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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1890)
mt FRIDAY., .MARCH 14, 1890 3TITK3 & Mil lenp a a -I HUTTING. rerl-tr. LOCAJj KJSCOIU) fTKKt, rails are be Inn taught in New York for the Albany A Astoria railroad. - Astortan. Tbcrt) is another good text and illunt ra tion how the A. & A. Imb business. The directors act, anil you aro atonlshd, not at windy announcement of things to bo done, but at statements of mat tor accomplished. The road will go through in just that way. It has all tho tacking necessary, and ran sot more. It is tho proper routa to the noa and shrewd men know It. They know that Albany !h the idace to make the Junction with the Oregon Pacific, soon to Ultimo part of transcontinental route, and hence do not hesitate to invent in such ft line. It means much for Altany. A Board or Tbadk. There has Wen quite a general call among our business men, Including all tho real estate deal ers, for a reorganisation ot the old hoard of trade, which hsut Uen defunct for a year or more. In order to satixfy thin demand and furnish Altany with one of these needed Institutions, a meeting w ill ta held at the W. V. T. U. hall on Friday evening at 8 o'clock, for the punnwe of reviving, if possible, the old lxard. New officers will be elected, new committees appointed and new members mi'imsl. Now is the grand opportunity to get a Kxtrd, and if our not attend ana act iney snouiu lorever num mvir peace. Who SraccK Him. Yesterday the Chinaman in the county jail for annull ing Mrs. Murray with a butcher knife was discovered w ith a very black eye and bloody cheek. Some one had struck him ft Sullivanic blow with ft Cut. As nearly as could be learned, Clark, the to bacco thief, np to his old tricks, had stolen some tolwceo from the Mongolian, who called him a live American name, promptly resjvonded to. The evidence though was conflicting, and as Clark de nied it,the matter was almost an myxteri ous as the famous blow received by Billy Patterson. Bv the way the crowd of eight in the jail was mostly a tough one. 8kvek Years ra tub Pes. William B Daniels, or Billy be was known in Albany, on Saturday, was sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary for rape on ft thirteen year old glrl.protably a just sentence. Young Ianiels had the mak ing of a good man, but his mind run in the direction that cauxed his ruin, and before he left Albany was disgraced, one instance published in thelhcMucavr at the time, resulting in Ianiels making a standing threat to whips Dkjkkbat man on sight. There should be a lesson in the atfair for many other Altany youths. Died DErrrrrr. The death of T II Falladay,aged about (J3 years.occurred in this city yesterday after an illness of a few weeks. The deceased several years since lived inCorvallis ; latterly he mov ed to this county and for a year or s did ft small merchantile unsiuess at Kagle .alley. At the time of his death he was destitute. J lis remains were lateen in charge by undertaker Lew and will ta buried this afternoon at 1 o'clock. Bak er City Democrat. A good many Altwiny people will remember Mr Fulladay. Pebcixct Mass Meetings. The voters of Linn county are requested to meet in their respective precincts, at their usual places of voting, on Saturday, March 23, atlp. m., to elect delegates to attend the Union State Convention, to ta held at Oregon City on April ti next, at 10 a in. Each precinct will 1 entitled to one delegate; also each lodge, club, or order delegate, that may ta chosen at any time. J. F. llsSDRU, j.nupira.ry v-uuiy v nan ui&ii. II Did It. One evening recently a young lady visiting from Salem asked ft young gentleman if he could transpose the letters in "enough" so as to form two words which mean not enough. He took pencil and paper and struggled over the firobletu for some time,wh-n suddenly his see was illuminated by a look of holy joy. The characters stood out before him in this form : "one hog." Stall Fed Beef. Ila'ght Eros., of this city, have just purchased thirty-five head of stall fed beef, twenty-one being secur ed of Mr Green McDonald, paying 4 cents gross, or about 8 cents net, the cattle averaging about $V a bead. They will be cnt up in the market, and the public will ta assured of being able to get some fine meat for several days. EiorrrEEN Years' Skxtcsclv Alex. Cunningham, Jr., ft former resident of Albany, was recently (sentenced to 18 years in the penitentiary at Port Towns end for killing Chinaman. An item about it was in an Orcg,n.:an during the flood that never readied Albany. tj O. II. B. A. The regular annual meet ing of the Odd Fellows Hail Building Association was held last Monday at the library room in Odd Fellows Hall and the following directors elected to serve ior (he ensuing year; J. Gradwohl, Samuel K. Young, W. C. Tweedale, L. . Blain, Conrad Meyer, Julius Joseph and Charles Kiefer. School Election. The annual school election Monday was a clean sweep. The old clerk and director gave such uni versal satisfaction that everybody in sisted on voting for them, and the elec tion of John Foshay. as director, and C. G. Burkhart, as clerk, was unanimous. Something less than a thousand votes were cast, enough to indicate ft big popu lation for Albany. B. E. Offices. Following is a list of the real estate offices in Altany in the order in which they were established here: Burkhart & Keeney, Curran & iTAUIilVltl, IJU1 until b w jj&aiui, vi. Land Co., Shultz Bros., Tweedale & Ued field, W. E. McFherson, Wallace & Cnsick, E. O. Beardsley, Writsman A UuiDert, lownsena se wiison, anu u. Ashby it Co. Made a Diffebence. it made a gooo deal of difference to Deputy Sheriff Kenney, of Clatsop, how it read. Ac cording to the Statesman Deputy Sheriff Fred Nelson took J. J. Kenney to the Denitentiary. whereas Nelson was the prisoner. A common mistake mot any iaDer might make if the information came from some bull-headed source. Jeffbbson.t-A. B. Iluddleson shipped a carload of potatoes yesterday. This' makes 24 cars for A. B. this winter. How is that for "spuds?" Rev. E- N, Condit, president of Albany oolleae, will lecture at the M. E. church Sunday evening, March 16. The lecture is free and for the benefit of the school. Let every one come ont and give Prof. Condit a full house. Review. No 12. It. F. Ashby & Co. are making arrangements to open a real estate office on the Saltmarsh corner. Mr. Ashby has been with the Oregon Land Co. for sometime and is a rustler in the business. Which is Business. A woman in Al bany, on a small capital, during the past vpur. made about 3.000 on real estate speculation on Albany property. The example is a good one. Business Change. Mr. II. Lampman Las sold his restaurant outfit and