The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 07, 1890, Image 1

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New York World
American Fanner
Onoyear for $2.80.
iTli! Jk
1 - '
I am now better prepared than 1 hav
ever been to milt my on itinera In the
hoe line, I have Just received a large
Invoice ol the celebrated Laird S, buber
A Mitchell fine snoea fc.r lalloa
Them U uo mat ufacturer who olalmtt
anythtoij betlsr (ban thee shoe. I n
Una wo keep a full assort mnut of them It,
all prions, width from A to KK auJ ran
tl't the moat fastidious li lit and price,
I aU received another Invoice of I ho
popular shoe E P Reed In Waukenplieat
and Patent leather tip. Tliee.lPe am
Wei. known In Albany aaa flrat else nloj
etyl)ho. O-ders from t country Oil
d with ear and eatl'fa ; on guaranteed
Pamori. K Yorjuo.
l.yi .meant esdl oo
him Brothers,
MCttivrt is Jain Feet, 'or yomt
Pwaucs, Bated Goods, Etc. Etc. good are tne heat aud tlx Ir prVxta
Golden Rule Bazaar.
Lllls Mock baa Umq euUrgoJ mo ihmi U equal anj oo Ui Of, and eouaiala of
Roger Bros. Silverware, P .jt (Jinnr. and Crys
talware, Boys' Wagons Doll Oarriagef,
Fancy Goods, and . neral
assortment of Orockiey
Ha boja llreot aud earrle the largnec stock
baa been addod a complete line of
"t Agent for tnanranee oompaolea with oapitat ai;roitilnij t75.000,or.
Tlol on parlo Francala. Hler wird detitcli Kpnx:hen.-tl,
Mitchell & lewis Co., .
Agricultural Implements
Yon Wnt ha beat and mmt durable furntnr U manufactured In tbe.clty 4 "t
Thomas Brink.
Smoke the cigars
Etanufactred by Juius Joseph
Fiog and mkiu tobaoccn, MersoKum an I briar .pi;a t l
srpokes arritTca geoersllj.
AsrenU for "On Time" Heating and coking Stoves.
etc., pomptfy a"nded to.
The Leading "Druggist,
Kpeelltle Fine T.lU-t Article 1, Parfamiry ari I llasinal lastranents
I'rei-f rlptSon t'ref Uy compoundod -Jay an l nlht,
Besfof All ,
-ung motucines, Ayora Cherry Fee.
... uiMimnu man over.
, Ko preparation for Throat and Luna
, ijvum la o prompt m it cffocu. o
j Creeahla to the taate, and o widely
known aa this. It la the family modi.
cine In thousand of household.
I I hare anffered for year from a
bronchial trouble that, whenever I take
; cold or am expiated to inclement weath
er, anowa iiatiir tiy a very annoying
tlrkllnjr eensation in the throat end by
tlllltculty In Itreathinff. I have tried a
great many rom.nliiw, Imt none does aa
well aa Ayer'a C herry 1'ectorat whloli
auwaya rivo prompt relief In return of
my old oomnlitint.'1 Ernest A. lleplor, .
Inspector of lubllo Itooda. rarUUTor.
re Bonne, La.
"I conaldor Arer'a Cborrr reotnrl
most Important ruiuod v
For Homo Use.
I hava tented It curative power, in m?
family, many tlm Utirlntt the pant
thirty Tear, and have nnvxr known 1
to fil. It will relieve the uinet aerloua
aTwiiona f the throat and Innm.
wlitlior In children or adult. " Mr.
E. O. Ed(,ttrly, Council IllulTi, Iowa.
"Twenty veara aco I waa trnubleil
with a timeaae of the inng. liortora
aflyrdod me no telWt aud coimidcretl
my case lionelee. I then Wgan to ns
Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, and, before I
had flniHhed one bottle, found relief. I
continued to take thia medicine until a
cure waa effected. I believe that Ayer'a
Cherry Perioral saved mv life."-.
Samuel Gritfgs, Waukegau, lU
'"Six years aRO I contracted a tor t
cold which settled on my lungs ud
soon developed all the alurmtiiK otp
Vmia cf Coumunptlon. I had a cough,
nlsht sweat, bicedinjr of tho lutii,
pains in cheat and sidea, and Waa so
iroatrated aa to be confined to my
bed moat of ttin lime. AfU'r trylnp;
various prescriptions, without benefit,
my physician linully determined to rIv
me Ayer'a Chorry Pectoral. I took it,
and the effect waa magical. I seemnd
to Tally from the tlrat dose of thia
medicine, and. after tiainft only threo
bottles, am aa well and sound aa ever."
Koduey Johnson, Sprlngiicld, IU.
Ayer's Ciisny Federal,
rasrABRo bt
Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Matt.
sVUbysUDra(tu. I'rlc 1 1 ; u boUiaa, a
In the
Willamette Valley, to wbM
.1 X
JoO work, pla.'iVr.
rnpA I . if Kf!l 1 Is 111
A Dkpravkd Man, The Euucne Krir.
liter give the fallowing account of the
111 c incut man on record i "The woral caa
of Inhumanity Mint ever occurred tit Lane
county is reporWu from nenr Cottage
Grove. FiUay evening, February 14th,
Mrs Millie Waud, wife of F.d Waud, died
at her home about two miles from Cottage
Grove, from nculect and starvation. About
three weeks ago tho gave birth to a child.
