The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 13, 1889, Image 3

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    FRIDAY DECEMBER 13, 1889.
Niw Str hits. The naming of new
streets In Albany U an Interesting one.
The new eJJItlont icem to be Indrpcn
dent of each other In the telrctlon of
nam, a tact that ometlme will woik a
great Inconvenience. For inatance both
Uoltra't and Woodlc't addition have Linn
trceU.rnd other r duplicated. The new
ttreett tn the Goltra Park addition are :
Marlon, Wilder, Park, Morton and Owen,
running north and toutli, or nearly so.and
A to II, Cedar, Laurel, Cherry, Columbia
Seneca, Cascad, Sirra, Nevada, Llin, Ma
tin and Garfield in the other direction!
New atrecta In Woodlc'a addition are
Chleago.Geary and Linn. Allen & Haw
kin's addition hat a Maon street, U lack
in ana haa a Drink, Wheeler, Highland,
Caitandnlgua, Farkovc and lilackmnn.
About In the center of the new Goltra
Park addition will be a four block park,
which will be an attractive place when tet
ut aa it will be. At Lebanon Mr Wassom
Itnrnartaliaea hit new addition, the plat of
which haa jutt been filed, with HarrUon
and Morton atieeta. You can generally
tell the poiitlca of the proprietor by the
namet of hU new atreet.
EaowNaviLt.a The following odicer
wr eleeied, Saturday niche, In the I O
O F Lodge tor the entulng yeai : Clyde
Totter, N G ; Mat Farley. NG;ID doyen
$ec;N BStandl.h,PerSec; W R Kirk
Trcaturer; A. M Templeton, C II Elawlck'
and J K Mcllargue, Truateet.
Tne Eagle Woolen Mills are now .nak-
Ingtwo and three thlpinente of good per
week, about $1000 per ahlpment. Yhese
mllla are rutked day and night 10 fill the
order, and are turning out the beat good
aver shipped from Brownavllle.
Mr Legh Harnett taya he haa traveled
all over the atate, and that there i no place
In the vallev wlihaa brilllanta future be
fore It aa "Browasvllle haa, tie aaid a
"boom" la certain, and that It it the duty
of our citlxena to prepare to meet it.
Mrs M E Wliaon returned from het
three month's visit in the east, last Satur
d7 . night. The band boy a were out with
their Instrument and gave her a cheerful
welcomV Time
Y M C A Noth The attendance at the
Gctpel meeting Sabbath wt twenty-nine.
The regular hour tor visiting the room,
are from 415 pifl 109:30pm when a
warm and comfortable room will greet the
The Ataoclallon detlret to tender the
following thanks; to llochtiedter & Start,
for a paper rack, to Dr O C Awbrcy for
aa office chair, and to somebody unknown
for a copy of the Pacific, a well a to all
who are at) klndy helping by their ub
scripllons, or by encouraging word. The
time for the regular business meeting it
changed from next Friday to Saturday, at
which time new member will be received.
All thoae detlring to join, or wanting other
information concerning the Aociation
work here, are cordially invited to see the
Acting Secretary at the room any evening
thla week except Wedr.etday.
Hilly Cities At a great deal hat
been tald about the hlllt at Astoria, K-me
fearing to buy property there lett they
get a "bank," we publith the following
from the AttorUn: People who talk a
bout Aatoria bcin 'hilly," don't know
what hlllt are. They ought to vitit
Seattle or Tacoma. if they want to aee hilly
ttreett. Main ? rctt I level and Denton
atreet only moderately rl-ing ground, in
compamoa wlih atreet eltewheie.
The toft clay formation easily admita of
grading, and there .vill never be any difl
cultv in making .tofia'i ttreett at level
at it required It it one of AttorU't
gieatett natural advantage-, that it hat so
beautiful a t'.ope to both tivert.
Thkir llKAi-CfLARTtR. The barn in
iiacllrman's grove 1 said to be a rendei
vouz tor traanpa. A young man claim
to have counted elhtefn there a few
evening ago- They tlecp there and prey
on the city in small number, different
onct taking different parUof the city foi
operation. 1'hete camp should be brok
en up ; but till one of cnjr" jc not
come under the city govcitiniont.
Looki!j At Astoria.-Q .iic a num.
ker of Albany men have li;vclrd in At-
torla property, Mr J W Cu-"cV returning 1
yesterday from a trip there If that pur- I
pose. Among other purchtet Cap. Lao- J
riing ha secured 150 aerct of prom
ising land. Some day the loo A't will be
ia direct communication wi'h each other,
and we will have many interest in com
mon. That Max. The man who attempted
tuicide at the Day on Sunday evening
teems to be a very unfortunate fellow gen
erally. Monday about midnight he ap
peared at the house ot lion Allen Parker,
dripping wet, from the effects of a bath in
the Day, It wat thought he had .igain tt
tempted tuicide in this way; but repented.
He was a sad specimen and too demented'
to make very much known.
DiKDg-Mr Scott, of Harritburg, who
came to this city about two w.cke ego to
be treated (or an ailment ot Hit stemaeh,
died Saturday evening at the residence ot
her daughter, Urs Ed Mover, at the corner
of Third aad Calapooia ttreett in this city.
She was about 57 years of age.
A Lbctvbe. Dr Gibson, pattor of the
U P church of San Francisco, will lec
ture at the W C T U Hall on Friday eve
ning. Subject, "On the Vvlng.'' He will
give an account of his recent travel In
Eavland. Ireland and Scotland. Dr Gib
ton Is an eloquent talker, and hi lecture
will b one that will pay our citizens to
hear, who should show their appreciation of
. the lecture filed by attending. Admit
Ion, 15 cents.
Moviso Lebanon. Dr Foley, ot Leb
anon, has been In the city. He reports
the people of that city quite enthusiastic
oyer their prospects. The paper mill
which -rill furnish a pay roll of $400 a
month Is at present the stimulating force,
Betides this an electric light system is
promised within a year, and things are
bound to go ahead,
Fiicias Otlf The thiee-year old
of Fiaak Devaney, who resides a short
distance from this cirv: cut off the two
middle fingers of his left hand with an axe,
last Thursday, r Hyde gave him. the
neceesary attention. The Bneers were
cut off clean at the first joint. Sclo Press
AancLcsor Ihcopobation. Articles
of incorporation were filed with the Secre
tary of State SaturJay, as follows: The
Yaquina Bay Board of Trade; the princi
pal office is inNewport, Benton cbunty, Ore'
f on, with J R Bagly, Sam'l Cae. A J Ray,
' E Dodge, Geo A Landis, A E Eliekton,
R V Baker, W H Hufford and W C Shep-
Cost $150. Alonzo Case was elected
President of Newport last week, T F
Marsh, Recorder ; 0 M Winant.City Mar
shal : A H Hamilton.Treaturer, and all it
cost wat $IS- In some little towns lik
Newport both parties would have agreed
to have called it right ana used commin
paper.and no one would of known the dif
ference. It wai Founb. MrWWMcGec who
has been advertising the loss of a pocket
book with, a check for $375 .50 and about
$15 in money, has been fortunate In find
rig the same with the valuable Intict.
