The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 06, 1889, Image 4

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Z::zzi Pacific EaliroaS,
. -on Development Cooepajty'. alteam.
hip Um,
20 nouns less tide
a,n by my oilit tt at.
tfrnt-el ttaiwiarh and
T.tut Jin from Portland ud all pemta
4tti Willamette Valley to and fro "o
rmieitMO, Cal.
norer rcio the
WHIamait rlvae dlvtetrm wlH,lfVVLiX
lend, Iteiitrj bonneJ, M.aday, W 74
a.f, Wednesday and vy
m. Arrive at rertlod Iwyaday. '
rf,y Wal.rday at 8:M f -
iteath a.ond boata wtl! Pa erer nlgkt
I Oalem, loading here .
Rentttwnk.eloan TOnn'r?d
a-t'.o train of Hi. Oregon raelflo Kallroad,
rw Aleeay V
Lri trvenie,i.
Arm Albany, u;iva--
" "T"77- UKan and
nompanj - J rrenrtBOO.
Taqaina auu " " ,,
oa tp'M-aI
meet r'" -
anee with ibe V,V nd U1m
' eteM Jaate ""
. a
"J"' -.v OaU
A.'--4' eU
Saifhen PaciSo Compani 8 Um.
Tourist Sleeping Oars,
. ...MUu raaa
TT-.H 1vh aU th
I aw
.i cto-f-fvJ,
m ! a
It r
t.ra "l?"-
Sous, and Carriag. Painter
Dworator and Paper Hanger
Piano Vamlehintr.
8aaaaear U Panry toaaao.)
fPoultrv Vanted.
All Wad. frro!try,
ranfcdatthaWillameit PiWs Cm
aaoy'a Store. Albany, OffB-
foiimillei & teg,
Prompt Ittaation-First-olass EsmB
raw aaocaaa flock ivrnuoi roa rnr' tai
avo mm ni.
HbrlieBt "Prio in Cash fo
Tho wiahinir a llrt.rl lniru'nL.t
hould cll at Mra, B. E. Hyman'a rd
e.t one at tlioae Cj!ora(el flaairna t
feni r1anA, exei;ant rich too a. t
fatally made and adai tad to ttand tba
iraata o tha Padfla Vat. Erary rHaoo
t My iruaianlaad for I J rare. Tba U.iaal
I .Mtt-muMla for aala. 14 o1a and palatlnf
Itjtmoaa trlo tbara. Alao tke plaa gat
yanr naw Sawlnj Maahlna. auay wark
d draaa maktnf dona ta nrdcr. a1ral
rlaoreasl of Toang'a old aland, Albany,
City Meat Market.
EHULTZ BEOS,, Proprittors.
V'ep a fufl Una f maala af all klnda,
l ni a aool pU, eomplataly pra
tcclad; and alway fraab.
Alwn bare ntr.tly"fl hand aalrniB
nl otbar flak.
It.iW. - 'T . -- Mw Ser .syl
r "k ; a i;!E.
a . j - . - .wo-.a a e 4rr.
M: ... . f ,. ,i U.. V H fl (ft tlfl(MltVtN,
i. ' u.t to..-.iiAi -;.,aiHAi,..
T a. a.j!
wrar "
1L FenSaa u M 4 a
' " maatfaw Ataa.
MHHMi bufth siupers.
T Haw-'
.10 r
What Is Meant by
"A Permanent Cure."
First Statement.
Liverpool, re.,
Feb. , MRS.
Ma. J. K. Botoutt.,
(Clerk of Coarta,
1-erry Co I. J eertl
Dm: " I m At 15
wm JTtlrll wtlh
Inflaiumalory rhaum
"in 1M. had
another vllnlt
tcki ir4 about agnln,
tul u srvor irro
from Mia. Winter DO
and 61 ouuld not
" Worrttilna m pra
arrtbal to clra ma
M lth.t Ut. JlMlhl
AOr two y e a ts
hav Ml no TiKMim
ttm. 1 am aurwl per
mannlly ftnt M
yeare tulTorlng.",
teeond Statement.
April as, im.
Ma. J. K. liona.
wrin ! "Ova ywra
aoo I noi Jodoba.
It a(IVoivt an anttns
twnnt)Mt aura, ho
roturn of pain."
Third Statement.
Ma. J. K. HomiaH.
wHiwa; "air health
conUnura good, ho
ratura of t hanma
Uim alncalHU, hpn
cured tr "t, Jacohe
Oil. 8uiwl or W
OU ar adtrlnn, ld
tt ftal( and It attoo-
. T Tt Tana
Oancoro Ourod.
l.n. Danalaia A Ca.. Albaar. Oraco.
?at lor J. ft. Danaao, tha (7Vl Canoaa-
- ' . . f mi v jll k . a a .1 1
hastamal rajnoara oath ftpcri,a of NO
CD KtC No P4T. Par fffrtaar lafarma
Itoa. aOJraaa
J. R. 0f ftla-a. ,
Car. od aa Clatalac t ,
U'u 4 -h A.. i Albany, Or.
0;J.L. HILL.
Physician and Suii4eon,
Ofn:a out, Firat aud Tarry Etraaia,
Physician and Surgeon.
Uffloa oppoalta tba Danerau
DR. 7 Kl. DAVlS.
PhysicUn and Surgeon.
paTOffina no atalra In ttrahan. Bloek.
Uay be foaud at bla offloa day and night.
nig O beeflreo aaJTer
ul eartaiaciloa la Ut.
enre I Ooaorracaa aod
(lie. I preaaMlianaa4
feet eata la raeoioBaa
lie It to all aaaareia.
a. a. aiuaa, .
Oaaatar, Ilk
aeld by DfDjtitat
r a .
Wa.lattla Atat.
PuyslcUa and Surgeon.
ruta of Ballaea. Hoapital Uadtaal
ol!ega Now Tark City.
Bieeaeeeof womaa a laaaialty.
jTOflaa. Fraenaa'a Briak, Albany, Or.
j 45 D, AVC Paraan. daalrlog aaod
rjloaaa ar rrerel fratn tha pramlaaa af
If UC kali la Uaotanoaunfj, aan praanr.
f itM fat Aa aama at my efflaa, Cr.
FMa Hart, Albany, Oran.
CHa. K. WaiYaaTen.
a Boat t Ueoat Bbaata Koota. Niee
allaiaaa aad leaaery a all tiaiaa af th. year.
Sea Mottt Ihaata, Saaraaieola, Of 4aa, Salt
Lake, Deiar. flaaefSeaai-fiae aer aad.
arc ni tally. Bay yatr Mat at. af aad
aara year fare t. Pertleal. I aat tfea aaly
faraea ia Alaaa thataaa aell yea a tleiet
U aay paiat la K Called ttaa.. Oall aa
ma far ratea.
