The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 28, 1890, Image 3

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    Site Qcutfltrat.
8TITE3 &
Ktlllnrs !
&, $ 3 S$
II la with leiurthat wo announce to
our many paferoia that w hav again
ru arrangement wlihthtwldc-awk
Illustrated farm tuagaxtno, tbe Am aiuctN
Fahmbk, publUhod at Foit Way no, lnd.,
and read by nearly 2U0.000 farnieia, by
which that great publication wlllbamall
d dlracVFRKK, to th addira cf any of
euraab-erlber who wldooni luand pay
up all arrears on subscription mud oti
j txt In ad vanes from dste.euJ to any new
eabcorlbtr who will pay ott year lu ad
yano. Tula la a grand opportunity to
obtain a first-data muJou v. Th
Amkbicam Fitvinta lflpaii
ournal, of national circulation, which
rank among the kadiigagricultml pa
para. It treat tba queatlon o! uiy
In agriculture and th rip his and prlvl
egea of that tact body of oltlaena Auier
oaa Farmaia whoa Industry lath baala
of all material and national prosperity.
It highest purpose U the eterttlon and
ennobling of Agrloulture through the
higher and broader education of roen and
women bguged In Ita puraulU. The rg
n'ar subscription price of ih Amkbican
Wammm la $ t.00 per year. IT COSTS
YOU NOTHING. From any one num
ber Idea can l obtained that will be
wortb thrive the subscription prlootoyoo
or member of your household, trttoo
an it rata. Call and ae sample oopy.
Vbby Gooo. A Statesman reprttenla
tire paid Albany a visit Monday and Tue-
. day. lie found business there very good,
recovering well from the effects ol the
recent flood and train blockade. Albany
la a handsome, bustling little city of some
thing like five thousand people. It has
fair streets, two or three good hotels (bet
ter than one usually finds in a city of its
size); Its streets are well lighted by elec
tricity! It has some very good business
blocks; tnree good banks; and, best of all,
a class ol people who generally stand by
and have faith in their own town. Thl;
fact, coupled with prospective early Im
provements ot their large holdings there
by the Oregon Pacific railroad, together
with the backing of a rich country sur
rounding, will certainty push the city for.
ward to three er four times Its present
else within a few yesrs the time de
pends as much on "her own people as
most anything else. The Albany people
treated the Statesman man welt, and they
all, without exception, had a good word tor
Salem. The wiiter hopes to revisit Al
bany soon, and to then devote more space
to that city . Salem Statesman.
Old Jefferson, who has been accused of
such naughty habits as smoking, belching
and spitting foith fire, etc , U calm and
quiet, thus verifying the remark of the
IferaltLthat the stories were fishy canards.
Enough credence were given thrm, how
ever, to Induce a reporter of the EvrxisG
Democrat to ascend to the cupola of the
Court House, where, altera hasty view of
the mountains, he spent two K id hours in
his attempts to get down, two naughty boys
having fastened the hasp of the trap door.
Herald. :
The Herald man is what is referred to
In the Salem Statesman as Albany's bad
whisky In reference to the stories about the
mountains erupting. It is always a pleas
ing task to make out a contemporary a
liar, it reads nice in black and white,o we
gently remark that our contemporary's s'o
ryabout two hours being spent in descend,
ing from the cudoU of the Court House by
a Democrat man was pure fabrication .
Not over two minutes was spent and no
hasp was fastened at all. Copy was scarce
this morjlng.
A Caow Story. They call thr postal
clerk on the Oregon Pacific MPenn,'' and
they aay he has a great proclivity for
eoons. Recently, the boys at the Day
knowing this, sent a note to the owner of a
pet coon, which was for sale at $ 50, that
be would take It, signing Penn's name,
with a request to send it by mail. It was
put In a mall sack, and the postal clerk was
greatly astonished an opening the sack,
lie waa also astonished on getting a dun
for the animal, and now life is made miser
able by the constant query of the other
railroad men: Well, Fenn, hare you
paid for your coon," and in order lo add
to the fun the Incident was ordered pub.
Ushed In the Democrat.
A New Liohtmousb. An official notice
to mariner received at this office reads a
follows: "Ne. 34. Oregon Cape Meare
New Light A new light ha been estab
llshed on the extreme western end of Cape
Meares. vj miles S S E E from Tilla
mook Reck Light and 9JS miles N by W
from Cape Lookout its geographical po
sition being as follows: Latitude 4 i dee
9 mln (00 sec) N, longitude 123 deg 58
mln (35 ace) W. The light is fixed white,
varied by a red flash every minute. It Is
aaj feet above the water, Is visible 2iJ4
mile, and 1 shown from a structure con
Utinr of a low. white tower (in form a
frustrum oi an octagonal pyramid) ur-
...t V . 1.! 1, A'
"A Strbbi. Car Rumor. "Your street
car line la pretty short to pay," very truth
fully ssJd Mr Hendricks, of the Salem
Statesman, to a Democrat man: yet as
short a It Is It has done all that was ex
pected. A newspapera are allowed to
give rumors we give one to the effect that
about four mile of track will be added to
the line, beginning thl spring, more
street car will be added and the line gen
erally Improved, making it a credit to the
- coatlnc city of Western Oregon. Watch
for the verification.
A Basket Social. A basket sociable
will be given at the Oakvllle Church, on
Tuesday evening March 4th. The pro
ceed ot the evening will be contributed to
an organ fund. The need of an organ
for the use of the societies has long been
felt. This need the young people of the
congregation, assisted by others, will en
deavor to supply, trusting that all Inter
ted lu the church or church association
will give their hearty co-operation. By
order of the committee.
An Advertising Scheme. Miss Reg-
Ina Rothschlld.a young lady of Port Town
tend, will start from there March 17th, on
a tour of the globe, in an attempt to beat
all prevlou record. Citizen there have
subscribed three thousand dollar toward
the trip. Mis Rothschild will travel east
ward over the Canadian Pacific, and ex
pect to leave there the tame day with
George Francl Train, who I announced
to sail from Tacoma westward. Mis
Rothschild expect to make the trip in
i xty-one day. A erary person against
an intelligent young woman. We'll wag
er on the Idiot.
Democrat Moving. A Bush, ichair
man of the democratic state central com
mittee ha called a meeting of the com.
mlttee to be held at the Chemeketa hotel
at Salem on March 19th t 2 o'clock P M
Thus are .he Initial step being taken to
muster the clan for the contest In June.
TtirfiiNEss Change. Mr. Eastham ha
formed a partnership with Mr, S J Brown
in the cigar and confectionary store, op
posite the Revere Ilou.
Mr. Hale Uackensto ha sold his saloon
1. 11,1, f ii to Mr. Cha. Metzgar. Mr.
Backen&to has located in Dallas.
jLrwigs. The Giant County New ay
it John L";e los!: 3 500 !ieeP oul 01 a
n 1 of "?o, in the H-imey rountry. A
Scio. The Salvation Army expects to
be reinforced to-day by the arrival from
San Francisco of Adjutant Parker and Joe
the Turk, who will asilst at the meeting'
this and to-morrow evenings.
