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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1890)
FRIDAY. JANUARY 21, 1890 STITC3 & SMllr JIN -I NUTTING. rnrtrlr. hi l1 H V s Special. it Is with pleasure that o Mtnoutoe to our many patro. that wo have attain tU4dtrrngmeut wllh that Illustrated farin tnK!n, the Ammucsji Farm km, fublh-lcd at Foit Wayne, Intl., and read by nearly 21)0,000 farmuia, by which that great publication will be mail d direct, FKKK, to the adeiieK of any of our subscribers who v. itlccu.e In and pay ' up all arrearage ou aub(.rlpiloti and ote year In advance from dule.and to any uew aubtorlber who will ay ote year In hd Vance, This la a grand vppe.rlunlty to obtain a f.:t-ila luiu Jt.u r. Ih A M K R )t'A N lalS.lH HI pug ourtial, of national o'rouU' i..n, htob lauka among the In dli gaarii ultu.rl pa pert. Ittrtats ILe riitieiii o eevmoniy In apiKulitro aiidtLo tights ri.d 'iivl eeta tf that at In dy cfclUaena Atner can Farmeie-whewe lueluotry la I tit basis of all material and tiaiiinl priority. Ithlnhrt i urn so I lln !tvkt!tn and ennobling of Agrk'tiltur ttr-tgh trie hlghrr at.d broader education if ircn and women eiigugtul In It purMit?. Tho reg u ar aubacrlpilon ric of i la Amkhicam 7armkh I- l CO f Mr, IT COSTS YOU IvOI IH,0. f mil any on mint ber Ideas' 90 b obtain I t bat will le worth tbr!oo:be aubscrtpllon price toyou orniemNere of your household, tkt yoo ear ir FBI K. Call aud a-K sample copy A Jt J LOCAL UttCOlU)5 Ah Ex o RRtsr.-Lat Monday Marshal Hoffman received a communlca tlon from Eugene notify ing t at a warrant had been Uued for V F Reed, and re queuing him toairt hlin at once. Reed wa described at being about 5 feet inches tall, with light mustache.and wear Ing alouch hat. He U one of the Seattle timber land Indicia who ha been oper ating successfully around Junction City jind other parta of Lane county. The modus opciaruil Utolo.-ate mtn on gov ernment land,charglng fifty dillara lor the operation. Nona of ieed a representa tions. It la said, were true, an J the whole business n pronounced a fraud. Soire oithe victim applied for a warrant ftr Reed't arrest ; but he had left that county. Marshal Hoffman found a man answering that description and attempted to arrest him near the Rusa House, when he ran like frightened deer, the Marshal after blm to. cether wllh a shot from hi revolver to frighten him, and fifty or sity cltUens The mn ran under the wire works and hid come where, and could not be found. He was afterwards teen going Eastward. At the time of going to press lie had not been captured. The affair caused considerable excitement for awhl.e. That R. Scuia. Saturday we mentioned a railroad acheme In connec tion with the Narrow Gauge. Tne fol. lowing la from the Siivcrton paper, and shows that there Is tome fire In the mat ter 1 Last Friday an Appeal reporter had the pleasure of meeting with Hon I U Pengra and Col T I Wallace. h" arrived in thi city. A part ot the object of these gentle men In visiting Silverton I to get infor mation at to the best route from Silverton to Portland. There are several routes.and much will depend upon the Inducements offered the company In the mailer of right of way and land for depot buildings. The O. Ry, will be changed to standard gauge by the addition of a third rail, and ubstantlal changes will be made In depot accommodations along the line. All question as to the route Southward have een aet'.led. The road win lurn east ward from Springfield, thence along the Pengra turvey to point on the line of the Central Pacific Umdik DirrtccLTis-s. The Quartzvllle mlnea In the Santiam district are reported at giving encouraging prospects, aaye the Silverton Appeal. The tunnel Is 600 feet in length and passes through several fine ledge of gold and silver. .Vi Early, the Superintendent of the mine came out to Mchama on the tnow for supplies. Snow U 9 feet deep at the camp and I J (ect at summit. Mr Early came out to get sup plies for the men In the mines. A Good Outlook. A real estate man aay new corner are beginning to come in, and many Inquirie are being made (or land. The outlook I undoubtedly the best In the history of the valley, and no plare ha the advantage of Albany for reaping benefit from Immigration. A mong big Improvementa this vear will be a large expenditure In Improving our Wa ter works, making them unsurpassed In Western Oregon, Mis Coothwe Miss Coolhoul't sec. and elocutionary entertainment was at tended by a smaller audience Saturday evening; but it was a well pleased one. Her recitation were presented with great power Ttie local part of the program consisted of piano tolot by Misses Anna Houck and Lora Vance, a duet by Mrs C O Lee and Mr Hart, and two vocal solos by Prof Lee, all heartily applauded. With Orn Eves. The Jefferson Re view, G A Sanford, editor, ha arrived. It will no doubt do honor to our thriving Marion county neighbor. The paper tay We have had former newspaper experi ence, and never go into anything blindly. We have bought a new press, new type and new everything and paid the cath lor them. There Is no mortgage on our office; we have no bos; the Review It owned by . 1 (ii 1 . 1 : .. t. -.1 !. fK-Mi.'MA enc puuiibocr anu puuwancu uj v . A Yamhill Boy. Everybody In Yam hill county will remember Allen Kcllcy -who wat a witnett for the defence in the rtal of Willard McKune for the killing of Tat Dewley. He ha lately distinguished himself In San Francisco, lie wat one of two of the Examiner reporters whovolen- teered to rescue fisherman from oft a vock In the ocean directly opposite the ife (avlng atatlon. Yamhill Reporter. New Bawk OrncaR. At the meeting of the director of the Bank of Oregon Tield last Monday Mr Hub Bryant wa e lectel PresidentMr II F Merrill Vie PresHenL and Tav W Blaln. Cashier. ThUbank ha the plan nearly ready lor their new building. It 1 to be .hree stories high and will contain one ol the best bank, office in the vaiiey. Died Horace McClunz, a on of Mr Istao McClung.residlng near Albany, died In Salem on Sunday at the age of 38 year The deceased leave two children. H remain wera brought to Albany on the noon train and Interred In the city ceme ery. Losing their Guppe. A well posted Albany Physician estimate the number cl case of la grippe In the city up te date at 500. Now he report the number of new case to be on tlic decrease, and our people are losing their grippe. Astoria Sales. Among recent sale at Astoria are the following : M J Kin. ney and wife to J J Dubruille 9 lot block 5 Kinney' Add, $1500. M J KInnev toll L Cranor, 