THE YAQUINA ROUTE. Cnisi Pisiis lillreil IVlomnt Copiiy't to. 20 .SUM LE33 TIHt rnrtlMd and nil m ty an eUter rjs rn-t-eu.e thmugn rn'rtilpn. front rnmwu - r - W L.i -UUiMUt Valley te and from San effllammt. river division w,il flr i"hurdv nrd8'trdaf t a. . V. -v. . " a w-.i.l. at t a i.I.adav, w7.V?.-if Thar. . Arrive at ro"a i Tay. 1 Uoa Vu7nti V.nd boot, will t. over t, leaving mii 11 " ' ' . .... At ia a it n. C trnlaa crooot a. Atbanj 'od " ... HtkZ above train eonnectat evallla. Tb u-Teionrnent ..ft. V4eT4. Twaat.. Oes "5CTf ascic ;v. at tnsjnlnn ,T' f Wiling. . Aw rrenelaw. OaU " a A . 44 I . Oval,, IvERUHD TO MUFOWIA IsTLfhsra Paciojonpinj'i Line. THE MOUXTSHAStt ROUTE. tl " u. tw-."' A L .. .. 1 A - . ..I 141 1 S I ' 1r I S t tt I ii:m t.,1 00 4 ilhuif tt I 4 140 r Tourist Bleoplng CUrs, I "TZ'--,n4olo vtlh 411 th - Tl..,..4.t(ty. t u r,B,- eorrxst and east VIA CAUrui""" Aim. MlM. Ml . 4M I . . - ' A us and Carriage Painter Decorator and Paper runger Piano Varnlchinar. S B. YASSAUO- Eevere House; (&AS. PFEIFFEK PROPRIETOR. ntud gp la flrcl- Tle. Tbl Pouftnr Wanted. All kind. f ponUry, ; Ar PIANOS. ?af pl.oo... rlob ton.. R- .3 m.U Ton th. P-.rffi. tX.. Er.7 Pno llt for 8 Tf.r. Tb. W.I. for Ml. Mail, ao Pat y.raweuwldiWebtn.. f'7 work nd drw rftkinit don. to 'd,r- J (loorMtof Youog'.old Und. Alb. FOSHAY & MASON, 1tLlU)1 41 MAAM ' Orcedstaasd Booksellers, bl W.MtUt ttUlrtw't pjrWNWiU ALBAST, ORB Fnrlmliler k Irving. -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. - t'rrapt AUsutica-Firsi-ckSi Esarsi J. II. T7EATH2HrOHD, k'l'TOHNEV AT LAW, i MARK 4 TRASS tv xt coif QnEna pain. JFFIOIAL.U aril Li TOO DAKUWUCSTO IN VISTIOAT. IU11t. a& mm nr.rRAt.aiA, Eolation, Lumbtco. I1K AD ACHE, TocUiacba, Epahi, Corns and Scald. HOKHB AM CATT1.H UISKAIKjS. I At. i.ftiiry Mr Imvl Ji.kf 1'lub, mii: I noiirinin. glow f t I n f lrlbut Hid hf tiirnni-B U Col. J, D. rirtoi, .li 'H I. J hralltar with U JvA C4t! BirwW, A mtxxl Han utimr iriMlt. tli. rv- IQ.4 At. Jnwh. Oil. I rhvrfully imiu tClllO flf Willi rill RlllDMI AT Tvnnn "". ltl.. tHl CHJMUE8 A VOCtHH CO.. iltl.rt, 114 dr.j.l. naL, Physician and Snrtoon, OfflM Mr. rintaa Tttj BWta, ALBANY- ORISON Physician and Surgton. on. n ii. davis, Physician and Surgeon. ptromntt up tlr In trhn'i Block. U7 b. found at bla offle aay and night. Da. Q. A. WHITNEY, PayiicUa and Surgeon. Crado.U of B.U.V.. lloapilal MUm1 3olga Row York City. DImim. ol womaa a (poialty . fTOfEc. Fr-a". Brick, Albany, Or. DR, I. W, STARR, Physician and Surgeon, Late of Brownsville, Or. OfflMatiaoroaKoa. M and S,8irahao aad'. Block, up atalia. Calla promptly aiMd la 4iy oreonnrry. Tb. crWcUma on the conduct of Di- Irlct Attorney Chamber of nuiiapa m connection lth Ih. recent vl.U t Block. ( V v. Dudley to IndlanapoUa kava bo.r to narp aad i.vere that h. .qulrmt under .itm. II. U aald to hava a ne- lr for a congril.,ial Inquiry Into th. conduct o! Ida office that h may re rc- UeTedfrom lha odium now attached tt him. A aearchlnii InveitlaaHon, conducted tih a Durno.0 to dl.clo.. and not conceal th. facta, would be hailed wttiv aaiwiacv Unby honeat man provided It wt nt fa ...uDh. It It Ucan with " "-J" taken toward Ihe punUhinent ol lha de- kauehcra ef the ballot boa in the la na Uonal eleotlon In Indiana and followed tna nrocdlnaa. ati by alep, down to th. recent Irlumphant ol V w u"7 to th. court h.uae where he ahould haa ber. tried aa a criminal, he revelaUona could not fall to attract the atlenti.n and aroute Ihe Indignation oC the country Such an Invention, lionely and vig oroual eonductad, would ahow h.w tu dlct.neata that ware bated on over whelm Ing evidence came to naught through ,he ehanae of front ofllarrUon't boaom friend Judge Wood and hia diatnlaaal ol Ihcm on k.. tu.U.l 11 wuuiu .11, ikow that nrecUaly the aame legal method approved by Jadge Wood in aa where demoerata were Indicted and pweeulad were Invalidated by him wehte republlcana were concerned. It would ahow that law and decency were defied by the whole United Stat. court oraanUatlon In Indlenapolle on the occaalon of Dudl.y'a recent and lhat there baa b..n on me pan oi Prealdanl Harrlaon'a old aaoclatea and present offlelala a determination to ahletd the republican ef anjaia agaln.t the ele tlor. lawa of the atate no matter how acan daloutthe necoary action may be. 3t will be no au.U irivellgatlon by thla oongre.. It would reveal too much If the inve .ligation wt to Ihe root of the matter. A committee with power to call tor pcrtena and paper, and that could, under that power, get at Ihe cor respondence between Judge, Wood on the one hand and Judaea Greaham, Harlan. ex-Senator McDonald and Judge Claypool , on th other, touching the political ca.e. might atrike eome Jynamlte among the papera whoae cstpoaion would make eorry wrecka ot very prominent republican. There will be ro uch rl.k taken. TELEGRAPHIC JfEWS Tw. Sam FranchcoJah. 