FRIDAY MARCH 7, IPSO 8TrrE3NUTTISa. KilUr an lrirlrlaru LOCAL. UNCORD A Little War. Tle Albany Pkmocrat recently gave expression to it hoje by pttyinjjt that there waa a prolmbility of "i little war" in thin county over the matter of bridges, consequent uion the desire of Jefferson to have one built across the Kntiatn. No hope In it. dimply a fact from in dication!!. It la nafo to any Marion coun ty cannot build a brUlvro at Falem and Jefferson the iiiine year, hence the situa tion. The 1kmwb at in certainly in favor of a bridge at Jefferson and everywhere clue where needed. We undent that our County Court order one there, and give a chance to see whether that county will come to time, which it has only done in talk no far. The Jefferson Review mv! "The tticking point in w ith the l.inn county court, with her "comparatively small kiva," and it she will come up and do the fair thing by Syracuse precinct there will I a bridge serous the Santiam, al Jefferson, before January Int. 1W1. There in no doubt hut w hat Allxuiy would be a large gainer by the bridge here,more ao than Salctn, from the fact that Attatny U hut nine miles away, and Salem eigh teen." Probably Dkskrtkd. A eculiar cane la re portal to the Dkmothat ; hut a it in only one aide, we give no name. A tew month ago a couple were married in Portland, and recently came to Alltany, putting up at a hotel. I-ant Tuesday the man left suddenly, without saving any thing to hi wife, and she think he ha deserted her. At leant she ia here vn n ileus. A kindhearted Alltany woman haa given her a home for the time tieing, and she needs one, for ahe ia not in a condition to work much. She an id ahe would have drowned herself if she had not been taken in by some one. The cane ia a sad one, and the present aspect is certainly against the husband. As Octooksarkan. Mr. Joseph Sage, an old pioneer of Linn county.died at his home, in this city.on Kunday.March 2nd, l), from the effects of a rupture. He was born In Baden, Germany, on St Pa trick's day, March 17th, 1S00, and would have been 81 years of age in a few days. He came to America in 1830 and to Ore gon in 1S52, residing in Albany and lirownsville at alternate periods, where he accumulated a good property. He was a man respected through thecounty.where his face was familiar for thirty-eight rears. Mr. Sage was the father of Mrs. I'bas. Kiefer, of this city. Poor Gboorapiit. A man just from Dakota wrs standing at the front door of an Albany store, looking at the placid waters of the Willamette as it flowed to wards the great Pacific. "That is the Missouri river, isn't it?" he remarked in dead earnest to the mer chant. ;No," said the" merchant, "that is the Mississippi," and the man left actually believing that to be a fact Some of the readers of the Democrat w ill lielieve he was joking, like the merchant, hut we re assured that he was serious in his re marks. A Good Bkoixxiso. The first two , months of 18110 show a good record in real estate sales in Linn county, considering the fact that blockades and storms have prevailed. Onr record is as following, a taken from the books in the Recorder' office : January $230,811 February 70,101 $21)0,912 For the first two months of 1SH9 the total sales were $170,l'", which shows a flattering increase. The large record of I USD it is safe to predict will be doubled. A Remabkablb Ixcioevt. The other day a lady stepped into an office down town and called after her a bootblack who stood on the corner, says a Portland paper. In the office she took a chair, the bootblack pulled down bis kit and the lady put out her pretty foot on the box. ami the boy oroceeded to "shine 'em no" in the most aoproved style. She paiu mm ana ne goi up sinning, Anacortkk, People have ln-on won tiering where Anncortea ia anyway, titxl what there is in all this talk in the papers about this new .Iwoming city on the Sound that is attracting so much at tention, and where real estate sales were so unprecedented. Mr. C Smidt, the well known Ynqulna Pay man, arrived tn AUmny direct from that place. A Dkmovrat man seeing him, cried, "Hello,, where from?" "Anacortes." As that place 1ms only lieen in exist' once, about a month it was a rare treat to see a twin who had wen at that city and the Dkmocrat man fiercely attacked Smidt for in (on tint ion. Anncortcs lies on an inland at the lnnd of the Sound, towards the Pacific, and Smidt snvs will Ik the junction of the Canadian Pucllie, Uuion l'acttlc and Southern Pacific rail roads, Itcnides possessing many other ad vantages. There were t went v-tlve hun dred people there when ho lclt. House of all kinds were Wing erected, as many as fifty Mug started in a day, besides a large number of business houses. Three hotels were up already, one nearly as Urge as the Revert, anil a $70,IHH house wart to 1h erected at once. Business lots sold for $:l,0iH and 1,000 and resi dence lots for :!o0 to HHK. I.ota for business rented for ;l a front foot, rent ers putting up cheap structures of all kinds for temporary use. It Is one of the greatest I mm mis of the Northwest and Smidt, who Uaight some lots there, of course, is interested in helping it along; but the facts he gives are probably about as they exist there. This is an "era of IsHims, but Anacortes seems to lead them all just now. Fivb Woclu-Br Tr ami. Five well known Alltany lxys, concluded after due consultation and many meetings that it would he a tine thing to 1 tramps, and, stealing rides on the cars, travel over this glorious country and live on the fat of the 'and, without l.iW, prolwhly contem plating Ix-ing at Chicago during the World's fair. It was a scheme of Im mense magnitude, and it took nerve to put It into o-H'ration. Not many of our citizens have the courage to deliUrately give up a res ect able, peaceful life for the degrading one of traudoni ; but these five fifteen-year-old youths concluded it would lie a tine thing. They set last Monday as the starting lime, and of course the depot as the tryntiug place. Just as the 8 :05 train was preparing to leave thev stole noiselessly w ith their tickets on to the blind luggage. As the train rattled along and the danger of the situation ap peared the enterprise Itcgan to lose its poetry. At Junction they were discover ed by the brakemen and 'met the regular fate of tramps. They were dislodged. After spending the night in tramp style they boarded the blind twggage on this morning's train and arrived in the city without Itcing discovered, part at least well satisfied with their experience as tramps. . Vys. of all professions', don't study for trampdom. lie a real estate man, a life insurance agent. a look canvasser.or even an editor, but don't he a tramp; it is the depths of degmhition. Ax Old Horsr. The following from the Ochoco Review w ill l of great inter est to old residents here, particularly horsemen : "Bellinger," Crook county's best known and most noted horse, is dead. He died at T II lilaxe's stables in this town on February 22. Foaled July 4, 18oo, be was twenty-four years old. He was sired by "Firing Bill."I.lnn county's fastest 100O-van I liorse ; his dam was Jim Elliott's "TclUgraph," also a runner of aonsideraVile note in Linn county. He was a Lummax or Pointer, and is a 1 moot the last of that fleet footed tve of horses that Oregon's pioneers loved so well, lie was brought to this county by I'liele Dave Prine in 1K71 or lK72,and since that time there has been but few races in this county where one of the contestants was not a "Bellinger," and equally as few where the "Bellinger" was not an easy rictor. Not So. Last week a correspondent, writing from Lyons, gave an account of the experience of (i B Fort and C II Griggs in getting out from the mountains through the deep snow. Mr Fort has been in the city and informed the Demo crat that the statement in the account about the provisions giving out was in correct, their tolmcco only giving out, and ne consented to go on account ol his com- r 'anion. Had he been alone he could lave made the trip in two davs or less, ou i unggs wing younger ana not so He 'shined" a lady of one of the him and he aid that lie had never before and never beard gang who had. Tub Record Beatex. The HillsWo Independent says : Addie Braly tells a tale that astonishes every listener. He baa a Jersey heifer that will be two year" old on the 4th of April next. She lias brought forth two calves. The first was born when the mother was one year and two days old. Tho other was born last Wednesday. In less than three years Ma band has been increased iv nve by the mother of the heifer and her off spring. Can anyone beat it ? It ib no longer a secret that Hon W K Price will accent the Democratic nomina tion for sheriff if it is tendered him. The "Record" reports that Dave Miller of Medford would not be averse to that kind of political lightning striking him. Eith er gentleman would make a strong race and an excellent officer. Jacksonville Times. A great many Linn county men would second the nomination of Mr Price, an old and reliable resident here. He would fl 11 the office of Sheriff of Jackson county with ability. Never 8c Them. John Cyr brought nit in Astoria against Alex, obis to re" coyer $178.21 due on a promissory note' The defendant, who kept a saloon, put in a counter claim for whisky sold and borrowed money. The jury gave de fendant, the saloon man, a verdict of $173.95 in excess of the note. The moral is plain. Never sue a saloon keeper. Tag Wheat. "How's the wheat?' tald, a Democrat man to a well known farmer. "The wheat is all right." "Didn't freeze out?" "No : wasn't injured at all. Looks fine." "In low places, too?" "Well, that is injured some." And this ia about the situation of affairs. As Assay Outfit. The Albany Mining and Milling Co. and the Gold Hill Min ing Co. have just received a complete as- Bayers outfit, which they have set up in their office in the Strahan Block. Mr Genard. an expert miner and sHsayest has charge of it and will make a series of assays on rock received from the two companies' mines, lne ouuook ior some thing rich is now exceedingly bright. A New Kd. The manufacture of butter from the milk of cocoanuts is be ing carried on extensively in Germany. The product is said to be pleasant to the taste and smell, of a clear, whitish color, singularly free from acids, easily digesti ble, and much. Detter and healthier than oleomargarine or poor butter. We are satisfied with the Oregon product. Call on Conn Brothers for good butter, good . groceries and fresh produce. They keep .the best. At Lebakok. The arrest of a man named Brown at Lebanon Saturday was the cause of some excitement in that city. It is reported that Recorder Peter son imposed the fine with so much suavity the fellow thought a favor was being done him. Was a Success. The I 0 O F social Saturday evening was one of the best of the season. Everything enjoyable was done, and a very entertaining program was presented. Os the Riveb. It is thought the locks at Oregon City will be open Thursday. The Hoxg will probably be the first boat through. The Bently is at Corvallis and the Mudoc if towing logs down the Luck' jaiinle to Fiih-m. hardy it took much longer. The expe rience was really a rough one. Fort's leei "were lrozen ; hat there was no thought of amputation asstated.and they are now nearly well. Seattle. In another column will le found a well written ad. on Wassom's addition to Seattle, a fine property in that growing city. The owners are Mr Jonathan Wassom, of Lebanon, W W Beck, of Seattle, Rev J R Kirkpatrick, of Lebanon, and Miss Sarah Alt house, of Al hany. The whole addition consists of 30 acres, cut up into lots T.Oxt20. which will lie sold for $200 to $1000 according to location.some tieing desirable as business hs-fttiong, already several business houses a1 joining it. Property in its location is increasing rapidly in price, and this it is safely predicted will double in value in W days. Wkerkas. Under the present law the publication of an itemized account of the expenses