The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 31, 1890, Image 4

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Cici Pacific Eaiircai
r Dcvbpm Cotepeny's SUvem-
ship Line,
aiss chorter.
rf I! S
a.ww -
rSui by any ohr r'1'
FW-st-eiBS. """"""J .1 .11 namst
lie rornsuu .
a. . , 1 l.a Nil I lltlU i -w .
sffiieo, CAl.
. rrprnil 1'APl
flo steamboat onthe
t;H.'mfttt rive.r d!vUloii
ai, Hxuiti bound. Mono
Arrive at wrv
,1 inlAT RI J
. . lorvalt!.
MoitU bound
Uu'ir, SOi.flsy
simV Trl y
ir., ,- , o.oj 0. n. un stun
-!; end ;lBfJ Bi VrUuV"bolU North
,K o .n. leaving her at
. Vt" -r tbeOregon 1otI1 1UUroJ
v A'""1 V1? t .
: f i
" 7 t Albany and
O. C. tri " connect al
Vgfiuinn hHEXnehloa between
t rot T
' ' ' "". ...i.- U.malftV. Oct
. - lWl ,,
. fc
t.ot AJbn? if.aloulj arrant to
SsntbBiD PacttoCmnpMiJ,i Una.
T1.m hit
Batwrra rn"
'ZZJ. rrr777,p aandaj)
A, I :
L I lt "
I ar
Sleeping Cars,
., .iih all tha
..... ii Lrvr.P "
d. Si
T all rot"4
. aa
Scuso and Carriage Painter
Decorator ar.d Paper Hanger
Piano Varnishin?.
nrk cwirant!.
to Henry Soeaens J
?Duilij Wanted.
a!1 kinds of roHry,-a!Iva or
,.t !. 1 ntl! Willamette) P kln
ftvfa KUiro.Allany, Orgt-
E. .j. r.!cGAUSTLAflD,
CiTil, Sanitiu and Hydraulic
Cnnsuliinu eneinesr for Gold Mountain
sad Dry Gulch Consolidated O-jld and fill
vr Mini at! Co.
OCict-, Fir.t Street, Albany, Or.
Cur Lady of Perpataal Help.
ftLBANY, - - - OREGON.
Comtiiftnl by the 8!ate-.of ft. Bdlt
TtiU Atadetny ienoorporated and m
thonxod bf lbs tttaus i comer aoadaru
horars. Tbe eonree of tody I ouip'.eta,
Matlematiaa, I,irratur and Mua. aaTe
epaaialiia. aaalseibe Sormsl Iqsfrtti
.rasr.irs:ltilfortfiactles, erlflte. f
'.Htwial drswMij, eonal mosle in else 44
s.l kinds ftf na.ltwnrlt farm, tin
s arjra. 1 he i',"it. ff lb s.hoal
g t.Tin inn firm. aojnet lelng t. trU
:,nr anlr r.r.ssd vonng ladies, bnt nob!
, .! us.fi41 inmlre rt sastoty. PiiTfls
.iiCs4 t any tl'ria and eharts rop
t i:is. Pnpilsof iy denorfttnatiort rt-
;- 4n In 'Ay rii)l ranges rvaat
. n.
'ir-fl' f noantlrig !sli ! ar
j,riiv sf ply tithe Ais4sey. r 4
.i ( V-tir asperlfires.
oskholdor's X-Teoting,
"..TOTI'Tb ishniby givpti that the an
i ) ii'.hl in'i'tioK i( th s-otikboldnt so
(hi Viljiny Jiiiii'i Imr and A e
i 'i hl'l on Krl lav,Ki.lruirv 1
1 hi ton iniiir (7;'AQ. m.ofailddav
in Vm W O r U IU11 In Alliany. Linn
o.niinv. fn(in, rr tii purposx .f ct
in; nino Jlrtcfir ami 1 hr auditors, t
'ri ve 1 i r Lh'i orm of one year next eiisu
in from wtiii nmutlnt; and until their
Mn' r aro ii:tit and qitnliQed, and
1 1 irNti-ai.'t fifli o: tier biiMinnis a may
thon i'oiiiii lu'torn tli. aociaiiou. Done
hvoritorof ilirct'rj this l'lu dsy Cf
of January, 1S93.
W CCasaBtr,
Jar W BlaIjc. President.
t id y. J V udM U SI
"7 Tnr JO-rorTrV
iVOL'ft LlX.M4l.Vtij
!- aad 7 : rid : r
0 h in Our ir rr i 'j,
it. if.r t.i 1 '.trc
1 H h iri-i ( f.'i i,
T (- hi l a ilit j.
rwi I nrlmi V 1 ' 1
i i.J., risirr Ai.J, ft t.
I North
L " I ATI 10
' t .. oa acn.
f,T w r.s .,
C7Z tEMt .
: -' riT Wrftlaail . , I s.
.'" . V.Minolll uw 1
t ;o r m i . . , -
k !t.. .n Iniitiinpo. how rAfi
mnclluu uteris Itsihroii very tmii 10.
i-Kk sim of I'
n.pillU, tlt
I U mora
til lUmilM"!
a cauta
niiiu to
i ii y ot
a 1 1 n
mh1i. TUa
U th
ot a tmtl
nvnn, wlio,
N n la 0 lu
ll ortobin.
hT h ffcmlly, Wamo
1.1-aii.lHliinw a aurvln Vnllu Un-a hi i wl
ni.t rhlxtivn from tlia lioiuw. ttnluMiil
ha hot bwvmaa mvluii iimnlan. Iha eaiwa
ult to U a umviiittilim Tl,Iin1f
ht-a.l. which Ita niflmv.t fi.r imiHtli, (
BuMiKtial unhfvttnt), wliti ii lliinlly r;ull"Hi
liKOMinMlUmamt tiiuvwrtiirnliig httml.
novcr r. .n t. A tuillr l ha follow
lit, whl. h h vvwr, un.t. r ilim.renl In rwitiliwl luavin ud pmUuiglii a III.
Mr. ttim'l . hlil..r.lmym. Indiana,
writra July So. Ivnh, llml ha had nufwrra wim
iwliin In hl liexd itmn uiitn'ka fSr!Hr,
VhtrU wcra curwl by t- JSmm.NOII aud hara
nMimlmsl fmr ywra. Tha Unat nwill
nihihl ha boen inhlr, wilhimtlhUmira
n lW-f, diath or nu.htii wnrni au Incur
W uianla. OWKualMl Wk lao In Ilia
mti'lii at wlt a Ita nrvo and rhouma
lim In triK-wiMo, vtry ufton. dlrvclly U a !
r..iiHl ctullUii, tur ltitanc, a udili'n.
di nil r air M ilia hi'tl lly eanana auUlU
and tha rhlll produixt coinn,tl".
DH.J.L. miu
Physician and 3f$faon,
omo car, fnalaal Fry ,
nn.n.iVATSOn haotsw
. "
Physician and flurgeoa.
Uffloe opposite tl rw--H3ral.
Physicitn and Surgeon.
In fitrahan. Block.
MM V' 14.W ' - a . -
Vay l fouud at hie offlca oay and night.
DR. C A.;VHlTt1Yy
?a73icli andSargoon.
Gradoat. of BelUvn. Hospital MUeal
llega ow lora v,uy.
Diaoaaaaet womaa a specialty.
irOOlae. Fi.nV. Brick, Albany, Or.
