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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1890)
4 clfiMflfMl Tilt TIM TLATK DU1T, Tnere U no mote unjustifiable Us upon American Industry than the tin pints duty, It I a bare-faced swindle, without the semblance of decent protest. Though on! one of the numerous methods of drawing the life blood from our languish ing agriculture to nourUh Insolent monop olj.ll li maintained with an Impudence and greed from which all tne of ahame long since disappeared. The tip plate plunderer feel that their opportunity haa arrived for another turn of the screw upon their victim. They d!d hat they could for the support of the monopoly system, as a whole, by the wan amakcrlng of the presidential and con gressional elections, resulting In Harrison and this congress, wlthboodlers on top all around, and they demand their full shaie of the spoils. We prefer to give their lur. 'her Intentions In the authorise J versions, f urnUhed by the Philadelphia Imuinr, a very wideawake republican organ, which on Important occasions gets Its new at Grtt hand from Mr. Boas Quay, the gen tleman who cuts the pie and distributes the pieces. Here is the ayei'rsr'i special, giving us very to undeistand what the tin plate cormorants propose to do with vs: The arguments advanced by Mr. W. C. Cronemeer, ! the American Tin Plate association, before the ways and means committee is llkeh to bear fruit when the revenue bill la framed. Mr. Cronemeyer, who is from Pltsburg, put plate business In a very strong light, showing how hundreds of dollars are annually paid for the impor tation ot this article, which cannot be manufactured at profit In thla coitntry under the present duty of one cent per pound. He alo s'.owed that capital was waiting to be Invested and labor to be em ployed In the Industry as soon as It was sufiiclentlr protected, and argued for an Increase ki the duty to cent per pound. It Is now understood from good authoritv that the new revenue bill will contain the increase. The Increased tarifl on tin plate will effect another Industry which Is ot conslJersble Importance, es pecially In the north, and that Is the can ning trade. To offset the Ir.creaseH price of tin cans It is proposed to abolish almost entirely the duty on augar, which Is an Item of great Importance to the business mentioned. One objection to this cornea from the beet and sorghum growing state of the southwest. To equalize matters and prevent any kns In these Industries, the committee propose a bounty for the raising of these croo. This Is the outline ot what the new bill will contain In order to encourage the tin plate Industry. This scheme ot plain, strong-handed robbery Is a fair specimen ot the big schemes and of the little schemes, which go to make up any scheme ot taxes which Is Intended to benefit private enterprises and not to raise public revenues. Its ab surdity does not strike It beneficarle vr their political sponsor and abettors, simp. ly because they have never been accus tonej to look upon government other wise than as an agency for their personal -aggrandizement, and feel for the prosper Itr of their country only In their pockets. What a beautiful plan of restriction upon packers, of taxes upon consumers, of boun ties to sugar raisers, all winding up In rich subsidies to the tin plate barons! It is the very neatest method imaginable of absord ing other people's property by the beautiful device of a government monopoly, giving the earnings of many to a few. The Baker City RtvtiUt of Jaa a8ih give what Hank Vaughua says of the stock outlook along the Columbia River. He had just ar rived from his Yakima stock ranch and report a deplorable state of affairs consequent upon the sorer e weather in that locality. Snipes, the Yakima cattle king, hid already lost 2000 krufl of cattle at one corral and others were ij'nZ at the rate of a hundred per day. Hank was considerable loser himself, Out of 47 lead of fine mare there were only it left wlikh number he had abandoned to their fate. The tules npoa which the cattle nsoa'.ly sub sist during these extreme occasions, are cover ed with snow and all outside stock must sure ly perish, Mr Lester, ot Virginia, introduced In congret a bill declaring unlawful a com bination of any number of persons or a mount of capi'al In any respect whatever for the purpose of governing the price In the purchase and sale of stock cattle, beef cattle on foot, or dressed beef. It also de. clares to be unlawful the offering for sale of dressed beef which has been slaughtered more than thirty-six hours and shipped more than 500 miles. It impose a penal ty for a violation of the provisions of the MIL The milk mpdIt of New York city affords an income to Om farmers furnishing it of Iio, 000,000 at t cents per quart. Over 200, 000 cows are milked to obtain this supply, and $60,000,000 of capital is