THE YAQUINA UOUTE. Cn;ca Ficlia Mrcii abf Lisa. 20 TIDE Jtm by asae mju. nswMwn threes;!, peasauter a-.---., eraaaB fortlaua ana ell Mixta iik vaii a Mirf from tan la Ala , tli' wm i-wj - iMfWT, iaei"y w" ' i- " .1 k7..a4 r at. Lva oervauts, "'": m. en alaa T.l v . i Tdlmr. both V rrYlautt. v0l boaU will I Cxaio, leav1l bere (U M OTW m. pmb suae a el oaa eouninuou -mlbm Orou fofla fUUroad, lMt AlaaaV I I .caraius uaaav " ' i II 1 1 .1.1 a a it,, in aa a Amu ljwii, .a. av aa. O A C. tra ss eoncai -""-" . xvituna ini pAlLlSS DATE . " Jwtnrter, 1 oa 1.. o. ItOa. K.a .s rt . J: viil Minu eaa " cl?" . laoalna & 0YERUN3 TO CUFHIA taaflarn' PadAo 1Sapaaj,i line. THE MOtfsT SHTA ROUTE. " r t, I & 464 il Ar run Albany ; M ft. A'M II 41 MAT PULLKAS EUFFrr SUlPtRS. SleeDlng Oars, f i(4, rtUi. WW1M ;T..1. A CtUIU. ill I I 1 Mil r 1 w.utnnTUJC . I M.W 1 I r-m T rPlnlrAtS Hit' 'lirouy" SOtTTH AND BAST VIA CALIFORNIA. tfous and Crrla? PinUr 0cortor and Ppr Minger Piano Varnithlnar. 2 MASSAUO gainon U Pory KaMD ) Eevere House; lilAirr. - OREGON 3 AS. PFEIFFEK PROPRIETOR. Tu4 np In flrak!Ma TahUt jmmplH with lb ba la tb uiH. tM alMptag prtaiata. mpl Tm CM fMiiimltl UBT'.ra, tWfr Mk fa tr.m lkMl.-n ?m Wanted. Ail klaJa f paltf y, 1It r drMd, rtnd l tb WllUniati P taking Can faj Oo?, Albany, Oregas. PIANOS. Tboa wiahlntc a flrt-cla loatru'oau booldcli at Mn, B. E. ttymau'a rii oqa of thona C!ovate4 Hamuia A Lot) j blaDoaa, rich tons, R NMiali luadaaod adi ia to UdJ Ltia jjromta on tba f'aolfia (VTlak Krary piano f rijy jcuarp0l for 5 yaan. Tb u.ital Laft4-ij!ulA fur aaia, Muilo and fainting irsHia t'"t) tkara. Alao Ui plaa 10 gai yQr aow Sawlag Maohlqa., Kauoy work and drvaa ooaklog l'oa lo. ordor. Klr! dooraaat of Yo'jog'a o!(1, tln). Alhan, 0tjoo FRAKCIS PFEIFFKII. -PROPEIETOWOir . Albany Soda Works nd Man cruel urxrw f cigics cospiiiiiomi, Ara r.ra aow prpri to pl at wlioi. , alwaya fraab and ui at forth na .xa M dealara. Wa w kaop a fell f Ints and Tropical Fruits, " UQARS AND TOOACCO UOU TO SO E&3Ta Co Eat via !.onnt SpsU Euota. Kiea eliaiata and latorj at ail tiuqal ol tba yaar. Soa Mpoot Sliatta, Smarauiale( Ogdao, Salt Ijkk; Dtxtlr. fiuoud -) lf. mada art ran daily. Bar 7nr tltteta of and jor fra to I'oltUnd. I am tba eoly pran In Albaar t;,tD aH jva m tiaket ta ay paint )a Sht onitaJ Stata. Call on ma for lata. V.'. L. Janrra, Afant S. P. 'A BY CARRIAGES AT STE tVAUT A HO . r--.r. n i 2, uwJjUiUl - - - ' .a I TOTHIl SIX VIRTUES. ITS tTICAOT-.IJi ia aaraa wt tnM j aaraal II cara t u ad aoooa-dlng Alraatisna. .a It U In orn word a wm 1 li ooltnarely 1ST. a rallaf and In no awwaa ounrU i ft U Ha product at aolanUflo raaaarob. 2 j it itraairthana whlla M tnothaa and tub. S 1 dnSTRala and cor i UimrnUf 00a quwa pain. q.J Ia aftVta ara eoratlra and parmanret w ? and nerroua anuulaa. itk not aral Irrttala tha ontorr! 413. fc.nrdiBmttjiyaonouorrla i'.WrtA mla. Ta l to aeUoo a aupertui curaUa tlrtoa la iupwadad. btil. I'Vf and aurair. aaakluj tba paiu atot m aa adtort to aouuar. rk Krh amwtlrtant of ha awmula b blil. reeoanlafd lnlrlnrto tlrtua ta aarra muiil aoraljf Ua cura af pain. 4 aaWiian aMtt bAtJtaa. TKI ClUltUI A VOQILI CO.. allbaart. HA DC; J.L.HILL, Physician aid Sui t;eon, OfSoo oof, FiratanJ farry 6tfoW, ALDANY- ORBQON on. c. vATSon mastofj PhyBician and Gurgeon. Uffloa oppoalU tk Patvysrat. DR. W H. DAVIS, PhysIcUn and Surgeon. jMTOfflft up atalra Iq fclrahaaa Block. Way b found at bla offloa aay aad nljjbt. DR. C A. WHITNEY, PhyslcUa and Surgeon. QradnaVa of Blljaa RoafltaJ MadUal rtlaga Kow Tark City. DiMua. o( weaaa a .aaaialty. trOffiaa, Frwnan'a rViak, Albany, Or. DR. I. IV, STARR, Physician and Surgeon, L&ta of BrowDsrilU, Or. Ode at 1 00 tp Moa. S3 and Ji.SiraLaa aad VUt-aa'a liiook, proaiptly adantWl Ui Up afttlia. , CJis ally or ooUolry. G. L. OLACICr.lAFi, Smetmw JO 6. IV. Lam f den. tr A.LB ft IV DRUQ3, MEOIClNSa CHEMICALS, DtlUSHES1 St5PS COMBS. ETC. d. . r. aLAcaacKir. aao. w. waieare, DLACKBURH & WRIGHT, Attorneys at. Law, Will practice io all the Coorta af the Stat. Prombt attention given to all buV oass eotiosted to our ear. OflUe Odd Fellow Tseiple, Albany, Or FOSHAY & MASON, weisuAU in aawan ' OraggiaUnnd Bookscllera, A genie for Jaho B. Alats'i poblsaaOjon, olriek we Mil at wabttakar'a prteaja wlU Totaga44a4. ALBiRT. OKCiiOB J. J.DORIUS, ALBAKT. ORiaON. . lABSTEAOTHE, The Only Cbmpleto Set of Abstract Books and Maps in Lian County. jtaTOflee a tbe Cenrt Menee," Boateeea snlrestad to Kay ere elsaXI bar prempt and earefal atienlloa. W li BILYEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW ill Salicitar- ia duneerj, AtVAAHY. - - tniaat. OoUeetlaaa praasbklj sstade aalla'aa aegi I a gaaanaat e seraaav, THE J ar I Ho., pot up by D.M.FERRYsS.CO. Wkoaia ihcUram Saccljrac in tba wdd D. M. Fav & Co'. inuMralrd. Prkt SOAUfxUAls, tat ivjft win o maiiKi ists to su I piicanis. im 10 inii iiimhii 1 iiiiiiwain. . It u Mtttr mmn vr. t.nri m sine Cardtm, flcmtr tr fitUi ditt shouUMiMl lor w. Aacum . O. M.rCRRVACO. DgTRwiT, MICH. Farlmillei Irving, k. : 1 r- i '' ' i. : ' . r -FUNEIJAI, 1.II1ECT0V3--Prcmp 1 ittsstioa-First-cUii IsarBs City Meat Market. SHULTZ PROS,, Proprif tors. " K.sp a full Hn ( iMaata nfatt Vtn'.a. la a ool plia, aoinplajolr pr- ' t tteud; ni alwaya frea'b. i Ala hava en.)a,atlyon haafl aatTuaaa nn other ftk. . PIL kins a SKIH DISEASES; iisose'3 TOBimijm on zzm- wmm;t akiarss mM a-anaatCT. PSiaVf. St MAY. Prloo. as cowtet a.Poai. esuroaae- IUY SEN"D EES. a v va-va va. Aia,Ua, ,al IAt-i - jt a u4 m a! 1 'Hill 1 I APEE, i L' T 1 11 I A li 3 TH TlU'aiT H1NU N1 tTrtCfltK. Every Industry In Ihfi land "per to be (ailing mo tha hand ol ao-called ti'u" or combination, which hava tor thatr ob jects to rattrlct competition and Inotane tht aalling prlea o! their producla. We have on many ocouaion called