privit leges to Mr. W. W. McGee, recently of bodaviUe, who will run the restaurant as the building is ready for occu- tj - " " pancy. i tTf)RU. The cheap lots that I have for sale on the Installment plan are bar Ea!n, every one of them. The prices will te raised both on the 15th ol this month and on the 1st of April. You will never v., a chance to buy them for le money than the price now asked. E G Bcards (Vtal I e Agent, Albany. Sunday School Convention. The Fifth Annual Convention of tho Sunday Sehocl workers of Oregon will ta held in the Christian Church, trienelng Tuesday, April 15th, and closing Thursday, April 17th, ISM. While this is a mass convention ,nndftU Intorestedln Sunday School work are most cordially and earnestly invited to ta insure tvprvscntation.cnch Sunday school in the stHte is requested to select two or nioro persons pledged to attend. The friends of tho work at McMinnvillo will open their home and hearts and take care of all w lionmv attend tho convention That tliev may' know who are to ta enter tained, all those expecting to he present HI - . t . 1 ' . I, .. I win comer h liivor uy st-miing mvir hkiuvh to Bev J llotarg, MeMinnville, that places mnv ta unmLncd them. Friends of the work will notice the change in time of boKlhikt the convention from Juno to April. This Is done that Oregon may fall Into line with our sister states in ft chain of conventions arranged by the, Interna' tional Executive committee. Mr Wm Reynolds, President of tho last interna' tional convention, will ta present at the convention and take a vronm.ent ana active part. Arrangements have been made w ilh tho S P U It in Oregon and the O P U It for the usual reduced rates. That we may know the numtar of schools and pupils, and the work taing done by the Sunday schools of Oregon.the Super intetHteiit or Secretary ot tacit sciiooi is roiiiiested to send Prof Henrv Sheak, of Philomath, Or., Statistical Secretary! full report. W. N. Hi u.. Secretary,Corvallis. K. W., President. (atksvili.k. The West Shore gives datesville the following very encouraging write-up: "(iatesville.Or, is a town on the line of tho Oregon Linn county, that promise to tacouie a place of con sidcr.thle ituihirtuuce. It forms the tase of supplies for the mines up the San tiani, which arc now being worked as never before. Land has Wen purchased there for extensive smelting works, and the town is destined to develop ft good business from the mining interests ot that portion of the state. Opposite tSatesvillo is King's prairie, which is dotted with thrifty farm houses, while across on the Marion county side is also a rich country, from which a wagon road is now Wing built. Uatcsvillo is now the end of the division over which regular trains are run. It is surrounded by some of the finest timlier in Oregon, and sev eral sawmills are running in the vicinity, while others will ta started during the summer. The town is provided with two good hotels, and a considerable im petus has been given to business and building there." Flours and Dm'sk. Saturday even ing a lively contest in the eastern part of the city resulted in a knock out on the first round. Among Sunday contents a man was knocked out while asleep in an Altany saloon, by a well known Altanian. The victim failed to make a complaint, us he threatened to do. At the li-jot a con test between a Jap and a w lute resulted in the former taing worsted. No arrests. During the day John IV 11 imbiWd too freely and wss juggcd.a His tirst offense, and he won't do it again. This morning a hard-working tiertnan, who had been tailoring in the country, was steered into the calnbo(Me. lie claimed to have ls-cn robbed of f 1U0 in money and a silver w atch, and it is j ion si hie he bad. Money, it is ft notorious fact, is not safe in ft man's pocket when ntoicatcd. There are men w ho live otf such victims. The Octkackocs R R Com. Ti.e uiig the sledge Turner Grange hj hammer pretty well agklntt the pike. At a recent meetl.ig It pacd the following live resolution: uWhere, The railroad communion of Oregon wtit coot the tax payers of thlt tate about 12,00 i every two years without being able to render any tervlces for the Mine to the taxpayers of this date; therefore. Re solved, That we regard the itd railway commiion, under the w, as an outrage upon the taxpayers of thUtute. Kenolved, That we will not support any msn (or tin state legtslature who will not lavor, tirt the . amenUIni the law git ins the coin- miMlon full power torrguliite freight snd fare on the railroad ot thi state, cr i( thi can not be had, ttien to uve hi bett endeavor to have al J 'aw repealed. R R Thikvss. Mr L E BIsin hat' jutt received from New York a cate of tutt ing ; but the statement need modifying. The cate wa received all right ; but ou of 64 pieces of good there were only 34 left 27 having been extracted while on the road, probably by railroad men. The hipping receipt -.bowed that the bos weii'hed 314 pound on leaving New urk City ; while on arrival it only weighed 180 pound. Thi 1 ald to be a sample of quite a frequent trantaction.many merch ant complaining of good being extracted. U3ieat transportation companies should bs held retpon.iDlc tcr uch loe. A go of a Poet. According to the following from the Portland Welcome, Joaquin Miller, the poet, had better be looking after his children : A brace of amateur crooks. Welmter and Miller, the latter the son of the Sierra poet, were arrested yesterday while pawning some jewelry. A search of their persons revealed more jewelry stolen some days since from ft book keeper named Wheeling, into whose resilience they had surreptitiously gained admission. An 01vmria lienor draler advertised. the other day, for lO.tKW whisky flasks. Two bright young urchins rushed to the track window s of thecapitol building and filled the order before sundown that night. The above from a Portland paper is a sample of what the Washington Legis lature has hod to stand. As nearly as can be learned they deserved it, and lots of that kind. It is a peculiar fact in this connection that the members are nearly alt Republicans. A Bio Ppix. Regarding the moving of the towntite of Prlncville, in Eastern Oregon, the Review, the leading paper of the town ay: "There is no 11 e to conceal the fact that the buines men and capitalist of thi place are only waiting for the advent of the O P railioad when they will loe r.o time in doing it. Where the road crosses the treat Dechute river will pring up a town in a many week a it ha taken year to make. Prlneville what It 1 to-day. There i no secret sbsut thi, as our merchant all say they are ready to pull up at a day's notice. Tub G A R. F M Miller and wife, Co.nmandcr P A Swan and wife, J Salt- marsh and wife, president of W R C, Mr Hickman, B Harris snd J F Hyde, of Lebanon, and J P Galbrakh, S S Train and wife, T L Dugger, Wallace Baldwin and wife, Mcn McCoon and Kletch, Mr A B Wooden and Mis Lora Vance are in tugene attending tne grand en campment of the W R C. A large dele gation from other places are also present. A ucceslul encampment l conudently anticipated. Ijt Morrow Colntv. Mr, L 0 Rals ton, writttng from Morrow- county, yt: We are just coming out of the tecond win ter for thlt year and it has been a dote csll for every one's st?ck.thts time. I think thlt county hat lost half of its cattle. 