The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 21, 1890, Image 1

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    THE jGMOCltAT,
New ivk World
I and
Anioian r armor
Ono j-ar for $2.0.
.iiicaii tji tn
V r.
Grocer j s,
PrJluce, Uoi Coads. Ktc. Ftn.
J ''('ft If $
1K O i1
ff Miff! ififif
f . " L f I i I It! I : B I. J II 1 1 V I 1t I.J I 1 I t I I
.vu :jo
MnufetHuroni of-
mmzm CRisr am saw
s.Ntotal ttUn
ii o'manhlnar
tel! o utrlnir l
PtUorss Made on Short Notice.
Wfc r..cPI!ERSO?l,
First Street.
Real EiUU Broker, lnarsooaand money
to loan. I have a large list of lirproyed
ad unimproved oity property, and frnir,
garden aod farming land in large sod small
tract. A I Mil on eotnmissioi, nly,if joo
want to bay or loll it wit. pay u to t ail
.The Favorite
Medicine for Throat and Lung Dim.
cultloa bM long boon, and lUU Is, Ayer'a
Chorry rectoral. It euro Croup,
Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and
Asthma) oothot Irritation o( tho
iArynx and Faucee; etriigthona tho
Vocal Organ; alloys acre new t tho
Lung J prevent Consumption, and,
ran in advanced Stages ot that U innate,
relieve Coughing aud induce Slurp.
There Is no other preparation (or dU
aaca of the throat and lung to ba com
pared with this remedy.
"My wito had a distressing couch,
with pains in tho aida and hrvuat. Wo
tried various moUUlno, but nono did
hor any good until I got a bottlo of
Ayor'a Cherry 1'ectoral, which hits cured
hr. A neighbor, Mr, (ileun, had tho
ineualoa, and tho couch was ttdiovod bv
tha una of Ayer'a Cliorry 1'ectoral. I
bar no hesitation in recoiumoudiug this
Cough Medicine
to every onn afniclml." Ttobort ITorton,
Foreman lleaiilijht, Morrlllton, Ark.
"I bare Wn afttlctod with asthma
for forty yara. Iuut sprinc I was taken
with a violent couch, which threatened
to tormiuato my tiny. Every ono pro.
nonnred uio in cottHumntlon. X doUr
minml to try Ayer's Cherry 1'ectoral.
Its efforts were magical. 1 was iuimedi
ately relieved and continued to imnrovo
until entirely reoovered." Joel iiullard,
(Juilford, Conn.
" Six months sto X bad a severe bem.
orrlmse ot tho lung, brouitht on by an
incessant couch which doprivod mo ot .
sleep aiU roxt. I tried varlotia
diea, but obtained no relief until I Ix.
na to take Ayer's Cherry lV toral. A
tew bottles of this medirino cored me."
Mrs. . t'oburn, 19 Second su, Lowull,
" for children aflllcted with col.U,
conchs, sore tliroot. or croun, I do not
know of any remedy which will gtvo
more sjocly relief tlmn Ayer'a Cherry
1'ectoral. I have found It, almo, inralu
ablo in cacs f WhHping Cough."
Ann Lovejoy, Yanblujon street,
ltoston, Musa.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
rsKriiiio it
Dr. J. C. Ayer 4 Con Lowell, Matt.
Bold by all DrucgbU. frtcs 1 ; ut bottles, t.
Golden. Rule Bazaar.
, Ilia stock has been onlargod ao thai it oruat any oo I be CoaM, and oonatata of
Roger Bros. Silverware, P jp OUtnf and Crys
talware, Boys' Wagon3 Doll Oarriager,
Fancy Goods, and t neral
assortment of Orockiey
and Toys.
Ha buyadlnnit and earrtai tha larir atnek In
baa boon adriod a complete line of
I ha WillaineUa Valley. In bH
(a A Rent for losnrne ootopani with a oapiul 4re(jtlna f75.000.0rs.
s-0lci on parlo Frsocala. Hir wird deutcb gunprot bon.-tts.
Joo work, pluravr
Aeaela for "On Time" Heating and Poking Riotm.
otc p'omptly i"ndd to.
Manufactured by Juiuls J oseph
Kng and imokiog tobscocn, Mfonwhaum an4 Hrii' pi,w n'l
a)clca ar4i4Iea jciiersHjr.
VtM want ba boa and moat durable furotor la inanufacturod In the city ;t
Thomas Brink.
A Common ExreniKNcic. Acorrcwn
dent sentln the following high water expe
rience, A It i hurtnlc we give It i "On
or about the firt of Fchrunrv, two lailict
IcttCbkken Ilrlotle, Ihe caplinl of Canads.
wtih a sitiall Craft.bavlnjt llnlsey for their
objective point They tfot on nil rlht
until ihev enme lo the rtn;r Callpoolit.
There their crnft failed to get '.hem
throimh on account ot the running w,UrT,
so thev were compelled t accept Ihe ho
nlialliif of Mr lhn Morirnti. Tlie next
momlnir tcv wended their wv to Tsu
gent, Intcntllnjt to Ink the cats nt ihiil
point, and l nnd behwld when they jtt
there, lliere wore no Iratn lintnliiir tin no
count of the hlh mei, v !hcv re.nnlned
In that vlclidtv o or three dm until the
water somewhat subsided. 'I hen they
renewtvl ttu-lr lounu v vlit tteonsvllle
Wo hoto ihcv have siifely retttheJ their
home without meeting Willi further dllll.
