The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 13, 1889, Image 1

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    C2 I I A5YAXCE ; S2 53 AT END
la tha best
Adverllsinp rafdiuii
In tho Ontral
WUlnmelts Vaitey.
In d every Friday by
1. 1
Ilarpor's Weekly.
IllUh'l WlttLT kttt H,,'lhll eke
tk iMdiaf Illtt-AretW r lo A . Tk
NI-tiM at IhiaAitiirtel mwatl iiTel paltUaa
ka ra, l It tki iMjmi 4 - l fl
lmrlUl rttUtt, ud tk ! serf .Ce l
It IlkMviy mimu, vkl.k taoluil anlat xl wrl
eirl W tha bo Ml nl poa-Uar WvlMn, Si It f
tk -rul ef panpl lth la.ll raae at W.IM
aa pareulia, Tk Waeaav. ep'it o( r
aaarkabl variety, Ulareet, at value. Kpai
la are t knag tkeklfkwta.-der ol arsieii aBtUtv
to Iwr ajwio ik Ulueftla ( Ik ckf'ul ihe
ol bom hJ tarelfa kt!r. A Mrtluan reaiauoe,
tnm ik ran l ThaiM A Ju!, will rw In Mi
WastLT la 10 .
Per VMr t
tt A t PEB , WEEKLY tsO.
IllUfkHK kUviSMNE..... UK
II a a pk h i rural .. 4uo
Ham-ait tor-o rcot'LK. tcu
Foal Ira la all luhtorib! la Ilia l'n!u! Rial,
Canada, r link,
Th Valumaa aftk Wtuit katn alth tb t.-t
Numker tar Jaaaarjr fk yar. Wkra ti Mu.
la Hallonaa', ukwrltte a 111 blii witk tb
Natnkar turrsut at kirn at racll( artier.
8 uaj Viuma ol llaaraae Wssmv dvr IW
tn nmt elolb blnlu.lli W Mill bj atail
peat by ipra, re at eiia, (prTuld
th tni(ht die net tl on Jilter par lotu-ni.tfi
9T.00 par voluin.
Cloth tnroaeh velume, u llU tor Mmli,,
will ba nl ky mail,puet-ilil. iarltot Heath.
ReoiiUan ihou! ba maJe by I'atieBlo Msuay
Order ar Draft, to aall'hn ol I.
Hawapapara ara awt In J thta adetiMaaal
wiikoal thaaxpraaa erder at IlAataa 4 Rsjntaaa.
AdOeaa : 1'Al 1 1 A ! 1 I 1 J r. . .1
!tMt H'cok or 2ml ptrumU n th Vl
ef, tu l ibe m v4 rea."nai prlo, both
in buying rnl Milln I bva on band
II of
CLQCXS, C330i(fRY,
0 J., trwt'ofli E 'Vouna'a o' J atom
li3 First ttmet. Albany, Or,
2nd 'uj Store.
Golden Rule Bazaar.
Ilia Mok bM bv alarpil m lhl It mny mt lb CW4, AD J otrntsUor
Roger Bros. SilYerTrare, P Ouint and Crys
talware, Boya' Wtvgo , arriagef ,
Fancy Goods, and a, . -eral
assortment of Orockiey
and Toys.
BabuyadlraxttamloarrlaalhalarfaM avaokla tba Willatns'.U Valley, to whirl
haa bean added a oompiat, Una of
'a iganl for loaarauaa aornpaolaa with a eapital ajrgtlug f75.O00,0C.
"lot on pari Fraoaala. Hler wird deutch gespjrocban.
The Leading Druggist,
BIltIeFlna Toilet Artiola n IVrf tmery an l Maill Iostra tienti
Prescriptions Carefully empounded day anl nlbt.
, Oar sleganl Una f
HatT arrired aod wo e irdUlly iavl.o
Goods aod prices.
Mitchell & Lewis Co.,
Agricultural Impicnicnts
and Vehicles
ALG&TIY, - - - - OR
Too want tha best and moat durabla farnturetUst Is manufactured In tbajoily g
Thomas Brink.
Manufactured by Julius Joseph,
:.:?onTED ai:d key uest gigaoc
'v I'tiir F;nf-tsWiitt-i, Mi
uu Buriacu nor rupiu io Btrcngtlioa
tbott mlndi tho u, ot Ayor'a BjU
ftprilU,' ppreclfttod tli truth that
botllly bealtb la casontiat to mcutal
vigor. For penona o( dcltcnta and fo.Ua
conaUtuUon, rbothcr young or old, tlila
taodlclno ia romtirkiibly bMsotlclal. I)
" js.vry pprlnj nnd full I taltfl num
ber of bottlr ot Aycr'ii 8nraHiriiU, ami
ra prcatly bcnptlU'd." Mra, Jamca II.
KtMtiuau, SloiiL-hmu, Masa. .
"I liavo ukon Ajcr'a Sarfmpnrilla
ritii cront bnpt to my general iltb."
MisaXLIna 1 Crcrar, Ilmyra. Wd.
" My dancbter. twclvo ycara ot nee,
Laa aulTcrud lor tbo raat yoar from
A tew wroVi aln, w, bpnn to sir
bor Ayer'a Saroaimrilla. I lr htialtlinna
poatly improved." Rfra. Harrivt II., Bouttt UboUnaturU, Alaaa. ;
"Aiioiitayearaolbpfran nnlnffArfr'a
Barsaparilltt aa a rruuHly lor duliillty
ud nouralKlai reaulUujrtront malarial
jxnoauro in the army. I waa in a very
bad rondititm, but alx bottles of the 8r-'
annariMa, with orcaalonal doaea of Ayer'a
1'illa, bavo preaily improvctl my health.'
