'1 V r 190. Harper's Bazar. ir.x.-croxizA.T2i!r. Htartal It sjanrn.t lur Uia irnnt, Oil lh bleat lufaraa.ttea wlrfr4 W I it IViiiitnt, lit nmnui tll.ttretlmit, faahlaa-platet, kn4 ptt-ter.-anaet aapiilemtnta Sr. liullapanaalil. allka I Ska have arattratkaf tad tke aratatalaatt maltte. Ma atptaaa It apvJ la maklnf lit trtl.tlt avirart lm ot the hlhwordr. lit titter thert ttorlea, arlar planted tha.fbtfi.l tmr satisfy til tattae, lit laat pats It (ubii at a bul-at et l aad Vmi I Itt trttklr ittutt trtrytkin It UtluJd wfclak It et l.ttraat I warnta., IHirlnf H Olr Taenia Mllltr, Ctrl. Una Tarhuaa llarrl.k, ami Mary Law tMtklnaea will rap!ltj-furwah s striatal paperae "Tha Paaf liter at IWavt," Thrw Dull a Kajr," sail "TU Weroan al lha Period. Tb serial mt.H U ba arUiea by Wall.r li t-njr aud W XWatnaea. HASPEX'S FES1I3ICUS. Pr Year i mar-ras as? w ll.WWlKI.Y too HAKItt'ft' MtttASlTK 4 M HARIKR1 T0Ni PKI.PI.K. ,. 0 rlmM U alt snburljait la 1st Ualtti IHUi, Oaiiada, ar ttaalaa. TheYelamai at tat Bt k(la Uh the Bret Nunikar far Jaa.ar afaa.k jraar. VTha catena la atannane., euawrtpti... will bttin wltb lit Number eurr.nl at atma af raaaipt af orear. Buuna Vommta f lUaraa't But tar Hi rat j aaxtlr,tar.at tlota H ,eill WiavtHtiaall pat-pai4..r by t , ha. al atptute, r'e4 Uia trtt drat aat ttMU ana d.l'.r par raiuau, Ver fT.OO aar mlaaae. - Cloth auaa treaah ralnm., t.iuklt tar l.l.eVa', a 111 ka tanl by iuU,p.a-(-ald. rtaaUt t II aaah. Haatittanara thtaia b l.xU hr I'M (Tea V-My Order ar Pratt, to a-oU thuiat l lata. Navapapara ara aal an tap; Ihla iulai.aa without tttaaktwaat ordar WHitm Baouraa. Addreea: HAkTtB a KBATIIM I. Xta T.r. n. r. s.t. rrat C H. rWABr, 8 Albany IROiMWORICS. -MaiiuAtitsiirarii 1EAM H2l:5 CMST AM3 SAW MILLMASHDiERY IIURQNTS 40 ALL KINDS OF HEAVY m LIGHT YOHX, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. ,janl aitanUon daof manhlnarv ratMlrlDK U PaUarns Mad on Short Notlet. JULIO Golden Ilia atnuk baa be a snUreJ a thai U euale an a lit. Co', and oooaiata of Roger Bros. Silverware, P ' Olunr and Orys. t&lware. Boys' Wago arriagef , Fanny Goods, and . .-neral " assortment of Orockiey and Toys. He bojs llre. t and carries the largeac stock baa been addod a complete line of FAW1ILY GROCERIES. Agant for lotmrane companies with a evulal agj;regliug f 75.O00.V0 . fiWld on parte Frauoal. !Ilr wird deutoh goeproeben.-tKi NEW STORE. n ak. 1 1 m Bl Tk Mitcneii & -DEALERS IN AgricnUaral Impicmcnts -W'.-r- ami VcWelcs ALBAJJY, FURNITURE. Tee want the btei and raoet durable furnf Thomas Brink. WILL Dealora In all Gnns, Pistols, "Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos Afnllllneof ehaot ronele, mnaloal merotitnlles amtmjTUUoa. flihlflf t,a t Xar?ld wr-or. butcher and pocket Univ.. Til beat kl7all.ewl mafenlne needier. Oil and extrae for all rraeblnea auppll4. Repairing of aewlng maeh.'nea. musical Instrnmnnts, guoa, ere., neatly done. ALDAI.Ys - - Hopkins & Saltmarsh DttALEl S IS TOVESj Till WABE SHEET .nOH, COPPER WARE si ETC, ETC. Ageata for "On Time" Heatkig und,oking SUves. Job work, plu'.v.fnv etevpreoapy atunded to. CHEAPEST AND BEiT PLACE IK THE CITY mn n 1 HH. 1 II i. Manufactured -ALSO I iwi fk awni SM K VOL. XX Y. Beauty tostreJ bdi! avlmlred by U. Tt dctlreJ bd! avlutlrod by all. Amonf th thing which may beat be don to tea thing which mT boat be doi I !'., beauty U tlia i F f v Vigor. No m Bniutncn ferional daily Hair Hit Mitiri tiiia rva ration glvt It a lu tre and pliancy that ailda greatly to Ita chami. Should tho hair ba thin, harah. rT Ar ot turning gray, Ayera Hair Vigor will roaturo tho Color, brlnK out a now growth, and render the old toft and ahlny. For keeping the scalp cloan, cool, and healthy, there la bo hotter preparation in the market. "I w free to confeaa that n trial of Ayer'a Xlair Vigor ha convinced rue that it la a genuine article. Ita uo line not only caused the hair ol tuy wito aud daughter to ! t ! Abundant and Glossy, but It haa (rlren my rather ainnted niu tacha a resjiectabla lensrth aul appear ance." It. JUritton, OakUnd, Ohio. "My hair waa coming out (without any analatanre from my wife, either). I tried Ayer'a Hair Vigor, uniujj only one bottle, and 1 now have an line a bead ot hair aa any one could wish lor." It. X. Schffiittou, Dickson, Toun. M I hare naed Ayer'a Hair Vigor In my family for a number ol years, and re gard It as the beat hair preiaration I know of. It keeps the scalp clean, the hair soft and lively, and prenorvca the original color. My wire has naod it fur m lonir tirao with moat satisfactory re. snlts." Honjrttiiiu M. Johnson, M. V., Thomas Ilill, Mo. "Mr heir' was becoming harsh and dry, I hut after using halt a bottle ot Ayer a Hair Vigor it crew black and gloasy. I cannot fxprena the 1y and gratitude I feeL" Mabel Cilardy, Duluvan, ill. Oyer's Hair Vigor, P&1fZZf- "WAWO IIT Dr. J. C Ayer & Co Lowell, Ma Bold by DrugslsU and rcrluincra. V S ('flAMnHf.'S k VIUIJLIl UU1J u Rule Bazaar. In tho WiUtnU Valley, lo wbkl V 17. W nOOnS. e a Co., Lewis OB ore thai ia manufactured ln tbejity t & LINK the Leading - ORECOTI. by