The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 10, 1890, Image 1

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    .JT. , O. H. Intur, Sc
mil i fw
u.vj ei:ixi csisr AX3 SAW iKoarsojiTt
WO Li:;iT W3HX, in
aUt,n .Ut n
4 wsrilne
slrtne l
Passan-os Mad vtt Short !toitM
Conrad Muver,
8nrcsr EroadallJia an J First Sts,
deals m-
.feat everything that H , .
r 1 varJary end grcewrf am. fttght
rise prtet (, tor
fit uimD8 of produce.
IVsit atoek of 2nd 0T ,-ooda In tha Val-
and lb moat rar .( price, both
n baying and eeillng have oa band
ttlk'nda of
TC. :etc.
dn-iweitjof C Yenog'o ol aseee.
133 Fl-at street. Albany, Ot,
2nd rw" Store.
Golden Rule Bazaar.
His asook haa boon antargaJ that U aaala aay tha CoaM, and onatafea of
Rogr Bros. SilTerirare, P Olunf. and Orys
t&iTT&rd, Boya Wago nrriager,
Fancy Goods, and n .-Titr&l
assortment of Orockxey
smd Toys.
Es My-llro nrrlH tha Urgaai steak a iho WUlainatU Valley, lo wok
baa ba added complete Una of
t Atnt for tnswraoM aempaniaa with ft aapiut aggragatini 79.000,00.
aVlai on parte rraooals. HUr wlrd danUh gasprochen.-.
Mitchell &
lf"L l ''.'. ri V .rfant
ALcrJiY, - - - on
00303 SEE TJS,
id fcff'rt"
Coogbt at bai irapt
First-Glass Goodst
or tslow COST.
Gsnsrs! merebsudise ot M kidn
Aamrfh tb "a TlssV' Keating and 'selling aHaroa. A wk, j4na-aa
mmmm' Vttm jpwasfOy atWniJed to.
fuotrw tki cm
The Favorite
Modlclne for Throat and Lnng DMl
oiiltloa Lm long boon, and a till ia, Ajror'a
Cherry Pectoral It euro Croup,
Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and
Asthma, aoothea irritation ot the
Larynx and Fauces t strengthens the
Vocal Organs ( allays soreness ot tha
Lang prerenta Consumption, And,
ven In advanced atagea ot that disease,
rolierea Couching ud lnducca Sloop.
Thcra U no other preparation for dis
eases of tha throat aud lungs to bo com
pared with this rotnody.
"My wife had a distressing conch,
with palna in tho aide aud b roust. Wo
tried various medtolnea, but none did
her any good until I got a bottlo ot
Ayer'a Chorry lDctoral, which has cured
her. A neighbor, Mrs. Uleun, had tha
measles, and tha couch waa relloved bv
tho us of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. I
have no hesitation in rooouituoudlug this
Cough Medicine
to every one afflicted." Robert Ilortou,
Foremun JleaUijitt MorrUUon, Ark.
MI have been aftlloted with asthma
for forty yeara. Iwt spring I waa taken
with a violent coiiuh, which threatened
to tormlnato my days. Kvery one pn
nouneett nia iu consumption. I deter,
inlued to try Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral.
lueiTecU wero magical. 1 waa iiumixtl
ateiy relieved aud cuntlnned to linprovo
iinUl entirely recovered." Joel Bullard,
Guilford, Conn.
SI montha ago I bad a sever hem
orrhage ot the Iuiil-s, brought on by an
Incosaant cough which deprived me of
sleep and rest. I tried various remo
ilios, but obtained no relief until I bn.
can to taka Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. A
few bottles ot this medicine cured me."
Mrs. E. Cobuxn, 19 Second St., JLowell,
Tor children afflicted with eolds.
oougha, sore throat, or ergon, I do not '
know of any retnedv which will give
mora speedy relief than Ayer'a Cherry
Pectoral. I have found it, ahto, invalu
abla in cases f Whooping Cough."
Ann Ixtvrjoy, 1J3I WasUlugton street,
Jioston, Mtws.
Aysr's Cherry Pectoral,
raxr..aD r
Dr. J. C. Aysr 4 Co., Lowtll, Mats.
Bold bjati UruggUu. Prtot t; sU tottllt.
Lewis Co.,
tn,, n7 009 tlt In Albatjr
sla I aan all
on ojo. .r-rtiUr Urgatnsin a samri
v. unmm
Alhan), Or
by Juliuo Joseph
A Citv Map. Mr C W Walts has just
had a ilne map 4 Albany drawn by J A
Warner the survey tr. It Includes all tha
additions, with quarter iftila ctrelas irom
the Court House and Is well gotten u.
Mr Watts i taking orders and on securing
tha same for two thousand copies will
have the map litrojrsplicd by an expert
workman. The result III be a fine city
rasp, complete tn all Its details, in colors.
In one corner ol the map will be wheel
with seven spokes. The hub is Albany,
the snokes the Southern Partite K. K run
nlng north and south, the Oregon PaclAc,
east and west, the Lebanon roml.the Al
bany scd Astoria K R and the Oiowns-
ville road. It will show the city of! as
quite a railroad renter. The hub actually
poaescs live ol the spokes now ,
A Fia Sitow ISO. The Increase tn
buslf s of a city's post cftce Indldlcstcs
the of the city. This lias been
pevul iriy sola Albany, At the present
rate ot Increase it will only be a short
lltne before the office becomes a ad cUs
olhe ISooo yearly receipts bring necrssary
Following have been the receipts since
March 31 : quarter ending June 30, $1403..