V. L. lavaaa, Agaotl. 1.
r t w m iMa at te Ji
W tfceTi into? A. r. fcaaefcej
'ivva .. at mo v- o . 71" V
irln.i. AtaatBand.
aH.ta. I y4 rf.swaBaaV
iravua a aaB
Uresdstsaad Bookseller.
AfaaU fot J ah 9 B. Ald.a'a pablleatlosa,
aTrlelt ra aell a pioiiBuar a pnaea wna
The Only Complete Set ot Abstract
Books and Maps in Linn County.
pJtOWie la tba Caort Hona,-
Baalnea. eutrattad to my earo aball
hTa prompt and aartfat attantlua.
EeaJ Istiti And Imnrinis Agents.
Real aetata aald and Catlaatlona and
KoUrlil fccataaca attended to.
Albany Soda Works,
- jtnd Uancfmitarera of
Ta no preperei ft Mil at wNola
a, ulwarx fraMh and ma at Portlroit
. a deaien.. W a'ai kaop a fell
fintH an Tropical Mts,
It ktll.ell tnflminwlead lnrita- . irmi j. IV
nt erne aeearorer Uambaa aat Amb l'i
Wa aut Prlo. 2 B cents a Box.
Revere House:
riWd dp In GrMMM ayle. TM.
erjpMed with iho In tha market.
If are
1 'atwbaaladX
4Bra ilA
.ia aiMptnapsnmctita. Hmprem'
lar aorniiirrii'al try Veiara,
tiTTr a tw - rM -j Oelol.t
Children Cryfor.
Table llnru altoutd bo hemmed by
hand Not only doei tt look more dainty ,
but there la neyer a ttreak of dirt under
the edge after being Uundiicd rlth ma
chine tewing.
A (mall box filled tth time, And placed
on a aheif In the pantry or timer, win
abnotb dampneetnd keep the air In the
eloeet dry and aweet.
11 the material la wtuhahle ki alt, black
dye can practically be rendered a ft col
or by the help of the aalt water bath be
fore the general waeh'tng It commenced
upon After tttch a treatment faded black
cauted by washing will never occur,
A dampened clolh U better than a dry
one tor dusting furniture.
A email j broom It handler fur clean
ing up dirl a ound a etovts than a large
Uefere you begin to tU the griddle
caket great, the pant and leave them to
heat. The? thould be very hot before
pouring In the mixture, which thould not
be allowed to ttaad after It la reacy , The
even tao, ntuat be hot, at all theto thing
need to be baked oulckly, at welt a beat
en hard. Have ready, alwaya, a hot plate
to pat them on, to that they will not fall
by atootudden change of temperature
Tiy a bandage of hot tatt eutilde the
ftce for neuralgtaj fill the mouth with hot
aalt In cane of toothache; put a little hot
aalt la a piece of nnmlln, and then put it In
tha ear for a tecond or two when eara-.h
It troublceoine.
When painting the bae board to a a god plan, to paint two or
three inchet of the floor alao. Then If the
carpet doa not auite cover th. floor, the
gap I not to noticeable.
Ripe tomatoce will remove Ink ttaUt
from white clothe, and aUo from the
Delielnu tandvtlchea and cheap onct
can be made by mincing fine, rare bref
teak. Seatoit only with pepper and M.K.
Thete are excellent for In vatld.
Shortening for pie theutd be cold and
firm. Have the water alao cold, and
land In a cool place while mixing and
rolling out pattrr.
If the chimney catche fire ran to the aalt
boa, and empty ft out upon th. flame;
they wilt de reduced at It by magic, and
further atept can be taken to'tubdu. the
outbreak. If toot fall upon tha carp.t or
rug, d. not attempt to aweep hat
been covered thickly with dry aalt; It can
then be twept up properly, and not ttain
or tmear w'dl be led. It anything hap
pena to catch fire, either whlltt cooking
or oth.rwlte, throw tail upon tt at once to
prevent any dleagreeable amell.
Still ruiaare are in circulation af "
aaa charge" Rev Q U Irwln.l
aupariatendaatt at tha ladtan kimI at
Cb.aiawa. a goad aan who bad
o much abharrwa.e far wicked deasaerat
cauld do aathiag wrong. Baal Orngaaaaa
The Simmmn hat, far the laat three year,
eviac.4 great aeal In tha affair of the In
dlaa achaol at Cbcraawe, and when theoe
"lerlaoa charge.' were brought agalatt
Rev Irwin It wa fall cipeatad by the
public that that paper would plaee them la
the fare fraat d.aaandlag. If aat th. fe
moral at Rev Irwin, an laveattgalloa of
thaae charge. But whit la ttrange te tke
general public, (but aotta thaae who have
an inntr via al thing,) that paper ha
been at afloat a a atlll dark night
The Mlnaaeeta aaan wb eaya that he
want out the other nwrniag aad chopped
off with a core-knife tha hetetof 1J4 wild
deck which had got their feet froxen fatt
in the Ice ha beea hired to make high.
tariff la that Utate daring th.
next political campaign.
The beat wateb in tha world forth, money
at F M FroneVe. Etohooe faHy trarreated
. ie.
P. U. Fraoeh heap, railroad timr.
If aeal abaving at .-reek'e.
Ueket far ft a TUreak'i.
' Boot aad Voe .1 aaet at Read'.
.ratogabfp at C K Brewaalfa.
J. P. Wailaee. PhyaUiiaa nod Sareaon. A
basy, Or ,
For aaia. aheap, aeaood band arg a, Mre
Boy yoar tleket throe gb e th Xaat al
Vf h Jeetar aad aav. far. to P.rtlaod.
. A Co Uo. of all kind of farnitnra, plain
and opholitered, beat atoak ia tki part of
Oregon at Porttaillar k Irving'.
J A Arebi'iald, areol Singer Maaafa.iar
fog Co., oppoaita Odd FeJowa Temple, Al
00 t.
Aa aia;aai na at an Uble waada, ia
baaotifol daelgna, ail teaetred at Fortmtller
Irnog a.
I cane Golden Star tomateei for AO oent
at C Mayara, and all etberj eannad good,
heap for each.
J(M received Haw table linen at W, f.
Raad'a. .
1 17 Starr, phyeietao and Burgeon, Albany
Good eockiog tov. only $10 at Ilopi: m tc
S chair running ateady at Yieraek'a thav
lag parlor.
Beat roaet eoffe. In tba .Ity at Conrad
Get voor cehool book and tablaU' mt
Galea Ron'.
Klrka 8avnn Imperial op, $100 a J!w at
9 E Browne! I'a
Try tha Old North Ettta amckln tobeoan
for a delieioa tmokn. m
Kxtydoeen window ahade initraeaivul
at FortrailUr&Irving'a.
Specteeloa and eye aljaeca eneaoer than
ever at F VI French'..
J W Bontlay. beat boot mnd alio, maker is
eitjr, oppotit. Fortiuillar & Iryiu'.
