ull IRRECONCILABLE. Uteri U an Irreconcilable faction fight being waged by the two (action oi the re publican part In Multnomah county, On (action la led by "flm" Lotonwhe fa von the nomination of "Dave" Thompson for governor, and the other by Joe Simon who favor th nomination of Ex-Governor Mood for governor and Ed Uirtch for atat treasurer. Vh fight la bitter nt. tropical between the two bose o much o that atrong hope are entertained that much good will Inure to the people o( the atate from the contest. There never was part ao hopclesal boa ridden aa the republican partr of Multnomah covin t, and Ita overwhelming majorltjr has en abled It ta domineer over the part of the whole atate. Bo great has been ' 'Joseph V Influence that It la almost Impossible to elect a farmer or granger from the "cow counties" that he can not capture b )la cunning, skill, or unacrupulousnes. In on wa or another he manage to rnanlp - ulate the pa: t organisation In the Interest of himself and hla favorltt henchmen. The part In the rural districts, nrhen a general election a pproa.ee s, make loud protests and threats agalnal thefJoeMSlsaen ollearchr but, somehow, when the state convaatlon of the part meets, or a Irgte atur Onvene, the represenatlve of the rural district become In "Joe's" hand Ilk cla In th potter' rrade to subserve hla Interest rather than the part. "Jim" Loton' call to the leadership of the party In Portland weuld be no Improvement over that of JosephV for Jim" I equal 1 a unscrupulous a "Joseph," who, like th famous "Joseph", In Richelieu, alwas aecka to be a Bishop. Th onl hepe tor the part In that countr la to rise In Ita might aud decapitate these faithless and dangeroua leaders. There aeem to be no disposition, however, on the part of an one to do this s all are enlisting under the banner of one or the other of tnesa leader. It la a rar opportunity for th democrats, and If the have the discretion to make proper use of It the will be able to place themselves In a stronger position before than her hare occupied since 1S6S. But that la not the onl count In which there are bitter bickering among our re publican friend. When their ut con vention shall meet the long slumbering animosities between certain leader will break forth and will prove a thorn In th aide of the manager of th partr. Demo crats everwhere are becoming encour aged. STICK TOTBETRCTH. Farm laborer In England complain that me cnno: support then selves and those dependent upon them on the wage the ar receiving and are asking for Increased pa. At present the are getting from 9 to 10 shillings (J.JJ to $1 50) a week, and out of this ar compelled 10 board them selves. Tne ak that their pay be In creased to at least $3 per week. Laborer In Oregon who receive a much per da aa these EntMlsh worklngmea do for a week' work can easily read the his tor of iree trade, still in apite of all thi over whelming evidence, tne democratic part? is trying to drag the American working- men down to a level with tries bngitsn slaves. tUgram. A few facta complete! upset the whole theor of the TtUgram. The price paid for labor In England now are much higher than the ware at ar. time before that countr adopted free trade. Hence, Jfree uade ha !ncreaed, rather than decreased fie wage of labor people. Gladstone.who a an authority on that subject, la the very best, says that, comparing wage paid In England in 1S33 under protection with the wage paid iSSj, under free trade, he find an increase In miner wage of 50 per cent and In the exportable manufacture he find an Increase varying from ao, 30, 50, 81,100, 1 jo, and 160 per cent. A similar Increase la found in all other kind of la bor. Thf I refutation complete and full, But 1st the TtUgrmm compare th wage ow paid In England under free trade with tha wage paid In uch protection ountrle as France, Spain Italy, and Ger man, and it will find wage much higher In England than In an of the other. Un der th logic of such Indisputable fact the Ttbrram find Ita unstable structure of protection tottering to the ground. This statement 1 true and Incontrovertible: Wage In free trade England are higher than those paid in an protection con ntry outside of America. Upon the theory of the TtUftam that a tariff affect the rat of wage paid to laborer, we could safely clalmar.d conclusively prove it by the above fact) that unrestricted or free trade ecurc higher wage than protection. PENSIONS. Many old settler in Oregon are Interested In the matter cow pending in congress of perv sioning India war veterans, or those who ser ved in the Indian war of 1 847 and 1857. The following letter from Hon J II Mitchell to Hon R A Irvine will show tbe progress made in the matter: Washington, D. C, March 10, 1890. Hon R A Irvire. Albany, Oregon. My Dear Senator: Yours February 34 after torn little delay in transit reached me to-day in which yon inquire as to the fate of Senator joint Metnorail No 5, adopted it the last cession of the Oregon Legislature, asking pension 1 for Indian war veterans who served sa Orejjoo Territory between the