When the child waabut fi;ur luvo!J, her
husband left her and wcijt to his father's
houae, which wit but a few rod dlatai t,
leaving her. In the house with her three
children, theahleat a hoy of alout four
years. It la sidd that Waud's father, two
brothers and a sitter were lit the home
near by, but none of them went to see her,
and lor U unvs she ntu no one but thoae
little children to wait upon her, Several
times durlni the tint three dave she zol
out of bed and crawled m her hand and
knees to the stove to build tires, but after
that she was scarcely able to move, and
after living that way six days slie was
found bv the neighbors in a dying condl
tion. a pnyalcun was called, but It was
too late to do her any good. Th neiult
bors state that Waud refused to give his
wiie tne medicine let; for her b the ohv-
siclan.but threw It awav and injected mor
phine In her arm. Once, when some
whiiky had been lelt tor her, he drank it
A Rkmarkamlk Dou The following
account of a very Intelligent dog owned by
Geo Mason, of Prlnevllle,shou1d be shown
every dog in Albany. It Is that of in e
ample that is certainly very commendable;
On one occasion recently, when Marshal I
Charlton was enforcinsthe doit la law. I
Brey man's" master Informed him that he
was not wearint the regulation tae on hU i
collar and that death was the penalty. The
animal then Inquired. In his most Intclli
Kent way.what e should do. Ills master
Informed him that he must iro to the re.
corder at once and purf-me a lair, at the
same lime giving the don a dollar the
(ee tied up in a kerchief. The doir went
to the recorders oKice.over a block awav
pawed on the door unlit hU record. hip ap
peareo, gave nis uouar.rcceived nis tair ar.d
rstumeu to itls master covered with smiles
TMat ...... -tt- kaa..t.e,4 i t. . I
several m-r ; it it
. a.a u( ta,a5 U I
....... . I
ANoTiixa We had Intended to slop
giving flood Item, but here Is another
frm piw .n.i it v. .i..
l-. .. . o.i. . i
bottom diopplng out of a Salt creek farm,
. 1 r"" V. I
Itsvill. no doubt, be of great Interest par
iculaily to o.Tice seekers:
Out at Tom Richmond's Salt creek farm
is a terrettlat curloaity. During the troub
lous times, while the water was tumbling
and the hillsides sliding, about three acres
of his land one niglft dropped flat down
tome two leet. leddv Kott, who was
ssleep In his house a few hundred yards j
away, says that It waked him up, and
sounded like rumbling thunder. The
round is stilt settling some and now varies
root two to five feet below its previous
level. Maybe some landless Chinaman
from the other side of the world has dug
through and Is taking enough from the
bottom of Mr Richmond's place to make
e frm of his own.
ult a Hov. Monday a little boy of
im town, says tne iaiayette KegUter, 1
went to the pottolhce with five one cent
stamps and wanted to sell them to. Post-
matter Redding, saying that he wanted to
boy five cents worth of csndv. Mr. Red
ding thinking that he would accommodate
the boy, gave him a nickel and put the
alamp away with a lot more that he had.
11 being late In the evening Mr Redding
did not notice them very close. On Tues-1
day morning he had a call for stamps, and I
on opening the box that he kept them In,
discovered that the stamp the boy gave
mm were oiu ones anu had been used. I
lArsizED. Laat Wednesday O. F. Ty- 1
lor and Albert Thompson were rowing a I
bout about seven mites this aide r,f
ritburg, on their wy down the river to
ward Salem on a hunting expedition.
hen a swift current upset their boat.
They succeeded in getting on to some
J-ifl wood and were saved: but lost their
guns, blankets and game. They crcu.d
the country to ilalsey and passed througq
Albany on the cars for Saicm, not much
e'ated over their hunting expedition.
Good for Eccknk. Mr. P. J. Mcpher
son has just completed the work of taking
the census of this school district, and he
Iso took a census of the city, which we
are enabled to pubtUh through special ar
rangements with him. rs umber of white
males, 1..S90; number of Chinamen, 30;
number of female -, i.uo. Total. ri6i.
In 1S85 the population was 1.762. showing
an Increase of 1.407. The number ol
hlldren In 'he dittrht between a and 20
years of age is i.oOo. Register.
No ixt!BT the future prospects for Al
bany are bright, but the good peopt of
that place mutt not be too certain that the
O P offices are to be removed there from
Corvsllit. They are still located here and
no doubt will remain for sometime tocome.
There is nothing like hope in this woild (
but that of our Corvsllit friend will grow
less en the head offtce subject as the O P'
brick rear itself on a corner In Albany the
coming year. Keep your eyes on Albany
as the O I" headquarters In the ner.r fu
SLOWLVDYINO-The following appears
in an exchange ; but whether it is anv
more true of the tribe mentioned than of
others we have our doubts : Indians on
the Silelz reservation In the southern end
of Tillamook county are doomed to alow
out sure extinction, as a tribe they are
very unhealthy, and many of them have
died recently. They are decreasing so fast
mantis only a matter of a short time
when the reservation will be opened to
wniic seiners.
Tire only newspaper in the state, north
of Portland, that receives the Associated
Prets despatches direct
The above ha been running in the Sa
lem Statesman several weeks. We give
it as an incident of how easy It Js for peo
ple n this glorious Willamette valley to
get the geography mUd up. Come, now
Mr Statesman, what direction from I'ort-
and are you any way.