A large and fine line of wirrVwiIid
Joit received at Fortniiller ft Irying'r.
Wa have the bott $1.50 kid glovo ever
brought to A!kiy at W lRaad'a.
Now la tha lljje totavn mnoet hy bayio(
boot and ehoe ateoat of W. F". Head.
Qo to Bardno for honeat weights, good
good and Iowrt living pricaa,
Vatcba, watcW, watehaa for verybodv
eheap for csah and fully warranted at f hi
If yon want a alean rnd fine emeka aak for
J.Joaapb'a home made whit, labor eigtrt
Far tela by matt eigar dlrt and at Lie
Jaaeph' fattory.
' iriVrX
4 n
C 2SOa
Zf 47
Try tho Cure
EIy?s Cream Balm
deanuoa the iTaaal Pftssn tms. Al,
lays Inflammation, Ileal sine Sores
Ilestores the Senses of Tasto, SmelL
and nearlng.
Apartlrlo la eppllnrt lntaanehnoM-II T
Is avrrrr.M... Vrirmf)))?,. at Ilravciaia or by
mtuk. JILY lii)'iiXLia,56 Warren bt,Kcw York..
Pitcher's Cactorla,
Washington, Nov, 29. The ipeakemlitp
contest it practically over until the voting be
gin in the republican eanuii,
JNo vote are Itkaiy to be clia&ceu ity to
morrow morniag't unremitting cRortt. If the
unexpected hpcnt, it will happen afur the
fitit ballot, . The unexpected it the defeat of
Reed, Tula it only the uncxpetil, not the
impomlnl. Reed it dUtlnctlv nlicait, but
dimlnr.tly short of a majority, lie lint the bcil
hnnd in the game, but inunt draw to fill,
Th Montana Oraiok.
Wahhinoiom, Nov. 29. Hon George R
Tingle, a member of the democratic central
committee of Montana, ait ved in thlicity to-
ilny. In tpenking of the iirrtent inuiltlle in
thnt ttnte lie taitli "I believe the deadlock
will continue until the time limited expire,
when Governor 1 oule will appoint two ten'
A Hig Cylont.
CuAEt.OTTk, N C, Nov. 19. A Ccyclon
patted over Ilufnrtl county yctlerday. Houie
were blown down and tree lorn up by the
100U. The reiidenceof a farmer near Wah
ington wn blown to atom. 1 he entire family
lather, mother and four children wer. Inatint
ly- A factory near Wtthingtoa wt blown
down and twoperaont were killed and a t.Oren
other received iniurlet. Mattie Cheve, the
pretty dauchteroi a farmer,wt enught cp and
carried away. The body ha not yet been
found. Reiiottt ate very meairer. and It
impotidble to ohtnin the namet of all the killed.
A Taroma Muddle.
Tacoma, Nov. 30. A icccinl tctkion of
the city council wax called at lo A M lo-ilay
to henr charge peiferred by Councllmrn
I tortfall and Steel fealni Chief of Police
Chotney. The tpccifieationt are ten in num
ber and are preceded by a relutkn removing
the chief from oflir "fur the reason that lie
hAt been guilty of malfettnnre. mi.feance, in
aneniHin ann incompetcacy.
Lomook. Nov. aa Stanley retcued Emin
Bey for 775 pound leu than the turn ubtcril
e l, which wa enual to ioo,0o0. The relief
committee and geographical aociety have ar
ranged fcir a grand reception lo Stanley,
form n take Hniw.
IKiaotr, Mich,, Nov. an. DUpatche
froet variout iioiut on I.V Huron aay th
th lerriAc ttorm whhh been yeterday con
tinue. Much damage to aHipping it feared,
Another Big tire.
Boton,Nov. a 5. The moat ditattrout fir
from which I'm! on ha uffred iac l87a,nd
one in property toe ilva' th great con.
fUgration at l.yna, Taely, brake oet abonl
l:o A M to day in the tit atory granite build
ing, owned by Jordan, M.rah & Co, and oc
cupied by Hrawa, burell tt Co , ixj good
merchant, on liedford, tret, at lb. cornet
of Kingston. The great lit. of iKja brok.
out at corner of Kingtton and fiuaiioar ttrtert,
aad th. alarm of to-day' Im we rang ia
froet the aamc box whitb heralded the uiemur-
able coatlagrattun that contained nearly f ioo-
000,000 of property. To-day'a con legre live
ragca rgtl lur ix hour burned over two
acre of territory covered by magnificent Mruct1
urtt, and eot.i! a Iota of, a uaw tiinat,l
Ooo, XXX
A Track Walker Kit lea,
Balrm, Nov, 8. A tccial frcm Roaeburg
aay. Y Cin,a track walker lor Uit Boutbcre
Pacific Company, wa murdered latt
twecn 10 and tl o'ekxk, by ankaown parti,
lire nitlee aouih of Kiddle, lie !
ith a Wincheter rifle from behind through
the heart, white ut outaidc ibe daor, aad
drtggad into the houe ad th door cloaed.
Tby aearchad hi trunk and room, and took a
watab, a 3J caitacr Smith & Weeaon rcvalvet
and a mll amount of money. There ia ne
ctu te th pcrpeiratott of the nunc.
Fee Kali Feolbbaaea,
New Vobk.Nov, a8. About a Jooo peurV
witneeaed lb football game on the Berkeley
Oval ground tlii afternoon between Vat and
Princeton. Of these, 10,000 cheered every
brilliant play mad by I'tincetoa. while th
other auppbrted Tale. It wa with a feeling
of bitter disappointment that tit. latter, who
were ia the majority ty neatly 5000, aaw their
favoriiice btea by I'tincetoa by tea point to
nothing ia the final aad mutt eveatful football
game of the year. So great wa th. crowd
that fully 5000 were turned awy who wet
unable to tecure tdmiuiim, Tboae who gin.
cd enterancc walloweil knee deep in the mud.
Another Warning.
IMILA DELPHI A, Nov. lS. ChrUt Kltio,
14 year of ge, ! lying ia a critical condition,
which la the reeult of exceetiva ckareti tmok
ing, About a year ego be wat taken violently
ill, having tcver! fit, ne Monday latt bit
body began totweli nntil neatly twit it nor
mat U and attending physicians aaid that
death would en.ue within twenty four bow
nnlc penpieation could be induced.
J Th Law Chanc!.
5alem. Nov. a8. Th law in rot ttt t
furnishing I alio ptper, pitted at the latt tc-
ilon oflh lecitlatare, hat changed the source
of tuppty from the office of th county clrkt.
In view of r juitition of oiTictr bow bing
mde on him, Secretary Mtlirid call atten
tion to the present law.