I am now el.lo to work, and fool that I
cannot aay too uiucu for your excellent
reinetiica.' F. . A. 1'lui.haia, South
Moluncua,Mo. . (
' "My dancblcr, sixteen yean old, Is
Jialnir Ayer'a BnraapajilU with good af
fect." Iter. 8. J. tSraliain, I'nltod
brethren Church, ltuckhauuon.'W. Va.
t "J. Buffered from 15t5:'vi'-;i.y',
Nervous ProstratIon,S
jrlth lama back and headache, and hare ;
bwu much benented by the uae o( Ayer'a
Barsnparilla. Ira now tw yeara of ace, I
and am aaiiAol that mr preaent health !
and prolong! life are due to the uae of
Ayer'a BrtrnaparUla." Lucy Mollltt.1
Killlugly, Couu. . .
Mra. Ann II. Famawortb. lady 79
yeara old. So. Woodatock, Vt., writes :
After aoTeral wnks' suffer!)! from
serroua proatraUon. I procured a bottlo
of Ayer a Saraoparilts, and lforo I
had tken half of it my usual health
rcturnod.' t
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowall, Mats.
rrloI; Ubott!aa,i. 'Worth a bouJa.
the publlo to call sad Inspect our
KZxfc?. MtGi,
- i'inclaum bd4 briar pipe, nnd
Novm. ADVKHTiaiNU. Coimlderabla
merriment ha been cauaed the pant two
dav at Tacoma by the novel method ol
advertlalns adotited by tha Humboldt
Ilouae.cornerof Foartacnth and A streets.
On Tuciday a man was hired to parade a
wheelbarrow with but one brick In It, all
t!ay, and bla behavior wm v outaldo the
ordinary that ho tooled even the polloa.
In the morning thU man took eight bricks
ana) left one at each street coiner from
Twelfth to Fourteenth street on Paclfle
avenue. Then with one brick In hi bar
row he turtcd on the round. The first
time ho din to a brick he itopped.detlb.
eraiely placed hit brick on the ground, re
placed it with the other, looked at hi
watch and moved on tha came a before at
the next corner the aperatlon wa repeat
ed. He refrained from anawering aay
question, ana kept on hi round in the
tame wav until he cam to the corner of
Fourteenth street when he quietly went
down to the Humboldt lluue,onterd the
bar, boujjht and paid for a drink, only to
repeat the same performance overag4ln.
lie was arretted lor be'.ng crasy but wat
released and the next day appeared tilth
hi wheelbarrow and a big Humboldt
House placard. The newpaperare talk
ing about the crazy procedure and.llke the
democrat, clvinir a hotel no'.oitctv It had
never heard of beforr.
A Kbnaway AcciDKNi,-Lnt Friday
Mr Faulkur wa coming to town when hi
team beaama frightened, tha bridle of on.
ol the hoite coining down, and ran away
Going through everat street they Anally
turned down Montgomery toward Flrat
Mr L VV Deyoe and two of hU son, who
were starting for school, were standing
on the north lde walk near a large wood
pile, Mr Deyoe grabbed one of the boy
end jumped Lack j the other, Rom, jumped
for th wood pile and the team headed fur
the same place, on, hone going on one
aide and the other on the other. The boy
was hit on the head. Inst how wa n
known, and knoubed down; but the blow
he lug a glancing one, he was not danger-
ousiy hurt, thou. h a piece o! his scalp a
oout three Inches in diameter was taken
nearly off. Dr Maston wa called and
ewed the scalp tocctner and th, boy I
doing wen.
On, Pshaw. Vhy,pha w.Sslein didn't
poll half a vote Monday, In on, ward
there wa but one candidate. ThU wa a
big ward and It I safe lo ar a third of
the voter did not go to the poll. In an
other wars! the vote wa HghLwhllc In the
other two the full vote did not represent
itself. Walt until Salem ha ure
enough election If you want to judge the
population by her voe.
Half a vote, eh i welt that I what we
allowed you ; but It I a poor.rattle boned,
tired city that claim 10.000 population
and car. only poll 46J vote for Council,
men.the mott Important office In the city,
and right after a fierce fight for a motor
line and a huge pull for voter to get out
and elect the right kind of men. Albany
1 not jealou of any city that can only
poll 461 vote In an Important city elec
tion ; but it I provoking to tee city
claim four or five thousand more popula
ttoa than it realty poaaesse. Now "do
come down."
Scratch 1x0. A canvass of the ticket
cast at the recent election show tho fol
lowing among other Interesting fact 1
There were 016 vote ct. Aid were re
publican ticket on the face of them, and
J67 democratic .showing a republican nia-
ority of 79. Mayor Cowan, whose ma
jority wa 120 wa scratched off 25 dem
ocratic tickets and Mr Lanedon off 13?
republican ticket. The following wa
the scratching on Recorder by ward :
First Humphrey 15, Henton 7. The rote
howed a republican majority ot 61. Sec
ondHumphrey 31, Henton 10. Henton
receiving 37 majority the vote showed a
republican majority of 15. Third Hum
phrey 17, Henton "11. Henton received
jc. vote and Humphrey na. This shows
a republican majority vf 3. The total for
the city wa 79.
