The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 10, 1890, Image 2

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Tlwr va a time when every American had
u n.v.V for a Uvifg, but wealik It accumu
l.itt.l tu t no men decay.
1 lie lamiu ia fit!(ht car for Kanaa road
th'.l continue, order foe hundred of car In
r utM of the (apply being received daily.
In pnuUc the ideal ciiuea lake idc nod
voir with a party, but he makes hi partltaa
afthation through principle iniiead of ptejud-
! or the partiality thatjenme through proo
t acquaintance.
limine the year iSSsS there were 49 failures
of vxnirn manufacturer with asset of $1,73'
o-x an. liabilities amounting to j,tOI,oOo,
In SS there were 61 having asset
amounting to $5,6(1,000, and uabititie
amounting to fS, 149,000. Strange that under
an administration pledged to extend it litter
ing care over these Industries, Iter should
be so many more failure than under the last
Year of Cleveland's term. This is a theme to
think about.
Tint runt or invention.
The inventor of the roller skate made over
The rubber tip at the end of lead
pencils I
J m 1
megmu p...
more wealth than -wort silver iniees,-
Upward of i0,ooo a year was made by the
Inventor of th common needle threader.
. . . .s I
1 meiiu w . v
coy per lip to children shoes made a fortune of
f 1.000,000;
The inventor of the metal plate used to
Protect soles and heel from wear realized
profits of over f 5,000,000,
An income cl no less than t7$.ooo per aa
eriments. brought th. Inventor nnue tUn
Thit favorite American toy, a "return ball
a wooden bmllwuh aa eUstic attached
. ,, , . . , . ... I(A
yielded the patentee aa incora eeual to f 50,-
ao a year.
A clsrcrmaa realised a week by th
laventioa of a (trance little play thine o be
seea for a long time ia eveiy toy shop window
and evea in the street of London,
A large fortune ha bcea reaped by miner
who invented a metal rivet or eyelet at each
end of the mouth of coat or trousers pocket
to resist the strain caused by the carriage of
piece of ore or heavy tools.
7TMa tf-f ffVayVtaW MVlVaPNMaV&)
Wasmihotox, Dec 30, iSSo.
General Hancock ut'ered a great truth,
when he said a few dare after he was
nominated for the Presidency, "the tariff
is a local Uaue." If evidence had been
necessary to prove tbl statement it ha
been supplied In large quantities by the
statement made to the House committee
an Way and Mean In the hearing now
going on upon the proposed new tariff bill
which the republican of that committee
are engaged In preparing. For Instance,
the New England manufacturer say that
unless they are given frie coal and free
Iron r-re the will shortly be ruined, while
the Iron and coal people of Pennsylvania,
Virginia, Wert Virginia and Ohio, to say
nothing of others, stoutly maintain that
unless the present tariff un coat and Iron
! kept where It Is, or raised, they will be
ruined, and will hrve to abandon their
mine. When Gen. Hancock catted the
tar i IT a focal Issue the the smart-aleck
thought it was because he wa Ignorant of
the subject, but since then many able
men, after year of study, hare arrived at
exact) r the same conclusion, because there
1 1 no other logical conclusion. No tariff
bill that ha ever been gotten up, or ever
will be, will give tatlsfictUn to the entire
country. It i simply Impossible because
the interest of one section are always di
recti opposed to those of another section.
Mr Harrison returned to the White
House fate Saturday night from a duck-
hunting expedition down the Potomac and
James river. He also visited Lower Bran
don on James, which wa the home of hi
father several generation ago and which
1 1 still owned by another branch of the
numerous Harrison family. He came
through Richmond, Virginia, wheic he
was given a very cardial reception.
The decorations given the late S S Cos
by the Sultan of Turkey are on exhibition
at the National Museum in this city and
are attracting much attention. According
to rojal etiquette the are to be returned
lo the Sultan In a short lime.
The cruiser Baltimore the fastest war
ship in the world has been formally ac
cepted by the r.avy department, and will
be p.a'.cd In commission a toon a she
can be made read,
it is denied at the navy department
that our squadro.i was sent to Lisbon to
compel Portugal to comply with certain
demands made by the Sute
waa stated lo a New York paper las. Fri
Look cut for squall earl In January
Corporal Tanner ha accepted an invita
tion from the Butler club of Boston, to
make a speech on the Jackson anniversary
January 8.
Now that everbody regards it as cer
tain tnat the House will pas the re-olu-lion
Instructing the committee on Reform
in the Civil Service to investigate the va
rious charge made against the Commis
sion, the Commissioner have begun tail
ing folk how glad the are, and how
much the court the strictest investiga
tion. Let them wait untit the Investiga
tion Is ended and then tell the people how
they feel.
Represenatlve Moore of Texas, who is a
mcmoer 01 ine iiousc committee on e
lections, thinks the large number of con
tested elections from the South is the di
rect result of a conspiracy to
unseat enough democrat to give them a
good working majority. Hi only hope is
that the chairman of the election com
mittee will be fall enough to puta stop
to the revolutionary prog ram. A
rather slim ho,e, .
Senator Voorhee is back from Ohio,
where he has been conducting the de
fence in a sensational murder trial.
Mr Clarkson is running the Postoflke
d .-partment while Mr Wanamaker i in
Philadelphia traightenlng up the ear
business and getting things in hpe for
the coming year In his big store.