3. The anxiety which ha been full here for the safety ul th: tleame Stale ofCaliforiiln was allayed thl aAernoon ly ilia receipt of a telegram fiflm Firnt Ofliccr Steven, avnt fionr Bowcn't Innillng, alwul evenly m let north of 3nn Franciaco, Hating that the iteamer had broken her iliaft, tut wai otherwiM uninjured, and all on board were welt. Steven with a crew of four men, left the veucl In a lifeboat yeterdy and rowed aeventy nil In to almie to tend a communica tion to the ktcamihln company' office in title ity. Skattlk, Jan. t-There I grave reason to fear that the atenuicr Wide Wet,whlch atart- ed fiom Aitorla bound for Seattle on the a6ih of DccemWr, haa foundered at aea. It ha been reported that the put into Baker' bay, Inniile th Columbia liver, to await better weather, but a lli!ch received thl evening by George II llellbron, one of ner ownera, from Atioria, atate jHilivcly that the crowed out on the 36th WANT THE ALBANY 11. It. DR. .JAEES EEYDEfl, Sraduats of lllnli IcaJUnd, Haa located la Albany. ' Jn m ale koeoogn kaowl.lf. of kle preaeaai.a aid hta p.rtne9 f te y.ara aa effl ear ! m Caval 7 Rrglao4it, me hep to 01 .lit toe p.uoor of tkoae tnt.ra.Ud te home, .attl. abawp. ete. M.woai also reoomeaea Die eotauon or iihk.oi for eore eholdre. eore bke, br.k.e kneee, wound a, epraina, Frt , ee del lar vr botUe. caTOfflee el John Sebcneet . I very ate, ble. Q. I. CLAGKUAFJ, fiinr M. W.lfi. DFALXK I ORUQdf K1COI0INB0 (5F1SMIOAU3, DRUCHBS GOP0 OOLtHS. rro. b, A. . lucttcti, eao. w. waiaarr. BLACKCUnn VRIC1IT, Attorneys at Law, Will onotiM is all tfce Carta ef tke Stat, rroenptetwettoo givae to allbari . eatieud tooor ear.. Oftlee Odd fallow Tempi.. Albany, Or W UT3ILYEU, ATTOltNEY AT JLAW Aid Seliciter !a tkaicerj, ALBAHT. OBEfiOI. Collectlona prompil made on ell point Ooana negotiated on eaaonablateTma. FRANCIS PFEIFFER. -pBOPxirroBor - Albany Sodi Works. M.nA Kfcoaraaierere of CH0IC1 COSRlillOHERT,' K are now prepaw to Mil at who), a, lwayafr.h and put. at Fortlaud a to daaiwr. tre a'M Imp full t.f Uti ul Tropical Fruits. 4QARS AMD T03A0C0 TH v. tboM pet ap by n.M.FERRYA.CO. I'm m tUiargm SwUnm ia Um worU. V. M. rav ft Co. rWM-r4r.tiw .n.l Pried SED AHHUAt. fa ibjo will b. mailed rKtil to ail ap J plwanta, aaa to lul araaon ainz Gar an, firmer tr till iidi ibouio Mma tor u. jiounm , D. M. rlRRi A CO. DlTnOIT, MICH. EedCrownMills SOU, LiKKIXO 4 0., IWfl'l. ftm uyOm)m bloc a a rr aea ant rajaama n aaAcxi Cm. REST STORAGF UCJLITIE. vtliaii Vtl U O&tb fa Wit.u J. ej. IV&ilTKEYa Muiij lul IcuzBllcr it Lai NotaY: Pabllc. Vlll ir4tl I all of Ike O.ert. al..Ui. All lnew laton.v. 1 a. I! IU be pfootpiiy aiiw4ad te. H Mr. 1 it 1 MAY SENDERS, tfitliri ii General Iimillii. ? BROWNSVILLE O.P. CC83I0.7 a Rail Itiiti w3 IniarAiics A.ssts. ileal aatata aold an CollaUont and KotAiial alt.ii.1rd to. Children Cry for A AUrtllag avclatlaa. t London, Jan. 3. The arrctt of the notor- but nlhilUt leader, Pierre Gnta. at Varnw, na tieen productive 1 iiitc.utouie lor mori trtting than any cf the alarming revelation u.i.t..U I . ... ...ITl.!.. . wiiiiii nave vuii.q 111 ma Hjuce niuun me inn few day, appalling a Ihey have been. From letter and document found concealed in hi clothing the moat damning evidence It ohtnin- eu acainai mnoy iicraon niiin in me linnerbil favor and authority, contemplating not aataa- aination or the car alone, tnt murder of Ihe eatire reigning ftimily a well. Waa !ldlag B.wn Mill. Seattlk, Jan. 3. Every one will remem- ber the tad drowning of Ul4ula Co, who, with l)r Minor and G Morria llaller, knt their Uvea while ctoiting the Sound in canoe near N itl.llty iktand about lour week ago. Scarce ly had the parenta of the unfortunate young man recovered fiom the fitut terrible hock when a new and equally creat eri.f ia I thrurt urnin them in (he violent death of their young ett ton, Norman I)., who wa killed while conning on Jiuiet ttreet, juat liefore noon to uay. Following are the proceeding of a mate meeting held In Willamitta, Petk county, Or,, Dec 37th, 1889, to dlcut railroad and other tnalter ot intercet to the town. The meriting called to order by II Baiter, Judge Lucy wo elected chairman, C 0 Linden, tecretary, The object ol the meeting wa eloquently ataled by Judge Lucy, who graphically et forth tho resource ot the town and Immediate vicinity, and the ur gent need (or the people to tak action tt once, to let the outside world know that we are here, with advantage that are ex celled by none and equalled by few place en the Pacific Coatt. Remark were made by other. Judge Lucy waa unanl.nouly elected a a representative ot W Diamine te confer with rallread official and other partlee Inieretted In the building of rail, read Item the Willamette Vallry to the cont. The chair appointed a committer, eotRltlng of II Bailey, Thomat Langden and C C prepare tome atatlatlc and report on the evening of Dec 3th,after which the meeting adjourned until aid time. At the adjourned meeting the fol lowing report wa tubtnltted 1 We find the amount ot grain raited In thl Immediate vlclntty.and that would be thinned from thl point had we facllltle to handle It. to be erne hundred thouaand euhcle per annum number ol beeve letted, one thousand head 1 aheep, five thousand head 1 hog,ona thousand head hay.ene thousand ten neutlng mill ca paalty, fifty barrel per day aa w mill, fit tccn thoutand feet per day t furniture lac tory, .tc- a large area of tillable land un occupied. Amount ot merchandise aold at tliu nolnl S boo per annum. Betide the water power already utillaed, we find that the Yamhill river, by building a ditch one half mile In extent at comparatively no cost.could be brought here with a twenty-four foot head and afford unlimited power. , Respectfully submitted, If Bailkv, Tiioe Lanooon, 0 C LlftDKN, Committee. On motion the aecretary waa Inttructed to furnish tor publication a copy nt the proceeding ot thl. meeting to ft Sa'.cm statetinan and Albany ijkmocrat. AN It EEP IUbTEU. P. M. French kawp railroad lima. ISaeet thavintr. at f ..rcV.'i. tiek.ta for t at Viorack't . Itoota od u as e.t at Road'. Saratoga chip at C K BrowoeU'. J. P. Wallaea, I'hvaioian and Sure buy. Or A tin. lio. of all kind. e( farniturw. plaits and apk.UUrwd, baa. stock in thia part of Urag.a at rortmtller at Irving a. J A ArtjnitI.L lia.r Maeafaetar teg Co., ti l l