Boys, Look Out. Several school boy
in Albany are in the habit of carrying pis
tols, which they sometimes discharge ; but
as great a nuisanco Is their sling, which is
the means of breaking windows and en
dangerlng pedettrians. The Marshal hat
his eyes on several and unless there is a
marked reform in the matter an example
will be set that will not De very pleasant
Yaquika Prices. The price for real
estate at Yquina Bay are said to be in
creasing at a rapid rate and the liveliest
season yet is anticipated. Betides it big
upward tendency of Yaqulna Height and
other Yiqulna property, a I've demand is
being created for lot on the northwest
corner of Newport, along Nye creek
Lots hrve nearly doubled iu value since
year ago. , .. ... ...
Their Fees.. Census enumerator will
get the following fee and the work Is to
be done In the month of June: For-every
living person. 3 cents; for every death, 3
cents; for every firm, 15 rents; for every
factory, 30 cents; lor every veteran widow,
5 cents; in special cates an enumerator
may be paid by the day, not to exceed $6
Only One Only one County Com
missioner will be elected at the coming
election. Mr Cooper will hold over.a new
man being chosen in place of Mr Phillips,;
Crook OopKtr.-Tha old man Qtsea.r,
I who lived, wa believe, on Crooked river
I died of apotilas test 8turdsy. Dsosaaed
was 67 years
war vstrii.
of as, and was Max loan
He esins to this county from
uver 70 tons of nay thst was stacked ep
in Prinsville waa disposed of iusida of three
days this week, and it went resdily at 20
per ton.
Ut ail the stockmen in this oouotv It is
believed that the sueeumen will be the .-rust.
est losers,
Mr 8 J Newsom dinoosed of several tons
ot nsv this week to paities who tlionxht
tney "ilula't need suy more.
a r Uhilds wrtt svy on last Watarday s
('ae. bound for Wshloot. Ue was anxious
to Asssruiiua whsther bis real aetata down
there had washed otf or not. lie will be
away thiee or four weeks.
Marshal Charlton ounUt to rescind hia re
quest, aa published but week, asking the
residents t.f this town to elsaa ap their back
yards. The bsok yards now are as white as
About two months aim. whan Shar IT
Combs was in the Willamstte vallsy, Sheriff
W W H bsmpsoo, of Clsukamaa eoubty.
.w.u mm m wajrans aauionaing ina ar-
rest ef one Chas K Dait, charged with the
laroeoy of a Jiorss. binoa than Bltsnffl
Cotuba has been on the lookout for Dart,
Iat Mk k. m.. v,iu. .w I
and at one dispatched hia deputy. Mr Chas
lisiin, to make tha arrest, which waa eno-
eeasfnlly aoeninpllahel. Dart waa plsead ia
jail here, and tha authorities at Oregon City
notitled. Kheriff Hampton arrived hereon
Wednesday 'a stage ud left next moraieg
with hia inao. Naws. .
A Dat-p Snow IxcitMT. Among the
many Incidents of the recent deep snow
In the mountains are some that are amus-
ing. Among the moat amusing Is the fed
lowioa told tha Dkmocmat bv a man from I
the front j Mr GrlfTin, one of the firm of J
firman. r,i, a r k.,i I
"French p-,e . . wcm known emotove
is called, tip to the front. Patting Brady's
old camp on the road Pete saw several
tracks and several oilier things, (that did
not e xltt.) The truth I Pete was scared.
When he reached the Sldina he told of an
elk that he saw lylnir down in a barn at
Urady's old camp, lie saw the elk him-
tclf and saw his tracks. This Induced
Ola MlMOurUn. named 11 F Clark, to ffrab
i a . . . ... TT . I
nis winciiesier and go tor the eikifaveiilne I
e.,i, . i. i . . , .1
diacover when he got there, that French I
niuti i n roil if n an icct oi annw.wni v u I
N'cte'selk was McMillan's uld bore that I
nao occn loraging oft the R It Co lor two
lfm'm' .wviings can octicr oc unag
)ncti ii,an eacribed
. . IM. . . 1 1 . . . I
ItoKisr OAturra-The Australian bsl. I
lot system Is probably the best devised
and should be Introduced In Oregon. A
" m una system was given
n recent u est Shore and attracted con-1
Slderabla attention. Aa rnmnUl. aa It la II I
Is subject to evasion. From an exchange It
Is learned that In Nathvllte, recently, the j
t 7 ' wa "nemen
tor enabling voters who could not read I
to place their cross In the right place on
ihe ballot of tint Australian system. They
had tin p'ates made just the sle of the
ballot, and with slots cut in them at such
intervals that the oen space would come
over those names which the voter desired
to eross." A young: lawyer of Naahvll'e
. ...v- .... .vn . w I
Invented the device the nlaht before the
. . . I
Wheat aix Right. As nearly as the
Democrat can learn fiora conversation
rlth farmers the present cold snap has
not affected th fall wheat, which look
well and promise a fine crop, except.
perhaps, In very low places. The ground
I Is too dry and the freeie has not been
dP enough, as a rule. In order to raise
wheat from the ground by freexlng the
found need to be very wet, and the
"eee needs to be alternated by daily
maws, or tne joints need to i developed
I some. Moat of the conditions are favor-
able for some fine fell wheat, and it is to
hoped that the idea will not be allowed
K o that the wheat I ,ected more
than- It is.
A Mast Lost. On the 14th of February,
Mr Matthew Girothers, son in-law of
John McKlnney, who live about tour
mile touthwett from town, left his home
near Waiervllle, Wash., whtre he bad
moved for the purpose of sending his child
ren to school, for his farm, lie had left
his stock In charge of a man, but thinking
the weather too severe for one man to
rightfully attend them.he started to au!t.