Mrs Simon Fleener arrived from Cali
fornia by rail on Wednesday, having been
detained in the mountains several weeks
by the snow blockade.
Some time last fall Pe'.e Bllyeu was con
vlcted ol assault In our city court, from
which he appealed. It now appears that
the circuit court has sustained the appeal,
reversed the decision ol the lower court.
and orders that lillycu recover costs from
the cltv of Set?.
Th Scio Lculslature has sprung Into
existence while the busv world was U tin
Conscious, and now clultns n place amid
he law-cnncl nir bod es of tht nstio-t. 11
was oruanUed in Saturday and Monday
eveninv. and has the following oilU-ers
S C lohnson. sneaker t S i Shore, chief
clerk; J R Geddes, assistant c'erkjO W
Hunsaker. senreant-at-armst U Cilll, door
keeper: M Rlchuidson and N Powell,
nS"i J'hn Simms, treasurer! iir II It
king, jjoverno. Press.
Rich Mixks. -lr E R Dark or ml Wm
Stegnv.tnd, of the Gulden City Mining Co.,
arrived In llie cltv on Monday's 4 p. m.
O. P. train fr.i.n the fa.illam mines and
reported an Immense amount ot snow,
which ha put a stop to all operations dur.
Ing the whter,and a well made the moun
atn wo'vas hungry, Causing several excl
Ing adventure. Or Darker tells the Dim-
ten at that we v. Ill see the II vest eaon In
the history of the mines. Another Coer
1) AUni .-Ills in re t back It Money is
being put In and several big mills wilt be
operated I)intig llie winter a one hun-
d ed foot tunnel has been run Into the
Golden City mines, anil the Albany tunnel
la down six. tit sixty fact., Mr Siegmond
showed the Democrat man a piece of ore
from a ledge In the Portland Galena
mines that assays $411 of silver. Nothing
nner in me s;pe 01 ore was ever seen
The mines undoubtedly have a blight
prospect and It is safe to predict a mining
excitement in the Ssntlain equal to that of
Montana, all of which is of great Interest to
the people ol Albany, which will become
the center of operations for supplies, etc
Tkmhirs Examination The follow.
Ing te.tclter are In attendance at the pub
lic examination vf teachers, which began
WedncsJnv :Inne Arthurs,AnnaVarmoth
I.ura Campbell, Lilian McDonald. Dell
Ullcrv. Minnie Nichola,Mr Mamie Grlsh
am, Mrs Julia It Cotnpton, Manda Heard,
Mr Nellie Tuolton. LI! He A Davis, Mr W
II Moore, Clara Riles, Minnie Nlccotson,
Lettle Iiasseti.Rosa l'eerv.M M Laughlln,
V 11 Goln, Maggie Mcknight, Minnie
Peery, LUzie Keed, Ida M Ros,Gertrude
Daly, Janle Cyrus, EUle Martin. Nellie
i-oibv, U.
Ilia A Stanard. Ernest Ross.Grant
Pheglev, F E Ross, F E MarkaJ B Mrk,
K V Jackson, Ralph L Knapp, L A Wilev.
R W Swlnk. Avis E HudcUon, Mice B
Townsend.Ctara N!cMeeken, E R McDan
lei, W I Warmoth, Nathan A Emmltt
Louisa Tllton,Mark M Peery, I ii Queen
er, Ilenny Powell, Marshall Richardson,
Elbert Munsev; Frank Taylor.
Minnie Watklns, Charlotte French, Ora
Vaughn, Weltha Farnham,John H Gedde
E A Berry, J E Dow, Alice Temple,
Salle William, Anna Wa-d and lola
The Arrrt. Tlie Corvalll Times
gives the following graphic account ol the
arrest of the Harrisburg robber by Mar
shal Dunn and Mr Scott: They vlslttd the
Exchange hotel and 'sued up" a very
suspicious looking Individual, but finally
concluded he was not the nun they were
looking for. The officer went away and
had about decided to go over to Yaqulna
Bay to resume search, when Eph Cameron,
who had been attracted by the sirsngers
fieculiar actloas, at once expressed the be
lef that the man at the hotel was tne
identical Individual. The officers seemed
to doubt his iudgemcnt, but Eph Insisted
that the man' actions Indicated a gultt of
ome klad and Marshall Dunn was per
suaded to arrest him on suspicion. He
was taken to jail and searched and after a
few preliminaries confessed his guilt of the
Harrisburg robbery, lie maae an open
confelon,and If half his story Is true there
may be some startling revelations expected
at tne city up the creek.
Yaqciwa Bat. T. E. Parkei'a year old
child died (J whooping cough yesterday at
Yaqulna. The body will be wrought down
to day and buried In the Newport ceme
tery. The current of the ocean have cleaned
the beach completely of sand from the
Bay to Cape Foul weather. The beach
look very ragged and rocky.
i ,ie carcass of a seal came ashore on
the beach a few day ago, but it was not
long before a couple of stray Indian came
along and gobbled the delectable mas up
and packed It off for food.
Tha schooner Nora llarklns. which has
mi sea since inc 3 1 si 01 iiccir.ocr, .
drifting abot-t rudderlesi at th mtw I
the wind and wave., waa towed Into port m,rkct ricn wi , d fc J ,
ldy:-7"i?"'rrt. GlvehlaPc.ll.
ng Republican.
Albany Fabrics. The following ap.
pear in a Portland paper and (peak for
ready ma'ket for all the good our
woolen mill can manufacture:
"Mr L D Cole, junior member 'of the
firm of J M Mover & Co. manufacturer
and dealer In fine clothing, 14.) First
street agents of the Brownsville Woolen
Manufacturing Company, of Albany, has
returned fro n the factory, and brings with
him a complete assortment ol spring suit
ings, each and every pattern being a gem
In itself. This move will be a source of
pleasure generally, for everyone Is getting
tired of winter and its attendant colors,
and wilt be only too glad to discard them
for pattern In keeping with the balmy
day of spring. 'And through this fact
the firm can expect an Immense ,un of
A Pointer. The Dbmocrat Is Inform.
d that several Chinese houses In Albany
receive liquor In large quantities, which
thev sell at retail, in fact run a secret ser-
Lvlce aloop,paylng no license for the same
at all, thus delrauding the city .ot several
hundred dollars In fees every year. The
matter Is an important one and worth in
veatigating by our city officials. Enough
money might be secured In this manner to
build teveral block ot sewtr.
Chiller Plows Those wishing plow
will make a mistake if they do not call on
the Mitchell & Lewi Co. and examine
their large assortment of Gale chilled walk
ing plows. Some of the superior qualities
ot these plows are the adiustible handles.
the draft is always direct, the standard
jointer is used, which keep the plow al
way in line, ur an means call and ex
amine them.
Eseamer Arrives A special train
arrived In the city at 6:30 last evening
with the passenger from the Willamette
Valley, which reached Yaqulna city at 13
o'clock. . Among the passenger waa Mr
W F Ciosby the well known wheat mar,
who informed the democrat that the
steamer had 1 good voyage, with a good
passenger list. It crossed the bar at low
tide, and the lowest sounding was iS feet,
a fine showing.
