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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1890)
niH YAQUINA ROUTE. Crcccn PaclSo Railroad li,v.lrm.n Cowny'. Moan,. ' whip Una. 25 liiles shorter. llt.- by any other rJt. F.rt-!." .1 .,(. nUMIKM uu "from .' Md u PLn" l-j t:.e VUlmM . ' f ranoioo, .7 - vr.n. - anil iroiu o-". 5ftv. i nBilJt, ThUrt Arrive ftt tortind -luaJ. M ,i.y and Saturday t North 4, J , V. edoe.?. SJSVn. over night " ouia. at" i ; lem, . . nnnLion at Albn Ho t?rn Practno Kllrod ,,lh trtina of tn. Tlt mntii. - . AW"f 'n.- M c?-au.iO: vqutr,t:!w - C' "Sh! boV. ttl n. eonteot ft CorvfJUft. JKhth!r!ott itlopmi aouln. with the 022d. hlP between , . Ann nitu 1 ...:u i Ibtt in. lb rgt to 111. CnPWfT-r'hou. nolle . i cttUuft d - --- ,..iB rin OYERUM TO CUFQIA tM Pacific Compmji Line, TUE MOUNT SHASTA KOUTE. Bwrta r - ryirtk rjlLUAH BUFFH SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, umKIsh re ei V... T4I r- lfiii It, r I Ar Cr Te an " ,V1A CALIFOKMi. f " " ao wy fr. BOOM ft. KtUU Mwu'l ious aad Carriage fainter Eewrator and Paper nanger PiaLO Varnichinir. fj 'fc guaranteed. S B. VASSAL! 0- ; iSsoaMMfl o Henry 8aeaeM.) Pouiity VianLed. " 'All kind of poultry, ftU "r rrf.toflftttheWllUmelU Pieklu fsny'a Store. Albany, Oreget. E. J. ttcCAUSTLAHD, Cinl, Eanitaij and Hydraulic Engineer. CoosuUing engiowr tor CoM MeooUi and Dry Oolch Consolidated Gold and hil vtr Mioia((Co- 0Sr.e, r Street, Albany, Or. J, sj. VniTFIEY. i-tuf A3 And Collier At Lai Public. ALEA!V CHECCM vVIII praoil? I U of tbe Courte uUHUW. Allb lne Intruntr to bl HI be jrompUy itndel U. v; t r.icPHEnsou, First Street. 1U1 EUU Brokur. l.jirsnc,and mooey to loo. I hve a Lr lit Improved .,.,1 nni.norovdd city propflfty, nt fruir. KrdH o l 1 tuning Isol in Iarg4 nd uniall uct. A I sbII c nmiiou only.if o nt to buy or sol) if tilt p-ty yon to fail and see me. UXY to SENDERS. L'oa!ra la General MernanMss. CRECCM iM. WatiJ Of rtrVlT Alior'H Meeting, ;ocj TOTiri laherabr nivnth isiil iiiwtltiK of a t e AHny H jll ilnn l l u wi wjtl be biii on Vfi Ur.P i ). Heon hour rf 7:1) p in, in the W U T U Hu in A nounty lrnu, tor in nlno Jireure a" i iUre- htiditor , .iv9 lor H erm of 'ne yr nxt insc frora ll myelin nd wnitl their mii roxrrtsre nlmits'l ! (jimliflpd, and t iisnH' t ii-:ti other biM.nffs may i ij'ui rodio bolore the aomi inn. Don i v o :!-r ? riiroctote lhl m;, dy nf January, I!MH). jr w r.r.Ai! Keiirt iry. FreBllent iVi lots y.'rr 1, !: Cure r Ml 1 ifr.i,.: 74 CpraJns Earns. QrreHla3 Bcrcncss. Olironio Fains. DR.J.L. niu. Physician and ISntton, Offleo oor. First ana rorry oiw-, ALBANY OnEHWW nn f WATSOfl FlAST Of Physician and Surgeoxi. Otneeoppoaltetbe Doucr. DR. W H. DAVIS, r Stir?60H. AllVBlwiAU - o I V . .. stromne t aulm In Strfthftu'e Bloc. VaV be found ble offlo ay ftna nB m DH. C A VHlTilEY, Physician and Surgeon, GralnaU of Bellevne Hospital Medical Pege Now Yerk City. DiaeasM of woroaa a specialty . 4-TOfBoe, Pr,aVe Brick, Albany, Or. DO. I. W. STARR, Physician and Surgeon, Late ofBrownsr.l3,0r. Ome ftt oo. Nj. S3 B'?Jf.l:fl?i?u end fierce'. Worts, up l, promptly mtfria iu j DR. JABES KEYDEH, Graluata d! EMurg, Sco' land, .h , kSllS ot bin prosft-lot. .-.I I ilhaiDV a erln. civlry lUtiuni. be bop" to 1, . naimnaxs of tboae Intereeiw UJDKS f ' a. Mottlak fthiWD. (V. alao reuimead bU eoiution or ''"u"1 rr .am sihouldtr. eons back, broken .nraina. Prtre, one aei lar par bottle. a,w, " 1 - , abmce 1 at JohnSebraaer'aMvery sift ble. 1 ...-r xk a.-LACftBca.:. r! Anf nmn & W RIGHT. -- I Attorneys at. Law, til iri aiiv v. h , , SUte. Prompt attentio. given to all best- oeeDtiu.ted tooor tNsre. Office Odd F.llowe Albany, Or W II BILYEUt ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor ia Chancery. ALBA9IT. - OBE,?"; Collectlone promj-Uy made onftliFOi )usneicctuueo on sswbiwi RedCrownMills S0M. LAXSlXa & CO., HOPE'S, exw raocxMS ruoca scrxBioft roa rann-tM AB-O SAKtft VOt. RESTSTORAGB facilities. kliirhest Priot in Casb fo ACADEMY -OF Oar Lady of Perpetual Help. ALDANY, - - - OREGON Conducted by the Blii i tit. lteneHlkrt This Aeadetay la incorporate and uq tbonxed or the Stai to confef ftcsaeanie honor.. The oonrr or etndy le TOup.ej, Mat hero at le, Li terror, end MusW W jpecmuies, a mum iu. .1 plrnta for tecnre- oenii- 4.tri.l drawinr. vocal muaie la and .it klndeornewllewoik form, ex ft form fbtnl refined young lftdl.. bnt noAIe T1L1C Ullb 11 1 111, uujbv. r d uaefnl member of .oclety. Purffie vloii'ted t ny time and chare;, proper- doned. Pupil of any oil 01 any aanomio.uou re ceived. TrrBlen In nelect diy tebool range. from f5 EfS f 10. . , , ferteri. o' B.rlD 8.hrl or mny prtiel.rppiy at the Academy, or ad. te. Siator feoperlere-e. I7OR8ALE. A farm of 133 ecr. at Miller Mtatlnn 5 roilo Jrom Albany. All feared, 2"0 acre in cultivation, yearly all geod whist land, new hene ami barn, good wator. Wilt .nil halt or all. Term reasonable. In'ju ef own ers on the place. . ETliAVex, W W K.WM X- ALBIBY ABSTRACT COMPiHI, .Vl.BtNY, CiHaO S. ABSTRACTEBS. 7h Only Complete Set of Abstract uuoks and Haps in Linn County. cfflcs ia the Court loinw.,-X Kuln etitnitted to lb C, ahft) have t ."tipt .n't erefa( attention. t ,F. Sox, Pre C. II. T.WAnr, e Albany Manufctiirer. ? UAM ENGINES CRISf AN3 SAW W ILL MACHINERY IROH FRONTS AKD ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AN3 L1SHT WORK, iH IHO:, AKD MASS CASTINGS. Pei(l .ttentioo 6 of mehiner n- r!rtnir 'l Faiftyns Made on Short Notice 4. from uir rvsmiAt tmmiiom!ct. VAfIIIN(iHN. WAfclllNiiTON, Jn. 10, 1$)Q . Mr nrrUun has prung unolher Eng 1-ih lile on th counUy In th hape ut ft Government Measure to be puliaed betro Congren. Ill predecessor have, con tented themselves with recommending w hat the v thought ought to be done, and leaving the r.