P.tUw Tempi., At bar, Aa al.jaot lie. of auk UU. apraada, lu hwaattfal deaigaa, jo.t tewaivwl at Fwtmill.r A Irvtog'e. i Msi Uold.o Star tomato, tor 00 ool. atC Mfy.ra, and all other: rannad goeJA (hasp fur eaab . Joat rwaiya4 n.w tahl. lmeo at W, T. R4't. I W SUrr, phy.ieian aodaarMn, Albany7 Oregon. Owod eooklog atove inly $10 at Ilop'ai & Saltmarab'a. S chair roooing tdy at Virok'a sbav iog parlors. Baat roast eoffM in tke city at Conrad May era. Kirt $vort loiperial auap. f 100 a bos at 0 K Browoalt'e Sixty doann viadw abadaw jn.trecivl at fortmill.r 3: Irving'. J W Baotlny. beat I km 4 sod shoe maker la city, opposite Fortmillor it Irtlag'e. A large and Bn. lie. ot wit do web joat racivad at Portmill.r A Irying'a. Xi bav. the lat $1.60 kid glov evae brought U Alhaay at W P lUad'a. N.w i. th. Mjse te aav. monar by baying booU and ahrM atea.1 of W. F. Raad. Oo to Cardu. for boaawt w.ighta, good guod. and loweet Living price. Adtlr. 1 i;t Mre. Wmslow'e Soothln: Httop, for hlldren twethlnff. J. th. praatoiiMkni of ne oftb. bat female nuraee and fbyal an In the United Hutee, and baa Uea aed for forty year with never fallina; nocwae bj mllllona of motter for their blldren. Daring tb procete cf lertkinr evalaela Incaleoabln. It elave tbw hlld from pain eurea dyarstery and dlar boia, griping In too bowefa, and wind olio. By giving health to tbe child it eate tho mother. Prico 2Ac. a bottle. ' Dr. Flint. Remody ia the jet remndy known for lnnootnla. or aleepleaarvaa., wbicb aftticta ao many pwraoaa.and which leda to ao manv Mrion. uervo'iadliwaaeav partlr-ularly tn loanlty. Decrlptkv treatiaM with waob bottle; or,ad.)rea Mark DrngCoM.Y. I am now bettor prepared Iban I ha,T4 rer been to unit my cnalomers la J hoe line, I be v. juat received n targe Invoice of tbe eolebraud laird Scb.ber A Mitchell fine abcea for Jad In,. There la no mac ufaetnrer who cla'anu anything beitr than lbew nbrca. T Jn tend to Ve a full assortment of thami iti all prlooe, width from A to KK and ar an'tthe moatfaatldlouaia fit and prion. I aim receive. I auother invoice of tkvt popular ahoe E I' Keeila In Waukenpoaet tnd Patent lciatber tip. Tbeaeaboee auw woil known In Albany aa a first claitr nice etyloahoe. O-aerafr&m the ocontryfill ed with ear a and aatlr faction guaranteed , Pajiukx 2 Yotrte. COLD HEAD. ;sv-wri uo;vir rt-j.-.yTFLVLH'i :y A rail l ire. Coi FAX, Weill., Jan. 3.A fue broke out eatly this morning in the Kencral ntcrchandi. estal)lihuient of Kuhn & Bowman, destroying almost th entire stock. The lire Oiigtnatcd tn the clothing department, No causa can be assigned. Four ct.tks, including Mr Bowman barely t n;:ctl sullocation. But fur the prompt nest of the flredefmrttncnt and Chief 11 utchim one third ol the town would have tuueted Tbe loa is l7S,ooo; insurance, f 30,000. AalaaaiurUal lllag. WAtiitNCTON, Jan. a. judge Uroff, com niitaioocr of the gcncnl Land office, today made a rutine which ia of importance whereve public land are to he taken up, in that it hold a ttometeadr who bat perfected title to land under the general homtd act can not trans mute hi filing. In tubst a nee it prohibit more than one pre-emption by the aame pea- son. tstw Flow. Sachamknto, Jan. a. T he trtowpWw of the Central i'cilic Railroad Company bad te be called into u hut niht, owing te tbe great tiorm. The storm ragad at all point along the bne, and nearly ail passenger treine are delayed. Eatly tbi morning rain com mncd ftilioj and baa :.! i!y all day, rMesl IteatAw Milton, Or,, tan. a. Minnie, the littie daughter of Noah Miller, white capering alcat the room in childish glee, fell backwarda into a tub of hoi tud which wa standing on th floor Her back and lower limb were tevea ly scalded, and th doctor report t that there ia not much chance for her recovery. Waal the Vf arid. TaiMTOX, N J., Jan. a. It ia atattd that negotiation wbicb have been in progresa fbr tome time with a view of the establishment of a rubber trust, are about completed. Bridah capitalists, it ia said, are to take an interest amounting 10 I, and push the Mock in England and Scot la nu. While the ident ity of Ihe capitalist it not disclosed, they aie believed to be the same who bought upanuro- ocr 01 Aru erica 1 breweries. ArreaLd r.r AaalU EuoiNg.Or., Jan. a. An itinerant reach. er named Webber, who haa bean conducting a aeriea of revival meeting at the M church. in tbi city, for several day, put a young man out of the cbu'cb las-. Saturday evening, tie baa been arrested for astault, and hat been on tnal lor Iwj day. Considerable excitetnenl haa retnltd, aad Ihe end ia not yet. Tbe whole matter it a disgrace to the city, Public sentiment i against tbe preacher. A aaatr In Maaaaw Helaka, Jan, a lion T C Power wa to day elected United $tatct 'senator to (represent the state of Montana in the congreta of tbe nation. Two ballots only were necessary, Of thirty eigH m embed present and voting, thirty hve voted lor Mr I'owtr. 1 be joint tembly n-el promptly cn time, ard after tbe opening routine want to work, The first vote resultdd: rownr 16, Mantle 11, Ileta ifeld 3, Kicbero 7, William Tbompto Jtte, I, nerved alia B CAttON, Ncv,. Dec. 31 Jim McMartin wa horsewhipped in the Empire house by Emily Oh!, who had been slandered by him. McMartin will probably leave town. Citizen are indignant and tide wiih the girl. ' r..rlUty. Rome, Dec, 31. Th. Kiforma aayt: The violence of the language used in the pope's al locution will not prevent Itly from being cov erned in harmony with the neceasitie of pro gress inn me atperation ol ber people, Always la Traable, Red Bl.lFf, Jan. I. Considerable excite ment