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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1890)
: ' PEMOCIIAT, York World and American Farmer Ono year for $2.80. FortmiCei & living. ihyi) Q An . .;-....'..: f -FUNEIiAL lUIJECTOftS.- Eevsre House; ALBANY. - OREGON uric? nrtM l'ihmi invnniPTnn rWi ud In Aratlaa atyla, TabUf aupplinj with tha txvtt In tha iuarkot.( Hum a!atMna,aiartiiiata. Huttla nxuro uir eoinruxnnAi uravo:ra, trrr (Mtk l ul trm a .!.! I , ... I jran-atsrsmp uissomtioa. K.vtio ! hrliv uIVam thkft Kh lt t:.. of Zich BitM, iitKMni nt r'rnk I. ta John B ZmIim h ba 1i-Kil, KiXtik I. Zchv rctirinn. Tha lminaa in th f(nr will ! onnduitl oml.r th tirm nm of ZvoSa ft SM. Ail irtiM inilel-txi to the brrotof.r existiutl tK-pi tiirrKi( willttMN eall and rnaht aati-ftctKiy n!-i.ionf. Jon H Zu nw, Faaxx L ',Leaa E. J. OcCAUSTLANO. Civil, Sanitnj aai HyJraalia Enincor. ; C.miuLiiiK Dk;iue-r f.r flM Mountain aad Dry tiuloh C.unli.I.te l (J 1,1 and Nil Tf MioiifCa. 0m r.ttret, AlUay, O'. S. W.Paisley, tAlaaay. rsm. x,VlI0t.BLB OiVl.KR IV- OrtUr kolidiUd from lha trmda. NKW STORE. Mitchell & - D Agricullural L AND..,v.!B!BHIGT.iT3S ALBANY, - - . On OOIVCIS SEE TJS THE LEADER. THE LEADER G.W.SMITH, -AT.BAisrr- ipeno?,77 Mrgana,,v ,fcarlainr' STOVES AND RANGES. Fire backs. Warrant e d for 15 yeira, All sizes ci styles, J'rf'"!. Roofing-, Job Work, Plambing. Eavo Trough.. Range Boilers Conductor Pumps. We hit hard. If you want prices hit hard on builders hardware, carpe'nter tools, pumps, stoves, ' ranges, tinware and plumbing. Give us a call in the Tweedale Block, Albany, Or. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN George C. SUCCESSOR TO Dealer in Choice Groceries Produce; Crockery "Ware; Tobac co et. . Ixw Prices and Prompt Attention. VOL XXV. Long-Standing Blood, Diseases are cured by tho persevering- use of Ayer'a Sar3aporiUa. Tlii mediclna la an Attar.!.. .n.t We a radical change In th system. onrooeas, In tome cases, way not b !Wit ao taniil na In tithnmt 1 lnt wliK persistence, the result la certain. iwsd Uiom testimonials : "For two vrnr I tifhtnut - . fe pain lu my right aide, ami had ' v . ana nvKiwiw l a ft., nw.i,.. . .... t jnodicinee a tair trial without a rare, I IrtMTIfcn trt 1 11 b 1. Av..1. &: n 111- ---- n- .. .j innt wtuc, ami after taking rive bottles I was com plctcly curod." John W. Uouson, 10 vvcii, AIM?. Last May a Inrca rarbum-la hmk nnt All mv arm. Th nui.ut ....Allu. etiwt and I waa (vmrlncit to my Iwtl for nlttht wk A frl..i.,l .... Ayr a harnnpnrilla. Los than three bottlca Ii.'hIoU th nurc. Iu all my rxixy. --.mhM, Wonderful Results. Another marked effect of tha uo of thla .1 1 . - ..iiiiiiiiiiii m my tirinp3, Texas. "I had a dry araly Imtnor for rear, and iiirtrml turrihly ; and. aa my broth. rrraumotliamnlatlyiahrrvOltary. Ijut i... V toj rurncnuina. 1 la 1 NMHinimAinlul a i . . FaraapariJ!. and contiiino it for a year. v." u",m" took it daily. I hava ,. ivii iut iHxir lor ln liwt threa montha." T. fe. Wiley, IM Chambers at., New York City. i fl winter I was troubled ith A llilll liMat'W U ... i I - aid not notica it much at Brat, but it firrmtlUallV rrrMW mrnrmm hhiII 1. V - v. -. j. unitOO almost nnl-nrbp. During- tha latter ,..v. ii.ia tiinr. uinnruor oi IhAjitoui achand llv.-r in. nnnod my troublea. I bosan takintv Atw'. .411. . after faithfully continuing tha uaa of ... uicuiun, ir oiii mouuia, me pain diaappeared and I was complctoly Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ratr&aKo bt Dr. J. a Ayr It Co Lewtll, Mast, frletlt: alt bottka, i. Worth i a boula. N'KW GOODS Lewis. Co., ALERSIN Implements The WdHcTo best. More ".than hun- dred 7 hun rlred differ e n t sty les eaoks and Lcators Matthews & Washburn. Aljiaxy, Oregon, Hard waro,S tovea and Ti nware Henderson LA FOREST & THOMPSON I I 14 I J Log a j. jikcohi) Wat Cm it The desua Ij heat Jules Lcvj, the gnratcut cornetUt of thu world, Is so general thitt arrange ntbnta hitve been completed for hta. coming hero on April 5th wtlh III. eminent find select concert company, Piof l'almct, Trof LoilSlard and others, t this city, who hnvo heard; siiy his vlilJ",' l simply marvel Urns sod nothtui; csn keco them sy 1 erv will mnhahlv bt irrretett hv ti e lnru et louie of tha'ear, to general Is the desire t hear a man at his wonu praj (sine; but the audience will get moid than Lev conutt rlJ Madam Stella Levy is a fine .orrnno, one of the sweet est slnaers on the siaje, and William Lnvln, the tenor, and Edwin Mione't, the pinrdst, are prrformers of great nullity lhl will midoubiedlv be the grenlcut musical treat ever In Albany, and It will not be sut pi lidng to see the Teachers' In stitute aiuiiiMtc. Mirpnmied, Namks There Is not verj much In a name: but a itlance at the IUt of school teachers In Albany this wctk disclose! re1 workable and Inturesllng vsi tety, Mr Long acre, for Inntance would be a good name for an addition to a city; Weatherman would undoubtedly make a bond juryman; Mraluht ive does very