The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 06, 1889, Page 1, Image 1

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Ittuvd every Friday by
i i ( rule made known
HaTpor'a Weekly.
must's Wravi ks s w.ll-Ml.tli.h.l ilasaa
tha Umimm tlliutnttod awirr In iar!H. Thai
talrnaaa st lw editorial niai,i an aumnl poliUea
haaeara! far II tka r4wl aal aoiifliltre of all
Impartial naSais, Hi Ika varlatj aa earallsiio a(
Ita literary aoaiMla, k!tk lachid aarlal aailsl.ert
lorlaa k aha kstl aa swst popular arrltsit. Ha It toa
U Raruael of penela at Ilia a Ideal ra tl UHat I
and panuikv Tk Wssatv tiiti'Dtstiti art of rs-
aaerkable variety, Interest, aac value. Ka a-ni I
la U kriaf tka klgha.1 ,4 artistic hi:iiy
aa bear opoa tka lilustrati.i at tka chanrul haa
kmnaaail trl( k'st.iry. A Vlrxiria rufitaae,
frma Oi psn l Thtaiae A J invlar, will r In It a I
Wsastt In I two .
Per Year I
HARPI1S wricM.v (4 (10
MSKPt R'll MtlZINK..... (
rUZAR ..., 4iu
MARr-kUU TotlNU fkOPI-K. Hu
Fuetave Irae to all aubacrltoie la Iha VnllaJ Slate-,
vauaue, or N.xloa,
Tha Velnmaa rua Wsasit tofta villi tiie Brit
Murakar tor Jaaeary ofessk jtw. Wksa aa kin
la aaaatlonad, eakarrlpliua lit tsutia milk tha I
Numkar currant at time at racaiptot orJsr.
Bound Vwaima 4 (Harass WscaLV fur thrxs bu4i,will basaul tijr mat',
paal-pald.or bj asprasa, tree ef iwnss, (pruvltl. 4
tha rraight daoa not tttssd oua dollar par olax,)f r
B7.0S par vnlitm.
Cloth aaaaa traah vslatue, an I labia fur blnUlnr,
IU aant bj mail.poat-pald. ua raaaiJIt of l web.
Baaalttanaaa ahoald ba aaada by l"aa(oin -a Mivj
Ordat ar Draft, to a'uUI ehanea of laa.
Hawapapara ar ant to eop thla aJrartiatiuaot
wltknat tba atpraaa ardar at II tana A Baoruut.
AJilraat : 1IARPBR A KKOTHFKa, Naw Tark.
n i
l i -j- More.
bcal lrok ar 2-1.1 Ttrnta In ihv Va'-
Uy, d4 tho moat ra.nii prl, both
Id buying :iJ kdiiltJ I have on hand
nil k'nds of
I'c dr watofS K Youpt' o!l atota,
1SS Viral atrt. Albany, Or,
Ilia stock baa been enlarge I ao that it en! atij on Ihe Cwi, end consists of
Roger Bros. Silverware, P
t&lware, Boys Wago
Fancy Goods, and a .. Tieral
assortment of Orockiey
anrt Toys.
He DUje llreet and earrlei the largest atook
baa been addod eomptote line of
'a Agent for Inanranes C3inpanla with a etniUl TmmWt f7S,OOO,0C ,
Aarlcl on parte Franeala. tiler wird deutch geprochen.'
Mitchell & Lewis Co.,
AgricuUural Implements
" ' -11
and Vehicles
Toa want the beef and moat durable furntaretbst Is tnaunfsctured In theUy &
Thomas Brink.
Hopkins & Saltmarsh
Z. AsmU fer "rn Time" Ueatlns; and cooking Steve.
te promptly attnJed lo.
Manufactured by Julius Joseph,
Imported and key west cigars
Ting sxd amrsag toWaeeot, Meetschnern and briar pis
sanekea artislss generslly.
Dealers in all the Leading
(Jans, Pistols, "Sewing Machines, 0rgan3 and Piancs
A full line of shst artasis, masioti mirssaniian; ammnnlllen. flahl to.vta.
ei. vyrran.. , mZ,,r
marh ire vus u ciia iu uisuign napputa.
repairing of sewing mh:no, mniUal instrnmeBts, gun, et., eeatly ieC
SBest of All
Cough nieJIclnci, Ayer'a Cherry Too
vorai u in creator UoitinnJ thaa ever.
iSo preparation for Throot and Luuu
Troablra it to prompt in tta effect, to
eroeablo to tho taato, ami so' widely
knows aa thla. It ta tho family modi
cine In thousands of hotueholtta.
k "I liavo auffproil for yrara from a
Dmncniai iroublo that, x henover I take
cold or aut expooed to Inclrmont xyfath
r, ahowa lUnlt bjr a very annovln((
tloklini; aeruiaUon In tho throat and by
dilliculty in breallilnc. I have tried a
trrrot many reiuediva, but none tlcx-a ao
well aa Ayor'a Cherry 1'eotorat which
sdwav bIvm prompt rollnf In rotiirna of
my old romplnlnt.'1 Erneat A. ltopler,
luanoctor l J'ubllo lioails, TwIaU Tor.
re Uoquo, La.
" I conaldor Arer'a CherrT Pectoral a
moat important rotuody
f For Homo Use.
Z hare tested it curat I vo rower, in mt
family, luany ttmna dnrintf the pout
thirty yer, and have nevi-r known II
to fuil. It will reliox-n the moat aeriona
affccilon.i of tha throats and lunrn.
whether In rhlhlrcn or ndnlta." Mra.
