The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 14, 1890, Image 2

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II there ever wu a case In which the
torts ot the above proverb waa maJe to
stand out In bolJ relief It was that ol the
Org-niant article treating ot the respect
ive chance of Ex-rrcihlcnt Cleveland
and Governor I till to secure the nomina
tion for the preHencjr In iSya. That pa
per asjrs, "our tatetl report are tnat the
New York democrat. will supp-vt Go
ernor I III! for the presidency In 1891 white
the south and southwest will support
Cte viand." The Oiifvni ha had no
r.port on that subject. To serve It pur
pone of misrepresentation, or betray It
utter Ignorance of democratic sentiment
It assume to be true what It call a report.
ItavMa between Cleveland and Hill
the western democracy would surely pre
fer lllll. The TactAc Coast democracy
are strongly antl-Cle eland To any
man of ordinary Intelligence who has kept
watch of the trend of public sentiment a-
mong democrats In the west and on the
Pacific Coast, the above statement makes
It author appear simply redtculoua A
very large majority ot the democrats ot
the northwest and the Pacific Coast are
now earnestly favorable to Cleveland,
re-nomlnatlon. The OrtvlmnmU state
merits on this subject show that "the wish
is father to the thought." The fact that
so many republican paper all over the
country are with one accord opening up
their batterUe on Cleveland ahow that
they believe he will be nominated and that
they fear ha will be elected.
The I loute tariff committee ha deckled to
admit raw sugar free of duty, this being one
clause of the tariff revision bill now nearly
completed. This reform should have been
wide long ago. Sugar it nut a luxury aad
should not be taxed, We believe in taxing
the luxuries to the lira t. The sugat refiners
cf this country have grown enormously rich
and insufferably arrogant and we hope Con
gress will call a halt lor them. This I ill will
cheapen sugar two cents per pound. oliim
We. So, then, yon are in favor of putting article
of necessity oa the free list and patting the
duty up to the limit on luxuries. That rule
would put sugar on the free list. We extend
the right hand of political concord and har
mony, but we wara yon that you have thus
become a hated "fie trader," one who ha
been touched and aroused Jby the aub'le in
fluence of British gold. But this reasonable
rule which yon liar bid dowaon the subject
of "necessaries' and "luxuries" would lead
yon to put salt 00 the free list, because it is a,
much aa article of necessity aa sugar. So,
also, of lumber and of jute aad jute bag for
wheat. And above all tin plate which is not
produced in this country at all. But the party
with which yon act, but with which you are
not in harmony, will keep the high war tariff
duties oa aalt, lumbar, jute, jute sacks aad
even increase it oa tin plate. It find but on
article of necessity which it puts on the free
list and that is produced exclusively in demo
cratic states. Herein is the milk in the cocoa
aut. Will you not be consistent by extending
the lit of necessities which you would put on
the free list ? Be consistent.
victors 6K0 wls.
As a matter of course, two Portland men are
thus far the only candidates prominently men
tioned for the governorship. Two Portland
men are in the Senate and if that cky would
have her way, a Portland man would succeed
Mr Hermann. There will be a revolt, some
day, against this sort of hoggishnesa on the
part of Portland, and this revolt, if well car
ried out, will sweep the state. That portion
of Oregon which lies outside of the India rub
ber city limits of Portland has grown so rapid
ly in population and strength aa to be capable
of doing effective work for itself in the state
conventions. The fight over the governorship
M already becoming warm and promises to be a
bi.ter one before long. It may prove to be
fui the best later erts of the party to have the
"rural deestricka" combine upon and nomin
ate a good man, without regard to the wishes
of Portland. This would give that anogant
city a timely and valuable lesson. Columbian
The county and state elections arc com
ing on, Vrie congressional elections will
be held In nearly all the states this fall .
Every democratic voter, and in fact every
voter, should hat e the best county and the
beat national paper to reach his home
every week. In order that every voter in
Linn county may have such papers at the
least possible cost we have made arrange
ments by which we cannrnish the Dcm
ocrat, the New York World and the
American Farm4r,x fertile sum of $J 80.
This is the best offer ever made here.
The regular price for the three paper I
$4.00. Let every subscriber call the at
tention of at least one person to this lib
eral offer. You can help a very much
with very little trouble. Try It.
The Ortgonian, speaking of the duty on
sugar, eays: "The taxation of an article
of universal consumption Is of doubtful
policy, any way." Thia Is a "free trade"
utteraoce pure and simple, remarkably
refreshing, and frank. Here' is the un
qualified admission that the tariff duty ia a
tax, For making this assertion the Dim.
ocrat and other democratic papers are
called "free traiers" by the republicans.
