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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1890)
THE DEMOCRAT, New York World. (1 American Farmer Ono year for $2.80. Mvar. STAR .UKKRY Cnmor BroaiUlbia aai First Sts., l)RA I.Kit IN- mmo4 rrmla, llaUtS)Wr. ' irlea frulU. Tobaecn, Ei Cauafil Meat. n-r iiiiwnrr. Ke-aceitsMe-n. StHa, Tets. Kt.. .vA vwjtblitK that tkepl ' a . i variety stud (rrocr; .ra, UIkIipK rka pries paid for ftlLKiriDSOF gJROaUCE. THE PLACE. l.t i . ntiM oUI on Parice, Brothers, Grocer e.s, Produce, Bakei -Goods, ito. Etc. TJ.oir snkmIs are the Ihu1 and th Ir prWs tvaaouabla. Tho Prido of Albany soar by far the best laundry soar in the market, contains no rosen. Try it and yiu vrill ust no )tnr. for san only bX i J. E. UUUWiNELL. OLIO Golden (Ilia stock baa betta enlarge.! wt that tt e-jua:. an on t be dmrJl, and oonMata of Roger Bros. Silverware, P jl-jO Oiunr and Orye talware, Boys' Wagons Doll Carriage.', Fancy Goods, and . neral assortment of Orockiey and Toys. Be boje-Hrort and earrle the lara-s etnok hiu been added a eonsptote lino of FAMILY GROCERIES. la Agent for Inanranee companies with a capita! ausreioU.i.1 t7S.W . ricl on parte Francals. Uler wlrd deuteli i8pro'hen.-W, HOPKINS & SALTMARSHV . DIALEl IS STOVES; Till 17 ABE SHEET 11.011, COPPER WAHB ETC. ETC. aWrata for On Tirna' H Mllrwr Md eoklag Jmwsa. tsu pmmftlij s1f.l lo. G L. BLACKMAIL . The Loading Druggist, ALBANY .DEALER IN- DRUGS, rlEDlGIElE8 STA1 QMARY &C. altea Fin T llot Anlole. Perf irory an 1 f i il :!,! intra nanU re.erlptlwaa t'areliMy oouipound c 'ay an I u-ht. ' SMOKE THE Jilp.nufactred by J Joseph IMPORTED AUD KEY WEST GSGAftS Fiag and snakJog tobacco., life a;haum ao4b txa' -n inokaa arlii twMj. VKW STORE. Mitchell & lewis Co., -DKALEKSIN Agricultural Implcnicnts fk- 1 AND VEHICLES ALCA'Jf, OOTU J1TJD SEE US- FURNITURE. You .vl be And moHt durable aomas VOL XXV. fTIieWeacherj TVho advised her pupils to strengthen, their mina by tho use of Ayer's Bar aaparilla, appreciated the truth that bodily health la essential to mental rigor. For persons of dollcnt and foobla constitution, w hether young or old, this tnedlclue is remarkably beneficial. 1) mm you got Ayer's SarsaparUla " Every sprlnj and full I take a num ber of bottles ol Ayer's Sftrsnparllla.amt am (srently benefited." Mr. Jauie II. Jiusiiunii, Stonnhaiu, Mass. I have taken Ayer's Karsnparllla With great bene tit to my general limit h.' Mi&a Thin 1 Crerar, 1'uliuyru, iid. " My danchtor, twelve years ot aw, an tuuered for tho jmst year iroia - General Debility. 1 A tow weeks stare, wo bepnn to give her Ayer's Sanmparllla. Her health liaa Eroatly tmproVKti." Mra. Harriot H. attic, South Cbelmatord, Mum. "Ahont a year ago I bejran nulng Ayer' Eanmiarilla aa a renunlv tot debility nd neuralgia rmmltliijr nota malarial iHHtur iu the army. I waa tn a very bad condition, but aix bottles ol tha Sar. aniHU-illa, Uh oecanional diea oLAyer's riltn, have jrroatly improved my health. I aw now ablo to work, and lod that X cannot any too uucU fur your excellent remedies." A. Tinkham, Boutl Moluneus, Me. My dauslitor, aixteen yean old, la aln Ayer'a Bursaivarilla with good ef. i, , 1""r B- ?rham, United vmren vuurcn, iJUCkUttUUou, W. V a. M.I auffored Irom v.VJ Nervous Prostration," j-itn tamo back and l.ea.lothe. and hava been much bonettted by the una o( Ayer'a baraaimrilln. 1 am now r yeara ofac. and am aatiineJ that my present heaith and rrolonvd life are due to the of Killingly, Conu. ? Mrt. Ann n. Taranworth. a lady T9 yeara old. So. W'ooilatock. Vt., writes : "After several weeks' suffurinur fr, nervous prtmtration. I proctiretl a houl t Ayer s 8an.aprllla, aud lefore I bal taken halt til it my usual health, returnod." a Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rkarAKEO v Dr. J. C. Ayer tt Co Lowell, Matt.; sis boulas, fi. WerU a touts. J GRADWOHL'S Rule Bazaar. In tha vrillut; Val'.y, m hi :OREGON. fftiW GOODS 0?. furutur la tnaniifacturod in the.eit y '.t Pi I On a Cow. Off In Soutltettstcrn Ore gon the situation was so serltni that even a cow came htndy as a means of navlga Hon. "lhe Klnmath Sinr says: "A Keno man, whose horcs were under th weather, started for l.tnkvllle on the buck ot cow last week. He arrived all right purchased nrovUtons and returned. At dlntnnce oJ thnje or four miles from tow the cow ve it tin as a bad Job, lay dow in the deep snow and rciued to budge an Inch. Subsequently the rider returned af.tnt. di IvImi the co.r hack with the groceries straimcd to her back, foor eowl Like mnnv an Oregon man, this cruel wlnt-r. he dcnibtlcs compared the pres ent mess ef cold, hard times with the cud of sweet content chewed In the eolden daviof vore ! The Keno man sent for assistance In road-hreakleg, stabled and fed the cow In grand style and returned Wednesday, his iricmis having urosen mc road." Across thk Mrs. Oats are $1.15 a bushel nt Urosvnivi.le, U I a mutter of much dllTJcully to se lect beet from the range that wl,l do to masticate. The snow of Inst week (most ot It) Is still with u,but the weather has percept! bly nuxlerated, and we expect that It will not remain much longer. The