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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1890)
TDK YAQU1NA ROUTE. DrjjKFiJils EallrtaJ. ron Development CotKpany'a Btenn.- ahlp Line, 125 TJLES SIIOHTER. 20 noons less ha by any other rtJl. Vt-elne through paie tfhtliMfrom Portland and PJ Itttiie Willamette Vailoy to and from Wan pntnoiaoo, Cal. The Oregon r-nolflo J"05 tad Frwy at e a. m. ,t 8:S9 boat wlU be over night MmfTtog b.r. attta-m. rmak-clo oonnon Alti with tnlaioltu umgon - . . . Tannine. 4 SAILING DATE1 Teiiey We.lnaa.laV. Q" tbe rgnt to ..nTrd end Hue smneU.n with vh7"Va., Md tf de j Albaoy wJXuli wranjeto f ruling. . . ..... lUI rk-AfJirrcr, M M..lor, ay. a ."C, c. c . turv. "OYEBUMO TO CMTOMiA -.VIA- lantern Pacific Compmj's Line, THE MOUST SHASTA ROUTE. - . .arassa shtta " (Mwtea eW rotauid j::JL. Aitoy rntacMv Albany 1 JO a I S.4A r I a Ll " Alhr Alwu; Ubwaoa Arl : T a I te .UabIat tt 1 PUILMAK BUFFET SUIPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, .1 rii ait in That-?. Co-a tro tool ,1 csinius. ,Ta "-t ( a1"7: -- . T AH 0 a a kSaval Ar MaiaU To all polnU 0-1TTTII JJT IVIA CALIFORNIA. . - a -.lAJW- ranrlilna jrJ r-r A-t at Al ROOtM . BOitHtltB r. mkJ r. A. Ma0 gouse and Urriag Paints Dacorator and Paper M&nger PUuo Varnithlnir. AJ .nr Roaranteed. J B. YASSAUO ; 8aoe. o Paory Soaaaoa.! Pouiliy Wanted. All kln laor tvnUry, mt-ifcttheWilUmHt- PseUt aany'e Store. Albany, Oregec- E. J. F.lcCAUSTLAHD, CiTil, Sanitaij, and Hydrauliu Engineer. Cansuhing engineer for Gold MBjJ" a.dl)ry Ooloh Consolidated Gold and Sd y(r MiniagCo. 0e, t Staat, Albany, Of. AQADEMY -OF- qnr ladj o Ferpstual Help. ALBANY, - - OREGON Condncud by the fiiaUia tbt. Benediet TbU Academy Unincorporated and on Lhonod by tbe fni to confer atlenjlc honore. Tbe oonra- of rtndy ta eouiMt. Matbematte-, Ulerura and Mueie . Are paliMa. aa aiaetbe Normal Inatrtiatlon elAaplrnta for tchera' certificatee 10--oatrial drawing, rocal muatc In la and All kindaof neodlowoik form, no exsra abarge. Tbe OlaelpUno of Ibo wbor.l ft g.ntle but firm. oojort bolnai to form V.ot only refined young ledl-a. but oo ad naful member of wxjI ty. ruplla idmltted at any ilnwi and charg oropor tionad. Pupliaof any denomination re ToTtl'an In aelool diy aebo-d range from ..r Hn.ntlnsr Mch ol or an 7 id prtlet lara a p.y at lhe Aeadmy, or iileMi Slatar Soparlore-a. City Heat Market . BEULTZ EROS,, Proprietors. kp a full ll" -it maala of all kinda, fn a root fltrw, ewiiipl"ly Pro-teftt-d; and alwaya fresb. Ala hvaonaUnt'y on band -nlmon nd othr fJh J. ri. DUHCAH, ATTOMBT AT LAW AHD MARY PUELIO, yjrofflca In fstrahan'a Biock, Mo'a 1 ami 2 ALBANY, OHECOH. JAr,S P. HEAD, Attorney at Law and Title Examiner, ALDAMY OREGON. Will practice in all the court of the State. AbatraiU of Title furoifehed 011 abort notice- Ten J t-ars eipenaooe. 1 jurth I lit II M u, S J a b I T OO JA r B mv-w eTiTC ST,"4 L !: X.. IAf "e P""' 1 7Zm T.A.- .i.U.tlx . rsa. it; , "Av" ,.-.u, ! lr4t Atw end a lumr Agor FOnriEURALGIA. . . ..- ..,,,.,iti,,rte fur mtn. relieve only er,. 1 .III hut tWIH-tr! to jhomt'T.M pronivtly cum, They are Ui "ta lk 1 tOO nutt ral orvMeUtprodui'lnt lulUroatlon. p only lmtl aw-te. II V 111 nr.'i, new lolu' ftttmula, ih ue.Urlnl vimH1 ul " ' ' ' " . . 1. . tht til afiltL luiutraua iow won rtly thft eriiil )eirvn' rata mjo tn the ell-nTs a"Vr ltnf n will et wr FROaPTltlK Wr. ( " .. 1 1 . a . tf ? rt III litiuiiiikil I I num-rwt a uu.Mh with fin's anrt nwks ona Hxtl jr bl tu Oil j-.ntiit rilQCC Cure. Not -torn." MtourlyU uUttkO AT PhimITwin nu Pa left. THE C)MKLUa.VOGCUE COnBalUmr.KIi DR;J.L. HILL. PhVSicitUl and SUtl &OXI, Offioo oor. Firatand Ferry BUeew, ALBANY- OREQON I nn o ITIATQn?! AQTflfl Ulie Ua VIA I QUI! a.lMO Physician and Sargeon. Offloe oppoelws the Deuorwt. DS.. W EI. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon Mmn nn .(.Ira In Ktrahan'a Block. May be found at hie otBoe aay and night. DR. C A.Vi.lTHEYe Physician and Surgeon Graduate of Bollavua yoaptUl Htuicai olleaa Now York City Diaaamaof womaa a apeoialty. rO(Boa, Fru.oVa Itrick, Albany, Or DR. I. W, STARR, Ph-oRip.ian and Surceon. J Lite of BrownSTilld, Or, nffliu at rooni Noa. 83 and St. Strahan .ml i'Urc'a Block. UP alalia, fall promptly a! lend ml In city or country, DR. JUIES KEYDEfl, GradnatB of Ediiteg. ScoJ land. tlu tru-.tA.l in Albany. Frt a bl hr-,.ii7h knowl.l of "bla proieaalon anil hia .xporlenca of 10 yara a an ofll mr In a I'.t.I ltrtmttil. be hope to merit toe patronage of tboao lntrtan In hniw emltlx. a boon. OlO. Me WOUlJ alo recommend bU aoiution or llnainent for aorw auoulU.ra. aore oscaa, oroaen koess. woonda, sprains. Prl one aot t.r rM.v twittta. MTOfllc at John Scbmeer'a. leery am bie. D. . .LACBCR!, 0. W. WUOHT, BLACKBURN & WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law, Will nraeti-a in all the Court of tb Stata, Prompt attention given to all bn.i km animated to oar care. nffica Odd Fellow Tamole. Albany, Or W 11 BILYEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor in Chancery ALBANY. - OttEUOM. Cotlectiona promptly anadeonalipo'nt Loananec(otia.te4on staaonablaterma. RedCrownMills S0M, LAXSIXG & CO., lUOPR'S. vaw raoccm run-a trruios ron rAMf -ms AND BAKEK1 USX. REST STORAGE FACILITIES. i?heit Prioi In Cash to Wboat Stockholder's Meeting, NOTICa la heroby given that !ib an nnnl mewtlng of tbe atockholdera ot tbs Albany Builuinir and ln Associa tion will be hold 00 Frllay.February 21, 1890. at tn hoar of 7:33 p. m, of asld day In tba WUTUIUlt in Albany. Linn county. Oregon, for tbe parpoaa of elect ing nine director and three auditor, to serve 10? tba 'arm or one year next ensu ing from aaht meatina;. and until their auccaaacpi are eloctad ani qualified, and t. transact anoh other bonnes aa may tbon coma btifora tba aiaodlai Ion. Dona br order of directora thl 17ti. day of of January, 1890. UUaaaXLI, JatWBlaIm. IVeslder.t Sect tary. COUNTY TREKSUItEKe; NOTICI'. fill la to notify all eoncrned that tbnre la now auffielant fund in the- Ooanty Treaaurcr ofllce of L4nn connty Oregon to redeem oil ontatandinir war rant. Intergst on alt endorsed war ranta will eesae from thle daU II Farwbli. Treaa l'hmotpftf'ir Wolcty nwr.P dror4 ocinc. ui-rciiftiii'M,tiHiDarina flio.ri, In vention, .au patent. evr p'lbli-liird. V.vmrj Dim tioff lUaatrftfd ?ita jplenilid euurarinrs. Tin p-jbtictkm i urol.biwfc inot 6noclnpdia ot infiirmA'.lon wbicb no prwii -:wijd h without. 