For saying that luxuries, such as whiskey,
tobacco,cigars etc. should be taxed instead
of articles of universal consumption and
use, democrat are called "free frrdea."
The Orrgunian here gives the whole case
away by admitting that the democratic
position is right The "campaign ot edu
- cation," like the never ceasing diops of
water is making breaches In the adaman
tine wall surrounding the protection
scheme, and it la only a matter of time
when thes: aralls will crumble and decay
under t'.e mighty influence of educational
processes. People will naturally inquire
why article of universal use, such as salt,
lumber, wool, woo'en goods, tin, Iron, and
coal should be taxed whle sugar shall go
The faimer is the innocent with whom the
Protectionists sport. He has been footed with
a mystical home market for nearly a hundred
years, and now be is informed that there are
further welcome surprises in store for him.
He is to be blessed with a duty on barley,
eggs, dressed poultry and nearly all other farm
products. His horses are to be protected.
Dear old farmer! How gUd he . will be to
know that if any one foolish enough to import
farm products which are begging for a market
at home the improvident man must pay a duty.
And this welcome surprise is to make the farm
er hilariously happy when be pays his taxes on
his clothes, on his transportation over protect
ed rails, on his dinner can, on his agricultural
implements, on his bouse and barns. A few
more such welcome surprises wilt ruin the
American agricul.urist beyond redemption.
A Detroit paper calls the coming reap
portionment of Ohio "an butrageou
Bourbon scheme to gerrj tnander the state"
Yet th democrat merely Intend to rectify
the unlntentlenal error committed by the
lant legislature by which 364,551 republi
can voters elected sixteen congressman,
while 379,413 democratic voters elected
n ly !iye.
TiiK 1HD fiWINDl.K.
The OrrfWrin advises Its Portland
readers to drink Willamette river water,
remembering Silvester Petitioner's veto,
and the fact that this Is a gubernato: iat
year, ay the Roseburg Uttitw,
But a few months since the OivfMws
assured Its reader that the Bull Ru.i water
scheme was a thing of the past, and Hon.
T T Geer's brilliant wit was celled In to
bury It. Th l'lMUilr and the smaller
fry joined In the cheru, all thumb were
up and all wlggle-waggted at th sugges
tion ot the Hon. Joseph Simon to hood
wink the grangers Into the belief that the
Portland gang of plunderer have given
up their scheme of robbery. The opossum
sleep was imitated, but the Ortgtnian
winked, and the sly old coons are captured
once more.
Voters ot Oregon the Issue is plain. Be
not deceived or blind to your own Inter
ests. The fearless vetoes of ai honest gov
ernor saved the people last time, see to It
that JylvesUr Pennoyer I re-elected and
the gang ot treasury raider held In check,
It Portland want Bull Run water let
her pay for It honestly and above board.
The people ot the entire state should not
be made to suffer the loss ei $10,000,000
ot untaxed water bond that would f nd
thel. way Into the coffer ot Portland mil
llonalret and thus by th present tystem ot
taxation would swindle the people out ot
the taxes on four times that amount. Bee
to It that the Issue I understood by every
voter In the state. Cast your ballots tor
Pennoverand a.i anti-Simon antl-rlng leg
islatur. The people must speak at tne
polls or God help them when a tool ot the
Portland gang la elevated to the guberna
torial chair. Baker City Dntotrmt.
WAGF.i ANnpuorrr
A wo'Llngman makes the point against
high tariff organ that the Hoar of English capital
to this county "is a good object lesson in di
favor of tariffs, the Englishmen being enabled
throurh them to exact a larger percentage of
profits thin under free trade" else, of ciurse,
they would not come here. The writer aiUls
the pertinent inquiry: "But can the work
man exact larger returns?"
To this the Protection organ replies: "The
workman can exact larger returns when the
returns are there to exact," Oh I can he Will
the sapient editor b good enough to cite the
section of the Tariff law, or of any other law,
which enable a workman o extct larger, 1
turn that is, higher wages wnen tne re
turns are there to exact: in other words, when
the profits of the protected employer would
enable him to pay more? This Sa a lack in the
tarifflaws which the more intelligent wage
workers are coming to understand. It is
easy enough for them to see that if a high
tariff accomplishes its purpose it enable
home manufacturer to charge mire for his
goods than he could otherwise do, and thus
artificially increase his profits. But no method
has yet been devised of securing for his em
ployees any larger share of the "returns" than
he is disposed to give them.
lo take but on or two intances: Are there
no "larger returns to exact" in the profits of
the favored manufacturer of Pennsylvania,
who, aa President Fueier'a fat frying circular
admitted, "make large fortunes every year
when the times are good?" Are there no
"lare returns to exact" in the profits of Mr
Carnegie's protected industry? That public
spirited cituen has just given $1,000,000 to
found a public library a noble benefaction.