The people of Jefferson are not antagon
Istic to the county of Marion assisting to
bridge the Willamette at Salem, but think
that they are entitled to tome considera
tion at the hands of the county court also
Salem Journal.
The above sounds a little like war. The
result will be there, though, as elsewhere,
that bridges will first be repaired or rebuilt,
before new ones are ordered, and that it i
safe to say, will not be this year,
. A Fincxr OFF-Monday afternoon
Wlllrd Deyoe. a brother of L W Deyoe
while working In the rhair factory, caught
his right hand In a planer, resulting In the
amputation of the index finger at the first
joint and the end ot hi thuir.b.
The Denver Time call Senator P"aco
"a ublime liar." Ex.
The name ugge8t that the Time 1
probably correct. In tlie Northwest, at
least, it stan ds for something about that
J A Zimmerman has added a bar to his
Waverly boarding bouse and -will open the
!' 1 : : . s ami Religion. Frof. Mor
r!on, state U-f turer for tlto National Re
Ilglou Liberty Association , closed a series
of three lecture at the coutt house Satur
day night, lie quoted from the Bible, the
father of our country, the Declaration of
Independence, and the Contltutlon ol the
United State to (how that religion and the
state should not be united; that "Congress
shall make nn law respecting an establish
ment of tellglon, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof " tie snoweu irom nts
lory that lu the Old Country and In this,
persecution had always been the result of
the stale meddling with the atrair of re
llglon. Worship and religious observances
pertain to man relation to nis uou atone,
and punishment for their non-observance
will be administered by God on the day of
judgment to whom man is atone account
ablo in uch matters. Civil government
regulates only man Intercourse with his
felTowman keeps men from encroaching
upon each other's rights. "Kinder there
lore unto Cesar (civ 11 authority) the thing
wiucit are lunar , ami unto uoa ui
thing that are God'." The peaker r.
ferrtd to bill that are now pending In the
u a senate for tha enforcement upon an
of the observance of a rellou Institution
and the tat establishing a religion and
teaching It In all of the public school. If
then bills become law persecution will be
the retult and religious liberty destroyed.
Fiako Rkcital. The piano recital
given by Pret. E. G. Lorlllard, at the ca!-
ege last Monday, was attended by a large
numlxr of our cltUen. who expressed
themselves a highly pleased with the pro.
gram and the proficiency displayed by the
pupil In the professor' class. The ex
erclse were opened with a march (Scheit
forth), executed by Mis Clara Phllpot
Mis pearl Vance wa heard Ir. a march
(Whit.) and displayed a good touch. Mis
Mamie Allen executed Woodland Echoes,
byWvman. .Mis Clara Stetnburg' exe
cution) ol 'Song of the Swallow," by
Itohn, wa good. Mis Edna Allen pre
sented a "Dance" In good style, Anna
llouck' execution of Donroschen, by
Bendel, wa heard with pleatute. Miss
llouck Is becoming quite popular a a
pianist " Lora Vance gave silver I fit
tie," by Kltterer, with feeling, and Eva
Cowan and Edna Allen executed a duet
that wa very nrettv. Mis Maud Van
Horn expressed herself In Dream of
Youth, by Oledrlrh, with good expression.
Miss Anna llouck gave the "Story of
Spinning Room "and by special request
f rof Lorlllard executed a solo with marked
kill, a response to an encore closlrg the
pleasing program.
Weather Kicking. Occasionally you
hear a new comer kicking at our wet
winter weather, forgetting the bllxiard he
left behind; but here I a d Cerent kind of
a man:
A man from Minn-sot a, say the A
torlan, recently arrived, said Monday last,
that he preferred two week of our rainy
earner to one or two aay ot a bluxard
In hi state. A blUtard romes and In
Itself doesn't last long. The next day
dawns with a clear sky and a bright
sun, but the cold Is Intense and the snow
I so deep that the next two week are
required for it to be tramped down or
Keep Yocr Era. It would be well tor
farmer and other to keep an eye on the
the large and varied aupply of agricul
tural Implement which Mitchell & Lewi
keep on hand, and the large number of
new bugvie and other spring vehicle
hich thev are now recrivlng'at their
place ot business, on Second street, near
Schmeer'a livery stable. You should bv
all means call In and examine I heir stock.
as they feet safe In saying hat they can
make you better term than any other
house in the cltv.
Delayed Woolen. Zache & Son,
merchant tailor and draperopposlte
Post Office, have received notice that the
two large shipments of aroolcns consigned
to them are soon to arrive. It will be to
your interest and advantage to examine
their stock before purchasing they anti
cipate the largest and finest grade of spring
and summer goods in foreign and domes
tic delicacies ever brought to Albany.
Da Patton treats successfully ail dls.
eases of,and guarantee to cure all
curable private disease, lie ha a sure
remedy for catarrh ot the head. He
sleeps in his office and answer city calls
day or night. Consultation I free and
everything I strictly confidential. He
can be found In his office In Blumberg'
Block from 10 to 1 a, 3 to 4 and 7 to 8.
Spreading Ovr.-Mr. Jullu Gradwohl
beside his large crockery stock will now
keep on hand a splendid line of groceries
of all kinds, giving our cltlsen many ad
vsniage they will be glad to secure, lie
will make the pi Ice so reasoasble that
, .1,1..-. ,m .. - 1 . . m
"Lfl Il
A Choice Variety. Fine comb hon-
ey, all kinds of syrups, choice pickle la
wood and in giass.pickied pig feet chow
chow, Intact an endless variety of chotcu
groceries at Geo C Henderson's. Give me
a call, prompt attention and satisfaction
guaranteed. Trices the lowest
For Salb. Oo No S Superior ooek
stove, 1 cluster black -walnut dining table,
I !, 6 cad-bottom elixir and 1 A Grade
phn-too fur nf at a bargain. Inquire of M
J Mooteith.
Knoceed is tub Head. A barrel of fin
iar-krot and pickle. W bay also
opened a lot of fin Smyrna fig, Persian
dates, orange. Umoos, dried pesobes, apn
cot, Sic. Willamette Packing Co.
Parties from Harrisburg aay that Briug
usnies posi.ivsiy osyrng any wing 10 OO WHO
1 - . .!.. 1 T . .
i is roanery there, no clu hss been se
eared to tb money, . . .
Mr Watt J Mooteith U home from 1
month sojourn in Cali'oraia, and say oar
wesiner 1 batter tlisn loous.
Extinguishes Fire. The employe at
the depot boast of a coal oil that quickly
extinguishes flames. When thirsty they
drink it. The small amount of kerosene
in it give it a good flavor. Several will
readily recognize the oil.
New Arrival. A large and complete
stock ot carpets, llnoleum.oll clothi,shades,
etc., at the store of A B Mrllwaln, all of
the latest designs, and which will be sold
at from 10 to 30 per cert tower than by
other houses. ,
Latest Arrivals We hare just re
ceived a fine lot of fine comb honey, cab
bage, cellery, oranges, onions, maccaronl,
plcklet, saucr kraut, alto candles, nut,
cream cheese, Swiss cheese, etc.
