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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1890)
TIIJv YAQU1NA EOUTE. Crepa P&clllc liiircai rron DeT.lov'""n Company' 120 r.:iLG3 shorter. 23 IlOUna LES3 Ti "V - Hi t'-s front iVl from f ,tn WUlsmst Valley to trmeiao,(l. trrtoaf e " - i-. si sel Arrlv el il-ortiwn Vo Won j .nt Haturday at r- i i. w,.t. oflueLu w WKSISSS.":- fwollti l:Wt,11'" "... i.iii, 1:00 . : ' . I 7 . mil ' 7 v f Toqolws, o. C.trl.a connect a.Al velll Th. ;ra"7Vpmiol lann. b5- .-.i M.n Francisco, SAILING DATE . - " ta.m"e Tn"-'a" .. - tin ngnl o .Wj -sit- d ir.JX, rr aa r.ui - LOWOM. Wan-Uo. S .K QYEBUNO TO CXUFQRNU infhsrn Pacific Companj's Una. i.l i iii M I PtiaUW MFin SLKPIBS. m aioATlne Cars, b -.rJlna raUV k. 101111-" A.-o.r. '' louse and Urriag. Painter Decorator and Paper Manger Piano Yarnlthin?. a.1) ."' guaraatead. S B. VASSAL! 0- (Saoes to H.ory 8oeaeos ) - Pouitii Vlatiiei. All kind, of poultry. ni atth. vfrlllam.tte P-kl fmhj't BVara. Alljany, Or.g.a. E. J. ncCAUSTLAHD, CiTil, Fanitwj ani Hydraulic . Eniineer. Oon.nUing eneinoar for Gold Moantai aeA Dry Oaloh Consolidated Gald and Sil ver MiniagCo. b$, Pirst Street, Albaay, Or. Fortmillei i living, -FUNERAL DIRECTOP.I.- Frorupt ltt:9aCioa-7irjfc-8Un aim ACADEMY OF Oar Lady of Perpetual Help. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Condnotad by the Kial. a of St. Iieadlt TbU Aeadamy te Jneorporatad and ja thrxiswd be tb &. ta confur aoaderslt) hnaoro. Tb eonre of tndy la eouipiita, MthmatU-, Llfarwor and Muss ry srooTklno, aa aisetb Norrnal IosftraetUf I aapiransa ftr Uaoher' eerltflosua. ft 4wiaa deawlor. eoealmeale In uU rf all kind of nnxll.woik forra, no J karjr. Th lseipllne f Ihe a.hoaJ b gsmtle bnt ftrrn, be lag to for- nt aniy reQaed yoang ladUe, bnt nof aadnMfnl mmW of olty. Pr mitHd at any time and ehars. Mwf, ft tSoa.i. Pnplleofany denomluarioa tri.n.n In aalMt dayaebool rang a aVoo Tmrtirm f Boarding Reh l r mry Ttrttlar aily th AMltay, rs ,riH MHr M t f . . StKDKRf RfAY'.fc SENDERS. riiF. MOUST SHASTA ROUTE. aasSS"" : Ar io:TT j?,t Ar "" , aa . - rnr l g Sr T. all V U1A CA1JPJ"" aaao. fflmmi WhntlaMoant by "A Permanent Cure." Hundred Rnw LIKbTdii; rirl lltUniih UTrpool, r,, rb. ix iv. Vs. J. K. llol.t., ICWtk of C.mrli, Iwj ro v..) ccrti (ni lmK AU3 wM rrMlratol with Inilitiuinatory thoum- ")n ll. had nvth.r U)ulRi U. k; tlhoiit igxlii. bill wan nvr lrr from iwlu. VlnUr '0 and H could not walk. "A nr two liv HI o tliura. (Urn. I urn eurr.i pr. ninnUr ftr u(T1db.' Apr" , l". Ml. . K. liOKtAfcl. vrawi i "Ft. jt mt I nM S. Jaent. (xroinnl cur, hio ramrn ol piu.' Third Bt.tmt. April V. J. K. nHl wrtiMl "XT "l roturn of r h !!. tlim lnr 14. hrn rrlbl to flv. m rt. Wvl TtU Jariiha Oil T I l -ira l'T II irvulr, ami Hp;. i VK Unlar Aran tKrUM"-i jm Ttin liurea or en w 6r , nnfilinllflPW Pkysician aad Sfcs&fton, ALBANY- OflOOON Physician and Bargton . DR. H II. DAVIS, Physicim and Surgeon. aOfflo no .Ulr. la Strakaa'. Block. Viiy b found t bH offlw. a.y ntl night. D3. C A WHITfllY, Pd3loUi andSargeon. Gr.3uU of B.1UTO. IlcpiUt Mdcl ol'ejj. Now York City. Dimmm of io.u p?Ulty . TOBo FiV. Briek, AlUoy, Or. D3, I. IV, STARR, Physician and Surgeon, Ut of BrownsTilU, Or. OftlM at iwm. Jo.. 8 and l. and Ht.rco'. Hlock. up autia tall promptly tut.r.ded In eaty or ounUy. DR. JAF.1ES KEYDEH, Graluati of Edlflte, Ssollwi, Ua looaiavl n A-lbany. 'r borough koowlslf. of UitrnM and bla ihdstImn of It rssii o.r la , Caval ry ". ", l In borM, KI. tUMf. M iwM alao rtwniaitdd bu aoiutton ar llnaont for aora .houldra iw kirtt, kneaa. wponda, apralna. Prla, aal lar par bottla. , ... 5roffl.aH JobnS.bmaar'aUrary ata b!o. n. a. .BLAcacaii. .w. wwaaw, BLACKBURH & WRIGHT, Attorneys at. Law, Will practic ia all the Coexta of th Sum. Prompt atUntioo given to all bai oesaeotiosted t"onr ear.. Offio. Odd r.Uow. T.mpU. Albaar. Or W It BILYEU, ATTORNEY A.T LAW Aad Solicitor ia Chancery ALBAHT. - OBEGOW. Collection. prom.Uy wadonallp,t Loan negotiated on aaaonaWatamiB. RedCrowriMills SOM, LANSING 4 C., I'lOPiVS. vw srocbw rvovm rrBioB ron rAJsnin a axKtiu vam. REST STOUAGK- FACILITIES. Highest Prlc in Catb fc Wheat C,ti. V.HITHEY iwi iBy Ani eaunsBllor At Lai Xotar. Pnbllc klZXi'i 08EC0M vVllI prli I all f tb Courta USUI. All b lDe Intrust to bl HI bn promptly aitorjded ta. FRANCIS PFEIFFER. -PROPRIETOR OF - Albany tioda .Works - ud Mancfccturera of CHOICE COSfEUTIOUEEY, A7 now prpar to H at wHola ,alwayafriNih and ut t Portlrad s. so dealoriu W a'.e Wu a full saf Juts and Tropical fruits, IQARS AND T33A033 PIL FOR AMD ALL SKIN DISEASES am mamSmm mm II kills all InlUmmallnn and IrrlUtWn, and ! Mir aar. dMtxujrav of ktUruU. and Uu bkiu fanaltM. fee fri price. 2 5 cants a Box. IVUver. -PROPKlrSTr'i Or GT All BAKERY Comer Broadalbia and First Sts,, -DEALER IN - aiuaad fro it. JlvTe, Ot lea FrattM. Tobiseeo, Jajrssr, L'oflee. Kte Conl Jlfialo. Qiieenswarv, FeKttble-a. Clitara. Sp'ri , Ten. Eta., . fnot everything I bat In I rarloty and grocer? kept In a rbu re. UIkIibM a rket prim paid for f.LLIO::DSOFPeODU0E. f-w r sj l i ta a ti i 2 9 , J A FATTT a . ' 1 i H " nil 5 balss? 