well; out xru' lovel better. Then thern is Miss Fry, Miss Inir. !lls uroumls aud best ot all MUs Uoodnluht, which suuBrsts Romeo's Unions remsrk to judet, fuoot night, Gnodnluhr. parting Is such sweet sorrow thnt I could say Koiti nlcht until it be to morrow." It there Is anything out of the way In tha above It should be laid U brother teacher. Call oh Him. Mr John Kclley, of Springfield, has excepted the cilice of su pervuor of the. census for the Wc.tern Oregon dUtrlct, to which he was recently ppolutcd. He has received his cominls Ion and will make fiugene his oIKclsl headquarters, Thoe In Linn county de tiring a lob will do w: to write to Mr Kellcv. ii:bt or ten mrs will be requir ed in Linn county, ai.d the more applica tions the better chance win he have to make prapcr selection. It Is particularly to t desired Hut a rustier be placed at Albsnv. A Sknsibi.k Movk. The city council, at Its lat meeting, authorised the commit. tee on lire and water to make a Contract wsth the Eugene E'.cctitc Light company for twenty arc lights for street lighting, na ine company lias already commenced arrargcrr.cnts for furnishing tha lights, but will be unab'e to hava them worklna before Julv 1. The lhjh:s will be well scattered about town, requiring a seven mile circuit. The wire alone will cot over $.Ko. It will cost in the neighbor hood of $7000 to get the light In opera tion. KetsUter. RoaHRav at liSftKi-esiiKMCK. Wayne Williams, the old reliable marshal at In dependence, Is in the city to-day looking op the perpretator of a robbery at tha Ity lat night. J L Stockton store was burgtarUtd of goods to the amount of between J 600 and $Soo. Among the things taken were sis I'rince Albert suits, lot ot stik handkerchiefs, tilove. shoes. etc. Journal. SarrLKU Mr J CGoodale, ofrCoburg, has settled the trouble over ' the logs lost from the mouth of the Mohawk bt- pur- the interests of the othct mill men and loggers. Seve-sl million teet jt the logs are scattered along the river above llarrUburg. lie will send them down the river to Mas FriendU mill at Corvallis. E tiger e Reyhner. "- Chow Smith and v ill Andrews became little too friendly Monday and patted each other on tiio cheeks. Andrews paid $13 for his fun aud Smlih $17. The above l the ua:tner In which fights are had at Eugene. That la a gentle kind of a place anyway, though, to be Is getting there with both fect.tousea vulg-r expreskion. A NiKiuaoRLY StocEirio. We be lieve a bridge at Albany would be a grand thing for that city and section of coun- try across the river, but it would do the rent of the country but 111 tie good. There, (ore, when a bi id i? e Is should be done by Albany standing one-third, Linn county one-third and Kenton county one- third of the espense ilrownsvitle limes. Much Obi.ioeh. The Dkmocat Is In- deb:ed to Prof G F RusmiI. of Hal.ev. tor the excellent report of the Teachers Institute, that has just closed a remark aly succeosful series of meetings here. Such an institute casts a very beneficial Influence over a city, and the Dcmocbat Is glad, by good assistance, to have done Its share toward itWIni; the Institute a reputation. , Th Usual Rksult. John Davis, of Lincoln, Neb , left here six years ago. lie sold his furniture to a dealer In this city who then told him he would be back. If I come I will buy my furniture of you." Yesterday he arrived in the city. and, true to his word, went to the dcalet and bought a large lot, too. Salem Jour nal. Will Be Built. The attention of the Democrat has been many times ca'led to the necessity of a first class fire esc.oe from the gallery of the Opera House. We are informed by the Opera House management that one will be built. As it It now it is unoafe business with a oacksd gallery, and e are glad to be able to In form tnc public that a proper one will be erected' ' Mail ox the Local, An order has oecn made that a mail clerk be put on the Eugene express Ap.-il ut. This will be welcome news to all valley towns. The move should have been made before this. anu would 11 the Derce cries ot the valley papers had bem heeded. It will make more work for potmaters, but the public nave long uemantica :t B at L A. At the regular monthly meeting of the Albany Building and Loan Association, held last week, two loans were made, one of Slooo to A W McClain at bo months, and one of $200 to Henry Crowder, at 60 months. There promises to be a big demand In the association the coming year foi money, and already sev eral fine residences have been erected through It. rioisaea Dead. Mr John Mlllllron died at his hone in Junction City last Wednesday evening, March 12, aged 66 years. lie was a pioneer of Lane county, having come to Oregon In i8?a and n cated on the land that now comprises the lownsiteot junction. Would Likk to. "Please say In the Democrat" says a rustling Albanian t'that a five story row ol bricks will be e- rcctea on the block between the Vance and Russ House corners. We would like to do this; but tre unable to at present; but It