P THE YAQUINA ROUTE, Crcsca PaclEa Mmi. n'lT!otnu Corcfoy'a Steam ehfp LId. :3 old cnonTCR. zd nou?.3 less tilie i by any eor route, tttroefb. peaaeu)rer :tte from Portland end ell . ,f niametle Y alley te and fo1 2. 3ta. c. Cetd lean .n n!So BUemkte on the t .v.; nt.t dttnir" 1 T r, rrae.iey ' A d vr. rive Mrtun Ty, 4 a ft re r J. Aft r id ierdy " ' - v aV . Waattf I MllffllT . w ar - t L --4tn, leaving here at a. m. inu " t-A aYttoa of rbeuregou r bwuw nWLB. WW guMUy.) l Tannine. A.B. J Carrailt . leave Cr.u ,"'. a. a. tmn Aiaaaj. - Albany and idotT train, connect at ri?LJ .thi OtMon Development iyVUneo' BUem.btpe YmiSm end Bn rraneleoo, . JUILIMO DA1EI between " - -v- l. M let. WeanJV, OJEii " " '."1 . ,oiaio .teTie-.M-W 4, nr-' "liX I TteSdaf :la rtl. ibe ng W. at. rwMniw" w..ii ! ... --1 1- mnlnla oaft .... j.iie nalnU can iu" r Seent.wltn e , 'Id tt'dee- ",UrVhoii3 rrft. o mm r.fUM m Ann. AlMT " v yuaMH 0YERUN3 TO CMJFOHHIA jtHern Pacific Companj i una. THE HOUST SHASTA ROUTE. Nona 1 1 H l.w a I u i Jraj JalA Uteaoa JUJIAH BUFFET SUEFIBS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, ..nrtlim a all tin P. CV. trl oaw 0ml lrtTlalaai lnUI MlTUli A t'IUl1"' Mtu, nui au tla4 A,iwra Lljta H a tr iaM tuu uaT (EMJpt PorUaad A, i r oo a T aU poJuW BOUTK AND BAST VIA CALIFORNIA. f lull M-r-wtto- rai.t -. ous and Carriage Painter Decorator and Paper Manger Piano Varnicninsr. All .r juarnUKl. S B. VASSAL! Q- SaMof-i to Pry J Eevere Hoise; . OREGON C31S. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. TWl op l flri-ala y1, TaWaa -til wuh tba beat la ibe mrk 1 alaaptaf aornfc. Bampl H0 tdr aoamarofat vrTair, Cfn f la aaJ frai "atal.TB (Pouiifj Wanted. All klaJa of poultry, allra er Jren-ad, noma attbe WHUmaiu ftkiag uari aaby'a Star. Allwoy, Orgb. W It BILYEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor' in Chancery, ALB4RT. OBEGOV. CollaaUona prom.Uy uada on al) po'nt Unaaa(otlatloa waaonKOiaMcma. t afek mf 2nd ar good lu tba Val tf'f. ab4 iha ort rnii prl, bom n oavlajL and tAlllng I hava on hand ruaniTUiiE. stsyes, tinvare, - TEUKX5, B30KS, PJUTBHES. CLQ3X3, C33SK5RY, ETC., 1ETC. A, MnfR RKettni'i o'd atorf. L. GOTTLIEB 18 rirU atraat. Albany, Or. PIANOS. Tlioxa wlahlnar a Bmtlaa Inntroniaui gould oalt at Mrt, B. E. HjiVian'a rd ona of thoaa Calaorat-ttl Hamina A lAitg pianoan, axooiiant rich tons, E-f.-"iiiy nia1a anil adafad to ttaad tba . 0!u on tha l"inifl Cnt. K'ary piano f uy ptuaniutaeil for 6 ytrn. Tba lmt tl.kxt-iuiiato for tale, MuMii and painting !jna glron thero. AlaA Ilia plaa to gel yit w Bwlng Maeblna. Fancy work and (jrm making dooa to order. Firat d.sornattt of Y6uijg'a old aland, Albany, Oregon FOSHAY & WAGON, . .. i -r John B. Aldnn'a pob'iWjW uifsr'a pr!oa until i.Tfir. is VAX n,f MtMt f " i I ' ' " Z--. -ortl.M M " Aitl lJ tow . - - " iTTTTTI tT k!a S L : 2nd Store. Tlal OTRAI f!3, SPH AlHSa fpnttaad tiaek fur thra Month. Caa'iMllI, Ind , Au. Ijwa. . Kr Wk wu Urtrt by a hoiii uBWa 1 nan tea i I botilna of J.l oUeiired ua KpralncU frvtu Lifting. Polla Rlr. Ill , AMnt. IMA. t miml 1 twn a0 with Wtn) baek ftom limnti nirJ hr Ht aoaa Oil cum- (iKonGSUcCLVRB. oirr4 r-OaCaaa. Caldwall, Kana, Aug. . ISM. I anflVnd 4 yn with itralOKd bata I ul aanai oaa boiUM. JacuUOll ma. Na MliunUtBHMHh. . J)(),tf.llTI.Il Cuhlrr tok Kiohanga Daak, Oa Cralvhaa 4. Taara. Roak Ceolef. Kux., Aug., IN. 1 want an enitrhwi 4 rsara. with amlaf 4 W: hmh) wnnl Iwttlf ef St. Aouba UO, UUT ""tttASK wnssoH. frTfociSTa aMolJatrslRawjfn DR;J.L.I!tLL, Physician and Suieon, Offloo oor, Firatand Ferry SUeeta, ALBANY- ORCQON OR. G.rATSOT MASTOiJ Physician and Surgeon Office oppoali tha rix-rav. DR. W II. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. ftfrOffl na uo aUIra in Stniban'B Block. May ba found at hta offloa a ay and nlgbu DR. C A. WHITfiEY, PhysicUa and Surgeon. Rrajoato of BelUraa Hospital Mnlloal Obl'ega Row Tark City. Diaeaiaaof womaa a apaiialty. grOIBoa, F(nat' Priok, Albany, Or. DR. I. VL STARR, Physician and Surgeon, Late of BrownSTille, Or. Offlea at tooma Moa. S3 and M.Strahan and haroa'a lilock. up atalra. Call a promptly aiiandad In ally or oounlry. DR. JAMES KEYDEti, GraSnat8 of Edintirg, Scollind, Haa loeatad la Albany. Fra at bla thoroagh koawladga of bla prmaaainn aad bla exp.riatioa of 10 yaara aa ao offi cer In a Caval.-y Reglmant, ba bopaa to marlt tba patranaga of thoaa Intaraatad In boraaa, aaula. abaan. ate. Ha would alao raoommaad bla aolutloo or llnaraaot for aora ahouldara. aere baaka, brakao knaaa, wound a, apralna. Prl, onadal lar per bottla. airofflce at JobnScbmaar'a'lTary ata b!a. G. L. QLAOKf.lAN, jwMiw tB. W. Lam f Jon. DTaLER IM DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES' SOPS COMBS ETC. n. a. R.BLACRBcatr, eeo. w. waiear, BLACKBUR71 & WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law, Will practice in all the Coarte of tbe State. Trompt attention given to allbusl neea eotioetad to cur eare. Office Odd Fellowe Temple, Albany, Or FRANCIS PFEIFFER. PKoPRIETOn Of - Albany Soda Works. j.nd Manateeturara of j ' choice mmmmr, .Te are aow preprl to rll at wfcoU , alwaya fraeh and pate at Portland .tea to dealer. We aie keep full lef Sati and Tropical Mti, AND TOSaC03 FOR PJI AMD AU. SKIN DISEASES MOORE'S CELEBRATED FCISC3 Oil 1EMEJT It kllta all tnAumnadon end latitaaVO. and la tht mrjr .or Amkrojet ol Mttwutwa aad eaawt BMa VfrfiQ. price. 2S cents a Box. Conrad Mever, STAR BAKEHY Cnrcep Broaaaltiiii ana First St?., -DIALER I Caiamed rraita, eHaMyrTe, Orfea rall. Tebttcen, tiignr, Coftoe. Ete,. Cnnei Moavt, tuneari tTegeta,bl. C'lgnre. Jn'ta, Teas. ftujt evexytblng that la kept la a gei 11 varlaSy and grocery ,re. tllgheat n fket prtee f& for ftLLKiriDS OF TAKBIAGES AT Fortmillef & . living. OKS. Zk J-'-.tdaefi . -FUNERAL DIRECTOF.il Fronipt AttsnUcn-First-cIasj Ei ily McatrJavIief. EHUITZ BSC?.,, Pre Kiepa fnll line of jr.ate ef a:t Jnnda, In a ! pitna, wm (!) y prn teeted; and a way freii. bund null frfiQ I i i .