A VeunicT That the grand display of
neat, ornair.ental baskets, each containing
one pound of choicest tea, at LaForest &
Thompson's, is the finest Importation ever
orought t Albany. Thi tea Is basket
ired, pure and of rich flavor. 'Ve offer It
at the atc-iii.hly low price or 40c
A Smakf Item -The Saest line of cut
lery and shear in the city at Stewart &
Snx'i. Tlieir goods are the very best and
will niund the test.
An tr1-,',;!it of bps? designs of chairs
j -I i i at Fortmillt r & Irving'.
nam wa realised by th inventor of the "Dana- Denf" T..n""J V.JkT.Y TJTx ago at a eo of Uooo, and is totally
inc lim Crow' loy M T TiZ' i! JL tLi 3! ruin-- There was no in.utance on it. The
ing Jim Crow toy. m,Bl, - . wy ' T'k? p,ft v , " 1 whiaN. hbrary of the Manufacturer,', and
Ihemvenuonof "1'har.oha .erpenm . electric hght system, which . now adorns the Mfcliankl a,,, ,nIing 0f ll0Oo
In Wh in theout come-of some chemical city and illumine our streets at night, a U by w, . .v:Lu . i..:t- ...
At a meeting of debating tociety the other
day in Ktntaa, the quealion for diacuuine
wait 'Ra.olved, that the protective tariff
' iheuld be maintained." The Mend of the
monopiy tariff had etpatinted long and loud
oo the beauties and benefit of protection,
when an old farmer, ho took the other k1c,
arose, ad. hewed Ihechaimian, said not anoth
er word, but opened tne v door, hovelJ
in alwut three peckt of com, and took Im
seat. After a momentary pause, a loud and
, w l ik. I
" j
old tchool house,
tkally unanswerable that, it is needles to say,
he won the question.
Agatn, w art told that a new democrat
le oaoer It to be started at Portland. New
It wilt begirt publication January ijth and
will be under the editorial control of Post.
master C W Roby and printed by the
press heretofore used In the San Francisco
Kiamlner office. May It be a tuccett.
MAYOR cowan adores.
Following Is Mayer J L Cowan d
dress iellvtrcd to the new City Council.
It I a Uv, progressive effort.
To the Honors hte. the Common Council of
the City of Albany;
ukntlemen t Uy municipal law it is the
prerogative, end in fact become the positive
duty, 01 your presiding omcer 10, irara time 10 .
time, communicate with your honorable body,
reviewing the public worn ana enactment
accomplished, and also submitting such ug
eetlioo as to future improvements as would
1 .. ....... tt
seem most to conouce 10 ine rencrai wciiare
-,,,1 .Mrtrii mi nur riltxntf ami it is in the I
fulliUroent ,, duty that I shall claim your
iteatio thi evening to briefly offer such
thought, touching the general advancement
' C"T-" "PP" ra " "
""' I" "u"1"" 1
T pentlemen of the retinna council. I
feel trial 1 sm may wanantcu in omcnim.r 1
ling you upon ine wms ncwitipuiiicu nviiru
the twelve and eighteen months last post. The
.- .t i- . 1 .1...' 1
e-ntrast in Je appearance of your city of to.
day and the date at which you took office is
I' . . .1 ..a .1
most marked, ana favorably so, to tne present
condition of city affair. During your incum-
near future, to see gs ieis brutling from every
I street corner and business house ia Albany. I
It le aow no longer necessary lor our aiuen.
to trudge their way through wind and storm.or
wiJJa hemt( to thetr p.,,,.,, ,rtms,
furuader your wis encouragement the Albany
I Steet Railway, that great engin tor the de-1
vetopmeni ot reauy anu general Business sa 1
KIITI HU WlwmU WV. M VW 1, hmv
while being in operatkm only a few month
and it line at present only covering two im-
portant streets, we may confidently espect
Li,h th- i la Mm la -m the wetuern.
southern, eastern and northern limits of the
city covered by the tine of this important enter I
prise, when the suburban croperty of our com-1 imposed a Ine of S 50 and fifteen dsyt impris
manity will be made fit and convenient home I onment in the county jail. Tending a motion
for our business men. who now occupy r irtt
and Seconds slreets.
Yon hate don wisely and well in extending
financial aid and assistance toward the perfec
tion of your fire department. There is no city
to-day of any magnitude that is devoid of a
good fire service which is not in rust, ruin and
decline. There is no merchant that would
carry an important business who would arek a
city without at first enquiring as to the efficien
cy of the fire department. No man of meant
would rear a beautiful and costly residence,
the home of bis wife and children, unlesa there
was evidence of the means of protection of
their lives and its beauty and value. It was
aa act of prudence, and you did nobly, in pro
viding No One' ith their beautiful and reli
able Mean tire engine, and while the cost of
the tame may have been deemed Jccmsi'lersbte
at the lime, you have the sanction of your
constituents, who are resting under the secur
ity, and who feel that with the present effi
cient appliances of our fire department, com
bined wilh the known seal and the heroism of
our firemen, no such calamity can befall Al
bany a came rushing upon our neighbor of
Seattle, Ellensburg and Spokane, during the
past year.
You are also to be commended upon the
wisdom you have -liown in the appoint
ment and selection of your executives.
