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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1890)
lie gmortat. Sunk in Gilliam county is mM to I dying f.r want of fuod, It is said that four fifths of tli rungs in Nevada will peiish from free'.lng or hunger. g.Tf n g'i'i t a fTl government hat or Jcrcl !li suspension Irom parochial duty of 300 priests n various parts of France, for inteifering in tha recent elections- M Henri Rochcfort has com to this Con clusion, since his recent visit to England, that "of all the nations on the earth, the English Klone are fitted (Ur liberty." PJ1L tJUL frof Hovcseu thinks there is 00 country to democratic as Norway, where, he says the people have loyalty with liidependenc and obedience with self repct. sue "jr.-1 J1. ws I t is said that another nihilist plot against the car has leen discovered in St Petersburg, ami that several of the conspirator were nr. rested in the palace passages. u.iL 1 1 ueen Victoria is three tcoie and ten, and all the small share ol womanly txauty she ever ratmioL is swallowed up br a condition of , - fat amount! 'g almost to ol)ity, Ir John ltall of the Fifth avenue rreshyter ian church in New York has a aalary of fao, 000 a rear, and also make a handsome sum by writing tor the N Y L.t? r. The snow storm at La Grande anu along the due mountains was said to equal a Dakota MiiZurJ the snow riline up in drifts from five to fifteen feet deep. I jrce deposits of excellent hard coal hate r - recently beea discovered in Alaska and some of the coast Islands. The quantity believed to be practically inexhaustible, THE OKI A 1'L.ANT HAS A rCTl'Ur. A letter to the Philadelphia Public Ledger from Columbia, S. C, says: There Is a growing belief that the okra 'ant hat a future. A few day ago a sample of okra fibre was sent to the de partment of ngrieuuure, at Washington, and secretary Rusk, In acknowledging1 It receipt, y t'tnt the letters from all parti of the South Indicate a general inclination to substitute the okra fibre for Jute, not only for bagging, but tor all purposes for which jute It used. Secretary Rusk la also very anxious to know the process of ptcparlng the fibre. Now come W Sudlow, a praetlcal an glnecr and machinist, with the assertion that he could produce It at east not greater than at one cent a Owund. He ha built milt In England, Germany France, Austria and Mexico. He hat high recommendation of his ability from officials n Washington and ether cities In this country. He says that he hat come to tnt conclusion that the okra stalk I essentially dlffcrentfrom the jute, cotton, and raaal In this, that tit Its wood urrouna tha fibre, bile In the other It It mixed with it, and this I tho key of. the problem of cheap productlm. HI expertment prove that the okra fibre and wood are naturally ep arattd. The mixing of the fibre with the TaBNATUULKMt XT. The Watchman, published at iW'.cfonte, Pennsylvania says: "There should not be a it'lke of wot -kinsmen la the Punxiu- tawny rccion or anywhere else In this country which Is supposed to be In the eniovment of a protective system especial ly designed to make that class of cltucn prosperous and eontentud. Hut, neverthc leas, there is such a strikes 1600 men and boy have stopped work because they were not satisfied with their w-nges; the disturbance threaten to attain still larger proportion and to grow Into a protracted struggle which In all probubllity will end h the poorly provided wcikmcn being starved Into accepting the term of their rich employer. The latter are preparing to master tha situation. They have al ready secured the service of one hundred and sixty of Plnkerton'a force who are al ready on the grouud otenslbly to keep the Idle men from disturbing the peace, but their real duty will be to assist In evicting tha families of the striker from the houses of the operating companies and to protect the 600 Hungarian and Italian who have been brouuht on to take their piacea at tne work. . . . ...... . ..11. There 1 out nine prospect 01 nus siiikc f the Punxsutawny miner amounting to any thing that will be of benefit to thein The farmer of Mai ion county haw taken a stand against the election of D P Thompson, C C Deckroan or Ex governor Moody, as shown by aresolution patted by Tomona Grange favoring the election of aa agriculturist or mechanic, A Buffalo paper says Nigara River below he falls. Is unusually low, and, what is more singular the water have been tradually fall ing for the past three or four year. It Is still from 130 to ' feet deep, however, and is not likely to dry ap yet a while. Secretary Elaine is laid to have recieved ft too for hi article on protection in the North American Reviewat the rate of f I ao a page. It is wonderful how a man of prominence is paid for rehashing old saws! Now anybody else would not have received more than k f 12c, or perhaps $1.20 for the same thing. w..l . t . 