Willamette Packing Co,
Center Tables, A large and elegant
shipment of center tables, la new deslgne
finest stock In the valley, lusi received a
rorlmlller Irving.
Alice Atherion the Popular Actress
Sy, E S Ho.don During tha prevailing
cold weather I bavo suffered from sever
eangh. I rn pleased toitate that I reoeivtd
great relief from the na of your Etberes
Cough Syrnp. Alice Atukrtos.
Sen Francisco, Feb, 10, 1879,
Large size $1.00, small 60 eeuts. For at
by H u Hubbard, drnsgiit. ,
This Trade Mai k on a stove
means it is th best thrt ex.
per-jnee and -skill can con.
trive. Sold only by G. W
Kid Gloves. I have just received an
invoice of the celebrated P. Centemerl
kid glove in black and colored. These
with the other brands I handle, Foiter
genuine hook and Our Own brand, makes
an assortment that any lady can be suited
in prices and quality, ihese are an nrst
class goods and warranted as represented.
Samuel E. Young.
ConK-.'.ts -jpvery ynycr.
A.KOCCl! ZXi'EtlC.
Tbe Terrible
Advsatorw of
The Mountain.
Tvf Kea lu
Lyons, Or., Feb. ioth, 1890.
G 0 Fort and Charlie Grlg(,twoyoung
men of Lebanon, came near loosing their
live a tew dty lnce In the Cascade Moun
tain from cold and hunger. They were
employed by Dr Whitney and Taylor,
about the 8th of December last, to go to
tha Warm Springs, on Brighton Bush
Creek, about sixty mile east from Albany,
near the tine ot the O. P. railroad, to stay
the winter and hold a claim for them.
They nnt In a tmall upply ol provision
with the boy and left them, promising to
end mure In a few day, but were pre
vented frem to doing by a heavy fall of
now In the mountaln,whlch rendered the
trail Impassall for hack or animal. The
boy built them a cabin and ttuid a agreed
until about the lot It or nth ot fanuary,
when their tmall lupply of provision had
given out all but a few pounds of flour.and
as "man cannot live by bread alone," they
decided to attempt the perillou task of
coming out again on foot, a prererable to
death by slow starvation In their lonely
cabin. So after baking up a few water
ckc they darted out through about Ave
cr six feet of mow, and the fouithday
their scant supply of bread gave out and
they had only made about five mile on
their Journey. They were four more day
longer in reaching a habitation, and their
suiicring can better be imagined than de
scribed, a they were forced to subsist upon
a tew green leaves and licorice root that
thev could flit i In the mow. When with
in about three and a halt mile ot th
house of Mr Jones, Griggs, the younger ot
the two,became sick and gave out entirely,
and hi companion, after building him a
good fire, pushed on atone In search of
food and succeeded In reaching the house
ot Mr Jones, and having obtained food
started back to find his sick comrade. In
the meantime Griggs having staid two
day where Fort had left him started 0.1
to try to find him or some way out ot the
snow,and Just at right he tried to light a
fire and had struck hi last match without
ucccedlng in starting a blase when he
heard a thout from hi fricnd.who wa re
turning with food and matches. The next
day they went on together to Mr lone'
and ihe njxt day they reached Coe Station,
young Fort having Iro.en hi feet badly
urigg having hi toe frosen. Mr
Fort I now at Mill Cltv and It I feared
that hi fect will have to be arnputated.and
youngGrigg is staying with friend near
Lyon and 1 recovering from the e0ect
f the terrible exposure and hardships ne
ha undergone. M. B.
From ToesJsy ' D.ily .
S. Walksr and Oliver Brigs the Cklprtu-
Wben Mr Dantun Smith, the Harris.
burg druggist, wa being gagged In hi
tore on Thursday morning of last week
after having been robbed f $900 he saw
up under the mask ot on ot the robber
and thought he recognized the counten
ance of G S Walker, a tin horn gambler
residing at Junction City, who had been In
tbe city frequently. The next day he
quietly placed the matter In the hand of
Z T Scott, a private detective, who traced
Walker up to Corvald. and after being
there a couple day arrested him Just a he
was getting ready to leave for Portland,
yesterday afiernjon. Walker then con-
fessed the whole business, Implicating
Oliver Brlggs, a son ot W V Briggs, of
Harrisburg, as hf partner, signing a writ
ten statement to that effect He said they
hid $800 of tha money In a shed, after
taking about $50 apiece. They arrived In
Albany on the 6 o'clock freight, and left
last night for Harrisburg. The Harris
burg ConstakU wa telegraphed and Brigg
wa arrested last night ; but would make
no staetment. Tne money wa not found
where Walker scld It was hid. and It Is
thought hr some Brigg had taken charge
ol It District Attorney Hewitt went to
that city this noon to conduct the exami
nation to take place this afternoon. Walk
er is a tin horn gambler, and resided In
Albany last fall. Ills parent rcsld in
Sacramento, and art) ald to be weathv.
Olive Brigg I about twenty-one and '.
said to have been somewhat wild tor sev
eral year. Walker get tire credit ol
having had a hand In burning the function
Harrisbtro. Feb. a. iSoo. a p. m.
Both defendant held toantwer In the sum
of $3,000 bond.
Three Time tha Katabsr el flea
1 of Uat
An Albany contractor telle the Demo
crat that there will be three time the
number of building erected In Albany
thl year that there wa iat,iudglng from
the plan already made. Already everal
cottage tme been erected and enough art
being arranged (or to keep a tmall army
of carpenter and painter busy. Thl
mean the erection ot 400 to 500 houses In
Albany this year, to fill which It wilt Uke
an lncree of 3000 to 3500 people. Some
one will ay It I easy to count chicken
before they are hatched ; but In this case
ma-y of the eggs are out and there I
enough la tight to verity the prediction.
Besides residences, the number of new
blocks may be put down In the tame pro
portion, if not more, the democrat hat
alwayt been careful to not exaggerate.and
never intentionally. At a rule it placet
6guret low. In lost veer's record It gave
the fact from actual observation. At 1
well to look ahead and b ready tor the
attack. Albany i our city, and Alb
men houid ' unite in making the re
eeual the outlook. If we have not the
making of a live city, just from tangible
prospects, then there is no uch thing in
dook or paper.
Feb. 30, 1 Boo
Grlgg report great damage done along
the line oy nign water.
Yetterday the train put in an appearance
for the first time since the recent flood,
loaded with supplies, which were badly
needed all along the line, for nearly every
bod was short of flour and other provision
were becoming (carce. - .
The majority of the sick people in thl
vicinity are recovering, with the exception
of the little on of Mr and Mr Hartmat,
who wa buried last Thursday.
The little daughter of L E Burnett who
ha been very 111 with typhoid fever, Is re
covering siowiy. mu.
Albany Market.
Butter Z5o pr tt.
Hay 9,00.
Potato 75 ot per ti ,holr
Boef on foot, 8 l4
Apple 75 centx per bit,
Pi rk-Oio per If uroasork
Bacon bain, ViVjc,
shoulder, tic-.--Idea
t&- 9oprlb.