of this connty cannot be pub lished much twlow what would be requir ed to publish one each vear and mail a copy to each taxpayer. Therefore. Resolved, That we favor a change in the present law so as to make it the duty of the county commissioners to publish monthly an itemized account of the ex pen sea of the county at the close of each month and mail to each taxpayer of the county, The alsve are resolutions passed by the Marion county grange. Onr grange friends are generally supposed to lie economical ; but they couldn't have considered the cost very much when they proposed the above. A long printed notice to 2000 tax payers, twelve times a year, would be several times what it costs now in the newspapers. The projter way is to give such notices through the. press. The Salem B. & L. A. The directors of the Salem Building & Loan Association met ot the Capital National bank last evening, and after transacting the rou tine business, loaned $3400 of funds be longing to the association. The first loan was one of $1200,and went to J T Hughes at sixty-six months' interest in advance The next was $1000 and went to Wylie A Moores at sixty-one mouths.and the third was for $1200, which was bid in by A E Linn at sixty-one months. A premium of $1 per share was placed on the stock btatesman. A Loxo Sidewalk. The construction of a sidewalk from the south end of the Ferry street walk to, and through, the Elkins addition will be beiran in a few days, an improvement that will be great ly appreciated, it win make a pop; even- Ivm? I,.. e pvt tho follow- In sf.vlv i!emt.wt,i.. tlvo Grant Cfautjr Nesof 1.1.-4 Tl.iu-s.Liy, and they give an idea of the stnim ( lo.s of that coun try: A letter from Haystack valley dated February 1(1, conveys the information that snow Is ehht Inches deep in tlmt section. Over KH) sheep have died al ready, and prospects for.tnoro to die, aa the feed is atsiut all gone. Joseph Ko!ertson, of Drew soy, liar nev county, who spent Inst fall some $0000 for 1'iav, is losing a fearful lot of stock. A sort of distemper seeing to lie taking oir horses even where they are well fed, manv dying fat. J. O. t'heseltro, says: "The storm was the most severe ever experienced in that region. We have between ilva and six hundred sheed alive oul of SUM). Brown Mros, have less than IltHH) left out of OtMH), Mcintosh left his imnd on the 20th ult., humlicrlng some 3000, to their fate on t he desert east of hero and went home, Thev are mostly all dead. Then Jim Mae'kev lost UsMJ out ot 4tXX) and had hay left after the storm broke." A Ciuscr kor Pi:xni.r.ToN. The follow ing has been received" at Pendleton from Mr Jas FHaswell, who has been a resi dent of this city for a few months, and If tho people of that city desire a woolen mill they should get in and show their calibre tho way Allmny lms for a mill : Allny, Or.,Feb. 25th. 18SH). The Hon. Board of Trade of iVndleton, Or., Gen tlemen : What Inducement ia there in your city, or locality, for a manufacturer in starting a woolen mill. 1 am on this coast looking for a location, and would like to hear from you at once, regarding water privilege and what the citisens would do in the way of subscriptions and the taking ot stock, for a mill that would employ about 150 hands. A Snaicb Story, A great many big stories come from Pendleton. Here ia one that will do away w ith Ell Perkins every coming to Oregon again : In tear ing down and removing an old building just below town yesterday, the workmen came upon a huge rattle snake w ith thir teen rattles. His suakeship was frosen stilf.aud to all appearances was dead as a stone, and was handled by several of the men. It was then suggested by one of tho men that the snake was not dead, a wager w as made antl the snake placed on a board and deposited near the fire. In less than twenty minutes lie Itecame warmed up ajid began to exhibit signs of lite and tn a short time used hi rattles, when he was dispatched by one of the boys. Crook Coi ntv. The people- of Crook county can now see some of the benefits they would derive from a railroad run ning through the country. Hay is a thing unattainable in this country, and owners of sheep are buy ing oats at one dollar a bushel to feed their sheep. This is pretty expensive feed, but anything is Utter than letting the poor bra tea die. Two Italians came over from Warm Snrimrs airencv the first of the wwk. They say that Indians on the reservation have lost alxnit half their stock. rroni the rettorta of losses of stock which are Wing received it looks as if the loss in Crook county will not tall short of 60 ier cent, though it may not 1 so great when iteoide cenne to count their lloeks and herds in the spring. Review. F. Co. Thl promise to be an Interett- tng year for F Company and the mem ber propoe to make the best of It, Be ldc greatly Improving their ar.nory.they wilt totn begin a ytem of target practice and during the summer, it Is understood, there wt'l be a two week stale encamp ment, to w hlch the member are looking forward with bright anticipation. Though the three .-earsenlUimentof manv of the member expire In July mmt of them we are Informed will remain In the company. There are tltl a few vacancies, and young men desiring to join a good company should "get i and drill.' Halsrt Alive, Saturday alternoon an enthu.Utlc pub'le meeting wa held at HaUey, Caleb Gr; In the chair. $1- ooo of th4 $4000 bonu tor a flouting mill was reported iecuifd without any ollcl th g.and ths remainder could be easily ob tained, Enthu-i vtlc speeches were made by Hon. T J Black, Y S FlelJ, who an nounced several citr. nunlcatlon In which offer were made to erect the mill, E C ?enlUnd, of Independence, W I Stewart, and A 8 McOonalJ, of the Brownsville Time. Another meeting wa called for March 2a, when the soliciting commltee will report. A Fi.Yixo Maciuxb. The following I bp Interesting Item from the Portland Tel egram about a man In Albany at fall : Protestor P If Redmond, the aeronaut In- t forms The Telegram tlmt during hi