K. U. tilurlf , Council JllulTa, Iowa.
t "Twenty year nira I was trouhlei!
with a duortjo cf tho luncs. IKx-tont
atTortled mo i relief ami ronsl.lereil
my case hopclos. 1 then began to xa
Ayer'a Cherry 1'eotorai, and, before I
bod flnlahed ono bottle, found relief. I
coutlnuod to Uka thla Mctlli ine until a
cure was effected. 1 Iwlluve that Ayer'a
Cherry l'eetoral anve.l mv lllu."
Bauuol Griggs, Waukegnn, ill.
' Six years aco I contracted a or'
cold which settled on mv lunca Jd
aoon Ueveloped all the alurmtiiR sinn.
toms of Coiuumptlon. I had a couyn,
lilfilit sweats, blecUins it tho lunn,
pains In cheat and aides, ami was so
iroatrntea as to lie couIImhI to my
hkI most of tho time. After tivimr
various prescrlritlons. without beneilu
my physician family determined to Rlva
me Avar's Cherry Portoral. I took It,
and the offoct vw innclcel. I iwinnl
to rally from the first il.xio of this
medlciue, and. after iwini; only throo
bottle;!, am an well and soun.l a ever.'
Koducy Johnson, SprUilivtd, III.
Ayer's Ciisriy Feotaral,
rncPAUKD by
Dr. J. c. Aycr tt Co., Lowell, Matt.
Bold ij all Vngiilf, I'rtoa 1 1 J sU baUtos, a
Dr. M. H. Kllis. physitan ana surKMa
vtt-anv. Orflunn. Halls made to City oi
1 J - w
? Gradwohl's
Rule Bazaar.
Utunr. and Orys-Ju-riager
la Ihe
WilUuietle Valley, to wbk
Job werk, pluMlmt,
lo. . -
T Tien Ulna OI tfWiii
at m Q f -
A Vry Intkrcstino Itkm. A newly
appolnlod juallce ol the peace InNorlhern
Idaho wa aaked whst he would charge to
marry a fur lorn looking couple Ihnt hsd
appeared to him liom the backwoods,
Tha J r thought he could pel form Ike
ceremony f r lift v cent. The man allow
ed that ho might rn that sum. On the
aerfonimnne ol the ceremony, the juitle
called for hi fee. After contlderable
fumbling In the pocket of h!s overUUthe
bridegroom thought he hud either lol I
or left It "to hum." The J I having no
daali e to !o so large a ptlxu liftv cenls
csiuly luformed ine malic youth that he
was "unmarried. A nyiauucr came to
the rescue of the voung man and loaned
him Rflv conti which ws handed to hi
honor. The iiiatlca then remarked that
they ware married and at liberty to depart.
Not ijKARD From. Dalle Tl.nea
Mountaineer aavs. About two months a
go. so we are Informed, a young man na
invd Gordon, living a few miles from Hilt
city left hi mother's farm driving a band of
horse to the Willamette valley over the
Cascsde mountains, the proceed of which
he intended todtvoti toa course of study
at the Butlnes college tt Portland. Ills
mother packed htstruik, and sent It to hi
address in Portland. Nothing ba been
heard from him, and the trunk ha not
been called for. The mother is wild with
crlcf. and cannot conjecture what has be
come other boy, whether he ha been
murdered cr pcrUhcd in th .nountal.i.
Undkr Dirr-ict'criKi. uitt week a
troop conalatlng of seven persons known
as Moore's New York Speclslty company
carre to Eugene and gave a performance
at Rhlnehau'k ,orlor Thurtday night to
an audience otabtiut twenty five, says the
Register. Ili-fore the performance wst
over several of thoe Ictt. 1 hey tried It
again Friday but took in orly $i 50.wl.Ich
they returned and closed the d.or Sat'
urday nleht they showed at Springfleld,
They had to leave their baggage In soak
here for their board and one of the men
pawned hi rtni :o pav their railroad fare
over there. 1 hey had a good houae at
Springfield Saturday nlrfht and Sunday
they cime over for their baggage.
Disr- Snow. Mr E J McCaustlaad,
the surveyor, who has been surveying the
route for the flume (or the Dry Gulch
Mining Co. ol Salem, arrived in the city
Friday and reports the work of surveying
stopped for the winter probably until a
bout April, when It wilt be continued and
the flume built Immediately afterwards.
About two and half feet of snow had
fallen among the mines, stopping' outside
work. The Albany mining Co were
working In their tunnel, though, with good
reaults. On the mountains this side about
four feet of snow had fallen, which had
interfered with railroad building.
Ashland Hiram Farlow returned
Tuesday from a business trip to his Linn
county lann, and reports tha lesl estate
boom at Albany as being red hot. .. .Mrs
Chss Miller and little children went to Al
bany Saturday lo visit with the former's
mother.... Tho II Cone left for Hum-
bolt county, CU via San Francisco, isst
Mondsy....!en TJ Kirk.member of the
Oregon Iloete ol Representatives from
Umatilla countr.pstisd throuzh on Mon
day morning, en route for California.' Mr
Kirk has been a resident ol Oregon tor 4
rears, having c rotted the plaint when a
boy with his parents who settled In Linn
county. Record and ridings.