Tmk Samb Man. J II Mahana la re
moving he frame work of bi paper mill
from Milton to the "new Walla Walla,"
which he ha foundered near that place.
Brother Mahana, al'hough a genius, la er
ratic, and has left an evidence of hi ec
ceaincity in r endlcton the skeleton ol a
machine hop enterprise which expired In
In embryo. Pendleton E O. This I the
man who wanted to itart a creamery In
Albany, and said we lhadn't enoueh cn-
terprUefors pack saddle, but we had
enough to keep away from skeletons.
Axxual Election.- At their regular
meeting ast Frjdar II L Co No 1 elect
ed the following officers for the ensuing
T J Overman, President. -
E G Beardsley, Rec Sec, .
H F Merril, Fin Sec.
E D Cuslck. Treasurer.
I R Wyatt, Foreman.
J D Gut, 1st Asst.
Percy Kelly, and Asst.
E E Parker, Tillerman, '
Jeffkrbon Election, At Jefferson
Monday the citizen ticket wa elected by
majoritle ranging from one to nearly 1
half dozen. The following were elected
M ayor, B N Longtworth : recorder, A W
Boweroxs marshal. S R Crilchlow: treas
urer, B Vaughn; councilmen, J W Lance,
wm miyeu, f m widen X Johnson, H
uarendrtck, U b Holt.
Seconb Txal Salem i to organize a
gain to build a railroad to Attorla, and
make just a big bnast a at the time of
the ether organization. The Democrat
hope this one will be a genuine steal tail
railroad and not a paper one. We need
several railroads to Astoria. The more
the better.
You're Mistaken. In cities wheie
there is plenty of money extortionate
rate ara not demanded, says the Salem
Statesman referring to our article on low
bidding in their B it L Association. That
show our contemporary' ignorance of
Building 3c Loan Associations Large and
live cities always bid high. Mo back
citiea bid low. ; Fact.
Stole a Watch. About noon yester
day John Horner wa arreted, on a war
rant worn by Don Begard, of Sclo, charg
co witn larceny irom person. Bogard ac
cued Horner with having stolen hi watch
on the nlcht before. Horner was nrr-f rl
at the depot by Marihal Rot and wa
waged in tne county jail. Statesman .
An Assignment, C H Spencer, do
ing a grocery store business at the corner
of FUst and Washington Streets, made an
assignment Judge Blackburn being
the An invoice of the stock is
being taken. The llabilltes, we are inform
ed will amount te absttt $400, and it it
thought the aset will amount to $3500.
More Rails. The teamer Farnlsn ar
rived at Yaquina Bay Wednesday loaded
down with steal rail for the Oregon Paci
fic extension. They will be taken rapidly
to the front for use during the winter and
spring. All indication point to continued
and incaeaslng railroad building hence-,
forth eastward.
Dr. M. II. Ellis, physietaa and
city ci
yltaDy, Orcgou, Calls rnada in
Thk Japanese Tea. Another lm
mens, houe greeted tne Japanese tea on
It second and closing evening. The
booth were welt patronised and the affair
terminated a grand kucc,both financially
and aoclally. Mr T L Wallace at the clot
of the evening auctioneered the unsolJ
article off. The total receipt were footed
up at s?.6.i, much laruer than wa ex
pected. The amount show that Albany
1 a live city and can appreciate a guoJ
thing. The program preiunted wa
choice one. UctUIr two ong by the
octet Mis Anna Houk wat beard In a
piano fete. She ha an accurate and cor
icct touch and put rontlderable lit Into
her p'aylng. Mi Tele Waggoner, of
Corvalili,gave a recitation, highly appre
ciated. She ha a fine voice, a good pre
ence and la full of expression. At the
recent medal contest In Corvalll Mis
Waggoner won the first prise and I con
tldcred Corvalll' moat popular elocution
ist. A olo by Mia Minnie Vanllorn wa
lutence: to with marked pleasure. Mist
Vanllorn ha a remarkably pure voice
which she handle to ercus advantage,
backed by a flu presence. The ladle of
the Presbyterian Church are to be eon
gratuluted on tho great sacces of tho
Japanese ea,
Ah Electric Motor. Mr Ed Goins.of
Sclo. who ha been in the city, Inform
ithe Dkmocrat that the matter of building
a railroad from Sclo to the Oregon Pacific
a dittmce of three mile, ha been revlvtd
and under the organisation effected evtr
al month ago, the road will now be push
ed. It la proposed to put in an electric
motor and run the line on the mot lm
proved plan. The people ol nclo are un-
thuscd over the project and will not stop
until they have arirect ralirord connection
wiin tne outside world, with many nat
ural advantage for a live butines chv,
this road will .dd greatly to the beneut of
the city.
uua i'ARsiMo. a worvaiu young
lady In one ot the schoo', being told br
her teacher to parte the sentence, "He
ktased me," reluctantly, because
opposed to speaking ot private affair In
public, "lie," she commenced, with un
necessary cmphasl and a fond lingering
over the word that brought crimson 10
her cheek, "is a pronoun, third person ;
singular number,macullne gendr,a gen
tleian,prctty welt Axed ; unlers'ly con
sidered a good catch. Kissed I a verb,
transitive too much so 5 regular every
evening ; Indicative mood Indicating af
fection. first and third person, plural num
ber and governed by circumstance. Me
n.evtrvaoay ana we me, ana oown trie
A Tom S awter Crowd. Tramp of 1 eat
get bla iied for thing they have nothing
tdowitli, though, on general principle
they casnot be accused of too many thing.
r or some time there ha been stored a
targe quantity of baled hay In the ware
house opposite Cherry & Parke old fon
drv. Several Albany kids" or boy tun.
nelcd a hole through the hay and made a
camping place where they play game
and told stories. An effort wa abad to
break up the gang, fearing a Are front ci
garette, but without avail and the hoy
even threatened to burn the building If
disturbed. The hay ha now been shipped.