1 a x. . n .1 Min i, makes It ' ' ... u.. The advantages are every year Increaaln necessary to employ ma-.tunuaoor cmeny - to decorate It, and this I so costly that on ly In India and China, whera labor la excessively cheap, I It just possible to produce the fibre at low price. The okra, on the contrary can be aeperaled by ma chincry. Okia Is evidently forging to the front It is obtaining recognition, awaken Ing a keen Interest In scientific, commercial and business circles. It can be produced more cheaply than cotton, and answer, it it I asserted, nearly all the purpose of cotton. But Mr Sudlow has gone lurtner. He declare that he can make a machine whlc will not cot mora than an ordinary cotton gin and which can be employed a gin are employed, upon each large, farm, or In each neighborhood, and that bv It u. planter f okra can turn out tnelr fibre and se'l It a they do cotton for so much a pound. Into this niachlns the okra stalk are ted, butt forward, and it will cut tha ood from tha fibre. Tha chiton will then be removed from the Our public school system as cstab- l.hed by a generation of men who took. it a an axiomatic truth not to be questioned that it it the duty of the state to educate Its citizens, especially so If each of these citiiene is to be a free and Indipendent voter, a sovereign ruler, with the ballot as his scrpter. S on the side of the employer. If physical force I required they can draw on Pink erton'a atandlngariny for it, and the llun garlan and 4tallan contingents have grow to such dimension that they can rcadli furnish the workmen neceary to tuppl the piacea of those who tlop work on ao count of dissatisfaction with their wages. The slluctlon of American worklngmrn of this class, despite the f rent American protective system, It far front an enviable one. ! TELEGRAPHIC NEWS I ant Wtituea. San Francisco, Jan, to. In little more than a week the race around the world be tween Mitt lliUuid of the Cosmopolitan Ma rine and Mis Nellie lily of the New York form will be over, ltotti of them are emletrv- nu to make the trip around the world in faster time than tho eighty clnys of l'tiiiien Fogg he neio or Jules Verne s story, and Irf'th are in a fair v. ay to tlo it. lluth left New York on rsovemher 14th, Miss Illy .having a stttrt of twelve horns and L'olng east, whilu Miss Ms land went west. Five day Inter Mi Dislnnd reached here, while her rvinl wn still on the Atlantic. Mist llisland left Sntt Francisco for the orient on the steamer Oceanic, losing two days here. Telegraphic advice state that sue arrived at I nns yesterday morning, The Marked. Prndlkton, Or.Jun, 19. Upward of 100 people are now at this depot being provided for by the Union Pacific, owing to the block ade which Itotils the fort taat of here. The snow plowt working went and east are expect d to meet at I.a Grande in a few hour. Tnere is no change in the general feature! of the situation since yesterday, .Some pnsscn ger art growing restless over the prolonged delay, particularly one gentleman who is due in m lAiuis on lite soth lust. 4 to "act as the leading man in a marriage ceremony. Dunsmi'IK, J art. 19. The fine weather of yesterday proved a rough weather breeder, at rundown the temperature soon sank to degrees, but al 4 o'clock this morning the weather moderated loaG degrees, when anoth er blinding snow stoim set in and did not Mop till 50 clock this everting when three feet more snow had fallen. To-niuht i cold and threatening, 4 1 1.004 ABYctUa. Ntw Yokk, Jan. 19. The buy in the suit of Caroline Camrncrer against Clement Muller for ioo,ooo damages fcr breach ol promise, if mariage, rendered a verdict thi morning in favor ofplaintilT lor tt,uto. A motion for a new tital was denied. NEW ADVKUTISEMKN78. 11AKRNUP, City Marahat IIotTnoan 00k up yesterday kown niara, ight or ill nat yaara old, and three two Vnr nlil xnlla 'I'hav .wilt Ilia nwnar at Nehtnar'a livery atabla. nOft LOST, A ynllow tan bird dopt, S nictithn old, Hot uro to A J Hod llfAXTBD.