The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 07, 1890, Image 1

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    j (I
New York World
American Farmer
Onoycar for $2.80.
JL JkJLAj sis 0a4JaiaJim
t.Vsu . HIMMIts. Oil I III!
Pane. Brothers.
frjauce, Baked Goods, Kta. Etc.
TJ.plr .xh1 ara tun ami thrir prior
.-t'HormKP'i ok -
Cnrcer Broadallim and First Sts.,
Mral rr ill),
Qrle-ss Ostlt).
Cl(l' )
Hit'et j.
- .rw everything Ibst U kept In au
1 varlaty and groeftty .r. Uitftiwt
rkvt rl- f aid for
To ill Whom It lay Concern.
The Germania Fine Insurance Co of
New York, having reinsured it er-tire
business In the State of Oregon, said com
pany (having on deposit with the State
"Treasurer, $50,000,) liereby give ncliee of
ks dls-rontinuance of business in Ore
goo, and It Intention of withdrawing ill
deposit now with the State Treasurer at
the expiration of the tlx n.onlhs printed
notice required by law
Cimnic Fire Ins-jranck Co or N. Y
Hugh Schumann, Vice Preident.
Dec a 1SS0
' Ilia atock baa beoa enlarged tv thai U aU)s an) on the Ca-4. and coifclt rf
Roger Bros. Silverware, P -r :o UUinr. and Crys
talware, Boys' Wagons Doll Oni-riager,
Fancy Goods, and . -ieral
assortment of Orockroy
onrl Toys.
lie bo) direct and oarrieo the largsa too
baa been addod a complete line of
U Agent for inanranca oompanioa with a capital aggregating 7S.iXK),0r? .
lcl on parle Francai. Hkr wlrd deutch gaproehen.-a.
ID the taot that atn offering bfttor Largaica thau auy ine t-lno in Albany
Bought at bat xrupt M'es I can a -11
r First-Glass Goods
cr below COST.
General luercbendiae of all Win la call
oYi in,
Fibj sod rnaWV tobscBo', Meersuhanm ni briar pii nf
tntlnn KjfiftS gmersllv.
Ton waof the bet and moat durable furntnr
Hopkins & Saltmarsh
"On Tim" Healing tanj
, j.-'.Ui
)TIie; Favorite
Medicine for' Throat and. Lung Dtftl.
i-ultie ha long boon, and. till la, Ayer'a
Cherry rectoro. It cure Croup,
Whooping Cough, bronchitis and
Asthma aoothca irritation ot tho
larynx end Fauec j txngthon tho
Vocal Organs t alln surrncM of tho
Lungs) prevent Cousuiuptlon, and,
ran ia advanced stage ot that dtsoaso,
relieve Couglflng and induces Sleep.
There i no other preparation for din
ease of tli throat and lungs to be com
pared w ith this remedy.
"My wife Jmd a distressing conch,
with pains in the aide aud hrvaat. V
tried vartou medlclnea, but none did
her anv good until I g.n a bottlo of
Ayer'a Churrv I'ootoral, which una cured
her. A BclKlilHir, Mr, (ilenu. had the
mraaloa, and the cough wan relieved bv
tho una of Ayer'a Cherry I'm-ror&l. 1
liava no Wslution la recuuituomlitig thl
Cough Medicine
to every one afflicted." Robert Ilorton,
Foreman UinUightt Morrllltun, Ark.
"I have been oflllrted with asthma
for forty yearn. Last spring I wan taken
with a viulent root-h, which Uirvatened
to terminate my tlnys. Kvery one pro
nminred me in consumption. I dutcr
mlned to try Ayer'a Cherrr Pectoral,
lu effects were lungtcal. I waa iuunedU
ately relieved and continued to Improva
until entirely rocovcred." Joel llullard,
Guilford, Couu.
" Six month ago I bad anrere lietn.
orrhase of the lunjr. brought on by an
Incessant counb. which deprived ma of
aleep and rest. I tried various rcmo.
die, but obtained no relief until I bn
gan to take Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. A
lew bottles of this medicine curd me."
Mrs. K. Coburn, 13 Second t., Lowell,
"For children afflicted rith colds,
coughs, sore throat, or cronn, I do noS
know of any remedy which will givo
mora pedy relief than Ayer Cherry
VectoraL I have found It, also, invalu
able in caxes of Whooping Cough."
Ann Lovejoy, li07 WusUiugton street,
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
rajtrAKKD ar
Or. J. C. Ayer 4 Co., Lowell, Mat.
BoldbjatlDrogftals. Pricl; six boUWa,S.
Rule Bazaar.
It In
the Willame'.l Valley, r. wbl.
on roe. ,Par:i,yl4r bargain in a sail.
A.If-an, Orapcs
by Julius Joseph
Is matiuractured In thejeity $
cookina; Smvns.
t!y &;t'"uJe.J to.
