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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1890)
a THK CAHPaIUN IS Ol'tNEU, Th democratic and republican count committer hav called county conven lion to elect delegate to their respective atatt convention and to nominal candi date for count officer , Th coming campaign In th count will be hotiy contented one. Republican claim, that, through the hear Im migration that ha come Into tht count during the lait two ear, the; have virtually wiped out the democratic majority. While thl I net rue, a whole, et there la no dltgulalng he (act that the democratic majority U not a large a heretofore, thou;ti with a harmonious convection, and a good ticket we have a ale working majorit. But their mutt be united effort ai.d earnest work In order to win. The record of the democratic part In Linn county during the long twent si tar In which the have had control of count affair, la on that will atrmgty recommend the party to the favorable consideration ot the voting Ux paer. True, there have been ome mistake. Thl mutt occur In o long a period f control, however clotel affair! ma be watched. But, altogether, no count In the atate ha been to weltad tnlnUlered. At no time In all that period ha the Ux lev been above seven teen mill, while, during nearl all thete ear It ha ranged from twelve to fifteen. In tnott other countle the lev ha been from fifteen to thirty. We have a sturdy staid, catcrvattv population throughout the count, who pa their taxet willing!, but the Intttt that no greater amount of burdentoane taxe thou! J be collected from the people than la necettar to meet the Jutt demand of the count government economical! and judlclou! admlnittered. Thl ha been the thtbboleth of the people of the count for the latt quarter of a cen tur. The de m ocratlc part ha retpond ed to thl call with tcrupulout fidelity. Thl la not an Idle tale, nor I It trumped up mrel for campaign ute. Without fear of tucceuful dispute, we challenge de nial. The part, aa a part, hat merUorl oul gained and held the confidence of the people and are now again before the voter not onl with pledge of good cone uct In the future, but, a an earneit of what the future will be, the point with pride to their record fo the latt twent ai ea't. The people deterved well at the hand ot the democratic part of the count, and the democrat pretent the full fruition ot their work and confident re! upon It at their full Justification. For thia reason we be l'f the voter will maintain the part In power. A,cooD;saowiSG. Since democrat attumed control ot the tat echoed fund b the election ot Gov ernor Pennoer and G W Webb there haa been a most aatltf actor Increate In that financial baanch of ttate fund. Thia Irreducible achool fund In 18S5, In cluding all item, amounted to $S68,73$. 16: In 1887 to $1,059,400.01, and In 18S9 to $1,756,7090. The earning power of the fund, meas ured by amount actuall loaned and not In cluding certificate of talea of land, aa In SSS. $733,383.61; In 1887, $781,137.03; In January, 1889, $1,48,071.14; In December 1SS9, $1,568,071.14 Thl U the amount of the principal now actually loaned. The revenue from this fund haa been dlttr.buted In Jul of each ear to the teveral countle of the ttate In aid ot the common schools. The a-'jount received b each count I la proportion to the number of children of achool age In the count. The following la the distribution for ive ear past: Year. er Scholar Ami. IeW ( )$ 7S 1 8S6 aass 9 v 1S87 IW, i8S 1.25, 18S9 140. 1890 (estimated) - ijoo, 59.CH5 75 74.571 30 87,31700 108,317 jo 130.337 155,00000 Thia ia a remarkable Increate in thia aacred fund, and thow that It wat placed In safe hand b the election of these worthy official. ANIMOSITY. The man at Albany who held 1000 bushels of wheat three yean for better prices, and tben saw it all washed away by the flood, most have become convinced of the danger of delay. The Ortgonan baa been very anjust to to Albany and Linn county concerning the flood. Ia Us report of tUe damage done by the flood in this county it stated that every thing pot across the Santiam by the hand of nan had bees carried away and that the bridges on all the small streams in the county bad been washed out. Not a bridge acros the Santiam was taken out add but few small bridges on other streams. It was asked to cor rect this leport but no such correction was made. Now it publishes the above which seems to be sew to every body in Albany. Not a bushel of grain was damaged or lost in Albany. It looks like a species of studied animosity towards this town by that paper. Brownsville, March 24th. Ktiiter Democrat : The people here are highly pleased with the course pursued by the democratic central com mittee in favoring and