"Ionr-4.2S per tll.
blckorja 3 00 por h
li) Feod- bran, M.OOpnrtou
tiiortft, 1ft
middling, '20.
Chof -.'iu.
letter tltt.
Foltosriiig Is the list 01 letters remsio! ag In tb Pas
Office, A-rbsey, Lino county, Oregon, Pi. 7f, 1890
Persons nailing for these letters must give Ike dais en
wbloh they were advertised 1
Crsbtroe, Mrs Bell Davis, Oscerg
Ieiane, W A Dodge, 1 L
Frelrlek, Miss Vlnggim Ferry, BX
OttltKr, Jack i Hamilton, Atsr
JohiiHon, James H Leonard, W b
Mat, W A Kartin, John!
Otiarn, Miss E Kentouei, Ueo
luittilv, Mrs Hansb lloeney, Potrick B'
1 Htnken, C'barles 8 Voirei, wm
Woil, hU Qaion.Johs.
it. TB0J1PS0T f i
Tuesday Evening, Feb, J, ISyo.
Present Mayor,' recorder, street com
mlfuloner, marshal and Councllmen Tab.
ler, French, Deyoe, Burkhart, Smith and
The fallowing bills were ordered paid
Willard Deyoe and Wm, Hand, $10.00
G L Savage, $1,001 Richard Si Phillips.
$51 Santlam Lumbering Co, $ia cot W
S Recce, 10 tot G L Hughe, $3 F Ben
Amr II Wmmt tni M A pmb.miiw Ca
Peter Riley, $11 W N Miller, oi John
tones, 70j jonn aiaxwen, 19. 37 A J
Hunt $ot W A McCtaln, $501 Albany
jron vvoras, 93.95.
Bill of John Schmeer, Sit tor hack hire
to nest house, wa continued.
Further time wa granted in the matter
ot building permit.
On motion, the itreet commissioner was
dltected to put gravtl around top of cis
The trret commissioner made teveral
recommendations, Including a new bridge
across ditch on Lyon und 6th. Referred,
wnn power to act.
Petition of Jo Earl and other (ot aide.
wa'k on outn tide ot 'h street, at block
34, Referred.
Petition of Stewart & Sox, S E Young
ana oinert, asxmg mat congress be pe
thloned to grant right to bridge tha Will,
amette river at this point was granted, and
tiuranart, rrencn ana smith were ap
pointed a committee to prepare memorial
to congres.
Petition of John Isom and other for
sidewalk on south tide ot Water ttreet
inunton to niti, wttread and reterred.
J .. .
j. ne matter 01 mo appointment of a
poundmaster wa referred until" the next
License to cell beer we granted Mr. ?
A Zimmerman! also to I A Grot and
1 vv
j wontetin 10 ten ail liquor.
. i.s . 1a ....
1 ne city lurveyor wa Instructed to es
tablish a grade cat ot Main and file a
Kdllsd y Albany w, 0. T. V
Tbe entire amount of stock In tha Wo
man Temperance Building Aoclailon
hat finally, been tubscribed tor and the
location ot the structure definitely decided.
It will stand on the outhwet corner of
La Salle and Monroe trcel,Chlcago, lutt
across from the headquarter ol the Na
tional WCTU, The corner (tone will
be laid early In the tpring. The building
win oe twelve (tone high.
A distinguished Englishman, returning
to hit own country after a careful study of
our American Institution, on being asked
what he had seen that wa most unlike
England, answered 1 "The wlnelos din
ner table ot the great middle clast."
Barroom bargain are esse.itlally want
ing In the quid fr que, or economical hon-
tsiy. Otherwise aloonlt would display
their good in their front wlndowt.and put
the drunkard they manufacture upon x
hlbltlort at the county fair. Instead ot
skulking behind painted pane and tereeo.
ed door. A A 1'help.
A few year ago la a lonely hut In Cen
tral Africa, t worn out man died upon hU
knee, praying In the fervor of a conseci t-
ed loyal oul,"Oh,let Thy kingdom come."
He had opened, he thought, the great
dark continent to the onward march o f
Christian civilisation and the light ot God'
truth. Christendom shouted for joy and
the procession started across the sra
Watch It. One missionary ,70,000 gallon
of rum ; one missionary, 70 o gallon
more ot rum ; another missionary .another
70,000 gallon of rum ; and so on and on
It goes, rum and missionaries, missionaries
and rum. Thus we touch the great Congo
U'e. Watch again. One c-nvert to
Chrlta hundred drunkard $ one more,
hundred more. The missionary' heart
grow tick, It crlet out "Oh, Chris'lan at
home, tor the love of Chrlst.stop the rum,"
But a tha climate doe lu exhaustive
work, and one by one tbe brave worker
tlnk beneath the burning tun, heart at
home are discouraged, and the next chip
got only with rum without the mission.
ary. under tne madncs 01 Intoxicating
llauor tent from Massachusetts two hun
dred ol those people (ot Congo) slaughter
cd each other In a tingle day. Again wa
an told of a single gallon ot thl drink
causing a fight In which fifty were klMd,
iuoa sold hi Lora lor seventeen dollar
but America hurries fifty seuls from earth
lor ninety cent. "Margaret C Stewart la
iieraio ana rretoyitr.
Harrubvro, Or., Feb. sand. 1S90.
At the regular meeting of Harrisburg
Grange, No 1 1, P. of II., the following res
olutions were adopted :
Whereas, God In Hi kind provldenct
htsbten pleased to call our b oved broth
er, Wm. McCuIIoch, one of the tew re
malnlng charter member of thl grange,
to lay down hit implement on earth and
oln the brotherhood beyond. Therefore,
AWt, That while we humbly bow
to the decree of tha Divine Ruler wo truly
mourn the loa oi one who wa alway
ready with good council and advice to hi
fellow granger.
Rrelvd. That In hi death thl order
looses one ol It most honored member,
hi family a kind and affectionate father
and the community a good citizen.
Jittolved, That the grange hail be draped
In mourning for thirty day.
litselwd. That these resolution be
placed on the record ot thl grange copy
be given to the bereaved family and a copy
be furnished the county papeit for publi
cation. B A Stafford,
G M Alford,
EE Upmiyer,
" Committee.
PUt of Msplewrmd ...Filed
Mary a Rutherford to Hannah Mather-
ford, 195 aer la e SO, p , t
1 w. .....82500
N Chipmao toO H Laasbaad, h lot
I. blk S. II 34 A to Albany S23
J A M A South to J W, 106
ore in io it , r 1 w 1
P M Gary to Mr L E Smith, 10 aeroa
in seo 16, tp 13 , r 2 w 100
P M Cary to T M Zoosemao, 20 cre
iaeol6,tplSi,r2w 100
W J Windham to Helen M ft 0 W
Elkia. k q, blk 8, Klkla A to
' Albany .
Tnhn A Millard to Jacob L Fuller. b
of lot , Millard' survey........ 150
Bebeooa A bbarsr to Franot A Knight-
o, lot 4 ft 5, blk 8, B A to Tan- (00
gent 200
Lot S Harris ft wif to G W Biiyou, 80
acres io tp 10 , r 1 v 800
N J Cochran t al to W T Cochran,
673 aw in tp IS a, 1 2 w.. ...... I
Margaret A Thompson to Mark Harl-
bart. lots & 5. blk SS. Albany. . . 2000
J C Gordon to Ruffin HiaU, lota I 5t 7
1.11. 1T tj- A . - T t
VIS. lit Al OU A SU iiVUSUUU . . . , .