He has not been heard from since and it Is
feared he has perished. Word was sent to
his brother who live near Mieddt, and he
left Tuesday to join In the search for Mr
Carolhers. Brownsville Time.
Simply Boxed. One night, about ia
'clock, by previous arrangement, a couple
of well known A'banr young men. who
... : . V.I ... . . .1 .1 .1 . L . ....utl..!.
met at a First street place of business and
Tiim. I . ..k .lit.. f. t..... I
....-..... .. "v
ns 11 an nour with Bve ounce giives, box-1
na .1. m. i n:.
. r. -7
rules Though for fun, the striking was
from the shoulders. In the last round the
former was floored, ar d on striking from
underneath a foul wa declared and the I
contest given to the latter. No perceptible I
marke were left and the best of feeling
Granoe IlrneixTios. Th LaneCoasty
Pomona Orange, at their last meeting, re.
solved to oak the oaodidate for tb legis
ts tare ta pledge themselves not to favor the
ittuing of non-taxable bonds. Also tost
tbey will not vote to repsal the mortgage
tax law and she usury law. Third, that the
eaudidste for governor shall pledge himself
to veto aoy bill looking to the issuing of
non taxable bonds. Aoy candidate who re
fuses to so pledge himself serves notice to
too grange that thsur votes ar not rtqoirsd.
Prompt Fatmekt. Mr D B Allea, who
died at Jefferson on February 6tb, waa a
member in good standing in Safety Lodg
No 13, A 0 U W. Th recorder of Safety
Lodge ba received a warrant from th
rand recorder ot th order In favor ot Mr
lIIco for $2,000. th amnnot doe her on th
death of ber busbaud. Tbis is remarkably
prompt aud speaks well for th order.
he was Disgusted. There wa one
disgusted real estate agert yctterday. He
took a (upposed purchaser oi't to look at
some choice suburban property. The man
teked out a fine lot, then tald he wanted
: tor a church, and suacrested that the
agent deed him as a gift that lot and the
one adjoining 11. ihe agent did not
Astonan. ,
A Large Duck. While hunting last
week Mr. Otto Clelan killed a duck that
is a marvel for its size. Hunters do not
know what to call It. Considerably la. ger
even than a mallard; in fact, as large as a
goose. It is oitterent from both, but ha
characteristic that shew it to be a duck
Never Gets Hurt. The Cincinnati
Enquirer says the chief difference between
an American prize fight and a French duel
is that in the latter no one ever sets hurt.
So in Albany people who gel their grocer-
let ot Conn tfro never get hurt, but, on
the contiary, receive first class bargains
ana courteous treatment.
Th Otosst Pioneer Gone. Undoubt
edly th oldest white settler in Oregon wa
ohn Gamier, who died at hit bom on th
Suislaw cn tbe 11th Inst aged 89 ye&rs. He
claimed to bav started for Uregon at th
age of It yesrt, and ;hat been a resident of
Ibe stats' tor seventy years.
DAMMiD.Durmg th recent storm a slid
oarred on th Oregon P&cifio railroad, csa
Bru.itenbuuh, which lifted th railroad traek
and forced it to th other side of th San-
tiara. The river wa dammed by the water
and the suae bf the railroad people.
OR'fciJ ON, FRIDAY, 31 ARCH 7, 1890.
"in iUO ubat," And now comes
the report that the loss by the recent high
water in vveaiern anu southern uregon li
not great. After resdlnc about the nutner
ous bridges, dwellings, warehouses, manu
lactones, wharves, barns, saw loss, etc
that were swept away by the flood a read
of the Oregonlan would naturally suppose
i ft at ome one nan ueu. many miles of
ranroaa nave seen waneu out, besides
vast amount ot rich farming land has
been washed awiy by raehtff rivers. In
Jsckson county the loss by the lattes
Placed at f and vet the "toss
not great " The loss ihrotintout the state
caud by the recent flood Is doubtless over
2,000,000. Hie Union Pacific Company
re nrary iiiaers, wiiue ins ioS to tne Ure
gon tV Cnllfornia Is doubtless iid in the
hundreds ol thousands, Daker Citr Blade,
Most of the tons to the railroads and
those mentioned by the Blade were from
the snow blockade in Southern Oregon
and had nothlnic to do with the flood.'
I The lots by the latter In the valley at least
Is remarkably small, considering the tcr-
" v F"""" " -WTe w
" how things get mixed after going
lonly a few miles. What would thev ba
I on rec,Ig the East?
It flLutD Him A certain bualneaa
I ,. i aik k.. Um... .mi..t -i.u .-
men who have nothing parti
cuiany to oo but to bottom chairs, A
reasonable amount of chair seating does
verjr welt but where It becomes percn
nial It loses, like hash, its meritorious
qualities. Such was the case In the certain
business house mentioned ; and to at the
propci time, chair was well smeared with
Pages liquid glue. The bait took, and Mr
inair uottomer on seatlnir himself found
that he was glued to the chair, and on at
tcmnllnu la viae the ehatr fillnt4 ai
T,,e predicament wse an excruciating one;
oul " was greatly appreciated by all ex
cept the victlm,who will probably bottom
chairs some where else In the future. This
is somewhat tike the stories about Peck's
had boy ; but It it an Albany fact never
thetess, ,
Dssiieartkmino. A private letter
to Mr, James Elklns from his son in
Prinevilie, as welt as other letters re
celved In Albany, confirm the repottsof
the Prinevilie papers and previous statea
Maei. It. .i ll . j . t S . ... a
me oamage oono in vrook
j " mi, mniariiii
iminl tt lu . ... l . L. . .
mk perhaps the greeted In the history of
the country, entstiing Itnmente dtmsge to
wen aa wtraiynng tmstness
at Im.I 9m t. 1 lM . L.I.. . i. .. . . I
. n . w ."un
U really a bad one. fact that will ba
Kreatly regretted bv Ltnn eountv neanle.
who uke a vital Interest In their nest
ftU neighbor, miny of whose residents
la young and vigorous county and will soon
jump up from the disastrous results of too
mCh SOOW and COid
Bvar a dollar In Walla Walla real es
tate now ami when you kick It up three
or tour months hence It wilt be a twenty
aii i ...
dollar gold piece. .Sutetmsn.