attention to tba lnevla'ble rciult ot theio eort to make the public pay fir U auppwt tlquated and expentivo producing woik, or (or the loe which Igncianca or e trafiftne would entail. Tho object now apparent In moat ca.e ol "tru.t" organ. liatlona 11 tlmply lo make me - puwiv halteva that "trunt atocka" r good In- etmaati,' and to unload thee "ntcuiitlca on them at rapidly ai poil)l. Mnjf tha unwary will later on pay dearly lar their education In thin matter; but In th meantime it I well lor jtiopoalng Invea tora In "truatt ttocka" to ecnklder th le- Ulatlon already proposed and fnacled In ieeral iatci (or the treatment o( ihl ma. nla. Take, (or eaample, the following attract from a bill paued racantly by th Michigan legUlature, and laid to hae baan drawn by a lawyer who haibecn the reilding Judge ol the mpreme court ol the itate. It prorid.i "that all contract!, agreement!, understanding! and tomM niilona made, entered Into, or knowingly anented to by and betwean any partial capable of tnaklnn a eontraet or agreement which would be valid at law or equity, the purport or object or Intent ot whlah alt all be to limit, control, or In any manner to reitrlct or icgalate the amount of pro du.1l.1n or tha ouant tvot any article or commodity to be railed or produced by mining, manfaoUre, agriculture ot any other branch ot butinaai or labor, or lo enhance, control or rcizulate the market price thereof, or in any mannei to pre ent or'reatrkt free competition lo the pro ductlon or aale of any auch article or eom modity, ahallbe uttcrl Illegal and void and every iuch contract, agreement, un deritanding and combination ahall conitl tute a criminal conspiracy." Organlza' tlona of workmen are excepted font the operation of the act. Thla bill, whether kjood law ir not, la certainly one of the moat concUe,.comprehniive and tigid meaiurea we have yet teen, and It la vell worthy the careful consideration of all who are tempted to lnve.t In these ao-nalt ed "trasti aecurltlaa." MINTS TO If you have been traveling any distance on the car, dont wash your face In cold .i-r tha mo.nent tou reach a washstand. ,. ,-,.-n traca'of dust and moke, rub your face well with vaseline or old cream, and wipe II oil on a dry towel. The towel after the wiping will sho you where the dirt has gone. Then tou mav waih vour face In hot water if t you ill. There Ii nothing like ho', wa ter for the complexion. It kecpa not on ly clean, but clear. A canton flannel case frr illver knlvee and fork Is the best thing to keep th;m la when they are not used every day. Towered c"ialk and vinegar are good for a burn. The girl are crocheting illk over ring, to use for fancy articles. These ring cost but twenty-five cent a gross, and the silk comes at thirty-five cent a ball. Home time several row of the ring are placed diagonally across a black satin (hopping bag, or they are used to finish a scarf or tidy. Certainly this style of trimming .! cheap enough, for a gross ot rlns and V ball ol nlk go a long way, A feather-bed or mattrcsa will Ycmaln clean and In an excellent condition for jear if kept in a case made of oo nmon heeUng, which can be removed and wash ed at wilt. If your flat-Iron get rusty, rub thcin llrst (while hot) with beeswax, then put a liand iulofaaltoa a bit of old cotton cloth or oarae paper, ard rub the Iron over it hard and fast. This operation, repeated two or three time, will make tbe ruatlc.t Iron amooth. A.i egg beaten lit a glat of milk and eweetcned make a nice atrengthening drink for a teething ehiid. The delegate fiem the country districts promise to make thing lively for the Port land jobber at Ihe next republican stale con vention. The ICastern Oregon folks are root ing down with blood in their eye in demand ing tbe treaiurysbip, and Southern Oregon a, pire 1 1 name the congressman and governor. hit just wait until joe Simon crack the party lash, and dictate tbe nomination Portand BROTOSVILLE 0. P. COSHOW & SOfiS, pa! JCstite and Insuranca Igetj. Kcaljnititrr aoht and Collactlona and Kar1il bo iftinca attended to. J . K. T7EATHEEF0SD, XTTOItNE'S AT UW, ALBA IT. KECOX. if Or liiir-1 Tit. nost popalsr Watkly n.wpHir dot.d 'Iamiiv n.cuaiaa,n.inrinK dutamrti, io- viTtiUe ana paftont vr pubtili.a. ry nnni Itmr illuHrstml srith eplsndid anftTSVines. Thia pnblioation furni.bM a wont .nayelnp! ta t rni'mnatioo wbiub no pnon kk'iald n without. Im jK.polnritj ol tha KciaiiTino Aurnu i ia tarh vut it. clrail.U.m orif .qoals that of sll .otlur ipr. ol iUelMioomhiiMd. Pric. 2) a 'y..r. tiiw-.onnt tof'lnba. HoUl by all n!Will.r. .MUNX CO., Pabluban. No. &;1 lirosd w.r, U. V. .f'-'N A ! Wonn A tjo. haw ir UI r li I .sisorisaTnirty- i' i a"" - aignt yeare- I IMI inventors riaht. in tha L'nitwl 8tt, :nd. Enalsaa. rraac i Ci.rm.ny and oth lorln eoantriM, pia t ... .I . . nni,.nnHnn MUOUn tarnf Unfnlormslion to ol,tinln PtpU oh w fn!lrt"'o without liar. Hand-books of in(orm.tirin unt fro.. PsUllta Olitmt -ihranch at una A Co. ara notload in th. Soiantllio amican 1 1 urn. id, wii.u.". -v r.. - .oil nni!w.uMl tir ail ixraou. who wiato to (iia- dcM or pttii. Addrmi ML fU.'' A CO.. Ofltca Scuta ill se Kit llroadsr KW York. a'tp'a m COLD AT JW Try tha Cure 4 1 'lis Ps!nt Offlne n bsT. pwiparwt I I ! jmor. tbso Onis Hundrad Tltou- : I f I aand applications for pawnte io tha i ' -J "mud bUus and lomigo TOontnM. 