invested, exclusive of the railroads and of dealers. Milk is drawn from five Slates, and some of it is hauled 300 miles by the railroads. After a most exhaustive and very fair investi gation into the contest over the governorship of West Virginia, it ha been, decked that Flemingthe democrat was duly elected,- and was therefore inaugurated the th fast to the great satisfactory of all weH meaning people in that state. The republican lieutenant governor of Mon tana, like his prototype, Reed, speaker of the house, decides that mencbers of the state senate are pre ent whether voting or noK It is said the democratic senators will leave the state before they wilt submit to his arbitrary and hih handed rulings. It is comforting to read sometimes that even the best men of the past, and uch a are now held in the highest esteem, had special and often great Infirmities. It is a blessing, too, that biographers have been honest enough to record them. When you boil cabbage tie a bit of dry bread in a bag and put it in the kettle. French cooks say that all the unpleasant odor, which makes a house smell like an old drain will be abs-wded by the bread. Thirteen Millions of dollars go over the borders of Minnesota annually to Boston, Halt ford. New Yarlc, etc,, to pay skinflint mortg nges. Eight millions more go over border on bogus railroad securities. It will be observed that first class, gilt edge hrttter, put up for patrons in cities and towns, brings really good prices. It pays to make and sell the best of anything. For inexpensive Lands for curtains, take strips of cretonne with pretty vines or figures and outline them with tinsel; it has the effect cl old tapestry work. Elections no longe elect, in Congressional districts, until Boss Quay has decided how large a Republican Tiajority is desirable in the lower house. Scn-itor Blair says he is a friend of human iiy, Then why doesn't I e give humanity a rev? Til Bellinger a brother of C B Bellinger o' J -orilund a drowned in Salem last Sunday. There are now 326 convicts i:i tl.e Oregon SU'e rrnitentiary ard more coming almost )YEVl.TU AMUT3 eONSEqVENCEi,. When the government established by our forefather became a recognised fact, both at home and abroad, and tor three quarter ot a century thereafter, no one dreamed that the greatest danger which threatened li existence was the wealth which might accumulate within Its realm; Indeed no one ever di earned ot the possi bilities which lie In that direction. It Is only during the past twenty year that the accumulation of wealth has entered Into the problem, Down to trie period ot the conflict ot 1S61 to (j the only disturbing element ot our government was slavery. It was the slavey prob'em which weighed so heavily Upon the "God like" Webster. It was an ever present ghastly and hideous form, appealing to hi patri otic soul. It Is not Improbable that It cast a shadow cf melancholly over hi whole life. But, Mr Webster did not live to wit ness the dreadful loss ot life and treasure, and the dreadful gloom ot Its going out. There I a question now of tar greater magnitude than that whlc.i was settled by the war ot rebellion, and that Is the ques tion of the enormous wtalth and Its In crease In the hands ot the few. We make no reference now to the thousands, or the hundreds of thousands In the hands of the industrious and prosperous people scattered all over the land, tor weaUh universally diffused Is the prime safeguard of a nation, but we refer to the millions, the tens of millions and the hundreds ot millions owned and controlled by the few. The Ignorant poor, and the no less Ig norant rich may ridicule, or sneer at tha expression ot fear that harm may coma to the republic on account ot great wealth, bnt ridicule never settled any question. Ridicule Is always the weapon of the Ig norant and vicious. Noue but the Ignor ant will ridicule the subject, tor the history otthe world reveals the destruction of na tions on acconnt of wealth and luxury, never from poverty. A matter now stand, bad as they are, it might perhaps be endurable; dut wealth accumulates, and the man with ten millions to day, mar have a hundred millions In ten years, and. the man with a hundred million may have a thousand millions. What If a man docs have trillions, I It any of the people's business? is the query of the Ignorant. This is the question that I to be solved. This I In fact the supreme question. The wealth ot the Rothsehild was for a long time the wonder ot the world. They held the purse spring of nearly all Europe Kings, Emperor and principalities were, and are ret at their merer, but the wealth of the' Rothschilds, the accumulation o' generations pale Into Insignificance before the wealth ot the Vanderbllts.the Gould's, the Astor'a, the Leland's, the Carnegl'sand the Spreckle when the time of acquis! tion is taken Into account. Ilistory falls to record any accumulation of wtalfi so