It I probable that tramp occasionally
made the boys hole a sleeping apartraenL
Tub Old Stort. Friday afternoon
live young real estate man and a
Doctor went hunting, Their friend wa.
gered freely that they would not get a
bird. In the evening they returned with
nine fine looking bird to the consterna
tion of thcxe who thought they could'nt
snoot. A thorough Investigation w
made of the matter, when It wa discover.
ed that Warm Splng Johnney had done
the shooting end tor a good and sufficient
consideration transferred the game and
credit to the unlucky Nlmrod.
Teacher a. At the examination of
teacher last week the following obtained
certlileite: As H iron, O Maxwell, C
Hamlah, Miset I Griggs, Anna Dunn,
Anna Godler, Llnnte Ramsey, Maggie
Dunn, Clara Irvine, Sarah Coshow, Nel
lie Utlery, Mr Vena Kearn, Mr Nellie
Lmbon, Mr Mary McDowell, H Paul
C Hardin, F Power, S Martin, S A New
burg, I Mills, T Rice, L Sutherland Fran
cl Wood, J Grime and A Wilson. There
were three frt grade, thii jr en cono
and nine third grade. One' applicant
Lights bt the Hour. The new dy
namo of the Electric Light O started up
to-night Henceforth incandeteent light
for resilience and other place can have
meter attachment and be paid for by the
hour at a cent and a half an hour per
light. A large number have declared
their Intention of having light placed In
their residence. A a tarter a deposit ot
the price of the meter, about $ia and the
cost of the wire for each light I requi
red. The Woolen Mill Co have had forty
five light placed in the mill.
A Bio Addition. Goltr Park View
addition to Albany ha been placed on the
market. It eontUt of 88 block In all
Some of these are owned by Mr Goltra
soma by C G Kurkhart and other and
some by S E Young and Dr Elll. The
ot range in price from $200 t $500 and
are ox 100 lectin dimension, ine ioi aa
iolninr Mr T A Gross fruit garden are
bringing the former price.
A Steamboat Collision. Lat week
a Arrnoon going through Eola chute just
this side of Salem, the Modoc and Hoag
collided. The port bow guard of the Mc
doc were mahed lo the extent of fifty
dollai. Each captain think the other at
fault. Ancwerlng the tide wblstlc ot the
Hoair the Modoc tlowed up to avoid dan
srer of collision, but there wass misunder
standing- and a collision resulted. The
matter will probably go before the Port
land local inspection board.
Lebanon. A R Cyrui, of Lebanon
will toon move to Astoria and open a real
estate office.
Mist Hallie Parrlsh, of Salem, went to
Lebanon Friday where the assisted In the
concert given at the M E r.hurch, charm
lnir the people of that city, a (he doe
those wherever she 1 heard
Rev Geo W Gibony, ha received a call
from the Oregon Ulty Presbyterian ehureh,
and may accept it, out na not yet render
ed hi decision.
Cereals. There is no movement in
wheat fit the present wilting, and quota
tions are lower, only Co cent being paid at
the mill with no order at the ware
house. 0t are 29 cent and firm with a
pretty good market. .
"A Good Point At a public entertain
ment given by the ladle of Albany one
day thi week,ln the curio booth were ex
hibited a pair of'llttle boy' drawers worn
aero the plain by Major J L Cowan In
1850." The chronicler doe not tate, but
It mav be presumed they were worn
seres the teat a well. If net they were
different from any other little boy' draw
ers.either exhibited or otherwise. Orego
nian. A. Bio Ilk. A gentleman at work en
the O P extension killed a large elk a few
day ago- lIe ,ent lne nead cmplete to
W II Greenwood, the photographer who
is exercising hi skill as a taxidermist to
preserve it. It will be" a beauty when It
passes out ofjMr Greenwood' hands.
. ..... , -
Tb Jspaase Tra a (ircat Burrix.
F. Co' Armory wa packed and cram
med with people lat week, on the occa
sion of the Japanese tea given by the ladle
ot the Presbyterian Church. Nearly l
hundred were present, and the affair waia
grand hutch. DreJ In tatty Japanese
cottume the manage. nut of the booth
and floor presented a Jtrie appearance
There were six booth,handomely arrang
ed. First on the rlght,the Curiosity shop,
under the charge of Mr J L Cowan, Mr
D B Monteith, Mr C E Woiverton and
VSr Tho Hopkins, Full of curiou and
antiquated thing it wa a treat to Investi
gate It. Among thing that 'caught the
hatty glance vf a Democrat man were a
fine looking monkey ktn and ane grs
cart, sent by Mint Luxle McNeil from
Liberia, Africa, to her Uter,MrGeo Pat
terton. some very old tiiver pla'e, torn
fruit cake presented to G W Smith In 1867,
a pair of drawer worn by Mayor Cowan
n crossing the plain In 1850, baby' hood
worn by A U Mathewa 38 year ago, an
anclunt looking gun with which A 0 Seal
hunled when a boy xto year agu.a churn
belonging to Mr C E Wolverton.brought
"the plain acres" In 1861, cometnow
shoes worn by Mr Dr Rossiterln Canada,
etc. Another booth, under charge ot Mr
jonnny irving ana air j iv e,iderkin,con-
lamed a line assortment ol Japanese ware.
