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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1890)
olic Dfuica'at. FRIDAY FED ROAR Y 14, 1800 STITE3 & EstU.r mm 4 NUTTIHQ. rrasrlMors. 5 Special. 5 5 II Is with pleasurtlht we anoounce to our uieny patro. tbat we have again m ad arrangements wltblhat wide-awake Illustrated tarui tnagastne, the AMBKiCitt Farmer, published ml Vort Wayne, lnd., and read by nearly 200,000 farmoia, by which that crtat publication will be mail ed dlrsct.FREE, to the addiee of any of ooraubacribera who wl.loome In and pay up all arrearage on subscription and ou jesr In advance from dte,nd to any now eubsorlUr who will pay ote year la ad yanoa. Thla : la a grand opportunity to obtain a flrat-claaa .arm Jcu e. Th Am Eli irat FaiatmSa 16 psg ourual, of national circulation, which ranks amccR.the leacHiigagrlcultutrl pa pera. It treatt the fiuestlou ot economy in agriculture and the right and prtvl egea of that vast br.dy of cltlsens Amer can Farmeia whose Industry la tbebaala of all material and national prosperity. I la highest purpoae U lbs elevation and ennobling of Agriculture through tne higher and broader education of men and women etttged In Ita puruta. The teg ular subscription price of lhe Ambkicam Faaxaa Is $100 per year. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. From any one ntitn bar Ideas can b obtalued that will be worth thrice the subscription price to you or members of your household. Tier too bt it rasa. Call and ace mm pie opy. J J J l Jl N ! ! tt LOCAL UttCORi) Not Aiiiad. The boarJ of directors oi the Salem Building and Loan association met at the oitice of the Capital National hank Iat evening and auctioned oft $1,400. John Holm bid in $Soo at forty month' Interest In advance, and F J Stravcr $600 at tlxtv-three months' tnlrictt n advance, The association Is in a very nouri.hlng condition. Fifty three new shares have been sold ince the last report, leaving only sbout one hundred yet tor sale. A premium of seventy-five cents a share su fised a the price of thla unsold stock. The wav the association l growing. It looks a if there will loon be $,ooo a month to loan. i- soon at the one hundred share of the present aerlea are sold, another series will be opened. Astoria and Albany will please take notice that Salem is ahead of them on building and loan association, as r.etl aa every thing else, even if the aMOcialion I young In age. The DeseocaaT U very gl tl t see tha Salem people are learning the value of Its B & L association and that they are begin, nlnjto understand l'.s workings, though the above remark sounJs funny to those who remember what the Statesman said when the bidding waa only about thir ' teen months in advance. Speaking of being ahead of Albany, our average bid ding has been over 51 months, the highest Wring 65 months N'ow.there. Imprisoned. A Salem man came Into the city Sunday evening on hh way home from Cottage Grove, in Lane county, at which point he has been Imprisoned since the4rirst of the month by the flood and washouts He give an interesting account of the t'.Ue disasters thst befell the people and railroads up the valley. The railroad track is now in fair run ning conJillon from Junction to Rose burg. There was a terrible wreck of the railroad track between Junction and the Harrlsburg bridge. Three crews of hand are at work repairing It, and it will be ready for travel by to-morrow, or next day. There were some washouts about Harrlsburg, but they have been repaired, and as scon as the Junction washout is repaired the track will be clear from here to Roaeburg. The man made his way this far by walking some and by the hand car. Bridges 'the Marys bridge at Oorval- Jl, which went out last we:k,cost $14,000 Mr Stone, the bridge man, informs us, $1300 being put on it lets than a year ago The Brownsville bridge, part of which went out, if replaced entirely ,as il is needs to be, would cost nearly $15,000. Mr Moss, the Assessor, gives us the situa tion of the Sweet Home briige.whlch , a peculiar one. One of the abutments is nearly washed eut,so thst the briJe at that er.d hangs by the corner .and was liable to topple over at any moment He reported the Wiley bridge as one of the structures washed out. The bridge repairing ex pense to this ceunty will be found to be considerable when all the precincts are heard from. Is All Right. The little cabin that was seen floating past Buena Vista carry ing a Chinaman ha been found. It was swept into 'he bottom below Salem and is now standing on David Grierson's place. badly lacked and twisted. Its content were scattered but no sign could be found of the companlonless Chinaman who sat astride its roof. It Is probable from this thst the wood chopper was washed from the building and drowned Salem fUes- msn. Instead of being drowned the Celes tial was saved at Independence, much to mi joy, lor he wss not anxious to die yet Fraiiik DcD.The fallowing dispatch was sent from Walla Walla to the Portland papers on the 7th instant: "The body of Nicholas Frazier, a wealthy young man who some time ago was lost in Ihe moun tains eatt of Pendleton, was found to-day three-fourths of a mile from where he was last seen. He had slid down the aide of a mountain, a thousand feet, and his neck was broken. The body was brought up to t'eudieton to-night," Bridge Inspectors. A hand car load of bridge Inspectors went South last lion day, AH the bridges between Albany and Aurora had been inspected and were pronounced safe. Beyond Aurora the 'rack was in a bad condition : but all the men to be secured were putting it in con ditlon and it will only be two or lhreday before trains can run to Portland. 1 hough there are two trains between Auiora and Junction both are lying k ile.and many won der wi.y tiiey are not run on local tratiic, It Settles It. A speaker on the af firmative side of the question, "Resolved that farming pays in Kansas, recently took rhe floor at the meeting of a de bating society in Western Kansai. wnen a fellow on the negative aide opened the stove door and shoveled in three or four pecks of corn. There are several Kan sas men In Albany owning land worth about a fifth of what they paid for it, who will laugh heartily at the joke. They declare though that as a matter of fact the cobs are used more than the corn Enterprise. There are all kinds of species of enterprise in this world. One of a very marked nature was that of the Portland man who took one hundred Flood Jorks. A man from. Eo!a says the flood washed away everything except the mortgages en the farms over in that neighborhood. A gentleman from Yam hill says a fellow at Sheridan jumped from the second story wlndo to taste the watc that was up to his first flooi. He thought It mlkrht be salt water, he had heard so much of a low pass from McMlnnvltle for the proposed Salem railroad to the sea. Down In Mission Bottom they have a very wise sow. The sow belongs ta Alex La. fotlett. When the flxHl came up she made a bee line lor lien Jones house. I he doors on the lower floor had been left open to let the bitter lti.and so the sow wa'Wrd Into