'A of It hep. snd of its range ho 'set. E Ilendrix has lost a thousand head of cattle all he hid. The farmers are jubi lant though and expect large yields, The tnow 1 not ail off yet: but stock had to be turned out as every one wat out of feed. Begun W"oaK.-The Sugar Pine Lum ber company have begun moving the mall bnlldlng from their property on Water ttree,and Surveyor Barr is setting the stake preparatory to the erection of their large brick warehouse. Work will be pushed until the building i ready for use. Immigrants Comiio. The average ar. rival of immigrants at Albany it at least fifty a week according to the reports at the bagasje room of the 8 P depot. Every train brings some looking at the country, many determined to-locals with us. li 1 ; ' A. Astoria and Albany are prjaU.itiy Imkcd in each other' em brace hi anticipation of the completion of the Albany and Astoria railroad, say the Portland Real E-tate Review. These twocttie will be very aptly tho termini of such a line. Antotia Is the key city of the Columbia while Albany I the mo-t promising city of the entire ijper Will amctts valley 'lo every enterprUe that ha come her way Albany ha grandly do. nated. She I now the junction of everal leading railroad and will be on the direct line of the road now building from liolie (Jlty to Yaqulna. Atorl Is only waiting the commercial linn uciore ne taac a.. imnctutfluch a the has never had. The coume of the Antorla and Albany raili oad will be Oil-ouch Nentucca Pai and will touch or aftgrd an esuy communication with the Little Nentuccs, Slab creek, Sal mon river, Big Neatucca, SjiiJ lake, Cpe Lookout, Heaver creek, Burnt Prairie and other tettirment. Hundred upon luin hundredsof acre of Hue land yet open for settlement will be taken, tnd the ring ot the woodman's axe wilt resound through the Immenao forest ot Ttl amoolt county. It I estimated that fullv a third of Wis traffic which now goe down the Willam ette and out ot the Columbia will take thi counts. There will b a new fluih of life all along the line ot It travel, and it I safe to .ay money U already Invoted along the urvev. A Dou Fioiit. A ten minute dog fight occurred one afternoon on First street between a blooded bull terrier, a genulno kg litter, and an overgrown shepherd dog, belonging to a butnher, The fight -.a rsrHed on from the street to a butcher shop to the very teeth of a auasue mill and It took thirty men, in cluding two leporter with sharp pencil, to part them. Both were bloody looking specimen. Coal and Polish. A young man from the foothill htttbeen In the city with tome peclmen ot coat and stone for polUh. The former wa bituminous, and he re port eight veins, hut wa quite secret about the lorstlon.and teemed afraid tome one would find out itt location and take It off. The hill, think he, are undoubtedly full of coal, and when facilities are ss cured for mining, It will probably develops into a big Industry here. A Bold Thief. Saturday evening a $5 bill wa placed lt the theatrical drawer at G LBiackman . Monday morning 00 opening the drawer the money wa found misting. A search for it revealed the Met that k had been stolen by a mouse and taken off sotns distance to a drug drawer.where it was found, in a very mu tllluted condition, only s small portion be tng left, just enough for idcmifkallon. ' A Stkoxo Will. A will was recently made In Phitadelphia which all the cele brated lawyer of that town were unable to break. It was, of course, a woman's will. It could easily be broken In Albany. Women w ho gel Ihclr groceries from Conn Hrov are always docile so well bleated are hev Itli bargain received and the quality of the good. Brownnvili.k Alive. Following I a new corporation at Irotvvil!e that It bound to prove of great advantage to their city: Brownsville Building and Loan AwKlation. Capital. Sikxxx. with privi lege to raise to $o,otit,divlded Into shares of $-0 esch; Incorporator. J J White, C ciswici ana 11 u Slower. IOUT Lectcbb. Rev C C Batemsn, grand secrctarv of the 1 O G T, will de liver a lecture In the M C Ch'irch South, fartlftburg.on Wednesday evening, March 9, 1S90, at TA' p m. AH are cordially iu ited to attei.d. Tk c lira's C-riric vr Of the 60 tea-hcr examined Iat week 8 oouined first-grade certificates, IS obtained second grade certificates, 34 obtained third-grade certlf!cate,-nd 10 failed to get certificate. SuiTtwesTMSTSviT. fcfi rV R Gra hsm, tbe tailor, has just rscelvsd th Urgtwt ann fnsst lot of suiting ever brought to Albany, s to which he wUhs the msnof Linn connty and vicinity tocstl an1 examine them snd judge for thetn sel it. -They contltl of an elegtnt line of imporr-id good, of the tt quality, in eluding Mvsrsl new dswtgns never before brows 1. 1 hers. A mora pipulsr line of fabric It would bs ilifRcult 10 secure, and those wishing ultt, or part of suits msde us in the latest style u:l do well to give him a call. K10 Gloves. I iisve just received an Invoice of the celebrated P. Centemerl kid glove in black and colored. These with the 'other brand 1 handle, Foster genuine hook and Our Own brand,make an assortment that any lady can be suited in price and quality. These are all first class good and warranted a represented. Samuel E. Volsu. Whereto Get Thkm. When wanting an organ or plana call on G L where you can select from a firt class sock. Bano, One of the finest lot of jjuas nd revolver ever received in Albany are now in stock at Stewart A Sox's. Hun ters should csll and see the-n and get price before buying. mm m Maub to Cct. When buying an ase get the best, one that is durable as well ss harp, snd the place to do it Is at Price & Robson', who also have a fine line of wedge, etc. Gkt a Machine And wnen getting one let It be either a Domestic or Davl Price & Ronton are agents for these su perior sewing machfnet and Invite an tpectlon of what thsy can do. In Carpet Ittpartiarnt. I have added about two thousand dollars worth of carpets to my stock thlt tprfng. New style in ,3 ply ingrain tapestry snd body Brussels; also hall and stair to match, rug, cocoa and napler matting, hemp carpet c.lna mat ting, etc. I have alto connected with my carpet department, lace