-sl to Congress, but In the cose ol the silver bill to-day Introduced n the House the English Idea ( legislation Ms been strletly lo'lowed. The bill wa prepared by Secretary Window, submitted to the cabinet and the Trestdent, approved by the Utter nd ft majority of the former, and I now Introduced lit the House a an administration measure. Now 11 Mr Wlndom could only be admitted to the floor oi the ! louse to champion the meas ure '.ho whole proceeding would be entire ly English. The bill has been referred to the House committeee on Coinage, N eights and Measures, and I understand t '.at Sec retary Wlndom has already been promised t favorable report by the republicans of that committee. It will be Interesting to see whether Conitrcsa will resent this clear usurpation of its functions by the executive branch of the uovernintnt, or whthtr It will he mild I V accented and ol lowed to stand asn precedent for future ftd I1IIII1I-VS M( IVIIM Gov. Campbell was to day partially ex mined by the House committees Invesll gating the Ohio baliot box forgery. Nolh Ing new was brought out. Ex-Gov-Kor aker, who was examined Friday and Cat urdav, lid not taise himself any In the estimation of honorable men by hi tetl monv, telllnz how he bribed Wood to get nosesslon of the turned document. Un.lcr , rmu - ixinlnillmi U ..l.tixlit rd thatllC should have discovered the forgedc If he had made as caretul an examination of the paper as he ihoul 1 have done. Mr Kora- ker seems for some reason or other to be extremely bitter against Reprcsenatlvci McKlnlev and Butlerworth, of Ohio. There wa a lively time la the room of the House committee on Referm In the Civil Service thb morning, caused by discussion before that committee on the merits of the present Civil Service law. Opposed tolhe law were Rtprescpatlves Houck and Ewart, and favoring it the Civil Service Commissioners. The law received some very hard knocks, but if the private claim of the Commissioners that a majority of the committee Is pledged to them Is true, nothing Is likely to cotnc of them. Secretary lUalne has the tvmpathy of eveijbody in the terrible bereavmcnl which hasUilcn upon him, by the sudden death ot his brilliant young sou Walker Dlaine. Hit funeral took place Saturday and sat attended bv nearly every public manjin Washington and a.i immcnccrod of private citizens. Anaiici. SOUTH CR AUTRE E. NcarSclo.on Jan. 26th, 1S90, Mr. Owen Sauth and Mis Elva Crmbtree. The marriage ceremony took place at the residence of the brlde'a parents, In the presence of the near rela tive and friends of the contracting parties, Tm& Pm... 1 T ,mtfllr,cv ' All., r m " "' J the hearty congratulation cf all pretent the m coupu ,cd lhe wa ,n, the din! dining room, where wa spread a table laden with alt that lhe most excellent tate could suggest or the most perfect cooks prepare, to which .11 did ample justice. Dinner over, an hour or two was very pleasantly spett In social converge and mulc,aftcr which the friend reluctantly took their departure. The bride wa the recipient of a number of handsome and useful prevents. On the day fallowing the wedding reception wa tendered Mr end Mr South, at the residence of Mr John South, brother of the groom, to which host of friends were invited and where a on the day previous the best of cheer pre valled.and could r.ot but have added much to the pleasure of oil present, except for the one fact thrt the cup of each one's hap piness seemed already full to overflowing. May the "matrimonial ship" that ha start ed out under uch favorable auspicp,laden with the bet wUhe of all the friend of lhrt on board, glide peacefully over"!lfc sea" until she enters and drop anchor within the haven of eternal bliss. Scto, Oregon, Jan. 28th, i8yo. Iltl. SHE At Sweet Home, on Thursday, Jan 30, Mr John Shea, aged about 45. Mr Shift waa a most estimable woman whose death will be generally regretted. Delmonica Ucstanrant,' co.nxr riasT ank ellxwohtbi ar. The nnddrind haviog pruhaed tne U Herman lUstnriot atand .ha evened adr the above dsius . Hrt-olau retae rant. W. are prepared to fnroiah mea!. for partie or dance on aliort notise. Oyt ters served in every ety I. eaatara or cuaal ; nil kind of llih know,! in th market. Kmployonly nrcelMa telp. and waiting will U prompt and eoarteon. Kegolsr rneala 25 eta. Coffee of tiret-elstae rjualitv nd a cup of eoiTs and cake at from 5 to 10 t. I ta welt known in thi eity .ad r qnest the ticena to give ne a ea.'I. AM6fCT?,r)prfetor. m imi mum . r w' 1 ' 6 (ivntti na KEEVOU0 hZMLlTtt r lFP 0 tt .Bai ir M m. . . m mm ... . 1 1 f fc, w cntfM eji ixkij ana minai tiM in Old or Yotrotr. RwWt, How 45li'Ml) Ml. futMv4. hfr-esxrtJaeaB WK M K, V WlTF Uii'V U OHfc A A fa RTH ftf Hitit ft. Ho let Pfr et A'aiwt(y 1 raawiftaj n f M KA ma IT liattl n , FOR SSCIN DISEASES rain mmiEDM on mm It kills all hr3mnaiirm and IrrlUttJP, sod 1 the onir rmr dsntwjar ofAticrubM and otiwr Bkiav Farssita. VMfrmtv. Price. 25c;nts a Box. 1 VOICE rVrnn otii, rim Ira r Mr. M A month 1 1 now t J '..r K.C.AII.H 4 IV,, aitd i,mtil ii j ni'm. anti miu, i.i.k. mn ! ij f TV. ,1. u.HHIM'Hw w llbtm !!.... If. 1-1 lylblnir la ull Ilk. roar ry hi. ovrrmvn;' w. j. l.if.W. M... writ-., "fl in or.l.r tt yattr .ll'omjia ( l v,rv Imih 1 ...,. ,iw ! .Trer day.vr....' brutll I. ortan a. ni-l.- at Ua, r 0(lt.r..r.oluvfHii...w.ic ..... .,, mt,mvw ttr n .1 lr.Rf. A'i.h. tk.l. Miall we tart V OU in Ihi bu.inesKH. 1 Writ, lo im .nd l..rn all abrnt it ffr rourarir. r. H iriW Man; ; v.. will ni, -on ( iJun't d.l.v umiH . nlj.m In ) part of ilia mumrv. K,,w ThrUM b.l,e ,, k i. -old hit. - t ..J- -'wllur h,i forer-d uiuuf..'ti.rrr, Ml. 9,0114. tMm T 'i" !;" " "' 0rl CriMMMl Mlk ValMHI J imi. ( li.mniily rlror.irl In.lj... Hndaom..l allmm.ln Ilia, -...rid. Urr si,.. (,r..M b.r.i. am known. A.,.,,!. " ",... B,.,.,m . to . ...ia to tii . mm nionw, t. .Hatit.. Any OMa Ma rul Krli. llM-if .... .iirht lilt I. ,. .rcry on. Ui pur.