Julius Joseph CIGARS A!!DKEYVJEST,GIGARS 1 9 ;-::&) a; r LOCAL RECORD A RarkOld MaV. There Ua wan In Unn cour.tr, now eighty jeare ot age, who would never run In debt. If he askln't have I the money he would g without what he I wanted, lie followed this plan through lite and I now living a serene old age with a conscience at clear a Clear Luke A man In telling us the occurrence, per haps Incited by the old gentleman s ex ample, iaj's he Is In frtver ol ahollthlng the credit svstein. so thst the collection ot a debt will he entirely a matter at honor, declaring that the credit svstem la the I rutted the country. Ot course mott neoiilo would oliKCt to thWs yet there Is little douot the svstem Is carried tco fsr, and a eohlcn mean ould be very accept able. We mention this fact to Illustrate the great vari-tv ot the makeup of the American people. A Fink I'knman Mr John Stlpp. t Sclo, In renewing hi subscription lor 1890, In a letter Mint Is remarkable for the benutv ami legibility of the hand w.itlng, ne that would be a credit to a riling iiis.tcr In the pil-ne r( life, )s: ''Ism I now In the 84th year of my ai;e I met rltli a serious I tune last winter. My horse got a wai v oat beards between his cheek and jaw. I undertook, rather Inadvertently, to extract It with the fore flnaer of inv rlubt hand ; but unfortunate ly he got tt between his jaws and crushed the bone from the end to above the middle joint. The joints are stiff and distorted, and at times painful. The first joint turns square down. I cannot ue that fltitjcr In writing J but I feel thankful tlis' I can still tile. to that my writing can be read, notwithstanding my extreme age and de. ormed Brncr." Fiv AaroKi Men Mr C J Curtis, a torney at law, and E W Wright, tt F Worsley, Mr Merrlland Keen.ot Astoria arrived In the city on FrlJay. Thn Dem ocrat acknowledge a pleasant shake from Mestr Curtis and Wright, that has 11 neighborly ring to It. You know, wa're about t be close neighbors, only a few miles abart by rail. These gentlemen re port lively times In the city by the sea, with upward tendency in the markets and immense prospects, and, as well speak highly ot the rapid Improvements made In Albany during the past few years. Mr Curtis particularly having visited Albany many times commencing with tne time he stumped the State against the "Uoy Or ator and hence realises our progress. Immcnsk JisiiLaas. Perhaps the most delighted audience ever gathered In the Opera House was true ane that greeted the Jlnglers last week. Every part pre sented was encored, on one occasion, that ot the male quartet In comic tclectlons.sls or seven tt.nes, their Imitation of the cal. Hope and Chinese music being simply in imitable. Mr Walter, the bass slngcr.ls a marvel, good judges say the best ever here, his voice belnz a musical on the low scale on the middle ones, and ,iuf them are stars. For genuine vocal music I VB i fWW commend us to the Jlnglers, who give more I melody and fun of a refined order than moat any thiee shows on the road. Anothkr Rack The race between Salem and Albany Un't the only one. Albany now hat one with Corvallls over a road from Brownsvltle.and as our neigh bor is no longer asleep we must get In and play as s'.rong a hand a we have with Satem. The Time says : "A letter was received yesterday from Peter Uume.Esq., of the bank ot Drownsvllle, In which he says the building of a railroad from there to Corvallls will meet the hearty approval of the cltizen.ani expresses the hope that "our Interests mif run together In this matter.so as to render each other asslst- I snce in securing better rail connection and prosperity." A iiio IxFf.i fcNC.-- A project, to form a railroad connection with A Ibtny from any directionhas itt Innuencc.and Immediately property jumps up. It was so with Ya qutna, ditto with Aitoris, and now Baker City since its reprcscn&tlv men were in Albany recently feels the impulse, and the Blade says: "Property on Front street, north of Washington avenue, is Increas ing in value very rapidly. Lots that could have been bought for $900 each last vtirirt now seltlni? at Smno. A eentle. J . r n I man that bought a niece of nronerlv on I that street for 1800 a little ovea a year a-1 go was offered fjooo for it Monday, but I re 1 u sea to accept tt. ' Fast Riding They are having a great time in Pendleton skating and rushing down hill. The E O tayt: "Boys tilde down the school house aide-walkv so rap- Idly that the spectator's breath ia taken a- way. They Hart with a voclferout srhool I boy shout and a tied and seem to drop down the steepest portions of the Incline like a rock over a precipice, so fearfully fatt 1 the decent. Some fast sleds were timed and it was found that they made tne journey 01 300 yard n nine seconds. . . . . ... '.Ml . WBFASS. A Kansas man want to trade a newspaper and a house and lot In I In that vicinity commend the action of Mr thai atat f.r .r. AlTaylor. Martin wa a pioneer of Lane an man now In Albany who recently cime - from that state tayt he hat 30 acret ot land there which he will trade for two acret near