61; quarter ending Stpt. 30, $1490.85;
quarter ending Dec. 3, $1870 48, a total
bt $474VM. It the next ouartcr equals
the la.t, as it probably will, the receipt
for the year will exceed $6600, a gain of
twenty Ave per cent over the business ot
the previous lincad year ending March 31.
It needs only to be $6000 for the salary ot
the office lo be increased to $igoo.Verily,
Aioany goesaneao oooiningiy.
A Pkksekt. Even a newspaper ap
preciate kind words. They are the best
of Christinas presents. Uev. T. B. White,
of Mansfield, La, so well known In Albany
in renewing his subscrlpllon for t8oo,ay:
I wish you a happy Chtl.tmas. Your
our) Democrat is read eagerly every
week. It is newsy. I congratulate you
and all concerned. I see Albany, where J
lived several booming right along.
Glorious North-v.ct, your energy, pluck
and push, is to be admired. I hope reli
gion "puie and unsettled" Is keeping
pace with your development We are
well and statlontd lor another year in
Msnsfi-ld. We are happy and blest. For
six week our weather ha been superb
as in the lap ot spring."
A R idols. An Albany gentleman has
handed us the following riddle, which he
has carried in his pocket for several year.
He thinks it good. Can you guess it:
I am just two and two. I am warm, I am
And the parent ot numbers that cannot
be told;
I a.n lawful, unlawful, a dut a fault,
1 am often sold dear, good for nothing
when bought.
An extraordinary boon, as a ma'tcr of
And yielded with pleasure when taken by
Probably Ellis. The people of En
gene are not familiar with the styles and
practices of backwoodsmen and the rough
class and were considerably shocked a few
evenings since at the manner In which a
revival minister attempted to put a young
man out of church for no good cause. The
resident of this city are not hoodlums and
there is not a man In town who would not
walk out it requested to do so, Such
performance might be looked for In a
mining town but in Eugene they are un
necessary and not approved. Eugene
Somk Pointed Qi-grrrbxs. It Is the
toth ot January. How many of your rcso
lutions have you kept ?
Do you really intend to be a better man
during the year, and never bet unless
you know you will win ?
And you won't smoke any,nor drlnk.nor
awear.nor stay out nights .nor run In debt,
nor kiss the hired girl, eh t Well you're
And you will pay the printer and grocer.
A Little Cold, The mercury went
down to 18 degrees above zero this mor
ning, and It was amusing to see people pufl
and blow and curse the cold weather.
Thls is your Oregon weather Is it"
"Can't you do better than this."
"WUat are we coming to any way."
And 18 degrees above tero was the re
cord while through the East they ae for
tunate if it slays above lS below.
A TxAxnacTie.. When the real estate
market gets a little quiet, as It naturally
does at this season, some one buys the old
Cheadle property. Khaki & Remington
the recent owners have just sold the same
to Mr T LAVallaee for $3,500. They paid
$1500 for the property. In tura Mr 7a!-
lsce sold to them three lots In Taeoma for
$1800. In time this mill property will be
a very valuable site. ;
The New Directors. At the election
of directors of the Albany Farmers and
Merchants Insurance Company, the fol
lowing were chosen for the ensuing year:
J O Writsman, R S Strahan, O F Simp
son, J L Cowan, (all re-elects), J K Weath-
iora, n Sternberg, John Burnett, L r oley
ana w r Kead. The latter taking the
place of D B Montelth. I W Cuslck. C Z
Wolverton, I K Elderkin and Charles
Montelth.. 1. he Company Is doing a fine
ousiness, one that is steadily increasing.
Another Accident. Thursday af
ternoon Oranviil Smith.aged 17 years, son
of L F Smith, of Tangent, was out h unt-
ing with a comrade. On coming to a
fence he laid his gun on the fence, and in
some way not explained his gun went off
ana shot his thumb oil. lr J 1111 was
called, amputated the thumb and youn
amitn will soon be all right minus
thumb. -
A Salem Company, The report of the
State Insurance Company of Salem for
the year ending Dec. 31 shows the income
for the year to be $129,147,79 from pre
mlums, rnd $14,502.82 from interest and
other sources, a total of $144,749.12, The!
expenditures were $124,330,30 making an
Income of $19,419,57. The company has
a net surplus o $58,136,29 and total assets
ot 1301,430,69.
Back Home. Mr George Dicksorr, oj!
the Oregon Land Co, is home from a trip
East as far as Ohio, and rejoices at being
back in the great Willamette. Be talked
up Oregon In great shape and report
prospects for a big Immigration this way,
In some of the states everything seems to
beat a standstill and collections an impos-
kimmy. . .