advising democrats in their primary meetings to instruct their dele gate in favor of the vivt voce voting in the county convention. This ought to have been done year ago. Democrats her are sanguine of a harmonious convention and a victory in June after a hard fought battle. Opem Ballot, Dakhsburo Or. Mar. 33 1890. Ed$. Democrat : Just say that the action of the count central committee' at Its meeting latt week In recommending that preclnrt meetings instruct their delegates to support the plan of vivt voe voting In nomlnatlmg candidate In the countv con vention is just tho right ihtng to do. It will meet with the hearty approval of nine tenths of the democratic voter In hi precinct We are all determined to be harmonious and mn Democrat Shedd, Mar. 34 1890. Eds. Democrat: Democrats here are be ginning to wake up to the Importance of the coming campaign. The action of the county committee In favor of nominating candidates by the vivt vu system has In spired the voter here that we re to have an open, harmonious convention. If the convention docs this It will be wjrth 100 votes to the party in the count. We hope to see every precinct adopt this recom mendation of the committee Justice, The Czar of Russia is said to be taking grea interest in the substitution of silver for the present paper currency of that empire. There ts good reafon why Rustiia should be desirous of a good silver currency. It is reaching cut ctward to the Pacific, and with a silver cur rency will compete with England and the United Slates for the trade with China, The present paper currency of Russia is below par, but It hat lately been brought near to par with silver. TIIK KTITK KICIITS DEMOCRAT. He would bean unnntural parent who failed In tne gladdening recognition ot hi own offspring. An old man now, with memory ot the year that have gone, 1 re call the etablUnment of the Sait Iiiktt DiwKKmt In 1S65 when democrat ot weak heart In the doctrine of Jefferson and In the faith of Jackson owned that State Right wa a "treasonable hry The bended the kne to the occaalon and prottrated their forms In the mud ot political mire Without the back bone doctrine of State Rights, the federation ot the states It a rope of sand. Union! What It Union? It It a confederation of eqnal powers mu tually agreeing In mpsct to detente and offense at toward all other power com bined. State Right I the aplnal co.umn of thia union It I the rudder ot the ship ot ttate. Departure from the doctrine will be a floating upon the tea ot clrcumatancei the haven U In the accident to probable safety, to possible ditsttcr. To take State Right from the ttatet It a taking the back-bone from the Union. "Old Linn" used to be the banner county ot Oregon. Marlon wat ltt neaiett peer and Lane wat debatable. Tht young generation do not remember DeUaon S.nith. lie wa tor ears the foremost rcpretenattve ot Linn count and ended his life after he held a place In the United States Senate. Do the dwellers In Linn count general! know that the name ot the county wat the grateful compliment ot the earl pioneers, who cherished the memory ot Lewis P Lin a, Unl.ed States Senator from Mis. sourl, colleague ot great Tom Benton from 1833 until hi death In 1843? Linn count I central In the might valley ot the Wil lamette. The towering Cascade Range guards It. Vhe Willamette laves It, aud ts tributaries help In the fructifying pro cess. Linn countv will forever be the key stone county ot the Willamette. I re csll names and persona. It I a friendly communication. These were solid men ot Jlbany, The name was given to the town by Walter Montclth. Lie was ot Al bany, New York, a sturdy whlj in politic and honered In all hi life time. Ills younger, brother, Tom Montelth wat like wise conspicuous In Albany. There was McConnell, strictest of democrats, honest from hi toes up to his poll. Martin Pane, the Burkhart brother, good old Matthew Fountain ot UarrUburg, anJ lllram Smith, old man Haley cf Peoria, and straight John T Crook ot Syracuse and the Cabtrecsot "Canada," (the Fork.) Lord! what democrats they were. Old John, avortdupols, 190, that of hi little bunch ot a wife 341 pounds. There was a fair division I.i the marriage. She was a Virginia widow of nine children, John Crabtree a widower with nine children. The married and emigrated to Oregon( settled In the fork ot the SantUm and In creased the household to twenty boy and girls. The Crabtrees and the Blleu were noted stock In the "Canada" (Fork,) region. Hugh L Brown of Brownsville, Enoch Hoult and Willoughbr of Harris burg and "Rob" Cochran of Lah and Wil liam ot Linn, the Price brothers, John Crawford and his intense Scotch Irish brother who would alwas pronounce Bin "fash estimable Dr. Hill, his good son, Llnde, a buy of mine. In