( . w 1 V - m, & V I . .. f-f. -t If mat! . aad VJIH HIEIikt AN'S ELECTION HJ. 8enator Sherman' Faa"eral Election mil I ene of Wie moil uapthtl we urca ever lntroducad Into congreu. It la a proportion which It only aaved from lMlfiatlon with the ica.lon ordinance! oflwantw vtr ago baaiuaa it U Inchoate and cannot lead ta a tla ah of ai int., Thla bill prop to take away 'rom the paaple vi the CongitHlunal dutrleli itl canlrot ovtr the aleotlun of their own RaarctanalUaa. It offer a bilbo to every atale to put tha choice ! Presidential e lecter under Fader, aupervlilen by an agreement o pay theeipentci o! election aa upervled. It provide tor the aj- polatment a! an army ol United State election offieere (to he appointed by Mr Hanlaon) who ahall have the direction ol the nait Pre.ldentlal atectloa. In Nv Ywrk alone more than ten thouaand re aabllcan afficera would poibly hava the counllne of vote In iSol. and l( there la O.en a republican LegUUture the Inter terence of tha General Government will ba atked and Ike requett wltl not be ve toed if there la not a democratic Gover nor. What chance would there be under itieh a law far a free capreaon of tha popular will? ThU meaaur.0 ahauld be entitled . Bill for the Terpetulty of the Republl can Tarty aad for the Demolition of the OontlltuUon." If It ahould ever become a law, a we tru.t It will not, the attempt would be revolutionary aa Itl nowtreaeh eroua. Thu far It aale Intereat lie In the fact that it I an evidence of the eM.loyalty at aome republican leadara, tLL...!il-. - X WAKINUCP. The farmer are waking up. At Ihe meet ing of the Delaware atate grange lat week a report from a committee whoae chairman h been a leading Republican ond the giange number among it memlicr many of the most prominent Republican of that - atate - wan unanimously adopted in which occttirt tliii tigntficant declaration! la hi late message the preiient made on unwary dip, which, carried to it logical con elusion, mutt revolutionise all the fiscal leg islation of the country. lie My tbe protec, tive principle should be applied to the prod ucts of ou farm a well a our workshop. The words are pregnant with a wider maaa ing than the writer ever dreamed of. Let con greas take them as a guide and never falter till the burden of society arc equally distribur a J aad the chances of profit offered now to the fear are opened to all. If the protective tin cipte i not susceptible of thi fair application to the product of all our industries, it may be a question for boncat study whether the prin ciple doe not mean plunder instead of prtr.ee lion." The farmers of Delaware are right. But be assured one for all that when the chance of prott uml.r the tariff are opened to all citi zens alike those who arc now so devoted to protection will have no more interest in that policy, for, like Othello in tbe play, 'their oc cupation will be gone. I am now better prepared than ' I have ever been to ault my ouaiomera In ta ahoelinn, I Lava Just received a largei Invoice of tbe celebrated Laird fltbr & Mllebell fine abcaa for ladies. There la no maoufactnrer wbo clalcna anything better than tbeae ahota. I In tnl to keep a full aaaertmeal eftbatn lu all prlcoa, wldtba from A to aud at't the moat featidiotie In fit ind friee, I ala reeelTf J auotber Invoice tf Ihe popular aboe K P Heed a In Waukenpbael tnd Patent leeUbor tip. Tbeae abeee ant weK known In Albany a a flrat olawe nloa atyle ahoe. Order from tbe eonntry fill ed with eara and talir faction guarnted Cam vex. 7. Tocno. Cancers Cured. J R.Donglata A Ce . Albany, Oregow, rent lor J. K. Dnneaa. he atraat Canoev Klng, of Uertlmer. lUaeM, will treat atl external eaaeera r.a Ik ariaeiplff of MO bUBJS aTO PAT. Far fartker In.'orroa. Uoa, addreae J. at. wwraiaaa Cor, ted and Clave land St . H'welbA., Albany, Or. Tr soft poTxilsr Week (V nMPr dwoud tMiM. mwb.inai. m iuw rm, duiTi. lo T.uli'.n. . rwi fx-rit vr M i.h-l. Kt du m to lllartr.w witl .pUm.lid mnprwrina. Tbta p. bl uifttwm turn lkt tm Ruwt r.l.Ml .ncytflnTMii ia T i.turnutlrm whinte no prohUl bwltnaft. Tb. papubmtr of IM Jv-irnTino Amkkua m much ihtX It. eimawHi DMrlf .asts tbt of .11 otUof rftp.r of Itji .1 m oornbtni. FHm, S XI a. 5.,r. IiKmnttoClMlM. h..ai!B.wa.iti'. IU UN A CO.. P.IJm ban. No. mi Htotdwmf. H. Y. afuaa ii n.-- aTnlrtr ' ni veara- II I'ha Pat-nt one I j luora tban On. i I f send appHtioi 1 uu4 bu an prMstuie b.lor.' Hundred Tboo- -Alion. fr itvnt. In tu. m anil foraicn wmatriM. tn.un.ri.nU mnA .11 OthT MMfl f'r ' wenrine to Ininiintor Uwlr nitht. Jo th. Uniuxl BUtm,. irid. Kulud, Vrutm, (rtrm.nr nl- Xh IotsIko sountriM. Bre pitpd at .hort iatiu.nil oa rMon.lt trmr. Inlormatton . tiniB iHelM tnllir gtwma uhoa. etiar. li.rul-book of .nr..m.k.uM .nt. fro.. P.tnta obtained throaah Uuna A Co. ara ootlead in tb. hcleoliho Aiawicn 1rm. Th. KJnU8.of aoh aotii i. .ll anir-twMi tr all pmnu vne wt.li todi-- Luu.uuiAa. aui troadwar. Kew York. 60LD . IM:'.'. liEAD. - e ifi j Try the Cure I Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses tho Nasal Passages. Al lays Inflammation. Heals tho Soros. . Bestores tbe Secsos of Tasto, Emoli. and Hearing. X particle la applied tnteewehnAatrll aad le aerrrahli-. PrlreAUn. nt VrnaetMe or by aaail. KLK illiOTIiliKSie Warrntt.,Kow York. . THE Jf are tho. put cp by I.M.FERRYA.CO. Wbo mrt) the largest SedBmen in h world. ft D. M. Fbkry & Co' .? 