Thk Banner Precinct. Sheriff Sloan
says that Cottage Grove is the banner pre
clnct when it cames to paying taxes. He
was up there collecting last Saturday and
says he collected more than from all the
other precincts put together. They walk
up and pay without flinching.--Eugen
Directors Electe, The stockhold
ers of the Linn County Agricultural As
sociation met at the court house this after
noon and elected the following directors:
P W Spink, George Cline, Jas Wheeler,
Abe Ilackelman, John Crawford, George
F Simpson, Ike Beam.
Svow. Mr Arthur Foster, just in from
the front reports three and a half feet of
snow, too much for comfort. Mr Foster
will ps to Hunters Point until work ' re
turn es. In Albany an inch or two has fall-
Oncr Cooks. A man with grit and vim
and push can become most anything In
Oregon, The following Is a grand lllii
(ration of the great possibilities ot becom
ing famous: The possibility that Hon L
T Darin may become United States mar
shal tor U re ion causes many angry,
sneering remarks among republicans. D
P Thompson, tor instance, expresses sur
prise that his ceek should be rising so fast
Inthswoild, the banker playfully allu
aee ta the time when he wss a aurveyor
and employed Mr llarln as took for his
crew, However, when Mr Thompson was
working at the forge in Oregon City, with
an open treatise on surveying ntar the an.
vil, in order that he might study and work,
he was his own cook,
Another Kick Several stockholders
In the America.-) Building and Loan Asso
ciation ot Minneapolis, which has a local
association In Pendleton, have become
tired ot paying their assessments, and it is
estimated that amounts paid in aggrega
ting almost $500 have been albwed to "go
by the beard." These failures art termed
lapses" ami form a large source ot profit
lor bul.dlng and lean associations ot this
character. Those who still hold their
stock appear to have lost confidence In this
out Institution," and regret the day they
Wiiri f nil it,-. I In nl.f II K 1,1. ihi! .11 . .
tonjued agents, esch one ot whom told a I
di(Trnl .- I.JI.a V ( I
A Goon Company. The Red Bluff
News says t Tne Ellelord-Brophy Com
pany, now playing at the Opera House, Is
one of the best companies that has vUlted
our city, and the public should appreciate
this fact by attending their performances
Good companies like this one should be
well patronised. The members are ladles
and gentlemen In every sense ot the word,
ane u Is a rest pleasure to witness their
personations. It Is so seldom that we get
company like the Ellcford-Brophy Com
pany that the Opera House should be
crowded every night. This evening the
beautiful drama, "Lady And ley's Secret,"
lii be presented, and a very amusing
comedy in one act entitled "Contusion.
The house wilt no doubt be crowded.
Prices 25 and 50 cents ; no extra charge
for reserved scat.
New Years Occcrrence Our bus
iness, men generally received New Year
callers, only a remarkably few places being
closed. It I to be regretted this Is the
custom, but such It Is all through Oregon.
A large number of young ladles of the
Ity received callers at the Y M C A Hall
In the interest of that Association. They
did the honors In nice style, serving a de
llclous lunch, and furnishing their guests
with game and "geneal converse for a
lew hours. Most of the calls were made
towards evening.
Mvildiso Hoi's. A great many towns
In Esstern Oregon ire living on the ex
pectation ot having the U P go through
them. Here Is another case: A private
etter from high authority notifies a clti
sen ot Bums that If a practicable route can
be found by way ot Burns, grsdlng will
be going on In the vicinity of this town
next faiU This official states the policy of
the officials Is to remove difficult obstacles
rather than make the great detour down
Silver creek. The letter referred to also
states tha: as soon lo the spring as practi
cable, competent engineers will be sent to
ascertain as to whether or not the route
referred to is practicable. One ot the di
rectors, who has been over this rjute,
thinks the rosd will be run from turns di
rect to Crane Creek.
Bjo Noths. Spokane Falls pvoji
who revel in deep mud or deep snow, and
have mammoth newspapers, have big no
tions generally. One on Inquiring for an
Albany paper, was shown one lying on a
Oh, I thought that was a white spot
Once there were no dailies In Albsny
now two, and some day when we get as
big as Spokane Falls we'll hsve as big
newspapers, and, we will remember how
thing giow, and not smile at the size of
the dailies In Coryallis, Eugene, Lebanon
nd Brrwnsville. Big and little sheets fill
their respective fields, sometimes the latter
making up In quality for wantof quantity.
A Tramp at JarrERsoN. Yesterday
morning a tramp, who gave his name as
Sam Newton, broke Into the Chinese sec
tion house at Jefferson, and was about to
steal the contents when a Chinaman ap
peared upon the scene.who ran to tbe sec
tton boss and gave the alarm. The section
boss went to the house and at the point ot
a pistol made the tramp walk into town,
where he was placed in charge of the City
Marshal. The tramp was given a pre
liminary examlnation.and held for the ac
tion of the grand jury charged with grand
those uoy Tramps. Three young
tramps,., the oldest of whom ha net yet
entered his teens, arrived in Salem from
Albany by the Eugene express yesterday,
says the Statesman.' To say the Is
a queer combination, one being a son of
Ham, named Leewood.and the others white
brothers named Henness. They hail from
Kansas City, and travel In regular tramp
style, beating their war on passenger and
trelchi trains. I heir trio from A ban v to
Salem was accomplished easily, by riding
under the car sests. 1 he boys acquire
spending money by singing In the saloons
ana public places.