extreme cold on Tuesday and Wednesday nlahts Tuesday nlht enivecUlly, was a wholesale dentrover of stock. Stock ot all kinds dying. Cal. Smith has lost between itm and 3 sheep; T M A J I'urUli. ot Shoo Kly, reptrted Ions over aH)o; Hrwri, .aittman .V .tesiejr are loosing r good many, Th Wh.lambttk CNNitt..The fol lowing Is from an An'orla paper, and of course was never seen In Portland paper The Portland papers .re very quiet about the matter, but rlvcrmen say the channe of the Willamette, from Portland to the Columbia, wss never In as bad condition as now. The deep cut at the Alhlna flour mills is completely filled and as the waters recede new nils are shown ami the perils ot navigation lucre . The State ol Ual Uornia was stuck in t mud for a day or two, on her lat trip ustand had to be lightered before could be cot off. The Santa Kosa cot fast In the mud at about the same nlaee tledy before the State found the G!l. To Rknkfit FAaMcas. Senator Vance has Introduced a bl I In congress to estab ll.h in every county In every state In the union an agricultural depoillorr, under the control of the treasury department, where owners of eraln, cotton, tobacco, etc., may depokll their products,recelvlng therefor a warchou.c receipt and treasury notes equal to eighty per cent ot market value of the uepooiu 1 nese dcpooits ma v be redeemed at any time on payment of" the sum ad vanced and interest The bill appropriates $50,000 to carry out its provLlons. Birthday Paktv. A very pleasant and enjayaole birthday party was had at the renltlence ot Mr and Mr. Robert Brown. Wednesday, it being the occasion of the anniversary of the fourteen'h birthday of their sot Robert, A large number of the Mends gathered in and the time was very pteaaiiUy spent in social chat, games, etc. During the everdng the inner 'nan was treated to a palatable repast. Every one was highly pleased with the entertainment At the reifalar mectlntf of the Ashland Bul dinzanJ lan pocUtlon last Mon day evening, 11$ were loaoed at seven teen month Intereit In advance, and 34 at six months' Interest in advance. Tidines. This surpasses Salem, before ft tuok a boom upward. Bidding fi. B & h A's is very good ind'eation of the demand for meney for buddmg purpose, and hence the prosperity r.f a city. Ashland need prodding. , A Lkcti'Reh A onn ha. just given three kecure at th'j Vv C T U hail on diffeient subject the world ha been ach Ing to bear about, and last night It was tor men only, the bills headed "Men Ojilv" being given promiscuously over the street to women and children, as well as men. He mar have been the most bril. liant man In the world, and faMy made the people howl, but a good many thought differently, flat the question 1. did you ouy an lnoie. A I!oj Country1. The total product of hop. in Polk county last year was 3431 oaics, which was raised an 270 acres, or an average of 2630 pound to the acre: and this average is the highest of any county In Oregon. In raising thl. crop, which I. nearly ail labor, and very little mrchinery, at least $35,000 is paid out each year eo people here at home. West Side. Coming tiii. Wav. Mr. B F Child.. of PrimeviHe, gave us a pleasant call to day. He ha .old out hi business In Crook county .and U en route to the Wil lamette valley. Mr.' Childs was formerly a resident ot this cltr, and worked lor the OR&NCo. HewtM to Prlnevitle in I&S3, and engaged in merchandise, and ha accumulated a competency. Dallas T M. Asmual Meitikg. The annual meet. Ing of the Albany Street Car company was held last week at the office of Burkhart & Keeney. The report of the secretary showed alt that wss expected. The following director were elected: C O Burkhart, S R Young, C II Stewart, J A Gross, E F fox, L Flinn and W II Got tra . I , . .i - : ' A Hermit. A hermit named Hudson, living 011 ( nlon crtck, whose only com panion is a cat, ha not been heaid from for eight week. It Is feared that he i dead, a he had been In the habit of going to Boothby's sVore. for provisions, and for long time has not appeared. Hudson i 69 yhars old and I not a robust mn. The snow in that vicinity is about eight feet aeep. iieuiora Man. Amtokellk Tiikrb. Mr. Antenelle, of the firm ot Antonelle & Dor, contrac tor on tbe road from this place to Elgin, arrived in LiGrande last nli'ht, and will see that work is commenced at once. We understand that most of the grading work has been sublet to parties in this place. uaaer city Keveiue. w uood 1 lack. Albany 1 about at good a town as any to speculate in after all. A few day ago an Albany man made $2,500 in three day on a $2,500 in vestment. What' the matter with that? Astoiia or Seattle can't do any better. Horses. A large number of horse are being hipped to Portland from Al bany, three carload going thi week, 40 htad beiriir sent in one dav bv Mr Send er. Fair price prevail, particularly for An Honor. Prof Clvde Cooi, dltector of the art department of the Willamette University, has won a prize 01 $250 from tne publishers of the Youth's Companion lor worn in uengn against over one thou sand competitor. Statesman. Another. Drat. Mr A B Lacey has moved from Independence to this city with his double truck, a fine looking ve hide, ond may be seen on our street. This will no doubt be suggestive to Dal las paper. BORN. On Wednesday, March 5,1890 in Albany, to the wife of Tho C Baker, of Benton county a girl. Being the first glrl.there was great rejoicing in the family. Sold. J 0 Meyer Sc Co have sold their delivery outfit to Dr I N Woodle for $2000. The doctor will take charge the first of next month. 