- ,v,u -41 arery woracr, Miiry n.vw AK.nlk ara. Yuu. rr.d.R- .... ..v n. .mi iisnr uiie. riiit itir.i V L . .7 , ,." "" " " n!ul" at..! t.rm. fr oui- f.M.lly, and ivriu.tu-.i,. a n.r you know ail .nldy,,,, o,,.,,,.,,. , ,. f,,r,l..,;whr ha' l?dn Addrn. i. C. ALUS A CO., .UUU.Ia. Maim Children Cry for, Pii v-i mfr- i h 1 1 1 l HiN TELEGRAPHIC JSEWS rrobnbly tot, 1'kndleto.v. Un. 1 1. There iu no tid ing UK yet of N K I- rnsor, who litis Iwcit Iut in the mountains sine. Tcesdny. Friends aie secuiltte the moiiniains In seach of him. The troileof thii ritv are ureatly alnrmel over liis (IUaiieiHnce. lie is uue of tlia lending Joiiiir business men ol l'.nt,-rn Oregon, ami nmotic the wealthieit. The muunlalneers claim lit ill turn up all ridit if he line not met with nn accident. A Rare Thing. San Jdsk, Cal., Inn. 31, Food Toy, Chlnene woman, was granted a divorce ftotn Fook Kan, on the tmnind of extreme cruelty. rhe parties were mnrriedbere liy a justice 01 the peace about a year ago. This is said to he the lii at Chinese divorce in the state, The defendant did not appear. the ltllin Oet. Ylt.KRsnAKRR, Pa., Jan. 31, The bottom of a portion of the town of Plains dropped out to-day, and with it thiee single I ousei and a double block, causing consternation among the tenaits and excitement in tot n. The settling it is thought, is not yet at an end. A lew leet from the scene of the diwtitcr, and in a direct line, is the cemetery, and fears ate entertained that this ttill yicUl, 1 lie caves are caused by extravagant rmluing of the pillars to the mm- The iilsrkatle- San FKANCist:o, Jan. 31. General Super intendent Fillmore said this efleimvn, We exnect to Mart a passe 'g traia north over the Oregon line by Sunday, and aie straining every nerve to do so. The road will eertainly be opened by Monday. ly t'raabr. ruii.ADKt.i ii'A, Jan. 31. David Alexan der, who tried to assassinate Ilishop Wliitukcr Sumlay last pleaded guilty this morning before laile Arnold, I r Andrewsol the county tri. snn.testitied that Alexander was same on every osner sui.jirct except ptomuttion. Mlsa MlUnad s Time. Naw YoK, an. 31, Considering the Iom of twelve houre nt the start, the llmt of Mbs UUland's trip around the world is computed at 70 uavs 01 hours and 4a minute, or 4 days, 1 nour ami 37 minutes behind Kerne lily s rcc Old. Am Old Tramp., Jan. 30. -The body of an old Inrnp was found along side the n.uiow gauge, iser I Aumsville, yesterday. The coronet 's jury to day returned a vciuict Itndmg that dentu hao resulted ftom a tree falling on him while aUeep, malting his head flat, eftttr which hi clothe took hie ft urn the camttfire and burned on emireiy, roasting the laxiy, 1 he tnan s liirniitr i unknoon. lie tsa ationl 00 year nlil, I lenry Kcene, justice of the pconce.con- uuctcii 1 ue ntjiiesi, lew Werk. Sax I aAvctw, Jan. 30. Southern Pad fie oiliciati wtie gicatlv relieved Ibis aftcn.Vn whea the telegraph aummnred that th long inipii.on.i u were nuking (encial aJ van tomstil Sxa Kraeciscu. The wurk of pkktng its ice livm the rails between Track c nnJ tunnel IJ, on tim easteta sloi-e of the .Sicitas, wa Mt!.leled Ihi fwrenoon. Lixt WhtU ll.mi.g. 1'tNI'l.E tOK, Jan. 30. Great anicty ia felt fur the safety of N K 1 rater, . prominent yoeng busines man. Viarer and ChaiUt Uken left Pendleton Monday on . huntine expediiion. TnosUay morning they left the camp at Wiilhur together with a tttccratih Oi tiaior in chase of a deer. About noon they besame separateti, and i-'mer ba been kt since. War fMsfcaraeasrau. VAlliMiio.N, Jan. 30. Senator Slewart lonlsy introduced a bill to reimburse the Mate of California, Oregon and Nevada fur trney exptnued iy them durmg the irte war. The bill author uc the (olio, ing arrount to be paid: Caliiurnia, (4,430,81; Oregon, 1i5&,- a 1, ana .(wu e4u,77U. ii Only I. Heme. Sam Fxascisco, Jan. 31. The Chronicle soys editorially: The Otegonian, who relieve hi fcelir.g with p-ofanity, will probably find hi vocabulary too (mat! hen be reads that the revenas cutter Rush U carrying lhe delay ed mail to Portland. The Rush in spite of it name, ia a mignly alow vessel, and through Secretary Wanamaker parsimony, lhe mail will teach Portland about three days later than they would have done if taken by the steamer Santa Rosa. A ry t'raay Mast. Fairmocnt, Ind., Jan. 30 Vest er Jay morning Jacob Adcll went to hi cabin and saturated his clothe with kerosene oil, thca et fire to l ham and rushed out into the yard enveloped ia flames. After s short, horrible i strucgi. he expued. A month ago he became a member of a sect tnat leaches self sacrifice a the only way to heaven and accordingly roamed himself to pro- prune mc svim:gniy. I. Tare ma Tm, ., Jan. 29 Samuel Collyer, of ti committee anruutntetl la mrurm Ktiti-iftiuina ia l .tork ofthcKonhwestern Exposition Com- pany, ay that owing to the t urgency of money just at present the commute ha .1C .Tr 10 aU , UforeL B1"?.6 0nV rHfirf In aiirek ia i .iulr VBiewi.r ' ... . . . , "AifcBviLi.K, twugj io.,van., Jan. aoj Evcrytting is lively, notwithstanding the fact that we have thirty six inches of anow on the level. Thi depth is cause for reai rejoic ing, for at there i no frost in lhe ground it, when melting will sink. All expect to have the largest crop the coming season of any in the history of the liig Bend. Snow stioJng and tobogganing are the order of the day. We have . magnificent slide from the top of Capit al hill to the bottom, quarter of a mile. , The rreper Thl.c, Chicago, Jan, 19 The Union Tacific and Korthn extern railroad have given notice of withdrawal in thirty day from the Internet Commerce Railway Association. It is thought that this action will lead to the dissolution of the association, although the other road insist that they will maintain the organization de spite lhe withdrawal of these ioadr. Trua hie 1'cared. Lexington, Ky., Jan. 29. The Sharp Rifle of this city have received order to be ready to march to Harlan coonty. The occa sion is apprehension of trouble there when the circuit court open, r he legislature ha order ed an investigation into the trouble In that country, and it will probably be made while the troops are there, Ice Mating Cut. Vancouver. Wash., Jan. 29.