DR. 1. W, STARR,
Physician and Surgeon,
Lata of BrownsTille, Or,
Ofll. at room. No S and 84.8tratan
and rif.rt'a Blotlc. up alali..- talla
promptly atlMidod tu .Ity or country.
Eraluata of Edictox. ScoUand,
Uaa located ti Allsi Vrt bis
borough kootU hie prmeaabiu
and bia .xperWn.ja of l yeara as an eBl
eerln a Caval -y, b. bopea to
merit tho patronage of tbao l-"',J
in hora. eaula. -beep. w. weolrt
a!o hU solution or linaraant
for aorw ahouldera. aore bs.k., brawn
knee, wound, sprain. Prl, on. dot
lar pr brittle. . ,,
"OOSeeat JohnSchmar'a.lvery ata
. R.K.BIJlCRBCRtt. to.w. wbiout,
Attorneys at Lavr,
Will praetiea io all tha ConrU of the
Sute. Prompt attention given to all los.
g.i eatiaatr tooor ?re. '
Otlice O Id Fllo T.mple, Albany, Or
And Solicitor In Chancery,
Collection. prouii-Uy uiad.onallpo'nt
Loanaaeioti&tdon .aionabt tonus.
SOX. LANNlSu & CD.. I SUftf'S.
gwraocMartocati'raaioR ron rastiun
iliirhest Trioi In Cab fo
i-ujt Aid ecimaellor At Lai
as ND
aotar Public.
alea:v; checoh
Will prj4li I all of tb. Court
alSUt. Allb iDea intrustr to hf
sriil b. promptly ettonded to.
First Street.
Real E-ittte Broker, losarauee.aod money
to lose. I have a )ar(te list of Iroproyed
aud unimproved city property, anil fruit,
garden and farming laud 10 large aod aniall
tracls. A I sll on co-nmissiou only.if yon
want to boy or soil it will piy you to call
and see m.
in? prj
It fctlla all lnCmmliin usi irrUmt. f.oA ltl
mlj tan iUi.t of IsUrubua hUu. tnhut t-nu
Faevwy. Price. 25 cents o Box.
are thoM pot S lor
Ytj srs tits largest SeetUmert In tit world.
D. M. rsnsv & Co
J'UltrMd, llMripii and PrtcI
iut liyjo will b. mailed to an ap
plicant., ana 10 tut .eawn ,cuwni.
It is betwr thaa erer. Every Prton
mini Oaritrn, flower tr rut .
Slidl .Mould KIIO lor ir. Aaora.
Cealsrs in General Mennandisa.
T7OR SAL15. A farm
of 833 acre at
Miller (station 6 miles
from Albany.
Ail foiir-ed. 2u0 acre in cultivation,
yearly all good wheat larul, new ksnse
and burn, (food water. Will snlj halt or
all. Turin lessonstjle, Jnq nfowo
er on the place.
K T If Avon.
W TV Rowmlx
-i M.l.l'liKS.
To prevent vi
itli, patent leather fii'.J
almllar luateila! from sllcklsia together
when rolled, purcliaae a few nhceta of
ritrnflin-tinprej)tulJ or otliefwlne pre.
pared pnper, and roll th materUI, Tlila
will prevent allckhix. Il will nlto pi-even t
tlie fading of the color or gluts bjr keep
ing out tlr and moUture; the evaporation
of the oil U likewlia prevented to a great
Ducket andatl wooden p.iU not la ute,
a wah a wahtubi. ahould be turned
boVtom tide up, to prevent leaking.
Lemon juice tqueeie J upon your pot of
Iron rust, with salt plentifully sprinkled
over It, will probably remove all tr.tce of
the unttghtly spot on your white drea.
Dutlt fou would cover the nail In your
cloet with llttte uullu bags or plrcv of
glove kid (old glove flngurc are a good
at anything) you will probably never a
gain experience thl dllliculty.
oft water hould be used In cooking
vegetable, and the only way city folks
can soften water U to add a little H to
4t. 8.x or eight potatoes will need a tcit'
spoonful of salt added to the water; turnips
and parsnip require about the same, that
Is, a teaxpoontul ot salt to a quart of wa
tcr. It any scum should happen to rue to
the surface when the vegetable are
bolllr.g, It must be carefully skimmed off
Leather, paper or wood may be firmly
fastened to metal by cement made by ad
log a tcaspoontul ot glycerine to a gl(l ot
rlni Il can aim. h n.o.l fn.lrnlnif
i r . . . ... ... . i ... , . . ...
lioro a note inruugn lito lop m a uroum
handle, tie a trlng In It, hang the broom
up when not in ue and It will lust twice a
lorrg as whenjallowed to rest upon the (toot
After sweeping dip your broom In hot
soapsuds, shake well and bang up to dry,
The Shah of Persia, since his visit to the
civilisation of Europe, has turned a liberal, sii.l
is adopting many western reformatory Ideas,
lie has promulgated a new civil and criminal
code, modelled after those of Frope for his
empire, and h intimated hit purpose to sur
render lis own prerusslive so soon as the I'er
ln people are prepared forconstituiianal gov
ernment. Tlii U surptiing p-oyrew in an
I unexpected quarter. People who have been
used to ssying "Oh, pshs!" at a term of con
tempt, will be obliged ere long to find some
I other, word to ea press that idea,
The new tear onens with tha South en
"joying greater activity and with brighter
proepects for the futrue than thl section
has ever kunwn before. The grand tri
umphal march of progress hat led the
South up to high elevation, from which
Itcanljok forward to ths brilliant prot
pect ahead.
Cbauncey M Depcw say he made the
great mistake of hU life when he delivered
hi first humorous speech. He didn't see !
It then, but now he realize it keenly.
Instead of being regarded as a convincing
4jj;lclan or a good lawyer, or even as a
erlou thinker, he I alwav taken for a
nnny man,
Wbea Sir J Ilersctcl wa defending the
character of sttromonicsl science in view of a.
error of nearly 4,000,000 mile in estimating
the tun's distance, the connection wa shown to
apply to an error of o'iservat Um to small lo
be equivalent to the apparent breadth of a
bumta hair at a distance of 125 fccU
Leading New York dealer believe that
Euiope bat no other place to draw up 00 for her
tupplie of wheat than the United States for the
next six months, exref t the Argentine Repub
lic, which never exported over 8,000,000 luh
eU. I. . . '
Corn is so at the lowest price it has reach
ed since 1S61. New coin is telling at or near
twenty nine rent In Chicago and thirty nine
cent in New York,
To 111 Whom It Hay Concern.'
lhe Ccnnsnla Fire Insurance Co of
New York, having reinsured it entire
business in the State of Oregon, said com
pany (having on deposit with the State
Treasurer, $50,00,) hereby give notice of
it dla-rontinuance of buainess in Ore
gon, and i's intention of withdrawing; it
deputlt now with the Sute Treasurer at
the expiration of the six month printed
n.lice required by law
Gebmaxic Fiats iNstiRAxeK Co or N. Y
Hugh Schumann, Vic. President.
Dec 1U9
S. W. Paisley,
Alkaaiy, OrsgaM.
Tobacco and Cigiri.
9 Order. soliaiUa from th. trad. '
o. p. cos..0V7 a so;is9
Heal Estate and Insnrancs Igoits.
ttoal .at at. sold and CollMcloet a ad
No la rial bulns attenrUd l.