ha been caused by the stabbing of Chria tiaa Peterson, a tailor, by J W Lewis, a form er leaner 01 tne salvation army. The army eat been naving trouMe with cituen ior sev eral eighla past.and when Peteraon waa push-, ed agslnst Iwis to- night by tbe crowd which wa following the army the latter atabbed him, making a wouad teveral inchea deep, juat above the kidneys. Lewis vrat arretted. Dr.waed While Kkallag, Seattle, Jan. 1. Three chiluren werej drowned Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock while skating on Johnsoi'i lake, near Port Ludlow. They were Edward Oliver, aged 9 year Francis E lohnson, aged 9 year, and George Johusorflgtrfif vears, cht'dren of Edward Oliver, wiu, JWrttfatber t the Johnson girl and boy II fire Loneon, Jn. 1- The boy' ardion of the paupci chool in the dittrict of Forest Gale, in connection with the Whitechapet and Pop lor uniont, took fire last night wbile the in mate were asleep, and wa I urned with terri ble results. Twentym boy in the uppjr ttorit were tuffocated; Fifty eight were safely taken from the burning building amid terrible excitement. Two matroha escaped by Uding down the water pipes. Several boya escaped in the same way. The Superintendent repeatedly rushed through the flame and brought out a number of inmates. Wouldn't Allow It, Nnw York, Jan. 1, The police refused ihe request of Ward McAllister, aometimet styled the leader of New Yoik totiety, to terve wine at h New Year' ball after I o'clock this morning. McAllister snys the rays of the blue law have come ncnin. Superintendent Murray says it is a law made to prevent wild tcencet of debauchery, flOMB AND ADJtOAD TH UK SUA V.. Mr FM Fieuoh leavae to-night for San Prauciaeona a two weak a butiatss trip. The funeral Mr Rev Prichard touk place at two o'clock thl afternoon, Rev Condlt preaching the acrmon. It wa largely attended. . Mis SU vent, of Virginia, t former stu dent, a well a dster teacher ot Mr O 8 I'ellock, la In the city the Jguett ol Mr roiiock. Mr Chat E Pemberton, advance agent ot Ell ford St Brophy' Dramatic and Com. e!y Company, ia In the city, III troupe I very highly spoken ef by the California pre. They will be here five nights, be- gintng on 1 uetday. raiDAy. The anew ie foer ieche deen at the Bay and twelve at the Barnaul, The overland trala due tbia morning will aot arrive aattl 0 o'clock to-olght. About one hundred ami fifty reilrjad men arrived (rem th. front lalt night. Astoria baa Catkolid. Methodiat. Bsi.tiat. Prby t.rien, Coagragational, Le'.haraa. Nor wegian Al.tlirxlut, Kuaatan L.atheraa and Uassian in no ohureha. Mr Frank Partea.tha ievlneikta maiehant otilUr ol Waiubure.ia making hie N.w Year call in Albany, ill many eld frtawd in Albany alt rejoice at hi annual viaii. Bain ol Tillman waa found dead in Port land yesterday morning, having died from cold and epeure. Thla in tbe famooe N orth week. Bat it wa t little c.ld. Df Pattoe, reoentlv of open ed aa Dltie ia th. Biamberg Bloek, and tn- tende making Alsaay bit borne. A sooa at be asa aeoure a bouae tor his family they wilt el, eeme tn tb. city. The Doetor ie well tpoken of. ASOTIUlt VATAUailOT, Jan. itt about 4 o'clock In Ihe after noon, Otto Stone, aged seventeen, eon 11 M Stone, the bridge builder, who live near Oakvllle, in thia county, wa at sliootlng match at B N Tharpt acrote the river In Benton county. Young Stone had thot at the target and ha wa to be fol lowed by George Thar p. ton of BN Thar p. Stone immediately after ahootln and withont the knowledge oi youn Tharp, went around behind the wagon up on which the target waa placed to examine hit tliot when young Tharp ahot at the target, the ball hitting young Stone in thg bicaat killing him Ineiantiy, heultering only the ward "Oh," when pierced by the deadly bullet. Young Stone waa brought over to-day tnd taken to Oakvllle for bur lai. we are informed that young irurp I nearly crated over the fatal shooting. The affair ha caat a aad gleom overtbe whole ndghtierhood. Young Stone and Tharp were relation. mat m tKAt. KertTat aaUK- United State to W W Procbatel, S E qr sec 3t. tp J, S R 3 E....5 United State to U KriUglhben.S E or tec IS, tn ),!) Rib David Fltaglbbone to 1 C McFar- lane, et a 1,3 c qr sec la.s R a E Milton Hale to A KPhel.n, 334 acre 1910 State ol Uiegon to be ur.y, too acre In sec 36, tp 9, S R t E. . B Johnson to Oak Plain Grange B A, lot 1 and J.M 3, Shedda.. . School DUt 5a tn O P Coahow and I M Waters, 3 acre adjoining Brownsville A llackteman to J W Reecc.lot 3, H'3td A to Albany Alfred Wheeler to Polly cott, 10 acre In tp 12. S R a w W S Denham to V E Hawkins etal, wharf lot 13, In Albany Thoe Reardon to Wm Patrick, et al, V interest In 16O acre Ip 1O, S KlE R Mayote Arthur Kelly, 1 acre In IP9.SR3E Pauline Schmeer to Auguate I. Schmeer, lota 14, 1 5, ie, S'a A.. Jami A Crabtree to M J Miller, 4O acre In aec a$,tp lO, S R a w.. 11 R Schulti and J II Remington to T L Wallace.water lot 6, Albany United State to W R Roberlson.kt acres In aec 30, tp e,S R 1 E. . .Patent United State to W R Robertson, St acre In tec 3o,tpe,S R a E.... Patent Total .Sr83 YYOUI.EN JtTlA OHM SO. 400 400 640 aoo SSO aio 100 Sooo ISO 40 1 3J 1 t ThaTbaat. lin. otf vUwd'a kid glovo j at W F MARUlEl). TrylhaCurCj Ely's Cream Balm - ' SANDMAN WEDDELL-On Jan. ist, 1S90, at the residence of John D A I kire, by Rev J F Stewart, pastor of tho tt ChrUliuu Church of this city, Mr George Sandman and Miss Mary 0 Weddell. C!eu.-"3 ttelTaflcJ Pussafrcs. AI- Hya Infiiiiisination, Heals tho Sores. Ilentores tho tJonsea oi' Taste, Biaoll tuidlloarins. , - A panSolsl applied lnt.cncbBn.trlI kbC a. .crpral r. Prli ff. et Uruacixt. or by aoaul. MX iiJiOl'ilUtoo Warren bUSew Yoriu j 4-1OU.NTT TKEAUitaCMw HjThlaia t, ot!fy KOTICf.