Officers Elected. The board of di
rectors of the Linn Co Agricultural Asso
ciation met last week and elected the
ollowing officers : '
President, A Hackieman.
Vice President, Jason Wheeler.
I) B Montelth, Secretary.
9 F Simpson Treasurer.'
The Board adjourned to meet the 1 6th
when important business will be transact-
The K or P. The annual installation
of officers of the Kof P was held last week.
Ihe occasion Is reported as a very
enjoyable ono. After an Interesting
ceremony of installation the members and
guests repaired to the Revere House,
where a fine repast was served, one that
did great credit to the popular caterer of
that house.
- The reception by the members of the Y
W C T I' was a great success. Nearly one
hundred young men being present. A de
lightful evening was passed in games, get
ting acquainted, and in partaking of
sumptuous spread, Mrs Pollock superln
tendent of the Union, particularly, is entl
tied to much credit for the nice manner
in which the affair passed off.
Drug Clerks, Mr. D L Crowder, an
experienced prescription clerk, recently
with Woodworth Bros of Ellensburg, has
accepted a position with G L Blackman ot
this city. Mr otock,, who has been with
Mr Blackman for about a year, will go to
tsan t rancisco and enter the California
Pharmacy, intending to make the buslne's
a me work.
Not All On . Rails, rh eame
Bently on its last round trip from Port
land carried ninety-five passengers, which
indicates that not all the traveling is done
on the railroad. Besides being much
cheaper a great many sew comer make
the trip because it is an enjoyable one.
Married. On New Years day, at the
parsonage of the M E church, In this city,
by Rev Meminger, John Brown of Polk
county and Cordelia Chambers cf Linn
143 KNOTS flK.
h Healthy lasrsass la Narvlagse.
Below we give a list of marriages In Linn
county for 1889, as shown by the records
In the County Clerk's office. Tho number
shows an Increase In keeping with the real
estate market, building, etc., the Increase
being thirteen over ifcSS and thirty-three
over 1887, f in the pat October was I
the banner month 1
9 Morris Barrett and Emma Hartley.
Edwin McUalu and Ida ot Murphy,
Ell Arenspaugh and Clara A Price.
It O RCvrutaiid Etntns Mnrrl.
16 I) II veaklns and Alice M Laytcn,
30 Isaac W Low and Ella Msitle.
ao Henry Klnserand Emma Com plan.
23 nugn Leper and Addle Fletcher.
t Albert HeUcr and Luclla Blackburn.
2 u Lampman and Alois H Mills, '
ISA Crowder and Sarah A Mills.
7 Stance Marcovlch and Annie Stanley. 1
, tlit . If , . 11,1. W 1. '
17 Clies C Canter and Benin E Ashbv.
2 Jas (thlelds and E K hill.
14 Stephen Orahoherand Emma Powell.
13 J A West and Koe A Bilveu.
13 J Hagen and Julia West..
21 Ivouis k Cheadle and Una Kit s
19 W E Richardson end Viola J Miller.
20 L.liss k Jones and Mary I. Brennan.
3 II Elswkh and Eva Chance,
a O A Griffin and (J Pomerov.
6 J II Payne and Jennie Rucker.
a Win Couch tnd Mary McBee.
IO l) Olln Waudwarth and V.lh.r tm,.
21 W C Meyer and Mrs V B Winn.
2I Wm S Johns and Jane F Royal.
3 S II Moses and Mary I Smith. I
3o Dr J S Courtney and Ida Montague,
6 Allen C Becmer and Ethel Gesrhsrt
t Thos Bayne and Amanda M Johnson
Grant IJndley and Alice Todd.
9 Clinton Cole and Louisa Doher.
ta W M Phillip and Elva bhelton.
to R LI! and Aletha Powers.
1 Nelson C New man snil IahI.i V.
l Fred L Rolfeand I Utile Putman.
15 W J Morgan and Minnie Settle.
12 Wm A Eastham and Lola J Douglas.
13 B M Cushman and America Kirk.
25 EE Parker and Annie E Ba-nes.
30 Peter Julus and Minnie llulta.
28 Robert Meroy and Mary Whilson.
9-f J,fetr Pochard LUWIe Alice
E Betu and Mlna Archibald.
12 Louis Soloman and Esther Cohen.
9 E Crewte and A L Rldgwsy.
11 OF. Phillip and C E Burnett,
ta II C Bishop and Susie eVigie
12 I Owen and Katie Wlgle.
23 R C Watklns and Nancy Hamilton.
10 I If Armstrong and B A Stellmacher.
16 Wm II Kletcherand Ida E Lampman,
t Wm A Long and Ellta J Smith.
14 Js Sylvester and Mary A Bostwick.
2 CC; Smith and Cynthia Balth.
7 ID Boyer and Hatile Long.
3 C E Pjwers and A I Springer.
4 J J Baker and Ella Roach.
4 J A itowell and Rosa Woodruff.
3 C W Brown and Ella M St John.
J CM DeVaney and A V Bllyeu,
5 Geo Poor and Katie Fuller.
14 A P Vutgamore and Annie Kenling.
11 am Moses and , L. rutpps.
