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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1890)
Dn;J.L. ..ILL, Physician and 3uik;oon, Omoo-oor, Firetand ferry SueeU, ALDANY- OREGON on. c.uATsen nssron Physician and Surgeon. Office oppoalt th. I "" DR. 17 U. DAVIS, PhysicUn and Surgeon. arofflot op ttalr In Btrahan'a Block. May ba found at hi. ofUo aay and Might, DR. G AV.l.TflEY, Physician and Surgeon. Gradual. Bellevo. Hopitl Mdoal n v Vk Cll. o(w - j Dine ot worn. piaUy rOtBo, Fromau' Brick, Albany, Or. DR. I. W. STARR, Physician and Surgeon, LaU of BrowtiSTlUe, Or, . . .ml BA. Rtrehan I UD atalre. 111. promptly attended lu otty or country. DR. JAKES KEYDEK, Gralnata of Edlnlrarfc Scollind, Hm! In Albany. Tta a hi borough knowledge of hi. protean and hla experience of 10 yaar. a ao offi cer la . Cavalry Regiment, b. hopea to merit lb. patronage of thoee nr",J in nor, cattle, aheep. eto. He .lira hi. wlutlon or llnain.nt fur .or. ehouldera. .ora baoka, brokea koeea. wound, prlns. PrL-a, on. dal lar rr hotu. , . tvav-Officej at JohnSchraeer'.ivery ta bio. P.B.W.LACBBCR., OIO.W. WRIOHT, BLACKRURfl &V7RICIIT, Attorneys at Law, Will practice ia all the Court, of the SUM. Prompt attentioo givea to allbaat pee entiusted to oar eere. Office Odd Fellow Temple, AlUny, Or W It BILYEU, ATTOHNEY AT LAW And Solicitor ia M.ncerj, a I.R1MT. - - OBEOOk. Collodion, promptly mad.onallpo'nl ftr.a negotiated on mombhhim., j. n. DuncAn, LWim AT LAW AHD SOTAET PUBLIC, TOfflco In 8trah an'. Block, So'. 1 and 2. ALBANY, OKECCM. JAMES P. L1EAD, AttDni8j at Law anllitle Examiner, ALBANY OREGON. Will practice la all th. eonrte of th State. Ab'.r-,U of Title furnUhed on hort Bolico- Tea yar experience. i.K. "WXATHEIirOIlD, iTTOHNEY AT LAW ALBA9T. RedCrownMills SOM, LAXXIXG CO., I lOPR'S. nf raooM rxoua ttrrxaioa fob rAtrrui ajto bakbm eta. EEST STORAGE FACILITIES. fflhtit TrUe In Catb fc Lent 17 E McPHERSOrJ, First Stmt. Real EittU Broker, Intoranoe.and money to loao. I have a large Its of improyed and unimproved eUy property, and fruit, garden aod farming land ia large and email traeta. Aa I aell on ommiioa aoly.if yo. want to bay or eoll It will py yea t call aod eea ne. Pooiiiy Wanted, All of poultry, alive or draeoed rwtedat the WIllatuMta V ieklog Com rTkoy'a 81 or a. Allwny, OreROC. Dissolution Notice. W ot lee In hereby gl ren tbat th. .opa't v.rablp hwretofora eiletioff tinder th. nam. of Deroa A Robaon Dae bn die aoite5, Mr L W Deyoe retiring, lha bo aineaa will be Aontlnuai by Pric. A Rob arm. Ail aooonnta abould bo aettlod with taa Id firm, by whom all debt, will be paid. riea aalt aa pay a a. E. J. r.IcCAUSTLAFJD, CiYil, Faultaiy and Hydraulic Engineer. Cenealdoe eozioeer for Gold HoanUia e-"1 Dry Goleh Cooaolidated O jld aod Sil I J Minl.iCo. , retStreet, Albaae, Or. bii'ln nnTi' et th PortUnil Burine uWte' , Portland. Oief". or at the Capital uu bir vxllee Slf m, Orrjfon. BHli chxls ere nut i 4ie maiateincnlofA. P. Armroni have ume mwoI aiudweand eame rate erf infu ja. Shorthnnrt. ,jori(in1 Frometiatiip end F.njllih Dparl Dirnt. lay ami entnK xriwkma. Stodciuaail vrA at any lime. Priot Cataloa,a'Ulra. rti.i laiUM. n o ""V ";. I'oraaud, ALBANY OR. WMISMAH & HULBEET B3.0C Real Estate Agents Farmt and IUochee for tale. AJo city breterty la Albany and Ceryallie. Fortmillei k Irving. t 1 -IN I If) Sjru Wt&Ctl -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. frn-,nf Ifftflfill.lfjf?!' ls.-j IJdst" I i u A-'i-Uwilnxu iu-j i ? 1 TBrXOE y c MARK Cures? IT 13 TH8 BEST. Inataot Itellat riret Applleatlon. lUmnvUle. Mo.. Peo, , UM. t TOflVrod flreaillMllr with neuralglo pain. ahn1.whlohanoiadfltieander. I could ant attnnd ta wrk. I obieJoml lostanUnwiii. Mile from Brat apUoaUoa ef it JroM(ii It. M. CiAlC Oampletaly Carad by On. Bottle. PI Llbory, rU May W. My wtte waa trouhletl with neural!, and after tutrif ne bottle o( At. Jaoobe OU waa .omp'J.oJ curJ"jjEmY BECKEillTEH. At Davoanrrt aito Dtttiu tXt CliaUtt A. VOailll CO taHhaare. rilE YAQUINA ROUTE. Kin DoTolopm.ut Coroitany'. tttoatn hipUn 25 r.HLES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS Tlf.l E rvi b aor other rcJUk Flratolaea through paaanngor and releht line frora Portland and all point. p U. WlllamoU Valley to and rrow u rraaoUoo, Cai. Tha Orocoa Ttclflo .toaDJboal. on th. Vtilameu. Hvar dltlaloo will leaa Prt and. Souto bound, Monday , Wednesday nd Krtoay at a. ua. Arm. at CorTallli Tuaaday. thuraday andSat-uday at 8;80 n.m. L' Corallia, Noith bouni1 Vlondav, Wodnaaday ana rriiiay a o m. Arrit. at tortland Tuaaday, Thun day and Saturday at . p. w On Mon Aav. Wadaaeday and Friday, both North ana South bund boata will ba over nigut it SiUatn, leaving her. at 0 a, m. Boata make cloao oonnoctlon at Alban rSO train of tha Oregon Paolflo tuilroad. TtilE fHtt'LB. (eteept taixUr.) Uare Alaanv 1:00 r. a,.LMe Taqaina, eaa, SHcort'e l:Mt.H. Laaea torvaUI. 10:M a. arrl.a Vaqolna. :0 r. u. arne Albaaj, 11:1. a. a O. A 0. tralaa eonneot at Albany and Corvallla. Th. above train, connect at VaoulnawUh tha Oregon Development Onmpany'e Una of tttoamahlpa batw.en Ya juina and San Franclaoo, vaoa T.oriaa. WIJaiatU TallcyUtarday, tlarrt WJ . do Handay. M wa lain, .n TalT,MrctMh; raoa ua ream-woo WijmM Valley. WJelav.alarc lh. 4a TbunslsT. Uan a Tito, o Raudaj Isrca Mib, Tb. Compaoe r.tjtm tha ngnt to .kBoge aaJliug daUa Uhout nolle. j X.U. Paeaangara from Portland and UlametU Valley pole I can mk. cloae rmnettaon with iti train ofthaY.qulna sotjMisK AJbaoy or Corvalila, an J aee awt to 8n Franclaoo abould arrange to rtv. at Yaqulua tha evening befora fat. (MUicg. ""aaiacr aal r.elaal Bale always to aaweat. Ast Ax". Alhay. or to C H Uaewe:i. Jr . O. f. Raa t rsMdaw, C.I. t A. O. F. V f Aaa . C4JWml.le. OVERLAND TO CAUFMNIA -xVIA-s Southern Pacific Company's Una. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. aaasssaBasstsstsaa Rat bate Albany end tea rraneweo, aa swrnra eaumeeta ixrat it u fx taiw tetwcea raHlaaA east Baa fraaclaea. itoeT". L Pnrt4and Alhany aa riauelew AT Lv 10 s a a b t si a a 7:ot r a Mia I Ar aenaaraaaaaeaataAi aaiLV ir.aejt aoiwlay). C3 a a I Lv MOis I Lv 43 r I Ar rVrtlaod Albau Cureaa Ar aura Lv 1 li: a a Lv I t sw a a LaatoR sauna. I0rs r lav Albany Lsbwwa Albany Leiwuua AlU.iy LslauMja Arltoaa Lv 1.44 r a I Lv r L w.m a t W :( :40 r lMrtr IMll I Lv arm a a A Ar L HiUm BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, - A vestal aa ad a lie al Aeeaadriae Taaaea Rera. attaeh4 t f aarse Tralae. The A P. Co tan -nikeaeormaetloa with all the a.ular train en the rUat tide IrtvUion lie, lout ol r.lreet, " -rUan.1. Bit (Vlvlalea. . nwtU raBTLAl ARB) lOKTALLia. Mail tssi ani (BaawptBnaaay.) rflJ a a Lv 127I a I Ar furliaud Orv Ar I :2U r a 1 Lvl IJOf a BxraaMTXai stiLT (Ex jpt Bonday. rSTral sibo-ra Lv Ar Ptrrtland McMinn.Ule Ar I.V 1 t oo a a t.4 a a riirotir.U 'riclietH Te alt point BOUTII JTTX? EA8T tVIA CALIFORNIA. fai Iji. iulornatlon mwdln rate. Bare, eta. all on IVmiosnr Aanst at Al auiy. R. ROKIILEH P. AOO ERR Manavcr tas'tO. P. and P. Ar City Meat Market. SEULTI BEOS,, Propristors. Kypafotl IUf af mi of All kind. In a oool fljU, eatrifl'y f ied; aod alwtya ITttb. tlsa bve artiiarantlyffln' hand aalmne eek Bh, "S. W. PaisleyT ItlVaay, -. -TVlIf.HaALB DBALiBB 19- T8br.cs ani Ciirs. ; Order tlim4 Sim tkere. ron SKIfS D8 EASES Mm amadmss on umi Tt kill all InflannsMtlnn and Irritati " , and Is If K only aara demyer of Uterotia eud oUur Hkm Farasitce. - Pm Price. 25 cents a Box. "TVilmj A.IClmtBey, ALBANY, OREUON. The Only Complete Set of Abstraet looks end Maps In Una County. ArOffic in tb. Coart Hou,- Bnaln. 'ntrntted to m hUI' Kav laoenptand rful attention. FOSHAY & L1ASON, TaaasULMi aire aaean Orcgstscsd Booksellers, In ion Join K. Adcrr1 pli! tendon, wtiw U eve srfl at piabliaher' prices witi port.gORday' ALI1AST, Ot:t:aOi . gin ""ISA PILES ill f t 1 it .1 C: Frora our ruuir eormpemlant. VASiIlJ(lTOM. Washington, Feb. J4, PrcaUlcnt llarrUon te aliout a mad a man It would be pn.Mbla to find In a day', travel, lie hat bec.m. fully eitU- fled that at leaet two wen, prominently connected with the admlnUtratlon AaU tant Pontmanter General Clarkton and U STteaeurer lluiton have been abuilng him at vrvrnnnrtur,ltverul trlllnof other ' " . 9 won a ther cou'd find an opHirtunlty Jo embarratt Mm by to doing. lit alto hat .i. ...nitn ...oral mbi hK.h oflU-lala n - and tt would not be at all turprUIng if teveral retlgnatlont were peremptoilly de manded by him. ttylet of pottage ata mpa were placed on tale Saturday by the Pot-omce, department. The Improvement, If the'. t any, It hardly vUlble to the naked eye. Fo. many yeart one of the regular Con grettlonal jobi hat been the proposition to have th. Government buy all the real et- .... i.i..iiuii tno iTeatury and me capuoi. tt nat oeen knocked out to often that It wat thought I ta kn nilrl abandoned, but It it again on deck, and a bill hat been intro duced In Cong ret. Only a few montht ago, when there waa afrethet In the Poto mac river, I he gretter portion of thlt ground wat under from tlx Inchet to four feet ot water. Nice tort of property to aik Congrett to buy to put public building upon,ltn'tittr Vh. Invettlgatton of the Civil Service commlttlon, which wat begun laat week will be returned thlt week. Ex Cimmlf tloner Oberly It to be one of the wltnettct examined. The chairman of the Ntw York anti- monopoly league made an argument agalnttMr, Wanamakcr't postal telegraph bill before the Houte Potollke committee Frldav. He opooeed the bill because It proposed to give the butlnett of the coun a a try to a private corporation, lie tald he repietentcd the. working people who tent few tslegramt and who would gel Utile If any benefit II the bill should become a law and that the Poatomce department had more butlnett now than it could manage satisfactorily without adding thie expert ment It It hinted In Imlde republican circlet that Mr. Harrison trip to Penntylvanla last week wa really for a political purpose; he I trying to capture the state delegation to the next republican national convention, and while Quay wat In Florida he though it a good time to visit the tute. and the opening of the free library at Allegheny CUy furnished the opportunity. The Senator, or rather tome of them, are growling about the newspaper men finding out everything they do in secret session, and are trying to devise meant to prevent It. If they would have their or dlnary executive sessions open the trouble would be ended. The regular war on lottcrle which It made in early day at every session of Con grc, b the Introduction of till, ha be- gun. It' a farce; why not to force some of the law we now have on the tubject Intiead at watting time enacting. The House Way and Meant com tniitee are practically at a stand ttlll lo the peeptratlon of a tariff bill. The oldest lawsuit ever known I now In progret ot trial In the highest Russian court In St. Petersburg. It wa originally brought 500 yetr ago against the city of Kamenes-Podoal by the heir of a dead nobleman to recover several thautand acrea of Id estate which ha been confii. cated by the municipality. The testimony la weighty. There are forty. five Urn ot It in manuscript. The Republican Philadelphia Telegraph nopet Mr Cleveland will be nominated by the democrat In 1891, because In thai ctse, if the republican! should be beaten which, of course, It treat a wildly im probable "the Evening Ttleqffk, in common with the entire country, would have the satisfaction of knowing that a man of algnal ability In tatecraft, a in other thinns, a man of ttrong covictlon. with the absolute courage to maintain them, a man honorable, patriotic and tin cere, would be the Chief Magistrate ol hi country for another lour year." The repnbtican majority ii congret have ousted Cate, democrat, who waa e lected from the irst congiettioiiti dittilct of Arkansas by I joo majority and seated Feallier stone, republican, who wat defeated by that majority. The former wat ousted because he wat a democrat, and the latter given the teat because he wat a republican. It I safe to bet that Cate will run again thi falf and that lie will have 4000 mcjori ty and be admitted to. ' Chleege Eejaal la II, Warhi nctot, March . "We have had a satisfactory meeting," nid Chairman Chandler, of the h?ue world fair com mittee to-night, after a conference be tween the committee and a delegation of Chlcagoant who arrived here to-day. "They have latUhcd the ub committee," he added "that they have a bont fide ub- scriptlon of $5,250,000 to begin wlth.evcry dollar a good a cash. They alto satis fied their ability to raise the SIo,ooo,ooo gt-arantccd by t.'hicago altogether, When Baby vaa tick, w gave her Caste, TCbon alia wa a Clilkl, (he cried for Cas torla. When at became Mia, she clung to Castorbw Whoa she bad Children, she gav them Caeaariav Ucl atonk o?2nr! Ar ;oo1 In tha Val rfeh .nd tha moat r utie prion, both Rl buying and aaliiiig. i have ou bani ll r.'ni or FiliiHITUrtt, STO'ES, TINWASE, TRUNKS, B33XS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CS0CKcRY, ETC., ETC. - Ckt want of H K YoungfA otf. tor, L. COTTUfeSi 123 Firat atreet. Albany, Or, .i,utitey And Coxmsellor At