The rt.i.,d U a thin of tho pa, but It
has left ll mark on all lde, Ihe duin
ace In Lane county will amount to a arm;
nuny tlunmtnd dollar, but he tared far
better than most of the counties In the
WilUmelle valley .
This make the fourth county that tared
better than It neighbor, I. Inn, Kenton
and Polk being the edicts. Several others
are to be heard from, and a report aill be
made a f-t rs received. It would read
well to csmpile thetn into a single item;
but these mall blockaded dura' wo have toJ
catch Items on the wing.
Ova ntiuhhors, jut acrost the river In
Linn county, semt-clrclliig a radius of
nerhap three miles from this city, hate
been riainaecu more man our enure
county. Their fences have all been
wahrd away, and (rowing crops have
been ureal! v damaged; some live stock
were carried kwn stream and a few
barr.s are washed out of ellcnce, Cor
valils Times.
This Is a very great exaggeration. The
fact is the loe In Denton county ar
probably greater than In I.lnn count
We would refer the Times to that part
of their county just opposite Albany, tor
Knocks Tiikm Silly. lite following
from the Dallas Utcrvcr will make one
or two old time bear hunters In Albany
keep quiet tor a few days: Uncle" John
Nichols was In town Saturday. To a re
porter he said: "1 knew it was Bill Brown
that told the bcr story on me, because he
likes to keep me in not water ttirougn hi
y trns. Well, sir, 1 have allied 39 bear in
my oay anJ 13 panther ana goounets
knows'bow many wildcats a. id such ver
mln, and Dave Guthrie and I have had
some warm time hunting. Have been In
Oregon since before Dallas was a town,
and this winter knocks them all silly.
Good day, sir." .
UL Svcceip. " Better do this than
nothing," said a small, chubby tsced Al
bany boy, a he voluntarily run a lathe
tor another youth In a First stteet ha id.
ware store. The expression struck a
Democrat man as being a remarkably
good one for a boy to mase. Yhe spirit
In a boy of always wanting to do some
thinganything so as not to be Idle Is
one that wilt take him through life, if fol
lowed up. swimmingly. Look out for the
boy who U 00 lite shirk, always scheming
to get rid ot doing his share of things. He
I cut out for a street bummer, and street
bummers are an abomination. The young
ster who always wants to be doing some -
hing w ill not w hittle dry goods boxes and
weave yarns lor a living.
A New Cori-ob.atio.ny Lebanon men
are waking up Wi carnett, and are display
Ing an entuprUe equaled by few town In
the valley. A new scheme is to build a
canal or ditch from the Cheadle falls, on
the Santiam, to that city to furnUh su
perior water power for that place. Arti
cles were filed with the county ciera last
Friday Incorporating the Ixrbancn it
Santiam Canal company, with C U Mon
tague, W B Donaca, F M Milter, C 11
Ka'ston, A Dodge, J C Hiljeu and Jos
Elklns as Incorporators. The capital stock
U $12,000. Assurances are given tSat tt
will be taken and the work pushed the
coming summer, '
Mkank Something. The tale ol 100
feet front for $ 11,000 that cost $7,000 a
few months ao, means something for
Albany. The Ralston property, referred
to, it should be remembered, is nearly 500
feet from a brick building, an Intervening
block occurring that will first be built up.
The price ot central business property
built up will probably equal $500 a front
foot thl summer. Our citixens in putting
high estimate on thcic property should
ba careful not to cause a flood. These
things, though, indicate the growing con-
ndence in the future of Albany, the steady
nd rapid growth ol which Ms an assured
Mitchell & lewis Co.,
Agricultural Implements
-tMWWagsyw'sswasstsswass mmm r-'&
'"y J ' .: ... , "
-mmm jassiMfc---.,. g - -f rt j-s - --j 11 ..- - f'-
The Leading1 Druggist,
A GcoLootcAt Fixo. An unusual geol.
oglcat discovery has been maOle at Kephart
bluff, two miles above town.accordlng to
reports of some of those who have been
thereabout recently, says the Stay ton Sun.
A large mound composed of smooth,elght
cornered rock, appeared to have been put
In place by some prehistoric people, with
round joints at the ends tilting adequate
Indentures In the adjoining rock. , lite
rocks are smooth almost a polish and
the joints perfect. The mound has the ap
pearance of having toppled over until the
layers now slant at an angle of about
forty-five degrees.
Down to Independence. Mr EF
Sox returned Thursday from a trip to In
dependence, going by steamer and return
ing by the East side train by way o
Salem. Going down he saw 3,000 bushf
els of wheat being dumped Into the river
from the wills warehouse at mack Dog,
and to.oeo bushels from Mr, Sullivan s
warehouse, this side of Independence 1
short distance. The latter was Mr Sul
livan's private wheat, saved during three
years and kept for high prices, but high
water took it. ., '
Sociable. ihe China pheasant is a
sociable bird, and when the occasion
offers will strike up an acquaintance
with domestic fowls, especially when
forced by stress of circumstance. A
boatman, while passing the Lawrence
place, north of the Eugene bridge. Sun
day, observed a China pheasar.t sitting
contentedly wiin me cmckens on a lew
branch, while on every side was a wvaste
of water. This bird does not take kindly
to tiees and seldom lights in them.
cugene uuard.
liiangc of iA8E. Monmouth Is soon
to have a newspaper, to be called the Mon
. . - . . r . .....
mouin uemocrai. v a McMillan, re
cently of Wasco, will be editor and pro
prietor, lie nas purcnaseo the plant , of
the Independence Tribune, which he will
move to Monmouth and use in publishing
tne new paper.
