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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1890)
on? ymurrnt. AN INGENIOl'S PIjAN. Tli Ioy Goods Economist has issued in circular term liom photographic conirs of a circular and "memorial to conirrtss in tehalf of wool grower and wool manufacturer." Tht circular, which b a New England production, declare that "the fact of the unprecedented depreuion of American woolen manufacturing establishments it undeniable, " and the memor ial asserts that it il "a fallacy which vitiate all reasoning to assum that thi country can grow all St own wool. TitS flit ESI DENT'S QUAUKKIj. A M: .-ittEI liKlUIKU. If President Harrison's difficulty with I The House committee on way and the Illinois Senator grew out of an honest mean lia practically completed It hear and courageous assertions of his tight to lugs. In Cher words, It has stopped hear nominate such men to fill the olllce a he I Ing and propose to take a turn at doing. thinks to ha best fitted for the position, he II reports are correct. Its doing w ill be would have the support oithecountrr, J largely eclored by what it hits been hear. The people have no sympathy with the ling, which mean that the new tariff bill assumption of spoils tmoncerlng Senators 1 will Increase rather than reduce the duties that the offices In fMr states "belong;" to them as patronage to bestow as they please. Tne "advice and co isent'' of the Senate to appointments Is subsequent, not precedent, to the nominations. The selection of public otlkers Is an executive act ves'ed by the Constitution with the President. Senators may reject nominations that they on Import. If the surplus U to be reduced It must be done In some other way than by a reduction of duties on either raw mate rials or manufacturer products. Thsrc Is every reason why litis should be the outcome of the recent tariff hear ings. During the week spent by the com mittee In listening to arguments on this subject nearly all Ihe argument presented were by those whose interest aro already highly protected, and w ho very naturally want mere protection. Only those who profit by high duties appeared and their arguments were all in one direction. The few who have made fortunes bv a high It I argued that under our larifl on wool disapprove, but they are not Deputy Pre European mills can buy desirable wool below (dent for their State to make or to dirt at real value because the tariff puts American I nomination. The practice of permitting bidder at a disadvantage in competition! Out them to do this is belittling to the Senate, American mill for the same reason pay mjr demoralising to the public service and de- than it real value for much necessary foreign grading to politics, wool, e-d that American woolen twrnufactur- But when a President concedes the trs are m weakened by these condition as to j claim ol the s;jll-dlspenscr tn most tariff made Interested appeal for bigger be unable to pay good price for domestic j only asserts his prerogative to fortunes and Ihjj mitllons who pay Uie high wools. I put amanm omoe as a reward 10 serving duties were not heard at all The remedy proposed is credible to New htm or a bribe to Insure the official' up- Encland ineenuitv. It is "a uniform ad valor- port tn fleeting delegates favorable lo his em dutv on the wool" and a double duty ad rcnomlnatlon, he has no moral ground for Yslorem and specific on the cloth. The me- m contest, mis is rresidcni uarnson s mortal takes strong grounds against specific attitude. He has nominated men for office duties oa wooL and ihe memorialists are there In Illinois with the object of punishing the fore constrained to siak of the specific duty republicans who fivored Judge Oresham the list. The allotment of time to the va they want for themselves as " square yard j In ISSS, and as a notlltcation to thoe wn protected interests was made In dutv." leaving out their technicalities, and rosy disposed to tavor anybody but w. to cresle the Impression that only Mating their demands plainly, it is for lower uamon in ioqj mat mey neea expect no those directly interested would be given a duties on wool, so arranged at to fall when 'recognition" by thl Administration. hearing. Ai a result even those who fa wool fall in price, and hicher duties on wool- It is natural that the Senators thus I Vorrd lower duties and free raw materials ens, so adjusted as to resist the influence snubbed and dlciplined should strike back. I and could afford a trip to Washington were the rr orices abroad- hy cannot be expected to sit still under not encouraged to make the trip. The i . . i With all Its ingenuitr, this will nver do. such treatment while other men, by play- hearing were altogether one sided an When a change is made in the wool schedule, 1 Ing the hypocrite or the sycophant to the I from