MWfmS:r'''! w wSji dht Qtmntmt. A FIKK Of HTKAW. It It related In the detailed account o theBraalllaii revolution that when Empero Do n Pedro waa summoned to hla Rto da Janeiro palace from Petropolla ha regard ad tha disturbance Hghtlv, and eiplalned t a Chilian olTicer that It waa on) a 'fogo da palha," "fire of ttraw," which would burn itself out before the morrow. But tha "fire of trawH did not burn It aell out It Igr.ltcd tha edifice ot Imper ialism, beneath which tha ttraw ef dtMon tent waa stored, and the whole atructura waa destroyed. Tha aparka front thlt "fire ot traw threaten ever dynatty In tha world with destruction. Tha da ot despotic govern ment la dona. Tha myth ot divine right command! no greater reverence to-day than tha doctrine of healing by tha kingly touch. Tha fteory ot the people' need ot matter for the due restraint ot their passions excite! onljr jeer and laughter In tha light ot tha Great Republic! history . The world la weary ot maintaining king and privileged classes and will presently aend them all to the Umbo o( disused rub bish. Wherever there Is a king or an aristoc racy the fire la tmoulderlng In tha itravr, and there are eager breath awaiting oppor tunlty to blow It Into flame. In Russia the atraw I combined with dynamite and an explosion impend. In Germany tha "lira of atraw. burn peril ously near to gunpowder. In England It la consuming raaterUlt so foul that their fume are stifling In tha nostrils of the na tion. The Book ot King draw near lit colo phon. Tha reign ot tha people hat begun. Lt the f ring of the atraw proceed. DCDI DirUUUCTPN TT ASHINUTOsT Russia, the moat conspicuous exemplar of the despotic idea, frowna upon Braiil. the vovagest of Republics, The Czar.ia reported to have broken off diplomatic relation with that country because its people have asserted, their right to govern themselves. How comforting it would be to tha EraiiU Uns at such a moment to know that they have the cordial sympathy and moral aupport of ha United States, the nr-ost coospicuous ex mplar of the democratic ideal That sym pathy and moral support, alas, are withheld by a Bern less and an American Administra tion at Washington, which is more deeply con cerned to behave becomingly after the conven tional method of Earopeaa diplomacy than to assert American belief in the eternal righteous ness of the American system. Diplomatic Jadcism at Washington joint kaada with diplomatic brutality at St Peters burg in discs tinging, depressing and easbarrat aing a free people in tha assertion of their liberty. It was not so in Democratic daya when the South American Republics cast off the Span ish yoke. It waa not so when American man hood had Vlyasea S Oraat for ha representa tive la tha White House, Wa have fallen apoa tha evil day when email, quibbling lawyer rule, and the drese cost of dan iy dignity has replaced tha shirt sleeves of 'jbust American manhood. MMtHBB I it I Joa Simon, the boss of oca wing of tha republican party, having won hla Sght for pollen commissioner In tha supreme court, la looking for new fields to conquer, and proposes to play a prominent part In tha next republican state convention. He is clever underneath fighter, and. If he cannot name tha candidates tor several of tha Important offices, he will probably attempt to "down" those who dare ques tion hla supremacy. A big fight la brew lag in tha republican camp, and time a lone will decide who ahall rule tha destin ies of the party In Oregon." Like the fellow who witnessed an old fashioned bear tight, the democracy site upon the fence at a safe distance and "don't care a continental" which one of the republican clique whip the other. Jacksonville Tim. i To some restrictions indulged In by the DasiocEAT few daya since aa to Ineffi cient railway mail service In Oregon, 4 clerk in the service took exception alleg Ing that the miscarriage of mail matter to which we referred waa on account of the baggage master on tha local trian nag lectlng to deliver the mail to the carrier atthlacity. It I true that at the particu lar time referred to by the clerk It waa tha fault of the baggage master, but we spoke f miscarriages In general. On Sunday and Monday evening last nearly all the Portland tndSalem mail for Albany waa carried by hla place and brought back the next day. Of course this was the fault of the clerk. These miscarriages are too frequent A remedy la called for. Senator Brown, of Georgia, ba not put i aa appearance at Washington this session Health is poor, will not be able to do maob work this season. It is ai open secret that Browa would have resigned at the begin ning of the session and given Gov Gordon hit teat bad aet Cordon superseded the