A Paint Shoiv-Ridge & Amos, two
experienced and live young painters, have
bought out the paint shop and business of
Mr Geo vassaio, located over the wagon
shop of A J Amslyn, and will h:reatei
run it. They are reported to be good
workmen, In fancy as well as pliln wark,
and deserve a liberal patronage.
When any one thinks that nobody esres
(or or loves him, hn would do wen to ass
himself what he ha done to make any
boJy care tor or love him, Jefferson Re.
The above I a very good St Valentines
day text and must have ween written by
tht erudite editor ot our worthy ex. with
that day lit view. The many who received
colored lithographs of ouUpokcn expre
lon of opinion of the recti er should stop
and piuse and con.Mcr what he ha dune
not to deserve them The young man
gastng at the awful llkenc of a bummer,
or the hideous countenance of the sot, or
the penetrating face of ihbore,nrth dull
face of the porker, or the loose phis ot the
spendthrift, or the raking expression ol
the rake, or and so forth, should pause and
contemplate It he ha not done something
to entitle hi 111 to the nauseating contumely.
Though the custom ot sending hurried
valentines through the mall Is an unsavory
one, It I possible that sometimes a poor
sinner Is reminded ot "tils preval'lng had
habit in such a stinging manner that he
will button up hi shuc,take his hands out
hi pockets.remove the red from bis nose,
exterminate the auger from his face, or
annihilate hi ctHh gsse and conclude to
be a man. It Is barely possible but not
The Albany Democrat says Eugene
has the most children of any town of it
Uc in the state. Whats the matter with
It slse t The number of school children
I a liood Indication of the number of resi
dent In a town. Albany doesn't like to
acsnow ledge that this town 1 growing
Register, , 1
There It I again but Albany has al.
ways acknowledged that Eugene I grow
ing, and our cltUeus and psers always
speak a good word lor It, Nevertheless
our statement was correct. Owing to the
fact that quite number move temporarily
Into that city tor the purpose ot sending
their large children to the State University
the public school Is filled with the smaller
ones, and the showing Is larger for the pop
ulatlon of that city ttun anywhere else In
Oregon. A fact that speaks In strong lan
guage lor the educational JjclliiL-s of our
neighbor, and as well tor Its progress,
though there ere several cities with larg
er populatktn.showing a smaller school at
ASi rNto.H Bbiock.- Salem already
has a suspcnslcn bridge. Here It U; In
the window of the Oregon Land com
pany's office Is good design of the new
suspension bridge that still be constructed
across the Willamette river this year.
Bert Cook I the orlelnator ot the new
model, and he ha constructed his mlna-
ture bridge wholly ot strong twine and
advertising matter that Is sent out by the
company. The model attracts the atten
tion of every pawcr by and alt look upon
It tilth pleasure.
Three Lives Lost. The worst land
slide yet reported occurred near the head
of tide' on the Sluslaw, says the Register.
About quarter of a mite above ttte head
ot tide, near the foot ol a large mountain,
lived Mr O Andrew and family. The
heavy rains had softened the side ot the
mountalnjtnd an Immense quantity of dirt
and rock slid down and buried their house
forty fett deep. Mr Andrews and hi old
et son were swept Into the river, and were
rescued about nine miles below, each on a
log. His wife and dtuehter.a young lady,
and hi son, aged n.had not been found at
Ut aecrHints,and It Is supposed the were
burled beneath the slide.
Tin Morxino Mi J tV Crawford of lite
Marion county erand jury, now In session,
ordered a subpoena to be nerved on the
editor ot The Journal In order lw get the
names ol parties who have made state
ments as to Ihe negligence and bad man
agement of the state asylum for the Insane
located al alem.--Journal.
The Democrat predicts It wilt end in
simply smoke. So far as we can learn the
general verdict is that Ue management of
the asylum I good. Flsws can be picked
even In the management of a newspaper;
but there will not be enough In thrt ol the
asylum to even make the grand jury blln k
A Heroic Dret. We stop in deep
thought at th. following very beroio sot nar
rated by ths Corvaliis Times 1 ' W S Mo
Fadden returned from Juoclion IsH Saiar-
day, where ba bad been detatoed for R weak
by tha flood. Us had a varied experieooe
during bis abteoire, bat tJ most beroio part
of bis trip was the rescuing of a eoaple of
tramps from a tree. It seems ba wss goieg
from Junction City to bis fstber'a residence
ie a smalt boat when be espied two profes
sional tourist among tho brsnobs of a fir
tree. They bad been driven tnere by the
high water on 8turly,and when found by
alaek the following Xoesuay ware almost in
a atarving condition. Tney wers Invited to
a seat in the imsll erst t and taken to a plaee
of safety, where tbey werefsd and eared for
until the waters receded."
Oregon to California. The prlncl
pal obstructions now between Oregon and
California are the immense land slides in
the Cow Creek canyon. Fourteen hun
dred men are at work clearing the track
at that point, though the story is told that
Kochicr, in response to tne application lor
men, ordered twenty-five sent forwa-d at
once. When the first train will be through
is presumably speculation. The first of
Marsh is not a wild gness, though some
declare It will be two months.