is sata Mr mil Baltimore will build a fine brick on his corner. Its Reputation. The Dalles has the reputation of being the sleepiest place In Oregon; but, to! they are to build a street ear line there, and some oar there will be an awakening that will make a fihe city ot u. Sleepy cities are sometimes elec trified. Moving. The house on the Jason Wheeler cot ner,nearSchmeer'sllvery stable has been purchased by Mr Phil Coheri.and Is being moved to Mr Cohen's lot adjoining Alfred Wheeler. Geo. E Chamberlain who owns the lot to be vacated, It Is re ported will erect a handsome brick on It. Pocket Book Lost. Miss Clara Phll pot, residing with F P Cavlness has lost a pocket bouk, containing about 12 which she is anxious to recover. If found please return. ALBANY, Wh.linoto vVork. A neatly dreamed young man from Boston stepped Into the Journal office the other day and asked for work. We referred him to the want column of the puncr and he ran his tye over the list. There wt only one Job ami that waa for a farm hand, about four tulle In the country. He asked the way and started on font through mud and in ire to get it. lie arrived jutd after the farmer had engitged hi man, and liitd to return without neeuritig em ployment. We admire hi pluck Riid on Imiuirv learned tint he hud lwen'riti ployed in a clerical capacity in it mill near Hoaton ;. hnd nerved in a Imnk in Montreal and hnd been In an Insurance office In New York. Losing hi health he had come around the Horn in a cheap sailing vessel, restoring hi color w ith a Hta day aea voyage, ami landing on the cWHt w ith the world before hltn. Halem Journal. What a Uancukr Said. The lkker City Ueveille con tains the following for a fart: "Never patroniice a buttluc man to the extent of one dollar who in afraid to advert Uo. Such htmines men are a drawlmck to any vitiligo, city or community, ana lor my part 1 snail continue to pas them by. Tho above came from the lit of a prominent and quite wealthy rancher of this vicinity yesterday, and lie apoke, a very pretty truth, for we never knew a business man who absolutely refused to advertise, that waa eenerou enough to ix nonest witn hi customer or could cope with com petition. Dipxt't Want it Turn. -George Lash, who i agent for Stanley' book ol e plorationa, approached a possible ub criber yesterday and commenced hi lecture upon thobeautie and wonder of tha book, when the prospective victim Interrupted hint with the ciuerv. made in all seriousness. : "f id General Grant accompany Stanley in lit trio throtiuh Airtca?" Un ticliiK informed that the two were not traveling companion, the possible subscriber- remarked that he guessed he didn't need the lumk, and turned away, evidently aomewhat uiaap- potntcd. u. ... Gog IIravielv Os.Mr J U Kirk- Patrick aliow hi faith in Waom'a Ad dition to Seattle by entering into a con tract with Mr I) 0 Shell, of this city, for tho construction of a :HXM residence on hi tot in that addition. The house is to be of the minis general plan of the line residence of Mr the comer of Fourth and CalaiHioia streets. In this city, though a larger building. Mr M-ne 11 will leave next Tuesday to com mence the work. Mr llcck is now en gaged in the construction ot a f.Vxio Iwellinir In the name addition, which show that it is destine.! to lie the favor ite addition to the growingcity of Heattle, A lady found a horse shoo, and wishing for K'"sl luck, placed It nnder her pillow w ith her false teeth. In the morninz in the hurrr of dressing she substituted the hoe for the tcth ,and wore It for mine time before the mistake waa diacovered. Our exchange are perpetrating the above on aome neighboring city, filling In the blank with the city they wish to advertise, and yet how riduculou. Joke are all right; but impossibilities can not make them funny. Exaggeration some time do. Albany Puxasaxts. Last Punday a party consisting of A L For, Ed Wright, W Warren and Mae Monteith boarded the steamer Gccident. eu route to Ksiinu' farm, on the KUskanine, with three tair of Momrolian nheasanta from the Willamette valley, Ther were turned loose in the orchard, and if unmolested, will do well. These are the first of these blnl in Clatsop county, and will be an acquisition to the feathered in habitant. Astorian. A Gaowtxo BRCTioN.