years 1847 and 1857. Tbe memorial was presented of ooune to the senate and the whole subject is having consideration. There is now pending in the senate bill called "1 he Dependent Pension Bill." An amendment is pending to include the class you refer to. In addition to this I have a separate Ull in committee on the 'ubject. Matters move slowly here of course, bat rest assured I will do everything in my fwer to get recognition of this worthy class who suffered so much at pioneers in tbe early history of our State. No living man can tell here, however, just when final action will be had on any measure. Yours Sincerely. John H Mitchell- A law passed by the Illinois Legislature and which goes into effect on the 1st of Jul next, entirely prohibit the holding of real estate by foiclgner. Alien owner ship of land ha hecom a serions evil In several of the Western Slatcs.and threatena them with such social disorder a the tike cause hss created In Ireland. More than 1,000,000 acre of Il'inoi land Is owned by foreigners, and under t.ie new law all this proper! will revert to the state, un less ttt owners becom citizen of the U nltsd 8tate before the 1st of next Jul, Nebraska ha also adopted a similar law. United State law should also forbid the purchase of government land by alien. Whtever money thus come to the coun try does It more harm than good. V aupaca. Wit., claims to be tbe greatest potato market in the world. It is estimated tbat last season's crop, laised and marketed within a radius of thirteen miles of the town, was I 500,000 bushels, of which 600,000 bush ell will be shipped from Wiupaca. Only six cities in the State of New York can now be said to be under the control of the Republican party. Perhaps Mr Thomas C riitt will make a note of this rath, cr s!art!ing fact. ALLISON AWAKENING. It i reported in Washington thnl Sena tor Allison has seen a great Hjht and that ha begins to understand what I the matter with th republican part In hi atate. Accordingly he thinks that, after all, TarllX Reiorm U nesar, and ha 1 dis posed to lead his part In that direction or to embarrass Ita Coils to travel on th op posite road. But Senator Allison will find It difficult either to win th Protectionist leadera of hi part to hla wa of thinking or to con fine th people of hi own slneerlt In an change of attitude he ma make. lie ha forfeited popularconfldence b hi tin- althfulnes to his conviction. He was In favor of Tariff Reform upon conviction o( K nccsslt and justice until tn democrats In congress undeitook In a mall wa to effect It. Then he jumped with hi part associates to the conclusion that the easiest wa to win In a presiden tial election waa by raisins the howl of Free Trade." at an alarm cr. II aban doned hla Own convictions joined actively In th tale of hi part to th monopolist undora pledge to advance protective dutte Instead of lowering them, and mad him self sponsor for th bitl with which Tariff Reform w defeated In the senat. Mr. Allison's slneerlt In hi new! re covered conviction on this subject will command no confidence at th hand of those former republican who have revolt ed against the part and converted Iowa Into a democratic atate. As to th republican part leaders, the he Reed and McKlnlert.thej kno per- tctl that retreat I Impossible to them, and the will not retreat The aold their Dart for fat" and must deliver the goods, Van B IVLashmult. th present mayor of Portland Is on of th republican candidates lor governor, but he thinks the present demoraliz ed condition of his party m Portland will suit in th nomination of a man Outsid of Portland aa Et Governor Moody the bnnker at the Dalles, or C C lleeknnn tli banker Jacksonville. Dave 1 hompson, tl e banker a Portland, smiles a complacent smile ana ays DcLashmutt the broker and money dealer, knowt very little about the matter aa he pro pose to be nominated himself. "Dav" it cunning, skillful, nd thoroughly unscrupulous, ad certainly baa a good chanc to win aa he baa a very large barl," Whoever the norol as may be h will bav very utile sympathy for the interest of th great mass of lb people farmers, mechanics, laborer and su-h. Th republican and corporation bosses will not permit a man of the peopleslo be nominated. f i J If It were possible to ilse aoove the at mosphere which surround the arth, e should see nothing but an Intense and sharply defined ball of fire, while evert thlrg else would b wrapped In total dark ness. 