There's confidence for you. There's
prospects. Twenty-fold In four months,
In Al'tany If we double In four months It
Is considered a fine thing, but In Walla
... . . . .... . . .
" 11 ,u " twcniy-lold accord- I
I. . ....!- -t , . .f .1 . e
g wine auoTe xnis great T3nnwest IS
blooming with real estate Jack Q lantern.
They loom up on paper, but when you
reach out your hand, well the result I
good, but old town like Walla Walla don't
twenty-fold so electrically.
ABi rtacKMT.-Every Eastern Ore
gon paper contain a sorry account of the
lock prospect there. The Baker City
Democrat ssys: The lot of stock In this
state will probably be greater than In any
previous winter. The principal lots wit
be In th south and southeastern sort ions
of the state. There are some very lara-e
herds In that section. Lux, M liter k De
vlne had 60,000 head. Glenn Si French, at
8eln mountain. 40.000 head: Rllev Ac
Harding, at Harney take, atoo head, and
there are many other large herds. There
are ten ot thousand of theep In the
southern part of tha atrte. ot which
large percent will be lost. This last cold
snap la what has done the business tor
the poor bestt.
BuNMtNo to Riddles. Passenger
train service on the Oregon & California
I now running dally north to Slttont by
transferring near Delta, and trl weekly
from Sissons to Giendale. seventy-nine
mite north of Ashland. Tialns run reg
ularly from rArlliiiH Leatlth A Dilyl(l. M
private stage line I running temporarily
ociween utendaie and Kidtnes. thirty.
nine mile.
The traveler can eet throueh to Port-
land for $31.50, which Include local and
Fine Horses. Messrs Cha Wood and
Cha Crandalt wera In fnra!lta TiifiHtr
' V
nlg.,t on their way from Eugene to We
MinniH h.uin- 1- ,i..i- ...
Minnvllle, having. In their care four fine
. . ..... ,
v years
td nJ known as one of the best animals
In the state, having trotted a mile in 3:27
st year; Conamah. a three-year old. and
Atteo, a coming two-year old, all of which
are of the celebrated Altamont stock. The
other wa a two-year old. by Oregon
Wllkt. They are being taken toMcMtnn-
vllle, where they will be driven and out In
training tor the tall race. Benton Leader
The Itemlzer ha been trying for some
time to eievate the moral lone of Uallas
Its work 1 a grand success and Dallas I
soon to nave another saloon, Indepen
dence West Side.
Thee Is some sarcasm in the above,tug
gested by both places desiring the county
seat ; but the Item offer an Interesting
theme. While Dallas get the saloon
keeper Albany loses him. and It It in or
der to suggest that the Itemlzer man need
more than ever to preach sermons to the
young men of thst city, for their tempta
tion win oe greatly increased by the addi
tion. Aw acortb. There I now an Im
mense boom In existence at Anacorte, In
the northern part of Washington. It Is a
proposed great railway terminus, and once
before sprang Into temporary prominence
but nothing came ot it Within the las
month about a minion collar wertn o
property ' ha changed hand there. At
present it is principally on paper, but every
day the papers have something new about
it, and it at least la bound to be heard from
as a boom. These are- day of (peculation
and it 1 hard to tell what is what from
manjr newspaper article.
Eastward It Gops. We read a commu.
nl cation a lew day ago from on of the
official of the O. P. railway to a promt
nent citizen ot riarney, in wmch It wa
stated the rail would be laid Into Iia.rr.ey
valley in about eighteen months, says the
Harney frets, ine otneer also stated
that tie would make a trip over the ur-
veyed route of that road (n the cpring on
townsite business. This letter is direct
Iron headquarter and may be considered
a the most authentic new recently ob
tained In regard to our railroad,
A Choice Variety. Fine comb hon
ey, all kind of tyrupt, choice pickle In
wood and In glass,plckled pigs feet, chow
chow, In fact an endless variety of choice
groceries at Geo O Henderson's. Give me
a call, prompt attention and satisfaction
guaranteed. Prices the lowest. .