a'ay at hi farm this winter, he ha invented, I and I now having maJca flying machines which he pronosea to try aa soon a the weather I favorable. The manner In which thl aicenslon will be made I entirely new and original with hirn. No person ever having made the attempt he re to tore. He make the balloon ascension, and at the hleht of 1000 feet, jump from hi trapeze and remain flving in the air nearly twen ty minute before descending. To tub Ladix, U J Sower baa leased the store recently vacated In the Froman block, on First atreet, and I now busy fix Ing the place up. and during the coming month will open a Ladle' Jtazaar, and tn connection with the same will carry a fine line of millinery. It will be to your ad vantage to call at the bazaar befoie order. Ing your spring hata, - The prospects of another railroad reach ing inu uiis county seems w nave surreti ttie managers ol the O. 1 . to consider able activity. Ochoco Review. That ia considerable news to people here, but we rejoice to learn what it is that ia stirring the authorities up, and also that Crook county Is liable to have two railroads. No ANNUAL SCHOOL MEET1NU. ! fur tb Ensuing Year. Only a few attended the annual school meeting at the court house last Monday. Tho economical Judicious management on tho part of tho clerk and directors is audi aa to do away with big meetings. Mr. John Foshay was In the chair. Clerk Burkhart rend the following re ports, which speak for thotnaolvea s CtiKH&'S REPORT, No. persona between 4 and 20 . years in district Males, 451 females, 670..,.,,, No pupils attending the district school Maloa,2u4 i females 2J7 Average daily attendance No of pupils attending private schools MaleslHI, females 12(1. No teachers emoloyed in public schools Malea 1, females 8, . . No teachers employed in private aclMxtls Malea 2. females 11. . . No inontha school taught ....... No legal vot ers Total amount of funds from alt sources , , $0211 07 Total amount paid out .......... 6&7U 14 Balance on hand ... 031 'A DIRECTORS REI-OKT, AVe tho board ot directors of School District No. 6, Linn county, Oregon (Sub mit the following rt'itort jor tho school year ending March 3, 181K): The financial condition of the district is aa follows, aa per the clerk's report, which we have examined and 11 nd cor rect : Cash on hand at beginning of the year $127 07 Cash received 4013 40 1028 4111 9 13 077 Total $0211 07 Total disbursement $5571) 14 Balance in clerk's hands U31 03 The estimated expense for the en suing year are as follnwa : Teachers' wages for 0'i months. $l00 00 Fuel ', 875 00 Janitor... 300 00 Interest on bonds fxk) 00 Incidental expense and repairs. 750 00 Total ......................... $0385 00 To meet these exinmses we have the following available funds : Cash on hand $ KU 03 State and county f unds estimated 0750 00 Total....... ............$73U 93 We therefore recommend that there lw no tax levied this year, aa there will be euflkient funds on hand for all pur poses. Respectfully submitted, Joun Fosiiat, j. k. w k ati1brfor d, L. 11. Mo.NTAKVE, 1H rectors. By Yote of the mrctlmr the water closets of the Central building were or dered improved and the building fitted with steam heating appliances, if the directors deem it best. Valea State Covtlos. Portland, Or., Feb. 27, 1800. The Union State Central Committee hereby issuea a call for State Union Convention, to Ym held at Oregon City Wednesday, April 9, 10 a. tu., to adopt a State platform and nominate State of fleers, to be voted for at the next State election, Aa we have no ttopular vote for a 1aia for representation we designate and al low five delegate for eaclt senator and representative in the state. We recommend that comity ma meet ings he held on haturday, .March-TJ, 1 p. ru., to elect delegate. Where county mass meetings are not held, precinct luasa mecllmra are re quested to be held to nend delegate, not to exceed In the aggregate the number allowed the! respective counties. Volunteer delegate in localities where none are elected will be admitted, prop erly endorsed, the mini iter from any county being limited to the nuuils-r al lowed in the apportionment. Abto all clulai, order and associations friendly to me cause are invited to send delegate. J. F. 11k prix, Chairman. If. K. Haves, C. W. .-now, O. It. M. Miu.ra, O. M. Mit.i.Ktt, Secretary. Weather Summary of Meteorology fur Fat,, 1$99, from olwervstions taken at Albaay.tian Oav Oregon, by John Brigg,voL obaerv for tk Signal Service, V 8. Army, Hiatus ttfrasMier ea tb 27 lb. 30 10. Lowwt brtoUroo tb 2nd, 29.74. Mas bsroraetor fur lb asooib, gD.Btt Highest dsdy average of br. 30. Of. Lwst dktly averag of bar. 29.74. Highest tamparatar on tb 2nd, 54. Lowest Umperator on tb StHh.ll. Mea fur tb mootb 37 5. High duly rwag of Iher.oa tb 27, 24. lowest daily raagsof tlier. oa tb 14, U Mm tmprtur at 7 a, m. dily,34 3?. Man ttn-.ratai at 2 p. m, daily 43. Mean tempnatar at 9 p. ru. daily 37.7. rrevatung directions ot wumlm and i. Mas Velocity or foroa, 4. Total rsmfall or tnalUd anow,II.13w Ifctptt of a now at cad of luooth, 0. Number of daya oa wbich .01 inch or asor raiatll,13. . . is a in bar of daya of cloudiness a vera cad of 10, IS. Of 23 observation 4 war clear. 12 cloevrW. 6 Uir, 0 foggy, 6 rain, 0 baiy, 0 overcast, 0 amoky. r rot on tb noraiega of S. kill 11 daya. Tamp. 1 67 o avarag ot 11 years. Rainfall, 45-19 00 avarag of 1 1 year. Snow fed 273. walk for sunny days and moonlight 1 ings. Dt Patton treat successfully all dia- eases of women, and guarantee to cure all curable private diseases, lie ha a ure remedy for catarrh of the head. He sleep in his office and answer city calls day or night. Consultation i free and everything is trlctlv confidential. He can be found In his office tn Blurnberg's Block from 10 to 12, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8. Alba.T Marble and Granite Worka.Hav iog latlv purchased tbe stock of S A Uivg and Q W Harris, w shall be pleased to bow dtitlgn and fiive prxas to all luteud tag purchasers. Beet of workmen employed and price aa low a any fur first-class work. Visit oa before purchasing elsewhere. Eoah & Achiso (next door to Democrat office) Albany, Or. Kid Gloves. 