'There could be no differerce of light without an atmosphere or some slin 11 medium for It to act upon, but It the ah t round us extended to a height of 700 ml d, the ray of the sun could not pene trate It, and we ahould be left In darkness. At the depth of 700 feet In the acean the light cease altogthr,one-ha:f of the light being absorbed in passing through seven feet of the purest water. Tb member of th Providence Pre Club are independent. At their recent banquet the Governor of Rhode Island (was introduced a Mhe cheap producer of cheap hosiery sad cheaper statesmanship and both for tale." The wet blanket that the Republican of Iowa were treated to at the last fall election wa made wringing wet aeaia by the Demo cratic thower at Monday' municipal election. Tb two great cause which are making progress in this country are Ballot Reform and Tariff Reform. Tbe American people are overwhelmingly in favor of both. All that is needed is a little more emancipation fioo. party prejudice and boss dictation. McKinley has gone back on his tariff scheme of free sugar and a bounty to producers and aow propose a reduction of about one half. McKinley was knocked out 00 tbe first round. Tbe state electioo in Rhode Island will b held on the zndof April. That state used to be certainly republican. Now it is uncertain. The La Grand Journal has ceased to live. Faith ar Yocs Woau. Tk owner U th Wassom Addition to itavsonsj Park, Seattle, ar each andsr a bond to eb otbr to build a rasirfeoc on their addition, to cost not lsa than $2000. Mr JWk hu eommsoesd bis raidoe, and tb cont-aot waa let for $51G0- Th company hav also mad arraogmei.t', by liberal donation, to atsbliab two msuufsctarirg enterprise tbi spring. Just whs. Btllard and Fremont waa lt summer, Raveun will ! this spring. Lots llt sotl in ISallard and Frs nout for $100 tut spring co not cow b boasht for f-JQOO These ar facts that baa dreds know in tuU taction. If you wan to mak mootr, now it jour tint to invest ia th Wiom Additioo. On th market at praot. prica only bltsao day low. Fifty bt bar been sold hers tb past wcr. Surriwee That Suit. Mi V R Ora ham, th tailor, ha juat received the Itrgest ami fint lot of suitings ever brought to Albany, to which he wishes the men of Linn connty and vicinity to call and examine thin and judge for thern sel . They consist of an elegant line of Imported goods, of th best quality. In eluding several new design never before brought here. A more popular line of fabric It would be difficult to secure, and those wishing suits, or parts of suits made up in the latest style will do well to give him a call. A New Department. Fortmiller & Irving bave added another department to their large and elegant furniture store, being one for carpets, matting, linoleum and oli sloths. They have a fine stock of these goo 1s, 'elected for the market, and those desiring anything In the line should call and see their well selected stock. They will keep the latest patterns in these goods as In everything else and sell at reasonable prices. Kid Gloves. I have just received an Invoice of the celebrated P. Centemeri kid glove In black and colored. These with the other brand I handle, Foster genuine hook and Our Own brand, makes an assortment that any lady can be suited In price and quality. Theie are all first class goods and warranted as represented. Samuel E. Youno. Baxo. One of the finest lots of gun and revolvers ever received in Albany are now In stock at Stewart tr, Sox's. Hun ters should call and tee Lhn and get prlcer hefore buying. A Choice Vaitt Fin comb hon ey, all kinds of syrups, choic pickles In wood and in glass, pickled pig fet, cbow how, la fact an endless variety of choic groceries at Geo 0 Hendersaa'. Giv m a call, prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. Price the lowt. Spuing Ha Come. The stock of wall paper at Fortmiller & Irvlng't it larger than ever, being sjulte immense and in. elude man new and beautiful design. New Arrival. A large and complete stock of carpeti.llnoleum.ol! cloth ,thadet, etc., at the ttore of A B Mrllwaln, all of the latest designs, and which will be told at from 10 to 20 per cent lower than by other houses. Good enohing tnv nnly $10 st 11 ope m t Saltanarsh'a- Special attention i called t Mr, O W Simpsoo'sfjna line of clothing. Cfcil in tin-. for bargains. ".w- '.:n.iun. Wamsi sum's, Mar. to, ilyo. Vke-PrchMctst Morton' sudden trip to Florida has been full explalnd to your correspondent by a prominent republican wno Is not an admirer of the booule cam paign which Mr. Morton has entered upon to capture tit republican nomination In 91. "Morton' object", said this get tl man," In going to Florida at this lime I to hold a prlvat consultation with Senator Quay, who la also down thcr, and to as certain whether hi support can b pur chased. He I prepared to pay a big pi Ice, and I am afraid h will succeed for Quay hat always had a weakness for money, particularly when In large sums, and no man knowt the value of money In a political campaign better than he." There ! an old fashioned game called the devil among the tailor" that remind one of Frank Hatton and th CIvJl .Service commission. At toon a th testimony In ho Congressional Investigation, which has been anything else but tavotable to the rresent brand of Civil Service reform, was 11 In, Hatton threw another dynamite bomb Into the reform sham camp by char. Ing that certain letter a-rltten by one W D Foulk and prtnUd In th New York Timu and th St Louis XtfnMk which charged Mr. Harrison and hi Cabinet with having entered Into a conspiracy to break down the system of civil tervlce reform wer Inspired by two of th Civil Srvlc Commissi jners. The two