present appearances were intended It most be cut for cut on wool and woolens I I'r-tlJcnt, get a.l they want. There I to be so. Donnvbrook harmony ahead for the CO. P. It can hardly be claimed with justice that thla resulted from no fault of the com mlttce. The hearings were arranged by schedules. She Iron and steel interest were heard one day, the sugar refiners .were allotted another and so on through iitii,ii.Es vaui. Paris h childless. You see bonnes hi dainty caps ami nprons trundling the oflspilng of the wealthy, but lu the lower sections of the city among the bourgeois, little ones are Invidble. The tradesman who has his shop on the ground floor and his sleeping room on the fotiith or fifth story could not keep his children without losing the services of his wife, whom he wants to help him In h' business, If he kept child :n his wife would he obliged to live upstnlis so he sends out hts babies to nurse ns soon as they are born, with the intention of letting them remain in the country until they sre $ or 6 years old) and the ouvrier, who has general ly but one garret room up a floitm flights ol stairs, does tin same thing. The resull; of this Is that more than 50 per cent, of the child nn born in Taris die In the baby formers' hands before reaching their second year. All thai the Assistance l'ubliiue has tried to do to ward checking this shocking waste of life has been of little avail, Forty creches have been instituted, but they meet the wants of onty 1 smalt number of mothers. A system for regis tering and inspecting the homes of pessant women who take children to nurse has been attempted, but the Assistance gets little help from the parents of Ihe working classes in con tending against the rapacity of baby farmers, A nurse, of whom no questions are asked, charges twenty live fiane a month for the keep of a bahyt those who are registered and so controlled that they ct n only receive on child demanded fifty francs or more. Those find their customers among Ihe bourgeois, but the working classes cannot afford to patronise them. Tit Ladiks Us it, I amnow pre pared to do all kinds of stamping, and have owr two thousand designs to choose from. Also keep it nice line of embroid ery materials, such as arrasenes, crewels, No. 1 and J embroidery cncnines, princess chenilles, etc., etc., and the finest pom- noi.s. tassels, crescents, corns piusres,rn and fancy work materials ever In the city. Zephyr Is fcolng at J cent an ounce. Mis Minnie Col well nas ennrge ot mi depart ment, and ha had several years experi ence in all kinds of onry work and stamp (. W. Simpson, Albany, Oregon. Catling PlietngrepliM- Albany Oregon. We have bought all the negative made by I, W Clark and W II Greenwood np to Nov 13th, 1889. DupliuatM osn be had from hem only of u ai reduocd rats. We hay also about 18.000 neaatlvai mad by our selves, from which dupllaaUs ean be bad at Ilka rate. We carry the only full line of view of this state and do nfargml work at lowest rstea for lira class work. VV shall b pleased to yon at our Studio in Fromsn's blouk, nest door 10 mssouio irmpie, Tu Old North t'tat smoking gaining popularity. a is fast as loiu as there k a Lira tax on woolens the Western farmer has a right to demand a high ertsx on wool and if it closes down all the woolen mills la New England, so much th worse for New England protection. This Country, as th St JLouis Republic pointedly remarks, baa been inoculated by the republi can party with virus of mutual rapine, and as s)UEUO BEATS THE RECORD. It will surprise nobody, therefore, if such a one-sldcd lnvetlgation of the sub ject of tariff revision shall result in ao equally one sided tariff bill. But chairman Uc Kinley and his committee will have no Corporal 1 anner achieved quite a record as good reason to be suaprlsed If the unheard surplus smasher, Sector Blair made a big- partle Interested In this subject, the people cershowinc but it must be remembered that ho pay unnecessary-high duties, make long as th woolen manufacturer demands law I h had a better chance than th Brooklyn I themselves heard in Hie next Congressional to enable him to pick th pockets of the bomel soldier. But both of thes gentlemen hart I election. A refusal to reduce .h present toarket.h must consent to hav bis own pock- been thrown so far in the shade by Seaator unnecessarily high tariff taxation on the ct picked for the tenefit of the republican Dolph of Oregon that hereafter they must be part of the republicans In Congress will party. classed as mere amateurs. mean a democratic House In IS91. If The duty on woolen must comedown when I The bills already introduced by the senator I chairman Mckinley I not electioneering th duty on wool comes down. Ifth tax on at this session of congress ar remarkable in I for a licking for his party he will reverse woole'.s k put