Jo.) work, pliii.iVr t
j f j j w
A FkAt kv Sii,kkm'k.k Albany
several mnic Minketipcnrenn render
llian two week go, liiindinanu dIJ It,
He came.'Bltr;tcd attention and 1J and; hnntcil up (heir IxMikiSinl prepnrcd
fur Hie pel foi'innnce. Wo havtlmd more
Sliakcupcure'ihun lit the entire hlstor of
the thy before, 1ml no oni! ha yet cried
"Mold, enough.' That it should come to
this 1 a coiiMiiiiuutlun to be bourn with
out anv prickling of the counclcnce
When the Urge end cultured audience
Tliuru'av ei tlnn-luiitknlly called Mrlland-
nunu before the curtuiii, in a very neal
apt-cell l.c roiiipllinenU'J our city on the
great lulcitkl we had khowi) lit the tegltl
mate diauiii, fo. a city of thn Uc of Al
Iumv.iukI snve a tKiwery speech of a,pie
cl.itlon i the splendid treatment received
Mr r.amliiMiin U a great Olhillo onj is at
111 be.t In this cliaui ter. On account of
thd lilnes of Mr iitiebner MIj Wallv
Oliver to.ik the pr.i t of Igo,the pcrwmlfJ
c it Ion of villainy .learning the pnrt In three
d.iv,nnd did onte!lne acting. MlTrea
Lllkworth u l'culoinoi.a dh-plsvtd her
best tultnt In the three plays given here
Some of this cleverest actinu et er s
en in
Albany was
done bv Mis Ina Sol lee a
Kinelw, the wife of lttgo.nnd she c.iplWrtt-
ed the audience. Mr Pim Wh vu an ex
cellent Hodeilgo. Mr Heatheote would
be good If he would remember hi line
Cas,o va well precnted bv Mr llowatt
and Mr Wk'ht u gootl a l.rabanlo. Of
course the titge U too mnall to admit of
the introduction of small aimlc and the
like, but the general effect I. exciting and
Instructive. CUIiullo ends imd ami . loo
tragic for many, but It U a grcsi plav
ncverthelcR. "Come again,' Handmann.
A I- aitu Lisctir it.- Speaking of lem-
pjrancc lecture the following from the
Eugene Uegbtcr r one without any ora
lory : "There remdrs not many miles
west of tl.U city a young man who it trou
bled with a peculiar affUctfon. About
three month before lie us born, w hile hi
parent were living In Virginia, hi father
went home in an intoxicated conditlon.and
staggering into the hou.egave hi mother
a severe ftlght. Since the bov's birth he
ha always staggered around like a drunk'
en man and is unable to control himself
He l said to be quite a smart boy. He I
now about vear of ag! ard no
doubt hiiafnictiort will tav with him
through life.
The Albany Democrat savs the Local
Building and Loan Association ot that
town is ro'ten, and the ltua'd of Trade is
Is dead. Salem Journal.
If the above U a sample of the kind of
items that paper i goln to give under it
new and powerful combina'.'on. It had bet.
ter send right to the center of nepapcr
dom, New York City, and trr again. The
Ds Mot a at said (he Ame:ican Kui.'dlng
nd Loan Association of Minneapolis was
rotten, and a school bov could have read It
tralght. There is not a more solid, rclla
b'e aoclalion on the Continent than Al
bany's It & I. A.
Foua Had Bov. Four boys, whose
name we will not give at pre? nt, have
been in the habit of stealing generally a
round the city, of stores and other ptacs.
Among oilier t'llng they stola oil can of
Stewart Si Sox at the back d'rand resold
them to them at the front Coor. With the
money they went and bouzht tobacco at a
certain place contrary to law. A some
n inetr parent have promised that they
hail behave themclve belter In the
uture thev mav not be prosecuted at
present. The case I a action one and
he practice shuu'd be nipped In the bud.
Wsnt Fast. Mr W II F.dward, secre
tary of t'c Astoria Uca! Estate and Trust
Co, came down on the Thompson jester
ay. lie report that the Railway Addi
tion which his company had been hand
ling, ! all old, with several people sill
wanting lot. He had orders for loo Jot
Saturday, with but fortv on hand. The re
cord show that the 440" lot in this addl
Ion were sold In (our weeks 1 10 ner
week which i hard to rciual. Thev hate
the deed for the twent v-three acre exten
ion to thl addition, which aoes on the
market Feb 3rd. Astoria Transcript,
TMf. FiRsT-Lwt Thursday the Al
bany Woclen Mill Co. packed ready for
tilpment to Portland two bo'U of nice
looking tweed good. Thl wo the firt
product of the new mill, and the quality
win speak lor the work of thl institution.
The company ha order ahead for a large
amount of good, and are continuallv in-
creating their force to meet Ute demand
of the market.
MiDDLtso High If some of our ex
changes, In Salem foi l.utancc, sjak of
the A illamette a raging when only four
teen feet above low water mark, what
would they do when It got up to thirty,
three feet. People wno have lived heie
and know the country never libel the Will
amette by caUinz fourteen feet
The Mckenzie in Lane county Ihoueh,
ha been raging for certain, and the Call-
pools Is on a tear.
Comino This Way. -The attention cf
i ivih.c iiirce i caucu 10 me loilow tng
it . . 1 1 . . . . ... .
from a halem paper! "A usplclou char
actcr by the name of McDonald who wa
nanging aoout town lat tali and lummer
and who made himself obnoxious by tret
ting into several little sera pen showed up
Bg.n ycsieraay ana wa immediately
bounced by the police force. He wa
given until night to leave town. He com
piled with their request and when last
seen wa making hi wav southward.