All Persons, Indebted to the late
tiwa of Browaell & Stanard are requested
iou'i . tile at the store of C E
j-i-. 1 wi'-. out df.hif or make tsme
PnoNouncED a Good IIarhur. -Mr
Slmond. the new man, auccettor to Mr
Young.who ha charge of harbor Improve
menlt on the Coast, was at the Bay yet-
terJay In company with Wm M Hoag, for
the purpose of examining improvement
being made then, lie expteeted himself
at very much pleated at the work being
done and the prosreta made, and it it tnld
will make a good report. The Increase of
depth by reason ot the jetty work he pro
nounced very satisfactory and does not
hesitate to My tbat Yaqulna will make a
good harbor. Hi there hta InfiweJ
new life Into thing at the Oregon Padllc'a
termiitou, and real ettate continue up
wards. Parties on the Intlde advlae peo
ple to hold their property for a boom, a
one I bound to come. Another interest,
ing Item I the fact that the Oregon Im
provement Co It having built ot Phila
delphia a bran new steamer with a capa
city of 1500 ton, which will be placed on
the route from Yaqulna to Sin Francisco
during the coming year. It It tald to be a
fine and only trusted men will be
placed In charge ct It.
A Bold Tatar. Sunday afternoon
Mr Julius Joseph was alttlng In the back
room ot hit cigar store, wlt'.t his head on
hit hnnd.havlng a headache when.hearlng
a noUe, he looked up and atw a man ruth
from where hit money drawer wat locat
ed. Twoor three taw him go from the
store and ruth ln'.o Mat tlaumirart's.
Coming out the rear door he ran cast, Dob
Murphy after him. The chute wat con
tinued to the paint thop, three doors east
ot this office, where the man was captured
Just at he was trying to enter a second
story door. In the i-hato he threw a hot-
tie ot liquor.whlch lie bad probab'y stolen,
a ay. On hU person about fifteen dollar
wat found, a button and a German coin,
being readily recognised by Mr Joeph.
On examination before Juttlce Humphrey
he wat held to await the action ot the
grand jury under $500 bond. The man
gave the name of Frank CUrk. He seems
to be a teml-lf not a full fledged Iran p.and
when he reaches the penitentiary he will
undoubtedly be In congenial company,
Attkmptrd StictBS. At Yaqulna
City Utt Sunday a man whote name could
not be learned, attempted to commit tui
clde by drawing a knife acrota hi neck.
Beglnlng too iar back he mined the jugu
lar vein and jve up the job. It wat
learned that the unfortunate man lived on
Drift creek, about eight mllct from the
Bay, and that going to Yaqulna, he had
been on a tcreral day a tpree, culinlna
tingwl h the "iim jama" and an attempt on
his life. Getting oil the morning train
he lode to Toledo, the wound not having
been attended to at all, the affair not being
known at Yaqulna City. A Ure pool of
blood had collected on the floor before the
condition of affulrt wat known by the con
ductor. The debauch and lot ot blood
together had about exhauttrd the man.
he wit taken off a: Toledo and medical
assistance tummoned.
AtToxisiixD Even small things will
sometime aurprUe the new coiner. A
couple stood gaxing at Alhinya terry boat.
"And that It a ferry boat." tald Jhe wo
"And learnt ride on that thing."
Yet H
'Oh, my. and they have two of thcm
and that new one doetn't sink at all with
that fat man on It," as Gus Boenlcke drop
ped a board he had just carried on to 'the
Oh, my, what muddy water, and the
woman at the boarding house says the
water we drink come right from the
mountains ;but it is awfully streaked," and
the man and. his wife turned away from
Albanyt ferry boat and went city w'arl.
Ha TYa Insane. The man who
ried to commit tulcldc at the Day Sun
day night by cutting hit throat and on
Monday night by jumping Into the Day,
it I brought to Corvailis Wednesday
and wilt be coai milled to the insane
atylum at Salem. Hi name it W V
Mauikon, and he c tine from Glade Run,
Warren county Pens, about ilht month
ago and t.Kk up a ranch at the Day, a
young boy living with him. From cor
respondence la hit pottettion it at learn
ed that he had had trouble with his wife
in the East and had left her. The matter
seemed to prey on hit mind. It was found
neccttary to handcuff him to keep him
from jumping from the cars on his way to
A Waasc On. Recently the Salem
Stateman tb. ... Albany ad. in the Ore
nianto uk for tome misstatement. In
view of that fact we preface the following
statements in that paper, made In reference
to the raiting of $100,000 for the Astoria
road, with the remark, "You're another,"
nd what wind anyway : 'It means that
te van Immigration which is now souiina
nto the Northwest will largely be turned
to t-'alem. It mean that the Northern Pa-
Ific and the Union Pacific will each build
nto Salami. It mean ("with the proper
mount ot combined energy and perse
verance) five railrocds running into Salem
n lets than three yeais. It means a pop
ulation ot 75,000 In Salem In the not far
distant future.
Or Cocas Not "You can never
make ma believe that Ihe Chicago St
Narthwettcrn railroad company will build
to Astoria," raid a glib longued philoto
pher from somewhere, at the Oeeident
att evening; because" said he "the C Sc
N W I under bonds tor ten year to the
V P not to do It. That may be. Still, the
U P will hardly deny the C & N W the
privilege of running Its errs over the track
of the Albany & Astoria railroad when the
exigencies require it, will they?. Trans
A MfODY Jity We think we have
some mud, but an Oregonian who ritlted
Spokane Falls recently, saya the mott
noticeable feature of that town was mud ;
It was evtrywhere.and the unlucky pedes
trlan was bespattered from head to fot by
flying particles of liquid earth. Real es
tate was on the rise in earnest, and would
crawl up a man' body until he resembled
an apgrayated attack of biack imallpox.
Building wat the next mott prominent
feature, block after block of handtome
ttructuret rearing their heads aloft.
Fiaa Limits. Under the new fire lim
it ordinance passed by tl"i Council the
limit will now extend from Washiagtan
Street to Baker Street north of the alley
running through the tier of block be
tween second and Third Streets. This is
considerable of an enlargement and if the
ordinance Is enforced will make a solid
business city of Albany. In this connect
ton it would be well to have an ordinance
requiring building permits in all cases.
astohia Taa tlacb a gin that can
bail water without burning it can get $10
a month in Astoria at piesent, and no
questions asked. One that can boil a po
tato can get $35, and one that can broil a
beefsteak,and notsais back, can have $30,
and 13 evenings out in the week. Girl,
aisd rooms to rent,are at a premium In thl
city at present. Attorlan.