Arrsstko a SrAT.-The Dstic-
crat kicks no one, when down ; bat It
publishes the news. M Schlatter, net-
Ithslandtng his denial In our contem
porary, was arrested as stated for being
drunk and dltorderl ; but he promised to
earnestly to behave himself In the future
that he was released. This tatter fact we
did not know at the time. The Demo
crat hopes MrSchtosaer will become a
good and peaceable d'.lzen and will gladly
do Its share lo bring about such result.
Not Tat a. A small boy passing the
Democrat ofTice Istt evening, was telling
in excited tone how a man fell In the Hver
when drunk down by the ferry.
"And did he get out "
"So, he was drowned, and hasn't been
found yet
Inquiry revealed nrthlng. Such little
incident often grow Into moun alns, . and
started with a mere boy, rat and mice of
ten become elephants by the time several
blocks have been traveled.
iMCA Not a. The attendance at
the reading room has been good during the
past week.
a lew remarice nave been made among
the members about securing a building lot.
It Is a matter worthy of thought.
Let all who desire to join the association
pass In their names to the Act Secretary
sometime during the coming two weeks,
nat they may come tip before the bus!-
nets rattling Dec, 13th,
OrricERs Elected. At the regula
meeting ol Albany Lodge No 4 1 O O F
held last week, the following officers
were elected for the ensuing term: II J
Peterson, N G 5 J D Guiss, V G ; C G Raw
lings, Rec See; A E Parker, Per Sec; W
M Ketchum, Treat. A E Parker. Willis
Glliet and 'I J Stltes were elected Trustees
A Good Ordinance. The fire limit or
dlnance introduced at their latt meeting
by the Council should be passed. It ex
tends the present limits so that the tier ol
lots on the south side ol Second Street,
from Callpoola 'e Baker Streets will be
included, as well as the part of the city
north of the same between the ttreett
Travel Lively, The travel on the
Lebanon wagon road the past year has
been much more lively than heretofore
(he receipts being $6eo more than last
year. When the Oregon Pacific gets Into
Crook county it promises to go the other
way as rapioiy.
Lots. On Inquiring the news ol a real
estate man a reporter was answered"IjOts,"
and that is the kind ol newt often recelv
ed, many real estate transactions being ol
a very secret nature, that kind that never
reaches the Recorder's office. Wouldn't
do to let it get out.ahem ; some one might
snow it ana eaten on.
The RacoRD Lowered. The Oregon
Pacllc steamer, Wm VI Hoag, made the
run from Portland to Salem last week In
eight hours and thirty-eight minutes, mak
ng nine landings and carrylne thlrtr-five
tons of freight. This, the officers claim,
is tne nest ti ne ever msee by a steamboat
from Portland under like conditions.
ACE Social. Last Friday the mem-
bets ol the Christian Endeavor Society ol
the Presbyterian church gave a social at
the residence of Mr J W CusSck. About
forty were present and a very enjoyable
evening was spent in playing games, etc.
Thamesciving. The Democrat is
thankful for a prosperous year for itself
and Albany and her business men gener
ally, for a petceful community and that
its lot is cast in the center of the finest
valley in the world.
Again Arrcssted. Mike Schlosser
was arrtntei! last week for being drunk
and disorderly and disturbing the peace,
A Nick Soouu The U. f , lull was
crowded last Friday on the cculon ol
the Rehck all's social. Avery entertain
ing program was first prctented.contulning
several choice selections. Mr 0 II Hart'i
solo with guitar accompaniment, wst hear
lily applauded. A song by a quartet, con
Ittlng of Messrs Bears, Harrow, Fortml!
ler and Go ft was a tine effort, enthusiastic
ly received. A vocal solo by Mrs. J. II
Remington, who has pleaaant voice, was
applauded. Mr Henry Ebert's solo about
the Rhine was the most aesthetic part of
Ihe proitram and broueht the house down
Henry hat a strong German voice which
he handles with the esse of a traipse per
former. Several well rendsred recitations
were Intersperaed through the program
which closed with a abort and well pre
sented addrsas tv lion J K Weatherlord.
The remainder ol the evening was spent
in partaking of a good luiich and in tocia
oility and games.
Skrvks Tmsm Riont. It is ssld that
Ihe parlies who operated a photograph gal
lery In the old Winter building, are r.ow In
British Columbia spending the money pn!d
by cltlsens of our twn and country for
promltcd cabinet photographs, at from $1
to $j per dosen. They promised to send
the work here alter they linUlicd It abroad,
but they have failed to do to. and tne
chances are very slim oi them ever keep.
Ing their promUes. Thoae duped. Mid lo
be over too persons, may be aaoiired, that
they will never receive any pictures. It
serve them right. Eugene Guard, This
Is Ihe brace ol voung men who started a
gallery In the Tweedule Block; but were
knocked out In the (Irat round bv Craw.
ford St I'asion. The mora! Is plain. Do
not patronise Itnerantsin any line ol bu
tineas, bland In with our home mer
Lkmaxon. J It lluddlcsoit ol Waterloo
filed a complaint againat At Fielding,
charging him with shooting a cow. The
onstab'e arretted Fielding last Tuesday
nd brought him to Lebanon. By the ad
vice of rt ;n.a the parties settled the mat
ter withvut allowing It to come to a suit'
Robert Montague and Charlie Ralston,
who are now attending school at Athene.
spent Thanksgiving at their homes In this
Chicken Brittle was again heard from
this week, through the columns ol the
uaxooRAT, much lo the sorrow 01 one I
our young drug clerks
Ihree new buildings are going up this
week, and we understand more will be
commeneed nest week. Espress.