Senator with Henry Grady as Trustee of the Georgia State University last Summer. "Very good." remarked Senator Joe; "Gordon can wait un til 1 891." Browa it aow determined to bold on to bis seat in spite of everything but death la order lo keep Gordon out of it. Justice Lamar, of the United State Su preme court, ha been Invited by the Chamber of Commerce of Richmond, Va to deliver an address before a mas meet Ing of the citizens of Richmond on the He and character of the ;ate Jefferson Da vis whose life-long friend he was. Colonel John C Boone grandson of tLe pioneer, Dsniel Boone, is living, friendless and needy, near Sulphur Springs, Ark, and a movement for his relief ha been started in Missouri, Arkansas and Kentucky, lathe Philadelphia Me'hodist Conference there are 256 preachers, 165 of whem have to live on salaries ranging from $250 la f 1,00 per annum. And yet there arc congregations who expect all the cardinal virtues for $5 a week. A young Alabama women averted a disas ter on. Saturday by flaunting her red petti coat. It was an express train and not a bull that she stepped. Mr Gladstone will be 80 on Uecem'jer 29. Tlie Grand Old Man is as vigorous inlellecl mUy and physically as he was ten years ago, J-LJL-J-L-L UJg There is one remarkably pleasing feature about Tennyson's latest poems, They are un ususlly short. With the exception of one all the jurors in thtCronin case were born in Amsrica, and all save two had American parents, H W Grady, the talented editor of the Au lants Constitution, is dead, Congressman Hermann hai been placed on he River and Harbor committee of the house, Struck Gil At $1.35 per 5 ealton can v-st Standard r"' oil, at the Vil!amJle I'jickrnf Co.'t store. rress sur rssuisr tarrssyosntnw fA9lNUT0S. Washihqton, Dec. 15, 1889. Affairs around the office of tha Ser-geant-at- Armtot tha Houto are bt-ginnlng to take on an ugly look. Tha eommtttc of the I louse, which has been Investigating the defalcation of the absconding cashier, Sllooit, In It partial report tell enough about the loot way ot doing business In that office to surprise people, and every body knows that the committee discovered a good many things which It hat not told because members and tx-m ember ot the House are mixed up with them. This mystery should be at onca and without delay awept away. Matter have arrived at the ataga where It will be far better to make public everything the committee ha found out than to attempt to smother up thing, aa hat been done. Thlt tmottv arlng policy hat tctulted already In filling tha air with rumors charging all aorta of things against various gentlemen at prom inence lr both parllet. In tha meantime Silcott la the Lord only knowt where, and the books show a shortage ot about $71,- 000. If the action or rather want ot action on tha part of those concerned may ba taken at a basis el opinion, Sllcolt defalcation wa no legal crime. He ha however, been indicted by tha grand jury ot this city tor forgery, and If his whereabouts can be discovered he may be brought back. Congress will take a recess from Thurt day next to January 6. Many members and cnatort wt.l take advantage ot this opportunity to go home tor a fly lug visit. Ihls is particularly true ot the demccrata of the House, who do not feel tha same responsibility about tha recess work ot the House committee that they did last year and tor soma veara pas. Tha McN,f levl ohi will probably ba tha popular uame for the raeature which the republican member ot tha Way and Meant eommittea will try to formutate on that most troublesome subject, tha tariff. It la entirely too early to attempt lo make a prediction as to what tha new bill will be. Soma people think the bill will be based 00 the Senate tariff bill of tha last session. Your corrdspondent doe not think so. The Senate bill ot last year waa a vote-catcher hodge-podge of absurdities hurriedly thrown together by order of certain republioan bosses, and would never have passed the Senate had not those who voted for It known that It waa certain to be defeated in the House. The new bill will be constructed la a mora lelsuiely way and will consequently baa better measure. It could hardly ba worse. Gen Clark, ea-lerk ot the House ot Reprcsenativea haa been presented with a valuable gold watch and chain by hla former employee. Chief Justice Falter is coming out In a new role that of a popular orator. He de livered the address at the Congressional centennial last Wednesday and he la to deliver aa address at the dedication ot the new Lincoln Music Hall In thl city neat Friday night The Senate haa so far confirmed very few of Mr Harrison nominations, atd a gainst some of them there i a very active fight being