the nurlor, went up stnlr and crawled Into a brd. When the men went to Mr Jones hoUKe they found the sow anil mea tounve her out, but she would not She had too good a thlnit.Hitd s'te didn't propose ta go out and Rt drowned. At last cport the sow had possession. -halem Statesman, Tiik Locks In speaking of the damage to the locks U Oregon CUy.tis telegraphed by Mr Troup, which will prevent boats from riinnliii; for a month a staled In yes. tcrdaj's Pkmocrat, the Salem Statesman ssys s . "Mr Troup I ihe port captain. The damage to the lock consists In the wash ing awftv of the wing dam and the upper flume, and these mut be repaired before thv lock cm he opened. Some of the bouts are loaded tor Portland, and there I no place to unload Ihem.all the docks being washed out, those at CorvallK AU any. In dependence, Salon and Oregon Citv. These boat will not he able to do much business until after the lotkaare repaired." Mr Kawllngs, nent heicv received the following despatch 1 "Boat will not run for a month. Cannot say when definitely.' A Birthday Party. Tteiday after. noon a very Interesting birthday p jrty was held at the home of Mr J.t V Pipe, at Ferry and Ninth streets. Il was In honor of the third birthday of llttla Johnny Pipe. The guests were accompanied by their mothers In most cases, and ranged 1 1 age from three months to about six years. It proved q"l:e a baby show ami, was highly enjved br all preteut. A nice repast was serve J at 4 o'clock, and coisisled o( a variety of vhnjs (nun animal cracker and milk up to t!i.-e iMutjs delight the palate of older people. Those present were Mrs J V 1'ipe, son and daughter; Mr I'tof l-e, daughter and sons Mrs Wm Fortmiller, son an.l daughter j Mrs E N Condit, t'aushtrr and son; Mrs T L Wallace ami daughter: Mr K L I'homp ton and son 1 Mrs F P Nutting and daughter; Mrs Fred lSlumberg, Mrs Thos Montrith, r, and the son and daughter of Rev E R l'richard, and Oracle Browne!!. Another CLt'tt. Meagra particular have been secured about a Shakespearean club organised recently at the couit houve, one with blood streaming from Its nostrils. Dally rehearsals are had and Gear, it is said, has not yet swounded. There are vague rumors as ta a lio the officers are. As nearly as we can learn, the following; la the list: E E Davis, president; E E Montague, secretary; L M Curl, critic; II Farwci', chief of ihe exchequer; John Smallmon, sergeant-at arms; D S Smith, cup-bearerr R L Dorrls, taster, Thete are the officers laid down by Shakespeare for such clubs, and though there It no use for the last cnes they are put in so as to make the club a genuine one. Postponed. The recent flood have stopped all pretent talk about ryViadt,but the following from the ShcrldaiHurlcr it of Interest : It I the Intention, as soon at the weather moderates, and surveying practical, for the committees from Albany and Sheridan to meet with tiie Dallas committee at the latter place. It being most centrally located lor the occasion, and dts cuu means for co-operating In building the Albany & Astoria railroad. This road will be of Incalculable value to Sheridan, and ether towns along Its route, as well as to the farmers. Sheridan will be well rep resented at this conference. In Place or the Bridge. Thos. lfol- man starts for Portland to-day, and when he returns he hopes to be followed, after a few davs, by the best Icrry-boat available in Portland. Thl he will put In operation across the river here. It will be a toll boat and wilt serve the purpose very well until the new bridge Is built. Mr. llol man has already obtained license from the Po'k county courf and will soon do the same on this side. Statesman. Reversed. Tuesday the supreme court In the case of Dr McAllister, ap. pellant,agalnst the city of Albany, respond ent. for damages, reversed the judgment of the circuit cour: and ordered a new trial. The case of P A Moses, respondent, against the Southern Paeific company, ap pellant, was also reversed and a new trial ordered. Emerson Rarzee refused to color the moustache of an Inebriated man from Al bany, because he did not want to dye a drunkard. Jefferson Review, lie probably thought the drunkard would die anyway ; vet It wat i.ot an act of reciprocity ,for Albany barbers frequent ly dye Jefferson drunkards.and charge them for It. Arrested To strange men, sup posed ta be the men who made their es cape from Marion county jail on Monday, January 2ft, were arretted at Yaquina Hay on the 7th. I he man supposed to be Isyron was recognized a described by clr cular tent out by Marlon county sheriff. I he Identity 01 both was finally secured. They will he taken o Salem when t..e trains run regularly. The Narrow Gacge.--Henry God- dard, superintendent of the Narrow Gauge branch of the Southern Ppcific, was in this citv Saturday on hit wav to that road to put it in condition for traffic. He came from Portland by ail manner of convey. ances. lie reported the north part In a very bad condition, and laid It would be some time before trains would run direct from Coburgto Woodland. Two Womw. Two women who have taken timber claim In the Caiapooia Mountains are spending the winter there. Their stepfather Is with them. They were visited a few days ago by some of the timber men and were gelling alone re markably welL considering the eight lent of snow. They say they are not objects cf pity. We admire their piuek. Fkom Mill City., Mr. Lee Brown Is home from a trip to Mill City. About damage was done the Santlam Lumbering 'company's mill. While re turning Mr. Brown was Informed of 1 'andslideof about no by 48 feet, at Kip- harts, which would take some time to re move. A Peaceable Community. Since the first rise of the water there has not been sinlge arrest made in Albany. Being wa ter bound has proven one blessing. Ic T11 it Census. One t! lite moot conspl cuous event ot the present year will be the taking ol the census, which will begin the tst day of June. The Statesman's des natche of the loth Instant says 1 "The census supervisors an now being furnUlv ed with Instructions and the necemry papers to beln their part ol the work. In taking the census of 1890 the estimate! and bad of beginning the work are made from the census of 1SS0, allowing In all cases for the natural or extraordinary Increase In the far western districts, Oregon has been divided Into two illstrlcu.and the su nervlsors have been appointed. In ht first district John II Shupe, of Oakland has ueen named.and In the second district, I W Stramre. of Laurande.wlll be the u pervlsor. The first dlttrlct In Western Oregon Is nopu!ou,and the census bureau has estimated that It contains peo ple, while the eastern district It estimated at 58,000. The salary ol the supervisors will be $ 1000, and they are auowsu a cer- tain amount for clerk and legitimate ex penses Incurred In their work. The ap pointment of enumerator Is in the hand of the supervisors, though it it supposed that In most Instances they will be chosen upon the recommendation of tha senator and representative." Crook County. The following Items are from the Prlnevltle papers just recclv ed.and a