Lair ND ALEAtii C3EC0N will urb)r.'to I ail of tbe Coortw hlSr.ate. All b iuea lntrut, I to til 111 be promptly aitonded to, '- 120 U TO GO EUST. Go Euet via Moant Shasta Route. K'tewi climate and toenery at all times of the yeevn. See Mount Shasta, Sacramento, Ogden, 8aJa Lake, Denver. Fioast seond-eia trrt mada are ran daily, Bay year tickets of m v your fare to Portland. I am the only person in Airiany tnstean tell JOB a tied eft to aay point In to United 8tat. Call 00. me I.r rttflt. V,'. jj, Janrra AjflntS. P. 2nd jw" Store. TELEGRAPHIO NEWS Att Orc-guM l yeluae. Pcnmcton, March 7. A epccial to the Tilhune from Wilbur elation ty' Th Inhabitant o Wilbur elation hid th. plenliuro of wttnoRnlnit a regular Dakota cyclone, pBeJovcrBljo3 o'clock thle aflrrnoon, cmenlnir Mcacn.nt cretsk In northenstiy dlrrctlco, and for R few irtliHitci th. heaven were cluuiu with trect and branahc. Made l"an aril. Wakiuno ion, March 7. Tli recent InvcetljJtttlrMi made by Ih. emate to aer tnln how- the nvwanattcn eot hold of the necreta of execution it?lon, waa started 1... t'.l... IV. I.. I. -I Uit. . l.liM o( lh(j ..lrtl)uu0rUl commhte at It wit culled by the men on New.noper Row. Ul coo me ttie lnvcUiauoti nat creaieo no - , ..... Ing. A Lire Leag Urwerntl. NoxTA Yakim.v, Match 6. Captain A P Hoiltje, an old pioneer, died tlit morning of cotiiumjitlon, at the rctiilence of hi ton In law B Chapman, lie wti born in Ohio Octobet 13, 1817. In 1843 he Imnilgraied to Iowa, and the following yenr croaned (he plaint to Crecon, arr'.ving in OretionCity in 1844- He worked at the carpenter t trade at contractor with Colonel Netmiih fur teveral veer. In )0.C9 ,t) NfW 0rjMn. wiere he purchated the machinery kit the limt tine f iieanthoati placed on the upper villanietle river, wntca he shipped by way of Cape Horn to Oregon. While Last he wat appointed ttiperintrnucnt of Intlmn tllnirs for Oregon, and in IBM re- crowed the plaint to Oregon. A Wedoiaa Itaarrel. 1.01'isvu.LE, Ky., March 6. John Willi t a man highly respected in Mclean county, nttr ried Mrt Kffie 1'inkt'on a couple of dayt ago, At the wedding supper a discussion arose be tween them tt to religion, and grew very warm Things grew unpleasant and the otntimy withdrew one by one, Mrt Willit became furioutand refused 10 retire the bridal chamber F.very entreuty failed, end the woman tat Hock still in her chair until daylight. She then set out for her firmer home, refusing' to be accompanied bjr anybody. The minister ol hit church hat endeavored to get her to return to her hutband, and the latter hat offered never to mention religion again in her presence, but the refuses to entertain any proposition looking to re conciliation. ABB AerUlret' liurrAbft. March 6. The train on the I-ake Shore frora the west, due at Ituftalo l 9: 10 p m., broke In two n.r Hamburg to oighl. The front part of the train wtt broveHi to a standstill. The rear half, composed . of five heavy PuUintns,canic on down the grade and crashed into a tecond day coach. The Pull man beuu heavier, luted the dty coach inlo the air and t ier bow lie on top of the other. 8od haviB(t ,clMconed tU finrt day co,ch Both day coactic and th Pullman v. tie full of ptsscngeit. Seven person tie reported killed and ten arc injured. tear la. Portland, M,rch 6. I, T Baria wat to day tworn in a United State marshal lor Oregon, by ludge Sibinr Mtrshal barin bat mule the billowing appointments: Office de puty, J T Crcgg, .Sale in) lucal out ml depul ics, 1' U Sinuot. PoitUnd; O P MiUer.Clack. mat. l.ynian M Watrjus, of Umatilla county it appointed deputy marshal with hcdttait- ert at 1 endicton. Bridge reteresl, Salkm, March 6. Tb county coot in tc. tioa to day made order lor rebuilutng the big biilce acroa th Willamette at Salem and also a new binlgi acroa the Saotiam at Jencrson, it wa ordtrcd that e 10,000 be appropriated fur the purp-e of rebuilding the brulge acrosa the Salem on conditio that I'olk county pay tbe tame amount and tbe city of Salem the remainder necessary lo rebuild said bridge, provided that the whole Cot thail not exceed $40,000; but should it eteetd that turn the two couotie and the city shall pay an tqual proportion of tuck cost, it wa ordered that $6000 be appropriated toward I eliding a bntlge across the Santiam at Jelfersoo, provij ed Linn county pay the balance. Blaek Aasaea Caaagereteel. - I'KN liLETOM, March 6 It it Tbrgtomng to ap(ear that atock loteet wete greatly ter ated. I LOulIlford. whoi in the city, aay he bj lost bout 3000 out of laooo head of sheep on Mutter creek, it wt reported that be btd lost 8000, Anton Fey only 300 out of 8000 en lluttcr creek. E Gilliam, fiom Birch ce:k, say thai a majority of hi sheep re turned out to feed, farmer who are in town to-day sjy tlicy a il) expeil very good fropt thi year, and think they will tuftcr very bill lot from ficaen crop. Btadeata. Kalamaoo, Mich., March 6. Lstt Satur day night twenty on student of Kaiairazoe College kidnaped Professor Ferry and Ins true lor Trow hiidge. bound them and kit them lying out in a corn tick!, it being nearly two hour before they succeeded in liberating them terve. 1 nc lacuity to-day eieiled one tcnior, suspended another aad a freshman for a yesr, while eighteen other student are utided or the remainder ol the shoal yetr, The pun thmcnt is generally considered loo severe. A Bart RllaeUea. Siswv, Cai , March 6. The heavy rain continue, and the now I going off rapid ly, agtin causing slide. The train from Ashland I two dav behind lime from slide north of llornbrook. Traina from Redding are not delayed much. Freight train with filly day's delayed good are luring ruhed through !n anticipation ot another blockade. t.ntrart Let. Cohvalli. March 6. A contract wat let to-day be the county court for the con struction ot a new bridge across Mary' river at thi city. Hoffman & IJate. of Portland, have been awarded the work. The bridge I to have a pile pier, span one hundred and fifty feet, Iron and wood com. binttlon. Price $ 305- Barredlng Oat, Sah Francisco, March 4, B Campbell, general Notthweslern freight agent of the Union Pacific, at Portland, it in the city, ac companied by hi family. He fated to-night that the report in regard to the line of tteamcrt from Portland lo latian wat correct. He ad ded that three tt earners would be put on. They would le of Kngli:h build and would carry tbe Japanese flag. "There it to much flour to be tent to Asia tic ports." Mid Mr Campbell, "that the Cana dian Pacific tteamen cannot carry it all. Be tidet, theie are other freight, and there it a good passenger butineit These leamer