But when his workmen tried last year to
"exact larger returns" for their labor they
The contrast of millionaire monopolists with
property stricken ''protected wurkingmen is
too common to require more examples.
' J
The democratic party proposed In Ita
platform and legislation to stop the sur
plus by reducing taxation.
The republican party purposes to get rid
of the surptus by the simple method of
The democratic party declared that (he
best place, and the only place consistent
with justice, for every dollar not required
by the necessary and legitimate expenses
of the government Is In the pocket of the
man who earned It.
The republican party proceeds upon the
theory that any excess of revenue should
be "distributed among the people" by
trickling it through the sticky ringers of
pension agenls,subldy-eeker and favored
A democratic senator favored the sus
pension of needless and forced payments
to the sinking fund in order that taxation
might be reduced to the extent ot $50,000,
000 a year.
The republican ways and means com
mittee contemplates suspending these pay
ments in order that its party may squander
the money In reckless appropriations.
These two policies and methods will
come before the people for judgment in
the congressional election next Autumn
Thitax levy for state purposes this year
is the highest ever before Imposed upon
the people of this state, and this is in the
face of the fact that our public buildings
are nearly completed and little of the
money goes for that purpose. Under dem
ocratic rule In this state, the public build
inga were erected Ith a tax of three mills,
on a valuation of less than $7,ooo,ooo,and
now we have a five-mill tax on a valuation
of over $100,000,000. This la the work of
the legislature, which was two thirds re
publican, and was more reckless and ex
travagant than any ol It predecessors
The creation 67 new office with high sala
rles and pet schemes for cinching the peo
pie seemed the aim and purpose of the
leaders. Had it not been for a democratic
governor, the people would have been
robbed even worse; and, should Oregon
unfortunately fall Into their hand next
June, there will be no end to burdens up-
un our tax-payer. Governor Pennoyer
was almost powerless to stay the ravages
of the last legislature, and, should the re.
publican bosses succeed In securing the e
lection of one of their own kind, the state
will be the prey of as corrupt a set of
political parasites as ever gnawed upon
public bounties. Portland World.
The Republicans in Congress purpose to
put a tx upon every dinner pail, tdfST" kettle,
tin can, tin roof and all other articles made of
this article of universal use.' Why? The
Treasury does not need the revenue. There
is already a surplus to squander. There are
no manufactories of tin plate in this country
to protect. Tg tax is to be laid simply to
enrich more speedily and mare lavishly a small
syndicate ol speculators who claim to have dis
covered a tin mine out West! Thus are the
bounties of Nature to this favored land made
a means of robbing the people. They cannot
use their own resource without paying a tri
bute to protected monopolies, nor buy foreign
products without being fined therefor by the
President Harrison is in a fair way to test
his theory that it is easier to deal w'ih a sur
plus than wi'.h a deficit. This Congress is
evidently about to sHow how easy it is to get
rid of a surplus without reducing taxes and
revenues, But when the appropriation are
increased to $450,000 000 or $500,000,000
and the Republican party has to deal with a
delict by increasing taxes it will then have to
deal with the taxpayers nt the ballot box.
I; nil tMrr
Kansas City, March it.Rev. tiavld
McGrew, pastot of the colored DiituUt
church at Anvmtronjr, Mrs. Andrew key-
man, ana will Jackson, all colored, were
run over by a Union Pacific train this
evening and killed.
Let r ri,
Tacoma, Wash March it, At the
auction sale of teats this afternoon In the
Tacoma theatre tor George Francis train's
lecture here eight boxes brought twenty
three hundred and seventy Ave dollars,
tieneral Sprague eot the first choice for
$515. Scat sold from Ave to (Ween dol
lar premium. It Is expected that the
entire house will brtntf from five to six
tnousanu aoiiar.
The Bleed KnuJIstt.
PlTTHnvno, March It- A promlnment
dealer In canned goods has just returned
from Oregon and says the EnutUli are
trying to buy the Columbia river salmon
canneries. Thry have options on every
cannery but three, aed the entire transac
tlon Involves $1,000,000. The affair will
probably be consumated, and the salmon
fisheries will be rvn hereafter by a syndi
cate. Jellies Uta.