The Same Fellow. One of Ihe most
outrageous advertising lakes that wa ever
worked In this town Is the so-called "coni-
mercUl paper ol the gtlb-tongucd,perlat
ent Mr Goodkiad. Eaeh advertiser gets a
long lingo ol tail, abounding In poly ty la-
bles, much ol it so grandly extravagant
that It is rldlculou,and this same Identical
sot ol stereotyped puffs, differing a little
to suit different pursuits, is to be fired off
at fresh victims in other towns. Oregon
City Courier. This Is the tame fellow
who did Albany up several wet it ago :
but he never can do it again. Some other
bilk, though, probably can.
Abjwi RSti). The matter ol the applica
tion ol Lena Dubruille for the protection of
Barbara Hubbard, set for hearing at 9 o'
clock last Friday, tefote Jii'ge Mack
burn, on account ol the Illness ol Mr Hub
bard, mother ol the child, whose health It
delicate, was adjourned until Thursday,
Dec ij:!i. Several hundred people, in
cluding a large number ol women.
who .formed the majority of the
crowd, were present lor the purpo-e ol
hearing the testimony. The case lias ex
cited great Interest through the
BeTTER Mail Service. The superln-
tcadentol the Railway Mall service list
made, or will soon make, an order placing
clerks on the local train from Portland
to Eugene. Mail will then be carried on
these train to all local pot office on the
line the same as 1 now carried on the
overland trains. This will be a great ac
commodation to the people.
A GrwtfAsti-M. An effort Is being
made to establish a gymnasium at F com'
panys armory, under the auspices ol that
company, but admitting outsiders upon
payment ol monthly dues. The move it
a good one and should bo encouraged. A
gymnasium is needed In the city and the
armory It a very tultable place fur one. A
flrat elasa and complete set of apparatus
tld be purchased for the purpose
A Laroe Mill. One ol the lfvelest
placet at the front on the Oregon Pacific,
It the mill ol the Santiam Lumbcrinff
Company at Mill Cit.whlch hat a Urge
and tplendldl managed lumber yard at
this city. Twenty nten are emp.oyed and
the oetput I about 30,000 leet a day.
Ana miu nat reeentiy naa a 10x110 toot
addlsou kelltand a new planer (or tixing
timeer is Being put in.
Almost a Fire. On returning home
last evening Irom the Rebekah social Mr
W n Gitson found a dense smoke coming
irom one of the rooms. Investigating the
matter he found the carpet on fire around
the ttove, and, assisted bv Mr LVerick
toon had the flames extinguished. A few
moment more and the whole building
wouin have been In flames.
Awarded $300. Friday last the cam
age suit ol L G Kline vs. O T Taylor, lot
Injuriet done by defendant last October
came up for trial. Alter the evidence was
heard and case argued the jury retired
and in a few hourt brought in a verdict
lor the plaintiff lor $300 damages besides
S2t doctor s feet and $10 ler medicine.
with other costs. The atnou nt sued for
was $1,031. Corvallis Gtzetts,
K Or P Officers. At their annual
election Jlast Thursday Laural Lodge
elected the following officers : Geo
Will, P C ; Dr J L Hill, C C ; W A Mc
Cleln.V C ; Q E Propst.Prel ; U G Haines
K ot R and 8 A E Ketchum.M of L s P
Y Dunssa, M ol Ex 1 W M Paiker, M at
A. O H Irelao, G VT Hochstedler, J F
Ball, trustee.
Tale V L'a Evtertaihmbxt. The aa
tertalnssesst given by the V L'tol the Bap.
tUtChurch lastThurtday'wai a very pleas
ant aKair, the program as given by the
Democrat being carried out In fine shape
wrv, n rian t soio with quiiar accom
paalmeat reatived an encore happily re-
iponnea te, ana each part wat well rend
Blackberries Too. On tha 29th day
of November the daughter el Mr A D
Barker handed the Democrat a branch
containing some ripe blackberries and
bloonss, which sneaks for the salubrious
nature of the fall weather of the present
AJanglino Voice. The Salem and
Albany papers have been having quite
time in deciding which of the places has
got the most electric lights. It re.-ninds
us of two little schoel boys trying to settle
a dispute to which, neither will agree.
Benten Leader. 1
Thbt Sailed. Thursdayjforencon the
Willaasette Valley, after waiting eight
days, and the Faralen, which arrived on
Saturday, ssilei for San Francisco. The
storm vtaa eubttdieg and the boats passed
out with difficulty.
,-- i"
Democratic anj Republican primaries
were held latt Friday.- with the followlag
result. . (!, " .,-
;' triRtl WARD.
Democrats C II Stewart, Chairman
T J Siltcs, Secretary. Nominee lor Coun
cilman, A J acclamation. For
Central Committee, C II Stewart.
Republicans D M Jonet.Chalrman 5 J
V Blaln, Secretary, l or nominee for
Councilman, It F TahU r received 17 and
T J Oyerman,!!. For Central eommltlee
Geo Fish.
tSt'ONt) WARD.
Democrats W R Bllvru.Chalrman j C
O. Burkhart, Secretary. Nominee fer
Jotrncllman, J Gradwohl, unanlmoualy,
For Central conntjritee, John Cletan,
Republicans L E Blaln, Chairman I J
R Whitney, Secretary, Nominee fer
Councilman;. W 11 Garrett, unanimously.