Commissioner den 'the charge. Of course that wa to b expected; It was either din or hand In heir resignations. But Hatton wit. not 'et the thing stop here, If he can convince air, Harrison of the truthfulness of his charge somebody wltl hear something drop before lor.g. The democratic member of the llous are fretting no little becaus the lost teat In the Hous last week that might just a well htv been kept. The trouble, I, that certain democratic mamhett of th House refuse to tacrifle either their pleasure or t heir private business to occupy their teats and attend to th dut'es that they were elected to perform. There ar several of these men who have tiot voted n the House three time this entlr session In this particular case several rtpubll can, disgusted with the report of the ma jorlty of the Election Committee, Intima ted to democrat that while the would not vote against th contestant they would make It a point to absent themselves with out pairing when the time came to tak the final vote so a to mak k certain that the democrat could defeat the contestant These gentlemen kept their words, and yet the contestant wa seated by a beggarly majority of two vote, all because the chronic absentee of the democratic side wer not on hand to vote. The House ' committee on Pension teem to have gone Jaft. A majority of that committee ha practically agreed to report bill that would. If they became law, require nearly $700,000,000 to pay the pension. These report are only bunkum, no sane man ha any idea that more than one of the bill the dependent will be passed, and thai ia by no men certain, aa the rapidly lessening Treasury surplu ha already causad the republican leader to notify the chairman of commit tee to curtail their appropriation If tev expected the bill to get through. Th House will probably tak up the bills admitting Wyoming and Idaho this week. Tha democrats will antagonise the bills with an omnibus bill prepared by Mr. Springer providing for the admission cf Wyoming, Idaho, New Mexico and Art ton a. It it Impossible l get a republican mem ber of the Housi Ways and Mean com ml'tee to tay a word about the new tariff bill, and when it will be reported. If It ever is, nobody I willing to even guess, TELEGSXrmcJKEWS . t4 fr Th Faraser. Kansas City, Marches. The Farmer's Alliance In Kansas Is growing so rapidly both In member and perfection of organ liatlon that they have become decidedly a disturbing faction In politic. Every county, nearly. In liie whole state is organ ized and nearly every farmer In each coun ty I a member of the organisation. Th't thorough orifanlzatlon has made the order exceptionally atrong In local politic where their immediate Interest are at stake. The president of the Kansas alliance ha ad dressed to the Kansas senator and repre senatlve at Washington a letter informing them of belief among farr&er that the de pression ot the agricultural Interest la due to vicious legislation and demanding that some attention be paid to their Inter esta Jt say the time I not far distant when the legislator witt heed the voice of their constituents, who are 100,000 strong In Kansas Politicians are becoming ner vous. aatlfccr at B imtllsn.- Dallas, March 3, For tome time there bave been tumors a lout a railroad fiotn Salem via Dalit to' Fall City. To day John F Groves, C C Coad D P Stauffer, ) C Lewis, D J Riley anJ M M Eliit, all of Dallas, filed article of incorporation with the county clerk, under the corjmrate name of the Polk County Improvement Company, the object being 10 build a motor line from Kails City via Dallas to Salem, with headquarter at 'Dallas. Tb amount of the cayital stock j $350,000 and of 1 each share fioo. Tbe officers are as follows; President, M M Ellis j secretary, p p Stauffer, treasurer, C O Goad. A aVhiHil Itajr KHicd, Parkersburc, W Va., March 18. Ilerry GoflT, aged 16, was stabbed and killed ly the school teacher, Morgan Rose, in Clay county, Monuay, uott was late at school and the teacher punished hun. Goff left, and return' ed with his father and two other men. A quarrel ensued snd Rose stabbed Goff. A general fight ensued, in which the elder Goff, note ana several others wereseiiously hurt. toad llf nUfoatrk, Berlin, March 18. Prince Bismarck Un dered bis resignation last night, tad tbe youpg emperor, alter delaying till noon to-day, de cided to accept it. All fublic lesorts have been crowded with persons excitedly discuss ing the event. A large and curious crowd sur rounded Bismarck ' fu lac all lb afternoon, Br -larl. . Tacoma, March 8. Soon after 5 o' C.ock this mcrnlr.g, George Francis Train left the Tacoma hotel for the Ledger office to prepare for hi start around the world. At precisely 6 he stepped from the bras plate in fron of the office to a carriage, and wa driven rapidly to the iteamer Olympla. A cannon wat fired at the start, bells rang and steam whistle blew on all locomotive and steam boats. fttiiklnz Hlaers London, March 18. Fifteen thousadd inin era in Lancashire and many strikers of other districts have resumed on a compromise pro