J Tit Is is to notify all .onobrn.t tbas
liair. la now sufficient fund In tli
v.nty Treasnrors ornc.of Llrm count
Orfjroii to rsdearn nil ontstandirit wr
Tr,lt. Intflrxst 00 All .ndoraed war
n Farwkix
City Meat Marlict,
' t&Mli ms PrBjrictors.
V.rp a full lrwo f rasas. t all Miyl
, rt s twr pkss, ro
tected; and nlway. vekli.
iIm. bar. .onr-tanlly en
nd otter tsh.
banr alit J
Delmonica llestauran.
Th undersit-arJ having purchaser! til I
U Herman lUstsurtnt stand . has npatied
atwdur thaabovo na n- hrst-ci.m ene
yao'i. W are prefuir ed to lurnifch meals
for parties r danoes on rhcrt notioe. Oys.
r sr-rvedi-i every tylo. usstern. or ast;
nil kinds or1 ('iw.i t.i th market.
Employ only tWols-g rtlp, r,A waiting
i!l ho jTotiii't nod courteous. Ragolar
nIs25 st. Coffee of t:rst-ela r(oali.tV
sod a eup of eorfss nnd oske t fn ns A to 10
ct. I ant well known in thi city ae d re
quest the tixeo to ivs me a call.
SAM GOBI 3, Propnetor.
Albany Huneries.
We are permai-entlv located n the nl
Cin. bomajtwad mile Alhney oq
Coryalfi road, and hay on handle Sat jres
Choice Fruit Trees
of our na growing, wh cd we )t st th
owest 'iviog rates.
Parties contemplating rjiantinjf shoulil
toosuU their interest by examining nnr
I si-jcKaoo prices oiore pat ohasmg.
I Hyhah & Bkowkbjx,
-llbany, Orrgoi.
A Hrnvy ftraieaee,
Nkw tonic, Jan. 23. Henry Joknn,
former paying tnlU-r of the sub treasury, who
ran away to Canada with $10,000 and who
pleail(i quilty to a alinra tif emlHSslonieut
a few day ,n, was tu ily nutoiioud to six
yaais inipriaiiiiiiiHiit ami a flue of f 10,000,
ths amount he embrxstsd.
rx traalar Rldtllrbergrr Bead.
VViNcifHTRR, Va.,JsB. 24. Kx Senator
UiiUlaberger died tt 2:36 o'clock this mom
flUrouon II RidJlebcrBor was turn in
tvtiahuruh, ohsnanduah eouuty, Virginia,
Dot, 4, 1C rocaived a ooiiiinoii aohool d
uoatioj. lu I8M1, a-hil. eommun wealth'
attorney and state senator, h. was elected to
in uuited Mates nat a a lesdjuster, tn
the place of John VV Johnson, conservative,
aud took his seat Dvwtnlier 3. 1HKS. His
torin of service expired Maroh 3, 119. slnos
inch tlin he lad net bern iu pullto lit.
nhslesal. hlrhe. Ibtoves.
CKMTRAt.RfA. Jan. 24, lleuty Pymond
aud Al Aa-r wet. eaiinl.t st Tenino, yt r-
dar, aiih forty rive chit kmis in their postec
sum, alucli thy had stolen from IVntraba
anil tielutiboring farm. Mar.hal Itlsokwru
lirouuht them to Cantrahs, where they were
uihi (o-oay aun lliK'U eaell.
Badly Mlxeal.
Ci.KVBt.ANn, Jan. 84. Once sior. the new
iadict temperance organiattion ha change!
it name, that lint aurred urou ws
"American Woman' '1'emperaiivo Ieaue."
This was changari yesteHsy afternoon to
"National CtussdeiK," After cogitating the
nutter ever night some of tha Indies tUoided
that that they did not hk. this eitrvr, ao
this moruiiitf the si tuo was teouaidared,
sfter some dUcuum and the nairte of Nun
Partisan Winitu's Chrislisu Temperance
Union was dvctded upon. - '
Mill. Sly.
New Vomt : Jsn. 34. The World this
evening sasi Ntlli Uly wt I eat dinner at
bar home ti-ni'irrov and will have succeed
ed in breaking all rtcurd tit fast travtling
son gtraifii the tarth in a ttma whioli site in
t iii.posnililo when she saiUd away. Three
timefcrotwr tsiil mike note t thfi-naot ec
ond cf her arrival at inry City with tt-
watchea IShe is atprckd at 4 o'eloek 8t-
RalalOR Mew,
TaicxKit, C.I.. J.ri SI Raining hard
here to night. This a ill mtlt tie rUo,and
make the work of raisiug the tnoar .blockade
r.rMitiRli Iea4.
PiiiUAtiKli'MiAjan, S3, Adam Fortpaugh
the Vetera circus manage, died late last night
at his residence in this city. A week or two
ago he was attacked with inlluetua, which
thue or four day ago developed into pneumo
nta. Forepauith anaed a lortune in ibe
show tmsinru, which will go to his ife and
IsJrHaltrly i'.allasietl.
SavraMr.nto, jn. a J. According to jre
cnt indicfttions there is no pr rec. that the
wow blockade on the Sierras, which ha now
lamed nine days, will soon be broken. This
nfleiruKn a rotary sno plow with four engin
es got stuck ia a .ut nesr Shady Run. 1 here
ate several cut between Towels and Shady
Kan, where tbe bank are to high that the
rotary will nut throw the snow over the en
bankmcnl, aJ in coneucnc it tumble
back un the track, burying the plow coai
I'lctely. A Ba4 Hear.
Srattlr, Jan. sj. Ir J P Guthrie, a
young physician who receitcd consiJersb'e
notoriety rscently through a pool game - with
Captaia M4ltaby at th. Rainier hotel, hat dif
apared fromth. city. 11 1 disaptaranc. is
due to the fact of several swindles which he
has per;lratcd on friend who trusted implic
illy 10 hit hew. I le operated by having hi
friend in.lorse dtsfts on bU father, an emin
ent attomcy.and also by procuring money with
bogu checks on several prominent bank of
tl.u city. The money procured in this manner
amounts to 94000 at lar a known.
Oa.nt pervlaars S.astSMilett.
Wasiusctom, Jan. 33. Tb president to
day nominated supervirs of tbe census a ftd
tow: Oregon John 11 Shup, first distric; f
Strange, second. Washington Will D.
An Addrvss Isswett.
Ciiica ;o, Jsn. aj. The Na'.ionsl WCT
V., la an addrats bwued lo-day over the tig-
nature of President Francis l: Willard, and ad.
dressed to the South American, Central A met.
ican and Mexican commissioners of the Pan
American congress, state that the bdie t read
with surprise that during tbe round ol banquet
ing to which the nation gucttt were tubjected
intoxicating liiptort were served upon every
occasion and indulged in by the Pan Ameri
can lielrpairs.
Tbe W CTU expresses regret at thi fact,
and assures tbe Southern delgate that no bet
ter end can beeulitctved by them wh le in I hit
country than 10 study the vast benefits of the
prohibitory law as practiced In eight states 01
1 he Union.
4 rmm tmdHi.
Charlestowk, W Va., Jan. aj. In ( the
gubernato'tal contest the republicans hare
practically aUndo'ed GolT claims. The
Wheeling Intelligencer, tbe leading republican
paper, admit this. Frauds in variou coun
ties, and the inconsistency of several republi
can member of the contest committee, have
made this course inevitabit.
Tke lorfcaste.