A Goon Resolution.- No better reso
lution ceuld be made just now than to set
up ajown clock somewhere. It seem too
bad tote the vacant sure o' the dial
plate on the Masonic Temple. There
should be a clock Inside.and really it would
be seen by a large numtxir of people, par
ticularly along first street. An idea tor
a Christmas present.
Some 8now. A man down from the
front says it is snowing at a terrific rate,
sixteen inches falling In a day, which was
too much for him, and he "lit out," but the
foot hill snow storms toon melt, and most
of the railroad hands will not wait for
sight of dirt.
So it Goes. We understand that Kin
man and William Elliott, who left here
latt tall and located in Linn county, arc
dishatiified with Webfeot and long to re
turn to the land ol bunchgrats. Ochcco
The city of Albany Is just a quarter ot a
century olJ. It was Incorporated as a
city in October, i Soothe charter being ap
proved bv Addison Glbbs, on the 34th of
that month. J II Mitchell was president
ot the Senate and I R Moorcs speaker ot
the Itouta. The tltv election was not
held until the next yearjudge J C Powell
being elected Mayor and D Mansfield Re
corder. In 1878 a directory of the city
was gotten out by Mansfield & Montelth
A review of It ahows remarkable changes
through the c!t,bth In business and par
sonally, eleven years having teen a great
many changes I a the gem city of the ai
ley, during which time though tha popula
tion of the cltv ha mora than doubled.
In 187S there were five agricultural imple.
ment warehouses In the clty.nona now be
Inic In the business, and only S E Young
and ABMellwaln In the elly. Of the
seventeen Attorneys here then only seven
are njw In the business here.D M Conley,
J W Baldwin, S A Johns and others have
left or died. There was one bank, John
Conner's, Of tour barber shop Jo Web
ber's only remains. There were five boot
and shoe shops, J W lleiUley only remain
ing ; now only two. Burkhart Bros run
tho only real estate office. Three butcher
shops supplied , the demand. Grant
Height' wat one. There were ther. four
dentists, now only two, Dr Gray of the
number enly remaining. There has been
an entire change ot dressmakers and dray
companies. Only oneot the druggUtt,
John Foshay, remains. The furniture
business has entirely changed. There
were eight grocery store, Conrad Meyer
and George Strong only remaining, the
latter having about the same slaed estab
lishment now as then. The jewelry butl
ness has entirely changed. Of nine gen
eral merchandise stoies Phil Cohen and
S E Young ate vet In the harness. J F
Whiting Is the only painter remaining, and
Dr R C and J L Hill the only phytlciana,
Ja Mady had the only restaurant, Five
variety stores a-e all gone.among the num
ber being Ed Baum's and J M Nolan's.
The stove and tinware business I In dif
ferent handd. Tjhere were more saloons
than now, eleven In number, Chas Klefer
and Max Baamgart only remaining here
In the business. Among the saloon keep,
ert of '7!) were George RoblntanJIm Cole
man, Ed Bellinger, Ja McMerrick, t E
Sorbin, J It Taylor and George Welter.
The platterers and brick masons stay with
the city In good shape, for Instance, I S
Clark, Sr and Jr.. W A Cox, U W Cundlff,
5 Springer and John Berry. W II Hus
ton and I. Miller are the only blacksmiths
remaining. The music teachers here then
were Miss Mary Hannon, Mls Nettle Pi
per, Laura Tale and Hctile Thompson.
Among Institutions here then now extinct
were Mart Angel's bag factory.Mullenkup
6 Stratford's pump factory, Crai.e s twine
iactory and Rambaugh'a broom factory.
On the other hand we have many new
thing,a huge woolen mlll.a street car line,
electric lights, etc.,'.dotena of new block
and hundreds ot new residences.
bksl surata aLK.
M Shacklcford to Annie E Pugh,
lots 4 and 5, bl 4, Glata A to
Crawfordtvlile $
Annie E Pugh to Sutanah Shackle
ford, H acre In i L C of R C
John S Myers to I W Brown, L W
Deyoe and John Robon,So
acres In tpo.S R 4 E
M E Farrcll to Delia Hand, acre
in H't 3rd A to Albany
G E Lilly to M E Farrell.lott 1 and
3.W4. M&CA
t N Van Winkle to M E Chu.cli.
South.lots 3 and 7 and N half of
lots 3 and 6,ifaltey
Anna M Houck to Jennie Clark
Condlt.lot i.Houck'a A...
t too
Albanv property Is good. I have lots
both Improved and unimproved In all
parts of the elly. Bargain in business
property, and some gd farms for sale on
eevr terms. Attorla property It also gocd,
a number of Albany capitalists hsvi In
vested hesvCy there. It it probable thit
thitpUte will rival Seattle In 'a short
time. Think of tha fortunet that have
been made by those who bought property
n the Sound when tbe boom commenced,
f 50 lots have been sold for $3000. I have
a few lota left In the Narth addition to As
toria at $5$. on the Installment plan, $i
down and $5 per month. Thete lott are
liable to be withdrawn from ike market or
raUcd In price at any time. Do not mitt
thlt chance. Many are regretting that
they failed to purchase in Seuttle before
the boom. E G fleardtley. Real Estate
Agent, Broadalbin St.
A Lacgiiahlb Mattkk. The only ex
citing event thit afternoon wat Mr Wm
Riles spattering through the mud and
laughing three limit a half minute, on a
new Engleshire stallion, less than three
month old and weighing over eighteen
hundred. It wa a magnillcent specimen
of a horse,and no wonder Mr Riles laugh
ed until his hair ttood on ends. When he
arrived home we 11 wsger he had an acre
f Albany leal etlate to clean off the ani
mal. New To-Dat.
Toilet cases.
Odor cases,
Shaving sets.
Work boxes,
Cuff bases,
- Scrap album,
Scrap picture,
Xmas carda. etc., at
City Drug Store,
Outsell Son, Fro'p.
BaaTiB ! it true, pa.tbat conscience
makes cowards of u all I"
Pa -I believe It is stated, Bertie."
Bertie " ain't much of a coward,
are you l"
Pa ''Why, no, of course not why, ye
am too. Come, now. take your hat and
go down to Conn Bros., the popular gro
cer, after those groceries your mother
ordered,and stop such foolishness.
Th Worst. The worst citizen that
any city can have is the one who ha
grown rich off the rise In real estate and
sit like a dump nn a log and refuse to
aid public enterprise on the plea that he
I not Interested, and there aie some In
Albany of that calibre j but it I not you,
gentle reador. The man generally oor
rows hit newspaper.