I.yno' Fire,
Borro.'t.Nov. 37. The nanufacturera here
are of the opinion that the total lo t Lynn it
nearly 1 5,000,000, Th number of bnildingt
burned it ao6. of which forty two were brick
block, tia wooden building used for butinest
fiurposet, nd 14a dwelling occupied by 164
amiliet. The number of laboring people
thrown out 01 work is estimated: at 0000.
A Big Trial Ended.
Denver, Nov, 37. The famous Durant
Bannybel cate, which hat been on trial in the
United Statet district court for the patt sixteen
diys, came to end at to o'clock to-night, the
jury giving to Bonnybel a verdict for the second
time, 1 be case is famous among mining men
throughout the country for the reason that
millions of money depended on the verdict.
Report come from Anpen to the effect that
that city Is wild ovec the verdict, and in Den
ver wine is flowing like water at all of the
hotel at the expense of the Bonnybel owners.
vomp!l Fallnv.
Sax Fbancisso, Nev, 37. The clock of M
Strauu Si Son, dealer in tailor trimming,
was sold at auction to-day to aatitfy the claim
of creditor. The goods remaining, sold for
about $12,000. The amount of liabilities can
not be learned.but dealers say it will be nearly
The Silver Convention.
St, Louis, Nov. 37, At the silver conven.
lion thi morning Delegate Morse, of Colorado
introduced the following:
Kesolved; that the senator and repre
tentative! in ccngrett ar hereby requetted to
establish a unit for the coinage of silver with
the south American ttates that shall mske
silver coin pass current on a par with gold in
all the Americas of the Western hemisphere,
and that they also be requested to open nego-
tations with the congress of all Americas, now
in session, for the building of a railroad from
the United States through the states of South
America." After a lively discussion it was
referred to the committee on retolutions,
A General Storm.
Washington, Nov. 37. The signal office
Mtys: A general storm i now prevailing over
the country east of the Mississippi. It hat
been increated greatly in intensity and danger
frorr. the gales on the lakes and wilt be much
enhanced by the severe character of the cold
Crazy Colfax.
Colafax, Wash., Nov. 37. Joseph Ryan,
president of the Athlttie club,' it authorized
by his club and the business men of this city
to offer prize of 835,000 for the Sullivan
Jackson match to take place here. Co-re-
pondence solicited.
i.e. . . 11
Bt.klen't Arnlen Silvd.
The h! 1st the world for Cut, Ertilwd.So
triewi, Sell, few Boron, Tetter, Chapped
hBde,ChilBlaiae, Corn., and ail Birin Ernptliirf, ind
aesiMv.rjf turee Pit.., or n pay required. It VVU
irnltid t. aive prft wtUfaetton, ormon.y nfoud
i, iiee2Sente per box. For al by Fonhay knd
if .ten,
A Sharp Item The finest line of cut
lery and shears in the city at Stewart &
Sox'. Their goods are the very best and
W1U aland the test.
Children Cry'fs?
Ben Simpson and faintly let', Tanaent
latt week (or Hell with the Intention of
finding anew home somewhere in the up
per country. .
Mrt lourdan. a titter of the Churchill
of thtt vicinity, hat moved In the bout
utt vacated by Uen sirrpon.
Bom lo the wlfo of Fluid Bryan Jenkt.a
boy ot legal weight.
Prof S 11 Motet, otTanirent, It teaching
abratt band at Philomath,
Tha maiicert are repairing their halt at
lid place preparatory for the meeting ot
the l.tnn County Council, which meet on
Saturday, the 7th of Dec.
W. would Ilk to tee an article on tern-
pcfince from the able pen ot Brick Dutt,
ot Chicken Brittle.
M .McFarland wa In this vicinity a
few day ago canvassing for a buck called
"The land to Heaven." lie tald he would
deliver December 1 jth.
In our iambi not long since we fell In
with berg ot ladle who teemed to be In
the mtdtt 01 txi nnimataa aitcuttion , rt.i
knowing the ubjtct they were talking
about we anked and one ot the gmup read
Ity Informed ut that It wet on the future
happliictt ot one of their number. We
were Invited to remain a tew motnentt and
tome of them would give their opinions
on the tuhject. Ihcy were talking about
mo I, tald that a young map wa payin,
hi respect to one of their number anc
the tald that lie wat In the habit ct drink
log whisky, but promised to leave off the
habit It the glit would receive hit atten
tions. No a tald to the girt, let him leave
off for one year first and then let hi et come
and tee how he wilt behave. No 3 tald
the bett way I to have nothing to do with
any taioon going young man, ro 4 taiu
I have known young men to promise to
leave oft drinking whisky until after they
were married and then take to it again,
Ml. fcti tia mii.
A Hacklcman to Mr E H Cneadle,
E half of S w qr bl 47.H a a A .$
Clinton C Cole by Sheriff to R Bell,
84.85 acre In tp 9, 8 R 4 w. . . ,
R Warner to Marlon 1'roptt, 48
arret In ti.S R a w....
A S Betaett by Sheriff to Lucy M
Rull,i6.7i acre In tp 13,8 R
1 w
U C Hardtnan, to W L Simpson,
tract In tp 1 i,S R aw.,
J M Bardue to Mil Barker.i kit In bl
c,H and A to Albany
United 'State to Sit Hamilton. ..Patent
Ti.ottat Relay te Waa Coaa, I no
acre In tp 11, S R a 9
E J Tate to Miltea Hyde, prcl iu
Peter Blther 11 II Jickeoa, i
acre off ot th cast aide al D L
Olvy L Cuyer by Guardian' tn j W
uania, l-a interest in too acre
in tp II 8 R I w ,
T M Humphrey to W K Kay, asali
tract tn aec to,H Kit..,.,
Atinona K Daniel bv Guardian to J
w tjtin., a o intcreet in ilu
acre, in tp ii.jJ R 1 w
Oregonlan Railway Co A
K an u venter, the Istrrow
Utii: It K . 1
A K VanDeventci to Oregon Wett-
ern Kailway Co, the Narrow
Cjutg. R R 3.0,000
A Millard to Sadie V Itetton. IM
No 8,bl 8,ln South Albany.
Hotel Arrival.
A Addltan Cor T Babbitt Grant
W Trash Maquti! II McLean
N Rankin - O Targersan Rose'g
L Eastman Jacksonville
Mr Thomat.datt
W M Wagenner
T It McOill.Stayton
C S Harnl.hjordait
n u tsicesoe
W II Cro.s,mUey"
G W Morrow.Scio
r m ADoey,Yaqutna
W f Matcott.Dalta T J I-ookin
TCReed,Port J G Wygnt
Revere. Hots.
M M Long.Eugene A BurkharUt,Port
E A Beldcn, H F" Ed Taylor.
A Longlne, Chicago W P Smith,
C T, M C Maple,
Her Cole, - ZV Dav.
LA Mnly, Denver John ttopp, T T
L McCov.Salem l?e Bllyeu,Sclo
G N Salt. - P Munker.