Asiilakd, Or., Jan; a2, Train No 15, with
Colonel Crocker on Ixiard, which wa impris
oned at Sim for eight dayt, hat at last got
back to Delta, and will have no difliulty in
reaching Redding now, much to tbe relief of
the passengers, "
It hat been snowing more or test all day in
the vicinity of Sims and north to AshUnd.
Th road south of Edgewood ha leen gone
over by a tnowplow a far outh a Igerna.
Tacoma, Jan, aa. Vice President Pres
cott ha received a telegram from General
Mannger Metlcn, of the Northern Pacific,
speaking of the conflicting report circulated
in the East alrout a blockade on the Northern
Pacific rond. Mr Mellen ays the line is open
thoiouqhly out it entire length, and lhat all
the traint are moving on lime.
I"rrty fold,
Sr Paci., Jan. 22. The temperature wa
from 35 to 30 degrees below zero this morn
ing. The mercury jumped to xero at 3 o'clock
and after passing that point a heavy mow fell,
Rerorts from points in Minnesota and Dakota
indicate a pretty general storm, warmer weath
er being accompinied by snow and heavy
wind, drift and delayed trains.
j San Francsco. Jan. 22, The team lip
f'nlutTilil.i. u-1iirh .ni11 fr.r Avliti-i nnrl P
lanj t jf mornjng( carrie(j thirty one liouches,
and 473 tacks of mail, besides nine bags of
registered matter, for the Northwest, which
ha been delayed by the blockade on the rail
road. etllsg There,
' Albuqveryue, N M .ifiin, 22. Nellie Ely
irrived to-night at 10 o'clock on an Atlantic
I Pacific special, having made the astonishing
dTie of 815 miles from Mojave in twenty five
hours. Two Atlantic & Paciiic officials, R M
BachcUer, tssistnnt general freight agent, and
Andrew Smith, superintendent of transporta
tion, accompanied her,
An RJeetrle Motor.
Astoria, Jan 22 ft it now an assured fact
that the electric motor line will be built from
the terminus of the present street railroad
around Tongue point and down to John Day
river, as projected. The cost of the road has
been carefully estimated by the gentlemen who
ore interested in the enterprise, and tt corpora
tion will be famed within a few days. The
road, which will be about three and a half
miles in length, will cost about 25,ooo and
the electric appliances about a much more.
Big Damage
Chicago, Jan. 22, Henry Bush, whose
case for damges for personal injuries against
the Northern Pacific was made sensational by
Judge Gresham yesterday, was to-day award
ed the largest verdict on record for a similar
cause, lie was given 40,000. Bush's legs
were paralyzed in an accident in Idaho,
Tue Old North Stato
gaining popularity.
smokingljie fast
Tiro Drain Ulrl Kob their Etapteyer.
About thrcfl tnonths ago two girls, Hat
I j and Kate Multoon tamo from Drain
Station lo AHmny and scoured places to
work In private families, for torn, reason
or other only working a short time in each
place. Among other place they worked
forCapt Phillip In Benton county, OA
Curran, F M French and F J Miller. A
couple week ao Huttle decided to return
home and did to at once. IS ho wa then
working for Mr Miller nnd her sister wa
then ot tor French'. On her going home
Kte tHik her place at Mr Miller, leaving
Mr Freneh' for the purpose. On Satur
day Kate, on short notice, left for he'
home at Drain, leaving two trunks at M
Millers, one a new one recently purchased,
and made arrangement for Mr Miller to
forward them on Monday. Sunday Mr
Miller failed to find any of her glove, and
on Investigation misted several mingi,
Suspicion Immediately fell on the Mat
toon girls, and the trunks were o.tcned
Inside thiee complete suits of Mr Miller
clothe were found, also u beaded sack
gold locket, books, gloves, etc, In all of the
valuo of over $ 1 50, and large quantify ot
thing not belonging to them. Mr French
wa notified. Not tuspectlng anything
wrong he had notdlscovered any losses.and
hence wa turnrlscJ to find In the trunks,
dreiscs, crockery ware, Jewelry, children
play things, etc, belonging lo bis wife and
children, and still several rings, jewelry,
clothes, etc. remaining tn trie trunk, the
property of other they bad woraed for,
the two trunk Icing packed full of stolen
property. Among the effect were aewr
at letter from flattie to Kate, In which
she advised her to steal everything, the
could, menltordng different thfni, among
others apiece of flannel lor their orgrn
mine books, as the one she ban at homo
were just splendid, etc, A que a num
ber of additional thing have been missed
It I probable Untile took them home with
her. A a sample of the braxennrs of the
girl on going home I Utile told Mr Mil
ler that site had five white skirts on, and
ask el her il they looked bunch v. On
belnir told that tliev did she tok off some
of them, and they tsere nearly all Mr
Mill?', wn account 01 the tender age tf
the elrl It wa decided not to make any It Is bad enough to implicate the
girl In the Matter. Some though, think
they are not tne only one in uratn privy
to the transactions. Tbe case I an unfor-
tunate one, but the )tMot RAT It here to
give the r.ewt, and as It gets It from head
quarter the fact can be relied on.
HtUt KtrttK SttM
W E Piles, to Walter A McGhce,
lot 1. a and 1, Price' A to
Sodavlll. , S
M Dllogan to tlenry and Celts.
Stewart, e,o 11.8 K 4 w,
M E Farrell to A F Krumrex.parccl
In bl 43.11' and A. ....
F M Redficld. M K Farrell,
lot 1, a, bl a3.ll' and A
Arthur Beard to John M lleard.lot
h 9, Id 4, Beard A.Tangent. . .
Cynthia Trite et al to W C Twee
dale, i E quarter bl 56, Albany,
W F Read anu A A Rhode bt At
bany Mining and Milling Co,
mining claim Albany ledge....
A B Wood In and R Brown to Al
bany Min. ii Mill Co Mountain
Queen Co.
B M Huston to Albany Mln Mill
. Co, Morning Stsr cUlm. ..... ..
M Cowan etal tn Albany Mln & Mill
Co While Prince
Jo.le E Triornrrmsn to llewett Si
Brvant various iot and tract In
Arthur Beard io John M Beard, half
of lot 10 blk 4 Beard ad to Tan
DJ itayes to O II Pentland tract In
W J Vawter to Oertrude fi Pentland
tract In liaise v
Same to same, Mountain King Mln.
Ing claim ...
C E Browned to Albany Mining and
M tiling Co.Ectipse mining clalm35,ooo
A B Wood in et al to.same a above,
Itonanxa Min. claim
W F Read ct al to, same a above,
Evening Star claim
K A Rhode et al tn.same a above,
Abe Lincoln Lode
John McCbesney ct al to, same a
above. Monarch Min claim.... 35.000
C E Brownell to lehn McChetney,
ctal.Qticcn of the Gulch JS.ooa
J K ana I J Kirkpatrlck to II C Nlep.
pcr,lt 3, 4,M a ,K' A.Lebanon
Sarah A RlbcllntoGertrude II Pent
land tract In I falser
; 5
J L Cowan to J M Ralston etal
tract In b'.k 4 Albany
T R Goodman to John Dcbcnport
85crctpoSR 1 E
Marv Saltmsr.h etal to J P Wallace
lot a blk a E Add to Albany ....
B F Zcller to Susan Zciler lot t Si a
blk 10 in Peoriu
John Dcbenport lo T P Goodman 75
acre Imp Kit
Eva Smith to M A Milier.lot 7,bl 15,
Kalstnn' and A to l.eb
Stat? to Peter M Carv.N w or of N
E orec llKm
Lnlied states to C C llnr.non. Patent
llauscman' and A to Brownsville.. Filed
Albany, Or, Jan. 25th, 1S00.