--.The citi zen are glad to see the ice in front of Van couver, lowing moving down the river, and except lo have an spen river by the end of the week. Crazy, . Olvmpia, Jan, 29 Mouhray and Cook to-day made their dying kick at three report era who wrote the anti boodle story. When every cnible person had begun lo flunk the matter bad died out. Cock oiiered a resolu twn demanding Scott expulsion. McKeavy iffered an amendment to include Ecgar 11 l'ip , of the Tost Intelligencer, Th host 5 cent Brownell'e. in tow 4 at C E Wlicn Baby vas xlck, we gave her Ciurtoite, Wlien she wa a Child, she cried for Catorla When she became Hlu, she clung to Coatoria. Wlwn she had Chlldreu, she gav tlism Caalori, AT PRICE & RODSOIM'S 13l-rhis- M IWI A BUltiUK. I To rut I'ftot'LK or AtnAsv and Vi ci-xi rv.Ai the bridge question hat been written up considerable In your columns as resident tf this city I want to add my say, that free bridge would 1h ft great convenience and add a great deal of trade to this place no one will question, In Ad ding trade we will add wealth, not only by Increased sale by our merchant, but by Increased value to property which would bring more money to both the city and county In the line of taxes. The convent. ence or a bridge can be seen at tne present time as tne terry cannot cross tne river nd a large trade is cut off from Albany, Imckovkmhn r. HHIM THBKKTKOPOU. tne Portland, Or. .Jan. 30II1, 3 p, m, Lat T est from Paclnc floods In Sacramento Val ley report that Is feared again river le ris ing and thicaiens to surpass any previous record for high water. No trains running to-dav south or north from San Francisco Oregon City woolen mill down to day on account of high water. rcllio, an Inulan, recently eonviciea 01 murder in first decree in United States) Circuit Court for kllilnit Agne S Sasson on ntuht of 6th of May. near Vendleton, was sentenced by Judge ratlin this morning tube hanged on 6th of June. FclUo de clares that he was Innocent and requested to be hanged at Pendleton ; also ',o be shot Instead ol hanged. Weatber Summary of Meteorology for Jan., 18U0, from obeervatioul takeo at Albany.Linn Co. Oregon, by John Drigga.voL obaerver for th 8ignal Heryiee, U 8. Army. Hiuhest Urometsr on the 7th, 30 08. lowest barometer on the SOth, '-tl.7. Mean barometer for the month. 29,69 Highest daily average of bar. 30 00. lowest daily average of bar, 211 bl. I(ihsttmpratare on the 7, 60. lowest temperatare on the A stid 10. Mean for the month 83 3. liiKkMt daily range of tbar.oo the 9, 19 lxtwest daily raoaetif thee, on the 28, 0. Mean tempcratere at 7 a, m. daily 31 77. Mtt tniperstis at 2 p. m. daily 37. Mean tempeiatme at 9 p. ni. daily 31.90V Prevailing direetioat of wind.rt and N. Mae VheitT foroe, 0. Total rainfall or melted snow, I a 2?. Ih-pth of enow at sod of mouth, 0. Number of daya on which ,01 inch or more ranli.ll.2l. 1 13 N author of days of olottdinese average t Of 91 ohervatimw 13 wepr oUr,l6 olouJy, 6 lair, 1 ft'gy,24 rain, 2 baxy.23 overcast, 0 aw. Froat oa th nwmiogi of 13 day. Tamp. 4 73 oa average of 11 futrn. lUiulall, 4-1. 13 oa average of 1 1 year. lite Albany Dxmomcat call Albany "the teat of taste of the higher dramatic type, because Itandmann had a bl houae thrit. Even the hoodlum in Salem knew enough to yell "rats!" when Hand mann played ifamlct here, A nlueer snow isanout tne tyie lor Atoany, Ingtt toned appreciative Public taste. Salem blatcuman. The above I very small bean consider ing me laci mat tr.e Statesman, ft paper always blowing hot and cold, compliment ed Dandmann at the time of hi appear a ace there a highly a any of our exchanges. Our conlcmp eem to be governed simply by the condition of It dyspeptic stomach It judgment i a reliable a that of Pol' toniut about the cloud. A punch and judy hww I about the sixe for the codfish aristocracy of Salem, a city that live In anticipation of the next legislature and . . . I ... elate lair. As IxiiicKAXT EoiTOtts The editor of the Pay tun Herald I mad alt oyer and talk like thla: a poor ad. lor hi town: We propose to run the Herald a good a we can according titlie patronage we receive. When the merchant of Dayton come up and advertise a live bulne men hould and fifty or one hundred more name are added toitur 1M from Dayton then e win snow w hat can be done Here In the newspaper line. No use in talking, we are not going to run a twelve horse paper to fit six horse town. We are not run nine thl paper for our hcaMh and we can't do something for nothing. Now dont you forget It." Woxkixo NiaiiT. An Albany cor. I respondent of the Drownsvllie Time, aaya: Claude LeMastera I running ft act of card during the night lime In the woolen mill t,.. nir i anmn a( ih nru,rv fixture lAlng In the blockade thev are de tayed In gettlnff the eecond set etarted. Your correspondent wa sloven come nice light casslmere made by the n. ill already. Soon Albany will be striving wl:h Browns ville to furnsh the people of the North west with wartn blanket and excellent flannels and unsurpassed casslmerc tweeds, etc. LA!.ox.Dr Matchctt return d from 8t Loul, where he had been to complete hi medical course. lie wa one ,lhe ""fortunate, who were detained by I U,e now b,ctk5, Wt have not learned I where he Intend to locate.... From tte- menu made In clipping from a California paper sent us we see that O'Nell Bros are making arrangement to soon bring a large portion of their paper mill plant here,... On last Sunday afternoon Kev J R. Klrk patrlck offered hi resignation a pattor of the