SaATTLti March 11, The council to
night passed a resolution asking the board
of county conimlsslonera to submit th
question to the people of extension of the
city limit, so as to take In on the north
the Salmon Bay and S.nlth's Cove districts,
Including Uallard, Fremont and bilgewa
ten on the east East Seattle) on the south
South Park addition and the race track
quarter, and on the west West Seattle.
This will cover the whole ot the Seattle
Metropolitan district, making a corporate
area ot about twelve tnl'ee square ana
giving the city a population ot at least 50-
Big A Beetle, ,
Chicago, March ti, A suit tor $100,-
000 for a breach of promUe ot marriage
was commenced In the federal circuit court
to day against Lewi C Warhinutch,enlor
member of the firm of L U Wachsmutch
& Co., wholesale clothiers. The plaintiff
is Miss Jennie M Paul, aged JJ, daughter
ol the late A W Paul, formerly a prom In
enl lumber merchant.
A Bad uileesi.
PaTAtl MA, Cal, Match it No grain
will be raised In this part of coun
ty this year, except on volunteer and sum.
mer ft'owed lands, and that will amount
to bet little. Many farmers will not raise
their own hay.
A Mjrsierjr.
Portland, Or, March 1 1, The mys
tery surrounding the death of George
Becker still remains unsolved. Theories
t murder, accident, and suicide are all
advanced, but the latter theory is not cred
ited. Tne (treat aallasea.
San Francisco, Mach ti. C P Hunt
Ington Is expected here the first ot next
month. One ot the objects ot his trip I to
Inspect some line ot road In the vicinity
of Portlai.d, negotiations for the (purchase
of which he Is now earning on with a
Scotch syndicate.
Haste II las taaea.
Fort Scott. Kan , March 11Iudge
McComus, who signed a warrant for the
execution of John Brown,dled to day aged
74 yea's. He waa lieutenant governor of
Virginia at the time brown was hanged,
and the signing of the warrant devolved
upon him in the absence of the governor.
A Beswaravahte Weeaan.
New Yoaic, March 10 The keepers of
the Raymond street jail and Kings county
penitentiary are telling stories of the phe
nomenal hat of strength of one Mary
Martin, a prisoner at the latter Institution,
Site was arrested a few daya ago far tear
ing down a wooden awning by the ue of
her hand only, while Intoxicated. Four
officer were reuircd to make the arrest.
In the police station she bent the Iron cell
door bar with her hands, snapped In half
Iron handcuff locked to her wrist, tin.
screwed .listed Iron nut from the locks
by using her bended finders as a monkey
wrench, and performed o'.her remarkable
feat. She I four feet and nine Inches Id
hlght, welgha only ninety pounds wears
a No. 3 shoe and No. 5 glove She says
can lift ttoo pounds three feet from the
ground and ho'd a barrel of flour over her
head with ease.
Ball teaaa.
Sfokaxs Falls. March, 10. The
XOrth Pacific Basebajl league I to be or
ganlxed Including the citica of Portland;
Tacoma, Spokane Fall, Helena and Uutia.
A atock company waa organized her to
day with a capital atock of ten thousand
dollar. A planned, each club will play
one hundred game, fifty on home ground
and fifty abroad, four games to be playcu
each week. The projector of the move
ment are Vandcrbcck St Morgan, of Port
land. . A Strike.
New Vokk, March 10 Two thousand
shirt makers are on the Strike in Ibis city to
day, many of them wome.i, a-d Ihey demand
a uniform rale of py in all shot's. They also
want the bosses to provide machines for them
to operate. Plait makers joined the shirt
makers out of sympathy. A number of pants
makers also struck. -las
WIlB Brigand.
Constantinople, March 10, In so n
counter at Elosona between Tnrks and a bnd
of brigands, over twenty of tho former wcm
killed, and six of the latter.
Letter BUI.
St Paul, , March 10. A Pioneer Pre
special to-night says there is the best of rea
son for believing that the lottery b:ll will be
taken from the table to morrow or Wednesday
in order to get a lest vote on it. As it requires
a two tniras vote to take tt from the table, that,
if secured, would be cnoug 1 to pass it over a
If the motion carries a new biil will be in
troduced, making the tribute, annually, $150-
000 innead ol 975,000, while the price ol the
chajter will be raised from 825.000 to tl W.
000, and 131,000 will be paid at once into the
state treasury.
A ratal Land Slide.
Shasta, Cat., Marc'n 10. News received
here lo-day of a fatal Ian Jslide which occurred
at WeaverviUe last Fiiday, drowning two
brother! named John and James Sowdcn. The
sliJe came from -tbt moun aint filling thtiir
dam and sending a large body of water ruah
ing down the gulch where the. men were at
work on thiir claims. The boJics were found
hall a mile below.