-The 8alem Rtatee- nutrks that the aontheastcrn part of Marion county, along the line of the Oregon Pacific railroad, la being rapidly filled up by an enenretic and desirable class of people. lioreb votinir precinct. n whicE ,.r. tz. t 1 .! - included a portion of tin section, will, so it i stated, poll at least JRtO vote at the com in it election, al though there were but forty-eiicht vote cast two year ago. A W It C Extrbtainmrkt. The W It C, of Albany, are aoon to give a novel entertainment that la bound to draw a large house. Among tlw feature will be abannir drill by a company of young ladie. under the tutorage of Mr Tho Overman. The banner will 1 furnished ;y the merchant and will contain din- play of their business. It promise to surpass broom drills. AGuTTRRrNo Fact. Will Stark have ust received an excellent line of diamond good, wliiclk they are anxioua for the people of Albany to catl and examine. Nothing like it here. A large and fine line of old and Bilver watchea for men and ladies also just received at Will & Stark'. Btreet Naurs. The names of the streets should be placed on the corner In Albany. Tliia can be easily done and the cost not noticed, by property owner buying tire Mien and t-lacinn them ur. An entcnirisinir sign painter could easily do a good business for contracting at reasonable prices for plain street signs and painting them to order. A Sociable. The young people's XUn Endeavor society of the First Presby terian church, of Albany, desire to an nounce to tue public that on the 11th of April they will have an entertainment and sociable at the residence of Mrs J KElderkin. V Mahon, - ' cksc Yl'BCE The Pacific. The Pacific Insurance company held its annual meeting for the election of officers at Portland- yester day. L Flinn, F J Miller, DrO W Gray and E F Box were present from Albany. Mr Sox was elected a director from this city. The annual report did not show up very wen. M VBilyeu is courtinir this week In the gay and gas lit city of Albany. Press. Not gas lit, but electric lit. Please cor- we do not wish the world to get the impression that this is ouita o anti quated. Can Da aw Bomb. One of the school teachers present at the institute is Mr E A Berry, who is quite a genius with the pencil. His pictures of Bro Bell, of liose burg, and some of the other pedagogues anil ii afn rvi a miUn 1!La Died. On March 10, 1800, In San Ber nardino, Cal, the daughter of Mr and Mrs George o Boyce, aged about eleven montns. Albat Msrbls and Granite Works.Hav ingUMv purchased tb stock of S A Rirgs and G w Harris, w shall b pleasad to show dsslgns and giv pries to all intrud ing purohssera. Best of workmen employtd aoa pnees as low aa any lor nrst-elass work, yuis ns bstor purchasing eisewbere. EOAN & AH180N nsxt door to Deraoorat office) Albany, Or, A Sharp Item The finest line of cut 'try and shears In the city at 8tewart & Sox s. Their goods are the very best-aad win sianu ine icsi. Sjiik the celebrated Havana filled l gars, manufactured at Julius Joseph's oigar tsctory. uniy a osnts. Kow cream cheese just received at Cobrad Meyers, " i Hi OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH S8, 1890. IIOJ'K AM AlltUMII THURSDAY. Th stssmsr Willamstt V.llsy will sail from Ytqiittt By a ths 23th Instaul W W Betk, sgsiit of ths Wuiia Ad dition to 8estlle, will arrive oo th train to-bight. luinulnit with April 11 th Albany wst.r works will rquir th psymsnt of motiiiiiy in t. in stiysncs. &Urhsl UoRmtfl h Iwa eaiiflcod to his hi'tt.s simm fsturdsy with ths mumps Mr A W MeCtain I vetmg marshsl dar ing di illness. Th highest pries paid for an A toils lot yktrdy st th suction was 14, They war not Imviasss lots, aid w woutdu I vuuoli as to ths aasltty. Cottsg Qrov. Ine eoanty, ha just voisu a nsw sonnui nooss, io ost i:hiou, by vols of 39 toff. Tli latter figure tspr. Milt, til nidSSUSOKS Ol IB plUC'S, rairAY. G M ('.iff. y, of Ruio, is la th city. Mr W W K.Uer, of Seaitle, a formnr ret- id.ut of Albany, is in ths eltj . J 4 Townssud returned last svsniug from a trip to rnrtland. j,.. lit M Jttdv was la tiisoity this at tsrnooa en his wy to Halssv, snd on MooJ.y even' leg win lie Mr to deliver His iretur. Mr W W MeOhse bs opsasd th City Kstorant,tter I's being thoroughly tsmod slad.snd it is now one of tb o.trt lyltos i.i th city. As anaouoosd some Urn aoo, it Is now I .arum! that the look at OroKo City will be somstiin la tbe future; possibly asstwsck. l)r Nni has soul th City Fstd stabls to Dt I N Wuodi. Or Wodl having bonnbl out tfcs dslivary Lu.inss ol th elty oewls tooh su. U for th m. Mr Guy Eons, aftaran abssne of tbrs ysars, siwat mt'ly at Juimmiu, Alaska, ba r.tnro.d to Albany to rssid. Goy is new nearly a two huadrwl oouadsr sod ass brss a royal Arira ytr for a year, theogb tasr wasb'i niuah show to display tb right la Alssa. Coll Van Cls but te lo tb elty. II says tb Impression gained bet from nors- naii sou res that heie is to nav ealy a S.OOUeaudl Mwr ltrio light, a aa ie vatsd pndMtal, do that city aa in jut tic. It Is to bs s 50 000 eaodt powsr light, and wdl b slsvatsd se aa to illamioat tb o- tir Forks. As a matter of fa Soio ba ssrioasly ooaUntblatsd .iMtno light, and several lw:lrlci.rts nav besa tb.r to talk it op. Tua IUii hi.icax. The ltenubliean County (VnUal committee met this after noon and set the time for holding their county convention on April the 0th. lrl marie will be held April 3rd. ArCROAT. Mr K II Hsys. of Corvallis.B ia Hm ity. Mr Frank McKuUbt I. ft to-d.r for hi Eatra Orsgo stuck rsooh. It la M.rch 21 sod V.'ijtuio's storm ba aot arrived. lists on Wigkios. Th six year so of W T Riadoa was drowod stSalcm yssUtd.y. Dstly tlrsfihSo als. of Port Towossod sr appvarwg la tb Oragooisa. Eaaco lims a