J E Peak, NY AS Levy, N Y ,
Exctt amok Hotel.
Fred Johnion
N Bostwtch
B Sturdevant
I West
H Hill
A Morria
r Hankansan
J Bedford
D Moor.
W Scully
F Polio
A Kitar
J Turner
1 Thompson
I Campbell
A Leighton
aud Ramsey
T Powell
P Mcloy
P Calkin
I Sharp
E Hennea
Mr Richard
An elegant tin of nw draign of chair
Jnst received at Fortmilter A Irving 1.
Ir Certain Lar Cnrtaln.
1 have Jutt received my fall stock el-
lace curtalnt bought direct from Import,
th Urgest tock ever brought to thi mctk
et, and best value lor the money.
Samvel E. Yovko.
The but
Hoe of kid gtov at W F
To Far Mean Farmers will do well t.
byt their fruit, garden or farming land
With Wallace & Cutick.
Now it th time to bat evrcota. Win-
tar i coming on and itic already too cool
to be without one. Blain ha a larg sad
.t , .... ...
not asoca so teieet irom, nd tbr ) no
troubl in being tuited.
Notice Parties Indebted to Mr. E, L.
Power, will confer a favor by calling en
Mr H F Merrill, with whom hit accounts
have been left, and Battling tha tame at
If yn htve any job wtrk tsdo rah on 0
TT. Btnilbwho it preiu to do it with
eetnnd dianat' . 'U'l tt cheap ss any
one. .
Abbey's Additiok. 54 lot In thi d-
ditlon to Albany, near Hackleman'a 3rd
addition, for tale, at $50 to $135 a lot, et
l.urran & Montelth't.
Struck Oil At ner nation can
et Standard e oil, at ihe Willamette
Packing Co.'c ttere.
Thlt Trad Mai k on a tteve
weant it It tha bett that csr
peritnee and tkill can con
trive. Gold only by G. W.
Advie te Botlie
Mre. Window's Sonftdotx Srvtm. ft
hUdren tecliVlnjr, la tTi preaawjJMrm Of
0 Of th betlmmala nottteS avd t bftl
I in In tb. United ftMtae. atd bee tVen
ed for krt yesy wirli neiofuCTicg
orxntm by irnghi$ nl ritTitd for thew
bUdren. Dotatog tf9 peotrM'df etbNif
valoeie tooalcnkkbla. H tare ft
hlld faom mtn oue i'ast)pjr atwd dlar
ho, wiphj in b BavMtfa. asja 7d
ellc. IV (,3fAg keatCA to iti eraCa it
eat. Die roaKW. JMae ate, a bottta.
Dr. Fllof aeeaadf I Ui bAat aatned.?
known ksWT'ife 0. atecngrreN,
whioh sfiSala so ttxmr ptOKX., Md which
lead te mytnmw sestftA rvwon Aiteasp,
raMflotrtAtv r fcTaxf7, I)eriptlTe
realise wuA aaoh &ott)t of.adSreaa Maek
rn-g Co, N. Y,
QUELEY.-On Friday night, Nov :9t';i
tS8j), at the livery stable of Mr John
Sehmeer In Albany, Mr Andrew Queley
aged 87 years. Mr Queley, was bernin
Bavaria, Germany. He served In the
Mexican war and came to this country
about twenty year ago, He was on the
county for several years until last March ,
when he tecured a pension and has aince
been living on that
110)1 K AND ABltOAU
Tiiua sdav.
Tliankiigiviug. ,
A bad day fur turkey.
Tim r.oelot. at th CTU ntitain.
moat Tuetday tvculng wr S5G.
D B MonUlih ha returned home from a
trip down th Columbia.
lr A D Ilitdnn died tudjeuly tt hi hem
at Salom yeaterdty tfternoon.
Mrt L M Foster, of Portland. U in th
city, th gat of Mr M L Tbomptor.
Mr A Haokteman Marnml last eveulnit
from Attnria, where be tpatulated tome.
Mr I N fimitli h told hit new ridnc
with one lot on Fifth Street to K W Ltng.
don for 8l37fl.
Yetterday afternoon a $17 ovareoatwsa
stolen from th o.ty reitniiit,blonalna to
Mr H Ltmpman.
Thstt'otm propei tv of C W JIulln. at
Mitt City, hat been attaelied by th Sheriff
of Marlon county for debt.
J 8 Italne wa arrested vilerdV at Mill
City for taking a taam out ot the ttsl on
wniun wt a onaitei mortgrge.
Tba ball al lb Ooera House latt ovrnina
it reported to have been an anlnyabl ffeir.
several ooupi a:tonaea from (Jorvalli.
ThtiiLtuivlni. day were held at
tb. Uongrnaationtl Church, llev J F Htew-
art, of the Christian Church, preached the
ermon, pronouneed an interesting ud
thoughtful eilert.
Bob Bowman, th tiainter. arrieeil n At
bany last night.and Intend lying op k.r. ot
atCoryallia. 11 ha been irtlding at A.h-
land aeeeral year and ha don California
fftlltA. . I
We mentioned th eapture of a Chi net j
phekttnt yeetarday. It now traa.plrc that
th bird belonged to Mr Juha 8ohmr,frrn
whom it had gotten away, and Mr Ho'ameer
duly laid claim U th bud and teoured it !
thi morning.
Mr J ? Kobinton and family were xueol-
ed bom thi weak from their trip to th.
Keat, but letter just received rem Mr
Bobinton stst that th. chihlrn ar. tick
and be eannnt tell wheu they will b abl
to return. Enren l(giter.
Th-. I no mor fruitful too roe f dia.
tba vitisted blotxL 1 1 involve, .veer or.
gao and flection of th body, and if net
immediately corrected by tie see of Ayar
Sareaparilt. aooner or later ld to fatal
melt. Be wnrned In time.
Tb Lady Oodiv ttitttt hsv bad ezaen
tionally long oomofetely eon-
eealwl b.r lovely pertoo. Sine Ayer Hair
igor can-., into us fuok example ar. not
a rare a formerly. Jt not only promote
th growth of th bair. but itiv it a rieb.
(iiaen tester.
Tk V S Leutle weat down
Mr M L Dorri. af Corvsilw. atwat Thore-!
day in Albany.
Mr W II Kamaav. tha lilUl mu in I
Soio, ia la lb etty tt-.lsy.
Mr II Jlrrsnt is an 00 tk. ..., n,I n. I
busines ttip, nd will piobell go to Vie-
toria bafor. retarnlog.
Bob Johntoa antf ilmnrw T.nA tmn - I
Vslli dttor. wer. in Albany oterdsv afUr 1
turkey, preferring tbat to Corvatii erow.
IU J K K'.rknttrick wit address tb
member and friend of Chanty Urang. i
mii oatn east of HaJsey on Deemor 4tb.