9 lots block 5 Kinney' Add. An Omission. In our notice ol the industrial institution along the river front we neglected to mention I i. Wallaces! . .' i iitill. These are under the u-1 .f.n ! Ir A ."set or z'.n, and do a c'd ! Tin JsrraRsoN Batuns. Tlie Salem Statesman, In It customary etyle, ha the following to say about the Jctlurwn hrhlge, very unreasonably laying the mat ter at the fect of Albany, and forgetting that Sklcm first got ft bridge ol her own before she howled so much for other sec lions. Albany people are go -rally In favor of bridge all over the guilty, no county In Oregon spending more for tha purpose, and our cltlaen would probably vote lor a bilde nt Jefferson but it I a mutter the County Court decide and not thecitv, s the nnrrnw inliMcd man on the SttttcMimn m'tus '.o think : A Stitosinau reporter had n convert' tlon Friday evening wllh County Judge Itliickburn.'i f Albnny, In relation 'to what Linn county proline to do In the matter Of uitli!lni 11 limine tion we annilam river nt tellurium The judgu wou d not say potl.tvely how he felt about It himself, saving he would leave tt euiti'ely wltn the two cominUslonrrs, hut he thought, while i.ot'uiul deckion hud been given, that the court would he o ixwcd to It. The Lhin count v authcttiie do not (iTlcxactlv eav over the position In which they find them selves and would evade It II pofstble. Al- bunv lm, even without unv Inule, enjoy ed conoiilrrihle Mai ton vounlv trade from the vlclnitv l Jefferson and now that this city and county exhibit Mitliclcnl unsellUh ncs to beir t'vclr share f the expense of bridge, at a point eighteen miVa from Salem and only about thiht mile horn Alc-anv, the people 'l thj latter place feci the awkwardness of their refusal to re spond. Tht matter jHnw.-.l to pais tverattht month' term of tlirir county court without public note or ci'intiH nt the member of the coin I hvhur tuV.ild to burn their fingers lih It. It w ill probably come up at lh- binary term, however, and then Linn county's Ideas ( public Improvement will become apparent. Mill City. Mill ( ity ha a population of Joe sotiU Tl said not lone since that the census was taken and 01 iuiiti.n it up!t was found there was lyS persons liv ing In the city, but eaily the next morning' one of the chUens lushed Into the pretence of the census laker ats l exclaimed ! "You will have to da your work over !'' "Why?" say he Because, the old woman has twin, which makes just aoa !" It has jo dwelling,! 1:1 mi!l that 1 the pilJtf ol the chy aud an honor to the country 5 It ha three Mi s'rcular onv aw ; the cajir.titv eil w tilth I S'Xexo feet per day. Lath mill wltn 35,000 capacity per day. Shingle mill cutting 30,000 h in let per day t tlire-c planers and a gauge tdgcr, which employs Jo men whcnlneipcration. 2 dry good stores, I drug store, millinery store. 1 hotels.blacksmlth shop, post otlice, telegraph ofKce. jeweler shoo and butcher shop.boot and shoe shon.and the Inevitable ol course ,or a saloon. tor. Silverton Ap peal. Next Monday. The Russell-Jewell Comedy Company continue to draw crowded hoifse at the New Opera L'ouse ays a Nanalmo paper. Although last night wa the fourth play, they sue ."ceded in having a crowded house, which prove that the company must be an exceeding good one or they would not be so well pat. ronUed in a small chy like Nanalmo. George R Cain, a William I.acv, the cruel slave owner anj all round vidian, won the admiration ot the audience by his very clever Impersonation. M Samuel Morris and Miss Lee sustained the comedy feat ures ot the drama In the most nilrih pro voking manner. A Little Bmite. Mary had a little brute, a fat at It could waddle, and every where that Mary'd scoot, this little pup would toddle. It tagged her down the street one da, close up behind her buggy; oh, how it loved to run away, this naughty 1 little puggy. It went Into Conn Bio gro cery (tore, where It (topped in astonish ment at the line display ot cooel and tne low price that prevailed, and Mary, work- I ed for one of the leading families, bought a large supply of choice groceries anil pro- duce. Quick Work. A Pendleton man a- beut tobullJa new store, htard from all the drummer that S E Young had the best arranged and handsomest store on the Coast. This forenoon he jumped off the South bound train, took hack, went through the state, got the bearing and reached the same train, which stopped twenty minutes, and went on hi way bound to ha. e a store just like Mr Youngs. A Plee Life. Rev I D Drlyer beside dtlirering two sermons at the M E church, also spoke to a large audience of voung men at the Y M C A Halt, Sunday after noon. Hi subject wat "a pure life,' and he talked without glovs, giving facts and advice that anyone ma well pause at and heed. Rev Driver it one ol the best read and ablest divines in the United Rtates. His researches cover all .ields, to that hit addresses are always alive with vital facte of interest. He it peculiarly an aggress ive talker. Wanted AT El'cbxe. Last week a tramp in this city excited some attention on accocnt of the large amount of small change In hU possession. Inquiry along the road revealed the fact that he was probably the man who robbed a till n't Eu gene City. A warrant issued at that city and Saturday, by orders from there. Marshal 1 1 of! man arrested ne man, and a Eugene official camcftoAIbany Monday and took htm back. Wants Him Shown Up. A man in forms the Democrat that he taw Mis Swanton, the talented elocutionist, refused admission tothe Hoffman House at Eu gene recently, and wants us to show the matter up. its too personal, and then, we only have one side of it. But let the hotel man run away with some girl, or rob t stage or throw a train off the track and we 11 go for him red hot. A Touch Crowd. We have just learn ed that the Hungarian monk, recently in this cily, who leclurcd at the Court House told tome one that ouly lawyer and edi tor were present and that it wat the toughest crowd he ever addressed. A re came here to reform minister we men tlon this as a sample of hi po-ver. Asa matter of fact there were no editors pre tent. They Speculate. The Democrat I, Informed that at ft result of a young man winning $100, in a Chinese lottery, an nounced In ihe Democrat, several have been quite excited and have been investing, with of courseonly small return '.Saturday night fifty or sixty white men are reported to have been at tne drawing in tne Cranor block, all investors. It is a poor way to speculate, and the fact that one white man happened to win is no sign ar.yone else