... " . . -
rw mini coinmiun,u 11 irviue,
Democrats Capt EJ Lannlng, Chair
man ; v v S Held, Secretary. Mr Jason
Wheeler wat nominated lor Councilman
by a votes over Mr JO Writsman. For
Central committer, A llackteman.
Republicans W II Huston. Chairman:
W H U W Smith was
nominated for Councilman. For Central
committee, N H Allen,
Witt Ark Voter, In or Jer to entitle
t person to vote at the 'lly election like
Monday's he mut be a male cltlsen ol the
ageol a i years and upward, who shall have
resided In the State during the six months
immediately preceding such election. 0
a male ol foreign birth ol the age ol at
yeart and upward who shall have resided
In the State during the six month Imme
diately preceding the election, and shall
naveocciareo his Intention to become a
cliUrn of tha United States one year pre-
ceoingtucn election, and must nave re-
tiaea in tne city thiee month next pre
ceding the election aid In Ihe ward he
offer to vote lor thirty day next preccd
Ing tuch election. The poll will open at
9 o,clock a. m. and close at 6 o, clock p m
aoe .
A mast meeting of the democratic voter
oi the city cf Albany will be held in the
Circuit Court Room at the Court llouae
on Saturday evening November the 30th,
iSfy, at 7 o'clock (or Ihe purpoa of nomi
nating candidate for Mayor, Martha), Re
corder and Treasurer, to be voted ler at Ihe
regular annual city election to be held on
Monday, December and, ilSo.
City Central Committee
Kid titove. I KI4 Utove II
I havt Just received a full Una ol kid
glove branded Our Own. This It a genu-
ne kid glove. I buy direct front importers
In New York and consider thetn the best
value ol any glove I ever sold lor this
price. 5 button, 3 rows ol stitching,
per pair. 1 alao rarrv a full line ol the
celebrated Foster kid glove, five hook, In
btack or color.
E. YovKO.
Uvea Away.
For the benefit I our customer we will
give away on Jan 1st, the following t
I Dinner set, 1 20 piece, $25. "
I Tea set, 44 pieces $7 50.
3 Tea tets, etch 44 piece, $t8.
These good are ol the best English
are and a credit to any table. Give us -a
all and grt not only the bet bargains In
pure Iresh groceries but secure a chance
at one or more oi these elegant tett ol
La Forest It TuoMrtoM.
Im the Lead. Mr. Juilj Gradwoh
leads In hit business and wishes It under
stood that he will carry the finest stock o
crockery ware In the alley, tecelvlng hit
good Trent headquarter, and keeping up
with the timet in all the latest novelties.
He has received a fine lot ol Wedgwood &
Cos Newyacht decorated ware, called
ruby ware, handsomest goods In the mark
et. Mr Gradwohl makes crockery a tpee-
laity ana win meet the demand 01 tna
public in an v line. Do not tend away for
good but give him a call.
Sale or Short IIorms J B Porter, ol
Clay county, Kansas, hat at the farm Of
Hamilton Bros near Oak vilie a fine lot o
Short Horn cattle from hit Willow grove
herd, which he will offer lor tale at public
auction Wednesday Dec nth, at 10 o'clock
a m. The tale will Include the short horn
cow that took the grand tweepataket and
pitcher lor two successive years at the Clay
county fair, and a bull Irom a Rcnlck Rose
ol Sharon cow, that told lor wo at I H
Kickretts tale, narrtstown III, and a num
ber ot fine bulls and heller from the
pure Hates Bull Nora't Btrrlngton No 93'
909. Wne years time will ba given.
babies. The finest line ol baby ctrr
grt in the Valley just rrcelved at Stewart
& Sox'. Price are remarkably cheap con
sldering the superior quality ol the earrl
Apples.-A car load of wormleta op
pies just received at La Forest & Thomp
son t, nnest in the market
New Marble 3 hop.- S. A, Rig?, of
Satom, ha opsutd a shop for
Marble and Granite,
foreign and domestlo, and all kind of
cemetery lower fljrare than bve
ever been offered la the Willamette Val
ley heretofore. Next deer to Dehiorat
New cream cheese just jeoeived at Conrad
Go to Ilibler Paisley lev yoar job print
ing. They do any end all kind oi work fs
the paMisbing and job printing line. Qsitk
work and law pnsst.
A Valuable Medical Treatise.
The, edition for 1890 ol the tterlisg Med
ioel Annual, known as Hostettcr' Almanac,
is new ready, and may he obtained, free of
cost, ol druggists and general eountrv deal
ers in all parts of ths Unitsd S'atar.Mexioo.
and indeed in every eivilissd portion ol the
Wsttern Hemisphere. Ibis Almanac has
been issusd regularly at the cerameoceetens
ol every year for over one-fourth of a esn
tary. It combines, with the aoundest prss
tieal advice fer the preservation and restor
ation of health, a largsamoaat el interesting
and amusing light rssding.and the calendar,
astronomies! calculations, ebrcnolegies!
items, etc., are prepared with great eare.aad
will be found entirely ecenrate. The issue
of Hostetter's Alaaaaao fer 1890 will prob
ably be the largest edition ot a medical work
ever pablishsd in any country. The pro
prietors, Messrs Hoststter Sc Co.,Pittsnrgh,
l'a., on reoeipt of a two osst stsmp, will
forwrrd a copy by aisil to spy person who
cannot procure ous ia bis neighberhood.