1 J (;.,mu, TrH.i-Mrlu. Copr-nsh". I ii i. i . - A 1 1 .ii r, rt ,Hira ti .1- .If llMnrln, to Ely'sCreamBalm doRBflcs the "Ksnsl PanRaea. Al layg Infiammatioii. llsalatlie Sores, liefrtarea the Senses cf Taste, EmclJ tuxd llcariiig. A prtlfl Is smr.llB.1 lata acli nostril and fa ar-jt!'l frtt-fjin. nt IrKBsia or hy aawil. KLY iMan'iiia V. arreahu.cvr Yorfa '" Cim circa Cry to? TELEGRAPH 10 NEWS A Bail Meb, Kansas Citv, tcc. so, At 10 this moi fl ing word wnt received at (he police station that a General fitht wn in protresi ot the coiner of Fourteenth and Wyoming sheets, A ttiund of policemen hastened theie fd found forty or ftlty men nghting with stones. clubs and improvised weapons of all kinks. lie moh flml at Hunt of the ofnetra. The (tabling was caused by the refusal of CoMraclor MtNecly, laying the grade of the Cliicnca, Kansas & Ncbrnska division of the Kock island road, to pay im men this morning, six men were badly hurt. No arrest; vveic made, A Hinge atabber Arrested. San Francisco, Dec. ao. A man giving the name of Chailic Wilikm wai arrested I 1... .1..'. I... .1. . .1.. ... 1.1. I uric HKsiiiuvii 117 licicct'.res, iiv la 1 tlffV.l 111 l)l HlHH M. 111. A, .l!fl'...-il Itmiaa I . ,w v n I'i'VI w I UKlVIVHt .1111. I illl.tHM ill .iuh. I...U Uimlm I . . .1.. H.. I .1 ... in, ivw itu auttcitRluilT I robbed four singes In the northern part of Call (ornia. The method pursued in the Mhbery indicate thut the roiilier in each case wi lden lira), In hi Hidden fliilit after robbing the Kedding stat: last month he left a blanket be hind him. A merchant here to-dny identified V Illinois s lli roan to whom he told the blanket. It hat been ascertained that Kxm alter eac I towlxry a man answering his dtsciliw tion hat ieisireUiere at a hotel under the nnmo of C W Muore. One Man Mat ( award TtMri.K,Tex., iJec, so. A well louud passenger train on the San Angc-to branch of 1 the Santa 1 was held tip this morning at llnngt Station, I JJ mile west, white the trnln wai stanilMg at a station. The train guard, Alf Wolf, was Handing on the g-ound when he ii approached bv four men, who drew pistols and ordeied bun to throw up his hand. ltrakeuian I'enn snalchel the guiird' tistol and fired into the gang, The rultticr relum ed the fiie, mortally wounding I'enn, Then they compelled l lie guard to uncouple the "ex press car from the next coach and ordered the engineer to run ahead a short distance, where the express car was robbsd. Only about f 4a v. a obtained by the rubber. A le.f.b Ctrl. I os, Dec, ao.-Lucy Weiter, the i6yearold daughter of rrofessor Richard Weiler, committed iukiJe thlt morning ll swaltowini; an ounce and a half of chloroform. Her father is French, and was once one of the ediion of the Taria Tempi, and wai quite I wealthy. lie kt hi. 1 fortune and came to this trying to live by teaching languages. The girl was so despondent over the (all fiora wealth to poyerty that she took her own life. She wat bciutiful and highly educated, Baaay Mra. Washington, 1) C Dec, 19. The Ore gon delegation have agreed on tbe following nominations: For t'niicd State marshal Hon Ixruii T Harm, of Oregon City. Fo,- collector of custom! at Portland, Or, Hon K P F.arhart, of Portland, For collector of internal revenue Colonel Milton We'dler, of Portland, For surveyor general, lion W II fjyars, Sulcin, Or. For United Stale district attorney, Hon Franklin Pierce May, of The Dalle. For postmaster of Portland, lion George A, Mfel. For lupervuor of Ihe census lor tbe Fasten district of Oregon lr J W Strange, of Crsnde. Union count v. For suiiervisor of tbe census for the Western district of Oregon lion John II Shupe, of Oakland, Douglas county. For collector of customs at Yaquina the dele gation recommend ihe appointment ol Hon K A itcnsei, 01 Newport. Vot postmaster at Astoria Hon I II D Cray, of Astoiia, ATaeaaia rite Tacoma, Dec, ao. I A M, The St Jamei bote), a new three story and basement struct are all he corner of Ninth street and Yakima avenue, caught fire in tome unknown way oa the grounc Hour at 11:30 last evening, and wa totally destroyed, with the two aiijoining buildings, one being the residaore of Professor Cault, principle of the city school. The insurance is tio,aooon the hotel, be longing to Mellcnbruck. Il hi estimated that 1 35,000 of property ha been consumed. AaalaslCrlee. CoLl'Mki's, O., Dec 19. Tbe Piesspib- Uslie intetview with aix(y prominent demo crat who oppose the election of Itrice or any other millionaire lo the United State senate. Tbe list include Alien G Tburmaa and W W Mcdary . Baa Iter lo ttaagrr. DToir, Mkb Dec. 19. Russian influ enza ba reached Detroit, and, callously enough, 10 fjr only Imnk employe are afflicted, This is attributed, however, lo the report that the microbe travel in paper money. Car by a Ball. Walla Walla, IVcr 19. Wesley Flelds.a pioneer, brother of Si-non Fletcher Field, of th vicinity, wa gored 10 ieatb by a bull yes terday at hi home in Field' hollow, above Waitshurg. lie was chairman of the county commissioner of Columbia county and highly respected. . ABlgrallare. Laramie, Vjo Dec 19. Tbe Laramie Plain Land and Cattle Co, made an assign ment here to-day. The ranch constat of 17, 000 cres, ith cattle and improvsmenti valued at $ 1 26,000 The assignment waa caused by the heavy failure of stockholder redding io Waynesburg, pa, A Modest flalsa, San Fxa.ncisco, Dec. 18.1 S M Buck filed complaint In-day in a luit against the city of Eureka, Humboldt county, to recover a $6500 counsel fee which be claim U due him for de fending the city in an action brought against it some time ago by Chinese, who were expell ed from Eureka. Tht city won it case, but refused, it is alleged, to pay the fee charged on tbe ground that they were excessive. Buck claim the city authorities promised to pay him liberally if be won the case, and hold that the charge are not excessive. Creased Ihe Atlantic. BoiTON.Dec. 18. 