A rrlgatfal Accident,
I ON ix n March 10. An explosion occurred
to day at the Morsa colliery, Giamargansbire,
Wales. Three hundred mtnrrs were entomb
ed, but many have 1 ten ' rescued from the
workings nenr the m -iu shaft, Most of those
taken out are unhu.', but several received
fatal injuries,
The latest estim'.e i that 150 lives were
Vatt Biding.
Philadelphia, March 10. A prominent
broker, desiring to get several hundred shares
of stock of New York to-day on short notice,
chartered a train on the Reading The
entire run of ninety miles was made in eighty
five minutes.
last Balk Lea.
Ashland, Or., March 10. Wiley Cunning
nam, a young brakeman, was Horribly man
gled by falling under a moving train at Mer
lin early this morning. The car wheels passed
over IxHh legs, necessitating amputation of
both legs above the knees, lie is not expected
'.0 survive the surgical opertation.
A Borrttile fate,
Montreal, March 9, Mrs Oresinc Coller
ett, wife of a wealthy Canadian farmer, and
her seven children, were burned 10 death in
tbeir in C?te St Michael. The family lived
in a large stone house At an early hour this
morning the building took fire and before as
sistance could be given was burned to ths
ground, Collerette had left tie house to at
tend to work about the farm and on returning
found the place in flames. He tried to rescue
the family, but was overcome and fainted.
He was terribly buincd. I he fire was caused
by the explosion of a can of kerosene oil.
Louisville, Ky., March 9. Maltida Ruby
died at Daywick, Ky., yesterday, aged 123
years. The record of her ags is authenticated
jn a family Bible in her possession.
Thou Aw rat Storms,
Dutch Flat, CaU, March 9. It commen.
ced mowing yesterday afternoon, after forty
uiUt hoursof hard rain, during (which seven
indies fell. Heavy winds on the mountains
coined the new snow In drift (batlty and de
layed the trnins at Cascade Opening. The
Km! bound passenger Irsltis of the Central
Pacific ate lying at AlU, but expect to move
some time to-night,
A Mter Kanlrred.
Moscow, Miirclt 9. Tremendous excite
ment prevaili here over the horrible murder of
a sister of charity named Huitnlzky, a woman
wen Known lor ner many cttaritituie deed.
Her body was found cnt into small pieces In a
sack, r mm some evidence, whlth the police
will nut disclose, the murder was nut upon a
young medical student named IlelsoSsoff, who
was arrested in tne province of Vladimir, and
lie immediately committed suicide,
Shuillasieesaieeas. .
Kokomo, Ind., March 9 Every one of th
half duten saloon keeper here ha been forced
to close out his business and leave the place
during ine isi mree weeks, l he result was
accompanied by th combined effurte of the
Good Templars and church members, who
have now begun 1 vigorous wnr on the drug
stores, which it is affirmed supply drams on
the sly.
A Terrible rrrUMIoa.
San Francisco, March 9 A society sty
inj itst Voodworthites Is still endeavoring
to enjoin the citizens of Oakland, Cat., with
the necessity of Immediate preparation for
disaster, which, they predict will fall April
t4, when a tidal wave is to submerge San
Francisco, Oaklnndand Alameda, sweeping
1 neni out 01 existence.
likely ie Ralli,
Washington, March 9. The senate and
house are likely to split on the subject of th
Wtndom silver bill and the substitute therefor
that ha Itecn favorably reported from the
finance comn.itte.. !
Kxrr Yocr Era. It would be well for
farmers and other to keep an eye on the
the large and varied supply ol agricul
tural Implements which Mitchell Sc Lewis
keep on hand, and the large number of
new nuggire and other spring vehicle
which ihey arc now receiving at their
Place 01 otisine, on second atreet, near
2citmeer s livery (able. You should bv
all mean call In and examine their stock
a they feel safe In aaylnn hat they can
make you better term than any other
noue in tne cur.
Cmillcb Plow. Those wUhlng plow
will make a tnUtake If they do not call an
the Mitchell & Lewi Co. and examine
their large assortment of Gale chltltd walk
In j plows, Some ol the superior qualities
of these plows are the adjuttible handle.
the draft I always direct, the standard
jointer I used, which keep the plow a!
war in line. By all mean call and ex
amine them.
Alrajy Marble and Urviite Worka.ltav
in U'elv pnreha4 tbe ttock of S A Uiirg
and O W lltrri, we shall be pleased to
how dotLna and give pries to all intend
log puichwr. tWwtof workmen employed
and price aa low aa any for Hnt-elaa work.