Th Ladles DeUghtea
The pleasant effect and ttie porsst saf
ely with which ladiet msy usa the UqaM
fruit JaACT8. 8yn of J 'is, nndwr t 1
condition. (!). It hairx,,1rffrerrle,
ItS jiloBstng to fee eye and to ie a-- w
gecu- vete.jerirl Hi acting on tae k.
ncgn, a. vr md Ixiwels.
' 1! ." l T. ( "-ff',
The Wat Shin, speaking of the mailer ol
that ssloon in Vice President Mortons hotel
at Washington ssyti
"The absurd feature of the whole affair Is
Ihe mock zeal for tempersnce and the croco-
una icsrs oi tne aemocrsis, wno nil up incur
voices In unison with the ladies of the W C
T U in expressions of horror. Politics devtl
op funny sltuitiom sometimes, "
The Welt ihr$ It wide of the mark, It it
not on sccount of mock or other zeal tor
temperance that democrats have called alleo
tion to Morton 't saloon, but to show up Ihe
hypocrisy and mlsessble pretense so often made
by republican! in their platform at to that
party being a temperance one, tod especially
to that plank in the platform upon which Mr
Morton wat etee'ed which pledget the psrty lo
do til It csn for tempersnce. The WtU
Store's xcsl, though Rot of knowledge, seems
lo be tnethodlesl In directing its attacks upon
democrats. The free dom of speech is as sa
cred lothtt paper as any other and it should be
permitted lo speak out in meeting at all time.
Tosbowhow utterly regsrdkss of the truth
It it necessary to be lo sustain the republican!
of Montana in their attempt to duplicate the
louislana and Florida returning board fisuils
of 1876, we herewith give so estrsct from the
Eugene tttgi$ln
"Governor Toole, of Montana, issued a
noclamsticn a few days sgo declaring Ihe
Fraudulent certificates issued by the officers of
Silver Bow to I legsl, annd emitting Ihe
democrat who held them, lo seats in the legit
The truth is that these certificates issued by
the Silver Bow county officers are the only
legal certificate istued- They were issued
by decree of .he court after a judicial deter
mination ol the question tt lo whether Ihe re
turns fiom poll 34 should be counted. The
eoutse of the republicans there it revolutionary
in Ibis that they threw out one precinct that
cast 175 votes without any reason.
j . xii 1 jjiuul
A Dutch physician declares that a close con
nection exists between the exercise of mental
faculties and disorders of the note, He ayt
that if it were generally known how many
cases of chronic headache, of inability to learn
or lo perform men:nl work, were due to chron
ic disease of the note, nuny of I hem would b
easily cured.
Senator Ingalts declines 10 discuss the resub
mission question which is now agitating Kan
tat Repuhlia ns until he can discus it "under
standingly." The Senator ould doubtless
like to undent and bow the Legislature stands
on the question before he commit himself-
He will certainly be in line with Ihe major ify
of Knst Republicans when be learns what
ihey want.
The Parliament of Victoria hat imposed aa
increased duty of two slutting per grot oa im
ported eggs nd this bss b-ouijht to light the
interesting fact that the Chinese el Melbourne
have, for years, imported large quantities of
egg from China and passed Ihesa through the
customs at "salt meat, "on which a low rate
of duty it charged. It seems that the eggt
were kept fresh by a coating of tome patellar
air light material.
U ...JUlJfi 1
For drewung poultry, the American Poultry
ard suggests the following: "Dip the fowls
in cold water, let them drip and apply a half
teacupful of pulverised rosin lo Ihe. feathers
with a dredging box, then scald in Ihe utaal
way. The roin (tick the feather together
to that the pin feathers come out with the
others, saving much trouble. Use the com
moo cheap article,"
Congress will meet aext Monday. There
will be mourning in the land for many days,
for we are told in Holy Writ that, "When ihe
righteous are in authority the people rejoice:
but when te wicked bcareth rule the people
mourn," :
Iowa's potato ere this year la,.
oaobuhls, and lead the country, and
the democratic sssjerlty In that state this
year was no small peettoe by any nseaas.
German chemists have discoved in the co
eeenut a fatty substitute for butter, sad it is
being produced in Urge quantities at Manhcim.
One factory turns out 6000 pounds per dsy,
worth fifteen cents per pound.
. wsmtsmj..
Before election the high tariff shooters told
the farmers of Ohio that Campbell 'a election
would mean free wool. Since election they
tay wool wat not en issue at all. Convenient,
isn't it?
An electric spark has been photographed by
means ol a tpeeisl camera, in which the senu
live plate rotated at. it is said, a velocity of
a 300 revolutions a minute.
During 18S9 slightly over a hundred million
dollars' worth of gold hat been dug from the
earth on the four continents; the largest quan
tity came from Australia, California and South
The average salary of the 54.874 fourth
elass postmasters in our country is only $1 53 a
Maryland's 1889 oyster crop wilt probably
reach 20,000,000 bushels.
"The average duration of an ocean cable
only twelve years.
Our word "butler" comes from an old
Enrlth word, botcler. a man who has
charge ol Ihe bottle. The chief butler ol
Pharaoh, mentioned in the bible, an officer
ol high rank, was mws properly a cup
bearer to the king.
The Province of Ontario, Canada, has de
cided to abolish the statute exempting church
oronertv and la-.dt appertaining thereto from
The exports of wheat and flour from the
United Stairs during the last four montht were
equal to 35,161,385 bus'.iels, being a little less
than those for the corresponding time last year
President Harrison's Thanksgiving turkey
this year will come from the flock of II
Whaleyat South Kingston, R I., and will be
one of the finsst of the species.