1h popnUntr cf lbs l.;ir.Tirio AiirRuua ia Bnrh tbal iu efrcnlati-m onrlr .riualt that ot all otbr pnpM of iu rlAwooinliinml. i'ric. eSla f-r. iioiint toClnba. H'i!d all nw.lelra. MUMN A C"J., I-ul!hant. No. Klllnmdwar. N. Y. FTvATE.JTS. Wmn A ( . nan aiao nut Tnirty- IV 4 h rati K ijnow tni I J land tiani fears uractice biora ent Ofllee and h pr t aa On. Hundred Thow .liDUt.olion lor patent in Ul a'nti. and fiiricnoooniM. -a' A ' jai, r u-a.--, 1 - . I . A .11 .ill W . l'BM mntrii.i to intnUra tUlr rutita too ntat'ii, lanana. cniiauti. w-r , (ierraanr and ether foreign cooirtiioa, poird at uurt notico and on roaanaahlo tn" . Ini'.ni.iaion aatootrtalning rtUi.tow fullr given rl'boox eharee. Kaxt.ko.rti3 of . .. 1 ... . 1 ...n ....,t. in.. Patia otftained tbrongh MunnAv'o. ara mit!d tliavSioioiUiho t n.rn .i Iroa. Til. adrantasoof aift ."tie; la vull nnil -r-io..! by a:l paraoua tio. wi-n todia Myn ot thoir iwlpnta ' Aicir, .;.-1 co.. ("' icuumjna Sai-mi-A.-t. a t I roaduar. ?.aw urS. ALBAKT C0LLE5TATS INSTITUTE ALCANY, OREGON. 1G88, 1889. flrat Term Opeaa plmfcr llll-., lsa. A lull corpa of Instructors,- CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, CCMMEECIAL AND NGHMAL CLASSES. Couraoa ol atudy arranged to mt lb end of all grades of students. Sfcial tnaucementi ojtrtd I0 ttudtntt from ubrotid. Tuition ranges from 15.60 to fllM Board in private fn'ini'ies at tow raOi Room lor !f bonrding at small ex'vunt A careful nperviion ezareiad over asa deata away from home, Frll tornj oppwi September 7tb. For clreuiara and fa' parti n lara addreaa the Preeident. REV. KLBEKT tt. (0MHT, I VUtt WOULD lii? I'RKSlDKNTr The question 1. often asked, who would be president In the case oi the death of bath the president and, vice incident f In January,' iS8f, after tin death of Vice President Hendricks, a law wni made fit- Unit this case. It President Cleveland had died and been auccceded by th p.-e.Uent ot the senate, the apectaclo would have been wltneaed ot a change ot admlnUtra tlon from democratic to republican, con trary to the will ot the people, who elected la democrat preslJent. To obviate thl awkward difficulty, to provide that the hlgheit officer In the country ahould be ot the political party that prevailed at the lat elsctlon, a apcclal law wa pavacd. It declared that, In caie ot death or re moval or both the pretldent and vice prce Idont, the tecretary of alate hould be pre IJent. In caxeot hi death or removal, the chair will be titled by the secretary ot the treavury, then by the secretary of war, and after hhn by the attorney general, poi.t. master general, secretary of the navy, sec- retary of the Interior, In the order named n caa 01 ine oisaonny ot an mec, tnera would iUl1 bo lhe secretary of agriculture, wno was noi a caoinet omcerai me nmo the law was made If, therefore, Harrison 'nd Morlon hou,d 00 removed, Secretary Dlalne would be president. The nearest president. I he nearest the country ever came to realising the condition to be met by this law was In 1865, at the time of the assasainatlon ot Lincoln, It the plan ot the conspirators had euc ceeded, president, vice president and sec retary of state would have all been removed by the plot that killed Lincoln. uisromcAU Assyria, was overthrown by the Medes 6aj B q. The art of making paper from cotton rag wa not Introduced till about the close of the eleventh century. Greece was a name alti.ot uaknown by the people whom we call Greeks, and was never used by them to describe their cenn try. It wa first adopted by the Romans, from whom It has descended to u Ilctween the aecond war with England ana lite Missouri compromise, Qve new state were admitted to the United States ot America: ludbna, i$i6; Mlsaisatppl, 1S17; Illinois, iSiS; Alabama, 1S10: Maine, isw The firat railway In the United State wa but two miics long and was used only to hauling stone. The car were drawn by borsea. The first paasenger train In America was run on the Baltimore Si O- hio railroad In 18 jo. a rrencn scientist removed th slteil on either side of aa egg without injuring tbe mem brine, in patches about the site of the diamet er of a pea, snugly fitted the openings with bits of glaas, placed the egg with th glass bull's eyes in an incubator, run by clock work and revolving once each hour, and bad the plcaatire of looking through and watcbiag the change utcn lb inside at t te eid of each suty minute. B South Carolina always hangs murderers In pubile, and she defies any one to find apec'.ator ot ar.y hanging who haa sub sequently taken human life. She clal.ns that every execution makes a profound impression of the vengeance of the law. A machine that cut matcbstiJis makes 10 000,000 a day. They are arranged over a vat and nave lha bead out on at the rale of 8,000,000 per day by one man, Kanaa has had fourteen cyclones In six years, and If anv other state In the union can show more win J tharf that let the record be produced. A We Virginia farmer claims tu have dug three bushels of potatoes from one hill. In this ficll the ground la very uneven. A Friead to the Family. Dr E S Holden t I have ased yoor Ethe real Coogh Syrnp li my family for many a year.anil I balieva it mv duty to recommend it f o all a a tore and effectual cere for cold a and aU diaeaee of the throat. I Corny. The DI1-,, Or., May 18, 18S0. bare Cartalna. Li Cartalaa, 1 have jusl received ray fall stock cf lace curtains boueht direct from Imnorfera. the largest stock ever brought to this mat k et, and best value for the money. Mamvel E. Youno, Home fine hrney!ookine for custunrt a CE browoell's Kid Gloves. I have just received an invoice of the celebrated P. Centemcrf kid cloves In black and colored. TVu. with the other brand I handle, Foster genuine hook and Our Own brand,make an aasortment that any lady can be auhed in prices and quality. These are all first class goods and warranted as represented. Samuvl E. Youxo. High Water and Floods. On ac count of deep enow in the mountain and Increassant ralna In the Valley, It fa ei oected to cauae very high water and great lose of property. Jlut the Willamette Packing Co are still selllnr; goods at the lowest possible figures. If you do not bur your groceries of them give them a trial". ImTro co east. Oo Eaat via Monnt Shaata Ron to Ka slimate and sranery at all time of the year. J Sea Mor Sl.e.f. .