Slow R 8 Wallace, pre
ident of the Capital National Bank, arrived
home at noon yesterday from hi eastern
visit. i;c was nearly a month on the
road and finally had to come up from San
V rancisco by steamer. lie wunn ih m.
ucky overland train that remained etn-
oeuuea in the mow near Sim for eteht
A ,,m .1 11. . .1 . '
a.iu -dvi me umc was. to tav the least
sw i(- ts, M II r ...
uuiiia!-!.!!; spent. oaiem atatesmar.
Business Change. La Forent&Thomp
son nave sold their grocery business in
thl city to Mr Ceo. C Henderson, who ha
lanen possession of the same. Mr Hen
1 1 . . . .
' a pioneer resident of Linn county
fltlfl lliinr.i.. j. Af ... ....
... v.uiiiiuuauon 01 me old nrm
large Business, ue will be assisted bv
Mr Magers and Fred Hyde.
Eugene was visited bv two rmn,
rlcal troupes week but neither of them
wa wen patronized. Register.
That is the paper that remarked that
Eugene Is a better show town thab 'Al
bany, lioth shows were much better
patronized here, one exceedingly well
considering the grippe.
Those Logs. Those logs which cscap.
ed from the McKenzle river were nearly
all kept together and safely secured above
Corvalll. They are owned by Mr 8 H
Friendly and their capture i a fortunate
matter for him. There are about 4,000
000 feet of them.
From N. C. to Ok Rev, Price, recent
ly from Noilh Carolina, has just arrived
In the city, and will hereafter be located
Lebanon Circuit of the M E Church
i 1''
Smoke tba cfclubn.ti-d Havana filled ci
Jtrp, manufactured at Julius JoscpSi'a eijrar
y . Only 5 cetits.
T11. Flood or 1S61 a. Soinu very hot
disputes have been Indulgsd In by vatlou
of tho 'oldest Inhabitants" a to the dale
of the mighty flood of iSOt i,and as usual
a PtfMiH'AH r man ha been appealed to.
A the present Dkmocmat was not tstaw
lUhed until old flics of that paper
would shed light upon the subject. Hut st
the time of which we speak the Oregon
Democrat -vas being published here, and
while we have no file of ll,w e luckl'y found
a stray, weather beaten copy ot December
3rd, 1 86 1, from which we make tin ex
tract t "The water courses, large and
mall, from which we have heard wlthlr.
tho p 1st day or two, ha.e been higher
than ever htfore known. The Wilttimette
river ha t-rcn from six to nine feet Jilgher
Ihun the oldest settler ha ever seen It be
fore." '1 he paper coc on to ay that it
ceased rising about It o'clock the previous
night and had fallen about six Inches. The
of property in Albany wa great,
amounting to not short of $ti,ooo. A
dwelling occupied by Mr Pik'st, the ferry.
man, washed awy,ctc. Amongthe lo.cis
were Craw ford Uro I) lleach V Co .Fos
ter S; Co., Rlppcrton A: Flelcbncr, Conner
& Co.. and Allrce. Frmn this It would
appear that the rain must hnvc commenc
ed a early as December 1st or mnvbc ear
lier, j tie account Is uiuerliiln and unsat.
isfuctory In It details.
A Y'a CoNCLf os. In spcaVIng
making a V and economising on rail In a
roaJ tu Astoria the Sakm Journal tnj 1
"While Salem I Belling ahead fast, Sa
lem is not trying to fctt mi unfair advan
tage of anv other town, We believe such
cities a Salem and Albany have a com
mon Interest In a good trunk lin to the sea.
And the V l just what we have advocat
Tut It belle the above by remarking.
"It must never be forgotten that a road
froin Fasttrn Oregon 10 Astoria via Salem
i the most direct, easily built and desira
ble line to too tea. Albany has already a
sea-port connection and Astoria people
must realize that their strong point of be
luga great tea -port town will not be made
more important by a division of sea going
trallic with Yaquina."
In other word Salem would like to have
Albany take It In ou. ot the cold and make
it a point on a great line to the East. Too
sleepy to do much more than live on the
state pap It tragically shake it sides,
blow wind from whittled dry goods boxer,
and subscribcsonlr twenty or thirty thou
sand dollar stock In a railroad and put
the paper on the shelf. It I In order for
our sister city to do some acting and relieve
u from all shout, ten headline to birth
notice, a It were.
B t Cak o? Gaifi-e. One day last
week a young man, who lives not many
nines irom junction came to town ti.i an
errand, av the Pilot. Before Marling
home he proceeded to take aboard some of
Junction' best bug Juice. He called
neighbor on his way home, and being
quite lively and talkative, he succeeded In
Inducing a little gttl of some four sum
mer to sit on hi lap. After a very few
moments the tittle tot slid off hi tap and
going to her mother who was sitting a-
cross the room, she w hispered. -Main.
ma, Mr M ha the grippe awful bad."
'Oh, no! I guess not, said the mother.
"whet make you thick so f" -Because
he has been taking some teiribjy strong
Foroot Ir. A well known Albany
young mar., not much given to belr.g car-
led away by the gentler sex, to-day wa
going home In a street car In company
with a popular school teacher fiom a
neighboring town, with the dinner's meat
by hi side. They got off at the proper
place, but the meat went ou.being entirety
forgotten on account of greater attractions,
a fact which greatly amused several eye
witnesses, and we were ordered to make
note of the Utile transactlon.and most any
thing Is grabbed at these quiet day. It Is
thought there was one dinner wlihuscrps
tor mcai.a common experience to editor.