enduring memory, held because of his Intelligence and worth, solid ar.d reticent John Conner the banker. It at a remarkable Incident (hat on hit counter, when he kept hard ware store away back In 1S63 4 there rested undisturbed a package of $3,000 In gold coin, forwarded from Jacksonville, directed to Portland, by Tracy k Co, who afterwards sold to Wei' Fargo Si Co. and dispatched by C C Beekman of Jackson ville, of first class responsibility. The package reached Albany on a Sunday morning about 6 o'clock and was duly checked. The nest stopping place was Salem. J C Bell was the Wells Fargo Si Co' agent. A clerk atten fed to the ex press matter. There wa no package of money a way billed. The money did not react Portland. The $1,000 wa the missed quantify. Wells Fargo & Cos a- srenl at Portland paid the sum. The cl.-rk of J C Bell at Salem was suspected and disoJssed. He was innocent. One ear afterwards on taking an inventory ot stock, honest John Conner picked up a weighty package from his counter, supposing it to be hinge .but upon tearing open the wrap ping, he discovered It to be 8m pieces one hundred of them. The missing f 3,000 had been for the ear on the counter of John Conner's hardware store in Albany In Its wrapping of strong ptper as only so much hardware. John Conner wa strict ly hone.t in the find. He Immediate! communicated the fact, Tracy was reinstat ed and made happy. John Connei's thick eye-brow never concealed wrong of which he was cognizant. I started to pay a compliment to your fine newspaper. I have strolled Into reminiscence. I will cease. There itsed to be a Rainwater acros the Willamette from Albany. I fear any further down pour this season. Here in California, we have had enough. It is not the thing to "take water" save with discretion. To take leave I better, James O'Meara. Santa Rosa Cal. Mar. 17 1890 The republican members of the United States Senate will admit t he two fraud ulently elected senators from Montana, and thus wl;l be consummated one of the mo shamelett frauds ever practiced on a free people, always saving and excepting the stealing of the presidency in 1876. These two republicans have no more right to a seat In the United States Senate than Kel logg when he claimed, and was admitted to a seat to which he was elected by a mob protected by the military. It seems that republican are bent on making their name at odiou at postlble In congrett. That the people will become aroused and hurl them from power for their continued outrages against the people do not admit of a doubt. The people may be stifled in congress but they can not be at the polls Let every democrat in the county turn out to the primary meetings to be htld April 5th at 2 o'clock p m to elect delegates to the coun ty convention. Good and true men ia all cases must be selected in order to secure an intelligent harmonious convention, Delegates unpledged to any particular candidates arc preferable. The particular attention of demo crats it called to the very wise and judicious recommendation made by the county central committee that precincts instruct their dele gates to favor the vivt voce system of voting in the convention. This should be'adopted with out question. It insures a fair square conven tion something absolutely necessary in orde to win a victory in June. This instruction must be given in the primary meetings for the convention will not likely adopt it without. If the worst comes to the worst, we prefer a knave to a fool. If It must be Delashmutt or Mlnto for governor, let Van In. RoseburgrVwVrw. So say all sensible men. 5 can Golden Star tomatoes for 50 cents at 0 V syers, and all other canned j,ood oheap or cash , Remnants. -A large and fine line of remnant at G W Simpson's at your own rice. Try It. - ;!.l St I N i The republican party has a tltl formu lated wlilt-h, while It may not suit all the People, 'il ho that party to be true to it proniUe. Increaneof Jut v 011 an article which need protection meant a reduction in the revenue, and a reduction of the duty on an article like aujiar, mean a re duction of the revenue, because ivitrar can not be produced In America. For the same reason tea and coffee are on the free lists. The Increase on tin plate ts to en courage the developcinent ot American mine. It might be as well for the govern, ment to offer a bountv on American tin, but a all exported tin, I rebated, the weight of the Increase U scarcely felt It Is very evident that the writer ot the above hat not devoted any thought to the ubject of the levying of a tariff tax . The statement that, "Increase ot a duty on an article that need protection meant a re duction In the revenue" mav or may not be true. In order that an Increase of duty may effectuate a decrease In the revenue