posed by the men. The general opinion is that the striking miners will succeed in forcing the matters to concede their demands for an immediate advance of 5 percent, in wages and a further advance of 5 per cent on July 1, Many more mine owners in Nottinghamshire and Lancashire havn acceded to the terms of the men. . ' Prabably a Fraud, New York, March, 18, A Fredericksburg Va., special to the Herald stales ,liat one of the most gigantic schemes of frand and forgery ever known in the country wa made public to-day. Thit was a suit brought by Dr Harri son Wagner, evidently an adventurer, against the Adams Exprest Co for $1,564,875. Alt amee At Here. New York, March 18. The Chinese laiJtidrymen of New York could not be made to believe th.it the American Laundry Union is able to freeze them but of business The presi dent of the Chinamen's union, in nn interview to-dav expressed the opinion tha. they would be able to hold their own. A Terrible Aeellnt. InMaNaPoUn, March 17. What at first trcmed an Insignificant fire In tho llowtn. Merill bji-k store building, on Waahttieton street, this afternoon, resulted In a castro phe In which at lenst ten men were killed and a tloacn wounded, an.tie of whom will die, The lire started shortly before 3 o'clock near the furnace In th iib-b-ment, nml wat a stubborn one. About 5 :3u there wa a terrible crash, and the entire building, except the front wall, fell In ward. At the lime a number of firemen. varlouily estimated at eight to twenty, were eti the root of the building, and were burlrd In the debris, which wa plied for ty feet high. Tb haae All Blahl. Victoria, March 17. The Portland Deep Sea Fishing Company's team schooner George II Chance put in here this morning lor coal and supplies and left again this evening. Th vessel ha been halibut dshlng, and tha captain report all well. Wfclea Will Beat. Tacoma, March 17.- Gorg Krancl Trala ttartt tround th world at 6 A M to-morrow morning. Four hunJrcd xcurtiloa'itt accom pany him to th ship Abyssinia, off Victor I. PortTownsknd, March 17. Miss Rectus Rothschild, daughter of tha 1st pioneer mer chant, leave hrr to night to rata around th world against Oeor.e 1- rancit Train, Fiv thousand dollar hat been contributed by clll- tent tor ner enes. tin will start cast ward Afire MHlers, Wasimnoton, March 17. Senator Smilr to lay Introduced a bill appropriating $15,000 to be expended anuually for th maintenance and equiptitent of two fast steam launch for so vie on I'uget sound. The object of tb bill is to prevent small craft in th Oound from landing Chinese and contiaband good. It hat lit approval of the treasuiy oiiicer. .Col lector lliadsiiow has wrllfn a letter in which he estimate that th two launches wii sav to the country abou 50,000, a lis lat Uaa. . Olvmi-ia, March 17. To-day began th st wck but on of th session. Everybody lealuct now that the legislature cannot adjourn on th aSth without killing betwteen too and 350 bills, but adjourn it must, A resolution to extend th lime to April 10 or 1 1 1 looked for at any time, but it will not pas in tbe hous. orvr 1 beat Kltib. isaw ionic, March 17. A meeting wtt held In thit city lo-nlght of th chief xcutiv commit! of th Matter 1-aundryrocn't Atto- la l km of lb Mate of New York and New Jersey. A series of resolutions wer adopted the substauc of which was that energetic ef fort! be made at once to intlitut against the Chinese laundries to thit stale and th state New Jersey a vigorous war, and that f 500,000 u rawcu wiimn twenty uays lor. in purpo named by th three superintendents and lb president of the executive committee. A ratal AeeMeal th Mtwlaw stay. Eugkne, March 17. Advice is received fiom Sinslaw bay of a probably fatal accident to O R Bean, an old and highly respected citl tcn of the county, He wa passing frxn on floor to the other of lite large sawmill at Acme, when he fell about fourteen feet, striking on bis hesd, At th btest advc he bad remain ed unconscious for about thirty six hour, and his physician had givon hint up to die. Mi Bean wat a former resident of thit city and lit father of Judge Bean. 1 tin a ArcMeal, FORKST Gtovn, March 17. Nortnaa Thatcher, aged 2J, met with a serious accident wbil hunting yesterday morning. While in pursuit of gam ha waa walking throt gh tb brush in a bent pnstur. While ia this posi tion the bteech of shotgun bersmc entangled in the brush, dischi rging ii. li entire- cuo tcnts entered the kit leg at tb ankle, and paining obliquely through it, wounded Ihe toft part in a manner, and fractured both bones in a number of pieces, several of which were f,re moved by th physician. Amputation will probably be necessary. Ib Baalag Mlhklaal. VlCKsm'a,Mis,,March 16. This evening tb crevass at Raleigh wa looo feet or snor wide and th end wet caving rapidly. The levee Is nrarly fifteen feet high and lb immea s vnlum of wstei delivered may b estimated by the fact tbst in lb twenty four hour end ing tins evening th river ha fallen thre inch e at Ykktbmg and four inches at Ik pro vidence, though r.siag steadily prior to the crevstM. Tb