0 OFFICIAL ill FARMKtU. Tl. followlnc artkU U fiom th pen of J II Sliuo ih tilitor of lh WilUmeJt. Valley Tri- !, Mr Stin wai a Jzeauma iipoiler of IUrrtwm, bul tliii rticl Wwi a eonveraion lo fht fhh Met I lcnvereu lo lh minli." Let cv.ry larmer rcml id In M.ier IlurcmAn'i aihlrcu nt th. annirnl aeuton of th. National Grange, h anyti "If Ihe farmer ntuat meet fiee compciawn, ao.aiao ihould th. manufacturer," 1 hnl ia true and Juat. If "all men ar createa eul w hy ihould any cIrm of meu b maile favorite. The piieet of proiluctiof the farm, lW anU furnace, alike, ar governcu uy meir yyj and i rmanil. If the WOllU t lltppiy ol Ileal la leaa than la neeile.1, It price will be lilci an.l to it 1 with other neceaitary cimim.KHlu:. The price of our wheat at liume ami abroad, li fiit hv ita iwice in Kuwi'ei and it price In KumiM! ia truverned tV Ita coat crown uy aen , v . labor, and no Induatry aulTera under as fircat diaabilitiea. TH. farmer it not at Utterly to uae hia products to th. beat advatage. lie can ahiit hit products to Kurort and exchange hem for such goods as he and his nelgnhois need. but before he can land them upon Amen can soil he is tariff taxed thereon to the extent of about on. half of his product snipped. The protective object of a tariff it lo enable the pro ttcted manufacturers to obtain iucreaaed price lor their goods, and to compel all others to pay such advanced price. Thus the prices o( th. farmet's product are hxed by llieir price In the Wweat markets of the world. I here are two conditions inder which the prices of farm products would be advanced by a taiill tume lvi Such a cenerat failure, or destruction ol croias would renuir. imiiortations ami such universal laaineas in th. farmers at would re suit in an innullicient supply ot farm products lor home conaumptton .neither of which are likely to occur, and II the y should occur they would lie national calamities. A tariR tax on orances and lemons crown in Creenla-d and on flour, wheat, coin and meat, would not benefit or effect any one, becaua. they at. not iinmrted. The moat of our .sports art farm products; and except for Mporls imports would anon crix for want of nuana to pay for them. Sixty mllii-Mi of pple are tariff taxed to favor and enrich on. million, w ny snoui.i una in luatk. b. borne? One half of all lha goodi manufactuied in the United States are unaid ed by th. tariff and coat more than they would except for th. tariff. hy should the manu facturers of the other half of our coo-la I al lowed a tariff to enrich them to the detriment of all Others? iKEfrOSTEIi. P. M. F ranch kvp railroad time. Iloota ad Lcm at oost at Rm4'v J. P. Wallace, Fhyaician m4 Sargaon, Al bany, Or Jot ro.iy4 a.w table lioeo at W, P. Read' a. I W Starr, phyaieian ud surgeon, Albany Oregoa. Good eooklng stov. only tlO at llopi: m k Saltmarsh'a. Bast roast eof!V in tke city at Courad Meyers. Sixty doua win.l j hala jutrcei;d at Fjit miliar At Irvina. J W Bencley. beat boot and shoe maker 1 oity, oppoallo Fortmiller & Irting'a. Alarg.snd line line of wndowslid just roeoived at Vortmillr k Irving'. W.haveth. boat $1 50 kid glove .vsr brought to Al'.i.y at W P lUad'e. New is tb. rtji. tosave by baying booU and aboea at not of W. F. lUad. Oo to Bsrdue for honest weight, good goods aad lowest living price. A fine liaa of all kind of famiiare. pUin and apbelstored, be . stock in this part of Oregon at Fortmiller k Irving'. J K Archibald, a tent Sinar Maaufaetor lag Co., opfKMito O il P.ilow Temple, Al baar, Ao alecant liu. of sii tabU unmda, In baaatiful draigae, just ioceivel at Fortmiller k Irving't. . & eana GoUea Star tomato. 1 for M cools atC Mayers, aod all oth.r J canoed j.ood ebesp foe eaab. Ta Old North gaining popularity. Stat, smoking ie fast The beet S eent Brow nail's. cigar ia town at C E Aa elegant Hue of bow daaitfae of ebsirt jaat received at Fortmiller k Irving'. I am now better prepared tbao I harj ever been to olt my etmtcmen In tbs boa Hoe, I bavejost received n larga Invoice ol the celebrated Laird Scbeber A Mitchell On afioe fur ladle. Tbrre la no maenfactcrer -who elalmn anytblnrr better tban these nhoea. I in tcna to keep a full assortment oflhau In all price, width from a to E(S aa J can stnlieinostfstldlooaln fit and price. I ala-t received another In voir of l ho pop liar shoe E P Reed In Wankenpbaat sod Patent leather Up. These shoe am wei. known In Albany a a first claar nine ty.tshoe. O'aera from the ecu d try fill ed -erUh care and eatlf faction guartnteed Famokl E Yoono. JIOVV TOCO EAST. Co ICast via Mount KhanU Itoute. Kie chinato and scenery at all time of tbo year. See Monut Shasta, Sacramento, Ogdon, Salt Lake, Denver. Kinnut scood-claSH car. made are ran rfailj . Buy your tics' ota of m and save yoer fare to Portlaed. I am the only parson in Albany that can sell yon a tteket to any paint la th. United StaUa Gallon me for rater, v. Jt JiRTfR, Agsnt 8. P. i. K. WEATHERFOSD, iTTORNEV AT JAW AtAr. eKiaex. Cancers Cured. J. R.D '' Oe, Albany, Oregon, jrsntfo!-' Oiineao, tke Srwat Cancer King;, of H .... ir. Ktnsaa, will treat all f .rnal eaneere on the prlnsiple of NO tCKlC KO Fcr farther Inform. (Ita, addresa J. V. ftni CLAB Cor. 2nd soil Cleveland At , H'4th A., Albany.O" cr bn ilnraa puran'-a at Ihe Torttand Bunnca Z'jUtRi., I ortland.Cif oral Hi Capital Bua ior, C illcye bnlciu, Oregon. Jioth nhiMla are o.iitr il-e nitmgenicnlofA. T. Arnitroii(r. havt jiFneonu'Mof atudica.nd him rates of tuiixni. i ii ik "!, hharlhnnil, , w-JTltinff, Penmanship aod Knglinh Drpart ii'f'.ili. Day and evening wwiion. Sludcntsad ! tvd at any lime. KoriwmtCatalORue.aildreM Uf - .i ii I'oiierr, f, 'J wpnu bbuiiw wnrgt, lortiand, Oicnoii. .aicni. ureguu. S. W. Paisley, Albany, engee- WHOLESALE DEALKR1K Tobaosa and Cigars. 