the lucre In duty mutt be raited to a point that would result In partial or entire prohibition ot the importation of the article ot commerce upon which the dutv bt been Inereaned. If the duty hat not thut been ncreaied to partially or wholly prohibit, then the Increase In duty will retutt In an Increate of revenue. "Sugar can not be produced In America," lay Mr Portland. Well It a ten year old tchool boy In the Albany public tchool, being a candidate for promotion to the next higher grade, should exhibit such dense Ignorance on the subject ot "sugar," his hope to be ptotnoted would be blasted at once, "The Increase on tin plate I to encourage the develop ment of American mines" says tht UW SiJt, But for ear there ha been a duty on tin plate but It ha not resulted la the development of tin Industry. If there it any reaton for Increailng the duty on tin there It a far more powerful reason for Increasing or at least retaining the present duty on sugar, for there are large quantities ot sugar produced in thl coun try, white all Our tin I imported. The true reason tor antagonising sugar and en couraging tin It that the whole ttrlff bill In all Its essential feature it purely section al and partisan. It being partUan I the oi.ty hope that tuch an Injustice may be foisted upon the people. The West Sut 1 right when It say Bill McKlnlev' bill does not suit all the people. If It should past, the fact will be developed this fall In tne congressional elections that a large majority of the people are not aulted with such a legislative monstrosity. People mutt be blind. Indeed, who fait to ace the signs of dlscctttcnt. T Hah Their Own Implement, Staunton, Va., March 35 Major Chris man, Jacob Wisler and Mr Price, represent ing the Farmer Alliance of the United States, have concluded lo establish alliance agricultur al works at Iron Gate, Va. The works will employ from 300 to 500 hands, and the pro ducts will go to every sub alliance in the conn try, representing 4,000,000 memt trs. Kart Earalese. Boston, March 1$ The annual ititerucnt ofth American Bell Telephone Company show earnings of 14-044.701, sgainst 13,865,. 118 in iSSS, an icreaseof net earnings of f 144- 34; aivKientis f 1,330,500 an increase of flb 44; surpluf, f J. ici.oi I. an increase of J3 976. tloal atay Long. IIeklix, Mirch 35. Caprivi, on entering the chancclkxrhip, is rerun teJ lo have said: fcI shall not probably remain bog litre, It would be impossible for me to sacrifict my honest opinion at the caprice of the crown. Bismarck has detposiicd all his star, cronsct and medals but the Golden Klccc and Black Eagle, in a bank, "No mora uniforms or medals for me," Ihe veteran said. Blta'l Clpe, Nasuca, March 35. Eighteen month ago Ellen Twombley, wife of George T TwomMcy dissppesred from Dunstable. At tbe a roe time Eugene Cumming, aged 30, who lived a short distance fioin Twooibiey's, wat misaing, It was supposed tbe couple eloped. This morning tome wotkmen engaged ia righting a large pile of cord wood in ihe woodi, which became uptet in the fall of 1SS8, ducovered under tbe fallen stick two bodies presoed closely together by the weight of wood. Tb bodies were badly decomposed, but by Ihe clothing were recognized at those of Cuminiug and Mis Twombley. A Hsia)dre4 akelrtoa. New Yoie, March 35. Advices from Central America states that the recent discov ery of over a b'indreu skeletons under the floor ing of a room occupied by Colonel mander at Cctta Kara, under the administra tion of President Zatdiver, has roused the be lief that they were the remains cf mastacrcd enemies of the president, . ' A rteatiar CiHa. New York, March 35. August Sckwciizer, a wealthy restaurant keeper has been buried according to bis own directions. His coffin was shaped like a chestnut. 11 is orders were that a funeral feast should be eaten before hi body was placed in ihe earth, and that Ihe coffin must be in tbe dinning room, because be wsnted to be in their ntidtt, though dead. The Keal WebfMl. Simons, Cal., March S It railed heavily last night. Four Inches of very wet snow fell lo tie. , Through train passed here to-day, the first in seventy days. :' Shasta, Cal., March 35.