curtain and curtain net, portlert, window shades, wall paper, tin oleum, and floor oil cloth. I have and am receiving the largest and best assorted stock in these line of any house this tide of Portland. These goods are all on the second floor, where I have them arranged to that buyer have verf little trouble In select ing what they want. Plenty o! room snd light. Thos. Monteith ha charge of thi department and wilt take pleasure in showing the goods at any time. Samuel E. Touns. The Verdict rnanlmotts. W D Suit, Pniirtiirt, Bti.pus. Ind . tastlS: "I can recommstid Eieacrie Bittan tha very twst remedy, Kmrj bottle-old hit given relief In ew cam, one nutn toot tlx onttl, sna m cured ol rheumatism ot 10 vea-e' stanilinif. ' Abraham Fire. drtiKjfirt, ItellTllln, Ohio, afllrms : ' Tha beet aefHRf mwiitnne i nave ever mnujea in nir v Team ev- perienee, la Klevtrte Hitters." TbousanS ot otmr nave edited thei- taetlmonr, to thai She ventrrti I Bomnuiiooe Ut Ejaetri iwert Ao ear all dlaetae the Urrr Ki4nc-a or bond, Only a bH doliaT bo We at Pnthay tnd V aeon's Drug etere, m e Delayed Woolens. Zac htt Sc Son merchant tailors and drapers, opposite Pott Office, have received r.otlce that the two large shipments of woolens consigned to them are toon to arrive. It will be to your interest and advantage to examine tnetr stock netore purchaMng.stthey ant! clpate the largest and finest grade of tprlng and summer goods In foreign and domet- i c delicacies ever brought to Albany. A Woman's Diseevery, "AnothirwonterftJl d'scorere- has been mti and that fmhT s in this eounly. Ulteaea t m. tened It olutf-hee upon her and nr seven rears an withstood ita s ever a teste, bet her vttal errant wftra undemiineil and deofli asemao ittuninent, (tr tfrra mon the aha eridfcb ed .aeeeeaiitty aud eou.d utt tteeD, Hie bouflit of us a bottle ot Dr KtnK's NW Ihteo err for Onneomptlesi and was so mu"h ftolteved on taking ffn dtise that Whs slept all nMit and vita one boUle see bMi mltaeuleualy ured. liev nam isflav tlffl.IUtl" TJiSs wrttls W 0 Hamrtea an ot taw! by, N C- Out t-M trsil baj at r- aliay and Himkit Drag Store. DockJen't Arnica Salve, The bert 8a1e in the world for Cute.Brulne-.Sorr s, Ulr, Malt Kneum, Fever soree. Totter. Chaund hu t, Chiibieing, Oirm, and all HUlo Emjitton, snd iKisiBTlyoiirBi flles.or no pay renulred. It t iruar. auWwri to SfWe prfei iHtiHtiw;tiont or monev lotund rrt. I'rii.e 25 cents wr ln,x, r'ur Nile by t'oslwy ainj t HWtlti Aa Opportanli t (lei . rips. even Hllrs sf Albany needs ft sewer system. One nt this time would do more to build up the city than most any movement to bo In augurated. Believing well m hav ing tho health of the city itt heart, lion. Oeorgo K. Chamberlain investigated thoroughly the sewer system of several cities beyond tho Rockies. A wealthy capitalist ot Natchex, Miss., offered to conto to Albany at onve and introduco sucli ft svsttMn ah is in vogue at Memphis, Tenn., Pine Bluff and Little Rock, Ark., and Natchex, Miss., provided lie is given ft 25 year franchise. In order to get the matter Is fore our citisens Mr Chamber lain lust Tuesday presented ft draft for an ordinance, such as governs the sewerage systems in tho cities mentioned. If passed and the contrao. Is made with the Natchex man Allainy would have within ft year one of the linest, If not the Im'kI sewerage system on the Const, ft $75,01)0 plant at least, lit no direct outlay, ana without IhiikIn, whereas, if we continue the present plan it will lie years and years More we have even ft very iinperfect.hit and miss system. The matter is the most important one ix'tore our peoiite ami should lie considered Intelligently and not from misunderstood conclusions. That the readers of the Okmocrat may get an understanding of the matter we give ft svnoosis of the nmtKiMjd ordinance. hit-h. if passed, Ihm'oiiics a contract lietwecn the city and the builder of the system t THE SEPARATE SYSTEM is what it is called. Halt glased, vitrified ple, of ample slxe would bo used. The company would put in at least seven miles of tilite. according to tho city's grade, the street and alleys first to lie put ou grade by the city, and the city would be renulred to pay 1200 per utile or fraction thereof per annum, semi-annually. The city would have to maintain the outlets and hold the company harmless from damage from them. The company would lie required to make all extensions of sewers required by theCouncll.provid ed there would I ft revenue of foO annu ally for every 600 feet. The city would Ik) required to iass ordinances compelling the closing ot vaults and connection witfi sewer w hen adjacent to same. In order to oliset disadvantages ot a long franchise there is a provision to the effect that at the end of ten years and every successive five years the city may purchase the plant. If the price cannot bo agreed on then at such retires as ft committee of three non-ivsiueirt disinterested experts shall name, six months notice to be giv en, and payment to be made within 12 months. The company is to accept or dinance contract within 30 days from passage and commence work within forty live davs after. The following are the annual rates prevailing at Natchex, Miss., and would probably rule here : One water closet, d; two $10; thre,$13; one urinal, $4; two, (4; one sink, $3; two.fS; hath tub, private, (2 ; two, $4 : others, jecial. Out Council and citisens should inves tigate the benefits and disadvantages of the system thoroughly and act dvliber fttely'lmt expeditiously. eofSCtl, I'lHHEKIlIMWS. Tuesday evoulng.March llth,l30. I'resent Mayor, Itecorder, .Marshal, Street Commissioner and all Coutuiliiun but Tablt r and (iarrrtU The following bill were ordered paid : A JAnslyn, 14 ; J C Meyer, 0c; II M Stone, $40; J Chiswelt, (2: L II Montan ye, $2; J W Inman, $1 ; F L Kenton.o&c; Albany Iron Works, $.1.95; N J I km ton, Peter Uitey, 3; John Ht hmeer, lit; M Armstroug, ; Cost bills,) 17.A; lHyneA Uobson, $111.70; Electric Light Co,$18"..50 ; lohn Maxwell, $4.2U. Further time was granted on bill of Stewart A fox, $'.sj.!. Street Commissioner Hunt recom mended several new side walks and cer tain repairs; also that mud bo removed from First Street, Washington to Lyon. K'ierTa witu power to act. The committee on Memorial to Con gress asking for right to bridge the Wil lamette was granted further time. Petition of J C Powell and ore ftsked that grade tie established on 5th street in Western addition, also that crosswalks. sidewalks and sewer be buiit. ltefcrrcd, aiter grade was ordered established. Ordinance No 201 relating to cruelty to animals was read three times end rwssed unanimously. Ordinance 202 providing for the amend ment of ordinanit! rtdatiiisr to disorderly conduct was read three