Mr A MMengr.renUv front PsnntvU
vaoia. ha purtbaied Mr Wb FortmilWa
bom property, psyiog 8-100 for tb Mm..
Salem baa a ghost story. Tbev hoold
follow th. xampl of Atbao aet a few
month ago and knock it out 01 th tint
Primaries to-nfeht Tarn oat aad oat
in good men for Councilman. Tb meetu gs
orgia promptly at j o cloc at tb pl
Larg number of aretio owls ar beice
a iu tb YalUy. , Th beeotiful bird
com from the aretio aone; bat am to take
wvmunj w war mna tuimaie,
Thu afternoon at th Isiad&rcfkrtan achatil
of Mit Whlr a birthday party wa given
ior w agiitr ot venuty a lie nit smith.
oe of lb tndat tbtr. A live time wt
being hod by about teuty-flva littt bay
and gvie.
t.t Emrxror Pedro ot Crisd. rstiraa to
Portugal with a fortun of n.arlv three mill.
too aouai nt an auowanea from th new
..11 a . . "
tmpouncoi isv.ovHi a year, lie raeatvaa a
good prut for hi "dtn. right."
Two meo were stood op io a birUr abap
ia Albany last week, and under th.-U ot
being mnrdereJ ga. op 810. Ex. Vary
tew penpl in Albany kaew anything about
neb a ttaa p. Albany i not that kind of
nvw Hiimui ...mi
bvrybody tkotld vot n Monday. Th
tia of tb vol will as i th stnaa. b ta
ken an indication ef the popalatioa of
th city. Last year it wa about 433. What
will it be on Monday. It will take 800 to
indioate a population of 400, according ti the
Thirty tight year, ago laat Saturday Seat
tle waa founded. Only two men, A A Den
ny and Jbe Elex.nder, ar now liviag in
tkat city, who wer among tb pioneer stake
an vera. 1 wo thousand Juui.os than ooon-l
pied the present site ef the Queen City.
llagaifyfag glataea al Free a.
A fia lie of olid tilrsr war at Frenok's
Compaata. aU styles and pria, at Pat
Qulnc 78 cent per bathl at C E Brew
All tb Utett and atandard noyI for tale
at Aebn newt tuod.
If yea want pare, froth drag pstroniae
tn new frag ttor.
Fioct fountain pan in th world for only
$2.00 at F M French'.
Don't fail to retd "Lookins Backwards. "
nyis imuamy.ioraaiaat tiuhn aNcwsttor.
O 8 Dewnicg, SoperinUndani f the pen
itentitry, waa in th city Thurdy,oo busl
n. Jnst received a full line of Lovtl Seatid
and Northern Paoifio Library' tt Kuhn'
Nw 1 tore.
Pig fct,ebtnute, mekrl,ebow show
and vrl other fin eatable jutt rteeivtd
t Iv Forest Si Tbmptoa'.
Smok tb oelehrated Havana filled oi-
?:rs, marjufactored at Jnhut Jotepb't eigar
tctory. Ooly 5 ent.
District Attorney Hewitt left to-day for
D.I I a., Polk county, where Circuit Court
eon vtnea neat week.
A O Eokleaoa wa in the city to-day on
hi way to Corvalli from Portland, wher
b bs bean in the interest of a gold amal
gamator. Tbos B Many, wall kn.wn as aa abl
nawspaper in th city in th interest
of an electrio road and light company. i
Benton Leader. .
Kw Subscribers to the Youth Com minin
for 1800 Will ranoiv the paper free the re
mainderof tbi year. Prio 1.75. F. L,
Kenton, agent.
A want of contidenc. etpeoiallv by th
older citizen of oar aity,i th great t tumb
ling blook to th future growth end advance
ment ot Salem. Journal.
Hav your prescription filled at tha new
drne store. Our new druggist makes a
ij. acidity of prescription work. Accuracy
ai d p irity guaranteed.
BO. MCriDtiooa fot til tha leadino news
pi p.." and mtjgstinet receiver by F L Ken
t to, near the I'ostoflice. All order for
y..ried without delay. ,
New carpet in the latest oolers and de
sign., out etoth, lioolium and window
Hhadet jatt roetivad at A O Mollwaio'c.
Partiee wishing goodt in the house furnish
ing line will do well to call, aa he baa-made
tnotber aweeping reduction nd will ' v
you t laatt ten per oent on all these gaodr.
Mr John Brown, who died at Brown.
villa on the 25th of Nvmber,t tha age of
45 years, waa a daughter ot lie H H
Sntulding, f.mont en account of th TV hit-
in tn mattacre,tnd wat a titter f Mr Warn.
r, the tint white child barn ia th North
west. , .
Harry Kay,on of Thomo Kay,mnager
of Silem't new woolen milt, arrived Thurs
day from North Andover, Mas. He has
been letting np woolen mill machinery at
different point throughout the etst, and
'come to help sot np the machinery here.
Zeoo Penuington Richards, grandson ot
Hon SMI enniostnn, oomaa to the Demo
crat nfiioe to-day, and, handing ut a bunch
of ripe blackberries, asks if those don't beat
th Barker blaokberriet given n yesterday.
They certainly are fins looking berries for
the latt day of Novemker.
A Mr Carter and family recently arrived
in the city from the Kwt.reaohin here with
only 81 .SO in tboir puce. They htve tince
been in ttraitened oireumiUnoet, being old
people, hardly able to work. A tubtorip
tion wa eiroulated to flay and a gcoerout
ainanat tuhierllicd for their tapport. Mrt
Carter will L (ltd to do atwinjr, jf furnish.
.1 her.
Tlta MH ABOt'T TOWkl.
People on tb street 111 the Man About
Ta that the ctacllon Mend will be a
live one, The ticket have already kn
pratty well put up by the street ctucuiet,
According to the general report Mayor
Cowan, who hat filled the office so accept
ably, will be unanimously renominated by
the democrats, end the remainder of the
ticket according to the outlook will be
unanimously like this i V A Humphrey,
for Recorder J N Iloffman.for Marshal j
C G Bawling., for Treasurer, AJAns-
lyn I mentioned for Councilman In the
First ward) Julius Grndwohl U sum of
nomination In the Second ward, and J O
Wrlttman mid Jason Wheeler are named
In the Third ward. The Republican will
nominate NJllcnton for Recorder and
Win N Miller for Marshal, according to
rrpsrU, No one li vet been found to
run for Mayor. B F TaMcr will probably
be nominated for Councilman in the First
ward ; W 11 GarrHtin the Second and f.
P Warner In the Third. Only about half
of the above will be elected !