1 he-c are a dozen case of influenza in Boston, and there ia a good reason to believe it will become general. New York, Dec. 18, A number ol cases of Russian influenza were reported to-dav. It is reported that a broker and a police captain are among tbe sufferers. ACe-IlisloB. London, Dec. 18. Tbe tamer Leerdam bound from Amsterdam to Buenos Ayre with 400 passenger, and the Can Quan Sis, bound from Calcutta to Hamburg, collided in the North sea to-day and both tank, Alt on board the two vessels were saved. - Sew r M i. ' f Washington, Dec. 18. Alpbonze F Lam ed wa to-day nominated by the president to be postmaster at Port Townsendj also George tl l6 .. -. T7t. r-l... J .IMWjr, at JJiUtcl v.. 1, Uli An Inlianisn Man' St Louis, Dec. 18. A horrible tory of the barbarous cruelly by George A Guenther, the old man slain by his 12 year old son yes terday, wen related to-day by Charle Guen thcr, an elder brother of the murderer, Tbe son' story brand the man s a savage fiend incarnate who delighted in acta of inhumanity toward his children, " All rsroak, V San Francisco, Dec. 8. Henry Arm strong, a painter, was shot and killed laat night at his home on the Old San Jose road. Mr Sarah Conor, his stepdaughter, and her hus band, Edward Connor, are under arrest for the c:ime. Tbe murder was evidently the out come of a drunken quarrel, and when it was discovered, early this morning, Armstrong' wile and the Connor were oil under the Influ ence of liquor. When Baby vas slolc, we gave he ( "VVhan site waa a. Child, she cried for Coatartav When she became Misa, sb clung to QiMtarla,. When she bod CUlUrwi, she gar them bstrla ASTORIA DY THE CCA. The Leading He port if the N. W. Asloila has no equal north ol San Francisco. The ' iplcndld work accom plished by the Ft. Steven Jetty hai given a life entrance to the river and now at extreme low tide, there ii twenty-ievert leet of water on the Columbia bar, and even this I becoming deeper as the Jetty extend farther out to sea. The distance from sea In to the harbor limit of AslorU but 10 thut the cost of bringing a vessel In from sea I leu than ot any other port on thecoast. Following Ii the present towage rate gd distance! from iea of the lx prlnclpa teanurta nf tha rni 1 Qf( J)lt from ica. Towage In and out Aatnrlrt . 1, m Uft I ranCISCO ili . . , 10 nines., 1 , . , jik 3So 3oo i'ort Townsend.loo tortiana.. in 500 Seattle.,., 14 j ,,, Trcoma.....,,,i7i The ralci above itlvtn are for a t,yo ton vessel and are taken from the publish ed tarirt of the tug boat companies. It Is Impossible for a veisel to go above Alto. rla loaded to full capacity on account of the numeroui ban in the river, and the wheat ihlpi that are chartered In Portland are compelled to take part ol their cargo aboard from lLhicn at Astoria. All this extra handing ii avoided by loading the vessel at Astorla.and with the erection of elevator at Astoria, which will be accom plUlied inside of one year, the Inland tow age, lighterage and pilotage that now bur deni the commerce of the Columbia river will be dor.e away with. The deadly teredo which cause the de struction cf auch a vast amount of wharf and boat prope ty on Pugrt Sou-id, Ii un known In Astoria, and In the fresh waters of the bay, barnacUs, moss and other Im pedimenta which fjul the botlomi of vet ela while on a long sea voyage, ipeedlly become detached leaving the hull as clean M ,hi''th U had.ben ln rf dock- Tbl " "noticeable In the fact that "o-n me co.umoia nvcr make tne run w u,vrrlHK" u on an average 01 irom ten to unity aaye ie time than from any other coast port. A man require! but a Urn ted amount of phy to enable him to understand why " " I" " . s.wa.a Astoria will ultimately become a great and important city. Cast a billet of wood adrift In the Columbia river far up beyond me Ukanagon country, oa the line of the urttun possession .ami it win immediately begin a journey unaided by naught but nature, past that region ol undeveloped wealth In the Colviile district, past the Immense wheat fields ot the lihf Ilend country,on down through the rich Yakima reservation to I'asco, thence through the 5 real cattle region of Ea.teru Oregon, own through the narrow gorge which I confine the mighty current ol the Cotunv bla at the Cascade, past the fertile farm and dairy ranehea of the Willamette river and lower Columbia, until at laMt It on ward course Ii checked by the flood tide weeping In from the Pacific at Astoria, the natural seaport for all the Immense region travcrcI by thla MAONISICkNT COMMIKCIAL HIGHWAY, the Columbia river. But It ia not the river alone from which Astoria' future greatness U Insured Start a car rolling on a railroad leading through the country traversed by the river and the law 01 grav Itatlon will bring that car down to tbe sea level at Astoria with the least possible ex pendlture ol artificial force. That garden spot of the Western world, the rich and ertlle Willamette Valley, Ii tributary to Astoria for the same natural reasons. The vast region bounded by the Rocky tnoun tain 011 the weit.Oritlsh CoIumblA on the nvrtn inu vsiiiumis unu fitviut wii tun south, find but one natural and easy out let to tide water and that 1 by following the Columbia through the heart ot the Cascade mountain thence on down to As toria. Astoria I the largest city In tha United State without any R. R. connection, and at the same time combine a firat-claia seaport with unexcelled river navigation. and will In a few months have completed K. K. ceaiM-ctlon. The prospect lor ad vancement In values of real estate In the near future eem to Inspire every one with confidence. t)! 0C. Oct ready the etaeh lags and do it right quick, for Cbriatsnaa ia earning, and with It 8t Nik. Ilia rie daara, impatietit I be oa tbe way, already are bitched to kia wall lad.n alcigb St. Nick ia bis fare and 1a kaate te eVpert, ataeda ready la whistle the igaal to tart, act than aa tba sdow eloads afloat in tbe sky, St. Nick and bic raiadtcre will , hither ward fly. Thca dowa thro' tba e h I m a e y tba a toekiogs he'll view, and Gil than with toys and Dice eager pleats, too. Tba ehiU dr. a are 0 a not ing tbe hoars till he's here, and ia dreaming, bright v i s i e n s of Christ inas appear. 