' ti! ! nu Tjiiot Artiolai, Pjrf rmry ai 1 Instruaiant.
"Tf-f Iptl " fare! ctlly complin lad .'ay an 1 night,
Messrs Schroder and Molt, of Salem
have opened their new saloon on Front St
and have christened tt "The Farmer
Home." Junction Pilot.
A poor title for a sa:oon, and a poor
home for a farmer. If he makes his home
there look out for big mortgages and sher
iff sales. Saloons do an injustice to the
farming commur.lty by having such
names. It is enough to call them Eureka
or something like that.
Not Very Trcstic At the last term
of the Lane county circuit court Wm Put
nam, a young man ot about so years ot
age, was sentenced to tlx months Imprls
onment In the county jail for exhibiting
obscene pictures. Sheriff Sloan had made
a trusty of him and allowed him consider
able liberty. Ills confidence however was the young man left Monday
evening going souin on tne railroad track
Some Seattle Property. Through
Rev. Klrkpatrlck, the rustling real estate
man of Lebanon, Mr W Beck, of Seattle
has sold to Mr J O Writsman four acre
joining that city for $3,000,
' V HXRK to G et Them'. When wanting
an organ, or yiana call on. G. L Blackmas,
where you can select from a first class
Will Bk Repaired. The work of r
fairing the bridge at Salem, taken out by
the high waters, Is being considered by
the Marion county court, and A Bush, W"
ll Byers and P H D'Arcy have been
appointed a committee to view the bride
and see how much it will cost to repair Tt,
We sincerely hope the bridge will be re
paired, as Salem earned it by commend
able pluck and enterprise. See Hill's Code
Sec 4143 ot Xltle V, page 1761.
At Mehama Deputy Sheriff Wright returned last evening from Mehama,
where he had been on court duties. He
reports all bridges In good condition be
tween here and that point. G P Terrell
sent down a fine bunch of radishes that he
had raised in his garden up at his moun
tain home, journal., 5
Some Funny Facts, Here are a few
facts that show up the present fraudulent
system ol assessment in good style. Ac
cording to the rolls compiled and on file In
the oflice tt the Secretary ot State Uma
tilla county I asiesied $450,000 more than
Multnomah county on money,note,acct'l
etc., and yet Multnomah county claim
$7,500,000 more IndnUness than Umatilla
count. Isn't that' wholesale robbery
Another cate t Union county's money ,ete.,
are atsccd a. $140,000 more than that of
Marlon county, and tint indebtedness of
the latter Is $950,000 more than thai of the
former. The Indebtedness In Linn county
Is three limes a much a the total of mon
ey, note and accounts. Multnomah coun
ty's asscWnent on money, note and ac.
counts last year was $1,71440, and yet in
....... .i.i .. 1
me iac,e 01 tuai v i ciauneii titat real es.
late tranxacllons of Portland, with a popu
lation of 60.000, amounted to $14,000,000
during iSHy ; her manufacturing output
90,000,000, iimi 9u.j,ouo,noo w invested In
wholesale and retail trade, not includlnir
bank, and the lat statement ot her ten
principal banks shows a capital of $6,11.0,
000, with surplus and undivided nroilu
amounting to laJSO.JJ.or a total bank
capital In tloe ten principal bank c f $,-
10.750 Jl. rneso figures reall astonish-
ng, and it I not to be wondered at that a
well known Albany man a few davs aa-o
should stale that he couldn't conscientious-
take the oath to make an asiesamenl
under the present svstem.whleh Is inlu.ilce
Tiir Girl Debate The young ladles
of the Euiaxlan Society of the Btate Uni
versity have just debated the question,
familiar to even Hotentots, Resolved
that the women ot the United States
sho'ild have the right ot suffrage." The
question was decided by Prof Bain In the
negative. The following are given as the
principal argument on each tides
Affirmative That women have to eav
taxea, which Is taxation without repre
sentatlon ; that women are trying to get
rid ot the curse ol rumi that thev are
more competent to vote than a foreigner
ornegroiihat l; the history of the cru
a ies the women were of great benefit to
the army and that they would make the
government better
JSreallve J he Influence of women In
politics caused the downfall of Rome:
hey are not physically ttrong enoueh to
compcte.wlth mens thsy would lose many
courtes4t whlc't are shewn ihemj ther
are only seeking office: they are easily
itcou raited, women have not tha bral is
in that direction, there would be rivalry In
every household, and it would destroy
woman t Influence with a wayward boy.
Nx AT All. Tlte Oregon Ian of the
7th Inst, under the head of Slaughter ol
tha Innocents," ha an article regarding
the killing ot Chinese pheasants, and says
Some 60 Indict menta were found aaalnst
persons In Linn couity and that no action
was taken on them, a Judge Boise ex
pressed what may probably be called an
'unjudicial' opinion to the effect that the
law made for the protection s.t Mongolian
neasants only protected those originally
brought here, and nst their young.
A a matter of fact no Indictments were
made at Jl, and at nearly as we can learn
no effort was made to secure a wholesale
Indictment of offenders. The truth is,
though, thai the slaughter of Chinese
pheasants (few call them ' itiroeenuj hat
been about as general at tliat t4 any other
llrd,and probably more hare been klt'ed.
Yami-ina Bay TI Kate & Annals
laying on her beam ends, bang up against
the bulkhead at Oystervllte, sod full of
During the pat stormy weather Y-
qulna Bay was about as mi-ddy as Rider
Haggard t river hear the Amber cliv.
while in thl condition iVa bar would
have been a bully pond lor German carp.