14 I L Ambler and M O Welch,
at T B Wright and Nellie liawklns.
to I C Smith and E E Shambrock.
29 Wm Fromm and Minnie Arnold.
27 John M Sloan and Myrtle Reed,
7 A II Logan and Agnes Cox.
4 B F Vorres and Ada Ames
23 A C Muller and Leoea Hale
Wm Walton and Alice Collins
I r D Yarbrough and Isabella Curl
25 U Terhune and M E Osholser.
Seftember. -
I John Williams and Rosa Burris
i Samuel Naethlger and Loui-e Spring.
3 John J. Croft and Splice A South
DAE Barker and Hannah E Bllyeu
11 John Mackey and Ida Workman
10 Jas IJ Cox and Ora Stewart
12 Wm II Scott and Clarissa Hull
19 M M Peery and Addle Morris
1 1 J B Slater and Florence Ballard
IT H Miller and Belle Reed
29 Carl Middlesteadt and leutsa Frcese
10WS Tull and R E Richardson
22 Vincent M Jesse and Laura Walton
S Isaac atone and Mary V Morgan
19 J II Rainey and Emma Ball
IJ AP McNary and Nellie Locke
27 Jas Tyler and Eleanor Newman
29 J P Webber and D E Sckeck
II Klicr and Lucy M
t Edward
3 rred I Blount and Ueorgta A Morris
1 111 1 lay worth and Margaret M woire
0 8 1 Pierce and W T rorter
9 Wm Looney and Catherine Acker-
9GrantFraman and Amanda Rldeout
10 J C Cox and Vernetta Wiseman
16 Sanford S Prlngle and Lizxie Houck
13 is J Newland and Mary c Stephen
16 MO Brink and L D Curl
16 J K' Mount and Lavlna McCulloth
20 6eo Glass and Sarah M Farmer
23 Benj. ttobson and Mary Werts
21 Wm Hughes and Maty Judy
22 J W Chlstlan and M 8 Smith
22 L B Luner and Mary E Smith
23 Frank Wallace and Cynthia M
23 O A Archibald and Annie Chlswell
24 J Cj Swlnk and Josie Barnes
30 Horace A Powell and Kate Price
I George A Farmer and M M Fry
3 William Skelton and Lilly Rice
10 Basil M Johnson and Amanda Stover
13 I) H uotschail and Ida Dalrymple
9J. T roster ana Alice tiarris
15 J Lee Bovle and M K Curtis
ti EE Warford and Hattle Albere
30 Jas W, Swank and Dora Snyder
eS W J Snotgrass and Lydla Mays
al J G Drechalerand Addle Hall Ida
24 C W Taylor and Bsrsh A Kara
17 Charles Clark and Millie Foren
' December.
1 A L Compten and Julia B Thayer
8 Laepett Usburn and Francis
" 1 Samuel W Hearing and Ruth
25 B V Wooten and Louise Green
35 W H Condra and A vie Jack
so Francis Bell and Ellen Beard
25 A J Ross and Mabel Leonard
34 8 B Burrell and Vina Woodruff
30 W R Hiatt and Lotis Holman
30 WJ Smith and DolHe McAllister
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled et-
gars, manufactured at Julius Joieph'u eigsr
factory. Only 0 cents.
7 Ouks cures rheumatism, neuralgia aaet
toothaohe. Foahay & Mason Agent.
To TUB EniTOlt rifine Inform yrw read
ers Unit 1 liave a positive lomedy for tUt-abov
tmiucil dlseuso. Hy its tiniBly use tliowuHMtsot
honelesH enses have bet?n periiiHiiently tured
I sliall be jilad lo send two buttles of say reme
dy prer tn any of yoiit- renders wlio hae eoit
stimiition If Uioy will semi 1110 tlirtr rxpres
rtnd post office address, licsjiectiully.
i'. A. SLOCUM. M. ('.. 131 Tfiftrl HU. Nrw Vorlr
ilS' .i ' 1
Th Ladies DelighteiU
The pleasant eflofjt and the pebet saf
ety wUU which lad 10s tnv dm the If or
fxa'.t laiatlvo. Pyrap cf tisdrr ail'
ennditions, waka it their fa write remedy,
it is plwsins? to the eye and to t ts'fr
gpoiio, Tete.'.V-Mial in acting ea tho
I tif-.-w, j;-fr as i fco'e!i.
nrxT to ui'KEKcercrU.
A creaking hinge can he cured by the
use ot a black-lead pencil o: tne softest
number, the point rubbed Into all the crev-
ces of the hinge.
Keep large squares of thick pasteboard
I hung conveniently to slip nder pots, ket
I ttes,stewdlshes and spiders whenever you
I set them down.
If, before grliu'lna the morning's coffee,
the berries are heated lot four or five mtn
utes, or until they take on a darker shade
ol brown, the flavor of the coffee will be
much Improve i.
A tablespoonf ul o. soda added to the
water In which Ironware Is washed wilt
facilitate the cleaning.
For washing red table linen, use teld
water, with a little powdered borax, which
sets the color. Wash the linen separate-
ly and quickly In weak suds. Rinse In Up
M ?ef ""'' " bo,lcd ,r.