Another one under charge ot Mr Rev
Condlt.MUt Clark and Mrs Thomas Mon
telth, Jr- wa devoted to a nrtrttv display I
ot dolla, home made randy In Japanese I
boxea.etc. Another one t...d-r ehiru-
Mr T L Wallace.Mr Tweedale and other
contained an elegant display ot needle work
article. The other wt for Icecream
and lunch. The crowd aerged around and
among these place buylnaf freely of the
coveted article dlsp'aved. A nice pro
gram waa presented, though on account of
mc com usion listened to ov only a portion
ol the visitor. Two .electbn. by aVoctet
a a .1
were nicety rendered. MU Eva Cowan'
piano aolo wa good.and M it I lelen Craw
ford did herself credit In a recitation. Big
Ben by Prof Lee wa heard with oleature
and Prof Loritlard rendered a otano sola
In hi popular style.
Our town ha caught the Albany boom. I
Mr Warren Uulbert nurchated a lot
from J J Beard and built quite a neat rest- i
The ra sonace I nearly cfttnolated un.
der the supervision of R E Moore.
Mr Milt I building a flue bouse, an or
nament to our town when completed.
Our school I nourishing under the
management of Prof Mlchner a principal,
Prof frvln Villi, of Ksox Cottere. Ill- a
assistant. We understand the latter .will
oe our next principal.
Ml Minnie McGee h lust returned
from 8od.yllle.wl,ere she ha. been vi-lllr g
her brother, W It McGee.
Prof Slbbitt's cmlling countsnance I
seen In our town once s eek. He haa a
large claa In music here.
Ed Gay.of Portland, paid hi friend a
flying last week.
We are informed that Mr Bctl,of Chica
go, will build butcher .iop herein the
near future. Opposition I the life of trade.
Arthur Beard returned last week from a
buslnea trip to Cheney, Vh.
We understand that B. M. ha purchas
ed tome Tangent tot and contemplate
building a dug little cottage. He I a
Wise man.
Mr Georee Cochran hat pone In Fu.
gene to pcnd the winter.
Mr F will build R case, then fih for the
bird, h i a great Fisher.
Ml Tosle Moses save a fine party In
honor of her eighteenth birthday.
air L B Loper ha been quite sick. We
are glad to announce to her many friend
mat ane 1 on tne improve.
Fiord Jenk I the proud father of a fine I
boy. Another real democrat.
Th, party at Mr Lovell Kolehten' In
honor of hi son was, we understand, a
very enjoyable affair.
A Tatr Case. In the damage eults
brought by the farmer of Polk county
gainst the S P railroad company for los
uatalned by fire In the grain field, the
first wa called at Dallas Tuesday and Frl.
day ,lt being the ult ol Al Holme., wh
cisimc ui mi Kt nsmis. 1. . -
-!- j 1. u j a .1.-
icni 01 ?ito. ntJ coun iwirut.
S 10, and it I now thought hi cae will be
made a tet, letting the other, be govern-
ll I,. Ik. Ja.1.1.. I. It.l .IU
ed by the decision In that case.
A BuaiNEsa Chanob. Mr George Will
ha cold hi Interest In the Albany Gun
tore to Mr DvU Link and the firm will
now be Will & Link. Mr Will, we under-
tand, contemplate locating In Salem. Mr
Link, who I the well known cornatist, is
popular young man and deserves the up
port 01 tne public in hit new new.
Sale or Short Horn J B Porter, of
Clay county, Kansas, ha at th, farm o
Hamilton Bro near Oakvllle a fine lot
Short Horn eattle from hi Willow grove
herd, which he will offer for aale at public
auction Wednesday Dec nth, at 10 o'clock
a m. Th tale will Include the short horn
cow that took tha grand eweepstake and
pitcner tor two succeaat ve year at t he Clay
county fair, and a bull from a Renlck Roe
X RkatiAn AatBt K1 BaU faa.i t mm. at T 11
of Sharon cow, that sold for $500 at J II
ruckreu tale, lurrlstewn ill, and a num
ber of fine bull and heifer from the
pure Bate Bull Nora'a Harrington No 93
909. one year time will be given
UABiEs. ihc flnet line of baby carr
ige In the Valley just rrcclved at Stewart
Sl Sox a. Price are remarkably cheap con
sidcrlng ti e uperlor quality of the earti
To Farmers Farmer will do well o
byt their fruit, garden or farming land
with Wallace & Cuslck.
Now i the tims to buy overcoata. Win
ter ia coming on and it is already teo cool
to be without one. Blain hi a large aad
fine stock to t elect from, and there is no
trouble in being auited.
A Valuable Medical Treatl.