Albany. Not much of an In ducement to btte. - At a matter of fact we wouldn't trade the privilege of our Valley la. . . - climate alone lor the whole outfit. That Collision. An investigation wat held at Portland last monday In reference to the collision between the Hoag and the Modoe In the Eola chute on the 4th Intt the result of which wat the taking away of hit license for one month from Capt, Raabe, of the Hoag, at Albany Mr Raab is liked as well as any of the river Cap- taint, and the occurence It one to be re gretted, A Family Row Jot Mason, the Itali an who tried to take the child fiom his wife was fined $5 and costs by , Recorder Hen ton last Thursday for disorderly con- duct, and will probably be arrested again 10 Keep ine peace. Airs Mason ha re tained Hon J K. Weatherford and brought a suit tor a divorce from her cruel hus band. There is also said to be another man in the case. ExtTBiPRitE, The Oregon Land Co tlnce Itt organization hat tpenfc over thir teen theutand dollars in advertising and pamphlets ln the interest of Salem. That it what the world calls enterprlte. Speak' ing of tuch enterprise, Corvallls has a man, Ralston Cox, who is making things lively. He does things by the two columns. ; A High Bid. At the meeting of the AiDany auuuing ana ixian Association lastFriday Mr, Jas. K. Mc Hague got the monev at sixty four months interest In nd. vance, securing a loan of $1500. This is the highest bid yet made. There are large number of members seeking loans tor nunaing purposes. Dear Feeioht. It costs more to take freight from The Oalles to PHtievllle than from the East to The Dalle. Says the News: "Freighting from The Dallet to this place is now worth 1 pent a pound, and no fat thing tn it tor the freighter at that price, even," Get Youk Costumes The masquer ade on New Years eve promises to be be event of the season. Costumes have ALBANY, A Holiday MtiaDY. Mary had a lit tie brute, a fat it could waddte.and every wnere thutMary'd scoot this little pup would toddle. It tagged her down the street one day,close up bohlnd her buggy; oh how It loved to run away, this naughty little ptiggy. 'Twai always doing tome thing wVong when Mary turned her back; and all the time he seemed lo long to walk the railroad track. One day, when Mary was at church this' frisky little scamp thought he would leave her In the lurch nd go and play the tramp. Ho down up on the ties hetrod.theonethe poor tramps use.till worn out on the track he squats and drops into a snooae. lie, fast .sleep, did not observe ah, sad Indeed the story the fast expresj come around the curve, the pup went up to glory. There came along a butcher man who once had loved that pup.and with a brush aud big dust pan he swept that poor dog up. Nest Wednesday Mary got htm hack i he did not look tne same ; he would not come when she called "Jack 4" Doing n was his name. EUQKNK. ' The man who was arrestee by Night watch Witter hul week for s.noklng opium was fined S. The Chinaman who furn lhed the drug war fined $jo, and Irving Matthews, tne young man who ushered the stranger In.wus ftne.l $5 and eo.ti. Chapman, the emhetx'cr. now In -the county jail, made an unsuccessful attempt 10 ureas- jail last Sat utility night, lie had secured an old gun barrel and other tools from parties ouitldc, and was working his way out witen uincsvcrcij. We get Corvallls natters the -third dav after publication and Iowa papers the fourth day. foine person in corresponding to the Oregonlsn last week, stated that our city council, instead of aiding the street rail way, seemed determined to make It a source of revenue or withhold a franchise. That correspondent thould keep better posted or keep still. It may seem as though the council ha been a little slow but they have granted a franchise that Is entirely satisfactory to tho street railway company. The men Interested In the pro ject state that thev will go ahead and push the iln to an early completion. Electric Ity will doubtless be the propelling power. Yot'aa Mistabi The O P company has withdrawn moat of ita force ot labor era on the west tide mountain division. Early spring will set them at work again in earnest. They expect to build to the Deschutes river before the winter of iSo. Come now, that Is not a fact yet. Most of the men have not yet been withdrawn, only A ntonelleJfc Doe's. The other con tractor, running larger force of men, con-1 rinue the work, and do not propose teasing I j 1 .1 1. . , I dtlrin lit wlnl.f If K. w.itk.i will I " - - slbly permit. Next June, Mr Crooklte, you I win oe an e iw snip your woot 10 Ainany I from beyond the summit. 