made, notably Morgan, Com istioner ot Indian affair, and Dorchester, superintendent of Indian school. It would not be surprising It these two are rejected. A committee of the House ha been ap pointed to try and run down the scoua drels who committed the forgeries on the notorious ballot box contract which was used In tha recent Ohio campaign. Hon est men of both parties will earnestly wish the committee God speed In It good work. Tha House committee on Election perfected an organization, the atrcam of perjury In the contested election case will begin t flow this week. Cjustlce Lamar of the Supreme Court has accepted an invitation to deliver an address to a mass meeting of the citizen of Richmond,' Virginia, on the life and character of the late Jefferson Davis. Mr Randall continues to Improve. He took a short walk Saturday. Holiday AKxauwcaMBNT. From now until Jan. I, I will sell my f.30 Ladles Curssoa kid tltoe atl brand at $3.00 pr pair. I will also make a 10 per cent dis count on all my flippers fo. men, women and children Including felt slippers and fact warmers, air Curacoa W shoes, are first grade and of the best make, marked In plain figures and will be scld a repre sented and guaranteed. These goods are net marked for the occasion, but are a genuine reduction sale. A boy can buv cheap as a man. Samuel EYovko. Nw To-Day. Toilet casea, Odor cases, Shaving seta. Work boxes. Cuff bsxes, Album, Scrap albums, Scrap pictures, Xma cards, ate, at City Drug Store, GuisafcSon, Fro'p. Tjiih Ladiks O LT. I am nowpre pared to. do all kind of stamping, and have over two thousand design to choose from. Also keep a nice line of embroid ery materials, such a arrasene. crewels. No. 1 and 3 embroidery chenWes, princes chenille, etc., etc , and the finest pom pon, tassels, crescents, corde plushes, felt and fancy work materials ever in the city. Zephyr ie going at 5 cent an ounce. Mis Minnie Colwell has charge of thl depart ment, and haa had aeveral yeara experi ence in all kind of anev work and stamp ing, a', w. simpiow, Albany, Oregon. leading Photographers Albany Oregon. . We have bought all the negative made by L W Clark and W II Greenwood op to Nor 15th, 1889. Duplicate can be bad from tbem only of ns at reduced rate. Wa bays' also about 18,000 negatives mad by ear selves, from which duplicates can bo bad at Ilk rate. We carry tbe ouly loll Jin 01 viewa of tbi state and do nlarced work at lowest rte for first class work. W shall bo E leased to see yon at our Studio in Freman'e look, next door to Masonio Temple. Lar Cartalaa. Laee Curtains, 1 have just received my fall stock c lace curtains bought direocfrom importers, the largest stock ever brought to (Ai mark et, and best value for the money. S AMU xx E. V urjMG. Ladles shoes, mene shoes, misses shoesi childreus shoes, mens boots, hoys booti it less thai cost tin make room for otlur good at C E Brownell'e. " Notice. Parties Indebted to Afr. E. T Power, will confer a favor by culling on Mr H F Merrill, with whom Ms accounts have been left, and settling the same at once. Oabiem. The finest line of baby cair' ges In the Valley just r celved at Stewart & Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con Iderlng ti e superior quality of the carri get. 7 O-ks cures rheumatism, nenralgui tooUiacho. 1-Wiay k Maoa Agmt, and TELEGRAPHIC NEWg ftlttrta tttaert ttarled Alive, Z San Andreas, Cal., Dec. at. Word hai been brought heie that a cave occurred in the I .ana mint at Angtlct, owned by Iftywaru, at Hobart, on Sunday at 3 p . Sixteen miners were buried and It it believed crushed to death If alive, there it kith hone for recovery of them on account of theenurmout amount of debris. The disaster was caused by heavy rains soaking the enrth, and It is said owing to the mine not having been properly secured. Great excitemint prevails at many of the min ers hsve families. reading. Washington, Dec. at, The Russian in- flucn.a is fast spreading here, and several bun dred Caset are retorted, Senators, congress men, and public oiiiciali are In lit grip, 1 he latest victim is I Wharton, the first assistant secretary of state. Drowned. roRTLAND,Oi.t Dec. ej. Last night Peter Steinper, carpenter, aged II yean, returning from a hunting trip, fell from the deck of the tteatner into the river, and wat drowned. lilt body wat recovered this afternoon. The Bala . minuet, Santa Ana, IHc, ij. Rain fell In torrenlt from 8 o'clock last night until seven this morn ing. The Santa Ana river broke over its bank and flooded the Newport distrait south and west of this city and Sandy City, Santl ago creek has changed into the old channel along the fuot hills cast of Santa Ana, and it flow ing through the San Joaquin ranch. The