The .edition for 1891 of the ttsrliag Md
leal Anneal, known a ltttr' Alasanac,
ia new ready, snd saay s obtaiasd, free of
001 1, of dragctat and eantral onatrv deal
er in all Dart of the United 6at.Mtiea.
and iadsd in every oiviliz4 portion of th
Western Hemisphere. This Almanac ba
bean iisuad regularly at tb esrsmaoosBssot
of every year for over on-fosrtk of a n
tnry. It comhia, with tk loandett prae
tisal advie fsrtb preservatiea aod rector,
ationof health, a )rgamoat f intaresting
and amaitDg light rdiag,aad tk oaUndar,
astronomical caicnlati, ckrenelegi!
items, te.,ar prepared with gtat eare.aad
will b foaud snth-sly aoarU. Th Un
of Ho tetter's Almssas fr 1890 will preb
ably be th Urgent adltion of a medioal work
ever pabliahsd in any eouatry. The pre
prietr,Mr Hottr ft Co.,Pittkargh,
Pa,, on reesipt ef a two oast aba rap, wilt
forwrrd a eepy by mail to aay peraon who
eanaot prar on is bi neighborhood.
Tb badl Delightoe.
TSirileaaa.Qt effoet and ft peetset sJ-
el-wiiin wMaorj. ladies m-'iiiis the liqc 1
btXiVemte. Fywp of , a t
Adoti. imm H alkssv k ,jQoBMe" J
Ba Bus ewe 1d4 to h t
gj -tfa.. 'j1i se&.sg oa tae i...
DECEMBER 13, 1889.
The Montaintr tayt the president
message i "both able and cxhaudlve upon
all subjects In which the people of the na
tlon are Interfiled." 'l itis I a remarkable
statement. On the subject of tariff reduc
tion and reform In which the people ar a
deeply, aye more deeply, Interested than
any other liktly to com before eongre,
the president I neither able, exhauillvu,
nor candid. He say he recommend a
revision of the tariff law, both la it admin
istrative feature and in the tchedale, but
at to how the revision 1 to be made he I
at silent at It he had tald nothing at all
upon the subject- Let It be observed that
he favor rivitUn, not vtinttu. A r
vUlon of thetarllt vhedu)et might be made
by Increasing the rate of dulie on every
article now on the dutlabl list, and it I
not unfair to presume that the president
mean this, were It not modified by the
vague hint that certain artlclea might
tafelv be put on the free list. No. the
preldent doe not even uggt to son
gres that duties haulJ be Increased
or reduced on a ing!i article. In this
there u lack of ability, cxhaustlvene,
tnJjr 4tl cur-fs. fit' mitsage It
full of timidity fon H-t t lat. On
the tariff, the silver question and nearly
all other vage net and tack of courage
are leading tharactcilctlct,
Tbe Ortgomt 1 much disturbed at the
sew turn the tariff question hat takes in New
Eeglsjt'1, It deplore the argument mad
us of by the protectisniat in that section,-
that it, "that th duly on wool glvet the pro-
,ttifr nn Irmmw ,.f mW t.i.1 rnltt- thai ll
.. ,k- ,i. . aLk-. n rhm ., .'u, I
,h P,h ,0 The Crfclt I
juggling" and ptopeJy so, but that
paper seems to forgtt that a favorite andsUnd
I y argument, depended upon by protectionist
w , .. ,1
wheo Meri". Ce"' P''
of the consumer, i that to protect a mtnufae-
turej article will mult in a decrease rather
,!,.. Inerease of the nrL-a Tha orotectlon
" ' of the price. I he protection
eiraei Kaiejak iipiinrrnli tmA trtisi swtt mral Itft I
paper have uniformly used this argument ts
saiiufy the son protected people of the country-
But i it not jngglery? If protecting a manu
factured article make it Mil cheaper, then the
manufacturer would not want protection, and I
yet thl jugglery and notuenae la by many pre- I
tectiooltts, deemed a good and conclusive ar
gument ia favor of protection'
Benor Fonteea, the new president ol
BraaiL t thu described by one who has
known Mm welt in South America. He
w 1
I rather fair, and hi eye are gray. He
I now d or 63 year ot age; hi hair sad
beard show a good deal ot gray. He I
about five feet ten lucbe high and weigh
bout i5 pound. He t portly and atte
cethei a man of Ine physique. He haa a
well-devetopcd forehead wtar a full
beard, and has a nose slightly Inclined to
' ue bat " . , -rm
T cu","e-(i0Mt pot pw.
I IIS lv II mil, phi nvi hiii. iuvhi ii
lawyer, he ha been a planter and a slave- I
holder. He wa at one time temporarily I
In charge of an American tchool. I
A new use for the phonograph haa been I
ditcovercd. A teacher of languages, I
whose admirable accent ha brought hint
many puptl, retort to tha phonograph
wherever he find It aa an assistant tutor.
For Instance, he will talk tlowly In Par
isian Erencha page of seme goes author
la that tsngue Into the phonograph and
instruct hie pupil to read the passagea-
loud while the phonograph prompt him
with proper pronunciation.
The caucus system ha placed Reed, of
Maine, in nomination for apeaker of the
house, and hi election I almost certain.
Thta will be a very heavy blow to Pacific
coast Interest, especially the River and Hr-
par bill, and we may expect ne vary large
appropriation thi aesston. If McKinley,
ot Ohio, had been given the position, he
wouU have been more desirable, a he i
a western man, and know better what the .
people want. Time MomtmHtr,
The Ortgwmutn think tht whatever else
may be ldot Postmaster General Wan.