- II oanearnad that tharetw nrtw auKoi.ot teatda In the Conatr Treeaurrra oCRce of Lrfna oonnty Oreou a redMav all ontatanelnf weflf rams. 3 at rata oa all and or aed vrar rantn vi!l oe s. n oti thla dwo. w Fan tb An important event In Albany wa the opening evening of the Woolen Mill Year ago we uted to talk Woolen mill, and wondered how we would feel with one, Now we aie experiencing the realisation and our health I good. Albany ha un questionably the finest woolen mill build Ing in Oregon, and there waa a general expression of appreciation at the aolid and attlng appearance be'.h of the building and machinery, Tbe mill waa brilliantly light ed. and the crowd waa large, two or three from the Democa at office being present The procet of making cloth, from the .courer to the loom wa dltplayed to the delighted audience, and it I a remarkably Interesting one, the proceta of which waa indicated In a prevlout Utueof the Dcmo ca at. The new mill tait out with every bright prospect The plant repreent a bout $75,000 in money, and thl call tor a big buhinet to keep pace with the capital ; that I assured. The company I fortu nate In a tplendid management. Mr Mey er, the President, It a thorough butinee man, Mr Galbraith the Secretary, la a re markably ytematlc buslnes man tnd an organizer, and Mr Hatwell, Ihe general verdict is, I just the man for Superinten dent, being experienced Tn the business with all the latest acqulsitlona, and he will give the product ol the mill a reputation that will create an Increasing demand for Albany fabric. The opening to tusplcl ously made givca for th. milt the entire confidence ot our people In thia Important factory At IlAARtsauue. Following are the new officers of the I larrisburg grange 1 Master.E E Upmeyer 5 overseerj M Staf. ford steward, Geo Alford ; assistant steward, W S McMeekenj lecturer, Geo McCulloch j chaplain, Mr N Bmer treasurer, D S Busey ; secretary, N J Mc Meeken t gate keeper, N W Window ; Cere, Mi Stafford; Pomema, Mr F G Barger 5 Flora, Mr C Hardety 5 Isdy at tistant, Mrt Laura Morrit, tetter list. r.Uowlnf Is th. list of lavtst ramalalng In tit. Pjat Offle, Albany, Una eeunty, Oregea, Jaa, tnl, UM. Penan oalUnf for tbass lsttsn must ifW th. aaw oa which thy ww. adrwusMl t AU.a. M!m Vargl. atroKnAT. Skating. 8 tad1 rat oraugaa for asltat F L Kaatoa' Quincea 73 tent par buahet at C E Erow nall'a. How male mine meat at 0 E Brow atlla. Plasty ef Oregon apple at C E Brow- 011. Iodise all wool eoarUt aadarwear, 75 , BaUa CbamuU moeoaeina at Barrow A Stwrla. Kin. lac-he ot .now in Portland thia morning. , ISO enure men nrriyed from the front laet veaiog. SboMe orn berrlee and sw.l .raag. C Br.wa.lle. For destristry try Dr Wagenner over tbe lino County Bank. Ashland eovseted about $100,000 on new building last yr. MrO P Cashew Jr., r.tarod from a tee weeke visit la Salem, thl noon. An assortment ef library lamp are being offered ebeap at O nrowoalla. Low prioee are what ooodU and G K Brownelia i th. place to gcCth.m. Saaer kraat, pickle., pieklad piga tt and everytbtng ole At C E Brownaila. N.w England eeDdented mino meat at F U K tut on a, at IS eente A package. Atk to our Railroad Engineer ebo. oat leeaivad at Harrows ft bsarls. Mlaa EtU Strattoo, of Salem afur apeod. leg the holiday in Aikaey returaed borne yesterday. Mr Either Sotoman ia visiting bsr pai ota Mr aad Mra A Cohen. She report a eeep now at oeattie, Mra E E Tarrtsh, who bat bean viaitins frlanda in WaaooCoaaty, returned heme to day tfiar a cold expert.., in that con a try. Barrows ft Starts bare ittt reeeived a invoioe of I ad tc. 6a hoe from Uorg. W Loaiow, (.hteao. Saoaorintloea for all th. laadine nawa papsr and mageunae r.iv by r L Ka ton, Mar the I'o to Bio. All ordert for warded without delay. Oo to Paisley A FUb far tour job print ing. They do any and ail kinds of work la the pakiiskiag and job printing line. Quiek work and tew pnewt. Rv. W.lbar. an .vanaelist at Eeeen. City, waa fined $9 aed eate Tborsdsy, for ailing bd Uatit), wbtob eonsie'ml in pat ting nim 0.1 01 ioe eaarca. R.V W B U: D-D., of Oljmpla. win preach in tbe Presbyterian Chnrcb to-mor row morning Aad evanieg. Tb pnklie ie eordially lovitad to b. present. There ie contiderahle akatieg traced Al bany te-dayt but we or. refrain from men tioning localitiea, at It night Lit tome pop- eiar aoaitton ana we weuia "put oar ft n it." ie quite a demand lor etor room in tbi eity, with net an inch anywhere te mt tb demand. Every thing beige oca- pied. Thia fact ahoeld eper our eitiaana p to erecting many bricka tbie ooroicf year. Wa ba. ase for them. Leat evening at the reideree of Prof Condit the teaebere ot th College epent A few boure in very profitable, a well ajoyabl n.aoner, with Mia Steven, Mr Pollock, former etndeetf and eo-teaeher, aow her gaeat in thia eity. Among other nice featnrae of th evening waa a euoapta one repast. TEMPERANCE COLUMN, kUltl by Albany W, 0. T, V The new state hesdtjaartersifjtha Fetm- tplyatiia W, 0. T. U. wme.furinally'.l.iliea- td add tipKU'd Daciiiiar 10, Therc,t are in a new and haiidsumo building on Arch, Pbitadalpbia. Jul. Kiidar, of Fort Dodge, lewa, ha bn tlnad $1000 for violating th. prohibi tory law. W. H, II. Colli)', a piomineut buslaea man waa also flood f 1000 for al'ow liquor to be aold in A building owned by bits afer an injunction wa graatad. Tb. Nashville Issue eU'tiia that the mon ey that Timmsm pay annually to tb. hiakey shops (113,000,000) would meet all 9uUr .atentoe ot