There has been no one na.ned for due on
the police force who ha not proven him
self a sober, active, and bithfut officer.
The demands made upon you for abso
lutely necessary public improvements
have been far In excess of revenue at your
disposal. You can point 10 the appear,
ance and condition of your street, side
walks and bridges, which is evidence pUi.i
that the people money baa not been ml
applied, and I am happy to I.iform you
that nolwithslar.diog the usual amount of
work done, we are yet within our consti
tutional limit for public expenditure.
And now, member of the old council.
let me thank you for the uniform courte
sies extended me during tne ttme that 1
shall have been called upon 10 preside over
your deliberations, and I assure you that
my best wishes shall go with each and
every one of you. And while much ha
been done the past year to advance the in
terest ct our city, Albany 1 just now on
the threshold of her great activity, and her
permanent prosperity. And allow me to
suggest to you, gentlemen of the Incoming
council, that he growth and Importance
largely depend upon the wisdom, pru
dence and foresight of your deliberations.
Albany to-day holds the natural position
for the railroad and commercial center of
the wonderful Willamette Valley. But
even these great natural advantage be
come slumbering and valeless, unless the
opportunities they offer are seized and u
tin zed by energies of her own people
There appear to me many matter of
pressing importance that demand your
thougntful attention, some of which may
be mentioned a follow: The paving or
permanent Improvement of First street;
the early purchase of ground for park
purposes; and the completion of a good
sewerage ytein , covering the entire city
The early extension and completion of
Calapooia, Baker and Railroad street sew
er eem to me to be especially urgent.
Your constituents are unanimously de.
manding that something be dene in thi
direction. Every block of sewerage per
fected adds Immeasurably to the value of
real estate. Every rod of sewer pipe laid
lessen the grief and desolation of our
homes, and reduces the number and the
magnitude of our doctor bills: A city
without good sanitary provision J
shunned alike by capital and intelligence.
Without further argument I take it tor
granted that you realize the great need
tor the completion of tl it? Important work.
flow Is it to be accomplished, Is the only
question. I would urge the Immediate
and vigorous attention of your finance
committee to provide eorne legitimate
means whereby the necessary revenue
could be secured to defray the expense in
curred in the bu'.ldlngof these sewers, and
li a sufficient amount could not be realizdd
from taxation or other legal sonrces, I aia
free to say to you, gentlemen of the coun
cil, that I would recommend that our
charter be so amended as to allow a bond
ed debt, ample to carry thi work to com
pletion. Instead of thi being an extrava
gant idea, it would eventuate in a wise and
an economical expenditure. The peo
ple are not captious about thf approprla
tions of needed money, but are exceeding
ly jealous as to the manner in which the
same I applied.
There is an urgent need for the Improve
ment of First street and the property
holder thereon are readv with the mean
to complete the tame, when the best, mast
economical and permanent vtan of im
proement is discovered ortttab'ished. Your
committee on street andpublic property
would erve the city well by making care
ful examination and Inquiry in regard' to
thi matter. .
Should tbe purchase of suitable ground
for public park purpose be long delayed
I fear that the rapidly advancing values of
reality in our midxt would n a few year
place the value of such alto beyond our
reach. Thi matter should not be over
looked. I deem it your duty to exercise it jnst
and liberal policy a to the grantinir of
franchise to all legal and legitimate enter,
prise that may come among us, always
and at all times guarding the right of the
people whose servant you are.
And finally, gentlemen, there are many
important matters touching the Interests
of our citizens that will be constantly
crowded upon your attentfon.too numerous
in fact to here make mention. But I bear
to pledge vou my hearty co operation and
assistance in futhering any measures that
will tend to promote the welfare, pros
perity, and happiness of the citizens of
' A nel Vfrerked.
rout Tovncknd, Jan. y. The fyiSowing
report of the loss of the Wide VVcl by Captain
Frederick Sparling is received! The steamer
was lost olT Instruction Inland on the aGih of
December, Thurslay she c roused the bar and
took farewell departute, ''We were from t
A M until 4AM dniiine helplessly until
wrecked on Destruction island.
Ve let co the
anchor in seven fathom of water, when the
snapped her cable ami was thoroughly help
The Okie 'nimt.
Columbus, O., Jan. y, The contest for
senator ha shown no material change to-day,
except in the way of unrupported claims la
1 behalf of the leading candidate. Ilrice.Tlwm
a and McMalton. 1 he manager for Uitc
claim they have sufficient strength to secure
the nominatirit on almost any ballot they may
deiire, the second being most frequently men
tioned, Mr McMahon dot. not concede the
claim of strength for llrire, and 1 aumewhat
aggressive and hopeful, I nomas fi lends are
also working harit,
' teaalor Ular likarai Be-Kleelew,, Jar. 8. Senator BUtckbura
wa to-day re-elected senator by the Kentucky
legislature In Joint tessijn.
, The Sisrm Uun,
San FaANCisco, Jan, 7. Now that that it
look a If the storms were over railroad men
art estimating the losses occai loned by wash
outs, landslide and snow, ' The Southern Pa-
1 u 1.-.. : 1 ik.