C 1' Church at thl place for the pres ent Exprcxj. BeRGLAftY, 1. Friday during the absence of Mr Richard Conn and family, a burglar entered their residence, by bteak- ng a pane of gla, and robbed their home of a suit of clothe belonging to Mr Conn, ome jewelry, several dollar lit money and various other valuable article: Mr Conn would like lo get hold of the villain for a lew moment.. No clue to the robber wa tecured. Knocked Out. The Sclo Pre. ha ! been surpassed by the Vale Atlas, of East ern Oregon, In a recent Issue the follow. Ir.g self explanatory Item wa the only one In the paper. "The Influenza and the scarcity of fuel are ufliclent to make it rocky'tor the the New Atla. ThJ I an explanation, anal not an excuse." A Good Notice. The following notice sent out by the tax collector at Eugene I a good one, worthy of emulation : "-Your dog tax I now over due. Come and settle Immediately or the marshal will settle with Ihtdog." acoGESTiv. The following.whlch wa pinned over the ticket office apeiature at the drpot Situidry 1 a tiy suggestive article and tell along story, full of excla mation point : "May be a train north about 2 or 3 or 4 or e or 6 er 7 or 8 or 9 or to o'clock to-night' Dec. 9, 1S61. Mr J II Settlcmier in form the Democrat he Is positive thi is the da.e when the big flocd reached iu highest point It first rose a week peer! ouh, then aub.ided.and reached the climax on that day .about 33 feet above low water maik. A Sale. Dr O C A wbrey has purchase ed through W E McPherson two . lots on Ferry street belonging to S W Smith for merly of thl city who I now living at Greeley Wash The Doctor had an .op portunity to aell the two lots at a good ad vance before hi deed was recorded -but h? had too much faith in Albany nd de clined the offer. Lace Curtains, ljtce Cnrtahtn, 1 have just received ray fall rrtotlc cf lace curtains bought direct from Importer, the largest stock ever brought to this mat s et, and best value for the money. Samuel E. 'oi'N6, 110)1 K AS1 AKK0A0 TIIVI)Ar. The sew W RC ofncsrt were duly Instat ed lass night. Bhsriff K M Croissan, of Marion eoutity. nas bn in tne eity to-uay on LasiuMi. Th n 8 Itonlly eame ud the river this fterniKin, and reported live times all alone tne rtver. Alls in sine msr, or iialwy. bat aisamed the position of bookkeeper in the etore uf the Willamette racking Co. Utructlng kitchen and sewer have now all W II Dsnlols.ft former rssidtntof Albaev. nta naen arrosteu it rortiana tor rulnina a I oitesn ysar out gin. uu rsoord In tble city waa very nnsavary. There will be a dime social at Mr W 8 Tboinpson'a tomorrow evening Jan 21, A general invitation le extended to all, A plesaeullime anticipated. Yesterday evening durina tha ah.onna of ic prnpristore a bold thief entered the bird Ward batoher shop and aretred five or six dollars in change. Mr It A Irvine rtnrnd from 8tavton last eveninc, by way of the Oregon PaciHo, ana reuoriiit tne orugt, ooross the Saotiam all right, though th watur was high. There are 31 emintie in Oreurni. and nowspaper ar published In all, the total nlWnlwr bttiog l'il in th sUlr; 12 are daily, ao a aeini-we y,va wenaiy, s aomi-Bionuiiy Ut UIWU.UIJ , I a laquinaosv man Lai DroooaaJ in thai. N.ooort iMrA f t,l- l i....L.. . tli ' phone line between Newport and i equina The Thanksgiving social added conslder City provldad the oitieen of the bay will ab'y to ot-r treasury and was a success oviomi me oitieen 01 in bay will 1 $ iO0. Per this money be propose 1 tickets in amount of 25 osnts eaeb. r a ......age and transferable. A . I . . m r, .r . . I 1 . - 1 to issue - "---It- w.u.icr.un, i, , OMM I A hi I h. Iin. I xn... ,1.. 1 .Li-.- day from the time thesoUidy i raljed. ... - i .1 - . 1 . . . Hit Willamkttk. The water fit the Willamette wa about 17 feet above low water mark a we went to rrcs. Thla allowed a rise of about l Inclie after nine o'clock and three durlnir the nlifht. At tCugene the rtver wa reported at about 10 feet above low water meik In the mornl.i'. Nkelv located tne present condition of the river a ore not affect Albany. . t.. .1 c. t- i.i .,:. 1 Ceorae B Vllu 1. .flrioo.U 111. Dr I'atton retermul this noon f .rm Park. Uail, where he had been in respoote to ft tt turbancet of the peace In Georfcla,Tenn egram to attend to a patient. .nj Arkansas are In one sense fortunate, The N 8 rVniley went down ttrran ibi some of the ..reborn on tb b.nk. .i,h iM,Rtu.. iwcs mnu idoti The wife of Re II K Mine di.J at vt 1'ortlaDil Jannar Mtb. amid at Nh. I waa former t'resldeot of tbeHute W C T U. Futrene Cit hi. th. 11. ,1 ... cUrh b.r rcmllod for the term iest eluead m 703. Th.oembw at the rwcris. I olngof the bw Wrot 1 S30 The number examined last week waa 410. TUB Kivbk .The water In the WllJa mue wa 17 ire 1 o incne auove low wa- wr mr. iriis evening, navmer risen 4 nehc during the day and two feet du ring the night. At bugene It wa eleven feet above low water mark and about the same at llarrUburir. The report that It a up to the hotel In the latter place of course wa untrue. aArcanar. Bargains at Read'. F , M. Preach kevp railroad lime. Ladi all wool crlt underwear. 5 B&H. B.hi Cbmi mitcein at tlsrrow k 8rl. .. o1 a,,t ", forki and spoou at t Mrrrrjclia Ort olesnoo aale for the oext 30 day a itwriutdi. OooJ yon ned Ilabbard KUgaot Lotiesi For dntritry try Dr Wageaner over the Una Cotiotf 15nk. I'r I'attoa lept In bit efOoe and answer eail day or eij-bt. J II Gle bss been appointed pestmsater ,t Crawfordsvill. Dr Tattoo eerei pile without cutting . bnrniej. No pam. The O F train w. .a hour behind time to day, cvised by a Und slide. Hepkin it Saltetartb bavdeolvd prt ersbip, Mr M.tlrasnt. relirirg. 