1 have just received an invoice of the celebrated P. Centemerl kid glove in black and colored. These with the other brand I handle, Foster genuine hook and Our Own brand, make an assortment that any lady can be suited in prices and quality. These are all first class goods and warranted as represented. S.mvei. E. Young. New Armrnox. " Wright's addition"to Albany is now on the market and com prises 105 lurge.lcvel and beautiful build ing lots. The blocks have eight lots to the block, each lot being CO by 100 feet. The streets are 00 feet wide, with two laru'e of 100 feet, the other of SW feet m width. 1 here will probably he a motor or electric line to this addition before long. For terms of sale apply to any real estate agent m tne city. Kbfp Yoca Era. It would be well tor farmers and others to keep an eye on the the large and varied supply of agricul tural- implement which Mitchell & Lewis keep on hand, and the large number of new buHgiea and other spring yehiclea which thev are now reci.lving at their place of business, on Second atreet, near Schmeer's livery auie. x oil nouia py all mean call In and examine their stock as they feel safe in saylnz hat they can make vou better term than anv other ular nouse in tne city. Carpet Hepartairat. I have added about two thousand dollar worth of carpet to mjr atock thia aprlng. Ne style In 3 p'y Ingrain tapestry and body Brussels; alao hall and atalr to match, ruga, cocoa and napler matling, hemp carpet c.dna mat ting, etc. I have alao connected with my carpet department, lace- curtain and curtain neta, ponler window shade, wall paper, lln leum, and floor oil cloth. I have and am receiving the largest and bei assorted atock In theie line of any house thl tide of Portland. These good are all on the aecond floor, where I have them arranged so that buyers have very little trouble In select ing what they want. Plenty of room and light. Thoa. Montelth, ha -charge of thl department and will lake pleasure tn showing the good at any time. - 3AM0EL E. VoBHCr. ciucuT couur. The following rate will come up tor heating at the next term of the Circuit Court, which convenea In thia city Mon day, March toth 1 P J Porter et at vtJC Elder et al, Par tition. Geo 8 Fhitchar va J S Cochran and W S Becba. Recovery of money. R A Rampy assignee va W R McDanlal, Suit In equity. TEgenton Hogg va Tho Montelth. Ejectment Thomas Jefferson vi O S Montgomery. Attachment, Assignment ot Albertlna Krleset, T Dlttenhoefer va Perry 8mlth. To re cover money. , State va llannon. Burglary. Topllts &Covi Mary Couglll. To recov er money, C F Cromwell et al va Daisy A Keeney, et al. Partition. Martha Pierce v Maltnda Hodgkln. Suit In equltv. E Will v F D Leverkh anal P Haley. Injunction. 8 C Bennett vaj 11 Wlgl et al. On contract. State va W R Mc Daniel Larceny, Mattle E Bowlln v W Dosarth. Suit In tqulty. j W II II Shield et al vT J Shield etal. Partition. Ella E Fanning va Charity J Luper. Partition. John Grlshana va II N and A A Derthlck. Suit In equity. Em II Schneider va O P R RCo. Recov er money. Santiam Lumbering Co va A F Cooch. Injunction. -Curran St Montelth va P Mlnaenmler Recover money, I D Miller v S P R R Co, Damage. The Giant Tewder Co v Searle & Dean. Garnishee. 1 R Dawson v Searle & Dean. Garn ishee. ' Flelchner,Meyer& Co va Searle Dean. Garnishee. Thomas Smith va Rebecca Smith, Di vorce. Joseph Crabtree va FredGooch. Appeal from Justice Court. Johnn & Shelton va E J Daly et al. Attachment. Stat va N B Fry. Arson. State vi FJ Lamont. Larceny In a dwelling. I R Dawaon va P C and Nelll PeebUr. Suit In equity to act aside deed. I R Dawson v B F Bod well. Attach menL Bally it Uod ell. Assignment, R C Loiter admr va R tl Rutherford et al. Suit to act aside deed. Matter of assignment of C II Spencer. E E Watford v II Lampman. Attach ment. Earl Race va Searle Sc Dean. Attach ment. Loulaa Mason va Joseph Mason. Di vorce. Luclnda.C Stratton va I 8 Stratton : divorce. M I Downlnx et al va I O Kuykendall; to quiet title. Goldsmith Rankle va Far & Mer laa Cot rtcover money. I) M Osborne k Co v C P Langford; recover money. F N Roaco va O'Connor k Brr re cover money. Mellle Hamltl va Stephen Ualllett fore closure. S R Tempteion ra Perry Hyde; writ of review. Wm Foster va W B Smlthj recover money. M 1. Garrett va Nick Zlmmermann: settle partnership. A Miller va Schooling & McDanlcl; re cover money. D M Osborne It Co v A B Custer ft E M liter; attachment. Mattle Bell Hlnes vejae E lilnea; di vorce. Clara B Elley va C F Elley ; divorce. B Hardman et al v John Hitter et al; partition. John Schteoer va Reberca Vernon et al; attachment. Stimson ft Hebbcwhite v Far ft Mer InaCo. Mary E Davla va Munn Davta; divorce. C J DUkm v I N Bostwkk; attachment. S Shupp va Mary B Phlllppl et al ; quiet Utle. . 0 J Dillon va D L Crosaen ; suit to can cel mortgage. D ii Osborne ft Co va P A Helm; at tachment. Al via E Long va D F Spangler et al; partittjR. D M Osborn ft Co v R N Mrria et al; recover money. Robinson ft West vs H F Merrill et al; ault to settle partnership. Jerry Hay va John Small mon; recover personal property. Martha llav v latin Small mon: re cover personal property. Kate M Aiken va E L Aiken 1 divorce. Hulda Greenwood vs W II Greenwood: divorce. AFGooch va Santiam Lura Co; re. cover money. John Isom vaH Lampman; attachment. S May ft W F Mendenhali va 11 Smith ; confirmation. Board of Commra va Emily McKlnney; confirmation. Isaac Meeker va Mattle Butcher et al; confirmation. ilOXXAND AJBK04D MOSPAV. Work oa Attorla'a Motor line begsa on Friday. W 0 Petersen, the live leal estate agent of Lebaeon, ia in the city. Pallio debt atstementt Intemt-bearing debt, prlnoi pal, S13, eS3,0.T2. ToUl debt, $l,(Hil.7l3,M7. TuUl oasb ia the treasury, 022,678,812, At tie taaobars examloatioo la Marino ooootr ail ware granted first (rade cert i ft eat, asven