th. Stat, for tea year. Naihviil saloon receipt alone would carry Ob the government. We are glad te l.arn of th. following ffi eial daiiou. aa reporUl by the Mid-Continent. A Teooese judge ol the orimiual eourt haa or;atd n sensation in r.lieeoaa eirelea by dwlaring a church rsill. illegal and oharging a Nashville grand jury to tndtot all g.rsone buying or sniling tick el. Tra Chisago Daila N.w which ha stmwl out ao SKuit the aaloco, us. 970 ton or pspor a month, tin being ov.i. by tWMty-fiv. tons, than tbe Ttibaoe, Is tr -Ocean and Sta Z.ituau, th thro. trongoat antt-prc-hibition papers, use, all eomlioad. A wealthy gantleman of lartr businrsa experionce, who was an interested viiitnr at th national convention o th W, C. i. U . aaid b. oeuld not nndaeatand how this great organictmn wt able io do to much for the temperance ou- with o little monev. ami Ineidabtally lemarkud that th sum ol $2.1,- OUU, (more than Ut entire smonot wbicb paaaad through the national W. U T, traasary last year) would hardly be sulfl- eient te bay bear for a pulitioal mtv.Ltion. Mr. Ee ilV PittSUvans. of Han Franmaco i doing good fork for tb W. 0. T. U., ol ieiiiornia. in. ni.miootno conntv nuion baa giad about nv. bundrvd mamher tbrcugh her labor., and Solano comity nca i.. . , , , - - ij iiirw.. nunurwi. (7r jWWUbJW -M.m'mmmma-.. j-a ' : ... an.,, Maw, i , liyAlJmn1UAi TBE MAN ABOUT TOWN. A poor time to tell real estate some one inform th Man About Town I when the ground I snowed under and It I cold and frosty. Price then all look high. You need to ice the dirt In Oregon. The Man About Town read with Inter est Ihe building Iten.t In different paper for 1S89. Of courte they are tt retched allalrt : but nevertheless they show the progress of a city. Without adding the column an Oiegen City paper clalmtnear 400,ooo,ol which SJJC.oooare credited to a paper mi.i built in another county. At torla papera do not give any list at all. . . ... . ' - a ouincpc.pie nun a uregon I arm are plastered with mortgage ; but the fact I Ihe proportion here I below that in most late. Take, for Instance. Kama with ',ooo in mortgage, Indiana with $635,000,000 In mortgages, Iowa with 5&7.cwo..oo In mortgage, Michigan with $500,000,000 In mortgage, Wisconsin lll $ In mortgages Ohio with $i,,eoo In mortgg.,.ndyou have some figure that wjuld startle a hippola- mu. Think of it, the citizen ot Ohio, mosily ftrmert, owe 'almost the Na Uonaldrbt, about which there la so much talk. Add all the mertcagvs in the United State and the famous National debt be comes very diminutive. for Infants and Children. wCawtorlAlaoW!nalaptedloeMdrwithat I Ctor- f nwmmml It a superior to any prescription I 7''. ZTZZ aawwn to bm." It, A. Aacstan, M. V., ' I iniiiu ' ' Ul go, Oxford 84 Urooaiya, S. T. WltaVaut ttjnrtowa nndtartaan. Tna Cam At A Corrv, 77 Murray Street, K. Y. j Ciril, Sanituy aai HyaraaUa Icglneer. C' lna ecgioer for Gold Mountain aii.l Drv Gu!ch t'on. lidated O -Jd and Sil ver Mi. i.igd. Cflie-, Firtt f tract, Albany, Or, 1 jJxy- Combine the Juice of the Blue Fig ot California, to laxative ana nuuiuw. with the medicinal virtue 01 pianw known to be most be reficial toth. human system, forming tn jn 1.1 1s.1v- FECT REMEDY to act genuy yet promptly on the Kllims, LIVES Aiu) .mm- Cleanse th System EffsctaalSy. so Taw PURE BLOOD, REFRE8HINO 6LEEP. HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one l using it ' a . a. A t . l tt, A al ewnveaW . and all are d.ngniea wllJ - "' druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Mn factured only by the CALIFORNIA. FIG SYRUP CO Ban Faaitciaco, Cau Loeivru.a.K. Kw Yoa..T. City Meat Market iHuLM ml, Ttnmm. lump n ftiTl line ef atete ef all kin fa, ten etel pStea, eorjapletatv pr teeted) nd alway. ftaab. Ala hjtve eenoUat'y en kartd aaiuion 01 euWt lab. Stodtholder's Meeting. Noll la l"n that th. will ba j a mtto4 of tk Snxkbold.reor tb. Unn County Aaii.uit.ral AwMctatMa bald at tte Onrt li i. la Albany, unm, on- dsy, th. 2nd day of Janaary 1S, Mill porpo. of hritig t.pert 4 eftsar atd elector b. pvrpf of ."wtiaf ro diroe- tor to witv. Ior ail aaaoeuition tea aoauiDg year aod lt tb. tr.aaaotMa of aay otber buain. that may eom. befor aa.d matieg. Uatod thia Setk day .1 .k.v, isaa. C. P. BragjT, tMkhoWU-. C VOICE SiS: j,, S,bmIiiIk.Iwiw7 : iu fc, c. aiii ai,..lM.w . . ... A, - 1- I Mail W. M.I,.MIWi. rOBflALEA tarrn of S3 ocrae at I P MtUexa Stations mile, from AJbarry. j Al (hawd. 0 In nalUvawoo. nearly all good wheat lend, new honae ami Urn, jvood wet. Will eel) kat or alL Terme teaaonaWe. Xaquir .fown-f .re en tbe ptaew. WW Brw.y 4 WIlliM KUa., Hnbtal, "- I f .nruw. I. mil H- I QO I mw, lMttr, - WtUt "I I SM M9 ie w elf ttw ftmr nmmwm m i4attwaM TtfT mw It I I -WU. . ,7Vr.r a .i.ri. ar n a.. t Ipm t- v -- Khnli we start YOU in thia buaineaa. Mr ViMl.oMllmiMaMlliairnn'l W an Hta mr 1 . '.U r r W.M,iinJ djr- hi ymr pmll lb.lfT l i.imm4 ym .hi w .t'W it. ... k tl. 4m. ma-Km a,mtlmr Pl.llr.,li AHmm i Fluk l b.mi.ilt knnM i4. IMwM .UmwW W- liWnl MM. lug mint tm mtmu. r W.' k W. Cat V'..- mmon f a .n MlhKM mmmrm mm. V . .-.. mm4m -ll If mmr mmm. I ll lfcol l rrM", ftt'r au. u, ri no aru. r "s. .MM y cl a . mf mm mmtm WWi TO GO S4ST. Eat via Uo.ot Skaata B.W H., ..a u.iurf at ail awt of sc. 4t Aaara, isjarwt. 