up, that on wool must go up aW I more ways than one. But their notald. char- j his present one-sided course and take so. or the whole publican systtm of "redpro-I actetUUc U the mocnifi wlth lhe tax naylnir public in Cal protection'' will be dislocated. East Or-1 Ux the national treasury. The total exenditur I making up his new tariff bill. fRMrn. mmmmmmmm I that they call for ar nearly 1143,000,000, most 01 which is lor coast defenses; but some millions are, of course, intended for the im- The jnnction city ux is worrieo. u r r.c, 11 breakfast bacon or ham I to be served a s . V f .11 s - I ..J Ia r, . M I... . I mucn wrougiu P-, -nu . K . for br?,kf,rt the fat that Is drawn out In all thi because the DxMocnAT has seem es, tne amount would about equal tne cost of fit to say that it believed it was to the best I the civil war and be far greater than the nterests of the state as well as the demo- amount of the national debt ever was. eratlc party to renominate Governor I But great as senator Polph a achievement Pennoyer and to set out at length the rea- I in the snrplus smashing line are, we must re- son why we think so. The Pilot docs not member thit she session is only a month old. controvert a alngle statement the DaMocrat He has probably just gut warmed up to his made In support of the belief that the work. lie may ret run his bill up to the bil lion mark unai tcd. But even bis prcsen achievements entitle him to rank as the "loss' of all the smashers, New York Siit, WORK1ED. Ill NTS TO HOl'SEKKKrCltH- Governor h the most available man the Democrats can select. The PiU'i talk about "worship of Governor Pennoyer" is veriest nonsense. Not a word in our ar ticle justifies such a charge. The Demo crat Is tno Independent to call out such remarks from our contemporary. The Governor make hi mistakes as other Governor of the state have done. The DnssoctAT regrets that he did not veto the wagon road swindle. Of course the peo ple who received these large approprla tlons. but were pleased to receive them but the Democrat believe such use of public funds, railed by taxing th- ffU are not only Impolitic but unconst tutlonal We mention this to show that we never hope to have a governor who will suit ns exactly and that we take the gov ernor as our choice for the ssany good, and few tssw feature of hi administratson, 7 0k euro rhaumatism, neuralgia toothach. Kmhay k Mason Agouta. and New cream 0 lives lust isoolvsd at Cotrsd Meysrs. V l'NFOKTUNATE POLITICAL MI DOLE. One of the most unfortunate complications which have arisen In Montana since the pres- nt political muddle commenced, is the inabil ity of the governor or any person in th stale to grant a reprieve or eommuntatbn of sentence of persons convicted of murder. This fact Is likely to be unpleasantly demonstrated in Missoula in a few days. On February 7 Philip John, the Indian convicted of eom plicity in the murder of John Romlwugh, will be hsnged at the jail her If sentence is not commuted before that. Of this there is very little prospect, as under the new taw of Montana the governor has not f ower to grant a pardon or commutation. The constitution provides fur a board of pardons, but owing to the dead' Ixk at Helena the duties of the board have never been defined by the legislature, and trier is therefore no one in Montana compe- ent lo grant n respite, however much deserv ed. It is considered certain that if Governor Toole had power to commute Phillip's sen tenc he would do so, as a petition signed by nearly every resident ot Missoula; has been sent to him asking him to commute the death sentence to imprisonment for life. NEW "ADVERTISEMENTS. lf,r..r"'':'"T"r-i W nOJTEI REVIEW CF UTB3 S0WECI3 Bf tin fortmott Writtrt in tf Worlif. 1 JOUM 0. " OaabisLS. THE FORUM ha won tho highest plac I reached by any periodical 5 for it pub llshcs articles by more authoritativa Tritcr and by moro worker along" lnstruo IJvo lino of activity than any other publica tion. It contain eleven tudic of great tubjeel every month. It la impartial, giv- lirr liouiin.'isalikotoeaijh aide. It la fin an chlly iiKlcpondimt, and it belong to bo sect or party or " interest.' It U never sensa- tional, but it aims alway to be instructivo. UNRIVALLED ATTRACTIONS NOT ONf.Y H 4 ALMMATTUACTsilG ATTfTIOrJ .r.rt f,.tt(-(wwnrkwhlhil'nts with tirartlrnl po)lrt "4 emr.nt question. t tout aro liorJI euouttt fur oaiiy u 0 Miwuu,-r. nmntm Or nttfultfOt I eonsMirTn Tnntm as f iirnWilnirtii rrm-t Irrtottfnt an1 svmpnthMlc atii nre rhaf. a Himxmim wrlmr eau find to nauros la ny Innd, Prof, ALtHAKULH HIHVHIU, 0 in vnmnnv p mwrnym,. Tn ronfM enntlmiM to tiM ls t-tscc as lb f rnvmo-t. f our masMlncr, i tha varWtr.'.th Taiue, and Utawvigiit otic eouiribiiiii)iMi,'s tw ti,h 1,,.