aeoood grade, and twenty third rad ecrtifioat. Xhore war thirty-eevea who partiaipated in tne azamioatioo, loor failing. . Oo Friday 3 W Poole, aged 29 year, was lodged to the county jail at l ortland by Wil liam Edward,dputy abariff of Ada eeuoty, Idaho, ebarged witb mnrder oommitted io Dangle enuuty, Uregoo, about tea yaara go, fools was looked op in ths rage occu pied by Cbae Kong for a long tint before bia exaoatioa last aummar, where a reporter saw him. rutAV. G W Wright went to Eugao laal Bight tn UnJ Clrouit Court. Mr Ssnferd of the Jeffrraon Ksviavr waa ia the olty ytrdy . Mr J P Ualbraitb bs void bia flu farm la tb aoborba e Browuavilt. Maj. Johnson, of Peoria, haa rturod home from hi Esataru trip. Chaa Ilogue and dsnghtei, of Fotltnrf, hav tea i the city, tb gat of J ii Irving. A man wa arrasUd at Toledo for being Sdoott, the alMOondlog Traaasier bo' it waa not Stlootb Mr Arthur Gray and William Kile hay Ntorned bam front attendance at a Port laad basioiaa aollaga. lion W Lai- Hill aad Fred Hill.of SeatU. ware io the city yaatardsy to see tbair agaa parents, both of wbont are lib Ytardy Mr J II Barkbatt aold to Mr Jsa V Pipe 40 aorta adjoining Albany for 15000. Tbia ia nice fruit Jod and waa bargain. Tb report of tb Clerk of aubool district 8 tbows tb number ol ehllbrea between 4 and 20 to tv 102SS ia lumuh noord va 009, iadioatlBgaa loereaae of 119. Tb Louisiana lottery, a bard old custom er, ia reported to be ia a dying condition. do from a lack of patronage; bat because it oaa ao loegsr ran LoaWaoa. WBDBUDay. Bscdmsna plays at Pendleton oa Friday eyaoiog. S Barrow aad SmU change of adv. la aaothr nolumo. Ettgeo Simpaoa la bow owloy oa tb OF to lb toy. The Salem Woolen M l! will be formady opeosd satorday 000a. A dance at tb Armory to-morrow trw- ing by vm KUthard. The Lake Cuaary Eaamioer of Jaaaar ia baa jun reacBed aa. Fifteen eleotrio lihta b oa Intrc aaosd into tb Ud Crown Mdia. Dr E O Smith, of Portland, tbe well Known mining man. Is in tb etty, Covety oouit is in aesaio to-day aad cir eit eoera eorommenor on Monday. Mia klsod Ilotfcnao, the alocationtat, baa bee appointed to a podUoa la tb Corvallia pa Mm st. boo I. Mr. Ah Wolverfoa and family of Spo ksne Fall, ar ia tn city, tb gst of Ur. Leai M tiler. Tb S't aaaoal meetiog of tb Albany Street lUUwsy Compaoy will be a eld to night at tb othge of Bark hart ft Keeney. Will Stock, of Corvallia, formerly of G L Biaokmeo, waa ia Albany yesterday, on bis way to SeatU where be haa aeoeptad a po silioo. . Robert Bowmae, oo of Albaoy'a old time paiatera, ba deidd to locate ia Albany, acd tells os e already baa a large aombor ot orders ahead. Ivaia baa fallen ateadily all oyer to moo taioa daring tb past twenty four boors, aaya a laal night dw patch. If tb storm eoauoas avaiaiacne oa lanasuae ar feared ia Sahforat. Ia tbe spring a yoeog man f ocy sen rally turn to tboeghu of love, aooordio t TeeayacB, but that doea not apply to Harrows & S'caris Dry Co33s, Kotiom, GantsPorn ishirjgi and COOTS Our atock of boota and shoe la now complete In all linea for aprlng trade. We will save vou money in buying of u. LaJie, misses and children fine shoe a specialty. TAN0EJ5T, Mr Marlon Hogan is moving Into Tan-g'-nt with bis family, with the intention ot making this place his home. Every bouse in Tangent Is full and still people want to move here. Your corres pondent knows of three or tour families who wish to rent. Among the teachers examined at Al bany, Tangent furnished three young la dies, Misses Maud Bard, lola Hawley and Winnie Nichols. Tangent Is going to tie on a big boom tbe coming summer. Among the Improvement; n Tangent the comma summer will lie the following: A new M K Church.Marion Hogan'a new residence $ John hnver win uuim or pew houses s a city ball, livery sUble, blacksmith shop, Mr Fisher's tindertak- 1 .1 1.. - mn a. I. ditlon to Mr I W Newcimib'B house and an addition to Mart Forester's house. Itev Gould, of Shedd, prcachnd here to a good audience on Kunday. They have got $H00 raised towards building a new church here. The cold, frosty weather liegin turning the wheat a little, but it is not hurt yet if no more cold weather comes. Mra Adama lias her new loom done and is now ready to weave carpet. Mr llolman. a nephew of Grandma Vernon, is looking aronnd here preparing to put up a new blacksmith shop. , I! ri.., ,Jt iltnv la vlidittntf at the residence of liobert Moore. A Blevins Is shipping from the Tangent warehouse 12,000 bushels of wheat.wbich was Bold for WM cents per bn. JUther cheap lot of wheat. There is no money in it at mat price. peokTa. Peoria Is situated on the eat bank of the Willamette river, and la surrounded by a line body of grazing land. The city rapidly growing and bide fair before long to become the II K center of Oregon. We have received new bell for the church. I t is a good aired one, weighing 60011. Boat riding is getting to be quite past time here. We need a steam ferry here to corres pond with the rest ot the town. We have had some cold weather the last week or two. M Lamar la going to atari a grist mill. James Githen from Albany is visiting his parents near here. Hf cyrtu Kingman anu eon are Oar school is progressing finely under Tyr . rt j tbe management of C'luu Itowland. j rran U 6 U Tone Canon is going to start a gun shop. Peoria's largest gun weigh 168 pounds. Tlie familiar face of Chaa Mathews ia seed on this side of tbe river. James Carter ia elected fVjnlre of the town. He got tbe office by 2 votes over Beatty'a number. J Johnson and J Coon are at work on tbe PaBKB, Johnson conductor and Coon brakeman. Oti it a pleasant entertainment wa held at the church last Friday night. By the number of drummer there are In town and tne large oruero onr mercn- ant are trivinf. Peoria U working for a MOOI. C Sleiitle. real estate agent.oflke corner ot Kerne ton and aich.on.-ai street. Cutxao Smowixaks. lllglicst of all in Leavening Tower V. f. Gov't llt-r.: r 1 JP UU ' B A I " J ti A IJ hi I..