Umjunl of damage cause, bcinn estimate.1 at
Uboul half a million dollars, not officially.
however. The disaster were moat severe in
canyon, tn Southern CahkMrnta. where
iweniy ouu miica 01 iracs were rcnuereu nse-
1m ir.rr. nmuut. .n,l uv.n mil..
uncle stretch were sweot awav
' A AalaaWe alalMlag Baraeri
LtswiTON. Me., Jan, T.The Lewiston
c(,y building caught fire to-night and wa tot.
,,,, kllill(j. Th-Suil.ll-B ... erected Un
P'd. was wLll, deroy.
Aa reeea Waaaaa la
C L . 7.Mrs M-ry E
,1a , "7 , ' " . ", ,
Henderson, of Eugene, Or., while visiting her
son. Judge J J Henderson, in this ci'y, died at
hi residence last night. She was the widow
w 10 wic rion jhu nenaerson, woo rep-
Vt.WH .UllPVH, l.llllilll.
'will betaken to Oregon.
(taial far reateasal,
ikiw,.,,,.-iu 5 F I Ka r of iS.
J ACESOSttlLta, Jan. O. fc J KS atr Ol tlM
Tile7 Keconi, was arraigned to day lor Judg-
ment in the contempt case, and Judge Webster
I for appeal to the supreme cuurt, Kaiser wa
released on his own recognizance.
Aai rtsaeer ) D.
Etc en a CfTV.Jan. 6. William Houston,
who lesided about ten miles, west of the city,
dropped dead in the dooryard of hi daughter.
Mr liailey, last Monday He wa 84 year
old and had resided in the country over thirty
year. Heart disease is the supposed cause,
Wllhsat (nin,
HcutNA, Jan. 6. Tbe democratic legisla
tors met in joint convention at noon, but, a
heretofore without a quorum. The twenty
ix out of thirty eight member present took a
ballot, each voting for th csncus nominee,
Clark and Maginnis, Adjourned till tomor
row. Tax Levy or at a Mlt la.
Salem, Jan, 6. The Isx levy fur 1890,
mad by the state executive board to-day, ht
the general expenir is $ aj 35 ot itis: univer
sity tax, t-7 mills; military tax, 1-5 mitt malt-
tng a total ot 0 aiiii.
Two Brave Mtn.
San FtUNCtaco, yan. 6. K Heorttadl
tor of tbe Examiner, ha presented a gold
watch an fioo each to Allen Kelly and II K
Haaton. the two reporter who went out Fri
day night in a tug chartered by Mr Hearst and
rescued Antonio Nicholas fiesa a perilous poii-
tion on the rock in the ocean near I'oint Boa
ita. A BallrMdl AeeldeM.
AftL'NCTO. Or., Jan. 6. Last Saturday,
the 4th int., about two mile above town, wa
the scene of a sad train disaster. The Hep
pner train left here at 1:30, her regular tint
for leaving. A freight train let The Willow
shortly before, to run lo thi place. Whea
about two mile above kerc, tb two train
collided, killing one man. The name of the
firerosa, who wa killed in the accident wo
John Hayes. ,
rant Skating.
MiitNEAFOLls, Jan. 5. Joseph Donoghue,
at the Palace rink lo-nigh, skated five mile in
seventeen minute and eight seconds. Thit
beat the best previous world record by nice
Amsterdam, Jan- 5. In a skating match
to-day Norseng, the Norwegian, won the
five mile race ia sixteen minuie and forty
eight and three fifth second.
Seattle, Wash., Jan. 5, Two resideni
of Eastern Washington, Miss Shankwalter, of
Walla Walla, and Mr R S Twang, living
twenty mite from Wheatland, narrowly escap
ed death from asphyxiation on Saturday night
at the Kus house as a result of blowing mil
the ga. Physicians were summond, and after
several hours work, they succeeded in restoring
her to consciousness, and it wa thought at a
late hour td-ight she would recover.
' 014 It.
De Moines, Jan. 5. Three men were in
jured fatally and half a dozen terionsly by a
rear end collision on the Rock Island near
Makola hue last night. Both were freight
trains and the collision was due to a fog pre
vailing which made the lights on the first
train invisible,
A Base Ball Bat.
San Fhancisco, Jan 5. George E Smith.a
16 year old boy, was accidentally killed this
afternoon by being struck on the head wilh a
baseball bat in the hands of Dennis McCartl.y,
a companion, bmtth was acting as catcher
in a game, snd was standing close to the bat
ter. McCarthy supped backward and put all
his ttrength into a blow aimed at the nail when
lie struck .Smith over the right ear, fracturing
his skull and knocking him insensible. Smith
died in a short time.
Fiier Theaters,
San Francisco, Jan. 5. Last month has
been a disasterous one to the theater managers
of this city, They have been wande'ins
through the lobbies of their respective houses,
looking in occassionally at the audit nee, and
the place where the audience ought to ' be,
but aie not, and saying "they will corr.e to
morrow. 1 he momentum of theater going
wa stopped on account of the stormy weather
and it may take tome time to start it up
tgain, .
tVUI High.
New Vore, Jan. s.Marouk Mayer report
his arrival at the City of Mexico, and enor
mous sales for the Patlt operatic performances.
ruieen nigntt at 150 for the season, o" 812
per night.
Get In '
On fhe ground floor, by buying an acre
(n Astoria be lore the year clones.
Tbls Trade Mai k on a stove
means it is Oik best thrt ex
pe. fence and skill can con-
trive. Bold only by G. V.