-A sir! to do amiarat V T hoiioa work C'hI I at tha rmlden; f t P Manou at lha oarnar of Frry nixtu tt.OMt and bull ralvea of th ftbert Horn atook, restaterad. Two are fin n mnniha nlrt ana naa roar inontiia old. TfiV all cam from tha You nit Marv family. Gallon tho under tgnd at tint old Murwr Thorn oaon farm at Hoberta brlda-a, en the Oal-poola, two Biiioa aortu or tiua. ni imomi, I niAattff WftaU 11a.asla.f a.ruanai1 am Haiti A a t K a W an ') n wa-T aw 1 mitkai in IliaMallmarali Illocft, we ara prararad touiti tUe trafle wlin fresh fth rf ail raaaanalria prl eaa. Mt e at DoaqUXT, .lOlt A La. A ird aeaotid hand or gan for tala or rent, rati at w t llcataia, flOUNU-OB Kl l worth Ptiaot thla V afternoon, by J I? Odd Fal. lawa ring. Oall at thla o(To,py ctiargn and aeeuia riry. A M artier. rKNDI KTON, Jan. al, A telegram f'uin. Weston, this county, state that Alomo 1. ry. a resident of Mountain pixcinct, w as killed near that place Sunday, ry John l)avidon. At 4 o'clock in the evening Davidson w as re- fibre by a simple process, and after dry lug. i,roig to hia place from the limber Ulow where he lived, when he met Harry.who owm a a adjoining farm. There had been a tow be tween them about a year ago, and Barry had threatened to 1 ill Davidson, When they met Barry was ruling a mule and hetd a rifle in hi hand. Davidson had an axe on hit should er ami a 45 caliber pistol under hi overcoat tha latter will ba ready for the market, Astathe quality of the fibre there I not the least doubt. It I long, strong and glossy It can ba ao tubdivlded that It an be usrd lika ramie, a for bagging, rope, etc The cheapness of it growing need not be argued about. Abandoned rice field In the low country would raise fore its ot It. It thrive in undralned land. There eeem good reason to prophesy a future for tao nee despised okra weed V alia Walla President Yan Horse of the Canadian Pac-J fic railroad think that in a few year a jour ney will be made around the work! in thi ty eight days. Thi will be when the great Irani Atlantic railroad across Russia is completed, with ship crossing the Pacific in five days and the journey from the Atlantic to the Paci fic made in four days which can be done to day, All that will be needed t j make the trip in the at ove time will be close connection between boat and rail at every point. A small forest of fossil tree haa just been discovered at the Tranent Colliery In the LothiancScotland. Several ot the tree have been examined, and are found In some Instance to be composed of light or dark frees'-one. In one Instance the freestone con.lsts of alternate layers about fifteen inche U diameter, and two feet in height, with strong, wide-spreading roots at iu base. Between thirty and forty trees have been laid bare at Tranent. They were said to be not unlike the calamities found in some mine. A short time since our attention wai attracted to an inquiry in the Louisville Courier-Journal a to the origin of the popular phrase,MThe Bloody Shirt." The anwer given to the query ascribe it to the recent period of reconstruction. Contrary to the prevailing belief, thia political weapon was forged and effecvrly used long before any difference had arisen be tween certain portion of our Union, and before, in fact, a union of states existed, The incident which gave the expression birth is to some extent legendary, and la related by Sir Walter Scott la the preface to hi novel, "Rob Roy," I IttllMIP I I ' I eovruxoR pknsoyer. Borne republican newspaper says that the unanimity with which democratic pa per In the state urge the renamination of Governor Pcnnoyer partakeaof the nature of man worship. From what we have observed, there is no test man worship back of thi demand far hi nomination than ever attended the nomination of any man for that office, ft it hit fitntu in the most cmtfrehentiv Ment I perform faithfully and tvellallth duties of tkt ojitt that inspire tnis almost unanimous demand from dem ocratic paper and democratic voters, (a well a many republican voter,) for hi renomination . While the Governor I not a man rerr.aikab!e ability ,h ha proven himself to be abundantly provided itn just those qualities that are necessary to aJminiscr the affairs of state according to the best Interests of all concerned . !le I not, neither in hi uature coulu he be, the 00! of anv clique ,clan,or corporation. He i. l'arlet and courageous In the dlschar ge of every duty. As was shown iu the cae of the Portland water bi.l, he would j.crcr cunsenc to racritice the public weal for the benefit of a locality, even though I his o w.t personal and pecuniary interest were closely interwjven with the interest of the locality in question. That bili wa one that would test the official integrity and fearlessness of anr inan. It wa a dangerous precedent 10 establish. The Governor saw tTie danger. The demand came from, a city that gave him a torge majority wheu he wa elected, though largely udverse to him in party politic. Every coiuidemion, ojher than that of public duty .called upoii him for an approv al of tne bill. Duty to the whole state demanded it veto. Did the Governor long at all between two opinions? He sought to find hU duty to the comtnon wcalth.and, finding it, performed