- One inch of rain fell here to-day, making a total of 101 Inches for the season. The indication are for more rain. f Like Fua sad Muxele. Aktobia, March 25. Bill Nye drew an Immense house to-night. The "only hotiae ever equaling? it in leceipts here was that of John L Sullivan. A Bar KHIe4. Salem, March 14. The home of R J McKlllop, midway between Lincoln and Wheatland, was the scene of a sad accl dent Sundav evening, by which Jesse, th the little 4-year-old son of Mr Mcktllop, ion ins me wrine piaying witn a loaded self-cocking revolver. At 7 o'clock Sun day evening Mr McKlllop ent out to the barn to attend to milking, leaving . four little chidren in the house alone,- their mother being in an asvlum for the insane at Salem. A t"i as Mr McKlllop was out of the house t e children began play ing, and little Je- -.twent to a cupboard and took out a revolver which was loaded. In handling It the weapon wa discharged, the toad en'mtng the little one' breast, and oeatn resulting instantaneously; Went Hack Him. Salem, March 24. It is learned to-day by persons in the city from Sublimity that the death of Will Benion Friday evening wat bv tuicide. He left school that afternoon, bid ding good bye to all, saying he might cever set them again, and after reaching home placed the end of the muzzle of a gun in his mouth and touched the trigger with a broom. His head was blown off, the brains spatter ing tbe ceiling. lie fell pron, the gun reiting on his breast and the broom in his hand. The act is supposed t have been the result of a love affair and disappointment, it being thought his sweetheart wettf hawk on him. A long Blvekade. San Francisco, March 24. After a block ade that wat possibly the longest (hat ever happened to any American railroad, the road between here and Portland was opened for traffic this afternoon. The news wat received by Colonel Crocker at 3 P M in a dispatch from Manager Koehler at Portland. On re ceipt of the telegram orders were issued by General Superintendent Fillmore for the Ore gon train leaving here to-night to run through to Portland without change. The train leav ing Portland to night was also given orders to come through to this city, ... A Funny Thins, Milwaukee, March 24, George VV Peck, the well known humorist, wa nominated for mayor by the democratic conyention to day.Q Alaska Fever, San FxANCtnco, March 26. A local paper snyti "Titer it a regular Alaska fever among the !ilpplng aiul acxgoSng men of this city at present. Kverylod wtntt to go to Alaska for tithing and hunting, and ther it great activity In getting veeta ready for a cmiw Why tint it can suit be told, The fishing companiei ee no reason to anticipate a nun a proxperoue enon than utual, but it it certain that ther will b plenty of competition, The Alaska1 Company hat (Ight ventelt fitting out, enf sevtral other companiei hav three and foud each. At the ollic of the company umii crowd of mn apply daily for employment, Tm Familiar, St Lotus, March 34,CecU Englli, an et driver, boarded a Wathington avenu ttieet enr thia afternoon and shot th conductor, Thomas Fitzgerald, II then took tht reins from the diiver.drov th car up to tht I'ablet and wat arietted. II claimt riugerald wat Intimate with hit wife. Three lathe who wer fertility excited over th tragedy, and on of them fainted. Laid t Best. Oaklanu.MJ., March 94. Th remain of General Crook arrived here at lo o'clock thl morning. A prorrtidon was formed and marched to th cemetery, whet exercise at tending the butial were carried out according to programme, t uning KIBt Along Washington, March 33, Joi n N Scott, Mi Hnrrikon's brother, who it a government inspector of buildings at I4000 a year hat re turned to Port Townsend, Washr A lo th candidacy of hia brother in law, th president, for a second term, h think Mr Harrison is assuredly in the field for a second term. Judge Scott sayt that the president reelues hia un popularity among the politician but attribute it to th disappointment in giving out the of fice during the firrt year of hit adminiitrallon, claiming that where one ingrat wa rewarded several men are disappointed. 1 le believe that hit, unpopulaiity la among the politic ant only. Judge Scott wat a guest at the White houte while here and it supposed to speak authoritatively upon tbe president' feeling, and ambition, A Frlgkiral Crime. S0MEEvtu.E, Tern,. Mirch 33.A murde wat committed her to-day, the victim being Mi Sally Hobton, colored, and th murder her it year old boy, Hobton wat away for a short time Sunday morniag, and, on returning to the house, found his wile' hotly Wing on the floor, and her head seven I feet away. Th Hoy was playing with th other chitdten and his clothing wa saturated with blood. II at first claimed lhl th blood cam from achick en which he had killed, but finally admitted he had committed th crime. II said his moth er laid her head down on a Mock and told him if h did not cut her head off site would kill him. The boy' ttory i not believed and he wa placed in Jill pending further investigv lion. Tny Will risk. New YOBK,Match 33. Chinatown 1 much excited over ihe fight Inaugurate against Chin ese laundry men by the American Matter I .sun dry men' Association. Chinamen from all over New York tod vicinity were to-day con- ? rrgated on Molt street discussing the quest on Icnry M Heyman, a lawyer who does