The cava In ot tha blurt that took place
In Yaqulna last week It worth thousands
ot dollar to the railroad company. A
inousana aviisr wonn Ol powder would
not have accomplished what the rain did.
The rock and dirt fell Into the bulkhead
just where It was wanted Republican.
A Lottery City. Those who are
bucking" at the Louisiana lottery, and
. 4S.SWH
In the next tlx niomlis of Congressional ac
tivity, the verdict upon which will be pronoun
ced In November next and will be a forecast of
a more general verdict that will he Kmlersd
in November 189a, the Democratic party will
gain by comparison with every act of the Ks
publicast in Ihe While Iioue, the Senate
andllou of Reppresenta.ivcs. Whatever
the politicians may imagine the gtcat mant
of Ihe jieoitt of this country in t lie long ran
want Iheir local govetnmtnit to protect their
Ptrsont and property, and will not tolerate the
assumption ly the liiU-al authorities way off
la Wsshington of the functions that properly
belong to the tnwn meeting, the County Board
and the S'nta Legislature, No mailer bow
loudly interested individual may talk the oth
er way, th sotr second thought of the peq.le
of th United States I in favor of the lowext
taxation that wilt provide the government
economically viminlslered, wilh sufficient
money, Th people of tht United State do
not wa t their dim id schools and their local
elect iontmansged in VYashingtontihey ar real
ty for home tulc first, last and alt the lime,nnd
no often of money will divert many of them
or any considerable time from tltit fundament
al principal of popular government. The
psojil of the United Slates will in the long
run tolerat only those taxes thai are for the
goo 1 of tht wbol community, and they are
tepidly finding cut that a Republican tariff
tytm is for the gnud of certain classes. Tbe
Mr. Blaine's article in th January num
ber of the North American Review has
more vulnerable point In It than any pro
ducflun he ha ever before put forth on
tht ttihject. It I clearly In the line of I
me trutn to say of II r. Dlalue, (hs he dots
of fr. Glr.dtttiir,) that he Is the most
distinguished reprcsrttntlve of the ''pro
tection" school of political economists.
That he should bcln to weaken In hi
defense of hi favorite policy, "protection",
augurs a breaking In the lines of the lesser
lights at well as among the rank and file
of "protection's" devotee In this ankle
Mr. Blaine admits what henevr admitted
before, that free trade t better for Great
Brlllan than "protection". This, then,
doe away with all comparisons between
wages paid in G-eat Britain and th United
Stairs to show that "protection" tecaret
high wtg.s. But lo show the straits to
which he Is di I ven In tils attempts to break
the force of Mr. Gladstone' stern logic,
we have only to state that after having
made the admlsoion, he makes a number
of comparisons with BrltUh statistics to
show that his own ad r.Urion Is false. To
show that he thinks that "free trade" is
better for Great Brilatn than "protection"
he makes this remarktble siste nent:
"So far from guarding herse.f against
material fiom other countries, her, (Great
Britain ) Industrial system would wither
u t h t
Advertising ;neriiorri
lo tlieCMifrol
First National Kank
Or Af.BASf , OREtl5.
r- r - - -
8.E, YOCf..
lw Prwldsnt
if ilsr .
M M ...... .
Ita peculiar fflea?y fa Co
motuino " murU to tha process and
noTMiiso Mdii ta compounding as to
LIKE IT ,,h0 ln?redlenU themselves,
'iHkeil Jo time, ltcbeck
disc In tba ontaet, or it
tbey be advanced wui prove a potealeur.
" Ka Homo &totsfflttatllt
it lakes the plaee of a i''''y.1f'&
flKlir and eomljr or.,' '1
tt-rlpiloiiK. AH wlior-a1 3 1 FOR 'WHOSE
M-ilmitnry lives wilt nod Z ,.,,, A
It Hie best preventive. ciife-,! ,,BI"r. FS
iMlenrelirlndliretlm. r? '-
rues lilKl
Jteariaeba; rtlUonsaasa,
fa.m.r. .r. finding out thatlheyar- burden- Lnd d,c f fort.!gn proJucU wllhheU
d for th ak of manufacturers, while th
nuaufacturert arc fast finding out that they
are heavily taxed for the benefit of the men
who own the mine and forests, from which
their material come and the manufacturer; of
lb finest goods, who employ th most men at
the best wages, have already found that they
arc taxed for the benefit of the manufacturer
even a brief period". How doet thl re
markable statement comport with tSe state
ments daily made lyr protectlot.Ut of high
and low degree lo the effect that tbe Eng
lish people are rapidly growing tired of
"free trade" and longing for "protection".
If "protection" is to cause the industrial
system of Great Britain to wither, whv
of the cruder form of merchandise who employ ,hould they openly call for their own de.