A great many people don't know what
h'1 are thankful for. The frarnp In the
calibootc. eatlnif bread and water, what
he Uiankful for tlie por woman taking
. at .
in wointiig 19 luppori a arunKcn nutonnu,
what' the thankful for ; the street bum
mer without a box to w lilt ttc.tlie man who
spong hit dally newspaper, the boy who
lias lot hi top and Die stmt are nroken,
what are they thankful for. Yet a great
many people thould tie thankful for being
allowed to breath, at ell. Just In getting
tome pure Willamette valley atmosphere
I. a boon lo tome people in tuu worm.
tool, of
Cities like men ot'.en n ake
Ihemtelvet for a little hetoricty
advertising. That l what several are do
ing by making big offer for the prlxe fight
between Sullivan and Jackson, an affair
that wiU be a. digtace if It ever occur.
But, Irt the firat place they know they are
ttfe in making big offer, for all sporting
Mien are aware of the fact that lackton 1
under contract with the Golden Gate club
and can only fight under iu autptcet.
Caarek Blrcrtety.
If. P.Cucnoat. PreachUigevery Sabbath,
Buwnlna and aveuiner bv Bar. t U. Lr-
rina. It. I). Sabbath School at 2:30 P. M
Prayer meeting .very Wcdnesaday evening.
F.vahoblicml OMtriicn. Praaohlniron Sab
bath at 1 1.00 A. at., and 7 P. at. Sabbatb
ihool 10.00. 1'rsyer meetinz every ea-
aaday .vetung 7ui0. Hav. tuber, vtor.
All are invited.
M. E. Cnciwa.SotrTH. Preablns every
Sahtth tuoruin at 11 o'clock A. at. and'
e oloek P. M. Sabbath School at330 o clock
p, tt. rrayer mung ,uotuy eveniojrt
t740o'clocit. iUv.G S fIolitr, Paakor.
M. E.Cnotwn. Preaoblne every Sabbatb
morning and vuiag. Sobg aerrica In
tb .vetting before aermoo. Sabbath School
at 2-30 p m. Prayer meeting every Tbnr,
aay evenlnj. Uev. 9 lu Msmio jer, pastor.
PaaettTEBiAii Cccucm. Svic every
Babbatb morning and avenioajta Cbnreb
eor. BroadaJbin aad FifUiSu. Sunday School
immediaUly after tb. morning aervice.
rrayar n-.aetiog .very t ednetday .venicg
Kev x. & fricbard, pastor.
Fuurr Baptit Cbcech. Preaching .very
Sabbath rr.orotntf and eve' (f, at Cborch on 6tb
Stract. Ssbbaih Sohool immediately after
maroisg tarvicaa. Prayer meeting ve
J Thoradsy aveaing at
7:33 o clock. Key.
1 t runioe.L easier.
I OnnaaociATins a LCa 01-11 5lervlotevcrv
I fUbbalb mornitur and evening. Sabbath
I School at 18,15. fver meeticff
Wdndy availing of each week. Uev,
Roger, Pastor.
Cmturmx CJivnm Preaching ver 1 brat
9bbth ia tnooth, mortii'03 aod evening, a
I t o clek. babbatb S-ibooi et 10 9'closlc, A.
at. lUy Uamphrey, Pastor.
Catmouc Cnnscti. Servio. every Sun
day at IOiJW a. at. and 7 P. at. IjmI Sunday
of tb month service at Eagea City. lUv.
uaati Metayer, Uactor.
To Tlta tMTOH nt.e Inform yonr id.
r Ui.M 1 have a i-nnlveiem-vl t t.t is.-kIki,-named
disease. l:y lis timl iis tv.-,t-B:nW:.f
hopelrs vm--) have n-n J rniM iii;y riirrd.
siiiui e Ktii4 10 smi ivo !
ly rn; tetany of iir m
SUUHitlo l If uy v l ! .
and ft ufflcMidrHui,' It
T. A. fcLlMJL'M. tl.t 11 1
!. .l
rs r ..
n v
my r!rt-
Jy of , mean evdl on
huti Brothers.
-MrMiVI ri ., mr yr
PrjJuce, Bafced Goods, Etc. Etc.
Thalr good are thelieat and the trprioo
Corivdi Mver.
-PROPHtl2Tri OF-
tlornsr Broadaluin and First Sts.,
Ceuaaecl Frail,
(!antl Meat,
Toes. .
Erla Frail a.
f .foot everything that le
kept In a gen
or. Hlgbeat
t. i yarlety and grocery
rtttt price paid for
Al 1 ifPtnQ ne nnnmiPE
Win aaiU7 w rttWUWUi.i
y i r.
For sale by Will A Stark, dealer In
fine wttehes, jewelry, el e,
-. ., AT
Civil Engineer and Suttbjop,
Offi with Orejort L.,d Co. Alkaay, Or,
f wra; System and wtr .apt Ut
a f ' fecial ry. Bttalea tnHUvldad,. M
aad or Copied on Nti.'-t nne
jy ir- w0
for Infants and
"Caatorl it ao well adapted to chfllro fliat I rtTl evrt f!:, fVwiVm.
ill So. Oxford St., lirooklya, X. T. WJLlt?lotMBiOoaDa
: tut Cxirrii Ompuir, 77 Murray Rtert, X. Y.
Combine the julc. of the Blue Fig of
California, to laxative and nutrition,
with the medicinal virtue of plant
known to be most beneficl! to tha
human ytem, forming th ONLY PER
FECT REMEDY to act gently yet
promptly on th
Cleanse tin System Effectually.
Naturally follow. Every one Is vting it
nd all are delighted with it. Ask your
druggitt for SYRUP OF FIGS Man
factured only by tb. ,
Sam FaAstcteco, Cau
Locfunu., Kr. tVswYoaa. K.Xt
fratV OvkiaV ff ear U
kti wiitmt Wm iiVBttMi tatm Urn
t Ux tv. C.AII) 4C. al-oee M4 taMU
eiMl tft. U, UAakiox'
Wiilta KlaEtto, KsPTva-ajyf, rv.
WtlMtl " 1 Mtreay ktaWa
ttatwlltUifP r a(l Hk yum aalt a? am.
y rtUy i timm mxm m
( im jr zsr w. iu
tBVJBfei, Urn Hw Vvtleait "1
Va MreBy
rT hi ne, I jM Mt
itot Ur i
ot tMt mm atetoc e-iii
IbaVira) fjwl Mt.l M fpv
tram ttT tart -). gwT
em b . It. af tlska rwrnl itaeilii. iliupi4lMa,
Mtnii we mri 1 uu in im iuti
r4 V fit ta awal texam tail aaM M Ut yoaarasaif.
Btlt s)i. sm44 twf fV im ftmr faart f tkm mmmrnWf. II fw
tttetar fc)i ysj-j ui 1st) bl fAk mp md fM. ir Wa
U. Mat1lctBT MJtV t twill eaaaPt fHaat af rej SM I ttoattF faail
m O'xuai m BTapwtrei ifikfB.ti aWM B . a, fatal
MeelltaVaT' I' Meat ret B8i I a ) te B H
M'-t t that 4tw. tumt4 Ha Ml VAmmm l!Ui Few we
rtsM, i lutrmnvfl aseftitatl taa'.4aw flaiaii.a !! Wl
an4, LfreM . a tayfalM rr kaMrsPSA. ,
eue4. Ifcaml ta-ema. gHaT aawoeaeiy aW aafawaytA.
feua t. Wii Mmit 4Mb tf--!'