Isre.r nooolatioB thaa Albany, Hut Albany has two daily aws papsis. Eugeti basu't oo. A.tonao. Mis. IWrtli Kir(T.f. of Atbaav. and Uu JoJTb Wtrr( of JsektoovUls, ar vUilieg fri.od. ia this city. Tb.y ar tb guswu of Miss Kollis tVbi.ti.M J.ffortoa H.visw. A woman dowa ia Yamblll eoanty. by th asm of ttpink, rvoaotly marriwt a snaa by tb earn ol spans, llow win this to, paat teas. Mpieki oraasat ti. Soanki fular. tsas, Spsuk . Ex . Adam A Wallao opansiL' tnair iroosnr store at th core- ef KHond sod Mate Street this morning. Tk.y ar rstiabl oueg rn.n aad dasstv a good pslroasgs. Ia a railroad out a Mr Wbatoom erk. 13 fst aadar biu clay, workmen reosatly u artbsd tb skslsto of aa lodiae . A etos saminstioa rTlod tb foot that b wa dsad, and ao effort wa mad ,to rseoseitat m. Mr J 0'CcoDor, county larv.yor. earns ap front Albany Monday aigbt to survey lb Bw addition to tb towa to b laid oQ Irani tb Ualbraitlt far, by tb BrowBsviit uuiiuiDg sod .ou associatioB. g-o w ee- vill Tim. T. M. Freoeh ktvps railroad lima. Rock candy drip at C E Browoail's. Read Matthew's aud Wallutos csw ad J. P. Wallaoa. I'hyaioiao soj Sarssoa. Al baoy, Of Choice canned sweet Dots toes at C E BrowDull. Prepared msokrat. ia lib eao. at C E Brown!!'. Headquarter for garden seed at 0 E BrowMU's, For artist' sacolis so to Staaard A Cntick s. See Barrows & SaarU new ad. la another column. Frasb (Uh rsceivsd daily at SchalU's msr- in. Tb latest she-t mnsie. 1 duoountat Mta Hymsu's. Delioiou eannsd eraaberaie at C. E. Br woell s. Genuin Iowa sorehum oa ht at C E rrowoet! a. Great clearano sata or th next 30 dav at v r liosd s. Good SVsnioB Hava von triad llabbarda ciegan ixiiian . ., - Cbiped beef in aasntitua to .ait at Gao K) iiaaaarson' , 10 oar dant rift nn .1! nt Inr Ik. next 30 dsys-at W F Rssd's. O W Simpson takes order lor tailor mad clothing. Call and ses sample. Yon ou ve many a dim by trading at WW n mt , , . ii m uiODsrui oaw aiugttor. Try It. No need to suffer with tb hcadauh when Hubbard s Capsoles will surely our you If yoa want a fin toilet or bath soap eall on Biaaara a insitik, uuy urog store. If yoa want sither to bay or sell yonr property plso th nam in th band of Hr F Ashby Co. Kraoka tt Klein ar slaughtering price on doom ana snoes lor tn next w dav. Mow I tb tim lo bay. Yoa can v from 60e to $1 on a pair ef boots or shoes at Kranss A Klein's tor th next 20 days. Get yonr jewelry at Will & Stark' u They earry a eholo stouk. to which they hsv just added soms elegant pieoes. At I rsuss C Klein ar about to mov their satire stock of toots and shoes, thsy will sell goods reaardless of cost fcr th sxt 20 dsys, ' Owing to th important chang about to b mad at Krausss St Klsin's thsy will for tb next 20 dsys sell boot and shoes re gardless of cost. A lrg and slsgsnt lino of dry good just received at G W Simp-on's. Do not buy without xsmining bis fin stock, as be has bargains to oiler both in goods and prioes. mm Center Tables. A large and elegant shipment of centea tables, In new deslgnes finest stock in the valley, jusl receive d ForsmiUer Irving. SraxADiwa OuT.-Mr. Julius Gradwohl besides his large crockery stock will now keep en hand a splendid line of groceries oi an amos, giving our euissns many ad vantages they will be glad to secure. H will make th price so , reasonable that our citizsns will havs an object In calllnir nhlm for first-olass groceries. Th regular market price win do ptia tor all kind produss. Give hltn a call. This Trade Mai k on a stove means it Is the best thct Dera.ffi ana .uin ran .m trtve. Bold only by G. W "fcw omiin. ; Backlen'sg Arnica SaIve Ths best Salv. In the world for CuHBrnlaM.SorM Ulcers, Slt Rheum, Fwvor Mm, fatter, Chappd bunds, Cliilbiaim, Coras and .11 Bkm Ernptton, and ponnveiyoura. i-u(,or tin p.jr raqutruil. it la (fur MitMd to giv porfoot sittinhtctlon, or mon.r r.lund ed. Price U oenu per box, For Skis by Fothay and Mftion. IBIFAKMElta WAIL, BY C LB. t II knocks at th nsw Reprcsenlalivs's door His complaints ia th psiier ar msny and ' - of He's going behind and th mortgages' grip. Is fastened un hint at slioulder sad hip. And Ibis Is the burden of alt His demand, Rduc transportation on pro luctsof land, Put duiies on apples, potstocs snd corn, On fleeces snd muttons on bid and born, Ws ar drinking Ih cup of dvsplr Ij the JrB Oo account of th Influx of Csnndi eggs. We could raise al a profit our hemp and our flas, If you'd clsp on the foreign productions a to. Why should Jscoht of tradesmen b seclslly blest, And hsrd lisadetl Essui be roblwd snd op pressed! Come, g!v ut protection to npl exlenl; Yesshov up the duties five hundred percent! You tot J us How rich all th farmers would grow. If you tsxed every sps.Ii, every harrow and ho.) If w psid doubt price for the clothing w wsr, For carpet snd curtain, for takle and chair, Poor farmers, your' chested, and thst to your fsce, Higher duties you'll find will not answer your case; Don't think that such measures will end your ditiet It's not mors protection