarsday. rod ai haino Friday- and Saturday, Allowed lo serve mates si 150 to insure. altago: 9320. Sfear old reotril, 2:11. Hin of AtUmont, fiealra of a rgi-nat anl 'alt-yv'.x Arnold, record 1ZS (Pub'lo trlat 2:2s ) ' iatigbtr of the fa-n u brrd tnf, ili frako. tbo dam uf&orman Mrxltutn. WIH tot kept at indepn leoce TiiMdsy an t Wednesday at Corvallis, Thursday and Friday, ,t liomeSs urJ-jy and Monday. Allowed to serve mares at 145 to lotire. faon commenHng April 1st and endint J.! y lt.and no reooneibiHtv nmtitn- od for aonfdmU. Tbaaktng onr patron tbo light harness boreo to call an I vm n above atailloi., a'so oiobso young drlvar P'oaaaro in snowing atocK any ay eaeapa - tyiCKNIGHTBROS THE STANDARD TROTTING ST ALU 3 N. Dlek Fiabertv. re-jor l U13. will mike tb Btaaon of lyo, eommencing April 1 and ending July MarabaU'a eta tile, Albany, linn county. Or. glvinir Linn county horsemen a c banco to breed to a Btanuard borae, wltb ls and speed not to be excelled in Oregon. E CRirriOJ AOD rEDIOEKF, TMck Flaherty laacheatnut, email atrtp la bco, one wbita a&klo, stands In bands blgh, we'aha io.0. winner of tb 2:40 caa at City View Park. September 13, 18tW, defeallng Ou-c , O snder. Maud Kaox and Harvest in three atra'gbt beat. Thla wa Dick' first race, at wblob time ho m to hi record Of 2:30. hired bv KJarm.ty'J Feamaaebt. by Fearnaught, Jr. 13S, by Fearnaught, 13?, record f 2:23 1 4 (wlnnet of tbo I0 0o purse at Buffalo in 18o,defeting George Palmer Cot Mavdard. American, titrt, J J liradley, Myron Prry, Victor Bug" and ilolliel. ba bv vouuit Morr l, v Mck Fleberty' dam. Bill Drew, ba paced mile In 230, by Ixxld'n laoB, bv John nelson, 187, aire ot ovea, 2i"2 1-2, Aurora, 2:27 1-2 Memo, 2:30; bs DEALER $ (0) ol ua Choice Candy, Kuls Frait. etc. NEAR THE POST OFFICE ALBANY OREGON Barrows & Searis Diy Kotioa., GantsForn isMiigj and G00TS AfiD SHOES Our atock of boots and shoes Is now complete in all tinea for apring trade. VVe will save vou money In buying of us. Ladies, misses and children's fine shoes a apecialty. , BARROWS & SEARLS, a. rrescrl-slm Cranial. t TMICAJ PJLET ARTICLES ( i :;ypATH imxm BEOS., SBAI.BR IX field, YegetaWa & Ho wcr Seeds, APIARY AND POULTRY SUPPLIES, Garden Tools, Fertilizers, Trees, Etc. 209 Second Street, bet. Salmon and Taylor, Portland, Oregon. UTSmd for catalogue. Slate Treasurer's Thirty Fifth Notice, , Statu of Orbook. Treasurer's Office Salbm, March 10, 1890, Notice is hereby tnven that there ar sufficient funds on band to pay the fol lowing warrants, and that they will be paid on presentation at thia office : War rants ot law ana isw, numoerea via 10ti4, 1117tll20, 1138, 1461, l.V.tO, 2752 3753. 2756. 2768, 2770, 2769, 2773, 2735 2764. 2753. 2761 and 2750. Interest wi not be allowed after the date of thi O. W. Webb, State Treasurer. - l3 U. S. Gov't Tlrpot;, A 0 b. 1 ) V. H - . Iiadina. lta iiout's grond child- for pt favora we Invltrt ai! admlrur of A few choie) brood inaia auttM to .ti and cilia from thm f r sale. Wiil tike oanday. mm 2 1 ImpTrasten, dam, the Stdmoijd bln, ly AlxUllaO 2nd fam, Buterfit ld St Clsir. Srd Dam, bjr Biack Leg, by ESggel'j Pettier. ' 4tb-Dam,br Jack Hawkins, by Bos ton. - Mb .Cam, by t'ld PtCiair. ; Flaherty' Kearnangbt dam, Haidec, by Old Columbu. 2 Dam, by Harno batcbletotiian. i S-lau, Boston Ui.l, a celebrated 3- f toil trottr, by old Abdallan. No stallion with aruch a eombinaii jn of ; faat trouing and producing . blood has ; ever besn ofTre-l for service in Lien i county. Oregon, before. . . 1EBVX, " . I To insure, f tO; seaaon, f 30. M ars bred f, by tbo seaaon, payabie Joly 1. Mr" tired by inaarance, payable when marn are knuwn to bo with foal. Uara i I : lio carefbllj bandied, but no reponei. ; l.ility will be awomel lor aecUaaW . 5 Good pasture at i a m?nih. For farther particulars address, j li LaFOBESTj A.llja.ny. Or. I P 3 Blumberg's New Blooi. E. A. CEHElYy Attorney. Vt Law- Attention (riven to collection ot claims. OffloewithJJ Whitney. E. G. BEARDSLEY, Real Estate and Insurance Broker and Notary Public, Broadalliin St., Albany, Or. M3NF.Y. CHEAP MONEY. We bave made arrangement to aupi! money to all on long time at low rates ol, in le rest on Improved lurni and city prpp-i erty. .Thsee who contemplates buildup : brick, blocka or good brick business house cao get money. See us. I WALLACaS; CnsiCK. I BctLDiso Permits. Residents of the cityi of Albany desiring blanks for i f plications for building permits within the city limits, can secure tae same mi . the city recorder without cost, FOR SALE. Two nuuur 1 aoroa of goorl farm land atl in cu;t vation, with gcod two slory house, goo J K..n mnt AtKflF nnt.hnnaA. ftriti w&t:fir for fanUyand atock, Qod paar anl ap-1 Fie orouaru, m w c i ,u,t 1 v. 5 nit. WouU make two go4 amall ; fdrma. Situated faar miles aouthwast cf 1 Albany. Inquire at thla onlee. i oa.mA- rn ftMAMin rriLhj-ni., Bixth Notice. Statk op Orign, 1 ; - Tbbabubbs'b Office. - Saikm, March 22d,1390 Notice is hereby giren that there arc sniH oieot fuada on hand to pay tie foilowstu warranta, and that they wiil be paid cn prv aectation at thia office. Warratits cf tl,.' issue of 1S89 and 1S90, as foilons : ninnH -red '1592, 1591, 1565, 159S. 1602, lul'S HT i s, 1713, 1722, 1712, 1717.1732. 1718,175,5.1:;. 2079, 2093, 2096. 2099, 2l40,21642ii;.V -' , 2709, 2760, and ?776. Interest will not allowed ftar the date of this is-t?.-, G W Wtw. . State IVeiisuier. V ( : mm