lhatdur.y with iron courage and under threatning protest from hundred of those who had uskistcd in promoting hiin to the exec utive chair .It is a matter of no little con sequence to have a man of stern courage al the helm of state. There it no term of that office luring which one or more oc casions do not arise that demand brave and fca.less consideration. The people of nil classes, and especially those who are not connected with, or dependent upon lar4;e moneyed corporations, have observed 'licse admirable qualities In the Governor, ami in case lie should be renominated, m;iov a republican of the kind described would catt a baliot to ret tin him in the ex- DftlVe TO IT AT LAST. After ao long a time the Oreroniam comes to the conclusion that the best interests of the fanners of this country demand that the doty on jute should be removed aod that article put on the free list. That paper's position ioivor of free lugar and free jute entitle it to be de ncmbated,(frorn ill stand point,) the great fiee trade journal of the ctatt. But aside from thi little jocularity which is too good to be lost we are really glad to sec that !papcr take this Utile short step ia the interest of the tam ers who have to use jute sacks so extensively. We say short step because there is a duty of 35 per cent advslorem on binding twine, and 40 per cent an grain sack made of jute hemp or flax that should be cut rely removed so a to lighten the tax burden on farmr and more nearly equalize that burden between farmeis and the protected clarses of the country. Pe it understood that the farmer should have no greater advantages under the tariff laws than any other class bat be should have, at least, equal benefits with other classes. As at pres ent adjusted the farmers, especially of the Pacific coast, have but very tittle benefit, and near largely the burden, of tariff taxation. For thi reason twine and grain sacks which have to be used by fanners largely should be f'ee from the high rates which they have to pay for hem. We are glad to see the Ortg Oman lay aside the political bias that doth so easily beset it and come ap in so candid 1 wty and ask that even jnte be placed on the free list. Barry said: "l want ycu to quit tearing down my fences." "I haven t torn your fences down." said Davidson, when Bany called him a d d lur, and exclaimed: will kill you. Barry raised his gun and fired. Davidaou had passed him about fifteen feet, and as he raised hi gun drew the pistol and fired twice, hot 1 shots taking effect, one in th breast and one in the arm, death ensuing soon afterwards. Davidson' overcoat wa punctured, but Ihe ball missed the flesh. He came to Wesion Monday mourning and delivered himself up. ata4 Haas- COLrAX, Jan. a 1. 15 Linton was brought in. to court to-day to receive his sentence, Jtfatge Rul.y having overrated the motion for a new trial. He asked the prisoner if he had any thing to say, whereupon be rose and made a similar statement to that before, in regard lo drunkenness. The judge then sentenced h'm to be hanged March 18. A Train slabber?. ' Ti'LAkC, Cal, Jan. 21. Abont 4 o'clock thi morning a passenger train from San Fran cisco lo Los A-gelc was robbed about 8 n.iles north of here by masked men. The amount secured by the robbers is not yet knon, but it is thought it is several thousands dollars, as they made a clean sweep of the car, taking their time to make their search fur valuables. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. Dramatic Event) 1) ICHFJf -If you d4re thm no use It, fooling away Hint on thing thai dou t pay t luioni ai.utiat enpa tr ninanluoktii outoc or our Ureal sim HtaniKY ltaak. II btk and tarto not tiroiny wa win rvrund your tuaeiay no liNX. nooapiiai ncwo. jimi ladi and gantlatian aoptoyed. Doa'l loaa Elnto K ""ruin. "Htp iu wiiti th wrer ara troublad." llw ara wort dollar. Addrnaa R. F, Jtdiiiani a Co, tOtnt Main Ht , Klcbiuaaa, Va. Groat ONH NIOIIT ONLT MoasJisy. January 37lk, Russeli Jewell Dramatic i In the r.iautiful c' ran a In five ata, 1 LYNWOOD" Toputar ptUe: 2.1, fitynd 75 cb! Boat an at at il'ackman's. w " waUMiaaiaji-sjawr Tj 00 CHAS. H. DODD & CO, Z 1 -izhkfJtlM XTa YV VVda IMPO TITERS OF "1 . AND FARM MACHINERY, Front, First and Vine Streets, ::::::: Portland, Ore; Sole Agent for Oregon and Washington for 5s 15 ft tjil.K, A nw tsUlnlt eow, a y tiitran. alrflit yrtr nlil.and a bunr, mvii new. K.(r psrtteular ll at ibta odlcr. In IOUSAI.K.-A No I milliner ataek A Pol looaiinn in Ui tblvlna (IJd edtr c i)bnf. Low raut and aslandJ room For i-atuir aids Ftarn, If O ltoi9 Alltiyi r. m g O N ET TO 11 A N .-Tb a undaaal nd i v I. h hoina capital to loan on good rral eatala propeity, Oho TltMraJtir S' 1'VRftAL SMALL TKACTs) of land taav wiwn for aa'a on mst trua. loqtur) f H. Bryant. Ur AUTEB.