7HiiajlratH- Decri olive nd Triced tor iJfcto wiU 1 msilffci KKEE to ail ar t V i it lcirrr tfian ever, kvry yenotx (J field ..v.f ,houll tendior U. Adtireu. ff O. M. FERRY A CO. OCTfcOIT, MICH. SS ppipw . mi III II III t ll.SlS lrm.ni mliiii lii TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A 8 learner aak. 1'oRtLANli, Dec. The British h!p Clan Mackenzie, while lying at anchor in the Columbia river, three miles below Kalam a, wa run into by Hie steamer Oregon a few minutes alter I o'clock yesterday nomlng and sunk. The fust new of the Unter received here was a a spalch to the Merchnt l.xclmnge, stating thnt the Oregcn had sunk the Gian MKckende, that two of her crew had been killed, and that the Oregon had gone ashore. Ihe lagarata, 1'AitiH, Dee. a?. Th Influcnia t spread ing and I very futttl. The number of (tenth in the city, fiom all causes, Chtlntmas day wat 313. For several years past the regular average has been a 00 for that day. F ully one third of the populace is prostrated. The editor 01 uie Motuteur Unlverael ami three fuldier died to day, It wt reported this morning that SO death! from the disease have occurred within twenty four hour. The natters mint the reinirt. but tome doubt the figures. Claiming that they arc loo large. Tarard Adrift, San Fanci;p, Dec 37. Willie Miller, 1 1 yean old, who says lie ha Just arrived in the city from Salem, Or,, where he lived with hit uncle, wa found Inst night wandering along the street with no place lo go. He says his uncle ticated him cruelly and then turned turn out to Hull fur himself. Brtee Ahead Coi.i MBi 0.. Dec, 37. A canvass of democratic memlier of the legislature for elec tion of a United Slates senator, it said to show that Calvin S 11 rice baa a total assured vote of 53 out of 79, with promise of seven other vote at toon as these latter see their first choice cannot be nominated. A hhealiai Brraae. BumvNsvtu.K, Or., lec, a7, Wednesday night about 9 o'clock, while Marshal Singer and Deputy Marshal J ll Loig were in the act of taking David Bond te the city jait.E J Mon tgomery anq some inner nuemixeu 10 rescue the prisoner, and after teveial blow had been struck all round, some of the rescuers com menced lumgpi.tols, and Deputy lng drew hit weapon. The resutt it that young Mont gomery received a bullet in the neck, just mis sing Ihe jugular vein. At last account the bullet could not be found, a it ranged down ward. The man w retting easily last nichl at the Arlington hotel, and it i lo be hoped t;ie woumi may not piove latal, lkmJ wa loged safely in jail, however. Asiual,whiky is the .aue. A Mare War, Macon, Ga., Dec, a6. The report of a riol at Barnesvilte it erroneous. It arcc from tht unprovoked murder of a negro of etcetlcnl character by ftmr drunken white men. The meat reliable information is that ten people have been killed a'jessup. A special to the Morning Kcay every. thing is quiet, and a company of ciluen ba been organized lo guard the town against in vasions. 1 he corner held an inquest this at ternooa and the jury rctuned a verdict charg ing the negroes ISrewer end Kayloru wun murdering Mathat Barnhi'.l and young Woods At lo the killing of the negroes In Ihe jail, the jury returned a verdict of death by panic un. known. He Heart. Bismarck, N D., Dec 26". Governor Mel lette say Seuth Dakota will I a obliged to cUe up some of her institutions, The re ceipt 4 the atate will fjll so short of casernes that there ia apparently no other alternative, la North Dakota Governor Miller ia bis met Mge to the legislature estimate tbe deficiency for the first year al nearly $1 56 000, and call attention to the imperative need anJ import ance of the strictest economy ia all depart menu of the new stale. A ratal aielh atkle, Vancocvk. B C, Dec, a6. A terrible accident occurred this morning about a o'clock A party of sis ia a sleigN, returning from a tocicl evening on the r rater river read, about sis mite froo. here, were struck by a falling tree anJ lour persons and tha borsc were la stantly killed. Twe narrowly escaped. Will t ail Wlla Alhehr, Dallas, Or., Dec. a5. A Utgi and en thusiastic gathering of citizen was held at the court house thi afternoon to discus way and mean ibr cooperating with Albany and Sheri dan in building the Astoria & Albany rail road. Judge Stoufl'er presided over the meet ing, and Hon J J Daly, J Groves, R J Riley and W C Brown weie spiintcd a cctnmitlee to confer with like committee from other towns. atraallllaa Treables. htw Vog, Dec 26. I'rivate cable re ceived to-day by Cbarlc R Flint bom Bruil state that the situation there is ao l-etter, and if anything worse. 1 he maikcta lor exchange at both K10 and Para are in very bad shape while the rubber maikct is liable to give out entirely as Ihe supply on hand now will only last two weekar Kci-mi about a mectieg of a corp of artillery are ftlac. It wa only a mu tiny ol a few soldier immediately suppressed. eBe ateliiblag. Elle.nsdi'KU, Iec. 25. Winter weather is prevailing throughout the Kittitas valley, and ealending to tbe Conconully mine and Big Bend country. The weather is excellent ana everything oa runners, farmers are all pleated at the luwsriect of having an abund ance of water for irrigating purposes. - Deep inow means big crop, At A Cairttaaaa Party. Lcianox, Mo Iec as. James Carter, year of age, wa killed at a Christ ma party last night at Bank Branch by a man named Jennings. Tbe party was given at the house j of John llurnet, and James Carter and a nuin oer ei oiner ooys attended uninvited, in an ensuing quarrel Carter was killed. A Baaawajr Day. Sam FaANcisco,Dee. 35. rhillip,a newt boy, one cf the four who were drowned at Vallejo yesterday, it aid to have welt to do parent in the state of Washington, and that when young be ran away from home and tub saquicntly met wiih an accident by which he lost bis right leg. He wa to return home in a few days aftrr en absence of years, only last Sunday having received a letter from hi luc ent asking him to return, and also money to pay his way. Boats have been searching fo the missing men, but