Total atl.....
Suitimos That Suit. Mr tfV R Gra
ham, th tailor, ha Just rtcelved the
largest and inett lot ef tutting
brought to Albany, a wnicn ne witne
tne men 01 uni) conaiy ana vicinity 10 can
and etamlne them and judge for them-
el re. Thy consist of an elegant line
Imported good, ml the best quality, In
cluding vrl nw design never before
brought her. A more popular line
fabrics It would b difficult to secure,
that wishing tultt, or part of tultt made
up In the taUtt tyle will do well to give
him a call.
ALBAit Marbl and Granit Worki.Htv
ing lately purchased tb toe it ot S A Kigg
aud 6 W Hsrris, w ihsll b platted to
show design snd give price to all intend
ing purchaser. Bast of workmen employed
and price a low aa ey for first-clast work.
Visit u bator purchasing euewhsr.
Euan & Aobisok
(next doer to Democrat office) Albany, Or.
Tut Old North SUt
gaining popularity.
smoking ia
Try th.
'fiili;ercam ehe atU I Prown-
F M Miller U the nw Mayor of Lebanon
Harvtjting 1 now In operation in .Austral
Ex-Governor Chadwluk n( gstctn I la the
W T Coubrsn of BrnwnsvilS U io tbo
M K Pvgte, of Salem, was in ilm city yes
J M ShalUin Uft to dv fu- a tro wkt
trip to Elleosburg and the Koicd oouotry.
F E Bowo bsa tendered his redgnatioa
Saprriotnadeut of titer (jrgna Psoitis it
U. - .
Mr WillUray Gird, an old resident of
Albany died io Canada about two moothi
W F Xuho aod A W Irvine returned this
aiorniog, to th Wm M llosg from a day
sojourn iu uorvauir,
Mr and Mr Go B Vallo took thr f train
thia nnoo for Oaklabd, Or., on a lit Mr
YaasaJlo I Improving in health.
Mr R A IInilrx,th nui who lrddla
tli tripod of tha nahrm Statesman, to we'I,
i ia tne eity, ana wr-ii, win report far'
tber sltcr he grt ho-r e,
Csrpbtert end woodworker will be
f leased to Jearo t bat Mr J II Ksating the
lard ware drummer i coming with Oxam
Tool Co t g,jlf Setting Places Oar dealers
oan now get them for yoa.
Mr Jo. TsH boa 100 volume of hi sir.
etilating library at C E Brownell's, where
book ca be secured by absoriher. Mon
day he will begin allotting for farther ob-
lo riper to Inc rets tbe camber ot vol am.
A O0011 Price. Mr Geo Luner this
afternoon told hi fine farm near Tangent
c insisting 01 100 acre, to mrjonn Lang
for $10,000, being over $60 an acre.
Torawr. ...
Mr A Klein left ibis moroioa on a trio to
Mr Norton, the Oregon Psoitio' coal ex
pert, I in th eity,
Tbe Willamette i now onlv about 41 feat
abdve tow wur mark.
Oregon will get aboat $350,000 psid Io
war aipenses.
A foot of wow la lust fall to at Walla
Wall, and Albany also cot fnotka of an
loch last bight.
MrChae Pfeiffer I getting plso reads, for
two seat cottage oo bis two iota to tbe
Brigg block.
Mr II Lstnpmsu U rearranging tbe old
Mdy rettsursiit preparatory to reopening
hi restaurant la first-else atyl.
Mr 0 J Johnson, of Soto, hi been la th
ity to-day, Mr Jokttwoa will losve ia Sa
lem, making that bis tutor borne.
Mr BUoha. tbe Chicago drummer with his
doe psyche, baa bean in th city sgsia, shoot
ing oyer hi ci'y getting tbe World' fair.
license he fcn Issued for tbe mtriiaas
of Mr M C Biofbam and Mis If A Waraar.
Tha aoremooy wiil"ik plso thia evaaiog.
CbUgo ha th World Fair io '92. Al
Wy will have it tbe next time, bat owing
to previous ogtgmtot w will have to de
cline toiog tber.
Tbe Umpevanoe a4dra to be given t
night at tb M E Cbarch by Rev M Judy is
postponed, word being received tbi moroiog
that L would ot b bar.
Mi John Hamiltoa I erecting balkling
at tb coroer of Seoood aod J e Serena streets
e tb lot ot R A MarpSv, ia which b will
000 open a tio shop and plumbing establish-
How Go E Chtoiberiain. wife and tare
ehildr), tad Mr William Cowan, arrived
bom to-day f-om Natch, Mis., accom
panied by Mr Cbawberlaii,' itr. They
earn by way of tb Southern Paeifie, taklag
tb 8aet Koa at fisa Frasoisoiv
Marshal Dana, ot Cowsllia, waa ia tb
eity last sveuiog, twisting Mr ooott,of II ar
ris barf, ioTtakieg their prisoner bom, and
Cmros Bros, who b4 a band ia proceed
ing which si to hi arrest were U th
eity t-dy mm their way tbr.
Mr J & KU assd on-io-Uw, with their
faisuli. bay arrived ia thia dty from
Crete, KbN tar tb porpot of making thia
eity tkatr boot. Mr Xeii will b reraem
beted a th msa who applied for a ttreet
wr fraaobite, bat wta ksoctsd oat by th
Albtay epay, H k a maa el property
ood of la Ubr w nd in Albany. They
war faeiamrly elgkbor of Mr L W Deyo.
To world- wid repotatioa of Aver'
SareaparllU i tb os tarsi result of it sur
tMssing vain a a blood mediom. Kolbig
ia th wltol pbarmacripta a efTreta mor as
toaisbiag result ia sorofuls, rbamatim,
general deb'lity, aod U form of blood
disease, than this remedy,
Ayer'a medicine bar ba satisfactory
to me throoghoat my prantio. peilly
Ayer'a Cherry Peotoral, which ba baso eed
by maey of my patient, oo of whom ay
b know it saved hi lif. L Morria, M
V, urooklyo, N 1.
A shsrp odvano la th prioe of many
grsde of sapar wa reeorded ia tb market
yesterday, st Sen FroeUn, th advano
raogiog from o eight of a cent on dry
(raoaUUd to I ( ot on eob rabr.
Mr J Pennington hss traded bis saw mill
abov Crawfordsvtll to Mr Heory Chanee,
oi Cottage Grov. Mr Paoiogtoo aod fam
ily have goo to Jottsge urove, where they
will tsk ebarg ot a hotel, aud Mr Obaoc
will ran tb mill,
Mr Geo D Ortos, of Broweavisl baa
SerersJ mro m wailing io thia oitv or
rooc ia wbiak to rpea busioet.
Tber ar 699 children of aohoot g ia
Attorio. Of th cumber 149 are Mongolian.