-GIrl lo do gwnaraj bona work. Call a Dsjii st oOlca. B1ED SEED FROM MJROCCO. Bird seed forms a considerable item in the export trade of some of the Moorish ports. Thus from Laraiche last year in a total export valued at 60.791 tne bird seed exported was valued at 5,970, and the quantity was 3,457 quarters. In 1857 the quantity was 4 Ol8 quarters, and the value 8,414. The vice consul at that port states that this teed is never sown apait by the Moorish farmers, nor is arty special attention paid to its cultivation. It is sown wi.4 wheat, and when reaped and threshed it is separated by the country women in sieves. The reason of this practice is that there is a general superstition among tSe Moors that ia very wet seasons the wheat is lo part converted into bird seed, and hence they sow the two together. Of course if they were sown seperately the crops would be much mora abundant and the quality better, the toil in many parts being especially suitable for the bird seed. U It SaUdlac. LA CaAS'UE, Jan. al. Mr Hurkk, agent for Messrs Anlonelli & Doe, w ho have the con tract for the buildinc of the tiranrh of the U P from this place 10 Llgin, i in the city lo nuke final arrangements to commcace work on the extensio-. These gentlemen have the con tract for both the giading and tire briilue work and the lumber and timbers necessary will be contracted for at once. Work is 10 commence f in about two or three weeks, j Watches, Watches, Springfield watches, Hampton watches, Seth Thomas watches, Automatic watches, at ' T. M: FRENCH'S, The Jijweler. Dissolution Notice. Notlet I hrbr given that tba e part tlarnhtp liertfYr xiathia tinder tha nam ol ixiyo) A Kehaoa naa boon dls oivao, Mr L Yv Ieyo retiring, lb bn aineaa will b continued br frloa A Roh aoa. All account should bo ll!ad with tba old firm, by whom all dbia will be paiti. - rieaaa rait aa4 stay asv Albany Nurseries. W are pimsnrtty locatrd on th oid Cine liornt"J 4 mi' ' Alhaoy on Crvllia Mil, aud hv on hand a Urg tuck of Choice Fruit Trees Notice of Sale by Com mon Uarrier. VrOTiC la harby at van that tha 11 ki.nibvr 1 rartiflo Company, Iaaaa 01 iov vrvonn snu i siiairnla Katiroaij Com party, of t,onlnJ;.tJraon.a common fwirmr baying Uanportf tha paraoM property harainaftar (iaeribd, from va rioua point in th atata of irj(i,io tk any of Albany, to tba atata of Oriroo. at tha reqiiaat ortba ownar or lawful poa cor thereof, amd having aately atorad amn kpt aal J property, aod by vtrtn tbaraof bavin a lUa upon tba aam for tear jurat and reaaonabl enarga,ar)d mora ibantntaa month having aUapaad ataea aald lrnprUttoti and car baa bsen pnifornnd, anal n part mt aald raaioaa bla and jut caargaa bavins bawti pat' 11 peraona wbon it may ooncorn at hara by notlflrrt to.t aald Mouth rn I'snJflo Ci-m party ill, an th Ul day of Febru ary, 1MK ooumancintr at 2 o'clock p. m., il at publlo aueti n to tha blgbeat bid dr, for cwb In band, at tba waraoouao of aald 00111 pany. In tb oily of Albany, In Mi autnof Oraaon, attend aiogttlar !'! paraonal propaaty or aufflclont roer of lo mutinlj aai I II aod cbargiand tba eoataaod espnaea f making aald aal. Haid proparty Bavim bo ahlppad, vn aliinaU and tan(Mrtl b two tb poinu haral natter namd,andblng nsor particularly derlbd aa fotlowa : TbLsiJaw. McMtMNVlLLI, Jaa. at, Perry I-eabo, a 15 year old son of O II Lcabo, a prominent farmer living three mile north of town, is suf. fering from a srvere cas of lockjaw, reulting fiotn a mangled wrist that waa broken by be ing thrown from a horse some days ago while lassoing stock. His recovery is doubtful. The London Hospital says: 'Th first effect of alcohol on the system Is to ac celerate the action of the heart, and raise the tempature of the body about one and a ha'f degree. It is this effect whlrh makes it valuable In cases of fainting or collapse. The secondary effect la, how lower the tempcralure,whlch some times falls two or three degrees belew the normal point of 98 degrees,and Ihe warmth ot the body cannot be restored as quickly as it is loot. Fcr this reason drunkards are more likely to suffer from exposure to cold than temperate people, and the stu porof alcohol is apt to pass into the sleep of death." Ups and Downs. borne of the princi pal ups and down in business life Is t keep quality up and prices dtwn. This is being done very successfully at LaKorest Sc T rompoirs,and those dinner set to be distributed among our customer Jan. 1st s creating no little interest as well as ou r price. Tex Pats Only. Ha, ye busines men, listen to the voice of the most con servative and successful men f our town. Buy an acre of land in Albany's addition to