-..1- n, Ci. t Lake, Dearer. Finest aeonl-elaaa ear. m.l are ran daily. Hoy your Meketa of me anrl aav year fare to Porttand. I am tha nnfw Pmon in Alboy that aan Ball yoa'a ticket to aay pains In th CniUd Statea. 011 eis ma fwr rata.. V.', Jcarri Asrat . P. FOR SKIN DISEASES MOORE'S CELEBRATED POISON 0AI5EMEDT It kill" all Inflammation and !rritT .and ,(h onljr aura doatroyer of atlurobtat aud otlwe fUin I'araaKes. rw Awy. price. 25 cents a Box. n a voice turn OMo. Wrr It pur trait s-sf M. GmrrU a. !. 1 .a.i. O Z3 l , wrtUii Wm at work am tt erm f( V t ' J U. Altsin Cu t lbtim aoasi yuMt- v. f IO nsonth 1 1 now hatw am airtii'r '"""s taHsi vtit trian oay, (HUcnwcl, . W, ll.OAfclUaWat. WllU.ia Kline, llantekeeii. Pa.. wrlt,i Ml have nere, known anything- to Mil Ilka r-w album. I ..tertler I tuok rnlci.iiourN Ice per wa over e.V" W. 1. Kl mora, ttanenr. M.. wrlleet -li iteke an order fur yreae allium at iJL proflttiuftmaimorhailSSO T ,lr a elnirle de-'.wurk." Y otberaare tlulnf quire ae well t ve hare nut t'e (a aire ex OlraciU frum I.iimm. ff.v.rv ielwoetev.rr buuee 1 ,1.11. klir one wlm tekee aold oTttila ernd liuilnae ph., up irneed proflle nitii aiari iuu in this ousineaa, r'flvr ? Write touaand team all abotHh rorvooveeir. mi iiHriinroiMnri wewlll atari you If vim dim I a-i.y nmil .I in evi oi ta yuur pari oi in wunm. iiyou Ink. Mold yim will be elite to )il,'k up gold faet. !" attOMll .a ai'i-uutit ,.r e fcror.l nieimrctur.r'e eale 1 Sr,4cft( teu etullur I'hotoal'lipta Allinmo arete W.kl to iliv 1..1.10 I". ft; -em. liunrMl In lliival Crlmerto ailli V.ivrl. l'lu-h. t'liemiiiiffly decor. led lu.lil... Hnndenine.i aewttain lhe Wiirld. Irir.t lie. tiritelflet bap,.in. erer know o. Affeiue wenieil. Liberal trmi. lily mon.' ror auenis. JUty at.e can, lrc.MM-a auwii..riil Btfiil. Hrll. Itenir wti ftiirht Hole omv talking iierMKry. Whrrxeer eliowi., e rr one w,i.l. to pur--Ari mii lake tlii.H.nnila of onl.ra with roptdily never' !,l..r kiiiiwii. I.rnt tin.fli. eweit ev.ry worker. Aenla era' lii.kma fiiMiinpa. l.adii . iiiekeea nint'lt aa num. Ton, reader,, .an do a. w.-ll any unr. r till inforiMetion and tenet, ' ,,, "lo iIi'imi wlio write lor .ne. wltli mrliud Sara ano ernia lurutir' S ilild yii tiir int. Ix,, lloik, I'arl.iili.'al,, Alter va know all. Ad-ircee t. a ' lurincr, wny no narait is done. Ai.t.k. av .Co.. AuLuata, eiaiaa Children Cry for; piles . AMO Alt, r i L S- nr.. -,.,. I TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Isaac atobk;onity. HKcll to DtiiM-m, Or boon Citv, Feb 7. iSoo, The mer chant of Oregon City suatutited lets by ma recent noon a ioiiowss r rotti damage to tot'k by eater and moving CJco. A third. inga drugs j(Kii u I Mar.iinj groceries. L-iiarman tV on gcn'i mu , $50(10$ (J U Joy groeerlea, $3001 11 R Mctarver aro- rk, $1501 I Selling gen'l md,, $itx)( liV)i Many other lout from Scoo in I wen crue hotel, jo( K. I'oi trr aatoon, itaoo. Tim woolen mill estimate their total lot nt Stcooot The ExceUlor St Shoddy mill Co. $25,000, and many others can nokyel estimate their loss until water still lurtner recedes. A Big FkpWiIob, ' Lima, Ohio, Keb.',6,tSno.-.1i xpklim has occuiieJ at the big solar dlitillety south of this cily, rtsultlng in death of one man, and si or seven others ticlnc bsilly In tired. 1.1- eaplng gits from still raught tire, exiled and mew om cna 01 inuiuing. A lila I lain. jmuIiU te PMiaT. New Voaic, teh. 6. Fmnk Meyer of Brooklyn defeated Ihlt Victory of this city in ten hard bloody rtHimta with skin cluve for I a purae ol f joo on long Island early this mom ing. J lie ligtit was a wry brutal one. file rUbrrlrs aeallua. W)1)k, te D-( Washing Dsaoi-SAT, AVakiunoton. Feb. 6. Ex-reiresentailve Triton of dsy made argument before house committee on mertha-t marine and fib- erics In behalf of bill granting sulwidies ameriesn vessels engaged in foreign trade. to Will Uaag. Bjxclal to Paaoeaar. San Francisco, Feb. 6. Wong Ah limp, the chinaman who in April of last year mur dered bis uncle by stabbing him in the back was this moraine sentenced to be haneetl on tha ijth iiut. (TRiOlS riuutsss Tllg Ht ltl'Lir. Tbe weight and bulk of the gold and silver U,; - , now i( ,be UmIcJ HMn ,reaiu,7 lorm the sttlijcct of much imtuiry among people of a mathematical turn of mind, one of whom has ascertained lha! Hie cold alone ta-irh 601 1.... ..f i , 1 .1... .., . 1 - . J' . . 1 t- 7 weighs 7,000 tons, Corded along the high- w., na wumi cwiucti, me goiu mouui mat a wall 4 teat high and 4 feet thick for a dis- lance of in feel. Tha silver, if similarly t 1 i t! a is . a . . v- . ' ,..tu m a ao.m wau, wohm eatemi 4,4 feet, or about fiv. sixth, of a mile. If packed a sixth, of a m.le. If packed .each cart, the procession unlaining gull would cover in cini, 10 1 10 would be nearly tance the cans containing gut. tro and one half miles, and the silver tadened carts a fraction over to miles, St. Iuis RrfmUk, A Ct UK ruR nirtlTIIKKlA. Tl folic ing remedy was discovered ia Germany and is said lo 1 the best know at At tbj first indication of diphtheria ia lh throat of a child nuks the room closes then take a tin cup and pour into it a uuaatiiy of tar aod turpentine, eijml parts. Then hold the cup over a fire so as lo fill the room with f-mca. The Htltle patient, en whaling l lie fumes w ill couth up and spit out all the mem branous matter, and (be diphtheria will pass oil. The fumes of I lie tar and turjcnline looa- ea the matter in the throat, thus affording the relief that has balued the skill of physicians. New York TUgrm. The nest republican state convent km in this state witl mark lha permanent VMabtiahment of Joe Simon's control and domination of that party and its nominations, or it will lt tbe beginning of tbe end of such control. If Joe retains bis commanding attitude in tbe party, he and a few banker and tool of corporations witl have possession of every wiies that move the party orjanuatlon. The agikuitumt or laboring man will be as much out of place in that par.y aa a fish out of water. To take away the power and influence of corporations and banks in that party is to destroy the pow er cf thst patty either for good or for evil. To decapitate Joe would be to do that very thing. Joe is a faithful and courageous representative of corporate and banking influence and if their representative be di iven from hia'prctent atrong- bold these corporations and bank wilt no lon ger take intercuts in the success of that party, The representative Icadcrsof tbe rrpullksa party bave no view a in common withagrkuiturai and labor pcoj le,ss has been shown (n a thous and and one promisee made only to be broken. The larglest and costliest private man sion in the world Is said to be that belong ing to Lord Bute, catted "MonUluart," and situated near Rothesay. It covet nearly two acres and is built In Ojthic style; the wall j, turrets and balconies are bui.t of stone. The Immenae tower In the center ot the building is 120 fect high, with a balcony round the top. The halls are constructed entirely of marble and ala baster; all the rooms are finished In ma hogany, rosewood and walnut; tlu fire place are all carved marbles, ot antique design. The exact cost ot this fairy pal ace ia not known, but it has never been climated at Ic.s than 1,900,000. 