An Assignment. Mr. Bod well, of
Lebanon, who opened a general merehan
disc store In that city a few month ago
ha made a g eneral assignment to H Bry
ant, of this city, for the benefit of hi cred
itor, HI liabilities are placed at $5,000.
ana assets trom $5,000 to 10,000, probab
ly nearer the former.
The larg-ett and finett display of
watches, jewelry and tllver ware in
the city at Will & Stark's with
price o reasonable that everybody can af
ford to buy. Call and see their splendid
line ot good lor the holiday.
TOO F. Albany Lodge No 4 hold itt
regular meeting Wednetday evening of
each week. Viititing brother are cordially
invited to attend.
ArrLB. A car load mt wormless - ap
ple just received at La Forett & Thomp
son's, finest in the market.
BiGOEtT Yet jo,ooo roll of wall pa-
er, latest varieties, finest decorations just
exteif u letmiller & Irving'
Saiok tbe eelabsratwd Havana filled ci
gar, manQfftotQred at Jailu Joseph 0 cigar
factory. Only S os.1t.
Till OUKQ4M PAOlt'IO B0031INB.
A Trip tu the Front.
About twenty-ve gentlemen of Albany,
at the Invitation of Vice-President Hoag,
went to tha front In a special car 8nn
day to take a look at the work now belrg
done on the O. P, extension. The Inevlt
able Dbmouaat reporter wat along.and he
deems it hit duty to relate to tha public
what he saw. Tha train pulled out of the
depot at 8 o'clock a. tn. and went speeding
across the unturpatsingly magnlfloent
Albany prairie. New retldencei and out
building, well as repaired fencet,mark
ed tha march ot Improvement In the rural
districts. But her It Knox Butte.and be
fore we have time to make a nate the train
rattles over the substantial Iron bridge on
the Sanllam, and In a few minute we
reach Munkers. This station is about
thret miles from Sclo.frem which place to
the latter tha pluck and energy of tha cl
tlsens of Sclo have determined to build a
motor line. We have only space to say
may they soon tueceed. But we are
whirling along and pass the junction of the
Narrow Gauge and so n to Datst.a mere
"siding ' at preseut.and on to Klngt.where
we are told a new town Is laid out. With
out stopping we speed on to Lyons, a
sp.lghtly, flour itlilng railroad town. After
short stop we dath on up to the prosper
ous town of Mill City, where a stoppage It
made to enable the party to take view of
the fine lumber mitt of the 8antlam ,um
ker Company, with Its magnlflaent water
pjwer. Here we .mist stop to say that
a,ulte a number ot the parly had never
been on the road from Albany to the
iront.and they all expreaaed their surprise
and delight at the excellent running con
dition of the road, as well as tha superior
substantiality of It construction. The
running la as smooth and free from jars
as roads ordinarily are that have been la
use sis or eight years, out we past on
ap the North Santlam and in a few min
utes reach Uates, another new town that
has sprung up on the road. All along we
see more or less evidence of thrift. The
settler mostly raise slock, and especially at
Gates does the hog Industry seem to be
thriving. But again we whirl along up
the river through lmrre..e forests of fine
fir and cedar that are destined In the near
future to be scenes ot busy life In the
manufacture of lumber which Albany and
other markets wilt Imperiously demand
from this time on. But here we are at
Breltenbush, a stream nearly a large aa
the Santlam at their junction, but we push
on and finally reach the vhjC ot the track
sixty mls from the n City of the
Willamette Albany. rrom this point it
Is thirty-five miles to the summit of the
Cacade Mountain. The first seven mile
ot this thirty-five Is graded and ready for
the rails, and they are being rapl.llv laid.
The next sis mile need some dreatlng
up when it wilt be ready for the rail. Five
miles are graded at the summit, leaving
but seven miles more of grading to reach
the summit. The work Is being pushed
as rapidly aa postible.about 700 to 000 men
being employ ei and it the weather does
not prevent before the idee of March the
whittle of an O. P. engine will be heard
at tha summit of the lorldy Cascades.
After partaking ot a substantial meal at
the table of the track layers, "all aboard
for Albany" from the gentlemanly and
genltl conductor, Mr Headrkk, and at (
'clock we arrived at Albany. All the
gentlemen were highly pleated with the
very permanent character ol the road work
and the very promising prospect that the
wora wiit te vigorously puttied forward
io completion. . -
Mlvra Away,
For the benefit of our customer wa will
give away on Jan itt, the following :
I Dinner act, uo pieces,
t Tea tet, 44 pieces, 17.50.
3 Tea seta, each 44 pieces, S 18.
These goods are of the best English
are and a credit to any table. Give us a
all and Crt cot only the beat bargains in
pure tVesh groceries but secure a chance
at one or more of thcte elegant sets of
LaPoatsT &TioMreox,
Th Flack To Oar Th. For bar
gain In shoe goto A tl Me I wain.
sell A J Johnson' French kid shoe, (aa
good a made) at $3. 50, Curacoa kid shoe
(same brand) $J.$o, Grain leather, and
other brands that defy competition. Also
large stock of men boot X shese
hied will be sold at prices never known
Comino. More new Christmas goods
atF M French's, the corner jewelry store,
Ast ja. Lots In the North addition
to Astoria. Price 5J each on the la
slallment plan or a discount for cash
These lot are selling ripldly In Portland
and other cities. I am authorised to sell
bula few blacks and It will pay vou te
all early and get your chelce. -E C Beard
tie Real K.tate Agent Broadalbin St Al
Ufa and Downs, Some of tha princi
pal ups and downa In business Ufa la to
keep quality up and price down. Thl is
being done very successfully at LaForest
Sc Thorn pson's.and those dinner act to be
distributed among our customer Ian. I
I creating no little Interest as well a our
NaxT.-New and bett place la town la
Gllson's new baiber shop In th Froman
Block, next door to Fortm!ller& Irvine'.
Best barber In town. .
Cont act Awarded. New comet to
day by telegram from Seattle, th date of
Washington, that a contract for th build
ing of so miles of the Union Pacific Rail
road was on the 10th Inst, awarded to the
contracting firm of Antonelle St Doe. Thla
firm of contractor I one of the most re
liable In the United States. They have
retentive contract in many of the atate
and are now engaged tn building tne sea
walla at San Francisco and also the mag
nificent city hall. In four or five days
they will finish their contract en the O P
R R. These men deserye to succeed and
no doubt they they are honett and
straignuorward in all their dealings.