will carry passenger a well a freight." Beell Held. McMinn ville, March 5. William N Scott, now in jail here, charged with the mur der of hi wife, after a preliminary trial of three dty. i held lo await the action of the grand jury, which convene March 34th. Teaag Abe Lincoln Dead, London, March 5, Matter Abraham Lin coin, ton fof Robert T Lincoln, American minister, who hat been tufTering from the poisoning anting from a malignant carbuncle on bit kit tide below the arm pit, died at 11 o'clock thia morning- The queen tent a met tage of sympathy to Mr Lincoln, Aaether tilde) , ' ' San Francisco, March, 5 It U reported heic thai another serious landslide hat occurr ed on th: Oregon line at tunnel 9, thi side of Sitson, and the tram due here with the mail trom at far north at Athland wat cut off. The landslide it it thought will put a ttop to th service fur perhaps a week. A Big rellllon. Washington, March 5. Senator Stock bridge to-day presented petitions signed by to8 377 citiient of different states, remonstrating against the passage of any bill in regard to the observation of the Sabbath or Lord -t day, or any o'her religious or ecclesiastical ins .union or rite. lllgh.nrleed Horse, New York March S- The stallion Alcazar, the property of L J Rose, of Los Angeles, wat sold at the American institution to day to Uchl liros,, of Milwaukee, for $25,800 Klgbt la Ana rraaelsea, San Ftancisco, March 5. The executive committe for the assistance of unemployed working men met in joint session thlt after noon with a number of ministers of the city to device some means ol relief. A resolution wa passed asking the mayor to call a mass meet ing of business men to consider the situation, I'reviou ta the meeting the committee sent a J telegram to the California senators statin that jj there was starvation in San Francisco and ask- 4 ing tlie secretary of war to ifcsue rations. TBACUKItX' INSTITUTE. Following it the program ol the Intil. tutt to be held here.hcglnnlng Wednesday, March lyih, 1890 i kvrminu assioN7:3i o'ctoCK. Mutlc. ... Addrrtt of Welcome, Ju,it L, M Curl, Albany. Mutlc. Keoponae, Supt W I He) nold, Polk Co. Mulc. Uecltailon. s Mule. . Lecture. Rev W Rolttnt, Patlor Flrtt M E Church, Salem. MutlCv ' Thurtday, March Uoth. M0RN1N0 !&&tON 9!3 O't'LOtK. Organisation. Meihodt In School Work.Sitte Supt Me- Elroy. ' Civil uovrrnment in scnooit, u T Kut tell. Prln lialtey Public Hchoolt. language Is aeon 1, rriii souin urownt- Vllle Public Schoolt. General Dlacutnlon bat Rulct ought a Teacher to Make at the Opening of hit School. afternoon tetatot 1 130 o'clock. School Management, M R Brown, Prln Turner Public School. How oue School Ak!,Suit W I Bev- noijt, polk Co. School Or'nltlon.W A Robertt.Prln Sllverton Public tkhoolt. Whlsnerlnirt or, No Whispering, uptl L li Baker, Yamhill Co. General Discussion Proper Motives and Incentive! to Study. KVCNINO RRHtlON 7:30 O'ftOt K, Mutlc. K eel t a Ion. Music. Addre.Pret T Vanacoy, Willamette univertuy, atcm. M usic. Ucture.I'res D T Sttnley.Stale Normal cnooi, Monmouth. . ... . . - r Music Friday, March aitt. MORN I NO RtaaiOM O O'CLOCK, Value af School Libraries Jay II lewett, rnn iiarnsourg acniwtt. Language, J U Leatherman.Prln Wood- bum Public School. The Recitation, G A Walker. Prln A!-1 bany I'ubllc nchoola. . 1 ,1 ..... 1 vtcicrai wiscus'ion 1 iiysioiocT ana Hygiene Methods ol Teaching. AfTltRNOON ttSfclON 1 130 O'CLOCK. Technical Grammar.A I Garland. Prln 1 North Itrowntvllle Public School. I A Plea tor Skilled Woikmen. R N Wright, Santlam Academy. Comparative Merlttot Mixed and Grad- rd rtchool, W T VanScoy, Prln Jefferson Public ScIkkiI. ' - General Discussion Legal Rlizhttendl nutlet 01 i eactiers. . . . . . . M . I , IVXMlNO tXSSiON 7:30 OC UK.R-. Mutlc. Keclttlon,Mr A I Garland,Browntvile. music. Addre--The School the CoHege," rroi w s ouuert,nillotnath College. Music. Lecture, Pre T G Brownton, McMlnn- viue College. Saturday, March 3and. horning anaaioM 9 o'clock School Economy, S A Itandle.Clty Supt Public School, Salem. Number Work Method of. W W Dristow, Stat. Agr College, Corvallia ueography 1 he xiwtH and Neighbor I hood; the Stale ftottlt America t tbe World. Committee on Music Prof W II Lee, J C Littler, Mi. Lilllc M Robertoii.A!b..y. The beat recitative and musical talent win oe tccurrd.tml the dally eterclsct will be Interspersed with recitation and read Ing. and good mutlc, vocal and Instru. mental. The leading teacher In the teveral countk- In the dlstrktand In the state will be present and assist In the work of the Institute Ail member attending the tnctltutcand pvirg lull I re over the fctat and Wt Side division of the Southern Pacific Rail way tine In Oregon. will be entitled to re- tarn ticket at one -fifth fi-t.1 ot the wl-u- lar tare. Thi. reduction will be given on ik. trl., i.w .k- .. .li- and Albaae ' The hotel of Atbanv will entertain thnaa attending during the day of the Institute at " Hoot, of the 0 A W T Railway m-m-reduced rate. P' " " w Cavinea. by Beojaatia Eeru.l rln 1;,, . M Llnn county s Sunt D H Yoder. Marlon couuly i gupt W 1 Revnoldt,Polk county j Supt L II Baker, Yamtlll countv t E II McElroy, Slate Superintendent Public In struction. COUNTY COL'KT FKOCECOIMCS. (0. R. S. lUaokbum, Jaig aw.CvsentsO W hhtltlija, Cnaiailselnnsre. Application of WE Arnold etal for connty road dmrniwied. Wculcy Kinser appointed BnptRoad Right of way for tt rect railway on coun ty road waa granted. CLArXM ALLOWED. J (Irndwohl, aundrira II M Stone.rep Oak Creek bridge. H A lHtwon,aaeMdam'geon road M Payne, viewer rtmd S Froman, " WNlVtrter, aid II II Hewitt,ltAttyfeea U K IWintA, cat iralp I It lShtckbnrn,Ralary, expeneee. . It W (5oopr, com U W Phillip, 49 02 200 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 20 00 6 00 I 00 104 00 11 20 22 20 Tjitv Quarrkl. In AttorU tbe Co lumbian and Aatorian both claim to re ceive the associated preaa diMpatchea and are having a lively quArrel about it. The tact ia neither receive, more than a pony acrvice, as it 1 called. Tlie Aatorian aaya : In the cloning mon tha of hut year a tew papers Btieweded in raising enough money to get no rue kind of telegraphic errbe.iiatiHfactory to themaeivea.but not what would uit The Aatorian. Tim Pen dleton Tribune, tha Walla Walla Union, and one or two other paper of that claaa got in, and, probably, tbe Columbian. That eervice it good enough for auch pa per aa can't afford to buy anything bet ter, but it in not good enough for Tlie Aa torian. C'RAwrouDHViLLK. Mr Henry Chance and wife, of Cottage Grove, arrived here Monday, Mr Chance will take charge of his saw mill above here. Mr Patrick Farrel left here last Wed nesday morning for hia home in Eugene. He has 1een here for a month teaching the band. Tbe boya liked him very well and learned Rome fine piece of music. They are playing 3rd grade music. Mr J II GIhmb took charge of the Post Office last Friday. Mr Moeeg.tbe retiring P M kept the office for four yearn, with credit to hinmelf and the entire satisfac tion of the patrons. Cor Times. S.nake th celebrated Havana filled ei gari, manufactured at Jnliut Joseph' eigsr factory.