many heie are Interested In at least the weather over th.te we give them, though of the date of Jan. a;th : Several parties who have been feeding their stock in town drove their animals to the desert this week. The snow has al most disappeared since the Chinook came and the desert Is covered now with abund ant grass and water. Down In Willamette they had q ilte a snow, but It Is all gone, and things look bright as spring. We have had more or less snow ever since Thanksgiving, And It U still here. We are stayers we are. But for all that,wh- would exchange this climate for that of Wrbfoot t Not many would. The Oregonian reports a foot of snow all over the Ochoco country. We had tlx Inches for a day or two, but four Inches has been the average depth here valley during the winter. Several Falskiioods. A Corvallis paper says: Albany suffered to a great extent, though the damage a yet can not, of course, be estimated. Albany did not suffer to a great extent, in fact, very h'tle. Also The only town In the Willamette valley located on a stream of any slxe that wat not damaged to tome extent by the flood wat Corvallis. The loss of Mary's bridge atone was ten times ihe toss to Albany , Also Notwithstanding the water was very high here, our electric lights burned as bright ly as ever, when at Its highest. This is another thing' that no other town along the river can say. Albany's lights did not stop at all, and two of them give as much llghl as the whole system of their city. A SrRANaa Tale. Report has it that a man welt known In this section, who up to a recent date drank more liquor than, wat good f r liim, but who ha now sworn ofl" in deadly earnest. It preparing a te m perance lecture, which he proposes to de liver In Pendleton soon. The lecture will be the narration of three dart' experience while wandering about the country during an attack rf delirium tremens. Those who have heard him relate the story say it Is Intensely interesting, and equals In dramatic power snd vivid por trayal some . of Poc'a wlcrd and realistic masterpieces. It wilt be something unique in the line of a temperance sermon and bids fair to create a sensation 1'endletot E.O. l'OUTLAXt) OR BUST, A Three Week Trip From Yrcka. Last Sunday A E Schwatks, of Yreka, Cal., DJSomberg, of New York, JW Winn, of l'latttburg.Mo., C C tltll.ol Burl ngtonJJFenton and G S Mlllcr.of Portland arrived In the city on a Harrlsburg hand car. Mrgchwatka, a mining expert and unele of the famous Fred Sch watka.of Arc tic fame, left Yreka less than three weeks ago In response to a dispatch to proceed to Baker City to Itupcct some well known mines. Making hi way over the Siskl yous In all manner of ways.cllmblr.g drifts wading streams, anyway to get along bound to do so at all events, he finally reached Medtord after an experience that would make a sensational article If alt told. At Cow Creek canyon he run Into a land slide ol about five acres surface that was actually seventy-five feet deep, standing trees remaining upright at uuiocKaucu tne way,and everywhere were smaller slide until Roaeburg wss reached. He thought it would take several weeks to clear the way, in fact no lime can be set when trains will reach Oregon from California. At Medford he was joined by four of the above party and afterwards by the other, The six by hiring handcars, walking and by wagon, made the trip from Medlord to Albany In six days, and said they would reach Portland or bust. This morning A 1) Barker left with the party for Salem. accompanied by District Attorney Hewitt, who had to be pretent at the Circuit Court In session this week, and Judge Strahan, wanted at the Supreme Court room. In the kept the tramps out, and there being none here at the time we have enjoyed a peace that is refreshing. Died. Mrs. J. R. Wiseman died at Crswfoidsville February 3d, aged 40 year. She leaves a husband and niae children and a hotit of friends. She was buried in the Crawfordsvllle cemetery on the 4th Inst. Funeral' services conducted by Rev. Robe. Postponed. Superintendent Curl re- Tiie Assessors' Convextiox.- -Among the projicts which the flood has Interbred with is the assessors' convention, with all Its wealth of promise and paucity of proba bility, claim 1 attention. It was originally set for next Tuesday, the nth, but there it no probability that it will be held ihen.if at all. Governor Pennoyer.being questioned about it yesterday, said that he had been so busy with hit prtperty that he had not had time to think about Issuing a supplemen tary call. In view of the indifferent out look, for satisfactory railroad connections and the near approach of the time for the assessors to ocg in their labors, it 1 not likely that the convention will meet at ail this spring. -Oregonlan. The above cor respond with Assessor Moss experience. He made a desperate effort to get a des patch from the Governor In reference to t ; but failed. A Wabxing. According to one Salem paper it I now learned that the bridge there was too hastily as well as lightly built. The State Democrat says: "Salem's frail, toy bridge has gone the way of all the earth. It ought to have been saved. The undue haste which attends! the pre liminaries of building the bridge indicated a bad result. The thing at that time looked like a job. The irresponsible bridge builders were enough to warn the public against them. But no, they must have the contract and they got it, before the city council were called upon to act on the subject. It Stood the Storm. A gentleman ust from Stayton Inform the Journal that the Staton bridge, which various ru mors have been rife about, is standing as solid a the "lock of axe," and at no time siiowed 'any signs of going out, yet the raging torrent wat very trying on it, un several occasions newt reached the city that Jthe splendid structure had go'ie out, which, 11 true, would have been a cool loss of almost $30,0110 to Marlon county and the citixen of Htaylon. Salem Journa', If ihe Democrat remembers correctly Linn county owns half of the bridge, and in case cf loss would lose about a much as Marion county. A Close Call. Hon George Wag goner, who was on the Wm M lioag, go. ing north to Gregon City, gave a Demo crat man the particulars of the falling of Mary's bridge. He and six othere, were on the bridge when it began falling. They ran about 160 feet and reached tne shore jut as It toppled over. Hafl thev fallen all would certainly have been killed, as both sides fell over on the bridge as it turned around and went down. He T as Hungry. A horse weighing 1,100 pounds, owned by a man in Dover N. II, got hungry in the night, left his sUll and climbed a long, steep and narrow pair of stairs Into the hay-loft, whers he was found the next morning. Albany people when hungry walk into Conn Bros. erccerv store and order their goods and Ihe result is universally satisfactory.. flow to Reach Portland. Steamer leaves Salem at 6 a. m. daily except Sun day for Albany, and way landings, ar riving at Albany about noon. Returning same day at 1 p. m. tor Salem and con necting next day at Fulquartz landing with F Si W Ky. for Portland. This