a yet nothing lias been heard of them. A Warlike t'krlslaaaa. Chicago, Dec, 35, A dispatch from Shaw neetown, 111., says; A free fight took place at a Christmas tree celebration in Eagle Creek precinct Mt nday night, in which Thomas Burroughs, a prominent farmer, wa danger ously tabbed, and several other person re ceived rjuite eiiou iojuric. The tight arose from an error in distributing the presents, which were labeled for people who did not receive them. Some of the lab els dropped from the presents and were placed on different articles on the tree. People who had labeled their presents fir friends aw the mistake and remonstrated, but to no avail, A quarrel arose and a fight ensued, Coal Miaet tiased. Philadelphia, Dec. 35. The Delaware, Lackawanna & Wes'ern Pennsylvania Coal Companies have shut down nearly all their mines until the weather become cold enough to raise the present stagnation in the coal trade. Nearly 6000 men are thrown out of employ ment. Th.bait; line of Head" kid glove ; at' W F S. W. Paisley, Albany, Orsgna. -WHOLESALE DEALER IN- Tobacco and Cigars. Ordoia tolioitcd f-om tho trade. ALBANY, OR. fEITSM & EULBEM BEOSr, Real Estate Agents; " Fiirmr and Ranches for Ie. Alo city brnperty in Albany and Ceryalii. LIOfJEY TO LOAN.. $200,000 to loan at 8 per cent on im proved farm or city property. W Ai.!..CR S LTrMC'K. 0AKVUXK. A Little Rose Bud Is worn out by over work I will try to write the Hem from this place. The Y P S of C E gave a flrst-clas en tertainment en the evening of Ihe 34th, confuting of dialogue, recitation, vocal music. They also hd two largo Christ ma tree heavily loaded wlllt valuable gifts. I wltl give a (ew of the most valua ble. A niece of tobacco for J E Love 1 a boa crank for W 11 Crawford 1 a bunch of tooth pick for John Ellen Love ( a box ol valuable J aetry lor A V Smith t a bunch of price chewing gum for John E 1 Love, "our teacher," a present from hi 1 - -1 I . .., . . ' ff ..... ... U 1 1. .... mum 1 "icm'!iTiocr wiiub.i, m.v thi when other dav shall come " Mite Grace Rlddcll, of Wasco count,1 visiting her uncle, MM E Hamilton, Mr Albert MeClung, jf Lane county I visiting friend here. Mr Nellie Hamilton W visiting her mother, Mr Caroline Hamilton. Mr Earl Mc Daniel, of the O 8 N 8., I pendlnB the holiday among hi friend here. Little Rose Bud will probably be able to write next week. It she 1 you win get a detailed account of thing In general. Asticu. TANUtfMr. The narl v at MrAJOlIn w pro- nouueed a fine affair, quite a crowd were present and all spent a pleasant evening. The party at Mr A Blevln wa flso good. Tbe voung folk had a splendid time pulling taffy candy and shooting the miiiaio, a tney can 11, ana several oiner games. Tangent school closed after a very sue eceuful term, taught by R E Mlchnerand Irvln Mills. There will be a vacation of one week and then school will begin for a term 01 three months. The Tangent old and young folk went In on Rev W 11 Howard a.id turpriied him on Chrlstmae eve, and spent a very pleasant evening, 1 hey gave him a do nation party and every one who wa tha:e ay it was a very nne anair. Mr R E Mlchner I (pending hi Christ mas near Jucnanon. R E Moore' famllv have been quite tick, but they are getting aome better. Rev W H Howard ha been called down to Dallas, Polk county, for several day, Mr F. says he I done going over lo Cor yalti for awhite.for he is fishing Un noine thing eise. Mi Geo Simpton I heme (pending lit holiday What a Fanner Tklaka, Tahubnt Oa, Dec 6ih, iJ tiitort Dtmtcrttt I taw In last week Dkuooxat an arti cle tigaed "Middle Watder" In which the writer complaint about there being a gambling den In one of the saloon of Al bany where "tud poker" I. nightly played and where minora are admitted wlthou protest. It I strange that the people of Albany have been ao low In Indlng thi out It has been going on for month and more than one father In thi country I outraged because hi minor son hts been permitted to go inlo these gambtlng den fshkin. If the next grand jury doea not make a vigorous Investigation Into the crime of keeping gambling dene, selling liquor to minor cic, I II mie nty guess. Fa a Men. kai KrtTn balkc Henry Stewart to I II Mullan.Jj 60 acre in It, s K 3 w 10 Almon Wheeler to Achillea Bleker, lot 3.7A and 1 a,bl t.bhedd State to levl McQueen, 40 acre ir. see 3Mp ij, R 1 E E Thrall te It C Harkne,i lota, bl 60, In Alben 3 W Paisley to ft C Harknes. and F II Roacoe.parccl In bl 60, Albany E A VanWlnkleto I N VanWInkle, N w qrsec S.'P M.S R 3 w.... Wm Fentand to I G and II A Me Claron, 300 acre in tp ij, S R 3 w..., Maggie A Mackinan to Minnie If KllU,!ot 7 and 8,bl I, U A.. .$ J M Ralston to J I Courtney.33 feet off S tide of lot J.bl 3,Lebanon . Jee Oarr to Z B Mot,lot t and 3, bl 1, Sweet Home. J R Cox to Z B Mesa, 40 rcre in ec3j, tp 13, f R 1 w Henry Hewitt to K R Cottwn, ctal, lot 0, tec 33.tp ic, S R 3 w A Hackteman lo I E Sorbin, lot 7 ardS, bl ia. ire 4th A.. 5 80 1000 350 i4o 5 100 1 750 Se 100 S$o United State to W F Horram Fatent Unhd State to Jas A Glhaon..... Patent ) M Ralston to J W Scanland, 13 acre In tp II, S R 1 w J M.Ralston to J W Scanland, 310 acre near Lebanon. ,, A Hackteman to I R Abbey.variou lot and blocks In A' A P J Foier to T A Morris, J.oe acre In tp 13, S R 1 E J S Ames 10 Sweet Home church, 1 xcre near Sweet flame. ....... W R Garrett to W E Glthen. 