Ies intelligent laborer and fewer of them and structlon by callina- for "protection". The
pay them lower wages, The American people most amusing feature of Mr. Blaine's argu.
discover, several year ago that the tubsiJit. ment I that he uniformity attribute all
Ing of steamers wss the use of public money tor prosperity in this government lo"protec
th benefit of the business of private citizens, lion" and all adversity, all financial de-
and for that re sun and for tbe further reason I presslon, to low tariff. lie was greatly at
that th subsidy pjlicy did not even secure th I a lost to find any shadow of proof that tlte
indirect benefits promised by lit piomotert,who financial depression of 1857 was the result
wet usually its benficiatie, tbe Amcticsn of the low tariff of 1846, and, In the ab-
people definitely abandoned the subsidy policy tence of anything better, he takes the fol-
and they will sternly rubuk any effort to re- lowing extract from Mr. Uuchanon's
vl it. message lo coneress after the panic-
All these discoveries ate ducoveilet of tlte I "rVlth unsurpassed plenty In all the el
worrhlessne or the wickedness of Republican ment pi national wealth, our manfact-
projects, end they tnak the speedy and per- " upended. our public works
1 7 , , ... ,. T are retarded, our private enterprise of
mtnent restoration of tbe Democratic party, .fr-r-nr titu ..k, k...
loentsi lt.Dr.Hlf,M. Nn Inu
' V'n,'-, Injerforetie with bustoes
nlfi! tukliis. tiir children it t,n.i in.
O'K-ont ami harmlem. No dantrr front
xM.nro nner IuMIiik. Cures Colla. IH-arrbo-a.
IS.,wel ComplalaU, rrrib
ajeso and vrLI Colu. Invalids and
dellenl perwm will And, ft tha mlll!t
A rwrtaiit and Tonic thpy can use. A llttla
taken at night Insures refrchlne slanp
and a untnral avacnotlon of tba bowel.
A Utile tnken In tho mnrnlng sharpen
the fttwt,u-, renntm tba SloioacU aud
weeteus tlw breath.
a . rimiciAK opnaoH.
" nrvtklnc medicin (or
tw(y yesm n4 tun emr bMe sbls to '
f UP s alHs compouad thx would.
lk htmmuns kegutaw, prompd
etily rnev ti. Ur to scilon, .
M die sane tims aid (imtcad of weak
. I ths d!geliv sod SMisulauva
ow tr of the iyma."
L. M. Hirroa, M.B., W,hioctoB, Ark.
Mnrfcsof Oenilnenesw, Ixx.k forthe'rM
Trn-la-Marlt on front t Wmpper, and tba
tfciil anl Hls-niiture of J. II. 'Miiu Co- la
tad. u the side. Takouoolhr. .
ACCOBirra KErr a1jert s sheck.
H01IT EXCHA50K snd tl raohie tr.n .,,1
-w York. 8sa rroe. Avtiio A I'm
CCoLLErrTlONf t Al Eon nntbls mm.
t, K. T(W, E. W. I,sa-u
Bmii, ' L. Fli,
Wstiss E Ti'sesia.
IJnn County Bank.
Conn, Exlston & CIiaml)erlain, i
fit ACTS ajWHi-tl tbskliis lualn.
DSiwtnal Dasfson ,f York.
sa fortlsad, Oreian
IA2f HOrflTMi sp(isr4 ssaurUy
KEreiYSdspaslUsolow tck.
Hank of Oregon.
GJkJXrSTAJC, 30,000.
Prtwtlsal ....,.-.......iJ. BRY4NT
Via President. M. jr. MEKfcf L f,
aabler .;.... J. W. ULAi K
IT Bryant. 3 9, Blain,
Oeo Humphrey, O M,
SJi.iDlng, HF Merrill.
Utte,has aol to!grap!iIa trani
far On Nsw Yirtr, Sa Fran iseo and
sod all principal point in Oregon end
Washington, ? .
CllcUoa msde on favorable terms.
it lost
th party of th people, to power again.
sands of laborer are thrown out of I
employment and reduced to want,"
The reader will observe that there Is not
t word here at to the cause ot the condi
tion of things a described by President
Buchanan. Had Mr. Blaine been as can
did a he i skillful he would have read
Mr. Buchanan's message a tittle closer and
Envelope wer first used In 1S39.
Th first air pump was made in 1650.
The first ticll pea was made in iSjo,
The first lucifcr match wss made in 1829,
The first Iron steamship wot built in 1830, 1 he would have found the following at the
Ships were first "copper bottomed" in 17S3. 1 real ce of the great depression then
The first horse railroad waa built in 1826 27. 1 existing
- TICmIslaRibip plied the lludsoa in 1S07. 1 It I apparent that our existing tultor
Th first newspair advertisement appeared ,un hv proceeded loUlr from extrata-
in 165a,
Tbe first watches were made in Xuretnburg I na speculations and gambling in stock.
in 1477. I These revuulons must continue to occur
The 61st us of a locomotive In thi. country ' tuccesslve Interval so long a the paper
, .... ' I currency and bank loans and discounts of
was m 1010. - ... . the country shall be left to Ihe discretion
1 n nrt lawmaker tovti was orougot 10 1 01 tmri kmdri trresponcioia Banking
America in 1818.