will In Bio Type. The Sclo Press publish e the following item in display type, and we would think It wa an advertisement ; but for the fact that an item about Jack Dempsey having the consumption is dl played the same way : Ed Goins is a very tick man, but there I no give up to hhn, and he 11 soon be all right. On a Bicycle. Mr Bert Lucas, the Monmouth bicyclUt, well known In Al bany, in two month will go East, and In company with about thirty other bicyclist will do Europe on a bicycle, traveling through "ranee. Switzerland, Belgium, Germany and England, on a afety. He will be gone unlit bept 11. The Republic Knocked Out. Re solved, that the signs of the times Indicate the fall of the Republic" is the subject de bated at Oakville last Friday, mention of which is made elsewhere. It was decided in favor of the affirmative. Oakville beat the world when It comes to debating, and they have men there who can prove that white 1 black. Her Stage Name. Some one tell us that Miss Jessie Couthoui is simply her itage name; her real name being Mrs Palmer, her husband being a wealthy and I highly respected citizen of Chicago. We ihon thw, so that it an y one hrc was Mintten vil tne chnri Oi k Ci t v CJovkknmknT, Albany now has ft Mayor, Marshal, Rccotdcr.Trcasur cr, Street Cummlwloner, CHjr Surveyor, City Attorney, Chief Englnccr,lhree night police and sit Aldermen. 1 he yearly in comes from theollkcs will he about as fjilows t Mayor and Aldoin.en,$iSj j Mar shat, $tr,oo t Rrcordcr,$uoo t Ticimirer, $100; Street commissioner, $780 t city Surveyor. Stoo 1 city Attorney, $400 Chief Hnglncer.Sico 3 policciiien,$iJ8o, Total, $7141. Other estimated expense may be placed as follow t Street work, $4000) fire department, JJoo j eWcltlc lights, $J,5oo, aundilea, $looO$ 10,000, Thl make $ir,t4J,wlihout any provision lor sewer work.and the estimate are pro bably below what the expenditure will be. Adding some for sewer and $jo,'o Is bout what the expenditure will be for iSoo. ThU mean the necessity of A tux of $15,00 or $16,000. The recilpU from license and lutulentnl will be about $ooo. We are limited to an 8 mill tax In order to meet the expenc of the year at such a tax the assessment will have to be about $3,000,000, tin Increase ol about $aotyxxi. We mention these figures, ear Iv in the season so that our city sitlicluls, all competent, alert huslnost men, will have their eve open at the proper time and be rcadv or eiueruencle. SrouM It U not always the news paper man wh gets lorn to piece and annihilate I b idlly. The local baggage tnastet Is in a more dangerou dewltlon, udglng from a scene a Democrat man witnessed yes.crday. A gentleman bound lor San Francisco on a through ticket, on account of the blockade stopped off here, leaving his trunk In the baggage room. According to orders he was charged stor age. Dirii one of the worst storm of the seakon wat witnessed, and the man de niable:! what justice there wa In doing ihusl v when he wa here une'er a blockade at an expense of $jo waiting to be taken tu San Francisco lie wouM'nt pay the Jo cents, ."sol much, lust before the train left, thnugh he sent anotner man alter the trunk with the money. Son K Shots. How dry ar-d cynical tt the following trout the Statesman ol Salem; but we assure our neighbor that there are no s ire pott at kit: "There l in necrity lor 1,1 feeling on the part ol Albany people just because 'their slight scllUh.H-s In the Jefferson bridge matter wa alluded to In a jocose way. There I no Intention on the part ol the Statetman or Salemliet generally to rub salt Into Al bany' sore spots, but It would reallv be wUe thing tor the ettkers of that county to apply a little of the salve of liberality and prevent luilhcr hnflammallon. 'Gkkkn Bahin Li'mmekino Co. The stockholder of this newly organized com pany met Wednesday In thl city and elect ed the ful'owlng director t J I Montgom ery, SWReece, J D Hlatt, B F Tabler inJ W II Hlatt, At a meeting of the di rectors held Wednesday evening the fol lowing officer were elected t President, 9 W Recce : Vice President, W Hlatt i Secretary, I ! Montgomery 1 Treasurer, J W Blaln. flit company I organUed for the purpose ol constructing a lumbering mill kt Green Ha.ln.on the Oregon Pacific railroad.elghi miles above Mill City. Just as soon at t'.ie weather becomes favorable thl company will proceed to erect a taw mill In order to supply In part the great demand that will exist in this city for lum ber thecomltg eaon. Mt'. of these gentlemen are citizen of Albany and I only another oneofths many proof ol the earning rapid and substantial grjwth of Albany. R R Maomates Monday on the reg ular train wat special car containing Messrs, Wallace, Pengra, Sc or., who are doing the narrow Gauge, They were bound for Springfield, which it Is said will be the location lor the machine shops for the Oregonian R R division joh to be made a standard gauge. The company ha been buy log considerable land around Springfield, which now .promise to be come a thriving city. '. sV swam Want to Know. People hr ve their eye on Albany and Linn county. By this noon's mall Wallace Sc Culck received loS tetters of Inquiry asking alt about this 'ere country. They were In answer to a Utile ad In lew Eastern papers and In quired about our climate and whether we have schools,churches, and one wanted to know II there were any Mason and Odd r cuows ncre. I- ly too t ast. An Albany sportsman who has had bad luck hunting game wishes to know how fast the b'rds fly anyway Well, a canvass back duck files, 80 mitrs an hour, or 1 Jo if necessary ; the mctlard Is only good for about 4$ miles an hour, and that is about tlut size ol the widgeon and wood duck; teals can skim along at about too miles an hour and not hurry, and wild geese can keep up with them, m m m Cared la One Iy. ut lloiiten : A lew nights aioce I wat Uken with a sore throat, eougb and stiff neck. I nsed your Ktbereal Coo ah Sytap. an 1 by morning I was nearly wall, and by ni,dit cured. Jamkjs TATTEaitox, Sunt Wonleo Milis.Stockton. Ltrgesiz. 11. 