rapid and so colossal a that which , ha been accumulated in this country and during a space of from five to twenty-five years. The wealth of the Rothschild's ha been the marvel of (fenerations until within the past decade, but their wealth cease to dazzle and bcaildcr the youth of America In this generation. Their wealth however has been the accumulation of a hundred and twenty-five years with all Europe for their Geld of operation. Their accumu lations do not represent the robbery of the masses. They never levied a tax upon or demanded a toll upon the necessaries' of life. It it a curious fact that the Sarooan Treaty framed by the two leading Protectionist na tions of the world. Chin excepted, should provide almost unlimited free trade for this poor people, Heavy duties are laid 00 in oxiciting liquors, tobacco, firearms an 1 gun- t powder, bat general merchandise is subjected only to a 3 per cent revenue tariff. If Com missioners Phelps and K assort bad been true to their party they would have insisted upon free lienor and tobacco and a 47 per cent, tarifl on other merchandise for the Samoa ns, on the high moral kround that the tariff would tend to cheapen general merchandise and no tariff to enhance the price of whisky and cigar. Bnt in truth, of course, Germany and the United States wanted as free a chance to trade with Samoa as possible, and, (Engtand being naturally agreeable.the latter' economic policy triumphed. James G Blaine, jr., who ha been appoint ed clerk of the Cotnmittceoa Foreign Affairs of the House of Represents ives,has been edu cated for the position by a few inglorious weeks as a newspaper reporter, by close attention to tbe billiard cue awl by a few month of service as a locomotive fireman. He is well fitted, therefore,. '. wear a dres suit in the evening and draw a salary of $2, 190 a year, Tbe state assessor of New York thinks that within a few years there will be none but tenant farmers in tbe state. Mortgages have in creased everywhere, while farm values have beea depreciating. It is not wholly the com petition of western farmers which has made eastern agricultuie profitable, or western farm ers have not much less of apt. ill in their pir acy through a hardworking life. The New England Farmer saj that in Reading. Vt., there are 1000 acre of aban doned farming lands to be booght for from f I to I4 per acre. A 200 acre farm in Windham county can be bought, buildings sugar orchard and plenty of tirube-, for less than $4 per acre. The new Chinese Minister at Washington is gradually becoming more sociaUe. He was very distant and unapproachable at first, but be has thawed somen bat. He will never be as popular as his predecessor, however. Speaker Reed playing autocrat may be a "smart" spectacle to Republicans whose vision is limited by the tengtk of their nose. To those with memories and foresight it has a very different aspect. Navajo Indians in San Juan county. N M.. are besoming settlers on account of the recent killing of an Indian. About 500 warrior are off the reservation and the settler are greatly alarm :d. At the present prices in Iowa It now takes from the farmer sixty-six buaSel of corn weighing 3,620 pound to pay the In terest at the bank on one hundred; dollars a year. Whole cloves are now ued h Extermi nate the mercile and Indnstriaut moth. It is said they are more effectual as a de stroying agent than either tobacco, cam phor or cedar sha sings. Since 1883 tbe number of sheep irs the United Slates has fallen off 7, 000, COO head, and the importation of wool has iricreased Ifrom 78,350.651 pounds in 1884 to 226,487, At present there is a much larger aupply cf mumps than mugwumps in Oregon. A New Discovery- Hubbtvrd'a Head ache Capsules. They are a positive cure and fill a long felt want. An eh-K&iis Hue of new design of chair just reciiyed at FortmilUr & Irvine's. If you have any job work to do eaU G W. Bmilhwho i preperfid t do it with neatness and tlisnatj , t nd s ehafaa aay- OllM. TEftKlllLK CAt.AUjrV. Eastern dispatches gtvs the following account of the burning ot the house of Secretary ot the navy, Mr. Tracy and the burning to death ot hi wife and daughter! Tha residence of Secretary Tree v, of the ntvy, was destroyed by Are Monday morn ing. Mr. Tracy. MUs Mary Tracy and a maid were burned to death. It was about seven o'clock in the morning when the flame were seen Issuing from the rest dence. The fire gained headway rapidly, and although the lire department respond ed promptly the residence was soon en veloped In flame. Mr. and Mrs, Tracy occupied the back room in the second story. Mrs, Tracy, It Is thouuht, was first a wakened by the suffocating smoke. Mr, Tracy was at this time unconscious, and Mr. Tracy attempted to drag the body of her husband to a window. This she was partially successful In doing. Halt ilaaed and blinded by smoke, she opened the win dow just as the firemen were