Editor i Democrat ;
I noticed an Item in the morning Herald
of January 34th, ttatlng that Chief ot Po.
lice Hoffman had iippreaed the Chinese
gambling den, whlc.i wa very commen
dable In bin.. Now let the good work go
on. We have one or two saloon In Al
bany that permit the game colled stud
poker to be run In open violation of law,
and not only the men but the boy are al
lowed to buck at th game. Anl we still
have another innocent game called dice,
which I not only carried on In saloon but
run in torc nnd expres oflice. etc., and
some of our hibh loncd quill hove. in
dulge in the last named innocent amuse
ment. Now, Mr Editor, why don't our
very efficient police turn their attention to
those place. Justice demands it also.
Eight Spot.
Corser of Ifnd and Ferry fit., Albany, Oregon
I have sold a'.l the negative made by
L W Clark and lhoe made by myself up
to a recent date.and all my patron of the
past will find me prepared to make them
better work thin before, with new back
grounds, nccetsoric and new novelHe la
photo wcrk that are very odd and artUtlc
in design, Mother vour bable shall re
ceive special attention. I do enlarging
work at my studio, (do not send it to San
Francisco or East,) In til,rravoA,India ink,
etc. I also do Bromide work when order
ed. Order left for view work will be fill
ed by first-clas workmen. '
A4vie) to 1 th
Mr. Winslow'e 800 thing Syrnp, for
hlldren teething, i. tbe prescription ot
ne of the best female nurtea and pbjsl
an la tbe United States, atd baa teen
sed for forty yeara with never-falling
n cress by million of mother for their
bildren. During tbe proeee of teelhint
s value ia incalcuable. It releaves the
hild from pain cure dysentery and dlar
booa, griping in tbe bowele, and wind
olio. By giving health to the child it
est the mother. Price 26o. R bottle.
The bailies Delights.
The pleasant effect and the perfstt saf
ety with whioh lad 10a may a, the liavfl
fruit laxative, fyrup of Fl-, under nil
conditions, make it their fnvorite remedy,
Itis pleasing to the eye and to tke tast,
gentile, yet e&eetnal in aotlng on the kid
ney, Brer and bowels.
New cream cheese just received at Cotirad
Meyer. ' : ' ,
The bft 5 cent cigar io
town st C E
Tlll'RSDA V.
1 he lata tvrr Weathnr ha eattsetl the
death of a Urge i.nmher nf jack rabbit, says
rtHspaton tortn 1'i-a llnton.
Mr Kplirsm Turnr r, an old and hiefily
reapmitad resbtmiti nf Lluti county, I lying
dangerously III at her horn lu Albany.
It will vrat dsy Vefor. any train
arrive from California, th. blockade oon
tinning!. Kt.tero mail, though, i coming
through daily.
Wm Ptalsur, of S.lotn. who went south a
day or two ago, on a pleasure trip to Califor
nia, n returned home, Theplaattir part
dldn t mstorlalme very mooh in several fast
of snow.'st Ashland,
D 11 Moutsith. nf Albany, arrived frota
Portland yesterday. Mr Monteilh ha
larg property Interest her and predict a
great tuiurs lor tn. otty. Astoria nooeer.
Thar, i $70,000 left of th. Johnstown re
lief fund. Tb total was $I,W3,073. Th
I tUrioe will L ulvsD. at th. rat. of 160
yearly, to a numUr of orphan children,
mr John w lit. of Miller, hat moved on
a farm near Independene.,
A ball is to be given at f bnon tn-niuhf.
ana several wm attnurl from this ony.
Th. Westsrn wman of ChlcsB. hst
nlotur. nf h Ham mis. of ths West Shore in
It last isu. '
Several lank rabbits, not ofUn an in Al
bsuy, hav. bean on tat. to dsy at WiUn &
11.......-.'. L.l
Mr Aug. Krechter, of Oregon City, ilia
th. etty with a view to opening a cigsr fao-
niry auu sianu.
Mia Cornelius, of Portland, who hat Wn
ylslltng tvarsl day with herauter, Mr D,
van iiora, na r.turnMi noma.
A fin. Hoe of imporM and domeatfc cigar
ami mmooo ami totraeosii hit good, at a
Hrown exolnslv. cigar and tobaooo store,
opposite th. Raver. 1 louts. Call en him
for a pleasant smoke.
... -t.i .a . .
js social nanus was giyen al th armor
last riitrns uy rn liujiiarn tlanomn elasa,
at ahioha very enjoyable time wa bad.
MrThomr Brink I arramrine'the .ood
rory or 11 11 unci, lor an unrlertaking room,
ana will soon Keep a stock of good in that
An Eastern Star CiispUr lodire i lir.
orttsnld hers in connection with the M
sobIo lodgs. It admit both men tn i
lesrsrlay afternoon an ovarooat wa
tlclun from th Oregon Pscifto whsif by as
unknown thief, It belonged to Wm Martin,
in agent.
Tb Bandman Com nan t arrived ia tV
eity thi 0000 from Kvgena, radv for bust'
ni- to-morrow night. In tb meantime
they will view tbe tight is cur beautiful
Mis Susie Fanning late nf the Kant Ore
goniao force, leave to-morrow for Albany
to reatd in ths future, iter many friend
ar loth to bid her a final farewell, and hope
she may eoudn ie to return to Pendleton io
tb not far distant future Pendleton E. O.
CM Klkiua. of Piineville, who wa in tb
eity a few week ago, eaaght th mampe of
bi brother, Collins, and !ntmdiUly rtrtanx
ed heme and had in door U prevent their
pread ; bat they leaked out, aud at least a
aoeeo people were soon surging tramp
Mr O M Warren, nf 8prieg 7a.ley.Minn ,
aneitdoor naighborto th parents of thft
local editor ot the aA, and ae old
time fiUnd of Cashier Laogdo. of tbe First
National Btak. is in this eity on bi way te
California. Mr Wsireoearne by way of the
Ceradua Pacilic.
ru Rrur.
Bargain at Read'. '
Portland also baa sorn snow.
See sd of II C Parmer in another column.
Ladies alt wool scarlet oodrrwesr, "5c,
B Si H.
Rabin Chamois moccasin st Barrow k
The wire artall.lowa between Albany aod
Mr SO Durri ha rtti ad from tit La
fayette Register.
Gnat eiaaranee ttU for the next 30 day
at W F Read .
Good evening Hav yon tried I lulbard
Jgaot botien
For deotristry try Dr Wageener over tbe
Mnn uoaety lianx.
lOnereeut off en llr.h tale for the
next 30 dayt at W f Bead .
W can and will Mill eloak cheaper than
y Portland hens. W F Reed.
Low price are what count and 0 E i tb. place to get them.
Yon can say many a dim by trading at
tr f If.t. k I- J . nr. 1.
m v u.uwmi new uiBf;9uirs. xry it.
Saeerkrant, pickles, pickled, pig feet
Ml everything nice at C K Brownell.
Ask to te our Railroad Eogtoeer tboea,
jost leeeived at Barrow & Ser!.
A good second -hand orgao for sal. cheap
at me nriiisaissrsr 1-1 n a woaaty uaoR.
1 Those dssiriog dish or lamp ean nod a
bargaio at l.a rurrtt k Thompsons.