water horn th crevajm will overflow fu'ly on lourtb of East Caroll. aad a grsater part of Tensas and Madison paristv- -, 1 be crevasse bat excited much constenia tion in met paiune rai tock as being re moved. Lady raaab:L London, March 16, Lady CoUn Campbell it tag struck. She baa wtiitcn a drama ia which site will tk the leading part. Sh it negotiating l a Ixmdon theater. Lady Colin Campteii, alter ner divorce, becapie quite lifterary celebrity in I-on.lcm. &he wrote a novel and earned considerable money in the journaUstj: world. Some people describe her a tbe most beautiful woman in c.urope. A wad . New York, March 16. A mad dug ran through the streets to day and bit two toy nd a man. Th dog wa finally killod by a policeman. The injured person bad their wound drerteJ at the hospital. The dog had been made t&sd by boy who plagued it . He ral4 Kb. Denver, Colo, March 16, A special frjm Montevista. Colorado, Thursday night, ayt John McCsnn, Charle Hani and Thomas Gallajher, confined in the county jail, over powered the sheriff when he cam in to give tha ra (belr evening meal Tbe escaped pruon er startad uplh Rio Grand river. Friday morning Sheriff Hecker, with a posse, started in pursuit, and this morning at diyhght dis covered their camp. The lugi: ive were called upon to surrender, but instaad of doing so.tliey fired upon the pot. The sheriff returned the fire, shooting ihre time and killing hi three turn, None of (he sheriff posse wer injured. Th Awfal Bsrr. StLoum, March 16. Word reaches her tbat there is great activity in Fort Iavcnwortb In preparing for th departure of I loops to expel the boomer from Ihe Cberokee strip, 1 here are live rompante. of infantry, foul vt cavalry and one of artillery at the for, and all except (he artillery are expected tod to ihe strip. A BiK Aaaieur. Tacoma, Wash., March 16. Cilien Georg r rancit Train ucturcd to 2500 peojile to-night in tbeCermania theater. All preparation for nit trip aroumi the world, beginning Tuesday via the Abyssinia to I iongkong, bave been made. He is confident tl.at he will make tbe trip inside of sixty days, - A Bad Venlb. San Fkantisco, March 16, Dick Davics, ton of J M Daviet, ex secretary' of the Stale Hoard of Trade, and manager of the Tubbs hotel in East Oakland, ia reported to lave been arrested in Portland for having robbed his roomnute of flSoo.the winning of a nighl't gnmr ling. Tn Portland Branch. Going away, going away. We have decided to cloe out businesri, und our entire stock of clothing, boots, ehoea and gents' fur nishing goods, furniture, stoves, tinware, crockery, dec, &c, must be sold by April 10. wunout reserve, regartuess of cost, Uememlier tuia is- your last and only ciiance to get gooua pi aiuiosi your own price, uotne one, come an aim take ad' vantage of this great opportunity, Also house and lot for sale, cheap, in the best location in Aioany. Tub Portland Branch, Wise & Co.,Projrs 8. E. Young's old stand. Poor Humanity I The common lot is on of sorrow f-.yat-U-Mt th pessimist , tbey who look .t th worst si le, Certainly what would other wi be a bright exUttsuce, is ofcen ahadoai ed by aoiii ailment that overhang it like a fall, ohaouring pvrpetually th radiano that els would liht tha path. Hriun an ailment and a very common one. 1 nervousness.or in other words, weaknesa of the nervou aytm, a condition only irremediable wher ineffi cient or improper meant are taken to reiiev it. The concurrent experience of nervou people who have penitently used Hottotter't Stomach Bitter it, that it conquers entirely tnperteuaitivenesa of the nerves, aa well aa diseaset so called which ar invited and sustained by their chronio weakness At th nervHt train atamina from the frieat tonic tha trouble disappears. Use the Bitter I it malaria, rheumatism, biliousness and kidney trouble. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. r.iiLLEo cnoo.a tltULSS IN- Field, Yeetabli & Flower Eoedi, APIARY AND POULTRY SUPPLIES, GardeuTooli, Fertilize'!, Trees, Etc. 209 Seeond 8tict, bet. Salmon and Taylor, Iortltttici, Oregon, MSnd for eatalogu. Bttit.otNO PaHMrr.-Rcailnntof the city of Albany tlenlrlng blank for ap pllfiitlona for Building permlU within ihe city lltuita, can avcure the aauio of th city reconlor without coat. WANTED. FOUR UBM, to travel In tha city and country and tak order for Rood. Oood rfurwtoa and bualn quail fiuatton required, Permanent em. pioymont, ana goon aaiarj, rorpaniou lira, oall on. or addr Ao- dt wr laom, Albany, Urtgon. 