- Only 5 cent. letter List. Following Is the list of letter remslnlnK In tlis Pjst Office, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Mar. 6, Ik DO Persons calling tor these letter must frlvs the dale on which ther were advertised t Rolen, Mrt Theresa Ccx, lieorga,4rtbnr Hill, Oscar 3 Letl y.Mi Mary Neser, Augnst Post, Wr W C Woody, VW Benedict, 8 K Cbarch, Mr EH Hunt, Miss Maggie Hewitt, F J Lookwood, Wrren Nash, M D Piokeim.Mis Ina R. THOMPSON, P ii. M.YGF.ID. COX ARCHIBALD. On Wednes day afterhoon, March 5, ISjo, at the resi dence of and by Rev S S Meminger, Mr Smith Cox, a thrifty farmer and nrst-clatt fellow, and Miss Annie Archibald, a tlstcr of Mr O A Archibald, of the Linn County bank. May they meet with the tuccettct of life they deserve. GROVE POTTER On Thursday morning March 6, 1890 v at the Ruifs house, in Albany, by Geo Humphrey, Esq, Mr E W Grove and Mis Ida Potter. ''llultA: 4 The Willamette ba. hoen tlowly riafng. Dr 15 VV Oary. f Madfu.d. b. Itun n In the city. G R Maxon. ol IlarrUbarif. waa Ih tL. tlty to-day. Mr 8 K Young hat bt on in TorV.aud en butineit. A big bridge meeting wtt hold at Jeffer a Ttdy, ton George Frtnole Tfaiu le on hb wty to Taanma. ItUttrantie that Tatoma hired tutih a lanatie to advertiae it, Bill Nye I to be In the valley with a WDsioal eonipany and hit own ehio mut'r, and ther. will lie Iota of fuo. Mr Tom MoCaW waa dtiwn VaaUrdae from uetr ltoob oreek to prove up on hie o'airn Mr H ll.igao and Mr Hammer were along at wUneatee. Wm Corateo wat taken tTnent y eater. I day frr being inaane. and laet evening waa examined by Drt Matton and Jonet and ordered teol to 8alem. T L Wallace returned thit noon from At ttoila, the city by the tea and lute to tee. Thirty real c.tate agenU, 72 taloooe and bonmt in piotpect. E 9 ,fT',,,l' " agent of th. Aim torla Ileal Ettate and Treat Co-, of Port land, ia in tbie city on hnalueet oonnoctrd wnn nit compariy. Muteamao. Th. 1 teamen Willametta and Farillna arrived at tha Bay thie murniog, th. latter wnn a goon loaaotigar Hat and a large oaro 01 MHhi ,0' J P Yetterdt L B Ilarnlah told to I. ft W.t- aei! his property in ii 1 3d A for T1800. L w Hoentib piirubaswl a lot ia the eame ad dition fjr fGSO. Writeraan & Hurlburt, agent. Tha Reunblicaa (Jentral eommittde met yesterday and et Anril 18 fur tha Ruts eonvention and Portland the plaoe. J W Cuiick waa preteot vetterdar from thit county, lUoentlv a little dannbUrof Mr KraulT. of K liot Prairie. Marion injootv. while going borne from aobool tbroegh a pasta re, was attacked by a vioiout tbaep and teri oatly injured. Th. little ooe waa knocked cowa teveral time, bat nntlly reaohed feno aed tuooeedtd ia olimbing over it. fMIOAV. Biaa it abort. 8am May, of ilarritburg, i in the city. li B 8uiuki. of Htrritbarg. bat boen in the city. Hon Qn Wani 011 ar, of the Railroad em iiesion, U la tbt city to-day Maaara. btawait. Job and Booth, all O P nan, went j tha front to-?day . Mr. Frank Petareos, ot tha city. pending a month at Yaqnina Bay.' Mrt Chnt fToook ha been In Corvallia teveral dayt vuuilag tb. new grandchild. '1 her it talk of a 130.000 brewery in A! D'?V w f aod local capital baov, to be built by Adolph Iirua, of Halem, There will be a meeting of tb. board of S director ot th. Y M C A at tb. ball at 0 'clock to-night Deputy Sheriff Smith went to Salem yea terday with Wm Carta too, tb. mean man committed th day ptevioi. Mr M J Montetth left yesterday for ti mam k .1 ..l a,-. ii. u vf Uilb will follow in da time. About four feet of snow remain in tb mountains beyond Uateevill, a foot having aiaappearad within a lew day. Mr W W MoO. ot tha wta-on toad toll gate, las been ia th eitv. lie reported th scow u gat tbi side of bi plaoe Biiiy Arlington U soon to eiv. aa enter tsinmvot at MeMinoviil. foe tb. beaent of tb tiremea there. Poor MeMtsnvtlla. Dvi Brother, i tlia head tf a marriae noUfl. in a Orvalb pur. The eontract-l-tt partte. were W L Davie and Mrt Dolly prttmer. Tb Lloa Oonnt Rapublieta Central j ooromitU tll meet March 21 and make arraagemeaU lor tb. eoouty convention tad I primaries. Mauri Shiomaa aad Laeahead. of th O P. r erecting two ooat 001 tain on Front Street, at a bfetty point overlooking tb. WiilametU, W C Caaa.ll, contractor. A few day ago Uoel Dan Elleda. ef Soott valley, ia Mating tum!f at th brvakfaat table, pulled a eoffe pt of hot aotla. onto htmtttlf, tealdtng him verly Mr Aagutt Langa, aon-ia-law of Mr J K Neil, who reoeatly came bar from Crete. I V.0 fT,' T' m,w oocpii oy i . . . . . . ,VJ1 j "Km, merahaodia .tor. He tll be aattated h' hi brother, in-law. R L Keil. A suit hs be., .ntamd againtt Preaidont .W-P0 ' IM OOllecUOB Ol B I4TO pmw itory n I. which they gtv to Mr Detpaio. renojetoti K u. A fw newspaper. perhaps with iotereeted pel ties at the back of them, are trjiog to create prejudice against ir baa. aa aaper inUnd.nt of In in sen ast lam. From all w. can learo th institution waa never ander batter management than at praaeaU Daliat iiemuw. Daring tb recent oold nsp in EVra Wathiogtna a atoekman ia tb Big Bead oottptry offered 1,600 htad of 00 wt, teart aad ealve at $2 a bead, bat could bad bo buyer. There ie bo feed la that whole tp per country. They hardly needed aay laat year sod that spoiled them aod mad people careioee. S logger John L Sjllivaa got drank in a saloon th. other Bight, in Mew York, and oAered to whip a young man seated at one of tbe tahie. The youag man with bit right arm floored tb. boas alegger and im mediately ran away. Sullivan arc and wanted to clean oat tb. taloon, but hi friod prevented him. BArPROAT. Bargaan t Read'. HaUey ia to ba. a newspaper. P . M. French keep railroad time. For artist' snpplie. go to Stanard k Cutick. Se Barrow & Searl new ad. ia another oolumo. Fresh fish reeaiyad daily at Sehalta'a mar ket. ( Tb Portland train waa tvral hour bite to-day. Mr Geo 9 ICsen.v baa been la Portlaad aa buiioest. Mr W C Sear returned laat evenine from a trip to Salem. Ore at eletraoo. al or th next SO day at W F Read . (iood eveninir -Hav yon Med Hubbard Elegant Lotien Chipped beef