- f,.H..r,i .... n,i,ii.tii 1 1 t-ravn initiortnnro ninro The Foutju wa MtabliNlmd that ha not been tfineufwed in its'fi"!; t b.v iimnw-rn ot llio anbjert. An- nouncemenU of forthcominc; at ti lo r;in scliU.iu M inam ions in novam .-. w . FoitrjM'B diHcimsfon aro al way ot problem of pn-wnt cotn-.-i ii. I.vf ry audi problern tliatthnyear ItJUOwill brinjr forward will lo slisvn.wl, wlixtin-r In k.Iiiii. or relipon, r aopiiU milvacn, or practical alTuir. TI10 Ju ioasy m.ii!..-r will coni.mi n-plpr by v.Mnntrn .1 1 ft ur Iwr V in KittiiitriP l.'ullotll' IVWJllt Ul'tulo Oil "lloVtllO AaflU AuccU tlio aruier." TUB FOKUAI PUDL1S1IIXG C03IPASV, IZ'Z Fifth Ave, N. Y $0 Otiitt a Humlttt. $utMttiun rtcmiU at out ntfct. SS.OOmf lint well tlm inimt'MA utock t t ' f iuoOk Cil81lflS3i il' c ivd ly ccatiosai. cowrEsuta. The Initial number of this pew venture In Oregon journalism is on our table. It I devoted, a it name indicates, to the cause of education In this state. It Is de signed to be the medium through which teacher throughout the sUte may learn of the progress of education in all part of onr young commonwealth. It will con vey to teacher, and friends of education generally, the official doing of the Ut Board of Education, together with such decisions and rulings as may, from time to time, be inidein the State Superinten dent's office. From this it will be seen to be a most valuable acquisition to the teachers in the public schools of the state. This number contain the proceeding of the institute held at Corvallls. name and post office address of all the county school superintendent of the date, "passional cultuie by Prof. Hull of the State Agri cultural College and a full assortment of mbcellneo,us reading matter. Every teacher should secure a copr of this journal. It U published by Rev. J R N Bell at Roseburg. It is pub'lshed month, ly at $ I per year. When the democrat were in the mrjor ity in the lower house of congrets, Speaker Reed held the following as his views as to what constitute a quorum lo do business In that body:. "The constitutional idea of a quorum is not the physical presence of a majority of the house, but a majority of the members pretent and participating In ths business of the house." His view now as expressed the other day in making a decision from the chair is just the same as the above with the little word net left out, which makes his views just the exact opposite of what they are now. The dem ocrats were In power then and out now, but they endorsed Reed' views then and have not changed, while he has changed simply because the exigencies surrounding his party demand it ftnd for no other rea son. In the near future this decision will come home to roost. Till THEY COMK. Most assuredly the Imp grower should have all the "protection" he can get since Le pay "protect ion" on cugar, rice, glassware, iron, !, wooUm, mni fmt lKonant othr arti cle. That is the hop grower should have a "protection" if there are any foreign hop fields to be protectectel against. Possibly there arc no foreign competitions to be protected against in the matter of hops, the same as farmer's products generally. As the wool grower has been bamboozled; corn, wheat, cattle, end hog p reducer hugely bamboozled by the ts riffs would it not be a good idea to knock the tariff out completely, and thereby close ns th ave nue through which this bam boozling business is carried on S'ayton Sun. This from man who says, '-the democratic ticket or party has never been according to our way of think ing i signihcant ot the fact that msny men all over the country, who have heretofore been in Ihe habit of acting and thinking as republi cans are clambering up out of the old ruts and beginning to think just bke tariff reformers do. We congratulate Bro McGitL One woman ha made the silk gowns of the Justice of the United State Supreme Court for the past forty year and she gel $100 for each one of them. They are ail made alike, the only difference bclnz in the material, the Chief Justice wearing black Chinese satin, while his associates ere robed in black silk. The Chief Justice 'alway wear a r.ew gown when he wer In a President. Be patient with men. Often a man speaks hurriedly. When he hss rome to himself, he feels he has made a mistake. He has not quite man enough to acknowledge hi fault. If you hold him mercilessly to the record he has made you wilt make an enemy. Be laige enough to overlook hi faults, and take him for what, on the whole, he intend to be. Many misunderstandings and serious differen ce would be avoided by obeying this. Actors of great eminence have,by long study and practice, acquired the art of presetting fictions as if they were realities, and in this way they attract ami impiess audiences. Too many preachers of ths gsspel seem lo have ac quired the art of presenting realities as if they were fictions; snd in this wsy they do not attract or impress audiences. 