putting up a ladder to rescue her, and leaped to the sidewalk. Her body was picked up with severe Internal injuries and a broken leg, She was then taken to a nulghborlng house and without her recovering con sciousness died within an how. Secretary Tracy was res:uid by the firemen. He was at first thought to be dead, but It was discovered that a spark of life still re mained, tin was removed to the residence of Mr, Bancroft Davis near by. MUs Tracy, the secretary' unmarried daugh ter, occupied a thlrj-story front room and met a fate which was terrible to behold. The young lady could be tee at tho win dow, her hands In an attitude ot prsver and her face uplifted to heaven. The Barnes gradually surroundtd her and she sank to the floor to be recognised later by her charrjd remains. A French maid named Josephine met a similar fate in an adjoining room, where her blackened re main were found. Secretary Tracy at last report was resting easy. The cause of the Are Is unknown. Many claim it was a case ot Incendiarism while other held that the fire was due to defective heating apparatus. An Investi gation will be made. n 1 J BRITISH KttrKTKAP The most common reply, or replies made by the republican to fact sod argument of the democrat in favor of tariff reduction arc sneers and taunts of "British free trade; and pauper labor of Europe." England is not a free tra J j nation except in the sense that she adopts the very wises: course possible to extend her ttade through the world. She admits raw malct il which her manufacturer require free of duty, hut h haa collect c J upon imports in the his forty year an annual average of 1103,000,386 and she doe not collect a mill upon imported article of necessary daily consumption by l' poor. "Tbe government of Great Brltian has unl formty exerted it piwer to extend her trade and to enable her people to dominate the com merce of tbe world," said an able champion o. reuenue reform in congress. While the re publican tariff cf our country taxes sugar 90 per cent, salt 85 per cent, rice 1 20 per cent, blankets 2-jo per cent., and many other neces saries of life in proportion, England gives all these th'ng free to her people. England aims to lax the rich from their abundance and not the poor to carry on the government. She collects an internal revenue from the incomes of tbe rich and the luxuries they consume, The Americans ham learned much froat the En glish and there is much more they would do well to inilat . England is not a free trade nation. Germany has a high protective tariff, but German workmen are only paid a little more than oe.e hall as much a English work men. Aa ExMllrat Hestedy. Dr Holdao : I eoosider your KlhorosJ Cough 8yrap an sosllant taroady for all the disease lor which yon raeommand it, David Rtctunr, Mtxl-wto. Large size 11.00, smalt SO cant. For sal by H C Habbard, druggist. itrXF POftTEH. Boot and IW at oast at Read's. J. P. Walla, Physician find HoxeesMs. Al bany, Or! JastreosiyednewtabU liosa at W. F Read's. I W Starr, ph;-tcin and surgeon, Albssrv Oregon. Good cooking tove only f 10 at Hop! m& Raltmanb'av Bt roast coffee in tL city t Ccmsxl Meyer. , Sixty 6-mm window shad-s jotrec3vfi at Furtmiller& Irving'. J W Ueallfty. best boot anil show maker in city, opposite F.-u-tmillor Sc lrjin'a. A largo and tin line of wirdov-thid just reived at Vortmiller k Iryinga. Webavstb best $1 CO bid ghno ever brooght to AiMiy at W F Read's. Now is tbatUnatosave mooar by bay ini( boot and abosw at coat of W. F. IUd. Go to BardiM for honnt wiglib, good good and lowst living price. A fin line of alt kind of farnitctr. slain and upholstered, he . stock in ttiie mi of Oregon at Fortruijler k Irving'. J A Archibald, arant Sinuer Ma-mfaetar ingCo., opposiU Oil Fellow Tx ipl, Al oanv. An legant li w of suV tabla at ads. in haiatiful design, fust received at J jrtmiller A Irvlng's. i eaas GoldhB Ktar topiatoevror SO cent atCfctyers, aod all other, shmiiL goods cheat 'or cash. Get a M Acni?rE. Arm wnen, setting one let it be eithejt a Domestic or Davis Price Sc Robson are agent for these su perior sewing machine and Invite ars In spectlonof whan they can do. Madrto CcTV-Wker buying an -sxe get the best, one that I durable a weH as sharp, and thcpl-wc dto o it Is at Price Sc Robson's.whoula have 6ne line of wed ires, etc. Vherjc7o Get Them. When wanting an orgaa or plana, call on G L, where VOU ran. rirrl tram a f'o stock- Srat-CK On, At per 5 gallon can 3kt Standard oil, ai the Willamette Pa king Co.'e store. Center. Tables. A large and elegant shipment of cer-ter tables, in new deslgnes finest stock in the valley, just received at rortmlller Irving. . . . . Tin war wart tnted not to rnst at Mat tbewa St Wasbbturi. A Sharf Irr.M The fnest line of cut ter and sheart In the rlty at 8tewart & JJox s. Their goods are the very best and will stand the test . Tinware warranted not to rnst at Mat thew Si