Hang in the shade, and Iron wren nearly I
Jewelry can be made to look like new
by washing with ammonia and water or
alcohol, then rubbing dry and polishing
with prepared chalk applied with flannel
or chamois skin.
To extinguish the flame, should the oil
In a kerosene lamp aecldently take Are,
throw over a woollen blanket, a rug, a
piece of carpet, shawl or any o'her woolen
fabric at hand.
Mittens tnav be made easily and look
neat by knitting one stitch plain and purl
Ing one alternately. They are nlse msee 1
nt black or any color of Saxony. Stock-
Ings knit of solt woollen yarn, with two
stitches plain and two purled alterrately,
ni wen ana are warm. 1
Always mis starch In cold water until
,,e tfm tumpes pour on boiling wate.,
stirring welt uitil of the proper consisten
cy! boll ten minutes, add a little lard, but
ter or shavings of spermaceti or prepared
gum arablct then cool.
To test jellry, drop a little Into cold wa
ter or on to a cold plate, stirring It for a
tew seconds. The best jelly should not be
boiled over five minutes.
Te protect the kitchen from drsfts blow J
ng I beneath the door, Uke a strip of old I
carpel (brnssels, being stiff, Is best) across I
the bottom ot each door. Cut the carpet I
; ur and a half Inches wide and two Inches I
longer than tho width ot the door on
which It Is to be fastened, so that the car-
pet may extend an Inch beyond the door I
ach side. Tack the strip ot carpet a
cross the bottom ot the door, placing the
aarpet so that half of Its width will lie on
the floor whl'e the other half Is attached
to the dxr.
There are 115,000 Mormons in Utah's total I
poptttaikm of 2eo,ooo, I
Durina the cast ecihteen mon.Ui the IKatsun I
I Government bos expelled 3$, Jw from
tbe Empire.
In a paper recently read before tbe British
Associative it wss ably argued that mas was
naturally left legged,
TbeliaiHKd (CU) Coursnt, which was
first printed on Oct 29, 1764, is the oldest
newspaper ia America.
Tbe discovery of a new coal bed is reported
from North Sydney, Aa expert claims that
there a 19,000,000 tons in the sesms.
St Louis is more thaa 165 years old; or, to
be exact, she was (bunded by a French fur-
trader, on tbe present rite, on the middle day
of August, 1724.
German chemists have discovered in tbe co-
coanot a fatty substitute for butter, and it is
being produced ia Urge quantities st Msahein.
One factory turns out 6ooe pounds fer day.
worth fifteen cents per pound.
Experiments ia oiling the waves' have been
i se successful tbst sll tile beats H England will I
be required to csrry a gallon of vegetable or
animal oil, and a distributor of approved pat- J
tern, for throwing the oil on tbe sea in rough
west bet.
A chrsioloeist in France has been obserr I
log tbe work of flics in flying, and has arrived I
- s 1
st the conclusion that tbe wing of a fly n.akt
about 330 nests per second, and that such a I tremety doubtful it tbe exuberant Mr Tal
fly csr travel at the rate of a kilometre per I mage would bs heppy under similar con-
Soap bubbles blown with newly generated
hydrogen gas hav bsca found to act ss elec
trical condensers, the liquid of which, when
broken, exhibited a negative charge. It is
suggested that this fact explains the so called
fireballs sometimes Ken during thunderstorms.
Tbe State Farmers Alliance of South Dakota
says in its memorial to Congress: "The cost
I of all farm machinery is enhanced by reason of
high duties on iron and steel, while the prices
... 1 . r. 1
I preuucis m our
the market where it must compete with the
products of the cheapest labor in India and
Everybody in America thought that it was
a very rash thing to make Edison an Italian
count, bet no ne toought it would be so bad
as it is. He is now trying to get up a machine
that will turn hand organs by electric
leading t'hotogrephere Albaay OregoB.
We have booabt all tbe negatives made by
L W Clark and W II Greenwood op to Nov
16th, 18S9. Dupliaates esn be had from
them only of us at reduead rate. We hay
alan ahnnfe lft.000 neeative made by our
selves, from which daplloatea ean be had at
nkcroes.- Yfe carry the oniy iuii nue i
viewe ot this state and do enlarged work at
lowest rates for first class work. We shall be
pleased to see yon at our Starlio ia From an a
blouk, nsxtdoorto Mat a me lempiss
Ure anb Downs. Some of the princi
pal ups and downs in business life is to
keep yWtyy up and prices 4rt. This Is
being done very successfully at LaForest
& T'iompsoti's,and those dinner sets to be
distributed among our customer ian. 1st
Is eremlnir no tittle Interest as weli as our
Nrxt. Ne sbest place in town Is
Olson's ne ershop In the Fromaa
Block, next .eoi to Fortmlller & Irvine's.
Best b -her t. town.
Etruck Oil At Si.3c per s eallon can
3t Standard er- oil. at the WillamUte
Packing Co.'a store.