in aoantitia la auik at flan C Henderson' The fl Kd is D1t tnd Still vnn nan nl tha bt printing at Pholo. Don't fail tout vour nrintinv .Inn. .1 Phelpt h doe the bett. 10 Oer nent ofl nn all na.k ..1 tn ,k- next 30 day at W F Read'. Wheat has an upward tend eea v end iamio u i i odw, va-.aareiii) oeut. W ctn and wi'l aell elnak eheaner than any Portland house. W F Read. Low price are what nonnta and fi K Browneil ia the plac to got them. Yon otn save many a dim. by trading at H 0 Ilnbbard new drug store. Try it. Sauerkraut, pickles, pickled niot feet and everything nice at C Browneil. Watohee, elook and jewelry oarefollr ra- paired and warranted at F M French' No need to ufTer with th haadaoh when Hubbard' Capsule will urly care you. If you want a 60 toilet or bath sosp eall ou Staoard & Cutiok, City Drag Store, Mrs. M Sternburg and daughter Sarah went to Corvalli to-dsy, on a visit with friend. . Geo B Vaasalle and wile returned from Oakland tbi morclug. He is somewhat im proved iu hoalth. Th Seattle laturanoe Co ha had a re ceiver appointed. There are one or two ttock holders in Albany, County Judg Blackburn, of her to-day to ocntult with our county oeurt 00 th Jefferson bridge, Salem Journal. DuTiug the late bloekad in California, newspaper were taken into Lake county on hortebsok tud told for 50 cents apieoe. One Yq uina Bay man reoently tueo an- u mr jigaung nre snout a year ago. Is created oontiderabla of a ttir. Thetubjeot at the 4 o'olook meeting to morrow of the Y MO A it: "The True Coarse tf Intellectual Culture " Prov. 2 A cew town between Monmouth and In dependence it to be called Tallmadge. Probsbly because will be tort of a tongue 0r these oitiet. A petition it being circulated asking the post oflioe department to et-tsbligh a mail routa from Ytqniua City to Alssa Bay and to eatabiish peat office at Beaver Creek, -- 0 A Hill, who, with hit wife, ware called here tometime tgo on account rf the rorton illnets .f hm mother, Mrt li C if ill, re tained to hi home in Seattle, 'hi morning. : In a mask bill tt Balr City the follow ing former Albany pcnpltt appear in a long list ol maskersi 0 It l.inl' r n.n. Tomniy Moflifity, Mrt Lodorintn, (tonnnoj Mm Wallace. Oiri f the Uidn Went. Ex Ouv Z V M iofly, ttipposfld to be ry wealthy, pay Uxo en $10,900 at The Dalle. Vruuah Si Co are the heaviest in dividual taxpayer th-r, and are aeed t$Gl,535. A jtitUoe ol the ic at Farmington, Wash, t alng rlUturlwid by ai.ase hoodlum, loft hit rost.iurn end whipive.l the torbulnnt lellow in gojl shape. Til court prnuflwdid with huiuet thereafter with the beet de corum. BertMsgeralt no from Albany. ylitina hi mother at thi plaoe, lie faae heo clerking f- r La Forest Si Thorn peon, hut e tney nav aoia oat n wni now t with x. (yoben, the clothier ol Albany. 8teyton Sun. The Polk county onnrt eterday trade an pproprUtion of 110.000 toward rebuildins taa Salem bridge in a tuhetatittal manner. Thay also gre to co-nperat. with Marion eon nty to niiiituti of the htuige alter it U built. Daring tboreoent flood on the Slutlaw th houm betonglna i a ottler by the name of Shultre was washed awavlaud with it a trunk containing a watuh and clothing. The trouk went ont to tna aod washed op oa tb beach but little the won. for the wator. Seattle already 000 taint withla itself a eity of N ()'. Tbe Pres eay that ther are fnlly 800 vagrant In that ty. There are 300 proetitutet, 75 professional gamb- r ana 400 peool beeiilet bavina "no viaibl call i off or business to maintain thorn- elv." , BEAtV KtTATIS at IK. Frank Fromn to HBryant,177.23 iwreeln tpll H, r W $ Geo WrIIuco to Wut 1'ntrkk, Se q 61310 aec , tp 10 n, r 3 ! Davii A Huyck et ttx to Win Pat- rick.Ne q aec 2S, tp 10 K, r 3 K 8 Shupp tt tlx U C K WelwU r,Iot 1000 1000 1, id an, Uai k zi a to Alimny Ila S Hitltnmmh to Mary hiult- 1200 iiiarun, an lnwn-iit in lot 1, blk 13. E A to Albany 1 700 100 31 A llackletiian to G 11 Haniin- li, lots 3 k 4, Wk 0, Hack 3d A to Albany Jonpph A Ames to A L I'relliam, 14 acre in tp 13 ,r l K Corinthian LrKlgu to K Turner, K li olX it lot in, blk 4 C 13 Hnrnlw h to h B Witwll, bit 5, blk 125, Hack A to Alimny W C Can well to Sncy Cwt-U, lotu 0 & 7, blk 9, Hack U A to Al imny 1800 2500 3150 75 100 J II Burkhartetux to J F 35.25 acrt-a in tp 11 H r 8 W. . jAmea ii Boyle to V It liardtuan, lot 8, blk 5, in Hodaville PO Smith to R K HibWer.E h lota 35 & 3, Sfio Robert Johns to Mary A Hoffman, Ne q blk 34, Hack U A to Al imny.... Jay W P.Iain et nx to L A Woodle, 14.25 acre in tplI.S R 3 w... E P Geary et al to Frank C Fro man, the 1) L C f P Adam. . . L A Woodle to J C M vera, lot a 7, 8, bl 7, and lot 5,in Id 8,W' Kiv eraiiJe A to Albany C It Ke et al by sfieriff to J W Cuaick, 130 acre in tp 12, 8 U 2 w Article of incorooratinn of Brown" 5700 0570 50 2310 ville Buiuling and 1trn At'u Filed Total aalea Total for year.. ..135,003 .$305,359 Lxbaxok. Prof. II. C. Palmer, teacher of the conwrvaU-ry of uiuhIc in Albany, waa ia town Wednesday, He will in struct the newly organized cornet band. ItJhe board of trade held A meeting Monday night, Some of our butiineee men will, no doubt, organize a building and loan aaaociation the coming m-anon to meet the demands of an incoming population. Metwrs. Janice and Robert McCaust- land, formerly from Iowa, Iwt recently ol halem ana Alimny, were interviewing our real eetate dealer, thia wek. The above named gentlemen are like score of other immigrants, at leant in one re spect, they want aome Oregon soil and doubt!?., can be nuiu-d. Tlie meeting of the Elite Literary so ciety called together last- rriday the talented young men t.f Iebanon to din cu. the nulitai7 ability of General Grant and Lee. The dciion waa renkered in favor of the negative. M. A. Miller, one of the dinpuiants in the dinKWdsion ia rejoicing over bis victory. Express. Browhsvillk. Four hundred dollars special tax and the bonding of tbe dis trict for f2000 was voted for without a single negative vote. It was unanimous. A. Lcroy waa elected clerk and W. B. Blancliard, director, instead of J. M. Howe. , Mr. W. R. Kirk returned from Port land Momlay evening, lie started for Eastern Oregon, but while in Portland met his brother, T. J. Kirk, from Athena, who informed him that if he wished to do business he bail better wait till tilings thawed out over there. Every thing frozen up and business is paralyzed. Rev. C. Pperrv met with a very pain ful accident Wednesday afternoon, while carrying a plow to the blacksmith shop. He had gotten as far as the high side walk on the south side, when the end of the plow caught on an upright piece