V r. Boston, Dec it. President Adams, of the Union Pacific In an interview to-day, said ''All the stones now current at to the plant of extension and purchases of the Union Pacific on the Pa-jfic slope are absolutely with Out a basis of any description," He also said that the Oregon Short I.i-e will lose hatfa million this year through the Oregon Northern but will nevertheless earn a turnlu over all interest charges, It Wn a Brew, London, Dec ). The prize fight fur heavy weight championship of England and fa 500 a aide, between Jem Smith, of Eng land and Frank Slav in, of Australia, took place this morning at Bruges, Belgium, and re sulted in a draw after fourteen rounds were fought. The referee waa compelled, by intimi dation, to declare the fight a draw, although Slavin had the oest of the battle throughout, A BcrrlMe Cnsae. Nuts, 0-, Dec, a J. The community was startled this evening by the discovery of one of the most wholesale and bloody f-utcheries that haa ever occurred in this section of the state. The victim, five in number, are Charles Shclar, and wife, and three children, and the crime it supposed to have taken place at aa early hour this morning. When the In humsn deed wat discovered at J o'clock this evening, all five bodie were stiff and cold in death, with their throats cut from ear to ear. Shclar and his wife were lying together across the loot of the bed and the three children were on the floor in different parts of tlie house Shelar of late drank heavily, and it is 'rumor ed that be and his wife did not live happily. The theory advanced is, thst Shclar, in a fit of madness, cut the throats of his wife and children and then bis own. Shclar purchas ed a rator on Scturday evening. sjalrrtM Mag, AriA, Samoa, Dec, 7. King Malietoa has at last been formally frecocuued aa ruler of Samoa by the consuls of the United States, Great Britain ad Germany. About a month ago the consul iasueJ a p roc la ma lion declar ing that the Berlin conference bad ' agreed to recognize Malietoa as King, and adviaing the natives to acknowledge bim as sach. Tames ese replied by saying that bis followers were willing that such a course should be taken. Malietoa and Mataafa agreed lo the suggestion and the native chiefs of lite island also signed a document, acknowledging Malietoa as king. ABaeaiiakt. St. Lout, Dec 3J. Mesgor reports have been received of a riot in progress at I'oot't Camp, Mis., sixty fire miles from Memphis, The trouble wat precipitated I y a fight be tween a white man and a negro, in which tlie later was worsted, 1 le went out from town, ccllected a party of frirnds and returned to clean out the victor. The whites rallied and a fight mm-d, in which half the people were wounded but none killed. The latest advices were that everybody was in arms, and fuihcr trouble is expected. The tloMs Centlaaer Colvsa.Dcc. 22. The river stands twenty five feet above low water mark and is rising fast. It ha been raining steadily for twenty fonr hour and still continoes. This afternoon there waa no prospect of clear weather. Near ly all the large landowners on Grand island have suffered fosses except A II Rose, one of the head men in the reclamation company. The general opinion is that hit land 8 will be flooded if the high windt now blowing contin ue many more hour. A Kentucky rreUa. Louisville. Ky.. Dec aa. The town of Frinrville, Ky., wo visited by a destructive storm of wind and rain early this morning, Seven! drwellints and three business houses were swept away by a cyclone which passed through the country town. Grant and Jsmes North, brothers, received serious injuries. These were me only ones burt although sever al people had miraculous escapes. The loss is estimated at about 50,000, Give Away. For the benefit of our customer we will give away on Jan ist, the following : I thinner set, 1 20 piece, $15. 1 Tea set, 44 pieces, $7.50. - 3 Tea set, each 44 piece, $18. These goods are of the best English are and a credit to any table. Give ua a all and get not only the best bargain la pure Iresh rroccries but secure a chance at one or more of these elegant sets of dishes. LaFort & Thompson. TVv ".S full 'linn i'iii II'.' . t; E Browo- Sexsatiohal. It is Ihe tluty of a wo man to look fjrstty and le liappy and if she has one of those lovely French felt hats trimmed In Ihe latest and Mifhctt style of a milliner art sold at cost at the store of Mrs Merle Davis Si Co.'she can be beautiful and if beautiful, she wl'.l realise a felicity unknown to many but a well dress ed woman. 