your' needing, but less. How caa duties avail you on crops that you reap, - If th market you seek is market that's cheap? How caa dut'e avail when th fruit of your sod, . It ruled by the price of its surplus abroad? Rise ap brother farmers, rise up io your might, The ballot will nt this Injustice to right. The factories (not railroads) ar whales ia your wake, You've majorities use them your remedy tak! No longer b coxened by flattering tales. Of fat manufacturers spreading their sale I Though sycophants whisper and demagogues storm, Writ broad vn your banner "for tariff re form L. ... . J. DEMOCRATIC STaTB CONVENTION. Tb democratic central committee for tb Mat of Oregon, assembled at Salem on the loth day of Marco, 1S90, bsj appointed Port land as th plc and Tbursdsy, the 24th dsy of April, 1S90, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon, as the time for holding a convention for tb democratic party of the state of Oregon for the purpose of nominating candidate for th offices of eongressmaa, governor. Judge of the supreme court, secretary of state, treasurer superintendent of public instruction.stste print er, and district officers to be voted lor at the pproaching June election, and to transact Mich further business as easy properly come be kts the convention. Tht representation will consist of 19J delegates, pportioned smong lite several counties of the state at follows: Raker SCtabop...., Clackamas........ K Bentoa.... 7 7 Columbia 3 Coos Crook Curry..... 6 a Itougtas 7 Gilliam... 4 Grant...... 4 Harney... a tsckson S Josephine, Llaroatb 1 Lake..... - 4 3 Lane.... 0 Linn II Malheur 3 Marion 10 Morrow 6 Multnomah Polk...... 6Shermsa.. a Tillamook........ t Umatilla.. Union 7 Wallowa... io 4 6 Washington 6 YamhilL... 7 W invite alt American citizen without dis- Unction of calling or political preference wholleged and can be taken up any day and arc wear of n.vlntr mtl wmufdii trihata In conscienceless monopolies, to cnalt's the ex- amp! of tbeir fellow who hsv so emphatical - Iv expressed themselves at the polls at th re cent elections in MasachusetI,Ohio, and owa and who in Kansas announce truer tnteotioa to uke the same stand, to unit with us in a determined effort to re establish our nationa' merchant marine, to strik off the fetter of our suffering factories and to relieve the grea army of consumers from the burdens of ' a tax I which oppresses thrn greviously and profits them nothing, aad to rebuke the party which now announce not ooly that the I ody politic of this country shall make brick, but that they shall make them w tbout straw. A Bush, ' Cha'rman, DEAUOX SMITH'S PROTRCTITK RAJt. Tne following from the New York World will have a ramifying effect upon ths minds ot protectionists Near the town of C, In the state of Ohio, live old Deacon Smith and his wife Betsy on a nit acre-tarm. it waa a great grief to them when their only child cnt to the city to work, but the land was too poor to support all three, and John always cats Thanksgiving dinner at home. Last June when the deacon sheared his pet ram he put by the twelve pounds of fleece, thlnk- wn iv hut jwun aa aun vi uunwj illume. A little later a wool-buyer from Massachu setts purchased the fleece, making a de duction of one-third, however, for grease, so that the deacon only received $2.40 for chase home with him and, adding two his wool, ine wool-buyer took rii pur- pounds of cotton at 8 cents per pound, fir lining and wadding, he had the raw mate rial tor a complete suit of clothes Into which It was accordingly made, and in the Autumn returned in Us new form to the clothing store at C The day after Thankselvine the deacon and John started for the town, taking with tnem tne tarm produce, tor nicn tne fol lowing price wee obtained: it bushels oats, ataic. f? ic 7 bushels wheat, at 78c...... c.46 05 pounds beef hide, at ac 1.30 I40 pounds quarter beef at 5c. ...... 7.0c 3 doxen eggs, at 13c per dozen. ..... 39 5 pounds butter, at 14c, per pound... 70 Adding to this the $2.40 he had cot for the fleece and carefully saved, the deacon walked into the clothing store with $ia. jo in his pocketbook, enough he imagined to buy a suit of clothes and pay nis taxes But clothing was higher than he thought The price ol an Imported suit was the a- mount contained in his pocketbook, and at similar grade of American goods cost ex actly the same. "It is the duty that makes) goods so hieiu remarked the dottier, "But Mr Mcklnlev told us last fall that tha onsumer did not pay the duty," objected the deacon. The storekeeper smiled and. the deacon bought the suit, planning to- pay his half-yearly tax of IJ7 50 by cutting thirty -five cords of wood. So that ail the old man and Betsy have to winter on 1 McKlnley's speeches, and there was mjre In them (ust before election than Is to be found in mid winter. Truly .,;. American farmer are slaves, American milt-men are knaves; And politicians don't care a For beacon Smith's protected ram. - Rail Fence. Born. To the wife of Dr I S