Cboiee Sicily lemons, drind Italian prune
peaebs sic, st LaFureat k Toompsoo,
Mr S W Paisley wholesale tobaeeo busi
nes is (preading. U hs jost shipped some
to poiiorii.
A Klein, of thi eity, ha o!d bi interest
in tne brigene boomnd boe (tore to hi
partner, O K Krauts.
Ex -Senator Biddlsbarger, of Virginia who
dtsrt yesterday, wa aeous'o of the children
of Mr Aaron Sender of thi. eity.
Dr I W Star, of Albany, is in town. II"
came in answer to a tefegratn from Mr A"
Gentry whose child ia very sick. Tunes
Mr Tad Tylnr lft to-day for Saa Francia-
00, by way of Ysqaioa, May fort an mil
on him.
Choice eat are going fast for Hamlet to.
night Call at Blackman qnick and reserve
if not gotten some.
Tbe tramp recently arrested hers for ri k.
binge till at Eugeoe wa examined thara!
and held to await the action of tbe Brand
Tbe Ruste!l-Jwel Co to be hare Monday
night i bight ipaken of, and Lynwcod is
aid to be one of tbe moat interesting play
Judge W S McFadden, of Corvallis pasa
1 through Albany to-day on hi way borne,
scoompsnied by hi bride, w hom he baa just
krieu east after,
Mr Zttebe, of the firm of Zstche Bros,
arrived last night from th east and will
make Albany hi home. He wa aocom
panisd by hi friend, Mr Hill.
t Mr C J Stewart returned from a trip to
Roseburg thi noon. Beginning ten miles
south of Eugen there was foot ef snow
which increased southward.
The steamer WilUsnett Valley arrived at
the Biy jesterday and a special train
brnught s larce number of passenger to Al '
bany. The Faralon wa to tail to-day . nd
th Willamette will tail to-morrow.
The Ladie Aid Society vettnrdsy filed
article ot inoorporation at the oflice of the
oretary of tst with M J Kelley, M M
Blaine, Cora Hopkins and Kate Alth. use at
incorporator; capital stock $500.
A peenliar oaae hss just occured in Chi
ne to circles in Albany. Seyeral Celestials
wsutedto ki!l a particular chinaman, and
attempted to do to. A friend of the latter
en the speculation, tried to get the victim
life insured; but of eourta failed, as Ameri
cana will neither insure their live, for
g0dt. :
8 Articlet of incorporation wa filerf Moi
day in tha tecretery of the state's office at
Salem for the Corvalli, Brownsville &
Easter Ki!road Company, with J B Lee, J R
Brysoo. Js A Cautboro, Peter Hume, Gee
A Dyson and T J Black incorporators capi
tal rook, $50,000; principal office, Corvalli;
objeet, primarily to bnild a railroad from
Brownsville to Corvalli. Th above tounda
"Wlien Baby va tick, we gave her Castes a,
"When she wa a Child, the cried for Coatorls.
Whea. she became Miss, ha clung to Castoria,
When she bad lUldrsn, h gave Uim Caatarlah
Dr. M. H. Ellis, physiaiaa and surgeon
ylbany, Oregon. Call mad in city 01
7 Ok enrea rheumatism, neuralgia
toothache. Foshsylt Mason Agant.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled ti
fire, msjunfactured at Julia Joseph's cigar
Jsctory. unly 0 cents. . - - . . .
tolled Wy Altisny W, 0. T, V
Centra! City, Nebrnskt, e town that had
prospered for nearly nine years under a
strong prohibitory ordinance, has finally
succumbed to the hih license bribe, vot -
Ing In the saloon at the last elpc'lon be ¬
cause certnln voters could not starid out
gainst the argument Hint two men were
eady to pay 000 each Into the tit v treas
ury for a license.
Henry W Austin, the well-known phil
anthropist and prolifbltlonlst who died last
week, wa a liberal contributor to ninny
temperance enterprise Several year
go he spent about $5000 to buy out the
aloon keepers of Oak Park, III.,, insler
n arrangement with the trustees of Cicero,
neighboring village, that If be did so no
more saloon license should be granted
there, From that day to this Oak Park
has never had a saloon. This Is merely nn
Instance til his numerous good work.
Tnere are now five buildings and four
teen room along the line of ths New York
Centrtl Railway devoted to the uc of em
ployes of lhat road as places t.f rest, secrc
tlon,educatlon nnd ri'llglou Instruction,
No Intoxicant find a place in them and
they are substitute for the saloon. They
have been erected or leased by the men
themselves, aided by the railroad, and es
pecially by Mr Cornclljs Vanderbllt, who
take a deep interest In the improvement
cf the condition of the railway men. On
Sunday, the 15th tilt., the fifth of these
building wa formally opened at West
Albany.wlth an ai'drcss by the New York
Central' President, Clmunccy M ltew,
Referring to Ihcse bulldingo, Mr Dcpew
expres.ed the opinion that they were In
strument in God's hands of making better
rr.o abler men. lie also said : "The work
of establishing this kind of building was
started by a railroad engineer. He saw
that the liquor saloon opposite each rnil-
way atatlon 01 round house was beggaring
the railway men, breaking the hearts id
thilr wive and rubbing llnir children t-f
their Inheritance, lies set about lo find a
remedy. It occurred lo him lhat if the
men could have a place at railway Million
where they could obtain food for tnlr,u
and body and rest for both, thev could be
rescued 'fr am the saloon." Mr Depew ad
ded i "I have been In the employ cf the
New York Central- for twenty-five rears.
When I entered Its service railroad men, as
a rule, were what I termed a hmd lot.
Now, a the result of such buildings as
these and the Christian influence that rad
iate from them.they are ober men." Any
agency which lessens ihu the drink temp
tation and improve the character ol rait
way men.U a not only to tbe men
themselves and to ihelr families, but f
great practical value to the railway com
any and ait added safeguard tu the travel,
ng public. Th! praiseworthy precedent
of the New York Central may well be
followed by other cmpat.U-. National
Temperance Advocate.
Tfir, M N AltDfT TirWK.
Ilerr Bandmann,took!ng like a rancher
tn hi slouch hat and funnel shirt, wbl.c
standing In front of the Revere llovsc go!
Into a yery heated dUculon w ith a b iw
man abour the relatives merits of Pcrcticr
on and Clydesdale stock, Bandmann, who
has a big ranch In Montana and many
Pcrcheron offering to waer a thorough
bred Percheron could walk four inl-e to a
Clydesdale's three, and this the horseman
db.puled.and the coin jingled, for it was a
matter of blood. Finally Bandmann said:
Come In and get tsincthing,',iid he gave
the man hlscard.who waa greatly surpris
ed to learn that he was the eminent trage
dian. The argument Urrcd. Bsndman
wa talking to the horseman for fun, the
horseman Jot husittcss.
' A email mistake somctimcscaues a
tipple of amusement. When the chairman
at the Orphans Home meeting .i.'ov.k
Lawyer Wright for I)r Hill and called fat
speech from the latter, ll wa considered,;
r goou tone. o ttones broken.
For the benefit of new comer it may be
remarked lhat hl Is a genuine Oregon
mist. (
Mr White, the Man About Town is in
formed, Is quite immense a the firtt grave
digger In Hamlet. Better scj him to
night. He is the man v iio did Luncclot
so well.
U. P. ClIUROH. Praachiugovery Sabbat n,
morning and evening by Rev, f, i). Ir
vine, l. D. Sabbat It School at 2:;UJ r. M
Prayer meeting every tVedneeaday evening.