04. -w'sTtX rtaa4ea4-ee Jt s4. sr. re,n dldy. Biy ' J d av. jmil (tu, to porUaod. I aJa tea tjj paaaob in AltiaJav tlu cao ao'l jom a ti.iirt to any petnt In n umtavi nuts, van 00 ma tr rataa. ' W. L. Jewrvn, Agwot S. P. Lake, DCr. Tut Ellfoi Br.piit Companv. Thl celebrated dramatic organlaationW kn on the road alnce fatt April and have played to a teccclou of houses every where. The cempanv I composed ef firtt clan material comprteing the follow ing people. Mr Jamee M Brothy, Mr W J Elicfoid, Mr Cml'e Collins, Mr lame Sllience, Ml Lottie Beaumont, Mia Jessie Marlon, Miss Alia Sherman and Mr Chat E Pemberton, during their engage wient here commencing next Tueeday January 7th they will appear in the emo ttonai 4 act drama "The Planter Wife" to be followed by an entire change ot piny eat evening, non I torget the diaplay of msgmnccni urest.s worn py lottie lieau- mnnt which waa on exhioltion in the wlndowa of W F Reads dry goods store on tuesoay evening net ween 6 and 8PM Price ol admit ion during this engage wi-ni win dc 15 35 ana 5. cents with no extra charge lor resrrven teats. which can now be ecnreu at Black waa'. drug store tTs haw th Eitluxiw Control of 11 j 1 1 1 ...q. e) K "TJJs! 'riwswa w. "ifi1 tltnwlnte. twrwtd Urer. ntvewrt- 4M iitirii.'i". rww aw.l, mJmm avtW wn.waa)l ata aa Aim-iiuous mmm. 9 malarial letrt their vtrtwcw aarat v.g.ywtaa. mm tti.y pnaa.a. p iiiajr immiiIm lafrlx theayaiowa trow tkuaa wtass. l:asul7 i i X t. a 4) i- ml mi tl i. O If I T Sold Everywhere. DfUcc, 44 Slarraj StV, 2?ew YorSs. 6O C n- T O MmJ M' hmmm mm m0mm m mWfwm . mmJ atOt f VM,rtMMH mim. Ca CfcJ omLF -SAHUEL L TOUHS, r jii'Ht -'rMr if . k.j - ,t.a at ti- y-5anl wim- tj-'li' .-ii.i' Vbon Baby was sick, w. gav. hor CaMntwa, "WTm.b sb waa a Chad, ah orld for Caatoria, VTb9. abo baxmm. Mlaa, ah. cluns to CaorU, Wban aha had ChttJren, b gave tbeanCaotaria, n b-4!iM vamfj at lb-!- Tvf.imoa buww- .-otlcgt; t-or.UaJ. Orrvw,or.itcr"" ?,aSL of A. P. Aau g 1-J -mme cjurae of nuuiea ant asa-J rata, of tait- '.'.ii., ?h-niiid. , -irwrtting. penm.nai.ip aad Eih rjK"7 . . ,u...i... .'vuin, fcAiartsa- -.nirJ at any ne. omtCaulrfwr.aW.ea r.u Isnai C:i.. AI w l '""" tiale.,Ws- Urtllej P ? 1 3 ra A Vki.13 2 fc Ki 1 IMU... J W llrown, M.rris BrsngH, lr Wm t Bl(:"tu, His Uui. ltUMl, A Baruitl, Robart Batl., W H FlMba, Ja. O bw.n, ili Clarpo.1.8 II Eckort, MluUay I Groman, fni Halfpenny, 1'st.r Heas.ll, L M Kl.aar, Miss Itha Lrent, 11 its Nora Leonard, Aretiy MoOailmilt, Mis. Mia Maiwall, MIm Ida M Mathea, Urisdiaa Miller, Fourth Oif le, b II Htehford, Jas h Halner, i C Utillions, J T Stacks, Willis Scutl, T O Btewart, ML 8 . TraTis, Hwiry 8 Radcain, William Vernon, Jtbo Weblwr, Charles Wilson, JO 4n4.M fiul.1, r.ons.U, UriS.dl. Bradley & Bradkf Karns, Kiehard hi r ham, atarxaist Bak.r, M Hentl.r, WO Binjham, J D Bl.ii.p, Cha. K Clark, MrsLfdlaA EatoB.UrsUA 1 PiUjrebbons, Ed B, ThosA W Halj, OlhoA Hilt.ii, Uiss Edoa Linis, Wm Lea., J W Leoaars, Lena McGuira, 11 H Maa.y.Hsry Aan Mueaer, Harry Olmtlead, Mrs CB Vriee, W A Jtoh'er and Cbas. Hainan, Mian Annie . dtillinris, f U Sokael, J Smith, Clark Tkomas, jit Rthby, T Klpl.y, J L Weish, Fricdr Workman, H 1 JSobt., I'hil R. THOMFSOH P Lkianox, George L. Wilcox, a pho tographer, f.rmetly of Eugene, pur chased yesterday the houte now occupied by Mre. Davl. We understand he In tend building a tw. ttory butlnett houe en the lot and open an art gallery In tfce upper (tory. Rev, Geo. W. Giboney left yesterday morning for Oregon City, where he goes to take tharge of the church at that place. Rev. Giboney will not only be missed by the member of hia church, but by th entire community. The Board ef Trxde held Ite second meeting last Friday eve, December 37, at Union hall, at which meeting they adopted a constitution and by-law gov ernlng the tame, and effected permanent organlxatlon by electing- the following ofllcer to erve one year: D. Andrew, Pretldentj C. II. Ralston, ist Vice Pretl dentj J,J. Swan, ad Vice President S. O. Wallace, Secretary j M. A. Miller, Treaa urer. .. , Up With The Tittta. Robcrtaon the runaway trutty convict we returned to the penitentiary thl morning. Superin tendent Downing atked him "what In the world caused him to do uch a thing, and atked him If he were crwy " "No, 1 wa not craxy, I happened to ee a notice that a number of ladles In Salem were to receive callrrt, and decided that I might have a hnnd in the matter myelf," He will probably not call again soon .Salem Journal. Pailkd. If It la proper to aay caned tt hould alio be the correct thing tn aay paled. That I at lea it the tile ot it at the Democrat office and Matthew 3i Washburn have our thank for an Evan patent antl-ruating pail. If t e keep it ten yenr It will not ruit. It ha A patent galvanized bottom, and la the long felt want In water pails, Boiler, basin, (tew pan, &c are ald to be very reliable. A Sharp Item -The fnet line of ent lery and shear In the city at Stewart .& Sox. Their good are the very beet and will aland the teal. at Low prices and Irst quality goods French's, Th. corner j.wairy ttoi. T . mm t v. . . ... . nr. jh. n. jun, pnyaiatan and surgeon yieauy, vrsgon. ;na marie in eity 01 onntry. An 4eganc line of new designs of thair juit received at Fortmiller A Irving'. GT IW -; On the ground floor, by buying an acre in nsmri. oeiore ine vear closes. I'kareh Blrert.ry. U. P.CaPKca. Proacbing every Sabbat n, morning and evening by Kev. r", 0. Ir vtave, I). D. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. at Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening, v AXOKUCAi, Cuca cm. IVeaciuDg on Sab kath at 11.00 a. au, nd 7 t. sabbath 8ohool 10.-00. Prayer mooting .very Wed nesday v.ning 7 JO. lUv. tuber, paster. All are invited. M. EL CHrjaoH.SorrrH. rreacking .very Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock a. at. and 7 30 o'clock r. it. babUtb School at 230 o'clock r, at. Prayer meeting Wodoeaday evening'a At 70 o'clock. lUv. U S UanleiUr, l'aatur. M. E.CHUKCH- Preaohin .very Sabbath morninga and evening. Song aervice in b. evening bo for eerinon. 