1 11 Every man's character is almost certain' to be affected for good or evil by the society 'with whicjf he habitually mingles, and in which he finds bis social pleasures. Hence the vast im portance of selecting pure and virtuous com psnionsbips in life, This is especially the esse with young people, whose characters are in the forming stage. A subscriber to the Democrat, Mr Bil:e Wallace aks: "Did the last legisla ture pass a drainage law and If so, does! a;p!y to the counties of the sta'e?" The last legislature passed such a law; but the following counties are exempt from its op eration: Union, Douglas, Linn. Polk and Lane. A suit is still pending in New York to col lect a printing bill for Ihe Republican cam paign of 1888, Among the "documents" for which payment is in default are the working men s pay envelopes and the forped extracts rorn British nawspapers. Mr John A Logan, who ws asserted by many to have always been the brain influence of her noted husband, is now professionally a literary woman and each day finds her in the editorial chair, presiding over her Home Mag' axine, which has becoire under her manage ment an established popular success. You may make sure t lat however goo.1 you may be, you have faults; that however dull you may l e, you can find out what some of them are; and that however slight they are, you had better make some not too painful, but patient effort lo get rid of them. HoH raisins under water while atoning; this prevents s'.kkinees to the hands, and cleanses the raisins. Put the quantity of raisins needed ip a dish wi.h water to cover, stone them le fore removing from w.iicr. There may be music in the Senate when comes up the appointment of Clark for collec tor at Chicago, ag.iinst the recommendation of the two Illirois Senators and the majority of the Congressional delegation, cooking should be used for frying Us ac- pompanying hominy or Indian mush. A crumb ot bread must not be wasted but dried, pounded and put away in a tin box ready for breading codfish balls, rice croquettes, etc. Remains of cocked veg etables must be saved for soups; not even a leaf of cabbage should be thrown away A tablespoon ful of ammonia in a gallon cf warm water will often restore colors In carpets' It wi'I also remove whitewash from thrro. A dump cloth dipped In salt will remove egg sUln from silver, or tea stains from china dishes. Willow chairs that hare lost their nat ural color can be restored by using a solu tion of chlorine. Clean cane-seated chairs with salt or ammonia and warm water. Apply it with a nail brush, scrubbing It well, rinse with cold water and diy thor oughly. Wet the under part of the seat, and when dry It will become taut. We know of one housekeeper, ays the Ladle's Journal, whose husband had con structed for her a special chair for baking d-ys. It wss of such a height thai she coul 1 sit at the table and mold her bread or roll her dough with case. He like-wise had a foot-rest attached, so that she might at the same time rest tier feet firmly. And. slttllng on that chair, she for year con structed all Ihe bread and pastry that the house needed. It took her no longer, and wa quite a good as it she bed stood tip to make it and had wearied iwrself almost todcat.i in the tfpeiallon. Ill'-OF. If. C. PALMER'S Conanrvto ry of Muslo, Tweodnle' blortk.Klmt i reel, Albany, Oregon, opnnwl January 2utu, mo. Th eoura of Instruction will oona'at of olassna for piano, organ, har- utonv and voice culture. There will b a normal class and diploma furnished to iMolinra, epo tying apaoity and riirien, Miudenu prucipi in uionio y rcltU, and ar armuod to Insur tquility In rendition. Iblsoonnanratory will M cnnauotiKi on trie nam tmsin a tboa In iWMion, New York, o. Thl w lb only wrtunlsed uoosful ystm known for a thoronah musical education. Mend tor Ircolar and reference. Office hoar from 1 to S. 7011 8ALE, 1'a.oi shop Including ' roa-erlal. b.uvbe and othrr fixture with i.l-niT 01 work oa baaua, loouir at ttxla onio. I 1-3011 JJanAKol location m lb tbt Ivln ette4 Albany, Ixw rar.ts and sotendl mom. For particular l lress Firm. O Box M Albany I Or, irVERAL SMALL TRACTsI of land Inqntns iA II, Bryant. iTj ar sown for aatr on eaay torma. A TWO EDUED 8WOUD. Represenntlves of leading rubber house In the country Lave sent a protest to Sec retary Blaine against the action of the gov ernment of the Brazilian province of Para in levying an export duty on rubber exported by foreign companies a tax imposed In the Interest of a small native company. Tbls tribute,' say the protest, "extorted from American merchants for the benefit of a forefgn corporation. Is contrary to commercial usage, policy and justice.' Whew! And yet the same rubber houses tre constantly Insisting that their own government shall impose a tribute for their benefit of 30 per cent, en all rubber imported. Why hasn't