a large part if tht Chinese law business ia this city, (aid the taundrymen, of whom there are 3500 in this city, would fight. B Cawbted. Sab FeancisCO, March 33. Frank R Meade, a clerk In New hall. Sons & Co.' auc tion house, ia the latest victim of poolroom and extravagant habits. He bat been misting for two week. The firm discharged him a fortnight ago, when it wat dicoverd that h had been looting about 1500 a month, wbil hit salary wa less than half that amount, Meade' defalcation ia estimated al fyooo, rwi Blair. Chicago, March 28. The New York World' Washington correspondent states thl Senator Blair's wife told a friend a few day ago that she dared not ihink of th effect apon Senator Blair if his educational bill I defeated Hit whole mind ha been centered on it that fart have been expressed lhat it might ttrengta H Senator Btaii'a eccentrktic which hav been increasing of late yrs, and he become monomaniac upon his bill, He is convinced that ther I a conspiracy against him a con sp'racy among hia brother senator and a ton piraty of (he pros. Poor Humanity 1 Th co aim on lot is en of soi row say at Iraot ths pewimUtt, they who look at th worst til. Certainly what would other wise b a bricbt exiatrae. is ofun shadoat d by ntu ailment that overhaul; it lik a pall, obacaring psrpatnally th radraoo that Um wuttld liitbt th path. Knch aa ailment and a very common on. 1 rvotaM,or In nthrrwordt.WMkuea of th Mr out tytUm, a imodi'ioo only irrsmadiabla sbirt iuatfi cumt or improper moan art taken to rsli v it. 1 ti concurrent xprtne ol nervosa pcopla w ho bar prUUoUy Bd Hostettar' Stouitoh Hitter is, that it Gouqoert entirely tapersouaitiyane ofth nr?e, as wU as dtsea o cHd which art invited and sustained by lhair chrooio rakna A th Brv gain stamina from th giaat tonie tb trMitiduppcr. Ue th JJUtor tor malaria, rheantiatn,biloBsaMM and kidney tltwble. : City Ilcstanraiit. Having been entirely imodid, tbi old and popular reatsnrant wiil b mad flret- elasa in every rwpect. Th pohUo will b. given gotxl meals at all boora (or only Za eent. Everything nt and attraoltvr. Priye boxes. Oyster In evry style. W. A. McOt. Keep Your Eye on E.G. BEARDSLEY'S . Column Agent for New Zealand Ins. Co. Capi tal. $5,000,000. Fire andMarlne Insure nc written. ALBANY- ,- : y ' ' ' -- '' Real Estate. Xj eOB.Gr'Ek LIST. BUSINFSS PROPERTY -t 7' RESIDENCE PROPERTY. (UIEAP LOTS IN .- - . -AJLX X5IDI'j:iOIsrS. INSTALLMENT PLAN. Farm Property in Large or Small Trac 1 On Favorable Terms. If You Are Looking foi ' Investment Call at THIS OFFICE. In office fivtnlng. TOWNSEND k WILSO Th following, la a partial list of oity and farm property for tat by a. A bp" enttag with til room, larq lot Prior, lfi00. I unimproved lot nn 5th Stnwt. $370.00, Several trai.t of 5 and 10 ar lota, on and a half R'iU frntn Albany. f.'J00 par aor. 1 lot with two story hous nn Water St. tiaoo. S lot w'th two story hous. Chamberlain & Maaton'a addition. $13.(0. 1 lot with 8 -room hotu on Ut St. 1 1 KM) Ilnnt with six room, two Iota, Klkia addition. fSSO. 1 lot 2,1 and Main. $030. . I lot with houtatwo tri on 4th St, $2200. 1 lot on Washington St. 1830 . Lota 4 and 5, Hook 10, Bryant 'a addition. tow. A pood etock farm, ISOOaoi, 3 miles from It It aUtion. pi per aor. A bargain Farm S mil from 8hdd, Ant-ela wheat and fruit land, 140 a ore, frioe, 15000. 629 ora 4 ml let from R R. 130 tr aor. Cn b (old In lota o uit purchaser. Inturano Hrokt r. TOWNSEND & VflLSON, tUal Katat Broker. Notico to Contractors. Notice la hereby given that at th next regular lrm of the County (,ourt, for Uan county, Oregon, to b bald at th Co-irt lliHis in thotty of Albany. on Wednesday, th 0th day of April, IH'JO, Mated plana, tpvoitioatiou, (tram, diagram and bid will b received for building a bridg aoroa Thomst Creak, known a th Jordan bridge, on span ihty-riv fast, iiior or bsntt to b four feot bight than before, approach at on end to b (if tn ft long, aud at tb other end f.rty-flv ft long. Also for a bridii aoro iTsbtrt Cre k known aa Itiohardaon' bridge, tb apan ol whioh mut b on hundred and two ft,aod seventeen fet hlh. Th approach at each end art to b thirty feet each. Also fur a bridu eornae Crabtr Creek, known a tb Kelly span of which i to be eighty fact aud fourteen feet fcign. Oa of tb approach to said bridg U to be etaty feet long and th other I to be twenty feat long Also for a brtdg aero Elder , Sloe gb, nar lioeton, Mventy-Av I eel long, two spans, bent three feet high at each end over the main slnngh and tbe approach to be two hundred fr long each. Also fur a bride Known a Kock ('1 ek bridtfe, th tpaa of which it to be On hun dred and forty feet, with abutment ten feet high and cn abutment foar feet high. Alo for a bridg at Drownavill with two apan on baadrwd