of timber that had been placed there as a brace to the walk, throwing him off the walk to the ground, about eight or nine feet below. The plow lit in such a man ner as to cut a terrible gash acrrws the instep and front part of his foot. Times. A Send Off. The Rena MarteU's Dramatlc Co who claim to have played In .Walnut St. Philadelphia, have been doing all the ainall place through the Valley. The Stayton Sun soars in the following manner, which makes the Dim ocrats art critic tremble with envy: "Tuesday evening East Lynde wa excel lently rendered, Mitt. Rena Marteil' as Lady Itabella of the highetl order of ele vation. Sir FrancW Levison played the outrageous villian hugely, lii goat-ee and muth-tath sand-witcned with a smile, not from ear to er, but very long the short way," . Borx To the wife of Heirokee Iimmi da, In Albany, March 8, 1890, a girl. Mr. Ixumida boast of being the father of the first Japanese child ever born In Albany. Ckareh Dlreetaiy. U. P.Chukoh. Preaching every Sahbath, morning and evening by Rev. r G. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath Sohool at ;30 r. m Prayer meeting every Wedneatday evening. EvAitamcAt Chckch. Preaching on Sab- vara at ji.uo a. kf., ana 7 r. k. Sabbath School 10. -00. Prayer meeting every Wed needay evening 7;30, Rev, Fisher, pastor. ah ar invited, M. B. Church, Sopth. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o clock a. m. aud 7- o 0 oiocK r. M- Sabbath School at'2:iU oVln-k r M. Prayer meeting Wednesday eveniua' . T --l e. i . -lot. ..." .n M. E. Church. Preaching every Sabbath morning and evening. Song eervice in he even &g before aermonu Sabbath School fi:sv r M. frayer meeting every Thurt- y s reaiag. itav.o tu Meminger, pgtor. v rKSHBirxRiAR VKPBCH. 4vice every oaooain morning ana evemngjin Uhuroh eor. Broadaibin and FifthSta. Sunday School immediately after the morning service. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening Rev E R Prichard, pastor. Fihst Baptist Chckch. Preaching every Sabbath morning andevo' Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning service. Prayer meeting eye Thnradty eveping at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Trumbeii, pastor. CoKGRBaATXONALCHOftc'H.-iServiceBeverv Sabbath morning and evening. Sabbath Sohool at 12:15. P-ayer meeting on Wednesday evening of each week. Rev, Roger, Pastor. Christian Church Preaching everv Lord day in month, morning and evening Sabbath Sohool tj 10 a'cloek.A M. Ray J F Stewart Pastor. Catjjouo CatniCH. Service evoiy Sun day at 10:30 m. and 7 F. M. List Sunday of th month service at Eugene City. lUv, Louit Metayer, Rector. . CsiiU'rcn Cry for ... for Infants end Children. Crlorl!s o well adapted tochfldreB that I f!aot4rr! ew CoUo, Cotwjtpatlon. t rmn,nral itM toporiortoany pmrtpUoo I I l'r'r . ZTZ di tnuwa to tax." IL k. Aantxa, VL t., I ion. Ul So. Oxford St., BruoUya, H. T. I Wtiout lujurtoua sn4iceiloo, Tb CxKTiCB Coaeiirr, Tt Murray Street, Jf. T. TR U KS ABOliT TtWX. The Man AlwutTown ban jut read the toliowin in a county ex : "Allrtuiy will iMKiti follow the exariiiile 61 Browne ville and J:Joiion and organic a Board of Trade. Good Mit." And the item ia a good idea too. We hud one once ; but it in gone, yaniooaeil the ranch. Altmny abould not Im above patturninx after a couple live neighbor. MS am '. . Having no w nridalu in A!laiiy the Man Aliottt Town i obliged to rcfr to one in Salem. Prof Randall In charged with hugging a thirteen ywtr old girb Aa both ol the papyri! there aotni to have a pick at the Prof, the Man About Town 1 mea to remark fhat tlie Prof, in ulnoIuUdy inno cent. A ftcntliJtuan of irreproachable chuwtcr hint from there naya it in all looliKlineHM.and i-i niinrily a cam iA Halein He by a lew men. Itie aian Aroui Town dH-8 bate to see a man particularly a tuoral.exampMry man attacked, ling a lamp Hxt, a Ixtrlier pole or an Indian to bacco sign ; but don't bug a thirteen year oi l girl. Tlie Mail About Town rejoiceg to see that .all through-. Linn there is a live movement forward, not onjy in Albany, bat in Lebanon, Brownsville, Hcio, liar- riHburg, JJaisey ana in every pmce in iue . a a a . 1 it . county, i our of tbe places luentionei 1 will have newspapers. ILtmaburz, tbe first to have one leiog left out. It must bunt u ti a pre. I n theae places too real estate is doubling in valu. in ieoanon , for inntnnce. the Man About lown is in formed that a live former resident of that oitv. now residing here, has cleared 115,- ,. .:. .1 . ...... . , .1. i.,. ulio 111 real rx-Jiie traiiKU -innm uuimi mrt vear. bo baa done better than that in Albany property. The streets of Allmny just at tbe pres ent moment are in a frightful condition, Let the troth be told. To ride along any street in the city is like churning butter by hand. Every crosswalk is another spUisli. There are holes And holes, and just west of tbe 0. P. It. B. track on First Street is a place tbat looks like the crater of a volcano. It takes hardihood to nav igate it. At crowungi there are deep watery excavation,and mud untold. Our city has a big job on band in tbe im- nroveiuent 01 our streets, ana uecause r?iKikaneand Tacoma have slathers of mud and grew is no reason w oy Aiuany hould alao have tbe element always. IT WILL K& AH lArE. The Ojttet'ion it being akeJ whether the member ol tbe legislature from Portland will. at the ne session of the lej;Uiature ask that that city may itsue non taxable lonft to ail in curing good pure water for the use of bet citi tent. Some time tine the Orrzouian inti mated that the scheme of obtaining authority from the legislature to issue tuck bond had been given np Bat the Telegram say a bill win be introjuccd and, with great assurance, taytit will pats. Every unbiased, right think ing man in or outside of Portland must ear aestly hope that that city may secure a boun teout supply of good wholesome water. Nothing it more needed in that city. It is to be ear nettlv hotted that the people of Portland will not atk the legblature to grant to great a priv iiege at that of issuing non taxable bonds to secure money to construct water work. The reason of this it too apparent. To issue ach bond would give Portland capitalists the much caveted opportunity of turning their money which is taxable into bonds which are not', tax able and thut escape their share fioianlo of the burdens of taxaliou to pay the expense of tlate afTiirs. Tbit would be unjust to ibe great body of the people of the state, for it is a cardinal principle af state and federal gover nment that taxation should lay equal and uni form tnd that there