10a acre In tp 13, S R 4 w. J A Glbaon lo John 8hawj9 8i acrca tp II, S R 3 w Ja Elklnt to Nick Zimmerman, N w qrbl 1, E' A Uriah Terhune' lo Hiram Feery, tract In Sodavllle C Gentry to S A Gentry, 37 acre tec 35, tp I i,S R 3 w. . . . . S D Keener to John Brown, toacre tp 14, S R w E I) Mover to C E Rackweil. one tenth acre near Brownaville... W 11 Ooltra to M II Ellis, 33 acre In tp 11, S R 3 w $ Jason Wheeler to Mary F Walker, lot 5,J Wheeler' Home farm . . Jaon Wheeler to Ellen Elder.lot 7, Jason Wheeler' Home farm.. eoo 3eo I. eo 30CO 300 7S 37S 500 Goo S 10 Jason Wheeler to Melissa Kitchen, lota 10 and 13, wheeler Home farm , C G Burkhart to J P Wallace.bl 43, In G'a Park A to Albany C G Burkhart to R A Irvine, bl 38, G'a Park A 3 100 33CO C G BurUhart to E W Langdon.blk 43, v far a; Mary Sattmarth et al lo 4 P Wallace, all Interest tn E half N w er bl W II Goltra to C G Burkhart, trus tee; bl 33, In G' Park A 3200 I OOO Electkd. At the regular meeting of Orgeana Encampment No 5 I O O F, held at Odd Fellow hall last Friday the fol lowing officer were elected for the ensu- ng term: FS Crosby, CP. Willi Gillet, IIP. R F Hedrlck, S W. HEbcrt,J W, J D Gula. Scribe. E A Parker, Trea. E A Parker, C U Rawling and T J Stitf:, Trustee. If yon have any job wtrk ti do eali on G W. Bmithwho i prtn to do it with oeatnest.and ditna. tod aa eheap aa any one. AasBY'a Addition. 54 lot In this ad dition to Albany, near Hackleman 3rd audition, for tale, at f to to $135 a lot, tt t.nrran k Montelth'. Srauek OiL-r-At $i.3 per 5 gallon can 3tt Standard f' oil, at the Willamette Packing Co.' (tore. Yon will be lurprited to tee how cheap ou Can hay ladies and gent gold watches V M French. An elegant Hue of new design of chair just received at Fortmiller k Irving'. New cream cheese jutt leceived at Cobrad Meyert. MARRIED. CONOR A JACK Dec 2$ih. at the noine of the officiating minister, Rev T J Wilson, Mr W H Condra and Miss Avie J Jack, both of Linn Co. "WOOTEN GREEN. Dec 35th m M ! E church. South, by Kcv G 8 lianieiter, 1 pastor, Mr B V Woolen and Mis Louie i Gteffn. t-otN-f t.':; c ; v. HOMK AND ABROAD TiiuasuAtf . Dr Walts 1 In the city. Mr Arh Montnith same uo from Port Ian oa lavat'ntghta train. Mr Frank Dorrt I home from Helen. Mon.wher he htt been (ticking type. Ml io Brink and Morris and Mrs Tbr.il left thi noon for Curvallis to attend the Teacher' Institute, Mr T J Bulord, agent at the Silt,! has been ia the etty today, alo Mr Roy ftv br, Corvalli mining eat ert. . MrO M Coffey, wbo i now in tha em ploy of the Buio Klour Mills, i in the city, u ring tne nuiinay. Judge Thtyer of the Uuited Mtataa ddeaided Tnesday that it wa unlawful to (end a dunning petal otd tbroneh tha nails, and fined tbe eroaident of the bt Inui I'retiel Company 1 fordoing o. Nelly nly arrived at Hone Kona D.aem- b.r tbe 23rd, one day ahead of bar itinerary. nne wa mea nan way round the globe from Kw toraanu oeen oat not 84 ays, it lmk very muob aa if the would make the trip in lese than 73 day. Hon R A Irvine received a desnatoh via- terday morning from hi too. J II Irvine. living at Atheua,.tating that W T Cook bad died thai more log. Mr Cook wa well known in soma parte of thi eonaty. 1! wa for tome time in partnership in the drag i .l .... ... DBtioessat ninona wun J 11 irviee. raiDAY. Saterintfodunt Cart went to Corvalli to day to attend tbe Teaoh a Institute. Alio riof Walker. Mr Taila Uradwohl presented hie clerk William Wilier, w lib a sold headed aaue lit- (tead oi a pea a stated yesterday. Dr Cowaa. a friend of the Blalua la In tke city on bis way te hi Indiana heme, after having done California. Sir Henrietta Brown, whohaa been da. lag mleeiooary work in Portland for aeveral moatha, returned borne en laat eight train. Tbe damaae to the lUtmtr Faraloa orovaa so save oee very arr.au in money valae, - 1 1 .. . r- - eoiv me bum Dead being aerteoaly injured ana inai is very eaauy repaired. A brother of Heorv W fSrad. ika f.. mona editor of the AtUntio Constitution, who recently died, has bean Hulas at Tal. do, Yanoina Bsy, having eoine out here for ni Dcaun. Mtr William Ni!e and Author Ore will leave lo a few day for Ptland te at- tana a Dnsioee ooiiege, making abort band e specially. mcv rennever wa ia tba eltv tawdae en n ... ma way borne from tkirvallia. Ia nr.!.. ta reach Pertlaed te-uight, owing to the delay, ed California train he waa obliutt! to return me tfregoa rernne and Uke tae Weat aue at the junction. atTtraoAT. Mr aad Mr W II Downing, of tb Waldo uttia are tpeediog ue boltdaya la Albany. Ret Atkins. Pr.aldaoi af tha Carallia Uiliege,eud wife, ware ia the city tbia morn "g. Ree W D Humphrey, wbo recently left aere for laltforou, write aa from Concord, la that Mate, bat does not eUte hia fatare operationa. Jedge J J Whitney and Mia Llacie weaiiake, were reoently married ia Califor nia, aad have returned to Albany to reeide. Frof Horner, f riocipal of tbe Hoseborg sehools.aad Prof WtlUamr. Principal of tbe bUKne coni,nsv oeen la in city to-day Tbe Christian denomlaatian aaa 1., balding a set tea of nteetieg al HaUey whkh ao lar, ea reaaited la Si eddluooa te tee burvb, IS by immeraioa. Tba tamer Willamette Valley arrived tbia morning. The bar was as (moot a a a mill pond. She ev.me ia eoon after tbe tide eommeaeed flooding. Ilepaklioan. Han W R Bilyen waa in Salem y. terday on bosiaea in refercnee to tha Saatiam Mialng suit. On Moeda that oaa will ba argued in tbe Supreme Court, Mr Bilyen and 1 umen r om appearing lor tbe plain HIT. and Hon i K Weatberford and C E Welvertoa for tbe defendant, Dr E O Smith. We bad elweyt teppoced it took 8al.cn pa. pera to da the most oceanic Uowieg; bet bare ia an item from the Eagene Uo.rd. Wbat is tb matter with Eogeat? It ha reeled durine the taat tear doable the . I 0 ember ef re.id.noss that Albany haa, and I aa mea aa Mabxa. K.lrk.r r tka (.... named have built n.r. buaiaaaa konaca either." There l new oe oeeaaien far Eli Perkioe te eom to Oregon egeio. Y M C A The subject tor the Men Gospel meeting helJ to-morrow at 4 o' clock In the Young Men Chritllan Asso ciation Hall la "Good Tiding of grea: Joy," Luke 3;io-23. A cordial Invitation I extended to all tbe men of the city to be present. The committee of twentv or thlrf ladle who are to receive call in the parlor 01 mt 1 ourg men t.nrutian Association New Years, are requested to meet there at j monoar anernoon to make ar rangement. WRCOrFiceaa-The Wemen'a Mel Corp have elected the following cert for the en.ulng years Mr A B Woodln. Pretident. Mr W S Thompson, Sen Vice. Mr John Irving. Jun Vice. Mr i'hoa Montelth, Trees. Mr WIIHim. Guard. Re offi- Mrs Martin. Mr Harkness. Mr Irvine and Mis Lora Vance, deligatea to depart ment convention. Mr Thompson, Mr L 11 momanvc, r W k Cllyeu and Mrt R d v una, alternate. ,; Clven Away. For the benefit of eur customer we will give away on Jan it, the following j I Dinner et, iso piece, $s j. 1 Tea set, 44 pieces, $7.50. 