and teventy-liv feet long eeh, and to b two feet higher than th old bridge. co airneDciDg 00 th north id of th creek just above where the old bridge ttood. AIo fr a bridge 00 Wiley Crk knows a tb Wtley Cr bridge, with on apes ixty-igbt feet long and to be thirty feet high on on aid, and siiteeq feet 00 tb other. All bid must be filed with tbe Coty Clark on or belor one o'clock p. m. Apni Via, lH'JO, and aooTn.peoie.1 with certified caek of flv per osat of bid aa by law re quired. The court reserve th right to re ject any and all bid. D o by order ot th eonrtthia 18th day of March, 1890. E.E. MTAUl a, 1. a.) Count) Clerk. Sheriff's Sale. Im ft CtrcU Ctmrtpf tkSttt t r J P Sboulbg. riaintiff, v. Jerry 1!, Defendant. NiUe la hereby given that by virtne ef an lecuunn duly leseed oat ef tbe above named Court, la I be above ea titled, aetton.1 dtonlb 17 th day of Febraary, JblW. la Una ecwftiy, urrgoe, oaiy levy epon tc premute BetwiaalMr deeorrhaxt.aod will oo aalaraay, I be tMh day ef March, lM, at tbeConrt Hons door, ia tb oity ef Al- baay, lino eonuty, Oregoo, at tb boor of on o'clock p. m. of said dsy, sell at publio aaction for cash in band to th big beet bid der tb real property levied upon and de scribed a follows to-oit i Commencing at tb soatbeaat eornet of tb north half i tb soalbetel qasrter ia Motion twnty-ws (2(i.) township b'tsei (13,) eeath rang 4 west tbne wtet twelv and on-third rodd24.) thtnc north thirteen rWs (13.) thesoe Mat twelve and on tuid rod (12s.) tbeoce eoatb thirteea rod (13.) to tb plaoaet l gioning, onoUiniog one acre enor or le, beiag m and situated in tb state of Oregon, county of Linn. Tbe prood arising from th aai of said premise to be apptied brat, to tr. payment ol Vt costs ana disburse ment of tb above entitled action Used at $113-70, and accruing eott. Keoood, to tb payment of th plaintiff, J P Schooling, tb tamof $ Til. 57 with aocraing interest there on from th 10th day of April, ISM. at tbe rat o! s per eent per annum. Dated thia 25th day ot Kel.roary.1890. Joits Smalmios, Bb'ff Linn canty.Oregoo. Administrator's Notice. Notion is hereby given that th ander signed administrator of th estate of K K vjs.De, deeaaerd, ha tiled hi final ooonnt with tb Cierk ot tb Conaty court fur Linn Coanty, tt of Oregon, and th court haa Hied Monday, th 7tb day of April, iSOO, at th hour of 1 o'oloolt p ro. to bear ot jeetion to saia a coon nt. It any, ant to aottle ia state. Thi 2Cth day of Febrosry. 1890. I. il. l'KKUY. Adminiatratr ef Estate of K. K, (JUimkh, lieceasad. 1,1 8THAY NOTICE -Taken np by lb J unoemlKUnd. Iivln aix aou a half tuiie outbat of Uaisey. on the I Oth Oay of Decetnbnr, 1Kb 9, en bright bay borne, about 1 or 13 yearn old, with omo saddle mark oa aide end back, uiai-K mar.e and tall, a very dim brand on lb right shoulder, which ean not be dlHtlnguieheil. Appraised by W. J, Htews an, j ii-me oi toe peaoe. at tne sumoi i.ju. Notice of Guardian Sale N Atn. I narebr arlven that br litu of an order of sale, duly :-d and en- uren oi reojro oy tbe county Court for Lino. County, RUta of Orosron. en the Oth d y of January, 1800, the undersigned, a tuaioian or Mann js tsurkbart and Mamuel (. Burkbart, minor belra of O. V liurahart, deoeaaod, will, on Satur day, March V0, 1HW, at I o'olook p. m. of a in oay, et toe uoun iiouso aoor, ia tbe City or Albany, Linn Count, Oregon, offer for aale, at f nblio auction, to the hlgbeat bidder, forraah in band on tb day of aal, the undivided two aeTentba ol tbe following deaoribed rnal estate, to wit: Beginning at tbe Northeast corner cf land at aparr to C, Q, Burkhait In tbe partition unit entitled, J. D. Burkhart et at, t. O O. Burkhart et al., In toe Circuit Court of tbe Stat of Oregon, far Lion County ,ruDnlng from tbenoe North 40 alln., ICaat 11.75 chain; thence North F6 deg., SO mln . West 37.75 ohaios; thenoe South i dep., East 14.75 chains, then.' East 86.79 chain to tbe place or bepin ning.corjU'nlng 60 acre, all m Tnwuabip 11 ti.. K. 3 W.. in Lion County, Htato f Oreon,wlth all theeppurtenanoea lbri unto belooeinp-ipr appetalnlng. CAB0L1NK BSKKHART, Qaardlan, Tbe whole of a'alil tract of land, Inoiud. i In ir tho interest of the heira, now of age I will be offered at aaid time for aale, npon the same terma aa that of the minor' heirs, and tbe person purchasing tbe whale if aaid tract to reoalv a deed of conveyance from oach of the owner cf acid land- and a guardlan'a ded for th inteteat of aaid minor. CAROLINE BURKHART. Administrator's Notice. Notice 1 hereby given that th under signed has been by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly appointed adminiatra tcr of th eztate of IS Frum, deceased. All persons having claim sgsioat aaid ettat are notified to present them to th ander signed within six months from this date (roperly verified, at hi reaidence near Brownsville, Linn county, Oregon. March 6th, 1800. . A Frum, Adinrtsb of E Frnm.dec'd J K Weathekfokd, Att'y for Admr. Dotit 'Burt! fteKAnp SkM ' "Mg,.lrr.rr !,. flleOOmforl J" spoil your -) lzfh;. tttzzsstvz CCt Willi I imu Mrmi l8oft'V)ril S f f .,,( v V li- im-ti-m. Hum mi mf- I . 