1 he latest piece of Chinese legislation at tempted at Washington by congress i) to num ber and keep account of tbe Mongolians in the United States, Representative Morrow, of California, introduced the bill proposing to re quire the superintendent of the cenaus to enumerate the Chinese population of the Unit ed States, and to iasue to each Chinese a cer tificate, which shall be regarded as the sole I evidence of his right to remain in the United States, but shall not lie evidence of his right to enter the country. Chincts without certificat es ninety days after the enumeration may be arrested, convicted of illegal residence, . and sent to their own country, tin. person bringing them to the United States to be liable for the costs. The bill carries an appropriation of f 100,000 to give the effect to its provisions. Pope Leo, deapile nl advanced age, la an unuaolly early rlaer. !Ic is rarely in bed after 5 -.30, and by 6 he may be seen walking in the gardena of the Vatican at tended by some membrr ot his house, hold. Very often ho gives audience to hi secretaries before bi To clean so called brass lamps rub the lamp .horoughly with a mixture of crocus and sweet j oil, stand it aside to dry. When dry polish it with dry crocus and chamois skin. , Yellow stains, left by sewing machine oil of white, may be removed by rubbing the spot with a cloth wet with ammonia before washing with soap. . A red hot iron passed over old putty soften it so it can be easily removed. will Hot fat or cutting bread will soot, dull the edge of the sharpest knifo. A little ammonia in tepid water and cleanse the skin. will soften tTliea Baby waa slek, we gave her CMUHm, When abe was a Child, she cried for Caatorta, When alia became Mica, aha clung to Coatorla, When e.bad hUdren, she gave them C&afavla. Pltcher'o Csctorla man watk itewi, Frem Thurdiy'a Daily, At thl city hi morning, after one of th brlghtot night Imaginable the Willamette had fallen a foot and a half tlnce four o'clock yeterday. At pre time the river had fallen abeut tour fect from the hlghekt point, and w falling all the way from Eugene to at leat Oregon City. The taw mill at Independence wai one of the unfortunate Itutluitlon of the valley .,.! .l,rrio(l ti.aor.U Pnrilnr.1 .m Mn. .1. - The truck on the O 1' fiom Harrow - slough nearly opposite this city to the Day Is all right, A train arrived at that point last evening, and Mr Geo E Porter came i water win soon be forgottaa in the acoas In . boat. 1LVA,M!?abAh A,b' em ,s 111 A a . g I tunatcly remained Intact. Portland though welt watered escapes without the low ot any ot it bridge.. All klndsot rumors about washouts and I demolished bridges and buildings been all oat. In order to correct any such it may be stated that bath the brldues on the bantlam.crosaed by the Narrow Gauge, I stood the flood. A young man from the Forks Informs us that a train arrlycd In I hclo yesterday frrm the north. The Han- "a,u bridge at atayton 1 all right The Turner bridge across the Callpooiadld not n All lti PnHtanil hfrlilifM vmimbIh ft.l " ... . ... . : . . I .Vliia.ia fll mill along me river in Albany remain, though It was reiiorted in certain part of the county that all had gone. They weren't even shaken up, an old addition to th e Monteitn mm oeing the only loss. I n'ii . k uu uiuui mum waa una i mat me waier at rortmnu reached to a . a a . a . ... rourm aircci.anu mat one nunured nouses Air lllka Uhlln-' l-t IT lira.t nl .boon I by the flood and Jim Nanny Informed an suoany man mat ma loss wasnne Hun dred head of sheep. IX TliC WILLAMETTE. A Cloae Call far 0, U Kavaga. l-t Friday Mr, George Dickinson had made arrangement with 0. L. Sav age, the drayman, to go to Batem in skiff, the latter, w ho had fished on the Co- I lumbia, to do the rowing. Mr, Savage put out irom ine oio sawmill in the skin to eotne up treatn after Mr. Dlcklnsrn. He had Juat atruck the current when hi boat , 1 waa iwihim rooik a no upaci. oar. oavavei c,un t" "' rid for help, aa he w ffjcd down In the rushing water, i ine ooat turning orer sovcrei nine, ana " on7 Mh Kre,t norX ,n"t "e hePl LhoW fn tK". Wa'lace Atead, only a 1 oor. lutn neii inrn inni nr tvmw. inn unit I " "-r- " "w great ucaterlty and muacle put alter the upaet craft . overtaking It beyond the O. V. urt craft , overtaking It beyond the O. r. dge and piling Mr. Savage In by skill- - ClXVErUAI.& CtOVBKDALt, Feb. tlh, 1S70, To Th Mam About Town. -Wsare! nicely situated her, at this inimtomt&Z:A pow having the second rlac of the flood, It I just high enough so I can alt In vr.j easy choir and fi.h fro.n the deck of my et 'r7 to I 'rtl.o.l, which will be a con front porch, or by going part way down fmaUoo d.voaUy dnirad. Itwasthoaght stales and walking on ehalra, as so many stepmn. atones, to -the door and then Into! lhe txial. isow lor a vt.ll to a nrlctibor a . - r - . .. ... mite away j no opening of gates or dusty roads on this route t but a few pulls at toe oars and you are gilding gracefully over 1 tie 100 of the tree in your neat door neighbor's orchard. This trip is a very comforting one when you know that you nave icii nothing at home that win drown ; must say that the flood washed I away fifteen stands of bee for me.bealdes li the ither property, such as farmlnc utensils, cord wood, fencing, etc., that it could lay hold ot. Tried to claim the old white faced cow, but she proved to be an eprt at swimming ; not so with mv coon ot fine chkkena.thcv gave it up very quick after they had to take to the water. This i a queer country and climate where a man raise tone of fruit ot different kinda In the summer and In tbe winter can fUh nd boat ride over the as me ground. Who will aay tltl t not using land lor double purpose. W. M.W. CAL KSTtTSI SStEI- I M Ralaton'a .Vd A to Lebanon., ...Filed L A and I N Woadle to C V Crow, dcr. hi ic, Woodle'a Riverside A to Albany ( Jemima Rataton to Anna M Smith, 3 acres In IpiiSRlw...... ISO 4S tooo 300 300 E Kirkendall wf to I Xlchol, Int In u.R'a A.Leb... E C Cox to Elias Maxwell, 30 acre in tp 10, SKiw A Ilackleman to S A liulin.lot 3,bl 3.11' 3rd A W R llardman to A II lialttmore, 130 acres In tp 1 1, K R a w 5600 wolverton to I M lirucc,t-4 90 acres Ip ij, S R 1 w The American Mtge Co to R L Gil- arm, 153 acres In tp II,S Raw. W C Negus and wf to W C Casscll, lots 6, 7, bio, ll'sjnd A....... 437 1600 3500 Total. ...