Kansa expect to make a,oo,ooo
of sugar thi year.'
The electric lights on Eiffel Tower can
seen at Orleans, seventy miles distant.
T the Labirs Onlt. I am now pre
pared to do all kinds oi stamping, and
have over two thousand design to chooso
irom. Also keep a nice line ol embroid
ery material, such as farrasenes, crewels,
No. 1 and 3 embroidery chenilles, princess
chenille, etc., etc., and the finest pom
pen, tsels, crescents, cords plushes, fettt
and fancy work materials ever In the city.
Zephyr is going at 5 cent an ounce. Miss
Minnie CoTwell hat charge of this depart
ment, and has had several years experi
ence in all kinds of ancy work and stamp
ing. G.W.Simpson,
Albany, Oregon.
bow AaiuaxTtmiis uaxdicapped.
It will probably be a surprise to our far
mer, tobsceo and cotton planters and the
raisers of hogs and beef cattle to learn that
seventy three per nent. el all thw exports
that constitute the basis ol our exchanges
with foreign countries are derived from
agriculture. The ofTluliil reports of 1 888
show that the total value oi all exporlt ol
domestic merchandise wat $683,861,104.
01 this aggregation of exports the value of
the agrleu'tural exporlt ol alt kinds a
mounted to $500,840,040, while the total
amount oi our manufactured products ex
ported was hut 183,0s ,018. The back
bone, therefore, of all our dealings with
foreign countries is our agriculture. It is
the fate of our farming, planting and
stock-raising population that the home
price ot all agricultural commodities Is
governed by the prlee they bring In lor
eign markets, and Is In no way benefited
by the tariff, wli ereas tho tariff puts an
aatra price on all the farmer buys by ex-
eluding competition. The consequences is
that the farmer, the planter and the stock,
raiser are compelled to sell at prieee fixed
for them abroad an J to buy at prices fixed
for them at home.'tiUTKlV AS A IIKAI TH PROMOTE!!.
JJJfo hit "problem on health," Dr Greene
says that there Is not the remotest corner
or little Inlet ol the minute blood vessels
ol Ihe human body that does not feel
some wavelet Irom the convulsion occa
sioned by good hearty laughter. The life
principle ol the central man It thaken to
lit Innermost depths, tending new tide ol
Ilia and ttreng'h to the surface, thus ma
terially tending to Insure good health to
the persons who Indulge therein. The
blood move more rapidly, and convey a
different Impression to all the organs of
the body, ss It visits them on that partic
ular mystic jonrney when tha man Is
laughing, Irom what It does at other times.
For this reason every good hearty laugh
In which a person Indulges tends to
lengthen his life eon vey Ing, as It does,
new and distinct stimulus lo the vital
The United States to-day I the most
monopoly oursed nation on the lace ol the
earth. The have made more million
aires in twenty years than Europe and
Bngland have made In jeo year Every
thing in thl country I controlled by
syndicate, pool, combination, trust, pa
tent or corner. We pay a doctor the
price fixed by the medical association lor
bringing a babe into the world, and then
we buy a cradle lor the babe at the price
fixed by the Furniture Manuleeturer's
Association. Its little fisoeel skirt Is pro
tected by tariff laws, asd we buy a rattle
box at latest right price. Later it eat
bread at price fixed by the Western Mil
jers Aeeocistlon, and meat at the figure
given by Armour and corners ol pork.
Its shoes are bought at association prieee
backed by a protective tariff, coffee at lbs
pried fixed by trusts and cornera. II a
boy bow grown to moahood, wishes to go
into business, he must buy hiraseli in. It
he wishes to enter commerce, he mast
buy a seat on the Board ol Trade; It he
withes to go Into manulaeturing, be
must buy hlmtetf Into a combination
hlcti represents and ha monoptlaed that
Many Berlin butchers have gone into
bankruptcy In consequence ol the contin
ued prohibition of Ihe importation of cat
tle and pig. Another consequence I a
scarcity ot fat stock throughout Germany,
and the consumption ol horseflesh I In
creasing. In Berlin alone aevent horses
a day are slaughtered, the flesh being eag
erl bought at moderate price.
Crushed slag Is ssld to be greatly supe
rior to dry earth as an absorbing and
deodorising material for earth closet,
both on account ol It extreme porosity
which mtket the ute ol a tmaller quanti
ty pottlble, and Irom It value as a ferti
liser, which la vastly increased by using it
lor the purpose susgested. It is also
cheap and plentiful.
A German authority affirmt that oaka
are more frequently struck by lightning
than beeches, because the leaves ol the
beeeh are covered with a fine down which
Is abetter conductor ot electriolty than the
smooth leaves ol the oak. Experiments
weth electrical machines confirm the theo
The postal card was twenty rears old
on the first ol October. Austria has the
credit ol adopting the invention, though
It was first advocated by the German post
master-general, Dr Stephen. On Oct, 1
1869, a "Correspondent Karte" first burst
on the astonished Continental world.
Strangers travelling through or sojourn
ng In districts known to be abounding In
malarial levers and aeue. says Medical
Classics, should dress in flannel clothing
avoid raw Iruits openalr b thing and nigh
air and drink tea and coffee, or only wa,
t'er that hat been previously boiled.
ej uj tj.