1 A Rrmabkablk IitetDBST. The fol lowing from Hen Ion Leader narrate one of the most remarkable case in the history of the Valley; but one we ate gtad to chwnitle: A few day ago we were pre- 7 -co. aggoner nn a eneca a- mounting to several dollar, wl.lch was , a . a a given by the beopl of Corvallls who ap- predate the Interest the home paper are taking In the welfare of our thriving city and Benton county at large, Although this gift was unexpected, yet we feel thank ful to the grateful douort, though without price our columt are always open for the advancement 01 our city. La axon, The Baxarto beheld next Monday and Tuesday In the store building just south of Beard & Holt's drug store, from all Indications, will compare very favorably with the one held recently at Albany. In all points of difference, Lcb. ation a usual will have the supremacy. Mr. T. L. Wallace, one of Albany' live real estate agents, was In town on Monday and purchased one block in Wassom's ad- dltion to our town. Ho teem to think, as I do a number of our own citizens, there Is 'quick money" and sure in Lebanon real estate. Dr.J.C. Gilbert and family, of Albany has meved to eur town with the Intention of permanently locating. We with him tuccest while here. Exprets. A FeaTtLieCocxTBV. On lat Friday evening there was born to the wife of Prof W N Bull a daughter. Thlt It their first born, although they have been married eight years, but have Jived In Oregon but little OVCr twelve month. Ihe I'rol at' . 1 1. ... t 1 t . . . rf", . ( iriuuies ni gooa loriune 10 wregon, ana believe he might have remained in Iowa forever without having such luck. Cor- valll Time. Servsd Hiu RiaHT. Word reached here yesterday that M P Martin, Sr, had been shot and killed. About 9 o'clock yesterday morning he went tn the house of Mr Isaac Taylor about three mile rom uottage Orove, and while she wa alone in the house, made a criminal assault upon her chastity, when she sh it him, killing him Instantly. Mie at once went to Cottage Grove and surrendered hertelf ,0 tj,c justice of the peace. When parties w 1 went to the house they found Martin s Mmdv Ivlnir in the bedroom. The neonle IAiinfat aaar4 sr nMii tt ta axil I I A Ann 111. vvuiiif eaisve a. iiv sw it ayv ain A aw a tit tiiay wife had a quarrel last spring and she commited suicide to end her troubles. Eugene Register. Mkably or Acb Considerable sur prise being expretted at the flag on No,!' pole being allowed to remain out several day through the rain and wind, the Dem ocrat sent a reporter after the fact in the case. It wa learned that Wednesday, Dec. 33 would be It twenty. Srst birth day and It had gotten on a protracted spree in honor 01 the event, uetttng caught In the hook It had been unable to sober up and come down. Juht From Missouri. a Mlttourlan was telling of the woes and tribulations of the people back there in an Albany Real Estate office. "Well, what't going to become of all the people there, any way," said an Albanian. "Have to go to the poor house, wont they," "jno, remarked the Missottrlan, "the Door houaes are already full and Ihe rut ire coming to Oresron.' ig to uregi A Fine Showino. The financial tute ment of the National ' Bank, published elsewhere,, is a fine showing not only for the Bank, but a Vvell for the city of Al ban v. It thowt a big Increase It the vol ume ot business, 1 ne amount ot tne ae posits is much larger than ever before. Paying Off. Antonelle & Doe have I been navintr off the remainder of their J hands, the crowd of dagoea gathered a. J round the ttreett reminding one of the Seafle Si Dean days; but this crowd is a I peateable one.and they are paid off in an harmonious, quitt .manner, dollar tor dollar, Seen Along tub Stbeet. A man with a banged up nose. Some Chinese grouse, Immense fellows. A one legged, high toned gentleman of leisure with a familiar tvniie that pene tratet without adhering. An abundance of mud. Elected. At the regular meeting of Beulah Rebecca Degree Lodge No. 35 held at Odd Fellows Hall last Friday the following officers were elected: N. ft, Mrs. Sarah Rarnes, V. G. Mrs. Ida Carter, R.8. Mrs. Ella Hendrieson, P. S, J. D. (iuSss. Treasurer Mrs. Maggie Hunt. IT ff ml 'rff OREGON, FRIDAY. DKCRMHKR 1881). rotfNl) lEt). Mr. J. J, DJrrl dies ea Ik Htrssts f Albaay On Saturday iboul thiee o'clock Mr J.J, Dorrls.an old resident of Linn county, and hi son Robert left the saloon ot Hale Uaakenstoand ataiUd home together. At the corner of Second and Feiry streets they parted, Mr. Dorrli going down Ferry street, while Robert tuok another route home, reaching there soon after. Mr. Uorrls not arriving at fouro cluck ltohert and I tit am Dorrls went after him, They found his bode on Ferry street, abtut half way between Third and Fourth, lying In a puddle of water beside the walk, face downward and cold In death, though the Indication were that he had not been dead long. Ills face was scratched tome from the fall and there wereslgntofa slight struggle. The body was taken to Albany , Engine Co., No. i' house, and properly attended to. A physician called pronounced the case Jeart disease The deceased we born in Nodaway county, Missouri, In April 1841. With hi parents he came to Oregon In 1847, settling In I "oik county, coming to Unn county In iS.sH.whcre he ha resided since, with the excep'lon of Ave year spent in California. He was married in 1860, and leaves a wife and a large family. Mr. Dorrls was admitted to the bar about two year ago. Recently he bought a set of abstracts, and, with his ton, was com pleting them, lie wa a man of generous disposition, and kind to his family, The deceased was a member of the Masonic and A. O. U. W, lodges, having been re Instated In the latter Monday evening, Funeral services will take place at the Baptist church to morrow afternoon, at a o'clock. cal Karate; a-stEs araaxsMaa Edward Huston to J II Mullan.1800 ac res. Maston's W F $ Kate Callahan to Tho Callahan.lot c, bl 4f. Albany 10 IS00 18.3J 60 ! 