2 Onici s solicit'. d from tlie trade, TELEGRAPHIC HEWS Th. Nr-vr Ittarabat. Tacoma, Jan, 17, Cnplain Thomas R llrjwn of this city, who witl be tiominntcj for United States marshal of this state, U we'd known on rucet sound, II. was born at I'er ryaville, Ind., in 185. ll.enliatedin Com pany K 1 lirty seventh IIIimoik vulunleein.v.lien only Iff years old, an I served four years and nine month, lie it present rreiint of llruwns Wharf & Na '.atioi Company, and It interested in a numhe of other important cn- terpi ic, lie is alao 4 prominent member of ine ii a k, A R BAerUrul, pRNiiLmoN, Or.jnn. 17- -Tliuinlny after. noon an accident 'occurred Wtween Kamela and ltilgard on the Union Tacilic, which re sulted In the death of Fireman Frank Well- mnn and serious iajurirt to Fncinecr Hooker and Conductor Fiilier 1'articulnit could not b. learned, the wirea being kept bu'V with train order. V rum the moat, nuthrnnc ac count obtainable it seem that an engine with a cntiOja. at tacheil was bucking snow down Ihe mountain with a bilot plow. Wurk to fr.rrfd. Astoria, Jan, 17. Scveial long meetings wei. held between the directors of the Astoria & South Coast railroad and the president, William Kcid, yeaterdnv and lo-dar recardimr the propositions of the New Yoik capitalists and the future construction of the roaj 10 the Willamette valley. rroceeilini were iaken whereby the com pletion of ihe road wa assured, and arr jnge- n.en'a were made for the sale uf th. company s mortgage liond. The entire engineering Iwill be completed within three week, when the work of construction will be resume and puahed as rapidly a ',he weather will 1 t-rmit halrltlr. AkMNUTON. Or., Jan. 17, News reached that Mtajarvis Fmigh, who reside, at ltickleton, ah., attempted suicide by taking chlorifotm, on ths 151I1 int. When discovired she was in a very ritieal condition, but after much difficulty was revived. A Bare, Sam FkANcm-o, Jan. 17. Miss Nchle Illy who is racing around the world in the Intermit of the New York World, is expected lo arrive here from China nest Tuesday, She will be met here, by two representatives of the World who are to have everything t r her and lake her Inw k as ft as steam can do it. Mis lii. lain who is flying caatwar-l bum Aden, to make a quicker trip than Mia Illy, had, wnea last beard from, the advantage of Mus lily, and. considering the storms of the Tacilic coast, it looks as if she wouid reach New York first, lewa kVadleek. Iir.s MvUNEi, to., Jan, 17, After several ineffectual ballots to-day Ibe house again ad ourned with the tVadlock unbroken. aow C.aad. Sas KKASetsuJan. la. The northbound bain hkh left here Teeaday evening 1 stilf stalled three miles of Siawns. Wednesday's train is alo at Redding, wailing fcr orders. r he engines from the latie-s were detached and rud stead wtih a targe force of track re pairer and snow plows. A snow and wind stown has raged ait along Ibe Shasta division bosib of Redding lor thin si hour continu ously, not only oluckadtnc the track bnt In juring h to such aa extent that skilled median ice bad lo be sent all along the line.ia company wiin snow shovelcit, A Jarkaaavltle aclr. San FAXCico,Jan. 16. Ir Henry Devi, about &p years of aged, died in a lodginhuu on Facific ttret early this morning from aphy station by en. Ir Devis came to the lodging house Monday moraine, fiom Kurcka'. lie had a letter of recommendation fiom W II I'aiker. county clerk of Jackson county. Or a bich showed that be had lived there fur fiAeea years, llcvis bad practiced as an herd doc tor. . Aall Reedier. Oi.ymha, Jan. 15, Publication of the newt that several members arc taking step tc form an aati b xyllc sostcty created a sensation here this morninc. Some member look it good natuiedly, but others cot mad a hornets nest. Among the la tier was Clark, of Spokane be aho boasted early in the session that be did not care a snap w bat ihe newiapeit said about him, lie did not keep his resolution, for he began flattering to-day before lie 1 hit. A Brevy tirleee, Sam Fbamcisco, Jan. 16. Influenza seems lo have taken a brm hold of Saa Francisco. It is milder, however, than the Russian inflnenia a majority of ihe cases being more like severe case of catarrhal fever. A canvas of the schools today sliows that 2 per cent of the scholaisor a total of 35oo, are absent there from ma ior it y of whjm are said to be suffer ing from the grippe. Fifty eight policemen and fifty of Ihe hie department are sick toil ay, tat Tke ('eaeeapllea. Sam FAN Cisco, Jan. 16. JackDcmpsey condition it growing worse. It is now said that symptoms of consumption have shown themselves and that fears are entertained as to his recovery. Many of his friends say that for a long lime he has not been himself, and this fact is due to his failure to lake proper care of himself. A Lang Blockade. Portland, Or,, Jan. 15, No through Union Pacific trains have iccbed this city yet. They arc all fast in the snow in the moun tains. Snow fell heavily yesterday and all last night and, according to the latest advices received, it is still falling steadily all the way east ftorn Bridal Veil (all. One of the company's rotary plows is disabled and in the shops at Albina and the others they are not able to ltanule. The blockade stretches 1000 miles, Walker Mlalae 0ea4.'" WAsniXGTor-, Jan. 1$. Walker Blaine, solicitor ol ihe state department, died to night of pneurooniA superinduce J by "la grippe." WW jtctra, Washington, jm. 15 In the senate Dolph introduced a bill appropriating $500,000 for continuing work on the public improve ments at the mouth of the Columbia. Also a bill appropriating $2,ooo,ooo for construction of fortifications upon Puget Sound, The president nominated I II I) Gray to be postmaster at Astoria, or,, Diseased Meat. St. Patl, Minn., Jan. 15. A startling dis covery was made this morning by the health officers, that diseased meat had been deliber ately placed on the market here. In the siaugluer houses jus t outside the city thirteen hogs died from cholera yesterday, and Ihey were to-day found dressed and ready for mark et. Pat te Work, Joliet, IU-, Jan. 15.