EvAtroRUCAl. CurjRcu. Prwauhuig on Sab
Vata at 1 1.00 a. rl, and 7 r. si. .tblath
School 10. 00. Prayer moetiriii, .very Wed
nesday evening 7u, Rav. Fihor, pastor.
All are invited,
M. E. CnrjRCH.Sotrrn. PrAcSiuig every
Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock A. st. and 7-
0 O'clock r. it. Ssbbatb School afjrWo clock
3. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening'
rt 7-30 o'clock. Ubv.U S Hanieiter, Pasti.r.
M. E.CU0RCIL Preaching every Sabbath
morning and evening. Song service in
be even ng before sermon. Sabbath School
t2.30 r St. Prayer meeting every Thura.
'ay evening. Rev.S E Memioger, irtor.
Prxstieria.v CnrRCH. S-vice .very
Sabbath morning and eveningin Church
cor. Broadalbin and FifthSt. Sunday School
immediately after the morning service.
Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening
Rev E R Prichard, pastor.
First Baptist Ciidrcii. Preachinu everv
Sabbath morning andeve' Church on 5th
Street Sabbath School immediately aftor
morning ervioe. Prayer mating ye
Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Bev.
Trumbell, pastor.
CoNORgOATto.HAtCtairn'H.-!M rvincs e very
Sabbath tnornimi and evening. Sbbath
School at 12:15. . nyor inecticg on
Wednesday evening a each week. Kev,
Rogers, I'sstor.
Ciirmtiah CnORCH ''roachioa rvery
Lir.l dsy in month, morning suit evening,
Sxbbath Sihsil at 10 Vciok.A.
If. Riy J F Stswart Tastor.
CaTHOUO CltCCU. Servico .eerv Suu-
day at 10:30 A. K. and 7 r. R, I ust tiiin.iy
of tht month service at Kul-puo Citv. ltt.
Louii Metayer, Rector.
-a VOID!
ttom Ohht. Ttrtitt
ptM-ttHlt OT tit. (.-MTK
tea. of MaIwiii. i.shiix
fclf wHimi Wm Ht work on a tn-j
V5U ntcmtli; 1 uow hs. ran aan
lur Ji. C AIIsjh k Uiima nJ tis:
, 11. UAttKIKtiX.
WtitfSt '! hvn ttfvef known
Bityttilng to Mil Ilk your tUutiin.
VoetnUy Itnk ordi-roituiiitttt
I pT at ow - W. J, Ki-
i iiiur. Biinfrtir, W.. vyHtt! 'I
f.tko b orUtr fur your nH'ttm at
Almost avisrv hou I Mv
.'y-L pTfftt U oft u a antrht
ArS'"' tiny' work."
w netvej not attc to ajtv t.
tract frum tb-ir lttr. Iivrv
on who ink bold et ikti jrmiid bualueM ril nn irmi) fstpHit,
Shall we start YOU in thin bnineH
mdwff Wriittouand trarn ttll cthoutH fir Towlf.
far cui-tlmr nutttxi w will ataxrt you It' youtUui't ttctajr auttl
mother ir)t heti f jnm 1b your putt of ike ouutttrv. Hyou
luktbokl you will b Nblato pick up irld fltat. BIT truej
Nta ureouat ILrcttI Bii)ulkilurfr' Ml lGa,tH Wn
eJoliur Ihtlosriih Album into h.U ti the
PpujiU fw Sift) wili. honnj tn Kovavl CriaiK wik
tueb. Clttrmtnoitv aecoratenl iiuiilo. HumUottimit ftlhuiM lit tti
world. UiffRt (.nut! barinitnt svef kiwwK. Afrtmt
imtrti. IJboral tem. liig mrny for ntjrvnt. Anf otic run
iMcuitt luecf Mful mrpnl. 8tls lltotf on igrkV-Uttr) ot no
talking ncMtry, litHrerer ihown, vptt ea waf H v"r
cliM, Afrwttta take tliouMinils of onlcr Witk vmjNtltiy nv-r
liefurw knuwn. Urtt itrotlte awnft iverv workrir. Atfat ar
Mtakdiit furtiitw ladlotBUik mm nmclt aa roe a. You, r?mUr,
esanitOM wall aa any on, gjull infurmailnn ant. tarnu rre?,
o thnaa wlio wilt for tamo, with particular anil lamia lot' our
family III I. lea, llmik and Parhrttinala. After you know all,
i tslj yua euuclttda tn yo wo furtlivr, why o Kitrm i tlutie.
Ad4lrH K. C. ALLt.S CO.. AuutkTA. Main 8
$300,000 to loan at 8 per cent on im-
preved farm er city property.
WAaea k Cvtion.
Tha Only Complete Set of Abstract
Books and Maps in Linn County.
-2TCfflce in the Court House.-S
Bu&inese entrnted to the Co, elm!
have prompt and careful attention.
tn r
U Atrte
4m.y,t4, rwstt-w. y riwxNs.y ! isus--. .aw 1 j hi n mm ituna mi , w mriti ir 1 .1 . 11 - is tir en . m
ste,P Sh4.sriiatte Wi A..-.r..-ni.. .vrt .T.,if;J.... W(l,-rril---rMi Him j-rh'fl
for Infants and Children.
"CastotU Is so wen adapted toehlldren that I Owtorie mmt olt. Constios.
t rwommend it as sirperkw to any prflecriioiya I t'1'T
111 tSo. Oxiori 8 k, Uiv-xkJB, N. T. WuLut tAjiiitoie tatOiceMaa.
Tn Ceiw acs Cowajtv, W Murray Street, K. Y.
Combine tbe Juice of the Blue Fig of
California, o laxative and nutritions,
with tbe medicinal virtue of plant
known to be mott beneficial to the
human system, forming the ONLY PER
FECT REMEDY to act gently yet
nromptly on the
CleanssueSystem Effectual!,
Natorxl!y follow. Every one tt using it
.11 nr. lrlitrhted with it. Alk TOUf
druggist for SYKUP OF FIGS. Mann
factured only by the
Sam FaAKCisco, uu
Leersvii.t.R, Kv.
A torpid liver atrssret tto wbolej.
seut, uu pnwaees
Sick Headache,
Dyspepsia, Costivcresa, Rhei
mafcsrn, Saslov Skin ana wss.
Tkcra te to better renuHtr fnrftia
m.m mnn cllMaieMMi ttatta 'ifufl'i l.lvr
aVUI. st trial will prove, i'rlee,
Sold EvcrywJierc
' Albany' oda Works
ju1 Ms!tc!ii'Hi:rcM -f-
.Ve now jirep'"' lo nil st wlJ.
w, alwsysfnah an r.w at Port'n.o-J
-S m I-U-n.. sVo c.' le.ri
Snts arl Tropical froits,
IQA.rj5 AND 3
F QitiTiilk; &' itvlr
.vit- : ;
Si a
Prompt l:.;j"ili?i?j5l-i3 Hssrs
ffo hava ihst Exclusha Control ef
is I
" r I
AnHon't Acne to efer a prttrt to svff fV Si
r Vtfj, for Hi tk BEST iiACrS. Cmrg Cos Aoda
: h'h.''- - - - - Ai ---a.. "itV i..i.iftil
.ThearoLro;i w Voot'l' wiJMwtd'w?
tKH-.rt, nci'an:r, .-ntiu1- n'.vr ti:?cr, tf. la'Ktri!ra. i.v..ry 1,'iiii
Ur iiliMirnt.-il -ulll jtiltiidit'. .Rsrae.nsii. 1ms
publtostioa furewhes a bi v.Ioaliii' raeyelflpKlta
-.f iotortnutloc KliH-Une iwroK fcb-nid h? wuhiat.