To Ihe t.adi of Albaxy. To all
who with to take Instruction in tcltntlf
Ic dret cutting, w with to tay that "we
shall remain In Albmy until Monday Dec
15th, we cut tett linings free alto glxe in
structtan free, for system with complete
course $5. satisfaction guaranteed or no
charges, we challenge the world to pro
duce a better method. Call and ace u at
our cutting room at the millinery room
01 MUs Ida xi urtisn.
, The Ladies Tailor.
New crtara ebeete jut!ieivd at Conrad
Meyer. .-.
An elesant line ot new design of hairs
nt rceeiyed at FortmiHer ft Irving a.
NEWMAN. On Monday evening, Dec
9th, 1889, at hit home in Millers, Mr Hen
ry Newman, aged 67 years, Mr Newman
war an old and hizhly respected resident
of this county and leaves a large-family
and many mends to mourn hit lost.
POWER. On Thursday, Dec jth,ittS9
to the wife of Leon Power, at Hahey,
son. Mother and son doing well.
51 ah n-.
EJ$. Democrat:
Thinking that tew Item from the
Grange field might help Interest soma of
your many readers, I will jot down wha
wat done at Charity Grange on the 4th of
December, the Twenty Second Annlvcr
sary of the Order. On the 3rd 1 boarded
tha south bound train at Albany and In
due time arrived at HaUey where I was
met by Bro F M Klaer and taken to his
place where I wat kindly entertained for
the night by himself and faintly. On the
morning ot the 4th Bro KUcrand hit sons
harnetted two teams to at many wagon
and loaded up the members of tha family
omitting of ten grangert ,and; atarted to
tha Halt. Arriving at the grange hall I
wat surprised to see a targe dining hat
bullion the grange hall 18x3a feet. On
Saturday tha lumber was at the saw in1!!
at Coburg, and on Tue-day tha dining hal' i
was completed sufltclent for tha grange to
have the tables set, and, at the proper time,
tl, mIbI-,. lit flrrantya haJ I n luia
. .. ...I.I. .1.- J -LI I
laoies leaueo ouwn vmm gooo imngs
of the land. At the appointed hour th,
house was called to orer by tha worthy
Master, F M Kluer, and soma very eaceU
lent music rendered by Charity's well drill-
ed choir under the leadership of Bro J D 1
Wlgle, who deservea great credit for tba
Interest ho has taken In behalt o! tha
young member 01 that grange. The
committee on program Offered aver; well
oidcred one. The crowd was simply Ira-
mense, consisting ot the members of char
Ity and other granges, beside a great
manyouttldera. In all ol my grange ea-
perlenea I have never Ulked to a more In-
terested audience. Very many of the out-
aiders eapretsed themselves mora than
woffi hx.Tsr.tih:7.r7.
mean to Uk. an. ggr....v stand In th.l,
own behalf. The history of tbe order waa
taken up and Illustrated tn a way that
m...n!.n ...! ... 'm- 1
have this to say to the patrona. t If you want
to Increase your membership. apHnt In-
formal meeting like that of Charity on the
41 h and a few of the old standard bearers
to come out and give the people a talk and
tell the outside a few things that they have
not heard and dltabutejihelr mlnde of a goad
many erroneous Ideas that have crept In.
l nen you win begin to move forward in a I
way that will astonish even tha patrons
themselves. One disappointment ot the
meeting wai the nonappearance ot Bro
Klrkuatrlckot Lebanon who was not
ebl to be present on account of his health.
Charity grange Is located about 7 miles
west 01 Brownsville on the county road
running to Marrlsburg. This is one of the
bet working granges in ihe state. Ha a-
bout 75 members with a ptospect of about
5 or ao more soon, I he memoertnijj 1
made up ot Ihe bestcltlacnthlp In tbe vl
A CaAfcOtn.
The W. M. S. of this placa gave a
Thanksgiving social on the evening of the
L t L t - t .W. I I
4W" uu mi (iciciki 01 inn evening 1
consisting 01 songs, recitations ana snort
speeches. The addres of welcome to ihe
emlgranta who have located In our midst
was delivered by Mr K A uamioro, ana
wa responded to bv I C Brown, of MU
ourt, and J B Porter, ot Clay ceunty.Kan-
as. Recitation were given bv Mr K A
I lam ford and Mr L S Acheaon. Rev It
Gould, otShedd, rctpomUd to Ihe 1 01,
The Duty cf Pastore f Mr M Acheton
to the toast, "The Duty ot Eldera " Th
last but not least of ihe exercise of the
evening was a bountiful lunch. The church
wa crowded and every une seemed well
On the evening of the 3oih the Liierary
and Reform Society held the.r regular
meeting. , The question, Resotyed that
the Republican party tuts done mora tor
Prohibition than the Democratic party,
wat discussed- W It Crwfrd,A Y Smith
and Herman Holstlen upheld the aftirma-
tlve.and R A Ham lord me negative. Ihe
judge decided In fayor of the nega'.lve,
The Y P S of C E gave social at the
home of Rev A M Acheton on the even- j
Ing of the fcth. Th- member of th so
ciety were not alt Utere, but those present
enjoyed themselves, pulling taffy and eat
ing pop corn.
Mrs II M Stone I quite ill rt her home
near here.
Mestr Mlllliollen, Stockton, Acheton
and Htone are planting laige prune or
chards. By tho way what doe Amlcua mean t
Our teacher v It mean one who haa
loved. Doe It t
Little Rosa Bod. .
IIolioay ANMOuKcaataNr-From now
until Jan. 1, 1 will aelt ray $4.30 Ladle
Cursooa kid shoe all brand at $3.00 pr
pair. I will also make a 10 per cent dis
count on all my slipper tor men, women
and children Including felt slippers and
feet warmers. My Curaooa kid shoe, are
first grade and of the best make, marked
In plain figure and will be said a repre
sented and guaranteed. These good art
not marked for tha occasion, but are a
genuine reduction tale. A bey aan buy aa
cheap as a ma a.
Samubl E Yovno.
At Cost. Until after the Christmas
holiday any stack ot aalllinery good will
be told for spot cash and at cost, aa 1 do
not wish to and will not pack them.and if
you want bargain don't fait to call and
examine my good.
MR AtiaiE s VAvia.
Call at Conn. When buying some -
thing for a Christmas present do not for-
eet to call at Conn Bros, who have a nice
1 tock of eood rontlttlne of many desira
ble thing for presents, sucu s dolls,
uggles, etc.
' etar Vaaa,aaaaBaBaMartaBsjHaaaaWBaMiaHBM
Dailt DaatacRAT frfsal evening at W
Abesatifol line of Christmsa otUt
Ooiss & Son. Call and is thm.
A Vbroict That the grand dltplay of
neat, ornamental baskets, each containing
one pound of choicest' tea, at LaForest &
Thompson's, Is the finest Importation ever
orought to Albany. Thla tea I basket
8red. nure and of rich flavor. 'Ve offer It
at the aslonishly low price of 40c
We have iott opened a fine assortment ot
silk bandkirchief for holiday trad.