Ax Ex-Co. Jltx,a S A Johns, an old
resident of Linn county, died at Cood Sa
maritan hospital Wednesday evening. lie
was sent to the hop!tal by Judge Catlln.
Ue had been living at Prlncvlllc several
years.and was In very poor health. The
deceased was at one time county juc'ge of
this county. He leaves a wife and several
children. Judge Johns came to Oregon in
S64 and resided In Linn county until
&o. Hi dr s'.h will be learned with re
gret by many old reUdents here.
Ovxk In Linn county last Sunday a
beau went to church with hi sleigh, In
tending to take his sweetheart home after
the service, but a chlnook wind came
along and took off all the snow before the
preacher had exhausted his text. Dallas
I lem leer.
The above is a good illustration of this
country. It takes a harjy snow to stay.
Our climate Is as much opposed to the
element as Dennis Kearney and J II
Mitchell to the Chinese. .
A Gag. You are liable to be asked this
question by most anybody:
"DM you hear about a man getting hurt
In the Eastern or some other part of the
"Why, no; who was it?"
"Only McGinty."
A Democrat man cot caught, but has
since been looking up the authorilifs to
ascertain where the Joke is. There is
nothing In Addison equal to the occasion
A Good Sized Dkal. Not much move
ment in real estate among theclty's spec
ulators ; for several weeks. In order to
vary the monotony, though, a good sized
deal was consummated last week. k
Geo. L Henderson sold to Mr E W Lang
his farm In the country consisting of 320
acres lor si 2,000. While Mr Langdon
sold to Air Henderson two blocks in Ool
tra's park addition for $4200 and a filth
nterest In Fairdale.
now much. An Albany paper says
that C J Stewart has returned from a trip
to Rosebvrg, and he reports that beginning
ten miles south of Eugene there Isjafootof
snow, which increased southward. That
man must have lost his bearings for there
has been no foot of Know ten miles or
twenty miles south of Eugene. Eugene
Register .
A Veteran. Mr Edwin Wlght.a mem
ber of the Bandmann troup, is a veteran In
the business, being now over fiity years of
age and having played fully thirty years,
He told a Democrat man about having
plaveJ the first grave digger with Murdoch
as Hamlet years ago, of having been In
Mary Anderson's troup and of his connec
tion with many famous actors. Wight
looks much like a sailor ; but in low com
edy acting he is quite a genius.
Bound For Dallas. Mr Backcnsto,'
our new saloon man, was In town las1
week and ordered hi lumber from below
and let the contract for the erection of his
bulldlug on Main street. Ue also pur
chased Clerk Coad's lot in the Academy
block and will erect a handsome residence
thereon . His father, an old and respected
millwright cf the valley, accompanied him
and also invested in some city property.
A isuLLET of uoL, tne result ot an
assay of aboct a pound of ore from the Es-
tella lode by Mr Fisk, on Saturday, was a
golden bul'.ct worth about a dollar. S R
Greene carefully observed every step of
the assay. The assnyer says it is the rich
est Using that has ever come !rs bis hands.
Oregon Cily't'oaiier.
luterestisg Ai ttrla by tjiglawr WeOsnst.
laad. ' ' .
Astoria, Oa Jan. a8lh,i8yo.
IMitirii thmomit 1
The subject of tow n sew erage Is attract
ing much mote client Ion than formerly
and Is quite properly In lug made the sub
ject of very serious tlnaight liy maty of
Albany's most progressive cltlxens
Time wss when the Morale regulations
might have been enforced In our mki.t.bul
the Que.'ti Clly of the Vality has long
since grown to such proportions that the
old time tnsthods of sanitation fall far
short of our present need. Cleanliness
and purity of surrounding are of lint first
Importance In a new and growing city.
Pure air, pure water and pure soil are the
ncccnry concomittant condition of per.
feet hoalthfu.hc. An examination Into
the sanitary surrounding of iflost of our
older town and cldc show a deplorable
need of some system site efforts looking to
ward purification, ,
Water tupplle from most questionable
sources are compion and unsuspected as
shown br recent Investigations at Tacoma,
Add to a taln'cd water supply soil reek
lug with the accumulated flilh of year
and we have a condition of affair Inviting
disease and death. When this follow a
a natural consequence, hypocrite and
charlatan cry out against the "stern de
cree ot an All-wise providence." Out
upon luch deceit and sl-XM-t-sighted folly.
To store the filth of a city althhi a city Is
tv. defy fate and Invite destruction. Let
t'19 new town of the west learn wisdom
from the sad expciience of their older sis
ters In the eastern states and keep their
surrounding pure and cleanly. It Is
easier lo keep our soil purs than It Is to
purify It after once polluted and U less
Money judiciously expended In a care
fully designed sewer system I alwsys a
paying Investment for clty.ycl I seldom
done until the need becomes Imperative
and the cost probably doubled. Often at
tempt are made to convey sewage from
town lit so called kewer" designed by
santtaiian who are quack In engineering
and laid by engineer who are quack In
sanitation. They utterly fall in the most
vital particular, but by their presence lull
the unthinking Into a false sense of secur-
ity . Their original crt also stands a an
argument gtnt thcl. complete aband
onment and the substitution of something
better. Now to come directly home and
consider our own condition it I glaringly
evident that something ought to be done
soon. We might grow on for several
year before we would be forced to action,
but the time I fast approaching when
complete sewer system must be built In
Albany, Every cent that I spent now In
liap-bsiard manner is nianey wasted and
must be mac up by future generations.