arrange ment in affect at once. C G Rawlins. Agent. C0UN6II. PKOCEEDINOS, Tuesday 'evening, Feb, nth. Present Mayor, Recorder, Marshal Street Commissioner, and Councilman French, Deyoe, Tabler, Burkhart, Smith and Garrett, Further time wss granted the committee on ordinances in the matter ol an ordinance providing for building permits. The following bills were ordered paid 1 J N Hoffman, $59.90 $ A W Wheeler. $58.05 ; J O Whitcsldes, $10.85 John Maxwell, $S.Si j W F C, M Co ; Albany Electric Light Co, $180.50 N J 1 1 en ton, $33.10. The city engines were reported to be both In good condition, No i's having been thoroughly repaired. Further time was given to repair the tops of the citterns. The committee on ways and means re ported that contract for printing 50 copies of charter and city ordinances had been let to C W Wattsat 65 cent a page: The contract for building the Ellsworth .ateral sewer was let 10 Jas Laurent at 69 cents per toot. Petition of E F Truss and others for sidewalk along east First Street was grant ed. A public meeting for the purpose of considering the matter of a petition to Congress for tha construction of a revet ment at this city was ordered called. The Street Commissioner recommended several needed repairs. A petition for a bridge across the ditch kt Thurston and Third streets was taken from the table where it had lain along time and referred. The committee on streets and public property, to whom the matter had been referred, reported In favor of an electric light at Washington and Third streets. A side walk was ordered on south side of First street adjoining block 1 1, to be erect ed within thirty days. el Ktrain as tea F M Hyde to John R Cart w right. tract In Harrlsburg , , , , $ 650 Lavlna WeHclto L B Prushaw,lot 1, bl 103, li's A to Albany 1000 G W Sallrnarsh to Mary Saltmarsh, all int In lot 7,in Albany. ,. 1S00 Fred W Blumberg and wife to R II Huston.lotOiU.ln W A.Albanr 900 Robt Glass to J R Wiseman, lots j, 3,6,bl4,G's A.Crawfo'diville.. 70 E B Holmes and w( to Alvln Ginn, lots 4, S. . bl s, bhedds 1 000 J R Kir kpat rick and wf to A Dodge, bl 3, K's 2nd A to Lebanon ,, .. 345 J R Baltimore and wf to D B Mon- teith, N w qr bl 1 5, E A.Albany 11,000 F W Ulumberff and wile to lia II Conn, lot 7, bl 1, West A R50 I K Kiiknatrlck and wlfa to H Y Klrkptrick, tract In Lebanon.. 650 Lmma U Kile and husband to j K and it V KlrkpatrkkJot 7,bl is. Lebanon, 000 W W Parrish and wf U Wm Kal ston, N w qr bl 5,Eatt A....... I II Bovle to Saiitlam Lumbcrlntr Co. 100 acres in to io,S Kit 000 J M Ralston to J G Boyle.lot J,bl 33, in J M Kaiston s A, Left 350 r M French et f,admr to Kobert u Smlth.N half of D LC of John McCoy COMMITTED BUICIDE. A Yonng M'owaa Urowas Herself. Saturday evening, on McDowell creek, ten miles east of Lebanon, the 17-year old daughter ol Mr. Perry Otborn com mltted suicide by drowning herself in the swift running waters ol that well known creek. Her body was found fifty yards below where she entered the water and was given a Christian burial, amid the re gret of the neighbors. The case Is a very sad one. According to the account given to the Democrat the young woman left a note giving the reasons for the rash act, which were that a young man, a mem ber of the wagon road surveying crew In that uelghborliood several months ago, had, under professions of affection, be trayed her, and she took that course to end the matter and cover up her shame. We lefraln from giving the name ol the villain who was the cause of her down, fall until we are posislve ol his Identity The case has caused great feeling In the neighborhood where the tragedy was com , mined. CRAWrOIUMVILUe. February lnd, 1890, sY. Democrat : Knowing that the many readers of your valuabla.paper are more than axtout to hear from all parts ol the county and state concerning the present high waters, I deem it important to tell them what has been go ing on here, though the damage here Is nothing compared with other places. It began raining Tuesday mornlng.the aSih, and has been raining ever since, with the exception of one half day, Yesterday the log commenced coming down the river in the afternoon. They came thick and fast, the river being full between the banks. Some parties counted four hundred and eighty that passed In about five min utes. Several million feet went by. About 8 o'clock p. m. Field's old dtm and mill frame went out. Parties who were up watching the logs go by isld there wat long building went down the river about a :jo o'clock this morning. It is the pre vailing opinion that it wat the covered bridge about three miles above here. The bridge here is In a very dangerous condi tion and will probably go out yet. Quite number of. persons were viewing the sight to-day, when about ti o'clock a log struck one of the corner posts to Ihe plan ing mills and knocked It out. The corner settled down several inches. Twelve or fifteen men went to work Immediately to moving the machinery, valued at about $xxs, to a place of safety. The water ditch also, belonging to Glass Bow., is damaged largely. Mr Pugh of Uilt place caught about 350,. 000 feet of log In Mr McDowell's boom about a week ago, to be sawed by Mr Mc Dowel!. Near 1 a o'clock last night they commenced to go under Ihe boom and kept going until all went There is but one house in town, Mr Hughe,! hat Is en tirely surrounded by water, Urutn (wreck Is raging. Most of Ihe bridges across that j stream belonging to farmers have washed ut. The old toilers here say that this I the highest water since '61-a and stands t about the same high water mark . We can see snow yet - on some of the hilts The covered bridge above here I all right, not damaged, but the graded road above the bridge is washed badly, Davis Bros, saw mill on Brush Creek Is so badly damaged it Is said they will not repair tt. Two men came from the evening. They say snow I sis feet deepyet A.J.S February 5th. Since our of the and and 3rd Inst, the writer has learned that the bridge near ihe Ftnley grist milt is In a dangerous condition. Tne mill still stands, . The county bridge on Brush Creek Is considered too danger ous to cross with a team. Persons are crossing it on horseback. At our previous writing the lailpoota bridge three miles above here was all right, but on Monday night it seem something knocked the posts from under the west end of the bridge and It fell three or four feet. We have been Informed that persons on horseback can not cross it now. There were about eight feet of snow on the mountains before the rsln fetl.snd It has settled down about two feet,leaving nearly tlx feet of n?w yet. HOUR AND A B 110 A 11 Monday. V beat is looked fur at this oily on Wad -nnstlry. The SPUR Co sprtn'ta $73,000 a ysar fureosl in Oi , Mr. 8. E. Young htsbesu contlnsl to his home far som time by Illness. A tin shop has been npen4 tinoo the flood, adjuiniog the Pioneer himr, ; No Ft stesinar wss givsn a th. rouji suit satis factory teat tlitssfteraoao Yesterday mornlnt: there wr 12 persons naitsil with the M U Chuiili,in this city, A land slide is aa Urg In I lis Ctr Cm k canyon that evta standing Uses went down. Toe pablie soli'tols opanwi this morning, after a week's vsostivu, eausod by tbs fl.d. Tha rov.val tsrviuot at the MKCbarali sra oon tinning in latret. Meetings every afternoon ami nlHii. 