3 Tea sett, each 44 piece, $18. These good are of the best English are and a credit to any table. Give ua n a 11 and get not only the beat bargain in pure fresh groceries but secure a chance atone or more of these elegant ta of dishes. LaForx.t Si Tnomraox. Holiday Announcement. From now until Jan. 1, 1 wltl sell my $4.00 Ladle Curaeoa kid ahoe atl brands at $3.00 pr pair. I will also make a 10 per cent dis count on all my alipper for men, woman and children Including felt slippers and feet warmer. My Curaeoa kid hoc, are first grade and of the best make, marked In plain figures and will be said a repre sented and guaranteed. These good are net marked for the oeeatlon, but are a genuine reduction sale. A boveanbuy a cheap a a man. Samokl E Youno. . Uadlng Photographer Albany Oregon. We have bought all thenegativo mad by L W Clark and W II Greeaweod op to Nor I5tb, 1S89. Duplicate can be bad from them only of u at reduced rate. We haye alio about 18,000 negative made by our selves, from which daplieate ean be had at like rate. Yf a carry tbe only fall line ef view of thia atate and do enlarged work at lowest rteu for first elaaa work. We ahall be pleased to aee yon at our Stadio in Froman'a moots, next door to Maseme Temple. Ts ths Ladies Onlt. I am nowpr pared to do all kind of (tamping, and have ovr two thousand tfeslgn to choose from. Also keep a nice line of embroid- ery material. uch a arratene, crewel, No. 1 and a embroidery chenille, princes cnentuei, etc., etc,, and the finest pom pons, tasielt, crescent, cords plush, felt and fancy work materials ever in the city. Zephyr la going at cent an ounce. Mis Minnie Colwell ha charge of thi depart ment, and ha had several year expert ence in all kinds of ancr work and stamp ing, Cj. W. Simpson, Albany, Oregon, Babies. The finest line of baby 8.ir' gitt in the Valiej just rrcelved at Stewart fe Sox's. Prices are remarkably ehenp coo v rf t' e ev" TUB MAN ABOUT TOWN. I A friend telle the Man About Town about a tlxleen poundcake served at hi house the other day. The fact suggest a conundrum, If the pudding weighed sixteen pounds before eating, after being vanquished and ecttlng heavy on the stom ach how much would it weigh, Ah, that awful Influenza. The Man About Town doci not wish to excite un. neo-ssary alarm j but the fact mutt come out. An Albany real estate man received a letter from London a day or two ago. Two hour after ard hi packet hand kerchief came In great demand, and hi time ha since been spent In msnlpuUtircg 1 a new one being required every few hours, rVhetherlt I a genuine ease or not the writer cannot vouch. It may be well te call it an Oregon cold ; but there that Lor.don letter. In these day of revival the new come to the M. A. T. that at a country revival down the road the minister asked all to arise who expected te go to the better place after death. A few arose. Then all who expected to go to the lower region. Forty or fUtv iroton their feet. It Is a rare case el IibiimI 1'. lew be n if wining to auniu such aresutt, tort of believing, judging from action, that they are a peculiar ex ception and wltl come out all right. Those who taw the play of 'Ingemar, the Barbarian." coold hardly realise how a match could result between the beautiful wrccian gin sns uib ruugn iunn , r 1 . 1 .1 a ... 1. L... -1 f.. . and probab'.y said. "well those were ancient day,when funny thing were done " bat the fact I every day, right here In this greatly civilized country, beautiful girl are marrying were than Ingomars, aye brute who will turn them off In a day and m It treat them for life. An Albany "man make the following suggestion to the Man About Town, and it I of such magnitude and of o much Im portance.that lt Is worth thinking about and scratching one bead over with a rake. Let the city Issue bond for $75,000,011 ob taining the right by a popular vote, and with the money build a fine aystemof sew er, and among o(her Improvement, erect large City hall at the site t-f No i't En gine house tor council meeting, ponce court, city jail, etc. What do yon think a'xiutlt. It at least would make future generation pay foi much needed improve menu and wouia oe a Doom sr. Hotel ArnvaU. Sr ClIAKLK. T Cederbrand OT A Bense'.l Newport A Rochester - M Large Mill City T Rader Yaq C Brown Dallas C Robert and son J Daly IWelr Jacksonville K Grove " J Albert " J Rilev " li Chamberlin Uon E Sander Portland EXCHANOK lloTXL. I Wood. A WilCam C McGouty I Bvne jFhgrald F Kch war bold H Contnt J FUher DGtum E Blake M Peterson I Brine FOlten HWIIwi) U Dincth Ru llocax. L Queen 8 R Smith, Jeff CJ Morrison llenry Robbiii George Bill E N Chatfield G Brown Ueo Macnie M M Eccleaton Murray.Larchash'e W Delane 1 WitlUma.wLTa'ma E U Robiaon.Port M Futlcr.H'burg I A Vitreu,Scle E Knapp.G PaM II Geddea, - A W Dawea,wf M Bavlev, Neaport Lena Tunnccllf! J M 'iltfama F V Mace.Iowa Dr F K Ballard.Leb Rcvcaa Hotas. B S Martln.B'vllle Nellie Butler, " L L Sav. . ; A G Wei lord, b'ton W A Glaaon.Ub S Abber, wf.Corv Mr E Abber, " L V Fllnt,wf, -E S Morgan, S F M Abrame, " F B Hamlin, R'burg J B llorner.wf, R Sklpton, " K Olive " " 0 J