1 ill i fr? ALBANY, Hit Ownuo It. Astoria rcrtalnly niuwlj were, for the Aatorlun toll. U10 following old fitNhlnni'il nt.ory nbmit It, om tluit him it fitinlliar ring: An manning itifldcnt t told ypiftcr duy In refrtird to a certain "cttrh xtoiin" rciil CHtutu limn, na h wan chIIihI. lie waa talking with a man w hom li ait pownl to l a stranger. Finding that ihld pernon wm liiter?Hto(l in tv estatv, the dealer eomtnimeed to extol the won derful nierlta of a certain tract of land a few tnllea to the south. The geiitlenmn linteiied very attentively, apparently alt- norhtng it all. llo aenuieseiHt m every thitnr aald. The real eaute man whs happy. He wan nur of a Hj. ll told how ilnely the tand waa situated and how loveiv the blu akv humi over it At lust he flninhed hi little Keeih and cotttident of a eholeo result awaited tome remark, from the gentleman. He turned around, looked pitifully at the lover of good dirt and made hint aupreuiely tin happy hv the almplfl atateimmt: ''Ye., I auree with you. I own that tiuul my elf." Ji'T Ijkb r.oYH. Portland lyi are canning trouble to the Cahta Car com pany of that city. The cable running along the street ta tan-ed and they have diaeovered that it a atring la pennlttau to touch tt the tar will crT l,t!g Thev then faaten a wad of pam-r to the atring, and with delight watch ft tail; along tin tho road, riding on the lot raila. It ian't king, however, before the atrinir eatehea ntxii a rttller and then it ueu wound into a ta aring ami atop. the wheel. Tlien the cable runs over one ajiot in the pulley and wear, a notch in it, causing a jumping notae. there fore the wheel la ruined and nmat tie re I Juml by a new one. The ajmrt la very laugeiMiiia to the hoy and exceed ingiy costly. Telegram. St'ocixanvK. Tle following little inci dent in Portland la bo auggeatlve ot aev- eral Allwny youth, and their need that we give it t .Willie Gerdea and Harry Whitman, one 8 and the other 13 yean otage, were seated upn Judge Uilea1 knee, thla afternoon.tindergolng a aevere dressing down. Tliey are the boya who atole Captain Tom Mmintain'. goat about a week airo. They aohl it to a Mr. John aon, who Uvea tt Houth First atrrt-t, for I. RO. The catttain found the Boat.rvcov ered tii.prorrtyand had the boya arrett ed. The iuatlee, after lecturing the boy. till their youthful face, were bathed in tears, dism!nwl the charge, and wnt the wayward little fellows home. Will January 1. A. D. 1900. J the 1. glnning of the twentieth century, or will January 1, l'JOt ? la a tjuestlmt that la now bothering tle college proleaaora in the eaat. Telegram. It may bother college rofcesor but It doean't exlitora. They all agree that the latter date baa to be the one. It can't t anything elae. That la what the figure 1 1 for, to indicate the beginning. The drat century began Jan I, in the year 1 and tho aWMul century Jan 1, 101, & coarse, the year 100 cloning tho first cen tury. Anylxaly can aee that lntt profes sor who try to he too erudite. Perhapa, though, the ex. lien about the qucation Itothchng the Prof. WaaiiED axd Rm axan It. Mr. X. C. Dickey, of thla city, baa gone to Port land to work for tbe Oregon Iron Work. Mr. Dickey ia a gtaal workman and a itiare man to boot He waa sheriff of Linn county one term. He nay. lie i. one of the tint and faithful, and HvM in the fork, of the Hantlam when Joan owell waa paator ot the community. ami that he aitl in running the first newspaper ubliatiet in the now town of Scio, and he eoU-mnly aaya that they printed It on a white rair or canvaa and iamted to their reader, with the on dcratanding that they were to read, waah and return, which they inrariably did. We einccrely regret to lam Mr. Dickey, txit heartily commend him to the Portland folk, and hope he way do well there. Paletn Democrat. At McMornvtu.. A II Haawell, who as recently put in the large woolen mills t Albany ia in tbe city Wking up a loca tion for another plant. It a woolen mil! could tie put in here it would help the town considerable. He want, to organ ize a stock company. A certain portion to be euWrilied by the cltbsena of the city and he will take the balance. Ilea idea inia me company win espves a oonua from the people of the city who will he benefitted by the mill. Thi. la not a fake scheme for the mill at Albany ia a .am ple of the factory which will be put tn if the neceaaary help can l acenred. The cltixcna ot thia city ahouhl take an inter eat in the matter and start the thing along il poaaibie. McMtnnviiie X. . Tlmbi.ed. People who know the lay of the land at Corvallis will appreciate the following from the Gaxette j A young fellow lately from the eaat,while standing with two companions, close to the edge of the bank of the river