I . t. .11 A ...!-. t,i I
maae., . n mn o- -I.-
1 mat ne is iasy. ntiuiw, "'
. . .. ' .u .1- ,.l
,w n - c
1 0 Philadelphia and raise $100,000 In three
. ( buy voter, , uiork-ot-Flv, to
I' ' . . . ....
elect a presl lent and then teach hi Sun
day school class too, I not to be viewed
I a a lazy man.
Pension Commissioner Raum Is more
aiscrcci msn m i"huimvii
1 , . ,1 . ,1. I inn.r I
though hi order, may mean the am
I thing. He caution hi tubordlnatet that
, , . n mu,t b, eercoed in the re-
lection ot application for
01 application iur peneivii.
. ... 1
-hlch mean, being tranlated, that they
,-u,t not be rejected It it be potlbl, to
I .0ld dolne o. That wa jut wnat Tan
., tu. onlv ha out it more directly,
It would make the farmer of the United
State mlle to know that a tep I being
considered In the Netherlands to urge
I Germany, France, Austria, Hungary, 8we.
I " . . ...a
den, Norway, Switzerland, Spain and itaiy
to put protective outie on rncri.-i
'ohat. corn snd meat, to protect their
agricultural interest.
Citizen George Franct Train when In
Cotton recently wturroundcdby a crowd
In a hotel corridor when he offered to bet
that he wa the biggest fool In Amertca
Nobody accepted the wagei at first, but I
a .. - : r a .h ..;,! .fill "J
jimmy vbihb - 1 -
take your bet, atr anger, provided vou are
not George Francia Train."
- 1 It ia now asserted that the victory gained
1 by the Republican in the late municipal elee
tion at Peoria wa intended at a delicate com
pliment from the great whisky " producer
their eminent cuttomer, Vice President Mor
Postmaster-General Wanamaker ay
over hi tlgnalure in a Philadelphia newt
paper: "The racket in women'a holtery
keep up." John, John, what do you
In the Lead. Mr. Julia Gradwoh
lead In hi butines and wlshe it under.
tood that he will carry the finest stock o
crockery ware In the Valley, receiving hi
good from headquarter, and keeping up
with the time in all the latest noveltie.
He hat received a fine lot of Wedgwood &
Co' Newyacht decorated ware, called
ruby ware, handolnet goods In the mark,
et. Mr Gradwohl make crockery a spec
ialtv and wilt meet the demand ot the
rmhile. In any line. Do not send away for
good but give him a call,
A Skarp Item -The finest line of cut
lery and hear lr the city at Stewart &
Sox'. Their good are the very best and
will tand the test.
If you have any job -wcrk to rto call on G
W Bmi-QWOO is preta w uu iv
oetuesnd disnatir nd a cheap aa any-
one. .. . ..... 1
tin In (olul... .1 ... J- .0 I
f -v t-s were in wjitMn $o,
599 potlofficet In tins country, of which a68j
were prcsklenlial office,
UiJLJ L!g;g!3 . '
It leiimatd that 350,000 person In the
United Slates are engaged in butines depend
ing solely on electr icily.
Ts Adam, Piradis wit home; to th good
among hi descendant, home I paradise,
The water rental o( Scotland for net and
rod i estimated at present at not let than
190,000 per annum.
A Rhode Island manufacturer marked 700
one dollar bill thai he paid in wage, and
found 400 of them deposited in bank by sit loon
keeper on Monday,
According to the eminent physiologist, M
sappey, the lomch contains 50,000,000
glands by which the gastric juice U secreted,
and a few other which aecrele only mucus.
The Illinois Slate Grange offered $10,000
for a device lo bind grain with straw. Out of
forty competitor one wat awarded the prize,
b'it he decline it, having received larger of
fer for hi machine and patent.
The water liliy is largely used in tome parts
of India at a foodstuff. The nut that come
from one specie when dried and ground are
made into cake which have a flavor similar
to that of chestnut.
A young woman of
Columbia,- Ga list
made a craty quilt out
of Louisiana lottery
fitcd lo connect" with the ptize
. , . ,
wheel. The number are worked in silk of
beautiful color.
A line drawn from the centre of Ibe heel to
the centre of the great toe U called the Mey
er' line," It show that the range of the feet
i scarcely ever the tame in two individual,
. . , '
,berforet ,0 ,xpKi , fit from ttnifonn
. ...
Ut is to expect the imposaiblc,
The Secret) J of Agriculture ha just issued
hi erst report, He estimate the number of
cow in the country, including those In town
and vitliage, at 16,000,000 and th current
year' butter product at tl, 300, 000 poandt.
The cheese product, be think, will approxi
mate 400,000,000 pounde.
The largest bell ia the world ia the great
bell of Moscow, at the foot of the Kremlin.
It circumference at the bottom is nearly sixty,
eight feet and it height is twenty one feet.
Its weight ha been computed to be 443.77a
It 1 a fact worth pondering that, though
the night fall around us it never brek,where
aa the day breaks but never fall. W offer
at. J ,1 a - f a .
' T - "ruggung ..p.ran.
fcrr nxticat honor.