11 S SliTl I '''''! (., 4LHfr t"k " " "' u "tail" Vl'UWi' I - v iw.,Kt k aw m I ' V Tl'W. 11 M4 e.14 hf f-m ft J tJ J1 AwUl nl fc tut lm ijlOCS: V T ; jWi ap r ,f 4: t a ' lr!tr. T1. t- v-fj tumttm . f A Imkm4, r y,jCW'T IIIUM'.KTON, ltm. mar (a Burt & Packard "Korrcct Shape Keeps tho loading stock of Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Wet Weather Goods and tho Leading Tail oring Department, in tho Valley Montague cilerH in Griccrics,Prodncc, Tobacco v Cigars. CoQicctlonary. , Wc rrodsw waoted la ahang far good or eaah. FUt-etasa good and prompt attention. TRY US- ' j "" GL BLAQKMA& . The Leading1 Druggist, ALBANY nDEALKR 12' DRUGS, MEDICINES 6pe!ltieFia Toilet Artlalea, Prfiry an I Vlutloal.I itiru nt Prerlitl ('rIHy eotapjunded Uy and ntgbt, FURNITURE. Tou want be beef and moat durable Thomas Brink. lias just received his Spring stock of Clothing, Embracing a fine lino of suits, which will bo sold at bottom prices. In order to make room for new goods will sell his largo stock of Notions, etc., at A Great Reduction. The best place in Albany for bargains. GRAND 'MILLINERY OPENING. AT THE Thursday and Friday, March 27th and Zflth. All the latest Spring styles in shapes, shades and novelties. The ladies of Albany and vicinity are cordially invited. N. H. Ladie who hav been in the habit of tending away for their hats, will find it to their advantage to examin my elegant line of millinery. MHO. J- ILGOWr.Il. LAIN crn oil haan4 & Son, CORCQON. STATIONARY SO. furntur le manufaotured in ib,olty f Simpson X SEATTLE'S m . j Mighty growth Uio 'Vi0.i jei into one of tbe wwrld'a greatest cit ies u wi.b'.ut n psralltl. N. wn can do portray ber resource or tfcw toi.titiued j.ronj rrlty tl ti), ,if tf tbe futcie H pour itto ltt. World RcnoAvned Harbors Anil her ScksiC bo. Han on lake and Sound J Never haa tbe Hani tt Natcrb lwo lavifh in her gilt to make tbo World's Last Rome, on lr vn hill, a nothing v SEATTLE' SNOW j CROWNED OLYMPICS oo the Itb end West; CASCADES on tb Ee end Sooth, and from thowi nighty bulwark of bealth, energy, inir- tion-givif g, tberarie the Might HOUNT RAINIER, -w-a-y above r-ver j coiBjmutor oo the Pacific, lemititr g one of f ' SEATTLE, THE QUEEN CITY, ( At tho Imhe, which, in another aeor of yesie, will pats jn POPUL TION every ci on tbe Pacific the World' Mggn. ocean H The lassom Addition TO SEATTLE JUST PUT ON jmQOJEACH T A T-g"TT!Nr OFF TXT E OF ITS Eer ltt in full view of Mount Rinier and Lake VahiogUn; on railro'd; at depot ; adjoining Ravenna Park; an electric railway aa aocc ea ean be oontp'eterf to it; half dozen foe n-nidencoe already nsder contract oo Ad d'tio; 125,000 female College to be opened Sejrna ber, 1890. WITHOUT DOUBT THE WASSOM ADDITION la the Place where men end women of iloSKT and Sense and RtriKKMi? will make tbeirkowee and why T BECAUSE ;:- . The College, the Min. ral Spring, Ravenna Park, the view of Munt Rasniet which is grander here than anywhere eia oo Pu jt Suad. if for ne ethet reason , would make it most desirable. , In Seattle a Mighty city ia building. Take bold of the test while you bare a chance at Lowest Price. . To thi Piokekh, a word t ' Why did yon orcaa tha plaiatf Why did you take year life ud thai of others in your hands and come to the Coaat? , What yua can write the hiftorv? Tou have oonqueird thU land made the grawth s-f great einea im parattve end th amassing of coliossal fortnn, almost in a day, posaihle. Now, by the inyeslmen. of at few thnswnd, or hundred dollars, j oa nej reap the ba-vest that belongs to yi o Will ou do tt Tbe greatest et poiatioop, the ablest financiers s( Eoropo and Ameriaa ar ivtin)r Ihoe sanda nay, ailliona, in Seattle. Will yoa not mvestT Tour chance i NOW. Sfiz it I have 60 sore tract, an 80 and twe, 0 eore tracts. Onl a few left cheap; ripe for platting, any one of which will make yoni foitune in a short time. Buy quick. I can't duplicate them. Re. J. It. Kirkpatrick i.t among joo and the Sole Agent for WASSOM'S ADDITION In Oregon. Call on him at once. I wiil be in Albanv in a few Would be glad to meet you personally and urRe you to j tin ua in tbe mateael npbuilding of Seattle, the Queeu City cf the Paoi So. When ia Ssattlp, be ure and cal! at Room SIS Soattlo Block, here I will take genuine pleasare n showing you the oity. ' . . W Great City. THE MARKET. s. AND UPWARDS, TSIRTT TUkTSTZZ. days snd will remain only e dsy. I W BECK V 1 t I