0me indue them. ' Nw is th time to hoy overcoat. Whi ter is eominit on and it is already too cool to be without on. Blain has a large aad 0o stock to t elect from, snl ther : no troabl io being soitsd. Daily Dimockat for slo evenings at W F Kuho'i. r"houe cran hrrrir snd s set oransr C E Urownell, . at A Sharp Item The finest line of cut lery and shears In the rity at Stewart & Soli's. Their goods are the very best and will aland the test. Abbey's Addition. 54 lots in thlt ad dition to Albany, near Hackleman's 3rd addltloa.'for sale, at to to $125 a lot, tt i urran k Monteith'. This Trade Mai k on a stove C : I "vrccans n is inn oesi inn ex- jfaet - 1 l t- t. t. a. 1 1 pevunce and skill can con- trlve. Bold only by t. W. --, (smith. Next. New and best place in town Is G ikon's new baiber shop in the Froman BlocV, next door to Fortrr.iller Si Irvine's. Best barber In town. OST. Yesterday on fba atreete In Jtkl pity, a pair ol gold rimmed a poo lauina. Finder leave tbain at tbla oilloe. 1LB1BI ABSTRACT CQ21PIHT, ALBANY, ORKUvN. The Only Complete Set of Abstract Booki and Maps in Linn County, "Office la tha Court Howw,-V Musings cntrutUd to tha Co, ahal have prompt and careful attention. IV. e ncPHEnson, First Street. Real Estate Broker, laaaraao,ana money to loan. I have a large lit! of Improved aad unimproved city property, aad trait, garden and farming land in laigs aad email traeta. At I anil on eommlttisu you want to buy r sell it will pay you (o call and tee ma. 1V9-JOLUTI0H NOTIGH. -Notice I 17 nareby girau tnet tue copartnership Heretofore eilating between (Jan. C. and rV.ward Wilt, under tha firm name or Will llros.. k beau diarolved. Ueo O Will retiring, Aeaounta abould ba paid to the old firm, bv whom alt debt will ba paid, Tba new firm. Will A Link, win continue business at the old aland. Will Buna. IKT YOUR WOOD NOW, Tha no 1 deraluued havlrjs Mirrhasfd the wood yard and wood of P W Ppln da aire lo Inform tha public that ha la pre sa atl irx All as 1 1 tt-itai aa first tsait atatft aw ftl aa a id fir wood. Order left at the office of Wallace A Cualck will la promptly at lenaju io, Fhkd W, BLUMnano. T OVT, A email nickel watch, atlyer XJohatn. soma where between Je!Tson atreet and Oulrnl sobool house. Keturn to U W Smith and ba suitably rewarded. aTtOUNTY TREAUiMERS NOTIOK.- JTliia la to notify all concerned thai tbrela now eufilolanl lunda In t lie- County Troasuwra oftloo of Linn county Oregon to redeem nil ontatandlnu war- ranis. Inters! on all endorsed war rant will eatae from thla data. II Fa ft wll eai'reeaurer. S. W. Paisley, -WH01.IWALE DEALEH IN Tobacco and Cigars. Ordur solUiUd from tk trade.! IOR REX P. Two furnish! I naiti L lot. Inquire at tlaomoo. SEVERAL MM ALL TRACT of land tear men for sale on eaay tar ma. Inquire A H. Bryant. ALBANY, OR. WEIfSXIH & HULBEB.T EROS.. Real Estate Agents, Farme and Ranch for sale. Also city orexrty in Albany and Certal'.ia. v Albany Nuiseiies. Wa are oermanenllv lueated on the old nt.i kanuutaad 1 mile f;ot Albany on Corvallia road, and have 00 band a large slock of Choice Fruit Trees: of our own growing, wl.'eh w rfell lowast livioa rate. I'aiti cootrmplatinu 1 lautirg trtte w" eonnalt their inlrrrsta be etsuiiainv wr took and price before purchasing. llTMS ti HltOWKULL, Albany, Oregon. SotlcB of Appointment of Admin lFtratrix Notice ie hereby given tbt the under signed bss Wrt dulv appointed by the Orunty eonrt if the Stt nf Orrgnn for the C-ounty of Linn, aa the !nubitrtrix of th sUt cf Atextn.Irr Ihiwnloi. deoraaed, and all peronna are hrroby notitiwl to prosett their claims duly vsrilicd according io law within at months from date of this notice to the undersigned at hr residence on th farm of deceased in Linn county Oregon, it being ibout 8 rrilra northeast of Scio Ore- goo. The aodersigced get nor mail at Stay tan Oregon. Dated this 61b, day of December, 189. MltCRVA DoWKINU, Administratrix of above aetata. Referee's Sale. In t Circuit Court of Ortgon for . County. Etia EFanniog wife, Plaintiff, aari JJsry Fannin;, bia vs. " Charity J Laper and John Laper, bar husb and, llannau M Uilbieath snd Hsmotl Oil breath, her bnsbaud, oillav Cochret! aod Cochri-ll, her husband. Defendant. Notice is hereby fclvrn that tba ooder igned, th iUfer daly appointed ia tbe above entitled Court in th at cc titled osuse. totnske stla of tb prmtM hrinaftr described, will parsnsnt to an order of M Court in aid cause duly mad and entered of record on tb 2nd day at November, 18o3,on the am tfajr mt Beeeatker, I as. at tba Court House door in tba eity of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, a the hour of on o'okek p. m., aril all th riht, title and interest of each and all of tbe plaintiffs and defendant herein t pnblio auction for cash in hand to tb hiiihsst bidder in and to th following described real property to-wit t Beginning at a point 20 