3 0 Roberts, of RliU britlgn, has been In the city to- dsy. The bridus at bis place stood the test alt right. - A lioonse in m irry w grsutsd this sf ter noon in Mr franklin Wyatt and Mist Ar utnta A CUrk. Satnrdty, E. O. B-anUlsy, rsl estate aant, sold two lata ia 1'ips S Addition to V, Dawson. The ferryboat bsgsn running this morning. The north approach wss found in pretty good condition, excepting the ebstrustieo in tbt shape of debris, easily removed, The Dole far Nieute club will giya a dsnoeat tbs opera house Friday svsulng. That will be H. Valentino's day, a day for Oopid. . Mr n M Stons, lbs bridge msn, of O.k ville, bss boen In the city to-dy. looking en tha bridges of the county. Alrtady Mr Btone knows svsry bridge that baa goo oat iatbeoooaty. Ueo K Fish, of Corvsllit, wot in the city V.aUrday, Ha ttaUd tbat a train from Pott land wsa expected to-daybal tbe matter wa est definitely settled. Mr Elias Ksanay, f tther of Mr Gm II Kseosy, of thi eity ia reported as lying dangerously ill at his home, near Ilslssy, r-f pousmoula, resulting from Isgrtppe. William Tttmsr wsa drownsd ia Wild Cat creek, Is Ioe nonnty, Ust wesk, while attsinpting to cross it. His body was not rsoovarsd. Mr, O 8 Royce, who bst besa la Soathsro California for his health, ia reported much worse, with little prospects of bit recovery. The asws will be generally received -with re gret. Mr. W. If. Ifoastoa has toll bis ieUrest ia tbe blacksmith basins to Mr, Pete An dsrson, who will fcuresfur conduct it. Mr Aadarson is an industrious young man, de serting a good patronage. Tbs water in tbs WillsmetU to-ay is 12) feat abova low watnr mark at thi eity, a splendid boating stsge.snd with brats abova snd below there 1 general surprise t Zerois ed because bona are runniuf . A picture Jester at Ltnoattsr. Pa , tried to get a liases to sell bis good by auction, bat a local law prevented him. lis there fore bad bis elerk issue an execution against him for 11,000, and now tbe sherttT will sell bis goods st section. Tb otbar day, at St. Loals, a a straet ear was bowling along at a rapid rata of psd, tb two borsse ran against a broktn tieotrio tight wire, which bang like a loop aoroaa tb street. Tb shock killed both horses iusLsotly sod stunned tb driver. Henry McDowell, of Hsrney Vallay. well koowo in Albany, ap te th 16tb of January, bad only lost 34 bead of sheep oat of 1300 bead, bat wsa jeat about oat of food. If the bed weather ooo tinned tnnch longer h woald lose may more. Snow was Only 10 or It inebse deep. Mr Z B Moss, wsnty aaor, arrived la tb eity to-day trrm Swset Home foe tb parpoes of going lo tb meeting of assessors ta Portland to-morrow, but being on able to task eooaeetions, gave ap tb trip. Tbe convention, anyway, will pmbably be 4 jnaroed to sons fitter day. YeatenUy Oto Uempbrey, Esq, went to Jefferson and brought ap in a bank Mrs C P itavler, of Portland, aad Mr Dr Wait Bay sod Prof Lorillsrd, of this oity. They bad gotten aa fas aa Jefferson in another beak. Traveling th modern dsy Is cer tainly of s very rocky and uaosrttiu nature. Tcrstiar. sc- .. S69S Total. , &,9S rftrtX ALBANY. The following table of distances Jrom Albany, compitcd by the Real Estate Con veyor, will be a valuable thing to clip and save for reference: north. ' P01 Thi Jefferson Turner.. Salem... Brooks . . iervals. ,, . Woodburn . Aurora .... Canby Oregon Lit r Clackamas . Milwaukee . pies of the Oregonlan to Salem Satur-1 ceve cispatch from State Superintend- cm oicciroy noinying mm that on ac count of being unable to seeu-e speakers early enough the district teachers' Insti tute, to be held In this city, hat been post poned until March 19, 30 and 21 . day by different routes, and in the home of a paper receiving Associated Press dit patches, sold every copy at 50 cents a copy. That looks like mining days; but there Is nothing like taking time by the forelock. The time when the Oregonian !r unperclated most Is when it Is not re ' for several drys. difference. Mr J P Queener, Vn here, writing to the Stayton f : "I wou'd not give 160 acres y, Howell or French prairie for land In this country as a crow , on the carcass of Gould or Van-i , could fly ovei in 90 days, and I number of others are hereof .roe c;-r:!oa." Buy lots In the extension to the Railway addition t3 Astoria, incy are cneap. .to .30 -37 4 45 53 ..51 -65 .70 74 ind 80 )altes ...... 166 C mi. tllia. 31 Baker City 437 Huntington ...... 4S4 Kalama, W T...1JO Tacoma aai Seattle .aao Walla Walla, ...310 HpokaneFslM., 54 Victoria, BO... 34 XEW4 FRMM aftOt'ND OATEtYIIXE. We hear Weather I fair and challenge not ceptcd to manufacture wash bolters. We hear Citlxens from this pait will donate coffin, grave and tombstone to the loser of the wash bailer combat. We hear Curran and Montelili think cf moving to Mount Hood for safety, we hero Ah, Heaven thank jou for the beauti ful spread water. We hear That twelve drummers walked from Gatesvllle yesterday to witness the boiler combat that lake place in Albany at early date. We hear That the great John L. S. will start a wash boiler factory at Gatesvllle as the mines are close by. We hear ' That McGinty would be dryer here than at the bottom ot the aea. uenton couniy to hear from. Had Tif. Lebanon Junction 8 Lebanon Knox Butte. . Munke.s .... BAST. Ual;s.. 19 Lvons . ... 38 M ill Chy ....... 36 Gates 40 Shedd Halsey Harrlsburg Junction CugeneCity ... Cresswell Cottage Grove... Droln 8t ia S 4 KOUTII. Rosebunr, Myrtle Creek Riddles...... West Fork... 4 a 1 Glendale Alia .-. an Teachers Examination. 11 16 35 29 Yoncalla ... Oakland.... Corvallis... Philomath. , ..140 ..146 ..109 ..18a -.195 Grants Pas 316 Medford 348 86) Phcenlx 253 .100 I Ash'.and . ...sot WEST. 10 I Summit ........ 3 17 Yaquina City ... 83 Takb Aim When wanting anything in the gun line, shot, rifle or revolver, call en Price & Robton. They carry a first class stock, and as well a full line of am munition and will not be undersold. T:nware warrant! not to rust at Mat thews & Washbura. r This Trade Maik on a stove means it is the best. th?t ). ; peritnee and skill cam em ' trive. Sold only by G. W. Dr Patton treats successfully all dis ease of women, and guarantees to cure all curable private diseases. lie has a sure remedy for catarrh of the head. He sleeps in his office and answers city calls day or night. Consultation is free and everything Is strictly confidential. He can be found in his office In Blumberg's Block from 10 to 12, 3 to 4 and 7 to 8. Babies. Ihe finest line of baby cair ges in the Valley jnst received at Stewart k Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con siderlr.f ii e superior quality of the earrl ages. Dr. M. II. Ellis, physician and surgeon 'Y::my, Oregon. Calls made ia city 01 Astoria. One of the best ami cheap est additions that have lately been put upon the market In Astoria was the Railway addition which was laid out by tha Astoria Real