1.1 ARM FOtt HALE. Two nundraJ s anroa ! Hitori (arm Und all in culti vation, with ar.od two atory bour, rood br rn and otbnr oiitbouae. Good water for fa n'lj aod aloe a, Good pear and ap pi orchard, a wil a tor klbda ol f, ult. Would mak two Broad arnall (arm. BltnaUKl roar mil oatbwt Ol Albany. Inquire at tola oiOe. Notice to Contractor.?. , Nolle ia hrh given that at th next rrealsr trm of th County Court, for Linn eounty, Cream, ' to b bld at th C'oart House in I h city of Albany. on Wednesday, lb 9th day ol April, IHUO, ald plan, tpoiliation. ttraina. diagram nd bid will b rcivd for building a bridg aero 1 born Crs, Known a th Jordan bride, on span ighty-fiy (set, tilor or lot to b four (set higher than bsfor, approach at on end to b tllieea feat long, aad at tb otbr on lony-nv ia long. Alto (or a brides aero t.rbtr Creak, known aa Richardson' brida. tb tba ol which mutt b on hundred aod two fact, and vnta (set hinh. Tb approach at sen aa ar to b thirty ImI aach. Also for a bridg aero Cr abtr Crk. known aa tb Kslly bridg,th spaa of wbicb la to b Ighty (set and fourUeo ft kigh. On of tb approach to id bridg la to b voty (sol long and tba other I to b twenty ft loos. Alan for a bndg aoroaa Elder Sloogb, ttar Huston, vaty-flv ( Jong, two tau. bant thrt fet hub at en ad over the main lnagh and tft approaeb to o two ounuraa imi long acii. Also fur a bridg known aa Rock Ciruk brida, th spaa of which I to b ou baa drd and forty feat, with abutment too ft blah od en abutmtnt lour ft man. Alto for a bridge at Browaavill with two spans on nnourvrl soa vnty-Bv i long aiih, and to b two feat bigbr than tb eld bridge. eo ramencioff ca tb aortb id ( th ortvk just above wbr tb old bridg stood . A lo for a bridt on Wiley Crk known aa tb Wiley t'rk bridg, with on Ipso ixty-igbt (est long tan to b thirty ft high on on side, and iit ft oa th otHnr, All bid mast b filrd with tb Coaty Clrk on or bslar on o'clock p m., April Ovb, 1800, and aecHiMnid itb eaitttied ebb of fiv per eent of bid by Uw r qotrl. Th eoart rrve tb right to r jsct any aod all bids. l-o iy order of lb onrtlbl ISin ar of March, IH'JO. 0 C. E. Hraor, L a. Count Clark. CberifTs Sale, tk Cirtmil Comrl Stat cf rt goa,or Lima C Mr. J P Schooling, ftaiutiff, va. 1 Jsrry Hay, D.-feodaU. Notice hereby given that by virtu of an srutir9 duly Msaad out of th abov namwl Court, in tba abov ant it 11 act Urn, I did on tb 17 th day of February, ls!M, in Linn county, Oregon, duly lvy a poo tb prcwioe h ret nailer dseribd,abd wdl oa aalarday, lis twk tar f March, !, at th Court ILinsa door, in th city of Al bany, Lioa eoatity. Ovkoo. at th boor of ob o'clock p. m. of said day, !! at pablie kuctioa for cb in hs&d to tb biMbeat bid dor th ral property lvid opoa and de senbod a fulluw to-wit 1 Commencing at tbe suutbaaat ooruvr of tb oorth half of tb totbtst quarUr in otiott twaty-ti (2tJ.) township b't (I3,)utb rang 4 vt tbsnc west twvlv aad oo-tblrd rodt(12. tbneDortbtbirtanro4(13,) tbeoo as( twalve bd oo ti.ird rod (121.) tbaoo aoath tbirta rod (13.) to tb phsoof ba aaiDg, onoUtBin on cr tnor or ksa. being in and tilaated la tba atat of Oregon, eounty of Una. Tb proed arising from tb ! of asid preaiuo to b applied first, 10 U. payment til tbe onsts anil atabunsa mreu of tba abov otitld notion taxed at f U3 "0, aod accruing costs Second, to tb payment of th plaintiff, 4 P Schooling, tb torn of $71). 57 with ascrainjinWraU there on from tb I Oth day of April, at tb raie 01 m par ennt pci aoanm. Dstcd tbi SSlb dy of l'lruary,lB9t). Joill Sn AI.IJfOK, Sh'ff Uaa aty,Urgoa. Administrator's Notice, Notion ia hereby alvea tbat tb oodr- ii(od administrator ot th tat of K K uaina, daoaaaed, ba filed bis final account with tb Cirb oi th County court for Lina County, $tt of Oregon, aod tbe eourt ba fixed Monday, th 7th day of April, 1SJ0, at in riour 01 1 o eiccK p m. to near 01 Jto too to sain account, if any, xud to tetn asid atate, Tbi 2fUb day of Fvbrusry, lStKX I. U. I'KEBY. Adiiliniatrat. r tf E-tat of E. K. Uawm, ieceasen. I STRAY NOTICE -Taken upbylb noitemlgned, living aix and a half aonm&sst or tiaiaey, on ti e tout ay of Dooetnbor, 1SH9, en bilgbt bay bora, about 1 or M yaare old. with anion r-addU mark on aide aod bank. our ir.ar.B ana Mil, a Tery oiui Diana on the r-uht sboaldor, which ran not b diaUngtiiktiad. Appralood by V. J. Htows art, luMive of tbe poe, at the sum of f 30 ' I. N. WARMOTH. Notice of Guardian Sale N 4Wt I hereby jrlvei tbat by vlitua ofanordar of ral, duly .-ad and en Utrad of roourd by tbe County Court for Lino Connty. S'-tl of Oregon, en tbe 9lh d y of Janusry, 11-00, the undersigned, a uardian-,of . mtina K liurkbart and Samuel O. BurkbarU minor heir of O. D liuralisrt. dnonaaod. will ..on Satur day, March V9, 1HHQ. at I o'olor-k p. m. of aaiu oay, ( me voonuoast aoor, in tbe City of Albany. Linn Count", Oregon, uut-r tor nato, at f nono auction, to toe htgticNt biddr for cash In band on tb day of aaif, the undivided two aavantb 01 tije toliowlns; dasoribeq roal estate, to wfr: ricgiwnli'g at tbe Nertbeaat corner t f land at apar' to 0. G, Burkhait In tbe partition anit entitled, J. D. Burkhartet a'a. v. 0 O. Burkbart ala.. In the "Irouit Comt of the ritat of Oregon, for 1 .inn uounty(ruDning rrom inenoe Worth 40 alln., Eaat 11.75 obaina; tbence North 6 deg., 80 mln , Wet 37.75 obalna; tbenoe ou:n 1 deg., tsaat 14.0 cnama, tbnn.