Vwit at befor pttrehang Im where.
Ko & ArRteoV
(next door to Dmoerat otfio) Albany, Or.
, I'nur llnmaalty I
Tb eomrao lot i one of sot row say at
text the peaaimUte, they who lock at the
worst si le. Certainty what would other
wise be a bright exiaUnew, la often shadow
ed t.y aHi ailment that overhang it like a
pall, obscuring prftttkl!y the radianee that
l would iitfht tbe path. Much aa ailment
and a very eoinmon one. ia Bervonaneaa.or in
other wi.r! , tw of th nervee yUm,
condition only irremediable whtre Ineffi
cient or tmproptir mean are taken to relieve
it. Tb concurrent experience of tiervons
people who kavepmUlently ud I lottettcr '
Htotaaob Hitter u, that it etMtqaer entirely
nperwioaitiveneMi of the nrry, aa well aa
diarasee 0 called which are isviled and
QtWinrd by their ehrooie w akaeea As
tbe erve gain stamina fmm the gieat tonie
th ttooble disappear. Use tb (Sitter for
mUaria. rhenattism,biIluosaeas and kidney
-. 4 . ...
Head Quarters for
Scth Thomas watch
es and clocks, at
best watch in th
world for the money.
Uoburg Lumber.
I aell the best lumbir in th eeaetyi alto
cedar posta, shingles, lathe doora and win
dow monldine, eto. 1'rioe from $3 to 122
pr thousand. Yard at Lowena, on tbe
Narrow Gauge. See me before pnrehaaing
V W Crawford.
PO address, Tallraao, Or.
State Treasurer's Thirty
Fifth Notice.
Htate or Okeoojt.
Trkani-hkk'h Ofhce
Salkm, March 10, 1800,
Notice in hereby given that there ar
sufficient funds on hand to pay the fol
lowing warrant, and that they will 1
paid on prewntation at this office: War
rant of 18811 and 18'Jl), numbered 975,
KXS4, 1117,112(1, 1138, 14U, 151)0,2762,
2753, 275(1, 27(18, 277t. 2701), 2773, 2735,
27M, 2753, 2701 and 2750. Intercut will
not be allowed after the date of this
O. W. Webb, State Treasurer.
Partnership Dissolution.
Notice is hereby give that the late firm
of Ztuhft Bros, sompossd of Frank I. and
John B Zaohe ha been dissolved, Frank L
Zsnhes retiring. The buiinras in the fottire
will be oond anted under th firm Mat of
Ztobes 1 Son. All parties indebted to the
heretofore exUtintf eo-partuerihip will please
ami ana insae satitfsctoty settlement,
JeHW 8 Zicais,
. - Fr-ah k L Zahbs
Tito tttideriigoed hereby announces to the
publio that be ha sold his Knoery basineas
to Mr Moutagu Son, win come well
reenwnnrlfld,and wilt continue the business
at the old corner. Tnrxie indebted at the
store will please oali and settle. 1
Try rnspeotfnlly,
J M Bakbus.
City Drag
Proprietors. Successors to
Guiss & Son. Dealers in
drugs, medicines and
chemicals,fancy and toilet
articles, sponges, brushes,
per frimery, school arid ar
tists supplies. Physician's
prescriptions accurately
f. I;.:.; V'.
Keep Your Eye on
Agent for New Zealand Ins. Co. Capi
tal, $5,000,000. Fire andMarlnt Intutsnc
Real Estate.
laaAjRO-m LIST.
t 1
Farm Property In Large or Small Tract
On Favorable Terms.
If You
Are Looking lot Investment Call at
Jn office evening.
Real Estate and Insurance Broker
and Notary Public,
ISioadalUa St., Albany, Or.
We have made arrangements to supply
money to all on Ion; time at low rate of
Inter! m Improved farm and clt v prop
erty. Thea who contemplate building
brick blocks or good brick, business houes
can get money. See us,
Waixaci & Ccsick.
Sheriff's Sale.
Im th Cur mil CW IktStaUof n
. 0,ur Mm Comnty.