should by equality of priv ilege! among all citizens and special privilege to none. But we are told that these bonds will be sold in New York, and hence the state can never teach them to tax them. . It is fur ther urfed that if they are Jraade non taxable they would sell on the market for a better price. But this argument is contradictoiy49br if ttey could not be reached in New York for taxation purposes then taxable bonds would sell as well there as non taxable bonds. From reliable sources we team that the effort to pass the non-taxable bond bill will be renewed and it behooves the people of the state to be on the alert tnd elect uicm'jert of the legislature who will stand out to the end against thit scheme, On divers occasions tbe people of Portland have complained that there is unjust prejudice throughout the state against Portland. This is true and considerable of this prejudice senseless and without cause, but the people of Portland have by their own indiscretion and overreaching brought on themselvss this pre judice. This non taxable bond scheme has produced much of this prejudice. Portland bonds without the non-taxable clause could be floated in New York at par. It is to be hoped that the city will be content to get authority from the legislature to issue such bonds and all opposition will cese. !Ya hav9 tha Exclusiva Control ot N Ie If ft rj 5 - 1 j x t. o bl 50 c II T u. AnJ don't hao to offer a prli to tell thlt Cfxls, far IUthBST MADS. imwh Co ao4 CEE (S3 Ul HALF F0'J"3S. SAMUEL E. YOUiiG, flLBAWY. OREGON. ran nr! WlksJ A PeiTiyr ForlOSTorrAnnrfJ KAITH00P; ft s l lib. CTenerai and K E AVODA Di.BH.ITTl sTtTTTT? if Body and Hind: Effects S-i Jt-AJ of Error, or Kwutl in Old or Younsr, RiMmt, Kot)i feA'MOOn full. Rti.mJ. Hnw In r.l.rtr. fctr.nth. r).,l MiKU.Llsl'rH Olllit!iSa PTiof milt. nlklll.c IHlSt 1KKATSK.NT Bra-DU la a lr. P.". (p.lif. trvm ;, T.rrltwln. Ml .rt.. C'.ii.tH. ttwalan) fn Aaw t8i eUihCAL C3H BliffAtt, N. 1, Stk ' ' - - 9 - Revere louse: ALBANY, - . OREGON CH1S. PFEIFFER 1'f.OPRIETOR. FUted no In firsUclass style. Table .fpp!ifld with, the bf3fc ia the market, Nloa tie pinsr apartments. Simple room' Cor ceuinn-rcial Iraveleirs, tTFr e t aies te aad fram tae-Kotel.-CS : "i'i':":i";T:::zirrii:::;;,-i iLBAHT CDLLESUTS IIS1ITUIB alcahy, onsebn. r 1080,1889. rirat Tertu eae Re-HesaWr llUr, IM. A lull corp. of instructor. CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COIrf'riEEDSAL AMD K3RUAL . CLASSES. (Vorv ot tudr arrantrad to moot tb' eii of a!l grd of atadenta. Sfociml maurttiMHlf ejrtd t ttadtmh from krad. Tuition rang tVowt 5.60 to SI3.M Board ia private faioi'lea ac tow rate Koo-n tor 9!f-biardinR at lioall xenM A aarMfat auporvinion xereitvd ove ta deat away front noon, Frli fcrm open Lj. . .a t . "tl, Vtm t n ! at tea fl.l partleulara aoorosa in rfesHoont- et. rxssr.RT , roattiT, ACADEMY - or Osr Lady of Perpptsal Help. : ALBANY. - - -- OREGON Coudnotad by the SiU.i t M. BoeedJc I Tbi Asademy lanoorporated and as- thonxed by the aunt to eonmt acaiJoniie honor. The c-nirae 01 eruijj ia -uiy.ei, ; u.iimariM. Literature and Stfuss or. I arwjelaluea, aa aiaatb. Normal Trattraetiog , nfaepiranta for teacher' eertifloat In- f 1-jnt.nai arawjnr. tocwi iuowr iu vimmm sos li klndaof nM11ewk form, no ettrt bar?. Tb. oi1piin of tb. aebool H sr.otie but flrrn, ooje rwing to ft.m or only r fined young ladlsa. bat D0W9 and uft maoiW. of aocMy, Tvpti ximitted at any lime ano enarg pror-. vioneeV Papllaof any denomlnauoa fe- etved. ... - w Tuirioat lo eelaat twy aeaooi range rro, . Uto10. . V Fortoraoa o Boarding Sab ot or asj artietlaraappijr attfae A andean y, or jwi- t a4eSkUersapartra. K F. St, Pro C II. Ttr, g Albany IRONWORKS Manufacturer c- ,EAaI EHuliUS Cr.!Sr AHD SAW MlLLMAQHiHEfiY I30H FSOHTS m ALL WW 8F HEAVY AH3UCK WOEX, IN (EDM AHD B3ASS CAST1KSS. tpeicla! attention d of lat-ihioer? jalil o pmiria; Patterns Made on Short Nctict. FRANCIS PFEIFFER. I PROPRIETOR OF - Albany Soda Works. nd ManBacturera of seoige , cosnunarai, A ar. bow prepare to sail At whols a, al way freeb end aura at Portlxod ie to dealers. We a'-ao keep a fuit flats and fropica.1 fruits, 1 2AfIS T33033 U MONEY TO LOAN. $200,000 to loan at S per cent Jo) ntv proved farm or city proper! r. W all ac a & Jusict J. F. 1 Mtiiig, Artist.' j Ins' ruction given, and work exei cuted in Landscape, Portrait and De. coralivePainting,Lettering,Des'.gnIng and Mechanical Drawing. . Rooms 8 and 9, Fo s ter Block, Ai l any.Or ianos. Thoaa wlshinsc a firnt claa instramec , the bent made to atand tbe climat of tb": doast, can be eu't ed by calling at Mr i 35 aymaa'a, oppo.itu tbe Maaopio Tem pie, on First Mret. Tbe latest vocal an instrumental maeio kopt for aale,alco ti, largest aMortment of stamping patters ' to select from tbia sidi of 'Friseo. La tons given in painting aud embroidering In her studio over Lmn County Bank, t Oivt her your order and yqq will be . To All Whom It lay Coscers, The Germanla Fire Insurance Co of . New York, having reinsured it enUrei business in the State of Oregon, said com-: f pany (having on deposit with the State 4 Treasurer, $50,000,) hereby give nctice of Its dis-ronti nuance "fef business in Ore- g in, and its intention of . withdrawing Its " deposit now with the State Treatiirer a$ I ti e expiration of the six mopth printeci notice required by law ' , GSRMANlC FlRElX9VRA!eeJCo opN. 1, Hugh Schumann, Vice Pretident 4 " Decjt 5i iSSg ' . . , Delraonica Restanrantjf CORKER FIRST AN ft SXaWORTf fTS. The undersigned bavins purohaaed the" old Herman Rettaurant atand ha opened.; uoaer the above na as a hrtt-ol as rettas-t rant. We are prepared to furnish meal for parMea or dances on short notice. pys tei s served in every style, eastern or ooatt; t all kinds ot fish knowj in the market. Employ only fir-clas I elp, and waiting wi 1 be promat and courteon. Resular meal 25 ot. Coffee of ftrst-olat quality' ami a cup of coffee and cake at from 6 to 10 cts. I am well known In this city tnd re quest the tizsns to give me a call, SAM GSEIS, Proprieuir. ) PATEHTS t lined, ano sll other businees In th V. S. Fsue OirorBee to onposit tb. U.S. we tan obuln Ptnt lees time than those rem. roni Washington. . & nd unfile ar drawing w .1 w t . sdu ty free of charge ; and we make e charge uojsse -c i omm ateui. f w refer here, to the Postmaster, th Sunt, ti Mi.ney Order Piv. aud to officios ollh.U. 8. , Oitiie. For circular, advice, temis. and iwni os. tual ciieut. in jourowa State oreouaty, -.Mr j c Aa moWiWi) Opposite Patent fjfBse, Washij t ,n, i M JtAV. S. SKNr r MAY is EEIfDERS, -I U A A Jt I