- V V . V I al " -it "v .Bar a a v &k ABSOBJTi-LY FJJRS AFID SHOES 1 ' '--'"-f"-x BARROWS & SEARLS, liium berg's New Block. Montague & Son. , 1 OOBNZ2B PIEST 6s FEEET SO?S., Ien.lert4 In Groceries, Produce, Tobacco, Cigars. uomcctiomiry, Etc. Firat-ela good acd r rod ace wanted ia exihsng good or cash, prompt at tat. tion. TRY US- for 15 years, All sizes styles, an The Woxld'o best. More than hun dred 7 hun 3red differ e nt sty les co ok s and heaters Roofing,. Job Work, PI ambing. Eave Trough Range Boilers Conductor Pumps. COOSTTT COCBT PROCKOIJtO. 0. ILlt.Blaaktmra.Jade; B. W. Ooeraa4 O fUUae. CSSMnawl.Mirs.) Kenortof John Brown a supervisor 1 ot aisinct;-!! was presentea, resignauun filed and V. Amtirose appointed. Boundary of lio. 9 ordered changed. J. 8. George waa appointed supervisor I of district 35. . I fVmtrart for renairins: hridtre in dJ8-l trlct 12, lor $35, waa let toroad super visor. rr In matter of Bntdication of J. K. Knox et al for vacation of county road, lavid Froman. It. A. Irvine and Kobert lirown Lias ooBlr, tot moat of oar nsmwn are were appointed viewers, to meet at rest- . 1 . 1 . . , ... ... . . I .1 . I I X." U.Mh VJ H)I w sn i an, lAoeaa it ia poeaiuie tne love m j. r.. ivu w .p - Baakiag begin now. I h. T. T. Fisher, surveyor J.. ...J ,k. J .L- t, 1..! 1 HW eaa Catttral leAmmitlae. lla MB Mill I W F BaiTOWB ...f Uraafe l aea, arrived in tb eily ytar- E Montague, cash pd roadcomr day aad aooompacied him for tb I ,, , Fr""u pttrpoe. I II r arweu, sauirj wm wvwurvr. Wis KeHia CalUhao. ef Albaov. waa I.I -1 . T ' tb.1ty geaday. ekiUog amoo. fer tTiU many fneoda aed aaqoaiotaaoe. Sh Uke VtrLrrT i-JI J.- r i ' Corvallia better than tb city powa tb oraek, bat to tbr I a reason for tbat. Corvallia Time. A eoeeial fiom Chioaia ear that Jooh aledill, ditaf ot tb Chicago Tnb, ia aa loteryiew, staua tnst ubieago will raise f 10.000,000 tot tb World 'a fair ia lS92,aad be tbittka tb national gnearnmaot ahooid appropriate a like sans, lie doe not think preparatioaa fur tb fair eaa be finished bo- tor 1893. Tn DaMocaaT ia opposed to its oetfig delayed. 2 10 S 251 42 60 83 S3 10 00 5 00 6 00 5S 00 10 00 3 50 Honest Bargains AND GOOD treatment; AT C. E. BROWNELLS. Allatnv Electric Lii:ht Co J F Hyde, aid for J Hyde T U Hopkins & Co, work on Jail.. May A henaers, mer ior ana care ot Brigsra. T L Wailsoc, sacks Cyme lntsfoni, lumber Mra Ixtgan, nursing Mra Mchoia . Bam Porter, gravel. tl W Smit h, work on jail Humphrey Taylor John Brown, ran die 49... Fees State vs D E Hallivan 1) Rankin, ren Sanderson bridee . 189 00 I - . . . . - ..n I o w 8 00 10 00 1 11 00 10 00 68 00 10 00 32 80 1 13 661 49 15 43 00 4 71 10 00 7 50 66 85 55 00 28 00 22 50 luu-or ALBAST Exoikr Coktaxt NO 1,1 Hiarch 3. 1800. f ' UKBKAS, Tli hand of death has again fallen ir, onr midst and taken one of our most esteemed member. Georw Kaltmarsh, a young man born and reared in this city and for a number of months an honorable member of our company ; and Whereas. We bow with submission to the chastening rod of our Father, in thus summoning from our ranks our departed comrade, and in view of the losa we have sustained by our friend and associate and of all tbe still heavier las sustained by those nearest and dearest to him; therefore, be it Resolved. That it is a lust tribute to a a Alh.n. ' riled I memory ot tht departed to say that Train & Whitney, printing, bunnyslde Ad to Albany . ..... in regretUng Jii removal fromonr midst I uw - " - 1 we mourn lor one who was in ever wav rr.i In In tt. !4 K 7 w . 2 COO I . ...... . . . . : , iworvnToi our respect ana retraro : ivesoived, Aiiat in uie death ol KEAt. KSTATK BaLKA. I B FiUwater, keeping pauper . ( f Craw-lord, aid Mrs Roberta . . K E Montague, postage stamps .. Yt m Kav, pauper... A'Jred Wheeler, lumber (J W Taylor, lumber Job A Smith, rep Lebanon bridge Kee r-tt va ueou waiaer. W C Milter A. Bon.lnmber and rep Fortmiller & Irving, cofiin for Italian T .. 1 1 - ! - j on n w aJWTis, acr i'iiik insu licie. . . " - W it lonaca, lumlier 8 63 L M Curl, salary as co supt and postage L M Curl, ex teacher W C I'owelLex teacbers O P Coshow, ex teacher Mra Ida Mcnols. aid... John . . THE LEADER. - THE LEADER G. W. SMITH, upcridir," "Argand," "Garland" STOVES AND RANGES. 15 00 1 61 20 55 001 37 60 37 60 37 50 15 00 34 58 3 50 Simpson lias just received his Spring stock of C G Burkhart to Geo 11 Keeney ,bl aS and 50, ti l 1'ark a Geo II Keeney to CGBurkhait, itmi aa last above I R Kirkpatrick to Phebe Hickman, lot S and A.Lebanon Wm A Hamilton to W 11 Stlmaon, S w or sec 8,tp 15, S R I E Michael E Sullivan to Wm II Stim son, N w aec 1$$ R 1 E United States to Leonard Tureman 140 700 800 and wife Mra Geo Koab. wife of a eambier. wa found dead by her husband, who ntaroadi to tbeir pertmeote, 330 Seoond tfat, at 2:.10 on Friday morning. Bhe shed of aa flection of th heart. Sh leav a baba four month 0 age, Portland Paper. Mr Noah waa tb daughter of Mr Warm Gpn"g Johnny, an aoeoant of who marriaga waa gfran in ttt Dxkocrat a few months ago. H Dryant and wt to Gordon Robert- son, lots 7, o, 34,35, Ol 11. anu wis 45, 4,bl ,B A. Albany J R and I J Kirkpatrick to A Le Roy, lot 1 ,bl a,K and A,Leb.. . E W Langdon to John Kant, lot 7, bla7, H'aand A........ Jasper Kropp to M E Ferrell, lot 8, John and Mary Beard to Charity J ia, ijt.and teti 3. and, bl 13.B Ad to TangeU. . . B F WiSHame et vx to Henry M Willlama,varlou parcels in Al bany .... 1 Wm A Feteraon to J L Couey, 8 70 acre Intpit, .Patent A viGHT Idea. We refer to the large a j , line of saws ana carpenter tools at Price Si Roboona, The bet In market and prices the lowest. . Remnants.--A large and fine line of remnants at G W Simpson's at your own ortce. try it. - Chilled Plows Those wishing plowa will make a mistake if they do not call a the Mitchell & Lewis Co. and examine their large assortment of Gale chilltd walk ing plowa. Some of the superior qualities of these plowa are the adjustible handle. the draft la alwaya dlnect, the standard jointer is used, which keep the plow al ways in itne. uy all mean call and ex amine them. , Cbnter Tables, A large and elegant shipment of center tables, in new designee finest stock in the valley, just received a Fortmiller 4 Irvinga. Try tt full ore am cheese at U E Brown-ell'a. Bom fin honey looking for customers a CK Brownell' The best 5 cent Brownell'a. cigar in town at C E BORN, IIUMTIIREY.