00. small CO cents. For tale by II C Hubbard, drglst. Piano Tvnixo. Parties desiring pianos tuned should call on Trot. D, Van Horn, the eld and tellable tuner. Prof Van Horn has tuned pianos in Albany for many years and nt work in tnt city unl versally speak of hi skill as a tuner, ac quired first by years of experience In pianoforte factory. He has no equal In the valley. Leave orders at Will & Link's, and do r.ot buy a piano or or can without consulting him, thus being sure of secur- ngonly hrst-clats Instruments. To the Ladies. Mrs S A Wayne will are In about one week for the East, when she will lay In a new and elegant stock ol Millinery of the very latest tylei which she will be able to offer to the ladis ol Albany on or about the 3oth of March madet tiT. when buying an axe pet the best, one that U durable as well as sharp, and the c xse to do It I at Price Si Kobson s.who a'st have a line line of wed get, etc. A Sharp Itrm Tne Snett line of cut lry and cheats In the rlty at Stewart Sex . Their good are the very best at will stand the test. A Ekiuiit Idea. We refer to the large aftlfl ie line of awand carpenters tools at Price Si Robsons. The best in market and price the lowest. , Adbev's Addition. 54 lots In this ad dition to Albany, near Hackleman's 3rd addition, lor ale, at $50 to $125 a lot, tt Curran Si Monteith's. Babies. The finest line ol baby cair' ages In tSe Valley just n celved at Stewart It Sox's Prices are remarkab! y cheap con slderlr.f :i e superior quality of the earrl ge. Letter List, Following is ths ot lettars rsmstning la th Post Office, Albany, Ltnn county, Oregon, Jan. 22, UE50. Persons calling tor these letters must give the dale on which they were advertised 1 Amend lsase Chesshtre, Chsrlej L Krauer, Em-ti Lsuhlln, I N Smith, Lll'le ' HuminerHelil.OrvUte Trenhulm, J U Msnutscturer ot Tow Vinowit, Frank Curtis, Geo R Cslkins, WsIIom I Klnzor, Henry stcosnlel, Jor lerv Hommervtlie, L:r.zi Tyler, Chas Thompson, J 0 Una, Kugrne Younif, sH R. THOMPSON P II. Tbe editor of tne cio Press has just bees cured of the la griue bv a dose of caava bick pheasant, and be has about concluded to have the grippe right rloag If you have any job wcrk taflo cal; ou O W. timilhwho i prpr-ti.tAt to do ii viitii tt.a.tiicssanil dint : EtK ts ehf ap as aoy- ALONU THE ITU) NT. Theje qukt days a visit along the river front offer many Incidents of Interest, and exhibit the fact that there I a large amount ol buz and hum In the city ol Albany, 5 1 Furthest cant are the Red Crown Mills running w ith a large force ol men and turning out brand ol Hour wllh no superior and few equal. The Rrd Crown speak. for Itself all over lbs Northwest. The new Woolen Mill already have a good force of hands at workoncaseumeict and blankeU.and the quality ol the goods, It I noticeable, I the best. It I sale to predict that A Ibany woolen will be known for their tupetlorlty along the Pad He Coast. The Albany Farmer warehouse la full ol wheat awaltlnir nutchaseri. or rather cl)cr,lor present price do not suit. The Santiam Lumber yards are well stocked with a fine grade ol building km her. The mltl are now preparing for an increased bulnes,and toon the yard will be a scene ot life. Win Frutn I manufacturing a fine line of furniture and special work at hi old factory on Dixie Hue, l he Albany Iron Work are now rushed with work. They are running a good force ot men on mill for junction City and outer orucr. jo watson na been tccur. ed a foreman and he I the proper man ior mo i:ace, knowing the Held and btlni a skilled workman, lou recently retire from Cherry Si Paikcs foundry alTscoma. Kicusru & rtiimp at their turning tac tory are busy. They are fine workmen, steady and reliable young men, and deserve a nig r airoiir ue. I lochstetller & Sear, nolwlihsttmllnu ini is me quiet tune 01 tticyear.are tilling several orders, and getting ready to turn over the factor to the new nroiii letor on me i.ini renruary. C I Dillon I closing tin hi business at the furniture factory recently sold to ,'ol "KIT. 'ltie Albany Wire Work are runnlmr about ten hands and sending out tame hipmentsof all over the North West. The O P what! with Mr Martin as cenl,and the Union Pacific wharf with C i Rawllng's at the helm.are both busy on account ol ihe Urge river traffic. . ine Magnolia Mills do some special work.but are not rushing thing. AX ISH'OKTA.NT IXATITI'TIOX, The latdle Aid Society, an old organl latlwti of Albany, having decided to et ablUh an Orphan Heme and hospital, ihe following call Is Issued by the Mayor or the fu. therance of the movement. It I proposed to secure land and erect a ullding lor the double puipose of an 01- phant home and city hoMpltal: In compliance wllh the desire of the Ladles Aid Society of this city, who have with commendable nubile enternrUe un dertakenthe work of erecting buildings ior an urnnart tlome to be eib.lhed In Albany, the cilUent of the cltv Interested In such a Uudable undertaking are hereby requested to assembly at the opera house on Friday evening at 8 o'clock, for the purpose oi devising meant ol formulating plant for carry Ingtuch work to comple- lion. J L Cow AN, Mavor. REAL karai aiK tsjataBM G W Phillip to Geo P Warncr,J4o acres 10 w 1 Marlon Propst and wile to Adda E Bryant,i5 tcres.u w 3 Henry Ramsey to I M Morris. 1 U 5000 11$ 180 100 acres, Sclo ca Pearl to Mario Adams, a acres. Halsey . A Hsckleman to Win M Koag. bl 33 and 4 i.and fractional part of blocks 40 and JJ KEfPOdTCU. F. M. French kp railroad time. Boots and Vti at eost at Rsvl'i, J. P. Wallace. Pb tlcian And 8arga. AI. Jat rejiv4 as tshls linen at W. F. Read's. , I W SUrr. physician and (ureses. Albany Oregon. . Good cooling atove onlv 110 at Ilocli t k 0.1. f. - wMiwnifl a. Beak roots eoffWe la the eity at Conrad Meyers. Sixty doten wind-iw snade jettreceiv.4 at Fortmiller& Irving' 1 W BitntUy. best boot and shoe maker in city, opposite Fort miller lring' A Urge and lioe line of wii est received at Fortmitlsr A Irving'. we nave the best si 60 kid clove evsr brought to Albany at W V Read's. New is th tosava dummy b bovine booui aad sbo at eost of w. r. rUsd. Go to Bardae for honest weight, good good and loweet living prieea A fine line of all kinds nf furniture, plain and epholsUreJ, bea stock in tbia part of Oregon at Fortmiller k Irving'. J A ArohiSsl I, asot Sinnr Mtoufaetur tag Co., opo-Mit O I I Fallow Temple, Al oany, An elegant Hue of aiix table siiresda, lo besotifut designs, jutt teeeived at Fortmiller Irving s. 3 eans Ouldsn Star tomatoes for SO cents at C Meyers, and all otherj canned goods ensap for eaau. teadlng Photographer Albany Oregon. W have bought all tbe negatives made by L W Oark and W II Greenwood op to Nov I5tb, 1869. Duplicates ctn be bad from tbem onlv of nt at reduced rates. W hay also about 18.000 negatives made by oar- salvos, from which dapllosUs oan be bad at like rates. We carry the ouly fall line ef views of this state and do enlsrgod work at lowest rtUs for first class work. We shall be pleated to tee yon at our Studio in Fromen's block, next dour to Maaonio Irmple. Corner