8atlth School H2.30 r at. Prayer tueeting uvery Thura- nyevening. Itev.S E Meimniet, )-attor. IrBKSSlTCRlAV LVRCH. Si-Vice every Sabbath ' mornicK and eveoinin Church eor. Broadalbin and Fif th.Sta. Sumlay School immediately aftor .tli morirx rervice. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening Kev K It Priohard, pastor. First Baptist Ciiaucn. Preaching everv Sabbath morning Church on 5th Street. Sabbath Houool taia.ltatalv after morning aerviaa. I'raver tiw.tiug tve Thursdty evening at ..'clock. Uv. Trumbell, pastor. C0NaRAOATIOl(At.jHUfcCH.-btrviceaeverv Sabbath morning und eveaios. Sabbath School at 12:15. Prayer aaeeting on Wednesday evening of etveb week, Itev, Roger, Pastor. Christian Church JVoachtnir every Lir J day in month, morning and evening, Sabbath Sohool at JK o'cloek.A, M. Bey J F Stewart Pastor. Catholic Church. Sorvioe everv Sun day at 10:30 A. n. and 7 r. M. Laat Sunday of tha month aervioe at Eugene City. Itev. ixrait metayer, Keotor. ACADEMY Onr Lady of Perpetual Help. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Conducted by tho BlaUta of St, Benedict1 This Academy lanoorporated ant) ati- wnwn ena pawn's w .obiiuA. dvroteA iea.Misinrinir ","" ThaBOMBopalar Wefc1y turarj "- . . 1 . .. F..IB.. ,u,a Wttuoaturi.beeaBwl'relop' thr Tlr. ot it. cl m "11,'r1fir war. b,i.ootw.riub. ri?'dan.waiera. i! Baa Ti"y 1 ni 61M ."s. 1 r 1 r-.-c -m p;gM years- I t avMU-aaw praouo. btor. 1 -.-mowAVW' tokienbi F( FALK BY FOSHAY 4 MAFOS hnTnd".h fav-w.?f?'!ffift23- I J rally .. Uo.uii4U X.nid Ihrwifh M""fe.tdnllSct.Dcb --SL-'Lssa - Asiuucaa. Uroadway, OO . ObWio Bcnarrryw .w V- ThU Trade Mai k. on a tr va team It Is the beat that ea DeiWn.e and sltllL can con- V trive. Sold on! by G. Y. faanlth. Ladie boe, men sLoes, mittta thoe ehlldrenaahoat, men boot, Iboy Ibootr, st leMtkaq eoetf f o make room for othn Eooda at C E Browuell'. ;re ana Mu&a. rue necialtiea, aa 1bo the Normal InalrteCSl i aaplranta for teaohera' oertlgotee. 4?trjai drawinr, vocal muaif m ijjAas And nil fciuaa of neaJ.wort for'rt, no extSsn harse. Tbe flliOlpline, Of Ibe aobool if gaatjebut firtj). " oojeot boJijg to Jyrm ao oy! reftrje4 yorjn ladles, put nOt)Iv nnd ul nietnljerll of aoolety. PpjiH ilmkod at m'fiy ii'me and .chargos propht. onod. Pupilaof any denomiiinhoo re nal v4- ; TuiUnn In .elect day aehcol range from For tar hi 51 of Boarding Sahool er any sielara tPF't at th Academy, or ii ndeaa Miatef SupArlore. S. W. Paisley, Albany, Orsgon. WHOLESALE DEALER IN - Jotaooo and Cigars. Ordor 80jted frcro the trails. " THE PLACE. Iiyai .means octi on Paiitei Brothers, .rw4--v 1 a" So lrx, or ror Groceries, Pfuducs, Bael Goods, Etc. Etc. swASonable. Cancers Cured. t. R,IotgU & C.i Albany, Oregon, (rent for .' . .Oanean, tbe threat Caneax of U,.w a wr, Kansas, will treat all external eaaoecs on the principle of HO UTJJttK KO PAT. Far filrtuer tofernsa lion, Addreaa J. tt, DOCCIAM Cor. Snd aud Clvelnd 8t , Wm 4th A., Albaay.Or, ALBANY C3LLE5JATE INSTITUTE ALDAN Y( OREGON.'.." 18SS, 188Q. first Term Opens September lilt. lass. ' A f ull corps of Inatructorn, ; CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, UTEHARY, CQmf'Er.OlAL AND KSHJ.1AL CLASSES. Courses ot rtudy arranged to woet tb' end of all gradea of students. Special tuaucemesCs offered to sadexis - . from abroad. Tuition rangeB frcqj 5,60 to $12,50 Board In private famijies at low rates Koouit lor oif-boRrdiiCg at amallexccDsa A careful supervision zeroised Over efa desta away frora home, Fall term opns Septsoiber 7th. For circulars and foil particulars a)d-Jrca tho pre-ddent, - jts,KfVT s. 05 r : r. -... (-. --, 'When I aay tas I do not asean worely to ttop them ir a iinio, aod then bnve tiicra re tura apain. I MEAM A KAlMCAi. CUbUu. 1 bttvo nseUo tue tUsc&ae ot FTIS, EPILEPSY" cr ALUIIQ SICH2TESS, A H?e-lon? Btodv. I ttrartnAST myreaiedvto COSS the worst cases, lir-cauao otl-.era bare fai!tn is nirenson for not now ruceivmc acura. :3j.:tor-ef!ratrestioanda S'rer BotTt.S . ' tv INi .tl.lBLE KKMIior. Give Uxj.roJ a.. ' -t It osta joo n.i;l.:i:g R-r a ;4t, - ..! l will euro you. .tMrc.j PATENTS f taloed, aad all other bnaiaeas In tb. TJ. ffiattndedd to tur moderato fees. OuroBcisopposit tb. U.S. Patent OSes, aad w can obtain Patau ts lesa tiro, than those raio rora Wsshinirton. Send modla or drawing. We ar'v to pataat ability (I'm of charge ; and we make o ebanr. unless woobtai a patent. Wo r.far here, to too Poatmastr, th. Burt, a Money Order Div. and to official, of the U . B. PacSa Oflioe. For circular, adnco, terms, and .feret. o actual eliouta lu your own State or county, addrasa Cn a. Siowaco., Patent Offieo. Waahinnion, D . 7 Pt iSi ItUcJ V Ii mJ La ka OFFUEE 003 LIVER CIL ASS HYPOPIIOSPHITE3 Almost as Palatable as F.lllk. So that It cas t tali.n, (tl Seeled, aad auutEBlIst.a by tit. ruo.t MBStt.vw stomach, wlton tb. plain oil ttaael be to i era ted aod by tho ecav blnat on of th. oil with th. fej-pophoa. pbice I. msch ntor. euicavrious. ' Utamrk&ble as A-es& pre&ter. Ptrsoas gala npldlj wliile tallng li. SCO ITS ISrcl JsION is Aoknowledgel ty Physic iana to be Che Finest and Best prepa. ratioa in tha world fox the relief and cure 1 1 ' cqxsu&ption, ecacrci-A. ' CEN! RAJ. CESILITY. - WAST.llZ . DISEASES, Ef;4.ACfAT!'SfJ, COLDS and CKgC&lO COUCK3. 2'h great wm'djf for ibnsttmptian, and Wasiisj m Children. Sold by all Druggists mc::zy to f 3OC.O0O tO roved farm or osn at b f cr cent cn W r - 44... M ilvtiwl J iW,,bVllM . ? as a a .