the Brazilian gov ernment got just the same right to take such measure as It thinks desirable to "protect" its rubber concerns? It Is one of the consequences of the ever-lasting log roll and grab of tariff legislation, thst men get to be like piggish babies in sup posing It to be always their right to receive but never to grant anything. R I Demo crat. " OfiMTltS or ETIUIKTTC In Sweden il you address th poorest person on the street you must lift your bat. Th same ccurtrsy is Insisted Uoa if yon pass a lady on the stairway. To enter a reading room or bank with one's hat on is regarded as a bad breach Ol manners, TO place your hand on the arm of a lady is a grave and objectionable familiarity, Never touch the person! it sacred, is one of their proverb. In Holland a lady U expected lo retire precipitately if she should enter a store or a restaurant where men are congregated. She wiits until they hav transacted their business and departed. I. ti es seldom rise in Spain to receive a msle visiior and thry rarely accompany htm to the door. For a Spaniard to give a lady (even his wife) his arm hen out walking is looked upon as a deddcl violation of propriety, In Fersia.among the aristocracy, as a vUiinr ends notice an hour or two before calling and gives a days' not ire if the visit is one of great importance. He h met by servants Wlur he reaches the house nd "thtr considerations are shown him according to rcla'ive rank. The left, and not the right, is considered the posi tion of hooor. No Turk will enter a sitting room with tlirty shoes. The upper classes wear tight fitting shoes, with g jioebe over them. The Utter, which receive stl the dirt and dust, sre left otitskle th door. The Tutk never washes in diily water. Water is poured over his hands, so that when polluted it runs awsv. In Syria the people take off their caps or turbans when entering I be house or visiting a friend, but they alway leave their shoes at . the door. There are no mats or scrapers out- iside and the floors insute are covered with ex pensive rugs, kept very clean in Moslem hous es snti uw iu knect upvn wuue saying '7 ers. KioGLovrs. I have just received an Invoice of the celebrated P. Centemerl kid gloves In black and colored. These with the other brand I handle, Foster genuine hook and Our Own brsnd, makes an assortment that any lady can be suited In prices and quality. These are all first class goods and warranted as represented. SAMvrL E. Yovjua. Baxo. One of the finest lot of gun and revolvers ever recelvwl In. Albany are now in stock at Stewart tt. Sox's. Hun ter should call and see th"c and get prlcei before bay Ing. An slegans lins of new dii(ru of chair jmt raoeivwl at Fortmiller & lrr.n's. Secretary Blaine's brother Robert was ap pointed Deputy First Auditor of the Treasury a few days ago. Now James G., jr., is mad Clerk of the Committee of Foreign Affairs. Purely a family matter, If the soft water that flows in your pipes is yellow, put bluing into the boiler liefore boil ing the clothes. Il will give them a better color. There is a movement on foot in Pennsylvan ia to make Terence V PowJerly the Democrat ic nominee for Governos. Senator Stanford's degree of L L D from a Tenncsse college has cost him thus far $1,000. At a time when prices in real estate in many parts of the country have been steadily declin ing, the assessed value of taxable property in I the south has increased nearly 63 per cent, since the last census. A sink or other home drain should be thor oughly washed out with lulling suds at every weekly wash day. It is said that 010 inches of rain fell In one year at Cherrapongee tropical Asia. Two hundred and fifty-four inches of rain fall has been recorded In one year at Mahabuleshwer, In the western Ghauts of India. At Vera Cruz, Mexico, 278 inches of rain lias fallen. In Matouia Gaudeloupe, West Indie 291 inches have fallen. A( San Louis do Maratiham, Brazil, 280 inches have been recorded. At Sierra Leone, tropical Africa. 312 ;ndi nave been noted. The annual rainfall in the Bii'.ihh Islands, amonjf the mountain, i forty-oiie Inches, on th'? plains, twemy-iivc inches; forty- five inches of rainfalls on the west side of England, twenty-seven on the cost side. Elghtv-two inches of rain falls on parts of the west side of Ihe Scandinavian Moun tains, and onlv twenty-one inches t Stockholm, on the east side. The amount of rainfall at Boston is thirty-nine inches . Hanover, N. II., thirty-eight inches; New York, thirty-six inches. If yon have any job wrk tl d call on O V. Smilhwho is prof , j, to d it with tteatneoejand disr-atv-. led clup aa anyone. Aubey's Addition. 54 lot In this ad dition 4o Albany, near Hackle man' 31 Uidltlon.for sate, at $0 to $135 a lot, ct Cur ran & Montelth', Babikm. The finest line of baby cair' ages In the Valley just n celved at Stewart & Sox's Prices are remarkable clieap con lderlr.