Estat and Trust Co, of Portland. In four weeks from the time that this proper. ty was at first offered for sale every lot had been sold and still there was a demand for them. Some fifty lots were rold tc Albany parties and others came too late to obtain any. Owing to the extraordinary demand for thl most desirable property .the owners have laid out an extension to this addition and have set aside one block only for Al bany- That this is most desirable property can be at once seen by referring to the record of the Railway addition which ad joins It. These lots lay within one mile and a quarter from the center ot the city and cant be beat in price or location in Albany to-day. For prices and terms see another column. Call nt the office and see what there Is in this. It will pay you to do S3. E G Beards'.ey. agent.Broadalbln St Next. New and best place in town is Gllson's new barber shop in the Froman Block, nest tioor to Fortmiller & Irvine's. Best b" 'her ::. town. Notice ts hereby given that the regular public quarterly examination of teachers of l.lnn county will take place at the "ourt House In Albany, commencing at oneonWednesday.Febiunry 26th, 1890. AH teachers desiring examination will please be present at the beginning. urn v,bnu,r,t County School Superintendent. Bintow Covntv. The revetment work on the river, a mile above Corvallis, was injured considerably by the flood.,, some of the piling wat washed away, and the water ran through there tn torrents, cut ting the channel, in places, nearly ten feet deep. If something is not done, of a substantial nature, worvauis may uc icu m mile from the river. The tongue of idle gossip has always a willing way, but now it is clattering un usually loud over the shepherd of a fash- loname noca ana acrung no ttiw..s more than his share ol the wool. There Is not a bridge left standing be- tween here and Monroe; in fct, travel in anv direction to this city haa been greatly Impaired and it will take some time to place the public highways in a passable con-ditlon. No less then twenty-five landslides have occurred In the Ctat mountains during the recent rains, in Benton county alone. Times. . of All I aak is an honest comparison ith those of other dealers. C E Brows ill. prices Tne Old North State gaining popularity. smoking is fast IOO F. Albany Lodge No 4 holds its regular meeting Wednesday evening f each week. Visiting brothers are cordially nvlted ta attend. A Dicht Idea. We refer to the large aa .. ne line of saws and carpente rs tools at Price & Robsons. The best in. market and prices the lowest. Tinware warranted not to thews A, Washburn. 1 nst t Mat- Trie Wat 5 cent cigar in town j -t C E 7 Oiks cures rheumatism, neuralgia; and toothache. Foahay ft Mason Agent. New cream cheese Just reoeived at Conrad Meyers. iirr -', Albany Market. Wheat-OOj Oats 30a Buur 2&0 prit. r'rg9-25c Hay 9,00. yotRtoea 73 ota per dusuoi Boof on foot, Sic Applee 75 cents per bu, - furicVto por in. mwtseu. Bacons bams,12J4c, shoulders, 80. aides.lOo. Lard 9o per lb, Flonr-4.25 per bbl. fblckens 8.00 per do. UUl Ymd bran, 14.00 per ton shorts, 10, jmid.1:in-"iv 3. Lsat bvgia oa tb I9:b iwst. Salvm will I ai!4 a 130.000 cauaeM. A! batt about J build ap th on it already ha. The first Irslo is expected over tb Oregon Paotflo Friday, tb track bricg nearly ready. Mrs R A Irvio loft a day or two age for Stay tun, wbsr her father it lying danger ously ill. Th Willamette Valley, which was to bat sail oa last Thursday, had ot left pott yesUrday, At a ft wet it ! t in il of t he it .nio lodges last vuim! th dodiosMtti f Hi or Win- pla was postponed null' Jane 21. Firat trio (rum IVrtUu I probably oa Friday. Piotmh'y no Portland r Kttn mail brfurv then. SBrowasvitla ia in uitr. Ki drummer Isft this afternoon fur tbat eity by way of tb junction. . . . - Mr J 8 Morris, Soo'-t May and Pater Smith, of Scio, bav been in tb oity to-day, eoming borae lack . . Tb last woak or two bts Wa a terror of a tun oa pstsat outside, and thst hsv ap peared on maiiiiU paper ana to all manner of shspc. E II Belleatir. th wall koowo real aatat Man of Satem, wss drowned io Mill croak Sunday evening, and his boy only narrowly asoap4 tb same late. Mr Ono Caldwell, who has been sal I in a toms Portland e'oaks her for a wek or two, Isft this noon for Portland by way of Sal irr. Mr Ala Harris eama over from Corvallis to-day. H reported, thst there wo ill prob ably b no train Oa tha Wal bid for lo or thr days vt. Mr Geo II Keoney received despatch last vening from Hslsey announcing that bis fathtr better. Il intends going ther by th firat conveyance. . Jndg Johns, who disd in Portland a eon. nl weeks ago, was buried in BrowaaviU just twenty-five years to a day after tb death of bl aeooDil wif,ad betid ber body Oa last Thursday th Oregonim preti room was fourteen inches onder war,ud as a rssalt msny ads wer left ont aod tbe pa per appeared ss a four psge shst for tb tirst time ia aboat two ) esrs, F J Millar, in ehargs of tha repairing of tbe bridges on tb west side of th river, hss tuian In th citv and rCDOrt ranid ororrreaa being mad. Thought the first train woald be on rriday. Dr Ellia went to Portland to- day to meet a young sitter, who reoontly arrived ther from Mlaneapoli and who has sinoe been prevented from eomiag on to Albany by th binh water. Mr. Dane. Rankin, with soras men and several hundred sscks left to-day for tbe Sanderson bridge, which is reported in dsngeront condition. The program is to fill the tacks with stone, and ballast tbs pier that is nearly gone , On lady came all the way from Albany last wsek to have only on tooth sxtraotod by Dr Jennings' sew painless procfts. She bad visited his dental olBoa Ust fsll and had enjayed th gratification of this mod of ex tracting ttiem. saiem JDemocrat. Otto Clelland returned Sunday from Ore. son City, where he bad been on a tricyle, leaving here on Wednesday. II reported it a sorry looking place. The water was four foet deep on the Main street. E saw a big log float into a stors'door, and bad an addition recently platted pointed out to him over whioh t' a water floated to the heiaht of a telegraph pole, the top jnst stiaaingont The 'N. W . Police atBocistien convened in Tima last week and elected the follow. i.ig 1 'lioert: President, Chief Chesney of Tacoinai vice-president, o IS Jfsrrwh, of Portland: secretary and treasurer, Joseph F Warren, of Spokane Fall. The associa tion adjourned to meet th tirst Wednesday in Augatt next at rortiana. WEDNKSDAY. Bargains at'Read's. F, M.French keeps railroad time. Ladies all wool soarlst nndorwear, B&S. 1 Babios Chamois moccasin at Barrows Se&rls. . . Tinware warranted not to mst at Mat. thews & Washburn. Best quality knives, forks and spoon at M FrenoV ! Great olearanoe sals for the next 30 days at W F Read's. Good evening Have you tried Hubbard Elegant Lotien -,, For deatristry try Dr Wagomior over the i Linn County Bank. Chu AUireoht, of Cotv!llhaj been fined $50 for tolling liquor to minor". The fl'Ktd is past and stilt ya osu t,t tbs best printing at Pbalps, Don't fail toget your printing l':i at Pntlps b doss th brst. I,sri;s sis fl, smalt 50 cent. For sals by JI U Hubbard, druggist. Thsdist train from i'nrtixnd on t! West 8id is txpcbted oa Monday . 