Babies. The finest line of baby cair
get In the Valley'just n celved at Stewart
& Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con
siderir.f ti e superior quality of the carrl
;.' ;; ChlillreaGryfoi1.
ina diiem Auutnutu indulges In tome
very severe, though just, criticisms of tho
democratic legislature of Ohio, for such a
bill litely Introduced to district the state
for congressional purposes, which wontd
give the democrats sixteen or teventecen
member and the republicans but four or
live, The Slatuman is In error as to Its
figure. Under tt.ts bill the democrats
would elect fourteen and the republican
even. At the last election the democrats
carried that state by 1 1,000 majority, and
taking that as a bat), the democrats could
claim but eleven member and the repub
lican ten, clearly showing that the demo
eratt are aiming to gather In more con
gressmen from that state than they are n
entltied'o, But,l th 5ata dllnd man
or I he, like a jug handle, all on one side?
lias it ever dawned upon his mental vision
that hi own party In OMj Is fat mora
guilty of stealing congressmen than are
the democrats? Has he duly or otherwise
considered the notorious gerrymander
that now exists In that state, and which
was so arranged by the republicans a to
give them elxteen and the democrat but
five cong.ssmenf For the proposed
democratic gerrymander the SMttma
(welt to the dignity of ilghtcous Indigna
tion, but on the subject of Its own party's
stealing" It I silent as night. Tha Slant
man I only half a indignat a It sh mid be.
Could It lay aside it party bias, It would
be heaping anathema upon the heads of
it party leaders all over the country. Le t
us Investigate, At the last presidential e-
cctlon the democratic vote In Connetlcut
wo 74,, Jo and the republican vote wa
74.5841 and yet that state Is o gerrymander
ed for members of the legislature and con
gressman that the republican have both
United State Senator and three out of
four congressman. The democratic vote In
Iowa In 18SS wa 109,887 and the republi
can vote a 1 1,59s but the republican have
both senators and ten out of eleven con
gressmen, This I not all. in Nansas the
democrat cast 102,94$ vote but have no
represenatlve, Jwhlle the republican have
even member for their 181,904. In Maine
tha democrat cast 56,481 vote but have
no represenstlve.while the republicans cast
73.7I4 and have four. lit Minnesota the
democrats cast 104,385 vote but have no
represenatlve, white the republican cast
141,491 and have five. In Nebraska the
democrat cast 80,551 vole but have no
represenatlve, while the republican cast
108,415 and have three, In New Hamp
shire the democrats cast 43.3SJ vote but
have no represenatlve, white the republi
can cast 45, 74 and have two. In Rhode
lilt nd the democrat cast 17,530 vote but
have no repretenrtlvc, while the republi
cans cast 11,963 and have two. In tlie sit
ttcn slates of California, Connetlcut, Illi
nois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, New
1 York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin,
- , - , ' ,
K.n. Maine. Minnesota. Nebraska. New
' "
tlampslre end Rhode Island wnkh were
districted by republican, the democrat
cast 3,111,180 vote and th republicans 3,-
S'7.493, yet the democrats are allowed on
ly forty four represenatlve In the popular
branch ot congress, while the republican
take I3v The republican cast an excess
ot 416,310 vote In a total ot 6,638,670, or
about 64 per cent, jet they uke more
than three time a many representative,
an excess of over t per cent In those
tate one democratic member represent
an average constituency ot 65,517 voters,
white one republican represent only ao,-
If the representation were In proportion
to the vote the democrats would have
eight v.f our of the 179 represenalivea from
those states and the republicans nlnet;
five. A it Is, the republican usurper
seated by frauudlent gerrymandering, are
rioting In revolution and howling that the
-majority" shall rulel Here again la it
demonstrated that tne republican party I
the party of false pretense.
Gov Ilovey, of Indiana, give frank notice
that unlet th Republican party pastes "lbs
service pension bill" it wilt be impossible for
it t win the next election, "It will cost only
3,ooo,ooo a year," be declare, a very
smsU sum to pty for the Presidency and tbe
control of several hundred thousand offices.
Gov Hovey put the case very strongly to
hi psrty, and it U only too likely to heed hit
warning- One hundred and twenty million
dollar a year is not a large sum to psy for tbe
coatrot of ike government, particularly when it
i paid out of the pockets of the people; and
on cccaslon of thi kind whenever political
preferment or advantage is to be bought by an
appropriation, the Republicans have never
hesitated a moment to vote away the people'
money with a reckless extra vagence.
Gov Hovev isunnsuallv outspoken In this
matter, and disguise and conceal no.hing.
It is, he confesses, a mere question of barter
and sale tha voting of $130,000,000 in return
for the soldier vote. It is 'no pension, no
votes." "Unlets we give this money we are
defeated for the Presidency he frankly con'
fessc. Tbe matter wa w ver put to broadly.
indeed, to brutally, before the country. No
one can fail to understand the Republican
policy which is buy tbe veteran with peti
That the Republican party is determined to
adopt Gov Ilovey' tugestion is patent. It
has, to that end, changed itt political course
on many important question, v Th tobacco
tax is to be only slightly reduced instead of
abolished; the sugar duty it to remain, and
the tariff it to be Uttle changed, for the gov
ernment can epare none of itt revenues. Every
cent possible is nestled for pensions.
The sun during January is 3000 mile
nearer the earth than It la at midsummer.
Winter cold I due to the fact that the un'
beam ttrike the earth let directly, while
In Summer they beam from nearly over
head at midday. It !, however, true that
the wn'i nearnet In Winter moderate
the cold weather to tome extent, a it
greater distance In Summer lesson the
heat of that season. In the southern hem
sphere these conditions are reversed and
our Winter Is there Summer, and vice
versa. This explains why Africa, Austra
lia and South America are in warm lati
tudes let suited for human habitation
than are Uke Northern climes. Fortunati
ly mucn the larger part of the earth's In
habitable surface lies notth of th equator
than omh of it.
Dr. M. H. Ellis, phyaieian and
y-lbany, Oregon. CaJla made, ia
'onntry, '
city ot
Tne Old North State
gaining popularity.
smoking ia fast
All I ask ia an honest comparison
of my
prices with tboae of other dealers
1 Ol.' Dn
0 K Brows eul.
Pitcher's Cnctcrin.