The question of cost is one of oaramoont
Importance and Is too often the only de
ciding one. The old style of building
sewer to carry on sub-soil and ttorm
water usually cost from $5 to S19 per
lineal foot. "The separate system designed
to cany cmlv sewage proper cost lrom
7S cent to i per lineal loot under the
same conditions.
'I he continued adoption of the combined
system In many case only cmnhatues the
fact that it Is easier to follow precedent ,
than to make Independent investigation, i
As an Instance, the estimated cost of the
combined system (ora certain Eastern city
was 944,000. i no separate system was
actually built at a cost of 135.000 and I to
day doing excellent work. To meet the
expense of sewer building, various meth
ods of assessment have been adooted.
Much depend on the circumstance
whether live whole system is to be built at
once or by piecemeal, whether or not there
are distinct sewer district, and the total
cost of sewers compared with value of the
property benefitted.
1 be most popular method In the West
seems to be the issuing cf sewer bonds and
providing for their gradual calling In, or
by a general sewer tax paying for sewers
as fast as built. I think in the majority of
case the best plan I to assess a certain
amount per front loot on adjoining proper
ty or on property directly benefitted and
securing tne oaiance oy assessing a gener
al sewer tax. However this is a matter of
finance and entirely distinct from the press.
Ing need of purity In surroundings. Yet
oiten considerations of cost weigh more
with city Boards of Public Works than
dies the most emphatic and truthful de
claration that "cleanllnet I next to god li
nes, wnen cleanliness can be secured
witn comparative cheapness, there Is no
excuse for public authorities to shirk their
plain duty. Let everyone who has the
permanent good of Albany al heart take
up me cry and demand that sewers shall
be built and that our city shall be known
as clean and wholesome. Let our first
boast be "five miles of perfect sewers" and
save our second speech to refer to our
street railways. .Let us call the attention
of strangers to the purity rather tnan the
price of our io!L Let us give them good
water. Let us show him that we take
every precaution ic preserve health and
strength, and he will rise up In hi might
and can u messed. And what 1 more to
the point he will remain with u and lend
the best energies of hi muscle and bialrt
vO make Albany what nature and location
Intended her to be, the mctiopoll of
Wcttern Oiegon.
E. J. McCaustl AND,
A Sample. One roan goes Irom South
em Oregon to Umatilla county, get dis
gusted, and returns, another one from the
latter to the former and 1 ditto, and we
hardly pick up an exchange without an
article like the following from the Pendla
ton E. O., which simply shows that this Is
a very changeable kind ol a world s Frank
Mitchell, well-known throughout thi
county bt the obriquet of "Snow Flake,"
na returned from a tour ot aoumern ure-
tron and Northern California. He came
back im nressed with the Idea tna. "uma
tilla county beat the world." He give
the sections visited a hard name and says
a laboring man has little show down there,
as the highest wag's paid larm nanus are
but$iapcr month.. He wa thoroughly
disgusted with Jackson county.
Liked Albany. Considering the great i
Inclemencv of the weathei, and the fact
that It wa the fourth engagement, the au
dience at the Opera llouee last Friday to
hear Mr Bandmann was of good propor-1
Hons and was larger than was expected.
The manner In which Bandmann drew
here shows that Albany knows how to ap-
predate a good thing. The Bandmann
troup left for Oreeon City with the im.
pression that Ainany is the nest city in
Western Oregon, greatly pleased at their
treatment In Albany.
Next New and beit place In town is
Gilson's new barber shop In the Froman
Block, next uto i to Fortmiller Si Irvine's.
Best b ber !r. town.
Babies. The finest line of baby eair'
ges in the Valley just rrcelved at Stewart
& Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap coa
lderir. ii e superior quality of the rr!
ages. ." -
7 O..Us enrps rheumatism, neuralgia
toothache, Fosbayfe Mason Agent.
If Brother Keed rxjiects lurnn the House
on the sole basis of tli Hpenkcr's "owe right,"
be is liable lo get Into soma snai ls.
It is not unusual for the M'-cakcr lo favor Ids
own side at the expense of the opposition,
within reasonable discretion. Hut lie usually
takes pains lo concent hi pntllitlliy. Mr Keed
Isevidnntly much impressed with the import
ance f hi position, and I disjtosed not only
to be '!" of the House, but lo be tecogniz
I ai s'.ich. This with tiie small and loose
majority ilist he tins to sustain him slid with
an operation led with great s.igarily anil -otir-
(c, may prove itangcieu.