Shcdd, ISheud 1 C Gardncr.Coburg B F Thomas, Batten WSHogan.Oakland R F Henly, Port R CHarl.PardeeMt K Metiiter, M HumphreycldahoC Weil, S F Advtee te : etl Mre. Wmalowa Sooti iok Syrop, for hildren teething, lath, pre.c-rlixion of ne of tbe beet rvmale ni rt-ea anu f ryi ana In Uie United Stat . aLl haa teen eed for forty year with never fWlir g noeeae by million of mctbera lor ibtwr bndren. During tbe iwooea cf teibine a value la iocaleuabla. Jt leka-vta ibe hlld from pa hi enree dyacntery and diar boea, arrl ping In the bowhls. aaid wind olle. By giving benlth to the ebild it eate tbe another. Price 25c. bottle. Thla Trade Mai k 00 a atove mean It 1 tht best th rx peiience and skill can con trive. Sold only by G. Vf, fcw.lth. Dr. Flint'a Remedy la tho bt remedy known for insomnia, or alepiens, which affllote ao many peraone.and which leada to ao many aeriona uervouadinMiatw, partlenlarlv to inaanity. iJencrlptive treaUae with each bottle; 01, ad Jreca Mack Drag Co. N. Y. Chareh Blreciery. U. P.CKcnoH. Preaobingevery Sabbat n, morning and evening by Rev. E. G. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. at Prayer meeting every Wedneaaday evening. K VAJCQB UCAL Chcuch. Preaching on Sab bath at 11,00 a. at., and 7 P. at. Sabbath School 10.-00. Prayer meeting every Wed needay evening 7. Rev. Fuher, paator. All are invited, M. E. CarRcu.rfooru. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 1 1 o'clock a. h. and 7 30 o'clock t. H. Sabbath School at'2.10 o'clock r, ic Prayer meeting VVeduekday evening'a at 7 JO o'oloek. Rev. U S tiaulitr, Paator. M. E.CHURCH. Preaching every Sabbath morning and evening. Song nervice in tbe evening before aermon. SaLbath School 1 2:30 r Ja. Prayer meeting every Thura ay averting. Rav.S E Memiuger, pastor. PitxaaiTSKiAir Cnuttoii. S-iue every Sabbath morning and eveningjin Church cor. Broadalbin andFifthSta. Sunday School immediately after the morning aervioe. Prayer meeting every Wedneaday evening Rev R Frichard, pastor. FtaitT Baptist Church. Preaching every Sabbath morning and eve' g,at Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning aerviee. Prayer meeting syer--Thuriday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Trnmbell, paator. CoKOROATioHAt,CHOoH.-8ervioeaevery f'abbath morniug and evening. Sabbath School at 12:15. Pvayer meeting on Wedneaday evening of eaeh week. Rev, Roger, Pastor. Christian Church Preaching every Lird day in month, morning and evening, Sabbath Sohool at 10 'clok,A, u. ReyJ F Stewart Pastor. Cathouo Chukcr. Service every Sun day at 10:30 A. M. and 7 p. at. 1-aat Sunday of th month (ervioe at Eugene City. Rev. Lou it Metayer, Rector. Better Than Ever I Instead r offering a prize ?at only baniate the lucky one, cr aeudiug out confldent4al allpa aa baits, we propose to optnly elfei tbe eitixen ef Albany and Tleinlty eho4.ee Bd at bad reek prieen. and give FIVE PAR CENT DISCOUNT for each on each deflate worth of goods at retail price anttl the I2sa of January. Hlgheat pnee raid for ealekena, egg au 3 batter. Thanking yen for year pa patronage and eolioiEin your trade fo toe fntnre. we bg to remain at yonr eer- E5 OR SALE. A farm of 833 aessa at Miliere citation I roilea from Albany. fenced, 2D0 acre In cultivaSioa, nearly all good wkeat land, new bouse and l.arn, good water. Will ksi) half or all. Terma teaaonable. Inquire ef own ers oa the p!&f?. 3 fci nil 1' mini ' if fin -i run it 1 1 in - 1 - ,in $M m r --Tinn"-" ' ' " .--.mm- for Infants and Children. "Cantoris Ic so wxtl edApfed lo children th&t I Caatf aww Cnlle. V'Tt"w. f mnd It aa aupertor to any prpU I lgX, tLTitea koowaleme." 1L A. Acm. M. l., I rio. Ul 80. Oxford St, Iwwklrn, V. T, WUiwit k jurSou msdJosAkes. Taut CawraOit CoBTAJtt, 77 M array Stmt, W. T. 6E t-r: Combine! the Juke of tbe Blue Fig of California, to laxative ana nntruioBs, with the medicinal virtue of planu known to be most beneficial to the human aystem, forming the uix tee. FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the EIBHEIS, LITER 1HD BOWELS AMS TO ClsansstatSyststn Effectually, SO TAT - PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and 8TREN0TH Katorxlly follow. Every one ia using it and all are delighted with it. Atk your druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu factured only vj me CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO- 8am Fbaucmco, Cau Leeismi.a,Kff. ftaYoa.W.a. S VOICE fffe ! avnia-tn). fcin 'dk.H wr4Mi Wojn rt kaunaa Vjj 4 at. C AlUm V t m mUttonc nmMU ' tuke 4 e-fieal at-wkvaj a ey. pilf I eaever M 9m -f- f tasefaaajtfa W. t. Mauaw. i.H. 11 -ry thai. I Mr A proa to .tbia ..atwrfcMejae) iJ)f.r a -r -" . 7 oiaM.aA,4M.4i.llt , aa-. mm v i " - a. t.lM.aoM artel. r-.t.'l baaawa J.'. Khnll we start lOU in thie buainea, awf WrfUbaaa4 Man .11 .IMatM forinawr. W. ... imIm m. 1 a. arm mrt a U ra m'i until awliM .im4 vt ytm M ;ac a.rt x fe aMM-.. Ir r-a utM4r !. abk naU taa. ae-KraaV tm wal a toa-4 MMblwrt t 14 1 M,ett. I-" Mtttm SkM.Ma S th.,aaa .f-1, a. M I. la. m-w f WV 1- -n-l la u.l anna aia Vrt-Hl lk I1wwirtgl. im nr.. mA. H.wrft.. l .'h.ai.i.ia. a-ff4. Lasipm ana, mal batva -t Sa a. ' mtH. tirml i.nafc iMf bvmt ajr aaMrta. Aar ma fc.ii.ai, a avrraal rt. ali. Htf n r" tail, ar aa abr a.r. ...... a ... aan, wfT a. la f-af- chM. A-i. ik Urn... 4 aan alfb lawMf aa... aa tag brftmM. Uaaaili. M aa. aM. l ' ao. f. a.aa.rilama. r-al nniaaam.rr, l.iaoawlMa rtM, vr mmm. with nvrtMal. aad awaai r tmt iMltf Mli.)wi, IM a. ,W4 J-a-H.. w f-a aM, eaai r aaaruala t- a nni, iy a a H fcai IfVou Mave Wa sa.lilL Tadlreatlo. 