- Coughlin, O'Sulli van. and Burke, the Cronin convicts, arrived here latt night. Burke was put to work in the cooper shop. Coughlin ss a stone cutter.fand O'Sullivan in the shoe shop. Probably a t'aaard. NW YORK, Jan. 15. A special london i dilegram reports a rumor that the czar is in- me, and that he has become a slave to the morphine habit. Ion t'a.'los Jguln. PAR'S, Jan. 1 5. It is reported that Don Carlos is now at Cratz, Austria, plotting a ris ing in Spain. He has had an interview with his brother, Don Alfonso, feu the purpose of settling on the policy to be followed in the event of the death of the king of Spain. iv ; lie-n. a'.cek of 2nd jar joods (n the VaJ Vzy. and tbo moatreaif jaie prices, boih .n buying and soiling. have on band Ml fc'nda of FURNITURE, STOVES, TINVARE, TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES, I0LO0KS, CECCKEHY, ETC., IETD. J cro.irjwsstf S E Toung'e ob. store. . ' L.. C3T 12i Fir-f i.(r,-..f. p Ff;s va it TUB MAN A ROUT TOWN. The reputation oi being manufactur ing city Is one of the best that can be se cured, ft Is one that AJbanj should work for. It means more. As the manufac turing interests ot a city Increase Itt whole sale interests ale Increase. Tliey go up together, Albany can become the manu facturing city ol Western Oregon. She ha the water power.the location,the trans, portatlon facilities. We have a good be glnnlng,and our monled men ahitutd at. courage subatsntlally every such cuter. frUe,not being blinded by personal tpe2U at! vc scheme. Why ail these Tacoma failures, ten or twelve In a week or two. High rents t oh, yes. More. The truth Is Taeotn Is getting a backset i It look a II she I be ing Sandlagocd. Matters have been over done, Kents and real estate prices were too much Inflated. Albany and other con- acrvnuvo cities sbouKI keep their eyes open. Evrncalchliig colds becomes faihlona ble. W hen everybody around get a dost neighbors make up their mind that they must succumb, so they seethe ghost and wilt. Then everybody ncexeslruh (or the quinine ho t feet of their pulae 1 heaven ho It throba.and the thing Is dunrt. Hut reallv It Is not Imagination, Urlppe really erlpes and whatever th name a very bad cold Is remarkably debilitating and make person feel as If hauled through a knot noie. The Man About Town seen anar tide In a tourlais guide book Issued by the Southern Pacific Company, which In It Mt Shaata Route speaks of Portland a the rapltal ol Oregon. They even hire Ignora-nuae lo get up guide books. It I bad enough to have Eastern people mix up matter. Mr II C Kinney, President ot the Grant Pas Sugar 1'inetnd Lumber Coht been In the city tn the In'erest ol the company. Arrangement have new been consum mated for Ihe establishment of the branch wsreltoute and factory here. This after- noon the contract for doing the brick work for the warehouse building at this city was let to Mr W C Casacll. The wood work will be done by the company. The build' Ing I to lie 4370 feet and two stories high, ml wilt be located just south of the twitch. opposite the prcaent factory of If ochated let Si Stars, which wit! become part of the new plant. A D Mot rat man saw Mr Kinney, very affable gentleman.who spoke very encouragingly of the outlook tor the combined factory. The Albany branch, with It Increased facilities and capital, wilt be pushed as the trade de mand and will be an Important Industry here. 1 lie factory will be run here a in the pat, with an Iucreaaed force ( but ship ment of dred goods will alao be made from Grant Pa, A meeting of Albany stockholder wrs held at the olllce of ih Linn County Bank on Thi-raday for Ihe purpose of naml.ig two director for the company, who were ratified at a general meeting of the ttcck holder at Grant Paat on Monday. Edward Zerss and F. J. Miller were nominated. TAKVKST. Tangent public school started up on last Monday under the bl management ol R E Mlchnera principal and Mis Maud Beard In the primary department. The quarterly meeting at the M E church south lit closed after a week er-vice.'- Most every o-e hat been suffering from light attacks of the I. Grippe. Born, to the wife of Elder J W Craig, danghter on New Year morning. The Tangent people are harpy over th new voting precinct. There 1 talk of building new church here, . Mr Irwin Milt contemplate going to Southern California In a few day where he will look for a situation In some store Mr G W Smith, who got hi thumb thot off by the discharge of a shotgun week be fore last l getting a great deal better. Arthur Beard and Nathan Barber went to llarrUburg and came down the river In a skiff hunting last week and report game plentiful. II F Jackson who ha been down tick with lung fever, la able lo be up again. Another wedding en the tap!- near Tangent. Mr lhaa Rogers, of Portland, Is stopping at L F Smith's, and Is trying to get up a etas In Telegraphy. Mr A blevln made a shipment of be tween 8,000 and 10.000 bushels of wheat during last week, which wa sold at the lew price of 51) ctt per bu. There Is toaic talk of building- e large college herelna'hort time. Notice. Partie Indebted to Mr. E. L. Power, will confer a favor by calling on Mr !! F Merrill, with whom hie account have been left, and settling th me at ence. 7 0-k care rhimatitmt neuralgia, and toothache. FoobayJIi Mason Agent. S.n-ik. the eelebrAtad Havana lilted ci gars, niannfactured st Julius Josrpu' cigar faCUirj. Only S cent. ' This Trade Mai k on n aloee rreant It Is the best that eaw pe.lrnce and skill can con. trive. 3od only by G. V. Smith. Wlien Baby wa sick, we gave her Carte, When sua was a Child, she cried for Caatoria, When si i. became Hiss, she clung to Caatoria, Wbea she bed Children, hs gave them Castarle, Abbey's Audition. 