-e Uaat Sd.79 cbaln to tbe place of burln ninc.contalBlnn 60 acres, all in Townablp II 8 . K, 3 W., In Linn County, Stale f Orejon.wtth all theeppurtenar.eea llidrn unto belrin(r,lnco appetalnlng. CAB0L1NI3 BSRKHART, . Guardian, The whole of aalil tract of land. Inolud. Init tha Interest of the beir, now of age win be offered at said time for sale, npou Ihe aame term aa tbat of the minor heirs, and the peraon purohsglng tbe whale t f aaid tract to reoeiv a deed of conveyance from each of the owners cf acta lana. and a guardian' aea for tne Intet est of id minors. CAROLINE BURKHART. Administrator's Notice. Kotioe it hereby civen that the under signed baa been by the Coety Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly apposed adminiatra tcr of tha rztate of K Frum, doeaftd. All persons havius olaimt againat taid estate ar notified to present tbem to th cder sisned within tix month from thi date rroperly vtrified, at hit retideno coar browntville, Linn county, Oregon. March oth, I8U0. " A Fjttnw, A.lmrett of E Frnm.dco'd J K W I ATEt 8 FORD, AH'y for Adrnr. " Vart'"W''llMe a.- .a . llomfort f Trw7- wmmwwmj jtm mmamrmm iM lwy trawr Um spoil your eo4'.hyH .'Jll I CCt Willi Nm (uirSr 2Vor?'ALeokr f m f.V.r".' l. CV( 4Jw Iim tMm, Umfk m. UnCCZz) I'-'i-- '-v.rvw (rx-M;ri I Nk. If Ml K-M Sr "' Wear Uie Burt & Packard" Korrect Shape ? Keeps the loading stock of Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Wei Weather Goods and tho Leading Tail oring Department, in the Valley George c.heiehsos SUCCESSOR TO -Dealer in Choice Groceries jrroauce; urocKery ware, rooac co et. Low Trices and Montague & Son, r oon3srB3n fiest sc feeet sts.. Do alar " Groceries, Produce, Tobacco (igars. Conlccuonary, Etc ProdaM wanted ia roVin fnr;oo4s or cuh. prompt HUntioo, TRY US' We hit hard. If you want prices hit hard on builders hardware, carpenter tools, pumps, stoves, ranges, tinware and plumbing. Give us a call in the Tweedale Block, Albany, Or. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN Uaa just received his Spring stock of Clothing, Embracing a fine line of suits, which will be sold , at bottom prices. i In order to make room for new goods will sell his large stock of Notions, etc., at A Great Keduction. The best place in Albany for bargains. FURNITURE. You vant fee best and most durable furntur Is manufactured In th,oity "M"lS1 ' """H 1 I nomas JdrmI BLAIN CO assaaatwa cro. paaaassai a CTD Li FOREST & THOMPSON Prompt Attention, Matthews & Washburn, Albany, Orkgos, IIardware,Stovei5 andTinwar. nil SEATTLE'S Mig ty growth tbe pat ten jeara Into one of tb world' greatest cit ies la wi.u'.ut a parallel. N pais can bow portray ber resource or lb continued ptoeirerlty tbat tbe jearf of tbe futoie will J cur iito .t. T f vtjl JL v. jtvaw 1 And hr BcksiC above line on Lake I NaTCER lein lavish in hrgilt to World's Last Rome, on bar (even hM. wa CUOWNED OLYMPICS on tb Eaat and South, and from tbeee mighty bolwarka ef bealtb, energy, tnptM-tion-giinsr, there arie the Mighty MOUNT RAINIER, av-w-a.y above ever j competitor on tbe Paeifia, irxiDdir( onecf SEATTLE, THE At the bate, wbith, io another aeor ever; city on tbe Pactfie th World' The Wasso TO SEATTLE JUST PUT Oil: LOTS 8200 EACH SOME OF ITS Evrv lot io full iw cf Moo rai:ro-ri; at d Ht; adjoining Ravenna be eomi!etal to it; half drcro ace ditios $23,000 Female G.lle 'o 1 WITHOUT DOUBT THE WASSOM ADDITION I tb Place bre np and wotasn of Hon it will nke their bmrre aod bv? " BECAUSS ilia (vOlUgp, the Min ral apilDts, Uavenna rark, tbe iw if Meant XUtntei I whick is grander hue than an v where else on Paget Snd. if for no thi rsen, would make it mtit drsirbl. In Seattle a Mighty cilr i building. Take b! of the bet while 11 k a chanatt at Lrftwact Priov. To THai Pioheeb, a word t Why did jo erx.a tb plaisat Why did yon take ynr life and that of other in ymr kanda aod com to she Corat ? What ati ean write the btftory? Ton bave ootqueied thU land road a the grth f great ia tm prtv and th aming of eolioaaai 'fortansx, alpo) in a day," rojMkla. Now. bv tba invea.uiknl of a faw th ;atand. ar hundtasi lioliara. van inav re tKa ha'vet tbat belong to yn Will u do it? The greatest eOr m ation tbe ablest finaooittr t arp and Amari ar isvtinjr. then aai.de oay, wiHion, in Seattle. Will jeu not invert? Year oh no ia NOW. Sail it. I have 60 aor tract, an SO and two 40 a or treats. Only a few lft pj rip for platting, any one of whieb, will make yoni foitnn in a ahort tim. Buy quick. I can't duplioate tbem. Rev. J. K. Ktrkpatrick is am.ing jon and the Sole Agent for nrr 1 Dortiuc 1 Tiimrvr In Orgon. Call pn him at one. I will ba in Albany tn a fe days and will remain only a day. Woald be clad to meet you personally and or.e you to jin ua in tb material upbuildtDg of Seattle, the Qaeeu City sure and eal! at Room 843 BaattI Block, wher I will tak genuine fJoeanr in showing you the city. . W r jax. vl jsaa.yja. rv vx s.7 and Sour d I Never baa tbe Hani of fnk tb Great City. a nothing to SEATTLE'S SNOW lfortb atd Weet; CASCADES on tbe QUEEN CITY, of year, will peta fn POFULtTION ligjrat ccn THE fMRKET. AND UPWARDS, ADVANTAOES. - t R.inif r and Lake Tf aaliingteaj Park; an eleetiie railway aa soonaaeaa ittideDcav already uder eoatraeton Am opened S-pUmhjr, 1890. and Skksi an l Rtrixuixr cf tbe Pacific When in Seattle, be W BECK m Ad