Ladies thoer, mens timer, mitce shoe
rdiiidreusthnes.'nieii bootr, hoys boots, tt
! tht cost to make room for oUx-r c,oods
at C firownell't.
Struck Oil At $1.25 per 5 gallon can
3st Standard oil, at the Willamette
Packing Co.' ttore.
If you have auy job wirk lido call oa Q
W, Smithwho i pr!ia'..i 10 do it with
oratnenand ditnuti unit as cheap as anyone.
Tne DM
v.nwg pop
rtl. i' smoking is faot
TIIK MAN a limit TOWN.
Kid!s ornpt for taleat VL Kenton's
Q'tiiitic 75 rent per bushol at) 0 K Brow
Home made luinue meat at O K llrow-
riooly t.f Oicuon aiiiiUia at 0 K Htow-1
Ladira'all wool snftlltt ludurwunr. 73a,.
Bahin Chamois inoeoasln at Barrow &
Chines otan btrrb- and iitt iihh
0 K Bowllt.
For dautrittry tr l)t Wauenner over the
Linn Couutf Hank,
An assortment of library lamp are being
offered eliMp at C ''1 lirowuella,
Low tirioa are what eon lit ami C E
Druwaell i the plao to got them.
Sauer kraut, piuklet, pickled pijii ft
and everything uic at 0 K Brownsils.
New England eondsniid mloo meat at F
L Kenton , at 13 tionts a package.
Ask to see our Railroad Engineer ibot,
just leeaived at Harrow & SsarU.
Harrow St StArlt have last received an
invoice of ladie flue shoe frein tleorg W
mkiiow, t.iiiego.
SuWriptiou fot all the leading nw
paper ana mgsinr reeiv by V li Ken
too, near the t'osti.Uloe. All order for
warded without delay.
Qo to l'aisley ft Fish for four Job sritt
iu. s hey do any and all kiudsof work la
the t stalling and job priUmg line. Quiok
work and tew prion.
1 prion.
Ur and Down. Some of the princi
pal up and down In business Ufa It to
keep yiti'y up and price -W. Tbl I
being done very successfully at LaForett
& T.iompsou's.and those dinner sat to be
distributed among our customer Ian. 1st
Ik creating no little Interest as well as our
Next. -Ne place In town I
Gilaon' ne tshop l.t the Fromaa
Block, nentw.vito Forltnlller & Irvine'.
Uest brer town.
Uavu Uiic of the Anest lot of gue
and revolver aver received In Albany
i now in stock at Stewart & Sot'. Hun
ter should call and see thii and get
pricw eior ouytng.
A Discount When buying your Isolt -
da slipper for men, women, Mine and
children, also felt shoe and slipper, re
member that S k. Younar will m!v you a
discount ot ten per cent on your purchase,
which Is eanlvaUnt to one year interest
on your money.
S.aoka th anUbrated Havana filled el-
gsrs, manofaeterad at J alius Joseph' eigar
iciury. vsaiy o etui.
"Tiis- Lapik Onlt. I imnow pre
pared to do all kind of stamping, and
have over two thousand tfeslgn to choe
from. Alto-keep a nice line of embroid
ery materials, such a arrasene. crewel.
No, 1 and a embroider chenille, prlttce
chenille, etc., etc , and the finest pom
pons, tassel, crescent, cords plushaa.felt
and fancy work material ever In the city.
Zephyr is going at 5 cent an ounce. Mis
Minnie CoTwelfhas churvo at Dili .1in-f -
n.ent, and ha had teveral year expert.
ence In all kinds of anev work ami mmn
ing. U.V. SiMPao.
Albany, Oregitft.
tare rartaJaa Uut Curtains.
I have just received ray fall stock eJ
lace curtain bought dlreet front Importer,
tne largest stock eve DroagDtlotm marl
et, ana best value lor me mony
Samcbl E. tocxo,-
1 O-ks core rfce tuusustn, neuralgia and j
toHhache, FotbayX Mason AgsoU.
trading I'hetograpbeni Albaay Oregon.
W have hoajtht all tba negative mad by
L W Clark and W II (Jrceawood vp to Nor
IStb, 1S89. Duplicate eo be bad from
tbem only of at reduced raU. We hay
also shoot 13,000 negative made by nr
elvtn, team which dup!iot cn be bad at
like ratea. Wa carry th only full lio of
vtewa of thi eute aod do eaUrgod work at
lowest rstsa fur firt cla work. W ball ba
pleased to yon at ur-5tdto in Fromau'
block, next door to Maaooie Temple.
oa m. 4, PATToii,
Fhjjlalan ani largson,
Fmal disuse aeiaj(y.
Can Wfannd ia tb oASe day aad night.
We have made arrangement to supply
money, to all on long time at low ratea of
interest on improved tirnis and city prop
erty, Tli tee who contemplal building
brick block or good brick butinett houe
n get money. See u.
WALLA4K& Ctmtcs. .
Real Estate Agents
Farm ar.4 lUuchea for sale.
Also city broperty in Albany
oa i;;ryili.