Tb Vancouver court house wat bcr d
yeeterday. It cost 130,000 and waa iusurtd
for $23,000.
Th wot Id famous hi cyclist, Kitty O'Brien,
I now a waitress ia a Portland restaurant,
Tb Chicago.
"You'd hotter dig op th aoow and eat a
little grtts" it a new slang eivreioa not
yet introduced ia Albany.
Mr C P Marshall baa purchased ot II
Flint hi larg residence iu tb Third wrd,
paying t3,o48 for th tame.
Born to tbe wif of George Wagoner, at
Corvallta, last Suaday night, a girl. All
doing wtll sad th eommiatiuoer' clerk i
Th mere ary thi moroiog reach J a low
aa 10 deg above aero, a surprise to most
people, who war not looking for uah a cold
Tb KeporUr i th nam of a cew paper
at CoBOord, Contra Cotta eonnty, CaU It it
tb til 01 th Joker, tf Albany, aod it
diUd by Rev W D Humphrey, formerly of
thi city. c
Mr J II Townaeod aod Rev T J Wilson
hav formed a partnership ia th real estate
batiees od will soon opto an offio. Reli
able, prompt men, tkey will undoubtedly
build ap a good bnttnesr
Tber It a "prophet' nn th island of
Java who baa been paid f-100 per year for
th last 13 year j -'for oot predicting a tidal
wv which will wp over tb island."
Th aativ belter that h h only to pre
dict tot a wave in motion. If anybody
baa a tofur tnap let bim b beard from.
Ihe latest thing to pat oo to steep is
called "aomnal." If it doe not operate
wall under that name, then yoa ca fU
back on it proper chemical oogoomae,
which i etbjlirto ohloraluratham. RP-
titicn of thi a sumolent cumber of time
will pat any on to sleep.
A man who tried editiag a newpapr a
few year retire, with th uiual xpiriano,
and in bit departing soog iogs thut "I
find it a vet t trying tatk to coratch very
man preoisoly where h itches, and very
often I hav eoratohed th right man at th
wrong place aou the wrong man as the
A Niw Discoverv Hubbard' Head
ache Captule. They are a potltlve
i t a long telt want.
Bano. One of the finer-t lots of gunt
nd revolvert ever received !n Albany
are now in stack at Stewart & Sox't. Hun
tert should call and tee lbr-m and get
prlcer before buying.
A Cright Idea We refer to tha
aa 3 Sne line of taw and carpenter tool
at Price & Robsont. The best in market
and prlcet the lowest.
IOO F. Albany Lodge No 4 holdt
regular meeting Wednesday evening of
each week. Visiting brothert "are cordially
nvitedto attend.
Whkreto Get Thru. When wanting
an organ or plana cull on G L Elaekman,
where von cs eeltct from a frit t!a
A ItsliabI Aeeoaat f Mi itaatloa Tber.
Prin eville, Or., Feb. i9th,tSoo.
A you have no regular correspondent
fiom thl part I will give you few Item
that may interest tome of your leader.
There ha been considerable sickness In
till country lnc9 last till. In the early
part of the winter there were several ctte
of typhoid fever. J 11 Claypool had
long protracted tpell of frvei. He was
confined to hit bed for over three montl t
but I now able to be on hi feet again.
C M Etkin' mump, that he imported
from Albany in the early part ot the win
ter, took well In thl climate, most of the
children and a great many old people
nad tnem.
There ha been teveral cae of L
Grlpp In and about PrSnevllle, but no
death occurred from that disease.
Thl ha been a hard winter on ock In
Eastern Oregon. We had snow on the
ground for about sever, week at one time.
The first of thl month we had a chlnook
that took ail the tnow off.then the weather
wa beautiful up to last Saturday, when It
turned cold and began to tnow. On Sun
day morning the tnow wat eight Inchet
deep, with the mercury down to ten above
xero.ano na been quite coia up to tne pre.
ent writing, It look a though the tnow
nao come to ttay longer than stockmen
want It to. The lot of stock In this coun
ty ha been great The Io 1 the greatest
with sheep. It I estimated that at least
twenty five per cent of the theep couth of
Willow Creek have died, and if this snow
should lay on a week or ten day longer
lock will die by the wholesale. Tne most
of the stockmen are out of feed, and had
driven their stock out on the range. Those
that have feed left are gathering iheir
stock to feed again, but those that hav no
feed are trusting In Providence to bring
their stock through.
Sheep pcltt will be a legal tender here
In the tpring. If the Ol'RR wa com
pleted It would get the job of carrying
many a car load of peltt to market
Politics I beglnnl'ig to bud In thl part.
Pennover 1 the onlv one spoken of for
Governor in thl part by democrat.
Sack Crish.
Sweet Bomb, Or., Feb. 14th, 1890.
tditor Democrat S
Although we have already published
one communication showing the absolute
absence of any scandal connected with the
drowning of Lilly Osborn on McDowell
Creek, we also give the following, at It
add Interest to a very peculiar case and
throw new light on It
I tee In to-dav uua of your toer an
account of the death of Mis Idly Osborn,
of thl place, nd l would raise my voice to
crush down the bate slander and calumny
thrown on her young lite. 1 wa ne. per
personalty acquainted with either her or
any of her family, but let me give you a
tew tact and you can draw your own con
clusions. Lily wa working here during
Ue time my late husband, Dr i C Gllben,
visited and lectured In thl place last Sep
tcmberind came t consult him. 1 have
Mudted medicine several yeare with my
late husband and consequently knew about
most of hi pallentMnd oo coming here to
live he told me ot thl case, and the fact
are (imply these- The menstrual period
hlch usually take place at the age of
thirteen or fourteen year had never oc
curred w'.lh her, and she had been in poor
health for several year aa a result ot thl.
Every physician know that the non ap
pearance or Irregulars! of thl function of
the female organism I one of the primary
cause of Insanity among women. The
medicine which my husband gave her had
partially rectified thia rod brought about
the desired reaultwhlch much encouraged
her. when theaupply became exhausted
and her father came teour cfSce for more
the day my husband died,butof course did
not get any. On hit arrival home with the
ad new, Idly sat a it In a deep study tor
ome time, finally she looked up at her
fathet and mother and tald, "There my
saviour ha gone, It 1 no use trying any
more, he was the only one who could cure
me." She had showu very decided signs
of mental weakness for a month previous
to this, at interval, but from thl time th
wat quite despondent and I hive not the
least doubt that the thock wat too much
In her weak state and that It preyed upon
her mind. Her parents are poor, but they
watched over her as well at possible and
did all they could lor her, but in the flood
ed tate of the country they were practi
cally shut off from much Intercourse with
their neighbor. I wish these fact pub
lished because I feel to deeply for her poor
mother. It It not enougn for her bruise 4
and bleeding heart to bear to have to lay
away her child under uch sad circum
stance a I have related, without seme
monster, nay rather fiend In human shape,
trying to rob the dead girl of that price
less treasure, her chastity t The whole
community here were deeply grieved and
hocked at her tad end, and her young girl
companiont feel at if a ttur had been cast
upon them au tince reading me article in
your paper. It la true that the left a note
but it contained thia only : "I am going
up the creek to drown mvtelf . It b no use
li v Ing longer without God." Not even her
signature to It Aa tar at her knowing the
surveyor spoken of H your article it con
cemed I know nothing of that It It none
ot my business ; but I do know that It I
against att the lawt of nature for there to
be a oartlcle of truth In th cause of death
assigned in your article. A an act ot
simple justice to the dead, a well as to the
I living, I desire thl published,
Ma. Da. J. C. Gii.bebt.