10 ewr eent otT n .11 eh a.le for the next 30 dy at WF Read'. . Crawfordsvill people mtt quite jti bill ant wvsv h ropaei. oi ranrota. W V can .ad will aeil olrwk eheaper than I'Mtlaad hou. W F lta4. any Low price ere what eonnta ami Brow net la 1 tb place to get them. C E Yon eo ay msoy a dim by trading at U V If ibbards sew ding atorc. Try iu Haaer kraut, pickle, biekUd piK feet and everything nice at C fe Brown!!. Ak to our RiIro4 Engineer shoe. I .... . ...1 IJ . a. L- t jwn ivvwrm . iirrowi s iear ia, Watebee, eloeka and Jewelrv carefu'.lv re- paind ami warranted at F M French'. k couo. eond-band othm f r a&U chain at th Artatedioover Linn Coonty ISaok. Tboae desiring diahea or lamp eaa Had ft t .at. tL" a m. .. ' iwrgaiH - r oith n 1 oompson. Cboioe Sicily lemon, dried Italian nrvnea peacbee eto, at L. Forest A TbompMo. No neod to so tier with th headaoh when I lebbard'a Capsule will rarely our yon. Dr Fatton ha anr aod apeedy cure for eatsrrb, Warranted ia every case. It la to be ttotioed that Dearly all the wood aawing ia Albany ia now don by white men.. An Albaiy man d.isire to know which 1 now th higher real etUte or tb water ia t be river. A new feature at the depot is a heating spparstas in th baggage reom. It la aim. plieity iuelf and vary effNtive. Mr T J Blck' of Halsey Or., ia viaiting Mr and Mr Jaa Crawford and Mr and Mr N Uaughtrey, of Fennletoo. Fendletoft 1-. O. Fhclps, tb. printer, make a sneotalty of fin work. OUire oyer W F at Co a expreaa otHoe, First street. Tbr areovar OOOO.Cbristala Endeavor ao cletle la th United State, and much good ia being don by tnem. Salem haa fonr policemen who receive 103 to 175 per month. The aolarie were in oreaaed to those figure. Young mea sufTuriog from iodise re tinn can ooniijnutially oonsalt Dr Fatton. lie prepare hi own mcdiiiiat. Mr E 0 Fhelps ha jusa opened a new job printing otiice on r irst cireet, over W F ft Co' expres office, and ia now ready for busi oe. Give him ft ell for fine work. Yoa want good clean printing! Of eonrae yon do! Then give Faialey & Fiak trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. Go and ee am ple and jiv them a rjall anyhow. Yesterdsy Dr J F WalUee aold to Mr D B Monteith S2 feet front recently purchased from th Kaltmarsh estate. located next to the Waverly House for I5S00, ooe'inoreaae on the prise paid. Ia the neighborhood of Grant' Faa the blockade is something terrible, the oow be in forty feet deep in soma place. Feopl who have lived there thirty-live year aay tby never saw it equaled. The Treaident of the Albany and Astoria railroad will aooa Aitoria and make derlnite arrangement for beginning work on their line between thi city and Tillamook . No atrongor evidence that the company mean busi.e 00a Id be furnished. Pioneer. Choice closks .re now being offered at 60 cent on the dollar at Sample room opposite the Revere House. Remember we are her for a few day only. Sea ady in tbi issue. AgoodoloaU man wanted. In speaking of the recent transaction which will make Mr Geo 0 Stanard . resident of Albany the Brownsville Time (ay. We re gret very much to sen them leave, and they will be greatly misted here by thnir many friend. May prosperity and plenty of it follow them in tbeir new home. Water. The Willamette felt about i Inches at thl city last night, and ha risen about two during the dav. It waa rising at Salem and Oregon City faster, on lac count of the Santiam, wHch was high and It wa feared would take out some of the bridges on the N. G. At Eugene the river fell during the evening; but was rising some to day. Heavy rains In the moun tain may cause considerable of a rise; but It I not anticipated that It will be much higher. ' ,"-. J". England condensed mince meat at . JJ L Kenton's, at 15 tent . package. New cream cheese just received at Conrad Mever. TCMPEUAM'K COtt'MN KJItxi by Albany W, 0.T, U The quarterly report of the Secretary of Albany WOT read at the meet Ing on Tuesday last, shows that seven reg ular meetings have been heui, with an arrrage attendance of ten. 1 hree new members have been received. Amount of mnnrv received ! Dues. S.r.o i rcnt.Stto: Thankse - v nir soc a . S( s tota . 5n.0o. Amount disbursed, $w 37. Rills for con. been paid, and only one outstanding debt remains on tne nan. Reports from other officer and suptrln tendcrtts show that work lu been pushed on several llnea'a ft practicable, In a systematic and business like way From the hopeful and encouraging re port of the President, Mrs El Ho, we mm iL 1, .., mke ome fxtracti s "Even the most pa tient, persistent effort doe not always se cure larue results, nor do we as a union expect great things, foi through oft-repeat cd disappointment, we have learned the virtue of patience and to be content if we sec a little Iruit of our labors, i rejoice much to tee that all arc taking a deeper interest In the devotional exercUes, I feci ,t... .,! It, . .... ... , rgeiy in llic lc pui n.w. v.iir.o mceunn. au'y to oi'r treasury anu was a success claWf a well a financlally.sbowlng that . j , , , , ?' hV rWtl&l Ld.? IV. ' ,,. 11,. .,,..l 1 ..,.!,. IHIIIIIUWKIII..H, . S V. W. I."..- eems specially called to the subject 01 narcotic, In view of the action of our last leiflslature.and It would certulnly be welt (or all 01 u to oe tetter iniormcd on nut subject, I wa glad that the subject wa Uscu.ted at the "mother' meetings," but sorry that so lew oi u could be present Finally let u ail try to Keep Bureau ot tne time In our temperance work and with the bles.lnir ol our Heavenly rather we may tilt e HI work pronper in our hand fur wnocr tit neau ui tvnisaey unu me Nf iro h' St Loll RPMc 1 It i ft - af-et. .1 I ...t I .li. ,uw,n8 -"' Ut the how the country plainly what I j . . , - . . i l"' V m "T 7. . ' JTZ Bta "r wr "na u,e "rcc corn,tl called. It can be condensed into one word whliky. The Republic believe that it know the so-called "negro que- on" root br.nch,.nd .BljUiaj Kr""on! '"- y . . "'gro cnaractcr anu ii eioe waicn 01 hi development a citlxen.have all con firmed it In the belief that the alleged "ne gro question" I the question of the ability of the negro to keep sober. Mis France E Willerd, in shaking of the outlook of the WCTU for ilo.say: "The out-look 1 good ; lhe up-look it bet lev Hannah Wbltalt Smith aays : ' Keep your top eye open ; It is the sky-light oi the soul." The ou'look i chcerful.beeaune we are not looking at the wave around, but to Him who walk the nave. I H V"aIVSVT VA.. . l4l(i;UHa H I about two feet In diameter, bith ba been a ,..