Hotica of ippoinlmest of Aflmin-
, xgtraini
Notiee is hereby given thit the under
signed bt been duly appointed by th
Cuuuty court of tbe estate of Oregon for the
County of Lino, a the administratrix of the
a tat of Alexander Downing, deceased, and
all person are hereby notified to preteit
their claim duly yrritiad aocordinjf to law
within six ni.mtha from dat of thi notice
to the undersigned at her residence on the
farm of deceased in Lion county Oregon,' it
being shoot 8 tril northeast nf Soio Or,
goo. The undertigned get ner mail at
Stay ton Oregon, -
Dated thisCth, day of Uecombir, 189. ,
, Administratrix f above estate.
Administrator's JSotice,
Notioo i hereby given that the tatsder
if(oed ola icrvivioK administrator of th
stata of Wallace Cushman, deceased, lias
tiled bis final aoco jnt in the matter of id
statt in th County Court of Linn county,
Oregon, and raid Court boa Sxd Monday,
tbe 6tb day i-f January, J890,t the hour of
me o clock, in the afternoon of said day.for
.he hearing f abjection to said account if
toy tbaieba and for the rrttlemenl thereof.
P. Bbbtholo,
Bole surviving Administrator.
Hitwirr & Irvine,
Att'ya for Admr.
Hotico of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby p.ivu that the under
signed adminiftsator of thu tst ito of John
B Williims, dccnaied, lits liiid his final
account with the Clerk of Linn county, Ore
gon, and the County Court his fixed the Srd
day of February, 190, At the hour of ten
o'clock a. m., for the hearing of objections
to said account and for the settlement of
said estate.
Thi the ltJth day of December, ISSO.
J K WiCATHKRroRD, Admiuistrator.
Att'y for Admin.
S. W. Paisley,
Albany, Omgon.
iunuMli CuJ. iJ-llu.
Or'lot xr.lioit'd froia t';'ttral9.
RlCnrs -If you dtr tbani no vaa
fooling away inn on tblngathat
don't ray t but Monr) f l.OU at one ror
iiiaanlOint outfit of oar CJreat New
Stanley Iteak, II book ami tru not
aatur.ntory we will rrfund your inouay.
No rink. No capita! nod4. Itatls ladle
and gnuilaniin asployed, Doa't loan
tints la wriiln f. "fltep la htl lha
wttorn ra troubtad." IHya art worth
dnllara, Addrowt U. F, Jotuteo et Co.,
lUUO MaloMt., Hlobanaael, Ya.
I J flital. ta uf.ilf alt onaernad that
tfiura la nusr anffloiant fotlda 10 th
Ooanty Treaattrora oflloaof Una county
urasoH to m.innm 1111 oniaiaoainar
rants. Intarirat on all anooraaa war
rant will eaaaa from till data.
. TraaM
rt , navr mlleu eow,
I1 liorta, altcht yaara old.aod a btigff .
ai most iia m. For aarUaulara aatiai tuia
OB1U0. ,
a Nn 1 mtlllntr at oca. lo
B' an A Bo I
loeation lo tha. turtyin
city of Albany, Low ratitt arnil a!anaiu
room. For particular a Id raee 1 inn,
O lks M Albany or.
MON ST TO LO A N.-Tbe Bodarainwaa
ba boma oapltal to loan on good
eat aataiM propeiiy
lot, Itijtilratt.laofflr,
TRACTS of land
O "rr town for aala
IotoJr'.f ILtiryant.
on aay tarma.
w t ncPHERson.
First Stmt,
Rl It.tkU Broker. laaranaa.nd money
to lust. I liava a lar lis ot improyea
it -imiirt eitv eios-trtv. aad (rait,
garden and farasiof load la large aad small
traot. At 1 aali an aommiasioa eoly.if yen
want ttt bay or sail it will pay you to aau
and sea sua.
Th Only Complft Set of Abstract
Books and Maps in Linn County.
jHrOfflo lo the Court lions,
Bualnsaa cttrat4 . to th Co. abal
have fiotnpt and oarafut niteutli-D,
tXJll'.W - '.J
Albany Nurseries.
W are permanently located on tbe old
Cilo aoMMMtaad 4 mil ftoat Albany on
Coryalli road, and ba on band large
took of
Choice Fruit Trees
I f our own growinft wb ah w , ,1U
1 lowest hvinu rata.
I i'aitiea eontroaplatiog planting tree srit
Oosolt their intsreat by atatnining oar
lock and prices before purchaaiag.
, llrMtif St ctaowatu
Albany, Oregon.
Corner of Znd aad Terry St., Albaay, Oregaa
mini m
I hare sold a'.l the negative made by
L W Clark and those triad by myself up
to a recent date,and all my patrons of tbe
past will And me prepared to make them
better work thin before, with new back
ground, accessories and near novel'! la
photo wcrk that are very odd and artistic
if design. Mother your babies shall re
celve special attention. I do enlarging
work at my studio, (da not ad It I) San
Francisco 'or Cast.) In oll.rra von, India-Ink,
etc. I also da liromlde work when order
ed. Order left for view work will be til
ed by flrst-clas workmen.
Attcrcsy at Law and Till 3 Examiner,
Witl prsctlo in all th eourta of tb
8tat. AtMtrssU of Title furnished on
bort noli. Ten yiar atperiaoee.
Sheriffs Sals.