1 10 Oregon lo T U liopklnt.14.64 acres, 11 w t.. J C File to Mamie Grlsham,;oii4S feet, Lebanon JCFilr to Julia Thayer, 140x143 feet, Lebanon J C File to Julia II Compton, 140X 14S feet, Lebanon , Jo Buhl to Mamt Uriah a in, a lots. Ibanon.... jjj t n 1 1 1 1 1 . .. . .-. 1 j iv iwrspatnc 10 r u rues, 140 feet by rods, 3 leet 183 l8e I L Cowan to o Buhl, 2 lota.Leb. . TJ III Illaek to Chauncey L William, all Interest l.i sevsral parcel of land f Mary E Chamber toUrant Lindly, 80 40 acre 1 J w 1 , HO US to Mary E Chamber, 40 acres, , w v ' 1 ' I' " i ' ' W A Paul to John Arp,se acres, 11 ' w J T Stephen to A K I'hclan, et a JJO 6380 f iTl4acres.ii w 4 1 D Miller to N A Btodg.ttt, 1.508 acre to wt 130.80 J LCon UiJ S Courtney et ai, a lots, Lebanon... Robert Hunter to Ebenixcr Tyler. aco too iee 4I.0J acre 11 w i.. L T tiennes lo A E Henneas, 110 acre 9 E J MABrX. If abbl, Oa., Dec. ifr-h, 1S89. The logger or the drive on the Mo hawk got a good share of tsslr tog down tar enough In the late swell In the stream to go on with them now. Mr Whltbeck ha just commenced log ging on a new contract. I understand there are contracts out lor ceverai minion leet for next season. There ara five or tlx million feet In the dream now, most of which will probably go out this winter. There I talk of Eastern capitalists In vesting largely In timber land In this vieln- ry. 11 utey anouid aionawa win Doom with the rest of the world. There Is a new church Wing built In the neighborhood. Uncle Tim Rlgg and AH Drury bought I three thoraeghbred small white Yorkshire pig of Dr Gray.of Albany .recently. SqutB. 'j rtia Ltoia 0f.r. f att niwpr e pared to do all kind of stamping, and have over two thousand design to choose from. Also keep a nice line of embroid ery materials, such a arrasene. crewel, No, 1 and a embroidery chenille, princes chenille, etc., etc., and the finest pom pons, Utsels, crescents, cord plushes, felt and fancy work materials ever In the city. Zephyr I going at 5 cent an ounce. Mis Minnie CoTwcll ha charge of this depart ment, and ha had several year expert ence In all kind of ancy work and tamp ing. U. W. SIMI0J, Albany, Oregon. Two Guardian Sales. Last Salurdaj the interest of the minor heirt of the Salt mareh estate In 66 feet front oppoelte the Rut House was sold to Dr. J. P. Wallace for S4573. The Dr. had already bought the other Interest, the entire cost of the lot coming to $7000. in the afternoon the Interest of the minor hci.t in the Farrell ettale In a lots at 4 h and Jackson ttreett wa told to Mrs. M. E. r arreii lor $1750. This w a two hlrd Interest. In Movrnino, M. Wheeler and wife the "Healer," heparted last Wednesday for greener flelde. Several ctour over confident cltixent mourn their loss. In nn paid bills, to the extent of three hundred dollait Eugene Guard. Thlt healer the woman who located bodies, etc., and who had tuch a romantic experience meeting the man who taved her lite dtir. 1 . 1. . ' : .. fcij w... . Madk an Impression. "Did you no tice the Impression ot the Oregonlan on tne street" "The Impression." "Yes, in the enow." "Oh." For about an hour Saturday It tnowed Immente pancake flakes, at wet at the Willamette, followed by a misty rain and sloppy walks 5 but tor awhile a strong Im pression wat made. Stolk a Batter! Last week tome one ttole a bench from In front of LaForett & Thomnsen's. It w It wat only a bench ; but I thev wanted it,and could a well have af forded to lost a bushel of applet or a cou pie poundt of tea. The edlBien far 116 ef the narliag M4 ioel Anneal, kbewaa !Uttr' Alraaaae, at new ready, and may be ohteiaefl , free ef anas, of Jrarttit Bad KBrt eeaatrt dal see in all narta ef aba Uoited SkW, VI wrieo. and iodat d in every oivilistsa porMen of th Weatertt Haatitahsr. an AtetaBee nae Vsen iasesd rsgnlarly at tk earaeot ef evy yaar for av.r oaf.rtk ef a etn- tmry. it eomBiaee, wun sa aeuaem pta. weal adviee far tk presarvaMea antl rastar. ation ot health, a largamoB8t ei Laterettteg aad aatRsing light reading,. tk ol , stbrouemissl alenlaica. ekreMlegieal items, ., preptW with past eare.aad Will be feaad ati sary aoseraMt. Th iaxat of HotiatSM's Almanae far 1100 will frcb akly be Ua largest edition ot a media! wotk vsr paVlssktd in any souoiry. Tbe kriesara.Masar Hosttr Co.,Pitskr;h, fa., en raeeipt tf a tw asat , will farwrrd a eopy by mail to say ptraca who eaanet f fatar. es is hi Beighberbo!, lb Ladis lllckl The I eRoct and the jTfi9t tr wia whlah ladiee rnrv a a tse imf fciilt lt6Um. tyr of 1. nna 1.1 so!ti;s io-i; taatatt 'teft fte.ni It; p:,!S? to the ye and l t. 9 ; , ewxtwa, yet tu.' ,fcul tit act'ej on tsm I ... ncyau'JkW mu feow ala. 1. . . f - ..... A URK.tTSBAV. 