Courtney, of Lebanon, on March aist, a boy. The many friends of Dr C. will be pleased to . learn that he still lives. l 'T Tha surplus In the treasury has dwindled during one year of republfcan administra tion from $tio,ootvooo to less than $40, 000,000 and the spoils t kin of public funds everywhere contemplated by the party In power will not be long In reducing the "vaunted surplus" to a reminiscence. Ex- Spcaker Carlisle has made a careful sur vey of the financial outlook for the Plaim Dt'.ir which shows the reckless extrava gance Into which the republican patty pur poses to plung! the country, Mr. Carlisle detailed the new pension legislation with the enormous expenditures Involved which was given to the readers of the Plain D.mU r some days ago In "n Interview with Represenative Morrill, chairman of the pension committee. Summarized It In. eludes the repeal of the limitation ofar- rearsges act, $471,000,000; service pension bill, $144,000,000; the bill to pen.ion ex prisoner of war at the rate of $2 per day for each day of Imprisonments, $10,000,- 000; the dependent pension bill ws un der discussion In the senate, $50,000,000, the bill Increasing p.n.lons of certain class from $50 to $72 per month. which ha st eady pssied the House, $400,000. Other pension bilts,lnctudlng one to pension army nurses at the rate of $25 per month, $30, 000,000. "The bill enumerated," ssld Mr. Carlisle, "will, If passed.add $708,000. 000 to the $ tonpuopoo now expended for pensions. Betides these pension bills there is a bill to refund the direct tax, $17,' 000,000; the bill to subsidize owner of South American steamship companies for a period of ten year, $6,000,000 the first year and $ijoo'oo3 each year thereafter; a bill which has already been reported to the senate appropriating $126,000,000 for coast defences, of which $11 poo poo are to be expended during the ensuing year, and a bill appropriating $ 300,000, oo for the construction of vessels and naval armament Then their I the Blair educa tional bill which Is on the eve of being passed by the senate, $77,000,000. and the French spoliation claims, which will cer- tal.ily be allowed by tho present congress and which some estimate as high as $4Cy 000,000." "What U the present condition cf the national finances?" "Even If there should be no reduction of revenue by a revision of the tariff or the repeal of the tobacco tax, the secretary of the treasury estlmates'in his official report the total receipts of the government from all sources for the net fiscal year at $385000,000, and he estimate the total expenditure already provldtd by ia, In. eluding the sinking fund, at $341,000,000, leaving a surplus of $43,000,000. But It already apparent that the appropriation or the ordinary expense of the govern ment for the next fiscal year will be large ly tn excess of the secretary's estimate. It ha been stated on the floor of the House by republican members of the ap propriation committee that $441,000,000 will be required to meet the regular de mands of the government, and If this Is correct there will be a deficit of $ J 7,000,- 000 Instead of a surplus, supposing none I of lh etrvgsn: appropriations I have entloned are made." "Do you think, many of them will be passed?" Of course It ts Impossible for me to ssy what bills will be passed, but they show what a wide range the republican treasury raids ars taking, and one thing I certain and the country ought to understand it, the will be passed if the republican part iesire to pass them. It control the senate, the House and the president, and such rules have been fromulaled that detn-1 ocrsts can neither defeat nor deta any measure which the majority my see proper to pas. Pension bills are prlvl I DSSsed. If reseated pledge made tO I I soldiers and other classes bj the republican 1 party are not redeemed at this session it I will be simply because the leaders of the I party In their Inner conclence neither de- I sire nor purpose to redeem them. All ob- I struction are cleared away and u when thl session dost any republican note have gone to protest It will be because the leader have deliberate! declined to honor them. The time and opportnIt have arrived and the republican part must Uke the whole responsibility for action or nonaction. It It true that the passage of these bills, or any considerable pert of them, would make it absolutely necessary to impose additional taxes u;xn the people. i.j-t Uses to but the republican party knew t a well when it made It prom oldlers a It knows it now and therefore if cannot shirk the tesponslbilit on that ground. All through the last campaign the democrats Insisted that the redemption ot promises made by the republican party would bankrupt the treasury and require a large Increase either In taxation or the public debt. The da ot reckoning has eome." Cleveland PtaindtaUr. QUITE AXCSINU. The republican journals regard It as very smart to observe that "two ears ago the democrats were complaining because j there