at the foot of Jeffer son street on Sunday last, attempted the mash act on a certain young lady of this city, and, in attempting to make a very polite bow stepped backwards a little too far and, before tie saw hi. mlsUke, was precipitated to near the water's edge nearly forty feet straight down. Strange as it may seem, he received no injuries. but Ins Stinclav-go-to-meeting clothes were liberally besmeared with dirt and his little tootsy-tootsies came in contact with the water Edward Wapd was indicted by the grand Jury, charged with manslaughter in aliening tne aeatn ot ms wiie, near Cottaea Urove, an account of which was given last week. He has been arrested and will be placed on trial this morning, iuard. This is the man who deserted his wife and children just after cbild-blrth, and even drank the stimulants left for her. It is to be hoped the brute pets several years tn the penitentiary, though hang ing is too good for him. NoTiirso rx It. There is nothing sub stantial about the Anacortes boom, says the Olympla Partisan. Teople are be ginning to leave there already, notwith standing the efforts of the Portland Ore- eonian to boom the place, because Elijah Smith la one of the principal owners 01 the townsite. ine only substantial Doom in tne lower sound country ia on Belling' ham bay, where a great city will surely spring up The Usual Experience. The editor of the Goldcndale Sentinel gave notice recently that a certain man in the town could find sufficient muscular exercise bv calling at that office, instead of whi' ninir hia wife. About twenty have taken it as a personal challenge, and the editor ia very likely to have more than he can properly manage. There j are some men who are always hit at every remark newspaper makes, if it cornea within mile of them. ' roLrrics. The county campaign prom ises to be an interesting one. Besides the two old party nominees there will be a new feature in the canvass, that of a sot of Unions nominees, now many votes the new party will poll is now of course a matter of speculation. There will be the usual talk about the contest I,,.;- ffa nil it UCIXJU VWOO , UUl, R' .1 I ,.11, 1 U T 1 1 I IT found that there will be numerous old time Democratic majorities. Keep track lie ot the idea WiiY la iT. A man who has some wheat stored , at Corvallis wishes us to ask why it is that wheat iafil' cents here end only 68 there, though they have lioaatetf ot having aa goon a ruarKet. OIILUON; FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1890. Tim IWb Tnn.o.-M.rlon county ha. onlerod fC0(X) appropriated toward, building a bridge at Jefloraon. Tliat 1. active and mean, bualnea. a. far M it glit'M. ' Linn county ahould do likewise at the next meeting of the county court, There arc "no flies" on our people and we ahould 1 up with our neighbors besides, Jeffcrami iieeda a bridge, ami Linn county can at well afford it aa it. next northern neighbor, who alao gives 110,000 towards the Haleui bridge. Be fore Linn county make, the order, though, it should amend iu order, which reads: "It i. ordered that $(KX) be ap propriated toward building a free bridge at the town of Jeflroii, across the Fan tlam, provided Linn county will pay the halunce," ami make it read so that county will pay ita half; (mxxj la only one-third ot the cost, and the order as made is very contracted A C'HxxKr TaAxtF.-Tlie usual monotony of the stop at Bonneville was varied Hat- day, any trainmen, by a singularly enter taining incident. There were a number of Celestials on board who stopped at Bonneville and deposited, beaUlea their usual luggage, several Uoxen chickens on the platform. A tramp who ha4 char tered the free baggage, and waa going nowhere In particular, watched thia pro ceeding with covetous eyes. He had a sack in Ids posm-ssion, and .lipping olf tne train watched for a favorable optMir tunlty. He soon had the sack full of fowls and aUrted at full speed up the side of the mounuina, with the China men in ansrry pursuit, uttcrtnir "klhie." of angry despair aa the wily vag disap- peareu in tne wooos. fetuiietott t.. u. Ot'R Bkmator. An Eastern desatch aaya Senator Holph ia getting a great deal of attention in the newsjapers, some of them criticising him severely, because be is chairman of the special committee in vestigating the uewpamr correspondents and because he rtjHirted a resolution to Imprison the correspondent- who rvfusm to answer questions. He ia especially ridiculed by the men who would be sub ject to thia punishment. A man make a big mistake when he officiously goes to inquiring into the source of a newsaers newa. it ia a papers tnisines. to get ft the beat way it can. Oregon's pnmpoua Senator will come down a i-g before the reporters get through with him. Cobyalu. We were informed, this week that a repreaenUtive from the eaat will soon arrive in Corvallis, and within sixty days a woolen mill will be under way of construction. Ala Harris ami wife left lor their home in San Francisco yesterday, after a visit among relativea and friends In Corvallis. They go from here to Portland where they wui uxe the strainer tor uietr destina tion. Cam Hemphill this