Nor I it certain that the Kpcakcr's plan of
strengthening hi parly by a change of the
rules Is quite without lis dangers. Had rules
would be better than no", a constitution
and laws, are always better limn an arbitrary
despotism. ..Yet lite country never has long
sustained a Congressional majtuiiy that abus
ed lis power,
Brother Keed is too ficsh in his saddle to
ride so fast,
The school law has this piovisiooi "That
th entire school funds received annually by
each school district from the aportlonmenis
of the five milt county school lax and the lr-
reducil le stale school fund made by the sever
al county school superintendents shall lie ex
hausted within and during the year for which
such apportionments sre made, and shall 1
expended for school pujioses only." It Is said
that msny districts hive money on hands but
io not expend it because attendance of pupil
can not be secured on account of bad weather.
Another provision of the school law 1 every
psrent, guardian or other person having chart;
or contiol of a child or children between the
ge of eight and fourteen must send him or
them to a puplie school twelve weeks or mote
in each year, unless the child is sick or In an
unfit mental condition. If such child or child
ren are taught la a private school or at borne
ia the branches that are usually taught in pri
mary school, this shall be deemed a compli
ance with the law.
The disgraceful scenes being enacted in the
luwr house of congress aie the natural out
growth of the assumption of autocratic power
by Keed, the speaker. His course and that of
the republican members In sustaining him ia
hi tyrauaicat ruling i revolutionary lathe
extreme, and all thus because that party feel
insecure in its present slim majority and Is de
termined to increase it by ousting democrats
and giving their sea'. to republicans. The
reconstruction days art upon us again, od
the disgust of the people will be more full and
certain, and their romlemmation more speedy
now lbs a idea w hen they rose up in their might
and burled that arty from power. The next
congress will b democratic.
First Assistant Postmaster Genera,
Clarkton In answer to the report about
his resignation to edit the Chicago Times,
etc., I quoted a aylng: "It may take,
perhaps, until next March before my work
I accomplished, and until then I shall re
main right here. After that some one
else may have the place." Which must
be taken to mean that by tnat time ue wiil
have all the Important postoffke heads re
moved from theli official shouldcis, since
that Is the kind of "work" to which lie ha
been heretofore especially devoted
The Administration, in interfering to screen
Dudley from his punishment for corrupting iht
ballot box in Indians, has unquestionably
made t-sd botch of things. Its effect ia
that State, according to Republican authority
there, will be Injurious, and in the nation gen.
erally it is simply demoralizing, a a piece cf
ptrty policy. This Administration has less
political tact ihsnany thai we remeratier for a
considerable time. Smalt wonder that Mr
Blaine holds aloof from actively appearing ia
it proceeding.
sss'jsj? .J-.i.'i"sj SSt
The star of Bethlehem will again be visible
ia this year, being its seen:h appearance
since the birth of Christ. It comes ooce ia
315 years and is of wonderous brilliance for the
spuce of three we.ks then it wanes and disap
pears after seventeen months. It will be a
sixth star added to the Ave fixed stars in the
coastellatijn Cattiova while it remains in
Prof U Fredruk Wncht. the learned ar-
cbcaologist, has explored the Trenton gravel,
and has determined the prsseace of man on
this continent at the time when the glaciers
were creeping down across its suiface.
A New York manager bss offered Henry M
Stanley ft. 000 a lecture for fifty lectures to
dtlivered in Aractca during next winter, and
the great explorer has not yet signified whether
he will accept the offer or not.
The first issue of the National Eye, "a
negro democratic paper," New York, wa is
sued January I. T ) editor is a white man,
the bnsiness manager a negro, It is well re
ceived by the public.
A Pancake machine has been invented to be
placed on the table. Turning a handle grind
out the batter between metal roller that are
kept hot by a tamp and deposits the cakes,
brown and warm, as they are needed.
The estimate of the Bureau of Statistic
place the value of tho poultry products of
last vear at $200,000,000. With this enor
mous value ot product ther were $2,500,
000 of egg importfld.
Nor that Beojatnia Foraker laa retired to
the seclusion of private life tne country may
settle itself down to the o ur n't n tfc
question, Who wa McGinty
Let me make the rulings in the House, says
Sneaker Reed, and I care not who makos the
rules, ...
"th Ladies Only. I amnow pre
pared to do all kinds of stamping, tfud
have over two thousand teslgns to choose
from. Also keep a nice line of embroid
cry materials, such as arrasenes, crewels,
No. t and a embroidery chenilles, princess
cher lies, etc., etc., and the linest pom
pons, tassels, crescents, cords plushes, felts
and fancy work materials ever In the cltv,
Zephyr Is going at J cent an ounce. Miss
Minnie Colwell has charge of this depart-
ment, and has had several years expert
ence In all kinds of ancy work and stamp
ing. ti. W. Simpson,
Aibany, uregon
Bang, One of the linert lots ot gun
and revolvers ever received in Albany
are now In stock at Stewart Aj Sox's. Hun
ter should call and see then end get
prlcei before bitying. v
If yon have any job wcrk to do call on G
W. Buaithwho is prepay & to do it with
oeatnessand disnath and ss ebeap ss any
one. J
Tue Old North State tnokitijs fast
gaiuiiig popularity.