chain stand 13 chains north of th sontlitsst corner of Mo tion 8, in township 12, south rang 3 west Willsmette Maridisn, Linn eoaoty, Oregon, and running thence east 60 chainr, thence south 33 chsins, 1 hence went 60 ebsios, thence north 33 chains to th pis of b ginning, eontaiuiii.i 200 acre 1 alio two lot lying immediately iithtt of and adjoin ing tbe lots sold to Martin Trexler in the town of Waterloo, in Linn county, Oregon, being tbe ssme property conveyed by deed bearing date the 25th day of June, 1885, by Iradell Andrm aud wife to Levi Fanning. The proceeds of sale to 1 9 spplird. first, to the costs snd expense' of suit taxed at 801 and th further sum of $40 Attorney fe and tha cost and expense of sale, and the remainder to be distributed among th plaintiffs and defendant herein (ucordin ta their respective righti. Dated this 27th day of Nov., 18SO. . . Geo, Humphrkv liefere. Administrator's Notice, Notico ia hereby (iven that th under signed sole surviving administrator of th state of Wallace Cuthman, deceased, bat Hind his final account in the matter of said estate io the County Court of Linn county, Orevon, and ftid Court has lixd Mondsy, the Oth dsy of January, 18 90, tit the hour of one o'clock, in the atteraoou of said day.foi the hearingof objection foetid account if any therebe and for the settlement thereof. P. Bkkthold, Sol surviving Administrator. -Hewitt & Ievime, Att'ys for Admr. Hoticelof final 'Settlement.- Notice' is hereby giveu that th under signed ad miniatsator of the estate of Jobn B Williams, deceased, bss filed his final account with the Clerk of Linn county, Ore. gon, and the County Court ha Bind the 3rd day of February, 1890, at the honr of ton o'clock, m., for the hearing of objection to said account and 'or tbe settlement of said estate. This tbe 18tb day of December, 18S0. B F Wiluamh, J K Weattifjuorb, Administrator. ' Att'y for Admin. Sheriff's Sale, l Ik Cm nit Court 0 t tie Stat of ( rt gn,er j.i nit tOMHly. Bern May and W F Mondrnhall.admlnlstr tor of the estate of Enoch Uouldcoeaaed, plaintiffs, ilitsmSmitu and W W Brl;gt, partner do ing buiin nndrr the iiim name of Smith tit ""Kg, Hiram Bitutn ana i w nrsssneiu, psrtuei doing business under th Dim nam of Smith Si lirassllid, Hiram Hmllh. Joha W Water and W W MrtgK, partner doing bufclnesi uodor the) firm name of Smith, Wat ar A hrljzgs, Hiram Smith, J sine W ilras tisld, fuhn F MbCulley, James M Shelley and W J toantwell.partnar doing business under tha firm nsm of Hmilh, liraaalleld A Co., Maty A K Smith, Jam re W Brassfletd, l.ydia Itr.siflilJ, Kiixabeth Martin, Alexan der Summervtlle, Willoughby Churchill, II F Caldwell, John Q Vauaha.Ueorg lialloy, John Humroervillo, II N 11 ill, Joseph Bum mervllla, Holoinon Cox, Samuel Nixon, John McCartney, Henry Kausbe, Catherine Wigle, A Humphrey, John Cogswell, Jacob Wigle, John Kelaey and John Hurnatt, partners do ing busiest under th name of Kley Si Burnrtt, J as B licit, FAChsaowsth and F M Juhosnn.psrtusrs doing business under the name Chenoweth tii Johnson, Damon Mmitb. John F MoCartney. Nancy C Wilson, John Keiser, Winfleld Hummerrille. K F Wyett, Daniel McClain, U II llaber, Mack Summeryillo, Harvey Hummerville, (J H Ward, Jerry Hay.John Foster.J 1) llennett, J II D Houil.rsouiJ li ilill.M Wilkink.Kam ual Swift, Hiram Smith and Mary A K Kmith. h Wife. W W llrirfca and Harriett Mrigg. b 4 wife, AU Hovey and H 0 Humphny. partner under the Hrm name bf Hovey A .Humphrey. John M Thompson, I It Dawson aao Vanduyn and D K Hill, uelendaota. Notice I brAby given that by virtue of aa eteeution and order of sale issued ont of the above named Court lo the aboye entitled suit, I will on alardar, laetSlh mj r January, ltM, at tha Court liousa door. In tha city of Al bany. Lion county, Oregon, at tha hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, tell at pablic suction for cub. in band to tha highest bid der the real properly described io aaid exe cution and ordnr of sal aa follow to-wit 1 Lot on (It and six (0.) and tha north half of lot two 2.) in block one (I.) aad the east halt ol lot Ho three (3.) ana the east can 01 lot No fonr (4.) io block No one (I.) aad tba fractional river lot No seven (7,1 in tba city of Harriaburg, Lion couuty.aUt of Oregon. The proceed arising from too tele of said preinuc to be applied, first, to the payment of the ont ot and upon this writ and accru ing eowte. .Second, to satisfy and pay tba fallowing claims pro-rata according to tb several amounts with interest oa each of stud soma at the rata of one per cent per month, from the 2fith day of April, 1SW2. aad ccsts to-wit, plaintiffs !aitn, 97334.78 1 Isaac Vandyne, t'.' j Kolomsn Co, 1790 Willoughby Churchill, 