February 34th, tSoo
The flood ha subsided and people have
gone to work to make repair. Some ot
the posts went out from undr one tide ot
Fields saw mill and one-half the planer
building, 30x50 feet, 3 ttoriethigh.with an
old planer, a sticker, an edger and grind
stone, with some other tools, and tne mo
hawk cut around the dam and a nu.noc
of bridges slid out In this, a well as other
part of the country. Several million feet
of logs went ut of the Mohawk. The
logger have been down the river looking
after them. The report about two million
feet still In the stream and I think tiy
will are the most of what went out.
George Fleld't died at hi father'a,at the
mill, on the 5th ot thi month, ot lung
fover. .-.. '
Quite a number here ha.e been and are
having "la grippe.
Snow on the ground yet, ' People are
tonkins- anxiously for the grata to spring
uo a the around ha been covered by the
beautiful snow most of the time since the
atst of December.- O. K.
day evening, Feb. a$th, 1890, at the rest
dence of Mr. M. A. Garretton. In Albany,
bv Rev. E. R. Prlchard. astltted by Revt
Irvine and Condlr, Mr. M. C Bingham
and Mis H. A. Warren, both of Albany
A number ol Invited friend were present,
a fine lunch wa erved and the display
present wat good. The happy couple
have the best wishes of many friends.
on Saturday. Feb. 33d bv Justice Carl
Mr Marcus Hodge and Mis Mtry
Stewart, both of Soao Creek. The Dem
ocrat congratulate the happy couple
terminating what tnlgnt nave oeen an w
pleasent affair In at agreeable a manner,
SON MORGAN. On Monday, Feb.
1800. at Tangent bv Rev. uouid, Mr
John Canavan and Miss Florence Owenbv
and Mr W A Williamson and Mlsa Matilda
C Morgan, all of Linn county. May
Uvea be happy and proeperout one.
BORN To the wlfeoi G W Wright In
thlt city on Sunday morning Feb 33 1890
a girl. Husband smiles.
MYERS. On Monday, February 24th,
1890, in Albany, of brain fever, Luster.son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Myers, aged 5 year.
H ANLE1TER. On Sunday, February
st. the Infant child of Rev HanleHer.siged
i thre r.svs.
Absolutely Pure.
t 'ii powder ttnvor vrl. a fn,c..i n
portty, trfigti una wi)Mr-n
Mor awanmiml lhn ihs....... 1.
. ,7 J" " oompetitirm wtth
muititudof lowt. ,iort weight alnm
or phoMmate pwdor rsold oni v can
Kovai Baiting Powder Co , ICS Wl. fet.)
D, W . ClKiWLE v A Co , A gMlt,
Portland; Oregon.
Head Quarters for
Scth Thomas watch
es and cloclcs,, at
FF.lFREf.CH5r the
best watch in th
world for tho money.
Ssld lb man, after conntin g
hi eatb, 1 bayo
Saved Many Dollais
By taking advantage of lb
low price now bo! eg quote d
Tb BelUWe Grorer
Partnership Dissolution.
Ktio I kereby giveo that tho 1st Arm
of Zschee Brae, eompoeed ot Frank L sod
Joha B Zak ba bea dissolved, Frank L
Zaob rsttrinoj. Tb bostne in tb futre
will b 000 dotted ander tbe firm asm of
Zaobee k Soo. All parti iodebted to the
hereUfore eiisticg o-vartorship will Jmsc
oall and task uifactory settlement. ,
J0M5 B XACatai.
, Ftuss L Zachss.
Tb node reigned hereby ionoar-e- to th
pnblio that be ha told bia grocory Lusi cess
to Mr Montagu & Son, wfco com well
roommenoed,and wilt continue the buaioes
at the old corner. Too indeb'cd at tbe
tore will pleas call and settle.
vry rcapecticity.
O tlo ia hereby given that tb annual
maatlns- of the stockholders or tna Al
bany 8trt Railway Company w!'l be
held on wanaay, aiarcn ova. isw, svt
tha hoar of 7 o'clock. r iu of aaid day, at
th office of tb aeoretry of aald ootapa
ny. th same being at the real eoUta of
fice ol Burkhart A Keonay on Firtat-et,
in Albany, Una ojrjnty, Oregon, tor tn
naroosa of eleotlng aoven directors to
serve for th term of on rear rext ansa
Ins from aald meeting and until thtlr
auocoaaota ar elootad nd jna'Jfld. and
to transact such othe busioeaa aa may
legally ooma belorosald m.lng.
Dated Fohruaxy 19tb, 1S90.
.. Socretary,
a T1NT7A.L. MEa?r?r.-Notioi her
A by given thtt th annual mx:lrR of
iha atookkoldera th Albany Bull Sing
Aswoiatioo will to h:a al ia vpora
Hon in Albaotf on Monday .Matoh 17th
1890, at 7:30 p m, for tb ltlon of tireo-
tor andautth: othar bu-dn aa may
om bf-w tk mtsMiac.
Dated Feb. 18th. l.
W F Rkaxs
WOTwiiDiLt, Socre-tary,
For tho next 10 days we oiler our entire stock o
Dry Goods, Boots and .Slices, Ge
Furnishings tmd Notions,
At prices that will make them go. In order to make
for our Spring goods, Dress Flannels, Henrietta Clotn
a full assortment of Dress- Goods. Our prices and sic
Shoes are well assorted and full of Bargains. Come at
and make your purchases,as the reduction sale will la;
10 days.
Business is what we are after.
We can save you money.
Keep Your Ey
Agent for New Zealand Ins. Co.
tal. $5,cco,tco. Fire er.c'Marine In
written. IF YOU WANT
Astoria Heal Estato ani VmV
ACKE Droiwrtv at all ctWa.
for ) oo tb lBta!!me.t iian, i.
ary diaiance from tho dock
Largest acd btst list ft c:ia j
rty hand.od by any tgett In tbe n
In office evening.
Real Eft ate and IasuranceCroker
and Xotary Pablk,
Broadalbin St., Albany, Or.
Will soon be d
the market,
We have made arrangement to a
money to all on long time at low ra; j
interest on improved farm and city 5
erty. Thsee is ho contemplales tv
brick block or good brick business 1,
can get money. See u. f
Wallac 5:
City Drag
- Sto:
Proprietors. Successors j
Guiss & Son. Dealers f
drugs, medicines a
chemicals ,fancy and t oi
articles, Bponges, brush
perfumery jScliool and ;
tiets supplies. Phyeicia .
prescriptions accurate
, compounded.
Some 6o honey looking for cu&to
CE Brownell'
iifil A
It ?
BiOBiberg'a Kew Bloo.