54 lot la thl ad dition to Albny, near llackicman' ye? a'idlUon.for ale. at $o to $135 a lot, at l.urran & Montelth'. Advlrsl l J i I Mr. Winnlow' SoothinK Syrop, for blldren teething, 1 the prescription of ne of the beat female nurse and pbysi an In the United States, and has been sed for forty years with never-failine: ucneeaj by mill ion a of mothers for their bildren. During the piooess of teetblnr a value Is lncalcuable. It releavea tli hlld from pain cure dynentery and dlar boea, griping In the bowels, and wind olte. By giving health to the child it est tbe mother. Price 25o. a bottle. The Ladles lreligltted. Th iilaassnt eflnot and tb psrfett saf ety with rvhlnh Indio mar use the lisjvli fruit laxative. Hyrup of Pip, undr all condition, ivtik. It tbetr fatvorlt reancdy, Itis pleasing to tbn eye and to tke taste, gentle, yetetrtefmal In acting on the kid ney, liver and bowel. MARRIED. POWELL TEDROW. At the resi dence of Geo Humphrey In Albany, Jan t6th, F M Powell and Sarh C Ted row ,ale of Linn Co. Geo Humphrey, justice of th peace officiating. BORN, CARRISH, On Tuesday evening, Jan 13th, iSyO.tothe wife of Mr Garrieh, Q p engineer eastward a girl. STITES.- Jan eth, lR-'n -In McCoy, Polk county, , to tbe wife, ot Virgil Stit ilOKB ANDABltOAII TiiunaoAf. NliihtwaUih Witter, of Goseoj waa in the oity tbi forenoon. The Oresonian ou aooounl of a breakdown failed to put in an appeareoe to day, Q W Simpson left a day or two airo on a business and pleasure trip to Callforuir. . Salem ia being greatly elated oyer th prospect of a 1100,000 postafliue building. Boat Ar anstn ranntna on th river, now entirely frs from ice and other (listing t traot. Have lOur treorlrtinas end family ractdot compounded by II C Hubbsid, the prescrip tion druggist. Barrow St Sstrl have lust reorlvad se Invoice of ladies flue those from Usorge W 1 ....... . mi a iow, lineage. SubacHrition foi all th leading new paper and tnagaaine received hy K L Ken ton, near th IVstolfia. All order for wsrdad without delay. Go to Paisley k Fish for sour lob urint. in a. hey do any and all kind of work in th pn!iin and job printing lino. Quick wora ana .c-w prines. That Hungarian monk I in th oity a' gain converting minister, sod is to talk U nuht at the Court House. Adirtssica free. Albany ba no Salvation army, bnt flclo baa vtoat city having aaeeeeded in getting ours away from ua, a fact graere!ly com. nunded birr, A tiecher in Mao Francisco waa graidel a u v 1,1 absence a tear or c ago.and the di rectors, wlille th wa awsy, dismissed her and put another teaehet in htr plxee, Sh brcaght suit and th eomt hss lut rd4 her f S0C0 and reinstated Her la her position, Reeontly at Brownsville William Iluntei , agetl 01, an I Mr Haermtr.aired 78.w.r noil M ia marriaga. The baupv yoang couple have the Okmockat best wishes for lore no aan pro parity. rklDAY, A kasvy frost this morning, Utate Pr nter Baker is in the city, Joe Wataob, of Tcoms w la the,' city. Mr Dr McCoy of Salem hat been in tb Oity. Th S.leui W'ooLn milt are getting ready t? sun ep. Probably do C'lifortia train! for forty eignt noor. 1 . . . M 0 Warner, the itisoe tuaer of Kueeue.ta 10 tae city A flan market ba been opened at doer te L vierck. Quite aaeomaful revival rvio ar. Lairs 1 . . ... ....... " noil a toe r-i r. unaron. It mt Portland blood S3 an boar to taka tbetr best girl sleigh riding. Jaeso Couthiut at th Oners Hnn. night. She should be given a big boose. Mr and Mr O II Monroe, of th. r t dotal, of Saiem, bay ba in tb city. Will and Maud Scott, of lfarriabn. M ia th oity, tb gti of their sitter, Mr K Moyer. Mis Jeaai Couthoui arrived in the cite thi noon sod will b at tb Opera 11 on so to- Digni, WF Cratbt. the vbt nan bit last aigbl for Ssa FraaoUoe te be gooe twee tbroe week. Fineet small pickla and ebow cbow at La Fxoat k Thompson ', A banal of ack just opened. Slock ia South Ettora Oregon ia (aid te b in a ysry poor conditio, end can be bought for shnost ootalo.T, Brownsville. Oregon, ia eomine to the front. Ita ettitoae have ieeorporated a rail- rooa so isrt in. simMrr ane mioeral belt ol th Calipnoia, and a railroad to tb Ms, Alhsoa i'res. Mr Wsvo. wbortceotlyop.od a mllli- a.ry store ia tb Proman briok. ba. anlit tha same te Mr Sour, anew corner, who will bar. tier rea it. a, voting, tn editor who canted en moeb trouble between the United Sute and k k. k . a m . . ateaico, oy tieing armten ior libel a year or two ago, ia now ia Walla Walia settiog type on one 01 me aawie 01 mat city. Aa important bit of newe ia telegrapbed froa Chine to tb effect that tb emperor is on exoelhmt term with bi wife. Several Albany men are aUn on good term with tbtir wivs, a faet more important tbaa tb for asr. StrOkOAT. Kotit Matthew St Wash born new ad Ladie all wool scarlet enderwesr, "5a., B&8. Ik Fogs!, ef Portland, bA been in tb j oity. Col Hogg is speeted ia Albsy nest k. Bsbine Cbamol mocetna at Barrows k Srls. Judge Straban earn ap from iUIsm last ; evening. Good evening Have 70a Md 1 lalbarda Elegant Lotien For daotriatry try Dr Wagenaer ever tb Linn County Bank. A train mad up at Ashland arrived in ; th eity this morning, Low price are what counts and 0 E Brownell i th place to get them. You can save many a dime by tradiog at II C Hubbard, new ding store. Try it. Saner kraut, pickles, pickled pig feet and everything nice at C fc Brow nails. Nw England condensed miooe meat at F L Kenton's, at 15 cent a package, Ak te se oar Railroad Engineer shoe, jest iMeived at Barrow k Searl. k good seoond-baod organ for sal. cheap at tbo Art studio oyer Linn County Bank. Those desiring dishes or lamps en find a bargain at La Forest k Thompson. Choice Sicily lemon, dried Italian prunts, psacbee etc, at LaForest k Thompson, Tb Ladie Aid Society are ennUmptating th establishment of so Orphan Home iu Al bany. ..