Try the full cresm cheese as U B Brown
ell's. . -
A Verdict That the grand display of
r eat, ornatr.ental baskets, each containing
one pound of choicest tea, nt LaForest &
Thompson's, is the finest importation ever
orotiiht to Albany. This tea is basket
Sred. nure and of rich flavor. We 60
:r it
at the arlort !ir.!y low price of 40c
The Chattanooga TrtdrmtH has reports
aVom the Governors and Stat Comptrollers of
tbe Southern Stales, giving tbeir estimates of
the present population of each State. These
estimates are bsssd hugely upon careful in
quiry, instituted by the Stale Comptrollers on
t. .t Mf I Ms .
tic..... 01 inr 1 rmuiimatt. he eitimstc, Art
Inc. p. e
Population, in Inst 10 3 ers.
...,1,659453 31
....1,247.771 .
.....424,896 58
....2,165,541 47
, . . . . 2,200,000 33
,...1,251,140 33
546.753 34
... 1,813,034 29
...t,soo,ooo iyt
. . . I,800,000 23 ,
...2,314,812 45
,.,1,866,560 23
Alksntss... ,
Georgia . , , , .
Kentucky, , , ,
Louisiana . . . ,
Wfrin Carolim
South Caro'.in
Tbe total is f9.469.i5Ot against 14.633,936
tSSo Increase in ten years in tbe
bole South of over 23 per cent. Tbe Gov
ernors estiinsts the whiles and blacks as fol
lows: Whites 12,218,430, blacks 7,370,720,
it is estimated that there are to-day in the
Southern States 394.0 to Whites from the
Northern Slates, against 244,885 in 1880.
The foreign born whites in Ihe South to day
are eitimaied by the Governors ia their reports
to the Tmdtimtin st 643,033, against 420,
871 in 1880. Tbe white population of tbe
leuth, according to these estimates, has in
creased a little over 3,200,000, white tbe col
ored population shows an increase in ten years
01 "out 1.000,0000.
The Administration denies that It turns
good postmasters out ol office, and John
Wanamsker asserts that h UM nnt
Jmlt politics to govern him In the discharge
of his public function. John Wanamaker
does not tell the truth. He Is running the
Post Office Department of hie party. In
he neighboring town of Mamaroneck W
A Boyd was republican Postmaster for
three terms. He wss a striker tor Piatt
and Robertson, Mr Cleveland permitted
Wrn jo nnUh hu ,hrd er ,nd ... 4
lot It. In i88v. ho arol.,ted C f. P.irrhitd
an old soldier of Gen. Slocum's Twentr-
seventh Regiment New York Volunteers.
desperately wounded at Fredericksburg.
Fairehlld Is now turned out In the middle
pi his term to make room for Boyd, who
Koes into the office again as a reward for
U.t rail's campaign services for Piatt and
Robertson." What a mockerv of Civil.
Service Reform Is thlsl-New York JTmU
An Idle word may be seemingly harm
ess In Its utterance; but, let It be fanned
by passion, let It be fed by the fuel of mis.
conception, of evil intention, of prejudice,
land II will soon grow into a sweeping 610
that will melt the chains of human friend-
hlp, that will bunt to ashes many cher-
hed hopes, and blacken more fair names
nan one.
The people ot Florida want a tariff or
oranges of a dollar a box, and the people
of California want to be exempted from
the tsx on the distilled spirits with which
thee fortify their wines. There la no sel
fishness like the "protective" selfUheess.
It begins and ends In t.e desire ot eery
man to use the taxing power of the govern
ment to get the advantage of every ether I
men. It Is the science of grab.
A very simple tncihoJof inducing sleep
la cases of persblent Insomnia, and on
that has succeeded whert many drug
have failed. Is simply to administer a mod
erate amount of warm liquid food before
the patient goes to bed. This diverts the
blood from the brsin to the abdominal or
gans, and takes away the cerebral excite-1
ment that preclude sleep.
Rev Mr Tal mage say of Soloman: "He
had at Ma command gold to the value of I
6So,eoo,ooo and he had silver to tbe vl-
ice of 1,0:9,000,377, yet Solomon was
I not happy." Well, when It Is remembered
that he had several hundred wives. It
doesn't seem surprising that he should
I have felt low spirited at times. It is ex
Dom Pedro is very popular ia Portugal.
whither be has gone. He deserves his popn
larity, and is a favorite alike with royalists
and republicans. He represents what the
true lamer, au tne time preparing mem i
care for themselves. Dom Pedro's arrival in
Portugal has greatly revived republicanism in
that country, and monarch, wherever he goes I
may learn to took on him with suspicion for
the mild incendiarism which his presence
T he total extent of land under cultivation in
I Great Britain amounts Ito 32,733,357 acres,
I showing ao increase over tbe previous year of I
I about 48,958 acres, This increase.agoin chiefly
1 in permanent spread over each divi-
- 1 tlon of Great Britain, and gives to England
the additional cultivated area of 26,533 acres,
to Wales 12,51 5 acres, snd to Scotland 9911
A tramp who died recently in a New
tersev hotnitsl was found to have be
s -
longed to an aristocratic English family.
He preferred to be a .-turdy vagrant to be
ing an effete English larding.
German chemists have discovered In the
coeoanut a fatty substitute for butter, and
It is being produced In large quantities at
Manheim. One factory turns out 6,000
pounds per day. worth fifteen cents per
Late experiments would seem to refute
I the theory that France is warmed by the
gulf stream, as in summer no surface cur
rents reach that country from the south-
I west, but there are currents from west and
1 1 a. 4111 1 .nam "ea
Judge Greshamsaj-s the standard of excel-
nee in tbe legal profession is not as kigh as it
was twenty five years ago. Too many law
yers go into politics is the reason.