Astoria, which to-day costs you less than $25 per lot and which will da-jble in value less than one year. Now don't be a gump but buy it now. For further infor mation inquire of the Oregon Land Company. Dr. M. H. Ellis, physician and surgeon ylbany, Oregon. Call made in city 01 loantry. Takk Aim. When 'wanting anything in the gun line, shot, rifle or revolver, call on Price & Robson. They carry a first class stock, and aa well a full line of am munition and will not b undersold. Get A Machixb. And when getting one let it be either a Domestic or Davis Price & Robson are agents for these su perior sewing machines and invite an in spection of what they can do. ;-u'lvc Cli.iir, iiarlcs u iJrownell. T rrevent Oslsilni leaa. Salem, Jan. 20, The domestic animal commission created by the last posed of Governor Pennoyer, Secretary Mc Bride, State Veterinary Officer Wvthecombe and D II Loooey met tbi afternoon and alter an extended investigation issued an order to lr Whythecombe to slaughter any and all cat tle found affected with contagious or infectious diseases. This order will be strictly enforced. Tke rrties Troakl. Lisbon, Jan. ao. Tb Portuguese govern ment Boding the power unwilling to mediate in the dispute between Portugal and England concerning territory in East Africa, will sub mit lo Lord Salisbury's full demands under proresr, wnue at tne same time it will try to conciliate Portuguese public opinion, CaaIUe4 laleUe. Tacoma, Jan. ao. An Ellcnsburg special to the Globe says: A young lady, Mis Tina decker, daughter of Mrs M E Clune, who keeps the Jianner restaurant on Third street. ended her life to-day by shooting herself. The osll entered the breast a little below and fori word of the right arm. No reason can be as signed for the rash deed. The girl remained dnconscious from the time of the shooting till she died, at 5 o'clock this evening. - ARRtigbt, Seattle, Jan, 20. A dispatch received to- night from Mount Vernon, states- that there had been trouble during the day t etween men employed on the Seattle, Lake Shore & East ern right of way and men employed on the Fairhaven & Souiheru railroad line. The men used clubs and axei very freely, and several men were injured. The point where the fieri! occurred is about ten miles east ol Mount Ver non. The outbreak to-day was not altogeth er a surprise, as trouble has been anticipated for the past six weeks. ..,.. " Allrlke. - Seattle, jan, 20. The bricklayers strike still continues, and no work is being done on buildings of which the contractors have- not acceded to the demands of the bricklayers Both sides are firm in the determination to fight to Uie iast extremity,and are equally con- n.ienr 01 winning, i o-Uay has been fine for brickla' ing, and but for the strike all of the buildings of the city would be rushing rapidly towaid the skies, , .,' Blockade Raised. Moscow, Idaho, Jan, 20. The snow is now about thirty inches deep, with indicafions of a Chinook. Only five through trains have arrived at Moscow this fOnth, but the block ades ara now raised, and trains are running regularly, Stage mails from Juliette, Lewis ton, Genesee, I'alouse City and Viola have'e regular trips during the storm. Ranch er are jubilant on account of the heavy snow, assuring a heavy crop. A Papular Oarsman, San Francisco, Jan. 18. Advices from Australia received by the steamer Mariposa to day says tlint the funeral of Henry Earrest Searle, the chijmpian oarsman, vho died at VV illiamstown sanitarium, Victoria, December 10. took place at Sidney on December 14. The ceremony was witnessed by fully 170,000 people. The mayor and aldermen and a de putation of members of parliament formed part of the procession, which was one of the largest ever seen at a funeral in Sydney. of our o-vj growing, b oi tt',1 at th owot living rate. ' Prti eobUimpUtiaa: planting rhoold aaasolt their tntrst by cia-niaing our lock and ( rie bf,r purchasing. firms Si rlnowsr.u. Albaoy, Oregon. Stockholder's Mteting. VTOTICaJ labertby given that th an 11 Dual aittlnir of tba .ock baldsra o In Albany lliiildlna and Loan Anl tion will ba bald on Krl.lay, February SU lBUO.elihe hour of 7:30 p. in, of aald day la tb WU TV Mall fa Albany. Linn county. Ore-on,.fr tha purp af elect In- nine dlreet'rre and three kudiiar. to i v tor tb rm of ou year uxt iiu ing from aald annatlng and until tbalr ucceaarrsar elected and qualified, and t transaet auoh other buama a may than eorn bt-lor tb association, bona br oritur of dlreetore tbi 17t. day of f January, itsoo. WCCEM, , Jar tV BcaIn. Frealdent. Beort tary. sram. ahj4a M llskwr Bvti$hag PwtthC j lUrka. t k twt t lndua Keeps tho leading stock of Clothing, Qents Furnishing (Joodrt, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Wet Weather Goods and tho Leading Tail oring Department, in tho Valley. gas CfO s DEERE'S v thai nW DEAL PLOVsfS. ilaitt. D00I1U. or Trfr4 Furrow. Tmy km 1 1 :tnit anJ com o nor ,hwtnt TvrUeUon, kv aawl iiMnn ir sn Vtotm motk mn not ay nonirh i tbelr praia. W luiaias with or without scat Utfi merit. Hcsi atltbeiits an xtra XESEHB 7?C(V7SZ1X UTET STJX.ICZ' PLOWS. BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DRILL Bockcy tl Press Criln li.iX U vc'jtjs Seeder, Bucket Rprtof Tooth Harrow. ff DtERE. 