$13,091 A Ciiekkt Biro. Probably the most remarkable bird In the world Is the Chinese pheasant, and new tale are continually told that surprise the world. The follow ing 1 from the Corvaltls Times: "While the ground . been covered with anow, the Cldntae pheasants have grown very affectionate, and it I not an uncommon thing to see them feeding by the In the barn jard with domestic fowls, Tbe cold and hungtr seem to make them very tame, and they travel in large flecks and seek shelter and food at the farmer' door-yard; and In some places they evenj watcu ior ine tanner to iced nia ctitckena, and the moment his back is turned make a raid on the scanned grain. But the farmer will never ml the few crumbs that help tokeep the pheasant from atarv Ing, for who can tell but thoae aame birds may yet deck the tablrs for the grangers' dainty dinner. There tre a few thought less individuals, however, wh- take rd vantage of the circumstances, and while the birds In a body seem to beg for shelter and sympathy, the flock Is fired Into, and they are killed and crippled by the score." Wheat Ruined Only one warehouse In the county is heard from that Buffered much damage from the high water. This was the Wills warehouae In Syracuse pre. cinct. cjooo bushels of wheat was stored there by the farmers, and a big partlon of It Is reported as having been ruined, and the building Itself is damaged some. Ar rangement had been partially made to aeii the wheat tolhe Salem Flouring mills; but not baving been consummated the loss will fall on thu farmers. Postponed, Commander S. W. Reece ha received a dispatch from State Com mander McElroy, of the G. A. R., that the annual encampment at Eugene has been postponed until March ia. . Letter Lint. Following ta tb Hat ot letters ramainlnir ia tha Poet Office, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Jan. SO, 1(00 Person calling- for the aa letUn-s muat frt re the data oa which they ware advertised i . Aamatronsr, Mis litnnle llrijwu, Fred UmUa, tliaa Uagus Dtiutrlaa, I'nt OroL'hhi), W Harron, Orin Jarratt, HT -Jackaoit, M Kitchen, Con A MillBi(l!rFA Cowa'l, T A Knlieru, Mra Lluts Rrttmntha), Baroay Soott, J W Shield, KG Aildama, R F Corf oe, John t Davla, HU Uilli Fanno, KB Oiren, O Irving, Kami 0 Janeoa, Thomas 1 Lewis, JB Mattaou, Iwutc Minlier, Peter Farkiaon, K (J Kuaaell, WilllRrn Hhelton, Mrs it Sitanuon, John W 8 R. TH0MP80X P M. HARRIED. LYNCH CHANDLER. On Thurs day evening, Feb. 6lh, 1890, at the resi dence of Mr II A Stanaid, in Albany, by Rev li J Trumbull, Rev David Lynch and Miss Mattie Chandler both of Albany. A worthy couple, may their lives be bless ed by the richest g.fts o life. HOMgAK'D-AltllOAtl TIIURaDA' A uiagnllluieiit day. Mr A B liu(h!lo)ti, of Jeffurtoo, wa in iiu ciiy yatteraay, Mr Henry Newman hioluil hi barber thop in the Vanoa Dock. The Awl truln from r.irtland tha T)tto- ehiT rtlioU will arrive by not Tuaadar. tbe Ulh Itntant. F M Mitoliell, a aohoot teacliar tver la Cauada, hi bfisn in the city, having came by way of the Labanon and Narrow Oaaue road. Hon F M Klaar walk ml from tSi. nu t Ilalxty tbe othor day on his way home from the Linn (Jo lloslnaa eoauoil. weeaj.isj lUVUlf tur OOnMOg VMn Uleotrio liliU. While everywhere else along the rivar thsy had to shut dowa, our eootinuea car ataady blsxe ol liht. Kmna rymti at u,orvslH tto ssl labaiH ft lit l li.d fl- i -. tUWl JTiLTni .73 it altaeno threaten to thanga tha course of n,or' Billy Arlington who played for the bcne fit of the Albany fir dtfiiirtment several mmtlhe agn, is now In Portland "olavina." Kilty will i reniombartd as the broken down mtotstrei who gsveaone borseeaUrUinmsnt hra. il... J..' .1 .inn .1. . 1 III lUUHr.l Cll If I IIMH - KH 1 .l a. " . . n . . v u mil , trdy morning at Jaflersoq, took tilaoo this afternoon at that oity. Among tlrnae who att-nded from Albany wen. A B Woodln, S W IW and 8 H Train, former fmriH i th u A B of th dtocasad . They walked in uriinr to oa tutra p,mK,nv w.i. i... .... ...i . unv anstSW TBI I Irs II If. ,n..- t.. ,t.. . 1... t.-.- .. i t. .. . . lae wi.loh smpoaa a floe of two dollars for absence irom a lira, ami 00 (.eat for nnn-at tendanoaat their regular meeting which take plaoe at tha bose house oa the fourth luaadsy of eaub The aession of tha day wa on of tbe shortest on reord. There o eooteetmn about the Jffrsoo or any vow oriuira anii an aaon pmiaota want over. v 11m wmui to oocauiar very seriously bow muub it haa io.t bv tha hioh water. The praacut indication ia that it is not a yory large amount miOAY. Th snow Mocbada hu not v.t l.n rlJ nera ana vajuoruut. A train ytafly s-eot from Kugcne to ?!.l.l,.l,Mk Uio F condition 1 -vtwaan in oiaaaa. Out eitiama have eeaaed spending thair time watehing tha river and boaiuca i,ro- 1 aauai aiaortiy Th" "iehardwn brblgo aoroaa Crabtrve crwk and tha Jordan l.ndg. MroWi Thomaa 1 Mini vav at&,t.i i. . a a . a . I """-w wpaiivu VH Ml ltV IXWOi UOuJI Mr 7 L Suoh baa Ui UimnU . A eom. U AlZy mZu Xk com. te Albany immediately and lok af Ur bie property at Tcioverdat,, and wiil probe- Mr Geo C HUr.ard arrived io th city from Brewasvtita laat evening and haa uu.n hi. place at tb dreg store of Stanard Hi Cuslek. Albany win sow be bis borne. Tb only damage to th gardsea aeroaa tbe river waa tbe lua of fene and a faw of the eV-nWAMlMltMaa- J-.F !.( ... -,1. . . t. I . . I if tot improved by the water . ' I Arraagamaate ware being mad to-day to ""r woam " eeeaia during tbe eveoiog. Muwae unuk. WriuhL U:i.r. firav .n.1 im . ... . 