of Und andlFerrySt.,UaBy, 0retn i have sold a'.l the negatlvee made by L W Clark and thote made by myself up lo a recent date.and all my patrons ol the past will find me prepared to make them b?tter work thin before, wllh new dbck ssories and rear novelties In photo wcrk that are very odd and arllttlc In design, Mothers your names nn is celve special attention. I do enlarging work at my studio, (do not send It to San Francisco or East,) In oll.cravon.lndla Ink, etc. I also do Bromide work when order ed. Orders left for view work will be fill ed by first-class workmen. Center Tables. A large and elegant shipment of center tablet, In new detignet 1...1 afnrk In the vallev. iutl received at Fortmiller Irvings. D1EI). CONN. On Tuesday morning, Jan 2ist,j8oo, at the residence of Mr Robert Conn, in Albany, ef pneumonia, Mr Will am Conn, at the see of 73 year. 0 month ,,! m Haws. Mr Conn recently came frnm b .ast and.was Mr Robert Conns oldcr.t brother, ' BORN, CUMMINS. On Friday, Jan 17th, In Albany, to the wife of Mr Frank Cum mint asrn. A (iUAjKUK MEETING. lilr$ Dtmttrat 1 Having had the pleasure ol meeting wllh Harrlshurg grange on Saturday, the 18th intt, the occasion ot their Installation ol officers, I fee! that It would be ungrateful In tne not to publicly acknowledge my thank to the member for the Invitation and their whole touted manner ol treating every body present, "especially their Invited guest as a gathering together tl neigh borhood farmers," their wive nnddaught en know to wtll how to do a to make every one feel at home and among friends. Unlet It might be dyspeptics who could not enjoy, the splendid feast f frnlshed by the ladle of that grange. Mr Nlm Payne, assisted tv Al lis Clara McMeeken and Jonas Davls.ofliclatcd ft Installing officers. Wlillt the ceremony accompanying and being a part of the Installation wat short, it wat very Impressive and the obligation taken by the oftkcrs-tlcet certainly bind them as by golden thread.yet holds them to their trust like an Iron band. Having listened attentively to Ihe obligation taken and the Instructions to each officer In turn to the last, followed by an Invitation by the ladles to partake of the feast spread In the lower story ol the hall. And such a feast I evidently the young ladles of this grange work upon the theory that the best and shortest way to a man's heart Is through his stomache. We had expected that dinner over we would be dismissed and the day 'a enjoyment among our friends wou'd be over ( but to our surprise the grandest least of all was to come, feast lor the mind. State Lecturer John Simp. son, Mm Payne, lonat Davis and Mrs Mary Powers being railed and Introduced In turn set forthlhe objects of the ords-r and their position upon all public que- tl in In which the laboring people are vl tally Interested, Reviewing In the most complete and 'comprehensive manner the mount ol produce such as wheat, corn, oats, beef, pork and wool, raised In the United State for series oi years, and the prices for each year, all taken from Gov ernment statlstice and reliable market re- portMhowIn conclusively that while there lias been a steady decline In Ihe stsnlel products ol the country for there hat also been decline In price. While the producer of gral.i and meat, the piinclpal products o( th- farm have to compete with the cheapest labor on the it-"-.1 thf. ?',h ini" .I'T1 thV re compelled to purcha-e their sugar.col- fee, rice, binding twine and woolens for clothing In the deartit. And not oily that but instead of Irttlng supply and demand control the price ol farm 'products said prices are only artificial and are made so by trust and combine, unjust and cruel a they are powerful. Was it not for en croaching on vour space I would like to give the granger remedy for the above evil and legislation upon transportation. assessment and taxation from the farmer standpoint. lithe Injustice In the prices of farm product a compared with other Industrie In the United Slates are a set forth by the speaker of the order, they Save government otatUtlc and thrli reme y is grange doctrine. God speed them I the wish of a Visrro. KiClov. I have just received an Invoice of the celebrated P. Ceniemerl kid gloves In black and colored. These with the other brand I handle, Foster genuine hook and Our Own braad.makee an assortment that any lady can be suited In prices and quality. These are ail first class goods and warranted represented. Sami'il Yoe. A Verdict That the grand display of eat, ornair ental baskets, each containing one pound of choicest tea, at LaForest ft Thompson's, Is the finest Importation ever roughtt Albany. This tea Is basket ired. pure and of rkh fisvor. 'Ve offer It at ihe as'.on'shly low price 01 40c Oavo, One of the finest lot of gua and revolvers ever received. In Albany ic now In stock at Stewart ft Sot's. Hun ters should call and see trn and get pricer neiore Duying. Whereto Get Tmsi. When wanting an organ or plana call on G L Blackman, whrre you can select from a fret class slock. Next. New and best place In town le Gilson's new barber shopl.i tha From s a Block, next o cito Fortmiller ft Irvine's. tltsl b tnir ii. town. IOO F. Albany Lodge No 4 holds lie regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brothers arc cordially nvited to attend. 7 0ks can rbeematism, neuralgia toothache. Foshay'fc Mason Agent. asd Sjioke the esUbraUd Havana filled si gars, manufactured at Jallu Joseph ' cigar fsctory. Uoly 0 eenu. New ersam cheese jnst teeeived at Conrad Meyer. This Trade Mai k on a ttavsi recant It Is the best that pertince and skill can eon trive. Sold only by S. TT. smith. . The best 5 osat eigar le town at C K Browoell's. "sth Ladies Omlt. I amnow pre pared to do all kinds ol stamping, and have over tws thousand designs to choose from. Also keep a nice line of etnbroid ery materials, such as arrasenes, crewels, ro. I ana 2 embroidery cnenuie, princes chenilles, etc., etc, and the finest pom pons, tassels, crescents, cords plushes, felts and fancy work materials ever In the city. Zenhvr Is eolna at cent an ounce. Miss Minnie Colwell has charge ol this depart ment, and has hd several years expert ence In all kinds of ancy work and stamp log is. r-u u. w.bimmok, . . Albany, Oregon tlH I I S Lace Curtains. Laee Cartalns. .1 have lusl received my fall stock al lacecurtalnsbought direct from Importers, the largest slock ever brought to t his marl et, and best value ior ine money Samuel E. ovko. Toe Old North StaU gaining popularity. smoking is fast .truck Oil At $t.a per c gallon eta aest Standard r- oil, at tha Willamette Packing Co.'s store. Roma fine honey looking for euste'nsrs at C E Browsell's Ladies shoes, mens shoes, misses sboea children shoes,) mens boots, boys booU, it less than eost to make room for oth" goods at C E Brownell s. Alt T ask is an honest comparison of my prices with those ol other dealers. Tty thtl-'ull eream eheese atXlE Brown ell'. Albany ttarkst. Wheat 60o, (Rtii-29.i. rfeT Z5e per lb. KsTts 2H I&y 11.00, y.ttoe 75 eta per bushel Boef on ftot, 8ic A pplee 7 cent per bu. Purls 6Mc Pr tlresaed. Bacons hain,lKc, ehoulders, 80. - aides, lOo. Irtrd 9c pr lb. Fior-4.25 pr bbl f"-' -en 8.00 per do. Feed bran, 14. 