times and passed unanimously. Ordinance No 203 regulating the use of streets for building nurooss.the removal of buildings and the securing of permits ior im 11. ling and removal purposes, was read three times and unanimously paused. Communication from Hon Geo E Cham berlain relating to an ordance providing for a complete sewer Itystem was read and referred to the committee on health and police. On motion contract was ordered made with L W Deyoe Ior not to exceed ten car loads of luniWr at $10 ft thousand. The Street Commissioner was directed to improve street adjoining Court House and residence of Mayor Cowan. MOW BACKI. You bear people commending ft city often on account of its lacking. It has such and such surroundings and advan tages to make it grow. It can't help going ahead, and then it lute something to keep it ahead. In this respect Albany may well court comparisons In tbe mat ter of its backings. Few cities are more highly favored. It is surrounded by ft magnificent fann ing and fruit country. It adjoins one of the best mineral belts in the world, development of which will prove the assertion, iucn in gom ami silver. Near it are latent coal fields of untold wealth. An inexhaustible lumber supply is at its feet. It lies on ft navigable stream. It is the huh of ft five spoked railroad wheel, with at least two more preparing, A tine water power runs into it. It has the prospect in the near future of terminal facilities, which will give it wholesale advantages. It is in the center of a healthy belt, ft matchless climate taken the year round. With sucn backings there can be no question as to its f nture. Keep your optics on Aioany. Baby Btjoqixs. Undoubtedly the finest line of baby buggies in the valley is to be found at Stewart & Sox'i. They are at tracting general attention. Seeds. -A large line of garden and grass seeds at Stewart & Sox's, choice va riety to select from. row Is the time to buy and get those suited to the climate, Leavb Obdkrb. Those wishing to purchase flour chests of E. C. Brown, who lately canvassed this city, will leave orders witn b. J . urown, cigar ana to bacco dealer, opposite the Revere house. Beckived. I have just received ft sup ply of Dr. Hall's health pamphlets, wtucn are ior sale iich are tor sale by r ' me. J F. 1$. IluonKS, Agent. War la It. That the Willamette Packing Co. sell so much Unity tea. Try it and you can judge ior yourseu. Center Tables, A large and elegant shipment of center tablet, in new detlgnet finest stock in the valley, jutl received Fortmlller Irving, ' A New Discoverv aubbard't Head ache Captulet, They are a positive cure and nil a long leu want. . K New Citizen. C O Calen, who for merly owed allegiance to the government of Norwav. wat admitted to cttizenshln before htt honor, Judge Boise, this morn ing. . et Special attention it called t ) Mr. G y Simpson's fins line of clothing, LCU in tima or bargains. ClitCBlT C0UBT. The following grand jury was tmpan netted At the convening of circuit courl: E FWysIt, J II Cornett, E Turner, 1 O Wrlftmsn, F P DeVsney, Otto 8erfllng, W T Jordsn. E F Wystt wat sppolntsd foremsn, John Cleilan is bsllff of the eourt and CO Rswhngtot the grand jury. Oood selection. P J Porter et al vt I C Elder at al. Par- niton, continued. Oso 8 Fletcher vs I S Cochran snd W S liesbe. Recovery of money. Oonllnued, Thomas Jefferson vs O S Monteomsrv. Attach sient. Continued. T Dlttenhoefsr vs Perry Smith. To re cover money. Continued. Mate vs Dannon. Burglary, Continued, Martha fierce vs Miltnda Hodskln. Suit In rqultv. Continued. S C Dennett vtJIIWIgle et al. On contract. Continued. W II il Shlstds et al vsT I Shields etsl. Partition. Continued. Ells K Fanning vt Chart! v 1 Lunar. Partition. Sale of referee confirmed. Santlam Lumbering Co vt A V Gmwh. Injunction, Settled. Cspltal National Ilsnk vs W P Croah To ireovef money. Continued. Thomas Smith vt Rebecca Smith. Di vorce. Continued. Joseph Crabtrse vs PrsdGooch. Anneal from Justice Court, Continued. State vs FI LamonL Lsreen In a dwelling, I'lead guilty of petty larceny. fined - Matter of assignment of C II Snsncer. Settled and dismissed. E E Warford vt il Lampman. AHa-h. ment. Dlsmitwd at cost of pt'fl. Earl Race vtSearle & Dean. Attach ment, Continued. I R Dawton vs B F Dodwcll. Attach ment. Judgment for want of answer, Daily F Uodwsll. Atslgnment, Continu ed. ' D M Otborn & Co vt C P Lsngford. Re cover money. Judgment by default. Nellie Ifamlll vt Stenhen DallleL Fore. cloture. Judgment sgalntt Stephen and vcoora uaiiict. D M Osburn A Co vs A B Cutter andE Miller. Recover monev. ludrment bv da. fault. ' ' ' John Schmswr vs Rebecca Vernon. Re cover money, Settled. CI Dillon vt D LCrosaln. Sultinequl f. Decree for prat. D U Osburn & Co vs P A Helms. Rs. covery of money. Continued. JehnSmallmon vt Peter Powell, Judg ment on mandate from Supreme Court, Assignment of J W Ellison. Dismissed, W W Yantlt vs fohn Smailmon. Dl. missed. Mattie E Dowlin vt W Itosarth. Suit l equity. Continued. S May and W F Memlcnhali v Hiram Smith. Confirmation. Sale confirmed. Uosrdof Coramiaalonar va Emllv M Klnney. Con Mr mat km. Itaac Meeker vs II Butcher. Conflr. mstlon. Ssle confirmed. Jane Ballard vs M Mc Bride. Couflrn.. lion. Sale confirmed. John C Arnold vs Harah A Citchrvtt. Confirmation. Sale confirmed. State of Oregon vs Levi Buchnsr. In dictment larceny by bailee. The grand jury return td into Court the following Indictments t State of Oregvttt vt M J Fsrra. ssaautt with a dsn- ?;erou weapon. True bill. Defendant lied to appear and hi bond was declared forfeited. State vs Frsnk Clark, larcenv itt a store. True bill. Stsuv Msy rdng, ult with a dangerous weapon. A true out. state vs levl Suckner, larceny by bailee. A true bill. State vs Levi buck- ner, larceny by bailee. A trot bill. T Egenten Hogg vs Tho Ifontslth. EjectmenL Judgment for plsintlff. Emit Schneider vs O f RR Co. Recov er money. Judgment for p)8 for $570.75. I D Miller vt S P R R Co. Dsmsges. On trial. M I Downing vs J O Kuykcndall. Quiet UUe. Decree granted. Ilulda R Greenwood vt W II Green- wood. Divorce. Decree grsnted. Eat, KartTst aatjce. It A Mason and M J Bridgeford to M R Tcrbune, lot 0, blk 2, Kodaville 200 Rachel Aruspiger to Martha Nixon, VUZ acres In tp 14 & 151. r3W 6040 United State to Ransom Long. . Patent J 1 learn et ux to fttvilla il Kilison. oart of tut li. blk 3. 