-1 r
is iy
WD Kelly late congressman from the
Fourth Pennsylvania District wasth most dis
tinguished representative of a high protective
tariff la cong'ei and the voter in Ihe district
bad been kaown a the most steadfast worship
pers at Ptotection' shrine, Mr Kelly died few
week ago and an election was held February
iStb to fill th vacancy. The Uriff reduction
question was mad th direct i.u. nothing
1 being considered. Th democrat reduc
ed the republican majority by 1300 votes.
This signifies that the educational campaign is
pursuing inevitably the even tenor of it wsy.
: EHf.lUUXl.-...JJJH
Th verdict of the Texas coroner's jury which
recently acquitted a pugilist of the blame of
an opponent with ooe blow, is characteristic
of that state. Krutsllty end a disregard for
humanity are virtues in Texas. Wa tio recall
the fact thst Tssos gsve ' 0,000 majority for
theiaieMr Cleveland. Pendleton Tribunt.
Party bias tad misrepresentation must be
virtue wiib the editor of the Tribune or he
nevsr would have written the above.
That there i fua ahead for the republican
in tli-Ir itat nomination ia seen by the fol
lowing from the Mounlwnteri
The Astoria Pioneer flaunts the flag of D P
Thompson thus early in the year.' We hive
aovocaieu tne tneory that the Republican con
vention should name the candidates, and not
the Republican press. At any rate, we can
not understand in what way Mr Thompson
ba any claim upon tbis portion of the state
especially on Ihe citizen of The Dalle. The
verage Republican voter cannot be herded
like cattle, particularly so when a Portland
political flock master attempts the "round ap."
So far the Stats of New York ha expended
ever eighteen million dollar on ber capital at
Albany. Work wa begun upon it over twenty
i ve year go,nd so far is it from being finish
ed that the legislature Is now asked to appro
priate three million dollars more to complete
it, a consideraLte portion of this to be expend
ed in rebuilding part of tb building that have
fallen into decay through defective construction.
It is not probable that tb amount asked for
ill be appropriated, nor that, if it were, the
sum would be sufficient, considering the pecu
lar methods in vogue in connection with the
coo tt ruction of public buildings. Neither is it
probable that any one now living will ever see
it completed.
Tht reptibUcan in congress have tamed out
another democratic member of congress elected
ftotn West Virginia to make room for the r-1
pabikaa candidate who wa defeated, notwilh
tunding tbe tupendou fraud practiced in
tbattUte by that patty to carry it. This I
the SloUtman calls only trying to get a qoo-
tm. It furnishes another weapon through I
th use of which democrats will be able to elect
a good majority of th next congre.
A woman named Shaw Is tbe plaintiff in a
queer suit in New York State. She was a
widow and offered 1 14,000 for a husband. A
young man accepted the offer and got the
money. Now Mrs Shaw teems to nave re-1
peated of ber basgin, for she began an action
against Mr Shaw in the upreme Court ia I
Westcheater county akiig fur an accoantiag
of the estate and a judgement against the pro
perty, cltung that net bought husband wa
only the trustee.
Tbe hen of the United States is also great
institutkm.and no ooe need make sport of ber.
She ws worth to thi country last year on her
ewn personal account f ioo,ooo,ooo,according
to the Bureau of Industrial Statistic. Beside
thi the foreign hen contributed two million
nd t half dollar worth of eggt to ourues.
Thi would suggest that a further acquaintance
with tbe hen would be worth cultivating,
There is large room for ambitious poultry
breeder to indulge their taste at a profit.
v 'jhiljuji twemm
Some Interesting experiments are about
to be carried out at Cherbourg, with ihe
vlewot testing the potaibliity of establish
ing telephonic communication between
vessel of thi same fleet at sea. It iii
stated that a preliminary trial which took
place ncently demonstrated the fact that
a torpedo toot can be kept in communlca-
wlth the command afloat, and receive di-1
rect order a to where to steer and how to
act In general operation.
The tignt U point to a very lively time in
building and telling and buying real estate the
coming season, That Albany is to forge
aneao witn a vigor ana rapiany whwwmi
with It, .urrounding. admit, not of a doubt
We are on the verge of an era of rapid growth
aad every citizen should waken up to the im
portance of contributing to thi growth.
Tbe Stale suggests that a man, like
John Minto, favorable to th farmer's interests
should be nominated by the republicans for
governor. Such a man stands no more show
of being nominated by the republican conven
tion than Bob Ingenoll does of being selected
to conduct a Methodist love feast. In the
language of Lindtay Murray. "It can't be I
The Iron mill of Pennsylvania pay only
$.43 per ton In wage for making pig
Iron. Why should they have protection
ot $6.73 per ton? I not protection of
I aa equlvllent to giving them pauper
labor and making the piuper't support a
public charge? What It Ihe remaining
$4.33 for? A steal?
It 1 tald that the grain which la manu
factured Into liquor In the United Statet
would give nearly 400 poundt of bread
yearly to every family In the United Statet.
The four year old son of R 0 McPIiarn-
sted ot Greenville, Texas, accHently b I
hi own tongue, producing a wound from
which he bled to death.
Half grown grasshoppers are reported to
existing in vast numbers in various psrt
Ohio. ....
More than a billion dollar has been expend
ed by the United States in pensions since i860.
In Iceland there are no prisons and
police. Only two thefts in 1000 years.