00 per ton ahortfl, 16. middiin, 55. Chora, .3.8 UOXKKU ABROAD M0M0AY. Mr Geo W Caldwell, of Poithnil, spei.t Sunday in the city. till O'Connor, recently of Slem, and well known by some of nur eitis .i s lo the ) lam at Steilsoonm, WafH. Geo II Burnett ami Ft 8 8 stem, were In the city Saturday svnning attend log the Installation of 1 () 0 V cdlWr. The revival trv!oiat th M E Church will bn eontinesd daring this work. Pissoh Ingat 7:30, and fang siirvhia b.ig'oiiliig at ? o'uloek. ' Chinese Nsw Ytir hi btgun. The eraekiug ol fire oiaoler, the booming of bombs, the raltllug u' minded ttitrmni.t aud the tiusy ishbaiing slotm v.o ild tiroolaim it. Through Ret LIb.y we lt.rn th tt hit S0O, Biekmora, 1 rtmug srdi-nilidly at hi nw trade. He is learn u g jub print n with Paisley & Fish, at Aibativ.-ihW4vilI Time. . -, After the mtleg ef St John Lodge at th cw ball Saturday ovvniue the wive and families of the member tin a Hoe tpread in tbe ball, pat taken of by large tiunitr,u! the evening wa spent in jny- ous tnauiirr iu emvrsslion,gsnias, ete. The froorieiors f tbe "u-w grnaery store'' en Main 11 reel, next to lUnsnn's clothing establishment, are elotiua out their stock oi od prxntialury te Dioving to Ceutfaha, Wash . This I to be rgrttd, far it dose not make a very good showing in eity to see vaeant store room. Corvslli Uaaette. The fosauliln fiiiiintv hum irs anoanallv (reskish this er. Usually in beoewber eoarse gold is foetid by delighted ladies in the Orop ol the geeae.but last wek a tilyer ninuutod erksorew wss settertsfally reiinv- Irom tbe breast of one of these bird. Hon Wm M Hoaif.Batiaral itisiisii-r ill the Oregim Pecill,i in the city. II exosoted to go East yestsrdav but found the Nurlh. tru lt!itio,ths last route to succumb to the snow hlockailr, elod agsiut bim. lie will tsk In departure by that rosd which sends out the lirst through train. Oregonian. TUESDAY. Dr 3 W W.tUoi xmhill lunnlv. Is In the eity, Mr 11 F Astiliv h ft nn thi tnoriilnia train on a basins trip to A. t hU. J F Powl, returned yetferrlsy from a tiipto tbe Bay, listing there in a stow storm. rrtiii a s"if it Stayton, wlre hi dsig'iUr ha been Ul f 0 several we lie . The.oowbhxks.U.t of Ported bas been and Ku,tr i i,.. S Albany to-oMit, Un dsvi sine anv bkS bun motived. ' Mr Fled B!uiuleri Umm mtJA hi mntA betO to tt M Huston A- (lo. rtinina tl a land. Tbe new couiutuv now owk tie wood. Mr Hah D vint ulgim. ,l.l ti JO Reed, tbe H.l,l atoek of good at Lettaoon. and Mr Rod will now hsva ohsrss oftbeaame. . Pste Montimrv. rxuntlw arrata.l fir Ureony by bailr, was bailed nt yeslaida), and I now at liberty. He rays be will faee sue mnsie. Bsllsrd I'atk Additian 1 th uns ot a nsw adnittoa st Seattle. Lots are now sell n at f 7o: but Iba aasoranos la eivsn that they ll he worth 10(10 in two tears. Miss Nolhe J Pnwall danektr nt ta laU Prof Powall. SF.d tut nuvt cars a raai- dsol of Albany, wae msrnet ysstsnlsy in SaaU Cm Cal, to l M Drumhellrr, cf spekane Fall. Mr P M Carev. of Bras-unlh. was ia tl a eity esterday on hie w to Salem to tsks ap some seboul Uad, and while bare iilaeti ntd onr ssnetam in s pleassntaa well lul Uetial msnnsr fur dIimb mtr.ate. Constable liurabart raturaiwl u laat nigbU train from tiervais. where be bad been to aiTsWt Cotab KtmauHM. tha naa mhn m- oenUy subbed Bed .!. at Mitlsrs. Siin mone bad been inert; bat wss gone on tbe arrival of the CoosUbU, and con I J nut ba Hwoa. m Among the well icsnsoe.1 tdaaaa in AL. baey la tbe planing mill ol Cox Bros, Si Ho burg, ia the Third Ward. Tbe firm have the faUat ieiprovad ajscbiosry. nndsrstand soair Doiioaas tboroegbiy, and tbe PcMoeaAT I llad to knew, bave baea reoaiviag pood orders tieoe their estaliishment bere. WEOJIMPAt. Ladies all wool scsrl-t mJ,nu. rr.n . Babio Cbamala mneaains at U.rrna,. A Searls. Uood evenine Have voa Sriatl Hot bsnta Elegant Lotien For dtntrtstrv try Dr Waeenner r,rmr lha Linn Connty Bank. Mrs Fish bas lust retarced ftom a trin in bar former horn. Two gypsy bovt bsva Wen in the eity singitg and dam Ing for coin; Low price are what cu..t ai..l C E Brownell U the place to ttt them. I On Cn MVS many a Hi ma hv trailina at D C Ilnbbsrd new ding sturw. Try it. Haner kraut, bibkle. t,i. L!d tii- irl and everytbiug bice at C k LhownUIs. Nsw England roiidrunel mii.e meat at F U K so ton a, at IS tut a tck(s. Ask to see onr Itsilioad Enuiaeer ahflaa. joss iseeived st narrows Sruls. k good seem d-hxiul oruan f-,r al- ehean as ins nrssiuoioover L.tu,i iouuty liauK Those desinng duhot or la npt en Hud a bargain at La Furrst & Tbompwins. Bsnember tha Georgia ntinstrala Thura- dsy night. Tbe best Uonp on the ruad. Cboioe Sicily lemon, dried Italian 1. runes peaobea ete, at LaForest k Thompson, They are having the la griDoe iu Tacomt pretty bad 1 bat it is the Is grippe of as signment. T DeClark. bridge suDeriutcndrn. wlo a faee has been familiar on the O Ac C for so many years, bas been socctedtd by J O Johnson. W F EesL or C A Reed, the liinl-er laud swlodler, shot at by Marshal Hoffman a few 'aye ago,waa arrested in Portland last bight. ne win oe taaen to r.ugen to-morrow. Miss Maud Hoffman and her mother are expected borne the latter part of this woek or the first ef next They are at present visiting in Denver, Colorado. t Tbe finest displsy of sewinsr machine ait work ever held 10 Albany wi 1 be given by the New Home Sewing Machine Co at Will ii Link's on Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day of thia week. A fine Hue of i moor ted and domestic clears and tobacco and tobaooenist goods, at 8 J crowns exeiasive cigar and - tobseoo store, opposite the Revere House. Call rn him for a pieasant smoke. Marabsl lioffmsn has received an invita tion to be present at a meeting of Chiefs snd Marshals st Taooma on Feb. 6ti, at whiuh time a grand ball will bs hold. Tue Marshal is tempted by the invitation, aa it will Do an immense tune. A remarkablo man