week ordered fOOO worth ol new scenery for the opera house in Corvallis. It will be painted by the same parties who did the work for the "Aiarquata uranu "at Portland. leader. O. T. Porter. The Democrat has just been shown a letter from Mr. 0. T. Por ter, maralial of AUaka, dateii February IS. He reported that he waa getting along finely in bis office. Having three prisoners to take to San Ouentin. Cal., lie will soon leave for that place by steamer, at the time of writing awaiting ordere from the government. He will return by way of Altny and spend sev eral davs here. The lowest the temper ature- had reached there was 2 degrees above xero. VTaar Bacc on Hm. Arriving home from Yaquln Bay yesterday wt found the office eeaerted and no paper issued or ready to ieaue. Having no other choice we issue a half sheet Our ar ransrement. were fierfect for the issuance of the paper hereafter without our per sonal supervision, aa we suppoaei, else we would have made different arrango tnenu. The old quotation "Whereso ever you think a man be, there he isn't likewise." caught ua out this week, sure. Scio Press. Go TO Coavaxua. Mr Walter WUes, who baa bssa with Fosbay & Mssea several years, hss nslgaed en aeooeat ef bavlog aeeeptad ths potitioa of esbir el ths Beatoit Coaoty baak. A fsmwsli paty was tandered bim Tharsdsy evening by bis brother e'srk, Mr Dasrsoe. Mr Wile. is a very exemplar yonng mas. whom Ceryalh. U fort.aaU ia reoetviag m ll msmber or tbe V L. so ciety ot the BaptUt church sbowsd appreciation of Mr Wila by presenting aim vita a bcsatiful gold locket with tie signa ture, ef thiitesa original coeaiber. incntl. A. president of that city. it taersaesa la two year from that number to 130, a fin show log. Wia Stretch Oct. The report pub lished a week or two ago in the Demo crat that fonr or five miles of road would tie added to the street ear lines is now verified bv the sUtementa of the di rectors. The talk is strong for making a motor line of the road and doing ay with horsea. Ir is found that all the suburbs of the city need to be reached lor business. What it Pays. "What does the Ore- gonian pay for its dispatches ?"was asked tlie writer yesterday. It pays five-sixths of a cent a word. It gets, regularly, 180,' 00O words a month. 6.000 words a day : that is, fl.500 a month, in addition it hava as much more for siecial service. making iu bills about (3,000 a month tor telegraphic news. ix. Ax Advertiser. The Oregon ian is full of ads of the business of Ana Cortes They are sugar coated like that paper's ails of the Louisiana lottery. It is the greatest booming enterprise in the history of the Northwest.and it will at least pay to keep ones eyes open. Tin Way to do It. J H Albert,raahier of the Capital National Bank of Salem, yesterday agreed with the county court ot Marion county to carry at six per cent interest, instead ot eight per cent., the legal rate, the $10,000 appropriated to the Salem bridge ana tne o,uuu to tne jeuer- son bridge. statesman. Cleveland realised about (100,000 pro fit on the sale of his Washington resi dence. This will probably cause the late democratic standard bearer to forget the loss of that $10,000 conation to the cam paign fund. Telegram. ' . In order to make Harrison torget.then he would only have to make a profit of $7500 on a transaction. No. Nwb. xownsena Wilson are nicely located in their new offices in the Thompson block. There are now nine real estate outces in tne city, .wot a tare number for a city of the importance of Albany. ; Jacob Wisecarver has purchased"Bril' liant," a full blooded Clydesdale of Dr B F Fuller. lie will maðe season in this The purchasers price is $1500, McMinnvuie X. K. - 1 V ... A. n This is the animal recently taken by Dr Fuller to that city from Harrisburg, A Euzeno paper says that Mt Jefferson is smoking, and now comes the Belling- ham Hay Reveille with the information that Mt Baker is taking a smoke. Ex: And both were sulphurous items, built on sand. An Inducement. Col. Smith, of the Ind. regiment has offered a $55 gold badge to the member ot any company in the regi ment getting the most recruits before Ju ly, Several Albany militiamen have their eve on it. and the Democsat hopes will secure it for this city, as it is a prize worth , obtaining. X p WWXajio ahi reoRRAb FATIto.NAoe. f Th. ut. of H.U,.uh nt bt called upon to cast their ballot in the urn, tor member of .lie Oregon legislature, Tbl legislature will elect a United State senator to succeed Joha H Mitchell of Portland. Doe it not behoove the people of Portland to b. alive to their best interest and labor bird to retsia thi teat in the senate of the United States? Save the great cotton marts of the south, New Of lean and Atlanta, tha home of tbe late Grady, Portland is tbe onty city in thi Union that can boast of two teats in the highest bail of eoBgres, bestowed liy a united party. . Saa Francisco ha two, hut they com the offerings of two great rival panic each seeking the good will of the Golden City. Delaware's two senator, although resident of the same - city, occupy cushioned chair in different parts of the chamber, and have but few Interest