-On Wednesday, March 5, WM. in Albany, to the wife of Wm. llumphrey, a lxy. Patent Flour CnsT.-Mr. E C Brown ia canvassing the city selling patent flour cabinet which la a model of beauty and convenience. Let those upon whom he may call give It a thorough ex amination as It will certainly please those wno mayjiurcnase. Wherxto Get Thxm. When wanting an organ or piana call on G L Blackman where you can select from a first claaa stock. Rncklea's Arnica Salve, , , Ths best Salve in the world far Cuta,Tiru!se!i,8org; UIINI, C-EU ..I2VWI11, .OTOI UUIflU bsqils, Chilblsinn, Coras, and all bkto Krnptloa, and noaitivsiycure file, or ne my re-ntirad. It la guar- auteoil to iwrtwst aatiafac&inn. or ruony toiand d. Prlos It stmt pr bos, or stis by t'osbay sub! MaKi'lU 2ICO OO 85 1300 780 300 our I brother the coin pan r suatained a loaa of one who always poaaeiwod the open heart ana reaay nana oi a true n reman t Itesolved. That w eincerelv condole with the family of the decease on the dis pensation with which it haa pleased the Divine Providence to afflict them and commend them for consolation to Him who order all thine for the best. Itesolved, That this heartfelt testimo nial 01 our sympathy and sorrow be spread on the minutes and the secretary be requested to forward a copy to the family of the deceased and to each of the city papers lor publication. will 11. warmer, C. W. Wattb, A. . Kxtchvm. IX MEMORY Total for year. 18538 CORVALLIS COLLEGE. March 4th, 1890. Snrinir la here, although we a till have winter weather. Mr A M LeSpain haa returned to hia home at Pendleton, on account ol poor health. W all regretted to aee him leave. Misses T and L. Herron spent a few day at their home last week. Mr C Bryan and aister Llzxle apent Sab bath at Philomath. The young people have organized a "Christian Endeavor Society ."which meet Sunday afternoon, and promises to do much good. Our young people apent a very pleasan evening at the home of Misa Spencer not long since. Mlsa Florence Baber, of Junction, la the guest of the Mlssea He rron thia week, ahe being here on examination. Eight of our student went on examina tion. We hope they will all come out well. Mtsse Maggie McFarland and Kate Howard have been visiting friend at the College for a few days, but returned home O'day. Rev Craig ia the guest of Prof Atkins to-day. Tvllia. Of our mother, Mrs. .Marietta Shep herd, who departed this life Feb. 22nd, 1800, at her home near Peoria, where she has resided since 1852. She was 58 years of age, a loving wife, kind and affection ate mother. None knew her but to love ber. She leaves a husband and six child ren to mourn her loss. So sweet her rest I Her slumbers hold Thro' all the busy change of hours. With centle touch tier hands we fold. And make her pillow fair with flowers. 80 sweet her rest t She will not wake. All pain is vanished from her sleep : While here, with hearts that yearn and nreak, In voiceless agony we weep. So sweet her rest I We part the snow. That shrouds our mother-earth, to-day ; And to her bosom, kind ana low, We yield our gift of priceless clay. Our grief comes freshly with tho dawn, Her sorrow vanished with the night, In shadow we must journey on Her spirit walks in Glory's light. Harrisburg, March 3rd, 1800. SARAH A. WILLIAMS. Herald-Disseminator please copy, DIED. McCULLY. At Harrisburg, on Satur day, March 1st, 1830, Mr. Samuel Mc Cully,aged 77 years. Mr McCully came to Linn county In 1852, Iowa being his former home.though he was born in Ohio. He was a man 01 good reputation, tie was a brother of A. A. MeCully, after whom the well known steamer that plied Townsend's Garden addition Will soon be on the market, Clothing, Embracing a fine line of suits, which will be sold I at bottom prices. i In order to goods will sell his largo stock of Notions, etc., at j A Great Reduction. j The best place in Albany for bargains. I WASTED. FOUR MEW, to travel In tbe city and country and take ordera for iroods. Good referedo and business qualrfleatlona required. Permanent em- pioymenvaua gooa salary, x or p .iuu- lars, oall on, or address Adams a VV al- LAcEe Albany, Oregon. IT. ARM FOR 8A.LE. Two ftundrea ' acres ot good farm land all in culU--. . t . 1 1 . ... VatlOn, Wlin gr,uu IffU lUJjr vuuw, juuu barn and other outhousea. Good water for fam'ly and atock. Goed pear and ap ple orchard, as wall as otnar kit.da ot f.nttL WdiilJ make two read small so lona on the Willamette was na med.and farms. Situated fonr miles aoatiswast of eaves many inenus 10 inourn him ueam Aionny, iwjum u Said the man, after counting hi caAh, 1 hare- Saved Many Doliars By taking advantage ef tbe low prices now beiug quoted c e. brownell; Ttie Sellable C! racer Of Albany. City Drag Sto Gusick re ft Proprietors. Successors to Guiss & Son. Dealers in I drugs, medicines and chemicals,fancy and toilet I '; articles, sponges, brushes, ; and ar- : tists supplies. Physician's j prescriptions accurately j compounded. j ; Notice. The undersigned hereby announces to t', publio that he has sold hia grocery hnais to Mr Montague & Son, who come w reoomoiended.and will continue the busin ut th old corner. Tnosa indebted at t t tore willplease eaN and settle. Very respectfully, j .. . . i M Bakste Stockinkt and Jerisy Jackets. Just received a new supply. I think the best ever shown for th money. Samuel E. Young. Dissolution Notice Kotioe is hereby given that tbe co; tership heretofore existing nd. r t ityle and firm namo of Ashby A liiek ion, is hereby dtesolwi by mutual c; tent, RF Ashby retirintc, having Id' Interest in and to said firm hna in to Mr George Dickinson, who wiil c. tinne the same. Albany. Oregon, Feb. 23, A. P.. l ; t R F ASHBY.