The Salem Journal uysi
The Erst city in the valley to replace her
br'dge over the Williamette will be Salem.
That is because Salem u tbe only city 0
the Willamette that lost a bridge.
Advice t
Mm. Winslow'a Soothing Syrnp,
drentoethloz. Is the prescription
of tbe best female nurses and physl
in the United States, and fca e bwn
A far fortr Tears with never-failintr
' k e) eocisa by millions of mother for their
I . 15 dren. During the process of testkin j
hild from pain cure dysentery and d
ooea, , grains; in tbe bowels, and wl
eilo. By Kivinghcastn to ice cnuaa
sts the tu other. . nice :.e. a coie.
VO 31:
ft peenllaf effleaey I d ie
hatuima rnunU to ttis process and
WoTHINO aalll m compounding as to
UKI IT Ingredient themtelvie.
2l it In time. Hcbee
,. . dww iottie ootMLor If
t&ey be ad vanced w tu prove a poteiticoi a.
No in $lol3Witat It
It take iheplaeeof aj-CT ' "';;vv:2
doctor and costly trw ;
oerlptlon. All wliofVad fll'Ofl WHOSCt
edutry v will Had S , Bcl.r , i
It tb boat preventive. ' NIFIT,
and en re lor ludl e.t)oij, rw t
fcnoaUpallon, Jletvdaene. ' nilloaraesil,
r?,d- t?!K ""! ""'"- KohTi
t.Hm.W tftiarnwene with btulnea
Whlfe taking, for children It I moat lo
Bocent and harmleaa. No danerr front
expoaiire after tattine. :.. c..lle. 1H.
krrlwa, Howel CotnplatUiU, fererialt.
a and feverish Cold.. InvalW anrt
Aperient and Tonic lln-y can turn. A llulo
Uken at nlKht Inaurea refreahlne slmp
n'rl evaluation of the Bowels.
A little taken In Ihe morning sharpen
the appetite, eleansea the sbumach aud
weetaot the breath.
A MciAip omnoir. '
l . h, praciitiag (or '
swte'y yesrt and havt acvar been able le
V "f t,'t tompeund that would, ,
fl ""t wmetona Um Itegitlator, prpmcxj
maa, esecojf awn tha Uver la acuon, ,
no iiuii aam uma aid (inucad of ak
m"S , digewlve aa4 aatieulaiiv '
rrt of the syMaa."
M. Htrto. m.D.. WatMartae. AA.
Mariii r flia.u. , . .. . . 1. .
l24'i " '"'"tot Wrptr,and the
KU and Hlirnitlure of J. 11. iiU' co-laT
ted. ou the aide. Take 00 other.
pl mm '
Heal Bargains
Notions, Furnshing Goods, etc,
Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silk
Table Linen, Gloves, Hosie
ry, Fancy floods, etc
i rang ' v
LCtt(Il.g CaSli
Insurance Company.
Safe, Sound;
be 1
Revere House;
Fitted no In first-claa style. Tablet
supplied with the beat in the market.
Kloe sleeping apartments. Sample room'
Cor commercial travelers.
tJTFr e Ceaefc ta aad rreas tne -0tel, T4
-vwaiui am bhiao
Drcr'xt3:.d Booksellers.
Aswt tsfor John B. Aldon'a p mbllcatlons,
wbsh ws nail at publisher' pjtooe wist:
postajseada' vertising nt !I
In the Cf rural
first Nitiossi Ci
: 0? ALB A Si, ItCti;:
a Pratidaut , g, ;,
staler .e. w. i,a.
. ACCOUlfTS KEPT tabjett t theck.
a w Vork, Sn Praooiace imtfo and 1'
;iU.&T!OKf At)E on huormWa terms.
R. Totme, SrW. Ljixasus
V E Buai, L. Puna,
Wua E TpaatLk
Lino County Dank, j
Conran. -Ralston & Ctolicrh
TRAKSARTR a eanand banking biulnew.
DEAWSIHin DHvrMofi Hw T(rk. Ran!
1 1 ' . 3reg'i
LOAIf MOlfEToa appitrd ctirtly
RKf. tl V E deposits sabteH cbec'a.
Bank of Oregon.
AlBAKY, - - - CHEC
O jAvjEirC A.Xa. so.oc
President If. ftHV.
Vine President H. s, METiR:
ashler......... .,. j. w. BL.
DiKKrrroB. i
IT Bryant. J W Bleln. f
".Humphrey, CHf-tew.n, I
n. leaning. U F Merrill. f
Sight esehanve an! UleeraDhl.
fer on Mew York, Sn Franc iaco k
and all principal point In Oregon 4
Washington, i
Col lection mad on favorable tern
Dry G00(lS StO
A Vi
tot bu'.ineaa pnrati'a at the Ptvrtland E3tncv
iolleg'', Portland, Oregon, or at the Capital Bus.
fctess College Salem, Oregon. Both schools are ;
. u. ..(Tmn.ntaf A. P. ArtnstronB'. ha e :
H,a; course of ttudies aad tame ratea oi toiuoa.
&tisin M li r t h a (1
(writtatr, Penmanship and English Depart
eienta. Dey and evening sessions. Students a;!
Biitted at any time. Forioint Catatojrue.aililres
twUtni Fasiaus Celtfare, AD torui Ktkiiitw CiSeg,
tortland, Otegon. S'm, Oreoa.
S. W. Paisley,
' llfcafiy, Orsgea.
Orders tolwited from tti tr."
' wiiose term exptres,