4f ft m , j . ...... ........ ... COneress nt 4 At at nari MtMt.In !.. u.l.f..ftk t . . I ... . v....m ... w..,,;.. . near certain -special interests" dncussej heford It drafts! it UrlfT bill, One day is set a part on which the committee wilt hear the Iron interests, one! -,....! . , , .... .1. ... wuu.eq gnous, one jute nax andl m, ,n .r, noi so serious a mat.er, afTecting the Inteiest of sixty mlllioni of people, It would lie grtepiely Innnorons. One iron manufacturer will undertake to tell in committee tusi now much duty should be I ptsced upon Imported manufactured Iron, while the other sixty millions of people of the coun. I 1.-.1. ..... .. w,.u.r...M.meresici 10 1 11 is tuujsct are F.....7 ..ciuucci irom in presence 01 tit commi K-e. 1 lie man who tiro lucenlraw n.s. I . , . - r - , " . ' '' "on can uotn urn nearo, aui now about the great class of I 7!?'nl nernumeri vnii lhey be there? Will they be heard? In this land of our., it wa once thought thst the . I tr... ..t:.. .r . 1 . . .1. ..-. .v.BTernmeni was me great- dkai Mwa.l .a al.. da.a--a ...(.. I - - k ' ....K.eienumuer, ounni pro-I tsciion scheme reverse this great underlying pr.clJ government and lay down .... , u,. Krca,en goa wr me least republiran leader. In jongr, at the dl number iBd at the expense of the greater, tatlon of these bondholder, and gold bugs, tt, this committee have set a osrt a day to passed a law demonetizing silver- that I oeariuggesttonton the jute question,- Who mmrm ...sr. ,o aavtse with the committee at A lltA mm .Lata. I.... tkUItt !. B -t a I "-'VJ.r rr.uiioc in ooten w ...... wni.cu aiaics wno monulscture I jute cloth, or the rhouwnd. and milliont f fat rmara aavltaw a. Is) . . 1! . f . . I .-. .. w. .K , , , poucy 01 tne greatest good lo Ihe least number will secure the at- ...... . . t ... 1 rcnv.nca 01 .n-i aorcn manuiaciurert, wiuie the farmers wilt l. hunt WU.I,...i.iii....l . . ' oea-y question about removing tha entire I - ap - - 1 ..v-.-w,. .scaur o jute tf raised lo (hit country. Then why protect a ooten manufacturer, by levying a heavy ta I -i-vb .j ...er o used jute acks7 The I wool grower will be hesrd long and loud ani menacingly before the committee, but the poor n.an who labor, hard wkh hi shovel today ,-7 wWm .n.n ne uougni 1st I wees will never be heard of before that committee, The few hundred thousand men who raise wwol will be fully represented before Ihe com- .ee. win ne attentively listened lo, and lenociy looked alter, by McMnley, but the million of poor custrs who consume woolen I good are a practically shut oat from tbpMMj.f f th! ct S12 to Sat ln silver preseoc 01 ine committee a if thy bad aoex-l iwence. tne great msjoitiy are alsolul.lyl ignorr,i while tne favored few will be royally trcted by Mckinley because they are protrc nonista. 1 ne whole thing is tne veriest mock. I ery and aa insult lo the intelligence of every J consumer m in country. Bat light it break-1 mg. ana ine urns i not Ut distant when these I plutocrats who thus ignore the right ef the I masse fur ihe benefit of the classes, will bide I themselves in shame f.o the scorns of an outraged people, a I r,J"'""5!w""W!l I a-.t I iBstnunmsoiuis. I The Swiss amy ba had tb good fortune to I ia the app-oval of the German, and the I French, who hsve both strorg reason Lt knowing what It isaadwHat It it worth, Nor is it surprising that each, after due considera tion, should have exit lo the like conclusion, for Switzerland ha practically shown bow much, under definite conditiont of a peculiar kind, eta be done with small mean. It is a poor country.taken at a whole; it hat a relatively small population; it stand upon a federal basis, growth of ages; yet if Deed, some 100,000 tot diet, who are now barely visible. even 10 the inquiring traveler, would be ia- for, .hbotigh 'hey are called militia and have not bad any long, continuous training, still tbe men who make up the total are adepts, be cause at no period of their lives, except during infancy, have they been exempt from instruc-1 Ing, and who have lost their sight In act lion and discipline, I ion, continue to smoke for a short while, Tbe Swiss have no regular army composed of troops on foot for two or three years, but they have military institutions forming part of everyday existence, and they profit by them to welt from youth to age, and have tuch aim - I P"j practical arrangements, that a well articu- I tatcd army seem at a signal lo spring from I the ground in marching order what is more, doe march and manoeuvre and would fight, if need were, after the fashion of their valiant foreteathert. It is triumphant example of genuine economy ia the generation, organim tion and spplioation of force to produce the greatest result by the smallest mean. Senator Chandler is a leading advocate of the new Federal election scheme. There it fitness ia bit championship of this project. lie it the man who claimed that be initiated the conspiracy that, for the first time in the country's history, fraudulently reverted the result of a Presidential election. He