3 V Schooling, rialotiff, .
Jerry 11, IMeodant,
. Notioe i hereby given that by virtue of
an esmnUoe. duly leaned oat of th above
named Court, lu the above entitled aetioe),!
did 00 tbe 17th day of February, lU'JO, ia
Una county, Oregon, duly levy apoa the
premieea hereinafter daerihe4,etKi will oa
aalar4ar, the tMk stay ar Marea, las,
t the Cunrt lluo door, ia the city of Al
bany, Linn ooaai, Oregon, at tbe boar of
one o'eloek p. m. of aid day, sell at public
auction fur each ia band to tbe highest bid
der th real property levied apoa and t
ertbed aa tulluw to-it t Cointneocinf at
tb aoatbeaat of tbe aorta half of tne
toatbeiet quarter in secUoo tweaty-sis (26,)
towoabip n'ttei (13,) snath rang 4 mI
tbene weat twelve and ooe-third rod(12.)
thence aorta thirteen rode (13.) tbeaoa aaat
twelve and one-tUrd rod (124.) tbecoe
oath tbirteaa rods (13,) to tb pUe of be
ginning, containing one acre more or leas,
being ia and sitoetod ia tb sUt of Oregon,
county of linn. Tbe proceed arising from
th sale of said premise to b applied lint,
to th payment of the easts and diiburae
mente of the above entitled action Used at
f 143.70, and aoorniag cotta. Ssoood, to tb
payment of the plaintiff, J P Sebooling, tb
sum of $711,57 with ancrniwe inters there
on from th 10tb day of April, 18SS, at tb
rat cf 8 per eent per annum.
: Dated thia 23tb day of Fliroary,I8M.
Joiia Smallmox,
Ph'fT Linn evaaty .Oregon.
Administrator's Notice,
Notion is hereby given that th ander
signed edmioiatrator of tb eeUte of E K
J ., deceased, has tiled his final acooont
with the Clerk oi tb County oeart for Lion
County, Stat of Oregon, and tb eonrt baa
hied Monday, th 7th day of April, 1890, at
in noo r ot 1 0 eloeit p m, to near ot jeotions
to said account, if any, and to eetrl said
Thia 20th day of Febrnary, 1800.
Administrator f Ettat of E. K. G A IS Is,
, veeeasea.
I STItAY NOTICE -Takes op by tb
J aa1erUnrd. living ix and a half
ma autiiat of llalsey, 00 tho totb
uny of Deoesiber, 1889, en bright bay
boiae, ataut Iv or 12 years old, with
aotua saddle marks oa aid and back,
oiai-a ana tan, a very dim Drand
on th right shoulder, which ean not b
diatiiiifnitlied. Appraiaed by W . J. 8tw
11., jumiuo 01 tne peaoe. at tne inmoi tan.
Notice of Guardian Sale
N Ahw- la tiumby givet that by virtu
01 an oruer or ai. amy ...aa and en-
tnred or reord by th County Court for
Lino County, HUt of Oregon, en tb 0tb
d y of January, lfcOO, tha underalgnod, aa
Kuaiaian or nann uurkttart and
Ham n el (. BurWhart, minor heirs of C.
D. Burahart. deoaaaod, will, ou Satur
day, March i9, 1H90, at 1 o'olook p. m. of
said day, at tbe Court tloaa door, In tha
City of Albany, Linn County, Oregon,
oner ror earn, at ruDiio auction, to tb
hiitiieat bidder, forrasb In band on tha
day of aato, tha undivided two avntba
01 tue following oaxorioeu real eaUte, to
win beginning at tb Narlbeaat corner
cr land net apart to u, u, narkbatt In tbe
partition ault entltlad, J. D. Burkhartet
eie. v. C Q. Burkbart at a!., in toe
''ironit Court of tb Htate of Uraron, fer
t.lnn County ,runnlng from theno North
40 alln., KAt 11.75 cbaine; thence North
J dog., 83 rain . West 87.75 chain; theno
South t den-. East 14.75 chains, then
East 86.79 chain to the plane or iKin
ning.eooUlnlnxoO ao res, all in Towoabip
11 H., K, 3 vv., In Linn County, State f
Orerfon,wlih alt tbe appurtenance tberei
uulo belonging or eppnlalnlng.
The wbol of aalil traot of land, Inolnd
In the lutereat of the heira, now of age,
will be efforod at said time for sale, npon
the same term an that of the minor
belra, and tbe person purchasing the
whale f aald tract to receive a deed of
conveyance from each of tho ownera of
acid land, and a guardian' deed for tbe
interest of aaii minora.
Administrator's Notice.
signed has been by the County Court of Linn
oouDty, Oregon, duly appointed adminixtr -t:r
oi the eztate of E Frntn, dooeaasd. All
persons haviuif claims against said etate
ti. MtiRH nrARAtit tham tn the andflr
signed within six months from this date
rropsriy ventied, at m rasiaenoe near
Brownaville, Linn county, Oregon.
Marco etu, tauu.