1e.tlwee. aVIek Meaatete. -all rata ctowat, ice). aasa; necas, jroat wiU I therte4yrw xieod. Tfcer Watae the weak, etwintaelt ava4 baiilw aipta tlartrlar werarlee, n ff ere f rm aai.i ahTalulevweekffl(la4 I roUel t rwaa tstexau aiealy eaaxeoataxt, BOLD ITiXRXWIIEKE. Wo hava tht Exclusive Contra of o u3 K 3 tj Z k- o tit i N L r Y Ad J rVS V Wll.a. Klla. HanlAar.. r. 11 1 a-nt-'i -I h. a- law Urumi . w. J. !, twar, a rt 1. in n n u ii ii ti 11 ' E 'h T B u. tmHon't tmt ta effrr e prlti to etr Ot fMa.br Hi tee SCSI 'M A0. vy CouiaoiiM die m cue Bttf poras. SAMUEL E. YOUfiG. ALBANY, OREGON. ittr buniaw. imraut'a at the Portland purine CollctfC 1-ortLaud. Orrcon, or at the Capital liuu jnro. College ftalem, Oregon. Both achools are niter the management olA. P. Armstront:. have aame courae uf uixiiea aad same rates of tuition. Ion in ess, Shorthand, Vnffwritingr. Penmanthio and Enziiah Der.art- tnent. Way andeveniiiiraestiona. Mutleiitsad- niitnl at auv time, l or toint Catalogue. adit: fartlue Bsuanf Wife.. D OtsiUI Esuiina Collt. I'urUand, uiegua. bileui, urrgon. RedCrownMills SOU, LANSING 4 C., IIOPR'S. rtm t mokM rLera irrsaiea rsk rAsnfrka ajto kAkcna CsX REST STORi GP- ?1CIL1T)!E3. tSiphest "Prio in Caab fo Wfa,a Jj.i7inTnEYl a-tuuj Aid Consssllcr it Lai ND- Public ALEAItf OSEGOH vvill praiittt I all ef tbe Court ulaSfate. Alio -ibeae tutrustrl 60 bl trill be promptly aenaed to. M MAY. e. ass MkY S. EIDERS. i8alsrs in General Eertadiss. HARBISSUHS - - CRECC Stockholder's Moet-ing, Notice ia hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Stockholder of the Linn County Agricultural Asav:iation held at the Court House ia Albany, Oregon, 00 Thurs day, the 2od day of January 1190, for the purpose of bearing report cf officers end also far tbe purpose of electia? seven diree tors to set ve for said association tbe ensuing year and fur the transaction of any other business that may aome before laid meeting. Dited this 30th dey ef fcer., 1SS9. . C. P. BJJMT.HABT, Stockholder. v H0r.TOG0:EA6T.:- ::: 0 East via Mount Shasta Konte. Kice qliibate arid scfOtiry at all times of tie yr, See IdpUQt $hata SargRTito, Ogdh, Salt Lake, I)?qTr. ticeStseohd-ftlasa isra made ar rtjn at'nj. BtlT Jnir tieket cf Bj4 aiid sfeta year f.Ia to fprtland. I ain tRe olily p.iton p Albany thteaa sU foo a ti.ket to ant f.eiut ia roc United ttata. Pail on me f:-r rates. V.". L. J?'ivs, Aprci-t S. T, ACADEMY ; ' OF Onr Lady of PerpBtnal Help. ALDANY, - - OREGON. Cndneti(l by tho MlaU-. of cjt, Ben-Jloi, Thla A -.adamv la Jncr-rtiorated aodlo- Miorizr t br the State to oonfoi ai?aderulc borwi. Thn r .nrw of aludy I ponipie, bfathfiirixlbw, LitrMtite and sue rW:ii!!;. a alaatho !rmi.l Itislrcetion I ijyapirorHa rr If aohara' certifloaU) lo 30"rtal drawlrif;. vi-al irionie In la $ and ail kjndtr.f nwilftwuk form, no exta eharge, Thn fiin-ljihi f ,thA el.ool te gfil. but firm, , onj!t be-intf to Arnj not only r-f.nMl voonif ladla, brit Pnl'e e,rirjm'ul mciribt-ni Vf sviclrly. roi Ue rlrxii!tol at any and charifce prnprae. onod. I'oidlanf ntif dnr.ominaUoo re- Toitioo In i;ot t'ay bo-i rangrarrom ... .J . . Forwirma or Koarqing nnn .i or ijjt rjasiet lar aobly at ibe Academy, or ad- aaeaa Sister Suplrre. ! ALBA1I COLLEGIATE I ALBANY, OREGON- 1888,1880. Cleat T-raa Oeeaa getrtcaaber fill'. taiM . A loll eov of fnatraotore. CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AKD IISH-MAL CLASSES. rvnw4 01 etude errnzt to ioot tl' , ed of g'.l gmdoe of alwderJi. aTew'a nuttuntmtt $ril lo ttitJftati Tulaori ranf.'- frcfi e?.50 to fi2,V) DeM lit C"t tfifr ihij U low ata Booao u'w tc!f-bt4tf a afj-Ay enee A esjctmi epeUiB ard trvfx atn dkl tWy frnoJ hofJie. Jail Mm ffsa vrrfertiher 7th. 't,r tfirenl&Mf and Jail pertteclae abo Fu tsEY. Kl.Ki.BT m. COS BIT. Alfany, OsRon BROWNSVILLE 0. Pa COSflOW & at et r Real Estata an3 Immm ipnti. Real tl(te aold aa 1 Colleetlon and 5Totarlil bu.lnaA attended to, a.K.WEATHERTOED, kTTOHNEV AT JLAW, ALBAST. eHECOI. E. JefilcCAUSTLAFIQ,""' Civil. fiiaitTiy an! Hytalis Engineer. C mai.li.iair eniine-r for Gold Mcnstaia and Dy Gulch CucacLdated GolJ and Sil- vtr Mu.i.ig Co. Ot5ce, I'ir.t Street, Albany, Or. mm j3''iIwL'f.!l FOR SALi; BY FOSHAY dr MAJ'OS 11 r 7 V 'W -3 t-il La. IZli-TS t j 3 Wht-n I tsv Crr.s X do no? w-w.a merely to ttop Diem furalir.ic, and Uien ha.'e thtvn turn nam t MUN A K.Vl-li..Ai. t,l iui 1 have made U10 c.ss9 oi FITS, EPHaSPSY or A Ufo-lnnjt stndy. I WAt:itAXT my remedy to C'JK-5 tho worst ciises. IWoaaBo oiliers i.'uvo lulled is no reason (or not ninrrwotvipjracura. i-i-ail I-1 om-.e dr a treatise and a R KB Uottl3 -f rvv Inkat.mblb Kkvkhv. Uire tsjire-a i-m t Oslii-o. It cos la you nothuij; iyr a, :,., -iud It will euro you. Adiireu "GOT, f,i .cM i S3 pt tsi st, ess rocx 3 PATENTS Seine 1, and all othnr buatBet In the TJ. &. Fatan "ieesi tendeilad to fur modern I eaa. Ouro Rco i. oppoait tbe U.S. Patent Offiae, aee we eaa t-buta Pateuta less time than thoee re rom Ws.hinfrton. . Bend modle or draeine. We adv ability -M of eharge ; and we make o r r Alii jA;'ik jT"-!" ; f -a-V- aT' eJaa - ..1; .-, Safe-!" to patent, charge tmieea We 1. Jcr Kara. In tha Pnatmaaia Ik. nM Honey tmler Div. and to offioau otth.U. S. Pmt. oaetuv client, ia your own State or county, edaress Cm a. sMow acoeA Oapoaite Patent OfBoe, Wuhinuion, D . fKJ U Li ,3 !it! A n 1 s 0? PURE GOD LIVES C!L Lim HYPCrKCSPIIITIa3 Aim ast as Palatable as Filk. ., Eo. dtsgwtsedl tba it csa bo taken, &Ige d, aad autsiiinllnted by the aaoa senalt ve atomacb, when ibe plain ell cannot be tolerateel; tutd by the soma ef the oil i(a the Hypopn.o. pbitea is mack tuore e nice. tines, K aartaHe as a -iasa predHeej, . PessM gala rspidly wills tali&g li, SCOTT'S EMULSION ia acknowledged by Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa. rauon ,n tbe vorld f or tha relief acd coxa cl COMSUrjtPTIOM, CCaOFULA, GSNE R AJ. DEBILITY, VVASTI.Q DISEASES, CWACJATiOfJ, COLDS and CHSCKIC COUGHS. 2'Ae jreaf remedy for Con&umptian, tr. l Wasiinjin Children. Sold by all Lrm,jUi n i eW. H mj '3; l 1 Hit el