Some time ago the negro population of
Upper Allon, Illinois, took It Into their
heads that tMr children should be admit
ted (o the High School In that city. Al
though the school Is a public one.the whites
In that town rose In mas and breathed out
blood and slaughter against their colored
brctlicrn for thus attempting to force
themselves to b place of equality with the
white. In calling attention 10 this "out
rage", democratic paper meekly reminded
repnbHcan paper that Hie "north" and
not the "so mli", was to be held accounta
ble for this turbulent and violent exhibi
tion of rae prejudice. The Orrgomnn. In
order 10 break the force of this home
Ihrust, marched light up to the front and
n It characteilsti way, stated the that
population of southern Illinois was largely
democratic, and during the war sympa
thized with the south, and by inuuendo
cnarged that these white of Upper Alton
were democrat. Vhe fact ere thfct that
locality I a republican one, the tow n es
peclally being republican, tnd the county
in which It I situated gave Han (son over
300 majority over Ctcve'and. The Chlca
g3 Herald commrnting upon the affiilr
The republican screamers that have the
l egrolnthe south under tl.elr wings are
rather quiet about the race war In Upper
Alton, a town noted for its educational In
stitution and lis regular republican major
ity, v, ppr Alton is out an example of alt
the republican places, and of republican
generally. Contempt of the negroes that
live In the north I sound republican
dectrine. In republican eyes the negro is
as good a the white man, and a great deal
belter down south. The republican of
Upper Alton are far too good to associate
with negroes; but at the same time they
abate not one jot or tittle of their demand
that southern democrats shall live and as
sociate with them on terms of equality In
ail things. It is a favorite republican
occupation this laying dawn rules of
righteousness fur other people to observe.
No doubt a Foraker, a ralrchild, or some
other red headed statesman could persuade
all these Upper Alton nigger haters to In
dorse resolution condemning the people
of the south for doing as they do them
selves. Republicanism I the seme whe-e
you find it. It love the nigger a good
way off,
NO & U lit Eli. Y.
Th Sandusky, Ohio, fttghtrr, a staunch
republican pa pel, In commenting on the
election of Brice to the United State Sen
ale, savs: '
"From a purely panlsan standpoint we
might rejoice exceedingly and ue giad 11 it
could be shown that 2tr Brice had bought
the place. From the standpoint of an
Ohio citizen proud of his state and Interest
ed In its welfare we should feel anything
but glad to have it shown that he had
bought voles enough to make htm a Sen
ator, and higher than party seal should be
the cltixen.s regard for the honor of hi
stale. We do not believe that he bought
the place, or that he ever thought of buy
Ing Ir, He said to an intimate and slevotcd
friend six weeks ago that he would not use
a penny Improperly to secure the place
and we do not believe be has changed his
jslad.- ' . .. -
The Toledo Commtnuil, another strong
republican paper says
There Is no charge, intimation or sug
gestion that bosdle figured in ihe vote of a
single man to-night. The oppositions to
Brice have watched every movement of
Himself and friend In the hope that they
eoufp catch him on this score, but in no
instance is there the faintest suspicion that
money, except for legitimate expenses,
figuie'd In the contest which has just ended
In Brice' triumph. "The fact that Brice
is a millionaire will naturally bring this
kind of a charge to the door of hi victory,
but the CmmrteM, whi'e a republican pa
per, dtsirc to be fair and thl fairncs de
mands that the Insinuation of bribery and
corruption In connection with the senator-
mi contest be given to tne wind a too
idle and unsubstantial to entcrtiin for a
' " " 1 1 11 I
A str.toe discovery wss ly made at
Boiim Cliy, Idaho. A sand-pump brought to
the s-iface, from the depth of 320 feet, a little
flint Wot, Prof Wright of Obcrlin College
says that this indicates the existence of a race
ia the Went long antedating any historic rec
, According to an analysis recently madcin the
laboratory ol the Louihna State University,
it is stated that, approximately, 4," i pounds cf
po'atoes are equivalent in nutritive value to
one pound of rice.
Russia iscons'dering a plan for bridging the
Behring Straits. The length of the bridge
from rhore to shore will le more than sixty
miles. . Intervening island break this distance
into bridgeable lengths,
Children Saved from Severe Slckaesw.
DrIIoldes: I notice by the papers that
you are placing your valuable r-tnerese
Uoaeb oyrop before the public, it is a
charitable act, I have nsed it in my tfsmily
for many year, to my satisfaction. I bs
lieya the use of it ia time, to my child rec,
baa saved them from sickness.
Large six 11.00, smail 50 cents. For
ale by h C liubbard, Druggist.
Vadlog Photographer Albany Oregon.
We have bought all the negatives made by
L W Clark and W H Greenwood tip to Nov
15th, 18S9. Duplicate can be hsd from
hem only of as at reduced ratea. We have
also abonk 18.000 nets' ives made by our
selves, from which du . lists ean be bad at
Ilka rates. We carry t ouly full line ot
viawa of thia state and do enlarged work at
lowest rites for first class work. We shall be
pleased to see yon at our Studio in Frouian's
blook, next door to Masonio xempie.
This Trade Mai k on a stov
means it is th best thtt esV
perttnee and skill can eon
trive. 3old only by O. W.