Wash! er9. Sdioka tha esltbrsktd Havana, filled ci gars, manofactttved at Julius Joitph'u eigar factory. Only 5 cents. Bang. One of the finett lots of gun and revolvers ever received in Albany are now In stock: at Stewart ft Sox's. Hun ters should call ; nnd see thm ami get prlcer before bu; ring. Poor, Humanity 1 The common ! t is one ot oirow say tt let the pestii &&, 'they who look at the worst si Jo. Ce. rtsr.nly what would other wise be a bright rsintfcce, is often shadow ed by some ailm rut that overhangs it like a pall, obsenriug p tipetua!ly the rod ance that eliio would light the psth. Such a.1 ailment and a very conn. aw one. is nervousness, or in other words, wes lies of the nervous system, a condition only . irremediable whare ineffi cient or imprope r means are taken to relieve it. Tbe eoocon wait experience of nervous people who have ias-eistently used Ho tetter's Stouiach Bitter as. that it conquer entirely snporseusitiyene im of the neryei, as well as dia.:a"as so call S'fl which are invited and sustained by tl sair chronio weakness A the nerves gain tttwmina from the gfv&t tonia the trouble diss- pjiesr. Use the Fitter for malaria, rheum Yhiiv biliousness acid kidney troubles. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS AN AWFUL ACCIDENT. Portland, Or., Feb. 7,The most fright ful accident, in so far at loss of life is concern ed, known in the history of the O U & N branch of the Union pHcific,occurred at bridge No 68, over Williams creek, cne and a half miles wsit of Cascade Locks and two and a half mites Bonneville, at about 6.4$ on Sunday morning last. - The train wrecked cons&ed of an engine and a caboose, with a crew of men, about thirty five In all who were orf their wsy to clear a slide that wat delaying trains. Just ai the engine had about cleared the trestle, which wst some ft fly feet in length, the underpinning supporting the second and third went underneath, and the tentlor, with the caboose and its losd of human freight, pitched hevllong into the ravine, forty feet below. Nothing but the presence of mind of Engineer George prevented the engine, too, from going down. When he felt that some thing wat wrosg, looked bsck and saw the caboose swaying, he pulled the throttle wide open and just succeeded in reaching terra firma, with hit two back driving wheels hang ing elear of the track, as the mast wi nt crash ing to the bottom of the ravine. lirakeman lkn l.nierick, who miraculously escaped, started for the locks fur help, and re turned with an engine, a caliouse and what as sistance he could tet. There is some speculation as to the nrecsie cause of the men's deaths, but there can be no reasonable Uouht that when the car wat dump ed into the ditch the tddden concussion; and the hurting together of shovcls,pickaxes, crow Mrs, a trunk weighing 100 pounds, the ttove ana wurty two struggling, frantic men, were 1119 occasion 01 me tlenili. Nine men were killed, BIS Ca tta4. Poktlanp, Or., Feb. to, An Oregunian special from Corvallis says; The greatest loss in Benton county by tha recent flood occurred in Alsca valley. The Alsea liver overflowed it banks, and in many places the water wa several feet higher than ever before known. Several head of stock were drowned, and much fencing washed away. The mountain side in many places moved down into the canyon Some of these slides were five hundred feet square and so deep that .In many instances large trees were carried hundreds of yards downward, and are now standing erect. In other case trees wcie broken oil and piled vp with earth fifty feet deep, irxmtng a dam in the mountain streams, The only death reported In Denton conn ty occurred near Alsea bay Monday morn log. A targe slide came down he moun tain side burying Robert Barclay, two children and Root Brown. The father and two children were est ricaud after some dlllirulty, but Brown was found dead.hav Ing been crushed by a bcavr timber. A barn near by was wrecktd and ten head ot stock killed. The Ceatlle Tlr urisas. Salt Lake, Utah, Feb. 11 .Everything in Salt Lake is quiet to-day and business hat 1 esnmed itt normal condition. The official tetuipt of yesterday' election received this morning give Geo M Scott. f lentils few tnsyjr, a majority of 809. Ixmis Ilyams, Gentile, recorder, 539. J II Waldcn, Gentile, treasurer, 659. K K Clute, Gentile, assessor, 466. J M Young, Gcaiile, marshal, 773. The remainder of the Gentile ticket, includ ing fifttea councilman, were elected by m jottiie ranging from three to four hundred. J his gives them control ol the municipal coun cil (or the first time in the history of the c ty. The news toon spread over the city and the Gentile took possession of tbe city. Flag were run up, and every Gentile building in the eiiy wa decorated with flag snd lanterns. Fir work were sent up fiora hundreds of houses, cannons boori.eil and bonfire were (soon upco every corner. The Rttl