Babbow & Sbarls.
What tvary on tsvt matt be tree, and
that ia, Frsncb kaa tb fint display of
Chrittinaa good in th city.
Bano. One of the finest lot ot gun
and revolver ever received in Albany
at now in stock at Stewart St Sox'. Hun
ter should call and tee tnm and get
prlcei before buying.
Whoat 0j.
Bcrfter per id,
Pega Mt .
FUy ,00,
Poimtoas 7S eta per buahol'
Bocf on foot, t4f
Ajiplea 7 cant per bit,
Poric 6Jo per IK urosacii.
Bacenahauia laXc
ahouldera, 80.
- aides. too.
ird 9a per lb.
nour,-4.lo p-r hbl.
Ohlokena 8.00 per dor.,
til U Feed bran, 14.00 per ton
aborts, 18.
mlddllrura, 20.
Chora, 80. -
j J N Dauesn week to Engine to-day on le
gal basinets.
Mr Arskle Menteilh. of Portland is la the
Mr Ueo Diokson left Saturday fur the
Kst oa a shoit trip, -- "
fT.eisr, the Pertltbd hor l.ujur, is in
the eity hating hottet.
ThreaHramps were inovu-r.t. il In tbe call-
beote last evenings a ruin it ur.iw.i.
Mra At Chureh. of PuriUnd. it In he eity
the gnest (if ber pstentt M." and XJra Jo
People who ipeak abeut reul ettat being
nrm la Albsny aa nit remr t m muu on
First atreet,
While In hiakaru Saterdsy evening Mr
W F llaadrloson w ni(rtettie iu having
a bale of bay fall oa him from a loft, knoek-
Ing him laseostble. and Injuring mm aemei
but not seriously.
The new eitv offieeftSat H sissy are II D
Oedlav. Mavon W J Sfswart. Ileoolder, M
V Kosnts. Treaaoreri II J MeNeary, Mar-
ahah F Frlskty. P Lane. 1 1 Oarter, J Bone.
A Lambnerand John Standlish Ceaoeilmea.
. . ... .... .l. n
Friu bv tha Duloa far Ninnta etna.
There are threr barber shops In Prinev ills
Ti- trM of 3:1,1. th mBfd,.,.
eras began la Pertland te day.
Mra Wllaou rtesolly.of Crook C. onty, le
tb u" Mr u w
C"di ,, .
Rati! tha flakvllhi aorvMiiObdanaa. Aa
of , utl. debate there oa a fuany
qnestion is fall of meat.
Mra Davit, wife of Di Vf It Davl of thla
eity is aeite ill. tier motbar Mra Dr Hen
dree ef llairitlora earn down yesterday.
A tbe last moling of the FendUton
Boildiag and Use As-ooiattnn tbe loan waa
n,.. ri ,!, ll(.rHt In a.!anu.
lU tbe way live cities do.
m - j - s i dtz
. . .
. 1B7 . . 'VX . I V,
Stewart received 49 yntea for Chtef Enaio-
Ttf Oyjrmaa 60 for AssUUat Chief,
ooot a third of a ete being east.
Mrs M A Barkbatt, tkree son, dseghter
aad Mr Gee 9 Hoy or, wife and eon. Usee
so-mgnt iur ooamsm vsniuroi wacra tney
"I11 Pi the winter, sojourning at differ
Depety Sheriff Smith returned last even-
ing from 8010 with l,vt Buebner, whom ba
had arrested for Uroany by bailee, oa eem
plaint of J tl Hyatt, ia disposing of tear
bead of eattl held oa share. Buobaer ia
the Frank Taylor triad hate a few year
for L!gy, He will tie tttmioed bwfor
Jattice Humphrey to morrow,
Julio ConiU and Ckrley Elklna left by
private owv.y . fr Th Dalle W dees-
day owning. Mr C nrm to Portland
to stUbil the sheriffs coovnlion whlb
mots nasi Mi.uiljy, while Mr K kin In
tads Visiting friend at Albany whr be
wit rvntaitt about three wk. Oehueo
Tba fountain cl parpetaki youth was one
of tbe dressn of tbtiquitr. It baa ba
well nigh rhad io Ayet'a Sarpsrilta,
which purifis the biood, give vitality to
alt tha badllt function, and thaa raatora
to ace much f tbe vigor and frsshota of
"1 as Ayer'a Cterry Pectoral freely ia
my prsetie! and raeeommead it ia asset of
Wbcpitif Uoara among eaiidrw, nsyioe
Inuod it more vartaia U ear tbst trooble-
did riisfss ibaa any ;br medieiao I
know of So sv Dr Bwtlett, of Coo-
cord, Man.
tint Si Son
For Christina good. :
Xotts ctrtlj st (Joias it Sunt,
ilk asafHar at Barrow & Baarts.
Qtiinee 75 ssnts par basbI it 01 Brow
Halt Blyth to-oiht toil to-morrow
It is a treat to tb boliday goods at
Gut fo.
Hat year prasoripUoot filled at tb City
Drag stvro.
Perfuntary In bsndsom esse at Gels &
80ns fr Christmas.
If jag want pare, Irean d-nt patreaia
Ibe new tur
Mist Alios Stoil of Kjgu City is v
tting (riauds ia IIjU city.
Everybody should evm to tbe City Drag
Store for boliday gods. .
Bator purchasing holiday goods be ar
to tb display at Gais A Son.
Call at F If French th center Jswelry
store and sac bis display of fin tilverwar
vo if yon have to idva nf hayipg.
Tb iliM.lay f holiday g-o la in th j r
tlry (io at Will St otaik'a i an Bryad
Tb Portland J wr.ial baa coll .p-aii. It
wa a my-triio thaot aiywaj, Ihnuh a
Itv one.
H II Hawitt is horn fr m Plk onanty,
wbsr Circa t Cuurt wa i si..ii last
Yoa will b surpriard to ae b-iw chsap
yea can hmf ldiaal coots gold wttvba
t F M Fraoebs,
Dr Oibsun, ( Sua Franaiao , at th VT C
TU 1111 Friday uiht, -O 1 th Wing."
Admiio, 23 cent,
Mr Frank Pardotn ba parobiaotl a Co
two bor dray and Warn and atartad aa in
dependent lire of hi owo.
Mr Frank Wood jr . ha handad tb Dent'
eetat a baneb of fia looking red rs berries.
Uow la that tor tb 11th da ot Voesbr
Naw Sabseribara to tb ToutA Companion
for 1890 will rniv tb paper fro the r.
maindtrof this jrr. Price 1.75. F. L.
Katon, agsnt.