5 ulou nAHHOVV MliW attutny tb ttt bnprovwi bm4rocrt fur sowing summer fallow. Th most oemplet snd neoataM tol ffif Vf ywyumm hi iav We ajaw have ss fall tin f Rnsstea. arrlsrr, rtiartena, HnataU VTX1f Jpiatforna mad taier Mprta Veklesesw SCHUTTLER FARM VAGONS. Uwnoos t Chspk)' 8ni( Tooth Urrow., Dr, Huron, 8 imtififl Fl afUk, Psolfi ransjaj EA1SH BARB WSEE, ETC.. ETC. . rv for mmt nm E TLR ALL, Agent. UNRIVALLED ATTRA HllS. THE LEADER. THE LEADER G, W. SMITH, -ALBANY- ulpci,,, "Argan(I,,, Garland'5 STOVES AND RANGES. IMrw A fkUiw.ll INVaaWinklo tC Corur WMltavMana J H Molowaj t UonAlaaa B. P. Kooaaa, aat. O. F. a t. a. Delmonica Kestauranl, ORNBR KIRT AND CLLKWORTII ST. Th nndtfmigood lisviDjj pnruhased th nld Herman Reataaraut stand ha apenrd nndor th above na n a tirst-ulass re.tan- rant. y a ara prepsrrd to fnraish1 Inoal for partir r danuos on tnert untie. Oys tr srrvsil in every atyla, aastarn or coast all kind of II -h kiiuw.i in th market, ICmploy oiily firs :! I lp, and waited will bn prumt nd c..urtcous. lingular nit-ala 25 eta. Cuffu of fcrt-ola nnality nd a cup of cotTe and cad at from 5 to 10 eU. I am aril known Id thi city arid ' re quest th tiKn to ?ive roe call. SAM GOETS, Proprietor W OcPiSERSOfJ, First Street. - . Hoal EiUt Droker, lnsaraiics.aml money toloar. I have a Ikiim lit nf In Droved and nuimprovsd city property, and fruit, itarden and firming Uud in Jars; ad small 'ructa. As X sell on oi nmiHinii ouly.if yon want to buy or cull it will pty you to call tod ee ma. Kotice of Final Settlement. - Notioa ia herthv pi'vhii that th nnti- signed adminiatsator of tho estate of John u vviiiianis, nrcemed, rus hlcrl Lis tlnal account with the Clerk of Linn connty.Oro. gon, and tho County Court haa Csnd the 3rd day of Fuliruary, 800, at the hour of tn o'vlccka. ni.. for tha hoarioir of obioctiona to aid account mid forth scttkment of sid estate. This the ltich day of December, 1889. B VV 1 u.i a Ms, J K Weathehford, Administrator. , Att'y for Admin. Notice of Administra tion. Notice U hereby given that tha under signed has been appMntedwdminUtrat.-lx of tbettataof Si Dorris, deeaed. All person having claims against aaid ea- tata uiust presnast tbe Mint with proper voucher to the undersigned adminis tratrix within six bonthi iroiu the date hereof. January 20tb, 1800, . . M. K Pokbis, Admin, of the eatats of J JJJorria.dGCGacect, Sheriff's Sale, I th Cirrmil Court of the Stat of Cro- Ham May and W P Mndtihll,s4minitra. tor 01 th tat of Enoch iioal,dcd plaintiffs, Hi am Smith and W W Briggi,partnr do. iok ouaioM nuaar 111 tli m a.m ol Smith di UriKgs, Hiram Smith aad J VV Braaafield, partuei doing basinet under tb firm name 01 amitn at, H,ram Smith. Job W Wattr aud W W BriWs, partner doing uu.nwi wuir las urn name 01 smith, w. a er rljrg, Itiram 8mith,Jamte W Brasa- D M, lonu v AltLullcv. Jamea M Sh.ll.n and W J jtraatweil.Laittieri doinn under tha Arm narao cf Hmith, Urssstield A Co., Mary A K Smith, Jamea W Bratsttild. I l'....ii..l 1 iiV:.i ..i. ,...-. ., ' "j"7 "-v"-i - '"nui jn.niu, Aieian- tr .-mi miner vu 10, wuiooghby Churchill, R f Caidarll, ,'ohu 0 VauL-hn Georu. Rail.. Joto Summerville, II N Hilt, Joseph Sum- mervuir, ooiomon uox, Samuel JNixon.Johu UoCartuey, Henry Kauhe, Catherine ViKle, A Humphrey, John Cogswell, Jauob W'ir, John KL.ey and Johu riuauett.nartncr ln. nig bnsinea andnr the nam of Kalsev & Burni-tt, JS K lit It, F A Chocoweth ai. PM Johnsoa.partoora doinif huaio under th namtienowth & Johnson. Dsnion Smith, Jobn r: McCartney, Nancy C Wilaon, John Keiser, Winrltld 8ummrvill, K F Wji't, Darnel McClain, U H Uaber, Mauk !tuinm-rvi!le, Harvey Suminerville, Q a Ward, Jerry llay.John Foster,! D Bennett, J H 1 Handersoo.J B Hill.M Wilkint.Sam act Saiit, Hiram Smith aod Mary A I Smith, b wife, V Brings and Harriett Ihw, U if, AO Ilovey and H C Huinphietl partner noder the firm nam hi Hovey A , Humphrey, John M Thompson I It U4SKB sase vanduyn and D K Hiil, defmdautt. Notice 1 "Jus Aby Riven that by virtue of at exectiti od order of sal issued out of the above. ' cd Court In tha above entitled suit, I wi' '-' atarrlax, IhetSlk day arJaaaarr, IS30, at the Court Home door, in the city uf Al