Kill rMd. Olvmpia, Wash, Feb. n The If ill Code bill, which 4w been the leading question bclore the legislature tor two months, wa finally settled In the senate to-day. It had passed last Sat unlay and this morning a reconsideration was moved. After two hours of debate, the motion wa defeated. The bill I now read for the governor' signature. It appoints Lair Hill, commissioner to annotate and codify the iawa ot Washington. The total com pensation U $16,000. Centres. Washington, Feb., 11, In the honse as qoerum was acountcd a usual by the speaker on the vote to approve the jour nal. B'air rlosed the days session by a discussion of the educetlonal bits. A l-egra Fire. El'CKSE.Feb. 1 1. Hon A G Hovey large lrn was burned at it :3a o'clock last night. E C Smith lost fifty tons of hay, Prosier and Churchill lost a cariiage horse valued at 1 150, double buggy, single buggy, cart, aod all their harness. Daw F E J Eraser's Nutisood stal lion wat saved by the owner rushing into the barn when it was a maas of flames aid pulling tbe door off the stall. rrtla4 Items. , Portland, Feb. 10. The Union Pacific line, which ha been blockaded between here and The Dalles b; slides, wa opened this afternoon, and a train I cxiwctcd to arrive to-morrow. The Marqimm Grand opera house, just completed at a cost of $ 1, 00c, 000 wa for mally opened to-nlpht with the present ticn of "Faust" by the Emma Juch Grand English opera company. - Apprssirlalloas. Washington, D C, Feb 10. Sill mak Ing appropriation tor public bulldlng were reported and placed on the- calendar follows: Portland, $500,000; The Dalles, $100,000; Salem, fioo.coo. Am Avalanche. Spokane Falls, Feb. 7.- Tbe town of Burke, Idaho, in the Ca-ar d'Ateile mining district, hat been nearly destroyed by a disas trous avalanche. Half of the business houses are in ruins. T uesrfjy morning, with scarce ly a moment's warning, a tremendous mast of snow and rockt swept o the town. Five men were buried beneath the snow, : and were killed. Two were rescued, but the others re dead nnd their bodies have not been , recover ed. V The ill fated town lies in a narrow gulch through which Canyon creek pours its waters into the south fork of the Coeur d'Alene. It had about 200 inhabitants, who have deserted their wrecked or menaced homes and places of business. Yesterday another avalanche swept down up on the boarding house connected with the Custtr mine, w lich is situated on Nine Mile creek, about five miles from Burke. The boarding house wa full of miner, tlx of whom were killed. The others had a narrow escape and a number were more or less injured, lie Was Drank. . Kalama, Wash, Feb. 8. About midnight last night Fred Stone, a farmer living a few miles from town, was drowned here, by falling off the side walk while drnnk. He was in com oany with four other men, who attempted to resctie him, but being under the influence , of liquor he made no effort to save himself and sank out of sight. The body was rescued toon after, The deceased leaves a wife and two children in poor circamstancef. A treat Disaster. LoNDON,FeK 7. Onehundred and seventy bodies have been taksn from the Wales Colli ery in which the explosion occurred yesterday. It it believed the killed will number 199, ii,ooo,oeo rire. Paterson, "S J-, Feb. 8. Washington Hal wat burned this morning. Loss, ore million dollars. Stevenson!, Ala., Feb. 8. The dwelling of Farmer Roth burned last night. Roth, his wife, and four children perished. . St Louis, Feb. 6. There wat a. big sensa tion in express circles to-day when it was dis covered that the Pacific Express Co mpany had been robbed of ?35,ooo by F A WUon,money clerk in the Dallas Tex office. The Inlua Paelne Qptm. Portland, Or,, Feb, 11. -The first train to arrive in thlt city over the Union Pacific since February 1st came In to-day about noon brtneing a large number of naMeneert tnd con siderable mail and express. This morning a train left for the Etst over thit line. 1 lis blockade it permanently raised, and no farther trouble It anticipated. . The Leases. YrkkA Cat., Feb. 1 1. The kissetby flood in (hit county are estimated at half a million dollars. Every place except the Mt Shasta teclion It badly damaged. rbaB(rtea Refused, Port LA Nl, Or., Feb. It. In the state circuit court thit afternoon Judge Sha t luck, tittirj fur Judge Stchint, refuted to grant a change of venuoin tht case of "Snntly" Olds, charged with (be murder of Lmil Weber. Mr J A Roberta' ttm wl! Wine oat fit is at work aero the river. Farths wishing work don may leave word at tVsntou's grocery store. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IfUSlNT-H CIIANOIC -Wa hav sold If our Una of atm and ammunition to ftimrnr Devoo .t Krom-n Hro., and In tha futtirn win dvtt alt oar attention to ptanoM, organ, iiiulnl merchandise and Mwinir maqbldaa, Wa will have room fUtad up r(t our n but lor tare or four wveka w wtlt be found at our old aland. whera wa keep all tha loading flawing maohlne.alo tha famous KarhufT mouae and dust proof organ and the favorite Bailor piano, ('-om and aea onr Inatra nient anil aewlng tnaotln bfor buy lng. WiixALImk. T OST-Thi aftarnoon. a of Iron I j with four ehlmlng bell far bsrna. Suitable toward gtveo. Kstuin to thla oiu- STOCK HOLDER'S MBKTINO. No Una Is hri7 el van that there will baainootlnii nfliia Stockholder of tha Old Fallow Hall Building AaoclaUo3 bald t thslr omo In Albany, Oragnn.on Menday, in loth day of March, 1800, at tha hour of 7 n'ulnnk p m of aald day, far the purpose of atontlntr aavan dlreotora to aarva tha anaulnz year. and for any atbor Uualneaa that may come bofor aald iMtln. This tba Sill day of Kbrnry,iet0. IS A Pa a k, lraldt nt. Hteretary. I1ROF. H C. PALM K1VS Conaarv.lo ry nf Mualo, Twawdala' lito:k,Ktrt Mront, Al nany, Oregon, opened January 3)ih. ltttO, Tbe eoun of ItmtraoUon wilt oonatat of olasaea for piano, organ, har mony and vnlo culture. Titer will b a normal claa aid diploma fumUbf d to tnauhar, apteifytng capacity and ex pariana. HtudnnU participate In month ly rswiiala, and are craum! to Insur qa sltty In rend ttlon. TbU oonjsnvtory will b onnduotfld on t'i mui bl a tnoaa In lloatou. Maw York, "to. Thla ta tba only rronanlxed aaoeamful system known for a thorough tnaniaal education. Hand for clreuiera and reference. UfSe hour from I to 8. I.!OK MALK.-A No 1 mllllnsrataa. In 'an A Not location in tha tbitvlnij e.iy of Albany. Low rent and splendid room. For tsrtipu!r a I lre Finn, P O Uo W Albany) Or. IREBH FPttl. Having epanad al ' market In tb Haltmsrsti li ooc. fl.h w r prepared to aupply to trad with freah Asn of ail klnda,at roaaonahl pri ce. W !! A BuaciVKT, Dissolution Notice. Xotle U barab cl van that tba ajpart nerablu harotnfor liattnif tinder the nam of lyo A !loboo da bn di oirad, Mr L W Itoyoe rwtlrlng. 7b bo sines will b cenUnuad br Prio At Hob eon. All aeoonnta ahould l aatttad with lb old firm, by whom all dabs will b paid. rieaa alt and pay ap. NoticQ of Guardian Sale JJ.XIo" la hsrebv given that by virtue of an order of s-ala, dnly :-ed and en tared rurd by tb County Court lor Una County. HUl of Oreron. an lb fHh d' y of Jaoury, litH), the anderalgncd, a guaidlan tr naima H Utirknert enl Samuel O. Horkhart, minor hatra of C. l, liurabart. derwaaod, will, a Satur day, March 9, inso. at I o'clock p. m. of a Id dy, at tb Court Hous door, la tbe City of Attany, Linn County, Oregon, ofTor for sale, at fublio auction, to lb highcat bidder, for eb in band on tha day of aal, tha undivided two a vent b 01 lb following daaeribed rial Mists, to wtt: IVrlar.intt at th NartbAaM eorrmr cf land st apart to O. (i, Ilurkhait in tb partition suit entltla-l, J. I Jlurktiart t at, va. C U. liurkhart al.. In tan Circuit Court of ta Hata r.f Oration, fr Lion Count v.ronnlfi; from thano North sJin., F4urt 11.76 etiaina; t bonce North fttf dR., 30 niln . YYaat S7.75ehaina; thane South I dotltt 14.75 chalna, then. Katl Z3.7U chain to tb plaea of bfrtn ning,entalilnitM acre, all in Townaklp II h . It.3 W in Lion County, Ktat f Oregon, with alt th appurtenance theret unto belonging f app-tlning. CAKUL15U 1S3KKHART. Guardian, Tha whole of atld traot of land, Inolud la th interet of the heir, now of ag, 'ill be offered at aald tlin for sale, npun th same term that of th minor heir, and tb parson purchasing tb wbalacf aald traot to reosiv a deed of conveyance from each of tb owner cf said land, and a guard lan'a dead for Ik intoreat of aald minor. CAROLIKK BURKHART- Notice of Administra tion. Not loo 1 hereby given that tha a oder abroad baa been ar.notritnd adu)lnlatrat--ig of Hie m tat of J J Uorrla, deoeaaed All pmiu having claim aaminvt aald ea tatttinuMt prevent tbe an mo with proper voucher to Ibn undersigned adminis tratrix within lx month iroiu tb dat hereof. January 20th, IfiOO. ' ,, M. K 1 otHI, ,( ' ' dmtn. of the thtAte of J J lrrl.deuaMid. SherifiPe Sale. In Ike Circuit Court 0 tht Slattof Orrjo for tlus pounty of Lin : Ryir'ter!FeBno.v6r, Gtiurnflr. Geo W MoBride. Hepretiy, and tl W IVtbb, Trehanavr. of tbe stilit of Orcpon.ootiati lining th Board of commlMaloner for tbe aalaofacbool laud and tbe inanae ruant of tho com mon school lund,plio- nir-. Emily lleKInney.Kllzabetb Pavla.Edli'j McKlnney.Rhorfa McK.lnney,Frsk Mo Kinuey. DelU MoKlnney, Jeaa P He Ktonoy, Joale K McKlnney.Koy MoKln tiey and A K Davls.defenaaaU, Notice U hereby (tlren that by virtu of an xtcutlon and order of aal lasuad out of tbe above named Court In tbe above entitled suit, 1 will on aianiar, the Is ay f March, 1R0, at lb Court Houso door, In tho olty of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at, the hour of one o'clock p. m. of aal day,6i at public auotion far oasb in band to tbe highest bidder the real property "escrib ed in aald execution and order of tale aa follows to-wit jt.ll of the Donation