Th 1'utk County Obnrvtr by reason of its
oyaity to tb interest oi that county Is con
strained to say that il can af:ly say that Polk
ciunty has toftcred Icttfiout the flood thaa
any other county In lb Willamette Valley,
and then by virtue of its any tehling. loyalty lo
Dallas, at the proper place for tbe county teat
of that county, it i led lo tay Out the losses
al Independence were remarkably targe, that
10,000 bushels of whet t alone wiih the ware
This, then, I the evidence ot Mr,
Blaine' own witness as lo the cause ot the
panic ot 1857. Koi a word about the
Walker tariff ol 1S46. And Mr. Blaine
knew all about the existence ot this evl
dence. Every man who lived In the west
in 1857 will remember the hard time
then, and all consequent upon the fact
thai state bank bill were o depreciated
that It wm almost Impossible to use any
ot it as money. Every one of adult age
remembers the dire financhl cricis ot 1S73
bouse were lost making a loss well up to
their pame are not few, are In suspense 9000 ,B1 lhe0 um miU ortb ovcr , S0 1 that shook the business of the country to
owing to tha blockade ot malt route, says I lh th damag crested by the mistmsl lu founjioo, and wrecked many a man
the Guard. In Eguene several club have 10 ,guow ,!) oow wouw amount to 40,-1 jn U A!I lhu happened when the
been organized, beside many individual I coo, all ot wbien makes a tad picture for one I war Urjfl ot 1861 was In full force. There
.-.tJr!:!T,? 0 h wi6 f tb Uiusta.muchreaaon to believe that thl.
in uiv EainiHiniDnnuun, a ne orawiaa i t. 1. 1. .-i 1
Tuesdaf took not less than Saoo from Eu- . w" " xn" PC crisU was the result ol Ihe high tarta a
gene. Many who took aghast at ordinary 10 M nr aied at mat piac thgt t!,e p)M,c 0f ,s57 ,he result of the
Ksrnoung imci oevote tnetr spare money 1 wics to rem . 1 e wwiwr 1 Y,jKer (jrin 0f i&f,f Mr. Blaine com
r A. wi. acmorn.txtng tot- u devoted lo the Interest of tb latttr as against p(ire, the lncrcMe In wealth In the United
ter. lollowlnir - are tlia mimKere I . . I
drawing the prlnclnsl prUes in the Loulsl
anaot tne nth: nrst oriie. aatios ad.
44'33S 3d, 30919! 6lh, 74798; 9th, 660671
1 in, 07001.
Mistake. A traveling correspondent
in the Oregonlan ot the 13th Instant stated
that every bridge on the Santiam had been
washed out.exccptlng the Jefferson bridge,
whereases nearly as can be learned, not a
single bridge was destroyed, and atl stand,
though tome of them are somewhat dam
aged, particularly the approaches. In the
matter of bridges the greatest damage to
tne county is tne lost of part of the Urownt
vine oriuge on the Calipoola. The total
loss In the county Is comparatively tmall.
icss, as a matter ot fact.lhan the estimates
placed on any of the neighboring counties
,wn county gets on remarkably well,
A &m all War Saturday at the depot
a tmall tlzed battle occurred between Un
cle Sam and Wellt Fargo. The foimer-
let Ihe truth be told had wrongfully and
unlawfully appropriated the large truck
which the latter used for Inland traffic
atonir the S. P. platform.and loaded it with
fifty or sixty malt tacks full of newspapers,
magaxtnea and package. Welle Fargo
ordered an attack on the enemy and by
muscular activity did the Boston tea act,
unloading ihe truck promiscuously, much
to the anger of uncle Bam, who stormel
tome, but did not order a counter attack
It wat at least amusing for the audience.
A Bridme Scheme. In Lane county
the Springfield bridge washed out and
lodged near the Eugene bridge, the ap
proach to which also went. The circum
stance suggested a bright idea, and the
County Court has let the contract for build
ing an enlarged approach to the Eugene
bridge, using the Springfield bridge as an
economic measure, it is to be built in
twenty days, ao we are informed by a
gentleman recently irom mat vicinity.
the former piece.
Chicago business la farm products tor
year 1889 illustrate the preponderance of this I ,lrjf
clement in the general business of the country,
Not to weary with figures, the receipts of cat
tie wer 3,000,000 aud of bogs 5,000,000
head; of flour, 4,500,000 barrels; wheat, 18,
763,000 buxheUr corn, 8o,oco,ooo, oats, 50,
000,000; rye, a, 600,000, and barley, 1 1,500,
Ooo. Rcducine flour to wheat the total equals
183,555,000 buthels train. The iron and
Slates from i860 to iSSoto the increase
la wealth In Great Britain tor the same
to I n-rln.1 (A .kna Ik k,. no fill, nt m nrntortiva
Here again he Is unfortunate, as
he has already admitted that free trad Is
better for Great Britain than protection,
and therefore it the latter did r.ot Increase
a fast In wealth a the United States, her
Increase would hive been lest had she been
under a protect! e tariff law. But even
had he not admitted so much, the compar
ison would be valueless at during all thlt
Beal Bargains.
Notions, Furnshing Goods, etc,
Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silk,
Table Linen, Gloves, Hosio.
ry, Fancy Hoods, etc
The Leading Cash Dry Goods Store.
tteet industr.e were active, and Chicago muis piod the great west wat being settled up
produced 4I4 ions ol tteet rant ana 500,- by immlarantt Irom England, Germany,
3a6 grotttontofpig iron. The bank clearingt IreUni ,na other European countrlet
of the year were $3,380,000,000, the largest on I wn0 Settld upon the rich prairie landt and
record. I in a few veart made them valuable, while
no such processes were going on In Great
The Sahara Desert it tald to be growing. I Brtlaln at her population wat already
The fertile ttnp of l-gypt It lest than t watdentC- An equally fallaciout comparison
within historic times, and the sands are invad- 1, ,ni(ie 0Y jtfi Blaine to show, that, un-
ing Tunis. A French scientific commissioner I aer protection agricultural eUtet Increase
reports to hit government that the whole I jn wealth more rapidly tMn manufactur-
southera pt of f urns is gradually becoming I ing iUtes 1 je Mvs that from i860 to 1SS0
desiccated. 1 he commissioner, t isutnc, ithe ,ixKew England state with New York
cannot suggest any measure for saving tie ,nd Pennsylvania Increase In wealth ai6
oasis of the desert from extinction.
water cannot be obtained jby any
tupport vegetation.