la common. All the other states of the Union from the rock libbed shore of New England, to lb for sunny clime of the south, the Empire state, the great lake Mates, the new states, and all except California, Oregon, Georgia, Delaware and Louisaiia, have ena tors tboen from different section of their commonwealth. Uth tbe distinguished honor of being ths boms of two statesman in th highest balls of congress, Portland sa feel thankful sgain for ths honor that have been bestowed en her son by former administration and through the influence f Iwr noMe repre- eata'irc. at lb (national cspitol are being sow showered upon tbe bead of her people by the present administration. On Nob hill U lb splendid mansion of an Ex Attorney General of tbe United States. Tbat treat and good man, the Judge of the District court of tbe United State in and for the Mat. of Oregon now . wanderer in a strange land ba many friends in tbe metropolis, whose prayers are offered tsp tut hi speedy and safe return home. Tbe envoy extraordinary and minister Plenipotentiary to the court of tbe Ottoman Turk draw a snug salary of $7500 and sigh for bl home ana friends in ths me tropoli of tbe far west A Roseburg msn will toon return south to his friend and leave tbe rich plum collector of the poit ia the custody of one of oar most highly esteemed citken, and bis tout hem Oregon deputies to tbe number of four will give way 10 citizen of onr own fair town and salaries from $125 to $25 per month will be for our own people. The collector o! Internal reveue, also a Southern Oregon selection, ha. just re cently removed down the valley and one of Portland's favorite son has assumed charge of thi snug officehi. depulic to tbe number of three from the south have been replaced by our own people salary $125 per month. In connection with thla office, especial praise i due to our new collector whose work will Uke htm aostly to Eastern Oregon. For this place a Portland man was appointed one who had teen but little of the Eastern country consequently he wilt have a splendid op portunity to become acquainted with that growing section of hi. adopted .tate. The deputy for Southern Oregon, also a Portland man, la likewise fortunately chosen. Our Senator, did themselves proud In the .election of a United 8Ute Marshal, for there were many candidate for this, perhaps the best, federal office to the state, and tome of whom even had considerable merit but they weie not from thi. fair city the only . Portland. Al though hi sleeping apartment are almost dozen miles disunt from the noise and bustle of the great city, the smiling coun tenance of our next marshal can be seen on our streets almost any day and he la an especial favorite of Portland. The Sur veyor General I a Portland man, too, and so alto hi. entire staff, but thi. office I not desirable one, the salary having been recently reduced, and it is very douotful If Portland man would longer have It We also have the govenment steamboat Intector. an 1 Indeed a doxenor more other Important government positions. filled by our people, but I have certainly cited enough to show the good people of Portland that much Is to bt lost should we not reUtn oar two Mats In the Senate. Although there are a good many dtle. In this Union spelled the same a our, no other Portland In all thi broad land can boast of a teat In the Senate for her ton, while we have two on the tame tide of the chamber. Two representees of Portland, with every thing In common voting a a unit on all Important question and work ing harmoniously and successfully for the advancement of their own and their friend Interest at home. Let u. then be up end doing. Let u. work to retain thi honor and with It ail the highly! lucrative feder al position In the state. And, perchance, by united action of our clttxen. and voter, Qur less favorite country cousin, may wake up some fine June morning to find their congressman gone too! For even now the name of one of our best orator, can be heard In connection with this office, which he desire to again fill. Hi well. Let us have the congressman too. Portland is not to .mall but that she can support the reprceenatlve In Congress a well. EPUnum. Nob Hill. Portland-on the Walamet March 1 1890. HIXTd TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Lamp burners that have become dint and sticky can be renovated by boiling them in soda water, using a tin tomato can for thi purpose; then tcour the burner. with ta polio and they will be good a new, To clean knivet: cut a smalt potato, dip it in brlckdust and rub them. Grease may be removed from silk by applying magnesia to the wrong tide. New Iron should be gradually heated at first it will not be to likely to crack. The French method of anminiaterlng castor oil to children is to pout the oil In to a pan over a moderate fire, break an egg Into it and stir up; when U 1 done flavor with a little salt or sugar or currant jelley Dippinc fish In scalding water, will cause the scales to come off very easily but If the fish are to be salted down they mutt on no account be scalded. You may pour over them vinegar with the tame re tult. Salt fUh will