9ZZ3.nO K.llbein Sammerville, KM 57 t H N Hill. $49.11 I UrK Ha'ley, J21H. 75t J B 11 ill, SM7.63 t f U Hit', 1687.33 Henry Kausbe, I1C94.CU; Catherine Vial $ll'.'0.50, and if any balance remain afwr pa) ing all of .said claim and tha cost and disbursement bereof.the tame to be applied apoa th llaim of th defendant, 1 U Daw- aaa, lia lo in. loov. J OHM gMAMaox, Sheriff of Lino County, Or. . I'r D S Smith. Deputy, Sheriff.! Hale, In (A CiremU Court olAe SUU4 ' Oreonor Jobs O Arnold, Halo Iff, v f4arah A Ollobret; Mary A DuaUn aad CLartea A Ixislln. liar Ituaband. Henry J Oilctirel, Uoi A Ol'cbrwi,Hylvetor Kelsay and Kit a U Kty, u wire. Tbowet 4 Uilehratand LlaaiaGilchrast, bia wife, and Jr Qitcbret,Defendaot Notloa 1 hereby given tb U by virtue of en execution and order ofeala tneuod ont of tbaabove named Court In tbe above entitled euit, I will on salarway. tk tsih day r taeeemfeer, laaa, at tba Coovt Houao door In tbe cite- of Albany, IJnn county, tba hour of ont o'clock p. ut. ot aaid day. aall at public auction fnrcah In band to tba liigboxbidder tin real property dmsorlbed In aid exepittlfn and orasr or aaia aa 101. Iowa to-wit 1 Tb east half f the north eat quarter, tba oorthMat quarter tf tha aoutbaaat qturtor and lot lour (4.) all In section VI , also lot one (1 ) two (A) threw (S.)four (4.) ot auction thirty lb reo(S,)and th aoukhaaiit qnartar of tba southeast quarter of sex-tloa twootv-nine (Si.) all la towaablp nln(9,)outh of rang oo(l,)Aaist ... ... . .11. 1 ; ik . 01 mo wuismsus aeriuin,oiuiBj and nit loo aero mnraorlswa In lk , Oregon.Tb prooeoda arUIng from tba aaie ofasid premlsaa t be apptlwl. Kirat.lo tbe payment or tua eoawann awDnnemsnis of ihls anlt tEd at and tbe aoero Inn e si of and anon aaid exvcuilon and orior of aU, Mcond, to tha pay want to th nUleitlrr. Joba O Arnold, the aunt of lt0.V7.A0 with aoorulng Intarwat threoo from tha 2'ah day of (tobr.l8H9. at tha rt of 10 pr ent per an mm. and tba further sum of 174 Attorney foe. 1 bird tbe overplus lfny to be paid totbe d(. feodanla, Karah a (iilcbreet, Mary A Dust In, Henry J Ollchrewt, Cloorge A Oil ehrMt.Kttxa C Kalaay.Tbouue M Uilcbreet and Jeaaa Uilrhrwt Dated IbJa 23rd dy of November. 1889. Jon MMAtXMoi,Sharift. by I) 8 Smith, Deputy, ' Sheriffs Sale. a Ike Circuit Court of th Slat of Ortgo for tM County of Lnm : Jane E Ballard, Plaintiff Ta. Martha McRrlda and A F MeBride, bar busosnd, Florence K Slater and Joha B 8 later, bar husband. Can la It liaokleman and CC ifaoklaman, bar husband, Frank K HsIlard.Meud lUllard and Ora Ballard, DereitdaDta. Notion ia horaby given that by virtue or art execution and order or sal Isauad out ef tba above ntme l Cecrt In the above entitled anlt, 1 will on kaiardar, tbe txih da rUprember, IHXS, at. tha Court U-ue diir lathe cltv of Albany, Linn county, Oregon,t tbe hour of one o'clock p. tn. of aaid day, cell at public a iHlou for cash. In band tolha btghea. Lldder. tbe real proiiertv da- en bod In aaid exefullon and oroerof sale aa fol lowa, to-wit 1 Begiauingat tbo ncrtbejtt eorner f Iba Donation l and claim of Klmore Kee and Mary J..e Kec, hie wife. Ncliltcatlou ISO 2A10 celiu No 63, In Ip 13, aoutb range 1 waat tit t&e VV Itlamotta meridian. In Linn oounty, Oregon, and running thence at 80 chsn. tLencs ioutb 47 71-JU0 chains, tnatioe west 10 cbalna, thenoo north 10 rha na.thenna w amOclialne.thenee north 28 7Jr 100 cbalna to tha place of beginning, containing 100 sere mora or la. The prscwd arising from tbe sale of aaid to ta applied: Fiist, to tbe pa, mene of thaeosu and disbursements ofiblaault taxed at 1.9.71) and acoruiog coat sei'oni.ti tba paymaut to the pay ment t tin pUlntlir. Jane K Balla.d, Iba urn t,r 1215 40 with acorulng iutoraat thererin tt-jfn the4tU day of November, 18M), at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and tba furibi-r auoi of f 25 Attorney' ken ', third, t' o overplna if any there be lo be paid to the defendant, Msrtha Me Bride. Da'ed tbla 23rd day of JTovombur, 1889. : Joai SM4LLMON, Bberiff By D"8mltli, Deputy. Gnarlian's Sale of Eeal Istate. Notice ie hereby given that tbe under, eigne d, guardian of the estate of lirrbfttt Farrell, GweenJoline Farrell, Walter Farrell and Percy Farrell.minora, b virtue of an order of the County Court of Llna county, Oregon.duly made and entered of record on the 4th day of November. 