1 k;t 1 Jd 412 W J W Brown and L W Deyoe to Kephin Job, 80 acres in tp H, r 4 E 1500 800 Lee Bilyeu to A J Johnson, part of lot or blkllO.Hcio Robert Warner to Jos Warner. W It of Mr q, sec 33, tp V S, r SK 200 Bute of Oregon to D II Pierce, 120 acres ta sec 16, tp 15 S. r 2W....... 150 Jos (I A Clara E lloyie to Mary K Terhane, lot I, blk S.Hoda vllle 250 4500 J P Oalbraith et ux to Browns ville BALA, 130 acres in tp 13 8.r2W State of Oregon to John O Cum mins, JH 112 acres, sec 30, tp 10S.r3E 400 State ot Oregon to Harriet Cum mins, Ne q see So, tp 10 8, r 2E 200 State of Oregon to I ma V Quinn, 400' 200 100 77S J ao 5 1200 500 500 b h of sou 30. tt if) H, r 3 J. . State of Oregon to Lucy L Cole, re q sec 30, to 10 b, r z e. . .. Meggie A Blsckman to s Pllayes. Lots 4, 1 i,bl 1, B's A Lee Cohen to tMarv F Rhodcs,loU t, 6,bl rll'i trd A J Rand I J Klrkpstrlck to M J Holt, lots 3, 4.D1 7, K t A, L0 Henrv Lyons etal to Catherine Abel.lott a. rbl .rLvontvilte.. J L Chapman et ux to G DeVaney etsl, lot i,2,partof 3,Sclo.... Julia B Compton to F T Thaver, 940 9, 10.S K t Is,., . - M K-Grlshman to F T Thayer, 340 acres tp o, 10, 8 R 1 E.. E E Fanning et al to R Elevet,3oe- acret In to is. n K 3 w 6500 Geo II Jones and wfto WRUiatt, ot 3,01 3,lllghland tirove flat Geo II snd Frankle Jones to Sa rah A Hlsttdots 1, 4,High , land Grove Plat, 60 Total tales ...... $14,071 Total for the year . .1359,431 Ne Family Shsald be Without It. ur E iioioen : 1 nave used your Ethereal Cough Syrup for a long while. I would never be without I consider Its curative effects instantaneous for cougha and cold. No family should be without it K Wiihoit, Stockton. Large tlze $1, tmall 50 cents. For sale by H U Hubbard, druggist. . ; - Ltd Astray. ; Fernandlna,Nattua Co.Fla, Mar. a.'So. 1 have uteoi Dr Simmcsas Liver Regu lator andalwayt found It to do what is claimed for it The last bottle and two package! did me no good and were worte than nothing. I tee it is not out uo bv T H Zeilin & Cb,and not genuine,and a watte of money to buy it I would be glad to get the pure and genuine. Send me some from honest hanttt (with red Z and Zellln ai Co t signature on wraprr.) Your Ob't Serv't, Benj T Rich. Having taken the agency of Dr Thatch er't magnetic shield, I wi '1 be pleavcd to tee all tuSering wlu. thronlc dtteasea Rheumatism a specially, ban.e a had by Prof. Spear, Mrs S. Raeft, Rkmnaxts. A large and fine line of remnantt at G W Simpton's at your own price. Try it SOEN. FORD. On Bunday, March 9, 1890, at Yaqulna City, to the wife of Mr. Edward ' il 4 i ora, engineer on tao vregon x acmc, ft boy. MAPLE. On Sunday, March oth.iSoo, to the wife of Mr. Warren Maple a girl. LONG. At Gervals, Feb, aSth, 1890, te he wife of Mark M Long-- jon. HOMKANU Afi&OA M0KTMV. Mr Arch Monteith, of Portland, It In the city. M L Dotrls, of Corvsllit, ot Sunday la Albany, Mr D 8 Ilut-y, ot Htriislurr, is doing Aibsoy this wssk. Talk sboat tstas. 8tsrtnanU, Cats, lias levied for tli coming yssr 2 20 on tatb A Wasoo eouuty IUpallioao farmer wants John Mia to, of Mtrioa ooaaty,fur uovsroor. Whew. Mr. Shsltnn has returetd from a trip to Ellsntkarg, whsra there was ) Unty of slsigbiog. K Q Beardslsy, tlitsntsrpildngtsd ettate agsHt, returned from a several days busi ftste trip to dsUra tbis wk, IUv J R Klrkpatriok, lb rustling rI satats msn, has been ehossa pastor of tht 0 P chsreh at Browotvllie. Judge E 0 Broonauh. of Portland, is in the city looking sftsr ths iatsresU ot tbe S I'Uli Uo., la ths Circuit Coatt. 8 treat Commissioner Ilawt gets la snd labors himself by classing tbe crosswalks along First Street, conduct gnrsl!y tpprs- siaisa. A ersuk to Mr J B II satis well boring. rook drilling sod prmipeoting msclilo w broken a dav or two sgn. eompslliag it to shot down for a few days, whsa it will be ready 10 meet all orders reoeivea. W 8 Soloer. a Csesdisa. and a townsman of LaBlanxbe, snnoanots in a Islter Ihst he ill btok iAlilanohe against Dempsay to tbe sstent of f 13,000. W B Soottf Lane eountv.ho been In ths city. lis avs bis bov rlshea from tha back door ot his eonntry teidenee. landing risk tttroagb tbe door directly into tbe frying pan. Kins inches of tnow wss en thscronnd at Ibanoa yettsrdsy.and abmt four remained this morning. Horns diffsranoe from ths twe or three inches heis, all of wbloh hsi goaslatt eight At Oregon Lake, N T, Setsrdsy after noon, Joe Donas-hue won the one mils skat ing race. la th five mils race tJoooghns, the only starter, broke the reaord, making tbe distance ta 18 miuntet tnd 10 5 18 tec. TUSSDAT. Mr W B Sndth. of Rrownavilla. is la the eity. ' ' Jim Driver, of Brownsville, a son of Rev. Driver, is ia the eity. F M Johnson, four or five other Corvaltis OAR men sod some from Albany went to baasite to-day to the O A It encampiwaot A man named Nelson wat arrested last vening for being drunk and disorderly and using abasivs laagge,and was fined $3 sad eoets. Mr. S E Y otitis, wba rsoentit returned from a trio to Keaule. reoorte the Waatom addition to that eity, shoot 30 loU of wbiob bve beeo sold, as a very flue property, one of tbe oldest additions to tbe city. Wheat has dropped to 61 cent. The Oregon City locks will be open on Mondsv. Weill Nah. of the Oregon Pacific. It In the city. fudge Burnett, of Corvalti. I In tha city attending court. Mr Send-rs. of May & Senders, of Harriaburg, is In the city. The Willamette hat been falling- and a March flood is no longer feared. Primer of all kind at Stewart & Sox's. The beat makes In the market The school district of Sclo are t J be contotldstrd. A judicious movement. J II William, a new king of the uni verse, was taken to the ettiura veaterdav from Josephine county. A Ptlnevlile letter of March c to Mr Jas Etklns elated that it ws getting warmer and had been raining contidcrsbty. Mr Chas Msmlsh veaterdav purchased of G W Wright two lot in Il5s 3rd A. paying K700 for the same. Writsman it tluibert, agent. Dallas Price hat ordered t nalr of Chinese pheasants from the Willamette valley, and expects to raise a flock of these handsome fowl. Pendleton E O. The that Coo Bay paper for ncarl v two months arrived to day, the oldest being dated dated January 33. Stages have only Jutt begun running Into that country. Coot Bay need a railroad about at bad) as any place In the world. The con'rssta of fortune were never more clearly defined than In Eastern Ore gon mis tear, stockmen are all but ruined, while farmer have never had a brighter prospect than at preaent. -Pendle ton Tribune. At Salem, lit the school election. B Simpson wss elected clerk over T O liarfcer, by a vote of 5 Id to 374. E M Walte and F R Smith were elected di rectors, tbe former for a term of three year and the latter for on year. The Journal learns that Hon. W.H. Holmes, present clerk of the supreme court, I being boomed on the quiet to be put in a position to have a voice in the se lection of his successor in short, tu get upon tne tupreme bei.cli. Slem journal There stems to be no doubt as to the abundance of ceil In the ledge recently located near this city, the only tfoubt being at to the quality or oommtclsi value of the coal. Capital stands ready to Invett in opening up the mine at soen as ins iue ot tne deposit 1 ascertained. 