10 nor cent off nn all eh stle tits next 0 days at W V ftatd'a. The water in th Willainutto to-day is 91 feet above low wWr mark. Wa can snd will toll dlnsks chespnr than any Portland house. W F Rosd. Low prices era what counts and C E Browns!! is tha pise to yet tliem. Yon etu says tnsny a liim by trading at ti 0 HnbbarJi nsw ding rt.ire. Try it. Hasor kraut, pickles, pieklsd fiigt f .st and everything nice at U K Urowm lis. A ill tn si our It ittrosd E-H-iimur antes, just I seal vsd at liirr.iw A Ssail. ... .. . . ... w&kjuos, cluck sua iwoiry usrsiaily im paired and warranted at V M French ' k goon aooad-bud organ f r sain cheap at tha Art studio oyer Itiun bounty Hank. No Dnd to suffer with tbe headaub when Hubbard s Cbpiul will enrI) ear yon. Mrs Dr Dayis went to Ilsnialurg ro-day, this being br first tune out since ber re cent Hlnet. Mr Mania Lad wig th bust tiunel in th Valley will remain with Matthews A W ash - bnro, , J R Baltimore paid $7000 last summer for the Wm. Xslstoa propvttysold ytster dy for $11,000 - J A Piummsr, of tb Fork, has lo in th oity to-day, bavins walksd twenty miles of tbe distance to get bsr. Mr Martin Lndwlg, th only plum mr io Albany that can make a wipe joint, wi,l re assia with Mstthowi Sc Washbnro, Matthews & Washburn ar aoiioit to tnak a wager thst thslr tioner Mr Martin ima wig makes tb beat wash boiler mad in Hi Valley. You aaot eood clean nrictinu! Ofeoors yoa dot Then gtv Paisley & Fish a trial. Satisfaction gnaraatsed. 60 and ses stm pise aod glv them a eali anyhow. A B Slanson. of th Oreironiao. aa in the oity jesterdsy. lis msd a trip from Portland to Albany by way of tb Wat 8ida returning on th East Sid. (I W 81m won srrivtd bom to- dav from Califortiia,goiog to Portland ovra wek ago by ateamor, and eomiag th rest of tb distance by waoo, a foot aod tb esrs. A high water k is th mimn of fl It "latent at bis slaughter bonsai Tb waur twisted th pomp off 'b pipe, palled th pip from tb ground, and carried it away, iving tb pain p. A fact. Mr V J Miller, of thi is now not only saperiotndet of bridges on tb wbol tin ot tb Oregon Pacific but ia as woll. at prcastit. actios acting gsoersl suosrinUtnd- ut daring Mr Bowsa's 1. 1 nest. Assessor Moss revived a dismtchfrom Governor Pennoyer last night stating thst tn aaaoasors met liter ystrdsy and to day. Probably tb Maltuomab ooooty as sser was Rom to maet himself, which woald iasor a vary harmonious meeting. Mr El Zsvsa arrived in tb citv to-day from Seattle, being ia Portland on dav. coming by boat to Oregoo City, taking a back snd snsoks legs from ther to Aurora. then to Albany by train, W ar under obligation to Mr Zys for yseterday's Or- goatan. Th train srrtvid from Rose burg to dsy at 11:20, wilb Oodootor Couaar iu charge. ana on rsom Aurora at 12.W, witb Con dnctor n ilaoa at th helot. Train will now arris at tbe boar daily. Mr. Bar kr. at tha depot, has figured oat that tb trak will b ciear to Portland oa Sunday, ana tn nrst train arm oa Monday. Mr. Pratt, of th Southern Pacifie. bat charge of tbe work of moving tbe obstruc tion on tne snatnero raeitio in tbe Siaki you. II baa 1.000 men at work at Gln da!, aod others all along tb Ha. Tb Umpqu aad Mrrtl ereek bndaee wer both washed out aad will bav to S rebuilt. A railroad tnaa predict tb first trsia tbroagb from California be th first Sunday oi Aiarcn. Dr O Doll, of Sodavill. arrived in tb eity tbt noon on bia way from tbe asylum h nt oom at oouaviue, inuy restored to health, il eotniUiment Dr Lane and Irvine vary highly and report himself en der msny obligsucns to tbsm for kind treatment. Dr O Dell waa not commit led ia tb first plane, eoicg for private treatment. II in tend relnr juig to Hodavilt to practioe, and bis splendid reputation a a tibvsicisa will no doubt rsttwin witb him not withstand ing bis raesat miaiouaoes. . Th B tod man n tionp bs been bsvieg trouble ia Portland. HueKoer wss dis charged and Bropby, of th Eleford-Uropby troop, hired, lb Telegram published an item that liaodraann bss mistreated Hoeh- nr, Bronhv being tha authority. Baod msna had Bropby aires toil and tbs case era a being tr4 Monday. Tb reasoa Hoebuer did not oom to Albany wss beoaus Heath- cot whipped htm until hs was sick . Tb drummers who have ben in tbo city wstcr-boond for several davs bav bsd a sieg of it patting io tiros, and of coarse a re op to jokes. Tbe item in ysstarday's osu) about Mr tfiacb being knocked down at Lebanon in anawer to a cry of "stoD thief, waa a jok perpetrated by a brother drummer so far as th knocking down was eneosrned. Mr Bitch is traveling for th Tigor hat, 00 of tb beat made, and h Un I mat kind of a fallow. On Tub River. The Wm M Hoagar rived In the city thl forenoon loaded will w heat and went on north lo Oregon City. It was greeted by an unusual concourse of our citlxens, who seemed astonished at the rare sight. Mr Lawrence Helm, ot the Corvallis pottofnee, brought some mall 10 tne city, a small lavor greatly appreel ated. The Champion, Orient and U 1 1 Bentley are around Salem, leaded with freight for Portland. The Three Sisters on a country road at Oregon City, being left there by the flood, caused by the breaking ot some part of Its apparatus. The Modoc, of the U P line arrived in the city this noon lesving shortly after wards for the north. It will make regular trips for the accommodation of the public as per notice elsewhere. C0UVALM.S. ConvALLm, Or., Jan. Sist.iJSyo. A we have seen no Ite.n In your paper from CorvHllis College we have concluded 10 write and let your readers know how we are prospering, Our school is progressing nicely under Ihe able management of Prwf Alk'ins and Miss Nettle Spencer. Prof Aiklns Is one of the best instructors hi tbe state.and Mis Spencer having a grca' deal of experience Is also a fine teacher. There Is a large mu tlc class under the manauemcnt of Mr- li Atkins, -vbo Is an aciompiislied adv. The "Ait" department Is prvslJcJ ov-r by Miss B Coote, Her work exhibited in the sludio show that she U proficient in this branch ol learning. There Is a'so a class In "Telegraphy," which practice several hour each diiy, ugni oy jtir v l umz: 1 The 'Boirdinj' uVprtment Is presided over by ilr and Mrs K L Bryan, where about twenty ti the luiJt.n.s71ih Prof Ai kin and family, respond to the t'ii;fi!g of vcu inrec times a u.iy. The "Adelphian Literary Society" meets everv Friday evening in the'Literary Mall" where a well prepared piogram is render ed, which consists f debates, orations, es says, recitations, select reading and sing ing. The student take a great deal f Inter est In their studles.and are advancing very rapldly,th'Jjitln" class will finish the first book in a month. The faculty and student hare all had the La Grippe, Messrs Mack Jenka, C R Howad and A M DeSpane have gone to their nome,Tan. gent, to spend the Sabbath. TlTLlfA, oakviILk. The flood Is over and the bridge at Sher- er repaired, . The Government revetment works near Corvallis all gone. The high -water marks of '81 were out done by 16 inches, and some claim that drift that was left in '6i was taken out. The school wat dismissed on account of the flood, but will resume again this week. The Reform Society met last Frldsyi evening. The question, -Retolyed that the railroads of the United States should be owned and controlled by the Govern- moot," wat ably discussed by the society In open discussion. There has been some good done along with tbe great amount of damage by the flood. The squirrels and mice in the low la jds are all drowned out, also the fleas, and there has been large deposits vf sand and soil left which will be of great value to the land. Amicus. V I POYALf,;;-! f V Tinware warranted But to rust at Mat- thews Si Wasobum. th La mss Owlt. I amnow pre pared to do all kinds of stamping, and have over two thousand e'eslgns to choose from. Also keep a nice line of embroid ery materials, such as arrasenes, crewels, ISO. 1 and 3 embroidery chenilles, princess chenilles, etc., etc., and ihe finest pom- poi.s, tassels, crescents, cords plushes, Jells and fancy work materials ever in the citv. Zephyr is going at 5 cent an ounce. Miss Minnie Col well has charge of this depart ment, and has had several years experi ence In all kinds of ancy work and sump Ing. G.'W. Sisipsox, Albany, Oregon. K ; C -a J wrrnr, Absolutely Pure. This powder nnver vsrloa. A tnarref o Purity, eUength and wjrIeMmer.rxa Mora ocoDomicai thsn tbe ordinary klrdn end cannot bo xl in competition with multitude r low t.t, short weight alum or phoaooata rwder. Mold only in can. Ko.vai Baking Powder Co., ICS V.ii tt , D, V. CaowLsv A Co, Agents, Pottland; Oregon. Keep Your Eye on E.G. BE ARDSLEY'S Column. Agent for New Zealand In. Co. Cap! tal. $5,000,000. Fire andMarine Insurar.c wrltien. 1.1 STRAY NOTICE Taken op by tbe 4 nnearalgned. living six and a half milas southeast f (falaey, on the iOth day of Deoa-uber, ISssi. en bright bay borae, about 1 or 13 yr old, with some saddle tnarka on aide and back. black tease and tsil. a very dim brand on tha right shoulder, which can not b distinguished. Appraised by W. J, Stmws art, justice of the peaee. at the so m of f 3d, 1. X. W A KM O rH. , I P." Whiting, Artist. Instruction pnven, work exe cuted in Landscape, Portrait and De ccratiyePainUng-.Lettering.Designing ana Eecn&mcai urawmo;. Rooms 8 and 9, Fo s ter Block, Al any.Or Tho Prido of Albany soap by far the best laundry soap in tho market contains no rosen. Try it and you will uso no other. For s&.t only hj C. E. BROWN ELL. Tim sek Lajsd. One nun&'red acd siitr or three bui.drd and twenty i,i good timber land wanted to sell. Must V aoceiHiible, Call at once and stff; term on which tsmt can be bad. K, U. Beaideley; Keal Estate Agent. ALBANY PROPERTY. A good buy. routines property on !?ec ond St., In one of the very best blocks town. Tills is the same block where tK most extensive improvements are to 1 e made In the spring. This property 1 tne only frontage in the entire block that can be had at any price. This Is the best offer In business property in the city and will soon go at the price I am asking. Call at the office for particulars. - Farm property at all prices and In differ ent localities. Improved lends can sell on easy terms. -160 fin Hr Jiico. 104 acre for $3oo. 160 acres in the coal belt $7 per acre. 55 acres on Coos Bay, $5 per acre. Cheap lots in Albany. Residence lot both improved ad unimproved. Lot 50X leo in l'ip's addition. This lot faces town aod ts a bargain at S1S0. Lots in Burk- hart't and Goilra Fark addition. If you are 'oosinij xor investment in Albany proper ty come and see me. I so cottages for rent, 5,8 each. ASTORIA PROPERTY. The lots in the Railway Addition are all old, the entire 440 lots telling in four week's time. , I bav obtained four more lota in tb Railway Addition. These lots face tbe cit snd ar offered at a low price and on easy farm. I bav also a few tots for sale in tbo North Addition, iocludiog two corner lota. These sriil be sold at a bargain. Kow is tbe cbsnoe to est ia aod invest in Astoria, for this city will as surely boom as Tacoma and Seattle, aod foilooe are to be oido by in vesting early. The above ncor.iit the Railway Ad dition ia abundant proof tbat the aam.-v wa most desirable property. Thl la tho klad of pioperty tbat wiil be bandied by me. I shall offer for sale no lot situated from tbrea to six miles froro tbe e enter cf Astoria, Nor win I handle any property that nponinv stlgatiou will prove almott if uot e itirelv worthless. Am agent for he aSTol IA REaL tO-U TATK & TKUsT CO.. OF tORTLAND. Thla company tnakea a specialty of As toria property, and if you dir to invest ia tbe cits- s-y th aea, it will pay you to eali and ox s mine my list. In offic evenings. E.G. BEARDSLEY, Real Estate and Insurance Broker ' and Notary Public, Brcadalbin St., Albany, Or. DEALER IT- Tinwsrn warranted cot to thsws & Washburn. my 73 CootenUi ntmrr i-snver. Uharlss r lrownell. rust at Mat- P i P EP S la Advire U )U 1 Mre. Winslow'a Soothinit Syrup, for children teething, la tbe prescription of no or the bestrernale nursea and pbyai ana in tne unttea Mates, ar.a nas been aed for forty years with never-falling neeaaa by millions of mothers for their bildren. During tho process of teetbint value is rncalcuab!). 11 itltavee the hlld from pain cures dyserti ty scd diar hoea, eripinir in ibe bowels, and wind olio. By giving hsaltb to tbe child It est tbe mot ber. I 'c 26c. a bottle. The Utiles IMIghted. The iuA.Mmt eflccl and the pel feat saf ety with which ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative. Syrup of Firs, tinder all eondltlonn, tuake it their favorite remedy, It ia uleasine to tbe eve and to tha taste, gentle, veteflactualin acting on the kid neys, liver and bowels. MARRIED. MORGAN ELDER On Wednesday evening, Feb ia, 1890, at the residence of Hon lason wneeicr, oy Kev l. j irura bull. Mr John S Morgan and Mrs Ellen Elder, both of Albany. WYATT CLARK Monday, at a p, m., at the residence of Mr. George War ren. on West Seventh street, by the paa torol the f irst tjrirtstian cnurcn, jaa. r. Stewart. Mr. Franklin Wyatt, of Benton county, and Miss ArimlnthU Clark, of Linn county. c WILLS-SIMPSON On Sunday morn Ing, February 9, 1S90, at the residence or snd by Rev. L. J. Trumbull, Mr. John Wills, of near Independence, and Miss Alma F. Simpson, of Millers. Mr. Wills recently purchased a farm ner Inde pendence, which the happy couple will make their future home. Steady, reliable young pepple, they deserve the best bless, ings of life. Choice Candy, KuiSj Fruit, etc. CIGARS AND TOBACCO NEAR THE POST CFFICEf ALBANY' CRECCN George c. Henderson, SUCCESSOR TO LA FOREST & THOMPSON, Dealer in Choice Groceries Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co et. Low Prices andJPrompt Attention. BORN FURNITURE. You want ho best and most durable furntur s manufactured in thcily rf ALLEN On Saturday. February 8, 1890, in Albany, to the wife of N. II. Al lena girl. This new and welcome little illumination is said to have cast all the electric lights In the shade. All doing welt. 1 nomas SW-'lH . is ! t Mm 1