Land claim situated in scctlona 15, 16, 21 and 22, in township 12, 8 K I W, known and described on tbe government surveys a the Donation Land claim of John W Moore and wife, belnir Notification No 26 (j 9- saving therefrom 13 acrea sold to Jacob Sew wan, containing 800 acres. Also beginning 10 chains west of the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of section 21, In tp 12, 8 R I W, running thence ean 30 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence. weat 80 chains; thence north 40 chains to theplaoe of beginning, containing K.O acres, all situated In Linn ccunty, state of Oregon. Tbe proceed ariMni? from tbe sale of said premises to he applied, flrut, to the payment of Ibe cost of and uoon said execution and toe original ooets of the within entitled suitt taxed at 835.25. Second, to the paymen of I laintltTs eiatm amounting to tbe sum of $1819.68-100, with accruing interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annual from the 4th day of November, 1889, and the further sum oj ltO, Attor ney's fees, and the overplus if any to be paid to the defendant. Emily MctClnney, to be aJminlsterod upon rs by law pro Dated this 23rd day of Jan., 1890. J HN SMAIXMON, Sh'f Liau countv, Or. By Belavan S lsnUh, Deputy. D3 Z Keeps tho leading stock of Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Wet Weather v '' Goods and the Leading Tail oring Department,' in tho Valley. Honest Bargains AND GOOD TREATMENT AT C. E. BROWNELLS. j Where are you going my pretty maid T I am go ing to buy a Jewel Stove, she said. They givo such good satisfaction that they make a home pltasant, and with Anti-Rust Tinware all js joy. ' MATTHEWS fc WASHBURN WILL -Dealer In all Guns, Pistols, "Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos A. full Una of ht roul, inoalaal merohandlaa, ararannillon. Aahlns laahla, ta. Warrantad rseora, bothr and pokt kolvM. Th beat kJnd of anwlnn mh in neaditH". OUani extra fr all uraehlnea anpplied. Repairing a fa wing machine, tnaalcal instramrtnts, Ran, ele., neatt- don ALBANY; 5! "aid ih man, after counting bis tss.h, I hay Saved Many Dollais By taking advantage f lb jow prices now being qnoted CE. The Sellable G rarer of Albany. Pianos. Them wishing a flrst-olaa Instrument, the best made to stand tfie olimat of tb Coast, can bj suit ed by calling at Mr B 13 Uytnas's, oppositu tha Mas&nlo Tem ple, on First Street. The latest vocal and j instrumental musio kept for aaIe,also tbe J largest assortment or stamping patterns to select from this sidt of 'Frison. Les sons given iu painting and embroidering in her studio over Linn County Bank. Olv her your order and you will be pleased. TOR SALE, Pa.nt shop including ' mn.srlsla. Vi.nsViaa and niar flxtnraa with plenty of work oa bands. Inquire at this office. kaWaaaValF k Vaslum, Albaxv, Onr.cojf, IIardware,StovesantlTinwaro. & LINK th Ladlny- Head Quarters for Seth Thomas watch es and clocks,' at'. F H FHEfaCnS, tho best watch in the world for the money. ALBANY OR. WRITSMiH & HULBEB.T BEOS., Real Estate Agents .7 Farm and Ranches for sale. Also city broperty in Albany -and Ceryallis, CHEAP'f.'OHEY. We have made arrangement to supply money to all on long time at low rate ot i-.-.., t - .1 nf, nMM UllCini Ull lillIIUTU SHU piv.r erty. Thsee who contemplates building can get money. See us. . Wallace Cnsi. WANTED. A firsr.olss s'l at Depot Hotel. Nona but first class teed apply. Call early. Try the'fall cream crteese 5 U R Brown- UNRIVALLED ATTRACTION S ALBANY ATTRACTING Dut a well the ruiieiia .Wi cf mm mm 1. 111 ' F-i r h tit ittt, iin Stg cf a ?r ard tlcion stock of ! !' .urna f An unrivalled Cloaks and Jackets, In all sijlih (.nil n xst, a wt-Sl nelcted stock of Mf-n'", Cbildrb'ia-1 Lbt:' BOOTS ANDllSHOES, ! A laig a orttnect cf CAP PETS, A ikI a choice t econ t-f GROCERIES. THE LEADER. G.W.SMITH, -A T.BAJET-y- 'Superiop," "Argand," "Garland" STOVES AND RANGES. Fire backs. Warran tad for 1 15 years, All "8 i z e s an styles. Roofing, Job Work, Plumbing', Eave Trough. Range Sutlers Conductor Pumps. Barrows & ISearis D;y Mte, Mlm, GntiFarn isMngs and 609TS AHD SHOES AGlIXt Y f r Tha Ludlow Lsdivs Fin Shot si..i for M. D. Well's Si Cut UuuU ami &hos. BARROWS & SEARLS, Blu mbarg's New B!oo 1889 FALL AND WINTER 1889 Just received Urga Invoice of Fvrelgn aal D.itnoeiIo woMens Id OvercoaVings. Suitings and Trouserings, We make a apolalty of FULL for Balls an J Parties or regular evening wear A perfecf fit guaranteed at - THE LEADING MERCHANT TMLQBS, CORNER DRUC STORE. is The Leading" Druggist, ALBANY sDEALER IV DRUGS, L1ED1GK1E8 STATlOIJARYjGO. KjtcrUKIes-rUit Tollot Articles, PdrrtTory aal SC Instrameatr ; tr.erliitin CUrt ally coaapoua-lsd c'ay and night, e!eantKn )f ' ' RNTIOX line of THE LEADER The World'o best. More than hun- dred 7 bun :v 3red differ ent sty les co ok s and heaters ZflCHEU DHOS., Opposite Post OCSoe. ODD FELL TEMPLE tup