8a baata with the stockings, sod da it right quick, for Christ mas is ocming, nd wi'b tt St. , iliek. A A viae ta a eta Aba. winalow'a Rnotblaa' By rap. for hlldran tasthlng, la tha aresorlpiion of ns of tba bait fisraat narac sea phyel aaclnUeUnlteA mate, ar.fl haa baen aad fee forty year with naver-failing naccaa by aalllieas af raatker for their a U area. Darlae tka praisis af tar-tblnt a walaa Ie iaealenabla. It ralaavcc tbe bliarraaa pal a aaraa dyscstcry and dlsr boas, striphag In tbs bawaii, and wind alia. By d'Tag haalth ta tie ahild it ssts Ihe no otter, rriea tie. a bottle. HARRIED. SALTMARSH RILEY. On Thnrs day morning, Dec 19th, i88ij, at Eugene City, Mr George Saltmanh,of Albanyfand Mtn Lola RHev. of Coburg. The happy couple have many friends In Aloany who will wish them well heartily. The groom 's the ronular Tunlor member of the firm a of Hopkins &Sa1tman-h, while the bride who has attended school at Albany at In tervals for several year I the handsome and amiable daughter of Mr Jai Riley, of Coburg. and a niece of County Treasurer Farweli, of this city. A reception will be given Mr and Mn gallmanh to-night at ths residence of Mn'Saltmanh. "limiiinu..i.iLajjsmji..-. x. .a-.-i-U--!u..i ..ia au DIED. SMITH. On Wednesday night, Dec. 18th, i889,at hii home at Peorla.Mr. James Newfon the age of 76 years. Mr Smith came from Kentucky to Oregon In 1847 and took up a D. L. C. at Peoria, re siding on the lame the remainder of hit life, though during that time he went to California during the mining excitement and once In the early days went East after a colony ol people. He leaves three daughters and one son. One of his daught ers is the wife of Mr. Habersham.the well known civil engineer of Astoria The deceased was an uncle of Mrs Dr Irvine of this city and was a man highly esteem ed.- . HEDRICK. On Wednesday- night, Dec. 18th, 1S89, at 10:30 p, m., of ilipiuhe rla, Alice r ranees the home of her father, Mr. Hedrick, conductor on the O, P- extension, aged 12 years, S months, 13 days. HOMR AND ABROAD vnvaeuAr. A nswpspr i to be atarted at JefTersoa by a Mr Sauadir. SaUm'a raguhr montLly If light bill amnunta la 1324. Mr and Mr W V (Indrloon Inave on te Itikt'i train on a visit in the last. Tbe MeKanlat minstrel are new travel log ai the MoKeulai family, giving a mui- eal ana cemady entartalntnant, Thy are Bow doing Eastern Oragoe. JRalslaa Cm rani four tolarnni of adi. In the Corvalli Tltnee, more than alt tke mar ohenta eombioid. Corvallia newspaper witkoot Col weald be like the play of Ham 1st without a Hamlet. A poekat type wiiur i shortly to hi offer ed to the British pnblio. Type writing in tramuot aw la tb market are ef coasid arable aiie and weight at Issst a prea oa Id think of carrying on about with him regularly. Tbe one nnder notice ie notanly 101 pan! ve, but la o small tka It may be earned la the waist ooat pocket. Ta retail prine will be nndar tsu shilling it maaaurc 3 3 iticka and aboot four oanec, Tbouh so small It ia not a mera toy. Tbe Inventor elaim fur it that it wilt turn tibtbetlar wtk aud be found mere us.ful than larger aud more isp.usiv maekiae. Am Acciuknt Ihl forenoon Frank McKlntey, a line man working on the O r east of the city, fell from a pole end wa quite seriously hurt, the extent ot hi InJurlci theogh could not be learned, lie wai brought to the city on the 4 o'clock tram. QroAN Ronkino. The woolen milti began running this afternoon for business, theiu r cr being act In motion with Urtre Quantity of wool on hand. It wilt be several dav though before the mill are opened to the public generally. . rniBAV. Jifftraon wanti a bank. Oregon City haa orgauiKad a Huildiog andt Loan As.iH.'i.ton. P.ndl toa has a lofar W which cost Umali la oooaty $m3 4S gome flabby, floppy fiakve of tow fell thla moroingt bat malted on toaohing tbe tarth. W .f Cavenia. well known In this otn ty, waa married lo a Mia Wiotiie Welch, on the I8lh Inst, at Pattdtetoo, Mr Merrill, an old time n sidmt of AI Uoy, uo of Astoria, ia ia theoity, and tbe DaisocBAT acbBowiadgaa a call Among tke aaw milliaoairea ia Washing- too tht wiater ia senator Hquire cf 9atile. He is worth pr.bakly 3,0U0,0W Mr R f Asbhy bss rate rued from Astoria aed report a booming axeiUment th.ra. frtea ar very big n and unliitv iota can ardly be touched at any price. Three dsatk oacurtd ia ledapandanee ia one timilyton Toss-day, Tbey worcj R.v, iveiaey, aia wira ana bm metoer. i oey wire auffsriag from poeuraaoU. La Craoda. Or, baa never levied a eity tat I toy kind and haa ao ioJapUdoaas. Tbe eipansa of tba munlaipsl'ty are paid by fund dartvad tresa lieeslog aiae It a, a or sal oon at f i0 aacb. O P Coahaw, R N Thompaoh, C H Cabla A S McDonald and W C Cooley, have bras appointed a commit ta at itrowBvil to organiaa a Board of Trade. We might lead tbern ours, aa we are not asiog It. Frank WcKioI.r. tke lioamao iniarad at in i root 00 too m 1 was oraeeas ta thi. city laat cvaaiog aad waa takca ta Corvalli! a tbe noon train, Oa his arrival it waa O P waa breach ta tbii learned that be wss Injured by tba roof of aa eld building falling aa him iaslaad of bis tailing as reported yetterdey. Jfabvaea were brokio Tbe advance ia pro party ia Astoria is at prcaar-t very rapid. Tbe Iota ia tba Berth Adilion that have re .an II v ba Bailing here at from $45 to $ ara aow be'd at tdi aad $75. aad there ia none ta ba bad at tbat prwe, K U Bcsrdsley baying disposed af tbe atiie black of 84 lota, aa the maiktt bare. This will aodoabtadly be good aaws ta those wne purenssed at gu aoata tbrea weeks ago, ' B ATl'BBAT. 6a ta (ass It leas Far Cbristmaa gooda. Xataa cards stCaiss $t Sons. Lebtaoa is orgsnisiag a board ot Trade ibb latest sbeei masts altvsaas news stand. Quinoec 78 seats per basbel at