With the tea lands of China yielding $1,000
per acre, as they are reported to have done
this year, it seems as though John might live
comfortably enough at home.
It is estimated that tbe wealth of the Usitsd
States now exceeds the wealth of the whole
world at any period prior to the middle of the
eighteenth century.
Lues Curtains. le Cartels.
1 have jus rcetvel irv fill aroek
laccurta?nboi:sat cJ,r- from lf;crt
the largest stock er-; brer :.t to C. s n'
et, and beat val. f.-r t"'s
NO 34
M". vf
Jie peenllar efficacy Is dne
da much to the process aod
skill In compounding as to
Ingredient Uiemslves,
. d In the oatset, or If
they bo advanced wiU prove a poUioicure.
i73 liestali'ts-fitat It'
It takes the piaee of a
Anrinr and costly nre
nrll.tlons. All will r.-sl --ifOft WHOSE
eeduuWiry live Will nod , ersirr.-v
It Ihe best preventive of I, BEISIFIT
and euro lor Indigestion.
mistlrmlion, Jiowtaoh; nillonsn,
Hies and Mental JJepresalon. No lose
of time, no Interference with business
While Inking, tor children It is mort In
tvxvnt aiMi harmless. Ko danger from
exiMMiiro nfler taking. Cnre :lie. IH.
rrhu, llowrl Complaint. Vmvr.rtmh
Sms and Feverish Colli. Invalid and
delicate person will tliid it the mildest
Aperient and Tonic Ihcycnn use. A little
taken at night Insures refreshlne sleep
and a natural evacuation of tho bowel.
A little taken In Ihe morning sharpens
the appetite, rlt-anscs tho stomach and
eweeteos the breath.
a riiYsiciAjrm opinio.
"I Bars bets erscticfitt medians tot
Swstrty yesn snd Uvc otrsr bee able
f mt up egeiaM compoiin4 that would,
,. Iifcs Simmons Lorer kffirbior, promptly
, and cfltcttvety mors the Uw lo sciioo,
; an! tih tame time stdiinMesd t4mtk
. sninc) Ih digestir sad auimiUuir
,-, fowrn of th rim."
L. M. Hiwtom, sj.o,, Wsshiton, Ark.
Mark of Oeanlnenesai 1,00k rorthe'rad
Trnda-Mnrk on front of Wrnfiiwr, and the
tel and Hlirnnture of J. II.Z.II1U A Co-1 a
(4. ou Ilia side. Take uo other.
Heal Bargains.
Notions, Furnshing Goodo, etc,
Dress Goods, Trimmingrii, Silt,
Table Linen, Gloves, Hosio
W. . READ.
The Leading Cash
Insurance Company.
- 1
Safe, Sound;
A F i t i t i i'aei riRtooa smmiTTt
s-ITTTv T - sfasdyasd Kisi: Kffset
VI J JLwXs f -s r IsMsess is Old er sessfw
total, t. .f': 9 mtt. Re M jhtaln
i,. ti" V'-t.
a Uiai. tuneti-M OMUU rinisei S"i.
KotaM cELEmrmpoisGS miieot
It kills sll lnflMumstlnn snd lrrUst&O, sad Is th
emly mire destroy or ot allocobea aa4 otbef Biia
Sanaites. ...
rtfew-' Price. 25 cents a Box.
S e SSSea
I i a - S
L.. kit ..2.1s' !.
- r , r ,J
srf r e i.iiw - . 4
the UM
Advertising rji-fiiiiDi
lo the Central
' ' " Wlllamettf Vt "
. , Maeoond-elaaa taeil oattr
First Nailossd c-
.at. "Maak P
WAMAOM A BsriBA. In main Timm. '
A:eas aT skj ss aft.
ss Vsa, etas f.ust t, mi f
raasMweiw ADi a.
W, It runs, j I
" av p.,
. Waseaal Tvatowa
ALBANY - - - Qnzt
rjujri Acn s mri .
DaUWaKiRt DHtrrs i ...
s sad stos4, Oca.
L VasriTsa ie4 sdy
Mf tlYI 4l sskMse .
Brink of Oregon.
PreJdsnt ,
lea President
B. tTl
. P. bCSftS
Sfbleiebanpeaod tterpkl it
far New York, aa tranelsa i
Portland, Oregop.
Colleetiooe utd 00 favorable irr
a- k
Dry Goods Stor
letter. Than Eve
I Instead or eflforing a prize kat only
laiflta tbe lucky one, cr sending ou: ,
confldeniial slips aa baits, we propess t i
rpanly offei theeitiaeas of Albany nuii
leinity eiif-'re gwaas at bed roek pri.. ;
snd give FltE P1U CEMT DlaCuSM
for cash on each dollar worth of goods
at rebut pries until the 1 2th of January,
llllfhest price laid for enlekena,
au u butter. Thaakiog yon for year r
pstronago and eolieiting your trade fo
me fatare, wo beg so remain at yortr s?r
4St rTAttr A
f 1 w