4 I t.owriaon aaa Airs 1 brail, of tha uub ta sehool. v tail I tha Lebanon school y aster. oay, retortJitiK lass svenie.. They were bltbly pla4 at tb way l'rof Wriubt U running thing. A man from aero, tb tWr aaya about one hundred yarda of tbe bank at tha bead jaat wast of tba city baa bewn washed away aod that a littles more would tarn the river through Ctoverdal. The tovtrament will have to build a revetment if it keep en. There are men in Albany who will per te en t IhrmaeirM as much at tbe man sold about ia tha following. They are tha oa who want other men to par for improve. menu white tbey reap the benefit and who borrow their neighbor papets inaioad ol taking one themselves 1 "Ilea Williams,of Lansing, Micb., haa a novel way ot ridding his faea of whtakara. Every Sunday moro ioK fur th paat twenty- to years he baa sat down befora tbe glass and pulled tbe hair out of tbe lower part of hia face with a pair oftweeaera. lie aays that it hurt like most anything at flrat, but ba doeaa's mind it a bit now. 1 1 ia 75 years old, and ia loaded with asrv aad grit." Arrm th Flood. Thl after a clear, frosty night, the Willamette had aubaldcd about eight feet from the highest point, falling four feet In half a day, and al press time It had gone down to4 feet, A trio alona Water street waa full ot intcrcn. Sidewalks were upheaved or taken away, the platform of the Oregon I'aclfl: railroad was gone and the wharf was a wreck. The Union I'aclac vharf witl make good fire-wood and the office waa well washed out. In front of it Mr. Hiram Ktutn found two ten cent pieces, probably dropped by some poor drayman, and about twenty men apent an hour or two hunting for twenty cent piece. Store cellar were well filled with dirty sediment, easily removed. The damage to goods waa only nominal, aa well as the general damage to the city. Al bany' location Is a good one for flood. aArcaoAr. A const ruction train went to -day aa tar east on the Oregon Facitio as Kipbarta. Plenty of wot k to do for idle men. to not waate yoor time, bat use yoor muscle. The city pound haa been tranaferred tem porarily from its former location to Scbmeer'a livery stable. K. E. llsmroack. of Tall man. and W. V. Crawford, of Lebanon, are doing the city to-day. Tbe wires are ud on the Orcsron Paoifia from Y equina to Uatesvilla, a complete con nection being-mad yesterday. N K Fraaier. tb voone merchant of Pen dleton, lost about two weeks ago, haa not yet oeen iouoo, ana nc 1 thought to be dead by many. - A. 0. Eecleson. the former O. P. civil an- tlooer, is now a resident of Portland, and ha become a general apeculator and minion expert. E. K Hammack.Tallman'a Naaebv. haa be 11 doing Albany to-day. Without aoy river there t,e teuorta a nrettv wet com munity for awhile. The WestSide :s as thorouuhlv out off from th outside world aa the East Side. Trains have not been running, ot probably will oegm again on Monday. E J McCIannahan. of Eaeenc. arrived in the rity last evening with four men who had got ten aa far as that oity and been blockad ed. They left tbia moraine for Portlaud. No l'a enaine ia now ready for businesa again, having been put in order by Kogineer Millar. Very fortunately there haa not ran ben an alarm aince the -oil gave out. Mr. W. II. Temuletoo. news aaent on the Oregon Paeilio, baa been in the oity, fie reports trains running between the Bay and Corvallis, but without any business to speak of, '. The editor of the Crownayille Times waa away from home when the flood came. The devil ia reported to having taken ohsrge of the u per and was rustling in good shape to get out the paper on time. ; A oompany baa been organised at Taeoma to build a flume to a huge glacier on Mi. Ranier and to slide ioa to that city. The glacier ii 700 feet thick, of tha purest quality of ice, and the expense of building the flume ia estimated at $75,000. TLe sross receipts of tha postnBoe in As toria, fur the year 1SS0, were aa follows; First quarter, $2,285 64; aecond quarter, $2,442.62,- third quarter, $2,389.17; fourth qnarter, $2,29i.67. Total for the year, $9,712.02. A Michigan girt wno waa to reed to go through tho marriage ceremony with a man whom she did not wish to wed, said "no" to every question that required "yes," in spite of which the justice pronounced tne pair man and wife. The supreme court, however, decided that tha whole ceremony wsa null android. ; Logan and II. II. Hsyes and It. A. Bow man aimed in this city laat eveatog from Cor vallis, being on a wire repairing expedition for the Western Union, They got everything up to Rainwater', but were unable to span the river. Profes sional linemen will ba sent to do thip, and it will ba several days before the work i com pleted. : ea!i..s war Vi sy & a- IXr.AIlT 90 BuaiNKH. Albn F.nuinJ (i. No. 1 had thoir steamer out ior trial this afternoon and sb stood her Usi in cood lisps. Cbifif Engineer Klewsit ronuosta u to ai.noune to all hiarnhers of tha company that the engine is now in working order, and that in caae of a fire slurm they witl be ex pected to bring tha engine out. A DRKAKWATltn TCRvntrn Tl rr,t Ing floods show a bad condition of the river bank ct the bend above thl city.and the necessity of immediate action to pre vent the entire change of the course of the river to the county through Cloverdalc thus ruining our river front advnntagea. Some thlna one or twn mo-e such floods would complete the job. Since the water went down greater damage bus betn done to the garden land than nrerloul) ,ond at a height that prevlouoly did not affect them on previous occasion. Realizing the tie ccanlty of immediate acllonlhd Cily Ciun. cll.afirr vteltlng the scene.wlll call a meet ing or our citizens for the purpoae of tak ing action In the matter, A petition will be sent to Congrea aaklng action at trie present session, ihemattcils aniinpr t4nt one and of great interest to our city TJCMl'KUANCEt;OJ,JJ,V. EilllKl b Allwny W, C. T, V Th total hanking espiial ofthe.Uutttd Statea was 17 ,Q',H)tQ'.)0 , Th workii'tf man drink all th hanks dry in nil mouthr. uur Uhurcti Uevtaw, Th Federal Iabor Union of Chicago bs addressad an open letter to the Hon Frd W Peek, prfcaidimt of the auditorium aocia- tion, protoatiog agsmat lhe lnky alin 10 anas ouiiutug. The political strength of tbe 80DO liquor dealer of New York City is estimated by one ol their own leader to l not vt Ihtn 40,000 vote. The same authority aays 1 "In almoat every ounty iu th state there la now a liquor dealuis aovwiation and we ar all pledged to you togotber." Ught is thrown upon the temptation to crime la great oitio by tha fatt that in Chi. oago webave woman who maks twaha shirU forycoty-fiv cent and furnish their owa thread, women who "JoiaU off' aeost- ly loak for foor oU : childran that work twelve hour a daj for a dollar a eek. Alsa that cold should be ao doar an.t nh ana oiooa so clioep.