Kice Boyd, of Vniootown,Pa., ha bees
pasturing his cattle cn a $90,000 coal field.
never (uipecting it value. Ileaokl it to s
sharp RcigHbot a few day ago for fooo,
the purchaser disposed of it at ones for $90,-
A fanner in China easy oe hired by the year
for fronts lof 14, with food, clo'hing head
(having and tobacco. Those who wotk by the I
day receive from eight cents to ten cents, with
a noonday meal, At the planting and harvest
ing of rice, wage are from ten cents to twenty
cent a day, with five meal, or thirty cents I
a day without food.
A "penny famine" ia threatened in the
South and West. The mist at Philadelphia,
through running night day, is (till two month
behind in its order, and at the demand ia the
I South and West calls pennies from the East,
it I reasonable to expect that within a abort
period unless a remedy is applied, pennies
will be tcarc everywhere.
Every wag that falls In a Scottish forest, it
ha been calculated, cost the lessee from 35 1
to 0 ($175 to $250); bat. as what is termed
"butcher' meat," these animals, if placed on I
the market, would very likely not yield to I
those who kill them more than six pons per I
pod wetgw.
THAT k'LlXtt.
w. remotrti
I -. .
I notice the Onfoniam gl v you a fling.
I, In common with you, uppoed their
dispatch about the Montana matter were
associated press dispatcher, and waa in
dignant that a non-partisan Attoclatlon
could thu be ed. Thers wa nothing
irauiu mui bs wsea, inn wa ooiiiins
ln the Oregeei... heading, to denote
were "pedal" dUpatthea. It will be
bad day for thia country when canvatslng
officers can throngh their sweet will
change the result ef an election hr throw-1
ing out return from precincts that don't
suit them. 1 h, usuai run f the canvass
ing board are not of a high judicial cast
ot wlal. J Ja
Wardoer, Idaho, Deo. 1.
Kid Cilsves l KM fcileves I f
I have just received a full line of kid
clove branded Our Own. Thi I a genu
ine kid glove. I buy direct from importer
In New York and consider them the best
value of any glove I ever sold for thl
price. 5 button, 3 row of ditching, $1.50
per pair. I also carry a full line ot the
celebrated Foster kid glove, five hook, in
I black or color.
8. E. Youno.
It la with pleasure that we annoonoe to
oar many p&trama that wo have train
rd8rna;mBk with that wide-awake,
- :
- 1 llIssvrHaed furaa magBBane, the American
to I Farmb, publlahed at Fort Wayne, Ind.,
acJ ad by nearly 200,000 farmers, by
whlak that gveat pahlloatioo will be mail
ed dlreet, FREE, to the address of any of
nr Bibserlber, who wiuoom. In and pay
ap all aoearag on Bubeoripelsn and ot,
yeoat bn from date.asd to any new
BTtbonrlber who will pay one year ia d-
yane. This J a grand opportunity to
obtain a &rat-ciM fum Journal free. The
Akxbioam Fahmkb Is a large 18 page
ourual, of uaMonal olroulatlon, which
aaks among thsjsadingagrieulturrl pa
pars. It treat, th, queaMoa of economy
In Bgletilti' and the right, and prlvl
eg of that vast bedy of citizens Amer
ma Fara,a who. Industry is lb, basic
f all material and national prosperity.
Its highest purpose U th, eleywtlon and
naabliDg of Agriculture through the
higher and breeder ednoation of men and
women engaged In Us pursuits. The teg
a?ar subscription price of the American
FAmiuft la fl.00 per year, IT COSTS
TOTJNOIHING. From any one nant
her idea, can bi obtained that will be
worth thrloethe subscription prlo to yon
or members of year household, tkt to:
set it fees. Call and see sample copy, i
i i' i $ t i & $ ii
Itvll-'i M W st. .. . . ....
NO 20
1 :
r 1
4 1
J '
: t
f t
Th t
'' "
iri'i-n t
Of Tr
1. Li na
' -JK.-!!
... I. till
'. J
T I 1
.i-V 'HU.
Ileal Bargains.
Notions, Furnshing: Goods, etc,
"' UNES: '
Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silk,
Table Linen, Gloves, Hosie
ry, Fancy Goods, etc
Tfjft L.kJ!fllfiF iJalSill
a - " ' O "
Atrents for
"On Time" Healing and
etc, promptly auenosa 10.
First National Cink
tll.. ....j.m. f T
a, sj,Tt i
Ik W. JkSL&SO',.
AOCemjfXj EirT aJi as ahaak.
fWatt temmm e4 tt raW traarr, to)
tert,Saa rraa, 'liaacv tm
WAMXtnOVI BAD! aw (averafclc tavas.
. . Tava.
W, Liaave
si a Iibaia,
Wattes! Ttnaii,!,
Linn Ceudy Bask,
Cowan, lalstoi & tlizliMn,
TKAXgACTB s g etMrct bsekiae IraatMa.
DRAWS 081 DRarrSam 9mm Tark. lu V..
M aa fartiaoal, Oragvs.
LOAM M JrfKY us tvp-emal aaatuity
k&.Zir'iitvtniimiaSt'.tri , aback.
Bank of Oregan.
.J. W. BLalrf.
T, MKiiRtLL.
Vies President
Sight exchange and telsgrepblo trsns
fr on New York, San Franolaco and
Portland, Oregon.
Collection mad on favorable leriri.
iif a fa Pi O Boo at Albany.
ex!ond-lass mail rnatter.
-m r-. j
cooking Sieve.
Job work, plnuUns,.
Qr,r'"', n "1
- afritMstt; 1