WlkJetf trr. V uaini'.r afcai ai, woaary ms4) wM t
asaew. Afrat lei tfautsawanaa mt mHkmrm k p tester
ttmtr Urnvmrn, brl prtlHi imIi ierr jfky, Amwmt
afeaktT fjurieL ldUe ,! . abmb. ta tteati. m, reailay,
) On- eA avail ) MfM. rn !aviao aaaai cavrmha rrvt
thm ! rfli ln mmtm, wit pmmir mm ytrmm tm m
FaaBtJfJ tVLiiaas, 8k a4 lrt4eeiV. etfter ? kmW ,
fnaAsyfcMi .inialatfal f M arAaa1, a fcuwa k 1
JTe aprwtl. leiellarwatlam. Ftatttleeiee),
r.lrk llelalte. -all rats twas,n laa
uag neaas, an iu Itaa
ttiapaaBadrro ot. Taiay tottavrp
the ereaU tlonirt eie4 fceiilel arptU
flirrhie .nerrlas. Btaffavae
annulet ar physical evtreee at artn ftat
PU1 Irwxu tfaem. Aieaiy sag-area ted.
r have tha Egclusir9 Contnltf
i TOT .
affoat Asm to cfW prlr te aalr tftf
'XtotftrmmtlSlhACI. iieerffOaaaaM
Physician And Surgeon,
Lat. of BrownSTilla, Or.
Offl at room No. 88 and 84, Btrabao
and PUree'a Block, op aralrs. Calla
promptly attended in city or eonntry.
Stctuftr tt B. IT. LmmfdoH.
" ETC.
O. U. N. I.AHr, , BO. w. wmioHT,
Attorneys at Law,
Willprattt in all th Court of th
Stat. Prompt attention given to all bntl-
nets altetted to eor ra.
OS Odd Fll.w Teat pie, Albauy, Or
t), ri. OTlTflEYt
i-wjtjy-M OoTmsallor At La?
tfotnir? Iabllc
tffill ptia. I ail ef the Conrta
Instate. All tt -Inaaa Introate te hi
wtll be promptly 4afid to.
And Solicitor' in Chancery
Collection promptly Made onalipo'nt
Loans negotiated on tmaonablaterma.
EtaiV Bjtale Agent,
Conveyaaoing cf all inds done In a re
liable manner. All hnsiness will receive
prompt attention. Oilice en Breadallia
tr3-tr,tf F(r5, Alhiny, dragon,
III! S Ills
It ' i.Hl
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:.' OF
M Lady of Perpetual Help. '
Coiiduo'ed by th Blst. of W. Beoadtut,
Tbldiny li!ncrporie4 andun-
thorizor: ly th Utate to eonfoi aeademta
honor. Th o ,nr of uniy l,
Matb.iiiatlae. f,ftr.ur ti(l M ui eta
tpeaiahl. aiath Normal tnairuelloa
f aspirant for taaab.r.' oartlfi! lo
4vrlal CrwiDr. voeal ninaie in ,:Jaa. and
all kind, of nillwo:k form, no extra
charge. The oielplit.. of fba eeheoi u
ganti ont nrm. ofjam ".mi irm
aat only rflnd yotmg ladlaa, fcut nldo
end useful inembtr of 'elty. Pticll
tdanittad st any Hn and shares ropi,r
ead. Pnpllaof eny d.nofuiuanoflr r-
Tnitlon In lett!ayeli'oi rangrarroni
f t 810. ' .
Fartarm or B(ntlng tu?ui,i or ny
prttt lata apply at tha Aeadeuy, or -id- '
adeaa Slater Superior".
' 1888,1889.
first Teres pat ferKaNr ,.
A fall eorp of InatntTtore.
Conr 01 etndy arraneed to uit tk'
eed f all grade of tadiiu.
from hrtad.
ToWeri rang. aVom 5.60 t. H.M
Board la private facaiUaa at :w ratea
Room, lor ca'f-boardlng at imtli ex-en.
A earafnt aaparvlaian .xerMeed over atu
d.ate away from ham. Fall term oi"na
jcptembor 7th. For eiraoiara and fall
parti out a re addriee tba president.
Albany, Or-jfAn
. r. Sox. Pre.
C II. Irtwier,
Manufaotarr af-
tpaeial aUnlion pall
o of tna!ulnr
PaVtcrci Mad. on Short NoUct
ft - i
i 1 t ri t;
When I ty CtntB I do not mean merely to
ttop them I jr a tuuo, and thun liavs thera ra
turn apain. 1 XU.1 A It.VUlCAi CLiiai.
1 hav mado the diseaao of
FALmra sickiiessj,
A lire-long ttudy. I warrant my remedy to
Citub the oral cases. Because others bar
f .tiled Uan reason for not now receiving a cure.
Seed r.t C4 for a treatid and a r.ES Tiottli
rt -.v lNrl i.lBL8 Kemsot. Give Kxnrea
sij.t I'-v-t -. It cokU yon nnUilag 2ur a
: -U U vvill cure you. Addrcs
' A..w3T,M.C.,IS3PEAaST,EK0!at
tallied, and all other bosinee In the V. S. rata
fflce attended d to for moderate feee.
Our office Un-posit the U.S. Patent OHml and
we can obtain l'aleata tea tun. tban tboee remota
rom Whinrti.
8nd modi, or drawinir. W. t..
ability free of eti&rge ; and wemake o ch.rte ncleas
weobtain patent.
' We refer here, to the Portmuter, the Sunt, al
Honey Order Dir. and to officials ottb.IT. 8. Patent
Office. For circular, advioe. terms, and efwaneM
o actual clieuts io your own State or county, addreee
Ca a. sivow aco
opposite raien. umce. Washington,
Almost ii9 Palatable as Kllk.
Ra l.ed tbat It cats b taken,
diajeeted, avnd asstsallKtrd by tba aaa.1
ssBettlTa etommoa, vrbeu b plslai alt
saot b tolerated ; and by Vile asa.
btnatloa of ba all witb tba faypopbaa.
pbltea I. mtieb more etincacions.
Eeaarkaile ts a -flasi prodatt?,
Poisoas .Tdit rajldly wldle talis; K
SCOTTS I1IULSI0N is acknowledged by .
Phyaioiana to be the Finest and Best prepa.
ratioa in the world for the relief and our of
Tha great remedy for Consiempilan, and
Wasting in Children Sold by ail Drwists.
for the ie w ninu arm davi
V-.- "Wi
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El 1 CHI f I C aaair-Sr.aE J