Sufficient I
meant to I
Queen Victoria admlret American oyt-
tert. On a recent outgoing steamer were
a dozen barrels of Long Island oysters
bound for Windsor Castle,
been selected with great care, and their
shells have been sandpapered and polished
until they are as smooth as a well-worn
per cent, wntie tne eigne agricultural
ttatet of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,
Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, and
Wisconsin increased during the tame
period 396 per cent He seems to have
entirely overlooked itie fact that in i860
They have I the eight agriculture, state -were 'young
I -tiKnnlv, .nnrce rtnmitatlnl hiitrlch In
unoccupied government lands which were
offered on the mtt liberal termt to tettlert
both from New England and from Europe,
and that during all thlt time hundreds of
London lawyertnow employ shorthand j thousandt ot people were settling upon
In Ihelr office Svork. entries, draftt,
affidavits and the multitude of other doc
ument they are called upon to prepare
are now taken down in ahort-hand at their
dictation and are copied from that.
these land making them. -valuable and
that herein it the secret in the tncreate of
the wealth of that vast western empire.
Does any one suppose that these states would
have been any less rapidly settled under a
low, than under a high "tariff? No sane man
does. If Mr Blaine desires to find the, to him
latent cause of this remarkable increase of
Under Peculiar Circumstances.
The wife of Wm. Miller, on the island ep-
!. - C.I.A.U - UI.4U . - - l 1 1 J
posuo U..U vo a cm.o When the construction of a raitroad is
the rafters of a building a few nights ago. . ,, n,, ,u 1 .
Her husband was alone In the house, and H," ' 7 -
by means of roes swung the bed, with temple, and then persuade the people that wealth in these western states let him weigh
his wife in it, to the rafter when she gave I It la r manifestation of the wrath orttie 1 tne tact careiuny mat uurmg me time irom
birth to the child. They were rescued nd. 9nit the road. 1 1860 to 1880 the New Encland states and New
shortly efter Kevlew. York and Pennsylvania increased ia popula
How Saved. To R E Keene is due I There Is in Windsorcastle agotd punch-1 tion but 37 per cent while the agricultural
the credit of saving the Stayton bridge I bowl and ladle for which George IV. paid I states named increased over 215 per cent, and
says the Jefferson Kevlew. Mr Krene al-1 10,000 guineas, and the investment is I the increase in tke latter states was not because
wholly profitless because there is never a of the h'gh tarift but in spite of if,
owed himself to be lowered from the
bridge on to some drift that had accumu
lated against one 01 the piers, and while
swinging by a rope sawed a large log In
two which allowed the drift to swing clear
and float down tne river.
drop of punch brewed In tt.
A Bio Slide. A big land slide ocuurred
on the south side of Spencer buttethe first
of last week. It Is tald about forty acres
at the foot of the but'e, which before
was with . small ; Oftk .tree, wat covered
with from four to ten feet of dirt and
rock's.' The Sllda! went down with terrible
1 lorcw aiiu mi v .1 ccs were vrusnea to
lepltnters. IJugene Register.
When Baby ma sick, we gave her CtMntU,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
-When she bec&m Hiss, she elnng to Caa torla,
When sha had Children, th gave tbo CaaUria
German emigration to this country I
diminishing. The number of departures
from January to October was about Sa,-
ooo, against 99,000 for the tame time last
year and 100,000 in 18S5.
Although slavery does not exlet, prap
erly cpeaklng, In China, in the eyes of the
law the large poating-popuJation and
actors fill the position of slaves.
A table, made up at Boston, showi that
the grand total of money embezzled from
corporations, private firms and the United
States government during ihe year 1SS9
was $8,562,753.
Get A machine. And wtien getting
one let It be either a Domestic or Davis
Price & Robson are agents for- these
perlor sewing machines and invite an
spection of what they can do.
. Insurance Company.
Safe, Sound; Oonservativ
Revere House:
lotted no in first-class style. Tables
fntplied with tbe beat in tba market,
tnoe sleeping apartments. Sample room
for eouimeroiartravelora,
CTfr C'aar.h ta aati frans Ihe'Hatel.lEl
. vasuuUi sn aatAO ...
Druggists and Booksellers
AfMitafor JohnB. Alden's pnblieatiom,
mhch wb soil at onblisber' prtin witSa
potajeea'la'., . ; ... ,
cr buraness pursii'-s at the Portland Busines
foltegc yortlaud, Cresou, or at the Capital Bm
Sb .-s-i Coileire Balcm, Orecoa. .Both scIkwIs ar
nnuer ihe tu axemen t of A. P. Armstrong, twv
Ja ns course of studies and same rates ot tui;i
Uns in , SliorJIiand.
!j Mwrittng, Penmanship and English Perer
m -nt!i. Day and evening; sessions. Students e
i tied at any time. orjoit Catalogue, ad '.it
rn!iii tsusaa Ctllwt, AO Capital Bsiuitm
XorUaud, Otegun. Wit tjaw-ni, Oregon.
S. W. Paisley?
Albany, Orsgoa.
ivJUllfUU J Ul-kSA ti-,- IJ