( .'i e superior quality of the carrl ges. Home lino hoooy looking fur customer at CK BrcwncH' Smoke the f-lehrUd Tisvaia filled ci frarp, nisriufsotnred atJnlin Jcseph'u cigar fsctoij. Only 5 rents. Kew England eo ten d mine meat at J, Keiitoi.V, bt. 15 o rt tpsfNitf e. Thl Trade Ma ikon a stove means it Is thn best thr r. ex peiicr.cti and skill can con trive. .'.old only hy G. W. Smith. .Struck Oil At $1.35 per 5 gallon can yt Standard oli, at the Willamette Packing Co.' store. of roy If you wish to study a foreign language, and have time to learn only one, let it be French, says a returned tourist, French is spoken and understood in all the hotels of Europe. It is also spoken by educated Europeans of all na tions. Emperor William was farced to listen to the French tongue from the lips of the czar, it not being expected that William could under stand Russian. All I ask is an honest oompariacn Drioe with those of other rlnlrrs. O Ji liROWAEU. A Friend to the Family. Dr E S Holden : I have used your Ethe real Cough Syrup it my fsmily foe many a year.and I be'iev it my duty to recommend it to all as a sura and effectual eare for cold and all diseases of the tbroat. L Coffin. The Dalles, Or., Msy 18, 1880. Try tHi'futl cretin onee as O EJlrown-ell's. Ladies shoos, mens shoas, shoe children shoes, mens bootn, boys boots, ft less than cost to mike room for ot fer jooda at C E Brownoll's. Dr. M. IL Ellis, physieian and aurgoon ylhauy, Oregon. Calls made in city 01 lountry. . I'oop Humanity I The common hit i oue of sot row ssy at least tlio irasfcinibtls, thtiy whn look at the worst si le. Certainly what would other wise be a bfight existence, is oiten shadow ed by some ailment that ovcrlthnp it like a pall, obsavtriug perpetually the ladiaooe that olio would light the path. Such an ailment and a very common one. is nervousnes,or in other word, weakuoss of the nervous system, a condition only irremediable whare ineffi cient or improper means are taken to relieve it. The concurront experience of nervous 1 people who havepers'.steotly used I Ios tetter's Stouiacu Bitters is, inatit couriers entirely supersensitiyeness oftbo neryes, as well as diseases so calledwliich are invited and sustained by their chrooio weakness- An the nerve gain sUmiua from the gieat tonio the trouble disappears. Use tbo Bitter for miliaria, rhottmatisin.bilk'nsaoss and kidney troubles. I3RHHII KISri. Having erxinad a flab ' marfce In IbaMalttnarab Itlook, wa ar trerard to supply Ititiwi wiui fih fish of all klnd,l reaaonabla prl cea. V iL (- Boaqvavr, Dissolut ion Notice. NfrtltK Is hrly given that th eapait sarshlp harautfor existing under tb nam 0 ito Rttiaoa aa bn di solved, Mr L W lMyo rwilrini?. Ihm bu sinews will b neoUnusI by Prma A Bob eon. All amunt abould t sauled with tb old firm, by whom all debts will ba paid. rieas call and Sh7 The Prido of Albany soap by far tho best laundry soap in the market contains no roaen. Try it and you will ue no other. For e&ka only by C. IZ, UROWNELL. Pianos. Tbo4 wUhlmr a flrat class Instrument, Die Ixrsi ttis la to atand th ellmat of the roast, can b nun br calling at Mr IS r; uymsvs, f.ppo.110 uia Masoolo Tin pla, on first Mrt. The latest voosl and Inairumantal musso kspt for aate.elao tb largest aaatmuani or stamping pattern to ! net from thl or 'risoo. Lae sons given la patntlnsj andeir.brol.lsrlns In her atudio ovor Luia County Hok? Ulrbrr your order and you will be pieasea. J. F. Whiting, Artist. Ins' ruction glTen, md work exe cuted In Landscape, Portrait and De-coratiTePaintingr.Letteringf.Designing ana mecnanicai Drawing. Rooms 8 and 9, Foster Block, Ai. tany.or Notice of Administra tion. Nolle I herwbT a-lvan that th kltcnod baa been j.ptntd admlulatraUix 01 to at uie or j j iorris, deceased All person havloir claims azainst aaldaa lata must pre soot the same with proper Tuu-iivr- in 100 urjuersignea adminis tratrix within x month Iroon th date oereor. January SOtb, 1890, M. E Ponaia, sdmln. of the estaie of J J Uorrla.decuasad, SherifTs Sale. In the Circuit Court qt ttts Slot of Orrtjou for ihe County of Lm : . Hylraaterrennnyer, Governor, Geo W mnmide. Beeretry, and O W vVrbb, irpi suavr, or mo attto orureiion.ocniai tin In the Jioard of oommlHNloner for ttia sai or fccuool land and the manaa nmnt of tbo 0010 mou achool lunds,plio- V. Emily MsKlnoiy,Kiixabotlv iMvla.Edlt'j Mi'Klnney.lthod McKlnney, Krnk Mo- t-lK...... . I . .. .... ,xiini''a , uuiv'ihipjt, jtp.HH XT tic Kiuut-y. Johi- K MtiKinny, Hoy McKln 1 vy aod A tl Uvl .iitVn UtiM, '((tli!eU henby alren that by virtue ,ifi.n txtcuiion and order1 ofSA.'e Issued out 1 1 iti'i atiovi iiatucd Court la the abveiititloti hum, 1 will on salanlart (be 1st day nf Marrfa, inuo, at 1 ha Court lloimo doort In the olty of Albauy, LIdu county, Orepon. at, the hour or