IIsv yoor presoriptioDS tilled at tha naw
drojf store. Our new drngglst mskss a
speciality of prescription work. Accuracy
and naritv caarantaed.
1 St.bMriBti06a fot all th leadinenewe
paper and masaain reoeive by FL Rn
ton, near tho Postoflle. All order for-
wardd without delay.
to Paisley k Fith foe tour lob print
lag, Thsy do any snd all kindsof work fa
tb patliabing and job prit.tiog line. Quick
work and lew price.
Ladle shoe, men shoaa, mates hoe
ohildtwus sboas. mens boot, boy boot, it
lass than 00 tt to mak room for other good
at C K Hrnwuali's
Stvp and eonsidsr the fast Ikst th steak
ef wateh. icwslrv. silver wsrs.aold bead
ed esnss, ato ,t V ill Si Stark' is a splsn-
dut on to siot a Ubriatma piatant from
Aa exohauge eume to nt with a pott t go
tump nn it and with a list of nsme of new
sabsonber. a very ksokswood style ot
tninga and entirtly cat t place in tbia era
of progress.
Dr Gibtr, pastor of tb Fiitt Uuitsd
Prsbytrln churth of San FranuUoo, r
rived in tb eity this moraios and will lee
tor st tb W C T U Hall Friday evening.
From here be will go to Portland, wbeta he
will iectare satarday vaing.
Mr Co U Will wnl te Salem yesterday
to make arrangement tor loeattng tbere,
we nnlerstand in th moiioal inttrnntent
aad wing maebina .basin. W eom-
mond him to tbe dttevsd good will of oar
sister otty.
Th natter of th apDlioation of Lena Do-
brnill for th protection of Barbara Hnbbaid
will b said bafor Jadg Blaoltburn to
morrow morning, iscrinoiiia st 9 o'clock,
probably in tb Circuit Court room, owing
to tbe large number who will be pretest
bear tba testimony.
Kwearpt in tb latest oolors and
sions. oils oiotta. itnoiium ana winaow
shad just roiv(l at A B Mollwaia'a. Letter List.
r&rties wisDlns cocas in to nous rurnisa
ng lin will do wall to oall, aa be baa.made FoUawlaf Is th list at lattw raMaiaini la th
aootbar iweeptng reduction and will
yoa at leatt tan per ont en all that gecda. j parsaot eaUinc lor thtst lattam neat aiv tha data
TThen Baby was tick, w guvs hor 8asta,
Whea ah waa a Child, ah cried tor Caaterla,
Whan sh beeam Mlas, ba ehing to Oaataria,
Wn sh bs4 ClUlOran, she gave them Castor!,
Fine line of Guns and
- . , . pared to fill all ordera for oak.ash.mapla
rOOd StOC& Of AmmUnll" a.jd at wood. Orders left at the office of
" , , allaoe dt Cusick will be piouiptly st
tioa at ueyoe ana k.od
sons spscia? bargains
CQWcih rauctieiNGS.
Pretent Marshal, Recorder and Coun
cilman Gradwohl, Parker, lurkhart,Ta!
lr, Deyoe and French. In absence of
Mayer CO Burkhart wat appointed Mayor
pro tern.
The following bill were allowed 1 I F
Hadley, Eicctrtc Light Co, $180 50;
Judge and Clerk of city and firemeu's
lection, $33.oo; ) N J Henlun $3 00 j J
Whltctldet, $33.91 i J L Cowan, $3 mo
Phillip & Rlchard,t7 50 Miller k Hart,
$3.00 j i N Hoffman, Sil 1 N J HenUm,
$13 5 1 Huston le Anderson, $33.40 S S
Underwood, ft.oo ) Cost
A foot bridge wa recommended aero
ditch on Broadalbin street.west tide at 8th
street. Adopted.
Committee reported favorably on side
walk ordinance 19S. Adopted. Passed
Committee on ordinance reported
favorably on ord, soo providing for the
erection of telegraph poles,after amending
by making It accessary to paint the pole.
Adopted. Passed unanimously.
Further time wa granted committee on
application of A O U W for land for cem
etery. Thecommlttecon fire and water report
ed on fire limit ordinance 1 o,wltt amend-
menls curtailing limits. Adopted, after
vote to reject report. Passed a amended.
Aye.Burkkart .Parker, Tabler.French and
Deyoe. Gradwohl excused from voting.
Matter of a cross walk across Main street
on 3rd street, wa referred.
Tha Recorder read report of canvassing
board on city election, with majorities the
same a heretofore lve. Adopted and
ordered filed.
Tablar Introduced the following Re.
solved that hereafter all street.bridge aad
sidewalk Improvements be placed on the
established grade. Passed unanimously.
rerry ttreet.betwcen 3rd and 4th street,
waa ordered traveled where It had tunk
from building sewer.
Rack for draining hose of Linn Engine
Co No 1 wa ordered. not to exceed $10 In
cott, to bo under the supervision of Chief
engineer and Foreman ot the company.
Ax Abtibtic Era Thl seems tote
an artistic era, and In no field 1 there a
finer tattc displayed than In the manufac-
ure of pretent for the holiday trade. Wc
wonder at the tkltt ued In tbe Invention
of many of the thing teen at Foshay Sc
Mason' purchased for Christinas giving.
Not alone Christmas cards, In many and
varied styles, in beautifully blended color
and Ingeniu designs ; but as well their
albums, perfume. y catcs, toilet sets, dres
sing cict, etctttow the same refined kill
In construction and rmbetiUhment. An
examination of For hay St Mason's' Itolldur
slock is an art exhibition of itself. tut it
Is not a diopiay of the ornamental alone by
any means. Many useful article are
aone the less valuable because attractive
to the eye but the more should be ouaht.
A wve ot the oesutiiui even in articles ot
utility show a higher civilisation and no
where are the people of the world more
generous 01 their appreciation of nice
thing than in Albany and Linn county.
Already trie sale ot nciiaay good at r
shay 6t Maaon'a la very large and th tide
la increasing that way. The people know
a gwoa thing.
TatE JtMLER Comixo Under the
auspice of ?be ladle of the Relief Corps
the Jingler will glv a musical concert at
the Opera Ilousa oa Thursday evening,
De: 19th. Thla promise to be tha music
al event of the aaon, wherein plantation
melodies, slo ducts, quartet and full
chorua jingle and conspsire to amuse the
Lvi Bachnar, arras led for larceny from
bailee, was eitn-inod bctor J attic Ham
pbrsy Wtdady afUrneoa aad(hld andsr
500 bood to await tb astioo of tb grand
Xma Comimo. That season of the
year ha come when Christmas presnt
are In order.and we advise o-ir reader by
all mn to give ; but not to give before
caning at uutss Hons, wnere mere it a
nice display of joods of a large variety to
select fr:n.
f. Id. Fraoeh kp railroad tinw.