cngtn eered the theft of the Florida electoral volet that honestly belonged to Mr Tildea, at Gen, Barlow, a Republican ''visiting statesman' appointed by President Grant, declared. Mr, Chandler proposes to use the Federal judiciary - f Prty service and thereby corrupt tbe Beach nd undermine popular confidence In the It courts. And yet mere can ne no certainty I that even thia plan will maintain Republican in I ascendancy for a tingle Presidential or Con- 1 ,.,; .1 .., s Senator Allen, ol Washington State, Is to youthful in appearance that he waa recently refused admission to the floor of the United Slates Senate Chamber by a doorkeeper who did not know him. President Carnot receive a salary ot Suo.ooo, while the head of this nation get only $50,000. And yet there are people who wuld rather be President of the United State than France. A new pott office in Indiana hat been nam ed after Tanner, Protection to Dudley and hojjr to Tanner it the Indiana policy of the Administration. An Enlarsed Business. Mr, F. E. Alien hat bought A third interest In th Albany Furniture Co, and it It proposed to enlarge mo - "i" "" . . 1 . .. 1. 1. .i.- k.i- ETf ,h. t ol the ban v Wire Works, now run by Mr. Den ham. the memberof the Albany Furni lur. Comnanv takins ttock. The capa citv of tha factory it to be doubled and businest pushed. ' Lo, Ths Poor Indians. Gen . E L Applegate hat anally got "through with the department red-tape and his commis sion as cgent at Klamath Indian agency has arrived. In company with Mrs. Ap plegate and their daughter's, Mrs. Butler Heltnan and daughter Flora, Misses Kate and Omego, they departed mtsimorning for.the General's scene of action. Ash land Record. . com'XPTiox busily cured. , To Tun Editor Pleivso inform your read, sirs that I Have a positive remedy lur t he abov named dtsKiisa. By its timely ticrttlxmHoiiiSsol hopeless citiM have l-eeu j-ernisnrnUy cured. I shall be jtlaJ to Band tw luiltlrn of my rpnis- Idr ritKit to ui v of our readers who have emi sutimtiim If Wicy vi!l send nm tlirir r.j.fes ! TUB xUHB Old) Qt' ESI ION. Anil tlfataV ( l.tri a A. at ra IaM La lU- At I f "IVH, TV a axiaa rVIM VJ k I IIS Wi"' o.tchea that th. .11 vrr .. I vv..V,l.. . . . w Bot .urtnort Wlndom's .llvrr h.m. As waa st.td h nu.a., .1 .1.. I time his sch.n was mad ouMl. tk. .it. ver men can not ba hrou.,1.1 n. ., li for it practically destroy silver as a legal tender circulating n.edium , A a m.itter ml fact n,f. .liver oue.tlnn Is tl. sam ld war between the gold bug and the great mas of the ptople. The gUl bugs want a contraction of tha currency or clrcula- unjr medium of the country In order that It ourch.slnii nover ma be relmlvelv I. " " J-"" J Increased. Money has no absolute value u. v.tUK 1. nntu r ,.!. , ... iwf .carte is iw increase lis purcnasing power. To increase the circulating me .tl.., 1. ,ttini.u t.. ....1 ...... waawrsa aar w wiuiiisiwis lie I'MI b-i'BVIIIal injajcri The creditor I benefitted by contraction because it Increises the purchasing pow. flr of his dollar.. Th- rf.t,tr 1. ii..,. by contraction because It Increase (he nurchas nv nowrr Af lh ,!!!. r. .KM K. owes, and, relatively speaking, weakens hi ability to obuln money. In 1873 the destroying It Irgal lender quality. It WM done In a stealthy way and the people were not ipprd of the pisssge of the taw? until several m.,tlh. af.ar If. n.aa.u The business and commercial depression that followed was so wide spread and far reachln In It. effect that a alimnr .. - " oemocrats toon the lead in this move- u. .1. .1 u .u iifttifif wut MKJI wcw nai MTU Iff -; ww publican congressman that a ananc'.al pani c would follow the remonltlxatlon of silver, that gold would all be driven out of the country, aud that w would have nothing left but cheap and depreciated money to do the business of the country with. But the necessities of the ptople were great and the effort to restore sliver waa kept up until It fulminated In the pas- .age of the Bland bill In igyS which pro- vided that govenment should purchase sil- Iyer bullion from time to time and coin not l.ss than two million nor more than four millions ner month. At tha time ol th werc ecesary 10 ourchase Sao in s-old But since the law went Into operation ail rer dollar have circulated bv the side of gold without any evil effect to either cur reocy. Unfoitunately for the merit of silver we have not had a ecretar of the treasury who wa in any wise friendly to II and no attempt on the part of the treat ury department ha ever been made to treat It fairly and nut It in ciculation either by republican or democratic offi cui. The bond holder are largely In Mu.nttal In iht. .itemnt In dattrav silver " r j . i..t m I .u. thaL as a matter of law. tholr bands are redeemable in the leeral tender coin In use .he. the bonds were Issued under the re. lundlng schrme, and they fear they may be compelled to take silver dollar in pay ment for their bonds. But the sentiment of the country is largely In favor of the use ot silver and Windom' scheme will fall to the ground and be almost forgotten In a few