one o'clock p. in, v-T at usy,Hei at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder the real property escrib ed la said execution and order of t-ale a follows towlt : Ail of the Donation Lend claim Mtuatrd in Bcdiona S, 16, 21 and 22, In township 12, 8 K 1 W, known and described on the Kovernucnt survey a the Donation Land claim ef John VV Moore and wife, being Notification No 26U9' saving therefrom la acre aotd to Jacob Newman, containing 800 acre. Also beginning 10 chains west of the nortboaat corner of tlio northwest quarter of section 21, In tp 12, 8K1 W, running thence eaH 30 chains, tbenoe south 40 chains, thence west 30 chain, fhenc north 40 chains to the place of beginning, containing ll'O acres, all situated in Linn oennty, state of Oregon. Tbe proceeds arlMo, from tbe sale cf said premises tn be applied, first, to tha pay ment of Ihe costs of and uoon said exeoution and tne original costs of the with in entitled suit, WiLOU m .v. 1,11? y kitrii of f lRlntiifsolfttm amounting to tbe sum of S9S19.68-100, wltb accruing interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 4th day of November, jtsei), ana tne lurcner sum oj isu, Attor ney's fees, and the overplus if an,- to be paid to the defendant, bmlly McKinney, to be administered upon ra by law pro vided, Dated this 23rd day of Jan., 1803. Sh'lf Linu countv, Or. By Delavars S SmUh, Deputy anrTBiSai? m w III For me KBHRB69 -I m in CD 1- tfci-, 1 inicjr cf a !ar e ai d crcioa stock of li e iwt ut pattern of 1 1'l 'h"t?3 "tsrsi ar?m er . A uurivalied lice ot Cloaks and Jackets, in stl .iy'.t tnda z-s, a w4i el-cteJ aiock ct Men CoilJrei.V a i 1 BOOTS AND SHOES, A large, as ortrrert of CAP PETS, Z And choice si h-ction rf GROCERIES. Keeps tlio leading stock of Clothing, Gents Furnishing (joods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Wet Weather sBaaBBnBBBS' tsmZ Goods and tho Leading Tail- oring Department, in the Valley. WILL. & LINK . , Dealers In all tbe Leading Guns, Pistols, "Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos A full line of a boot tnuala. inuaieal meronandlM, aoimanstlon. fishing U'KK el. Warrantsd tasors ttotabar and poke4 knives. Tb bet Irtnd ol xewlni) looehto needl. Oils 4 eztras for all iracbliea supplied. Repairing ef tewing machines, uasical Instrument, gun, eU., neatlf done ALBANY; - - - - GRECO? CORNER DRUG STORE. ODD FELL TJiM yjM GLBLACKMAJ The Leading Druggist, ALBANY sDEALER lt OREGON. DRUGS, MEDICINES .8TA1I0NARY-&G. Specialties c"lnsTvilt Artlol, Perf irary ai t Miditl Tutru n-tnU-I'feierlptiisa CUrelally oinpni 1 1ji 'ayanlnicht. Our eleRant line f THE LEADER. G, W. SMITH, ,,,,- -f THE LEAJL. ALBANY- 4-iierioiCa" "Argund,". 6ai,Iand,,-j S rO VES AND RANGES. Piro backs. Warran ted for 15 years, A.U sizes aa styles, -P&M e nt sty lr cooks ifmf heators :1 Roofing, Job Work, Plombings! Eave Trough. Range Boilers -Conductor Pumps. , Honest Bargains AND - ' GOOD TREATMENT AT : C. EBfiOWWELLS. '",b -sas, L Head Quarters for Seth Thomas watch es and clocks, at F. M. French's, the hest watch in the world for the money. ALBANY OR. WRITSMAN & HULBERT BROS,. Beai Estate Agents. Farm and IUnche for sal. Also city broperty in Albaey and Crlli, harks & lirownell. STOCK I f:r.lE il'S M rlhTI NO. Kc tloe ts i. ri.7 given that Ultra will beameotiiiK oTihe Stock holdfrs orihe Odd KellOMS Hall Utilirllns A asocial lo.. held at tln'r ollioa In .iltiany, treirrn,ori Monday, tl Ml h day or March, l.k0J, at the hour of 7 .'.dok p in of mild dy, for the purposoottleoilusrseiVHii dire ctors to aerve tbe eiiKiiino; yoar.and for n cthr business that may come Inlore aaio aioeilnp. Thl the 5th d ty of K-bi nary,189a ' WC TlVKKMAlf. B A Pakkxs, rresid nt. BecreUry. J U. DUHCAFI, ATTORNEY A! LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC, JfcSTOfflc In Strahan's BIoc"t, No's 1 and 2. - ALBANY, OREGON . MONEY, CHEAP'MGNEY, We have made arrangement to' supply money to all on long time at low ratts of Interest on improvtd t.irms and city prop erty. Thsee who contemplates building brick blocks or good brick business houses can get money. See us. WALi.AaS: Cusick, Attorney at Law and Title Examiner, ALBANY OREGON. Will practice in all the courts of the State. Abstracts of Title furnished on short notico- Ten yvara exprieuco. Barrows & Searis By Goois, Notions, Gents Furn ishings and SCOTS AfiD SHOES AGENl Y f.Th Ludlow l.s.ii,. Fino Shoes and for M. D. Wcli' & Co' Roots and SUocs. BARROWS & SEAELS, Elumburg'a New ltloo 1. 1889 FALL AND WINTER 188' JiiHt rectiivad a larjo invoifijof Foreign ani Domastlo woilens in Overcoatings. Suitings and Trouserings. W oiakeaspclaltyof FULL DRHag for Balls and Parties or regular evening wear. A perfecf fit guaranteed at THE LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS, ' f 9 m rs" Mm ii W i s a ?5 rnnfi Opposite Post Office.