C Irca sail a. Home eoaiU asioea meat at C I Draw Balls. Pleat af Orcgoa spplas at C E Brew- BClIS. Mrti W Wriuht waa in Portland v. star. oay. - 3 S3 vote were east ia tba Aa h land alee. lion Tuesday. Jade Strahaa came a a from Portland oa last Bight's trsio. It is a treat to sac the holiday toads si viaisa peas. Hate year preseriptioos filled at tba City frag storo. Perfumery la handsome easee at Uaisa sons icr Ckrtstmas. It yeo want para, fresh drags patronise toe new irag store If yoa want something ta read call at Kakos aaws store. Little Fiihar Maiden, aoog and watts. Knit's bows stand. Hava too iovaatad ia Cbristmaa praacat yas. uo aoi aa a eiaai. Everybody should aome to tbe City Drag aiere ler aoitasy goods. Ao assortment af library lamps are being ou.raa eacap nut BrowosiJa. Bafere purebaslng holiday gsods be sure so sea Me display at Ooiss A Sons. Law prioas ara what counts aad O Bra was) Is ia tbe place ta get then. aaer brsat, pieklee, picklsd pige fact and everything nice at 0 E Brow a alls. Bead I E Ysung's big holidsy adv. lie baa tba goods and It will psy to inspect teem. abseriptions reosived and renewed far all psparsand magastBca at Kuhu's news store. Mr. W. E. MoPberson has opened a real estate offioa ia tha Tweedala blook, second story. W. C. Peterson and S. 0. Wallaeo have, formed a partnership ia tbe real business in Lebanoa. Call at F II French the earner Jewelry tora and sse bis display of fine silverware even if yea bsvs no idea of bnyiag. The diply of holldsy goods in the jew elry lias at Will & Starts is unsarpssied anywhere. Hon. W . R. Bilyen, O. E. Wolvcrton. H. C. Hubbstd nd C, W, Watts returned last night from Portland. New Sobieribera to the Youth Cmpattfon for 1890 will reneiVe the pa car free the re rosindcr of this year. Price 1.75. F. L. Xeoton, agent. ,. , .- , The Jinglers. were brought to tbe eeast by the Paeilo Grove Chautauqua circle of Cali fornia, and are doing tbe northwest on their way home, Mr. Fred Blumberg returned laat evening fiom Puysllup, Wash., aocornpauid by Jw. F. Powell, who has been quite ill, bat is im proving. Another good house greeted tbe Jinglers last evening. They were greeted by a suc cession ot encore, whioh always speaks for the popularity of a troupe. Have your prescriptions filled at the new drug stare. Onr new druggist makss a peclsJity of prescription work. Aeearacy and purity guaranteed, Subscriptions for all the leading news papers ana magazines reeeivca' by F L Kan ton, near the Postoffioe. All orders for wsrdsd without delay. , Goto Paisley & Fish for your job print ing. They do any and ail kinds ot wort fa. ths Batfiishing and job prit.ting line. Qdick work and lew prices. tp and eoniidar the fact that tba steak at watches, jswslry, silver ware, gold head ed eaass, etc., at Will & Stark'a is a isicn- : did enc te salect a Christmas praseat from, A care involving the same point of law involved in ths Hubbard child case is being adjudicated by the supreme court, sod it is probable iction in the Albany esse wilt be delayed until tbe decision is rendered in that ease. :-. Ksw carpsts in tks Utsttsslsrs and de signs, oils clotas, Useliom anil window shadaa Joat raesived at A ft Mcllwara'a. farti.s wishing goods in ik house fij'Eiia TOg will do wall ta as bs b radl su'ji'bvr sweefisir relij9;iB i wi.l r yftu t !-. ten r-t p Milt' - " u TRK HAM AftODT TOWK. In tew of the fact that this has been a remarkable prosperous year and a great deal of money has been made in specula tion one would naturally think that the holiday trade would be very lively s but the truth 1 people have speculated 10 much thai they have put alt their money nto the builnen and are mostly very close fisted when it comei to remembering their Mends nocking back of the stove, 'J Ms should not be thueiy, e - And then, too, It I I fust that the farm er have sold very little of their wheat vet, the low price keeping the warehouses lull. Yet, tha general business of the year haa been big, and there ii less by conqu erable, alf the merchant iy, of crediting man in yean past, Here are some par adoxei. That big snow norm brgan on the 15th of December, 1884, ami those who remem ber it have no cause for complaint li. the present murky weather. Mr Walley, Ihe bans Jlngler, gets down to C natural as naturally as a frog lowers Itself for a leap. The Man About Town followed lilin down, and that was the low est business ol his life, How' your conscience any way at Ihe close of another year. Instead cf picking at your neighbor's conduct just for thirty olid minute contemplate your own. The Man About Town tried It, and II straight ened the hilr on hi head And cured a toothache. Now ia Ihe tin e to bet otsi coots Win ter ie coming on and It ia alrrady 1. o coot to be withe ot one. lilain Ims a large sad fine stock to acltct trrm, sr.fl tbare ia ao trouble ia being suiUd. aa i i NoTiCB. Partle Indebted lo Mr. E. L. Power, will confer a favor by calling on Mr H F Merrill, with whom hi account Hve been left, and ettllng the same at once. Dr. M. It. Ellia, physieian asd slt-aay, Oregon. (Vlli made in aurgaoa ei ty 01 ouotry. Dt. rilot'c Raatartf la Ihe aaal svenealy roe laaaanrwa, ar clcapiaaarvast, attlcb alfilal so anaay traoBa.ead wblch loads so aa taaay eerlaoa acrvoa a iscaaea, aaniealarly to Isa-Dliy. Parrtciv ireatiaa wua aab boillc; ca, an Jreas aae Srastf rxt fl. a llolal Amvala. StChablks. Mrs 8 E Wayne, 8 F II Hastings, Port Misa Blakle. II L tfeslmre. G A Beavls. W II Mo-.. M Rlpplev.Corv EOllall.Cal E S McrrllLAstorU J 1 Dalev. O P Call VanCleve.Scio W B Uav.Cbt Exciiaxck Hotel. Emit Olans Olat Olsen ohn Malson W McCuen f Rowe R Rector Lul Koe Mm Doa ne C H Friendly A P Browne C D Devine John Deso Rbvkbk Hol'sb. W F Galea, RoscV R Abbey.Corv I t olllns.uatei 1 E Michael, Leb T Newman, N Y D R Kiboey.K Vat' joe R P EI!lott.Chl A E Hay, Sodavilte J Kettlcwell, u V A Tailor, Halaer W R Jeflrics.Cape Y A C Ford,Newpoit R E Coi:ins,Saiem A W SctU, W J Ford, St Louts RVaS HoVSK. T AlllsOn.ScIo 8 W Dav KM Clly F Caplcs W I Caples Carl Chriotlan A Dsvls Thcs Engle A EanecUart Thos IlowarJ II Scott D M Caplcs I Tiffany Joe Sharp W Voss Pat Keating C F Culver CUnrah Blrariaay. 