- Fraooas K Wiitard Aa EaglUh reaidoi.t of Dalasore, India says that half oflhpoi-!o in tb diatrkt oow use opium. Tb opium licena U civ n to tb man who will pledge to sell th Urgent amouut. What be etnnot jell be givea away to children, tnu creating ij them th horn LI appetite that qaickly makes them prontaoie customer. The keeper of tb opium den near th miaaionary presetting atrod baa fiogara rotting with lproj, with which be daal oat tne crm of two tortar tog ana loeurabl m.Iadiea. It wa atated at th etvntion of tbe W 2 T U b!d in Ontario that ninety-three ptr ent of tha yoeng who j lined tha lUnJa of ""Y r omu mini ii 1. Here U light lor aoa laiura ci nabiaiilty. A Luisviile, Ky, paper notra a ksal tranaactioo thos 1 "A we.lthy brewer of this city baa lately bought sevt-n tlioaaand dollar' worth more property adj iiuipg hia already Iaro plsoa. If ia best ca:o nara are ountd at tbe city's expecAe." tarn governor w virgmta isaued or.Icrs eome time sine that not more than eight and a half barrvle of leer ahould be Sold each day at tb Govrramaot eaiooo in the National Soldier Horn. Utitnu 8:goal. Tha filuaiua t'-f .. . . . 1. ism iistranea m tier, in a atir,;,,? '.. -.r ,. . I . ; ' . " v . v. temperance mattatrs, gives tbe fuiiottiug nn viaal item j "At a recant meeting of tbe Altri.tchao B-ard of Guard Una, it was re. ported that la eooseqeene of the doctor preearil'ing cod liver oil instead nf intosi eania, tb deaths hsJ Lee-n ao tnucb rtrdaoad that th andertakers refo-..i to make tbe coffins at tba current t rate. The aslooa beepers of a tiamber of town and eitiee bave been prist rating a practical joke no th.maulves by adopting a yellow ribbon for their IkI-.- in a mockery of tbe W C T U white rihbou. thereby 'jami.eirg from tha frying ii... iitohcjire. "bv advet- tisios tbenssslve suffraiat!i, or ;n oioer worus, "ioen u a worst rucuiUv. (harrh) lilraesary. U. P.CilCBCl!. Preach int; every Hahbatn, moroiug and evening by Kcv. K (J. Ir rute, V. D. babbath .School at 2:M r. a Prayer meeting every Wa Inessday evening. EvamusUcalCboiiiCB. Preaching on Sabe Vath at 1 1.00 a. St., and 7 r. at, Sabbath i:hool 10.O0. Prayer im sting every Wed- ttewiay eve Ding 7iJ. iu-v. tuber, pastor. Alt ar invited. M. B. Church, lioFTH. Preaching every aaunata morning at II o clock a. at. and 7 -0 o'clock P. U. Sabbath School t230 o'clock 3, at. Prayer meeting Wednesday eveoieg'a rt 71 o'clock, iiev. U UauIuiut, Tastor. M. E.('HCRCU. Preaching every Sabbath morning and evening. Song service in be even tvg before sermon. iSabbath School 1 2.30 e M. Prayer meeting every Thura ay a reniog. Lev. S Memtngr, pastor. FaiaaiTKRUir Ciicrco. Ssvice every Sabbath morning aod eveningjin Church oor. Broadaibin andFifthSta. Sunday School immediately after tha morning service. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evenicg Rev 13 R Priobard, pastor. First Baptist Church. Preaching eve-ry Sabbath morning andeve' Church on 5lb Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning service. Prayer meeting ever Tbnradsy evening at 7:30 o'clock. IUv. Trumbull, pastor. CoHOBCOA'noirALCROA.-r-.--HerviceBever)' ttabbatb morning and evening. Sabbath School at 12:15. Pvayer meoting on Wedneaday evening cf each weok. Rev, Rogers, Pastor. . TlA! CaURCit T'reacbicg every Lrwde day in month, morning and evening, oaboath School at 10 Vclotk.A. at. Re? J F Stewart Pastor. Catholic Choacit. Sorvico tvery Sun day at 10:30 a. M. aud 7 p. at. 1 -est Sunday oi ID'S month service at i-.ugene City. Iiev, Louit Metayer, Rector. Buv Albant Propkrty firvt mid last and all the time, yet if men must and will buy Astoria lots and acre properly always buy the best and nearest to water front and O R N docks.and that addition is Kinney's addition to Astorla.the nearest b v one mile. While we have lota and acre property in nearly all the additions and acre tracts near Astoriavwlll be pleased to quote prices and terms on all and each of them. Oregon Lajio Co. An elegant line of new designs of ohaira just received t Fortmilier & Irving'. I am now bettor prepared than I bay ever been to 8uitrny customers in the hoe Hue. I have just received a large Invoice of the celebrated Laird Sdieber fe Mitchell fine ahoes .r ladies Thernia no njaLufacturei" who clatmn anvthlnn- bettor than these shoes. I in tend vo keep a full assortment of thorn in all prices, widths from AtoEK and can att't the most fastidious in fit and price, I ski received another invoice of Iho popular shoe E P Reeds in Waukeaphast And Patent leather tip. These Bboes am weil known itt Albany as a first clasf niea sty ta shoo. Orders from tiie country fill ed with care and satUfa :ion guaranteed Pamtjel 13 Youug. !-.i!v Uwtl -fa Sir for Infants and Children. ' "Can tor Jala ao wH ftdaptod to ehndnKithAt I Caatorla ewe (Wte, OowHpatlon, f r-corimicnd It aa nperlor to any ttfeacrf-Uun I S"ir Ptotnacb, Harrhma, i.rwtUon, auowatome." ILA. AatmL MtT I ormii, give- aip, and proanotoe o 111 So. Oiiori 6k, trooidya, H. Y. WttW iajorione inedtcatton. Tini C-WTAva CoatMinr, 77 Murray Street, . Y. ' TtlK MAN AttfJIJT TOtVX. Inoldun days they married by proxy now siirnc voting W done by proxy ; but it wa left for an Albany man to fcct a duck- ng In th Willamette by proxy. Tbla wa done bv Mr Geo Dhktrmoo, oil the Oreson L.ati(j co, and hi frh.'nda are congratulat ing hlin on the schetnir. A draym.m tella tli Mai Aij' Town that he only hauled one lo 1 ol frci;;h during tl.e wr-ek. It caipe (o i'ic cr.i-. the onaignor reaided tn L.Vttj i But water atrks llslevrl and one lazy week I inc.'ins arrther lively om- I'o.ttr jtter I wSo liavtf had vca'ion r.t-i?d noproildini; to rpgret It when a hundred fold d')e I adir,iiiilcii:d. How ea-.ll a rumor i manufictured. Let a man sec a fly lunging by a thread. and bv the time it reaches a neighboring town it becomes a man lynched by a man During the reccit flood evety bridge In he valley, almost, waa reported out, and onlv one important bridge wer.t. At Brownivftle it was reported and believed that a 1 the mill aton' the river in thi city were wahed awav jind that the water was two feet deep on First Street. .. -' mmm Many thought the old Foster warehouse would aurcly g ,attd the problem was one that required some heavy study H; by the O I men In reference to the management of.the bridge.divers plans being sugj;eted, one that thu draw beopened,if it went that way, which would have been a dangerous operation with the breakwater out. It wa finally concluded to trust to luck. We may not have another flood for ten years. but It is well 10 remember that of these buildh gs are getting pretty old, tod may cauc trouo'c some time. ..F. S .s. Pres C. II., 8e Albany IRONWORKS Msnn&acltirers r?