1880, will sell at public aue tion, lor cash in band on tbe 2Ut day of Dcoomber, 18fcft, at tbe hour of il o'clock, In the afternoon of ald day, at tbe Court House door in Albany, Linn county, state of Oregon, all tbe rlgbt.tltle and in. tercet of aaid minor, and each ol them, in and to the following described real property, to wits Lota number one (I,) and two (2,) being tbe north went quarter of block twenty three(23,)in Hackleman' 2nd addition 10 the city of Albany, coun ty of Linn, ttate of Oreon, Dated this 01 h day of November,18B9, F.M Bbdfikld, Geo. W, Wbioht. Guardian. Att'y for Guardian. Tt '! ONEYTO LOAN. The undersigned ill has boms capital to Ioru ob good itL estate propetty. Geo ITewrjrsr.Y, mf I 5t A Philosopher always Thinks. Try It; Think of L E BLAIN wbei during iho wet, coo', eulrtno and winter we tber yon need nn 0ercoat,Itub bcr Goods, an UtubrcHaor COTHIXC, FURMSHIKC COODo' AKO BOOTS AND SHOES GENERALLY, or want a ttylish auit msJo by a firet-e'aea Uitor, THEN CALL QU HIf.1. CHAS. H. DODD & CO IMPORTERS OF-i Hardware, AND FARM Front, First and Vine Street, Sola Agant for Oregon DEERE'S NEW a Ingts, DouMe, or Triple furrow. Tly m imjltf an J coma to nmt mbmtiuU perfection, ' hai mmi 0. w mm U wort uit; notth in thr pnu. wstamisb UbertuoutssaSSUacsBMas. ewat auaauaraia an wua. SXSSTRS PO'WEB ITPT BULETT PLOWS. BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DRILL. Back Uos rnm CnOa Drill, Bucisye 8oJcrs, Bucktja Sprlrf Tooth Harrows. DEERE'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDERS Xb latsat tewaovsd UoraMot ior owlnf rnumn ta)Vw, Tim ssott eoaspM and uoees1ul toot lor t) purpose lo ass. Wa aJaa have a fall lla af Baarrtea. SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. Uwrtnos A ampin's ein Tooth Uarrows, Dorrs Barrows, Sdsntiae Fwd Mute, Pactte Faaainf Mm. CIM RACa WIRF fTC FTC iiniuii snus ! f - -- THE LEADER. G, W. STOVES AND RANGES. Fire backs. Warrant e d for 15 yeara, AU sizes ai styles, Roofingy Job Work, Plambini Eave Trough, Range Boilers Conductor Pumps. The New Drug1 Store ..IN THE BLUMBERG BLOCK, IJaa opened hla new atore with a ahoioe atook of Drugs. Patent Vsiedicine Per ftimerjv-.Toilct Cases and . D rnggists eT FMrosori "ob promptly and carefully compounded, Evry new snd fresh. fS" Tha pUblio is Invited to call and Hs-?-.'t g0oda and get ft k aa, 1 " Iron, Steel, MACHINERY, ::::::: Portland, Oregon. and Washington for DEAL PLOWS. Cmrrtmgr Pletsi, Hamatala WoJ n rmn nitrrttRa ?t rmc ttn E THRALL Agent THE LEADER SMITH, The World's beet. More t ha n hun dred 7 nun- a dred differ nut sty leg ok s and heaters Bandcies. iliOlmOy I havo a variety of article suitable for holiday presents, aa follows: Dress silks in a great varie ty ,in blacks and colors, fancy lilk tidies, silk mufflers, silk handkerchiefs for ladies and gentlemen, silk umbreilas,gold and silver handles, for ladies and gentlemen, ordered espe cially for the holidays ; em broidered linen handkerchief, for ladies and gentlemen in colors and white, ladies port monies, ladies and men's kid gloves, furs, boas and muffs, ladies and gent's fine 'slippers and shoes, cloth and Sealette cloaks and wraps, ladies' and misses' rugs and bed spreads, , table linen cloths and napkins to match, fancy China tea sets, fancy China dinner sets, all hand painted,a very large line of novelties in China, consist ing of vases, tooth pick hold ers,card receivers,salad bowls, fruit bowls, ice cream sets, mush and milk sets, finger bowls, pie and tea plates, indi vidual butters, covered butter dishes, cream and sugar sets, salt and pepper sifters,cracker jars, fancy soap dishes, and tooth brush holders,Chinatea pot stands, cuspadores, the largest and finest line of fancy China cups and saucers, hand painted, ever brought to Al bany. These poods I have arranged on table in second story and it will pay the public to inspect them whether buying or not S. E. ? L-KENTOIsr DEAT.EB IZsT 1 El Choice Candy, 'Nuts,.' Frail, etc. CIGARS AND NEARTHE POST OFFICE' ALBANY, OREGON 1889 FALL AND Juirt received a lara;e Involea or Foreljn and DomeaUo wooleoa In Overcoatings. Snitingb and Tronserings. Wa make a apelaltv of FULL DRESS for Ball and TauUc or rerular evening wear. A aerfeef fit guaranteed at THE LEADING MERCHANT TAILGR. ZACIIES BEOS., Oppeait PaatOffloa, FOR THE BEST FURHITURF CALL ON THE Albany Furniture Company OPPOSITE STBW ART A SOX, BED ROOM SETS, TABLES CHAIRS, UPHOLSTERED GOODS. WALL PAPERS, BABY CARRIAGES , ETC. ETC..CT Barrows & Searis Dry Goods, Notions, Gents Forn isMEgsaad BOOTS ANOSHOES. AGENCY for The Ludlow Ladies Fine Shoes and for M. D. Well't Sz Co'a Boots and Shoes. BARROWS Johnny will have to get his gun supplied with telescope sights and do some tall shooting 'ere he strikes a better stove for solid comfort than the Jew el. This stove is a real beauty - and is constructed If-s. Bold onlv bv Va-tp iUVV C V 4. AAA J- A Vt VU 'A r Young, TOBACCO V WINTER 1889 & SEARLS, P E w i E ' " "' I L. ,. iZH?...; Blomlerg'a Kew Slock. Albany, Oregon iwvaiv - JTATTIirVS A WASHBURN. V I