bany, Liun county, Oregon, at tha hour of 1 o'clock p, m. of (aid day, o!l at put.lio suction for cash in hand to the highest bid der the real property described in said exe cution and order of sale as follows to-wit : Lots one (1) and six (6,) and tha north half of lot two (2,) in block one (1,) aod the east half of lot No three (3,) and tbe east half of lot No four (4,) in block No one (1.) and tha fractional river lot No seven (7,) in tbe city of llwrisburg, Lion conoty.stat of Oregon. The proceed arising from thu sal of said premises to be applied, first, to the payment of the coats of and upon this writ aud acuru ing coots. Second, to satisfy and pay the following claims pro-rata according to the several amount with interest oj each of said sums at tha rate cf one per cent per month, from the 26th day of April, 1882, and ecsta to-wit, plsintilla o'.aim, $7334.78; Iaaao Vandyne, 205.8S Soloman Cox, 8179 04 ; Willoughby Churchill, $223.80 j Elisabeth Summer ville, 508 57 ; II N Hill, $489.11 s George Ba'ley, $ 1290. 75; J B Hill, $ 227. 03 1 D R Hil', J687. 33 Henry Kaushe, $1094.69; Catherine Vile $1120.50, and if any balance remain sfter pacing all of.said claim and the cotsta and disbursements hereof.the tame to be applied upon tho alaim of the defendant, 1 E, Daw son. Dated Iec 1G, 1S39. Joti Suai,lmon-, Sheriff of Linn County, Or I'er D S Smith, Dyv-,' pira backs. Warran tod for 15 years, All a i z o s an . styles, TlaV fejOd y&sans.' cooks i 7pT heaters The Woiid'o btat. More than hun 7 hun- differ ety les and; Nor only 1-; KUm V ATTRACTING ATTENTION JBut well ihe imuuni atic't ' f 1, illy For r-ti r t vi.t , i tlif tast - :l- - o r.i ct t-i- atoi k cf Rooflngr, Job Work, Plambing Eave Trough. Range Boilers Conductor Pumps. CORNER DRUG STORE. ODD FELLOV7S TEMTLE Q L.BL AGKM A3 The Leading Druggist, ALBANY DEALIR ir- OREGON. DRUGS, jalEDlGIHES STATIONARY 60. SplMt!es-Fln Tollat Artlolai, Parf trrnry an ! , t d nl is'.ru n-jats Prescription Carefully compounded1 'ay and nlrht. a r elegant 11c f s 1 -v Jobm 0. Ciiuasi.s. 1 10JTEI EHIEW OF WW SCBJECTS 8 iht Fonmest Writers in Vtt World. TUB FOKUM has won tho liighrst place reached by any periodical ; for it pub lishes articles by nioro r.utlioritativo writers and by mora workers along instruc tive lines ot activity than any other publica tion. It contaiut eleven sttulian of great subjects every month. It is iniiirlhtl, giv ing hearing alikotocacli sitle. It is finaa daily independent, and it belongs to no sect or party or "interest." It ia never ncnsa tional, butit aims always to bo iuslructivo. Ao nnrivalloJ line of Cloaks and Jackets, in all styles s.ndai!K, a well selected sUsck of lien',, CViMrma ami OTS AND SHOES, A laijjn airtirett t,f C A P PETS, Ami a elioico selrction rf GROCERIES. ThFORUWl8 0rrrfttTAlUO tO thfttniirt with i.Mir,., I svOtff.o arrl vunnus uuoNViuitas VlVI ttVUI BfO tliki hakt, of Hanera. Jvar 1 euoujjU tor uutl uo by kiuv-cti..- rV, . iHJmCO it;;(A:4 vlitftj I COnitldArTBB Faair aa riirnlKt,lnfl.lTiAmMtt.lntM1lm,nt tv(1 ,rinniitlt.l'o n,.l....A ii.n h tu. Tltm Fol9r rniltlnilM tfl llrilA Urn nlnoA A rnrnnnil fit np ,n.-r-ivl...,tf C. r i'... -i.'. I value, and Uro weight ot it conu-ibuUciia ftr At V tQHH liuil, '". ' There lias come forward no nroblem of crave ini!iori:irv Trr V: established that has not been discussed m its pass by m;iMt i i.t t.i i.i . nouncemenis ot ionncomtngr aruoioa can Bolii.'in uo n.-aiic i ua- 1 1 .;v ;.. Forum's discussions are always of rrohlrm of ftrrwia ; ;i. i ; Chat thA year 1800 will bringforwardwi'l o '-vti-ii, wtit'i- .. . m or social science, or practical affairs. Th J.i t- v h- . . .... ex-Speaker J. O. CaKUSLB to tieualor CullomV r . v... . t Affects the Farmer. ' tiie roitUM ruBLism::c con..::v, r : r v ; Hit WILL & LINK Dealera In all the Leading Guns, Pistols, "Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos '-.4" " A foil line of sheet rnnst,, musical maro&andis, ammnuiUon. Ashing tahle, eta. Warranted ranora, tlitaber aad pokel kniT. ffte best talnd of sewing mshJne need), OH and esrtra for all nraehirjes supplied. Repairing ef sewing machines, musical instrument, gens, et., neatly dona I .i k j " m m k --- Oarrows & h'earis Di y Goods Notions, Gents Fnrn isMcgj and BOOTS AHD SHOES AGEXCY for The Ludlow Fine Shoes aod for M. D. Well' & Co' Boots and Shoes. BARROWS & SEARLS, Eluniltrg'a Kw Block. 1889 FALL AND WINTER 1889.' Just received a lara itvolc of Foreign an! Diiimstio wo , lea in Overcoatings, Suitings and Trouserings. We make aspclalty of FULL DRES3 for Balla and Partinc or regular evening wear. A prfeof fit guaranteed at 8 THE LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS, stHi k, W (ia Mr 5" fi