hat been beard from. L A Walker, living at Athens, failed and paid a few cent on the dollar, aud his as signee wss discharged, doing to Taooma ba miua a fortune, suet nam returning to Athene be pays every cent iu full. A rare man. Leading phyaioiahs recommend Ayer's Sarsaparill. .Old and voung take it with peiUct safety. It ciesnie the blood, strengthens tha nerves, and vitalises thy- tera. 4 f opuiar expanenoe has long placed this rotdioine at the head of tome alterative The beautiful glossy sheen, so much ad -mired in hair, oan be secured by the use of Ayer's Htir Tigor. There is nothing bet ter than thi preparation for strengthening thesoaipand keeping it tree irom aaearntt Instead ol Othello, there belny a gen era! desire to hear the Merchant of Venice, that famous play will be given. It was presented in saiem, ana the statesman sayst "ihe Merchant ot ventce-a pre sented by Daniel Bsndmaun aninis select cempany last night at the opera house. wat thoroughly appreciated oy tnose wno were so fortunate as to oe in attendance. Bandmann, as the Immovable, heartless old Shylock, interpreted the character so perfectly as to win rich compliment. His support'was able and the grand old drama presented in a manner calculated to re dound to the already splendid reputation of Herr Bandmann and his festival company. Especially meritoriou was the perfor mance of Mis Oliver, as Tortla. The second nleht's performance was a real treat and Insures for Mr Bandmann a crowded house should he again pay a visit to Salem. Blockabed. On Account of the snow blockade on the California line the Geor gia minstrels will not be here to-morrow night, and the date is conceded. They r . j . Tn.s t n .4 Visr fieri a r ami iti'A IU X V lislllU J OrV.S;i S, HUM t'r I , I s- 41 & wkrtwo. A BKIDCE. A Citlxra Want ens at .tltmay. AtsAMY On , Jan Jist, 1890. MJ. imoernt; It must Le apparent lo all observers w ho re In any measure or degree interested In (he wellfare of our young and growing city that since the extension of the O P R R to Albany, there has been a falling off In wheat storage which before came here, Why Is this? Simply because since the building of the O P roai, there have been more house erected for grain formerly ttored In Albany, ar.d Improved facilities for shipping It without hauling It to Al bany and Incurring some expense for fcrrlagu without a corresponding Increase In price of wheat j and the writer ha been Informed that farmers have recently made arrangement with warehouse men to sup ply them with such farm machinery and Implement at they require without Ihe lime, trouble and expen e of carrying to Albany, Now while everyone Interested n the wcilbelng of the people, ought te be glad of the farmers having found a more excellent way, yet the "undersigned" t tree to confess, that In asmuch a he I very much Interested In the prjsperlty 0 Albany, he wou d rejoice and be exceed ingly glad If there were a more excellent way of reaching this city, so our city would not only have her old time wheat trade but develope a greater trade general ly. It can be done, and the key-note to the future prosperity is In a bridge serosa the Willamette river. Why not do it? The people need It new a badly a they ever will, and we are amply abt to have It, The wilier ha taken -some pain to ascertain approximately the cost of a bridge here, by learning what has been the cost of similar structures at other points, and at no distant da v the figures w.ll be placed before you and you will be asked to con sider seriously the question of a bi Idge a cross the river at Albany, Agitation I education and we trust ihe Agitation of this question will not be abated one jot or little until thf enterprise is fully accom plished. Let u htar from other. ClTIZEW. OAK.V1LLT, The La Grippe or lometltirtg of that na ture I having a big run here, Rev A M Achcton wa unable to preach Sabbath. However the-e wasonly a few out on account of sickness and the storm. The Literary and Reform Society met on Friday evening. The subject of the diwnfallof the Republic was discussed p-oandconbyR A Bam ford and DE lunkln on the affirmative and W H Craw ford and Melvln Bamford on the negative. The decision of the judges was given in favor ol the affirmative. The subject for dlscusslorat the next meeting Is, 'Resolv ed that the railroad of the United Slate should be owned and controlled by the general Government," Mr tohn Bamford ol Sweet Home is vis iting friend here. It Is very uncertain a yet where the Corvallts and Ilrownsvlle railroad will cross the river. The people of Oakville are making no calculations on it coming here. Amicus I sick wllh la grippe. Little Rose Eld. OM THC HDLTHEKN BOUNDARY. Mr M Wilkin had a fine time chasing coyotes last week. He caught two in traps, then let them go and let his dogs catch and kill them. Messrs Long and Colemsn hve sold fifty or sixty head cf beef cattle to Mr Morris, of Salem, In the last two weeks. Messrs Luckey, Nolan and Carr.pbcll.ol Eugene, were In this Wclnity the first of last week on a hunting excursion. Mr A P McNarv ha been looking after business Interests in Salem the past three weeks. Mrs McNary has been visiting nrr mower curing his absence. In our last communication to the Dem ocrat we mentioned a muttcale at Mr Belt Grtmesind the compositor (or some one else) changed It to Bill Grime, and the Guard It copying the item evidently did not wish to be too familiar on short acquaintance, so they set it uoMrW.-n Grimes, Three car loads of hay were shipped from Wllkins station lait week and three more will be sent this week. Weather very disagreeable and Items lew and uninteresting. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies, A marvel o nuritv. atreDtrtn and wooiesomeneaa Mora economical tbaa tbe ordinary klrds and cannot be aoid ia ooatpetUlou with multitude or low t, abort weight aium or phosphate powders, eiold oniv lu cans Royai Baking Powuor Co., 10 Wail hU, w. x. D, W. (JBOWLKT & CO , AgfentS, Portland; Oregon. . The jPride of Albany soap by far the best laundry soap in the market contains no rosen. Try it and you will use no other. For a only by C. E. BROWNELL. Attorney at LawandTitla Eiaminsr, ALBANY OREGON Will practice iu all the oourta of the State. Abstracts of Title furnished on short ootioe- Ten years experience. AT PRICE & ROD&ON'S B0. a J, PATT0ny - Physiciaa ast Surgeon. B LU Tl O E r.G'3 BLOCK. Female diseases aspsoialty. mm Can be found ia the office day snd night. ALBANY.'OR. mmm & euleiei beos., Real Estate Agents ' Farms and Eanches for sale. Also city bronerty in Albany ' and CoryaaSi. will ? r COt'JJeiL PROCEEDINGS. A Live liretlng Qnleikly Ixspatcfard. Tuesdiy even., Jan. aitt. Prcsert Mayor, Recorder, Marshal and Counellmen French, TJeyoe, Tabler, Bui k Itart, Smith and Garrett. The following bills were ordered pal l 5 Perry W Splnkt, $130.09 ; Deyoe & Rob ton, $11100; 'G L Savage, .75; Frit Beni'cr. f.30.00 W E Kcllcy ,$3.50 j W A McClaln, $400 j W 11 Tempicton,$io.oo ; Thos Bifnk, $1,00 j Tarkcr Bros, $3.3-1 ; Will Bros, $1,00 N J Her.ton, $3633 C W vatts,$3i.j F Wise & Co,$3.6o 5 W G Hnyne, I3 50 5 Fred Blumbcrg, fj.5 . Miller Si Hart, $1.35 j Southern Pacific Co, $4.70 S E Young, $ j.oo ; I Grad wohl, $6.00; J K Weathtrford, $250,00; Mm IlofJman,$i58.J5 1 1 F HadIey,$J3 50, J Whiteside, $29.92. The committee on the petition of the4th of July committee asking bill or d,;. flclcncy on celebration be paid by city re puted In favor of not allowing the tame. Adopted. Petition of I Beam and or asking for sidewalk on west line of blocki 21 and 33 In IPs snd A was referred. Petition of L H Montanye for cross walk across 9th street or Broodalbin street was referred, r " Petition of Ashby Si Dickinson with communication from P W Splnks, asking for privilege ol building addition to barn In rear of Stewart Si Sox' wat referred to com. on lire and water. The following applications vcr siade for pasltiona under ihe cily government : CIF a .v s.. 1 i. . . ... . . . . v aitciain. nigitiwaicn ; w w littler, nlghtwatch and engineer No ' ; John Jones, nlghtwatch and engineer Noi's; E J McCausttand and W B Barr f r dtv surveeorj G W W Anderson. t M westlall, U IS Urlon.O W Warren. W Warren, M Armstrong and J II Rainey lo' street commtwdoner. On motion ths silaricsof the r.laht watch and engineer were placed at $70, ror nightwstcti and engineer of No i s ' N Miller received 4 vote, John Jones Mr Miller wae declared elected. For nlghtwatch and engineer of No 2a John Jones was elected unanimous! v. for city surveyor W B Barr was unani mously elected. -.T vvMiii!Huiicr was placed at $65 per month. following wa first ballot for same : O W Warren, 1 : I II Rainey. 1 : I W An derson,! ; Geo Burkhart, 1 ; G W War rep, 1. The sixth ballot resulted as follows : A J Hunt, 4; A W McClaln, 3 Mr Hunt wat declared elected. O II Irvine and I K. Wcatherford were nominated lor clcy attorney. Mr Weath erford received 4 votes, O H Irvine t, and L H Montanye, t. Mr Weaiherford was declared elected. Mr Burkhart moved that another night- watch be elected for one year. Carried. Salary to be $60 ; amended so to be $50. Amenumeni earned. A W McClaln was unanimously elected nlghtwatch. C W Parker and G W Simoson aoDlied for privilege of building wooden building In fire limits. Referred. MrTablcr moved that Important cfcy ordinances bepiinted. Mode of printing same a as referred to committee on ways and means. Bids were ordered advertised for gravel. dirt, crosswalk and city printing. A communication was read from the Caicf Engineer in reference to wooden structure being erected adjoining the VYav erly house. MrSmi'h moved Recorder adver tise for bid lor boarding rity prisoner by the meal. Carried. J. N. DUHCAfV ATTOBNEY AT LAW AHD 50! All PUBLIO, In Strahan'e Block, fo'a 1 aTufflea and 2. ALBANY, IRECOH. ; FL,KENT03S3 DEALER IHSr 9 All: Choice Candy, PIals5 Frait, etc. CIGARS AND TOBACCO NEAR THE POST CFFICE' 1 1 AsSY.QFECON stickEpim id the taet that am offering better bargains lhau any one else in Albany First-Glass Goods; or below COST. FOP General merahandisa of all kiuJs ofs i Where are j-ou'going iny pretty maid ? I am go ing to buy a Jewel Stova, she said. They give such good satisfaction that they make a home pleasant, and with Anti-llust Tinware all is joy. ' lIMATlilEWS & WASHBURNf Keep Your Eye f,?s E.G, BEAHDSLEY Column. Agent for New Zealand In. Co. tal, $5,000,000. Fire andMai ine Insw written. ALBANY PHOPCHTV. A good buy, IHislnes property on ond St,, In one of the very best block town. This I the tame block where most extensive Improvements are ( made In the spring. Thi property i only frontage in the entire block that: be had at any price. This is the best r ; in business property In the city and I soon go at the price I am asking, Cr. the office for particular. Farm property at all prices and in d; ent localitie. Improved tenels can sc'.. easy terms, 1(0 trte tor $1100. 104 acres for $800. 160 acre In the coal belt $7 per acr 55 acres on Coos Bay, $5 per acre. Cheao lots in Albnr, . RMMenr. ' both Improved and unimproved. Lot 100 In Pin-'s addition. This lot far- lo' and ts a bargain at $180. Lots In Bu hart's and Goitra Park addition. II you looking for Investment in Albany ty come and see me. I wo cottages for rent, $8 each, ASTORIA PROPERTY. lxrt. in the RAILWAY ADDITION to As rife. This property Is situated just " mile and a quartet from the very ceo -of Astoria and is practically Inside pro-! ty, Thi addition has been on the mark but a very few week end Is new ncaf all sold, parties in Astoria Investing tJ large amount. The prices' for thee f lots Is $85 for inside lots and $100 lor co ' ers. These prices will positively be rS ? on February 1st to $100 for Inside lots a fuj for corners. Now far sale on the f s'allment plan. . $20 down and the baia ! at $5 per month Call quick and ei ; the finest, only a few lft. Call ind co pare locations. j Acre property Ir Attotia tor sale, t Am ag-nt for the Astoria Real Est. ' and Trust Co., of Portland. This com; 5 ny makes a specialty of Astoria proper : and if you desire to Invest in thi city i the wlil pay you to call and exami my list. 1 I In office evening. E. G. BEARDSLEY, Real Estate and Insurance Broker and XeHary Public, Broadalbia St., Albany, Or, Pianos. Tboee wishing a first c!as lnstroia the besi mala to aland too climate oft Coa-i, can b suited by calling at Mrs li UymsVa, oppo.lea tbe Masonic Tei pie. on Kirat St root. Tho latest vocal a: iosirumntal music kept for aaleilso t largest ssaortment of stamping palter, to saiect Irom tbia siJjof 'i?rico. L eons given lo painting and embroider!; in her studio over Liun County Ben OIt hor yoor order and yoa will I pieasea. i MQNF.Y. CHEAPMOKEY. We have made arrangements to sup; money to all on long time at low rates interest on improvsd f irms and city pre 5 erty. Thsee who contemplates buiidi brick blocks or good brick business hou-. can get money. See us. , Wallace & Cfsicg.! Am 1 Jli oall oa ae, JTartic Oar bargains ia && r. I5IPS0 fit Albany, Oregc Matthsvs h Washburn, Albany, . Oregon. Hardvare,Stovcs and Timvai L fujc