- .... Th reenter services will be had at tb U P Church t mo'row, eondaoted by the pastor. Mr Al lie Thompson, now with th. ennin- eer corps on th Oregon Pacific, was ia tbe oity this forenoon. W Lw Hill, brother ofDr Hill of tli eity, will probably be employed to ocoify the lawa ol Washington. A farmer iostiiute uuder th auspice of th Agricultural Grlirg of Corvsllis is to be held in Albany during February. Everybody should turn out and hear Miss Couthoui to-night in her second entertain ment, one i a master in elcoution. Conductor Huston of the Lebsnon train left a day or two ago on a trip to taiifvroia, during h.e aleeooe uieorgs Peetler roaniog the train. - One of th most complete map of Albany is hung in Burkhari k Kasney's real estate ofllje. It includes Wankeeney, and was ex eon ted hy We Wright. A buggy bora belonging to B F Tabler, slipped on a sidewalk yesterday and fell, osusing internal injaries from the affect of which the hors died. Owing to th abseooe of the Pastor there will be no preaching at th Baptist church on Sunday next, Jan lQth. The Sunday ohool and Young Peoples meeting wiU,Uko place a usual. Th stag at th theater ia a regular North pol these winter l ights. The performer stsnds in a cold, icy blast, that reddens finger tipa. and it take a piece like Miss Couthoui's Darius Green to keep one warm. The attention of our reader U oallfad to the eard of J N Duncan, attorney at law, in another column. Mr Duncan baa uad o n tiderable experience in legal bnsinesa and now ask a fair share of buiinest in thi county. Th piano tolo rendered by Prof E G Lorillard last evening, at Misa Couthoui's sniertainment, was entitled "Tremolo Trag edy," by 0 Meyer, and the encore was sni wered by a love soug. Piof Lorillard' play ing is always well received. He ha a fin touch that always reaches the popular ear. Rgueioos Services. Rev I D Driver will lecture in the M E Church to night. Subject "Three month with Moody In Chicago and Northfield." Also to-morrow morning In the Interest of the Portland M E Hospital, In the afternoon to the Y MCA and at night he wilt lecture on the "Philosophy of the Loss of the Soul." Kow cream dheese just received st Conrad Meyer. " Next. New and best place in town is Gillian's new barber shop In th Fro ma 11 P'ock, rt?.t i "i t rort"'"erft Irvine', Jt'ltY LIST. , . Under the statutes It Is the duty of the County Court at it first term In ench year to make u jury Hat containing Hie names of persons to serve as grand and trial jurors In the Circuit Court (or the fullowlngycar. The lUt thru contain loo names. The following Is the list made by the County Court at It lite term : West Albany Oliver Bitf.bncll, Ubbe Peters. W C Morgan, A W Gordon, W C Twcedflk'J A Mltlard.M Sternhui g.Adam Scitlemtre, E TurnerJ V Plpe.O 11 Warn er, U F Tablc',11 Lmpman,K K Sox. Fast Albany A iv likMim, las uunter.K Knox, SU Halght, Kmltb Cox, Vv M ioltra, J K Knoxjohn Gclendrlcr, G W Harris, 1) lluglies.liarlau Hurlburtjohn Iotn,Mart Millcrjamcs Nanny, II A btan. rd. John schmecr, rrank 1 rltca, Oeo I Warner. Jason WheclcrJ O Writsmun, 8 Shupp.I'hlllp SwankJ Vv PropsM L Par tons. Sclo-0 h Sutherland, G W Arnold, T W Bryant, H M Daniel, C P Brown.C W Cole, W li Arnold .harvy Shclton, lien fchank.jr.. Lee Slu-ltori.F P leVanry,'r ry Munkers.SamucI KIng.G V llunsaker, J V Fullls, G Tllus, Ql Ialey Elver N Smith Job Slmonsjol.n W Miin r.talcO uray, Jiioa lirniidon, ) A Smlth,Thoe Morgan,! 11 Lame,)G llaye, W R Garrett,f rank rrtaby, 11 tj j;avi, Cumming,A L CannonJ K Bone, Sol- mon Bond. Lebanon W T Jordan.R Cheadlc, G V Bii.khart, J U U Miller, LT Kvans, G W Cruaon.H F UlodBtt, Joa El- kins, John Derm, C O Gentry, !S M W lllndmkn,cnrit liaruinw.r rank, nan, j n Kecblcr. llarrUburg il I!ihon, Samuel Nlxtm, J tl M('irinn tnlin W Crlini-. .V Al Hugh Dinwiddle.B J Wi'.loujjhby, Jtihn B llaywor'h, K r wyati.wm vvmiii, a ) vvigte, John Jsommerviiiej m rniipoix, u 11 fierce, 1 ( enucr. Biownsvllle V II Ambrose, Oliver Chcsncv, 1 M Mover, W O Smith, W H HwankJ l R Morrlock, A I Adams, E H Marstert, 1. lyoer.A m icmpictou, vv w Waabburn.D M Walit-rs.K II Grovcr.Kllas Halejo Ilume,L Wbite, C K Rockwell. Franklin Unite Newton Crabtrte.Jobn Bryan!, John I louaton.Jobti ;url, It li I al- avan.A It Mcwonaio.j napman.i my era, B FTHu, Otto Scrfllng, P O Smith Henry Uav.L W Pomeroy,lxng John Bil yeu.C W Richardson. Santlm-W Moore, V A Paul, I N Bertrand. J II Peerv, V M Crahtrce, J A . t .. it ti.. Richardaon.L Stringer, J A South, J Plumij mer.C U Whitney. Shedd W C Davla, J B Cornett, W W Poland, P Hither, C J Shedd, G Brattaln, I W Pugh, T B Springer, R II Wright, Waterloo! Bishop,! ParrUb.W W Par riah,? Lewis, J W Sutton, J ( Reeci, W A Glesaon, Jacob Ncw.tian. Sweet Home 1! C Moran. J Shea, OH Russell, Orlanda Perkins. W McKlmion, W W Howes E C Jackson. J T Davis, Ac lonza Ames. Tangent A Ulevln. J B Jenks. MC CalUwav, 1) Houck, B A Wluell, J S Archibald Center M Parker, I J Lonv', II R Pow ell, A Bardwell, Isaac Wheahlon, il Scott, J W Swank. Orleans 7 Shearer. Johnwm 'W hite, W 11 Pugh, Joseph Vatca, Maik Hul- burt. 8yra;ue-R BurrU, J B Davis, E Wills, E ti Meeker. Oawfordaville II II Derrick, Robert Glass. Win Ireland. Miltor. W4!.urn. Rock Creek T Builcr, E A 1 Icattr, R otValley-jr B Potter, Pre Berry, I W Gardner, liberty A P Nye, Jesse Barr, oa Power. Brush Creek N F Hamilton J N' Rice, Frank Malone. TEXPEBASCK COLl'MX. Kdttad by Albany W, C. T, V The commissioner of Internal Revmue estimate that about 8,000,000 gallons of alcohol ai e used in the aria and manufac ture. EH Perkins ha been lecturing lr. Ken tucky. At Petersburg three dUtlllcro were On the lecture committee. Upon being asked by the lecturer if he might say a few words that evening for temperance, they answered, "-Do so by all means," and de clared that although distillers they were emphatically for temperance in Kentucky, saying: vVe want you 10 understand that we don't make this whisky for our Kentucky cove ; we make it lo poison the Ysnkees and' the Irish 1" Our temperance friend must turn a new leaf ; we also must nationalize our. elves; the law In regard toliquoia be ing essentially