was a surplus revenue, and now the are bewailing because there I no surplus." I The organ affect to consider the captious I democrats as verr hard to please. This may seem very funny now, but we question if it will be the cause of much hilarity on the stump tn 1S92 When the democrats complained of a surnlus they xroposed to stop It by re- duclng taxes. The republicans are avoid ing a surplus by the simpler expedient of spending it The democrats declared in iSSS that unnecessary taxation I unjust taxation." The republicans are proceeding upon the theory that no taxation is unnecessary which strengthens and enriches their mo nopolies and th1 proceeds of which they can spend. For ten ear the excessive taxation has been applied to a reduction of the public debt The republican Congress will have either to suspend payments the slnklnz fund or to Increase taxation. It ma do both. We doubt If this will seem as funny In 1S92 as tt dpes to-day. Some very large sized lntervle sre Inf the rounds just now slating that Whitney is the only- man to harmonise opposing elements in the party; that Hill's friends and Cleveland's friends can unite on Whitney and on no other man, and ! that no one else can be ekcted. All this must be very Interesting to Mr Cleveland, but he Is probably not disturbed by it and he has little reason to be. He Is not tak ing a back seat just yet, and there is reason for thinking he will have to. Fob Sale. A eoci driving horse; work ell single or doable. Residence on Han inen donation claim. LNAllz. 5 NO 34 It peentlsvr effleay I dee NOTMINO a much to the process and skill in compounding as to tlk I IT tlin Ingredients tbemiwivoa. in time. Hcbsck tfiftAmftMa In Lh OtlfiLaSf . rrf If tbey be Advanced wiii prove ptrtWcur No Hois stall W ifat'lt It take thanlBAsaf . '"'. '.V--S doc-tor and ro.ll nrs. . ' snrtptlons. All who Inad f I fOR WHOSE, sedentary lives will find ..,.., -i It th livenUve.srf.-.,Bt",Bm' A and curs lor lodleaatlon, r- 1 nnaif pauon, ji.atlah, TIIU on ., films aud MMital Umttrmlaa. No baa f tjmr, no loirfretif with hunt dm rhtls tttklna. If or children It is moat Io- aoeent aod barmltrMt. Ho danger trom ' ixnoaurs nr tuklnc. Cur. Colic IH. fcrrlxrta, Ilowal C'oinntalata. rcnrlih. Sims and fsveri.h Colds, invalids and delimit persons will Ond It th inlMmt Aperient and Tonlethy ean n. A lltlla takrn at nleht In.urM rrre.tdng slep and a natural evaluation ot tb bowels. A lllil. taken In ihe morning sharpens th appelli, tb stomach, aad sweetens lb brealb. a fnrsiciAwa oprnoir. "I kav. btm eclcliw MdiciM to ' ' Si. tmmty ynn .nd h. ntw b. M ft , tw i a f tl,l tompoand thM would, ; bk. himmon Ltr Kcxidaior, promptly j , , .no w tih j hiu.. ,i ur.r o fawn, - and Mlhstam. Kim sidiinalod ofvms. Jr' aw nt th. .ywem. ) L. M. Mia-roN. m.o., WsahlsFtea, Ark. MmIii .f flnnlwiwHi lnk UnrthriVaH Trmle-Mark on front of Wrnpfvr, and tb wtm anu nianaigra oi J . n , 1 1 1 u OL 1 nvavauwaiua. saaeuvouuer. fit. Cost TO Um ROOM FOR UYLAECS STOCK OF FALL AKD WIS tEH CD CDS WILL SELL MY ENTIRE STOCK CF ' BOOTS AND SHOES. AT COST SALE, AND THEY'MUST CO. Real Bargains AT THE SAME TIME D3 HOT ECSCET THAT I HAYE A COMPUTE STOCKCF Notions, Furnshin Goods, etc, WOULD ESPECIALLY CALL YOUS ATTENTION TO THE FOLLQrMu ; UNE1: ;-..";; - . , v --' Dress Goods, Trimmings; Silk. Table Linen, Gloves, Hosie ry, Fancy rocLs, etc ALL AT LOWEST CASH PEICE- RESPECTFULLY, The Leading Cash - INSURE III THE ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS Insurance Company. i Safe, Sound; HOPKINS & -DfcALE133 13- RTftl? T!?! i'MRC f.TIFET I RH'I fft$Pn to I vm ii ssniis, ETC, Aoenta for"On Time" Healing and ooklg Steves. Joi work,'.p!ora5ir te promptly ardea to. go - ! SMOKE Manufactred by ALL no j lurORTED AUD Flag and ' sniekes ar- 'j tobassos, Mceruk m and briar .4 generally. - THE DEAIOCiiAi is tLe Bait Advertising mcdiuL-! In Ihe Centre I Wlllaraetf i Vallry, Bank of Oregon. ! AlEAKY, - - - C2EC2:iJ O-AJE'I'X'AX., $50,000. . Vioe President . II. V, MERRILLf Cashier.... ... . J. W. liLAl N j " DIBKCTOB. H. Bryant. 3 V, Btsln, 1 3eo Humphrey,, I IC J Laming, H b Merrill. i fxchHit an I ts'srtphii trais Ter on Stw York, 4-t ifumlmjn a d i and all prlno'(l p"inis In firemen r. ! I Waybill xtoi), CollwUon mtl u t fivorAblo (erm. Finst National Bank VP ALHAfsi, vrffMt9fkft.,.w .. nit t ORCUO.1. u n.ivv S, K, YOl XU .,, W, LASUKa,. Tkw Hrmidmt .... TBABSACTS A OEKEaALbaaStngBiMliMM. ACCOUNTS KEPT su bj to tck. SIOHT EZCIIANUK and trt ruhl innntit, ! s Km fork, M rrwx, lUaagv and tm ron. C'('I.LK'TriOr A DC on lertM. SissoraM, j, K Toon, C, W, Lsmhos L E But, I.. Finn, EmrxsfrT. os Urm County Ikak, Cowan, Ealston & fhamterlain,' ALBANY - ' - OREGOW. TRANSACTS s tmimt! tNtnklng bsvlnMs. DRAW810H1 naAfTSen X. Tor. u fi. it 1 Orogwa. tOAXMOrfETua ftnttd swority! RWXIVE depoct. sobtevt - eHflck. THIS WILL BE A CLCSIKS CUT COME EAHLYAKO CET Dry Goods Store. Oonservativ 3 .SALTMAM j Wall t-a ETO THE CIGARS Julius Joseph ;. UEv V.'EG T GIG a & J i ses as