-.. .., A I . . ...... I. t .-s standing In the yard of 11 Kenton on Third Street, many generation, succumbed ta gentle xephyr last Saturday and U!l !!li broken n-ats, some of the limbs clathlng again, the hutc. Not the extent ot the wind but the weakness ef the rootsand the ooenea of the noil, caused by the hcavv lain, did It. Mr Kenton will have wood enough from It to last a long time. Article or Ixcoi-oatiox. The fal lowing article of Incorporation w-rrc ye ttrdtf filed In the office r-f the ccretarr o tate: Union hall Ineorf orator. S M Mc Lane, J C Lyons, Wm Fatter; duration ten year-capltl stock $1000, divided into 200 nare of $i each; paid up stock $500 ; cb iect to erect end maintain a hail and build ing l the town of Lyons, Linn county. 4'b.rckt irenry. U. F.CHCRrm. Frew:hingevcry A'lin, moreitig .ad evebiag by ltev, G. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath fechool at 2:30 r. I Prayer meeting every Vlnday evening. Evanokucai. Cuchcb. Fretvcbin,'" on Sab. Vatb at 11.00 A. M. , and 7 f. at. tjal-Uth School 10:00. I'rayer rnoctiug every Wed OKsday evening 7iS0. lUv. Fwber, paster. All are ittvitvl, M. E. Chckch.Sopth.- Preacbiug every Sabbath morning .til o .ock A. m. and 7--0 o'clock P. at. Kabbsth tk ool at230 o'clock 3, M. Prayer meeting Weoody eveninR rt70o'eloclc ltev. G 8 Hsmletter, Fastor. M. HCacRCa. Freaching every Sabbath morning .ad evening. Soug service in be even og before aermon. rUbbath School 1 2.30 r m. Prayer meeting every Thur. j y evening. Kav.S E Memiuger, ptor. PRUtiTKRiAX Cucbch. S-vtce every Sabbath morning and evenineiin Church cor. Broadalbio ondFiftbSta. Sunday School mm.Jitely afer the morning service. Prayer meoting every Wednesday cvoiirg Bee E II Prichard, psator. Fimrrr BAITI3T Church. Preaching every Sabbath morning and eve' g,t Church on 5 Lb Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning aervicee. Prayer meeting eve Thandy eveaing at 7:30 o'clock. Kev. Trambeli, pastor. Cox a RBO ATION AL Ca C kcB. -Ser vi eee v er y tUbbath morning and evening. Sabbath School at 12:15. Payer meeting on Wednesday evening of eaoh week. llev. Rogers, Paator. . TIA Church -.''reaching every Lord day in month, morning anti evening, Sabbatk School at 10 . 'cIok,A. if. Itey J F Stewart Paator. Catholic Ciiuhoh. Service every Sun day at 10:30 A. M. and 7 r. M. J At Sunday of th month aervioe at Kugeue City. Rnv. Loait Metayer, Hoetor. Annav's Addition, 54 lots in this ad dldon to Albany, near Hackloman's 3rd addition, for sale, at $" to $125 a lot, at C.urran & Muntelth'. I ftzn now better prepared than I bay ever been to ault my customers in the hoe line, I have just reooived large Invoice ol the celebrated Laird Schebrr cV Mitchell fine ehoes fr ladioa, There la uo mfttufaeture. ho claimn anythlorr bettor than these nhoen. I In tena vo keep ft full assortment of them In nil prloea, width from A to K1C and can uH the most fastidious In fit and price, I lo received Another invoice of lho popular shoe E P Reeds la Waukenplmst and Patent leather tip. These cbnsa am well knowo In Albany as a first clasr niou sty i3 shoe. O'dere from the country fill ed with care and aatlrfar ion guartntecd KamxJkl K Young. HOUTO GO EAST. 60 Eaat via Moaut Shasta Rout. Kiee eJiiQste and toenery at all time of tb year. Se MflBtjt Bbashi, Sacramento, 0dn, i< lk pnvr. ftijtlootsd-clB8 or mad ar roa 3"ilj.- Bay ycr ticsti c eje and tav yerjr fre to Portland. I th a!y pefscta in Albaar tSstddti sell yea a tihket to 'y paint la the United QUt-s. CUil on me f.-r fates. V.'. U Jr jtb, Agent J5. F. Qrh r for Infnnts and "CaatoTU Is so well tO&pted to children that I ractArl enrt V CowrMo t rwnmnul it a superior to any trutcrliiUon I "'"r Ptnwwih, lu4Tlw, k-r'w mown to me." It A. iviu, U. V.. IU 80, Oxford Et, limoUya, H. T. TMR MAN Anol T T'fWJf, Memory I a remarkable tiling and !tiitelime atii&e nccu'ilarlv, mtt of in burnt). Therv are men who cm remem ber the cxa'.t d.ite of events '.iiat happened thirty or fr!v yesrs who forgrt to pay thrlr debt have mily run a year or two Other forget a (war In a week and remember a wromr, a scnl ury. It Is eaic to renitfinhi-r a vu lory i!nt"i n fail ure ; we hriir f inlilions tn.ide by (rf.u hit k'ti. but the Inner arc not ine'-tii'tneil. The hunian mind in a p?cyll;ir l;'i ii'lon and of expansive prop'rtion f"i,';! "jIii,; out of Albany. .Some ooetcl t!io M,i:i AUui Tuwn that a certain i.i! told another citizen that lie thought hewul.l t, il wn fo a Certain churt:h art be canvp'te.!. That ahoHcd rrisme.butlhrtt tfi;i wa very commendable iid entitle the tntn to be convicted of hi. in. If tii Wiibinlie ra2eat fif!-n feet aUovc low wwter .n.trk it mibt lw al.l at thirty f.-et,n Wiiut reached a few timei.that it raged outrasf.-oiikl-, This -vould bring in an extra superlative degree in fine shape and would tut u!t in;mv rif!'i- wtn whom everything I d jflli'iai.horriJ, dc liciuu, frightful, cic. Another old i;c.n the Lfan A bout Town learn from an exchange has been com pletely and eternaliy annihilated. It is the saving t liat there I al war room at the top. Thii is found to be not true. All the tor are laken bv eireiriuly wllUh patent medicine men. , era T ear tne nseo'lr. - nana fee nor lka m patnratt-re. T t ! sst, I tau.l (aiai Tonic. Alterative and Cathartic Properties. Tatt. Pttl. pM. tho lasvlltl. la mm vmiacsit uciir, evtaa SpecdOy Hestoro th. IsoweU their tt.ta.t prlt.lU Utetton, M'Btifti to reoi... Sold Evcrywlicre. Th nrr. prt.) f Wwly r- fir'rr!'d tACeAM. lM-K-.rit.