soak fresh much quick er In tour milk tnan In water. CHIiTdKEN'S MOMK KUIjES B prompt at every meal hour. Shut every door after you, and without slanting it. . Let your first, last and best confidant be your mother. Don't make a practice of houtig, jumping 1 or running in the house. Never interrupt any conversation, but wait patiently your turn to speak. Carefully clean the mud and mow off your thoes before entering the house. Tell of your faults and misdoings, not thae ef your brother and sisters. Always speak kindly and politely to every body, if vou would have then do the same to you. : i hi ill f -1 I : 'pi m orn race alo ak with a vengeance. The republican member of the commit tee on way and mean have decided to admit raw tugar free of duty and pay a bounty of two cent per pour.d to thoce who produce tugar tn thi country. Na greater outrage upon a people who boast of 3-eing free wa ever proposed. The ef fect of such legislation, if It shou'd ever be enacted, would be to take out of tbe treas ury of the United State over fifty million dollar without, In fact, cheapening ugr to the tax payer of the country. .The rea on la thi! Nearly all the raw tugar Im ported Into this country I below No 13 Dutch standard and upon which there It r.ow a duty of one and forty hundrtht ctntt per pound, The republican pro pose to fake off this duty, and, In order to Compensate our home tugar produce for thi cut, th.y propose to pay a bounty of two cent a bound for every pound pro duced at home. Thi bounty will come out of the treasury of the United States, hence thi bounty I paid by the consum ers of sugai after .11. The .mall amount of.ugar produced In thi country make it an easy matter for foreign producers, Importer, and speculator, to form combi nation by which the tugar product will be entirely In their contro'.and, therefore, the people of this country could not expect or hope to get ugr cheaper under the 'bounty ystem" than under the protective system. But it Is barelv possible that thi "bounty bill" wilt ever pas. Should It pass It will mark the beginning of the end of the protective system, and, with It, the downfall of the republican party. Thi bounty system" I to utterly repugnant to, sna Incompatible with the Independent manhood of American citizenship that It is a matter of surprise that any Intelligent congressman could be found who would favor such a movement Give us free su gar, but no bounty. The dangerous ten dency of establishing such a precedent a thla bounty scheme" can not be too grave ly considered. It presuppose that this I a paternal government whose duty I to Inquire Into every man', private business, and If It be found that hi business It lan guishing, then to extend 'government aid In the way of a bounty on hia productt. Are the American people ready to subvert the fundamental principles of their own government by the adoption of thtt scheme? If men In business are to depend upon a bounty from the government In order to mak; their business a success. where and when will the demands for bounty end? Are sot the wheat and corn producers of the country whose business is In a deploiable condition of languUh ment just at much entitled to a bounty on every bushel of grain they produce a are the sugar grower, of Louisiana? The scheme 1 a fraud, an outrage and the most dange'out ever proposed. It destroy, all self-reliance which 1 at once destructive of that attribute of American citlxenshlp which In time past hat made thia country great. Those erho depend upon and re ceive such aid are no longer freemen, but mere ward and dependent upon a pater sal government, Cheap augar at uch a fearful lot of A met lean manhood and exemplary citizenship would In the end be dear Indeed. Let every voter la the coun try raise his voice thi. wicked scheme of bounties. OXEMAttKET UUtBCO, Tbe republican tttte central committee is its calls for a state convention say: "Al! voters who favor the republican policy of American akrket for the product of American !abor,M etc, are invited ro act with tbat party in ths coming election. This borne market jibberUb is a bigger bambeg than Bantam ever imposed upon tbe American people. Every citizen is ia favor of a borne market if it is a better mar ket than a fo-etgn market, but be will favor (that it be will trade in,) a foreign market if it be better than a borne market. Would the republican cofhm'.ttee compel every American to bay and sell in tbe American market, re gardless of th. advantages offered bus by buying and selling in foreign markets? 