8ck Press, WBOKKSOAV. The hotels are tilled with new earners. Ttimsn ford, Salem's famous attorney, it doing the ecttit this week. Boa T J Blaek and C C Jaaksoa, of Hal sy, earns down 00 tbe noon train. Lebanon people ore making srrangmenta for a large central seboot building, bonding tbe etty for ths purpose. Board of trade meeting Friday night at tbe WOT U hall. Ave, if yoo want board of trade, go and organise. Dan' I sleep. Mr Juttn Ingram, of Seattlst is In tbe eity on visit. Mr Iogrsm is bow eon neattd with the Jblectno Light company there. D H Minthorn. of tha Oregon. Land Co, of Sslstn. is ia the eity. Tbe doctor has entold confidence ia Salem, bated oa tbsir rcoord. Ia ths tciohers examination at Corvaltis. Msnd Hoffman's standing was next the highest of tbe ladies examined, being average of 05 per cent Considerable politics ore bnzziag aroaud tbe streets tbis eoart week, Xsew osnitt dates are heard, of every few days. Tbe contest promise to be s lively one. Mr F 0 Bennett, recently appointed night operator of the Western Union at this city, ha arrived and will tk dispatches for our contemporary and other buaiueet presented, Ex-Congressman Preston Tsulbecof Ken tacky, who wss shot ia the head by Charles E Kinoa'd, correspondent of the Louisville Time, in the house wing of tbe oapitol, on tbe afternoon of February 2Stb,died at 4:45 0 clock yetteruay morning as rrovideno hospital. Tsulbee bad been unconscious some time before his death, and the end was painless. . Tiie'Pobtlako Bkanch. Gofng away, going sway. We have decided to close out business, and our entire stock of clothing, .boots, shoes and gents' fur nishing goods, furniture, stoves, tinware, crockery, Ac, Ac., must be sold by April 15. without reserve, regardless of cost. Remember this is your last and only chance to get goods at almost your own price. Gome one, come all and take ad vantage of this great opportunity. Also house and lot for sale, cneap, in tne ocst location in Albany. XUK 1 ORTXAND UBANCH, Wise & Co.,Proprs. j S. E. Young's old stand. ; Dr Pattoh treat succeisfullv alidis- eates ot women,and guarantee! to cure all curable private diseases. He hat a sure remedy for catarrn 01 tne neaa. ne tleept In his office and answert city call day or night Consultation it free and everything it ttrlctly confidential. He can be found in htt office in Blumberg't Block from 10 to ia, a to 4 and 7 to 8. To My Fatront and Ladle of A lbany. I thall be in Albany with a full ttock of the latett ttylet in mlUlnary by the 15th to the itt of April, Thankt for patt favors. Respectfully. . v Mrs. SE Wayne. New Arrival. A large snd complete stock of carpet,Hnoleum,oil cloths, shades, etc, at the ttore of A B Mcllwain, all of the latest designs, and vsfeich will be sold at from 10 to 30 per cent ioer than by other Jhouset. TEMPERANCE COLl'UX. Bditedbj Albany W.CT.O Dr Orphft D Baldwin, National super intendent of the department of health and heredity for the W C T U is working tip her department In the new state of Washington. She reports live interest among the women. Charlotte A Gray is crusading In Nor way against ixu aicotiot ana toiswco. From one town where she gave thn.e lectures gentlttrnan wrote s ''Hince your visit ail the young men in my house and several other gentlemen have given up smoking." - Kmerson. in sneaking clalrned : "Tobacco, tolavoco. what a rude crowbar is that with which to pry Into the delicate tissues of the brain 1'' High license is ft barrier to prohibition rather than a step toward St. The liquor men see this if temperance Toi)do not. Hays 0 II Bowman, distiller at Wooster, Ohio, "High license doc more to coun teract prohibition fanaticism tnan any thing else we can bring to bear." The Christian Inquirer, conservative Baptist so per ot New lorn city, sets lortn the oily of high license as temperance measure, very forcible, in a recent edito rial, containing these woras : "wen, gentlemen of the high license Utopia, wiiat next ? You have asked us to wait until high license could be fairly tried, and you come tstck to us with the broken fragments of your beautiful system in your hands.and with sad and rueful coun tenance say to us, 'It don't work.' Of course it don't. Nothing will work that leaves the liquor traffic to manipulate our courts, frame our legislation, defy our laws and defeat the ends of Justice. What next.geiitiimcn ? What else shall we try before we kill the liquor traffic ? What new experiments?" Mrs Anna It Itiggs.President of Oregon WOTU, in a recent official letter urging active work in the department of Scien tific temperance instruction, says : "There is not enough temperance sentiment in the state to-day to enforce a prohibitory law if we had such a provision in our state constitution. If we do our duty relative to this Scientific temperance instruction law for the next five addition to other lines of work as given by our Na tional WOTU, the women and men of the latter half of the present decade will have no necessity for any such humiliat ing admission as the above. Push your lino of work, push, push, push, and your reward will be glorious." OAKVILLE. The social on March 4th was not very well atu-ndcd,on account of the weather. The Literary and Iteform Society met on Friday evening with a very small at tfndance. The question, "Resolved that the law prohibiting Chinese emigration is unjust." will be debated t their next meeting. The Linn County Horticultural Society wilt meet on next Friday evening at 7 o'clock. Hamilton I'.ros Imve received some wil low cuttings from Illinois. They make ft good fence for low lands, will not wash off like the common rail fence. Mr Nathan Xeedham and family, of (Vnterville, Iowa, arrived last Tuesday. They report ft nice winter in Iowa but lota of dead cattle between here and ther. Mr Jas A Couey, of Pendleton, arrived last week, lie reports heavy tosses of cattle and horses in KanU-rn Oregon. Mr Thomas Durham, of Rose burg, is visiting his relatives here. Mr C-tsjper, County Commi-ioncr,pass-ed through here looking after the bridges. He let the contract of repairing tbe Kagy bridge to II M Hone. This bridge is very much needed and Mr 8 will commence work immediately. At the annual echoed election Mr Geo D Barton was elected director for one year to fill the unexpired terra of J U Couey. and Mr Wesley MUthollen was elected for the three year term. A M Acheson was elected clerk. Rev A M Acheson was unable to preach last trabhath. Poison oak again. The Missionary box of the Ladles Mis sionary Society was roblied last Tuesday sight during the sociable. . Ixrru Rok Ben. CKAWt'URDSVItLE. The roads are still In a bad