weeks. People are not to be frelghteried into giving up silver on the ground that It continued coinage wilt drive gold out of our market Into foreign one, for they have aeen that matter test ed. Silver I a'l right A peculiarity about the blind i that there I seldom one of them who smoke. I Soldier and sailors accustomed to mok- I but soon give up the habit. They say j that It give them no pleasure when they 1 cannot see the smoke, and some have said J that they cannot taste the moke nnles 1 they tee It. Thlt almost demonstrates the j theory that If you blindfold a man In a I room full of smoke, and put a lighted and an unllghted cigar in his mouth alternately, I ne will not be able to tell the difference Lord Salitbury It not a great newtpaper reader. The only dallies which he per use regularly are the London Timts and Slandard. Hi secretaries cut foreign tel egram of interest to him from the other !i,m. ta IT n rr jtjtrn. Ia Innk at Ihe ' fc - Liberal newtpaper and derive hi knowl edge of Liberal opinions from tbe tpeech es of Liberal oratora. The English pro vincial press I to him an unknown quan tity. He never look at the Saturday F- view. for which periodica! he . need to write, The overthrew of the empire In Braxil wat more an evolution than a revolution. It It therefore all the more certain that It cannot go backward. Under the empire the people were being gradually prepared for the republic. To expect them to re turn to the old order of thingt it at unrea sonable a to think of putting the chicken again into the egg from which tt ha been hatched. Scientist claim there can be no life the moon. The day on the moon would last for a fortnight, and then there would M 1 I ! I be black night for another fortnight Scorched by day rtnd frozen by night. The absence of wawr, and almost total lack of air, would preyent the maon being an abode for human beings. Ex-Speaker Carlisle 1 a great worker, and a a democratic leader on the floor the House he will be under a heavier strain than when he wielded the gavel. Hi health, whichHs not robust, improved during hi term as Speaker, and hit friends fear that he will again overwork himself on the floor. Io w... . cmn ,,4.000.00 bushels AC $7S.ooo,ooo, and would fill a 1 - -- train - of cart 500 mllet in length. It would give five bushel to every man, child la the United State. woman and Never before since St. Louis wa found ed have there been tuch receiptt of corn within the last three weekt. Since Nov. 16 the receiptt have amounted to 3,ov 000 bushels, and shipments are now com. ing on at the rate of 300,000 bushels daily. The Argentine Rapublic'ba recently grant ed a bounty ol five per cent on capital ol com panies exporting dressed beef. This has led to several establishtnedlt exporting on a lsree Scale, fitting up special tteamert machinery for freezing aad stowing cargoes, The exports of corn and heat from American po from Sept 1, 1889, to Nov. were Z3,046,a bushels wheat and 31,040,000 bushel com.ajjamst at.ooo.ooo bushels whetst n r 4 NO as It Cost TO MAKE BOOM FOR MY LAECE STOCK OF FALL AK3 WIN FEB GOODS WILL SEU MY ENTIRE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. ASV COST SALE, AND TKEYrflOST CO. Heal Ba;rg5ains. AT THE SAME TIME CO NOT EDRCETTHAT I KAYE A COMPLETE STOCKCF BUY GOODS Notions, Fumshing Goods, etc, WOULD ESPECIALLY CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING LINES: Dress Goods, Trimining's, Silk, Table Linen, Gloves, Hosie ry, Fancy Goods, etc ALL AT LOWEST CASH PRICE RESPECTFULLY, laartai a. ' w - I'l A 1 Altf ffc O" - - v I on of , CORNER DRUG STORE. I '.'kHP,k v r-rV V The Leading Druggist, at ALDANY DRUG8, .lEDICKSES STATIOIlARY-ciO- t2laUisFine Toilt Article J, Perf'tme -y and Mualoal InstraaiaQts Prraeriptionti Carelally compounded day and nlgkt, Oar eltzant line ll very with 1 23 rr;vd w eordlxlly . CroCKis afea prices. THE DIaMOCIIAT Hie hesf AdverllHlrs- loeillnm In (he Cf?ntraJ WUlamottKYeJlfty. r, a ti Fist omneat Albany, t 1 ond-elaa mail matter. first Nittloaal Dsfj Tra In. 1 1 1 1 1 11 jaM Jfe r f ....JA W. aWI(.rK. TlARaaCK A OKSHUlSaAuuj AMvma mm mh(M ws. g7 BSTHMN aa4 Sti rapta1. sruwlar, sol S BO trk, a frtiajhirt, tiaafa sad Fui KVw. rSKarjioNr X ADS as frsb1 tarns. asasvaaa f . Tee.., B.W. Isaaawa S. BkAW, WtMsaC TeawaM, Lian County Bank, Cov&n, lilstcn & Ghmterlain, ALBANY - - - OREGON. TKAKaACTstraaartl baakltjt baelnca. DBAW llOifl tiRtrtSea Kit. Tark. Bss a. ad aUaad, Orf oe. lOAJrifOJrgTve appiersd saawrite HMt Eff B atfKwiW subtart '0 .hack. fit ALEAHY, -OATrr 850,000. PretiIDt .... .. II. BRYANT Vice Preanient , ..J. W. BLAIJI. ;ah!er H. F, MEKElLL 8iaht exchange and telegraphie trans fer 5ii New York, San Francisco and Portland, Oregon;. -Collection made on favorable terms. THIS WILL BE A CLOSING CUT COME EARLY AHO CET ' arv ' H Ci A IIPV fltlfifi. lOFi!. -j . ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE hAOKMA cnzGor.. nBXALCR IK" invite tUe ?ub - Is to s.-dl nd latpet cut rrived and can be had at Will Si Link t anil put t'.spf'i'tlurv. and it.tte.oor. bwMU com Hjne thue I ' aw U