1 hey would sot dare say they would, and it they would aot,tben all this sentimental flourish about the "home market" it the sickliest kind o nonsense. Tbe American farmer has bees promised tbe American markets tor tut pro ducts through tbe use of a high, protective tariff. Well he ba always had it without re gard to tbe tariff. But what is tbe American market for wheat, corn, beef, and pork worth to the Americas farmer if it be sot influenced by the foreign market? Where is tbe market for the farmer's wheat, com, flour, beef and pork if not foreign? Suppose tbe farmer Had no other market for bis wheat, corn, flour, beef and pork but the American markets? Tbe price of these ait'cle would fall at once below what they are now, ruinously low a tbey are. The foreign market seems to be the best mar ket the farmer has notwithstanding we have bad a blessed faich tariff for twenty seven years. ' : : S0C1 HERN FB0KfS3 IN EDUCATION. In ail the Southern States great educa tional progress h as been made since the war, and especially since the adoption of the franchise amendment, which gives auffraee to the colored citizen. It It 7 probably one of the beat result, of that a mendment that It hat obligei the South ern people to give much attention to the education of the colored "people, who, at slaves, had never been allowed even to learn to read. Education come tlowly after generation of continued debasement but In every state the mean are provided for at good education ot Southern blackt at Is given In many Northern States. Arkansas has now over 300,000 children n schools, where, In 1873, the state had only 53,000. The people of many local! ies voluntarily add to the educational facilities provided by the whole state. Under thete circumstance, the Slalr bill proposing Federal aid, Is no longer needed. Eighteen or twenty year, ago .uch aid might have done temporarily good. Now It will only Interfere with what most of the Southern people are better doing for them selves. The East Orrgonum proposes the follow ing state ticket: For congressman, R M Veatch of Lane; for governor, Sylvester Pennoyer of Multnomah; for state treas urer, G W Webb of Marlon j for secretary of state, O J Trenchardof Clatsop; for school superintendent, J R N Bell of Douglas ; for state printer A K Jone of Union. The discovery of gold In a recent mete oric stone suggest tome very Interesting queries. It Is commonly believed that meteort are fragment of other worlds ac cldently thrown outside their usual orbit into that of ths earth. The question Is whether this gold where it originated wat the cause of at much strife and contention as it has for ages been on this planet. I K b3 .vo-sr Jt oeenltar efflcsey due mueli to the prmtess and .Sill la errninounitins a. to ttiii lnt;rrtllnMf m.niMlvmk - 1 In . I ... h f. -I. 1 ; NOTHINO UKI IT . fliwuimi In th ontoit, or If tbey be advasesa wui prove a poiWcar. : It take tbe piaeeof a il. -Vj& doctor and eooujr pro- . -scrK'Uons. All l.o fMt ' ?0, WHOM, l'Dlry live will find I .a.u.n ? II tli. Ul iireventlve.oliu''"1"1- d and eiir. lor ludlcmttlon, ' frit.. Hiid Vtl Ho loss S.,Vm P "rferetii wlih business whlf. UUlit;. Kor ehildren it is most ln tKKvnt and harmte. No danger from esrxMur nr laklrnr. C-'nro. ;lle, IU art-bout, How.l Complaint., vrth- and .vrlh Cold.. Invalid, and dliet ponon. will And it the m!)1wt ' Aperient and Tonlelhey can Om. A little tken at nlht In.ure refrwhlne t!Mp nd a natural evaniatlon of ue bow.i. A little taken In the moraine- sharpens tne appetite, the slomactt aud aweetetis the breath. T , A rHVIICIAM OFTNTOJr. ' I k.. be, practicing tMdxHiM fee "y frl unit h. iwvcr bt mbie t V P"1 "JP S,'I compound lhl would. i lk? i-immtmt Uvt, Kegi.Utor, promptly V - n .ffecUvely mum th. Uvcr lo scuoa, if M lh. m lim fed (ir.lta of vck ' antng) ths difntlr ud mimilitir. Jtr eowcr of (Sm yum." . UH, Hiwtom, M.0., WadiincUM.Ark. Mark, of OenalneneMi ljnk forthe'raA, Trade-Mark on front of Wrnpper, and the Meuland Hlinature f J, Il.lliu 4 Coin red. ou Ui aide Take uu other. TO U9XI EOCM FOB MY LARGE STOCK OF FALL AMD WIH rB GOODS WILL SELL UY ENTIRE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. AT COST THIS WILL EE A CLCSSK2 CUT SALE, AKD TfiEY'aST CO. COME EASLY AKO GET Rejal Barains AT THE SAME TIME DO HOT E032ET TBAT I KAYE A COMPLETE STOCK OF BB GOODS Notions, Furnshingf Goods, etc, WOULD ESPECIAUY CALL YOOS Dress Goods, Trimniins, Silk, Table Linen, Gloves, Hosie ry,i etc ALL AT LOWEST CASH PRICE- fiESPECTFULLY, The Leading asli INSURE IN THE asm- ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHAN Insurance Safe, Sound; Honest Bargains GOOD TREATMENT 1 . ' AT c, e;brownells. liLC DEMOCIUV s tho un - Advprtlsipr raeinvru In the Ctcfral ' ; Willamette Yd!.-, First National Bask F ALBAX1, OfeSfcOS. nMal. ' - t. f. ........MMHM'., W. A.Wt,.i. its. Pruld.nt ... Mb !.,....,.. TRASS ACTA A OESERAL buttons tnspSoww. ACCOUNTS KEKT mbjMt to shock, BIOWT KXCIIANOK sad M mgri). trr..-r, . Mow York, Sm rronotao., iJono aad Fo, CO)ARmOPr ATon forM Unrj, ' etMeroa. . , t. Totrse, E, W. IiBiX)i L K Bunt, I,, fun, ' ' Wntt.a ti-assu. Um County Bank, Cowan, Ealstoa & CtaberUin, ALBANY - - - OREGO K f KAlfSACTH s cmnd twitting kmnw, DRAW SlitBI Ilium. X. Tort. Su f , til -, Oregon. LOAX IfOrfET on sppifd tKnrltrf KBf KIVE dcpoKtU sabjict tbot. Bank of Oregon, f ALBANY, - - - CEECC1 OAPITAli, S60,000 reiM.nt.. BHTAN Ice President.. H. F, MKRfUL: ashler ,.... J. sy. BLAl?- II KKOTOBS. I II T'.rsant. J W P.I. In Oeo Hunsphroy, CHfiwitt, ! a. 4 lisuiaiog. MF Merrill. f far on Kiw Y irk, San rranelser a . and all principal point In Oregon r, Waablngtoo, Colloctloua made on favorable term, r ATTENT10M TO THE FCLLO.Vl Dry Goods Store TS Company. Conservative