It la with pleasure that wo announce to
our many pat roan that we have again
madearrsngemenU with that wide-awake,
iUaatroted faraa magastne, tha America
rABvam, rnbllahed at Fort Wayne, Ind.,
and aad by nearly 200,000 farmeia, by
which that great publication will be mall
ad direct, FREE, to tha address of any of
oaraibseribers who wlil come in and pay
up all arsearsges on aubsorlptlon and one
yoor in advance from date.and to any new
aubenriber who will pay one year in ad
vance This la a grand opportunity to
obtain a firat-olasa farm Journal free. The
Ambbioan Farmbb is a. large IS page
ournal, of iiational circulation, which
caaka among tba leading agrioulturrl pa
petti. It treats the question of economy
1n agsrlealtar and the rlghta and privl
ogee of that vast body of citizens Amer-
oaa Tarntata whose Industry ia tba basis
af all material nd national prosperity,
Ita highest purpose is ths elevation and
ennobling of Agriculture through the
higher and broader education of men and
women engaged In its pursuits. The teg-
'ar subscription pries of tho American
lABMKa is 1 1.00 per year. IT COSTS
YOU NOTHING. From any one sunt
ber Ideas can da obtained that will be
worth thrice the subscription price to you
ormembers of your household, ybt yov
oet it preb. Call and see sample copy.
j i a a J, sS J t 3 r' ?
SO 19
tin peenllar efUcney I fine
e mtuslt to U proeeas and
fi.iil In enmpoon'liug as to
i Increment tfaefnaelves,
"i.'iko it In time, ltcbneks
OiM-oaee In the ontant. or If
IJiey b? n't vnnewl wlU prove a poteoieure,
!) Hi stolid Witat It
It lilies t!ie pince of a
diwt'.r am) eimlljr ore- "
crt"! irm. At! who lead r0lt WHOtK
fi! IK.-m wtil Hod at urn-r
It Ilia trf-M preventive of usnsriT
n'l enre lor Indigestion, "
'lltln, lleiuji-h, r.lllonanete,
l'llea Mini Slentnl lMprMral. No loaa
or linw, n'i interfereix witr bualneae
While Inking, Kr ehildreo It I moat ln
Boeetit nml harmless. No dancer frnin
eiNiiiro mier talon. ;r t ulln. HI.
rrlxru, IhMtel ;mrla.fota, fwoiiait
tea ami t'nverlsli Colds. Invalids and
d.-iir-iio fii-rn will llnd it the nilldejit
Ap-ric!it ami Tonl they en nan. A Utile
tiiili'tl at night linr refreshing Bleep
ari't n luitnrnl evnenuiion of the bowels.
A little tnl'.eti tn the inorulng- sharpen
the sppeiiie, eVnnse the stomach and
tweetcus Ihe hrenili.
a rnrsiciAN' opntioi.
"I hv bees nrac'iking- matliuna tat
twenty yra al have mw bam able 19
r't tip a ?Z"' ''J camp0Hn4 thai erould.
aa 1 at Iha tune linw aid (imtead of k
ening) Iha d;gMivs sad atMOulalive
eowflft at ilx? tyylcm."
L. M. Hisri.s, no., Wahirttefl, Ark.
Marks ef (irnntnenessi l.Aok farthered
Tra.l.MnrK oil front of Wrxpr. and the
Hen I and MlirnnlUre of J. M.Z-lllu A Co, in
-avr cost
Heal Bargains.
Notions, Fumshing- Goods, etc,
.... UNES:", .: :
Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silk,
Table Linen, Gloves, Hosie-
ry, Fancy Goods, etc
The Leading Cash
L. BL AGKH. Alf .
The Leading Druggist,
Speeitiltloav-Flna Tollst Articlaa, Perf'tiaery and Mnsloal InstrnmenSs
PreaerlptlonB Cstrofally eompoaodeil dsy and night,'
Oar elegant Una Si
Rare arrlvi aei we cordially
Goods and prices.
h Ihe hef
Advprllslng: rcpdlam
In the Ontral
WllJemtttf Telle
wtl ' P-Mi O U at Albany, n
so sorond-claaa mail matter.
First National Bank
Of ALBiS), 0HS899.
radaat. ,,..,,.,.,.,,,..., L. Tl.tlri
las prastoeat . e, S, Til l?G
0a4lrmM, ,...., W. lasstm.r.
TrUmCTB A YgKALhaeHst Watse.
AOCOCaTi lapr sekjaat Ss Sfcesk.
BlttVT RXr-VAXOB mt Sal rsptl. Srwsfsr. l
a Kmt Tsek, Bae Pnmaltet riaag sal P
CCTXEwTIOirr bAdI S Unr.
H, W, Ltsssss,
Wsunat Tnwaso
Linn Connty Bank,
Caw as, Izlitoa & Shtntirliin,
niijrtAOM a gaitasal haafctag Swen
fUWSiall Datrrtaa Xr Tark.
isa aa Partuuit, Oraf a.
IGAB MOfXTue appiefst sawtrlsjr
RIXEIVE asvMlti sab ehsek.
as fis
Bank of Oregon.
l nsiiw rtnrtt
...... B. BnYART.
J. W. BLAl..
Vice President
light exchange and Ulegrapbie traoa
rr on New York, Jao I'ranclseo and
Portland, Oregr.n.
Collections made en favorable term.
Dry Goods Store,
wrv .vwn : ..nit.
invite tl e pnblia to call sni ineeet r
t the Waverly House.