condition tome bridges gone and the bridge across the Calspooia, above Crawfordtville, Im passable; so there 1 but little travel to and from thlt place since the flood. Many cattle have died around here and the end Isjtot yet The poatofTice has changed hands. "The bottom rail got on top." It was a peace ful revolution, the former postmaster hav ing resigned. The Republican party seems to be prac ticing the principles of the old Jackaonlan Democracy, vis: "To the victor belongs the spoils. It would be much better for the country and the people Individually If they would adopt the Democratic-principles generally. Mr Durreli Gregory, of Charlotte. Va. It vfcddng hit relatives, I F Motet and family. Mr Gregory comes to spy out the country and expects to remain until next winter, and If he reports favorably, about fifteen families f farmers will re move from that section to Oregon. They are the kind wanted in this country. Much tlckncat In tbe hills around here and some In the town. Mrs Jas A Scott Is quite feeble. The air Is filled with rumors of candi dates, to I tuppose there will be no dif ficult v In having all the ofneet properly filled: Several immigrant! with their familiet lately arrived here, and others expected very soon. Mr Aikin, iron Witconttn, hat pur chased a farm within half ft mile of the town. Mr G W Fugh it building ft storehouse at Holly, about five miles above here. Ap plication has been made for pottofBce at that place. Rev J W Craig and Rev Molloy are holding quarterly meeting at thlt place.. Wxsi.iv. March 3, 1890. LYONS. March 12, 1890. Snow nearly gone. Isaac Heisey, of Portland, is among us again. Work will commence on Union hall Monday. A number of our citisens are doing Albany this woek,or rather county court. Many slides are reported on the track near Breitonbush, one of which has shoved the track into the river. Sloper's mill is now under full blast, and they expect to furnish their share of lumber for the valley the coming sum mer. , Quite an excitement was created in town recently by the exhibit of ft small piece of quartz, found on the Santiam, which, on being melted, proved to be nearly pure lead, with traces of silver. As soon as snow will permit, ft hunt will be instituted for the ledge, and some startling developments are promised. The Dkmocbat will be duly informed of any finds. Ia addition to a first grade of salted oressed hay, extra white oats, potatoes and wheat for ohiokens have received an invotee ef oil oak meal the bast milk feed in the world see Robertson's Feed Store. Letter List. Following It ths Hat ot latter remaining In tht Fait Offioe, Albany, Linn county, Orejron, Mar. IS, I860. Person calling tor tbeaa letter must give the date on wliloh they "era adyartlaad 1 Bigliatn. George Croft.Miss Jane A Fanm, K B Homes, J L Leslie, Miss Mary O'Neill.WilUam Smith, LW Steves, JQ Taj lor, James Brooks, J M Dewest,EmrA Foley, Francis Hart, TUlie Marcus, Mrs Sadie KedSeld, J W Shoemaker, J 8rr,ith, J T Wells, L F R. THOMPSON, P M. orscmco Get Paisley & Fiah to print v onr bore bill for tbe ooming eetsoa. Tbey have the best material and more styles to select from than any other firm. Lowest prises t Best work ! See thm now 1 Highest of all in Lcavc:-;inj To. ..JJ A at ABSOISJITED George C. SUCCESSOR TO LA -Dealer Choice Groceries Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac! co et. Jj)r Prices and Zaches & Son, MERCHANT TAILORS AND DRAPERS; FINE FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS. Barrows & Searis D y Sools, Hotioas, Bants ?ura isMnga and ' COOTS AfiD SHOES Our stock of boots and shor i now complete in all line for tpring trade. We will eavc-vou money in but in; of u. Ladies, mleeet and children' fine shoe a specialty. BARROWS Montague & Son, COE1TEB IUST Sc jTEBET STS., Dealers In Groceries, Prodnce, Tobacco VC igani. CoMcctioimrjY Frodac wanted in exehasj-e fnr good prompt attention, TRY US Wo hit hard. If you want prices hit hard on builders hardware, carpenter tools, pumps, stoves, ranges, tinware and plumbing. Give us a call in the Tweedale Block, Albany, Or. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN Said the man, after counting his csh, 1 haye Saved Many Dollars By taking advantage ef the low prioea now being quoted by C E BROVKELL, The Betlabte tracer of Albany. TtTANTEI) POUR MEiS. to travel In VV the city and country and take ord er s for Roods, tiooo reiereaoas tau uu-uwm Qualifications required, Permanent em ploy ment and good salary. For partlou Isrs, coll on, or address Adams & Wal lace, Albany, Oregon. IARM FOR 8ALE.-Two hundred acres ot good farm land ail in culU Tation, with gcod two story house, good bsrn and other outhouses. Good water for faatUyand stock. Oood pear and ap ple orchard, as well as atoer altos 0 fiult. Would make two goad small farms. Situated four miles iouth west of Albany. Inquire at tnis omce. A MEKTA!ff. Notlos i hor that the anaual msntingr ol fhastoikaolders tbe Albany Builtlin(r Association will tr ham at me vpsra House in Aibaayon Monday, March 17th 180 at T:S0 p ta, tor tbe electsan of fllreo tors' and suoh other k-mdnss as msy some before tbe mseting, . Datsd Feb. 18th, T7 P Ekad, W C TwwBDAivi, Secrtitaty, President, o 1 I I.) V.1 , n . , nw 1- - t g 1 . ! i ' ' f jC' Ve jr.., S y-; " . Henderson FOREST & THOMPSON' in Prompt Attention. 'OBTOFPIOn. & SEARLS, s - s I - 4. ' ''mmutL'' -tnm Saw I Bluaaberg'a Sew B;oc t. or cash. Matthews & Washburn, Albany, Oeeoos, Ilardware.Stoves andTinwarc. Townsend's I Garden Addition1 I now offered for Sale. This is ouejof th DKwt desirable loeatioDt for residence in or s round Albany, being very high and drj, rich toil for garden aud fruit. It was cm this ground where Mr Townseod grew his f tmoua ttrawberhra for several years for the Alt I. . ti : . .1 1.1. exivmvj uiarr.vv. n-rH uoi s uitrrM;!ieitutj fal location aronnd Albany than ia found w this sightly loeatieu, fad sized lota ar... block, street all laid ostto correspond with the street running throogb the Goltra and liale rdditinos, Thia property ia only two ( locks from the proposed street car hue. Tbis property will be told by the block or lots on the installment plan or payments t tait ths purchaser. W hile this property i teoond ta none around Albany :yet it will It told at reasonable prices. OfiBee opposite tbe Farmers & Merchants Insurance Co., lat Street, Albany. Dissolution Notice Kotloe Is hereby given that the copart -rership heretofore existing nndfr u e yle and firm name of Ashby A Diukln sn. is hereby dissolved by mutual cou sin t, RF Ashby retiring, bavinsr aoi-l kl- interest in and to taid firm bus Ibr ti Mr Georscs Diokini-ou, who will con t one the si:cs. Albany. Oregon, Feb. 28, A. f.. if 55. R F ASH BY, GEO