national, v-c must mcK our wily.enemle in the natb-nal halls of Con gress, not by petition or other line non. sense. The enemy care nothing for tuch "foolery," a be call it,and never did. We must be prepared to cope with the now powerful liquor Interest by their own means .the vo'esol congressmen, wiucti are to be obtained by the vote of those who send them to Congress. Horace Greeley. I D Crothcrs.ln the Scientific American, says of the fleet of alcohol on the mind : It I one of the curious error that alcohol tlmutate the Imagination, and give a clearer, more practical Insight into the re lation of events of life. The whirl of thought roused up by the increased clrcu lalion of the blood in the brain is not im agination ; It Is not a superior insight or conception of the relit ion of cvents.but is a j rapid reproduction of previous thought soon merging Into confusion. The ine briate never creates any new Ideas or new view ; all hi fancies are tumultuous, blessed and barren. The apparent bril liancy is only the flash of mania, quickly followed by dementia. The physicians who are aupposcd to have greater skill when uslni; spirits, have purulvged their higher brain center,and have lotd all sense of fear or appreciation of the consequences of their acts,and hence art more automat ically, simply doing. what hey bav dene before without any clear appreciation or discrimination of the result. The man who use spirit to gi,-e menu' furcc nnd clearness . is dolnjr the very woint ibing possible to destroy this effect. Alcohol U ever and always a paralyzant. Kid Gloves. I have jasr received an invoice of the celebrated P. Centetnerl kid glove in black and colored. These with the other brands I bundle, Foster genuine hook and Our Own brand, make an assortment that any Indy can be suited In price and quality. These are all first class goods and warranted as represented. Samuel E. Young. - Cknrch Slrectory. U. P.CarRCH. Preaching every Sabbath, morning and evening by Rev. r' O. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 P. u Prayer meeting every Wednessday evening. Evakoeucal Chukch. Preaching on Sab bath at 11,00 a. sr., and 7 . M. Sabbath School 10:00. Prayer meeting every Wed nesday evening- 7:30. lie v. I'mhcr, pastor. All r invited. M. E. Chcroh, South. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock A, at. and 7 0 o'clock P. M. Sabbath School at230 o'clock 3, m. Prayer mneting Wednesday evening's VI 7.30 o'clock, Kev.U S Hanleiter, Paster. M. E-Chcrch. Preaching every Sabbath morning, and evening. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School t2.30f M. Prayer meeting every Thurs ayerening. Rsv.S E Meminger, pastor. Pees bi T&R1AH Ceukch. S'vioe every Sabbath morning and eveningjia Church oor. Broadalbin andFiflhSt. Sunday School immediately after the morning uervioo. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening Rev E R Priohard, pastor. First Baptist Church. Preaching every Sabbath morning and eve' g,at Church on 6th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting eyei Thursdsy evening at 7:30 o'clock. Rv. Trumbeil, pastor. CoNOREOATIONAI,CHUkCH.-Bervict!Beery Sabbath morning and evening. Sabbath Sohool at 12:15. ?Vayer meeting on Wednesday evening of each week. Rev, Rogers, Pastor. Christuk : Church -Preaching every Lords day in month, morning aad evening, Ssbrmth Sohool at 10 o'elottk.A. M. Rjy J F Stewart Pastor. Catholic Chuvsch. Service every Sun- d-- t 10:30 A. M. and 7 p. m. Last bunuay service at Eugene Citj ( r(z?T?7 for Infants and Children. "Ceetoria Is so well adapted tochtMrwi that CaatoHa HoHi. Centpatl""- f rrwrnnMiodltaesiitjertortoanyprworipttoa I jnr BtMrach. I-""". fe- u. luiowntome." If. A. Aacnaa. H. 1 iUtlZD' 1"M' lil So, OxXord fct, limktys, N. T. I Without Combine the Juice of the Blue irigtot California, o laxative and Butnuous, with the medicinal virtue of plants known to be mot beneficial to the human rrtem, forming the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act 6nllr promptly on the KIDHEYS, LIYES A8D fiUWLS Aen to Cleanse ths System Effectually, a that PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH W.tnr!! follow. Every one i nting it and all are delisted with It . Aik yonr druggist for SYKUP OF- FIGS. Minu factured only ty the , CALF0RNIA FIG SYRUP C(L g ra VOICE SH Cy -I jT " 'tl tlHHI tst if ftette I IMW M fK" .JB4 a nMli I Merer ImH PITf lV tw e C Alt A t iUu7H sS pbll. I isetJ t)4 Bite-VW I tri w. u.itM'B. Wt hll.u, ftltoai ll.aeiUlanii-ar. I- - wdiritf "i fm BoMrtrm Mfthtmr f tvU till yntr e:i.tti. owless t t '-rtfrMMb 9 t . at ru-Y Urn f pete. M., win ; -g b. . M,.r) .,-!. . ik. liir tm Mfct-lint r aa flu-, Hr.iti.Ullr'VMJ.rf-nM. miiU MJlr .,. t.m. tAim . mb . M-a- V. fwtr. , . it,.., v, '- will. '. in.. Ht nti tvrm&t I , Y- .... Il -V. bA I'-iU-.. A'. .u- k - ..i, M brti , 'M. r..u"U t- inVH, f'.,1l.. J ., I 4-1. MM t. C ALI.H A K' AlflH., MaiSC Toar.eatlTnaa tho mol!"t nana k. boh triavai m pureattlt. Tobeper satal, IS tunas contain Tonic, Alterative and Cathartic Properties. Tatt'a Pills peeeeos tbeve inaltUcj ia st eminent degree, aad Speedily Restore te the bwwets their wato-el perlatalUe notion, Mun r suiar U jr. Sold Everywlisre. IJtOR SALE. A farm of M3 errss st Miller Station 5 mile irota Aibsnr. Ail feaeed, 2'H) acre In cultivation, jearly all good wheat land, new tuse and barn, good water. V."Ul a.O halt or all, Trm leisonabSo. Ia-jn ef own ers on tbo pia!. . ET IfAMt.S. WW BowetJ' FOSH AY & MASON, Ttmvtis us aaran DrBggistsand Booksellers, Asonu for John B. Alden' publlcaUOBa, arijicb wh sell . oubili-tier's prieee wfti postajad i d. A1.ISASY. OBEOOK THE are those pot on br m D.M.FERRY&CO. ' Vao sre th. UrR Stradyncn ia lb woli 1. M. Fckhv f. t' T.T-,r ! ? .. aiiil Priced SEsiAi1iiUAti lor 1S90 wi:l b mailed rKLL lo all ap- j plicauta, ana to last season customer. tmntr t,rant. J-ievtr rr t-unt Uttdt iKouiil aeea lor it. AQareia D. M. FERRY a, CO. DETROIT, MICH. ST9 have iho Exclusive Coniroct o . bl v jitilvf.. A And don't Anna to offsr a prtit te let! thkt ( txlttftrtUthtBESTMAOE. urg Cam hoid che m c::e balf pksii. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, ALBANY, OREGON. m&-1 ! aA-taV aAtlia J. F, WHiting", Artist. ' Insfruction given, and work exe cuted in Landscape, Portrait and De corative Painting.Lottering-.Designing and Mechanical Drawlnsr. Rooms 8 and 9, Fo s ter Block," Al l any, Or. . UYu tl't w -id 1 'a ho nu&l r tpv. ir VcGr;!y 11(1 -v.-.r?r tin voted Jcfttience. iDconiticR.eut'iTjtMTinir tiL4i.'nvt;ra".!L uutwtQci aiiu iitf oniit otovt"1,'I-1,(1 l'-vcl j iiun." iunsTraiii ttuU -Jiilontiitt icr;n!a:i, Trjncat.joo furiiishoaMuo.stV!luftbiti cnt-vtlPi-iJi of infonnation which no prenn Id hf vuii at. I '.if popuurit? of thd cli:XTmo AMKBit-AN ; swoh tlint iu circulation ncariy eduaia that nfall other p.'ipeiw of us class combined. iric. a , j-ftftr. iJ '-mint to t ;inlM. bttiti hv al) nwsao.Vfc?:.. JlL: JtCJ., Puhiitflicni. o. &1 liroAdwny, N. V. f ! ? ie Patent OfRco and haw propared l-'i f .5 more than Ontft Hundred Thou t 1 tr.-Zn&nti ftjiii-uiions lor pau:nta in U19 . h $ f- y t: lilted btfttos and fiiin cimiri, I "' V t'avdaw, Tradct-Mark. Oot.y-riciii9, c A$igniiiniB, and H other papers iv? I 'j JcHrir.jf to invviitora thoir pit'ata iu tiit Ui.itl Statos, Canjiit. lvuc'ttud, Ithuc-h , , Uorman and othr furoiRii cuuutries, pro-i- pcrci f.t hort uaiioe ondou iresonabte e.un, . o iui'-'ruuitii'rx eti to obt ainiug Ttf.tvtits fbr- k fuH.v K'.vn vihttut ctvart;'. lia-ia-bru-.x.. of tiif-irmai seiife im. Fattnit .ibt-fitiuvi thrr'ia M-itia fi . are notiftl u tb J;:i-;r me a :- ,-r:. .VI P-.- 'il;-) W 4' V ii If B!:'.'f i -s Vi-.j ijM'-i'iv: -.A ---.: I'. rssAiti-i WilO V".iLt toil;- V .t ' v -. - rar Urn jatr !Mjt 1 p V J s - --' 4 r 1,1 " ,;-. ,-r.r jj iiV it M iirt . i. ib-if tCT.. t.'tr r'! f rif'J llii'l : ; i '.' u b lkn aflkU rn- W V oSlfc , t ' X ' " - ' ' f " Mmll we start YOU in ibia buwnea, V- ' v . .-W-ei ,ii,,,,..(w f f &x f it -aar-itkfl uuuHn..wti'ki.iii,iiiw, tnra-mt f.-, j-C'ri T t ' 1 1 1 I " tn. .,.M . t r mt.mU.iuri Ml. t .1.MM l ". . - - j,", mi ft S , H A ll:.r r!.C..rot.N Iboo,. fc. mm E J 'H J .5 H ' ? ' ,-,.) Im'i -m Ufl ' mm a. -l g 3 , s , - -l . , -n rBfia 111! rli -S U D ju u'. iKjurkm tnwtoatinn. u. .li.., 1 ftmff Tub CrtrrAtia CosirAiry, 77 Murray Btreat, W. Y. ri'ijuhj ttpM?l4fl'-l-t V ) ! on th e'd OSi 1 ia i.i!ii"l'l J r.l f ntt A-.baoy i:-;y .l:i r. 't, ii rto.k of hand largo stif o ir , 4 growtni'. vl eh tfsell !(,Wf t i.VII.K liU'. I'itn coIjSi ii:; I.t i k t !i in g irts wi! Our eo ,alt tl.t-ir totnceia iy .! ttM:k ard I r.ct s b f. ft ha Cum t. iys.i u ifiiowsjtt, Albsby, l'rt 00. Livb Iaflamination. Ilea la the Sores. lU-atoroa the Bcnscs of Taste, Smell and Hearing. A We U r.jli-4 lat.aM-kMT taali. ELY BiiOTIiJiS eww" ti 1 kv -A'-h'j- tv. 'J ?15 it; allJ FOR SALS r.Y FOSIl AY A KA.'CS STbcn 1 15 ft 7 Cuss I do not oean merely to Hop them lur a tiiuo, Cnd then have tbm n tiira CKin. 1 kax A UAOlUlli CLiSJLC riTS, eEPTT.KPS or FALLING SICSniESS, A ltfe-l'Mjjr study. I wabbast tnyreeaedy to CrF.c t'.io rort eases. liecaase others tiar J '.:l(-i s no reason lor not now receiving; aenre. , t-i;"! :: once n-r a treause ana e r rkb bottss j f t..' isrAi.umjt Reveot. tiiee xre.s ? " t liii-e. It eota yon nothlcg lor A . ' it nill cure you. Address f DOT, M.0, 1 83 Pzua. St, Kr-Tai PATEHTS J Saiaed, ana all othoc bnaiao. to th. TJ. S. Fstaa, B:cw aUsiulotlad to for moderate tee. Uurorllc isof)KMit the V- S. Patent OtEea, -w can obuia I-aienUi kc t:9 lhaa Uwo. raaaot ron Wathinirtoo. eend lU'Xlte or dram iny. We a.1- to natast ability free of charga ; ami veuiaka e eharg unlsi w. ooiain pateni. Wa refer here, to the, tb. Sept. Mnej Orrlct Di. andta irtla ol theu B. ra; Oflice. Forctrcolar. adt-icv. tern?, an lwM oactual elicula in jour own Su-fc.- or eooaty, darat Co A. SXOW &CO. rtHiite Patent Office, u&.pptnn. D DILSD pi r OF PURE COD UVEO CIL &m HYPQPHogpmTir Almost as Palatable as MUki So dUgnlaed that it eaai be t&kaiv dicsred, and assimilated by the sbo positive atomaelt, 'sviten tho plala oi maul bo tolerated t aad by tbo eoaa b I nation of tbe oil wltb tbo bypoplun nbite Is UBca mora efiieatctons. I EeciAiVable u a -fesli eredaeer. rersacs gain rspldly vkQ taklsg B SCOTTS EMULSION is xbiovfledged t Physicians to be the Finest and Best prep: ration ia the world for tbe relief and oor t -: CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, f CENERAL DEBILITY, WASTIN; DISEASES, EMACIATION COLDS and CNRONIO COUCHS.f Th grtat'rtmetlf for Cansumptiem, crt jastiag in Childrt. SJd btf all Druggist.', L-1.L J ALBANY COLLESJATS ffiSHISf 1 ALBANY, OREGON. 1S8S, ILSSO. rirst Term Open September lilt, isss A lull corps of instructor, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NOHi'AL CLASSES. Courses ol tudv arransrn.l tn mw.t ir eed of ail grades of students, Special tuaucemenU ojertei ta siudtsts I from abrmd. Tuition ranges from $5,50 to 13. Board ia privsts famlUes atiovr rat Room lor self-boardina at small extent A earefui supervisioa exercised over st dt ats away from home. F?ll term opei September "th. For cireulsrs and fa psrtioulars addretis tbe Presideut. i BET. EJ.GEBT S. COS,' HIT. I Albany, Or.gajj J BROWNSVItLK Q.p. cpsHoy; . a si 0 Eiial Estata an3 Insnran nog Agent: Rsal esate said aad Collections and NoUrial busiuata attended to, :F,10?!ZY TO LOAFI. ; Saocv-oo to loan ai S per cent on ht rjv- 1 jjirtM ;; fit-- j-rc-ifrtr . .. - " - ' u TrythaCurc glJ frw . t rtjt '" -:jjs fVt"iJ' .aWB SIS U U 'S i