The impaiarily cf ! BiUKSTino Asiraucas rj
r-urh Uiat It. circulMl tl llial "f ail
- lh.r nafiMW of iii ci.-.rji conllii.d. iriec 20 a
7Pr. u.wvno; toCU-L-fc rlnld Uv all srf icier j.
il UXN X CD., 1-ulilU.hw. bo. 3S1 Itrosdirsr. N. Y.
irav.'. a i-o e n yr. 1 -5x M-.tnn I'o. Iipt-
W-'aAlJ r:1 a also had Thiny
, : ' iaaMjiaMBi jrcitea livu-u
1' rn"'-' Cff-o hsr- r'.'rJ '-'l
.- ih.ia Oiki lluoorod Tno.--
f ' -;-nnr; w.,-U.-nu.n? :..i Iim v.
. J.' i. .,., m-.l l.ironn mimitn'-i
I " v -.ii ..;:'-. I i". l cm-- '.
I ir
l nil c.lii..r
i iHi;;.m, Kiiri.'.'l. r.n.
. rI ,-Ml.r 1 T Ril i "" '" .K'-
til! v., i . 1 r'.M.!' II 'W !' '!
.ue,l,r.J-,Htl.t IWtll. It.''- I,'3!''; omW.
ill-wich l.i- "' "' i .'..' r
. Vi-iwiran I n. --h tiv,ii-iw -t tif
-fi I .1imtiHd fcv a!t lr oh. i" iviJi-
tiel R'.cck of 2tjd ;ooda In the Val
- eft erad tho most re?? rate prices, both
-it buying nnd soiling, i have on hand
li fctda of ''- '
.hp Ja-rjwst of S K Young's oV store,
' : ;.;L.''C0TTLIi.8":
:12S First atrnat. Albany, Or,
Sue YOKC. N.I.
Tif I Fill
2nd RCT
dancers Oured.
J K.To"latit A C.,' Albany, Oregon
vent for ,T. lr Danonn, the tSreat Caoee
i'l ?K-i3)g..f Mi., v. --r. Kvnsas, will treat n!l
!i iHtrtemal eannori? on ihe prinoifde of KO
; nJfJrtK NO PAT. Fr fc-ther lafoitne,.
ii itbjj, tddresn
i J. it. Det'fiiis s
!,. Cvw. 2nd n.i CiovdHud bl,
, it's 4 i A , Aic-.ij.'Or
'"m'u'tl' ?J""TrB "'.
1888, 1889.
first Term peas RpteMber I Mr, tun
A fall eorpe of Instructor.-
OturftA ot eudy arranuoJ f nitl Ik-
sal rife:! gr'Js of atndiiie.
fecial nuiuremerti cJrttt It iluJtntt
from mbrteJ,
'!,.(. I.... Unvrt liM 11 RllMt ' "
f?wrd in priv.t f!ll t rw rvf 4
ftoorj lor .!( l,ord iii st .rnr.ll xee f '
A -rsfl sorr'-vislun easr-fisM vr til iv,
ilea'. esy, from house. Yr U term optMf i j
ptemlir Tib. for eireolara eud fa' 1
perlirtilrr ail.1f :be rresjornt.
tail H
Ely's CreamBalm
17 a infLarrsmatioii. Heals tho Sores.
iienorca ins oua wi -
ami Hearing.
A narttrls le fU1 ! serfl
r. ......1.1 t-rirAOB.silniaarsr.r
bl.w York..
Wb-in I fly Cess I da not mean merely to
stop litem lur a time, ami then have them Jrs
larn otraiu. 1 mkaW A RAUlcAl. CCiOi.
k Pt a t
TrthaCurej J
T-'.1' - i - i --jf..r Xi:.. ,MMr
d Li U Ju
I bi.vo made tlie uiseaae ot . ,
rZTS, ZIY.r.PSY or - ; I
jTATjI.TTTG szckhess, f
lie-Ion? eto'tT. I wahrast my retaedy to - i
C fills the wornl cises. Because others bare '- is no ra.t.oa fornot now receiving score.
bsc I: te-nre li-ratreatiiieanilA KRRB HOTTL8 '-
t v iM'AixisuJ Kemedt. Give KxpreM i
ti.-l I'o-i Oiit-. It costs yoo noshiog ha a : !
?rl-'. u i is. will cure you. Addrcaa . ,
j -i.r;-:-oT,r'?.cMi83PixST,KEKTu. '
talnol, ana s)t other basiMss in the TJ. 8. fata )
Rice ar ea.ltlwl t for mtnicrate teen.
thirorit irtit the U.S. f!Tit Ot?.. ui i
en M itAln r.leata ivm V uc than Ihos. nsat ,
ram Wtuntn. -
SfliJ raojle ordnnriue. We to p. Wat - "
abiiitv frw ul eharjrs ;aud weaiaka eharf ualees
wa tblaiti latent. f
We rter hers, to the Postmaster, tha Sept. a I
Money Orcter Imv. anil to officials ol the u. 8. Fatn
Office, for dnalar, sdnec, tens., and aft? saw
oaetual dietila in your own StaM or eoontf, dns.
i,iiKkue ratent Offiee, W uhlniruw, D .
JZ3 La e ui
Almost as Palatable as Cilk.
So tJUgwisad thai tt eat be taken,
it! genteel, avnd tsslmtla.tcd by th. simI
seusltivs atomacii, wbea ths plaits U
rsaset tie tol.rmtedt svad toy the eeaa
binKtioa of tlie oil with th kypopbas.
phivee ii mwcls more eriicaetosia.
Etx-irsbie 3 a &h predRcer.
Perst ss gala rapidly vMie taMog It
SCOTTS EMULSION is acknowledged by
rhysiciaiis to be the Finest and Best prepa.
raUon ia the Torld foe the relief and cure ot
The grt'ct remedy for Consumptian, and
pasting i dMdren. Sold 6y all Druggist
bnsinesa pursutts at the Fontanel Easineas
Po -tUnit, Oregon, oral the Capital lluv
.il?i e balem, Oregon. Both schools are
uihUf t.; Msnagementol A. P. Armstrong, hsve
t.ii t occurs: cf studies and same rates of tuition.
J3i5i-aj, Skorthand,
'ywritln?, Tenmsnship and Enclish Depart
msVi'.s. lsy and evening semions. Studentssd
in" ;r-.t t a.iv time. Forjoint Catalogue. adiireis
ri-:4 Baritsn (!!;., y tuiiai KniRMs tshrft, .
rordaud, Ouoa. S fe.i-ai, Oregon.
evere House;
IWand vm in firstiin&e r!e. Tsb!
r ilW -Cth the tlft in the rmu -!i
E'i eeraffapsirtn'ism. 9Urople rocni
fee eeimwuCiAl vt-J.ia,
tTTr-e rtto ttm, lh -a.Soi.Ti
- VrLX!Jki A,TJI JURA!-.
1 1 pr-fff!rf if q r i i-'!"?rc
ft ,i !-
AtronteforJohn B. AJden'a :
. .ii we st U a pbkuhrt'e"
f 5.. ".l d.