17. P.Cauaas. Praachiniravary Sahbatta, naruiBg aad evsuiag by Has. K. U. lr- rtjja. u. u. aabbaUi School at 2:30 a. Prayer masting every VVa-laessday ivaoicg. EvAJiaiueAL Cavkosi. Praaebiag oa Sab bath at 1 1.00 A. M., aad 7 r. n. Babbatb fraboal 100. Prayer m ctia vary WaoV aesday avaoing 120, R.v. YulW, paatoew Alt are lavitad. U. E. CvtTaca.atrra.-Preaching eves Sebbetb moraine at 11 o'clock a. m. and i tOa'eloekr. at Kabbatii Betiooi tiV o's.ock P, at. Praysf moaHag aocaday avenuik at740a'olack. Ra. Q Hsalaiter, Pketor. IL ELCaoaoa. Fraaoblog every Sabbads asorelag and evenltsg. Sonr serviog ia be cvacing before serutoD. at 130 r m. Prayer mceUiy cwoVy Thura. day svsrdag. Rev.S E Mamiag, jmttitty. PaassiTaaiaa Cx raea. ! "Ho atsw Sabbath morning and avealnesin CbweA aor. BreadalUa aadFiffbta. tuiia) Schsa imasadiataly after tbe nofoioi; smo Prayer ateatieg every Wsdasaday cWeasitog Rav K R Priobard, pastor. Ttasr Barnn Cvcbcb. Praaalvjig avasw labbath morniag andeve' Church oa tt Irraei, Sabbath School iAmedUtiV.aAar ssaruLng aarrieaa, Prayir meeting Tboradsy avaatag at 7iS9 a'oloeC. Hrr. Trans bail, pastor. OoXOUa ATtOa AX CH C BCB.-SsxricSyryBa-y Sabbath m ona leg aad eveoin. kbaab ohocl at llilK. Pvcye? merkjas en Wadaeeday evecdeg ! Mob weeR Be. Ragcra, Paatar. Cbjubtta CBtntca eacJiirig every first Sabbath ta month, triorufaa and eyaaioA at llio'alnek. Sabbath ibibaal at 1 I'olosi-s Ma Kay Humphreys, Faster. Catbouc CxvacB. fiervlos evary Sun day at 19:30 a. m. aad 7 v. H. Laat Sunday of tba mouth ssrvioe at Eugene City. Rev. Least Metsyer, Rector. - stas - REPORT OF THE COXIMTIOX OF THB FIRST NATIONAL' BANK AT ALBANY, JM THB STATE OF OREOON At th. oloss of business, tW. 1 th, 18S9, Resources I Loans and dlsoonnta .............. ...........S10J,S.'?9. 00 Or.nlralta,saourad and unaQUrl.. U. 8. Boniis to secure circulation ..,....S0,(,(M Oth.r stacks, bonds, ana mortomirea 2,111.60 Dua from aporavarl raacrve unnu. .. 80.0OS.16 Due from alhar National Banks 06,100,(S Iu. from but Banks and bankers..,. 6.247.87 Real UU, f uruitui a, and flxturaa..... . . . ln.OOO.OU Ounwit axponses a ltaxe paid ... S.W.S0 Premiums paid ....................... 3,832.60 Chocks and othsr oash Items....,....,.,... ...... blil. ot other Banks ,... 8S0.OO Fractional paper ourreacy, nlukles and ceuu .16 8 pool. . .si.ios.uo Lotral tender notes. 17S.UU EaUempllon fund with U. ia Treasurar (Bva par osnt ot eiroulauon... 00.00 Total.. n.tS7,Tet.7 liabilities i Capital stock paid ln...... Surplus fund . . Undivided profits - .sra.aoo.os ... s.oseoo ... i!i,S;.M .. i7,oo.eo,7i.oo .. oo.oo ... 53.00 National Bank notea outaOinrtiniT Individual deposit subject to check., Demand oertlfioateaot depoait..,,.., Dua to other National Banks ........ Dui to stata Banks and bankers Total., ............ .......i.,. .S72,7aa.7t Stats or Oaaoojr, Col'ktt or Lixx, as : I, E. W, Lang-dan, Cashier of ths above nam ad bank 6o solemnly swear that the above statement is trus to tha best of my knowledge and belief. V H tANQDOK, Csshlsr. 8ubsoribed and sworn to before m. this 20th day ol December, 1839. OH IRVINE, (u, s ) Notary Public. CoimscT Attest ; BAMCKfiB. Y0UNU) L. K. ULAIN, Directors. . 'UNN, ) Cancers Ourod. J.R.Dsuglavs fc Co., Alba,riy, Oreoa, aeent for J. It. Dfl.nen. tke rsst Cancer Kiftg, of kiatrtlmsr, ittnsaa, wSi tra all externa) oaaeaiv aa tSts. .ii.(lil of NO lCREWOPAV. Vrt fcrrtiar iufohrja. tioe, addr J. . ffMJt,A!t, - Ct. 5-4 'f fi.'f.c5 tt , afsC for Infants and "Cactortals so weS adapted tochudraa that t rmcomiiieod K as siipertor to say praaon pUua kaowBtoma.K' IL A. Aacnsa, M.D., ill 80. OxXord Bt., Kreokin, X. T. Combines tha Julca of tha Blua rigs of California, so laxative ana wiriuo. itft the medicinal virtues 01 pianui - knows to ba most benenctai to tna bnmsa system, forming ine u j-x rxvu.- FECT REMEUV to act fenny yei promptly oa tha KIDNEYS, LITER 18D EUWiiLS AMD TO ClsansetiiaSystsmEffsctualfy. PURS BLOOD REFRESH1NQ SLEEP. HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every ona Is using it .a ' a I - S a - a I . V la A alls' IAttai and ail are aengniea w,l ' droEjjist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manar facturcd only by tba CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO gaa Fsacico, Cat. lenmLLa. K v. S'" Yaaa. K. Pi VOICE S52 r,3 WttUsiM HHssdi. lUfwiaaaairs. Wvitcaa 1 M yrjr BHrwls t fsatl ttk ; Texaw4atr u It te p.y bms m sA.v W, J. Ul-n-y, itr. M. WtitMt I iaUk ana P 1W 9vm lbBal a4aM awry wq hh I wf r Wwierftai .. TNI'or tafi eVy afasMf. , BMK satva sjvaw - Biasi ai asunlg fJB Ikwtt aW aaa in. Wkm a-MaTOjI. f4 ba ptla. Vfr im4,.. Khnll we start YOU ia Ibis ia ibis business. MAwf WrtUKHnl Ian dBlDtnanM ,whi Krt- mh4 nrf r la jm r part mf nw aaaaarj. v MM r win fc .i.i.ui fo SMa. mf' a aaat t a auiafeaw . at. 1 aA.CHHS Saa a-llar l'k-u,ar)aa AllMawaKk. . f,d m aa -i itoaa u. . t-M-a-tl i, . aaiiri lariaa,. ti..a.i- i lfcai.iaSai wi4. Uv-l atw. Utmmtt aw k a. AaaM aM4. Ul-fai l.ia.. III. mmT wmh Ar Umfmmit a .mu4 m. bi. li ir aa aw, an ar aa i.t. , ..I....H- awr...wra.wi.aata" law uka ibaMaaat at ara artik faptauf aar ka-a. al aia. trntM rnnrftutnt. aa. aak Inmua. kadiaj ad. a. aa. a. . -l MtawaMaurM. r.Mipi ..,i.aa- ,. . . . akaailu Maa.u. anaa r iir t;.lM, 1Mb aa. raauaa. CuS: ra aalwi . ftwu-t, - aa Sana a a. ; I a. v. u... m v ". aaryaisawtl. tba dablll saf. whatlsa r from .iraH ar ark f .xaiaa or B-sdy, sltisus ettr iiooiars la llalarial Regions, rtnflB4TsrttaPlt1atla taaa srawtnl aaataraUva at ar IIUrc4 tbo aUl aa-iaa; taivaUal, Try Thcni Fairly. a rt...a aadr. Mr. blood. BtrOWST Iworv e tvaul cboortal salad wU! raaolta SOLS EyTETWEEEE. W havt tht ExclutitB Control ot at u , o " f i Z u i a. U. m4mt Asm ta cftr a arfre to tit thlt ( wea, for tUVttBlST HADE. rery Ca koto ui in on half rtoas. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, ALBANY, OREGON. THii) PLACE. lV ni . uioani ts.ll no Panei Brothers, A-ortAi. r I tc JAh ys, tr your Groeerjes, Pfoluce, .Bakci Goods, Etc. Etc. Their goods are tua bast aud ths lr, prices Mtaonatiia. E. J. FalcCAUSTLAu'D, Civil, Sanitwy and Hydraulic . Engineer. ; Consulting engineer for Gold Mountain and Dry Gulch Consolidated Gjld and Sit vi r Mining Co. Office, First Street, Albany, Or. Stockholder's Meeting, Notice ia hereby given that there will be a meeting ot tbe Stockholders of the Linn County Agricultural Association bold at ths Court Rouse in Albany, Oregsn, oo Thurs day, the 2nd dsy of January 1190, for the purpose of hcariug reports of officers and also for the purpose ef electing seven diree tora to seive for said association tbe.ectuiog year and for the transaction of any other business that may coma beforo said meeting. Dated this 30th dey of Nov., 1SS9. CP. Bdrkburt, Mockholdrr. or bualneaa pursii'-a at the Portland Bualnes", EollcRe, Portiaud, Oreiton, or at the Capital Bus fcetsCoileire Salem, Oregon. Doth schools are oader the lua.naRcmeiitofA. P. Armstrong, have aarne course of studies and same rates ot tuitiou. 33 us in cbs, 8horthnitt, rypeaniting, Pentnauahip and English Depart ment. Day and evening sessions. $!udeutsad mtttcd at any time. Forjoint Catalogue, odtlresa Poi-vIsjiI IliuiaoM Colieir, ftp CsiiUI Bsslntu OMtfge, I-onland. Oiaon. vll Salem. Oreirou. ed CrownMills SOM, LANNLN'G & L HOPE'S. VKW rBOCESS rLOCA SCTEMOa r01 rAiU MES AND BAKERS TTSS. . REST STORAGE FACILITIES.' . a lb 1 I kan aa aa-wr r f1' fjwx-a a. Rk. iM a f. J Willi. n. aitaa. ll.nW-f.. fa. 1 "Mii S3 J? raeaeMM. a lUUD-0 Children. astaria eeraj fMfi. 1eaa". H'mr Ptma b, iniwrrMow, aa-MiSsto. Kiila Worms, glvs saep aa peoaaessa I WlJoasftoaa saedKatass, Tub Csmratra Owrrajr, 77 X gwsi, . T. 3 ACADEMY - OF Our' If. fly 0! PerpflW Help. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Condnotsd by tha cf att. Besglot, This Asademy Is nnorporatad and au thorisoii tba HUta to confat academlo borers. 1 ba ourse of study la complete, aiatbaujiatieMi, IlUira.iirc and Mania ara ssMMialties, aa alastlta Normal Instroetien a? aaplrants for talii' rrtlfleataa. In distrial drawlor. v'Tjiinti;f in i:laas and all Islnds 'f nan-iK form, no aatra atiarga. lbeoi-ci 1 r a of tha eebaoi ic aiutle but firm, or j.rt being ta form act only rofioe'l Voit i( ladfea, but nobis and useful incu ra of - l-(y. Pui.ll tasnitted at eny :t and ebarjc rropof fiaaed. Pupllnof any (lor.orriloatloa ra- clvao. TuiUonln.elfttiaycbo-l rargefriu IStatlO. FartardiM of Barlit.j Hch tl ar any pntci lara apply r.tb AenrSaiiiy, orao Adaaa 8 inter tutifilora. albahy mimmi imrnrn ALBANY OREUON. 1888,1880- rtrat Term Aaesa Sauiaabrr lilt, taaa A lull earpsof lnstror!rr. CUSSICAL, SCIEKTIF1C, UTEP.ARY, COMMERCIAL AKO KOHMAL CLASSES. Coaraea of study arraogad 10 utavtlb- aad of all grads of atodanta. S fecial tMuemttt ejfartd ta tludtutt from abrad. Tuition ranges ia iAM I'S.MI Board in private fa tames at iow jnstas Room tor salf-boarding at small exi)se A careful aur-erviaion eiareiaad over ata deau away from heme. Fall arm opana September 7th. For clroulara aad fall parUooiara acrtaa ;d rraaioeor BST, IXBEBT a. CwaDIT. Albany, Orgwii a pwmtv For aal by Will A fttarlc dealers In P.n vrrtahe. iowalry, ate, i-iciity An! CcunsBllor It Lar b3 ND lYotmv Publics ALBANY QKHCCN Win praU'JIt of tha Courta His SCa:. All b ioass ip.M-nstr to hi will ba prorAptly sanfled to. gr-r V,;,"' r . 1 1 V-'i 9 flFOR f?ALK BY FOSHAY A MAfOS t! YfTiea I eny Ctrnn I do w.t lacan cersjy to tiri tn.-rn lor a liuio, end lhn b.ivo mem ra. tutu ciMta. I aiua A KAiawAit CLKJ. 1 have uado Uio d;vtio cf FITS, EPILEPSY or A llfe-lir.jr stody, I WAtirtiTT my remedy to Ci'i'B tiiviVom'ensea. Ik cuae others bars f.tilml o re:tston .r not now rweiviny acitre. I :il i:if0 f-r a trestiae and a t res BoTTLB t !:.?ti.tuLB Remedy. Give Kxpros mo ' - unit-a. It com yon nntblcje Kr a . a i,.' t will euro you. Audrcss -w 'OT,r.?.0.,l83?E;.-:iSTHKES,iyiiM PATEHTS .tained, and all other busiaan In tba U. B, Pstsa cloealtenoaUcd to lor rood rat. tea. Ourotttcs aopnosit tba U.S. Patent OOlaa. aa wacan obtain Patau ta ' leas Uma than those raaioss rora Washii rtoa. . Send mod la or draarine. We ailv " ta rai.,1 ability free of charga ; and wamaka oharga unlaas waootain patent, Wa refer here, to tha Poatmaatar, th. Supt. af Money Order Dir. and to .93 dais of th. U , 8. Patent OiSca. For circular, advice, terms, and efaraaaea oaetualeli.uta In your own Suit, or county, addraea Ca Aa SiYOW&COa, 0,-ipotita Patent OfBca, Washhiatoa. D . OF PURE COO LIVES GIL HYFOPII05PIIITS3 Almost asPnSatablo as t.lllk. So ctlszaxleed tfet ta mb ka ,av dlg-aaied, aad assimilated by the moat teu?Ui-ve itsmach, whes tba plain oil tsnoot bo tolorated) and by tba eom. blMStion ef tit oil with tha bypephe. pblbes Sa laaob. snor licaciua. Et3nsr"iai!e as a losh Frefiseer. Fttscsi gala rsjidly whll taifcj It, SCOT!".! lLSinW ia a,-trn1r.a. - Physicaaiis to bo the Finest and Beat prepa. ration ia the world for the relief tad our cf CCN3l5MPT!0?f. eCSnFfJLA. CEKERAL OS3IUTY, VVAST1XQ DlSiASuS, EMACiATiOfJ, COCD3 and CMKOMiQ COUGHS. Th grff.t rtvttdf f -r Gcriawnf-tian, end Wanting in Chiidnti. StAd ell Drttpgkt f fj m mm s. . 4 . aj Ok, a. a Aaaaaj -m ? OtT" 5 1 f t 1 . ill VWJ n PlliPtiin