A Frpm,
- Admr est of E Fram.duo'd
J K Weathektobd,
Att'y fur Admr,
Don't L'B ReKAJip -l-S-S
. . V ' . fmmmi . f lomror j
SfOUyOlir J Korfw .hap..- t?t?JZlV
Feet with V JSt M5rr-
CJteafi Z"'7j... ... cw
f m Sto, ' tn'n. M M lf frmt
Wear th Burt & Packard" Korrect Shape "
Keeps the loading stock of
Clothing, Gents Furnishing
Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots
and Shoos, Wet Weather
Goods and the Loading Tail
oring Department, in the
i iia y E oil 0
CboiccJCandj', Knls, Fruit, etc.
Has just received his Spring stoclc of :
Embracing a fine line of suits, which will bo sold
at bottom prices.
In ordor to make room for new goods will sell his
largo stock of Notions, etc., at
A Great Reduction.
The best place in Albany for bargains.
G. W.
pcridr," "Argaad,,, GaIaIl(,
Fira zi.
Warrant 0 d
ki. I
15 years, All
si z 0 3 aa
styles, x
Roofing, Job Work, Plambinrr
Eave Trough. Range Boilers
Conductor Pumps.
Tho Woxlti'a
best. More
than hun
dred 7 nun-
3red differ
0 n t sty les
co ok s and
J .
4 ri
Mlfhte growth tbalaet tea jesrg Into o of tb world's grant citlaa U ,
wi'rio-"! parallel. Nj ran esn now portray bor roaonrcw or th o itinal
prwparitr that th yu of tha fatara will ponr foto bar I
World Renowned Harbors
Avt her SceiflO aboro lioea on L.kei
HkTOMi been . lavish ia bar gift to
World's Last Great City.
' f
Homo, on bar serea Liils, was a cotbisg to BEATTLF8 SNOSb.
CUOWNED OLYMPICS oa tha North aad Wt; CASCADED on tfaa
E mc mod South, and from tbeaoaigbtjr bvlwarfca f baaith, Mergy, inspira- ,
tion-giring, tberaarieea tha Mighty MOUNT RAINIER, o-w-a-y above I
vary coco peti tor on tbe Feeifie, reaxiodir- ODe of .
At the baa, wbicb, in aootber aeora of ysars, will psa in P0PULVTI05
every city tin tbs Pacifis tha World's bigatt ocean.
The Wassom Addition
Every lot in fall view of Mouat Rainier and Laka "Wasliir.jtcn; oa'
railroad j at dpot; adjoining Ravenna Park; an e!eetrio railway a aooa as eas
be anmrJeted to it; belf doxeo En tesidencea already ander contrast on Ad-'
d'tio ; $25,000 Frtnsle Co!! ego ie be opened Sept, to bar, 1890. (
Ie tbe Place where tren nod women of IIotbt and Stni and RMHiutH
will make ifcrit b net and why?
Tbe Collage, tbe Min- ral Springs, Ravenna Park, tba view of Monat lUialff
wnicn is granaer nere voan any wnera
reaaen , would raaice it meat deairabie.
In Seattle n Miehty city is building. Take hold of the Vest while 1
you have a chance at Lowest Price.
To THE PlOSEBS, word t
Why did roe cixsa the plaiosT Why did yoe take your life and that
of others in year hands and come to tbe Coast? What peo eon write the
histor ? Yotj have conquered this land made the growth ef great aulas im
perattva and ths amassing of colloaaal fortunes, almost in n day, possible.
Now, by the inrestment of a few th jataad, or hundred dollars, yon nay
rsap the barest that belongs to yea. Will oa do it? The greatest ev
porstion, tba ablest financiers of Europe and Amariea are investing tboe
aands osy, millions, in Seattle. Will you not invest? Tour chance is
NOW. Seize it. I have a 60 sore tract, an 80 end two 40 acre tracts.
Only a few left obeap; ripa far plat'ing, any one of whiob will make yom
foi tune in a short time. Buy quick, t can't duplicate them.
Re. J. K. Kirkpatrick ii among j en end the Sole Agent for
In Oregon. Call on him at once.
T wilt ha in AlKanv in a faor
- J .w w ' I.U1.IU VUIJ a u jr. H
Woald be glad to meet you personally and urge you to jain ns in the mateUal f
upbuildinsr of Seattle, the Qaeeai City cf the Pacific When in Seattle, ba
re and call at Room 843 Seattle Block, where I will take (genuine plraaare
showiag you the city.
tha Uajtd cf
eiae on aroges oouaaj. ii ror no eioei t
Avm mwA will u I - .
and Sound I Nerer hat
aka eht
- X