Ik Circuit Court ef tie State (f Cr-
Ham May and W F Mendenhall,dininitra
tor of the estate of Euoelt iloo!(,doead
Hi-am Smith and W W Brui:.partnrrs do
iug businM node r tb fit m name of Smith &
Briifgs, Hiram Kuiub and J W liraaadeid.
partuoi doing Lutiutss under tb firm nam
of Sinitli Urasslit-ld, iliram Smith, Jofi-a
W Wate rs and W W iiiijfit, partner doing
bnuuesa nuder t be firm nam ot Smith, Wat
r Hrlyg', Iliram Mmiih,Jani W Bras-
DiIJ, ul r MvCnllfty, Jama M bbtlley
and W J Hranifll.(.ariurrs douK bnsiuew
uodr the tirin i f huutb, Drstild A
Co., Ma' A K Hmill,, J lite W Brastfltld.
Lydia I'.rsatirl'', E'ixibetb Martin, Alexsn
dar bainmervilla, Wiliougbby Chut chill. K
V CaMwell, .'oi u Q Vutha,Ueorga Bailey,
Jol-n ftufrimerviile, li N Hill, Joseph Sum
merviile. ttolomon Cox, Samuel Nixon, John
McCarhtUT.llenry Ksnshr,Cthf in Wigte,
A Hnmphrvy, John Civtwell, Jacob Wile,
John KeUsy and Julm Barnett, partner do
tig buain nnd.r the name of Kalaev &
Kurnrtt, Jaa IMt, F A Checowtth aio
V M Johnson. pareuer dniog businas under
thhm Chenowetb & Jnhowon, tUxnan
Mmitb, doba F MoCartney.Nsney C Wilson,
John Keiver, Winfictd nnmmerville, E F
Wy't, Daniel McClain, O U Baber, Mack
Kumrnervirte, fiarv.y Xammarville, O K
Ward, Jerry If ay.John FosterJ D Bennett,
J II D ileadaraon.J B Hiil.M Wilkin,Sm
net 8wiitJ Hiram Smith and Mary A B
Smith, b wife, W W Briirg and Harriett
Briggs, U. I wife, All Hovey acd H C
Homiilimtl partner under the firm name
of Hovey A ,rfumphrey, John M Thompson,
lKUawsoa aao vanduyo ana UKilUl,
Notice 1 '
nu Aby given that by virtue of
oa oraer ox i iuaea out 01
th above, od Court In the aboye entitled
suit, I wi
atareay, IhatSlh day of Jaa nary, 1890,
at the Court House door, in the city of Al
bany, Lino eounty, Oregon, at tbe bur ot
1 o'olock p. m. of said day, sell at publie
notion for cash in band to the highest bid
der the real property detsribed in said exe
cution and order of sale a follow tewit 1
Lot one (l)'aud six (6,) and the north ht If
of lot two (2,) in block on (1,) and the east
half of lot No three (3,) and the eatt half of
lot No four (4,) in block No one (1,) and the
fractional river lot No seven (7,) in the oity
of lltrritburg, Linn oonnty,stte of Oregon,
The proceed arising from thu sate of aid
premue to be applied, first, to the payment
of tlia cost of and upon thi writ and Boom
ing cost. Seoocd, to satisfy and pay the
loiiowing claims pro-rata according to tbe
several amount with interest 00 each of said
sum at tba rate of one percent per mouth,
from th 26th day of April, 1882, and oests
to-wit, plaintiffs e'-aiin, $733478 1 Isaac
Vandyne, $205.85 j Soioman Cox, $179 04 f
Willoughby Churchill, 1223.86 j Elisabeth
Summerville, f 08.57 s 11 N Jitll, $4g9.1i j
Caom BaMey, f 1209. 75s J B Hill,
S 227.C3 j I R Hi!', $687.33
Henry Ksnshe, 11694.69; Catherine Wiele,,
$1120.50, and if any balane remain after
pacing ail of;said claim and the cost aod
disbursements bereof.the tame to be ai;ikd
upon tho siaim of tha defendant, I H Daw
son, yatea leo Ifi, iss'J.
j0Tt. EMAU.M0JT,
Kh?r'.:T.f L-.n Co-.t.v, Or
rer D S K!t,;:!i, r,-r.t.
tjV -ft
A Philosopher
Tr li; Think
rboi dutisg lite wet, coo', ttttrmn
mil wintar wratheryoti nmi
m OvercoatUub
bcr Goods, an
Umbrella or
or want ntytUk suit taiJo by a
firat-claja tailor,
sSupcrio,,,, "Argand," Garland"
Fire bac&s.
Warran ted
15 years, All
sizes aa
Roofing-, Job Work, Plambing.
Eave Trough Range Boilers
Conductor Pumps.
Harrows & Searis
Diy Goods. Hotions, BsatH?isrn
isMsga and
000T8 AfiD SUOSS
AQEXCT for The Ludlow Lad is
Fin Show aad for M. D. Well' &
Co'a Boot and Shoe.
Ehn Itip't i v J ;r.
The Leading Druggist,
nDEAXER 11.,
Splaltte'-nae Toilet Artlolai, Pturf'tmery and Musloal Instruments
Preserlptlooa) Cttrelally compounded -'ay and night,
Onr elegant line it . .
Jut received larjre Jovolej of Foreign anl Domatlo wo leaa in
Overcoatings. Suitings and Trouserings.