IS cet sbavtng at f .jack's.
8 Uektta for tl at Viarsek'i .
Vit aad t-ou at cost at Bsad'.
Saratng ahip at C E Brawnell'a.
J. P. Wallaoa, Thyaician and 8arKoo, Al
bany, Or
For si! , eh asp, ood bsnd organ, Mra
flay yrnir tioksU through U tb East of
W I, otr aod v far to Portland.
A fine line of all kinda ot furoitar. - plain
and aubolatarad, ba stock ia tbia prt of
Oregon at Furtmiller Jt Irviog's.
S L irshi'Wl, tot Singer Manafaetar
inc Co., oppoit Odd Follows Tempi, Al
Aa elceant una of aux table anratd. in
Watifnl design, jatt teoeived at FortmiUw
X eena Qoldan Star tomato for SO out
atCMyr, and alt othrJ canned goods
enaap loroaan,
Jdat roiyd nw table linan at W. T
I W Starr, nhyhician andnrson. Albany
Good eookios stov only S10 at Hop.! at A
I chair running steady at Viereek'a shav-
Bast roast eoffee in tha city at Conrad
Ost your school book and tablate at
Ooia it 8oo'a.
Kirks Savon Imperial soar 1100 a ox at
3 JSBrowneir
Try th Old North Sttt smoking tobsoco
for a delicious smok. - '
Sixty doan window shade justraeeiv.d
at rortmuUr Irving .
SpacUolaa and y staaaea eaaaper than
evaraf F M Frtoch't.
1 VV Bantley. bt boot aod sho maker in
oiry, oppoalt Foftmiller Si lr ing .
Alaraaand fine lin of wirdowsl sd
Just ractivad st for t miller k Irving'.
we have th best SI SO kid glov vr
brought to AlUoy at W Fjaead .
.Veadlng l'hotogrnphers Albany Oregon.
We hav bought all tb negative made by
L W Clark and W H Greenwood up to Nt
15tb, 1889. DunlioaUe can b bad from
tbtm only of n at redaoad rat. W hsy
also about 13.000 negative mad by our
selves, from which duplicates can ba bad
Ilka rates. Wa earrv tb ouiv lull lin
viawa cf thia a tat a and do enlarged work
to I lowsst rat for first olas work. Wa shall
I pleased to see yoo st our Start 10 io Dromaa
da I block, next door to Maaaoio irmpi
save I omo. Albaav, Una eounty, Oracoa, Das. eta,
whloh thar wars advartlsaa !
rkii.rdUr. Clinton. HJ'
Oas.J. Davis, Mrs Civil.
bayla, 0 A. lArlmer, A U
nnrood ThemDWB- Kaa, Wnd.
BMwart, Hits M&Uia. Maaaa, Oiasappt,
Mlhelle, Jana . norrei, n.
'ANTED. A girl to do light boue
work. Call un A Moeseenger.
Fortoalller & Irving'.
IT derslened having purchased
wood yard and wood of T W tfpnn
sire 10 imoria ua puoiio tiiat no m
dJd to,
Fred W, Blximbkeo.
I am now bet'er pretrel than I havi
ever bn to milt my mmtimrra In tha
ahoa line, 1 Lava just rwolved large
Invoice of the colebr slid Jalid H-fubrr
t Mitchell fino rrrra .'r ladlea. la 110 mat ufacturt r who c!aima
anylblnirUttortban tbete ftho. I J
tend 10 keep a full ahorimnt of them in
all price, wldtb-t from A to EE and cas
oHiha most raalldloua In lit and price,
I !. rerlyd another Invoice of tho
pop liar shoe E P P.wxl In Waokeaphaat
t nC Patent leather tip, Tbesesboe r
woi known In Albany aa a first cleat nJca)
ty . shoe. O'ttera from the oi untry fill
4 tlb ear ami atr faction guarmd
amvzi. E Youao.
loti t the t'tiLli'u ( iuaject
Which are noearpatted in tb Valley in ll eii line, and eocaist cf
A Nice display of Gold and Silver
Watches, Gold Headed Canes;
Gold Headed Silk Umbrel
las, Gold and. Fountain
Pens; Diamond Rings,
And an endless variety of Jeweliy, Coin Silver ware,
and genuine Rogers Bros Plated ware only, Clocks,
Spectacles, etc., etc.
Johnny will have to get his gun supplied with
telescope sights and do some tall shooting 'ere he
strikes a better , stove for solid comfort than the Jew
el. This stove is a real beauty and is constructed
on the latest improved principles. Sold only by
f g g LEADER.
"Superio "Garland"
Fire backs.
Warran ted
15 years. All
sizes an
Roofing, Job Work, "Fiambing.
Eavo Trough. Range Boilers
Conductor Pumps.
the fact tbat am offering better bnrgait.8 than any one eke in Albany
Bought at bat irupl aalea I can nnll
First-Class Goods:
or Wlow COST,
General merchandise ot all kinda
of h .
Th antlarignd having pBrhAel '
old Ilarman Ksstsaraot stand ttss r,-.
oodsr tbn bv na n a first-a''s r
ant. We are prepared te furcish n m
for parties or danoas on taart et:s. .
tra served ia every sty), eastsrn or ae. -sll
kinds of flh know a in th mrK:
Employ only firs-cla rp, aad witu .
will ba proapt and eoartssat. Ilrni.r
mal23 ts, Csffeaof firtt-aiat ji:sir
sod a eup of nT and eak at from to 1
ot. I m wall known ia this ity tsd re
quest tb eitiiaiit t giv at a call.
sUM QOE1S, Prriwr.
Stockholder's Meeting,
Notic is hrty given that tber will ba
a mMting of th Stockholder ot tb Linn
County Agritultortl Assacistion bald at tha
Court Uoaain Albany, Oregon, oa Tbart
day, th2od day of January 1199, for tho
pbrpo of bearing teport of cfSsars ar.d
also for tb parpos f electing seyeo direo
tor to sei v for said asoition th snniitit:
yesraiidfor tb trasaetia of any otnrr
bosioMia tbat may com betor d meeting.
Dated tbia 30tb day ! v., 18S J,
btckbo!der. ';
f'R BEJCT. Two fnrn lnhedooam to
1 let. Inquir at lilt ofiice.
IIO Bear. A amall tionna and larn
. Inqnlr of R M Carter, eor 4th and
lailioa1 St.
bis new id large stock of
Matthews &. Washburn, I
Tho World's
b8st. Mors
than htm-;
dred 7 nun- ;
dred differ-!
ont sty lea i
o ok s and I
oall on me.
Particular bargains in a cam,
fsilllyii. k.
rv Rrraru'ements.