-.vv. 'V-.. - nl!riltfttia J l.t..Vaaf r .-? fc'im- W liimtnte wi'li ,T.Unirt mwmrw, jrisb!!tO Ctt-tltlitfeir.aEvs.lffrTei.--u rt injurant'. i c.K-a no i-t ' . iww.thmK. Ti. fxta'iarifv ot it tsf-!i-sr:ri Ant!f v i .nr h l4l it ciirainiioa 3:'f ilt elall ctbvf jm.j.m el nr. r-.r.. t"'.l-'1J"l. Ir 3'JH Vw. T.atitU U..-i-.!'S, r .4 I :l ;? VXX A (.... !' i-r', X. AHtovtnt. . . Hr. . ifr p. l Tm , . r.B M Brr- I -i-ia t- 1 8 V."E,Kt,l v-. .- - - t .fc.1'1 I- , 1 11 WM 1 a joatK t ! Se P . ". sell hw. I -( .- ic On Munere. f isjnrt aj.iii .-iT. I- Vi"?4 fci.-.!. nr KexnirM 1r.-itr.. C'.tJ-'.Uti. L'aitt-I Mat, scs1. r!Bl. rrmae r.J -jKik f-.r-i9 eiiir-v vn- rr. 1 .. .. .....M.m.n; rMin(ea-r- Ofoiiyri'm r-i lm llnW'a. o .uf 'fi.:in .-t frw. I i-n .iuiivhI throoch Main A Co. '? w ,i " t' : . CO.. iittui3. IU LruadaiJ. ie Cant K'.ock of 2nd S4T :ools tn the Va!- itf, nni lh m-xt raf ,.io prletja, boih ,n Cu Vitic an ! si.Uiix. i have on l.Rud 11 k'"da of FUIaHITUH. STOVES, TIHWAHE, TR'JHXS. B30XS, PiUTaScS. GLQ3XS, C33aXFRY. ETC., ETC. . irirwaH of S Tl Ttoung' o' store. I. fiOTTLILO 133 First atret, Albany, Or, J . K. WZ-ATHEnrORD, kTTOHNEV AT JAW ALB IS r. OSES. City Meat Madifei , 8HHLT2 BSOS,, Proprietors. Kr,p ft full line f meat, of all binds, Ta eKJ rHtes eetrjplpmly pro Meid; and always freah. Al, have oiustaatfyjotrj band salmon nd other fl. THE fir" are lhoe pit up by D.M. FERRY &.CO. Who ore li In st Seciimcn in the world, VA D. SI. Febry & Co 111;tniieii. Ltrcrint!e ntl TriCtd SaaSDAHiiUAE., lor 1890 will be mailed I- KL lo all up- , plicauit, and to IMt Kuon cuuomera. It la oeuer wan ever. r.r-ry pcrsoo , Usinir Oarrfn,. fiewer or trirf Stttls anouia acn.l lor it. Aoureas . D.M.rERrtY&CO. DETROIT, MICH. ; Albany Nurseries. We are permanently located on the ol Cilne homeitead J mile Alhauy on CorY!lis road, and have on hand a large stock of Choice Fruit Trees of our o-va growiuf, hc'i at the owest Kvioh rates. , Parties oonteinpUtlD' planting should consult their interests !sy exaaiiuiog our stock a.d prices before purchasing. IlYMAN & tiROWNKLL. 'Albany, Oregon. BABY CARRIAGES AT ' - , .:' STEWAHl' A H O COUNTY TREASUHKRS JTOTICK This is to notify all eonofcrned that thra is now sufficient hinds in the Coenty Treasurora olSoeof L.inn county Oregon to redeem nil outstanding war rants. Interest on all endorsed war rants will como from this data, II Farwki.l n Children. tlnfl. (nation. WlUunis iajurtoua BMdicaUoev Tne Ciirritra Cokmkv, T7 Murray Stmt, H. T. a 17a havo ihd Exclusive Control of o 21 T WML c n T a (1. Jmililnm't haum 10 cVrr a Brttt to U IM f ixtt, for IU Ui$ BL9J UAD. tvtt Co houm sse m cse Bttf rcssns. SAMUEL E. TOUIiG, AL3ANV. OREGON. Pwevsre House: ALBANY, ems. PFEIfFEK . GREGCR l'AJPniETOB. FUai1 tip la fir-!! f !e, It. tittJttxl rb.h the firt In fbe oijartftt. kvt rUHr WWrrc)ni. n m)ii vwir r e.tnroenl traveler. till fear la A.i frm (k ' FOSHAY & MASON, -v-fc"-iie una- Druggists snd Booksellers i- - u for John Ii. Aiden'a publicaiioea, 'trixfanv Mil a oTbllaber'e trlni MONEY TO LOAN. $ioo,ooo to loan at t per cent on im proved farm or iity property. VV ALtaCB m ..tTMUSC. EST' tPtx-n I esv Ctrr.S I do not rr-an mortly to stop ihera ijr a ini., ar.J idtn l.usc re turn SrTain. 1 vrfcA a i..ii.iuua. ww. 1 have made Luj tUkciiae oi FITS, EPIH.P37 or tailio sicinrESs, A Tle-3frr.e odr. I warn akt ttry retatGr to CckB tim ron. c-'. Il caoso oibtr bare laifct I ao ra it.B fr not noar rviMrian ecu re. tf.,A &t ;t!tr (.ralrcatie anda l- KCZ rioil LB r,t ' ISF.II.JBLK lif.MKOr. Gtv LXra t-- y.. Ui . It caw-ta yen wthuis Uit ft i-- ,.' -d it cure you. .Ail'iM ". ::?OT-M.C.,ie3ftua.ST,KaTt PATENTS Ulead, wm a! I other losiw In th C. S. falsa rBce ati,uici,l U l rauxier&t fees. the U.S. Patent Office, ami I we on ubuia IVtenu ku urire thau Ibw res. rora tVar,,rtj,. &mel notii r.r drmoir.c We at1- to Mtevt aliUy fnr! diuee :sihI m-emake ehanr anle. re otrUtin pattau W rvter bcra. to tb Pcstmaartcr. tb Snci. . 1 Moner Onior IJt. and to olBcais of lhe U. 8. PsSem Office. For tin oUr, ad nee, trm, ar.d etwue eactoal clients to your own Stat or county, -uteres. C A. SIVOW&CO., Opoji Patent Office, Waahiugun. D . FRANCIS PFEIFFER. PP.OPKIETOKOF - Albany Soda Works ja.n l Mantfac-turer of SE0I03 COMliTIOHESI, : ; A' sow prepare to rail at whol. , ad way fresh suid ,iti at PortU ad .e to dleru VTe ''it keep . full tr - . fints aai Tropical 'Mts, 1QARS AMD TO 3 AO CO Fortniller Sl irving, ldOOo a -' -FUNEUA.L DIRECTORS. ompt ItssiHaa-FiTiS- shss Hsars 1883, XSS-. Flrat Term Often Bepiemker Iltt, iaS!b , A full corps of instrnotor, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, : COMMERCIAL AKD K3KMAL CLASSES. Oounrea ot tndjr arranged to uieot tb end of all grades of efudents. . Sf(tal tnamtmentt eftrfU It ttmJemtt from ahrsa3. TotUon rsn'o fnsvt $5.S0 to 12,19 Board in piiva tVil'itj .(low rjU&a Hoont tor u' board in 2 at msl ejrbitss A arfal eupervUion ezeraiaact ovr .ra deeu away from beru. Frl! term opis Septembel-7tt. For eirenltm arud ftp" partinulara addrea. the Prident. REV. ELBCBT S. COS BIT. or bn-.ine. pnran!. at the rortlanrl Businesi. ioller, l'ortUiul. Crefton, or at the Capital Bu '. Colletre Saletu, Oresou. Both schools are undti t:'.s ruaiaii-ementoi A. P. ArmsiroiiK, ha -sjn; c..r..t5e of eludie aud umc rates oi tuition. r fSniiirai, horthant.. . y .Triittus, ixH unuBnip mtti j-.hjiisij uepan- meot.i. tay antt I'Venintraeaainua. Students ad mitted at any timt-. Kor iohit L'stniorrue, addreaa urusin uiivsist toiiyr, ru cepitAl HuunM (iltf. Furriaud, Ott.m. S. W. Paisley, CSiaSAI any, Origon. ' r-.s "VVHOLKJALE.DE.VLKn IN- Tobaciio ail Cigars. 8 Ordot solijit 1 from tlie trade. BROWNSVILLE 0. P. UUJiiw. 11 ikjVJ- fa a 1 d an .1 1 i i C