Struck Oil At per s gallon can
Standard ' oil. at the Willamette
Packing Co.' tare.
i S i iiissss - - -
Dr. M. II. Ellis, physician aud urgeoB
Vlrny, Oregon, tlalla mad in oity oi
Atle i ;f
Mre. Wmslow'a Eoofbins! 8vrop. for
children teethina; , is tho prescription of
ne of the beat female nurse nd pbysi
ana in the United States, atd has bten
ed for fortr ers vlth never-fallintr
n eo ess by million of mothers for their
bildren. Durinsr tbe proetss of teethtna
s valup ia iucalcuable. Jt leltaves the
hild from pain cure dyrentery and diar
boea. nrlpinein ire bowels! and wind
olle. By Eivinjr health to the rhild
est the mother. Price 25c. a bolt)?.
TUs Ladles UeligUteU.
Tba Dleasint eficct and the porfaot
etv with which ladies may nsa the liwaid
lrnlt laxativs. Syrup of Fis, under all
conditions, raake it their favorite remedy,
It ia pleasing to the eye andi to the
gentle, yetenaetuatin aoucg on im
t neys, liver ana Dowels.
iVO "28"
II pemltar fTleay I dnm
its in urn so in. process and
skill ia compounding as to
1 110 IrtcrMieuU Uiemsnlvm,
Jukoll in lime. Hrhnrka
. ' . , Oiffuu Initio ontr,, or if
tuey be advanced wui prove a poteuteur.
flu nemo sMMefitatlt
U iaktm UiophMeof ay '.'
fbwtor tLtirl v llir t-.r .
Srrl.tloiiS. Ail whofmwlilfOf!
iM-oViilnry live will nod I ,
It tlm liiwt priivciitlvo.ot h .
nd er (or llidlirrsllnn. rV-
t nnatipnliwn, il'S'lnlt; ' RlllonsnOSS,
riles noil Simla! lMpr.Mlna. Ho bss
of linif, no lni-rfrrrio with buslntxus
whllo liil.liif-. r orrhiiarrn it Is most In.
DiHTiil mid harmless. Ho danger from
etoiira nnr lufcniu. Car. ;..!!, I.
rrlio-a, Ifciwrl Cumptaltit, I vri.h-
and I .vrl.h CIO. invalids snl
tfnlkfiis ixTsoi.s will 0n4 Is tho Jnlldnst
AtMTletit unit Took liicy can use. A little
Ihm-u nt night Insures refreshing Mp
n1 a natural evwuallmi of tho towels.
A lltllo l:i ken In 1 bo morning sharpen
the apiwiiU-, r-h-unse the Uuaeb and
sweetens the breath.
A I'M mi CIA !fH optViojc.
"I h be brscticing medians s - . .
twenty ywrt itl li never bma U la
put up segewMe compound Out would,
lk S.mmons Liver KeinilsMor, promptly
ami sffceuvely mors ili lint 10 actios,
, . -.t st lli sm tims mJ bound of wnk-
. smnsjl tl tlij.'u sod autmiiatio.
COWcrt n( tll iriKM,"
L. M. Hixtox, m.o., Wasitinctoa, Ark.
Si.irksof GmiiinrneMi Ixiok fortheVM
Trniln-Marlc on (root or Wrnpppr, anJ the
Htttl sn'l Mt'iiuturcof J. II.A uiu Coia
rU. ou the side. Take uo other. -
St lost
eal Bargains.
Notions, Furnshing Goods, etc,
Dress Goods, Trimming's, Silk.
Table Linen, Gloves, Hosio
ry, Fancy ftoods, etc
The Leading Cash Dry Goods Store.
Insurance Company.'
Where are you'going mT pretty maid ? I am go
ing to buy a Jewel Stove, she slid. They give
such good satisfaction ' that they; make a home
pleasant, and with': Anti-Rust' Tinware all is joy.
n i
aaf -
ttti ..
tie lent
Advertising nodi urn
In ihe Central
WJIlHmeltf Val';-.
toiorel a tu P,rt O tl.M at Albany, t i
m aooond-claaa mail matter.
First National Bank
ssldsnt ,...,, U rj.rn.v
lo. KrssW.ot .. , E, ybrntii
sshl.f w, UASUtK-H,
Tl! AS gum A OENERALWIuui twin
Aeceu:- kept tuM.t u h.
VWJKXOtimt snaW ntpliis trsn.fw, .!
Svw rk, aa rtvtmxn, ilutwt, sml i
WOkg-o fJ Puf
ZcoM.Ktrnoitf adk
1 fsvorshl. tsnes.
It. Toese,
s Hum,
h. H.ISS, ,
Vsttsa E TirMtsxfc
Linn County Bank,
Coffin, Itlstoa & Ch,afcerlaia,
TtUKSACrT s gMkral Hanking harts.
OtUWiiOBl OlUrMer, Miw York. Fis
s. s.i Psi-tlsni, Oron.
IUXUOrfgrua aporre swaijt1
KW CfTf! posit out! .. casta.
Bank cf Oregon.
ALBANY, - - - C3ECG;?.
.... J. W. BLAIJf
Vie Presidents ,
IT Bryant, 3 Vr r;tBn.
0o Humphrey, O M ftew.rt, '
fejLamsIng, UK Merrill.
Slgbtexebanje an J lolsgrtpb! trans,
for 00 New York, Jn Franeiaeo earl
and all prlnc'pal point in Or gen and
Collection made on favorable term.
hldUHDWo d H.llUiJiil,
IIardware,Stovcs andTimvare.
Pltcftcr'a Cz-