- 1EA7JI EUS1HES CHlSf AH 3 SAW yiLLMACHiNERY IH3.I FRDHT5 K Al3 ALL KiHDS 0? HEAVY AKO LIGHT WORK, Ki IH3H AKO BRASS CASTIKSS. apeotal aUntin li cf mehlnr Ha'wttirss Hade on Short Notice. V Vie-kiakel v.jaee. AT PRICE &. ROBSOf' ET"3 Teiir)eotlveais tbe medipine mns are store triaaa a pBraraiStve. '2 ta ta pr-. n , ts aaaal coaatavlsi Tonic, Alterative and Cathartic Properties. Tail's Pitta yMsea theao qualities ta tevsi snalaaeat stesjree, stnd Speedily Eesioro tb teemete (belr saataal perteitalUe auaosieaa, aa aavemtial to rcKUleu-lSjr. Sold EvcrywHorOe THE i tho D. M . Fit R R V (St. CO V. Uo are t; ..-.-t ; , v ; -oca ta tbe woOO. n . . I.I . ruiv5: Co 3 r!utTfcied, Deacripiivc ami Priced WaWaHsW Wf Aa ICiin'S, SCO IO tOSt aVtOMHI CUMOCCCTaV, ts better than crrr. Kvery r-creon Ujuig Our arm t riwr er ricut D. M.FERRY tt CO, DETROIT, MICH. FOR tm fllLV! A r wl II E l Oeotral aad KF.&V0Q8 DEBlLITYj ffTT? akaaas of Bodraad Kisa: ESfecU kJ J eVVaU ef SmmerSzeesuaia Older Yoiny. at n eat et. Soeila BaHOHO ntlir Reateeeii. Hear to itarce anS Wreka r,l.l ll'H rUlr-Hl I.HtilV i PAKTSoi BOtlt. Abeelut-tr allies' HUSK SHKitBUlT BeeaHtla la a eej. Xm ieal Sreaa 41 Statea, Teerltartee, bm Feevkea reaatHea. taneaeiwrttaiSaea. Bee, fall , etaeatten, aael areata atatte i Sra. aetsraaa iiil ttiaeSAl Siif AAB, a. I. To All Iliom It May Conc&rit." The Cennaniit Fire Insurance Co of New York, having reinsured its entire business in the State of Oregon, said com pany (having on deposit with the State Treasurer, $$0,000,) hereby give notice of its dis-rontinuance cf business in Ore con; and its Intention of withdrawing its deposit now with the State Treasurer at the expiration of the six months printed notice required by law Germanic Firk IssuraxckCo ofN. Y Hugh Schumann, Vice President. Dec:' 18S9 Delmonica Restauranl. CORNER FIRST ANB ELLSWORTH STS. The nnddrxigned having purchased the old Herman Restaurant taud has opened nudur the above na u a tirst-ola reetsu rant. We are prepared to furnish meat for partiea or dancca on enort notice. Oys tTS served in every stylo, eastern or coast; all kinds of flah knowa in tho market. Em cloy only tira-clafS teln, and waiting wiil be prompt and courteous. Regular meals '25 eta. Cout-a of Lrst-claas quality and a cup of coffee and caka at from 5 to 10 cU. I am well known iu this city and re quest the tizop to .give me a call. SAM GwETS, Proprietor. 2nd Store. jiasi it'.ook of 2r,d pS" ;oods tu the Val-try-, sad lltn most roasj late prices, both io Onvitig and saltiDg. i" hava oa band Alt Mods of FURHiTUHH, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUMXS, BOOKS, PIUTURES. CLCCXS, CHOCKFJ Y, 'ETC., ETC. & i?ir.)i-.wastcf E Young's o5(. store. 123 ST, C I ill S o WtwriiaiitiawWiswaiaSii niij Wo havo iha Exclmiv Controflt A4 don't Am f7r3 prl" U Jhk r "arts, or IU m BEST HADi LC aewy vaMeBjveaJ 0 EE HSJ Uht HALT rb-iw. .... e..ea -I llll f1 f) f)taa.e, . SAMUEL E YOUiiG;) ALBAKY, 0REC0JI. J . E. WEATHESFOltD, ATTORNEY AT IA, ALBttT. StEtia. ij 17 t- EalcPHEBSOn, First Street. " . Real EUte Broker, loersBce,andn.. to lose. I bave a large lis. of impnaj. . and uuiiiijrovd city property, at4 frsi ! Kardeo aod frmtog laoa tu targa aoa am trscts. A I sell on commiasiota oniy.if y want to boy or soil it will pay yoa and see me. , W at mav. HAY SENDERS taalers in General Immik: HARRISSaSC - - - C2EC" J, tjf. WIIlTflEY. Ai-xcLiey Asl CouniBllor At L- eat KD Sotnvj Public.' ALEA'i'j CEECOH Witl prai:'. , I all of tbe C-s sl MUto. AH b in intrualr to : will bo promptly sitonded to. y--';M ilfn- Vrt I ear Crts I r Tvi iwia mereTT 'a ' stop t) rn iuf a ttuin, an i have '.iir.i r- : tarn arnuii. 1 Kb-; A I.Al'iUAl. CLliii. ? 1 bare tniOs tLo (Ue&-se cf j nxs, HPiivsFsir os? - i gATaTtiRG sicunms-:, A Kfa-k.Tt,? atadr. I wr.r.AT pit veTOeSt te i Cf H8 (.!. r.-r.r-t" cat, lircttuse otiiers l.'srj f irrr.rei!sonfrnotBoTerfftviiiitaciie. i : cj'i ;-i .i-ifc :.-ratrcaitc and a utt iiotaF-l ' i s-.- I rf-M.J.riii.B UEUEny. G:t tsp.-a ' it cois yoa notliio-i L.r a : ' it v. Curs you. A'J'Jj-tv-i -OT.SVl.C., iSSPiAaSMIirriYcai 1 PATENTS 4 taieerL ana all other btuiaesa In the U. K. Pile. rHo attFrKiedad to tor moderate feea. Ourojsorrpoit the U.S. PaUnt OfEce. a. eoan obuia Patents leas ttase Ibaa thae tw rorn WashtneAn. . rend mixii a ordimahief. We at1- to patnr ability free of charge .and we make o charge are obtain patent. W refer here, to the rwtaiaMer, the Sirct. Xonev Order Dlv. and In ntheiale nl I ke IT a (Via, OAee. For circular, adnre. terma. aod ete-c. oectual clients ia yourovn Si ate or eocnty, ias. A. SIVOW &CO Opooeuw Patent OlGce. H'sRhtrnfioa. D ihany Nurseries. - We are permanently located on the ol liilna hotneatead 4 mtla irom Albany oa Uoryama road, and bave on baud, stock cf .. - Choice Fruit Trees of our o-ra growing, wheli wa soil at tk l 0 west living ratea. : Parties contemplating planting ahould consult their interests by examining oa stock asd priaea before purchasing. '": liTkttH tiBOWKBIA, 'Albany, Oregen. ABY CARRIAGES AT .srswAur so FUMCIS PFEIFFER. -PROPRIETOR OF - ; Albany Soda Works X and Manrfacturors of choice caiFEiiiiami, : ; A'e now preparer! to Mil at wMC" i, alwaya frenh Bci fn deaiertt. ef ttpo pma at Portlt'ou We e,'r kp a full fiuts ani Tropical Fmits, ;IQfii3 i3 T33C0D Fnitmiller k Irving, if t 3 4 V f v i. -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Pro 3ipt Itti itiai-Firsi- clas3 EeiT3 PsIONEY TO LOAfl. $330,000 to loan at 8 per cent oa im proved farm or city property r WALtt BR0'JSTS On - kef to -a a n wa it 3al Estata .rJ hzz i; I "o f a a .Z C. o i IT T"' ' j A rl aw E- A " ta' k aa.? . X X ' I ' fSf' , ' aaaaaas . g a ; -V B i a ' ?.'