We-mane aapolaltyof FULL DRESS for Ball and 1'artlne or regular
evening wear A perfecf at guaianleed at
The Waxld'n
best. More
than hun
dred 7 him
.iired diffsr
er.t sty ls
co ok a and
he a tors
s 1
1 .IV
r-mmm -a
Ssa .,-3-
Front, First and Vina Streets, ::::::: Pcrtiand, Orejcn.
' Sola Agent for Oregon and Washington for
' W$fmi1tT - -i r -win - """ " ' " .
nrrtJFn nfu
tiniAt, pouttte, or TrtpS F arrow. Tlnjr so simpU wvt
uwd itistn ot seea tbio work ran not say
viih or wiUout tet tuhmm.
!))' Hoe I'rss Crala Drfll, Boeksy IksdMit, Sekry Sprkic Tootk Iimw.
T1 latsat Imurovtd tmuUmwit tot aovlnf amsw fanow. tb atra eecapteta aod aueoBtsful tool for tt;
purpoM la oa.
have) fall llwo of nacaliM. CAn-fa, rfcatowsj, HMBtalai WMtnaf
rimtfrm au tfsea' Sprlaisj Velateleo.
Uwrsoos at Chain's 8jln-TooUi Harrows, Dv Hsrrsw. CeUnilse fssd afUla, rscifle raniupf VSIa,
SA1SH 6AH3 WIRE, ETC., ETC. ' rt,"wf"t.nwrt,w ",fg
Cat as well the iraueics stJik of
lFlgfTT Tt ViaJ' fcoMiiie! MMJtM
for tl. viiLtfrr titi,ct t tiitii 1 f a ht r ant ceoion esock of
the lets-ft attrii.
An uarUaiScd itiitof
Cloaks and Jackets,
ia all at v lea nd siaes, srelt ttelected stock of Men', Children' aol
A large
And cl iiic)
John G. Cabusix.
ThFoarlsof (rretTa!itothBtrKirtofmj'cTVsrTr(rkwhi.-hiU-.l' with y-n.-i politir tmi
current questions. Xwo sett are tiarUbr euouj;U forUiiily uso bfauviaj.-fri AttiLO tiuaiiNiiil
HART, Harvard,
I eonsldf rTns ynmnt as furnlxhlntlie most. intrlUffpnt find srmpnthytle mj.'ii.ncc Umi a thu;htful
writer can flud to address in muy land. fire. tUA.KL'Llt mmctlCtt, of t iiiuatsiiy tt t.'.vo.B.
Tb Foncw continues to linM fs pU( n ti forpmout nf our .magaxltivr, for tiio var:ii tU
Talus, and Uie weiglit of iiaeoutributioiui. iif tunK iituCS.. "
There has come forward no problem of grave importance since TllsTojiCM was
established that has not been discussed 111 its pages by nmsiis's of tlia siihjw t. An
nouncements of forthcoming articles can seldom bomailu long-sn advance, fat Tub
Fortjm'8 discussions are always of problems or present cos:c.rii.' i'.w.f sucii problem
that thn year liSOOwill bring forward will ls Oiscusswl, wlic i-.i-y vi )u-itl'- t.r r(.t;.('.n
or social science, or practical affairs. The January uim:Utr u iii cdVi-riJi :i iv'iIV bv
ex-Speaker J. O. Caulislk to Senator Cullom'a recent ti-imle cm i ! Jw vUe'Taiill
Affects tho Farmer."
i 0 CtJ a ttiimair. ' . SutiscripciMi ice;oa at taut tiTc. SS.COa ' '
Delnicr.ica RcstauranI,
The nnd!iijR(id having -purchased the
old Herman Ketaaraot aod ha apened
under tkn above nn first-das rentau
rant. We are prepaid Xr turaish meal
for partiea or dance oa abort notice. 0y
tr erveiinevy sty la, eastern or cast;
all kind of bh U-.a in the market.
Employ only tira-ela relp, and waiting
will ba prmpt and conrtaona. Eegular
meals 25 ct. Coffee of Ss'st-elass qtlity
and a cup of ecS'te and c.sUe at frora 5 t- j.j
cts. I :n w!!. kK"- a is ibis city au3 ra
qnot the eit!?iii to iv me a .!!. '
a 1
turn so sw alwrtruU T
nooefl ta tiieir ptsls. war
B ttmchiamla are extra.
tattoo, tha ttxM wa
ived Iv
u(irlmec of
teWtiou rf
Bf iht r utmost Writers ia tha World
THE FOKUII litis won the highest placa
reached by any periodical ; for it pub
lishes orliclos by more authoritative)
writers and by more workers along instruc
tive lines of activity than any other publica
tion. It contains eleven ?! miles of great
subjects every month. It is impartial, giv
ing hearings alike to each side. It is finan
cially independent, and it belongs to no sect
or party or "interest." It is never sensa
tional, but it ainis always to be instructive.
To All lioi2 It May Concent.
The Ce!
New Yoil
mania Fire Insurance Co of
. havlu? reinaurrd Its ntir
business ii
1 the State of Oregon, taid com-
panv fhav
ng on with the state
$50,000,) hereby f ive notice of
llimiance f business In Gre-
intention cf withdrawing its
v ni'.h tha State Treasurer at
ion of the six nontht print
hed bylaw.
Fjre I.s-stRAvci Cr Ja
its dis-co
.gon, and it
deposit m
IL.. . .
me cxpiw
notice rcji
P.r.;.('l .
1. IB